Zero ToleranceChapter 2 free porn video

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I walked through the house in a daze and went out into the back yard again. I needed to try and eat something to settle my stomach and get my nerves under control while I waited for Susan to return. I was at the food table trying to decide what foods my stomach could handle when I heard a voice behind me. It took me a minute to realize the voice was directed at me. When I turned around I found Mr. Dyson standing behind me.

"I see you finally made it, Mark," he said. "Where is that lovely wife of yours? I saw her here earlier."

"I don't know," I said. "I haven't been able to find her."

"Did you try calling her? I know she had her cell phone with her."

"I forgot my phone so I wasn't able to call her."

Mr. Dyson pulled his phone from his pocket and handed it to me and said, "Here, use mine."

I wondered why I hadn't thought to just ask someone if I could borrow their phone. I punched in Susan's number and waited nervously for it to begin ringing. I wondered where she was and what I would say to her when she answered, if she answered.

Susan answered on the third ring.


"Susan, where are you?"

"I am at Dyson's where are you?"

"I am here in the back yard but I don't see you." I said.

Then I saw her as she stepped out from behind a large oak tree about a hundred feet away from me.

You cannot believe the relief I felt when I saw her. I handed Mr. Dyson his phone and headed back to where Susan was waiting. When I got there I found that she had been sitting with two of the girls she works with and their husbands and to my great relief there was no sign of Fred. I couldn't believe that I had completely missed Susan sitting behind the big oak tree with her friends. If I had only had my phone with me I could have saved myself a lot of distress.

"I didn't see your car out front when I got here," I said.

"Brenda gave me a ride. She called me to ask when we were coming to the party and I told her that you were working and that I was going to come by myself and that you were going to meet me here. She said that she could give me a ride out here so we wouldn't have to go home in separate cars."

"That was nice of her," I said. "Now let's get a drink and something to eat."

I was suddenly feeling much better but Susan seemed a little uneasy. I asked her if she was all right and she said she had a bit of a headache. An hour later Susan seemed to be feeling much better and we had a good time during the rest of the party.

On the ride home I started thinking about how I had felt when I thought Susan might have gone off with Fred and I felt my stomach start to tighten again. Then I remembered being told that Susan was seen talking to Fred at the party and began to wonder about the blond that was seen leaving the party with Fred.

Could it have been Susan? Had she gone somewhere with him and returned before I got to the party? I was starting to make myself crazy. How was I going to find out without causing an argument? I had to know.

I waited until we were home before I carefully broached the subject.

"Did anything interesting happen at the party before I got there?" I said.

"No. I just walked around talking to people for a while and then I sat with Carol and Janice and their husbands.

"I didn't see Fred at the party. Was he there?" I asked.

"Yes, but he left before you got there. Why are you asking me about him?"

I was torn. I was angry with myself for even entertaining such suspicions but I was driven to pursue the answers to the questions that had been on my mind every since I had arrived at the party and couldn't find Susan. I had been trying very hard to act like I was only interested in what had gone on at the party but my next statement gave away my real intent.

"I was just surprised that I didn't find Fred at the party talking to you. That is where I usually find him if I leave you alone for a few minutes."

As soon as I said it I wanted to bite my tongue. I waited for Susan's angry reaction but it didn't come.

"I saw him right after I got to the party and we talked for a while."

There was something about the way she looked at me when she made that last comment that bothered me. It wasn't guilt that I saw. It was more a look of sadness.

"Really?" I asked.

Susan's expression quickly changed and she laughed at me and said, "Really. I sense that there is something still bothering you that you are not telling me. You are not still worried that Fred is trying to seduce me are you?"

There was no anger in her voice as she spoke. It was more like she was laughing at me but then I saw that sadness again. What the hell was that?

"Mark, why don't you tell me what's really on your mind," she said, "

"I'd rather not," I said, "I am ashamed of myself for what I thought."

"Now you have to tell me," Susan said. "I am not letting you get away with a statement like that and not tell me everything."

"You have to promise not to get mad."

"I'll wait till I hear what you have to say before I make any promises."

So I told her the whole story about how I couldn't find her when I arrived at the party and how I was told that she was seen talking with Fred. I told her that someone told me that they saw a tall very attractive blond leave with Fred. I told her about the panic I felt and how sick it made me. Then I waited for the anger but it didn't come. Again, I saw the brief look of sadness but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. I wasn't even sure if I had really seen it.

"You thought I might have gone off somewhere with Fred?' This Susan said not with anger but with impatience. "I told you before, Fred doesn't mean anything to me. I just get a kick out of the way he is always trying to flirt with me. It hurts me that you actually thought that I might have been with him today. Fred is no threat to you. I can't believe you still don't trust me."

"You're right. I shouldn't have doubted you," I said.

"Well, it should make you happy to know that Fred came to the party with a date. She was tall, blond, attractive and married. They only stayed for a short time."

Susan kissed me and said, "I guess this is partly my fault. I knew you didn't like it when Fred flirted with me and I should have been more sensitive about your feelings. I'll make a deal with you. If you don't act jealous anymore I will stay away from Fred. Okay?"

I agreed.

"Why don't we go upstairs," she said, "and you can thank me."

Thank her? I wasn't sure what she meant by that.

As I followed Susan up the stairs I couldn't help staring at her wonderful ass in her tight shorts. It was right in front of my face. When we got to the top of the stairs I pulled Susan's shorts and panties down and stuck my tongue between her nicely rounded globes. I took her right there at the top of the stairs and then we went to bed and made love again very slowly.

Afterward as we lay in each other's arms we began to talk.

"Don't you think it's time we started a family?" Susan asked.

"I am ready if you are," I said. "You're the one that has wanted to wait."

"I know but I am ready now," Susan said. "I stopped taking my birth control pills last week."

"You did? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't tell you because I wanted to wait until I was fertile again, like I was tonight," she said. "So it may already be too late for you to change your mind about wanting a baby."

I kissed Susan and said, "I hope it is too late."

Sunday morning I went out to the garage to put the seats back into Susan's van when I noticed that the passenger side had a lot of mud splattered on it. I decided to take the van out to the self-service car wash and clean it up for Susan. She hated to drive the van when it was dirty. I could have washed it at home but I had another reason I wanted to slip out of the house.

I went into the house and found Susan doing laundry and she looked up at me as I approached.

"Why don't we ask Ed and Linda to come over for drinks tonight?" Susan said.

"That's fine with me but remember I have to go to Atlanta in the morning so they can't stay late."

"I almost forgot about your trip," Susan said. "How long will you be gone?"

"If everything goes well I'll be home Wednesday night, if not Thursday night," I said. "Why do you ask? Are you planning to take a lover while I'm gone?"

"Only if I can find one that is better in bed than you." Susan was laughing as she said that.

As I headed back out of the house I called back to Susan, "I'm going to take the van out to get it washed. I'll be gone a couple of hours."

"You don't need to do that. I was going to clean it myself later," Susan yelled.

I pretended not to hear and I left Susan to deal with the dirty underwear and I headed out to run my errand. In addition to washing the truck I wanted to stop by the mall and buy a gift for Susan. The gift was to be part apology for thinking that she might have gone off with Fred and it was part thank you for understanding my feelings about Fred and finally agreeing to avoid him in the future. It was also something I wanted to do for the mother to be even if she wasn't pregnant yet.

The stop at the mall didn't take very long. I already knew what I wanted to get. It was a pair of diamond earrings that Susan had said she liked. I also stopped by the Hallmark store and bought a card to go with the gift. With my purchases made I left the mall and headed off to the car wash.

I pulled up in front of the vacuum cleaners and started with the front seat and when that was done I opened the side doors to clean the back. Behind the drivers seat I found a bag from MacDonald's. The bag was lying on its side and there was a wet spot on the floor around it. Apparently Ed and Linda had stopped at MacDonald's when they went to pick up their antique desk. I wished that they hadn't left the bag in the van. When it tipped over the melting ice in their drink cups spilled out and soaked through the bag. I just hoped it didn't leave a stain on the carpet.

When I picked the bag up the wet paper split open and two drink cups, two Big Mac wrappers, one super sized French fry container with a few fries left in it, two used napkins, four empty ketchup containers and a tissue spilled out onto the floor of the van. I was cursing Ed as I used one of the cups to gather up the trash that had fallen out of the bag. I had everything in the cup except the tissue, which I really didn't want to handle because I figured one of them had blown their nose in it. I carefully picked the tissue up by the corner and I got a real shock when a used condom fell out of the tissue. Luckily, the condom had been tied to keep its contents from leaking out but that didn't make finding it any less disturbing.

I was a little pissed at Ed and Linda. I didn't really care that they had a quickie with their lunch in the back of the van but they should have had the decency to get rid of the evidence. Susan was almost obsessive when it came to keeping her van clean and I was sure she would have a fit if she knew what Ed and Linda had done in it. I decided to keep the condom and give it back to Ed that night as both a joke and a subtle hint that they should have cleaned up after themselves.

I used the tissue to carefully picked the condom up and drop it into the empty drink cup and put it under the driver's seat and then I got rid of the rest of the trash. After that I finished cleaning the inside of the truck and then washed it. Later, when I got home I didn't mention my discovery to Susan. No reason she would ever have to know about it.

At six o'clock that evening I went up to my room to pack for my trip. Once I had my bag packed I wrapped Susan's gift and I was getting ready to sign the card I bought when I heard her coming upstairs. I quickly hid the gift and the card in my bag just before Susan came into the room.

She had a strange expression on her face when she came into the room but she didn't say anything. She just stood there looking at me as if she expected me to say something.


"You better get changed. Ed and Linda will be here in about a half hour," she said and then left the room.

I was sure that something was bothering Susan but I had no idea what it might be. I quickly washed up and changed. I went back downstairs and found Susan fixing some snacks. When I entered the kitchen she looked up at me as though she was again waiting for me to say something.

"Is something bothering you?" I asked.

"No. Should there be?"

"I don't think so but you keep looking at me as if I smelled like dog shit." I said.

Susan laughed.

"No, you don't smell like dog poop. I was just wondering if you were going to make love to me tonight. Just in case we didn't make a baby last night."

"It would be my great pleasure to make love to you tonight," I said.

Susan seemed to have returned to normal. She was smiling and relaxed as she continued to fix the snacks.

Ed and Linda arrived a few minutes later and we all went out onto the deck where I had an ice chest full of beer and we sat around and relaxed. There seemed to be two different conversations going on all the time. I would be talking to Ed and Susan to Linda and then it was me talking to Linda and Ed to Susan and only occasionally were all four of us talking about the same thing.

After finishing two beers I went into the house to use the bathroom. As I stood there relieving myself I decided that saving that used condom was a little sick so instead of returning to the group on the deck I slipped out to the garage to get rid of it. I opened the side door and reached under the driver's seat but the cup wasn't there. I put my head on the floor so I could look under the seat but couldn't find it. I thought that it must have slipped out while I was driving so I searched the whole inside of the van but still could not find the cup.

I thought back over my actions and tried to remember for sure what I did with that cup. I was absolutely certain that I had put it under the seat. Then it occurred to me that Susan must have been in the van looking for something and found the cup. I hoped that she had tossed it in the trash without looking inside. I opened the trashcan in the garage but neither the cup nor the used condom was in there. That's when it hit me that Susan must have seen the used condom. She knew I took the van to the car wash so there shouldn't have been any trash left in the van. Susan must have wondered why the cup was hidden under the driver's seat with a used condom in it. Then she probably would have wondered why it took me two hours to get the van washed.

Those odd looks she had been giving me earlier suddenly made sense. Susan must have wondered if the used condom in the van belonged to me. Could she have been thinking that I had been messing around with someone in the back of the van when I was supposed to be at the car wash?

I should never have brought that used condom home with me. In order to convince her that the condom wasn't mine I would have to tell her it was Ed's and then I would have to explain why I had saved the used condom. What kind of sicko keeps someone else's used condoms?

My one hope was that Susan didn't look inside the cup but just took it out and threw it in the trashcan outside. I wondered if I should just keep my mouth shut and wait to see if Susan said anything. I knew that wasn't a good idea. If she didn't say anything I wouldn't know what she was thinking and I didn't want to leave town for three or four days if she was thinking that I might have cheated on her. I was going to have to address it with her as soon as Ed and Linda went home.

When I went back out on the deck Susan gave me another of those looks.

"Where have you been?" She asked. "We were beginning to think you fell in."

Somehow I sensed that she knew what I had been doing. She knew that I had gone out to check on the prize I had hidden under the seat. I decided then to hint at what Ed and Linda had done in the van and hope that Susan would catch on.

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The unjustified torture of Hank Blossom required my immediate response. Of coarse, there was no way that I would be able to catch the wagon before it reached the Upton ranch, but I had to do something. I was sure that the ranch hands had not thought up this treatment of Hank by themselves. It had to be instigated by one of the Upton men. Therefore, I figured that an attack on a ranch hand would not do anything to halt the war. I had to concentrate my efforts on the two Upton's who were the...

2 years ago
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Cousins Exchange Mothers 8211 Episode 1

This story has two part. In the first part, I will narrate how I fucked Vivek’s mother and she became my loving wife. Next story will be narrated by Vivek on how he fucked my mother and made her his wife. Loneliness is a terrible thing people say. But for me and Vivek, it was a great gift by god. I and Vivek are cousins. Everything started on a long afternoon when we heard the most terrible news of our lives. I was 9 then and Vivek was 3 months younger. It was a dull afternoon in 1999 where we...

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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 5

After two months in Nottingham looking after the apartment, cooking, washing clothes and watching daytime TV, Marie was bored. She had plenty of time on her hands because Noora, the girl she looked after, was busy with her lectures at the university most days. Marie had become familiar with the local supermarket and she knew which bus to catch to go to and from the centre of town. However, she had not done anything apart from housework, food shopping and watching TV, and her desires to be...

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The Slender Auburn Girlpart 1

God, my clit is throbbing, I’ve just spent the last two hours watching these xhamster videos that Emory uploaded. Seriously Jane you’ve got to get back to work.Just a couple more minutes, what did he call this new clip? “6 nipple bondage forced orgasms”. I wouldn’t call that bondage; that is flat out nipple torture. Listen to the girl screaming at 8:30, I know just how she feels and I’m jealous it’s not me. God this visual is mesmerizing, I can’t seem to stop watching the way their bodies...

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First time

Unlike alot of these other stories, I am going to keep it real. My first time happened with a girl i liked alot. We were together for a while and i basically was waiting until she was ready before we did anything because she was also a virgin. Now I must admit I was nervous but I was confident it would come off the the way i wanted it too be. In the beginning it was all about the illusion. Seeing her panties was a big turn on for me. especially as it look like she had a fat pussy. As time...

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BangingBeauties Bunny Colby Busty Bunny Colby Gets Her Hairy Pussy Stuffed

Interracial sex addict Bunny Colby’s big tits, hairy pussy, and big ass are hypnotizing. She certainly seems to have PervCity’s Sean Michaels under her spell. However, it’s Bunny who ends up mesmerized. Obeying his every word, the submissive blonde spreads her legs and masturbates. His magical tongue makes her bush wet, and when he has her where he wants her, he pops his prick into her eager deepthroat. Raising her hands, she gives a double-fisted handjob, before her busty tits slide over his...

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The Gentlemans Club

I sat in my office watching the wall of monitors that were attached to the security cameras hidden in various locations in the Club. The Club, you ask? Well the Club is a very upscale gentleman's club, actually I guess you might describe it as a strip joint. That is a poor description, but sort of accurate. The Club is a huge 4 story building located in best part of town. It's worth, at last appraisal, about $5,000,000, definitely not your run of the mill titty bar. I'll describe the...

4 months ago
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Wendy K The New Semester

Wendy secretly developed a liking for young men. She initially expressed her desire with “innocent” flirting. Next, she intentionally began wearing low-cut blouses and short skirts during her counseling sessions The new semester was just underway and Wendy felt like being naughty. Wendy K is an attractive, married white female in her Mid-50s. She’s 5’6”, 129 lbs., with brown eyes and short auburn hair. She’s a retired college guidance counselor. She and her husband live...

2 years ago
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Wonderful Friends

“Good girls don’t do this,” she whispered in his ear. “But you are good. You’re just a little naughty,” he whispered back. “I’m married. Married women don’t want other men.” “Yes, they do. They just behave like they don’t. Unless…” “You’re so hard. Unless what?” “You feel very soft. Unless they have friends they can trust who care about them.” “I love how your hands feel on me.” “I want to touch your skin.” “You’ll have to take it off. I can’t.” “If you take it off it will tell me you want it.”...

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The Costume Party Part 1

The Costume Party Part 1 Have you ever had a girl that you were head over heels for and there was no good reason for it, yet she could twist you around here little finger. Well when I was 22 I had just such a girl. I had been seeing this girl named Lisa on and off for Five months. My name is Tim and we met at a Company Party. She was not all together the most beautiful girl in the world, but she was an admitted slut as I was to find out. As time had...

4 years ago
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Wife meets Stranger At Local Bar

I received a call from my wife while she was sitting at a bar in Sarasota. She told me that this older guy was hitting on her. She is 38 and he was 50-60. She said he wouldn't leave her alone. He told her he needed to get off and all it would take is for her to suck him with her great full lips. He kept whispering to her to go to the parking lot and suck his cock. My wife is very submissive and loves to be told what to do. She called me again and said this guy wouldn't leave her alone. I asked...

2 years ago
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Didi Ko Chodne K Chakar Me Maa Chudi 8211 Part II

Hi dosto mera naam Rohit hai ye meri 3 story hai 2 story didi k help se mili mami ko achha response mila us k liye thank you readers pehle main apne bare main bta deta hoo meri age 20 saal height 5″ 8 sarir Majboot, lund 16 cm lumba aur 4 cm motta hai or mai Nagpur se hu So iss pe apne comments jarur kare ye story muze apne 1 reader ne send ki jise maine incest sex karne me help ki jiska nam hai rahul age 18 height 5″11 shrir average maa sudha age 42 height 5″4 figure 36 30 34 sisters priyanka...

3 years ago
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USB Unexplained Sexual Behaviour Chapter Four

Chapter Four - Remember, I'll be Watching "I won't lie to you Taylor; it's going to be dangerous," David Campbell said. "We strongly suspect that Veronique Pascal and Bradley Freeman are involved in a conspiracy to conduct money laundering contrary to the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986 but we can't tie them specifically to Alexi Kamerov or his people trafficking operation." "We have some evidence but not enough to make a case. The best evidence would be to get them to admit...

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HotCrazyMess Carmen Rae Lets Try Sex

Carmen Rae has had a bad dream, so she runs to her stepbrother’s room because she feels safe there. When brother wakes up to see Carmen in his bed wearing just a thong, he’s weirded out. Carmen insists that she feels safe in her bro’s room. Claiming that it’s weird, Carmen’s bro points out he’s naked in bed. He alludes to the fact that he has morning wood, and although it wasn’t his intention, Carmen wants to see! She confesses that she’s been...

2 years ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 23

Mary awoke at 5:30 A.M. to find her fingers still in her soaked pussy. She immediately completed her morning masturbation, struggling to stop before orgasm as required. She forced her exhausted body to the shower. She took a long shower and felt slightly better after drying her hair and doing her make up. Her mind was in a turmoil. She couldn't understand why her pussy was constantly hot and wet. She had flashes of hard cocks invading her mind and she had a unconscious desire to please Lisa....

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Innocent Prank

It all started one summer afternoon. I had just gotten out of the shower. I wrapped the towel around my waste and walked across the hall to my room. I slammed the door shut and threw my towel over the back of my desk chair. I pop-up appeared on my monitor informing me that I got a new message. I sat down to quickly check my mail, but I realized ten minutes later that I was still sitting there in the nude. Just as I stood up to walk over to my dresser, there was a knock at the door. “Hey...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 76

"Uh, Boss," Juicy looked a bit sheepish as Cutie closed the door behind us, "I'm still a bit sore." "Too sore to fuck me?" "Uh, no, Boss." He looked happily surprised. "Good. You fuck me, Cutie tongue fucks you. Cutie, I'm not hard. Fix that while Juicy strips and strokes himself for me." "Yes, papa." The both moaned. Cutie was damn good with his mouth - in fact, he was probably the best of the bunch. Which made sense, since he'd been doing it literally his whole life....

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The Guy Next Door Chapter 3

The Guy Next Door - Chapter 3Jane continued to have arguments with her husband Bill. It was the best way she thought of continuing her life with her husband without him getting suspicious. Let things continue as they were, she thought.They were having the same kind of discussion and Jane blurted out how the sexual side of their relationship was non-existent, knowing that her husband would ignore her pleas.Bill looked at her sternly. “So you want to get fucked do you…” he said, “Right, well your...

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Driving in Snow Ch 16

Chapters 1-7 are somewhat self contained and describe Matt being rescued from a Midwest snowstorm by a family that turn out to be his soul mates, girls with lots of past life ties. Lots of spirituality and lots of sex. This was mostly written in 2005 and was posted in 2010. Chapters 8-13 describe Matt going home to the Northeast, discussing things with his wife, Ann, Barbara and Connie starting college. Matt and Ann setting up a business. Again lots of spirituality and lots of sex. Written and...

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Le Masseur

I place my table down in front of the large glass sliding door. It's late in the evening when you get done with work for the day. So as the sun begins to set, the room turns to a deep shade of gold. I set up, while you go change. Grabbing my bag and placing it on top, unzipping the flap and pulling out all necessary materials; a fitted cotton sheet and another loose one to drape over top, and a special bottle of pre-mixed massage oil just for you.At this point, I’ve been working for you for...

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Dark Rapture I Innocence

Chapter 1 We entered the new house, and there was a chill in the air. My parents had just bought the house. They said they got a great deal on it because no one wanted it. No one wanted it because everyone said it was haunted. But "We don't believe in ghosts," my dad said during the whole process of buying the house. The house itself was huge, and everything in it was old. All the old furniture was still there, as if the former occupants had just run off, not caring about what they left...

1 year ago
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Its My PartyChapter 26

Time: Thursday, January 17, 2019 12:02 AM Frida dashed into the closet from the vestibule and wrapped Toshi in a bear hug. She was trembling and whispering, “Thank you, thank you, Toshi! Thank you for coming back to rescue me!” That wasn’t exactly how or why they got here, but before either Mark or Toshi could explain, Frida continued, “Neto went down to open the mall for Uno. That’s how I managed to slip away. We only have a few minutes. We’ve got to leave! We’ve got to leave...

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Mummys Good Good Boy

*Back at home. After a semester away at university, I was back at home. Poor grades, an empty social life, and feeling homesick led me back home, to my mother's house. Frankly, I was feeling good about this return. I enrolled in community college, and was working a part time job in retail. Mother was in good shape financially: she worked as an office administrator at a law firm, and had made out well in her divorce from my father. My mother is a beautiful woman. She is tall, 5'9", curvy, with...

4 years ago
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A Buzzcut and a Strapon

A Buzzcut and a Strapon - by Bald-Ed ---------------------------------------------------- This is a true story about my new adventures with my wife Linda. The lesson is that sometimes dreams come true, but there is a price to pay for them ... I have a strong hair fetish, I must admit. I am fascinated by women with very short hair. A buzzcut on a woman is a major turn on for me. Luckily, I am married to a very open minded woman, who has a hair fetish of her own: she likes bald men ! since we are...

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Fans of Kylie Richards

"In my second scene ever, my agent put me with Shane Diesel. Worst experience of my fucking life. While I was waiting for him to arrive, I got curious and looked him up on the computer. When I saw how big his cock was, I was horrified. I was scared to fucking death! When I came into this industry, I had only had sex three times. But I'm very intimate and sexual in my own mind. The first thing I did was I went downstairs, found a bottle of rum and gulped it down. It was a horrible scene, dude....

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Her Name Was Lilly1

Her name was Lilly. We were the same age, and ever since we hit puberty, I’ve been fascinated with her body. I never told her, of course, at least not before that day. Lilly was gorgeous; she was arguably the best-looking girl in the high school, and she drove me crazy. She boasted perfectly shaped breasts; an incredible, light-brown tan; attractive brown eyes; silky, brown, shoulder-length hair; sparkly white teeth; a shapely butt; and a perfect model-like figure. I considered myself lucky...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 08

Nick, shaken, managed to follow Matt to the Nova. Matt checked the ignition, the keys were in. Nick stood next to Matt as Matt testily turned to him. ‘What, did you want to drive?’ Nick backed up, not saying a word. Matt was a tad puzzled. ‘What the hell?’ Nick shook his head and walked over to the passenger’s side. He opened the door and sat, never making a sound. He’d been pushed over the proverbial edge. Matt got in and turned the key, giving Nick a hard look. ‘You okay?’ Nick’s face...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 14 Endings

After breakfast, I thought I would check my email; Alonzo would have had time to respond to my email about the ASIO backdoor request. I connected to the PDP 11/70 at Uni, and just as I had thought, there was a reply waiting for me. Will, All very interesting what you had to say about your country’s spy agency wanting a back door into your router. Now, all of this is purely hypothetical, of course, as I cannot confirm or deny what any of our three-letter agencies may or may not have requested...

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Spa Days

Mister Little, you wanted me to stop by, I said softly, he looked up from behind his desk gave me a half hearted smile and motioned for me to come into the office. I noted that my personnel file was sitting on his desk and he smiled at me. "Reggie isn't it, Reggie Smith,? " yes sir I responded, and smiled. (Damn, I thought, is he going to fire me. what'll I do? He opened my file and read it for a few seconds. Well Reggie, he said I asked to speak to you about that little incident in the...

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