Zero chapter one wizard of waverly place
- 4 years ago
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I stayed at the Hampton Inn near the airport that night and left for Atlanta in the morning. The four days I spent in Atlanta were very painful for me. I managed to keep myself together during the day while I was working but when I got back to my hotel room at night I was a mess. I couldn't help but think of Susan and all of the wonderful times we had together over the years we had been together. What made her change? Why would she suddenly feel the need to take another lover and of all people, why Fred?
By the end of the four days I was mentally drained. I returned to Charlotte that Friday morning and went straight to the house. I knew Susan wouldn't be there because I had called the office and checked to make sure she was at work. I spent about two hours packing as many of my clothes as I could and then checked into a cheap motel near the office and began looking for an apartment.
"Jim, I haven't spoken to Susan since I left the house that night," I said. "It almost kills me when I see her at work. I know I still have feelings for her but I can't get past what she did to me."
"I wondered what was going on," Jim said. "I have seen Susan come in here several times over the last few weeks. She doesn't stay long. She has a drink and then leaves. I wondered why you weren't with her," Jim said.
"Susan has been trying to get me to talk to her but I don't return her calls and I avoid going anywhere that I might run into her. That's the reason I haven't been around here lately," I said. "This morning she cornered me in my office and begged me to meet her here this afternoon so we could talk. She said that if I would talk to her today she would not bother me again."
"Oh, shit man, I am really sorry things have gone so bad for your marriage. I would never have believed that Susan would cheat on you," Jim said.
"I wouldn't have either."
Just then Jim looked up over my shoulder. "Here she comes now," Jim said. "Why don't you go take a booth and I'll come over and get your drink orders. That will give you more privacy."
"Thanks, Jim."
I got off the bar stool and turned to meet Susan. As she approached me I pointed to a booth and said, "Why don't we sit over there?"
Susan didn't say anything, she just turned and walked to the booth and sat down. I slid into the booth on the opposite side. Although she was still a beautiful woman, Susan looked sad and tired. I didn't feel any sympathy for her. The pain she had caused me left me unable to feel anything.
"How are you, Mark?" she asked.
"How do you think I am? It's only been five weeks since you destroyed my world."
"I'm sorry," Susan said. "That was a stupid question."
"You will forgive me if I don't ask how you have been, because I really don't give a shit," I said.
The expression on Susan's face told me that my last remark hurt her. Good.
"This is your meeting," I said. "What is it you wanted to say to me?"
"I know this probably doesn't mean much to you," she said, "and you have made it clear that this is not what you want to hear from me but I have to say this. I am sorry that I hurt you and I am sorry for what I did. It was stupid but I didn't do it for the reasons you think. I want to explain what happened so please just listen to me." First, I want you to know that I never stopped loving you."
"I think perhaps you did at least for a few hours that Saturday afternoon."
"No. It wasn't like that. Let me try to explain," she said.
"I don't think there is any explanation for what you did to me," I said, "at least none that I would ever understand. Are you in love with him?"
"In love with him? No, of course not. I love you."
"You see? That's what I will never understand," I said. "If you were in love with me, why would you fuck him? At Mr. Dyson's party you looked me in the eye and lied to me. You said that he came to the party with a date. The truth was that you were his date that afternoon, weren't you? Did you think you could just fuck him and no one would ever find out?"
"About whom are you talking?" Susan asked.
"You know very well who I am talking about. Your boyfriend Fred."
"Fred? It wasn't Fred. I didn't lie about him. It was John Fisher I was with Saturday afternoon," she said.
I was stunned. I had never considered that it might be John that she was with. "John Fisher? I guess it should have occurred to me that it was John. After all, you did say that John had asked to borrow the van that day. You just failed to mention that he borrowed you as well." I said. "So how long has this affair been going on?"
"It was just a one time thing, not an affair," she said.
"When did you decide that it was a one time thing? Was that something that you both agreed upon before you fucked him? Or was it something you decided after I found his cum-filled condom in the back of your van?" I said.
'Mark, please stop talking to me that way. I am trying to explain this as best I can. Please at least hear me out," Susan said.
"I am sorry if my earthy description of what you did offends your delicate sensibilities but if you get to explain your actions I should at least get to vent my anger," I said.
Susan looked down at her hands and was quiet for a moment. I took that opportunity to signal Jim to come over and get our drink orders. Susan ordered her drink without looking at Jim and didn't say another word until he went back to the bar.
"Mark, I want to try and explain why this happened. It will be difficult and it probably won't make any difference in how you feel about me right now but you have to hear me out," she said. "It is just as important for you to know this as it is for me to tell you."
Before Susan could say anymore Jim returned with our drinks. Susan waited until Jim left and then cleared her throat.
"Mark, I know how this is going to sound but it's the truth," Susan said. "What I did with John I did for us. At least that is what I thought I was doing at the time."
"You did it for us?" I said. I felt my face getting hot along with my temper. "What the fuck does that mean? How does your fucking someone else help us?"
That was about all I could handle. I started to get out of the booth to leave but Susan grabbed my arm. "Please stay and let me explain."
I reluctantly sat back down. I decided that no matter how difficult it was for me that I would sit and listen to Susan's explanation without comment. I would wait till she finished before saying anything more. I said, "Okay, go ahead."
The following is what Susan told me.
"Some of what I told you before was true. That morning Ed came over and thanked me for offering to let him use the van but then told me that after looking at it he didn't think they would be able to fit the desk into the van. He said that his father-in-law had a big pickup truck and he was going to help them get the desk.
"After he left I got a phone call from John Fisher. John said that he had something important he needed to talk to me about and asked me to meet him at the MacDonald's restaurant on South Tryon. I tried to get him to tell me what he wanted but he just kept telling me that it was important to you and me and he didn't want to discuss it over the phone. I certainly wasn't planning to have sex with him. The thought had never crossed my mind.
"When I got to McDonald's John climbed into the van with me. He asked if I had eaten lunch yet and I told him that I hadn't. He then suggested that I drive around to the drive through window and we could order lunch. After we placed the order John told me that he didn't have any cash with him and asked me to pay for the food. When I looked at him he said that what he was ready to do for us was certainly worth the price of a lunch at McDonald's. So I paid for the meal.
"We parked in the parking lot and as we ate our food John started telling me why he had asked me to meet him."
"'Susan, you can't tell anyone about this conversation or what I am about to tell you, do you understand?' John said."
"'I don't know if I want to hear this if it is that confidential, ' I told him."
"'This is important to you, ' he said. 'Last week I met with the head of Human Resources from Clay International. They wanted to talk about the plans they had for the takeover of Dyson.'"
"I told John that I didn't think he should be sharing any information from that meeting with me."
"'This is important to you and Mark so just listen, ' he said. 'The guy from Clay said that when they take over next month they plan to trim the work force at Dyson by thirty percent. They asked me to make a list by department of the employees that I felt should be kept on board after the take over. I have to tell you I was stunned. I was being asked to play God with people's lives. How do I make decisions about who should stay and who should go. I didn't like it but I knew if I tried to refuse the assignment I would be one of the first to be let go.'"
"I asked John how many people he had told and he said that I was the only person he had spoken to about this. I asked him why he was telling me."
"'Susan, I have always liked you and Mark and I want to help you. I don't know what condition your personal finances are in but if you are like most people in your income bracket you are probably only four or five paychecks away from losing your home. I would hate to see that happen to the two of you. I want to put both of your names on my list of people that should be kept on board.'"
"'I appreciate that, John, but why are you telling me this? It makes me very uncomfortable, ' I said."
"'You need to understand that there are a lot of people in the company that would be desperate to get their names on that list, ' he said."
"When John said that, I started to worry about where this conversation was going. 'What are you trying to say, John?' I asked."
"'It's just that I am willing to stick my neck out here for you and Mark but I need something from you in return, ' John said."
"'Something in return? Like what?' I asked."
"'You know, Susan, I have always thought that you are a very attractive woman, ' he said."
"'John, please don't do this, ' I said."
"'Susan, come on. We have a little fun and you and Mark have your jobs protected. Quid pro quo. We could go back to your house and have a quick tumble and it's over. Just a one time thing and Mark will never know what we did. It will be our little secret how you saved your jobs.'"
"I was feeling sick and angry but I was also worried about losing our jobs. I knew that John was right. If we lost our jobs it would only take us few months to burn through all of our savings. We would lose the cars, the boat and then the house. I didn't know how to handle this. I didn't want us to lose our jobs but I didn't want to have sex with John either."
"The first idea that popped into my head was to stall for time. Then I might be able to set him up so that we could force him to put our names on the list. 'I need time to think about this, ' I said. 'You caught me off guard and I can't make a decision about something like this on such short notice. Let me think about it over the weekend and I call you on Monday and let you know what I decided.'"
"John smiled at me and I thought for a moment that he would agree to give me time to think it over. 'Susan, I can't give you time to try and find a way to set me up. Right now you and I are the only people who know about this conversation so I can deny any claims you make. My offer is only good for this afternoon. If you want to save your jobs you know what you have to do, ' he said."
"I was in a panic. I didn't know what to do. I know now that if I had time to think about it I would have told John to go to hell but instead I found myself negotiating with him."
"'What would I have to do?' I asked him."
"'Have sex with me, ' he said."
"'At your house.' he said."
"'No. Absolutely not, ' I said."
"'Then we will drive out to my house at the lake, ' he suggested."
"'That's too far. I have to get to Mr. Dyson party in time to meet Mark, ' I said."
"'Okay then, we'll do it right here in the van, ' John said."
"'Right here?'"
"'No. I know a nice private place not too far from here where we can park and no one will bother us, ' he said."
"'If we are do it I want to keep my clothes on, ' I said."
"'No. I have always wanted to see your sexy body. You have to take your clothes off, ' he said."
"'All right, I'll take my clothes off but there won't be any kissing or oral sex.'"
"'No kissing? No oral sex? I don't think I can agree to that, ' he said."
"'Then I guess this discussion is over, ' I said."
"'Wait. Okay, no kissing or oral sex but you have to let me suck on your tits, ' he said."
"I hated the thought of him doing that but as long as I didn't have to kiss or suck anything of his I agreed. 'The last thing and this is not negotiable, you must wear a condom, ' I said."
"John smiled at me and said, 'That's fine except I don't happen to have any with me. You will have to go buy some, ' he said."
"'I think you should buy them, ' I said."
""If I have to use a condom you have to buy it, ' he said."
"The whole conversation was surreal. I had just negotiated terms for having sex with another man and at no time had I thought what I was doing wrong. I mean in terms of our marriage. I wasn't doing this for any kind of a thrill. It was something that I didn't want to do but I felt I had no choice. It didn't seem to me that I was cheating on you because I was trying to protect our jobs. By making him agree that there would be no kissing or oral sex and insisting that he wear a condom I had managed to set things up to be as sanitary and unobtrusive as possible. The big test would be to see if I could go through with it and if he would stick to the agreed upon rules."
"We left the van at McDonald's and walked over to Thompson's Pharmacy. John went with me to make sure I didn't call anyone. I bought a three pack of condoms because that was the smallest package they came in and then I bought the vaginal moisturizer because I knew that I would have a problem getting enough natural lubrication to keep him from hurting me."
"We left the drug store and went back to the van and John had me drive out of town about three miles and then turn down a dirt road into a wooded area. When we stopped John and I climbed into the back of the van. 'Go ahead and take your clothes off, ' John said. 'I want to watch.'"
"I hadn't thought of that part. Getting undressed in front of John was humiliating. I removed my shoes and pants and then my top. As I was unhooking my bra I noticed that John had opened his pants and was playing with his dick as he watched me. I was thoroughly disgusted with John and with myself. I put all thoughts out of my mind other than what I needed to do to get through the current situation. I removed my panties and then rolled my pants up and used them as a pillow as I spread myself out on the floor of the van."
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Kathy held the front door as Daddy carried Becky inside. She was so worn out from her big theatrical debut that she could barely keep her eyes open. Daddy had wrapped her in his raincoat because she had refused to wash following the juicy finale to her evening in the spotlight. He took the sleepy red head upstairs and set her astride Kim, who waited on all fours to convey her mistress to bed. "Giddy up, liddle horsey," Becky commanded as she wearily slapped her "pony" on the...
Martin sighed under his breath as he had heard it all before but since losing his job at the local factory, the meagre redundancy pay had gone in the blink of an eye, he had been unable to get another job so all they had was income support and the few quid that his wife earned in the local pub, cash in hand doing the odd shift behind the bar. He would like to say they were making ends meet but he knew he would be lying as they were slipping deeper and deeper into debt. “Well I got a chance...
It was Monday, February 14, 2011, Valentine’s Day! I was fast asleep when I heard the doorbell. It was eight in the morning, and I was not expecting any company this early at my house in Alpine, New Jersey. I was still naked when I answered the door. To my surprise, it was Ashley, smiling and holding gifts. Ashley was a gorgeous, busty woman mixed with Black and Russian. She was about five-seven, with a honey-colored complexion, small waist, long brown straight hair, and gray eyes. Her purple...
I am sartak 20 years old in my family I am the only child and my father is a businessman and my mother and as this incident is with my mother as my father man was businessman he used to go to frequent business tours toh dad ki train subh 3 bje thi toh mujje unko station chodne jana tha toh jaldi so gya kharib 1.30 -1.40 baje aankh khuli kyuki jor ki susu lgi thi aur m toilet karne chala gya as m thoda nind me tha toh syd darwaza lock nhi kiya mere ab tk katam nhi hua tha tb tk maa daud kar aahi...
“Okay, deal, look forward to it,” she smiled as Ric continued kissing her arse with a throbbing erection. Watching him grab her arse cheeks then slowly slide his ten-inch cock into her as he built up a rhythm was a real turn on especially the noise he made as he slapped into her arse cheeks. That was a week ago when I arranged a younger bi-sexual man to pleasure both of us for Anne’s forty-fifth birthday. As part of the arrangement after Anne had him he gave me a tremendous blow job while...
This is a building romance story over a plot development line, there may not be sex in every chapter but it does get steamy once the story picks up. Please comment and feel free to give ideas. Try to keep negative critiques to a minimum, this is my first time writing a story. * Riley walked into the already packed and noisy gymnasium and looked around. He wasn’t used to the hustle and the bustle of the first day at a four year college. He had just transferred in from his community college,...
Early Saturday morning Molly and Jacob were dressed in grungy sweats and ready to move into their new apartment. Molly could still detect the faint aroma of Zoe's personal scent as she moved around the dining room packing the last few items in boxes. It kept a smile on her face and her thoughts away from Camden. Jacob had just headed out with a large box when their father, Justin, appeared looking uncomfortable. "You're getting an early start," he observed. "Hey Dad," Molly said as...
It was after dinner while we were out of town at a ski resort. After several bottles of wine and plenty of sex themed chit chat, Tommy confessed to me that he had always wanted to experiment with tasting and eating his own cum. Initially I was speechless, I always considered myself a very open minded person but the thought of my strong manly husband tasting his own seed seemed somehow gay or weird to me.Tom sensed my shock and immediately blushed with embarrassment. He became very awkward and...
I came home early that day because of a cancelled tutorial. Going straight to my room I dumped a couple of adult sex stories books and some notes I’d taken during a lecture on the desk and wondered what to do. I could have got down to some studying, and had almost reluctantly made up my mind to do just that, when my attention was caught by a strange sound. At first I wasn’t sure if it was inside or outside the house. When I’d entered the house I thought no one was home. If there was anyone at...
IncestHello guys my name is arehman(name change) .. Indian sex stories dot net par meri first story hai. Mei aapne bare mei bata du mumbai ka rehne wala hu age 19 height 6 and tool 6 inch dikhne mei ek dam bhi smart nhi ek dam bhi bura nhi normal jaise sharmila bohhat hu Chalo time na waste karte hue story par aata hu Ye story last year ki hai jab mei 12th mei tha mei ne 12 gav mei kia tha or abhi mumbai shift hua hu mei study mei to thick tha sabhi larkia se tamiz se rehta tha isi wajh se sab meri...
Coober Pedy to William Creek was 170 klicks. William Creek to Marree was another 200. Could he do it on his thumb? He looked at his frequently folded and refolded map. It didn’t look like there was a decent road this side of the Birdsville track at Marree. And that was only sealed for part of its length. Well, he’d shower and change and make his trek back to the laundromat. He’d pass the Greyhound office, too. But most likely they wouldn’t be helpful. He thought about Susan. He could go down...
Before we proceed, I need to ask my son some questions, Carol decided, some very pointed questions. "You mentioned you believed it wasn't normal for you to become sexually excited about me. If you remember, I disagreed. I think it's normal for a teenager to be curious about the opposite sex, and a parent or sibling is the handiest individual around to satisfy that curiosity as long as things don't go too far. Curiosity is one thing, but what we're doing is a giant leap from curiosity....
Chapter 1 My wife, Louise, and I had a rather major change come about in our life about a year ago and it all began on a picnic. We'd been married about twelve years or so, I was thirty-seven and Louise was thirty-four. We are both attractive people and keep trim with regular gym work and a very active sex life. Yes, I married a woman with a wonderful sex drive, I think we fuck more now than we did when we first met. The picnic was one out to a secluded beach on a lake near us and we were...
A sliver of light crawled through the crack in the drapes; making its way across the carpet, up the side of the bed and directly into my eyes. It was just enough to wake me. I like it really dark when I sleep so I frequently wake up early during the summer with the sun’s early rise. I had an intense ‘morning hard-on’ but it was going to have to wait for a while. My wife was not a morning person: my waking her at this hour would not amuse her. I started to turn over and put my arms around her...
I grew up in a shabby, rundown area of small farms. The place wasn't even really a town, just a s**ttering of houses and a couple of churches spread along a state highway that led to a smallish town. I lived with my dad in a small little 5 room house on the property of an old retired farmer, Quimby. Dad sc****d out a meager living taking care of Quimby's property. Quimby had done well for himself, He'd quit school at 16 and joined the military when he turned 18, and had served 20 years. A...
Jerry and Lana pled exhaustion shortly after dessert was served, and left Sara and I to 'catch up on old times.' As they headed out the door, Sara remarked with amusement evident in her voice, "I wonder what excuse would they have used if we hadn't known each other." "Oh, probably something along the lines of 'letting us young kids get to know each other better.' Though I think that they would have taken you home had we not gotten along." "God, I hope so. Good thing we did, then....
Introduction: A story I have wanted to write for a long time, part truth and part fiction…enjoy both. That evening after dinner Margo sat in front of the fire in her drawing room and waited while her husband busied himself upstairs packing the technical necessities for his business trip. She had already completed her share of this task, assembling his shirts and pants. She held a book in her hands, but one page had occupied her attention for the last hour. Her mind was across the lawn and...
I' m a 29 year old woman who married right after college. My husband and I both landed good jobs earning well over 100K a year. We decided not to have c***dren right away to build our careers.I am an attractive woman Brunette, 5'7" tall, with a 36C-26-36 athletic build.Six and a half years into the marriage my husband and I decided it was time to start a family. We had substantial savings to cover my maternity leave. I went off the pill but try as we may it was not happening.A week before our...
Roger Black has just asked about some personal business. I thought I knew but asked, “What kind of personal business did you have in mind?” “I’m getting horny just talking with you. How about I give you $150 and you give me an hour enjoying the kind of business you give your clients?” “Fine by me as long as we don’t go beyond any of the rules SU has. I have a condom with me or should we use one of yours? Let’s take a shower together to start.” That was a problem because Roger’s office has...
Carols Believe it or Not by JeepsterThe year is 1975 in which this story takes place. As you can guess,my name is Carol. I'm 26 years old and almost have the perfect marriage. My husband Carl has a top executive job here in K.C. that requires a lot of worldwide travel usually a month at a time then home for a couple of weeks. I work in the jewelry and accessories dept of an upscale department store in downtown. As such, I get to meet a lot of married men who are shopping for the wife for...
Hi. I am 23, from Kolkata. I am still studying and working as a freelancer. I am 6 ft, chubby with a 5.5-inch dick. You can get in touch with me at I am a dedicated reader of ISS and this is my first time writing about one of my accounts. This was the first time that I noticed the family that moved into the ground floor apartment next door. The guy looked busy, his wife seemed like a housewife, and the kid must be in high school. Nothing out of the ordinary at first site. In a week or so,...
After almost two months of inactivity due to a car accident, my husband and I were fucking again. And fucking good! We had a lot of catching up to do! I had catching up to do! I was constantly horny! My husband had been fucking with our new friend, Jake, while I was out of service. Mostly, Jake came by the house so I could watch but I know they fucked in my husband's office too. Now that my husband and I were fucking again, Jake came by the house less often. One evening, he came by with his...
EroticI awake beside you, my mind still a blur from the day before, I have not remembered cuming so much, ever before. Our walk in the mountains, despite the incredible view was dwarfed by our incredible sex. I would say lovemaking, which it was, but yesterday went beyond that, on a for shear lustfulness level. I watch you asleep beside me, that peaceful angelic face, your breasts moving up and down, the curve of your body, your nakedness. Once again I begin to harden, and twitch. I examine your...