Zero Woman free porn video

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I did not expect to kill two times within the last twenty four hours. And I did not expect to end my career this way.

The evening before, I had just finished a job in Los Angeles. An easy one. The target was lured to a restaurant in Chinatown. I pretended to be the waitress.

When I took his order, he placed his hand on my butt. I took a deep breath and wrote down what he wanted. This was going to be his last meal, so I made sure I did not make a mistake. Peking duck, Szechuan spicy deep-fried squid, Hunan chicken, beef with broccoli, twice cooked pork, fried dumplings, shark’s fin soup, combination lo mein and fried rice. The man was a pig.

Our client sat next to him. After dinner, the client repeatedly poured more Tsingtao beer in his glass. Beer meant his bladder filled up quickly. Thirty minutes after finishing his meal, he burped and headed to the boy’s room.

It was a typical Chinatown bathroom. Small, narrow, the stench of urine pervading the air. There were two urinals, one taller than the other. I hid in the only stall, strategically overlooking the urinals. For extra kicks, I had stripped down to my bra and panties, squatting on the covered lid with my five inch stilettos. For some reason I could not fathom, death and sex tend to invade my mind at the same time.

He staggered through the door, unbuckled his belt, pulled out his cock, and ended with a deep sigh. Standing on top of the toilet, over the short wall divider, I held my breath, aimed, squeezed the trigger slowly with the fleshy part of the index finger.

His fountain of urine bounced off the wall when the first bullet sliced diagonally through his neck. He turned around, the yellow stream continued escaping from his body, joined by a red stream ejaculating from his neck.

He met my eyes and I squeezed the trigger again. The second bullet drilled through his chest. He toppled to the ground, his eyes bulging, not believing he had been ambushed by a woman. The ultimate insult.

He cussed in his native language with his last breath, his pants down, one hand on his penis. I understood enough Mandarin to realize he wanted to fuck me and my mother at the same time. I walked up to the dying man, kicked apart his legs, and emptied the third round into his crotch, making sure he entered heaven or hell without his manhood.

The blood flowed from both sides of his body, soaking the uneven bathroom floor. It would soon flow under the door and out to the restaurant. I removed my bra and panties, then stuffed the panties into his mouth and tied the bra around his neck. Our client was very particular about the kinky details. The news would spread in the criminal world that he was found with women’s underwear. Our Chinese client had cultural preferences that was beyond my imagination. But we sought to please the customer. And the customer was always right.

I stepped over the corpse, making sure I did not leave footprints on the bloodstained floor. Using the only broken sink and cracked mirror, I ran water over my hair and face, removing the splattered blood and fluid from the last shot. Someone must have called nine one one because I heard sirens. I stepped on the toilet lid and kicked the glass on the narrow high window with my heels. When I slipped through it, my bare chest caught the jagged edge and a glass fragment embedded itself in my left nipple. I landed on the gravel of the back alley wearing only my stilettos.

Don’s car was waiting with the engine running. He drove calmly as I removed the glass fragment in the backseat. His eyes glanced occasionally at the rearview mirror, but he kept the Toyota Corolla on a steady pace along Interstate 10.

High from adrenalin, I was ready to party, so I put on a halter dress, tying the straps at the back of my neck. The little black dress was backless, so it was impossible to wear a bra. It was possible to wear panties under the short dress. I chose to wear a skimpy G-string. I like the feeling of it sliding up my crack.

Don, my business partner of five years, was formally dressed in a three piece suit, complete with bow tie.

‘You look like a waiter.’ I crawled between the seats so I could ride shotgun.

‘And you look drop dead gorgeous.’ He enjoyed teasing. I never did. I believed a professional distance was healthy. Besides, he had twenty years on me, old enough to be my dad. In fact, he was dad’s partner until dad passed away.

‘I wish all jobs were that simple.’

‘If they are all like that, our clients won’t pay us handsomely, right?’

Don had a point. Our jobs were mostly very risky types. Over the years, we had some really close calls. I had been shot twice. The scars on my stomach and thigh were constant reminders.

Interstate 10 quickly became Interstate 15. We pulled over to a gas station just outside Barstow. I took my time to apply makeup while Don shoved the gasoline gun into the small hole at the back of the Corolla, half the gun sticking out. We bought coffees and moved on.

When we crossed into Nevada, we both screamed at the top of our lungs for having survived yet another job.

We drove on to the Las Vegas strip, but did not stop to gamble. The thrill of gambling with money could not excite us. After all, we had just gambled with our lives.

Instead, we went strip club hopping on Industrial Road. We were equal opportunity customers, checking out both male and female strippers.

‘I’ll bet $200 your whore does not dare to take the stage.’ A man, visibly drunk, shouted at Don in a seedy joint.

Don played it cool. ‘You’ll have to wager directly with her.’

He repeated his dare, this time in my face.

‘Show me the $1,000 and I’ll consider.’ I pulled down my dress to show more cleavage.

‘Here,’ he removed his wallet and counted out ten bills. Don used the light from his cell phone to verify that they were hundred dollar bills.

When the song ended, I climbed the two steps to the round stage. Holding the pole, I struck a pose. A dozen men or so moved closer.

‘This man is betting a grand that she does not dare to strip.’ Don was loud enough so that the men around the stage could all hear. Nobody offered to raise the stakes.

The thumping music came on. I wowed the audience by inverting myself, gripping the pole by my ankles, my hands on the floor, the dress floating around my chest, my thong undies visible. When I stood upright again, stacks of twenties appeared. I sauntered around the stage, taking my time to collect my reward, letting them slide it into my G-string.

For the second song, I untied the knot behind my neck, letting the dress drop to my waist. The catcalls were deafening, almost as loud as the music. More twenties, and even a hundred. Las Vegas was a rich town.

I let my dress drop completely to the floor on the third song. This was not a nude club, just topless. I pranced around in my thong, crawling on the stage, pretending to be a tigress. The crowd went wild when I crawled to the pole and kissed it.

By the time the song ended, the entire club was standing three deep around the stage. Don held my hand and helped me down the steps. We were up at least fifteen hundred.

We decided we had celebrated enough.

‘Can we switch cars?’ Don asked when we were almost at his house. ‘I have to meet a new client tomorrow.’ For some strange reason, new clients had a tendency to trust only assassins with luxury cars.

I hesitated for several seconds. ‘Sure,’ I said as we pulled into a gated community on a golf course in Boulder City, just outside Las Vegas.

‘Thanks. I’ll see you soon.’ He leaned over to kiss my cheek. He had never done that before. This was strange.

It’s not a big deal, I thought to myself as I merged with the traffic on Interstate 40, heading east. The morning sun was suddenly in my eyes. I reached down to the glove compartment and pulled out a greasy pair of oversized
sunglasses. Don really had bad taste.

When the traffic thinned, I spotted a silver Buick of some sort in my rear mirror. I sped up, and then slowed down, the Buick followed. God, who drove a Buick anymore? Didn’t General Motors stop making them ugly cars? Or was that the Hummer they stopped making?

I floored the pedal to pass an eighteen wheeler, shooting the needle to ninety. The Buick effortlessly kept pace. It was only a foot away from my bumper. I resisted the urge to slam the breaks. The Corolla was no match for any car, even the Buick.

I blinked and tried to concentrate. The dotted lines dividing the lanes blurred and merged into a single continuous line. The needle was at one hundred, as fast as the Corolla could go.

Chancing a glance to the right, I fished out my cell phone from my purse. Pressing just one button, the ring tone went on and on. God damn it, Don. What the hell were you doing? Rubbing your own dick or sticking the middle finger up your own asshole? Pick up the fucking phone!

Finally, after what seemed like an hour, his lazy voice came on. The background sound of the television was audible. He appeared to be alone.

‘Hello honey, what can I do you for?’

‘Cut it out, Don.’

‘Ashley, what’s wrong?’

‘There’s a guy on my tail. What should I do?’

‘Step on the gas and lose him. Don’t worry about the cops. I have many friends in Nevada.’

‘I’m in Arizona. And I’m stuck in your stupid Corolla. You took my BMW, remember?’

‘Hang on,’ he said.

I heard the whirling fan inside his laptop computer.

‘Where are you now?’ he asked, a few key strokes later.

‘Exit 157 on I-40.’ More keystrokes.

‘Get out at Exit 161. There’s a single gas station off the ramp. There should be nobody except the store clerk at this hour. FM him.’

‘Understood.’ FM was our code for a flanking maneuver.

Once again, I could count on Don to give me the solution when I was in a jam. The last few years had been very good for us. There was a surprisingly large market for the elimination of criminals. Our clients range from government intelligence agencies to criminal organizations. They only knew that a female called Zero Woman had a near certain probability of executing the hit. Don was the secret sauce and hidden connection that made it work.

I kept going as fast as I could. At the last minute, I slammed on the brakes, tires skidding and screeching, the burning smell of rubber filling the air, the car narrowly missing the concrete wall.

He braked as well, but missed the exit ramp. He stopped and reversed furiously. The highway was empty. I had only a few seconds.

I burned rubber and parked the car directly in front of the mini-supermarket, in the handicap lot. Grabbing my purse, I sprinted and pushed the glass door hard, the bell on top of the door clanging wildly. The clerk jumped and woke up from his sleep. I held my index finger to my lips to signal silence. I waved the gun to let him know I meant business. His face turned white. He nodded and understood.

The man parked next to the Corolla, in the other handicap lot. The bell clanged again, bouncing off the wall. He was in the store, his gun drawn, his eyes narrowing. The clerk was nowhere to be seen. Smart clerk.

The small supermarket had only three rows. The man systematically checked out each one, crouching and keeping his body low. The front row had all the snacks. He quickly reached the end and turned one-eighty degrees to the next aisle.

One side of the middle row was filled with toiletries and feminine hygiene products. The other side carried Pepsi, Sprite, Coke, Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper, and Fanta. Strangely, there were no diet sodas. It took him barely a minute to complete the first two rows. There was only the back row left.

On the back row were alcoholic beverages, mostly beers, kept cold inside giant refrigerators. He got down on one knee next to the aluminum siding. Peeking with one eye, he saw that nobody was on the last row. By elimination, she must be hiding in the bathroom, he might have thought.

I knew he was coming, the fluorescent lights casting his shadows in all directions. I was starting to shiver, my bare back touching the icy cold beer cans. My heart was pounding and my breathing labored, but the refrigerator motor drown out my presence.

I saw a shadow creeping from left to right. I stopped breathing, both hands holding the Glock, index finger on the trigger, legs shoulder length apart, aiming slightly upwards.

First, his gun was visible, then the arms, and lastly the side view of his face. I squeezed the trigger gently. The glass shattered, a thousand fragments flying outwards. The bullet went in through his jaw and went out through his temple.

I stepped out, tiptoed around the broken glass, and checked his pulse. He was dead. I sucked in air, breathing for the first time in a minute.

In the Corolla, I put my purse in the glove compartment, locked the doors, and turned the ignition key. I wanted to get the hell out of there.

Before I could step on the gas, the cold barrel of a gun was on my neck. I stopped breathing again.

‘Put your hands behind the seat.’ I complied like a obedient dog.

Plastic cuffs secured my wrists behind me. A leathered arm reached around me and pulled out the ignition key.

I stole a glance at the rear mirror. The man behind was wearing a Spiderman mask and a leather jacket. When he saw me looking, he removed a rag from his pocket and blindfolded me. I could still see shadows from behind the blindfold, but could not make out faces.

Then I was dragged by the elbows out of the car. He slammed me faced down on the hood, kicking apart my legs at the same time. After a quick search, he removed my panties, shoved them into my mouth, and sealed it by duct tape.

Finally, I was thrown into total darkness in the cramped trunk of the Toyota.


The windowless basement was full of terrible steel objects. There was a fridge, microwave, dishwasher, stove and sink.

I was forced to kneel on the cold concrete floor. The plastic cuffs had been replaced with standard police-issued handcuffs, tough steel cutting into my wrists. My tormentor sat in front of me, with the chair facing backwards, his legs straddling it. The Spiderman mask and his leather jacket were on the empty chair next to him.

He walked towards me and tore off the tape that sealed my lips, allowing me to push the wet panties out of my mouth, soaked with my own saliva.

‘What the fuck do you want from me?’ I attempted to take control, spitting in his face. It was a mistake.

He slapped me hard with the back of his hands, dropping me to the right, my shoulder unable to properly cushion the fall with my arms shackled behind. He yanked me up by my hair, almost pulling the roots out until I was forced back on my knees. Warm blood flowed from my cut lips.

He laughed.

‘What’s so funny, motherfucking coward. If you are really a man, uncuff me and see if you can handle me one on one.’

He laughed again. It was a long roaring laugh, like rolling thunder from far away. When he stopped, only the sound of the air conditioner could be heard.

He went down on one knee and looked me directly in the eye. His eyes were the coldest blue I’ve ever seen. It reminded me of the cold ocean waves in San Francisco.

Without warning, he pinched and twisted both my nipples through the thin fabric of my dress. The twisting continued until I screamed, involuntarily. Then he stopped.

‘You will not talk unless I ask you a question, understand?’

I nodded.

He twisted my nipples until I screamed again.

‘And when I ask you a question, you reply verbally, understand?’

‘Yep,’ My tone was reluctant.

Another twist of my tits, this time raking in his fingernails. I was goi
ng hoarse on my third scream.

‘You address me as sir, got that whore?’

‘Yes sir.’ My breathing was rapid and shallow.


He sat down and took out a cigarette, leaning back and crossing his legs.

This was very strange. What did he want? Who was behind him? Was he working alone?

As a woman, I was very effective in my line of work. Very few people expected a blond with an angelic face to be capable of killing. But as a captured woman, nasty things could be done to me.

A captured male assassin would be tortured. A captured female assassin would be tortured and raped. It was true that a man could also be raped. But somehow, the odds of gang rape were heavily against a woman.

However, I could feel my dress was still intact. Also, Spiderman had not stuck his dick into my mouth, cunt or ass, at least not yet.

Neither had he interrogated me. It was as if he already knew everything about me. This was driving me nuts. What could have gone wrong?

The last job was easy and perfectly executed. Very few people saw me in the restaurant. The client was absolutely trustworthy. Don had carefully screened him, as he had done so for all our clients. The drive out of Los Angeles was uneventful.

Also, why would anyone wait so long before making a move? If the client wanted to kill us, we would have been blown up by a car bomb or shot on the way to Vegas. The strip clubs in Vegas were also very dark. We were most vulnerable there when we were celebrating. I had been near naked on stage and had no weapon on me.

After Vegas, I was driving alone. Why would anyone follow me, but not shoot until he was in a gas station?

A second man entered the room. He had slick black hair that was tied back into a pony tail. His eyes were narrow and lifeless. His facial skin was so smooth it reflected the light from the single light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

Wasting no time, Oily Hair tied a rope around my neck. I was led by the rope and forced to crawl on my knees. I was made to stop in one corner of the room, which had iron hooks protruding from the floor.

The sound of metal chains came from behind me. Oily Hair had a knife. The cold knife was on the back of my neck. At first, he tried to untie the knot behind my neck. When he fumbled and failed, he simply used the knife to slice through. My dress dropped to my waist.

Oily Hair walked in a big circle around me, making sure I could see the two pairs of nipple clamps. He held them with one hand, the other stroking his chin.

‘You want to guess what these are for?’ Oily Hair grinned, exposing his missing front tooth.

‘They are for you to link your gay nipple to your mother’s cunt.’ I spit at Oily Hair right after the insult. It landed on his face and dripped down. He was stunned, but recovered quickly. After wiping his face with the back of his hand, he rubbed his hand on my hair.

‘Clamp her and start taking pictures.’ Spiderman did what he was told.

One end of each clamp was secured to the floor hook, the other bit into the soft skin around my nipple. I gasped and bit my tongue. The world was turning gray.

One of them, I no longer could keep track, yanked back my hair, forcing me to kneel upright. The clamps bit harder into my nipple when the chains were fully extended. The camera snapped away, capturing my tortured look.

Why did they want to document the incident? Would that not be incriminating evidence? Was it just for their client to see? Were they planning to blackmail me in future, compelling me to do what they wanted, perhaps to kill for them?

The combined effects of the pain from the clamps and the delayed effect of the alcohol I consumed at the strip club were beginning to blunt my thinking. I was confused. Blackmail implied they planned to keep me alive. Was that wishful thinking?

After what seemed like a thousand camera flashes later, the clamps were painfully pulled off. Blood rushed back to my chest.

I was hogtied on my stomach, thick ropes binding my ankles and wrists together. After a few kicks from heavy boots, I was flipped over, like scrambled eggs. Facing the ceiling, my arms and legs were trapped by my own weight. I was repeatedly kicked until I passed out.

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Zero ToleranceChapter 3

I stayed at the Hampton Inn near the airport that night and left for Atlanta in the morning. The four days I spent in Atlanta were very painful for me. I managed to keep myself together during the day while I was working but when I got back to my hotel room at night I was a mess. I couldn't help but think of Susan and all of the wonderful times we had together over the years we had been together. What made her change? Why would she suddenly feel the need to take another lover and of all...

2 years ago
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SRU The Womanizer

Yeah, it's a predictable little story from me. So sue me :-) Spells R' Us: The Womanizer by Stephanie Josh saw the slap coming, but could do nothing to avoid it. "You're scum!" said the girl he had been talking to. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the bar. Josh shrugged and turned back to his drink. It had been a long shot, but it had been worth a try. He checked his watch. It was nearly quarter past five. He had left work early so he and his wife could go...

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Yes, my dream would have been more satisfying if it had gone along the lines of…a voluptuous red-headed noblewoman who lusted after one of her servants. She frequently sent him subtle hints of her desire, brushing up against him as she passed by, bending forward to show off her cleavage, and complimenting him on his strong build (when what she meant was his powerful legs and tight ass). She was sure that he felt the same way about her, as evidenced by his obvious erection during her latest...

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The twin sisters of the cross dresser policewoman

(This post is a fictional story on a bondage forum in China, and I am the prototype of the story. I just translated it into English. The copyright belongs to the original author, and the portrait right of the photos in the original link belongs to the original author and me)In the middle of a gloomy and horrible room stood a woman with a shawl. She was wearing a sexy red cheongsam, a pair of sparkling flesh-colored stockings like cicada wings wrapped around the beautiful woman's slender legs....

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The Saleswoman

The Saleswoman Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a cap by Commentator] The sound of a phone ringing turned Portia Dawn's head. She reached for the phone and picked it up as she saw her secretary's name appear on the caller identification panel. "Yes, Maria," Portia answered. The woman on the other end hesitated before she replied, "Jeff just stepped into his office." "Thank you, Maria," Portia replied while she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she hung up...

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Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...

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The road to womanness

When I left the surgeon's office, I had the feeling my happiness had finally reached its completion. When he diagnosed I could successfully undergo orchiectomy without losing material for my future vaginoplasty, I burst into womanly tears of spiritual elevation. Ever since starting my transition six months earlier as a sissy, I had been obsessed with ridding myself of the unsightly presence between my legs. My male organs grossly disgusted me. Wearing hard gaffs to flatten my pubic...

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My Wife the Womanizer

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. My Wife the Womanizer By Couture (c) 2002 Couture email: [email protected] "Come down to the basement honey, I have a surprise waiting for you," my wife said. She looked stunning, dressed in a black merry widow, with stockings and heels to match. I loved it when she wore sexy lingerie, which unfortunately wasn't very often. I followed her through our very expensive...

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The Saleswoman

Well I have always had a fantasy of a saleswoman coming to my door, wearing high heels, sexy stockings, a tight skirt and low cut blouse. She knocks at the door and I invite here in. I let her start her pitch but soon interrupt her by asking "Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?" for which I get a smile. I the ask "If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me?" at which she laughs some more. I then say "nice outfit, it would look even better on my bedroom floor". The...

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Door to Door Saleswoman

Door to Door Saleswoman Susanna says: - This story, along with the tale of the Handyman and the Blind date, were three of my earliest stories and were focussed more on gratification and lesson character, but I like them as it shows my journey as a writer. Here is a story that is always just around the corner for many T-girls and TVs, it also takes some courage to make a spur of the moment decision like the one in the story and not all of us have had that courage when...

4 years ago
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Rape Of The Saleswoman

Here's the info I can think of  ?????????????????????????????????? RAPE OF THE SALESWOMAN Kim is a very hard-nosed saleswoman. She may be small in frame, but she is tough as nails when it comes to getting what she wants. She has been working at the same large company on the east coast for over 10 years. Over that time, she has gained a well-deserved reputation as a bit of a bitch. That said, it has served her well professionally as she heads the sales department now after starting as a...

3 years ago
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Being Treys Wingwoman

"Fuck it; you've had your ten minutes," I whined, pushing the shower door open."Mom, come on, I'm in here, can't you wait your turn?" he griped, peeking at me."What, you've seen me naked, both while being on top of me and on the bottom too. You're gonna take all the hot water too," I mentioned, getting in front of him. "So, you're going to share.""Fine, Mom," he moaned.I giggled and let my hair get wet. "Will you wash my hair for me, son?""Sure, Mom."A few seconds later, I...

2 years ago
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C is for Camerawoman

"I didn't watch that particular video. I am pretty sure it was yours, though.""There are many available on the internet, Honey. Different days, different camera angles."As the tintinnabulation of coin jingles and slot machine jangles harmonized around us, I observed the woman eating lunch with me at our table in the sandwich market. She was clearly abashed about her online activities."Barb, I think it's cool."She blinked at me, her wavy, red tresses framing her beige cheeks. "You...

4 years ago
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The Tales of Megawoman

Five years ago, Joanna DiSanto was a normal business woman on her way home after a busy day at work. As she was walking along, an old woman bumped into her and told her that she would go on to change the world, Joanna just shook her head and kept walking to her studio apartment. Suddenly she became aware of squealing brakes behind her, she moved as fast as she could in her high heels and was able to get out of the way of the tanker before it smashed into her, but she wasn't so lucky with the...

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Linda the hottest sportswoman

This story begins one day of the month of June. I remember that I left work at the hospital and went to the park. There I sat on a bench that was near a small lake. It was a little hot, and I needed to disconnect a bit from the difficult day of work I had had. While breathing fresh air, I looked at the sky and saw the sun fall, -It was beginning to get dark- I feel a very strong cry from a lady. I stop, look back and see a lady on the floor. I approach very fast. When he saw that delicate face,...

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Based on an idea by Scrambler "J" SuperWoMan By Roy Del Frink FROM THE DESK OF CARLA KENT, AUGUST 18, 1985: It all began on the far-away planet Krypton. A scientist named Jor-El had been studying the recent disturbances in his home planet's ecosystem, and came to one horrible but unavoidable conclusion: Krypton was doomed. After a series of massive tectonic disturbances (i.e., Krypton-quakes), it was going to blow up in a matter of days, and all its inhabitants would go with...

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preface; Although this story may sound like an attempt at actual literature, I assure you it's sole purpose is to hopefully get someone turned on enough to, uh , well, use your imagination, I did. It is a story unlike any other that I have stumbled upon so far thruought my readings across many websites. So if any of it sounds familiar, well thats just luck. What makes a day seem different than any other? Nothing? I mean every so often something serious or life altering happens,...

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my neighborwoman

It is now over three years since she moved in in the neighbor house together with her 20 years old daughter Cindy. Rita was an attractive woman with c-cup breasts and a sexy ass. Cindy had big tits too and she and her mom did not mind when seen naked or dresses in just their undies. Well, there was much lovely to see and ever since I confessed Rita my sexual love for panties, bras and pads she was quite open to me about those things and even told me when she or Cindy had their days and using...

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Curse of the Werewoman

The bar was full of the smoke and noise of people happily celebrating the end of the work week. Sitting at the end of the bar was Alex, who was more than happy to spend his Friday night as far away from the cheery, happy people of the pub and as close as possible to a bottle of booze. "Hey there stranger," said a voice from behind. "Is that seat taken?" Turning around to the source of the sound he finds a slender woman with fiery red hair, legs that seemed to go for days, and a face...

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Emancipation of Womankind

Emancipation of Womankind The emancipation of womankind began in the early twentieth century when women gained the vote, by the end of the century they were the majority of university students and were well represented in parliament. By the middle of the twenty-first century, with women firmly the majority in parliament and a woman president, the first castration laws were passed for rapist. At first these were chemical in nature, but after some cases of men reversing the process...

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Ariel the Hitwoman

Hitwoman. Ariel the Hitwoman. By GabbyLez ([email protected]) Story Codes: F/F, F+/F, violent, snuff, nec, urination, scat, humiliation, lingerie, toys, BDSM. Summary: Ariel is a glamorous hitwoman, addicted to money, kinky sex and haute couture. She is also a vicious sadist.  Part 1. Ariel and Olga. 1. Ariel examined her voluptuous body in the three way mirror. She was fresh from her perfumed bath. Her silky skin was rubbed with scented oils and lotions; her nipples were tingling from...

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My Favorte Newswoman

My Favorite Newswoman By Screwdriver Chapter One I was watching TV one morning to catch up on the news when I spotted oneof the pretest women on the news. I was so engrossed watching her that I forgetabout the news. Right then I knew that I had to find out more about her. I would set my alarmso I could be awake when she was doing the news .I wanted to learn more abouther. I talked to some people I knew to see what they could find out. I thoughtI would keep a close eye on her to get an idea...

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The Blackmail of a Congresswoman

He took a few more steps quietly down the stairs and that’s when he saw someone’s shadow move near the entrance to the kitchen. With the nimble dexterity of a cat and the shotgun and his eyes both pointed and fixed at the kitchen entrance, John finished the stairs quickly and daintily walked out into the middle of the living room. Just then, a dark figure leapt up out of the darkness from the side of the couch and grabbed the gun’s barrel from him and pointed it up. The gun discharged into the...

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It was the same routine every single day. I'd get up at the crack of dawn to finish the laundry, cook breakfast, iron my husband's business shirts and finish any other unfinished business around the home. I did it all. I was a stay at home mother for twelve years now. I was 38 at the time and I had three children, Josh 17, Emily 10 and Kevin who was 7. My husband Michael was a hard working businessman who hadn't bothered to ask me if I wanted sex for over a year now. He was always busy...

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I busied herself with my morning choirs, dusting, vacuuming, ironing, everything usual for a Tuesday. I brushed my hair; it had dried in to its normal bouncy curls. As I filled the kettle my decision of the day was trying to decide whether to take off my skirt and wash it, it was a little dirty and there were two buttons that needed replacing and my strapy top had some marks on it, I mussed on this monumental problem as I plugged in the kettle and got my cup ready, as I thought to myself do I...

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Terri Clark Becomes a Horsewoman

Country Music Star Terri Clark was sitting in her den in her Nashville home trying to figure out what she wanted to do with the next couple of weeks. She didn't have to be in the studio because her tour didn't start till Nov. and she wasn't scheduled for a TV appearance for two weeks. She was reflecting on her hectic life. She was a girl that loved to have fun, enjoyed her fans and loved performing, but it was a rough life for close friends or any kind of love life other then one night...

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The Adventures of a Blackwoman

Blackwoman drove down the rich suburban neighborhood till she heard what she waited for. There was a dispute going on at the house down the road where a black maid was getting chewed out by a white woman for not cleaning the dishes clean. It was her cue to that the situation needed correction. She turned down the road and parked in the driveway and got out. She loved every moment of this. It was her destiny in life. Arriving at the door, she knocked, and the door opened. The maid was standing...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 68 Gentlewoman

The woman looked at the note I gave her, then looked at me, twitched her nose and looked at the note again. Her home was a large, wooden farmhouse with several ells and many outbuildings near the river that I had been taught was called something like Skoolkull. "You are," she said at last, folding my note into her pocket of her apron, "the largest, smelliest, dirtiest man I have seen in a long time. If you will go wash yourself, and your clothes as well, and your hair, lord help us, how...

1 year ago
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Riot squad humiliate the four horsewoman

Since the arrival off the Riot Squad they have been on a reign off terror and now they have set there sights on Charlotte Becky Bayley and Sasha. After weeks off being attacked Charlotte has had enough and is in the Ruby Liv Sarah get your asses out here know so I can give you the beating you need. Ruby Liv and Sarah are stood on the ramp entrance. Ruby says Charlotte you will get a match with me to night but first you have to agree to the stipulation. Charlotte filled with rage says ok what...

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Lisanna Craig was lounging in her mansion on a Friday Night. She had just slipped on a fleecy nightgown and was enjoying a glass of wine while she stroked her cat and read a paper. She had made the headlines again in her superheroine persona, Knightwoman. She had prevented the nefarious Clownman and his henchwoman Jenny Jester from robbing the first national bank of Renisance City. She smiled at the picture of her in a superhuman pose as the two villains where lead away in a van. "Sometimes I...

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Rape and Beat the Anchorwoman

Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! - THIS is EROTIC FICTION/Fantasies ONLY! M+F, bd, nc, rape, humil, tort, Mdom, anal, enem A television anchorwoman is captured and punished by a convicted criminal's brother for insulting the family name. For two days she is beaten and raped in her own home. She is forced to submit to the rape of her mouth, pussy and asshole, each time beaten before the rape begins. Chapter 1-The Punishment Begins “Convicted child...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! It was the same routine every single day. I'd get up at the crack of dawn to finish the laundry, cook breakfast, iron my husband's business shirts and finish any other unfinished business around the home. I did it all. I was a stay at home mother for 18 years now. I was 38 at the time and I had three children, Josh who had just turned 18, Emily who was 11 and Kevin who was 8. My husband Michael was a hard working businessman who hadn't bothered to ask...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Policewoman

Where i work often has dress up days where we can dress in our own clothes.Sometimes they become fancy dress days.On one particular day two of the women decided to come dressed as policewomen.One of them,Tanya,who was in her late twenties,had the full uniform on complete with hat and neck scarf.The other women,Laura,who was in her late forties,had mostly the full uniform,but instead of the regulation skirt she had tight leather trousers on.Despite this she looked hotter than Tanya and every...

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Seduction of a Saleswoman

Brian's divorce was finalized a couple of years earlier, and while his ex got half of the company, she had no interest in getting involved with it. He just bought her out a few months ago and was finally starting to see light. This day started out like every other workday. He was sitting in his office going over the monthly numbers and liked what he was seeing. Salespeople drop in to see him all the time and this afternoon was no exception. Around 4:00 his assistant Julie came into his office...

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Rape of the Saleswoman

Kim is a very hard-nosed saleswoman. She may be small in frame, but she is tough as nails when it comes to getting what she wants. She has been working at the same large company on the east coast for over 10 years. Over that time, she has gained a well-deserved reputation as a bit of a bitch. That said, it has served her well professionally as she heads the sales department now after starting as a junior executive a decade ago. Today, Kim was preparing for another of her business trips to...

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