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Hi folks, sorry there was no story last week and thanks to everyone Who wrote to find out why. The main reason was the power outages during the fourth of July week. I wrote large chunks of this story on my iPhone but still had no way to send it. Thanks as usual to mikothebaby for editing this one. I really appreciate how hard her job is after looking at a story that hopefully you'll be reading soon from a first time writer here. Anyway enjoy.SS06

I've always had a thing for redheads in general and this redhead in particular. In fact, it was probably the woman standing in front of me asking me to dance that started my whole fascination with redheads in the first place. All of us, every red blooded man that I know has a dream girl. That perfect combination of sex appeal, pulchritude and personality that God put on this mud ball purely for us.

And just as every man is different, so too are the embodiments of our dreams varied. Some prefer smoky eyed brunettes that are rounded to the point where they just ooze sex. Others prefer slim, blue eyed, blond ice princesses that are so frosty that every time they open their mouths a little light comes on inside. There are those who prefer exotic African or Asian descendants and some who swear that only Latin women will do. But for me, it has always been redheads. Ever since this one walked into my life when I started high school.

Marian Jones has ruled every fantasy I have had since my freshman year at Winterhalter high school. I can still remember the day we all sat down in class waiting for the teacher to take attendance. Just as the teacher got to her name on the role, she stepped into the room. "I'm here," she said. Her voice was so musical you could dance to it. And come to think of it that voice hasn't changed since high school. She was already a woman among girls even then.

Nope, before you start thinking that she was one of the girls who developed early and had gigantic boobs in high school let me rein you in. Marian has never had nor will she ever have huge boobs. In fact, I don't think she'd ever had average sized boobs, but what she has are perfect just like the rest of her.

Imagine if you will, milky white skin that never tans. She has a smattering of freckles across a perfect nose and cheeks. Her mouth is so perfectly shaped that I could spend weeks just staring at it alone. Her green eyes nearly glow they're so luminous and when she smiles the entire room lights up.

All of that pales in comparison to her crowning glory though. The thing that most people notice most and first about Marian is her fire engine bright red hair. Her hair extends to the top of her butt and moves with the slightest twitch of her head.

Back then in high school she was thin, as she is now. The years in between have given her a more mature shape but she's never going to be voluptuous or even curvy. It doesn't matter. Her appeal goes beyond mere measurements and almost any guy alive would pick her over any other woman.

That first day in high school we were both freshmen and both in the same class. It was a first day under difficult conditions and I'd like to say that our mutual nervousness drew us together and forged a bond that has transcended everything that has tried to separate us.

Well ... I'd like to say that ... but I can't. From that first day our lives took different paths. She immediately took over the school and breezed through high school. She loved high school and enjoyed it. Although only a freshman, she became, much to the dismay of the senior, junior and sophomore girls, the queen of the school.

They actually changed some of the rules for her. She became a cheerleader without ever trying out. Among all of the blonds and brunettes in the school she stood out. Several of the girls who thought it was simply her hair that made her special, dyed theirs and were simply laughed at.

She was voted queen or princess of everything possible and was also on the honor roll. Every one nominated her for everything possible. If there was a committee or a club or a society, she was in it. And as far as our romance goes, it was strictly a one sided affair. I loved her, like the flowers love the sun and I think she saw me once when we were both taking a picture for the honor roll. I'm sure that although we had four years of classes together and I sat next to her in math for two years straight that she didn't even know my name. Okay I'm wrong about that, I'm sure she knew my name.

I was a total geek in high school. For those of you who don't understand what that means, the Geeks are the kids that the nerds are too cool to hang out with. Geeks are not smart enough to be nerds, not coordinated enough to be jocks, and too socially inept to be in between. My proudest moment in high school was when I was voted vice president of the juggling club. The juggling club had three members that year; the president, the vice president and the member. Actually I was the member until the former vice president quit. That was how I got to be vice president. My senior year, I thought I'd get to be president, but that was the year the principal decided that the juggling club should be phased out.

Anyway, my dream princess did get to hear about me regularly. I was the guy that was always the butt of her superstar athlete boyfriend's practical jokes. Maurice Green was the male version of Marian in our school. They were the pinnacle of our high school pecking order although they were complete opposites.

Marian, was quiet, kind and beautiful. She was polite to everyone she met and never had a cross word to say to anyone. For a girl who was that beautiful it was surprising. Maurice, who liked to be called Mo, was huge, imposing, arrogant, rude and an asshole. Those were his good qualities believe it or not. He had four years to pick on the nerds and geeks in our school and he loved every minute of it.

To Mo's credit though, he picked on everyone he considered beneath him, which of course included everyone he ever met. He was the kind of guy who simply walked off the field after a football game or basketball game without bothering to shake the hands of the opponents. "Well, duh, of course we won," was his usual statement.

Marian was so polite that before and after every game she went and introduced herself to the cheerleaders on the other side and coordinated when they'd cheer or do their routines so both squads would have a chance to really perform. Most people, even the athletes on the other teams loved her, but most of the opposing athletes hated Mo. Well that isn't exactly true, actually most of the guys on our team hated Mo too.

Mo was the quarterback on our football team, the center on our basketball team and the last two years he also ran track. Some people said that Mo was a three letter man and that was as far as he got in the alphabet too.

Perhaps Mo's greatest achievement was when he asked me to show him some juggling moves. He had a few guys around and he said they'd gone to the circus and seen some jugglers. Sensing an opportunity to makes friends among the popular crowd I quickly whipped out my juggling balls and started to juggle. They yawned before I got started.

"Can you juggle clubs?" asked Mo.

"Well, I've never tried," I said. "I'd probably have to start out with two first just to get my rhythm and the feel of them."

"Great," said Mo. "Some of these guys don't think you can juggle two clubs. Show em' what you've got."

He reached behind him and slapped two clubs that looked like bowling pins into my hands. I tried to lightly toss them into the air in front of me as I had with my balls. For some reason the clubs didn't leave my hands and I ended up smacking myself in the face with them repeatedly as Mo and his cronies laughed uproariously.

Finally, I realized that Mo had coated the clubs with some very powerful super glue. Even worse was the next day when I had to go to school with two black eyes and the skin on my hands irritated. Mo met me in the hallways and told everyone who would listen that I had burned my hands jacking off without lotion.

Needless to say, high school wasn't my favorite time of life. But it passed, as all things do. College was better but not by much. And finally I entered real life. In college, I'd majored in computer science and did really well. I got my degree early and went to work for a large company and started making some decent money.

To make a long story short, I met or should I say re-met a girl that I'd gone through high school with and we started dating. Now, twelve years after high school, Marian Jones, my dream fantasy woman wants to dance with me. To tell you the truth I'd love to dance with her, but I still have questions.

I can tell you're wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Well, to fully understand this situation we have to go back two years. Our school is really big on reunions. Every year there's a general reunion of all the high school classes. There's also a five, ten, fifteen, etc. year reunion for specific classes. Two years ago was our ten year high school reunion. That was where this shit all started. Shit, to fully understand this we'd need to go back a bit before the reunion.

As you already know from the background information, I was not one of those people who peaked in high school. In fact, I'd probably have to say that high school was a time in my life that I'd rather forget. After college as we've established, I'd gotten a job with a large software firm. I did great writing code for and helping customers learn to use their products. The problem was that sometimes when giant companies come up with products they tend to have a 'this is what it is' attitude. You know how Microsoft introduces another version of Excel; they include all of the things that THEY think will make it better but usually ignore what the customers who use the product on a daily basis seem to want. Well our company seemed to do that too.

In my spare time, I wrote code for fun and I'd experimented with business software. So I'm pretty sure you can tell what happened next. I had a meeting with a customer, a woman who owned her own small boutique. Being an older woman, she really didn't have the greatest grasp of how to use our spreadsheet. I spent a couple of days with her trying to help her improve but it just wasn't happening.

My boss told me that we couldn't afford to give anyone as much personal time as I was giving the woman and to move on. He told me it was time to let her sink or swim. I wasn't that kind of guy though. So I arranged to continue teaching the woman to use our software, only I'd have to do it off the clock.

So that was how I ended up going to Florence Joyner's home. Mrs. Joyner's boutique closed at six and I got off work at five. It gave me a chance to go home and get cleaned up. Mrs. Joyner was a widow. At fifty eight years old she was still beautiful and she worked out religiously. Her body could put a lot of younger women to shame.

I spent a lot of time trying to teach her how to use my company's version of an office suite. She ended up teaching me a lot more. It started out innocently. Mrs. Joyner often changed into more comfortable clothing after work. She wore shorts that showed off those still incredible, nearly sixty year old legs and loose fitting tops. One evening I could tell that she wasn't wearing a bra under her top by the movement of her breasts. I tried to be polite and not stare but I couldn't help it. I think that she noticed that I was trying not to look and it turned her on.

Before long her nipples were making small tents in the material of the shirt and her arousal was obvious. "Steven, what are you thinking right now?" she asked me.

"How to get you to understand Macros," I said.

"Tell the truth?" she said. "You were thinking about my breasts weren't you?"

"Maybe," I said. Before I could do anything else she'd raised her shirt and released them. There I was, a twenty two year old virgin looking at the breasts of a woman who could almost be my grandmother. My hard on almost poked a hole in my jeans. But not for long; Flo freed it and took over the role of teacher that evening. And for the next six weeks the lessons doubled. We got together two or three times a week for computer and sex lessons.

It was during that time that I decided that it would be easier for me to develop a software suite strictly for Florence and I did. She loved it and told a lot of her friends who owned businesses about it. Before too long, I had all kinds of customers and was making a nice piece of change on the side. Florence had also convinced me to start running and working out. I slowly began to add muscle to my skinny frame. I was probably never going to be a giant muscular behemoth but I did get into better shape.

If life had a plan for me, that was only the beginning. Without even realizing it I was on track towards success. Florence had a son who was a top executive in a large sales company. For years at tax time he'd send over one of the accountants who worked for him to do his mom's books. That year, with Florence using my software there was almost nothing to do.

When word got back to Al Joyner, Flo's son, he wanted to know what the change was and that was how he and I met. That led to me securing my first corporate account and quitting my day job. After a couple of more corporate accounts came in, I'd had to hire three more programmers just to keep up with all of the accounts. The small business accounts were also more than I could keep up with. It started to become difficult to handle so I started looking for a secretary to help keep things organized.

The person who affected me the most of all of the women I interviewed was a woman named Dana Plato. I was sure I'd heard that name from somewhere before. Even when she sat across from me while I looked over her resume, there was something familiar about her. After looking over things and seeing that she really didn't have the experience or education we needed, I handed her resume back to her and told her that we'd be in touch. I was sure that both of us knew that we wouldn't be.

"In a way I'm glad I didn't get the job," she said.

"How do you know that you didn't get it?" I asked. "We haven't made any decisions yet."

"Steven, you're being polite like you always have," she said. "I've had a rough few months since college. My only experience is fast food. I majored in general education in college because I had no idea what I wanted to do. When the money ran out and I had to go to work, I was nowhere near close to having enough credits in any one thing to actually earn a degree. We both know that I don't have nearly enough knowledge of what you do or the secretarial skills for the job, but it's good to see that someone I know has become successful. It's really encouraging. So now maybe I can go back to school and actually do something with my life. In a couple of years maybe you'll give me another interview and this time I'll be ready for it."

"Do we know each other?" I asked. I took another look at her. She was very nice but almost invisible. Her eyes were a dull brown. Her hair was mousy brown. The only things I could say about her facial features were that they were normal. She was neither skinny nor fat her body was average. She was the kind of woman you saw everywhere. She could probably blend into the scenery and never be noticed because nothing about her stood out.

"Steven Grant," she said exasperatedly. "Not you too!"

She put her hand on one hip and stood up as if she was about to leave. "We had almost the same schedule for most of high school. We even did a group project together for science. I came over to your parent's house. Your mom made us cookies. You drank Pepsi with yours because you told me we were too old for milk."

"Oh Shit," I gushed. "Sorry, Dinah..."

"It's Dana," she said. "And don't worry, no one ever remembers me. I was just a face in the crowd throughout high school. Why should you be any different?"

"Dana, I'd have given anything to be you during high school," I said. "At least by being anonymous, you were safe. Try being the constant butt of the jokes of one of the most popular guys in school."

"You should have said something to the principal," she said smiling. I could tell that she was trying to hold back her laughter.

"So you're remembering some of them, aren't you?" I asked. She nodded and had to look away.

"That time you went out for the track team and they tied your shoes to the starting blocks was priceless," she laughed. She couldn't hold it back anymore and just erupted in laughter. "You lunged out of the blocks like a fucking rocket. It was so awesome. It was like you were putting everything you had on the line for one shot to be good at something. You gave it your all and everyone in that crowd felt it. But your feet couldn't actually move so your lunge just stretched you out and you landed face down on that asphalt track and just lay there moaning in frustration. Everyone in the school was laughing at you."

"Yeah, Dana," I said. "That was really funny. I dislocated my jaw and it took seven stitches to close the gash in my chin. If you look closely you can still see the scar. And, as usual, all Mo got for it was a pat on the back. They did suspend him for two practices but he didn't even miss a game. He just got to sit there on the bench with all of his friends and watch the team practice and complain about what a bad sport I was."

"For the next few weeks everyone in school talked about what an asshole I was, because it was just a joke. Thanks for the memories," I said.

Suddenly she saw that I was serious and maybe she viewed the event from my perspective. Her jaw dropped open and her hand went over her mouth. The look of sorrow on her face let me know that she really hadn't had an idea of the level of pain I went through.

"I'm so sorry Steven," she said. "I just never imagined ... Why didn't you talk to the principal?"

"I did, Dana," I said. "But he always made it seem like it was just typical high school mischief. Besides that how would he ever seriously punish the school's golden boy over some no name geek?"

"Maybe being invisible wasn't so bad," she said. "Can I make it up to you? I'll buy you lunch."

I did accept her invitation, if only to show her that there were no hard feelings. That lunch morphed into dinner, which became a series of dates that led to us getting married. Our relationship had a few bumps in the road but nothing serious. Dana came from a broken home. Her dad had been a salesman who cheated on her mom to the point where she finally kicked him out and raised her children alone. Dana never wanted to be in that position and we had an argument or two about me going on the road.

When we finally did get engaged, my accountant insisted on a pre-nup to limit the amount of damage my finances would take in the event of a divorce. Dana had no problems with it. She understood that I'd built my business up before we became involved and she didn't foresee us ever getting divorced anyway. We were like two peas in a pod and we really did love each other. The only thing she insisted on was a Zero tolerance clause in the event of infidelity. If either of us cheated on the other, that person lost all claim to anything we'd accrued outside of my business. It was scary because if I ever did slip, I'd keep my business but I'd lose the house and everything else I had.

But Dana was worth it and I knew that I'd never cheat on her. Dana, besides being my wife was my first genuine relationship. Flo and I had been in a sexual FWB thing but there was no love involved on either side.

To make things even more clear, Dana wasn't a virgin on our wedding night, but I had to teach her everything. The only sex she'd had had been from guys in college who'd just wanted a quick fuck while drunk. She'd done it her first time at twenty and only then because all of her friends were always talking about it.

Maybe I wasn't her first, but I was the first to make her enjoy it and realize what her friends had been talking about. After a while, we were constantly doing it and we experimented with everything we heard about. Having money changed our lives but not as much as you'd expect. We lived well within our means and planned on having children.

We did get a few things. On my part, I drove a brand new Mustang Boss 302 Lacuna model that was barely street legal. Other than that I was the same old guy I'd always been. Dana, on the other hand, drove a big Lexus luxury SUV because all of the wives in our gated community did. She also had some work done.

Well, I had some work done on my car to make it even faster but Dana had the work done on herself. She got breast implants. The first time it was just to make her more normal looking and to make her clothes fit better. The second time around she got stripper boobs. She also bleached her hair blond and got a nose job. She got collagen injections to make her lips fuller and got butt implants as well. She claimed, of course, that she got it all done for me. She said that a man as important as I was should have a wife that everyone noticed.

I'd kept up the runs and workouts that I'd started with Flo and had been seeing results as well. Dana made me go to a different barber. He changed the styling of my hair to make me look less ... geeky. I also got contacts because Dana hated my glasses. So, at twenty eight years old we had it all. The business was growing by leaps and bounds and I'd been getting offers to buy me out from several large companies including my former employer.

We had a plan in the works for our lives. We intended for me to back off on working for the next two years and travel. We wanted to see some of the world and go crazy for a couple of years and then settle down to start our family at thirty. It made perfect sense to us.

I can still remember the day the train went off the rails. I can actually remember the second. I'd just brought in the mail and dropped it on the table. Two of the envelopes were invitations for Dana and me to attend our ten year reunion. I immediately dropped mine into the trash. I was surprised when Dana looked at me as if I was crazy and fished it out, wiping the dirt off of it.

"What are you doing Stevie?" she asked.

"Dana, I fucking hated high school," I replied. "I see no reason to go back and relive the worst period of my life. I don't ever want to see that place or those people again. I'd have to have rocks in my head."

"Stevie, our lives are perfect," she said. "We're not alone any more like we were in high school. We have each other. This is our chance to show all of those people who looked down on us or through us, that we're just as good as they are. Can we please go?"

I grumbled a bit, but finally I gave in. I couldn't refuse Dana anything. And she saw a chance to show off to everyone the woman she'd become; where I just saw a night reliving misery. I was an adult now though. There was no way I'd put up with the bullshit I had to deal with back then. I didn't see it as pleasurable but Dana wanted it so badly. What could I say? It takes different strokes to make the world. (Sorry, I had to)

Over the next few days, I discovered that the reunion was more than just a one night affair. It was an entire weekend. It began on Friday with what they called the Welcome Back Ice Breaker. It was supposed to be a chance for us to meet all of our high school buddies again and see what they turned into. Saturday was the beach party picnic, with the dance to follow on Saturday night. Finally, Sunday morning was the farewell breakfast.

"Can we just do the dance and skip the rest?" I asked.

"No Honey we can't," said Dana. "Don't you want to show me off?" Dana was acting really weird. For some reason it seemed as if she was really looking forward to this. I just wanted it to be over but I loved her so again I put up with it.

As the reunion drew closer, Dana went out of her fucking mind. She acted as if the reunion was her coming out party. "Can't we fly there and rent a limo?" she asked. "We need to put a good face on. We have to let people know that they can't push us around anymore. We're important."

"Dana, it's a two hour drive and there's no airport in town. We'd end up having to drive there from the nearest airport to the city which is over an hour away. In this case it's faster to drive. There's also the fact that if things turn shitty, we can leave whenever we want."

"Oh, there will be no leaving Mister," she said. "No one is chasing me away from anything."

Finally the weekend of the reunion came and we argued over which car to drive. I wanted to drive my Boss 302 or my new Shelby 1000. Dana wanted to drive her Lexus. We took the Boss.

All the way there, Dana gave me instructions on what to say and more importantly, what not to say. I promptly forgot them all. Actually, I had no plans of speaking to anyone other than Dana. I intended to take a page from my wife's high school year book and just blend into the scenery. I'd stay in the back and become as anonymous as possible and hope that no one remembered me.

I figured I had a pretty good chance of that because I no longer looked like a geek. With a little bit of luck, I was sure that I might be able to pull this off.

When we drove into town, all eyes were on us before we got to either the hotel or the reunion. My Mustang's two tone black and red paint job and its authoritative growl drew a lot of attention. As Darla looked in every direction with her eyes obscured behind her giant fashionable sunglasses, she began to smile.

"Honey, maybe I like this car after all," she said hugging me. "Everyone who sees it, stops and stares at us."

We checked into our hotel room and dropped off our luggage. While Dana arranged her clothes in the closet I just stretched out on the bed and watched her.

"Stevie, your clothes are going to be wrinkled if you lie down in them," she warned. "We have to make a good first impression. We don't want our classmates to think we're shabby."

"Fuck em'..." I quipped.

After a half hour that I spent relaxing and Dana spent primping, we left to go to the Ice Breaker. I patted the bed vigorously. "Get some rest, buddy. You're going to need it," I said.

"Stevie, why are you talking to the bed?" asked Dana curiously.

"Because when this dog and pony show is over tonight, my dear," I said lovingly as I pulled her to me and gently but firmly grabbed one of her enhanced butt cheeks. "I'm gonna wear your ass out."

"And I'm gonna let you," she snapped back quickly.

Luckily the hotel and conference center that the reunion was held in was only a mile away. If Dana hadn't been with me I'd probably have just walked. But even I have to admit that the stares we got as I pulled my barely legal, not quite under control, muscle car into the parking lot were worth having to ignore and hide from a few assholes I barely remembered.

Normally, when I get out of my, car I leave my sunglasses in it. It's kind of rude to hide behind them when talking to people. But in this case, I thought it was a good idea to use them to at least partially obscure my features. For me this evening wasn't about bonding or remembering. It was about hiding and surviving.

We walked into a large conference room and got into a line with a sign that read, "Check in here." Well, I walked anyway. Dana's shoes were so high that she could barely do more than just shuffle along. Dana had on a pale blue dress that had to be custom fitted. The top had to be let out to fit her boobs. The waist had to be taken in and actually tapered out again to fit her ass. Theoretically, no woman with an ass or boobs as big as hers were should have a waist that small. Her blinding almost white blond hair stood out as well. That light hair contrasted nicely with the pale blue of the dress. It looked like she was sewn into that dress.

Although the dress was tight, it still covered her completely from her neck to mid-calf. It was supposed to be sexy without being slutty. I'm not sure it made it. I got a boner every time I saw her in it.

The shoes she wore were the same shade of blue as the dress. They'd been specially made to match it. When I'd joked about it, Dana got really defensive and reminded me that she hadn't said a God damned thing about me having my brake calipers painted the same shade of red as the car's stripes and my rotor hats painted gloss black. I quickly shut up about it.

Anyway, those shoes had heels so high that most strippers wouldn't wear them. Dana clutched my arm protectively as we walked towards the registration area. With her mincing little steps people were walking around us and past us at an alarming rate.

They also stared at Dana too. Most of the men noticed her ass and tits. I heard more than a few whistles. Most of the women noticed that Dana was orange. She'd obviously spent too much time in the tanning booth. But I loved her so I didn't say anything. Especially since this was her night.

As we stood in the line and waited to get our name tags, several of the people around me tried to start conversations. I tried to give them the impression that I wasn't interested in conversing but I tried not to be rude about it.

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It was dark outside. But it was always dark. The ever-present black clouds rolled forebodingly across the charred sky, the same way they did every second of every minute of every day. It was approaching nightfall now. The faint glow of the sun was fading, sinking down over the jagged horizon. The smoldering, skeletal remains of buildings cast twisted, misshapen shadows across the landscape. Office buildings, libraries, schools, gas stations, grocery stores, even homes, all destroyed. The...

1 year ago
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I met Laura in a hotel bar, while I was staying in a different city for a short course. It was she who approached me and ever since I've wondered whether she knew somehow that I was interested in gender issues, indeed a transgender fantasist. She never mentioned it at the bar. We got on like a proverbial house on fire, so I invited her up to my room. It was while I was opening a condom packet that she said casually, "You'll get infected anyway, you know." And then, on my startled...

2 years ago
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Zero Chemistry

This is the first chapter in my first series (and hopefully not my last!) so I would really appreciate any comments or tips you might have for me. I promise it will get steamier as the chapters go on. This chapter is fairly short because I mainly just wanted to introduce the characters. The following story is a work of fiction and intended for ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult or offended by descriptions of explicit sex, please read no further. This is a copyrighted work. ©Copyright 2014...

3 years ago
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Zero to Hero

It had been a long night, I had just finished my last match in one of WWE's many farm leagues. An hour prior to that match, I signed a contract that would let me debut on Raw in just a week! I was so excited. I walked through-out the back, getting slaps on the back and getting a couple whistles as I smiled. I had just lost my farm league title, but it was alright, I was going to be in the big time now. The WWE wanted to bring me in as the love interest for a certain Diva. I wasn't sure who yet,...

4 years ago
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Zero Gravity Sexy

We float into the main cabin of the empty space station as i catch you wrapping my arms around your slender waist turning you around kissing you as you spin. You giggle as our lips meet and we kiss deeply as you close your eyes grabbing onto my neck. "I love you baby" I say as my hands rub around your slender figure helping you out of your space suit. "I love you too" You reply smiling back on meI kiss you again, then slowly start to kiss on your neck. "imma get away again.." I whisper into...

3 years ago
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ZERO the training of a slave

CHAPTER ONE ??????????????????? CHAPTER ONE????????????? Introduction to Slavery????????????????????????? The girl woke with a start. She could not see a thing and realised that she was wearing a blindfold. She tried to take it off and found that it was locked in place. She realized that the blindfold was the only item of clothing that she had on. She was totally naked. She was beginning to panic. No one had seen her naked body besides her Doctor since she was a little girl. Where was...

3 years ago
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Zero Qualms

I knew what she was doing. It was working. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, my first clue was when I left for work that morning. One look at the gas gauge told me I’d have to stop on the way home, even though my wife had promised me she’d take care of it when she was out the evening before. The next was when I sat down to eat lunch at work, and the sandwich she’d made me had one tiny dollop of mayo in one corner. Nothing quite like a dry sandwich to add an extra kick to a frustrating...

2 years ago
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Zero ToleranceChapter 2

I walked through the house in a daze and went out into the back yard again. I needed to try and eat something to settle my stomach and get my nerves under control while I waited for Susan to return. I was at the food table trying to decide what foods my stomach could handle when I heard a voice behind me. It took me a minute to realize the voice was directed at me. When I turned around I found Mr. Dyson standing behind me. "I see you finally made it, Mark," he said. "Where is that lovely...

1 year ago
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Zero ToleranceChapter 3

I stayed at the Hampton Inn near the airport that night and left for Atlanta in the morning. The four days I spent in Atlanta were very painful for me. I managed to keep myself together during the day while I was working but when I got back to my hotel room at night I was a mess. I couldn't help but think of Susan and all of the wonderful times we had together over the years we had been together. What made her change? Why would she suddenly feel the need to take another lover and of all...

2 years ago
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Disobedience Not Tolerated

Disobedience Not Tolerated ???????????????????????????????????????????????? Disobedience Not Tolerated  ? She was home cleaning so the house would be the way her Master likes it.? She hears the front door open.? It is her Master, he has come home early from work.? He puts his keys down on the coffee table and walks over to the couch but he does not sit. ?? ?He looks at her and says ?Come to me.?? She gets down on her hands and knees and crawls to him.? He reaches out His hand and assists...

2 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 8

Time: Saturday, December 22, 2018 5:02 PM Hannah returned to the lounge room carrying a large white towel which she handed to Mark. “Here. Smell this.” He took a tentative sniff and then inhaled deeply. “Smells pristine. Another towel from the cabinets?” “No. This was one of the wet towels from our morning showers. I threw a bunch into the washer and closed the door. A couple of minutes later the door opened with a soft ding. All done! Clean dry towels ... how in the world did it do that?...

4 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 52 The Wolf Bares his Fangs

Saitou: The last time we fought must have been the battle of Tobafushimi. So, it has been about... ten years. Kaoru (thinking) Ten years... (aloud) Kenshin, you know Mr. Fujita? Kenshin: He's changed his name to Fujita Gorou. He was the captain of the Shinsengumi third unit, Saitou Hajime. Kaoru: The Shinsengumi... Yahiko: Then you're the one after Kenshin... Saitou: Ten years... it's only two words. But to live it is a long time. Kenshin:... Yes... Enough time for a man to go bad....

3 years ago
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Laundry Room Confessions

Laundry Room Confessions I can’t keep this a secret for one minute longer! If I don’t spill my guts and confess my saucy secret, I’ll burst for sure. Thank Heavens you are here for me to share my story with!…. It was last fortnight when I was unceremoniously ‘dumped’ by my so-called man of two years. Initially it would be fair to say I was rather upset, after all, nobody likes to be told ‘ Hey, I don’t want to be with you anymore. ‘ To add insult to injury, he didn’t even try and sugar coat...

2 years ago
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Why Not

"Damn it, why did my dad have to ground me? I'm eighteen, and I should be able to send nude selfies if I want," I whined in a tone, lying on my bed. "Just because I still live under his roof, and he found out that I sent Ryan one nude selfie, he just grounds me? I feel more pissed off, and I can't get that horseshit off my mind. What the hell am I supposed to do, just stay in the house all day?"I didn't know what to do, but lay there for a little while, not doing a damn thing.I kept going...

2 years ago
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follow up to ; weekend at the beach was great, partying and enjoying the ocean and most of all the hot babes. I hooked up with a couple honeys who were sharing a place and we had fun, drinking and smoking. We watched some porn and started getting horny and soon we were all naked. One girl reminded me of Barbie a little. With the memory of our encounter still fresh in my mind, I relived it as we spent the night having sex. In the morning we...

3 years ago
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The Ceremony

The Ceremony By Yvonne Kristina E. As I sat at my vanity my maid of honor, Cindy was styling my hair in an elegant updo in preparation for my wedding. Each hair carefully placed and set in place. Soft tendrils coming down on either side framing my face. "We are almost finished Yvonne. Then we can begin on your makeup," she said. A final spritz of hairspray and she was finished. She began applying the cosmetics to make me look like a blushing bride. Soft corals with a touch...

1 year ago
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First male encounter

It began with a few drinks with a friend who was moving away. We were sitting outside in the warm summer, night air, enjoying music and conversation. Part of the conversation being about the sexual encounters we had had with our girlfriends and previous women. We talked about things we wanting to experience with them and, out of nowhere, we both expressed how much fun it could be to have sex with another man. At this point it was getting late, so we ventured out into the shed as not to disturb...

First Time
2 years ago
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Two Parties Become One

My god she is beautiful. My wife Sharon has just got out of the shower and her long dark curly hair is cascading down her back. At 39 and three kids later she is still a stunner. A small mummy tummy is all that is can be seen, and that only by a trained eye. This morning before we arrived for our friend June’s 40th birthday I shouted her a facial, wax and massage at an exclusive beauty parlour here in the Blue Mountains. I won’t pretend for one minute that we have a ‘normal’ marriage. We have...

1 year ago
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MomDrips Sheena Ryder Stepmom Wants A Baby For Her Birthday

Sheena Ryder is a sleepy mylf who was being woken up by her vibrating cell phone. It was all of her friends and family wishing her a happy birthday, but in reality all she really wished for was these annoying people to leave her alone. This was her 40th birthday, so maybe you can understand why she was feeling the way she was. This would be tough on anyone. She gazed at herself in the mirror and realized that even for 40, she was still in pretty damn good shape though. She made her way to the...

1 year ago
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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 21 The Prom

3 PM Three Hours Until Prom Zoey pulled her car into the Departures Ramp for Terminal A and found a spot between two other cars where families were saying goodbye to each other. As she left the car running and ran into the ticketing terminal, a bellhop complained, "Hey! This is a no-parking zone!" Zoey ignored the bellhop and just kept running. She wished she had asked Tyler which terminal he dropped Lance off at. She knew Tyler's lazy tendencies and took an educated guess that...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Romi Rain Anal Gaping

Hyper-curvaceous Romi Rain splashes her huge jugs in the pool. Markus Dupree fucks her throat aggressively, making her gag and drool on his throbbing rod. She squeezes her big boobs together for a titty fuck. Markus licks her asshole in a nasty rim job, and he slides his big cock inside her juicy twat. Romi spreads her ass cheeks, and he porks her up the ass. The dirty girl gives an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Romi’s body spasms as she cums on his thick prick. See expansive anal gaping. Romi...

2 years ago
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Educating a Coed

Educating a Coed Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had been dressing as a girl for years, but it was only when I went to college that I was able to improve myself by going out more often. Within the first year I had mastered many of the problems I had, like makeup and hair, and was able to expand my wardrobe quite a bit. In my second year I even dated a few times, but never let things get too far, and although I was getting better, it wasn't until I found some sites on...

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Stepsibling Rivalry

Adam stared below him as each thrust was mesmerizingly swaying the brunette’s supple tits.  The fact that he was repeatedly ball-deep in his bitchy stepsister, Holland, made him achingly harder.  Glancing to his left, his fiancée Mia stood in green lace thong panties, intently watching her husband-to-be, giving his stepsister the raw fucking of her life.  Holland, confused but lost in her own lust, licked her lips unconsciously as she looked at the lithe blonde.  Mia wryly smiled at no one in...

4 years ago
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My Dad part nine Olgas story

My DadChapter nineLater the same day I lost my virginity: Olga’s storyI took my sheets down and put them in the washer because of the blood on them. Mum came home a was pleased I had done the washing for her, I thought to myself, if you only you knew dad had fucked his little girl, I sat opposite him and every now and then I saw him look up my skirt, when he did I moved my legs so he could see my pussy, I knew he would do me again you could tell by the look in his eyes. We all went to bed...

4 years ago
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Mummy Ka Vart Pura Huya

Hi, dosto me aj apko ek sachi kahani batata hu jo meri mummy ki or hamare pados me rahene wale uncle ki chudai ki he.sab se pahele me ap logo ko mera intro deta hu mare nam rahul he,me delhi ka rahene wala hu,mere garme hum char log he,me,my mummy,dad and brother. Meri mummy ka nam sunita he unki aje 33 he or dekhne me wo kafi khub surat he,wo hame sa sadi pahenti he,us ki gand kafi moti he jab wo chalti he to dono kulhe ese matkte he ki kisi ka bhi man use chodne ko ho jay. Dosto hamere pados...

4 years ago
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Naughty Road Trip

My name is Kathy and I've been a swinger and shared wife for many years. I'm married to a wonderful guy named Dave that encourages me to play as much as I like. Recently a buddy of Dave's named Rick asked Dave if he would like to keep him company while he drives down to his place in Florida and they could share the driving. Dave didn't have time to go due to other commitments but suggested that I go and keep Rick company. I thought it was a great idea since I've never driven to Florida before....

2 years ago
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Death of a Model

Mel Kidder is being photographed by a gay guy who always irritates him. Mel is wearing nothing but bikini briefs, and the gay guy, Karl, is tucking the cotton between Mel's ass cheeks to make Mel's cock more prominent up front. "I want you to look as sexy as possible," Karl whispers in the male model's ear. "We want women to buy Flare bikinis for their men!" And then, with a chuckle, he adds, "and men to buy it for their men!" Karl's fingers slip under the elastic band, glide to the...

3 years ago
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My sexual experience with dogs

My sexual experience with dogs is very limited, and since I have experienced some guilt and shame over my actions, its not therefore something I encourage others to do. I consider myself to be a normal individual. I’m a college graduate, I’ve been happily married for 11 years, have two healthy children and a good job. I guess my fascination with male dogs began when I was a young girl. My aunt and uncle used to have a large german Shepard, and I can remember being 11 or 12, when I...

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Mistrusting a MemoryChapter 23

The next witness called after lunch was probably a poor choice for that particular spot in the lineup, but it hadn't been planned that way. It was the medical examiner who had done the autopsy on Kinneson's remains. Schwartz apologized to the jury for what they were about to hear, and then had the doctor describe the compound fracture in the victim's leg, which would have made it impossible for him to move around on his own. Then there was the testimony of the condition of the lungs, which...

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Bad Girl AmberChapter 13 Another Girly Lunch

I go back to the office feeling pleased with how today is shaping up. I can hear the cackling well before I get there and that's because, as I see when I walk in, Dean is wasting no time and the fun has very much started as regards poor Gerald. The boys have got the wretched guy naked and scampering around the room on all fours, yapping like a dog. They're sat at their desks and they're making Gerald crawl around from one to the other, begging for this pencil as if it's a bone. They poke...

2 years ago
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I Watched My Young Niece Masturbate Part 2

I Watched My Young Niece Masturbate Part 2Shy Teen and the Fire InsideBy billy69boy(Part 1 ended with Niece Hailey and her Uncle James stopping at an old, abandoned campsite deep in the woods, off a seldom used dirt road in a state park.)I was extremely nervous, as I killed the engine; I realized we were in the middle of silence, with no one else around. I wasted no time jumping out, shutting the driver's door, and slipping into the back seat, while quickly slamming the back door. I was...

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Mrs Ofelia my neighbor

This story that came to pass in a certain city known as Tapalque, in the province of Buenos Aires , Argentina .  The story includes myself and my female 65 yo, an adventurous partner.  She also was my Italian neighbor at that time in that particular town. I've always lived in my hometown next to Ofelia's house.  She appeared to have a gorgeous body, about 1.90 tall, ever since I first met her.  She also had wide hips and, of course, a tremendous, gorgeous ass, like globes, impressive, the size...

1 year ago
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I love aunts cunt living in Bangalore

Hi I’m tough guy feeling very happy to see your stories and would like to join freshly with you with this story of my first experience. Basically I am an artistic person and having hobbies in that line. Aunty (bobby) friend of age 42 in our near by house used to come to our house and appreciate my works. On one day I was saying her that all the aspects in this world like, speaking, cooking, etc… sex should be done artistic. At once she told, “what is there to do artistic in sex?” I replied it...

2 years ago
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The Dream Vacations 8211 1

Hello everyone, My name is Nishan and I am a very avid reader of ISS since my teenage. Today I thought of sharing my own experience with you guys, so you can fap hard and enjoy my story. Since this is my first story please, I request you to avoid grammar mistakes. I am a very naughty boy with average height and body. This story happened to me about 12 days back when I was enjoying my vacations in my grandmother’s house. I’ve recently completed my 12th and I am willing to do higher studies....

2 years ago
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Delhi hot gal friend

Hi to all readers I m Rachit I m great fan of ISS but I had not a single story to write you but now I have good experience of sex. This is my true story of 20 days before when I m writing my story it is 20th December 2006.this is story with my girl friend. I am from Banaras but residing in Delhi from last 6 years with family .we r 4 members in family my parents, my brother and myself. My all relatives r in Banaras. I have a woman friend I will write my story in Hindi it would give u more...

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I cant make love with women like I thought

I feel I lost this years ago somehow. Or maybe I was just always this way. I remember my first time masterbating. It took forever and I never came. A lot like how I am now. Only thoughts of being the woman seem to turn me on. And one other taboo: i****t, but that's another story. I just don't know what it is. I feel like it might be an issue of respect or something. I grew up very polite and also with my mom and sisters. Maybe deep down I am a woman. I feel the act of "fucking" a woman is such...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 199

"Do the cake for us," Diana said as Nat, Nicki and Whitney led Hope into the kitchen. "Me?" Hope got out as she saw the big cake, obviously ready for the final decorating. "I've only decorated a couple of cakes in my whole life. I wouldn't dare touch a wedding cake." "Oh, come on, Hope. We all know you have a wonderful talent. If you don't like the initial decoration, all we have to do is scrape it off, refrost the area, and you can do it again." Jennie moved to hug her sister....

2 years ago
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My mother and I needed each other

When I turned 18 years of age, my libido went off the roof.I just couldn't stop masturbating, I used to do it all the time, four to five times a day, sometimes even more.I got my first job at a Golf club, but got fired after being caught masturbating in the woman's locker room by a female player.And it's not like in pornos, she didn't come and join me in the fun, she freaked out, told my boss, and I got fired on the spot.And it doesn't help to hide when you're a loud moaner either.The next day...

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The Little Halloween Sluts 1

Amber was so angry at her mother! It was Halloween and her mom had just refused to let her go trick-or-treating dressed up as a slutty nurse! She had worked so hard on her costume too! White high-heels, white fishnet stockings accentuated with a red garter belt, a short white skirt trimmed in red with a matching cropped tank top emblazed with a Red Cross, and a cute little nurse’s hat with another Red Cross on the front of it.“But Mom!” she pleaded. “Me and Darla and Tina have it all planned!...

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Tashita Loves Rhythm And Blues

I lived in a third-floor apartment. Tashita lived under me, in the second-floor apartment. How we met was pure happenstance, as was what transpired after we met.It was a warm spring afternoon and I decided to play hooky from work, to stay home and just chill. I had the stereo cranked up and admittedly, was jamming, having a good afternoon. I didn’t think anyone would care because surely, most folks would be at work.The banging on my door startled me. I quickly turned down the music and cracked...

4 years ago
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Control Ch 06

Josh was not a bad kid. As his 19th birthday came and went he continued to experiment with his powers to control people. Josh’s intent was not to abuse people but at times he could just not pass up using his ability to satisfy his youthful libido. It felt too good to pass up the opportunities at hand. So far he had only directed others to perform sexual acts that stimulated his masturbation. Josh was still a virgin and had very little experience with the opposite sex other than having his...

3 years ago
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Hot sister inlaw 2

After the day at the lake I was the Man!! My friends would buy the drinks and tell other guys how I picked up a hot chick at the lake and within half an hour was fucking her right there in the open!! I never told them I knew her. Just laughed and said she hit on me so what could I do, then smile!! It was about six weeks after we got to gather at the lake I got a callfrom my x----inlaw. She was pissed!! Wanted to know why I hadn't called her? I told her I had put her number in...

3 years ago
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Playing games Part 2

When finally her breathing slowed down she asked:“What do you mean by that?”Alex stayed silent for a moment.“You did love what you’ve been doing some minutes ago?”Crystal dropped on the couch, her body still tingling, nipples hard and erect, the wetness between her thighs still growing.“Well yes. I’ve … I’ve been imaging to do something like this for a while.”Why did she say that? It was true, but she had never confessed her fantasies to even her closest friends. And fantasies she had a lot!...

4 years ago
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Weekends With Dad

It was April 11, exactly two days after I turned 18. I had only about six weeks left in high school, and was staying with Dad on a lazy, sunny Saturday. The day was unusually warm, allowing me to get a head start on my summer tan. Dad had been mowing his lawn, and I watched him while I sunned and listened to my iPod. He was wearing gym shorts and a loose tank top, and I remember vaguely thinking that my 41-year-old father was aging well. He ate sensibly, and left for work early three days a...

2 years ago
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Shopping Adventures 2

Lynn is preparing dinner when Mike arrives home. She greets him with a kiss.“Hi, honey. How was your day?”“The new project is coming along so I’m pretty busy. And yours?”“I took the clothes to Goodwill and went to Macy’s. Then I went to the gym. Other than that nothing much happened.”“I expect your days are going to be like that until you start your new job.”Mike changes out of his coat and tie while Lynn finishes dinner. They eat out on the deck.“I’m glad I got that new Compaq PC. It’s the...

1 year ago
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ColombiaFuckFest Laura Brown Breaking in a Latina Newbie

Laura Brown is a hot Colombian chick that Max Cartel showed up with. She’s only nineteen, but she was eager to shoot her first porno. No arguments here. She has a tight slender body with a nice firm bubble butt. She wasn’t really shy about getting naked for the guys. Then mid conversation, Max just threw his dick in pretty face. She knew what to do. She has impressive deep throating skills. She sucked that dick skillfully until it was time for her to ride the dick. She had said she liked it...

1 year ago
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SoundsErotica Ch 01

“Okay, baby just put the headphones on and enjoy.” Pressing my body against Jason’s was just enough to make us both fall and sink into the soft leather of the couch beside my computer table. I placed the headphones over his ears as my thigh brushed the bulge between his legs. “What are you doing to me, Karra?” I pulled the headphone back just enough for him to hear my breathiest voice as I said, “This will make you so hot.” His tension melted as the sound of my voice coursed its steamy path...

3 years ago
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The FootlockerChapter 6

The next day I called Lara and setup another appointment for two days later. I let her know we were interested in the property we had toured, but wanted to see the outbuildings and other property features we didn’t get to see yesterday. I also told her we would want to tour a couple of homes in the four to five million dollar range before we would consider making an offer. With that call out of the way, I started cleaning up for our appointment with Ryan Finn. As I showered, I reviewed a...

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Lunch Special

"Slow down Ann; tell me again what he wanted.""He said he wanted to take my back door.""Do you mean...""Yes, sister dear, he wanted to fuck me in my ass. You wanna know what I did, I'll tell you what I did. I demanded he take me home that very instant. Once I was home I told him I never wanted to see him again."Although rather surprised, none of this information from her sister shocked Jean. In fact, she found it intriguing and once hanging up she couldn't get the thought out of her mind. When...

2 years ago
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The Change

July's Theme Songs: 1.) Skillet - Monster 2.) Skillet - Falling Inside the Black 3.) Casting Crowns - Does Anybody Hear Her "I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go."-Rachel Joy Scott July, swayed her small hips in front of her web cam. She turned to look over her shoulder at the chat. User vennyv had just sent another message. "Now take off your...


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