NikkiChapter 24 free porn video

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Nikki's turn:

You know, when I saw Cindy in her graduation robes, at first I had a little pang of jealousy. A little pang. And it went away. Fast. Because first, you can't look at Cindy and be mad. She's like this little angel. Okay, cherub. Nope, cherub doesn't work. Every time you see a cherub, they're chubby, and Cindy is NOT chubby. I think I heard her Dan say 'pixie' and honestly, if she was dressed in a forest green outfit with pointy shoes and a hat, you could put 'er in the dictionary next to the definition of 'pixie'. That's if the definition of 'pixie' included world-class brains.

But you know, it's just a random event that she graduates first and I graduate last, with Tina and Susan in the middle. And Cindy has already gone to Auburn for interviews, and I'm supposed to go talk to the same people the first week of June. And I will be a high school graduate come Saturday night.

I was wowed by the house that Cindy's foster mom and dad live in. I think I could've come up with "Like Tara, with better plumbing" too. I could picture it as a fixture from before the Civil War. It wasn't, though, and instead of slaves, Mister Charlie's housekeeper was a marvelous black lady named Eletha who has a daughter in law school. I know this because I had to go visit the kitchen before dinner.

"Nikki, child, you don't have to help. This is what I do," Mizz Eletha said.

"Yes ma'am," I said. "But I learned to cook from my grandmother and she told me that helping in the kitchen was a good way to see how people do things."

She smiled at me. "Baby, it's a little late now, 'cuz everything's almost cooked." But that didn't stop her talking about how she did the roast.

"Sounds like my grandma," I said. "She never wrote down her recipes."

"I don't either, baby," she said. "But I could. They's gonna look like stories with food in them, though."

"I think that would be fun to do," I said. "You ... we oughtta try it."

"I just might. Want me to send you one?"

"I'd love it."

Mizz Eletha finished the platter with the roast on it. "You wanna grab a couple of pot-holders and bring that casserole in with me?"

I did that, and then I heard Cindy holler, "Nikki, come sit with us!"

I joined the bunch in the sitting room. Giggled. My 'room' to sit was Dan's knee. "I'm sorry. I smelled the kitchen. Had to go see how y'all do it here."

"Little girl," Mister Charlie said, "If you saw Eletha in the kitchen, you SAW how we do it. Or you could watch Helen. I have to put a rope on her leg to keep her out of there when Eletha's at work."

Mizz Helen sniffed. "I wasn't raised to let somebody else do my housework. No matter HOW nice they are. Or how good they cook."

That started another line of conversation. I guess that out of the sisterhood, I'm the most adept in the kitchen. Tina does some stuff, and Cindy giggles about peeling the plastic off of TV dinners. Susan says she's done stuff using a recipe book.

"Good cookies, too," Jason said.

Cindy leaned away from her Dan and whispered in my ear, "She's gonna kill 'im on their honeymoon."

I giggled.

"What's so funny?' Susan asked. I know the conversations we've had on Skype, the four of us, and I'm pretty sure Susan knows what Cindy whispered.

"We think you two are a cute couple," I said. Cindy's head bobbed in support of my fib. Susan twisted and gave Jason a little peck on the cheek.

"That's cute," Mizz Helen said. "And in a whole roomful of cute, that's cute!"

"Thank you, Mizz Helen," Susan said.

Susan's in love. She's had a whole lot different life than me and Cindy and Tina, and that's really interesting to think about. I have wondered what it would have been like to have a mom and dad and stable home life like Susan did. I talked to Dan about it.

"I understand how you feel, little one," he said in that gentle way he has when we talk about some of my feelings. "But you can't go back and change a single thing. All you can do is deal with your feelings and how they color what you are today and in the future."

"Philosopher. I fell in love with a philosopher," I told him that day. And then I kissed him silly.

But Susan, she's a product of that whole gristmill of high school love and dating and stuff. I know some of her story, about some of her dates, and I know that for Susan to still retain her virginity, there's character behind that cute, plump, bubbly exterior that is real strength. That she stepped out of the world of high school boys and saw what she thought was important in Jason, poor ol' funny Jason, that's some common sense, too. Because I've heard about Jason as well, and he's lucky. So's she.

Okay, I expected the actual graduation to be chaos, and it was. I mean, three hundred kids graduating, so there's three hundred families crammed into the civic center, actually the sports arena part, and it's loud and unruly and I'm not being snotty, you understand, because it's Alabama and a bunch of rednecks. Nope. I expect exactly the same thing on Saturday for my graduation. The rehearsal was bad enough. At least I get to sit on the stage with the VIP's because I'm considered sort of special.

Oh, this year IS special. First time I've made straight 'A's' in high school. And that's in six week as a sophomore and the rest of the year as sort of a senior.

But today is Cindy's day in the sun. Well, one of 'em, anyway. I suspect that Cindy will be in the spotlight plenty more times in the future.

Ding! Sometimes my mind does that to me. I'm in the middle of life, just rolling along, soaking up conversations and feelings and sights and sounds and my brain goes 'ding!' and I'm somewhere else. This time it's Dan's (MY Dan, not Cindy's. hee-hee) fault. He brought home an out of date bit of control technology from an upgrade project, and showed me how the software works and how to program it.

I told Cindy. She squealed, "I've done THAT!" and she launched into a story about a day she'd spent on her Dan's project and how one of the other engineers showed her how some of that control programming worked. "And you got a little one to play with at HOME? I'm jealous!"

She didn't stay jealous. I set up a port to put it on the internet so she could get to it from Alabama. When I showed Dan, his first comment was "How in HELL did you know how to do that?" I smiled.

"You told me I could do THIS. And THIS. And then it's a matter of setting up behind our firewall and there it is."

I just finished high school technology with a four point oh grade. I showed Coach Stanley my link to that controller at the house a month and a half ago and even HE was impressed. Coach Stanley is our number two football coach. He doubles as our school's technology teacher. He's not impressed by much geek stuff but when I pulled up the command line on the monitor at school and it looked like one of those scenes from a bad sci-fi movie, THAT impressed him. Since I was already using pivot tables in spreadsheets and was fluent in word-processing, he just threw up his hands. "I can't do a darned thing for you, Nikki Granger. Do what you want. Help the kids that need help, and we'll ALL be happy." I told Dan that I needed a few bits of hardware to connect that thing to the real world. He's working on it.

Okay, back to Cindy's graduation. She was actually BEAMING up there on stage. I saw her find her Dan in the VIP seating in the civic center and she smiled and gave him that little finger wave she does, and then she hugged this BIG black guy, I mean BIG!, before she sat down.

The ceremony was a blur. National Anthem, alma mater, speech one, speech two, introductions of academic scholarships, athletic scholarships and a special one for Cindy, "One WEEK in high school". Cute. And it was over.

After the exodus from the parking lot, we ended up back at Mizz Helen and Mister Charlie's house for cake and coffee. Mizz Eletha had done Cindy's favorite carrot cake and it went real good with coffee.

I had to ask Cindy. "Who's that huge black guy you hugged?"

Cindy smiled. "That's Demarcus James. He has a younger brother, JJ, that I rescued in math in middle school so he could play football and get through middle school. Demarcus is cool."

Her Dan laughed. "Yeah, first time I saw him he scared the crap out of me. Six feet seven and three hundred pounds. Told me he had a scholarship for poetry. We talked to them and their mother in the parking lot."

We had a room to ourselves that night at the hotel. Susan was staying in Tina and Alan's room and Jason was staying by himself in his own room, looking all sad and making puppy-dog eyes about it when we checked in. I was happy about that because I meant to abuse my husband. What's more, he was gonna LOVE it.

We got to that stage kind of late, though, because after the graduation and the coffee and cake at Mizz Helen and Mister Charlie's, the mob congregated in the lobby of the hotel for a little bit MORE talking.

Then it was time for a little fun in the hotel room. This wasn't something that Dan and I usually did because we have OUR house, but I listened to Cindy and Tina recount how wonderful it was to get out of those little trailers they live in and get to a place where there's a big shower. We have a big shower at home. The only perk to a hotel room is the unlimited hot water. I still like showering with Dan. We don't ALWAYS shower together, just most of the time.

And then it's bedtime. Lovely, loving bedtime. I remember laying awake some nights when I lived with Mom, listening to the noise from her and one of her men, and I used to wonder what it would be like when my time came. I was kind of scared because I didn't want what Mom had become to happen to me, but at the same time, I had the natural curiosity that goes with puberty. But I had Grandma's voice in my head, too, about chastity and proper behavior and I had the picture in my mind as she shed tears over her daughter who got pregnant by Lord only knows who, and dumped the baby (me) off on her mother (Grandma) to raise while she ran the roads and went through men like disposable napkins.

I think it screwed me up. I think that a hurricane, a collapsed building and a guy who was just decent and guileless unscrewed my head. Suddenly sex became making love and it was something that two people shared because they shared everything in their lives.

My very first sexual experience, the first time I touched or was touched since I was a toddler, that was with Dan. First real kiss. Dan. First everything. Dan. And since that first time, that first glorious night, that first wild week, it just gets better and better. I pay attention to him. I know that if I get to this little spot right under his left nipple, he loses control. And there are a dozen others, some obviously sexual, some that might be taken in a public setting as just an innocent caress, but I know that if I touch right THERE, he's gonna have to wait a bit to walk because he's HARD.

He knows the same things about me. I am susceptible to a gentle fingertip tracing from my hairline down the center of the back of my neck. And he knows it.

And when you take two people who KNOW each other, the results are fantastic.

Know what else? I have two sisters who feel the same way about their own relationships.

But tonight I'm in a hotel room with my Dan and we're both showered squeaky clean and we get out of the bathroom and we're still both completely naked and he takes me into his arms and while he's kissing me, a fingertip lightly touches the back of my neck, just below the hairline.

What a way to get ready for a night's sleep.

I think we were both fighting full bladders, lying in each other's arms, drifting on that sublime cusp between sleeping and waking, when my cellphone rang. Cindy.

"Hi, Cindy," I said.

"I'm not going to even ask what you're doing," she giggled.

"We're NOT," I giggled back.

"Well, wait'll after breakfast. Up the road from the hotel. In half an hour. Everybody!"

Dan was already in the bathroom by now. I heard the noise, then, "Cindy?"

"Uh-huh," I said, getting out of bed.

"Breakfast plan, no doubt."

"Uh-huh," I giggled. "She says wait'll after breakfast..." I pushed past him into the bathroom. "I'm about to POP!"

When I got finished, I met Dan back in the main room, one more nude kiss, and then we got dressed. When we got to the lobby, Susan and Jason were already there, and we arrived just moments before Tina and Terri and Alan,

"Everyone seems to take direction well," Alan said smiling.

Susan's head bobbed. "Cindy."

Breakfast with a bunch of tables pushed together, presided over by Cindy. Funny. Her Dan had been eating here longer than SHE had, but she's the one people remember. The waitresses all knew her. That started the breakfast off with happy noises. We ate good American food and drank good coffee (a little thin. I'm used to Louisiana coffee: (Thick and Strong) and laid out our plans for the trip to Tennessee today.

Eleven o'clock was checkout time at the hotel and we were walking out the door, headed to the airport.

The trip to Tennessee was fun. I'm not exactly an expert on flying, you know (but I'm working on it) so the idea of three planes flying together to Tennessee didn't sound that strange until Dan explained that it was unusual for civilian aircraft to fly in formation. I've seen formation flying, you know, like at air shows. We didn't do anything like that. We stayed in eyesight of one another. Of course that meant that we had to cut way back on the throttle. I giggled when I explained that to Cindy and Tina. "Our plane's a LOT faster."

Of course, both of them have a lot more time behind the controls. Tina has her license and Cindy, well, it's Cindy, you know. If she was old enough to GET a license, she'd HAVE a license.

We watched Cindy take off. Yes, she was in the pilot's seat. She told us to watch for a short-field take-off. She's practicing. And there were only the two of them, her and her Dan, in the plane and it just about JUMPED off the runway.

A bit over two hours after takeoff we landed in Tennessee. Hills! REAL hills. Sorry if I get all 'touristy' on you, but I'm from Louisiana and I have never seen many real hills so watching the terrain slide by five thousand feet below us, I was like a little kid, seeing hills and valleys for the first time in my life.

At Alan and Tina's home airfield, we tied planes down after topping off our tanks. Susan was loaning her car to the mutual transportation effort, so Cindy and I giggled at 'two Dans, a Cindy and a Nikki" in Susan's little car. Nice car, though. I couldn't imagine a home life that would provide a daughter with her own car, but Susan is an only child and her mom and dad both have careers.

I remember when I pointed out the 'only child' with her own car. Susan didn't exactly get upset about the comment, but she did patiently explain that she put in summers and Saturdays at either her mom's office or her dad's business and the car was payment for that. No, Susan doesn't act spoiled. She has that bubbly blonde airhead thing that I honestly think she throws up as camouflage sometimes, but when she's in the conversation about future plans and education and family, and yes, even her impending marriage to Jason, she does NOT sound like a blonde bimbo.

So we have the whole vehicle assignment thing figured out. Since it's the home field for Jason and Susan and Alan and Tina, they have Alan's truck and Jason's truck. We have Susan's car. And I note that Terri is leaving with Susan and Jason. Looks like Alan and Tina get some time to themselves. The plan is for us all to end up at a local restaurant for dinner tonight. Tomorrow night is graduation and we'll do a meal at Susan's house to avoid the madhouse of another high school graduation in another small town.

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Brittanys Morning Walks

Introduction: I had already uploaded a version of this story under a different name. This version, however, is quite a bit longer. Brittany strolled downstairs with the wind on her naked body. She began every day like this. Her shower was on the other side of the kitchen from her bedroom so she would use this as an excuse to expose herself to her family on the trip there and back. She had just turned 14 and this was her last summer before grade 9. Over the last term of her grade 7 year she...

3 years ago
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true BBC gangbang

It was a normal Friday morning at work, not a lot going on, so I and a friend took off, we went for coffee, and talked, the chat turned to sex, I told her that I had not had any in a few weeks, we laughed and giggled like school girls, the decided to go shopping for underwear, we took her car and hit a few places, found a few good deals, jo-jo kept getting text messages, as we shopped, I must admit when she would try on something and ask me how she looked it was hard not to feel excited, the...

2 years ago
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The Bookstore Ch 8

Marie felt wretched. While he was gone, it had been easy to nurture her feelings of resentment towards him for leaving her alone all day, tied up and bored, and suffering acutely from her unsatisfied lust. As the long day had worn on, her jaw aching more by the hour, her stomach growling, her body cold and bruised and her head more often than not in one of his toilets, Marie's frustration had grown and grown. She'd even started to feel like she was justified in snooping around in his study....

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Selfish MomChapter 6

Jamie, sure enough, awoke to being delightfully pleasured by Jane, with her strap-on buried in his butt, not that he minded at all. She had lubed it well and she knew how to really hit his prostate right with her dildo. It was still kind of dark, so he didn’t know what the time was, but right then he didn’t care much. There was plenty of time to sort that out soon enough. They were all either civilians now or going to be pretty soon. This was Saturday morning, anyway. They still had until...

1 year ago
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3some or not

Maybe its time to let my readers find out more about the people in my life . Like my friends , I do have many friends , some close friends , some party friends , well all kinda friends who play a part in my life . In this story I am gonna tell you about two of my closest male friends , Kris and David . They are both around my age and they both are real party animals . All they do in the weekends is party , party and even more partying . And I must say that they are good looking . So they don’t...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Christmas at the shore part 2

Introduction: With his bro Matt in town, Joe is having a great time at the shore. I walked into my room like I had won the lottery. In the morning my world was rocked by Lisa after we had the funniest time the night before. I had no idea what to expect until Christmas. I opened up my computer, and went to skype. My boy Matt was on, I guess he got back from his basketball tourney. I called him. Bro, dude. Whats good? I asked. He looked pissed. Not much is good now. Im hurt. What the hell...

1 year ago
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CherryPop Lily Jordan Unfaithful Girlfriend

Brandon and Mike are scared their girlfriends will cheat. They decide to test their girlfriends’ faithfulness. Brandon will try to sleep with Mike’s girlfriend and Mike will do the same. Let the seductions begin…Brandon visits Mike’s house to find Kat, Mike’s girlfriend, home alone. It’s perfect because he needs ‘girl advice.’ Kat is eager to help. Looks like Brandon’s big dick is a problem with his girl…it’s just too big. Kat...

1 year ago
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Jumping Through HoopsChapter 3

"What are you guys doing?" Barry was standing at the kitchen door holding some bags of groceries. The women were embracing each other and both were naked. Lucinda and Karen jumped away from each other when they were surprised but Karen was laughing and Lucinda was acting dazed. "We were just playing girl games," said Karen. "Weren't we Lucy?" "No," she said, shaking her head as if in complete disbelief. "No," Lucinda repeated. The distraught woman burst into tears and ran from...

1 year ago
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DreamweaverChapter 75 Good News

A quick call to information located a Hilton Hotel just off the airport property. It was a damn good thing that my little trip through dreamspace to heal myself had come with dry cleaning or I probably would have been spending the night somewhere decidedly less comfortable; just one more item on my 'WTF' list of things to worry about later. Looking back I probably should have called first. After all, it was late and I didn't have a reservation. Naturally, the only room they had available...

4 years ago
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Last year my dad and I ,have a serious talk about mom wanted her pussy licks and eat by by him,but my dad refused. My dad stated that is not healthy . It's dirty. My mom bought a video "How to eat pussy" for dad to watch it and learn, but dad give me the video for me to learn and master it. Dad said,someday you will appreciate it, but I am to old to learn and is not my things.Dad said.My dad is 54 years old and mom 42..It's Thursday Night. My dad called me to come to his Study Room. Dad open...

3 years ago
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Visiting Her Son At University

Elizabeth had a week off work, and nothing to do. It was a case of unclaimed leave which had to be taken by a certain date or she would lose it. Being a single parent, she had nobody to spend the time with, but also, nobody else to consider, so she decided to visit her son, Mike, who was away at University.People had trouble believing her when she told them she had a nineteen-year-old son, telling her she looked too young to have a son that old. Always so flattering to a woman in her late...

2 years ago
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Looking for Quantrill

I hate this stupid war, I hate Damyankees, and, most of all, I hate stupid Confederate officers who issue stupid orders. Sometimes I wonder how a smart Texas boy like me could have let himself get hornswaggled into joining the cavalry of the sovereign state of Texas in the first place. Then, on top of that, I let myself get appointed to the rank of sergeant. Now, I tell you, in case you wondered, that ain't smart by any stretch of the imagination. The only good thing to come out of this...

2 years ago
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Kota Me Aunty K Saath Pehla Sex Anubhav

Hi everyone, Mera aap sabko namaskar. Kai baar students ko padhte waqt kuch ulte khyal aate hai, jaise ki ladko ko kisi model ya actresses ki chut ki imagination ya bagal wali aunty ki gaand k shape ya kisi madam k armpits. Ladkiyo ko bhi kai wild khyal jaise, bus me kisi smart boys k lund k shape, kisi handsome sir k chest hairs, ya kisi uncle k butts etc. Aise hi mere saath bhi hota tha aur mujhe hamesha kisi k saath chudai k mn hota rehta. To ye meri ek real Experience hai jo aap ko ek aise...

3 years ago
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My Wife Cheated on me

This was early last year, my wife was at the gym and I had gotten home from work a little later than normal. We had reservation at a restaurant in town with her parents, but i had some time to kill. About 30 mins later, my wife came in, got she looked so hot in her leggings, even after a work out, she still looked stunning. Dark hair, round ass, around 5'8", she was wearing hot pink leggings, dark top and pink trainers. She looked all sweaty and puffed out. She asked how my day was, as she put...

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A Rainy Night in ParisChapter 10

"Alex, darling, where have you been hiding yourself?" Amanda gushed, flinging herself into his arms and trying to kiss him. Alex turned his head, avoiding her lips and worked to disentangling himself from her incoming hug as much as he could. She smelled of cigarette smoke and bad perfume, which he deplored. It always made him wonder how bad her sense of smell had become. He disliked her on several levels. He did not smoke and could not stand to be around those who did for extended periods...

3 years ago
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Sex With Mom

I always thought of incest to be wrong, but one time changed my life completely. I always looked at my mother as very beautiful woman. She has large breasts and nice long legs. The first time i had thoughts of fucking her was when i peaked through the door while she was taking a bath. The way she slid the soap over her big breasts and nice brown nipples and through her large nice pussy. I had a hard on right away and jerked off still looking at her.Well it happened like this, i know she and my...

1 year ago
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Meet the Buggermans

"Carl! Stop it!" She said frustrated but allowing herself a satisfied smile. They'd been married five years but she still felt the eagerness in his hands. Both their jobs had gone from strength to strength and now this new big home in the suburbs was a dream come true. As she turned and her handsome blonde husband lifted her down to the floor she finished her thoughts vocally. "And now all we need is a nursery." "No problem," he answered with a big grin and charming wink,...

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Its Audi Duty Time

I remember that day clearly. The century, killer storm of March, 1993. The storm was later found to be predicted as much as 2 weeks in advance, the legacy of new weather prediction computers. Nobody believed the computers, then, and the storm came as a surprise, a practically unprecedented meeting of three conflicting pressure zones. The meeting caused an explosion of unheard of weather, dumping 3 feet of snow practically overnight, from a storm that seemed to come out of nowhere. It inundated...

2 years ago
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Whatever It TakesChapter 2

When we landed in Seattle-Tacoma, I honest-to-God looked around the airport for somebody ready to hand me a return ticket to Akron, Ohio. But it didn't happen. Evidently, the Orioles hadn't managed to swing a trade for an almost-used-up professional infielder who could take my place on the roster. It was very early in the morning -- around four -- when I fell into my hotel room bed. Sleeping on the plane had proven unsatisfactory, and I was intending to skip breakfast -- and maybe lunch --...

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Gina is the oldest of four kids. Paul, George and Jackie were her younger siblings. The kids ranged from 19 thru 14. We had been dating for close to 5 years, so I was pretty close to all her siblings. I got along with all of them, playing video games with her brothers and allowed Jackie to tag along on several occasions. She was always a cool little kid and would always have a big smile for me when I came over to visit. When we would go out for ice cream, my girlfriend would get upset...

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Recently I have been meeting guys on line and arranging meets. Theres nothing better than being fucked in the ass and tasting another guys cum. I have had a fantasy for a while to be wanked over by lots of guys. I love the idea of having sticky cum sprayed all over my face and naked body. I have been fucking a few guys who were up for this. I managed to arrange 5 guys to meet with me to fulfill my sick fantasy. We all agreed to meet at Rich’s house. As I walked up to the front door I felt...

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Daddys Darling Ashley

Summer semester, finally! And for once I wasn't taking any classes and had the summer free!! Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Ashley, I'm 20 and a college student. I'm slender, sandy blond hair and I have to say nicely tanned. I'm pretty happy with my body. Young pert 20 year old breasts and a flat stomach, who could ask for more?I'm pretty happy about going home for the summer for a couple reasons. One, my best friend Jessie and two my Dad. I should probably explain that I'm bisexual....

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E18 Ayesha Shah 37 from Nottingham

Once again – just as we have for the last seventeen shows – we fade in on the same bedroom set. A rusty old bedframe and a dank old mattress, illuminated in a circle of harsh light from a single spotlight. It strikes us, as it does every week, as the perfect example of the depravity this show has sunk to. It’s disgusting, and people love it ... So, let’s continue... From off camera we hear the clicking of heels on concrete as this week’s guest approaches. Those with good stereo-sound will...

2 years ago
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Sandy and RobChapter 4

Rumors got around town that Bill, Tom and Vincent were being investigated by a grand jury. No one knew of what specific crimes they were supposed to have committed. Jeff had been called before the jury several times. He told us he had been granted immunity and had bared his soul, and ratted on his so-called buddies. His custody hearing came up before the divorce court and he easily was granted custody of his kids. When a tape surfaced of Jordan dressed as a dominatrix treating Barbara as a...

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Chance Encounters

Fictional.I was strolling around the mall one day, just killing some time, when I saw this great looking girl. Nice, firm looking breasts, a good, well shaped butt that looked like it was just begging some someone to give it a good squeeze. Her hair was about shoulder length and brown, and she had just the most beautiful blue eyes that were a clear blue unlike any I’ve ever seen.Needless to say, it was love at first sight. She looked a little confused in the mall so I walked up to her and asked...

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Part 6 June School Holidays

Tuesday soon went by and our parents were back home and in a good mood. I told them that tomorrow night I would be going out with a few friends to a club and would be home before 2 which they said rather to make it by 1 which I didn't argue with. Cassi and I messaged each other a bit as I was dying to here that she started her period but by the time I said good night to her there wasn't any such luck yet. I had also been messaging Jessica who I initially was looking forward to see but with what...

2 years ago
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I Lost Me to Rajan My Sweet Lover

I am Rathi [Not my full name] 23 years of age now. I am perfectly good looking and had a very good figure. I am not praising myself but I had a terrific sexy body, which resembled the body of Hindi actress Shilpa Shetty. My stomach was really smooth, silky and flat! In that flatness, the big deep Navel looked so sexy. My breasts were beautiful, full and firm and were just of the perfect size. Those shapely long legs and wonderful thighs were a great feast to others. I participated in some...

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Sex with friend8217s horny wife 2

Then I told her that she is very beautiful and she deserves all the attention. I took a chance and told her to come to my place for a private meal with me at my place the next day. There was a lil silence initially. I thought that she will reject it. But after 30 seconds she agreed to it. I was over the moon. I was pretty sure that that day I will go lil further and try to have her for myself. I did a bit of preparations. I cooked a simple Indian meal as soon as my wife went to work. I finished...

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The Case of the Lactating VirginChapter 2

CASE FILES - PERSONAL NOTES - PATIENT 20 - DAY 1 (CONTINUED) I put a gentle hand on her chest, just above her small breasts, and looked down into her eyes. “It will be alright, I promise. I won’t hurt you. Please try to remain calm, okay?” Again she hesitated before nodding. “I’m going to start with a breast examination. Alright?” Another nod. I really DID have to determine if she was healthy, especially considering her previous environment, and so I performed a normal B.E., using the flats...

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