ΔvChapter 6 free porn video

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The arena where Lord Winsom would face his squire, Fireheart, in a duel that had been fought thousands upon thousands of times since the beginning of the Feylands and the start of the Tellings was the most remarkable structure that Lucas had ever set foot in. The fact that he was here at all was almost distracting him from the fact that a friend of his was about to fight a duel with a pissed off elf. And that he was standing on an alternate Earth.

“The difference is rather stark, isn’t it?” Vidya murmured. The Indian xenogeologist was handling all of this with considerably more aplomb than Lucas felt he was showing. She was still reserved and focused and didn’t look like she was about to collapse onto the ground in a faint. She was instead regarding the arena itself: The sweeping, curved, wooden walls that looked as if they had all been grown from a single piece of wood rather than cut and fitted, the ornate statuary that was worked directly into the walls. The floor was covered with a massive bed of flowers, each one a different color, forming into a complex set of patterns that the elves flowed through, the stems and petals parting around their thighs like water before the prows of jetskiis.

Helen stomped and muttered under her breath, leaving behind a track as wide as her shoulders. “Fuck, shit, fuck,” she hissed in English.

Lucas glanced over at the marines. They had been allowed into the arena – the elves didn’t seem to even think of asking them to give up their armored exoskeletons or heavy weapons. Lucas tapped at his collar, patching into their communication link. After he felt the tiny buzz that indicated the link was accepted, he whispered. “We have a plan B, right?”

“Yeah,” one of the marines responded. “If it looks like she’s about to die, we blow the alien away and exfiltrate at max speed.”

“That would be extremely bad,” Lucas whispered, his glance flitting over to Librarian, who was regarding him with a cool, detatched curiosity. “Also, uh, it, er, he can hear our thoughts.”

Librarian’s eyes were midnight black and lacked a pupil. Somehow, Lucas knew that he was rolling his eyes as hard as he could. Lucas’ cheeks heated and the marines shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot – but before any conversation could continue, ‘Lord Winsom’ and ‘his’ squire reached the middle of the arena. The elves had arranged themselves in a pattern that seemed to be almost natural – one standing here, another there, another there. There was no organization that Lucas could see, and yet each elf seemed so comfortable and at ease in their position that it only underlined how out of place Helen was as she shuffled herself around, looking at the elves, then down at her wrist, then down at her feet.

“Lord Winsom,” one of the elves said in a sing song voice. “What a merry day for the Hunt.”

Helen looked down at her wrist again.

“Did she write the words on her wrist?” Lucas whispered.

“If the situation was not so dire...” Vidya said, covering her face with her hands to hide either her horrified expression or her giggles.

“Yes,” Helen said, her voice distracted. “Merry day it is. And yet...” Her brow furrowed. “Why is my square-” She squinted. “Squire in such a break mood.” She lowered her arm, looking right at Fireheart, as if the elven woman owed her something. The other elves’ cheery expressions had become fixed, like the masks of rich socialites when their senile in-law brings home a genetically engineered gorilla. Lucas felt his stomach tumble over inside of him.

Fireheart put her hands on her hips and turned her back on Helen. “Bleak,” she hissed over her shoulder.

“Huh?” Helen looked at her wrist. “Bleak! Bleak mood-”

Fireheart scowled and turned to face Helen. “Lord Winsom,” she said, her voice pitched to carry throughout the arena. “I fear that your fascination with the Lady of the Brooks and your urge to woo her has left my training to languish, like the forest in winter. Why, we have not sparred in a fortnight.”

Helen looked down at her wrist again. “Then ... we shall spar now, my squa- squire.” She grabbed at her hip, where the scabbard of her sword was resting. It took her a few tries to tug the rapier free and when she did, Lucas wanted to make a break for it immediately. The rapier was nothing like the fencing foil that he had used in college. It was a battlefield weapon from a different era, one where men and women really did try to kill each other with bladed chunks of metal. The balance was entirely different and the whole thing was clearly heavier than Helen expected, from the way the tip of the blade wavered in the air.

Fireheart’s smirk was wicked.

“That’s not good, is it?” Vidya whispered.

“Librarian,” Lucas said, reaching out to tug on the squid-faced alien’s sleeve, all disgust forgotten in the momentary panic. “What happens if Fireheart kills Lord Winsom in this battle?”

“She becomes Lord Winsom and the Telling starts again,” the Librarian said, quietly.

Lucas looked back at Fireheart. The look in her eyes ... he wasn’t sure if he would call it avaricious or greedy. But it definitely had a hungry gleam, one that burned brighter and brighter the more worried Helen looked. The other elves were gliding smoothly backwards, leaving the two combatants their space. Fireheart’s sword was a broader one, two edged and brutal looking. She gripped it in a two handed style and settled her stance into one that Lucas immediately recognized as a skilled combatant.

Helen frowned at her. “So, FH...” She said, quietly, her sword tip pointed at the ground. “I gots a question.”

Lucas shot Librarian a look. Librarian shrugged and sent him a mental message – something that still creeped Lucas out: [There is supposed to be banter here – it is one of the portions of the Telling that changes, based on the Players. But ... I don’t think any Lord Winsom has ever referred to their squire as ‘FH’ before.]

“Ask,” Fireheart growled.

“Why are you so pissed at me?” Helen asked, her voice growing quiet. “I just bumped off your next competitor in this fucked up LARP session. That’s a reason for you to jump for friggin joy, not to get all stab happy.”

Fireheart’s eyebrow twitched. Her knuckles tightened on the hilt of her sword – and even from this distance, Lucas could hear the creaking of leather. Her gloves were growing taut against her knuckles and her eyes glittered with gathering rage. She tossed her head to get some of her tumbles of red hair back behind one pointed ear. “Shall we duel?” she snarled.

Helen narrowed her eyes. Then she swept her rapier up in a flourishing bow, then bent forward, bowing nice and low. Fireheart didn’t take her eyes off Helen. Instead, she kept glaring at her. Then she sprinted forward just as Helen stood, screaming at the top of her lungs, the point of her sword leading the way. Helen swung her sword like a baseball bat and let go, sending her rapier whipping through the air. Fireheart’s eyes widened and she lifted her sword, catching the rapier against it. The rapier clattered to the ground – but Helen was already charging forward with her own bellow.

She slammed into Fireheart’s guts with a tackle that would have drawn a foul from the gridiron and both girls went down, Fireheart’s longsword vanishing into the flowers.

The elves gaped at the two.

Fireheart and Helen rolled. Fireheart was on top, lifting her fist, her eyes flashing furiously. “Die!” She punched down into the flowers – but from the whump sound, she had clearly punched the ground. She hissed – and then she went rolling. Helen was on top next, her nose bleeding. She grabbed onto something in the flowers, then grunted as she lifted then slammed the something down. Panting, she snarled.


“Fuck you-”

Helen slammed her head down with a grunt.

“Yield!” Helen shouted. “You stroppy bi-”

Fireheart surged upwards. Her nose was bleeding and she sank her teeth into Helen’s neck. Helen’s arms flailed and she tumbled backwards. The flowers continued to rustle. Then Fireheart jerked backwards. Her lips were bloody and her nose was bleeding more profusely. She stumbled to her feet – and then a foot planted itself right between her legs. Lucas felt a twinge in his gut, remembering what it felt to have a heel slam into that specific spot on his body. He knew that it was less pronounced with women...

But less pronounced didn’t mean nothing.

Air rushed out of Fireheart’s lungs and she bent forward, her eyes wide. A hand reached up from the flowers and grabbed onto her hair, then shoved her to the side. Helen stood, then planted her foot on something in the grass. Panting, she glared down at the ground. “Fucking yield already!”

The tableaux held for what felt like an eternity.

Then Fireheart snarled. “I ... you win ... Lord Winsom.”

“Jesus Christ,” Helen muttered, stepping back and away. Then she held out her hand to Fireheart. Another tableaux snapped in then. Lucas couldn’t see Fireheart from where he stood. He could just see Helen’s tired, battered expression, see her hand reaching down. Her hair had become mussed and rainbow spikes thrust into random directions from her scalp. Blood dripped from her chin despite her many heroic attempts to sniffle it up into her nose again.

Fireheart grabbed onto her hand and Helen hauled her to her feet.

“There,” Helen said. “Got that outta your system?”

“No,” Fireheart snarled.

Helen scowled. Then her eyes widened. “Were you...” She cocked her head. “Were you and he-” She leaned in close, her voice growing soft enough that Lucas couldn’t hear from this distance. Whatever she said, Fireheart reacted with a hiss, a jerk, then a smack. Her hand slapped against Helen’s cheek and as Helen stumbled to her knee, clutching her jaw, Fireheart turned and stalked off, her head raised high, her hands clenched into fists.

She walked past Lucas without so much as a glance in his direction.

The elven onlookers coughed and shuffled awkwardly. Helen, meanwhile, pinched her nose shut and winced as she looked at her wrist past her other wrist. “Uh, Librarian, wha’d fuck does ‘repose with onlooker’ mean?”

Librarian focused, and his facial tentacles twitched. Helen blinked. “Oh.” She nodded, then started towards Lucas. When she got to him, he could see that several of her fingers were already starting to become puffy and inflamed. Her knuckles were scraped, and the collar of her uniform had a crescent shaped pattern of teeth marks, while her neck was dimpled with sluggishly bleeding bite marks. She grinned weakly. “Lucas, you’re my pick. Come on.”

“I ... the ... swords!?” Lucas spluttered as they walked out of the arena, flanked by the marines. An elf in a set of blue robes tried to get close, but the marines kept them at bay for the moment.

“Kinda figured I was fucked, so...” Helen shrugged. “Might as well try, right?”

One of the marines, his voice pitched so it would only carry over their comlink, muttered: “Sir, this guy claims he’s a medic.”

Helen nodded and gestured for the elf to get close. The elf in question, once they were near enough to see details, was dressed in the simplest, most unadorned robes that Lucas had seen yet on them. They were a simple, clear blue set that flowed down to their ankles, covering most of their body. Their hands were clad in blue gloves, and their hair was done into a high set of coils and curls that themselves were surrounded by a blue head scarf. She had ice blue eyes and blue painted lips, and when she stood before Helen, she shook her head.

“I’ve never seen the Duel of Lord Winsom and Fireheart go like that before,” she said, her voice wry. “I think I rather liked it.” She smirked. “You know, this does lend some credence to rumors we’ve heard about the old Lord Winsom.”

“What ... rumors?” Lucas asked as Helen’s hand was drawn away from her nose by the blue clad elf – much to Helen’s grumbling and the blue elf’s amusement.

“Oh, you know,” the elf said, and left it like that.

Lucas looked at Helen. Helen opened her mouth to speak – but before she could say anything, the elf spoke a word that did not translate itself into English. Blue energy flowed through her fingers and then touched Helen’s nose. It flowed outwards along her skin, like a ripple flowing through a pond. But where the ripple of blue light passed, bruises and swelling faded, blood cleaned up in a haze of shimmering light, and left Helen blinking in confusion. The blue light vanished under her collar.

“Jesus Christ,” one of the marines whispered.

“There we go,” the blue clad elf said.

“How did you do that!?” Lucas whispered.

“A simple application of the aspect of water and wood, my dear human,” the elf said, cooly. “Hydrosophy and nature magic, to be more specific. Water is mutable and changes form easily, and nature relates to the living body. And so, I merely needed to take that changeability and change our Lord Winsom to the point before she took her injuries.” She clicked her tongue. “There were several strange things my spell noticed, though. You’re sterile?”

Helen blinked at her. “Oh. Yeah. All astros get their tubes tied or snipped. I got ova stored back on Earth if I ever want to have some crotch dumplings.”

The elf looked perplexed. “Why?”

“Rads, mostly,” Helen said, shrugging. “Hey, you said you got water magic, right?” She asked – her hand reaching out to snag Lucas’ hand again. Lucas blinked in confusion as the blue clad elf nodded her head in a pseudo-bow.

“Can I get a cup?” Helen asked. “I’m parched.”

The elf nodded, then picked a blade of grass from the ground. She spoke the strange words again – and once again, her fingers glowed. The grass grew and grew and twisted, forming into a kind of grass-shaped flagon. It even had a handle to grip easily. She then passed her hand above it, whispering quietly as her palm glowed. When her hand had uncovered the top of the flagon, it was filled with water. Helen began to chug it down.

Lucas gaped.

Helen choked and spat the water. Her eyes were wide. Almost wild.

“Are you all right, Lord Winsom?”

“How much can you make?” Helen asked.

“How fast?” Lucas asked. Vidya was looking at them as they had both lost their minds. But Lucas knew that Helen was thinking the exact same thing, and it was burning inside of her with the excitement of a chunk of plutonium in someone’s guts. “Does it tire you out? Does it take energy or something?”

The elf chuckled. “You haven’t even asked my name, Lord Winsom, and you already seek to plumb my-”

Helen shook her head. “Listen, just answer the fucking questions, we can’t cast magic, we’re not going to put you out of business. We’re actually about to dump a significant fucking chunk of the DOD’s budget into your fucking pockets.” She rubbed her fingers. “Moolah. Moolah on a scale you can’t even fucking begin to imagine. So cut the crap.”

“What on earth are you two talking about?” Vidy aasked.

“Which one?” Helen muttered, while the elf shook her head.

“Well, Lord Winsom,” she said, her voice prim. “I, Isabella of the Hydrophist Guild, can create up to five gallons with a single cast of the spell. I have refined it so as to require nothing but ambient mana, so I could theoretically cast it every second of the day without blinking. Save that that would be extremely dull and disinteresting.”

Helen spun to Lucas, whispering. “The DV tanks on the Enterprise are-”

“Fifteen thousand tons,” Lucas said. “At five ... did you say per ... how fast could you cast it? Exactly?”

“I’m a combat mage,” Isabella said, lifting her chin smugly. “We pride ourselves on a single second of casting time.” She snapped her fingers.

Lucas clicked his tongue. He shook his head. “It’d take her a year and a half.”

Helen glared at Isabella. “How many people are in your ... Hydrosophist guild?” she asked.

“Well, three,” Isabella said, sounding affronted.

Helen groaned. “It’s still-” she started.

“She means all members,” Librarian said, having glided up silently behind Lucas, which made Lucas scream a very tiny amount before he clamped down. “Including non-elves.”

“Oh, several thousand,” Isabella said. “In this chapter. There are more in the other chapters across the Sunset Kingdoms and the old world. More in the Dragon Empire and the Rus and Vedas and such.” She shrugged. “And there are spells that could create more in terms of raw amounts of water – but those are primarily attack spells, not fit for creating water that you can drink.”

Helen squealed in excitement. She grabbed Lucas’ hands and started to do a little dance.

Vidya had finally gotten it. “Oh god...” she whispered. Her hand went to her face. Her eyes were wide as saucers. “Oh god, every ship in the Indian fleet is a teakettle...”

Librarian’s facial tentacles flowed in a way that Lucas was growing increasingly certain meant that he was frowning. “What exactly has you so excited Lord Winsom?”

Helen smirked. “Okay, Librarian,” she crooned. “What do you know about ΔV?”

“I...” He blinked. “I have never heard of such a thing.”

“Then we’ll need to explain that first,” Helen crooned, looking at Lucas. Her eyes glittered with eagerness. “We just got fucking infinite ΔV. And to think, I thought that finally getting to fuck you was going to be the highlight of my day.”

Lucas laughed and nodded.

Then he blinked. “I beg your what?”

“Oh, yeah,” Helen said, then squeezed his hand, grinning. “That’s what ‘repose with an onlooker’ means.” She smirked, slowly, her eyes glittering. “Lord Winsom is cheating on his wife with basically everything that moves, so, after getting all horned up with their friendly duel, he fucks someone silly in the Telling. Who doesn’t really matter and I’ll be screwed if I go all Kirk on this.” She tugged him forward and Lucas gaped at her as he stumbled after her. In what felt like a blur of trees and narrow pathways and distant homes lit by glittering lanterns. Then the manor house of Lord Winsom swelled before him, Helen striding forward with a determined, ground eating stride. The front doors opened and the rasp of wood on wood on tile was close enough to something that Lucas actually recognized that it snapped his brain out of the confused fugue and started his mouth working.

“W-Whoa, wait, wait, is this appropriate?” he asked.

Helen shrugged. “Prolly not.”

“I ... what?” Lucas blinked slightly as they came to the stairs, heading up. Helen took them three at a time, and Lucas kept tripping over his own feet.

“Listen, Lucas, I’ve been shot at, I’ve been teleported, I’ve been fucked around with elven politics, and I’ve probably completely torpedoed my career,” she said. “But just for once in my fucking life, I can ride some cock and actually say that it is a requirement of the service.” She stopped before an ornate looking door and turned to face him. Her eyes smoldered as she grinned wryly. “Besides. I’m not a bag of chopped meat or anything, right?”

Lucas gaped at her. Helen, in her field uniform, was a woman who radiated confident sexuality. And nothing was quite as terrifying as that. Lucas gulped, slightly, then smiled at her. “You wouldn’t take no for an answer anyway?” he asked, his voice soft. Very soft.

Helen snorted, then opened the door behind him.

“Of course I would,” she said, dragging him forward into the bedroom. Lucas walked in after her. He didn’t trust his own words, he didn’t trust his own sense of what was reasonable. He just trusted the look in Helen’s eyes and the hammering in his chest. Lucas could count the months between the last time he had gotten laid on his fingers and his toes. The fact it was more than one hand was enough to tickle a deep part of him, a part of him that was driven more by hormones than by logic or sensibilities. The door swung shut behind him as Helen stepped close and kissed him.

It was not a gentle kiss.

It was not a restrained kiss.

It was a hungry kiss. Her mouth thrust into his mouth and her hands cupped his back as she explored him with her fingertips. His hands hung at his sides for a few seconds before his nerve endings got the messages that his brain was screaming at the top of his lungs. His hands gripped her hips, holding her tightly as he turned his head to the side, kissing her fiercer. Harder. His tongue and hers met and danced together with a languid delight. Helen arched her back and her breasts pressed to his chest, her nipples achingly hard. Helen drew back, and Lucas whispered. “I wish I had done this while you were still blue...”

“Good to know,” Helen murmured, then reached back. She started to undo the zipper on her uniform.

“Sir?” A confused voice came from the collar.

Helen paused, her finger poised against the valley between her slight breasts. Her cheeks heated. She coughed, then stammered. “Sergeant, make sure to secure the manor house. Ask the squid guy where you should stand guard. We should be out of the woods soon.”

“Got it, sir,” the marine said.

Helen flicked the transmitter off and tugged the collar open. This set it from the subdermal speaker to the open air one – meaning that any incoming communication would pipe through the whole room. She set the collar down and whispered. “Should we report in about the water?” she asked.

“Uh, yeah,” Lucas said.

“You do it,” Helen said, then dropped to her knees.

Lucas opened his mouth in shock as her fingers worked at his leggings. She found and undid the zipper, then tugged his pants down with her teeth, biting onto them with a little growl. Her other hand was busy pushing at her uniform’s top, sliding the slick, slippery fabric off her shoulders. Lucas’ hand went to his collar and he closed his mouth in a hurry as Helen let out a little happy purr as her palm cupped his cock, drawing his member out. Her pale cheek rubbed against the dark shaft of his cock, and the touch of her silky smooth skin nearly choked him. Her eyes looked up into his eyes, playful. Mischievous.

They were eyes that could convince a man to do anything.

Those were lips that could back up those eyes – without saying a single word. The feeling of her closing her eager, eager little mouth around the tip of his cock and moaning softly against his body, buzzing along the shaft of his cock, was more inducement to do insane things than a few million dollars. Lucas’ hand slid through her touseled, rainbow hair as he murmured into his collar. “Do we have a link to the Enterprise?”

Helen let out an eager little giggle. Her eyes closed and she pushed herself forward, making a very soft glug noise as his cock bumped against the back of her throat. Her lips slurped loudly as she drew back – popping her mouth off his cock right as the communications officer’s voice came through the comlink. “Mr. Sibusiso, how are things going down there on the surface? Has the duel happened yet?” she sounded as if she was trying to be professional despite the insanity of the situation.

Lucas hoped he sounded the same. Helen wasn’t sucking him off – her hand was pumping his cock slowly, gripping him firmly enough so that the slick sound of it was quite soft. Even so, he felt a thrill of panic at the idea that the com’s officer might overhear.

“Uh, Enterprise, the duel went well. Ensign Trevor won,” he said. Don’t sound like you’re getting a handjob, he thought as hard as he could. “But we’ve discovered something remarkable. The locals are able to, ah...” His knees quivered as Helen planted a tiny little kiss, right on the head of his shaft, her tongue licking around and around the edge of his foreskin, teasing him deliciously. His eyes closed and he gritted out. “Create water out of thin air.”

The communication officer was silent for a few moments. “Did you ... did you ask how much?”

“From our first questions,” Lucas said, his heart hammering as Helen cupped and fondled his balls. “There are several thousand people who can make five to ten gallons, maybe more, every second of the day.” He nodded. “As a logistics specialist, I’ve already done the math. Tell Captain DuPont that if we just had fifty of them onboard, and their powers worked at the bare minimum level they, ah, said...” He gulped. “We’d be able to completely remass our tanks in eleven days.”


“I will inform him of this right now,” the communication officer said. The comlink clicked off and Helen stood, her body lithe and graceful.

“Fuck me, now,” she whispered. “Nothing gets me hotter than the idea of mmm remassing in flight.” She crooned. “I’m not even kidding. I’m fucking giddy.” Her hands pressed to the silky red sheets of the ornate bed that dominated the center of the room. Her hips twitched and her feet planted as she thrust her ass into the air, hissing softly. “Imagine it, Lucas. Imagine being able to burn constantly from place to place, not needing to have our manuvering budget be constrained by logistic ships and stopovers. We’d be able to get back to Earth in weeks, not months. Days, even.” She grinned, fiercely. “If we get the timing right.”

Lucas stepped up behind her. His hands pressed to her shoulders and he leaned over her body, his voice warm in her ear. “You ... have very odd pillow talk.”

“Mmm,” Helen murmured, turning her head to the side, pressing her ear to his lips as his hands glided along her sleek flanks, gripping her hips. He started to grind against her, feeling the hairless smoothness of her sex. His balls swayed with the motion as Helen whispered. “Your cock is fucking impressive for a total nerd, Lucas.”

“Very odd pillow talk,” Lucas said, shocked at how dry and witty he was managing to sound. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that after reporting while getting a blowjob, everything seemed easy as pie. His head leaned forward and he kissed Helen again. His tongue thrust into her mouth, muffling her moans as he slipped inside of her. She felt utterly velvety. Silken. Her pussy clenched on his cock and Lucas sent a bleary thank you to whatever genetech had licked most of the STDs that had ravaged the world during the Troubles. That, combined with the fact both of them had the standard astro treatment for their tubes meant that this bare-backing was actually considerably safer than a 21st century pair fucking with a condom.

Lucas spared but a second of pity for his benighted ancestors.

Then he started to fuck.

The instincts had not left him, it seemed, because Helen jerked her mouth away from his to gasp in some air, then moan it out in a loud: “Ohh yes!” Lucas gripped her and ducked his head forward, his eyes half closed. He watched her through those slitted eyes, thrusting faster and faster, losing all self control as he rocked into her. His balls slapped and bounced against her clit, making her moan as she threw her head backwards, her whole body trembling in eagerness. She grabbed onto the sheets and let out a rythmic series of grunts: “Yes! Yes! Yes! God, I knew you’d fuck good!” She laughed. “Work my clitty a little!”

Her wish? His command.

His hand reached down and he found her clit. He circled it, then pressed it, then rubbed it faster and faster and faster. Helen’s voice broke as she closed her eyes and clenched on his cock. Helen’s juices squirted against his balls, frothing and dripping off him as he felt his own balls tightening. Cum rushed through him and white flashed across his eyes, clouding his vision. He gasped heavily, his lungs swelling as he breathed in and out and in and out. His head rolled backwards as he felt his cum joining her juices. He was oozing out of her. Dripping onto the sheets.

“Whoa...” he whispered.

“Yeah...” Helen mumbled, her head turned to the side, her cheek mashing against the pillow.

“I ... I am...” Lucas sagged slightly, his hands gliding up and down Helen’s sides. “I am not that good.”

Helen closed her eyes, slightly. “Mmm, coulda fooled me.”

But Lucas wasn’t being self depreciating. He wasn’t lying. He was remembering the last time he had made love – and he didn’t think almost a year and change of not having sex would improve his skills remarkably. His brow furrowed as his fingers slid away from her hip – and for just a moment, he saw a glowing blue crackle around his fingertips. Electric energy seemed to thrill along his spine and his brow furrowed as he whispered.



“I think-”

Both of their communication collars crackled on at the same moment.

“Ensign Helen, this is Captain DuPont,” DuPont said, his voice crisp and clear.

Helen grabbed onto the collar, latching it around her throat and tapping at it quickly. “Yes, sir! I was just having my wounds seen to by a ... well, a ... a wizard, sir,” she said, and sounded shockingly honest. And not out of breath. If Lucas hadn’t seen her glistening, sweaty body, he’d have assumed that she was just arriving from a medical booth too. The way his cum dripped from her sex started to get him aroused again.

“Good,” DuPont said, his voice confident, casual. As if he heard reports about wizards every day of his life. “The Russians have just scooped up even more things from the planetary surface – but their shuttle flights have stopped. Whatever they’re planning for, they’re planning on doing it soon.” He paused. “We need to know if we can get paranatural assistance. And we need it yesterday.”

Same as Δv
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Cardin stared at the small brown box on his hand. "Okay, pops, let's see what this is," He spoke to himself. Before he traveled to Beacon Academy, Cardin's father left him a gift, along with a strict order to open and use what was in that box just as he steps foot in the academy. He thought nothing of it at first, dismissing it as something his old man would give him for becoming eighteen. When he asked him about it before they both left the manor, his father just told him that it would "make...

4 years ago
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Ruksana Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hello doston ap logon k dher sare phone aye watsapp aya or req bhi ki kya hua ruksana k sath likha nahi ap ne to doston aj main apni or ruksana k sath jaipur me bitaye gaye lamhe K bare me batane aya hun or mafi bhi chahta hun itne late reply ka shalu bhabhi badla hua nam ap ne pucha tha ki ap ko meri story or chodne ka style kafi pasand hain ap delhi se Kafi door rahti hain warna pakka chudwati or ap meri sari story ek sath kaise dekh or padh sakti hain to shalu ji apko kahani k page k search...

1 year ago
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Great Pleasure With A Virgin Classmate Part 8211 1

I recently started reading ISS and became a big fan of it. I too want to share real incidents happened in my life. If you like my stories, please send an email to I would like to start with one of my unexpected pleasure with my classmate which lead to another unexpected encounter with my neighboring aunt. This is a true incident happened in my life and no friction involved except names to keep secrecy. Her name is Siri (don’t think a lot, yes name changed), she is my classmate during my...

2 years ago
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Lost Love

"Hi, honey," Terra bounced into the room, reading the scowl on her cousin's face. "What are you thinking?" "Oh, I don't know," Nichole sighed. "I'm just in a funk." "It's about him, isn't it," Terra said softly. "You can't stop thinking about him, can you?" "I try, but I don't think I'm ready to let go," Nichole said. She pointed towards the big bay window, its light streaming into the kitchen. "It's beautiful out and all I can do is be depressed." Terra put her...

2 years ago
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How I Spent My Summer Vacation

During my second year at the university, I never set foot in the library, not even once, a record I was kinda proud of, truth be told. I was too busy with swim practice and trying to pork as many of the betties on the campus as I possibly could to worry about grades, ferchrissake – and I did an admirable job with the betties, too, believe you me. I left a trail of satisfied women a mile long, the face of each and every one of them glazed like a fuckin’ jelly donut with a heapin’ helping of my...

2 years ago
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138 A favour for Misty

138. A favour for Misty She is 70 now stands 5feet 7” has a body well overweight, a pretty face, nice personality, fantastic cook and a caring wonderful mum. A neighbour of mine for some years and a good one at that, she was never the sort of soul that a man had fantasies about being not what a chap would call attractive. However in view of the sexual desert in my house this last year, I must admit to feelings of any port in a storm and even the old bird on the school crossing get`s a second...

3 years ago
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Tommy Never Found Out And I Never Forgot

This tale is a direct result of a private chat I had with my girl Lindzy. I tried to keep it as real as possible to the chat as to how she recounted her experience. It aroused me and I hope arouses you too! This all happened when I was 17 for Tommy's 20th birthday party at his apartment. We had been dating for a year and he was my first. Not dating in the traditional 'going out to dinner and a movie.' We were fucking, every day, often several times. He had lots of parties but I never fucked...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 33

Mom let me take her car for the trip to LaGuardia to meet Steve's flight. I waited in the shuttle lounge for it to come in, which it finally did, a half-hour late. Steve was about the tenth person off, and we quickly hugged. He said, "I have a bit of luggage and a big package, we need to go to the baggage claim area." When he collected his big suitcase and a large cardboard box, I knew I had done the right thing when I took Mom's car. I never would have gotten those in the tiny trunk of...

3 years ago
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Supermarket Visit Leads To Sexy Love Making

Hi, I am Sagar working in an MNC in Chennai now. I got a decent personality and a good appetite for sexy love making. Moving onto the story. It’s been a while that I had any action in my sexual life, and then quarantine happened, making it all the more difficult. But looks like there is always light at the end of the tunnel. It was one such lucky day! I had gone to the supermarket and was browsing through the shelf when my eyes hit on a hot lady. She had assets worth drooling, fair complexion,...

4 years ago
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The Doctor and the Bee

My last patient for the day. An eighteen year old from the local school, Michelle. She was something of a queen bee - tall and confident, sadly with small tits but with great curves to make up for it. She had blonde flaxen hair, wore a little bit too much make up, yet was naturally gorgeous, with nice pouty lips and green eyes which shone in the desire to be dominated, signifying an eros of unfulfilled love. Even though I was fifty-six, I had to have her. And I'm a man who always gets what he...

1 year ago
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A family friend chapter 11

Sara is a close family friend that I met whenever my family moved in just across the road. At first, Sara was 22, very small and was a brunette. By small though, I mean as in she had a flat chest, and was really skinny. But yet I was attracted to her from the day I met her. The reason I met her is because she has a daughter that lived across the street that became friends with my sister almost immediately. Her daughter, Chloe, was almost an exact replica of Sara, except she was blonde. Being...

3 years ago
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Educating Harry Ch 11

Some Australianisms Esky = portable cooler Yabbies = Freshwater crayfish( ‘Hello,’ said Harry picking up the phone, ‘Who is it?’ he asked, not recognising the voice. ‘Cory Bruton, I was just ringing to tell you that one of my men has dropped off an industrial cleaner at Mrs Bunces place, but,’ he added, ‘She may have told you that already.’ ‘She has,’ confirmed Harry. ‘Yeah, well, to be truthful,’ admitted Cory, ‘I really rang to find out how long it would be before George could start....

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Laysa 01062018

Lots of money hungry ladies are replying to ads from “private collectors” who are offering a few bucks to girls willing to get fucked on camera for their private collections. Those videos supposedly don’t go anywhere so it feels like a no-lose proposition to these gold diggers. One such nugget is tall stripper Laysa. The pics she had sent Rick made her look like a pasty Indian girl. Turns out she’s half-Rwandan, German, and Irish, and in person, this fun chick looks...

1 year ago
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Sucking more black cocks

I was rudely awakened by Jerome with a hard smack on my exposed buttocks. I had been used by his black friend Davon; who had abused my poor sore asshole just in front of my Black Master…Jerome laughed and yelled at me:"Wake up, bitch…! I got some friends here to enjoy you…”I lifted my head off the mattress, still a bit groggy from my tiredness.I looked at Jerome and asked him to let me go back home. I was really tired and I felt my poor asshole was tender and very sore after receiving a hard...

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Essex Granny Throbbing Hairy Fanny

I took a job with a cleaning agency in Essex a couple of months ago. One of my clients Mrs Flanders was a well-off widow who lives a couple of miles away. I've been working for her twice a week now. She picks me up and drops me off, always slips a couple of extra quid in my wages, bless her. She's a young 65 year old, tall, curvy with blonde hair, still good looking for a woman her age, she looks like she's lived a bit, not rough, but not too fluffy round the edges. When I fist saw her she...

2 years ago
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"Scotch is your safety."I simply nod in reply, body quivering. You're wearing the cologne that you know drives me crazy. You haven't shaven, and the thin, light stubble gracing your cheek scratches the skin on my neck as you whisper this into my ear.I'm all ready naked and cold, but your body is warm and I feel almost disappointed as you pull back, running a hand down the skin of my back. I know I won't use the safety word you've reminded me of - It's more for you than for me. I know you won't...

2 years ago
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The Digidestined

The digidestined are a chosen group of people who are tasked to save both the Digital and the Real world. They are (often) paired up with Digital Monsters or Digimon, who are creatures made from data who fight for their cause. These heroes and their partners possess the great heart and will needed in order for them to survive their enemies - but will they be able to survive their own desires? options in asterisks are empty paths that are under development.

3 years ago
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Alternative Reality chapter 6

“I really like waking up in your arms anyway.” She was quiet a minute then she looked back at me. “Last night you said that you loved me.” I nodded know where this were this going and pressed a finger to her mouth. “If you feel the same way I don’t want to know right now. While I hope that you do, I really want for you to feel that the moment is right to say it, not just because I said to you. For me that moment I know how I felt and I want you to know. When the time right, you will know it as...

2 years ago
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Whatever It CostsChapter 17

Because Monday was free, it was a long weekend. I just worked and made sure that I had enough money to take care of the house, and also had a buffer, in case something extraordinary happened. I called no-one and nobody called me. Not until Monday evening. Then I had call from Judy and Robin who were a bit worried about me. Even if we had not talked or been in contact, they had watched how I had been doing at school. They were sorry for not supporting me and the girls at the school, but I...

1 year ago
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Hot and Steamy

I absolutly hate to fly. So, I got to the airport and checked my luggage in. I decided to go to the bar and have a drink to calm my nerves. Im wearing a pair of tight skiny jeans , white furry boots that come right below my knees, And a white and red striped sweater that hugged my body. My 32 dd tits are just poping out. I walk up to the bar and order a drity martini. I get my drink and have a seat so I watch all the poeple walk by. This man walks up to me, and says, "Hi, is this seat taken?" I...

3 years ago
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Caught and Used Fantasy

It was a great afternoon and being away on holiday was great. I had booked a lodge in Cornwall and had a long weekend to my self. The lodge was an expensive one with Jacuzzi and all the latest mod cons. The first night was great as I was able to dress up and be myself and just be a general slut really. I had bought along my dildo collection and was slowly but surely stretching my arse wider and wider.I had made and brought with me a dildo contraption. It was attached to a belt and that went...

1 year ago
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First Time Experience

Hello Everyone.. just joined this website today. Read many stories here and thought of sharing my story with my girl friend, which eventually ended last spring. I hail from Hyderabad and my girlfriend is from chennai but settled in Hyderabad for past 20 years. She used to respect me a lot and that’s how we got into the relation. Initially we used to kiss and hug and she never allowed me to get into her clothes, and I used to respect her decision. In our last days of our relation she was...

4 years ago
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Sex With Maasi

By : Fatdick Hi Friends Mera naam anuj hain and main Delhi se hun Meri age 24 and I am single. Sabse pehle toh main Iss ke sabhi readers ke behalf pe kehna chahunga ki this site rocks Chaliye ab meri pehli real sex story ki baat karte hain yeh story do saal pehle ki hain main tab 22 ka tha and pehli baar dosto ke saath prostitute se sex kiya bahot acha laga aur baar baar mann karta ki aur karu. Pata nahi kyu mujhse sexy mature ladies ko dekhke control nahi hota tha. Waise aisa normal hi hain...

1 year ago
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PornstarPlatinum Dee Williams PTA And Monster Cock Investigation

Seems Will Tile & his monster black cock has got him into trouble with the PTA at our school. I told Will a investigation will have to be conducted regarding this situation. He didn’t like that very much & walked out. So I decided to catch up with Will & do my own investigation & have a real one on one session in a attempt to modify his behavior. And the conclusion is this… Honestly I can’t blame the ladies at the PTA for getting letting Will get “close”...

4 years ago
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Chapter 2 Tiffanys Tattoo

Today was the one-month anniversary of living on my own. Leaving my aunts' home had been harder emotionally than I had expected. While I was only moving from North of Tampa to St. Petersburg Beach and knew I'd still see them regularly, my aunts had been everything to me.They had lovingly taken me in when my parents were killed and raised me as their own. They had always been there for me as I grew up and their support had been unwavering, especially when I made the decision to become my own...

4 years ago
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Sil Mil My Extended Family 8211 Part 7

All 3 of us, Haritha, my wife and myself had decided that we must break this to our MIL, we deliberated between us on who would bell the cat and as none of us were really ready for it. We decided to do this jointly, all of us together. So a week after my relationship with my SIL has started we found ourselves, the entire family sitting around in the living area. My MIL was watching some Indian soap on TV has the tense 3 of us looked at each other, gesturing one another to begin. My wife started...

2 years ago
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Deep trouble

I'm at a bar, it must've been a weeknight because it was sparsely crowded. I'm having a few drinks (more than a few but), there is music playing, people are kinda dancing. This beautiful blonde about maybe 5'7'' comes in all alone. Sexy little thing with big dick sucking lips, huge breasts squashed together in an extremely tight fitting one piece denim jumpsuit. Like the kind Jennifer Lopez wears. She sees me alone and makes her way over to me. Now this girl is hot, she was probably hotter than...

3 years ago
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Swallowing Justin

Justin was seventeen when he started his senior year and he would always let me drive the car from school to home in the afternoons. We drove to school nearly every day because it was cool for one thing and we both always had some sort of meeting or practice before school or after. On my sixteenth birthday, my big brother surprised me by taking me to the license office for my driving test and even though we were close, that day gave me a long awaited freedom and independence that nearly...

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Glory hole encounters1

I guess there must have been 10 stalls to choose from, with maybe 3 vacant. I chose number 4. Upon sitting down I noticed a hole had been drilled between the stalls which were concrete. Love to know how that was achieved but anyway, back the events of that encounter. I noticed a thick-set guy was jerking off right before my eyes, but all I could see through this 5cm hole was his thighs and cock. His cock was the only one I had ever seen apart from my own - and it must have been about 20cm...

1 year ago
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Bevor dein Urlaub seinen Lauf nimmt, kannst du in den Einstellungen oben rechts (3 Balken) die Namen ändern. first_name = Jungenname last_name = Mädchenname Die 8 Inselgesetze von Eros Mindestalter: Das Betreten der Insel ist nur Personen mit einem Mindestalter von 18 Jahren gestattet. Kleidung: Bekleidung jeglicher Art ist verboten! Eine Ausnahme bildet das Bedecken von Kopf und Augen. (s.h. Punkt 5) Technische Geräte: Technische Geräte wie Smartphones, Musikplayer und Radios sind nicht...

Group Sex
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The Anniversary Present

Dropping my towel as I lay down on the bed, I am still thinking of the conversation with my husband about having a professional photographer take nude pictures of me. I told him I couldn't do something like that. However, maybe I could have some pictures taken of me in lingerie but definitely not fully nude. He said it would be the hottest thing I had ever done for him. I start to wonder how he would reward me if I actually went through with it. Our ten year anniversary is coming up and I would...

1 year ago
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Seriously cum on

Back to Daniel. Daniel isn't normal. He is big I phrased that wrong, but others (Kyle) make him look small so he is considered small. To high schoolers big isn't subjective, big is decided by way of direct comparison to the biggest people. But what I meant when I said he isn't normal is, he has stamina, in every meaning of the word. He does marathons, 50k cycles, triathlons and the one you all thought about when I said stamina, he lasts in bed. I'm not talking 5 minutes above average I'm...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Alina Lopez Headshot Horror Alina Lopez exploited

Aspiring actress Alina Lopez is excited to get headshots done by industry professional Tommy Pistol. To alleviate some of the cost, she agrees to a work trade in which she models with some of Tommy’s sex products. She arrives ready to shoot and in no time, Tommy is snapping pictures of Alina with various sex toys. When Tommy pressures Alina to strip down to her bra and panties, Alina is unsure but willing to do what it takes to get a recommendation from the famous Mr. Pistol. But when he...

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Death Row for Dolly

The echoes of the retreating footsteps of the female guards made Dolly Madison feel isolated and alone. The fact that she was the only female prisoner on death row made her sort of unique in a way that she totally hated. It was one thing to be ogled when part of her ass was sticking out and guys had their tongues hanging out. It was quite another when the press were lining up to watch her last dying breath when they gave her the injections of poison into her main arteries like a sick bitch...

2 years ago
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Barbaria Act 1 Chapter 9

Main NarrativeThe Whip at Work„Do you feel excited?“The raven-headed young woman, sprawled in a deep armchair, smiled at the question, looking across at the fair-haired girl seated opposite her.„I suppose I do, my dear Zena... a little anyway,“ answered Karena, Lady Helvetia's youngest daughter.She looked down at the thhird figure in the luxurious chambers, that of a naked slave girl who was diligently engaged in painting the toe-nails of karena's foot with rested on a low stool. „Anyway it...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Scarlett Baby Nicols An Immaculate MILF Threesome

When our stud shows up at Scarletts fancy mansion, he thinks he has it made. The incredibly sexy MILF is ready to show him the time of his life with her juicy pussy and incredible DSLs. But this guy does not realize how much fun she has planned for him. Scarlett blindfolds him and brings her sizzling MILF friend Baby Nicols into the fold. She sucks his cock, making the guys toes curl before he realizes that he is in the middle of the threesome of his life! Then, the chicks bend over and let...

4 years ago
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Celebrity Dating Kimberly Nixon

"What, that ginger bird from Sex in the City? She's a bit old now ain't she?" Sam was staring at me over a pint. I looked at my mate and took another drink. "No, not Cynthia Nixon, Kimberly Nixon. The blonde one from Fresh Meat." "Oh yeah, no, she's hot. Shit show though." "I'll be sure not to tell her." I finished the beer and stood up to leave. I made a mock bow and left. I don't think he believed my story, but then again, neither did I really. In the thirty odd years I've...

3 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 4 Best Laid Plans

Yankee Swap, Chapter 4: Best Laid Plans Ken woke at his usual time and pulled off the nightgown, bra and panties, and headed for the shower. He figured he would remove the breast forms and then get that nail polish remover. He also was thinking that he might want a few other items that would help him explore this new alternate reality. He was definitely interested in doing this again, and wondering what it would take to "pass" so a casual observer wouldn't immediately know he was...

1 year ago
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Love can be in plain sight 4

He looked at me like I was crazy. “Do you not want me to sleep with you just yet?” I asked. “No, it's not that, we'd definitely be at boyfriend and girlfriend status then, are we sure we wanna move to that already?” Ray asked. He had a good point, but I loved him and I wanted it. “Well, maybe it's a little fast, but I think once you find that person, why wait?” I asked. “You mean you wanna be with me?” Ray asked. “Yes, so why wait? We know we love each other and are gonna start sleeping...

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Masters little bitch

His name is “Mike”, and he is the only man I have ever had sex with, but it is the best sex I have ever had. He is completely a top man who never touches my cock, but that is ok, I can jack off. The fact of the matter is, I love the way his cock makes me feel. I love being his girlfriend and I’ll do whatever he says. I met him at a bar one Friday night after I had a few drinks. I was standing by the pool table waiting on my turn, when I saw Mike walk into the bar. I was scared of him as...

4 years ago
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The Ride To Remember 8211 Part 1

It was 2.30 am. Both of us drunk, tipsy, horny and a long way away from home. Both of us knew that we would get drunk and had intentionally decided not to take our car along. So, the only option available at those wee hours was Ola or Uber. To my surprise, not one vehicle was in the vicinity. I looked for other options.  We walked a little hoping to get some option or the other. Both of us were drunk and tipsy and somehow managed to reach the end of the alley. I had actually insisted to stay...

3 years ago
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Welcome Home

Stepping inside our front door I throw my keys on the table, causing them to break an unusual silence. The usual sounds and smells of the kitchen are absent. Something is up. “Honey?” I call, my footsteps treading lightly up the stairs, as I wonder if you are in the shower. The silence continues. Reaching the top of the staircase, I turn entering our room and I see you are waiting for me, laying on our bed. Your naked body sprawled across the sheets. Your arms above your head, frame your...

1 year ago
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World is run by women in the year 2056

I have been up since 6:30 this morning and now it's almost 7 a.m. My erection has started, as I get excited and aroused with anticipation, just thinking of what's coming at 7.I am scared thinking about what will happen to me in two days and try hard to get it off my mind. I must enjoy the pleasures of the next two days and not think about the future.There's a light tap on the door and it opens. It's Eva and I'm very pleased to see her. She's wearing a loose white top with very brief red shorts....

2 years ago
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Foot massage lead to affair with my bhabhi

Hello everyone. I am Robin. 26 single. We are 2 brother. My brother iis married to a beautiful lady. She is caring. We all work and go to office. I live with my brother as it’s easier for me to commute to office. So sometimes i drop my bhabhi to her office or sometime bhaiya. We generally get tired working through out the week. So Bhaiya order a leg massager, everyone uses it in our home.Then on one sunday we were messing around bhaiya me bhabhi we were all having fun watching tv. So i was...

3 years ago
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First Date

You open the door. We both smile.You invite me in.You close the door.I kiss you, sticking my tongue down your throat and grab your cock through your trousers.I feel your cock stiffen in surprise and delight and reach inside your flies.Wonderful! You have no underpants on.I leave your cock in your trousers wishing to save looking at it until you are naked.I gently pull your foreskin back and caress your naked helmet feeling a drop of precum escape from your piss hole.I put my fingers to my mouth...

1 year ago
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Perverse Family

PerverseFamily! Raise your dick if you like incest porn. Yeah, me too. If your tastes are as twisted as mine, you probably wish most taboo sex movies were a little harder. It’s fun pretending pornstars are related, but it usually comes off pretty fake. Well, Perverse Family may be the truly freaky family porn site we’ve been waiting for.PerverseFamily.com is a very new site; the domain wasn’t even registered until 2018. They haven’t had much time to really grow or blow up the Internet yet, so...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
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Porn Host! If you’ve ever looked for a place where you can share your favorite pornos that you’ve been collecting over the years, then you’ve come to the right place. On PornHost.com you can have your cake and eat it too. Join the rest of the porn crowd that upload to this website on a regular basis. You’ll be able to enjoy all of the porn that’s already uploaded, you’ll also be able to download the content as much as you please for free, and you’ll even be able to post your own content on...

Porn Video Hosting Sites
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The Test Date

Ra“Ok, sure!” … wait, did she just say ‘yes?!’I was joking not-joking when I asked and wasn’t expecting her to agree to a ‘test’ date. What even is a test date - I just made it up!I feel a bit sweaty, maybe she was joking too...Maya was a sharp brunette, shaped like a coke bottle, had a sexy waddle like a supermodel (I borrowed that line from her …). She was a bit younger than me and when she smiled, the corner curl of her lips would make me melt, and I think she knew it.Mmmmm her lips … and...

Office Sex
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Amnesia Ch 10

Chapter 10 – Epilogue Tony leaned back and rested his head against the plaster wall of the almost empty room. He was thinking. He had plenty of time to think. At least as much as three years to think. Ralph Cummings would be arriving soon, and it would be back to work. Work on the story of his ‘life,’ if that’s what you could call it. Ralph was a god-send, actually. Tony had been wavering between despair and frustration for the past three months. Three months since the sentencing. Three...

1 year ago
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Tranz Fanz! Do you get a kick out of chicks with dicks? Maybe you’re a crazy boy for ladyboys or just appreciate the fine details of a fine shemale. I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but it’s a certain demographic that flocks to this section of the website. I’m guessing you’d consider yourself a trans fan, in which case you might want to check out TranzFanz.TranzFanz.com hasn’t even been registered a year, but they’ve been garnering more attention on the web lately. The tagline at the top of...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Inception 8211 A Beautiful Beginning With Rohit 8211 Part 2

Life is wonderful when you start receiving things and from you, readers have received a lot of positive responses for the earlier narration that got posted. I agree to some feedbacks on its length but I couldn’t help myself from detailing about what transpired between two enriched souls that night and have thus decided to pen down more about that night. I know most of you who read found it really intriguing and am really happy with praises with which you have showered me. This is a part wise...

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