TangentChapter 12: Settling In free porn video

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Tanda Havra was out early the next morning, meeting Tazi on the landing of the outer town. "Come, walk with me," Tanda told the girl and they walked along the road that led around the lake, to the south.

The sun was just coming up; the morning was briskly chill, but promised to be much warmer later. Tanda stopped after a bit and pointed to some rocks. "Come and sit, I want to talk."

Tazi did, obviously curious.

"Manistewa is a trader, do you understand?"

Tazi bobbed her head, agreeing. Everyone in Mogdai knew he was a trader.

"Tazi, I swear to you, I did not work for my uncle."

Tazi frowned, puzzled at what Tanda had said. "You worked in the village, Tanda. You collected herbs, prepared medicines."

"I did. There is, Tazi, not much money to be made doing that. I came away from Mogdai, like you, with nothing. Money was nothing in Mogdai, here -- it is much more."

Tanda changed subjects.

"A trader needs to know things. He needs to know safe routes, he needs to know how dangerous a journey will be, he needs to know what the people at the other end of the journey need and what they have to sell him."

"I understand," Tazi told her.

"Understand, until now, I have never worked for my uncle. Never. Now, however, I am a beggar. And now I am going to have to work for him."

"Telling him things?"

"Yes. Finding out things and telling them to him. Still, I lived in Mogdai, I shared what I had with the others and they shared with me. That means more to me than my uncle. Last night, he sent a man to tell you I wanted you to be here. He lied; I knew nothing of it.

"From this day forward, Tazi, do not let anyone command you in my name, unless you hear the words from my lips."

"Is he going to force you to marry him?" Tazi asked, wide-eyed with concern.

Tanda smiled. "No, he likes to sleep at night. He knows that if he tried that, that first night he'd not wake up, ever again."

Tazi clapped her hands together and laughed. The villagers knew about such things and would have felt sadness for her, but would never have dreamed of interfering.

Tanda watched her, having the advantage of knowing that Manistewa's interest in her was entirely feigned. But it was a classic story and, as such, had considerable utility.

"Now, we are going to look for Lord Tuck, Gamelin, Judybondi and a few others. I want to watch them. My uncle wants me to watch them," she corrected herself.

They went about another mile and found a vantage point where they could see out over the lake.

And almost at once, she saw a raft part way across the lake. Tanda mentally kicked herself. The raft was headed towards the eastern shore, not the western shore and the outer town. It was a large raft, propelled by a half dozen men on sweeps. There were a dozen horses and as many men aboard as well. Tuck was easy to spot, because of his hat. Judybondi was aboard as well. She was also easy to see, as she was the tallest person on the raft.

"Looks like we get to run, sister!" Tanda told her companion. She waved around them. "We might meet the enemy."

"I have my knife," Tazi said proudly. "And the rifle the Hostigi said I could keep."

"And I have mine. I also have a pistol my uncle gave me." She showed Tazi the weapon, carried in her herb bag. "The next time, you too will have one!"

"Let us run, older sister!" Tazi said, starting off.

Tanda fell in step next to her and they did run. The raft had about a mile and a half to cover; they had something like six miles. On the other hand, Tanda and Tazi didn't have a dozen horses, which would need unloading from the raft, then would have to be mounted. That would take time. And while a horse could run faster over short distances, a human could run farther faster if they were good runners. Tanda and Tazi were very good runners.

Good runners or not, evidently Tuck and those with him were efficient, because they reached shore, quickly loaded the horses and were off in a column, heading further eastwards.

They were quickly lost to sight; the ground on that side of the lake was rougher, with low hills back a mile or so from the edge of the water.

A palm-width later Tanda and Tazi reached the top of a ridge, going slowly. Ahead, out in a small flat basin, Tuck and his party were gathered around something.

For a finger-width Tanda was mildly frustrated, but eventually the normal movements of the people left an opening large enough and long enough for her to recognize what was on the ground and the subject of their attention.

A simple tube mortar, a basic infantry combat weapon. Since it was not possible for Tuck to have designed one and had it built overnight, it meant that it was something in the regular service of Hostigos -- which meant, in practice, the High King.

For more than a palm-width the men stood around and talked, a lot of talk, Tanda thought.

Tazi, after a few finger-widths, grew bored. "What are they doing?"

Tanda smiled. "I don't know. I think Manistewa doesn't know either. So I will watch and tell him what I see."

"What Tuck did yesterday," Tazi went on, "naming our sister 'Shining Path!' That was a good thing!"

"It was," Tanda agreed. She took her eyes off the activity in front of her and turned to face Tazi. "Sometimes simple men, faced with something extraordinary, do extraordinary things." Tazi nodded in agreement. "And that's simple men. What great men do in extraordinary circumstances is powerful; grandeur to behold. As the Hostigi learned when High King Kalvan came to Hostigos.

"And now Tuck has appeared. The High King knew how to rally armies to his banner; he knew how to arm them and how to fight them. I think Tuck is a man who can sneak through the blackest night, strike an enemy and be away before any know he is there. Count Tellan does not have an army that can fight the Zarthani or the Mexicotal separately; combined, their armies will easily defeat the count and his soldiers. Except for Tuck. It will be a terrible beauty to behold, Tazi. But, unless something happens to him, everyone will be amazed. As amazed as they were when the High King came amongst them."

"And Judybondi? Becky? Lydia? Elspeth... the one who is with child."

"A child fathered by rape," Tanda reminded her young friend.

"There are times when I wish we could rip such from our bellies and leave the ill-sown seed for the wolves."

Tanda didn't speak. On the civilized timelines the debate had raged for years and years. Home Timeline citizens were the ultimate pragmatists: if an abortion was what you wanted, then do it. Their laws were relatively loose, so long as you weren't hurting or stealing from others. Or breaking the Paratime Secret.

The morning wore on and for a change something was going on down the hill and across the basin. Men were moving back, leaving Tuck and a man Tanda didn't recognize at the mortar. After a heart-beat, the unknown man dropped a round and a few seconds later Tanda heard the chuff of the explosion.

Tazi looked up, curious. The spy business, Tanda thought, was tricky. She could have given it all away just by warning Tazi what was going to happen.

Instead, the explosion racketed around the hills, and Tazi was now close to the ground, peering into the distance.

"What was that?" Tazi asked.

Tanda shook her head, while watching Tuck and the other man, probably a sergeant, talking for a moment. Then Tuck leaned down and did something to the mortar. Adjusting the aiming, Tanda thought.

Another heartbeat later another chuff, followed a few moments later by another explosion.

"You should get down, Tanda," Tazi said earnestly. "It sounds like there is a cannon out there, far off now. But the Mexicotal can move very fast, when they want to surprise you."

Tanda had seen the bloom of the second round hitting; it was about twenty feet from a small pine tree, standing at a distance from the others around it. Tuck bent down again, and a moment later a third round flew.

The tree shattered, falling over as black smoke shrouded the red heart of an explosion.

"I think," Tanda said evenly, "that little thing is a cannon."

Tazi looked. "It is too small, elder sister! Cannons are huge!"

"Remember those are the High King's men!" Tanda reminded her. "They are famous for making things that seem huge small and understandable."

Tazi moved a bit, then stood up, shading her eyes so that she could see better. Below, it was Tuck whose head turned first in their direction. Then Judybondi's, then the old sergeant Vosper. All of them staring in their direction.

"Tazi, do not move! They've seen you!"

Tazi did as bid, and then saw the men looking at her.

"Elder sister! I have hurt you! What are we going to do?"

"You, Tazi, will turn around and walk slowly towards me, and over the hill. Then we will run quickly over there," Tanda pointed to an outcropping a few hundred feet away. "We will stuff our bags with thrush willow!"

Tazi moved, while Tanda watched from cover. Gamelin and the old sergeant and another man were coming their way. When they reached the spot Tanda wanted, they bent and quickly began collected thrush willow leaves, which were useful in several ways, particularly if your bowels were reluctant to move.

The sergeant, Vosper, was polite but firm and a finger-width later they joined the others, the mortar hidden in a pack on one of the horses. They followed along, Tanda not bothering to protest, just as they didn't bother to ask any questions about what they'd been doing watching the test of their weapon.

They walked back toward Outpost, not exactly guarded but certainly not free to go their own way.

They reached a flat spot, a mile from the lake. Tuck turned to Gamelin. "I wish to speak to Tanda Havra privately."

Gamelin looked at Tuck, then at Tanda and shrugged.

Tuck took Tanda's arm, rather more gently than the last time the two of them laid hands on each other and walked with her.

"You sure have screwed up," Tuck told her, speaking English.

"I don't understand you, Lord Tuck."

"The language or what I mean?" That was in Zarthani.

"Your words, Lord Tuck."

"Sure, of course you don't understand," Tuck said sarcastically in English.

Tanda shook her head and he laughed.

"If you were stupid, you wouldn't be here," he told her, still in English. Then he switched back to Zarthani. "You know, Count Tellan will probably have you both shot."

"Why, Lord Tuck? Tazi and I were collecting herbs. It is what I do."

He shook his head. "I hope you won't lie to the count. He strikes me as a fair man -- but even fair men don't like being lied to."

"How, Lord Tuck, are you going to earn your keep at Outpost? Eh? Like me, you have very little. What's up here," she tapped her skull, "this is all we have."

"And your point?"

"I have an uncle who wishes me to marry him. In the past he made things -- difficult -- for me. Now, I am here as a beggar; so is Tazi. Once again he has asked me to do things for him. Things I would never do on my own, but now I have little choice -- unless I wish to marry him."

Tuck smiled. "Actually, I was thinking something along those lines myself."

Tanda looked at him, shaking her head. "I do not understand, Lord Tuck."

"It's Tuck, Tanda Havra, nothing more. No matter what they might say about it, it was how I was born and how I expected to die. No, I was thinking that I've taken a fancy to you myself."

Tanda smiled wickedly. "My uncle keeps his fancies in check because he knows that if he tried to force them on me, the first night we were together, he'd not wake, come morning."

"I figured that out by myself," Tuck told her, grinning. "No, I was figuring on picking a good time and simply asking you, straight out. Your free choice, yes or no."

Tanda stared at him, surprised. "And why would someone who will be noble soon, marry a village girl of the Lost Ruthani?"

"Does being a village girl mean you can't be a lovable person? That a man might want to count his lucky stars if you agreed to be his wife?"

She shook her head, confused. "My uncle would not pay a dowry."

Of course, Tuck didn't know what that word meant, but he'd come far and fast, Tanda thought -- he didn't take long to learn it.

He waved at her. "And I come with more? I have four daughters. How much is this bride price?"

"The Hostigi don't use it at all. It was very common among my people long ago, but too many have come north, escaping the Mexicotal, with nothing."

"So then, no problem for you, no problem for me!" he said.

"The problem is being caught watching where I should not have been."

Tuck shook his head. "I think Count Tellan is a fair man. Look him in the eye; tell him what you told me about why you did it. Then promise him you will not talk to your uncle about things you shouldn't if he will promise not to ask you questions about your uncle."

Tanda sniffed. "Why would he believe me? Why should he?"

Tuck bowed slightly. "Why? I'll vouch for you. If you go to the chopping block, so do I."

That drew her breath away. "And why would you trust me?"

"Husbands and wives trust each other -- that or better never to marry. Better not even go a little distance down that road. In truth, even without my help, Count Tellan is likely to do little more than warn you and your uncle. I'm certain your uncle could work something out with Count Tellan to keep you safe."

Tanda's mental whirl faded a bit. "I had not planned on marrying any time soon."

"Tanda Havra, I'm the most patient man you'll ever meet. Think on it. You have until we face Count Tellan to ask me for my help. And until I hear a flat 'no' from you, I'm going to be hanging around, hoping for the best. You could, for instance, say it right this instant."

Tanda shook her head. "You are right, I have to think."

Tuck nodded, his face bland. "We have a saying where I come from," he switched to English. "Keep your friends close and your enemies, closer." He smiled at her. "That more or less means 'Think first if you can.'"

It meant in fact, no such thing.

"Do you love me?" Tanda asked him.

"I think so, but in truth I'm not 100% sure myself. I like you a lot and respect you enormously. Like you, I've never been in a hurry to marry. The gods will provide, given long enough, I always thought."

He gestured back towards the others. "Come, we should go."

She followed him docilely, knowing that it was another test. She could turn and run, deserting Tazi and her uncle. She could stick a knife in Tuck's back while she was about it. It wouldn't be physically hard to do. Even if it went against everything she'd ever thought or felt.

One of the sergeants with the party, with Vosper at his side, was on a small hill, signaling towards Outpost. Tanda let her face stay blank.

Tazi whispered to her a little later, as they walked beside the mounted men. "We're in trouble. Perhaps we should run."

Tanda shook her head. "My uncle will keep us safe. Tuck told me that he would see that we are safe."

Tazi frowned, "Why would he do that? Tuck?"

Tanda laughed softly. "Why, he fancies me, too."

Tazi nodded. "And you?"

Tanda smiled. "I fancy him more than I fancy Manistewa. But that isn't a great deal. I don't know, Tazi. It is something to think about."

Tazi nodded.

Gamelin had asked Tuck what he'd talked to Tanda Havra about, but Tuck just shook his head and didn't answer. When they reached Outpost, a half dozen men appeared to deal with their equipment and horses, and Captain Leitnos who told off those who would go to see the Count.

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--- Tanscam (MF, FF, bi, cons, creampie, nc, oral, impreg, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- *Welcome to Tanscam(tm), brought to you by Perveyor Productions.* *Tans Cam...Tan Scam...it's both!* --- Haney sat up in his office chair as the girl came into the store. It was hard to tell through the black & white security cam video, but he thought that she seemed familiar. He had been hoping that someone he knew would come into the fake tanning salon they had opened a few days ago in his...

3 years ago
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That girl at the bar

So there was I, at the Coyote Inn. It’s a small bar on the lonely streets of Bramville, and the only bar, Bramville can boast of. Bramville is a very small town and not many families live here. It is a home to those numerous men, who work in the nearby industrial estates and reside here in small and squalid houses. Coming to myself, I am a 24 year old country-boy who is new to this town. It’s been three months since I started working at the Coyote’s Inn. My working hours here, are from 12...

2 years ago
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my sweet little ami

You jerk awake in a panic. You aren’t sure what woke you butyou feel something is wrong. You open your eyes but everything is pitch black around you and you aren’t sure you’ve opened your eyes. You move your hands to touch your face but can’t move your hand more than a few inches. You start to really be afraid when you realize you are tied to the bed. All your muscles tense in fear and stress, you open your mouth to scream and feel it immediately covered with another mouth. And suddenly all the...

1 year ago
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A trip back to WalMart I hate forgetting things

Later that night after Jeffrey left, I had to go back to Walmart because I forgot bleach, paper towels and dryer sheets. As I walked around the edge of the aisle, I literally ran into an old high school friend. He isn't much bigger than me but I found myself sitting on my ass!!!Terrence was a year behind me and pretty much every girls dream, white and black alike! Muscular and dark, he was what we thought a 'bushman' would look like. Running around the school wearing shorts kept our attention...

1 year ago
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Happy power gaping metaphor

So the story goes that Rochelle came over around 6:30 to my off campus apartment to study for our english exam on Wednesday. I was always nervous around Rochelle. She was about 5’4” with ample C’s, dirty blonde hair that fell down on her shoulders, blue eyes, unblemished olive colored skin, and the most ridiculous ass you can imagine. That ass was relatively small in size, but its shape was exquisite, firm hips supporting an abundantly soft bounteous ass. She always wore exceedingly tight...

1 year ago
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Hot Married Cam Girl Sheelpa

Hello, friends. I am Sumit Arora. I am from Dehradun but I am settled in Bangalore. I have read many stories from this site and wanted to write down my experience. Hope , you would like this story. Please comment your feedback below. I have finished my course in south India and got a job in Bangalore. I started to work in an MNC and I used to have many girls around me. But I like to have sex or naughty chats with married women rather than single girls. But at the same time, I do not want to get...

1 year ago
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good start to an amazing summer

This is not a true story! Hi I'm Dallas this is a story about me and my step sister having some fun. I always thought my Step sister was attractive even in our teen years but being away from home because of college we didn't see each other much. But seeing her at 20 she was easy hotter then I remembered! Her name is Bethany she is about 5'2, very fit body I'm guessing about a 36C bra size and a very nice butt! Well anyways since mom and my stepdad traveled all the time because of their work me...

2 years ago
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My Curious Daughter

My little girl was growing up. For some time now I knew she wasn’t a little girl anymore. She had begun to grow a sexy pair of breasts that, while still relatively small, were a beautiful shape and easy on the eye. Her legs were long and shapely, and she had begun to gain the curves that all sexy women have. She had begun to wear more adult styles of clothing, too, and I’m sure many of the boys at her school noticed. Every day she was looking more and more like her mother looked when we had...

3 years ago
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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 4

Introduction: Suzi stars in a movie about the Commons Chapter 4 Things have been quiet around her for about a week but theyre about to get a whole lot more interesting. The Pure Michigan 400 is coming up this weekend and Ive got tickets. Im going to drive down and pick up John then were going to head over to MIS and make a weekend of it. Theres a shooting range nearby and weve reserved one of the private sections for half a day on Friday. Then, its beer and racing. Pure heaven. Suzi will be...

3 years ago
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Glamour Photography

Well, the day had finally come. Here you were, standing in front of a camera, getting your picture taken. Except, of course, it wasn't at any Studio. Time for the old home photo-album. You and your lover had talked about it for some time, after you had admitted to him that you enjoyed Looking at the women in the men's magazines, like Playboy, and Penthouse. But, you had told him, they seemed a little tame, and that you got more Excited and envious when you were looking at the more graphic...

3 years ago
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When the signals of pain and pleasur get crossed t

Heres another interesting one from me on something that some of us are constantly after but never stand still to look at what its precise attraction is or the kick is , that we get out of it!!I don't know how exactly to explain this so I am going to keep it as basic, plain and brief as I canbecause I'm not a doctor or scientist I'm just a simple very sexual man!!Lets start here, I'm in the kitchen fixing myself a hot lunch, looking forward to it , working with a sharp knife, for one single...

2 years ago
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Back for More

(Reading "All-You-Can-Eat Buffet" first is helpful, but not required. No appropriate tags, so I chose the closest I could)Another dull, boring day of buying, selling, and trading, on the Dow Jones and NASDAQ, had wound to a close. Finally, I was able to drive home, and kick my feet up for two days. My wife was away on business of her own, and, as much as I missed her, I'd do my best to enjoy these few days without her. I pulled into the driveway, and went into the house. I decided only to...

3 years ago
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Dream One

Dream One. ForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. A dream is a type of mental activity that occurs during sleep. It usually consists of visual images that tell a story, although the sequence of dream events is usually mystifying. They may be influenced by internal physical factors such as hunger, thirst or indigestion. External factors may affect dreams too, such as an alarm clock can be transformed into a dream...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Feminist HighschoolChapter 4

What Dan needed was the motivation for the bullies and, through that opening, he could find their weakness. For this reason, he spied on Jax for the next week. Jax had a routine of punching down on smaller students and hitting on younger ones. He did both with enthusiasm. The smaller students were resigned to their fates as punching bags and the girls looked bored. The obvious disinterest the female student population had for Jax went unnoticed by the jock. From willful ignorance or...

4 years ago
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The Power of Mind Magic

The day has come. The day which every demon looks forward to. The day of maturity, being the most important day for a demon of any race, but especially for a demon of the devil race, and even more so for a demon of the caliber of Asmodeus. Devils were known to wield all different kinds of demonic magic, and it was really luck of the draw when it came to what kind. As the son of a high ranking demon, Asmodeus's magic was nearly guaranteed to be far stronger than lower ranking demons' magic, even...

Mind Control
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Reconnecting the Past With the Present Chapters 56

Chapter 5 After the phone call had ended, all three of them in the truck were contemplating, not only the prior conversation, but also the plans for the evening. Both of her parents had no idea what had transpired to their child between that fateful night and till now. Just the hardships that she had faced those few days on her trip to Tallahassee felt like a knife in their heart, but knowing that April had been there for her gave them some relief. Until now they had imagined almost...

1 year ago
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The Contract Arc 1 First Day 2

Chapter 2- Deal "Step into the cage, boy, and hold out your arm to your side." This was it. It was one thing to agree to a thing but, when confronted with the enormity of their decision, many wavered and most backed down. They were not Uzumaki Naruto. With a confident stride that betrayed none of his apprehension, the shinobi stepped out of his realm and into the demon's lair. The biju reared upward, sucking in a deep breath, its eyes never leaving his. Don't move, it seemed to say,...

3 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 46

On Thursday afternoon, January 24, Ann again called Maxim’s and again it was a familiar female voice who greeted her. “Hi, Molly, it’s Ann. How’s your cunt?” “It’s great! Yesterday...” There was a pause and then she continued, “Mademoiselle Madeleine Lacroix Adams is no longer communicating with Mademoiselle la Marquise du Flandres or her busybody sister, Mademoiselle la Duchesse du Bourgogne.” Knowing she was being conned, Ann replied, “Gee, Molly, we like you. And André likes—” “Don’t...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 19

Sandy Goodwin was tossing, turning and sweating in her bed. Through the haze of her dream, she could see Pete Riordan slowly approaching her, as she looked out the door of her bedroom. The nearer he came, the more Pete's head seemed to be indistinct, even changing its shape. There also seemed to be a voice, a narrator of some kind, mumbling in her head as he approached. The narrator's voice was too quiet for her to make out the words. The moment Pete crossed the threshold of the room, she...

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Controlling Rayne

Zachary checked himself in the mirror and straightened the cuff links of his crisp white suit shirt. He thought he was due for a bit of a hair cut, his salt and pepper hair was just beginning to curl to his ears. His custom fitted charcoal grey suit jacket hung perfectly from his broad shoulders, tapering slightly at his trim waist. The black trousers fit him perfectly, accentuating his muscular thighs and backside. His black soulful eyes regarded his reflection in a positive light, not to...

4 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 27 The Voice of Betty

Wendy has been having a rough time since she had been fucked so much on Saturday. On Monday she was forced to be naked all day and fucked over and over again by everyone in school, including the teachers. She was taken shopping and forced to be naked out in public. Her Mistress made sure her mouth was full of cum all day Thursday and then forced her to drink piss all day on Friday. Things are getting so bad for her that she is beginning to think about telling her parents all that has happened...

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dont tell mom the baby sitter gives head intro

"She's not for you, she's for Kate, now go get your dad, we're going to be late." "But I'm old enough to watch her myself." Devon hated being treated like a child. He was almost thirteen, he could watch her. She was already asleep anyway. Plus all Mrs. Davis did was crochet and watch TV on the couch. "Enough Devon." his mom snapped. "Go get dad, Jenny will be here any minute." Jenny. Jenny was coming over. Devon walked up to his room, completely forgetting to talk to his...

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Imagination 9

Imagination 9 This time, I had just half an hour to sort out the intricacies of a rather complicated pantie-corset which seemed to have much more in the way of lacing, straps, clips, bones, hooks and clamps than were really necessary. It certainly held Sister Sarah's voluptuous body very firmly indeed with all the right bits sticking out and the other bits firmly in control. I couldn't imagine her actually putting it on by herself but that was something I never found out. "There...

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Strapon Threesome with our New Sub

We've fantasized about sharing our bed with a stranger, and even talked about how exciting it would be.  I've been talking with several subs online to try to select the perfect one.  He must be submissive in nature and body language, yet be sexually experienced enough to actively participate with us in bed.  I'm attracted to subs who have athletic bodies without a lot of hair who have a sweet, vulnerability about them.After talking to one online, we arrange to have him come to my home late one...

3 years ago
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Soccer Moms surprise

Another long story, sorry, if you have time to read, please do.As I have found out from my other stories some of you like to know what I look like as you read, it helps the story along, or so I am told.Password for the album called, “Just having a drink or two” and is apt for the story is, Tina2.I am Mrs Tina Jones age 51, a very happily married mother of two.Our two sons are now 18 and 21, both are very different, 18 year old is quiet and very rarely goes out and is happy to stay home with his...

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On the ReboundChapter 3

After Robin stowed her emergency stash in my closet, we had a surprisingly good time swimming. I found Brenda to be a pleasant and intelligent girl. We were eating lunch when Don showed up with the beer, and he seemed to be pleased that Brenda was there. A brief discussion when the girls were in the kitchen, disclosed that he was in no hurry to move on from Brenda. He said that she was not clingy like other girls, and that he had fun with her. I didn't want to tell him that it was probably...

4 years ago
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Love Turmoil Ch 07

‘You are mine,’ Dominic repeated. Lisa shivered at his words, a combination of fear, anger and excitement. She swallowed hard and tried to suppress these feelings. She reminded herself that Dominic was not worth consideration. He could not manipulate her and God only knew what happened to his wife! Lisa was almost sorry for the poor woman. He must have played with her as well and when he had his motives satisfied, must have thrown her away as he would, without doubts, do with her. She wanted...

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Jay and Faith Chapter 4 Springbreak part 1

After the soccer season had come to a close and spring break was just days away jay had made plans to head to the beach and soak in the sun. He had saved up a lot of money and got a nice hotel with all the works. The day before spring break Faith came in to Jay's class with the saddest look on her face. "What's the matter Faith?" Jay asked his favorite student. "My spring break plans just went up in smoke" she said. Faith explained that she was going to the beach with friends but...

2 years ago
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In Beautiful Dreams

I always heard that being 18 was fun. All the girls, parties and sex you could imagine, but not for me. My school years were spent cooked up indoors with my nose in a book. I didn’t care for sports or exercise, mainly because I was never good and always got complaints when I tried. I adored reading though, as well as the ladies. I say ladies when in reality there is only one for me: Sarah. Sarah was slim and athletic, as well as clever. She was vibrant and bubbly and was always up for a laugh....

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Naughty Girlfriend Amy Sucks Black Guys Cock

Amy was out with her friends in the nightclub, drunk and dancing very sexy on the dance floor shaking her booty most of the night. Amy was looking stunning tonight also. She was wearing a light blue colour dress. The dress was backless with a short; lose fitting, skirt that ended well above her knees it was very small for a skirt. The top of the dress split into two pieces just above her navel. That formed a large "V" which somewhat loosely covered her small breasts. Thin straps that were tied...

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The Ring AOChapter 91 Victorian Visitor

On Friday morning Helena went shopping for the unit. Zac and Fred were in the office looking over the details of the new properties. On arriving back with some food items, an elderly gentlemen was in reception asking about unit 2201. They saw Helena and called her in. Helena asked “May I enquire on who you are please?” Silvio replied “I am Silvio Pisano and wish to see Rita!” Helena shook his hand and advised “Were you close to her?” Harry mentioned ‘Get him to the unit then explain, not...

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Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 15

Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10.  You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts?  Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” his is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...


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