The Devil s Pact Hell Chronicles Chapter 10 The Ghost
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Lake Gorndon was nestled high up in the forests of western Massachusetts, that forgotten place that wasn't quite Boston and wasn't quite upstate New York. Since the fall of 2002, it's been an empty valley with a thin river running through it--ever since the Water Company dissolved the hillside that kept it dammed up. Now, Lake Gorndon is just a little river, just another part of Dancing Beck Run, the long tributary system that waters most of Langdon County. They say the plan to drain the lake had been on the drawing board for years, that it was just a coincidence that the project went forward that year. But I know the truth. I was there when we found the cave.
Lake Gorndon used to be a reservoir for the town of Gorndon, Mass., a small Hamlet that clung to the sides of the valley and made a living on rocky New England agriculture and tourism. They had a campground and a water park--all the little things that attracted county families to the woods and forests of Massachusetts for their summer vacations. My grandmother lived there until 1929 when the whole town fell apart. They just picked up and moved off.
Our family always said it was the Depression that killed the town, but now I wonder.
My family maintained a house up there that I didn't find out about until I went away to college. Now, Gorndon is only a few miles away from campus--a few miles away from RAs and quiet hours and liquor stores that card. So, in the past three years I've been studying law, I've brought friends up there to party. I've brought boyfriends up there...I've bought girlfriends up there.
The house sits on a little rise over the lake, looking straight through to the other side of the valley. Sunsets are amazing. In the summer, the water is cool and refreshing and clean. But just a little ways from my family's house is the decaying remains of the town of Gorndon. A sagging grocery store, a metal ice cream cone glaring across the lake, a few rusted old=style cars glinting their shattered windshields in the sun. A few boys I've brought up always want to look around and we have. But there's nothing ever to really find. Just the usual creepy stuff--old left behind shoes, peeling wallpaper. It's like one of those nuclear towns the government built out in the desert to test weapons on if it had been left alone for years and years. The people left without taking much.
Usually, when my friends and I come, we stick to the house and the little beach down below it. But I brought my sophomore year boyfriend, Tom, up over the summer once when the whole family was there. We took a walk into town alone together. He pinned me against a crumbling wall to make out with me. I let it go on from there until I was lying bare-breasted on the concrete with his tongue in me, all the while knowing my parents were so close by. Tom was there again that fall in 2002.
It was four of us, in all. Me, Tom--then, my ex-boyfriend--my best friend, Marissa, and her not-boyfriend, Harrison (who refused to go by Harry). Privately, Marissa and I called him "Not-Not Harry." The two of them had been on and off with each other for our whole four years in undergrad and, now that graduation was fast approaching, they weren't sure where to go next. Both had plans on opposite sides of the country, but both wanted badly to fuck. So, we invited Not-Not Harry to the most romantic place I knew.
I brought Tom along because there wasn't anyone else in my life--other than Marissa--and because I knew he would say yes. He was kind of a fuck boy before we called them fuck boys. Plus, he had a car.
We went up in Tom's rickety Volvo station wagon the Friday before October's fall break, happily skipping afternoon classes like everyone else did.
I don't know if you remember, but the autumn of 2002 was unseasonably warm, which earned many jokes about global warming. Al Gore had just lost to George W and that was the first election for which we were eligible. It's not so funny to laugh about now. Like bringing a snowball to congress.
The drive up was normal. The first night was normal or, if it wasn't, I don't remember. We stopped at a liquor store and, finally legal, bought a handle of vodka apiece which we promptly emptied half of before the night was out. Tom and Not-Not Harry attached themselves to us early in the night, fiddling with the strings on our hoodies and stroking our hair playfully while Marissa and I tried to hold a conversation. But we talked about other boys too, just to annoy them. And we talked about girls, to get them interested again.
Mari was a little shorter than me. Brown hair and shockingly blue eyes. We were roommates our freshman year, but didn't like each other. I brought home too many boys and she left her C-cup bras all over the floor. And she masturbated under the covers--she still denies this, but it's true. After we started living separately, we conversely got closer. A lot closer. She started sleeping over at my dorm some nights and I slept over at hers. Before bed, she would strip off her bra without removing her shirt and hang it over my office chair. I didn't mind seeing her underwear strewn around the room so much that year.
Then, I guess I fell briefly in love with her and we tried it. But the experience made her sure she wasn't interested in girls. At least, not romantically and not when she was sober. But it taught me that I was. After her, I dated Katherine--we broke up when she found out I'd still been drunk kissing Mari (which doesn't count)--and then Tom and after him I tried being single for a while. I wanted to go to parties and hook up with strangers, but it didn't really work out. I never went to those kinds of parties in school. Through it all, Marissa and I stayed close friends but we didn't hook up anymore.
Until that night.
We kissed while Tom and Not-Not watched. Like it was a show. For me, it was like getting back together with an old lover. For her, it was like reliving old times and nothing more, I'm sure. Then, we kissed Tom and Not-Not until they got too handsy. That was the night, as I remember. We ended the night, Mari and I, talking about the old days--which was sort of the real purpose of the trip, in a way--and slept together as friends on the couch, her C-cup bra left out on the coffee table.
A few times in the night, I woke up with a buzz while Marissa snored. I kissed her lightly on the face. Like old times.
It didn't start getting weird until the next morning when we all woke up, hungover. Tom was making pancakes in the kitchen. That helped with the headache. All I wanted to do was go back to bed with Marissa, who had eaten her breakfast there, hardly making eye contact with anyone. But Tom wanted to go for a walk, the two of us, like old times. He wanted to go through the town. I thought it was a bad idea. It had gotten more overgrown in the past few years--as if someone had recently stopped taking care of it--and last year, my sister saw a snake. She thought it was a copperhead.
But while Tom spoke, Not-Not got up and sat down with Marissa, letting an arm fall across her back. She smiled at him and didn't push it away. I agreed to go.
We had brought coats with us, but as it turned out, we didn't need them. Though the leaves were turning gold on the trees, a summer wind had blown in. It was hot. I changed into my shortest jean shorts and a pink top that made my boobs look bigger than they were--and I made sure Marissa got a good look at my cleavage on the way out. Not-Not noticed, but I don't know if she did.
Tom and I walked down the old dirt road. He kept trying to hold my hand. I was beginning to wonder why I had brought Tom along by this point if I wasn't going to fuck him. I knew Marissa was there to get with Not-Not, but after the night previous I had fooled myself into thinking that might change. Marissa was probably sucking Not-Not's cock right now and Tom was in on it. This walk was to give them time alone.
Fuck it, I thought, taking Tom's hand and swinging it between us. I smiled at him and he smiled back.
By the time we got to the sagging abandoned town, I was all but wet for him.
That changed when we saw the state of the place. It was brand new. The weeds were cut back. The spiderweb cracks in the road were gone. The sidewalks were swept, gardens planted. Green leaves waved at us from proud oaks, turning up their undersides to promise rain. There were shiny new cars--fresh off some 1950s lot--parked in the street and open signs in all the store windows.
I was immediately freaked. It wasn't just that the town had been fixed up and cleaned--it had been restored to mint condition, the way it must have looked when my grandmother was growing up there. Tom thought it was just some historical re-enactment shit like a living history museum. But there was no one around and, besides, my family would have heard about it if they were installing a 1950s theme park ten minutes from our vacation home.
So I wanted to turn back. Tom wanted to fuck.
He held my hand up to his mouth hand kissed it, slipping his other arm around my waist.
"Tom, I really think we should go back," I said. "This is weird."
"Come on,” he said. "Don't you want a little adventure?"
I hadn't been with a man in a long time. As he backed me into the wall of a rebuilt house, I felt the resurrected brick sting my shoulders. I squeaked.
"What is it?" Tom said, his lips were tracking my arms into my neck. I could feel his hot breath against my face.
"It's cold," I said. "The wall is cold."
I pushed him away and put my hands on the building. It hurt like dry ice. I could feel the building sucking the heat out of my body. I wrung out my hands and tucked them under my armpits. Tom felt the wall too.
"I really think we should go," I said again.
"It's the middle of fall," Tom said, pulling me back to him.
"So what?" I said, tolerating the embrace. "It's fucking warm out."
"We can't go back yet."
My nipples have always been sensitive. When his hand found its way under my shirt, I knew it was over. I forgot the wall and the weird buildings and I remembered Marissa alone with Not-Not. I let Tom take me down and pull off my shirt. I wasn't wearing a bra, and he feigned a look of amazement when my breasts came tumbling out. I've always loved when he did that. He buried his face in my chest. I loved when he did that more.
Tom took his shirt off. He'd been working out. I ran my fingers over the muscles of his back and slipped them into his pants, feeling his ass.
He was unbuttoning my little shorts when we heard a colossal bang echoing all around us. We scrambled to our feet and I squirmed back into my shirt. Tom, covering his erection with one hand, ran around the corner of the building into the street.
"What the fuck?" I heard him say.
Clothed, I followed him out.
All the doors in all the buildings and cars had swung open. The screen doors were still rattling on their hinges, bumping against houses as if caught in a little breeze.
We ran.
But Tom didn't give up. After a while, we slowed down and Tom pulled a flask out of his pocket. He took a long gulp and passed it to me. It was some mixture of his vodka and orange juice. It was good.
"I'm sure it was just the wind," Tom said.
But that didn't explain the feeling of absolute dread that grew in my stomach when it happened. It didn't explain the restoration of Gorndon and it didn't explain what happened next.
The house was in sight again at the top of the little hill. We came to the split in the path where we had to decide either to go back up or go down to the beach.
I still had a sense of what was going on up at the house and, either emboldened by the alcohol or having rationalized away the sights we had seen, I was ready to go anywhere but back.
"Remember that time in the paddleboat?" Tom said. "We went out to that little island with a sixer of your dad's homebrew and--"
"I remember, Tom," I said. The sight of the house had changed dread to jealousy and I wasn't in the mood to reminisce about the times Tom still jerked it to. Nor was I in the mood to re-enact them anymore. That wasn't what the weekend was about for me anymore.
"What?" he said.
"No, what?" he said, turning and taking my hands.
He was trying to be sweet. Maybe he wasn't such a fuckboy after all. But still, I wanted Marissa and I told him.
"Oh," he said. "Well, I'm sorry, Sam. I didn't know."
I don't know what he was thinking then, but he was quiet for a minute and I thought he was going to say something nice.
"Revenge sex?" he said.
No, he was a fuckboy. I decided. I took another draft from his flask and left him standing there, knowing I was mad and knowing that it wasn't going to happen for him. Not that weekend, anyway.
At the beach, I found two piles of clothes and the black lake lapping against the silent shore. This was where it happened.
One pile, I knew, belonged to Marissa. Her bra was left on the top like the cherry on a sundae. That made the pile crested by a water bottle filled with suspicious looking orange juice Not-Not's clothes.
It was warm, but not warm enough to go skinny dipping in the lake and the endless ripples on the lake yielded no sign of either of them.
I took a drink from Not-Not's bottle. Feeling distinctly buzzed now, I took off my top. Then my shorts. And my sandals. I stood alone, naked on the beach. I had been naked on that beach before, but never alone. There was something about the lake that day, something about the way the light made it glitter. I wanted to go in.
When I did, I couldn't feel the water at all. It was the same temperature as the air--but that wasn't it. I could only feel the line of the surface as it rose over my hips, my breasts, my neck. Then, I was under.
Once I was underwater, there was no going back. It was cool and refreshing. I suddenly realized that I had been overheating all day and now I could relax. I swam down deeper into the lake, below where I knew the lakebed should have been. It was deep but never dark. I could see where I was going in little golden streamers that lit up dirt particles like drifting confetti.
Then, I found the cave.
It was just a little opening in the bottom of the lake. A small slit emanating a warm glow. I pulled myself in and found a pocket of air. It was a little room carpeted with moss and hung with kelp curtains all alight with an ethereal glow. At the back, a column of water fell into a pool, filling the air with the joyous sound of a fountain. And there she was.
Marissa knelt facing me with a rigid back so that her breasts fell perfectly against her chest. They were round with puffy brown nipples. It was a sight I hadn't seen since we tried sex all those years ago and I pressed my face into them. The water fell behind her, mottling the light that sprinkled in her long brown hair. I forgot all the strangeness that had brought me here in that moment.
"Samantha!" she said, leaping off her knees and crawling towards me.
As clean as the cave was, it was still too small to stand in.
"What is this place?" I said.
"I don't know," Marissa said. "Isn't it great, though? I think it must be a lava cave. Is Massachusetts on a fault line?"
She held me by the forearms as if to keep herself from falling over. Her skin was smooth and dry. I could smell the alcohol still on her breath.
"It is incredible," I said. Our faces were so close together.
Then, she kissed me. It wasn't like our drunk kisses the night before or many other nights when she teased me. This was real. I could feel it in the way she caressed my cheek, in the way her eyelashes fluttered against my face. I kissed her back,
"What about Not-Not?" I said, feeling twinges of jealousy come back.
"Forget him," Marissa panted. She pulled us both to the mossy floor in a heap and ran her fingers down my arms to my hips. "Fuck me. I want to be with you."
That was all I needed to hear.
I planted my face in her breasts and kissed up her neck. Our tongues danced in our mouths and my hands travelled all around her body. It was nothing like being with a man or any other woman. This was Marissa. This was destiny.
We were kissing and rubbing our bodies against one another. I tossed one leg over hers and felt our clits working together, sending waves of pleasure between us. She moaned into my mouth and I pushed her down, creeping down her body until my head was between her legs.
She tasted like lake water and citrus, my Marissa. She tasted the way I remember it from before. Her body arched and she moaned louder.
When it was my turn, I sat on her face and laid down over her body. It was the most incredible feeling. It was like pulses coming through my body. I think some of them are still with me to this day.
I felt the orgasm come on slow at first, then it controlled me, contorting my body into her and producing a scream.
"Yes," I heard her whisper," yes, baby."
"Oh, Mari," I said. "Fuck me, Mari."
I felt her hands tightening on my ass and her faces shaking under me. When it was over, I turned around and folded myself into Mari's arms. I looked up to kiss her and lose myself in her blue eyes. She smiled and brushed the hair out of my face.
In the aftermath of my pleasure, my head was beginning to clear. I was in an impossible place with a girl who didn't want me only this morning. I knew at once that something was wrong. That it wasn't her. I can't explain how. Even as were entwined, kissing in bliss, the feeling was coming over me. But I relaxed into it. I wanted it so badly to be real that I would wait until the last possible second to escape whatever this was. Such was the hold the cave had over me. Or, maybe, it was the hold my best friend had over me.
Marissa broke off the kiss.
"I've always wanted this," she said. "But I was scared."
Marissa had never been scared in her life. If she wanted something, she took it. This wasn't her. I let the cuddle go with only a tinge of regret.
"Now, we can be together," she said.
"I'd like that," I said, but I wasn't talking to her.
"Let's explore!" Marissa said, changing tones suddenly. "I think there's more to this cave."
She crawls to the back of the cave by the fountain.
"Look!" she said.
I was looking. A gap had opened along Marissa's spine. A black strip held together by strands of gummy waterweeds and barnacles aching to pull tight Marissa's opening skin.
I screamed and Marissa turned. Her face changed to match my look of terror and her eyes went from blue to black.
I dove through the cave opening before she could move to stop me. The water was cold and dark and dirty. I was deep at the bottom of the lake. I didn't have the air in my lungs to make it to the surface. I don't know how I made it down there. And I don't know how I made it back up. But I did it and, with bursting lungs, swam back to the beach that seemed miles away. In the distance, I could see the ruins of Gorndon decayed and empty again.
When I staggered out of the lake, Tom was there sitting with three piles of clothes looking. His shirt was off. My legs were still shaking from the orgasm I had below. He must have seen some of what had happened in my face because he paused his undressing.
"What happened?" he said. "Are you okay?"
I could tell he was still staring at my breasts, raking my naked body with his eyes. But he seemed concerned.
"How long were you underwater?" he said. "Where are the others?"
"I don't know," I said. I struggled into my clothes. "I don't know."
I was starting to panic and I felt it in my voice. I'm still not sure what happened in the cave, but I know it wasn't Marissa and I know it was the best sex I've ever had in my life. Sometimes, I think I made the wrong choice leaving her--it--down there. It had Marissa's voice. Her body. Her thoughts. Could it have been real? Could I be with Mari at the bottom of the lake, forever? I didn't tell Tom any of that. I didn't tell anyone any of that.
We waited for Marissa and Not-Not for the rest of the day before we gave in and called the police. They searched for days before calling for a boat to dredge the lake. They scoured it for days before closing the case, declaring Marissa and Harry missing persons. They still are to this day. When they drained the lake, I was waiting for news to break about the cave or, at least, about Marissa and Not-Not's bodies. But it never came. No. The FBI made sure of that.
They showed up on campus a few weeks after the incident to question Tom and me. They asked questions no police officer would think to ask. They knew about the cave. I told them everything I knew and still they wanted more. Before they left, I got up my courage.
"You know about this thing, right?" I said. "Do you think it got her? Do you think she's alive?"
They didn't answer me. Only quietly closed me into my dorm room and left me to cry.
I dropped out of school. I wait tables in a diner near lake Gorndon, serving water to table taken from the new reservoir. If Mari ever comes crawling out of that lake--if either version of Mari come crawling out of that lake--I'll be here for her. I'm ready now.
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INTRODUCTION The truth? My mom was kind of a slut. I had to grow up more to see it but she left my dad when I was young for another guy and had another girl by him. Then she had a slew of boyfriends which my older sister had caught fucking her on more than one occasion. She had moved us all out to Northern California and a year later I moved back in with my dad and only visited her in the Summer. My sisters and I had been through a lot, my older sister and I faded a lot of heat...
“Fuck, I should have known better,” Ella muttered under her breath, reaching for the bag of breakfast cereals, “than to—Argh!—let a ghost have his way with me.” She slammed the door of the cupboard with determined frustration. “And a desperate incapable virgin at that!”“Hey, I heard that!” came a disembodied voice from inside the refrigerator she was opening to find the disembodied head of her latest sexual escapade, looking at her with the puppy-eyed face of a rejected teenager—close to...
SupernaturalThose who succumbed to savagery were ample in number as usual; poor soul who will either perish in the first Savage Cave or by stroke of luck will regain their sanity. The former was more probable. The Blood Red Grapes’s groves were occupied as expected. Zax did not care much about their occupants, but neither he disturbed them when he passed through some for an invigorating unripe Blood Red Grape, which he developed a taste to during the old days... ‘The gravitational force’. Zax noted...
At the foothills of the mountains, surrounded by a dense forest was the small village of Koletis. It was said to be founded in the seventh century by a small band of travelers who were looking for a place to start anew and escape the oppression of their greedy overlord. Over time, they developed trade with other villages in the region, usually just beyond the forest and they enjoyed great prosperity. However, the village’s elders grew greedy and corrupt and the divide between the wealthy and...
Time sped by after I left the cave. I don't know how I got home that night, only that I worke up the next morning and went right back to the cave. But I could not find the entrance again, no matter how hard I tried or how sure I was that I was in the right spot, I just could not find it. I was sure it was not a dream, His seed still coursed in my veins and His words rang in my head! I finally realized that He had given me spread the word of Cock. This meant something totally...
Looking out to her left, a modern facility seemed incongruous amongst the greenery. Several habitation buildings, a greenhouse, even an air-strip, control tower and hangar, containing her plane. Well, obviously not 'her' plane, in that it was owned by Nordic Industries, the same as the rest of the entire complex. As the Operational Manager and sole pilot based out here however, Tamara took her responsibility seriously. Being the personal woman-servant of the CEO of Nordic Inc. also...
I had just fallen asleep when I was wakened by a loud gong like sound. “What the hell,” I uttered and turned my head to see a misty manlike form, shining so brightly I had to avert my eyes. “Wha, what's going on?” “Who or what are you?” I couldn't comprehend what was happening. He or it answered in a sepulchral voice, “I am the ghost of the future.” “Wait a minute, isn't that a Christmas thing?” I asked. “Nah, that's just our busy season. Besides, how could we make a living if we only worked a...
Oral SexChapter One“Damn it! Where did they go?” I mumbled to myself as I came to a fork on the icy path on this icy alpine mountain. Derrick, my boyfriend, thought this trip would be a great way to spend our winter break from the University we attended in Chicago.Susie, my BFF, and Sean, her boyfriend, all were excited about the trip. I guess I was the only one who didn't like the idea. The news has a way of making the world seem dangerous. Chicago doesn't have the best reputation, but I feel safe...
Fantasy & Sci-FiPathfinder: The Trio - Cave Conversations Author's note: Since this is a sequel to "The Trio", you might want to read that one first, if you havent already. Goruza led the way towards the cave, with Emerald behind her leading Champ, her mule, on which Besh (and Max) sat. Finally, they reached the lip of the cave, and entered into it. "It's bigger than I expected," Besh remarked as she jumped off Champ, temporarily dislocating Max in the process. "We should explore it, so we...
Staring at the living room's Screen, Zax and Serah had two huge, proud, childish grins. They did tell the truth and now Troel and Jinka have to believe them. In contrast to the two children, Troel and Jinka completely ignored the notion of their daughter and her friend lying. The two adult listened to every word of the announcer and followed each of the reporters' questions that were answered or overlooked. They did not laugh or were excited. By when the announcement broadcast the third...
Kerri was almost ready to flip her fourth house. The first one had made only a marginal profit due to some unforeseen issues that had cost both time and money. But she had learned some valuables lessons, and more importantly, had managed to meet her financial obligations with the bank. That made it easier to get a second loan for her next project. When she flipped that one, she had come much closer to her estimated profit and was forming relationships with the bank and some other...
HistoricalI was lonely after having to leave town quickly to avoid some people who were not happy with me and wanted to hurt me. Normally, I would have stayed and faced these people, but under good advice and harsh punishment, I decided to get out of town. But in doing so, I had to cut ties with the very soul of my existence....everything that I existed fellow worshippers!i wound up in a very rural town, hiding out in a cabin my grandmother had inherited in the mountains. There was not much to...
The Cave of Solitude By Kachakali See a picture of this story at my site: Am I alive or am I dead? Is this purgatory? I cant see anything. I cant tell if I'm blind or not. Darkness is the same if my eyes are open or not. I've been wandering in this darkness forever it seems. How do I even know I exist? Do I still have a body? or am I just a wandering thought? When the bandits came, I ran into this secret cave. I found it myself....
In the village of Norde, in the Kingdom of Thiskal, recently women have been going missing. Eventually it was discovered that Cave Toads from the nearby Black Marsh cave system were responsible, but as Norde is a peaceful farming village, they had no way to oppose the creatures. However, thier plight spread throughout the kingdom, eventually prompting three adventureres to come to the aid. With no promise of major wealth, these women selflessly enter the caves in order to deal with the cave...
FantasyCaptain Caveman in Cavey Can Do It By Sasha Zarya Nexus This fan fiction piece is based on the original works, "Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels" by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977. "All New Super Friends Hour"; by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977 and Extreme Justice #9 by DC Comics, Copyright 1995 All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment...
Celtic Warrior 2: Secrets of the Crystal Cave Deep in the forest of Northwestern Gaul 263 BC Lilli softly kissed Ulrike’s thigh. When she laid her cheek against the warrior’s muscular leg, she looked directly into the heart of her dew filled forest and the musky tunnel beyond. Lilli’s fingers were inside stirring up the juices that seeped out around her hand. The bouquet of the Ulrike’s arousal filled the seer’s nostrils. It was intoxicating, and she inhaled deeply and savored the scent of...
I wrote this for a ladyfriend whom I went on to have a wild weekend with – ish! After reading it, she claimed to have rushed to her nearest pub, picked up a man and then fucked his brains out! See what you think! The sand was so white and pebble-free it could have been snow, but for the intense heat from the cloudless blue sky. The Mediterranean Sea was crystal clear, very warm and very welcoming. Mandy marvelled at the view, she was a week into her holiday with her partner and her tan was...
I wrote this for a ladyfriend whom I went on to have a wild weekend with - ish!After reading it, she claimed to have rushed to her nearest pub, picked up a man and then fucked his brains out! See what you think! The sand was so white and pebble-free it could have been snow, but for the intense heat from the cloudless blue sky. The Mediterranean Sea was crystal clear, very warm and very welcoming.Mandy marvelled at the view, she was a week into her holiday with her partner and her tan was...
“Stop right there!”The voice was female but had an air of authority in it. My brain working fast for a way out of this as I slowly turned around to see the owner of this confident female voice. She stood about 5ft 8” or 173cm if you are into that metric stuff. Maybe mid-thirties to forties and slightly built which made me think I could overpower her perhaps. Then I saw the Glock held firmly in her grasp pointing at my chest. There was no shaking in her hand, here was a woman very used to...
Lesbian“Stop right there!” The voice was female but had an air of authority in it. My brain working fast for a way out of this as I slowly turned around to see the owner of this confident female voice. She stood about 5ft 8” or 173cm if you are into that metric stuff. Maybe mid-thirties to forties and slightly built which made me think I could overpower her perhaps. Then I saw the Glock held firmly in her grasp pointing at my chest. There was no shaking in her hand, here was a woman very used to...
If Raener would have rather died than be saved by a wolf girl, then soon got his wish. His recovery seemed to be swift and without issue, but just two days later, his condition suddenly took a turn for the worse. A hot fever suddenly shot to every end of his body and when Rosalie removed the old leaves to reapply the herbal paste, she found that there was pus leaking out of his wounds. Without speaking, both knew what this meant; blood poisoning. Rosalie wanted to tell the incubus that he got...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAt the time of this story, my wife, Laura, and I lived in Tacoma , Washington , and we both enjoyed hiking in the Cascade Mountains . Laura’s hobby is wildlife photography, and we often took overnight hikes at higher elevations, so we would be in the mountains at sun rise to take photos of wildlife not normally seen during the day. We understood the dangers in the mountains, and always took the necessary survival equipment, just in case of an emergency. Fierce storms could develop in a matter...
At the time of this story, my wife, Laura, and I lived in Tacoma , Washington , and we both enjoyed hiking in the Cascade Mountains . Laura’s hobby is wildlife photography, and we often took overnight hikes at higher elevations, so we would be in the mountains at sunrise to take photos of wildlife not normally seen during the day. We understd the dangers in the mountains, and always took the necessary survival equipment, just in case of an emergency. Fierce storms can develop in a matter of...
CuckoldThe call caught everyone by surprise, but Tim seemed to have taken the news of his cousin Jacob’s un-expected passing especially hard. Tim was only five or so years older than Jacob and the two had been more like brothers for much of their lives. Both had similar interests (fast cars chief among them), racing and just in general having a good time together. A year ago Jacob moved to New Orleans to attend a University and that’s when he had begun to grow apart from Tim and the rest of their...
Jack Simon’s business trip to Manila had gone well. His company’s new office was well staffed to administer the underwriting and collection aspects of his large insurance company. He rewarded himself by taking a flying boat to Okinawa to meet an old Navy buddy. Craig was a lifer who had managed to stay in Okinawa for three years and he knew the area well. He took Jack scuba diving in places that tourists never saw; cave systems on small islands that were mostly untouched by the outside...
She visited them as regularly as she could. The drive in her jeep would take her through various mountainous terrain and valleys of bare rock. A place fondly remembered, far enough from main roads and remote enough from her own existence in the noisy city. She would stay usually no more than one or two nights in her cave, but the nights there were her medicine that she had to take. Her nights would rejuvenate her, recharge her, fire her hormones and detonate her sexuality. She would go away,...
She laid him down in the cave. On her way back, his open wounds had left a trail of blood and was sure to attract wolves — but she was the most dangerous wolf in this part of the forest. The handsome incubus had stopped making noise, but Rosalie could still feel his heart beating every so faintly. She thought that he should have died from his horrible wounds, but there was a stubborn frown on his brows — he refused to die. When she tended his wounds, she couldn’t help but smile at the irony...
Fantasy & Sci-FiDaddy comes out of the cave after what seems like forever. He walks over to the blanket and picks up the cloth packaging that the ropes were wrapped in. I look at him, curious about what he’s going to do with that. He looks at me and smiles with a little mischievous glint in his eye. He walks over to me and kisses me sweetly. He then uses the packaging as a blindfold. I smile and shiver. Blindfolds are my favorite thing for us to play with. “It’s time to go see Master, Princess,” Daddy...
BDSMEve and her protégée Evita made a good killing team and they were in great demand on all raids despite the fact that females generally did not go on raiding parties just because they spent most of their time pushing out tiny new cave-dwellers. Both Eve and her follower Evita were fit enough to handle raiding confrontations up to about the halfway point of carrying a new member of the prehistoric cave-dwelling society. That meant about a four to five month period of non-participation rather...
Amy Lickbottom was teased mercilessly about the erotic flavor of her last name. She knew her parents were quite proud of their heritage and she kept the name even though she was the butt of nasty remarks wherever she went. Even her passive boyfriend Herman joked about pulling her panties down to see if she could live up to her name. She pretended to be aghast but in all honesty she would have liked Herman to be a little more adventurous than he was in reality. At the time that she decided to...
My name is Cyrus Zanger and I ... had sex with my sister. There I said it. The cat's out of the bag. Let the world know, I'm a sick pervert! But it wasn't really my fault. I know what you're thinking... "Well how can it not be your fault? You put your penis inside her vagina! You both let it happen! You're sick!" Seriously it was an accident. Where to begin? Oh, the beginning, yeah. That's a good spot. Well. I'm 19 years old, and so is my twin sister, Emma, but we had just turned 18...
The emperor's Ghosts started with three thousand young men willing and eager to serve. We were not sworn in as normal, we gave oaths of fealty to the emperor. We started basic training and that was when they gave us the drugs and other chemical treatments. That was when we began to die. Three thousand started and twelve weeks later three hundred graduated, the rest died. We were stronger, faster and smarter. We began the advanced training; flight, weapons, martial arts, intel and reentry...
I had just finished jerking off and I was lying here on my bed trying to piece together "What went wrong; why am I still a virgin at eighteen?" I am a pretty good looking dude if I do say so myself; 6'2" tall, dark wavy hair, blue eyes, handsome face, athletic build. I work on my body; lifting at the gym, running and biking. Why couldn't I have scored at least once during high school? High school is over now, I just graduated last week. My chance to score during those four influential years is...
I had just finished jerking off and I was lying here on my bed trying to piece together "What went wrong; why am I still a virgin at eighteen?" I am a pretty good looking dude if I do say so myself; 6'2" tall, dark wavy hair, blue eyes, handsome face, athletic build. I work on my body; lifting at the gym, running and biking. Why couldn't I have scored at least once during high school? High school is over now, I just graduated last week. My chance to score during those four influential years is...
Lake II By Connie W (aka ponygirlTS) Chapter Eight A Few Days Later I have to admit that I am uncomfortable with Lake sleeping around. I think that she has had sex with everyone except Jerry (who she says she won't) and Martin (who she says avoids her like the plague). Martin was doing all right at avoiding her too, until she caught him in the shower. She had picked the bathroom door lock and snuck in. She had made a show of it as she walked through the living room and...
Lake Lady, by Armond "And there I saw mage Merlin... And near him stood the Lady of the Lake, Who knows a subtler magic than his own- Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful. She gave the King his huge cross-hilted sword, Whereby to drive the heathen out: a mist Of incense curled about her, and her face Wellnigh was hidden in the minster gloom..." -Idylls of the King, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson "And when I was fifteen yeere old, then was I...