Farm Help Girls Updated
- 4 years ago
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"Yes it does, doesn't it," she replied softly snuggling into the covers and pillow. "Good night."
"Good night, sleep tight,..."
"Don't let the bed bugs bite," she finished while grinning at me. "Good night Charlie."
"Good night Pam," I said snuggling into my own share of covers and pillow.
I still wanted to go upstairs and see my little nymphs but I couldn't see any way to do it, have a shower and then get back into bed with Pam and not have her notice that I was gone. So I ended up just falling asleep.
When morning came and the suns rays warmed up the room, it seemed warmer and more comfy than ever. Only when sleep receeded a little did I realize why. Pam and I were wrapped pretty much around each other, legs and arms entangled like a pair of lovers. Pam's face in sleep showed utter contentment, and peace. I really hated the idea of having to wake her up from such a wonderful state.
In the end it seemed that I didn't have to because her eyes slowly flickered open and she smiled at me. "Good morning," she said before leaning towards me and kissing my lips as a lover would first thing in the morning. "Mmmmm..." she said softly pulling herself tighter against me so that she was talking into my neck. "Last night was the first decent sleep that I've had in a long time. "Thanks Charlie. Maybe, we can do it again some time, huh?"
"Oh, what's this," she said slipping her hand between us and wrapping it around my morning errection which had been pressed against her leg. "What ever it is, it certainly is big," she said grinning at me. "I'll tell you what Charlie, since I slept so good last night because of you. I'll take care of this thing for you."
She kissed my lips again, and then slid down under the covers before I could say anything to stop her. The next thing I knew the damp warm cavern of her mouth was wrapped around my shaft slurping and sucking on my nine inch cock. I laid there in disbelief, the last thing that I had ever expected to happen when I came to the farm was to have my own sister deep throating me like a pro.
I couldn't do anything to stop her, she was the best cocksucker I had ever known, and she was giving me a blow job of a life time. All I could do was slip my hands under the covers and run my fingers through her blonde hair as I moaned out her name. She swallowed every drop of my cum before sliding back up my body and kissing my lips again. "Mmm... that was good. I haven't had a drop of cum for awhile. It was delicious Charlie."
That night I gave the girls a really good work out, but I was still having a hard time believing what had happened first thing in the morning with their mother. By the next day I'd almost had myself convinced that it hadn't happened. But that night Pam came into my room, and without waiting she slipped under the covers with me and kissed my lips.
"Pam, what are you doing here?"
"I had such a good nights sleep the other night, I wanted to sleep with you again." With that she cuddled up close to me again, this time however she wrapped herself around me on purpose, not waiting for sleep. "Good night Charlie," she whispered softly giving me another kiss that should have been meant for a lover.
I wrapped my arms around her, and held her knowing that their was no way I was going to see the girls that night, although I had to admit, it was nice to cuddle up with a woman and know that you were going to wake up with her still in your arms.
When we woke up she gave me another one of her marvelous blow- jobs, and then we got up together and dressed. The next thing that was important and sort of funny, was about five nights later, since Pam had started coming into my room and sleeping with me on every second night I had the odd nights with the girls.
Well, anyway as I was saying, five nights later I was up in the girls room and Shawna and I were going at it, while Helen was watching us from where she was laying and next thing I know Helen's looking towards the door and saying "It's not your time yet!"
I turned to look at the door, and I saw Caroline standing there as naked as her sisters. My first thought was "Oh shit, I'm dead meat now. She'll run out of her straight to her mother." Then after looking at Caroline's expression, I realized that she was just as anxious to slip into bed with us aswell. I wanted to swear her to keep our secret or something but before I could do anything Helen told her "Go back to your own room."
Caroline glanced at me and then disappeared back out the door. "Charlie," Shawna whispered turning my face back to her and then guiding me down so that she could kiss my lips. "Don't stop!"
Well, I think you can guess I was pretty nervous over the next view days wondering what would happen. But nothing did. It was just life as normal. Then Mavis showed up, with Missy. Missy was about thirty years old, nowhere's near as attractive as Pam was in anyone's right mind, but I suppose she was cute in her own way.
Once they arrived Missy started flirting with me right from the start. I had a feeling that Pam didn't like it one bit, but I indulged Missy the little that I could, but before I knew it I was baited into going to the town barbeque with her. I don't know how it happened, but I can tell you one thing I was not the one to ask.
After they left Pam got into a really foul mood, I mean for the first time since I'd been at the farm she swore, not once, not twice, but a whole string load that would have put a sailor to shame. She'd swear at the kids, she'd swear at me, she'd swear at the animals. I mean what ever Mavis said when I wasn't around had obviously upset her a lot. But even when I tried to get her to talk about it, she didn't want any part of it. Infact she canceled our nightly talk on the porch, and she didn't show up that night when it was her turn to sleep with me.
After the barbeque Pam seemed even less acceptive of me, and when I told her that I had gotten strung into another whole string of advents to do over the next week with Missy, did she seemed pissed. "Fine, it's your life to ruin, just remeber, Caroline's birthday is on Saturday. So don't make plans with that fluzey!"
Since Pam's visits to my room stopped completely after the barbeque, I got back into the schedule I frst had, only sleeping with the girls. However, at the same time they were willing, they also seemed somewhat withdrawn.
Friday night, I went out with Missy for a quick dinner and planned to get back home as quickly as I could. But Missy it seemed had different plans, she brought a picnic basket and said we were going to eat dinner at her favourite spot. So I drove to where she wanted to go and she set everything out. The entire night though she seemed to flirt way too much.
What was worse was after we'd finished dinner and I planned to get up and take her home she was all over me, I mean completely, lips against mine pressing herself against me. I knew one thing though the moment her lips touched mine, it wasn't what I wanted.
"No," I said pushing her away."
"What's wrong Chuck?"
"I don't want this Missy, I agreed to do a few friendly things with you, but I don't want this."
"Sure you do Chuckie," she said moving closer again to me.
"No I don't, so if you want a ride home, let's get this stuff packed up and go, otherwise, I'll leave you here."
"You wouldn't!"
"Try me." We packed up the stuff and I drove her home, and glad I was rid of her once I was alone in the car again. Then I got started thinking about Pam, although she did seem to be a fair amount on my mind anymore. But I really started to think about her change in attitude, and when it had started.
I also got to thinking that maybe it wasn't what Mavis said at all, I mean Pam's attitude had constantly gotten worse the more times I had gone out with Missy. "Can she be jealous," I asked aloud. I mean my sister jealous about me seeing another woman. "It certainly seems that way." But why? "Do sisters normally sleep in the same bed as their brother? Do they give them blow- jobs that are absolutley heavenly?" No, of course not. "She has stopped sharing my bed since I started going out with Missy." If she's jealous, I'm just going to have to ask her. "And then tell her I'm never going to see Missy again."
When I got to the farm all the lights were turned out, so I moved as quietly as I could into the house and to my room. I stripped out of my sweater and my shirt before turning on the light. I was kind of surprised at what I found. Pam was laying in my bed again, all on her own. As if she was waiting for me. It was a wonderful thing to come home to. She stirred while I took off my pants and shut the light off heading for the bathroom in my boxers.
I brushed my teeth and then after thinking about which bed I should go to Helen's or my own with Pam in it. I thought about it for a minute, but then when I thought of Pam laying there waiting for me to come home, I went back to my own room and slipped into bed with her.
When I woke up, we were entagled in each other's limbs just like always, this time instead of waiting for her to kiss me I kissed her lips, and I kissed them again, and again until she was awake. There was only one person that I had to tell about what I'd discovered when I saw her in bed waiting for me. I had fallen in love with my own sister, and I had to tell her.
"Oh damn, I didn't mean to fall asleep."
"So you were waiting for me?"
"Yes. I wanted to talk to you about something important."
"I do too," I said smiling at her, while at the same time not letting her slip out of my arms.
"Look Charlie, whether or not your going to keep screwing around with that fluezy or not is your business, but..."
"I told her I didn't want to see her, on anything more than a friendly basis last night."
"R-really? You did?" she asked looking at me with a shimmer of surprise, and something odd, hope in her eyes.
"Yes, I did."
"Well, that's great Charlie. Really it is."
"You were saying..."
"Oh, ye-yes, of course, well I guess I can skip the first part can't I?"
"All right then, I have to tell you something about Frank, and... and the girls."
"What about them?"
"Well, Frank and I both knew that the girls would have urges, and that there were very few boys around, at the best of times. And we really didn't want them settling for just anybody. So as the man of the house, it became Frank's job to satisfy all of the women's urges in the house."
"You mean he fucked them?"
"Not all of them, just Shawna and Helen, just like you have."
"Y-you knew?"
:"Of course I did, you don't think you could get away with something like that and not have me find out did you," she said grinning.
"I've got to admit, I kind of found it strange that you didn't find out. I've been waiting for you to throw me out over it."
"I won't Charlie, you're the man of the house now, and they need you."
"So you don't mind if we..."
"No, of course I don't, it wasn't the same for them when I tried to satisfy them on my own. They need a man to make love to them. That's kind of why I had to talk to you Charlie, it's Caroline's twelfth birthday today, and Frank's present to her was going to be her first time making love with a man.
"She's been looking forward to this day for a long time Charlie, and she needs the man of the house. That's you Charlie, to make love to her for her very first time. I know it's probably not exactly what you signed on to do, but I beg of you, don't disapoint her."
"You want me to take your daughter's cherry?"
"I hope you understand how much this means to me Charlie."
"So what happens when Johnny reaches the age of twelve."
"He get's to make love to his sisters, and me."
"So right now, as the only man of the house I have access to all of the women of the house?"
"As of today, yes."
"Oh Pam, I'm sorry."
"What do you have to be sorry for, you haven't taken Caroline already have you!"
"No, no I've never touched her."
"That's a family event."
"What do you mean?"
"You have to take her cherry infront of everyone. That's the way that we've always done it before. Now would you mind telling me what you're sorry about."
"I promised you that I would take care of all your needs, and it seems that I've been grossly negligent in my duties haven't I," I said giving her a deep kiss.
"Yes you have," she said with a bitter-sweet smile.
"Well, we'll just have to fix that won't we," I said rolling on top of her giving her another kiss.
"Charlie, we can't!"
"Am I hurting you," I said looking down into her face, before kissing her again.
"Of course not."
"Am I hurting the baby?"
"Then why can't we?"
"Because you've got to save your strength for Caroline, she's going to want a fair bit of your attention today. You are going to..." she said sounding a little doubtful.
"Of course I will," I said kissing her again. "But the day after tomorrow, after I've rested up, I'm going to want to spend the entire day in bed with you."
"Are you sure you want to do that with this big fat pregnant lady, when you've got nearly three teenage girls to satisfy?"
"There just going to have to wait," I said grinning before kissing her lips again.
"You had something to tell me too didn't you?"
"I love you."
"I love you too, Charlie."
"No Pam, I mean I love you."
"Oh, that kind of I love you?"
"Well, as I said Charlie, I love you too. How could I not, we've spent so much time together lately."
"What do you think Mom and Dad would have said?"
"I don't know, and I really don't care Charlie, I just want you," she said before stretching her neck up and kissing me.
"You know something?"
"What," she said smiling.
"I think I can spare a little energy," I said touching the tip of my cock to her entrance which was already so damp, it felt almost like it was being sucked in as I applied a little push.
"Oh Charlie we shouldn't," she said wrapping her arms around my waist while bringing her legs up.
"No, we probably shouldn't," I whispered to her before kissing her as I continued to pump in and out of her.
"Oh Charlie," Pam cried softly hugging me tight as we kissed and exploded together. We laid there together gently caressing and kissing each other. Before all three girls came into the room and climbed on the bed.
"It's about time you made love to her," Helen said sitting on the bed.
"Yeah, she's been waiting for you to do it a long time Charlie."
"Has she," I asked looking at Pam, who blushed a little.
"Especially since we told her how good you were," Shawna said leaning over and kissing my lips. "Right Mom?"
"How much did you little scamps see?"
"Almost all of it," Caroline said grinning.
"Well, you kids get out to the kitchen so Charlie and I can get dressed. Then we'll get some breakfast."
"I've got a better idea," I said squeezing Pam who was laying ontop of my arm. "Since today is such a special day, why don't we all drive into town, and we'll get some breakfast there. Then we'll come back and give Caroline her presents. How does that sound Caroline?"
"It sounds nice," she replied softly. "But, did Mom tell you what present Dad was going to give me?"
"I know all about it."
"Well, I am the man of the house," I said grinning at her, before her older sisters broke out in smiles.
"Does that mean..."
"Yes honey, you'll become a woman today," Pam said happily as she snuggled up closer to me. "Now go get your brother out of bed and ready to go."
When we got into town and at the restaurant, we got a booth, and everyone piled in. First Helen and Shawna went in, then Johnny sat down beside them. Pam slipped in beside them, while I waited for Caroline to slip in beside her but she waved me in instead. Once I was sitting I realized what was going on Caroline wanted to sit beside me, but she also wanted me to sit beside Pam.
While we were eating breakfast, with the exception of Caroline occassionally touching my leg, I felt like we were a regular family. It was the one thing that I thought I'd never feel. I mean I'd spent the almost three decades looking for a woman to settle down and have a family with, but I'd never found the right one.
And yet here I was sitting down with that exact same feeling and enjoying it more than I had anything else in my life. In fact I was feeling better about everything just sitting there acting like a family, especially with Pam and I sharing kisses infront of everyone. I'd almost given up on the expectations of ever experiencing it.
"You girls go inside Johnny and I will feed the chickens," I said when we got home.
"All right, but don't take too long," Pam said before giving me a kiss and patting my butt. "Caroline's anxious enough without you delaying things along."
"Well, we can't have them go hungry can we? Besides, isn't there a birthday cake or something to put candles on?"
"Sure there is," Pam said grinning.
"Well, you Shawna and Helen do that."
"And what do you want me to tell Caroline?"
"Tell her to get everything else ready."
"You're going to make her work on her birthday?"
"Oh go on," I said grinning at her giving her a pat on the butt back.
"All right, but I hope she can handle you, you're awfully big down there," Pam whispered as she ran her hand over the front of my jeans.
"Come on Johnny lets go feed the chickens," I said offering him my hand which he took. Together we started spreading the feed around to all of the chickens.
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This was the best job in the world. No long weary hours spent in the office any more, apart from picking up her leads any way. These days Jill was an outdoor girl. As animal feed sales rep for the South Midlands division of a large agrichemical firm she was free to drive out in the countryside every day. And today was a truly glorious summers day. Today she had a morning call to a farm in the middle of the Cotswolds. Although she had not visited it before, she knew it was in a lovely part of...
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Following the summer of '83 Eddie went away to college and I remained home on the farm and attended a local college taking up business. Throughout Eddie's four years of college we remained in contact and went out together on various holidays when he came home and also during the summer months. Regardless of what the future held, Eddie and I were glued for life. During those years I also met Tom and though we were not under any commitment to each other we went out together a lot and became...
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I grow up in the country on a small family farm. The closest neighborhood kids were about a mile away through the woods. There was this one boy that I became friends with he was 14 and I was 16, his mom and dad both worked and he was left home with his two older brothers often. His brothers were wild and never stayed home they used to wander all over town, he was left to defend for himself. I guess I was wild also. Anyhow one day at the beginning of the spring vacation from school I was hanging...
GayFarmed Out For Stud Service My parents had divorced when I was just ten years old. When I turned fifteen years old my mother bought me subscriptions to Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler magazines. She also gave me four boxes of stuff that my father had left behind when he departed. The boxes were full of older magazines of all kinds, paperback books, and even XXX-rated VCR tapes. It was the fucking mother load to a horny kid like me. Instantly I had a lifetime supply of material to jerk...
Growing up, my family purchased dozens of animals. My father being a farmer I guess they need to do that. We had animals like horses, pigs, cows, bulls, chickens, sheep, dogs, and even an ostrich we called Phillip. As a young child on the farm I found all the animals amazing, and quickly grew a liking to them. You can even call it a big friendship. My parents always left for work early in the morning everyday during the summer and always left me a note on the refrigerator of what to do...
As a young teenage girl, it was fun to have new people around the farm to talk to even though many of them could barely speak a lick of English. Although everyone in my family could speak Spanish fluently, I could never really grasp speaking the language but could usually understand what they said. I would try to talk to the immigrant workers my father had hired to learn about their families, where they had come from, and how longed they would be staying at the farm but sometimes we just...
I grew up on a farm in Maryland. I had three brothers all older then me. We lived rural but bussed into the city for school. The rural kids weren’t as popular as the city kids. I was up early each morning and had two hours work done before showering, having breakfast then off to school. In school I had some friends but never really fit into any of the cliques. The girls are the ones who were mean to me. They nicknamed me ‘Farm Girl’. Some of the jocks would talk or flirt with me but if their...
Introduction: Please dont read this unless you like the genres Ever since I was five years old, Ive always loved and thought of dogs as fellow friends, family, and even a person you can talk to. Growing up lonley in the lone country side of Iowa can make a you feel and think that way quite easily. Hell, I even thought dogs were better then my own species. Growing up, my family purchased dozens of animals. My father being a farmer I guess they need to do that. We had animals like horses, pigs,...
Farm LifeIt was a typical day … it turned to shit the minute I got up. The wife was in a crappy mood, saying she was leaving, “What’s new you’ve said that every day for the past six months”. Life was not good at home, and every day this winter was wet cold and miserable, and now we were into the spring. cows to milk. The cows were coming on heat, the bull was stroppy, even the bosses daughter was on edge. At the cow shed all was up the creek. The boss and his wife were away on holiday. I...
[Story] Farmer's Daughter Enjoys Being Topless Outdoors While Doing ChoresMother says to daughter, "Jenny, I know that you like to walk around the farm half naked when the weather is warm, but you are twenty years old now and shouldn't do that anymore. Your brother Jason turned eighteen recently and most likely interested in girls, so you are unnecessarily teasing him. I want you to start wearing a shirt beginning today."Jenny replies, "He's definitely interested in girls."Mother says, "How do...
What mum and dad didnt know was that it was also when I played with Sam our sheepdog. When I mean play it just started as play a year ago. I would lay on a hay bale and let him lick me. I had never felt anything so nice, especially when he made me orgasm. This went on for a few months then one day he jumped up on me and before I realised it he had mounted me. I panicked a bit in case anyone caught me. Then I really started to get worried when he locked inside me. I didnt realise at first...
Sissy was hot and curious, so she leaned forward to watch the dog lick her furry cunt. She opened her legs real wide to let him lap hungrily at her juicy pussy. Her breathing quickened. She hiked her dress up higher and set her feet wide apart, exposing all of her furry young cunt. She stared hotly as Rex's tongue licked and lapped and lashed wildly. The tickle in her belly erupted into an urge to cum. "Oh!" she gasped. "Oh-h-hhhh, Rex. Wait. Ohhh, come here." She dashed to a chair,...
Sissy fucked Jed and Cal for as long as she could. After the day in the loft, she fucked Cal in a haystack in the field. She sucked Jed off as he worked under the porch. Every day for two whole weeks she gave the two men her mouth, ass and cunt. But then their work around the farm was finished. That didn't end Sissy's fucking. It just ended her fucking Jed and Cal. They left on a Saturday evening. That night, Hollis gave Sissy his ritual fucking. His prick seemed awfully small to her, and...
I was born and raised on a farm until I was eighteen and went away to college. My parents were border line religious fanatics and I had never been kissed by a male or female, was never on a date and all through school I came home and did my chores. I worked every summer on the farm and the only time I saw other kids was at church on Sunday when we went for most of the day. Just about all the farmers in the area and most of the townspeople belonged to this church, so Sunday was a day for...
Lesbian“Tom and I are having a new house built that will straddle the property of the two farms. Unbeknownst to Tom, I have talked with my sisters (Tammy, Pam, and Suzie) about the building of this house and have their agreement. We want to be sister wives to Tom, if he will have us.” “I wasn’t expecting all of the revelations that occurred here today, but I would be more than thrilled to have my sisters as my wives, if they will have me.” All four of my sisters stood by my side, in various stages...
Riding had always seemed to me to be a very erotic experience. The repeated thumping of the hard saddle against my crotch stimulated my clit and my imagination. With my legs spread wide apart across the thick body of Max, my stallion, I could close my eyes and imagine the hips of a gorgeous blonde adonis crashing into me. I had a small, but really well developed body, which made grown men look twice and get that look on their face, the one that meant `Boy I'd like to Fuck her!' I was...
================== Riding had always seemed to be a very erotic experience to me. The repetitive thumping of the hard saddle against my crotch stimulated my clit and, my vast imagination. With my legs spread wide apart across the thick body of Max, my stallion, I could close my eyes and imagine the hips of a gorgeous blonde male gliding backwards, and forwards, hitting my thighs and stimulating my cunt. I had a small, but really well developed body, which made grown men look twice and...
Following the summer of ’83 Eddie went away to college and I remained home on the farm and attended a local college taking up business. Throughout Eddie’s four years of college we remained in contact and went out together on various holidays when he came home and also during the summer months. Regardless of what the future held, Eddie and I were glued for life. During those years I also met Tom and though we were not under any commitment to each other we went out together a lot and became...
It was hard to wake up in the morning. Beyond the fact that she wasn’t a morning person and didn’t drink coffee, there was a silence to her surroundings that she wasn’t used to. It had been years since she had worked the family farm and the physical stress was taking its toll. Yet, there it was, the alarm clock announcing to anyone in ear shot that it was time to get up and start the day. Sadly, she was the only one within earshot. The point was driven home even more poignantly after she...
WARNING: My native language is Portuguese, and I don't think that I have a spectacular English, so probably this story will have many errors. Therefore, I will welcome any correction you guys could do. I will continue the threads slowly, but my ambition is to give you many options along the way. With that being said, let's go to the story. Nathan Walker had a great life so far. With 19 years old, he was a football player in the university, being the substitute QB of one of the greatest teams...
IncestDuring spring break, I work at a mixed farm, grain and cattle. It is owned by Alex and Myra who are in their thirties and have no children. I’ve been busy all week shovelling grain, moving hay bales and cleaning out the barn. Cleaning out the barn means shovelling hay and shit and piss out of the stalls, onto a stone boat. Then I haul the stone boat out to the field and shovel it off as manure/fertilizer.This morning, I awoke at six with my usual boner and I jerked off in the bathroom. A normal...
Oral SexI was dating a very kinky woman who works as an assistant and farm hand to a rich couple with horses. Lots of great material there! We spent as much time there as possible this past summer. A paradise. Unsupervised and unfettered. We are both exhibitionists and love being nude outside. With complete privacy it's easy to be uninhibited. I'd never met someone so open to kinky things. It's amazing and liberating. We are into light bondage. The regular restraints. A crop. The usual penis plug,...
Farm Friendly Visit----------It was very warm and I wore no bra with my shirt unbuttoned and tied at the bottom, exposing my charms openly. It was just another day started like many other days, staffing the front desk, greeting customers and keeping the books straight. I try to record all arrival and departure times in the daily register but I do not see everyone coming in and this day was no exception to that. I had stepped away for a moment and when I returned, sitting in one of the lounge...
My sons girlfriend, Audrey, lived on farm and I would go out and help when needed. One day I dropped by just to see if she needed anything done. When I got there her truck was not there but her friend Maureen's truck was. She had a horse which was being stabled in the big coverall and came over regularly to clean out the stall and brush her horse. I went over to see if she knew when Audrey would be home. When I opened the door I could hear her horse neighing and when I looked over Maureen was...
Riding had always seemed to me to be a very erotic experience. The repeated thumping of the hard saddle against my crotch stimulated my clit and my imagination. With my legs spread wide apart across the thick body of Max, my stallion, I could close my eyes and imagine the hips of a gorgeous blonde adonis crashing into me. I had a small, but really well developed body, which made grown men look twice and get that look on their face, the one that meant `Boy I'd like to Fuck her!'I was only about...
Thats the way we went on for a while. After that second attack, it was just like the first. For the first couple of days he wouldn't be able to look at me when I was around, then he would start watching me, staring at my ass and tits whenever we were near each other. In another week he was squeezing and grabbing me as he walked by. Then he would have to fuck me again. The third time was when I was in my bed at about two in the morning. I woke to find him sitting on my bed, his hand rubbing...
Riding had always seemed to me to be a very erotic experience. The repeated thumping of the hard saddle against my crotch stimulated my clit and my imagination. With my legs spread wide apart across the thick body of Max, my stallion, I could close my eyes and imagine the hips of a gorgeous blonde adonis crashing into me. I had a small, but really well developed body, which made grown men look twice and get that look on their face, the one that meant `Boy I'd like to Fuck her!'I was only about...
I am Akhil, 32 years. This is the continuation of the Farm house story were 2 girls Rani and Sita, servant girls made me stay in komanam ( loin cloth) during my stay. In the earlier part i had been forced to go to the neighbours house and get some drinking water etc and was humiliated by these girls. After i came back from the neighbour house both of Rania and Sita were eyeing my komanam and asked me to turn either side and were taking a deep look on the way i was wearing it differently. It was...
John stood in the sperm bank thinking of making babies, as that got him hot. Soon it came, the burst of sperm into the cup. As he walked past the newborn nursery window in the lesbian midwifery clinic, he was envious of the medical students who were procreating. When he had gone off to the university, the first thing he did was apply at their sperm bank. The doctor who interviewed him said, "So you want to be immortal." Bingo, that was exactly what John had wanted. As a gangly teen, he could...