Farm Help Girls (Updated) free porn video

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Farm Help Girls (Updated)


We were being overwhelmed at the Farm. So many people showing up to board their horses or just to ride on the weekends till summer. Jackson, the farm manager, had threatened to quit unless we got some people to help him out with all the various chores he had to do every day. We all pitched in with feeding the a****ls but all the horses had to be groomed and brushed, and then saddled up for the daily riders. Taking care of the customers' needs and then when they return from the rides, unsaddle the horses and groom them again. It was becoming a monumental task.

"Daddy, we need help here at the farm. We cannot keep up with all the requests for help and we are being worked to death; no breaks, barely get lunch and have to work well past sundown to get it all done. I want to hire some girls to help out."

"Frolic, how are we going to do that? You know that I cannot hire someone to work because that requires all kinds of thing like payroll, taxes, social security, etc. The farm is not setup to do that stuff," Dad replied.

"Well, how about we like offer some of Chandra and Ashley's friends to come help out in exchange for like, riding horses when they want and stuff?" I suggested. "I know some of them really want to be here with the horses all the time. This would help us out and be fun for them as well."

I was wearing a button down shirt, unbuttoned all the way and tied in a bow at the bottom. My breasts, while covered, well almost, showed off my cleavage. Bending forward across his desk and gave him a little daughterly kiss on the cheek, but I saw that all he could do was watch my breasts bounce before his eyes catching a nipple shot as I leaned. I gave him my 'Daddy Please' smile.

"Oh...Alright Frolic," he said finally lifting his eyes off my chest momentarily. "But it will be your responsibility to make sure everything runs smoothly with them helping, no customer complaints and they better be prepared for whatever is asked of them, no questions asked. Is that Understood?"

"Yes Daddy," I smiled wider, "I'll make they are Just Like Me. I will teach them to do everything that I do Daddy. Will that be OK with you Daddy?"

His hands, not quite out of my sight, were rubbing his growing bulge, his eyes were again looking at my cleavage, and the tip of one nipple was showing. I looked down; kind of pulled the shirt out, as if to adjust it, but making sure I totally exposed myself to him.

"OK, whatever you say Frolic," he replied distractedly. "Get out of my office, so I can get some work done." He waved one hand at me, but continued to rub himself with the other. I walked back into the outer office and sat at my stool, which sat facing his office and the window into his office, and the window behind him into the parking area.

As I sat, I pulled the shirt open letting my breasts totally out from under the material, and started shuffling my work papers, watching him over the top of them. I saw him unzip his pants and begin to jack off at his desk, thinking I could not see it thru the window and over his desk. I picked up my ink pen, and putting it in my mouth, pursing my lips, sucking it in and out of my mouth, as if it were a cock.

I laid the pen down and picked up some Cheeto's that were on my desk and ate a couple, then stuck my fingers in my mouth, one at a time, and sucked and licked the yellow cheese off them. Within a few seconds of him seeing that, he was jerking furiously and I saw several huge spurts of his cum fly up onto his desk and papers. I giggled as he grabbed some paper towels and tried to get cum off his papers and off his cock as well.

I got up and turned, pulling my blouse back in place, and walked out into the barn smiling to myself.


Ashley is a freshman and Chandra is a senior in high school. On this particular day, when the school bus dropped them off at the Farm, they were not alone. Accompanying them were two other high school girls. I recognized at least one of the girls as being a close friend of Ashley, but did not know the other one. As they walked down the road, they were all talking excitedly.

I stepped out of office greeting them, hugging Ashley and Chandra, and then smiling to each of the other girls. It was pretty warm and humid and my blouse was unbuttoned quite a bit with my frilly pink bra that displayed my cleavage. I quickly glanced at each of them and noticed they were all looking at my bra. My hand went to my chest, and I buttoned one button up, just to cover the bra.

"Hello Girls, I'm Frolic, Ashley and Chandra's older sister." Looking over at my sisters, "I take it that these young ladies have shown an interest in helping out here on the Farm?"

"Yes, they are sis. This is Amber and Monique," Ashley blurted out excitedly. "I see them at school all the time. Amber and I got a couple of classes together. Chandra has gym with Monique."

"Wonderful! You are all so pretty. Are you sure you want to get hay in your hair and get dirty here on the farm with the horses?" snickering thinking of them 'getting dirty' with the horses. "I must tell you it is hard work. But if you help out, you will be able to come here anytime and ride the horses. Oh, we have a pool as well, so you are welcome to swim as well." Again, the girls all nodded and said "Yes."

"Well, I need some information from each of you, let's go in the office and fill out some forms. You will have to have a signed permission slip to work from your parents before you can start. I hope that I will get the permission slips back by Friday, so I can work out a work schedule for each of you. I will need your name, age and a phone number for you or your parents. There is a place for you to write a little about yourself as well. Your parents will only get the permission slip to sign, not the application, so your comments are private."

Handing them all the applications, permission slips and pens, I motioned to the break room table for them to fill out the forms. I walked back to my office and continued my paperwork for the riders that day. Once each girl had given me their data sheets, I smiled at them all and told Ashley to take them on a tour of the farm and to have fun.

I feel myself getting wet thinking about these lovely young girls. Dreamily in my mind, I see them in the swimming pool and as they climb out, the view of their breasts dangling down in front of me, turns me on to no end.

Friday arrives; the girls' parents had signed the permission slips approving their daughters working. Both were called and told to show up for training at the farm near 8:00 am. Like clockwork, the two girls appeared at the farm, some 15 minutes early, and were seated in the break room waiting. They were wearing jeans and cowboy boots, plus colorful plaid shirts and light jackets, their hair pulled back in ponytails; they were ready to get to work.

I led them into the barn area and over to the tack room, pointing out the various saddles, bridals, blankets, curry combs and brushes. Instructing each to get a comb and brush, I grabbed several and we marched out into the paddock with the horses. Pulling a carrot from my pocket, I coaxed the first horse over, and showed them how to slip the halter on the horse, fastening it, and led him out into the barn area. Grabbing the curry comb and brush, I proceeded to groom the horse, head to tail, and then led him into the first stall.

"Ok girls, here's a carrot for each of you. Go out into the paddock, select a horse, put the halter on it and bring them into the barn. Be careful of your feet, they will step on your toes if not careful. Do not walk behind them; they will also kick.

Each girl successfully captured a horse and led them into the barn. I noted that as the girls were using the combs and brushes, they were pressing their bodies tightly against the horses' sides as they worked diligently combing out the dirt and mud.

"Well Done Girls! Excellent job," I said examining each horse. "Now to the tack room for blankets, bridles and saddles. There is a set for each horse."

One by one, I instructed them on properly saddling the horse, getting the blanket in the right spot, hefting the saddles up and tightening the cinches and changed the halters for bridals.

Seeing rivulets of sweat running down between their breasts leaving a trail of dust after all the hard work, they needed a break to cool down some. Giving each a cold bottle of water, we headed to the back of the barn towards the wash stall.

"Girls, if you want, go ahead into the horse wash stall. It's only a mist, so it will cool you down quickly," I suggested. They took a few steps and suddenly both stopped dead in their tracks staring into the stall.

There was one of the horse owners on her knees holding a giant piece of horsemeat in her hands. She was stroking it up and down its length, coaxing it to grow longer with each movement. She began kissing it, letting her tongue leave a wet trail down its side. Obviously, she had not seen us in the entranceway of the wash bay.

I heard the girls gasp softly as the woman sucked the tip of the swollen horse cock into her mouth. She began bobbing her head up and down sucking several inches into her mouth with a voracious appetite while her hands fingered her cunt with abandon. The horse began shuffling his hind legs and stiffened. A great volume of white horse cum shot into the woman's mouth, she pulled back, and it continued to shoot into her mouth and onto her face and chest. With a satisfied smile on her face, she pushed great gobs of the sticky cum into her pussy.

I watched the two girls closely as they kept watching in awe the scene before them. Their breathing had become erratic and heavy.

"Oops," I whispered quietly to the girls after we had watched for several minutes, "we will have to come back in a bit to use the wash stall." I motioned them to follow me and they reluctantly did, but kept looking over their shoulders at the woman and horse.

"OMG," Monique spoke excitedly, "Miss, does that happen here often? I...I've never seen anything like that." The other girls nodded vigorously agreeing with her and waited for me to answer the question.

"Well, I don't want to say 'often' but yes, some of the ladies are very fond of their horses." I replied. "Um, if it interests you...well, never mind, another time perhaps we can discuss it."

"Yes, please, I can't wait," replied Monique quietly as the Amber nodded in agreement.

"Here, this should cool you down for now," I laughed grabbing a garden hose and spraying them with cold water. Grabbing towels from the shelf, I tossed them to the dripping wet girls. Their blouses clung to their chests and revealed their outstanding erect nipples and I could not help but watch there pert nipples standing up under the wet blouses as they wiped themselves off.

"Well, I think that is about all for today girls. You have worked very hard grooming and saddling the horses. I hope that tomorrow you will remember all that I have shown you and we can work on other things. In addition, the pool is available to you after work so don't forget to bring your swimsuits if you want to swim."

I turned and walked back to the office, leaving the girls drying off and chattering excitedly about everything they had seen and done today. I know I was looking forward to see what tomorrow would bring.


"Well Frolic, I saw the girls you were training yesterday. A lovely pair of young girls they are," Dad commented over breakfast. "Any problems with them?"

"No Daddy, they all did wonderfully. They did see some things that surprised them however," I laughed and continued to eat. "One of the horse owners gave them a show they did not expect to see."

"Oh really, who was it? I can speak to them if I need to," he asked.

"No, not necessary Daddy, it was fine, the girls liked it anyways, even if surprised," I replied. "Is there anything they can do for you Daddy?"

Daddy smiles wickedly, I am sure his mind is running wild thinking of the lovely bodies of the two girls and replies, "No honey, not that can't think of, err, can think of."

"Well, I've got their schedules all worked out, which days each one works, so if you change your mind, let me know what you need when."

"Thank you Frolic." With that, he quickly gets up putting his hands over the bulge in his trousers, quickly heads out to the office, his face slightly flushed.


The next day all two girls arrived within minutes of each other and had gathered in the break room chatting to each other excitedly wondering what today would bring. I stepped in from the office holding several plastic trash bags and farm trail maps.

"Good morning girls, today we are going to walk along the main horse trails and pick up debris and trash. Believe it or not, there are always empty water bottles, crushed cans and candy bar wrappers discarded all along the trail and it looks atrocious. We are going to walk the trail and pick this all up, plus move any tree branches." Handing each girl a bag and a fresh bottle of water, we proceeded out onto the trail.

After walking the trail for about an hour, I pointed off to the side of the trail to the farm manager's bungalow nestled just below the trail in a hollow lined with trees and low bushes. As usual, his curtains were wide open allowing an unobstructed view from several points along the trail beside the bungalow.

"That is Jackson's bungalow, he is the farm manager and takes care of the farm equipment and such," I quietly spoke, loud enough for the girls to all hear. As we started to continue down the trail, I caught a glimpse of Jackson thru his large front windows, stark naked with his 9 1/2 inch cock at full mast. He was stroking himself with one hand and drinking coffee with the other.

The two girls saw him thru the window and were gaping at his huge cock. Then, unbelievably, he started jerking himself vigorously and squirted large amounts of sperm directly into his coffee cup. We all giggled quietly seeing his cum dribbling into the cup. He raised his cup and, low and behold, a pair of dainty hands reached out and took the cup from his hands. A naked and very well endowed woman stepped into view and eagerly began drinking the coffee with cum cream.

We all continued to watch the scene entranced by what we saw. The woman bent down and started kissing on his hard cock, her breasts dangled and waggled heavily as she opened her mouth and sucked the end of his cock into it. His hands free of the cup quickly grabbed her breasts and he pulled her onto his cock. She did not struggle and we watched his length slowly disappear between her lips until only an inch or so remained in sight. He started pulling his cock out slowly leaving only the tip hidden, and then pushed it back into her mouth. He continued this for several minutes, throwing his head back in ecstasy with each stroke.

He started pumping into her mouth, harder and harder, the whole length of his cock was now disappearing into her lovely lips and I could tell by his facial expression he was about to unload his second shot of sperm into her throat. He reached back and grabbed handfuls of her ass cheeks.

He started pumping vigorously face fucking her. Looking out the window directly at the four of us watching in the window with a huge smile, he pointed to the woman and let loose another load of cum into her mouth. Sperm shot out around her lips and ran down her chin in long strands, dripping to the floor under them. Pulling his cock out of her mouth, he turned to the window, shook his cock at us, and pulled the shades shut.

We very quickly went on around the bend in the trail and out of sight of the bungalow. The look on the girls' faces were priceless.

"So girls, I guess you saw the horses cocks are not the only big things around the farm. We best be moving on before Jackson decides we need some coffee cream as well," I joked.

Arriving back at the main barn, we dumped our trash bags, and headed back into the break room for more water and a snack. The girls had been very quiet on the way back.

"Girls, I know what you saw today was a bit shocking, and if you are now afraid that working here is not what you wanted at all, I will understand completely. That is twice we have come upon something that is a bit abnormal. Anyways, if you decide you cannot be around such activities, just let me know. I'll be in the office if you change your minds."

I sat quietly at my desk, fumbling with my papers, when the girls knocked on the door and entered. Looking up, both girls had smiles on their faces.

Monique spoke, "Miss Frolic, we all really want to be working here…we are…kind of turned on with what we've seen and hope it's ok if we continue to work for you, if you will let us."

I smiled at them all, jumped up and gave them a group hug. "Wonderful! I am very happy you still want to work here." I had hoped they would stay and had already worked out a schedule for each of them for the following weekend, and handed them the schedule. Each looked and smiled at each other excitedly.

"Miss, if…err…something like that happens to us, what should we do?" Little Amber asked timidly in her tiny voice.

"Well, you are all very beautiful young women and I will be here to help you cope with anything that comes up," I spoke slowly, "I'm confident that you will 'handle' the situations as the 'come'."

Both nodded smiling, "Yes, we will do just that. Handle it!" Giggling simultaneously they went back to the break room and sat down.


The following Friday afternoon when the school bus arrived and dropped Amber, accompanied by Ashley and Chandra, off at the end of the road. Her parents only had one car so the obvious choice was Amber would ride the bus home with my sisters and work Friday night, and one of us would take her home after work.

The girls rushed into the house and changed clothes. Amber had her clothes in her backpack as well. Friday afternoons were very busy, lots of riders wanted to ride after school let out. Ashley and Chandra checked the sheets and began gathering the horses for the riders and Amber helped the best she could.

"Miss, Ashley said that someone would be able to give me a ride home tonight. Is that alright, or should I call my mom and have her come get me." As she finished speaking, Dad came out of his office smiling at the two of us widely.

"Of course, we will see that you get home tonight Amber. In fact, when you are done, just come knock on my door, and I'll take you home myself," Dad spoke excitedly thinking of the cute little redhead sitting beside him in the truck after dark on the way home.

Amber smiled shyly, keeping her head down, glancing at me first, then at Dad. I looked over at Dad, seeing the bulge growing in his pants, and quietly laughed to myself.

"Thank you Mr. W." she answered timidly. "I live on the other side of town; it is a long way, are you sure? I can call my mom…"

"No, no, nonsense. You working for us, it is the least I can do is 'take' you," he answered chuckling at his own thoughts.

"Ok Amber, go out and help Ashley and Chandra ready the horses for the afternoon riders. Dad will get you home when you are done working," I chased her out the door laughing. Turning to my Dad, I gave him a scolding look.

"Hey, you better behave yourself, she is a very young girl, cute as heck, but still very naïve." My eyes followed her as she ran out the door, her tiny buttocks clearly outlined in her tight jeans as I thought I would have trouble behaving with her myself.

"Yes, Boss! I will behave myself, I promise," was his smart-ass reply.

"Right, I don't believe you for a second. You get in your office and get to work yourself Daddy," I laughed as I gave him another stern scolding look.

It was just after sunset, all the riders had returned and departed. We girls all were working side by side, combing and brushing the horses and putting their tack away. The lights had come on in the barn as we finished up the chores. Amber looked exhausted, after all this was her first real day of work. The training was only a brief introduction to working here and the real work was a bit more grueling for the uninitiated help.

We all walked to the break room, got water and sat down to rest. Ashley and Chandra hugged Amber and left to go into the house, leaving Amber and I alone.

"So Amber, you look beat. Do you still want to continue working here?" I watched her closely to determine if she had changed her mind yet.

"Oh yes, very much so…just not used to it yet, but I will get it quickly, I promise." Even tired, there was still a hint of excitement in her voice. "I was so anxious to work, that I hardly slept last night, so I'm just a bit tired right now."

"Well, I'll get Daddy to take you home then. You can probably sleep as he takes you home. I gave him directions on how to get there already."

Within a few minutes, Daddy appeared in the doorway smiling as always. His big cowboy hat sat firmly on his head, making him look much taller than he really was.

"OK, Amber, are you ready to go home? You look tired. It will get easier as you do it more often. I've got the directions and I'll be in the truck waiting for you." He turned and walked out to the driveway and his truck and got in.

"Good Night Amber, you work tomorrow as well, but not until noon, so get your rest," I gave her a small kiss on the lips. I could feel the outlines of her braces as she opened her mouth responding to my kiss and her tongue flashed quickly into my mouth once and she pulled away sheepishly. I smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Go on, Daddy's waiting," my hand rested on her ass and I gave her a gently pat and pushed her towards the door. "See you tomorrow Amber."

More than an hour had passed as I was finishing the daily paperwork, I see Daddy pull back into the driveway and head into the office. As he steps into the office, I see his fly is unzipped and his trousers are speckled with damp whitish spots.

"Daddy, I hope Amber got home BEFORE you got those spots all over your trousers." As I pointed at his zipper his face turned bright red, and he sheepishly looked down and zipped his pants back up. I knew the answer was that he had taken advantage of poor Amber.

"Shame on you," I chastised him sternly. "You better tell me exactly what happened," I demanded.


Daddy begins quietly recounting the drive with Amber.

"Amber climbed into the cab of the truck and tried to close the door, but it was still ajar. So I leaned over, grabbed it, and gave a big pull closing the door tightly. My arm and elbow, sort of, brushed against her chest and partly pulled her shirt open and I saw her tiny bra. Her cheeks immediately turned bright red and then her nipples stood erect, but she did not close her shirt."

"Well, you know how bumpy the driveway is, and she kept bouncing up and down trying to hold onto the seat. I could not help but see her boobies bouncing too."

"I asked her how school was, and told her how cute she was with the red hair and all. We just made small talk for a bit. She told me she had too many freckles and braces, so the boys did not really like her that much. We talked a bit more and she started falling asleep and her head was about to hit the door. I just pulled her over alongside me against my shoulder and told her she could use it to lean on instead of bumping her head on the door."

"She looked at me with a tiny smile and laid her head on my shoulder. Well, um, my cock was semi-hard; you could see the outline like a lump going down my pant leg. I could not do anything about it except to try to juggle it around some. With her, so close to me plus her top still wide open giving me a nice view of her chest, I soon had a full-blown woody. It was so hard the outline was easily visible down the one leg of my jeans."

"As she starts to drift off to sleep again, her hand drops into my lap. I look over at her and see she is fairly well asleep this time. Well, being the pervert I am, I take her hand and put it on my cock. Just feeling her hand there, my cock starts to pulse up and down even in the tight jeans."

"She did not wake, so I reached over into her blouse and slipped my hand under her bra and gently squeezed those pert little breasts. Her nipples were so hard and felt so enticing, I just undid her bra and let them out."

"I was massaging them for a bit and suddenly, unexpectedly, I feel her hand start rubbing on my cock thru my jeans. I looked down and her eyes were still closed, but the tiny fingers begin to clutch at it, stroking it thru his jeans, pulling up and down on it."

"As I start to remove my hand from her blouse, her other hand reaches up and holds my hand firmly in place and I hear her encourage me to keep them there."

"Almost in shock, I continue to massage her breasts, as feel her fingers undo my belt and unzip my trousers, pulling them open and the hand goes inside them. She pulls on them, tugging on them. I started to raise my hips, but realized that I might crash the truck off the side of the road if I did, so I spotted a tiny farmers field and pulled into it and turned the truck off."

"She tugs again at my trousers, and this time, I raise my hips up and she tugs them down and off. My cock springs up, almost hitting the steering wheel with her hands on it."

"Mr. W. I want to see your cock and play with it," Amber whimpered.

"She starts undoing the buttons her blouse, removing her bra and exposing her freckled chest and breasts to me. Her nipples are almost as big as the areolas. She fondled her boobies and told me to turn in the seat and face her."

"Taking both hands, she reached out and grabbed my cock lightly. She moved it back and forth, examining it so closely; I felt her breath on my balls and the underside of my cock. She licked the tip, tasted my pre-cum, and smiled up at me. Then she leaned down she started licking from tip to balls. She cupped my balls with one hand, and with the other, she pulled my manhood to her lips."

"Her lips and mouth surround my cock like a Popsicle, and I watched it disappear into her mouth. I jumped some as my cock was sc****d by her braces and I could feel the two rubber bands that lock the top and bottom in position. She waggled her mouth back and forth with the rubber bands scr****g the flesh of my cock. She began sucking, her lips closed on my shaft and her tongue ran along my cock. She kept me tight in her mouth for several minutes."

"Mr. W., I want you to cum in my mouth. I want to taste more of you. I promise that if you give me rides home every time I work, I will suck you off better each time, as I learn how to please you best. Please cum in my mouth!"

"She starts going down on me again, deeper this time, further into her mouth, I felt the back of her throat against my cock head, and I groaned about to shoot my load. She felt me tense and jammed her head down even harder, driving my cock deep into her throat, sucking hard until I shot my seed deep in her throat."

"She opened her mouth to breath, not pulling back, and continued to throat my cock; I guess she liked the taste of my seed in her throat. Some sperm spurts out around her lips and onto my balls, dripping down to my asshole. She continued and I kept squirting load after load down her throat. Once I went soft, she started to chew on my cock, braces scr****g on my cock. She kept at it like I was a banana until I was completely spent."

"She looked directly in my eyes, opened her mouth and released my cock. All I could see was cum on her tongue. She rolled it around and swallowed it all down in one gulp."

"Thank you Mr. W. Take me home now," Amber whispered.

"I drove her home, smiling all the way as she leaned against me with her hands on my cock and fell asleep against my shoulder. When I stopped at her house, she awoke, planted a big kiss on my cheek and bounded out of the truck and into her house."


"And that was what happened Frolic, I'm sorry, but I just couldn't resist that sweet young pussy next to me," Daddy said looking down sheepishly waiting for me to respond.

"Dang it Daddy," I said in my best stern voice. "How am I going to get and keep good farm help if you keep screwing around with them all the time?"

I thought of young Amber blowing my daddy and was a bit jealous and at the same time, I got hot and very wet hearing him tell his story about the drive home as I lay in my bed. I can only imagine what is going to happen with the other new farm girls.


Saturday morning, bright and early, both Amber and Monique show up for the day's work. The sun was just above the horizon embedded in high clouds and the sun-rays spiked thru the windows into the office giving bright spots of light and eerie shadows everywhere. As Monique stepped into the office, her milky white skin and coal, black hair almost long enough to cover her buttocks, framed her as if an old black and white photo had just come alive.

Amber followed closely behind her and plopped down into one of the lounge chairs. Both girls looked radiant like the sunshine behind them as they waited for me to get them started working. I closed the logbooks and looked over at Monique. I had not noticed how well endowed she was. I would guess that my 36C breasts were only slightly larger than hers. Her blouse was tight and form fitting and displayed a nice view of her cleavage. Both girls had chosen to wear shorts today, since the weatherman had predicted warmer than usual temperatures for at least the weekend.

"Ok girls, today is 'Meet and Greet' for our customers. We want them to feel at home here, and getting to know us and you as our help is very important. They need to know that you are here to help them and meet their every need while at the farm. That might just mean a smiling face when they arrive or getting them bottled water after they ride to quench their thirst. You will of course assist in saddling up their mounts and getting them out onto the Farm trails so they can enjoy their rides."

"So, let's go out into the barn and do just that," I turned and led them out into the main paddock area where the horses were waiting patiently. Jackson, the farm manager, and Steven, my younger brother, had already done most of the work, getting them brushed clean, and had placed bridals and saddles on the fence beside each horse.

"Good morning! Glorious day for a ride ladies," as the first customer, a lady in her early 40's walked into the paddock, followed by her daughter. Amber and Monique went to each of their horse and tightened the cinches on the saddles, and helped them both get up on the horses. Each checked the length of the stirrups. As Monique was adjusting the stirrups on the older lady's saddle, I watched in amusement as her eyes were staring straight down Monique's blouse with her boobs bouncing back and forth as she worked.

As they rode out of the gate, I praised both girls for their work. All morning long, the girls continue to meet and greet the riders. Finally, all the riders for the are out and we start back into the office. Just as we step into the barn, in comes one of the horses, without a rider. The horse is sweaty and it trots right over to the water trough and begins drinking.

"OMG," I quickly check the logbook to determine which rider was assigned this horse. It was a young woman of 35 named Josie. I pulled her riding record and saw that she had only just taken the beginning rider course two weeks ago, and this was her first visit back since then.

"Amber, you hold down the fort. Monique grab a horse and come with me. We'll have to search the trails and find this woman, she may have been thrown off and be hurt somewhere." I raced over and saddled my horse, and Monique and I head down the main trail. When we came to the first fork, I pointed to the left and Monique rode off in that direction and I headed to the right. The trails all intersect at various points, so I figured one of us would spot the woman soon.

Monique's trail was not heavily traveled with many tall trees towering over it and the trail was covered in shadows, even in the full daylight. The single rut path cut narrowly up and down along several hills that lead deeply into the forested area and she strained to listen and look while she rode along. There were marking on the trail from a horses hooves that looked to be fresh, but it was hard to tell. As she capped the top of a hill, the trail went down steeply into a small valley with a dry creek bed at the bottom.

I had rode up right behind her and saw her horse walking very slowly as it slipped it slipped and stumbled. She clutched the saddle horn holding on, when she spied the woman lying in the thick brush off the trail in a small clearing.

She quickly regained her balance on the horse, and climbed down and lead the horse over to the clearing where the Josie lay. Her legs were askew and her hat lay beside her. Her body covered in thick dirt from tumbling off her horse. Monique was relieved to see the Josie's chest move in spasms. She was alive but knocked out from the fall and possibly unable to breath freely.

Fascinated at being able to watch Monique in action assisting the rider, I stayed back at the top of the trail. I was just out of her sight, but ready to jump in and help if it were needed.

Monique knelt beside Josie and I suppose thinking of her first aid courses, she decided she had better loosen Josie's clothing allowing her to breath better. Monique's own blouse was so tight, jumping down had popped all her buttons open completely exposing the frilly black bra. Monique pulled Josie's blouse open and gently lifted her up some and released her bra, and pulled them both off, using the blouse as a pillow under her head.

The Josie's breasts were well shaped, guessing a nice 34DD, as they splayed out covering her upper chest. Monique put her hands together between the mounds and began pumping on her chest. After several pumps, she gave Josie mouth-to-mouth resuscitation like a professional medic. Her own breasts brushed against Josie's nipples as she continued breathing into her mouth. Lifting back up, she pressed her hands again down between them, repeating the process again. After several times the Josie coughed a bit, and it appeared her breathing was back to almost normal.

Monique was still prone on top of Josie, her lips hovering over the Josie's lips, the two sets of breasts fully against each other. Quite by accident, Monique's nipples had hardened and were poking out of the top of her bra, matching nipple to nipple with Josie. Josie's eyes opened and she glanced around in a daze, seeing only Monique's dark raven eyes surrounded by her coal black hair and stark creamy white skin.

"Ah…am I alive? Or are you a succubus from Hades here to take me?" Josie spoke frightened by Monique being so close to her.

"No, I'm not a succubus from Hades, but I certainly would like to take you," Monique spoke in her sexy low voice. She seemed so happy that the Josie was ok, she leaned down an gave the her a passionate kiss on the lips, as their breasts continued to rub together.

"Um, did you save me?" Josie asked. "You must have because I feel flushed and warm from your kiss." Looking deeply into Monique's eyes she pressed their lips together again, and returned the passionate kiss using her tongue to probe into Monique's mouth. Her hands went around Monique and pulled her even tighter against her breasts whose nipples had now stiffened like nails and stood up enticingly.

"Are…you going to take me?" Josie asked quietly. "I…would like that very much."

Monique moaned slightly as they kissed again. She reached and undid her top and bra, pulling them off and tossing them aside, letting Josie have a glorious view of her milky white skin and the stark darkness of her areolas and nipples.

I could tell that Josie had fully recovered and almost laughed when her hands began massaging Monique's breasts. Josie cupped her lovely breasts and started kissing and suckling on them. I watched Monique close her eyes, open her mouth, and lick her lips excitedly at the action.

Josie's hand crept along Monique's side to her shorts. She pulled Monique's shorts aside, exposing silk black panties. Josie rubbed Monique's pussy thru the undies along her camel toe. Josie pulled her hand to her mouth, and licked them; tasting Monique's nectar that had apparently already began to flow heavily. Squirming with the touch on her privates, Monique offered no resistance to it. The two girls rolled beside each other and continued to fondle each other while kissing and exploring each other's body.

My saddle creaked loudly as I moved adjusting my own pussy that was now very damp with excitement watching the two of them together in the clearing. They did not appear to hear me; they were too involved in what was happening between the two of them.

Both girls simultaneously unbuckled their shorts and tugged them down and off, exposing their muffs. Josie's pussy and hair were both light brown and both cropped short, outlining the contours with crisp edges. Monique's pubes were full and bushy, as black as her hair, and the lightness of her skin made her labia stand out like beacons on a dark moonlight beach.

Still massaging Monique's breasts, Josie began kissing her stomach, lingering for a few deep licks into her belly button before continuing downward to her pubic area.

Her fingers searched her pubes and found the tiny button clitty atop the prominent and swelling labia lips. I watched her thumb push it down like an elevator button as her fingers traced her slit gently; probing it and one finger disappeared into her pussy. Her face was directly over her clitty and her tongue ventured out for a lick in the hairy bush. Unbothered by the bush, her tongue lapped at the outer labia on both sides; her finger continued to remain inside the Monique's pussy. She pulled it out, parted the labia wide open, and gazed at it before sticking her tongue into the opening and started licking and sucking on it vigorously.

Monique's hips thrust upwards as she raised one leg up high, and pushed her pussy against Josie's face at the touch of her tongue. Her hands went to Josie's hair and ears, grabbing her and pulling her face tighter to her pussy. Josie let out a gleeful noise muffled by the pussy and kept licking and moving her head up and down, back and forth on the pussy.

Monique turned and nuzzled at Josie's pussy, forcing her head between her legs as well. Within seconds, both were vigorously lapping at each other, moaning and giggling softly, giving each other intimate pleasure that only one woman to another can provide. Their hands clutching at their tiny asses, pulling and squeezing the buns tightly, each began spanking the cheeks lightly leaving red hand marks.

The thrill of the two girls eating each other was so exciting, that I pulled my shorts open and down while sitting on the saddle and using my small horsewhip, started furiously pumping my own pussy with its handle and rubbing myself with my other hand watching them. I knew it would only take me a few moments to cum watching the hot scene before me, so I pulled the whip out of my pussy, and licked the handle tasting my own nectar.

The two girls began rolling around on each other, changing who was on top and who was on bottom, neither was satisfied and their hands were both clutching at each others asses holding on as they rolled back and forth. As I watched, I saw them begin to tremor heavily, and I quickly jammed the whip back into my pussy and thrust it harder and deep in my pussy, and was immediately rewarded with an earth shattering orgasm. The two girls were also wiggling on each other and I heard them both begin to moan loudly as they reached their mutual orgasm and finally clutched each other tightly and lay still.

They lay there kissing each other for a long time before they started to get dressed. I decided that it would be best for me to ride back to the barns and wait for them there, not wanting to embarrass Josie, and to praise Monique for having found and saved the rider. I quietly turned my horse and softly we trod down the trail.

Twenty minutes went by and in rode Monique with Josie behind her on the horse and Josie's arms tightly locked around Monique's waist, just below her breasts almost as if Josie were holding them up in place. I laughed to myself, because Josie's breasts flattened completely on Monique's back. The buttons on Monique's blouse were fastened unevenly. I rushed out to greet them.

"Oh my, thank goodness you found Josie, Monique. That is so wonderful. Are you alright Josie?" I asked with a slight crooked smile on my face knowing that she was better than alright.

"My horse, he stumbled on a hill near a creek and I took a fall. I landed off the trail deep in some bushes. If Monique had not come along, I do not know what I would have done. I was knocked out. She Saved Me!" Josie excitedly explained what had happened.

"Now, it was not really that Josie…" Monique started to tell me. I merely raised my hand up and signaled that was enough from her.

"Josie, I am very happy that you are back here. Do I need to call an ambulance and have them check you out for injury?" I asked her.

"No, Monique was like the best paramedic I've ever seen. She took very good care of me," as she winked over at Monique with a knowing look.

"Wonderful, if you come here again, your ride will be no charge. I apologize for your inconvenience."

Sitting in the office, after Josie had left, Monique stopped in to see me. I smiled widely at her and motioned for her to sit down. She had done the absolute best anyone could do to please a customer, and it was worth being praised and rewarded, even if she already had the best reward a young girl could ask for.

"Monique, I cannot praise you enough for your actions today with Josie on the trail," I started speaking slowly. "It is not often that someone being so conscientious and caring for a customer. I do hope it was a 'rewarding' experience for you as well?" I placed emphasis on 'rewarding' as I spoke and looked her directly in her dark eyes.

"Um….yes, it was," she replied unsure what I meant. She hesitated and looked at me then down again.

"Good, just to let you know, Monique," grinning bigger and looking her up and down as she watched me, "I know you had a 'rewarding' experience today…You might however wish to unbutton your blouse again and button it up correctly this time. I know how hard it is to do that when you are having a good time in the woods with new friends, don't you agree?"

Her eyes got very wide as she looked down and saw that her blouse was buttoned wrong and her white face turned as red as a sugar beet. She started to turn and button it, but Dad was standing in his window looking at her ass as she talked to me.

"It's ok, do it while facing me, and he cannot see you and I certainly won't mind seeing more of your beautiful breasts than I did on the trail today. I got so hot; I masturbated with my riding crop and came as you two rolled around on the grass. It was beyond my imagination to see you and her enjoying each other's pussy. Thank you."

She looked up at me speaking quietly, "You…you mean you saw me, or saw us on the trail today?" I nodded.

"Yes, and I expect that if I come up missing, it will be you that comes to find me, and I get the same treatment that Josie did. I may just have to do that very soon too."

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Farm Girl Enjoys Being Topless Outdoors

[Story] Farmer's Daughter Enjoys Being Topless Outdoors While Doing ChoresMother says to daughter, "Jenny, I know that you like to walk around the farm half naked when the weather is warm, but you are twenty years old now and shouldn't do that anymore. Your brother Jason turned eighteen recently and most likely interested in girls, so you are unnecessarily teasing him. I want you to start wearing a shirt beginning today."Jenny replies, "He's definitely interested in girls."Mother says, "How do...

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Farm Girl

I was born and raised on a farm until I was eighteen and went away to college. My parents were border line religious fanatics and I had never been kissed by a male or female, was never on a date and all through school I came home and did my chores. I worked every summer on the farm and the only time I saw other kids was at church on Sunday when we went for most of the day. Just about all the farmers in the area and most of the townspeople belonged to this church, so Sunday was a day for...

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Farm GirlPart 1

I grew up on a farm in Maryland. I had three brothers all older then me. We lived rural but bussed into the city for school. The rural kids weren’t as popular as the city kids. I was up early each morning and had two hours work done before showering, having breakfast then off to school. In school I had some friends but never really fit into any of the cliques. The girls are the ones who were mean to me. They nicknamed me ‘Farm Girl’. Some of the jocks would talk or flirt with me but if their...

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Farm Helper Part Two Lara Has More Work To Do

It had been a few days since Lara and Peter had fucked in the barn. Since then, they had exchanged some lustful looks, but they hadn’t gotten a moment alone to do it again, even though they both clearly wanted to.That day when Peter had fucked her and then made her walk home fully naked, covered in his cum, he had sneaked after her and left her clothes right outside her door for her to find. When Lara found her clothes there later that day, she noticed that her panties were missing, Peter had...

Straight Sex
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Farmed Out For Stud Service

Farmed Out For Stud Service My parents had divorced when I was just ten years old. When I turned fifteen years old my mother bought me subscriptions to Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler magazines. She also gave me four boxes of stuff that my father had left behind when he departed. The boxes were full of older magazines of all kinds, paperback books, and even XXX-rated VCR tapes. It was the fucking mother load to a horny kid like me. Instantly I had a lifetime supply of material to jerk...

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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

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farm girl saved or is she

What mum and dad didnt know was that it was also when I played with Sam our sheepdog. When I mean play it just started as play a year ago. I would lay on a hay bale and let him lick me. I had never felt anything so nice, especially when he made me orgasm. This went on for a few months then one day he jumped up on me and before I realised it he had mounted me. I panicked a bit in case anyone caught me. Then I really started to get worried when he locked inside me. I didnt realise at first...

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Farm Boy Abraham

Growing up, my family purchased dozens of animals. My father being a farmer I guess they need to do that. We had animals like horses, pigs, cows, bulls, chickens, sheep, dogs, and even an ostrich we called Phillip. As a young child on the farm I found all the animals amazing, and quickly grew a liking to them. You can even call it a big friendship. My parents always left for work early in the morning everyday during the summer and always left me a note on the refrigerator of what to do...

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Farm House Voyuer

As a young teenage girl, it was fun to have new people around the farm to talk to even though many of them could barely speak a lick of English. Although everyone in my family could speak Spanish fluently, I could never really grasp speaking the language but could usually understand what they said. I would try to talk to the immigrant workers my father had hired to learn about their families, where they had come from, and how longed they would be staying at the farm but sometimes we just...

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Farm Boy Abraham

Introduction: Please dont read this unless you like the genres Ever since I was five years old, Ive always loved and thought of dogs as fellow friends, family, and even a person you can talk to. Growing up lonley in the lone country side of Iowa can make a you feel and think that way quite easily. Hell, I even thought dogs were better then my own species. Growing up, my family purchased dozens of animals. My father being a farmer I guess they need to do that. We had animals like horses, pigs,...

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Farm Life

Farm LifeIt was a typical day … it turned to shit the minute I got up. The wife was in a crappy mood, saying she was leaving, “What’s new you’ve said that every day for the past six months”. Life was not good at home, and every day this winter was wet cold and miserable, and now we were into the spring. cows to milk. The cows were coming on heat, the bull was stroppy, even the bosses daughter was on edge. At the cow shed all was up the creek. The boss and his wife were away on holiday. I...

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Farm Wifes PetsChapter 2

Sissy was hot and curious, so she leaned forward to watch the dog lick her furry cunt. She opened her legs real wide to let him lap hungrily at her juicy pussy. Her breathing quickened. She hiked her dress up higher and set her feet wide apart, exposing all of her furry young cunt. She stared hotly as Rex's tongue licked and lapped and lashed wildly. The tickle in her belly erupted into an urge to cum. "Oh!" she gasped. "Oh-h-hhhh, Rex. Wait. Ohhh, come here." She dashed to a chair,...

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Farm Wifes PetsChapter 10

Sissy fucked Jed and Cal for as long as she could. After the day in the loft, she fucked Cal in a haystack in the field. She sucked Jed off as he worked under the porch. Every day for two whole weeks she gave the two men her mouth, ass and cunt. But then their work around the farm was finished. That didn't end Sissy's fucking. It just ended her fucking Jed and Cal. They left on a Saturday evening. That night, Hollis gave Sissy his ritual fucking. His prick seemed awfully small to her, and...

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Surprise Bedfellows Part 2 updated

by DarkRide Chapter 2 - Mike's Perverted Posts My life was turning upside down, for the second time this year. First covid, and now... my own son was having sex with his mom, my wife. And perverts on the internet where encouraging him. I couldn't believe what I was reading on the forum - it truly shocked me. hot4mom -- glad u all liked the vid of mom getting changed. i did like u said #nikkisDAD and pretended to be playing a game on my phone as i talked to her. she had no idea i was...

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TGirlsxxx aka! There are plenty of great tranny sites out there, but there are also those that fall way short. But when it comes to the hottest premium shemale porn, there is every reason for you to choose I wasn’t sure of what I was getting myself into the first time I saw the site, but once I landed on the tour page, I realized that is part of the Grooby Production network that specializes in hot transsexual porn and exclusive content. Now, anyone familiar...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Case 34 Innocence Lust MrPhelps

"You can start any time you want to Brian." I encouraged. "Take as much time as you need.""Well...I don't know where to begin. Should I jump in, and tell the juicy parts first, like Jenny did, or can I just take it as it comes?""Whatever You want,Brian. Whatever makes it easier for you." I smiled at him and leaned forward to take his hand in mine. It was hot and sweaty, and he was shaking like a leaf in the wind. At a nod from me, Malinda got up and walked over to stand behind him. She kissed...

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Farm Girl part 11

Riding had always seemed to me to be a very erotic experience. The repeated thumping of the hard saddle against my crotch stimulated my clit and my imagination. With my legs spread wide apart across the thick body of Max, my stallion, I could close my eyes and imagine the hips of a gorgeous blonde adonis crashing into me. I had a small, but really well developed body, which made grown men look twice and get that look on their face, the one that meant `Boy I'd like to Fuck her!' I was...

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