Swedish Fish Part 2
- 2 years ago
- 30
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I had had a great two weeks backpacking around Europe,
but seeing how I had gone through my money much faster
than anticipated, it looked like I would have to cut my
trip well short of the month I had planned. However,
just outside of Stockholm, traveling toward Germany,
the train passed through a small farming community and
an idea struck me- if I could find work on a farm for
a week or so, I could make enough to finance the re-
maining week of my trip. On an impulse, as the train
stopped in the town I hopped off.
It was evidently a tight knit little community; when I
spoke with someone who worked at the station about
finding short term work, he thought a moment and said,
“Mrs. Olafsson’s husband passed away a while back. She
owns a dairy farm outside of town and might need help.
Let me phone her and see.” He spoke with her a moment
then handed the phone to me.
I explained that I was an American student backpacking
around Europe and was looking to work for a week or so.
Mrs. Olafsson told me that just she and her two daugh-
ters were working the farm and she said she had some
heavy work that needed to be done, so she would be
happy to have me. The farm was in a rather remote
location so Mrs. Olafsson offered to pick me up at the
train station later in the day.
As I sat on a bench at the train station, a woman in
her forties walked up to me. “You are the young man I
talked to on the phone, ja?”
“Oh, that was me yes. I really appreciate you letting
me work for you. It will help me out a lot.”
“It will help us out a great deal having a strong young
man around the farm. A good looking one, too.”
Mrs. Olafsson was very friendly and outgoing, slightly
plump with short blonde hair and an enormous pair of
breasts under her loose white blouse. Breasts, I spec-
ulated, that if set free from their industrial strength
brassiere would flop past her belly button, but it
dawned on me that if her two young daughters took after
their mother, they would be a sight to see.
And they were. As we bumped along the dirt road leading
to the house I caught sight of them waiting at the
front door. Both in their mid-teens with long shiny
blonde hair and golden tans, dressed for the hot summer
weather in shorts and tee shirts with large firm
breasts jutting out underneath.
“These are my two girls,” Mrs. Olafsson said proudly.
“The taller one is Katherine, who is seventeen, and the
younger one is Inga, who is fifteen. They are very
pretty, ja?”
“They are. Very.” I answered.
As I talked with the three of them at the dinner table
later that evening, Inga and I really seemed to hit it
off. We were both interested in foreign languages, had
read many of the same books, and both liked to play
tennis. Even though she was just fifteen, she seemed
much more mature than her sister, who seemed annoyed
at the attention her little sister was getting. Mrs.
Olafsson got up and said she would be going to bed, and
reminded the girls to take care of the dishes.
Katherine saw her opportunity to get back at her sis-
ter. “Inga, I did the dishes last night, so it is your
turn tonight. Try not to make a racket. I will be
entertaining our guest in the living room.”
She took my arm and led me into the other room, leaving
Inga with the dishes. Katherine and I talked on the
sofa for a while, mostly her telling me how childish
and stupid her little sister was, before I told her I
had better turn in. She had really been smiling at me
and looking me in the eye very flirtatiously. She was
a little bit of a bitch in my opinion, but holy cow,
what tits!
The house still hadn’t cooled down from the very hot
day. I was laying naked on top of the down comforter
on my bed trying to get to sleep when I heard a faint
knock at my door and a whispered voice saying “May I
come in? ” I couldn’t recognize the voice, but I
figured it had to be Katherine.
“Come in,” I whispered. It was very dark and I could
just see the faint outline of her come into the room,
close the door, lift up her nightgown and pull it over
her head. Could it be Inga? It was so dark I just
couldn’t tell.
I was still lying on the bed as she climbed on and got
on top of me, rubbing her hands up and down my chest
and stomach. In the dim light I could just make out her
reaching back to unhook her bra, leaning over me,
when… Splat! A gigantic breast came cascading down,
smacking me in the face, smothering me.
I lifted it off my face with both hands. “Mrs.
“Oh, You are just such a handsome young man I just
could not help myself.” She worked her way back and
started massaging my dick between her two huge tits.
“You like, ja? My husband always enjoyed this. He pas-
sed away over a year ago and I have not been with a
man since. Oh, I have needed this!”
Yes, I was hoping for one of her daughters, but feeling
her squishy, velvety soft tits around my dick, I could-
n’t help but work up a boner.
Mrs. Olafsson could feel my dick quickly hardening be-
tween her tits, and I think it caught her by surprise.
I have a pretty huge dick, a little over eight inches,
and I don’t think she was quite prepared.
“I feel it getting stiff… oh, ja… oh!… OH!… Oh
my goodness! How large does it get?” She let go of her
tits and started stroking the length of my erection
trying to gauge its size in the darkness of the
“You are an enormous young man, aren’t you? And so
stiff! My husband needed me to use my mouth on him for
quite a while to become stiff, but oh! You young boys!
Maybe you like me to use my mouth a bit anyway, ja?”
She was no teenager, but she sure knew her way around
a dick. Running her tongue firmly along the bottom of
my shaft, squishing the head into the back of her
throat and using lots of suction without scraping my
dick with her teeth, it was the best blowjob I had
gotten in my life.
“Oh, I must have this enormous thing in me,” she
gasped, working herself into position on top of me.
She slowly slid down the length of my shaft and started
rocking back and forth to massage her clit, but not
moving enough to make me come.
I couldn’t believe this, it was just so bizarre. I
hadn’t been thinking about anything in particular when
this woman had knocked on my door only a few moments
ago. But now I wanted to get my rocks off in the worst
way. This whole thing was jest so fantastically
“I will make us come together,” She whispered seduc-
tively. “The young girls you are usually with cannot
do this, can they?”
After a few minutes she started moaning and I could
feel her pussy tighten. She then began bouncing herself
up and down on my erection, slowly at first, then more
quickly, her huge milk jugs pounding me in the chest,
then she groaned loudly and her vaginal muscles
tightened suddenly, which caused my dick to start
spewing semen. It was the first time I had come at
exactly the same time as the woman I was with, and the
feeling was incredible. She contracted at the same
moment I spurts, and it seemed to go on for ever. She
was milking me, bizarre!
“Oh, I have needed that for so long,” She gasped, col-
lapsing on top of me. “We will do this every night, ja?
I will see you tomorrow,” She said, kissing me on the
mouth and hopping out of bed to put on her nightgown.
Every night? Bizarre…
Over breakfast the next morning Inga and I resumed our
conversation from last night. She talked about her
plans for college, and told me she was considering
studying in the United States, and I told her if she
chose a university around southern California she
should contact me and I could show her around. She
seemed absolutely thrilled at this offer, but Katherine
was seething over all the attention her little sister
was getting.
After breakfast Mrs. Olafsson showed me the work that
needed to be done around the farm. She asked me to
start with the fences, some of which had planks that
were rotting away. I measured the planks that needed
replacing and gave her a list of the lumber that was
needed. She said she would drive into town to pick it
up while I pulled off the rotten planks.
A little later, passing by a window, I overheard
Katherine and Inga talking. Out of curiosity I stopped
to listen.
“Oh don’t be stupid, Inga, the rest of the chores will
only take a minute. You do them. I want to go swimming
in the creek.”
“Well, all right, but don’t forget what Mama said about
walking to the creek, now there is a man around the
house.” It occurred to me what she was talking about.
The farm was so isolated that during the hot summer
months the girls probably didn’t worry about walking
nude the quarter mile or so from the house to the
“I’ll go swimming any way I want, Inga. I’m no child.
And don’t forget to pick some flowers for the dinner
There was a grove of trees running along one side of
the path leading from the house to the creek, so I
sprinted over there so I could hide behind a tree and
check her out.
When she finally came walking along my mouth dropped
open. She was nude except for sandals and a towel
tossed casually over her shoulder. Big, round firm
breasts practically jutting straight out, capped with
light pink silver-dollar sized nipples, a narrow waist
and flat stomach, a light triangle of sparkling blonde
pubic hair, just enough in her hips and butt to balance
out what she had on top and an even, golden tan all
over from her regular skinny dipping.
I couldn’t help myself. I pulled my dick out of my
shorts and began stroking it as she walked by. She was
looking into the woods as she walked by and spotted me
peeking at her from behind a tree.
“Oh! Is that you? Looking at me naked and playing with
your thing? That is very naughty of you-come out right
now or I will tell my mother.” She was trying to cover
herself up with her towel, but not very successfully.
As I came out I tried to cover my erection with my
hands (Once it’s hard, an eight inch dick will not go
back in your pants, no matter how hard you try).
“I’m sorry Katherine. I just happened to see you walk-
ing by…” I gave up trying to hide my dick and let go
of it, letting Katherine see its entire length. I hoped
she wouldn’t freak out.
She looked shocked for just a split second then caught
herself. “That is not so big,” She said, giving a pouty
shrug, “I have seen bigger ones. Why do you like Inga
anyway? She is just a baby.” She lowered her towel,
exposing her spectacular body.
“I know how to do things she has never even heard of,”
She said, walking up to me slowly, then pulling off my
tee shirt, pulling down my shorts and then running her
fingers up and down the length of my erection.
“Do you think I am pretty?” Asked Katherine.
“It wouldn’t be sticking out like this if I didn’t
think so.” She blushed. I took her soft little hand
and wrapped it around my dick and got started stroking
it firmly, looking me in the eye.
“Do you know how to give a guy a blowjob?” I asked.
“Of course I do. I’m no child.” She knelt in front of
me, and with a naughty smile on her face slowly and
tentatively engulfed the head of my dick in her mouth.
When she started bobbing her head I could tell she
needed some instruction. She just lightly skimmed her
lips along my shaft and held her tongue away from my
dick. It might have been good enough for the boys in
town, but I’m a little more of a connoisseur.
“Suck as hard as you can, Katherine, like it’s a giant
lollipop. Squish your tongue against it… good… yes,
that’s it.”
I stood there with my feet spread apart, groaning in
pleasure from this beautiful blonde haired girl working
her mouth up and down my long erection, with the warm
sun beating down, and a gentle breeze, when it struck
me- I was standing right out in the open with a naked
seventeen year old girl sucking my dick.
I quickly looked up and down the path and scanned the
surrounding hills, and the coast seemed to be clear.
The farm was so isolated I convinced myself I was safe,
but moments later I heard a gasp. Walking around a
curve in the path, not twenty feet away, was Inga.
Wearing a red and white checked dress, her hair in two
pigtails and carrying a basket full of wildflowers she
had been picking, Inga’s jaw dropped open when she saw
me stuffing my dick in her sister’s mouth. She threw
the basket to the ground and ran back to the house.
“Inga, wait,” I called, but Katherine grabbed my wrist
and held me back. I looked down at her, and with my big
erection crammed in her mouth, she began laughing. She
pulled her mouth away from my dick.
“Now she will never talk to you again,” She laughed.
Katherine had set the whole thing up. She knew I was
outside the window when she told Inga she was going
skinny dipping, knew I would be waiting in the trees
to see her, and knew eventually Inga would come along
the path to pick flowers.
“You bitch,” I growled, “You knew that Inga and I were
“And now you will never see each other again. I am
glad.” As she stood up in front of me I slapped her
across the face and grabbed her wrist, twisting it
hard behind her back.
She doubled over in pain. “Ow! Let go of me!” With her
bent over I moved in behind her, holding both her
wrists. She looked over her shoulder and saw where I
was aiming my dick.
“No, please! I am saving that! Don’t!”
“You’ll pay for what you did, you little bitch,” I
said, placing the head of my dick against her pussy,
then simultaneously pulling her back toward me by her
wrists and thrusting my throbbing penis forward, for-
cing myself in her. It took quite a bit of pushing,
but finally Katherine was fully impaled on my long
erection, her butt cheeks jiggling with every forward
“Don’t! Stop! You are too big-It hurts!”
“Maybe now you know what it feels like, Katherine.”
Bent over in front of me, run through with my dick,
she writhed and wiggled around as I pumped my big
erection into her as hard as I could. When I felt
myself coming I grabbed her long shiny blonde hair
and yanked her around, facing me, and forced her to
her knees. I grabbed my dick and after a few seconds
of stroking , coated Katherine’s pretty face with
thick sticky wads of cum.
“You bastard,” She hissed, through a face covered in
my semen, some of which was dripping onto her tits. I
grabbed my clothes and took off looking for Inga.
I found her sitting behind the barn, in tears. “How
could you? You know how cruel she is to me-I thought
you liked me.”
“I do Inga, very much. It’s just that… guys are
different than girls. They can do it with someone they
don’t really like. I know it hurt you and I wish to
god I hadn’t done it. I feel so stupid.”
Her face was buried in her hands and she wouldn’t talk
anymore, so I left, hoping I could talk to her later.
As I walked toward the house I saw Mrs. Olafsson driv-
ing up, and then saw Katherine storm out of the house
toward her.
“Mother!” She screeched, “I was walking to the creek
and he attacked me!” She rubbed her eyes and tried to
feign tears. “He just jumped on me and made me do
terrible things!”
“Is this true?” She asked incredulously.
“No… No it isn’t… I didn’t do anything to her,” I
“Liar!” Screamed Katherine. While I was trying to
figure out how to work my way out of this, Inga came
walking out from behind the barn.
“Mama, I saw the whole thing happen. He didn’t do any-
thing, Katherine went up to him and said she wanted to
go to bed with him. He said, no, you are too young. She
got very angry and said she would get him into trouble
for this.”
Katherine was so furious she could hardly speak.
“I should have known it was something like that,” Mrs.
Olafsson said, grabbing Katherine by the back of the
shirt and leading her to the house. “You will be
punished for this, you little tramp.”
When we were alone I said to Inga, “I don’t know what
to say…”
“It’s all right. I think I understand. It feels good
for the man, and he doesn’t really have to like the
girl he is with.”
“But listen, Inga, it’s a hundred times, a thousand
times better if you care for the girl you’re with.” I
took her hand in mine.
“I will forgive you if you promise not to go near
Katherine again.”
“Inga, you can feed me to the cows if I ever go near
her again. I really felt we could have something to-
gether from the first time I met you and I must have
been crazy to risk that over someone like Katherine.”
She smiled broadly and gave me a kiss on the cheek,
and then ran into the house.
Later that evening, giving Mrs. Olafsson her nightly
dicking, I thought about Inga. For a girl of her age-
of any age- to be that understanding and forgiving was
unbelievable. She was far more mature and intelligent
than any of the girls I knew at college. I would not
forget her, and if she chose a university anywhere
near where I lived, it would be the start of a serious
My thoughts were interrupted by Mrs. O, who was getting
close. She rolled over on her back and let me take over
pumping. I was getting a knack for telling when a woman
was coming- I started slowly, increasing gradually as
she tightened up slightly and started moaning, then
when her muscles contracted and she groaned loudly I
started pumping hard, coming with her. Whatever I had
left after creaming Katherine earlier in the day, I
spurted into Mrs. Olafsson.
The next morning, over breakfast, Inga and I practiced
our French while Katherine, who couldn’t understand a
word of it, glared at us. Their mother walked into the
kitchen and spoke to Katherine.
“You will have to be taught a little lesson about tell-
ing the truth and being too easy with the boys.” She
then turned toward Inga and me.
“The two of you may take the entire day off. We will
let Katherine take care of all the chores around the
farm today.”
“But… They… It isn’t fair!” Sputtered Katherine,
but her mother cut her off with a stern look.
Inga and I spent the morning talking, with me telling
her what I was studying in college and what life was
like in the States and her showing me what books she
had been reading and telling me what it was like grow-
ing up on a farm Sweden.
Around noon I suggested we have a picnic in the woods
and Inga excitedly agreed, running off to the kitchen.
As we set out, carrying a picnic basket and a blanket,
we waved at Katherine, who was up to her ankles in
manure mucking out the barn.
After walking for fifteen minutes or so we found a
grassy clearing that was in the sun, so we set the
blanket there. She had fixed ham sandwiches, potato
salad and fruit, and we ate quietly, gazing at the
blue sky and looking at each other, smiling. After
we ate we lay on our backs next to each other for a
while, then I propped myself up on my elbow and leaned
over, giving Inga a kiss on the lips. She smiled and
didn’t resist, so I gave her a longer kiss, running my
hand along her arm and stomach, “accidentally” brushing
her breast and again getting no resistance, so I
circled my hand around her breast, first lightly, then
more firmly. Then I let my hand roam downward,
massaging her firm yet jiggling buttocks.
“I wish to remain a virgin for the man I marry,” she
said shyly but firmly, “But I would be willing to do
other things, you know, with my hand or my mouth.”
“You know about those things?” I asked.
“Yes. In Sweden they teach about these things in
school. I used to think it was kind of gross and
stupid… till I met you.” I slowly unbuttoned her
blouse and took it off. She reached around and un-
hooked her bra, exposing her beautiful breasts- an
easy c-cup, high, firm, spectacular for such a young
body. She gasped as I massaged them with both my
I then unzipped her skirt and she stood up to let it
slide off, then I pulled off her pink panties, exposing
the sparse blonde pubic hair between her narrow hips,
right below her flat stomach. Her skin was creamy
white, not tan like her sister.
“Now you, ” She whispered, with a bashful smile. I
pulled my shirt over my head, took off my shoes, then
pulled off my shorts, letting my very erect penis swing
“Oh- It looks dreadfully large,” She said, her eyes
locked on my throbbing dick. “Is yours bigger than the
average man’s?”
“It’s a little on the large size, yeah. Here- just lie
back, Inga,” I said, taking her shoulders and laying
her on her back on the blanket. I ran my hand up and
down her body, grabbing a handful of her big firm
tits, along her stomach, her soft smooth thighs, then
between her legs. She was a little uptight, pulling
her knees together a bit, but when I found the little
bump of her clit, she melted.
I lightly traced my finger around it, and young Inga,
her eyes closed and mouth open, moaned and groaned, her
chest heaving, her tits pointing at the sky. Her
muscles relaxed instantly and she spread her legs wide.
As she got close she stopped making noise, just gasping
for air through her open mouth, her hands covering her
breasts, then letting out a high pitched squeal as she
“How was that, Inga?” I asked, but she was in no con-
dition to answer. Her eyes tightly shut, breathing like
she had run a marathon, she wasn’t able to speak for
several minutes.
She finally came out of it. “I have never felt anything
like that in my life!” She gasped. “I never imagined
anything could feel so good- please, you must let me
make you feel good now.”
I lay on my back on the blanket, my dick stiff and up-
right like the surrounding trees, and let Inga explore
it with her delicate little fingers, stroking the
rigid shaft with it’s bulging veins and feeling the
sponginess of the head.
“Wrap your hand around it and stroke it firmly…
tighter… good. Try using both your hands on it.” My
dick is long enough that she needed to use both her
small hands to give me a really good hand job, and even
then there was a good bit left over at the head.
“Would you like to suck on it, Inga?” I asked.
“I would do anything for you. I hope I can do it cor-
rectly.” Continuing to pump on the shaft with both her
hands, she engulfed the head of my dick with her pretty
little mouth. She had smaller and more delicate
features than her sister and couldn’t fit any more than
the head of my erection in her small mouth.
“I can’t get much in- am I doing it right?”
“Don’t worry Inga, just get in as much as you can and
suck as hard as you can. Keep using your hands too.” I
lay back, feeling the soft, smooth skin of her hands
stroking the length of my dick and the softness of her
tongue on my dick head. After five minutes or so I told
Inga I was about to come.
“You can just let it spurt out, or, if you’d like to
swallow it…”
“Oh, please, I will do anything. Would you like me to
swallow it?”
“That would be fantastic, Inga. When it starts to spurt
out, squeeze my dick as hard as you can.” After a
minute or so I felt my orgasm building and felt the
first spurt of semen traveling up my dick.
“Here it comes, Inga.” She missed swallowing the first
spurt, letting it gush out of her mouth but succeeded
in gulping down some of the second, letting just a
trickle escape, then completely ingesting the remaining
“I am sorry,” She said bashfully, “I didn’t do it very
I pulled her down next to me. “Inga, it was wonderful.
Being with a girl has never meant more to me than it
has today.” She smiled broadly and laid her head on my
chest, closing her eyes. We laid there in the warm sun
of the grassy clearing for what seemed like hours.
Finally I gave Inga a squeeze. “We’d better go,” I
whispered. With a sigh and a smile of pure pleasure on
her face, she just snuggled up closer to me. I finally
got her up and dressed and we strolled back to the
farm. When we got there we met up with Mrs. Olafsson.
“There will be lots of work to do tomorrow so get to
bed early, ja?” She said to both of us. Inga and I
gave a look to each other, and then Inga went into the
house. After she had gone in Mrs. O whispered to me,
“And I will see you later on tonight, ja?” Again? Well,
she did warn me up front that working on a farm would
entail some hard work…
As already said in my first episode, I wanted to better learn Swedish. So I put again a small notice in the next bigger supermarket. The first mail came from my first Swedish teacher wishing me good luck and that they are always there to help. Next mail came from a lady in her forties.We met in the Mc Donalds in the evening as she was working during the day. She was nice but not too feminine to distract me from learning. She had a rather dark voice, was tall and slim and well dressed. She had...
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FetishHi ya all, this is my first story on this site, but firstly I must say thank you to all those of you who have written and given me the encouragement to do mine. Anyway here goes. My name is Jay I’m 29 yrs old and live in London, UK. I have lived here all my life. Over the last few years I have decided to go into the property market and thank god it has done well. One of the properties that I own is a two bedroom flat that I was looking for tenants for. A Swedish girl by the name of Dani...
If you are new to my stories; all of the events described are true events that happened to me. Some of the detailed have been changed to protect the guilty. I write these stories to document my change from a shy virgin to a Dom. BBC Bull. At the time I was living in a small boring town. Most of my coworkers were married. I often traveled to Las Vegas on weekends because it was only a few hours away. I had one other coworker who was also single. He often would come with me down to Vegas. We both...
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I was entering Torquay after my Swedish ex Charlotte contacted me online explaining she was feeling down and that she had missed me after all the years that had passed. It had been several years and I never forgot her tiny petite frame, shoulder-length blonde hair, bright blue eyes, athletic figure, small juicy boobs and intense high sex drive. We met at a hotel bar just on the outskirts in the evening. I walked into the bar and Lotta was wearing a skintight black lacy dress that shower off her...
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Hi Indian sex stories readers, I am Raj, 24 from Chennai. This is the sequel to my previous story of “Massaging my friend’s sister”. I am glad for your responses for my previous story. As I said in the previous story, I finished massaging priya and left her place without an happy ending which she was expecting. The entire next four days passed without any reply from her even when I texted hi. I was confused as well as worried thinking that did I go little extra that day. So I decided to pay a...
I was 17. School had been out for some time and I had been travelling with friends. Four of us Island hopping round Greece. All hoping to score with some tanned temptress but none of us getting anywhere near it. I was a seventeen year old virgin. Worse, I’d never been kissed. In fact I’d never really got past awkward conversation with girls. God I’d fancied a few. I’d rubbed myself raw on a few nights thinking about girls I’d seen but never had the courage to make a move. Greece was going to be...
Gay MaleGeorge Ripley is on his way to a job interview, when he gets a flat tire on his 2001 Ford f-150 pickup truck. He pulls over to the shoulder of the road shuts down his engine, pulls his keys out of the trucks ignition, but before he gets outs of the vehicle to change the tire, he removes his gun belt that contains his CCW an S&W Model 10-14.38 caliber revolver and places it on the passenger seat. Then as quickly and as carefully as possible he changes the tire and goes to his destination....
Showtime! All of the crew had left except a well-known Swedish Tv personality doing the introductions and a woman doing the filming and then ‘me’ the so called photographer and critical client. The models had arrived earlier but were getting ready in another trailer in the back and I hadn’t seen them yet, except from the corner of my eye a bit further away when some occasionally came out for a smoke. Anneli finally sat down next to me and reassured me that all the people who are now here,...
Nils and Matilda is a married couple in their early 30s who lives in Karlstad, Sweden. Nils works in a bank as an analyst and although she studied Swedish philology, Matilda doesn't have a regular job. She gives private lessons to the foreigners who lives in Karlstad. The local soccer team of Karlstad had transferred an American conditioner Malik Chembemwu for practicing the new and modern training methods. Malik's parents were originally from Nigeria. He had worked in the US for his all life...
We arrived after a 30 minute car ride direct from the airport, to where we stood, outside our hotel, our home for the next three nights.We checked in and were shown to our room, having decided to share to save on costs, 'Leaves more to spend on booze', laughed my friend Louise, 'not to mention German Sausage', she continued, her eyes sparkling with naughtiness, and somehow I suspected her keenness to have these few days together, lay alongside her flippant remark, about 'German Sausage', a term...
I sat watching a guy masturbate on the bus ride to the airport, from the city centre, in Tokyo.I was in uniform with some of my fellow stewardesses, all Swedish girls, and we were walking around the shopping area at TCAT, and that was when I first saw him.I went for a newspaper and he was browsing the magazines, and was holding a French edition, showing full sexual content, as the Japanese magazines, blotted out the sex organs, and as I passed behind him, the picture showed two blonds working...
Summer on the Farm Wife!!! It was the summer that I turned 15 and my parents thought it would be a great idea for me to go and life on a farm for the summer and learns what hard work is all about. I was not to gear to go off and live in the sticks with a family I had never met before but I had no choice. School had finished and my dad had set up the whole deal with a friend of a friend of a friend, I was packing up on the Friday night when my friends came over to say good bye. Sue was my...
Music, lights, I got up and set my camera up on the tripod, charger on, focused to the stage. Tuva came walking towards us totally relaxed and sat down. I saw the models lined up behind a curtain near the stage now and the Tv lady started her presentation and explaining what we were about to see. I could not understand Swedish much, but I noticed she did it with a lot of fun and enthusiasm in her voice, some winking and being flirtatious towards us and she had changed her clothes just before...
Took me a while to be able to get back on my feet, but after a refreshing swim I walked up to the sauna to see, if I could start it up. An easy job of course, a wood burning sauna, and the fire wood was provided. It heated up not only the oven but also a connected water tank so you could have hot water to wash. An electric switch turned on the pump in order to get cold fresh water from the well to fill up the tank and use it to wet the sauna stones. A camp fire place outside to cook up some...
Just as I was enjoying a cup of coffee, with an after dinner liqueur, I heard a car stop nearby and one of the girls came out, “It’s me, don’t bother to dress, but whenever you are ready, come on over for a drink, we love to have you.” I told her, that I would be over there shortly, after I had cleaned up the dishes. I was looking forward to this, I came here wanting to be alone, but now I was looking forward to their company. I wasn’t thinking about sex, not yet at least. It was just a...
A little while later, sun high in the sky by now, I woke up and looked towards the sea, the first thing I saw, -again-, was my cock up and pointed the way to were the sun was. I needed to take a leak but I did not feel like getting up and walking to the smelly toilet shack further away. My sex life previously included some watersports and I had renewed interest in it and I decided to just let it go as I was, in the chair, and letting my cock decide where it would let it splash down. Hands...
I had been many places in my military travels. Seven European countries, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Columbia and Brazil. Nothing in the Pacific. And I had always longed to visit Russia and the Scandinavian countries. I had just retired, after ending a 30 year marriage and it seemed like a good time to get away for awhile. My travel agent strives to save money and I had landed in a Swedish town I could not pronounce. I had eaten a lavish meal of meat I could not identify,...
It was now day three of my holidays. I just couldn't believe my luck. Two consecutive threesomes and a chance to explore my bi sexual side. Today Inga and Sven had hired an open top jeep and invited me for a trip up to Mount Teide. The north side of Tenerife is a contrast to the south. Separated by the Mountain the terrain to the North is lush and verdant, but the south arid and volcanic, full of concrete buildings and sex mad drunken holidaymakers.Why would anyone want to go there? Sex, I...
BisexualCaroline A, was a former school friend of mine. Tall and blond, smooth skin and blemish free, always shaving her pussy, and a love of all things sexual.It was of no surprise to some of us, who knew her, that she became mired in Porn.Just after her 16th birthday she called me to say she was going down for an audition for a series to aired on Swedish West coast TV, and of course she was chosen, for a few parts, not that she minded, as one of the cameramen, took her to the side and propositioned...
We lay together and kissed and talked. The intense sex between us had freed up our conversation. Johann talked about his successes with girls. He had experience of sex with two girls. One of them had given him blowjobs (not as good as mine he said). The other was a romance that lasted for 6 months but sex had been awkward and occasional. He had rarely thought about boys except once with a friend when they had got drunk and his friend had tried to come on to him but he had freaked out and said...
Gay MaleI had a job working for a major news company and was sent to a small town in Sweden to report on the waves of refugees immigrating from Africa and the Middle East. It was a small fishing village on the coast, probably 8,000 inhabitants. It had some of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. It was an old town, very old, and rumor had it that the vikings had used it as one of their major ports and brought all of their beautiful hostages there from all over Europe. After copulating with them...
InterracialPreface The good folk of the isolated farm village of Emmittsborough, in a remote mountain valley in the temperate central belt on E21, a backwater planet of in the farthest wing of the Aeschylian Great Corridor, cleave to their strict, fundamentalist faith, called Agropadronism, which decrees that the farm head is Master of all he owns, from acreage, real property, and animals to wife and offspring. The farm-Master is champion and caretaker of life on the farm. Procreation and sexual...
The hunting farmSynopsis: Cody and Jenna rise and breeding a naked female livestock for hunting. The trainees of the naked animals with paintball-guns end up in a real business hunt.The story is only fantasy.By RotnebCap. 1Jenna gets married at her twenty years birthday with the hunter Cody in the spring and they settled down in his large family farm. Jenna had been accepted within her new family in spite of the fact she has been naked prey at the last championship. At this competition the...
MAGGIE’S FARMSisyphusThe day I decided to break out of my usual routine and take a little journey changed my life in a most extraordinary way. I’ve lived a pretty quiet life since I retired from teaching to give myself more time to write historical novels for young people. I have a contract with a publisher to produce one or two books a year based on some historical event or famous person. I do the research by reading a half a dozen books or so, sometimes, though rarely, I travel to a place to...
SupernaturalThe day I decided to break out of my usual routine and take a little journey changed my life in a most extraordinary way. It was October and the leaves were at their peak of color when this strange feeling came over me. I looked at the red and orange leaves on the trees falling to the ground and suddenly started thinking about getting older and closer to death. Am I like those leaves fluttering to the ground? I’m still not sure what came over me as I watched the colorful leaves falling. I...
Straight SexDOWN ON THE FARM!PROLOGUEThis is an inspiring, but little-known story! It’s from the early life of one of the great Victorian philanthropists, Sir Roland Butt. Our hero was just plain Roland Butt when these events took place. But he never forgot the experience we’re about to relate. In 1855 Butt’s Farm was a fairly big fruit and livestock farm in Kent. The farm was just north of Pratt’s Bottom and due south of Elmers End. (Really! Look it up on any map of Kent.) Its young landlord,...
I’ll never forget that October morning watching the red and orange leaves falling to the ground. I stood by the window, thinking about getting older and closer to death. Am I like those leaves fluttering to the ground? Still not sure what came over me, but the urge to burst out of the rut I was in rose in me like a geyser. I wanted to do something wild, get away from my monotonous life, grab life by the balls and go someplace I’ve never been. I don’t usually like to take trips. I love my...
Straight SexExcept for the names of cities and numbers of roads being real, this is a completely fictional story. It was originally written as a single short story but it may have been a little long at 47 pages for a single online read. The story has been broken up into 4 chapters in this version to make it a more reasonable online reading experience. There are some brutal scenes that I tried to make less brutal but still be entertaining. There are lots of erotic/ romantic scenes that I tried to make...
Frock Farm By Lisa Lovelace The attorney finished reading my mother's will. "Does anyone have questions?" "So he gets it all?" my Aunt Amanda said. "That little twerp now owns a hundred percent of Frock Farm?" That little twerp was me, Jesse Darmand, my late mother's only child. Mom had died ten days ago in a high-speed rail accident on a business trip to China. A section of track buckled and the train derailed. She was one of a hundred victims. A contractor had just been...
This Chapter serves to introduce you to the workings of the farm, the general process of training a new slave, as well as updates on the characters lives since the last saga. We are introduced to Alyse near the end of the chapter, as she is brought to the farm and meets David. I have compiled picture galleries to accompany this story (you must be a member to view) h t t p s://forum.xnxx.com/gallery/albums/punishing-my-pets.91870/ h t t p...
Kelly's Farm Visit----------I dedicate this story to my new friend, Kelly. Hope she and others like it.----------"Grr, Do I have to keep clearing out that old trashy storage room? I've been working on it every day for a month, and seems like it will never get emptied out," I complained to Dad at breakfast.This was not the way I had wanted to spend the day. The main barn was immaculate; all lighting was perfect, everything in it's place, swept clean daily and no trash other than in the waste...
Farm Help Girls (Updated)----------We were being overwhelmed at the Farm. So many people showing up to board their horses or just to ride on the weekends till summer. Jackson, the farm manager, had threatened to quit unless we got some people to help him out with all the various chores he had to do every day. We all pitched in with feeding the a****ls but all the horses had to be groomed and brushed, and then saddled up for the daily riders. Taking care of the customers' needs and then when...
Farm Chemistry by Brat Edit by Umgestalten Day One The four young people walked under the heat of the July sun in the direction of the farm that they saw in the distance between the fields. They were tired and thirsty after their long march. The two boys carried the two backpacks and tried to keep up their spirit by making jokes about the cows that where grazing in the fields around them. "Tom, are you sure that we are going in the right direction?" asked Marie, the youngest...
Just for heads up: Personally, it was not easy to let these things happen the way I tell them in this story. I am a very courteous and kind person, and need much personal overcoming and discipline equally to do such despising things to women and even destroy a mother and daughter connection in the end. Of course, there are always moments when I would like to take Katin and Sylvia in my arms instead of punishing them further. Especially when Katin or Sylvia look me in the eyes screaming or...
The July morning sun was warm and very muggy. It would prove to be hot by the end of the day and it would probably rain. Fourteen year old Catherine was walking up the road heading to her home away from home. She had stumbled across Sunnyridge goat farm six years ago while exploring her new neighborhood. Her engineer father and doctor mother had found a new home for them. They both had fulfilling jobs which was something that had not happened before. It was either her Dad was happy or her mom...
My name is Jonas and about 18 years I have black hair light brown eyes. And I'm 5,11 tall I go to high school I'm a only child have no brothers or sister. When I was in high school I got in to the bad crowd I started to drink alcohol. And do some drugs most my grade are C or D I didn't really care what happen. One day I got drunk in a party and took some cans of beers for the next day I've have hidden under my mattress my room had a queen size bed with a average size tv for me to watch....
Chapter 1, Jen's ArrivalSixteen year old Jen disliked the long car ride. Not so much the ride itself, thedestination bummed her out. Why her parents insisted that shespend the summer at her Aunt's farm was beyond her understanding. The thought of catering to smelly a****ls was beyond meredislike. Jen was a city girl. Not that the city smelled anyprettier. It was just that in Jen's late teen years she haddiscovered the joys and wonders of the city. It seemed onlyrecently that Jen had...
Warning – The following story contains sex between male-male, male-male-male, male-dog, male-horse, male-female, female-dog, female-horse If any of these things offend you, or if any of these things are illegal to read about, in your area, please close this file now. On The Farm. It was now time for me to leave for Uncle Zacs Farm. Mum, Dad & Becs took me to the airport, said their goodbyes, and told me Uncle Zac would be picking me up at the airport. Sure enough, when I came through...
Funny Business FarmShortly after my parents were divorced, one of my fathers clients had passed away leaving everything to his now widowed wife. Dad received a call from the widow, requesting a meeting to discuss the widow's holdings. As their financial advisor for the last 8 years, he was familiar with their assets.They met in his office; folders spread across the desk, each representing all the real estate and business ventures she now owned exclusively. Dad explained that all of her holdings...
by Heather ([email protected]) *** A recap of when my life changed forever. I had to cope with a strict mother, an ignorant father, and an incestuous brother. It became a lot easier to deal with it all when I found the key to happiness in our barn one day. (mf-teens, inc, 1st, oral, anal, beast) *** **Being a Farm Girl isn't easy. Especially if you're me. I'm Mandy, and I'm from a big farm right smack dab in the Middle of Nowhere, Kansas. You may have heard of...
I have seen the farm, from the distance, on one of my mountain hikes. I could have gone there, walking down on one side of the valley, crossing the brook at its bottom, climbing up the slope on the other side — the border is not guarded, it is hardly marked, I could have gone there and been back and still reached my destination long before dark, but what would have been the use? I took the the water bottle and a piece of bread out of my back pack, sat down on the trunk of a conveniently fallen...
Chapter 1I use to think from time to time with fond memories of what brought me to this point in my life. I enjoy what I do; I’m a CPA for a medium sized accounting firm in Chicago. I’ve never married and I’m fine with that. I would have no problems finding a man if I wanted one. I’ve been told I’m attractive. I have brown hair that I keep neck length, good complexion, and my mother’s frame. She is pinup model quality. Large hips, thick thighs, narrow waist with a bit of belly. I thought that...
Terminal Farmby slavegirl xDaddyThis is the way I like them best. Mindless, oblivious, walking sex. Of course, part of the charm is that they won't last long. If I had to live with someone like this for any length of time it would be exasperating. A week in her case, that's all the time she has left. Then she'll be finished. There's something incredibly sexy about turning boys into girls and girls into meat.From this distance, you'd be hard-pressed to recognize that she wasn't a natural born...
Looking for a summer job Our semester had just finished up at college and both Chad and I wanted to get a part-time summer job but the only thing we could find is to be helping hands on a local farm. Chores on a farm for college guys is what we will be doing for the summer I guess Chad. The next day Chad and I went to Oakland County Farm in CA not far from where we both lived for our first day of work. Chad and I both showed up to the farm at 10 AM wearing old jeans and a t-shirt as it was...
I’m Trudy and married to Dave there isn’t many thinks we haven’t dabbled in one way or another, so were looking for something new and exciting to try. We were going through one of the swing sites when we found an ad from a man in his 70s, he was looking to train a slut. We sent him an email telling the guy l was interested, a few days later we got a reply, he would like to meet and discuss training me, so we made a date the guy invited us to his house which turned out to be a small farm. When...
The scream broke the tranquillity of the warm, hazy afternoon. That the scream was cut off by a horrid, choking, gurgling noise terrified all who heard it. The afternoon had been calm, unhurried, as the farm workers went about their usual daily routine. Birds sang. A light breeze eased the heat of the sun. There was little humidity in the air. Tall maize, and sunflower, swayed to that slight breeze. It was from the sunflowers that they had come, inappropriate as that seemed. One moment there...
My Grandma, Hazel La Forge was a farm girl who grew up in New Madrid County, a small farming community in the southeast Missouri bootheel. The family farm was just over 2000 acres of prime fertile land bordering the banks of the Mississippi River. The property was flat and easy to plow. Each harvest was better than the previous. Great Grandpa La Forge had been offered over $1500 per acre back in the 1800s, but he wouldn’t sell one acre. It had been in the La Forge family since before Missouri...
Karine told David about Mark giving her the okay to take up bow hunting. David told her that she could use his old recurve until she felt ready to get something on her own. They made plans to go to the farm a few more times before bow season for them to sharpen their skills and to work on the blinds. Three weeks after Labor Day they arranged to go to the farm to prepare for the upcoming bow season. Karine asked David if she could invite Mark and the kids to the farm. She was hoping that he...
Business at the FarmDad was dumbfounded at his luck in acquiring the farm from his client. And at that moment, he decided it was time for a change in our lives. At the end of the school year, we moved from the big city to Prestige Farm. In the middle of nowhere, this 640 acre, Horse Hobby Farm became our new home.It was an immaculate place and completely furnished. A large A-frame main building was beautiful, consisted of three floors. The lower floor measured at least 30-feet wide and 60-feet...
When the front door open my legs turned to jelly the guy had piecing blue eyes his voice made my heart skip a beat, he was what l would call drop dead gorgeous even for a 70yr old, if he had asked me there and then for a fuck l would have been on my back knicker-less with my legs spread within seconds. He introduced himself as Tom then invited us inside, Tom showed us into the kitchen, l found myself listening intently to his every word, l couldn’t believe he was 70, but my jaw dropped...
Once upon a time, there was a bratty girl who went to school and somehow managed to live alone. She was incredibly attractive with her blond hair, brown eyes and nice figure. The girl’s name was Vanessa Catherine and she was somehow a goddess due to some cosmic anomaly. Her favorite place to be so far, was an interesting planet she found called Earth. Vanessa’s favorite toy she created was an ant farm she contained in her ordinary bedroom. It was not a normal ant farm due to the fact that this...
EroticIntroduction: My life on the farm living with grandma. The Story of Ann Chapter 2: My Life on the Farm I had been shipped off to be raised by my grandmother Mary at the age of sixteen. My mother had disowned me due to me having sex with her live in boy friend that I called Uncle Bill. Grandma Mary was an understanding person and while she told me it was wrong what I had done. She also explained that Uncle Bill had just used me for his own pleasure. I moved in with her on her farm which was...
Standing there sweaty and naked, looking out over our farm, it seemed so big from up here in the tree-house.We owned a farm that was small in comparison to others in the county. I was okay with that. It was a lot of work to keep it up by ourselves. Thank God for our staff. I don’t know what we would do without them.From up here, I could see the whole place in all directions, almost. This was a good thing for me. Especially with the things I have been doing up here lately.I remembered the first...