Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 298
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It was a long walk across the city to the Landsmeet, and we'd had to get up way too early. I cursed the lack of technology again. I miss cars. And traffic lights. Who'd ever have thought I'd miss traffic lights? Denerim could definitely use them, with people, wagons, carriages, and beasts of burden everywhere, as there were. While we could have taken a carriage, given the crowded, narrow streets of Denerim, it wouldn't have been much faster.
I was used to the walking – spending months on foot traversing Ferelden ensured my level of fitness could take it – but trying to get anywhere quickly was nigh-impossible. I sighed and just kept going.
The Landsmeet chamber was attached to, but separate from, the Palace. Everyone had to enter through the main doors – there was no favouritism for the reigning monarch, so no special entrances, and every noble house held a vote in the Landsmeet, though as I understood it, the minor nobility and non-landowners usually gave their proxy to their respective liege lords. Still, there were always expected to be dozens of nobles present, more for such an unusual circumstance as a debate over who would take the throne.
Teagan and Eamon separated from us, leaving their guards outside with the other nobles' guards in a post designed just for that purpose. The rest of us waited a few minutes, until it began to sleet, the late winter weather unpredictable and uncomfortable, and as a group we surged toward the doors. Once inside, those who were to remain outside of the chamber in case we needed backup peeled off and found themselves an alcove in the foyer. The rest of us, shaking off the water, headed toward the ornate doors leading to the Landsmeet chamber itself. Aedan, Alistair, and Nathaniel led the way; I stood at the back of our group, and could not hear the conversation when Cauthrien stepped out of her own alcove and confronted us. She spoke with Aedan for a while, finally bowing formally and stepping back to let us pass.
I felt sorry for her; whether Loghain was her father or not, he was her liege, her hero, and in less than a year she'd watched him fall from a man to be respected, even revered, to a treasonous, obsessive, insane reflection of who he had been. It couldn't have been easy.
Finally the doors opened, and we filed in. As we'd agreed, most of us spread out and headed into the crowd of lower nobility on the floor, those without the standing to have a dais or alcove for themselves. The remaining four – Alistair, Aedan, Nathaniel, and Theron – walked through the crowd, which slowly parted in curiosity to let them through.
I headed left, leaning against the wall below the empty alcove that had evidently belonged to my parents. It gave me a good view of Eamon and Teagan, the Grand Cleric – a wrinkled prune of a woman I immediately was sure I'd hate – Elemena, Arl Bryland, Bann Alfstanna, and the others who would be critical in the upcoming discussion. Duncan was opposite me, below Eamon's balcony; the others were scattered throughout the room as well. The floor was far more crowded than it had been in game, and I wondered if it was more to do with the game's details being vague, or whether it was because of the number of nobles who'd survived, that hadn't in game. It was clear, based on the many derisive looks being shot at Loghain, that there was far more enmity towards him than the game would have led me to believe.
Eamon was saying the line I expected from the game – disparaging Loghain, of course – his impassioned speech drawing some cheers and a bunch of chatter on the floor. Loghain had the temerity to be standing in Cailan's spot right in front of the throne up on the royal dais. Hardly surprising, but I wasn't the only person who noticed the placement – I saw several nobles gesturing to him and whispering amongst themselves, overhearing a few words, like 'King Loghain' said in a scornful voice. He stepped down, perhaps in response, responding sarcastically to Eamon's accusations, when he noticed Aedan, Alistair, Nathaniel, and Theron pushing their way to the front of the crowd.
When he hit the bottom of the stairs, Loghain called out, "Ah! And here, we have the puppeteer. Tell us, Warden, how will the Orlesians take our nation from us? Will they deign to send their troops, or simply issue their commands through this would-be prince? What did they offer you? How much is the price of Ferelden honour now?"
Alistair stepped forward before Aedan could, and responded, "The Blight is the real threat here, Teyrn Loghain, not Orlais." The scorn placed on Loghain's title was obvious, but he kept a straight face. I was immensely proud, and for one minute, a stupid grin plastered itself to my face.
Alfstanna and Wulff jumped in, agreeing vehemently, and then Loghain began to reply, confirming the Blight but questioning whether Wardens were needed to end it.
Aedan interrupted him, going completely off script, which amused me for some dark reason – I'd always wanted free reign to shout at Loghain in game, and finally Aedan had it.
My brother knew how to speak in public, his education as a noble's son obvious; he stepped forward, pitching his voice loud so it practically reverberated through the room; for the first time since we'd entered, all of the nobles stopped whispering amongst themselves and listened.
"You don't know the answer to that question, Loghain, because you never bothered to ask, or to listen. The truth is, Lords and Ladies, that Grey Wardens are the only ones who can kill the Archdemon. Cailan knew that." A little white lie, I supposed, that wouldn't hurt. "So in effect, Loghain sending the Wardens to their deaths at Ostagar, and sending assassins after the remaining two who survived his betrayal, almost ended any chance Ferelden had at defeating the Blight.
"And all this so he could try to seize power before anyone could oppose him; he even sent his men around the country, declaring him King Loghain to anyone who would listen."
Loghain tried to respond, but angry muttering which started out quietly soon became a roar of furious shouting. Aedan was able to raise his voice further, booming out over the noise, and they quieted again.
"And we know you were working with Rendon Howe, Loghain. He was many things, but he was not stupid; unless he knew in advance that King Cailan would not be coming home, he would not have felt secure in attacking Highever, massacring my family, or in taking over the Arling of Denerim and killing Vaughn Kendalls, the rightful heir, never mind torturing nobles and templars in his dungeon."
Bann Sighard shouted out, confirming that his son had been tortured; the angry muttering increased in volume again, and Loghain actually took a nervous step back from the seething crowd.
Loghain, trying to regain control, replied, "Howe was responsible for himself. He will answer to the Maker for any wrongs committed in this life, as must we all. But you know that – you were the one who murdered him. Whatever Howe may have done, he should have been brought before the Seneschal. There is no justice in butchering a man in his home."
Nathaniel stepped forward, and as one, the crowd fell silent. "Actually, I killed him, Loghain." Nate turned and faced the crowd. "I am Nathaniel Howe. I was warned that my father had gone mad, and I returned from the Free Marches to see the truth for myself. When my father realised that I opposed his actions, he captured me, torturing me just as he did Oswyn." He nodded to Bann Sighard. "I am sorry for his actions with your son, my Lord.
"I was forced to endure, while my father gloated how he had Loghain in his pocket, how once he had broken me, he would force Anora to marry me and then a Howe would be King. When the Grey Wardens rescued me from captivity, I accompanied them to the dungeon, and it was I who put him down like the rabid dog he had become.
"Justice would not have been served by bringing him to your Seneschal, when he was undoubtedly in on the whole thing. When an animal develops a taste for human flesh, it must be killed, and my father was just such an animal, at the end. He deserved no other outcome, and neither do you."
There were assorted indignant cries at the revealed information, and someone at the back actually threw something at Loghain – I thought it might be a prune, or perhaps a small plum – he dodged, and it landed wetly on the floor behind him. The crowd surged forward, and it seemed they might actually be angry enough to rip the man apart with their bare hands. I caught Zevran's eye – he was fingering his daggers, working his way towards a scowling, pock-faced man who had gripped his sword and looked to be debating pulling it to defend Loghain.
Aedan shouted out again and the crowd paused to listen once more. "Besides, Loghain, you would speak of justice? What justice was there in sending a blood mage to poison Arl Eamon, the one noble other than my father most likely to stand up against you? Are we expected to believe it was a happy accident for you that both of the families who could oppose you were conveniently out of the way? What justice was there in trying to have the Grey Wardens assassinated? In fomenting rebellion within the Circle?"
Loghain sneered and replied, "I assure you Warden, if I were going to send someone to poison a noble, it would be my own soldiers. I would not trust to the discretion of an apostate. Nor would I consort with hired assassins or Circle Mages."
Alfstanna stepped forward again. "Indeed? My brother tells a very different tale. He says you snatched a blood mage from the Chantry's justice. Coincidence?"
"Do not think the Chantry will overlook this, Teyrn Loghain. Interference in a Templar's sacred duties is an offense against the Maker," the wrinkled prune shouted, and there was more unhappy murmuring from the crowd.
Aedan followed that up with his own reply. "I have the maleficar you hired, as well as the assassin; They can testify, if the Landsmeet feels that to be necessary."
One again, people started arguing amongst themselves, the noise rising to almost unbearable levels, when Loghain let out a wordless roar. "Enough!" he shouted, when everyone stopped to look at him. "Whatever I have done, I will answer for later. At the moment, however, I wish to know what this Warden has done with my daughter?"
Alistair actually laughed. "What have we done? We protected her from you, from torture at Rendon Howe's hands, from a forced sham marriage that would have given Rendon Howe complete control over the throne. She hadn't been seen since long before we came to town, Loghain."
"You took my daughter, our Queen, by force, killing her guards in the process. What arts have you employed to keep her? Does she even still live?"
"I believe I can speak for myself. Lords and Ladies of Ferelden, hear me. This Warden has slandered and defamed Ferelden's greatest hero in a bid to put an imposter on Maric's throne."
Theron stiffened, then I saw him irritably rub at his helmet with his hand, the closest to a face-palm he could manage through the metal face shield. Aedan looked at Anora, where she emerged from her hiding place, his excellent acting skills evident as he stared open-mouthed in disbelief. Alistair's lips moved, and I knew he'd be muttering something about not being surprised she'd betrayed us again. The entire Landsmeet seemed to gasp in shock ... or, looking at the outrage on the faces of many of the nobles, perhaps it was disbelief.
Aedan scoffed. "Perhaps, instead of being rescued, you'd have preferred being killed by your father's lackey or forced into a marriage allowing Rendon Howe to be the real power behind the throne?"
"I know my father. He would never do less than his utmost for the sake of his country, but I needed to know your mind, Warden. You could have proven yourself an ally of Ferelden. It is unfortunate for all of us that you did not."
"And here I thought you might have some dedication to preserving Cailan's legacy, Anora," Alistair drawled, a sneer on his face. "All we have done is to protect my brother's country from your father's madness!"
"Cailan was nothing but a fool, a man-sized child. Just because someone means well, does not make him fit to lead, any more than you are!"
Angry muttering was the result of her poorly thought-out comment; I face-palmed as Theron twitched again. Stupid move, Anora. How many times will it take before you realise that bad-mouthing Cailan won't benefit you?
I knew this farce wouldn't continue much longer.
Loghain shouted over the grumbling. "Who here can say that Anora is not fit to rule this land? And who can say that this Alistair is? We know nothing of him, save that he may have royal blood. For five years, Anora has been queen..."
Theron finally stepped forward, interrupting Loghain with an outstretched hand. He reached up to remove his helmet even as he began to speak.
"I believe I can answer that question." He shook his hair out, golden strands falling into place in his signature style; he handed his helmet to Alistair, who took it without hesitation, and immediately knelt. Aedan and Nathaniel also knelt; the rest of us watched, seeing if anyone would make a move towards Cailan. "I am, after all, the king."
I almost cheered as Anora's mouth fell open, her face blanching in shock – or horror. Loghain just looked sour, like he smelled something bad. Both continued staring at Cailan, apparently too surprised to react in any other way.
"Lords and Ladies of the Landsmeet. I was rescued at Ostagar by a loyal Fereldan who witnessed Loghain's withdrawal and came to my aid. I have hidden, ever since, at first to recover from my injuries, and then because I feared for Ferelden should Teyrn Loghain learn of my survival and make another attempt on my life. Alistair, who is indeed Maric's son and my half-brother, permitted this deception of trying to take the throne to allow me to hide and survive long enough to reach here and speak to you now."
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This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
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Dear Brianna, I'm certain that Atlantis-At is not so terrible, as I'm so timid. Also my Mistress wants me to feel safe when I walk around. Wearing a chastity belt does that for me. I was so distressed the last time I wrote that I forgot to have Mistress Marissa add a picture of me with my baby, we named her Veronica. Ron promptly asked if eventually we'll shorten that to Ronnie. I don't know. After all she's too young yet to have even started to recognize signs. Most of the rest of the...
"Your mother is either an idiot or a far better person than I am," Camille declared. "Because I was ready to strangle the little shit 10 minutes after I met her." Evan, Anne, Regan and Andy were seated in the suite after picking Camille up from work. Regan had just informed the group that her mother had taken Ashlyn to work with her for the afternoon. Now she laughed at Camille. "I'm not sure it's either," she said. "I ... I think she sees a little of herself in Ashlyn. Uncle Scott...
Tate Benedict was correct: Meredith Anderson, aka Shawna Young, was no dummy. She wasn't the best student in her high school class but she was close. Just as she was not the best athlete in her school but she was near the top. She agreed with Tate that a group of starlets had little reason to offer to spend time with her. They had been very polite and, if she were honest with herself, they were nothing like she expected them to be. One by one, Meredith was introduced to the rest of the...
Laura's poor asshole, though wounded from the hammering Eric had given it, recovered more quickly than she expected. God, maybe I'm getting used to this, she thought. I've had more men in the last three weeks, Rob and Eric, than I've had in such a short space in my whole life. My pussy and my ass feel like they've been probed and plundered and spurted into a gazillion times. I never knew anyone could come so much as that kid. And yet it wasn't for two or three days that the memory of...
Mark was only a little way out onto the lake when he began to feel a little remorse. That was a cruel thing to do, he realized, although he felt good about it. He was still shaking from being mad. That woman just didn't have the good sense to keep quiet, just once, when someone did her a favor. But no, she'd mouthed off, and for once, she'd gotten hers. With all the trouble she'd caused Spearfish Lake, it felt good to be the one to pay her back a little. Still, he knew that he'd stepped...
Tír na nÓg was, as ever, a hive of activity as Verenestra sorted out her liberated territories and brought her armies to bear on any Daoine Sidhe formations not covered by their fortresses. As Verenestra’s armies were so much larger than the Daoine Sidhe’s this usually led to victory on the part of the liberators, but casualties were often high. The Daoine Sidhe were very effective with area effect magics whereas your ordinary Sidhe simply weren’t. Still, the rate of attrition was definitely...
I spent four more months living quietly on the bayou. Well it was quiet after I got the reputation of being crazy. I took a shot at a dirty blue pickup. Well he did try to run me and the trike off the road. I didn't really try to hit the truck with the duck shot. It might have looked to him as if I did. It was a little drastic but from that morning on trucks gave me a wide birth. Nor did anyone curse at me. It seemed that news indeed traveled fast on the bayou. That is most likely why,...
John reached for the button to open the Ready Room door leading to the Command Deck. Hold on a second, Alyssa warned him. Jehanna’s interviewing Irillith on the Bridge. You can go in, but just stay quiet. Thanks for the head’s up, he said, glancing at Lynette to warn her too. The brunette looked startled, clearly not yet used to hearing her Matriarch’s telepathic voice spring unbidden in her mind. “Don’t worry, she told me too,” she said in a rush, slipping her arm through his. He hit...
Alan somehow made it from Heather and Simone to his first class, but with barely seconds to spare. To do that, he had to run most of the way, which left him very winded. Christine was disappointed. She'd loved her date with him the night before, so had been looking forward to talking to him again at school ever since she'd woken that morning. But since he just barely made it to class in time, she was barely able to trade hellos with him before class started, even though their desks were...
I let them lead me away in cuff while they booked my weapons into evidence. I was printed which was a lot less messy than I remember it. I just had my fingers scanned. Then I sat in a holding cell in my own clothes for a few hours. I sure hoped they didn't think that bothered me any. A plain clothes detective entered the cell. I expected that he was SBI. but I really didn't know for sure. Well I didn't know until he said, "My name is Wade Jordan." "You are a tall black man named...
Coach walked into the workout room Whitney and I used in the morning just as we were finishing our forms. He liked to watch us if we were sparring. It was part of the agreement he signed with our parents. "Follow me," Whitney whispered. She approached Coach Hancock and placed her right fist in her left hand as she bowed. I copied her a step behind. Coach looked puzzled but returned the gesture of respect. "Master," Whitney said respectfully, "teach us water." "You have a master,...
As Jessie watched Polly and Kevin disappear from view she took a quick scan around the back stage area she found herself in. The area had Pageant participants and organisers wandering around all over the place. The organisers had official looking clipboards in their hands as they busily ushered people about - either onto the stage or off it again - and the participants themselves were gathered about in clumps waiting to go on or relaxing after having just come off. What Jessie found...
You are kidding right? Here and now? I just got done getting laid as you two watched and now you want to introduce your friend who is still licking my dick clean? Camden sat beside us and said, “Darren I see you have already introduced your dick to my friend Corwin. Skylar knows the rules. She should have asked before seeing if Corwin’s juices tasted better off your dick than they do right from the source.” “You suck Camden,” Skylar retorted. “You know damn well I was going to see how she...
At 0700 I was in the hotel café with my security detail, clerks and coffee. It was 0730 when the State Department people arrived - hung over. “That must have been some party! I can order you a taper-off drink from the bar if you like,’’ I said as I poured myself another cup. I could see this was going to be another long day. I let them eat breakfast before I told them we had a conference call at 0900. Then I gave them the final draft of the agreement we had worked out in the early hours of...
“Those sweet lips. My, oh my, I could kiss those lips all night long. Good things come to those who wait.” —Jess C. Scott, The Intern I LIED TO CINDY about taking Tuesday off. The truth was I didn’t want to let her down in the rehearsal room. I’d been playing the lute guitar for the past ten days and hadn’t been on the concert guitar at all. The concert guitar has a wider neck than the lute and, though it might not sound like much of a difference, I don’t feel confident enough in my...
Lee Yu and Lilly Beth were the first to reach the visitors. They slid their horses to a stop and hit the ground running. As both girls hugged their mommas, they were so happy they were laughing and crying too. Lee Yu looked up to see her dad standing behind Tin Yu and she screamed again as she turned her momma loose to run to him. “Dad, we’re so glad to see all of you. We didn’t expect this when we started this way. “Dad, did you really buy your own train?” “Jon David, Amanda, Sissy and...
"You labor under several misconceptions my dear." Ena gently interrupted causing the images around them momentarily to fade. "Arin Kagito, I am giving to understand, became fascinated by the holy power. He was 'seduced' some might say by his desire to understand it. His wish to somehow replicate it. Particularly the levels found among the holy trees and wielded by the royal family. To that end he left his home world initially to study the giant trees of Ryten, before turning his...
Things began getting hectic for me as soon as we got back. We packed Granny and Gramps back to Utica and went back to being Mom and Dad for a week. Tuesday, at the office, I had to begin making things official. I called the brain trust into the office, and went over the plans we had worked out, and then we called everybody into our biggest conference room. It was tight, but we made it. Then I stood up and I made the following announcements: Starting in January I was going to have a whole...
Flashback – Masha – Moving day Because of my special training, I naturally woke up earlier than Louise and Linda. I slipped out of bed, went into the bathroom and did my morning routine, then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Breakfast was ready when Louise, carrying Linda, came out of the back and said, “Wow, I didn’t even hear you wake up.” I smiled at her and replied, “I wanted to wake up early so I could prepare your breakfast. It’s complete so have a seat at the table.” Louise...
“You should have been a cheerleader,” I said to Liz as everybody got settled in to the new work areas. “Ha-ha,” she replied. “That was a great speech,” I said. “You helped me write it,” she pointed out. “It wasn’t the words,” I countered. “It was the way it was delivered. You’re excited and it showed. It rubbed off on them. It helps that you believe everything you said.” “I do,” Liz said, smiling at me. “And I am excited.” “I could tell,” I answered as I looked down at her chest. Liz’s...
The apartment on the second floor of the house in the Rue Saint-Germain-des-Pres, where Albert de Morcerf had selected a home for his mother, was let to a very mysterious person. This was a man whose face the concierge himself had never seen, for in the winter his chin was buried in one of the large red handkerchiefs worn by gentlemen's coachmen on a cold night, and in the summer he made a point of always blowing his nose just as he approached the door. Contrary to custom, this gentleman had...
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...