Mistis Adventures Part 106
- 2 years ago
- 54
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Flashback – Masha – Moving day
Because of my special training, I naturally woke up earlier than Louise and Linda. I slipped out of bed, went into the bathroom and did my morning routine, then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Breakfast was ready when Louise, carrying Linda, came out of the back and said, “Wow, I didn’t even hear you wake up.”
I smiled at her and replied, “I wanted to wake up early so I could prepare your breakfast. It’s complete so have a seat at the table.”
Louise sat down, I brought a plate over and Louise asked, “Masha, this is a huge amount of food?”
I replied, “I know you will be working hard so I made a large breakfast and also packed a lunch for you.”
Louise sighed, “Auntie Masha you treat me too well.”
I grinned at her and replied, “Louise, I knew if I didn’t pack a lunch for you that you and Michael would have probably depended upon fast food.”
She laughed, “Yeah Auntie Masha you’re right. Michael already told me he looked forward to buying lunch for me.”
I glared and confronted her, “And you would have eaten that terrible food?”
Louise giggled and teased me, “I got you Auntie Masha! I would have gone without food rather than eaten any fast food. You have trained me well.”
I boldly inquired, “And do you feel any better?”
Louise confessed, “I notice I don’t get tired as often and after seeing Tina’s behavior I was convinced.”
That reminded me so I asked, “Did Brenda give you any problems at work?”
Louise giggled and replied, “No, she couldn’t come to work because she didn’t have a sitter. But don’t feel bad about it because Gwen and I told Michael the entire story about Tina and Michael was nice enough to give her the time off without pay instead of making her take vacation time.”
I asked, “Won’t Brenda miss the income?”
Louise answered, “No, she always brags about how much money her husband makes.”
I thought for a moment and asked, “It seems to me that you, Gwen and Brenda are three very different people. How is it that you all became friends?”
Louise said, “You’re right, we’re all different. I guess we’re friends because we all work at the market. But Gwen and I are much closer than Brenda and I ever dreamed of being. In fact Brenda is a little jealous of ... well almost everything: Gwen’s and my relationship, me coming to live here with you - you name it and she’s jealous of it.”
I thought again and replied, “Usually when someone is so jealous it means they are having problems for which they are having difficulty coping.”
Louise said, “Boy howdy are you right! Brenda has come to work with bruises from her husband’s abuse.”
I internally grinned at the American colloquial expression but shook my head and remarked, “No man ever has a right to injure any woman.”
Louise said, “That’s true Masha and I’m sure going to miss the Krav Maga lessons. I don’t ever want to be in a position again where I feel like I can’t defend myself.”
I blink a couple times and ask, “Louise, when were you ever in that position?”
We heard a truck horn, Louise kissed Linda, grabbed her lunch and said, “Sorry, Masha that’s Michael so I need to get going. We will finish this discussion tonight.”
I proceed to Louise and Linda’s new room, make sure it’s spotless and then Linda and I begin to work on her picture book while I wonder when Louise was mistreated by a man.
Flashback – Ben – The Stryker mission continued
Michael and I made it to the hospital without any problems. George met us at the door and said, “Sgt., you might want to head up to the roof and take a look at what’s going on.”
I pointed to a Private and said, “Sorry Michael, it looks like you’re going to be on your own. Take Michael to the prisoner interrogation room.” Then I added, “The agents worked him over pretty hard so I’m not sure how much good this will do you.”
Michael laughed and said, “I have ways of extracting information they never dreamed of.”
I offered, “Unless they removed them, there’s a set of Taser probes connected to his genitals.”
Michael laughed and said, “Damn that’s almost evil!”
I replied, “It sure as hell motivated him to walk when he tried his stubborn donkey act.”
I dashed up to the roof, saw George, ran beside him as he pointed and said, “I think there’s going to be some problems at the Stryker.” He pointed at a truck trying to work its way to the Stryker.
I swore, “You’re fucking right there’s going to be some problems! Get on the horn and call in an airstrike. If that fucking truck gets close enough to the Stryker it will destroy it.”
I couldn’t believe the fucking towelheads had mounted a M40 recoilless rifle1 in the back of a truck and were trying to get to the Stryker. I ran over to the sniper manning the Barrett and ordered, “Destroy the fuck out of that truck.” He began to fire at it and smoke started to come out of the engine compartment, I further ordered, “Shoot that big fucking gun in the back of the truck.”
1 The M40 recoilless rifle is a lightweight, portable, crew-served 105 mm weapon intended primarily as an anti-tank weapon and manufactured in the United States.
The other snipers fired on the truck and one of them must have hit something because there was a big assed explosion which shook the hospital. It was impressive enough that Michael ran up on the roof and asked, “What the fuck was that?”
I pointed at the slowly disappearing mushroom cloud and replied, “The towelheads had an M40 on a truck, we must have gotten lucky and blew the fuckers to hell.”
Michael countered, “Lucky hell, from the size of the explosion and the color of the cloud I would say you have some fucking problems coming if the cloud heads this way.”
I asked for clarification, “What the fuck do you mean?”
Michael said, “The explosion was too big for a conventional weapon so it was either a dirty bomb or some sort of gas round that got touched off. Either way, if it heads this way it’s bad news.”
I looked at George and suggested, “Sir, it might be a good idea to implement MOPP protocols.”
George looked at me and ordered, “Do it first Sgt.”
I yelled in my command voice, “All Marines, put on your MOPP2 gear!”
2 MOPP (Mission Oriented Protective Posture; pronounced “mop”) is protective gear used by U.S. military personnel in a toxic environment, e.g., during a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear strike.
They grumbled as they began to pull out their gear and put it on, I looked at Michael and asked, “Where’s your MOPP gear?”
He replied, “My EOD suit is my MOPP which is back at the Stryker.”
I smiled at him and said, “Don’t worry, I stashed some extras in my UOP pack.”
I looked at a Pvt. and ordered, “Find the Marine who has my UOP pack and have him haul ass up here ASAP.”
He wisely asked, “Do I find him first or do I get into my MOPP gear.”
I looked at the cloud, noted it was drifting away from us but unfortunately toward the disabled Stryker and ordered, “Find the UOP pack first.”
Then I turned to George and said, “Sir, the cloud is headed toward the Stryker, you need to call the Stryker and have our Marines get into their MOPP gear.”
George hauled ass downstairs to the com room as the Pvt. returned with the Cpl. that had the UOP. I almost laughed because the Cpl. was about half in his MOPP gear. I took the UOP pack, opened it up and thank God the Cpl. didn’t fuck with it. I pulled out a set of MOPP gear, handed them to Michael and said, “I think you know what to do with this.”
I had recovered my sniper rifle earlier so I pulled up the rifle, looked through the scope and noticed our Marines getting into their MOPP gear. Then I noticed the mercs and agents waving frantically from the back of the disabled Stryker and swore, “Those stupid fuckers didn’t bring MOPP gear.”
I dashed down to the com room, ran in and told George, “The agents and mercs didn’t bring MOPP gear, I need to bring them to the hospital.”
George said, “Not without you putting on your MOPP gear first!”
I think I set a record for getting into MOPP gear, then I suggested, “Sir, have the snipers keep the fuckers busy.”
George sent a Pvt. up to the roof with the order then the snipers began to fire as I ran down the fucking stairs and wondered why the hell we didn’t have the fucking elevators working. I dashed out of the hospital and headed toward the fucked up Stryker as fast as I could...
Flashback – Jack – Getting ready to head to the hospital
It wasn’t as hard as I thought to find a doctor who would agree that I was fit for duty. I gave the paperwork to Colonel Maggie’s aide and waited. He came back later and said, “Sgt. Reynolds, you and Pvt. Tod are leaving in ten minutes.”
We got ready to leave, were actually in the chopper when Colonel Maggie’s aide walked up and notified us, “Sgt. Reynolds, all trips to the hospital are currently on hold.”
I swore, “What the fuck is wrong?”
He simply said, “They’ve initiated the MOPP protocol at the hospital. I will inform you when your flight is rescheduled.”
I looked at Tod and said, “Well, I guess we sit on our asses until we find out what’s going on.”
Tod showed he at least knew something about being a Marine when he asked, “Sgt. Reynolds, isn’t that for gas or nuclear attacks?”
I replied as I worried about Banzai, “That’s right, that’s why we’re staying here.”
What the fucking hell was going on at that fucking hospital...
Flashback – Jennifer – At home
I continued reading the book, which was a reverse chronological order of the history of the dead witches in our family and how they died. It seemed that when they were discovered to be witches, they didn’t live very long. Most were hanged (at Proctor’s Ledge at the bottom of Gallows hill), set on fire or drowned; all deaths were quite gruesome. It gave me concern about mother telling everyone under the sun that Grandmother and I were witches - the only good thing was hardly anyone believed in witches anymore.
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Slowly kneeling before him looking my eyes fixed at his zipper, I have wanted this for so long. My mind racing as I see my fingers undoing his belt I can feel myself bitting my lower lip. My eyes watch my hands undo the botton and unzip his pants folding the fly open, god I have wanted this for so long. My hands tugging his pants down then back up to the band of his boxers, my excitement growing. Leaning in for a soft kiss at his navel not wanting to show how ready I am, I want to play this...
You must have read a pornstar's bio at least once in your life. These chicks always proudly point out that there's more to them than cock humping - "I enjoy adult modeling as much as I love dick gorging" is one of those "stop fucking around, rolling your eyes" statements, but twitter.com/vixen proves the claim to be a complete truth. If you are one of those narrow-minded pricks thinking that pornstars are nothing but a bunch of hoes, think again! No model on this planet would have pulled off...
Twitter Porn AccountsHi, hello & welcome to the paradise of lesbian sex. This is your one & only JJ waiting to give you a treat as nothing before. A reader wrote to me saying she had fingered herself and had four orgasms before she finished reading the last submission. “Lonely Lady” I only wish more & more women reach their orgasm as they read this submission. The feel is just terrific I am at loss of words to explain it. Well quickly getting back to business the below narration is concerned with a middle aged...
LesbianRyan's confidence with women had grown dramatically in the past few weeks. His date with Cindy made him realize that women appreciated men with confidence. While he knew that all women liked sensitive men, of which there was a major shortage, he had come to realize that they also liked men who knew what they wanted... the combination of unassuming shyness and confidence appeared to be very sexy to women. The weather had turned warm again and Ryan worked Sunday and Monday to catch up on the...
My son came over to me and asked who I was talking to if it was daddy or not. I told him it was a woman I knew. I sure as hell wasn't going to tell him she was a friend of mine. I sent him back to watch TV and Brenda said, "Enough chit-chat. Go get a pen and some paper. I'll wait." I grabbed some that I keep near the phone. I said, "I'm ready." She said, "Write down this address: 3756 First Street. The place is a bar and it is called T&A. Be there at 10 a.m. sharp. Got that,...
Dee Dee’s Story We slept for hours on Saturday afternoon. We had all dozed off after making love for the first time knowing we could get pregnant. It never occurred to me that the act of sex can be so intensified by that knowledge. I don’t know when I’ve wanted to make love so much before. Well, Wednesday evening, the first time Andrew and I were together was incredibly intense. Actually, Thursday was pretty intense, too. I’m starting to sound like a broken record. Every time I’ve made love...
Hi friends well I’m a regular reader of ISS and finally cropped up d courage to pen down my experiences this is my first writes n experiences which I’m going to share with u today finally. My name is Vikas and I am from Kolkata. I am 25 years of age right now average body and very sexually impassioned passion. I may not be a good writer but shall try to assault you well my first experiences goes as such. I was a small kid. I was in class 5 studying in one of d boys convents in Darjeeling. I had...
He told her what to do and when to do it. He used her for pleasure and liked others to use her as he watched. Tonight he told her "Go to the pleasure room and strip naked. Be on your hands and knees when I get there." She did as he said but she knew he was in a very mean mood. She was down on all fours as he entered naked. He opened the drawer and removed several sex toys. He put a gag ball in her mouth then a collar around her neck. He attached a long rope to the collar. He pushed a large butt...
She was waiting in her chair of the living room anxiously. Her friend from across the sea had promised that he’d be coming around lunchtime but not to bother about food as he’d probably already had something. But this was night time and she kept thinking back to their conversations over the internet. They flirted with each other outrageously whilst they were online and even though both of them knew that It was a little wrong, they couldn’t help themselves sometimes, especially with some of the...
I met briefly with my supervisor the next day to firm up plans for my intense two-week training program, set to get underway the following Monday. There would be little rest for the weary. I was also shown my new flat, and given the go-ahead to move in at once. It was not a particularly large unit – Wendy's place was a little larger than mine – but it was to be my home for the foreseeable future. It was on the first floor of the building, which was fine with me since I've never been fond of...
Well, I have a few experiences that I would call my first. The first was the first time I ever fucked a guy. I believe I was just in my first year of high school. I was tiny for a kid my age, so probably 5’2”, 120 lbs, maybe a 4” cock (now I am 7” thank you), though I kinda doubt it was that big at the time. I had brown curly hair and brown eyes. Anyways, I had known since I was in elementary school and would play around with my friend in the bathrooms at school that I was bi. This experience...
GayI did not know I had a disorder CindyUSA I am not sure if I should be embarrassed, ashamed, depressed about my condition. I do not look unwell, does it show? I look normal to my wife, family and co-workers. I wonder if they know about my disorder. If they had, why did they not tell me? Like most illness, they start slow and build up and suddenly, bang, right between the eyes it hits you. Maybe for years I suspected, but not wanting to admit that to me. I did not think my condition was...
We have arranged a daring rendezvous; something we have never done before. We meet in a public car park, pretending to be strangers. The excitement of such a public dare is thrilling. We are both horny with expectation. By prior arrangement you are not wearing a bra and panties. I lead you to a quiet area in the underground car park and gesture for you to lean against a pillar. I kiss your neck and undo your blouse, and I kiss your shoulders and hold your breasts. I then kiss and lightly...
Straight SexLily shoved her already sexually satisfied body, which still yearned for more, a little further upon her bed. Her pussy yielded a tiny trail of her lingering orgasm, a product of having Logan’s mouth stimulate it, as she dragged her body up to rest her head on her pillow. Lily’s pussy anticipated her twin’s eighteen year old long thin erection with enthusiasm. She knew that their respective sexual sizes were perfect for each other. Why else were they made the way they were?Positioning herself,...
IncestOnward to the backstory/information dump! My name is Brian Valentine. I recently turned 18 and became a senior at my high school that the author was too lazy to name. Short brown hair, 5'11", 8" dick. I'm not exactly athletic but I keep myself in shape. I've been told I'm attractive but I've never actually had a girlfriend. Yes, I'm still a virgin. My mom had died during childbirth. My father was hit by a drunk driver when I was 13. I currently live with my step-mom Lilith Wilde...
You should have seen the faces of the men on horseback as I disappeared over the side. It would have been comical if I hadn't known even then that I wasn't out of danger yet. The drop was precarious at best and I was doing this without any gear and without gloves. Making a controlled descent was going to be fun. What was going to make things worse was the fact that the rope was too short. Even with a couple of lengths knotted together it didn't quite reach the bottom of the gorge. It did...
The sun beat down on me, as I lay back in my lawn chair. The sounds of waves lapping against the beach a great counterpoint to the sound of slurping, as my sister, Lisa, licked and sucked my cock. I placed my hand on the back of her auburn hair, and marveled as it turned dark brown. She looked up at me smiling, and I was surprised to see her eyes turn to a shade of grey.Coming fully awake, I realize that only part of the dream was false. My cock was buried in a mouth, and it did belong to my...
In a strange quirk of history, the Battle for Fort Schuyler was confusing to observers of the day because the Fort was actually the old Fort Stanwyck which had been left to go to ruin after the French and Indian wars. The fort was built by the British and yet it was the British army attacking and laying a siege against it in 1777. It seemed odd that such an important battle be fought in the wilderness along the Mohawk River and not on the mighty Hudson where the new country plied their...
The Friday afternoon, I was packing up a few things to take back home for the mid-year break when Murray Allen knocked at my door. “Great, you’re still here,” he said. “I was hoping to catch you before you left. I guess there’s still stuff to sort out for the wedding and honeymoon. I wanted to tell you, it’s not official yet, but we recommended that your thesis be accepted, and you will be getting your PhD. Now, it still has to go before the Professorial Board, and they will recommend that...