Deputy Head Girl Lindsay takes control
- 2 years ago
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"Sylvia could you please step outside the door? We need a little privacy," TJ main man asked politely.
I nodded. I didn't want to see him provide whatever drug TJ was doing at the time. I saw Rodney standing by the door. It was his job to see that I didn't have any surprise visitors inside the room where they were getting ready.
"Rodney, It sure sounds like a full house out there," I said.
"Yeah, Joan was right. They probably chose this smaller venue so they could get some pictures of a packed house for the web," Rodney said.
"We are definitely learning more than I personally ever wanted to know about show business," I said.
Just then the door behind us opened and the much nicer Tyrone said, "We are ready to go any time now."
"I got you. We will check with Joan and come back in to lead you guys down. Make sure Soda knows not to stop and shake hands or kiss the girls. We want to go straight to the stage,"
"I got it Sylvia," he said and closed the door.
"Damn, you sure changed their attitudes," Rodney said with a smile.
"When you get to the bottom line, nobody is gonna break their rice bowl, if they have the choice," I said.
"Huh?" Rodney asked.
"You had to be there," I said to him.
"Bring them down," Joan said over the radio.
"You lead the way, I'll come along last." Rodney nodded. "So lets get this train on track," I said. I stuck my head in the door and said, "It's time."
We led the slightly smaller crew down the stairs, Rodney's head was on a swivel as he walked down the center aisle of the theater. Rodney was followed by the rest of us. I had to prod TJ Soda to keep him from kissing all the pretty young girls. He did finally start the show. Rodney and I spent our time looking around, but nothing happened.
I would bet a months pay that if anyone decided to try our security, it would be because of me. Me because of the bandaged hand. That thought came to me for the first time while soda pop was singing. I guessed some of it was because I felt comfortable enough to go without the bandage for a few hours anyway. I made my decision right there, it was the last event at which I would show any weakness.
When we led them out of the theater after ninety minutes of non stop crap pounding in our ears, Rodney and I were ready to go back to the motel. We still had to put soda back on the bus but then we were headed to the motel. After he got on that bus, we didn't give a shit what he did.
It took half an hour before the place was empty enough for me to feel comfortable taking them out to the bus. Something about an empty parking lot after a show was eerie, but nothing happened. When the bus door closed I said, "Let's get the fuck out of here."
"Roger that," Rodney said.
We found a waffle house on the way back to the motel. "Hello there, I think I will have a waffle and sausage links with coffee to drink," I said to the older lady who was taking orders from the booths adjacent to the counter.
"I would like two eggs with crisp bacon and toast. I think I would like a coke to drink," Rodney said to her request for his order.
"You spending the night in Joan's room again?" I asked after the waitress was out of hearing.
"She called on my cell phone and told me to invite you as well," he said with a grin.
"I'm gonna' pass on that one. For future reference I never crap where I eat," I said.
"Is that your way of telling me, you don't approve of me sleeping with Joan," he said. I could tell he was about to get his dander up.
"It's my way of telling you I don't sleep with people I work for, or with. That is all it is. Stop looking for shit to be pissed about. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar according to Freud.
When the food came several minutes later Rodney said, "You are right. I'm sorry. You have never treated me different than anyone else. You order everyone around. It's just your way."
I don't in the bedroom, I thought. I sure as hell don't want you to see how I am, when I am all sexed up. I did not say anything though, I just nodded.
When we reached the motel he dialed Joan's number from his cell phone. "Well hey," he said into the phone. "You still taking in strays." He listened then said, "No just me is that a problem?" He listened again then said, "I'll be right down."
"Damn, she really sounded disappointed," he said to me.
"I'm sure you can calm her down. She most likely will be all smiles in the morning." I said. "So do you want to run tomorrow?"
"Probably not," he said with a wicked smile.
"Fair enough," I said as he disappeared out the door. He could probably get away with screwing her. As long as there was no trouble it shouldn't make any difference. If he fucked up though, would she blame it on me. We would have to wait and see. If I raised a stink, there would be a stink on me as well.
I looked at the schedule before I went to bed. I was happy to see there was a two day window before the next show in New York City. We could either stay here or move to some place closer. My choice was to stay where we were, then just drive into the city to set up security for the show at the last minute, as we had done everywhere else.
"Why can't you be sociable," the belligerent drunk asked. "Just go away and leave me alone," the young woman replied. He put his hands on her, which was the step over the line as far as I was concerned. I walked up and showed him my badge. "You need to go on home. You can either leave here now and come back, or you can wait for the manager to ask you to leave in which case you won't be welcome again." I tried to be calm and reasonable. "Bullshit, I ain't going nowhere," he...
Life fell into a boring routine quickly. It had been a bore since the first month and it stayed that way for eight months. It was out of the blue. when something really exciting happened. It was sad, but that didn't change the fact that it brought excitement to the Sheriff's department. Some hikers found a child's body wrapped in a tarp. Since she was wrapped in a tarp everyone jumped right to murder as a cause of death. It took the Medical Examiner three hours to rule that it was indeed...
I glanced up as the commander stepped into the room and everyone quieted. He looked at me, “Morpheus, take Swift, Taylor, Samson, Adams and Michaels. They had a prison escape on Devlin.” I nodded and stood, “How many?” He shook his head, “Nine.” I grabbed my bag and started towards the lifts. The other marshals followed me as I dropped to dispersing. We had a four hour wait in the starport before boarding a shuttle up to the cargo transport that was headed to Devlin. There were only a few...
The state cable news network called me at the motel but on my cell phone. It wasn't the man from the crash, it was a chick who claimed to be his producer. It looked to me as though they were trying to be a real news agency. "Hi there, you are Deputy Sylvia Porter?" she asked. "I am. Who might you be?" I asked. That's when I found out about the producer thing, "So what can I do for you Miss Producer." I didn't even bother to file her name into my short term memory. I didn't expect...
The Johnson/Goodall family had been in Sacramento for just over three weeks and they were already on their way to becoming "rich." Eddy had collected $56.25 in wages as a deputy marshal and their company had collected $300 for delivering heavy freight more quickly than the customer had expected. Eddy had already been contacted by potential customers for other jobs which they were now ready to handle. Over the next week, Jeb and Josh earned $53 for moving a load across town in two trips and...
The state had pulled my certification. Without it I was unemployable, even as a game warden. That really hurt, not that I really wanted to back to being a rabbit police person. Even if I found a small town police force that wanted me, they could hire me without that certification. I could bring an action against the state but if the damage to my hand proved to be long term, I would lose. I doubted that any court anywhere would force them to do any more than make a monetary settlement with...
"I looked, but I couldn't find the interview with her lawyer anywhere," I admitted. "She says we offered to forget her attempted escape, if she had sex with us." Simpson said. "It's not believable that we conspired to have sex with her," I said. "I wouldn't worry about it. I'm going to tell the truth which should remove any suspicion of criminal activity. I hadn't planned to mention the escape attempt at all, but appears I'm going to have to do it." "Yeah, I agree. Just try...
The room was warm and it really felt good. I had been standing out in the cold wearing just my running suit and the light parka for well over two hours. I made short work of stripping off the running suit and hanging it on racks to dry. After that little domestic chore, it was on to the hot shower. I also washed my new peach fuzz of course. I was dressed in a clean uniform and in the office well before nine. I didn't think that was too bad, since I had been waylaid for quite some time. "So...
The well dressed business man walked into Hardee's just as I sat down to review my tape from the night before. More importantly to me was the last three hours. I was occupied so even though I noticed him walk in the place, I didn't keep track of him. When he sat down at the table I paid a lot more attention to him. "So are you Randal Davis king maker or one of his flunkies?" I asked. "You know, if I wasn't Randal you really would have pissed me off with the flunky comment," he...
Eddy went back to the jail and made sure that the prisoners were properly taken care of. There was a problem of crowding, but none of the other prisoners were willing to be in the same cell as the Chinese giant. Finally, everybody was sorted out and the handcuffs were removed. Eddy sent the temporary deputies home with his thanks and the request that they all come back at 1:00 PM tomorrow. He had something important to discuss with them, but he needed to get to Bill's parents' house before...
My last night on swing shift was a bust. Even so I slept till noon the next day. When I awoke I took a shower, then dressed in my jeans and one of my forest green tee shirt. I wore one of the several men's white dress shirts over it. I also clipped the off duty holster onto my belt before I slipped on the medium weight parka type field jacket. Being a military police person would have allowed me to steal all the uniforms I wanted, but I bought mine from the surplus store just outside the...
I looked up as the commander walked out of his office. Amanda shifted to follow my look, “Something up?” The commander headed towards us and I nodded, “I think we just got picked for something.” He stopped in front of my desk and tossed a data stick, “Grab your things. A prisoner died in custody on Gable. They need a officer to head the investigation.” I glanced at Amanda, “Our custody or the constables?” He turned away, “The constables.” I stood and Dragon leaped from her perch while...
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Even without the splint, the flimsy donut box would have been a difficult item for me to carry. With the splint, I had to use it as a resting place and hold the box in place with my good hand. Yes it sounds painful because it was. Still it would be short lived as I parked right outside the door to the courthouse basement. That basement was used by the Sheriff's office. The way over weight receptionist took the donuts and made a big fuss over me. "Sylvia what in the world happened to your...
Yeah I felt like a dumb ass while I waited the hours in a cold house for the emergency delivery of propane. I could have brought the small commercial cooking burner in the house to get some heat, but I chose to heat the small box in front with a ceramic electric heater. It didn't get warm but if I sat right in front of it, I didn't freeze either. The delivery man came after lunch, but that was okay. I couldn't be pissed at him for my stupidity. He left me with a bill for $376.00 it was...
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By the time I got to my room it was 5AM. Some of the state highway workers, who stayed at the Motel, had already begun to stir. If I had gotten into my room an hour earlier, I would have likely just fallen into bed and passed out. Since people were moving around, I knew that if I didn't run, I would lay awake filled with guilt. I refused to clean up though. That being the case, I dressed in my tight fleece running pants, and my tight long sleeve fleece knit shirt. After that I wrapped my...
I looked up from the stack of reports I was going through and marshal Edwards grinned. He was a short stocky man with grey hair and a wicked sense of humor. I glanced at Dragon as she looked up expectantly and sighed as he slipped her a small piece of sweet meat, “What now?” He laughed, “The boss wants you.” I looked at him closely and then stood, “Dragon guard my desk.” Edwards shook his head in mock sadness as I headed towards the commander’s office. A few of the others looked up but...
There were three consolidated schools in Warren County. Jennifer Austin had attended elementary school at Southeastern Warren. The principal greeted us with, "It is just awful about Jennifer. Do you have whoever did it in custody?" "To be honest, we are still investigating. That's why we would like to speak with Jennifer's teacher. I did call yesterday to set up the appointment," Simpson said. The tone of his voice was almost friendly, at least for him it was. There was just a hint of...
I wore the cap from the parking lot of the plaza. I would have worn it out of the store, but that would have looked a little odd. Like walking across the parking lot in a deputy's uniform with a thug's knit cap. I couldn't fit my current baseball cap I had over the knit cap. Since I couldn't wear both, I carried the knit cap in my hand. My first stop was to head back to the station for a larger baseball type hat. I figured with the shaved head and all, the Chief Deputy would be thrilled...
I wondered all the way home, if that had been what one would consider my first date since becoming a Deputy Sheriff. The thought of that made me laugh, I got home and checked to see if anything had happened on my computer. Nothing had, so I slipped into bed, I slept till 7AM the next morning. Though technically it was a work day, I saw it as the last of my break, since I started the midnight shift rotation. I hated midnight shifts and so did ever one else. I was working the patrol division...
The time seemed to be going by faster than before. I still hated the time I ran, every damn second of the thirty minutes. All I could hope for was that it passed quickly and it did. I looked for something to occupy my mind and it come lately in the form of the party at Gypsy Allen's house. The question was also in my mind was what in the world did they do there. What had gotten the 7year old killed was of course the big question. Of course there was alway the who dun it. By the time I made...
By the time that the SBI lab boys got through with the scene, it was past midnight. I was on overtime, but I didn't mind. I was enjoying the prospect of hitting the meth lab. "So do you want to volunteer to stay over and go on the strike team. We need to get in there before the word get out that we are on the way." Michaels said. "You know I want to see it through to the end. I want to see what a working meth lab looks like. I only seen them on TV." I said. "It doesn't look like...
The ten days passed slowly but they did pass. I went back on light duty, It wasn't all I hoped it would be. but I was back at work. It sure beat soap operas on TV. The first morning I went in on the day shift, even though my squad was on midnights, I was not allowed in a car as long as my clearance was only light duty. I expected to be filing reports and answering the telephone. Which is exactly what I did. "So how you like it on a desk," Simpson asked me early on my first day...
I drove home at five in the morning, more than a little upset by Learners comments. No I didn't have a lot of forgiveness in my heart. That was the church's Job or maybe even the ADA's job, Cops were supposed to pick up the bad guys. Somebody else had the job of deciding their fate. If he got me bounced from the unit because of this I was going to be pissed. I fell into bed without even taking a shower first. I was tired and my ribs hurt slightly. It was a minor pain, but it was always...
Learner and I staked out a construction site the first night back. Sure as hell a couple of idiots tried to steal pipe from the site. I let the truck get inside the site where it was nice and bottled up, before I slipped the grandmother car into the neck of the bottle. If they planned to bring their truck out of the site they had to drive up and surrender. Just to be safe Learner walked in and confronted them. They jumped in the truck and tried to make a run for it. I stopped them at the...
"Jeb, do either you or Josh know how to handle a shotgun?" "No, neither one of us ever fired any sort of gun." "OK, we'd better get you fixed up with some, then. Let's find a gun shop and see what we can do. You're going cross country with that there mining equipment, so you'll need some way to protect the oxen. Back on the train, we weren't bothered by wolves and such, but you might be, being that you'll be a lone wagon." "Josh, tell your sister that we'll be gone for a...
Eddy had one point on his side: the first time he fired his shotgun, people would come running. He just had to hope that they would get there soon enough to do him some good. He figured that he was hidden well enough in the dim light that the thugs would have a hard time spotting him. Eddy had a problem that he didn't see any way around: he couldn't shoot just because he didn't like their looks. They had to make the first move. Maybe they would try something illegal so he could shoot,...
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I let them lead me away in cuff while they booked my weapons into evidence. I was printed which was a lot less messy than I remember it. I just had my fingers scanned. Then I sat in a holding cell in my own clothes for a few hours. I sure hoped they didn't think that bothered me any. A plain clothes detective entered the cell. I expected that he was SBI. but I really didn't know for sure. Well I didn't know until he said, "My name is Wade Jordan." "You are a tall black man named...
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At 0700 I was in the hotel café with my security detail, clerks and coffee. It was 0730 when the State Department people arrived - hung over. “That must have been some party! I can order you a taper-off drink from the bar if you like,’’ I said as I poured myself another cup. I could see this was going to be another long day. I let them eat breakfast before I told them we had a conference call at 0900. Then I gave them the final draft of the agreement we had worked out in the early hours of...
“Those sweet lips. My, oh my, I could kiss those lips all night long. Good things come to those who wait.” —Jess C. Scott, The Intern I LIED TO CINDY about taking Tuesday off. The truth was I didn’t want to let her down in the rehearsal room. I’d been playing the lute guitar for the past ten days and hadn’t been on the concert guitar at all. The concert guitar has a wider neck than the lute and, though it might not sound like much of a difference, I don’t feel confident enough in my...
Lee Yu and Lilly Beth were the first to reach the visitors. They slid their horses to a stop and hit the ground running. As both girls hugged their mommas, they were so happy they were laughing and crying too. Lee Yu looked up to see her dad standing behind Tin Yu and she screamed again as she turned her momma loose to run to him. “Dad, we’re so glad to see all of you. We didn’t expect this when we started this way. “Dad, did you really buy your own train?” “Jon David, Amanda, Sissy and...
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Flashback – Masha – Moving day Because of my special training, I naturally woke up earlier than Louise and Linda. I slipped out of bed, went into the bathroom and did my morning routine, then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Breakfast was ready when Louise, carrying Linda, came out of the back and said, “Wow, I didn’t even hear you wake up.” I smiled at her and replied, “I wanted to wake up early so I could prepare your breakfast. It’s complete so have a seat at the table.” Louise...
“You should have been a cheerleader,” I said to Liz as everybody got settled in to the new work areas. “Ha-ha,” she replied. “That was a great speech,” I said. “You helped me write it,” she pointed out. “It wasn’t the words,” I countered. “It was the way it was delivered. You’re excited and it showed. It rubbed off on them. It helps that you believe everything you said.” “I do,” Liz said, smiling at me. “And I am excited.” “I could tell,” I answered as I looked down at her chest. Liz’s...
So I mashed in the Colonel's run. I put in 15pounds of corn and all the stalks I had left after I ground them. Then I added the yeast and let it begin to work off. For two weeks I made myself seen around town. I talked to a few people I knew and who could help me, if I decided to run for Sheriff if couldn't hurt to have their advice. The advice was all the same, try to turn your negatives into positives, admit to everything, and make a joke of it. The Colonel Martin Mash was working and it...
We went back inside to finish our breakfast. An older man came by to leave his card on our table. "You never know," he said smiling." "Bob you are a defense lawyer, now why in the world would I need you," I asked. "You never know when the Sheriff will get a hair up his ass toward you," He said. "Well Bob, if the Sheriff gets a hard on for me, I'll give you a call." I replied. "I might make you a special price, you never know," the older man said. "Fair enough I laughed," as...