Bungalow 106 Chapter 1
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued)
We trouped into the pizzeria, picked an area, and pushed some tables together so we could be one big group. Julia had chosen this place not only because it was near the bowling alley, but because it was LARGE and informal. It was the sort of place that allowed you to do things like push tables around and make lots of noise. They served pizzas on plastic plates; that's the sort of place it was.
I was pointed to a seat in the middle of one side of our combined-table. Carol sat to my right, while Julia took a seat one removed from my left. Julia pointed Lily to the empty seat between us, telling her, "Cooperation will be rewarded."
The other two Liaisons were pointed next to Carol, Robert sat next to Julia, and everyone else was free to choose where they wanted. Donna had seated herself before anyone else, more interested in the menu than seating politics. I agreed with her that the menu was excellent reading.
It was a large, noisy place, with loud music and several other groups, although it was only about a quarter full at this time of day. We'd be able to talk fairly indiscreetly without anyone else hearing us, should the conversation go that way, AFTER the ordering had been done.
Once the orders were placed, Julia stood and yelled to the whole table, "Now to find out who's the clever girl who won the sweepstake. Who'll be able to ask Mark to do ANYTHING she wants, as long as it doesn't go beyond what I'll accept, and I'll accept A LOT! If the winner DOESN'T ask Mark for what girls normally stop their boyfriends' doing, then the winner's crazy."
While our crowd was yelling ribald comments at Julia, she made a production out of discovering the winner. Initially pulling two slips out of her right pocket, reading out the names of the two girls but not their guesses, then saying, "The closest girl is... [one of the two names]." Julia then put the losing slip into her left pocket, and extracted a replacement slip from her right. "The new girl is [whoever], and the closest girl is... [one of the two names]." This process repeated slip by slip.
The only interruption occurred early on, when the two girls involved in that round told the table what their guesses were. Immediately some of the remaining girls moaned. Julia announced, "It'd be best not to tell anyone your guesses until after it's all over. That way the excitement lasts longer, especially for the poor girls whose guesses were less than yours."
The two girls understood and apologized, and Julia responded, "No problem. It's understandable in the excitement of the moment."
Katelin's name came up about halfway through the process, and survived challenge after challenge. Some of the challengers must have guessed low, because they obviously knew they had no chance, but some of the others reacted as if they thought they'd had a good shot at ending Katelin's run. I was amused and flattered by so many girls being so eager to win. I was more pleased over that than I would be over any specific girl winning, whether it was Katelin or anyone else. Julia had handpicked which girls to invite today, and every one of them was - how to put this delicately? - very fuckable. I wouldn't kick any of them out of bed for eating cookies, not even if it was my last cookie.
Katelin's guess eliminated yet another girl, and Julia fished around for the next slip, pulled it out, then said, "I think this is the last, let me check my pocket carefully." A pause while Julia did that. "There are no more. This is the final comparison."
Donna yelled out, "What about mine? I guessed 300, and I want Mark to do my homework for the rest of the year."
During the laughter, I thought to myself that Donna was doing very well today. I should find some way to reward her, and I knew that wouldn't be hard (both meanings apply). Thinking the word "reward" also reminded me that Lily was sitting next to me for her reward, and I realized that I should personally do something to thank her for letting me grope her tits in front of everyone. I'd do it when Julia's drama was over.
Julia read out the name of the last challenger, who looked brave, but not hopeful. "And the winner is ... Katelin!"
While Katelin was jumping up and down with glee, several of the other girls yelled out, "What did you guess?" | "What did she guess?" (depending on whether they yelled at Katelin or Julia).
Katelin answered, "280." Julia handed the slip over to one of the inquirers, and it started rotating around the table, just to prove that Julia hadn't fixed THIS competition, unlike the RPS game with Carol's girls.
Many of the girls expressed amazement that Katelin had guessed so high. She answered, "I think Mark is fantastic. He's fantastic at everything else, so he should be fantastic at bowling too. I was just scared that someone had guessed 300. I'm SO HAPPY now. I know what I want too. Can I whisper it to you Julia, to make sure it's okay?"
Julia called back, "Sure. Come around and tell me." Katelin got up and as she was walking around, Julia called out, "You're not allowed to ask to have his babies." That earned Julia some laughs.
A few of the girls joked by saying things like, "Drat! That's what I wanted," but I could tell they were joking, thank goodness.
While I was waiting for Julia to rule on Katelin's intended prize, I suddenly remembered that Prof had wanted a call or text message letting him know whether I'd gotten 300 or not. I'd remind Julia the first chance I got. Katelin whispered to Julia, who whispered back, and they went back and forth a few more times, then arrived at a decision. Julia called out to me, deliberately loudly so most of our table could hear, "Mark, Katelin would like to come over to my place after dinner, and stay with you overnight, on Tuesday night. Is that okay with you?"
Most of the girls caught it. Some didn't, and I gave them time to find out from their neighbors. Then I answered, "Apart from one possible clash, that sounds great." It did too, as Katelin was attractive and very interested in me. I explained the possible problem, "I'm a little worried that what I'm doing with your father tonight might need some more work on Tuesday night, like if we need another trial run that evening."
"You'll know that by the end of tonight though, won't you?"
"Probably. I should have a very good idea then whether Tuesday night will be needed or not."
"That's good enough." Turning to Katelin, Julia said, "That should work fine. Plan on it happening and I'll let you know if a problem comes up and we have to move it to Wednesday night, but it probably won't."
"Tuesday night?" asked Katelin, more out of disbelief at how lucky she was than anything else. I had disbelief at her disbelief, but I also know that I don't understand girls, so I wondered whether those canceled out.
Julia answered Katelin, "It looks like you're going to have a VERY good time in a couple of days, yes."
"Yippee! That's so NEAT! Thank you SO MUCH, Julia." Katelin gave Julia a hug, which - I was disappointed to see - was just an ordinary, happiness hug. Pity.
Julia said, "Go and give Mark a thank you kiss, then back to your seat."
Katelin thought the first half of that was an excellent idea, so she repeated it three times.
While I was busy helping Katelin carry out Julia's suggestion repeatedly, I could hear Carol tell the group, "I just had a little thought. Remember Annette Neumeyer? She made a fool out of herself when she rubbed her tits all over Mark, trying to get him to react."
Katelin's head blocked my view of most of the girls, but I was pretty sure they didn't need a reminder about who Annette Neumeyer was, and what she'd done. Seeing they remembered, Carol continued, "Mark didn't react, because for him that wasn't sexy. Same when I'm holding him. Mark is FAR more mature than the normal boys we meet. I absolutely hate it that so many of the boys at school try to rub against me, or can't stop staring at my chest, but I don't have any of those problems with Mark. For him it's not sexy unless it's got the right emotions behind it. Unless it's a sharing, consensual, giving, and things like that. He's very impressive."
Carol leaned over and kissed my cheek, to thank me for being so impressively mature. I could see that the other girls had swallowed Carol's lies completely. We've become very dishonest since meeting Julia. It's a lot of fun.
Knowing the girls would take it as a joke, I said, "Gee. You mean all those years I didn't ogle you because I was afraid you'd tell on me to Mom and Dad were wasted? Damn!"
They laughed, obviously because the thought of me ogling Carol was so ridiculous.
When she got a chance, Julia said, "I know it sounds weird, but I'm trying to get Mark to behave MORE like ordinary boys. I'll explain what I mean. We all know that you're all here to get to know Mark better, because you're all attracted to him."
I saw some of the girls look uncomfortable at that, perhaps even start to object, but Julia responded to their body language, "We saw how happy Katelin was to win her night with Mark and how much the rest of you wanted to win the competition. Also, many of you have boyfriends, but not a single one of you turned up with him. What an amazing coincidence! Haha. I'm sure there were lots of imaginative excuses flying around town recently, so each of you could come here unaccompanied."
It looked like Julia was starting a long speech, so I took advantage of the opportunity to put my left hand on Lily's bare leg, just above her knee and just below her skirt's hem. I leaned over and whispered to her, "I remember Julia saying outside that you should be rewarded for your cooperation. I'm wondering how you'd like me to reward you?" I slid my hand up her leg an inch or so, to give her a hint.
Lily answered, "You boss."
Her attitude is wonderful. A pity her tits aren't bigger, but it's very hard to find the perfect girlfriend. I told her, "This is meant to be YOUR reward. I'm sure you know what I've got in mind," as my hand slid a little higher as a further hint, "but you can ask for something else if you wish."
Lily answered, "What you doing." Lily opened her legs wide. She's a VERY helpful girl. There was certainly no point in asking her if she was sure, so I quickly slid my hand all the way up. Lily shifted her weight from side to side, so she could hitch each side of her skirt higher, to make things easier for me. Of all the girls that I've bedded, Lily was probably the worst choice for me to do this with as I'd rushed learning my way around her pussy. That'd happened because Pat had been due to arrive soon after Lily, and I'd wanted to be more active with Lily during the small amount of one-on-one time we had. Nonetheless, I thought I knew enough about her to be up for the job. I started, intending to give her the best time I could, hopefully including an orgasm.
Meanwhile Julia had continued speaking, "Mark knows why you're here. I told him days ago that I was inviting you so he could socialize with you, get to know you, and find which of you he liked the best. You know that I want him to have another girlfriend or two. The trouble - and it's hard to call it 'trouble' with a straight face - is that there are literally hundreds of girls interested in Mark. He can't get to know hundreds of girls one at a time because that'd take far too much time, so he has to start by socializing in groups. When Mark and I next get a chance to be alone, I'll discuss each of you with him to find out what he thought of you. Hopefully we'll be able to decide on the top six or so, that I'll invite to future events like this. That'll eliminate most of you and save Mark's valuable time." I could see that this struck the girls forcibly - they'd had no idea that this was going to be cut-throat. Julia's very good at motivating girls to throw themselves at me, bless her.
-- "You've seen from class that Mark doesn't socialize much. You also saw him while he was bowling. Between each of his turns he was perfectly happy sitting with either Donna or me on his lap, chatting with us or Carol. Any other guy would have been strutting around, boasting and flirting with all of you, especially knowing that you'd come there to see him. Obviously Mark's exceptionally good at relationships - look at how much his sisters and I love him - but he's too modest. He wouldn't even let the bowling alley guy put his photo on the wall, even though he totally deserved to have his accomplishments known. There are so many things about him that he could truthfully boast about, but he won't. He could also flirt with any of you, but he won't, because that's not his style.
-- "Those of you who dressed in a way that a boy would like are smart, because if he doesn't talk with any of you enough to get to know you, then his opinion is going to be colored by how good he thinks you look. He's not immature about that, that'd be a guy choosing a nasty girl over a nice girl because the nasty one had a bigger chest. Mark's going to have to choose which of you he likes the most when he doesn't know who the nice and nasty ones are. I don't mean 'nasty' in your cases, because I didn't invite anyone like that. But he can't tell between the NICE and NICER girls, so short skirts and revealing tops will be the tie breakers. He IS mature, but even mature guys will choose a sexy girl over an unsexy girl if there's no reason not to, just as all of you are very aware of how good Mark looks, both his handsomeness and his physique. I said I want him to behave more like other guys, because he needs to..."
"{Moan}," interrupted Lily.
What Lily and I were up to had been completely hidden by the long, plastic tablecloth (tableplastic?). Lily's moan drew the attention of everyone who could see her, and our arm positions confirmed their suspicions. Lily had both of her hands under the table, one to hold her dress and the tablecloth up out of the way, and the other holding the crotch of her panties to one side. I had turned to face Lily, so I could bring my right hand around to use on her. My left hand was playing with her clit and other exterior areas, while my right hand's fingers were thrusting in and out. Lily had managed to stifle a few previous expressions of her rising sense of enjoyment, but this one had escaped her. There was no point in attempting to deny what we were doing, and I saw no reason to stop either, so I kept trying to get her off as quickly as possible.
If you'll excuse a slight digression at such a critical time. I have to say that I was puzzled about what Lily's reason(s) were for being so cooperative with Julia and me. She didn't seem to be in love with me, or have any of the usual emotional motivations. I couldn't imagine Lily behaving like Gia when she'd refused to stop hugging me, or like Ava when she'd been egotistical. Lily seemed to have reached an extremely quick, intellectual, non-emotional decision to cooperate fully with us. I was tempted to inquire into it, but didn't want to risk spoiling her wonderful helpfulness. Thus I'd been very interested to find out how quickly Lily would 'juice up' when I started playing with her. To my surprise Lily got wet very quickly, which presumably meant she had strong emotions for me. I was pleased, but even more puzzled than before. Other than its effect on my curiosity, her responsiveness also meant that Lily had been quick to arouse and wasn't going to take much longer to finish off.
Lily and I were instantly the center of attention for our table. When I responded by speeding up rather than stopping, Lily groaned again, differently than before. When her groaning breath ran out, she inhaled, then started another moan; just like the first one, although early indications were that it was going to be even louder. I was thrusting in and out very rapidly now, while my left forefinger was vibrating on her clit.
Julia, sitting next to Lily, grabbed Lily's head and pulled it into a lip-locking, moan-smothering kiss. One and a half highly muffled moans later, amidst the loud cheering of the guys on the nearest occupied table (presumably at the girl-on-girl kissing), Lily's orgasm hit her. Her whole body stiffened, pulling Julia straight up out of her chair, and nearly backward over it. Julia's lips hung on bravely, until Lily went limp, nearly pushing Julia over by the sudden change in direction. Lily slumped on Julia, who sat down to support Lily's weight.
My fingers had done their job, so I pulled them out and away. I held up the wettest to my mouth, and licked it, then complained to the table, "The things a guy has to do, to get a drink in this joint!" I resumed licking all my fingers clean while a few of the girls laughed. The rest were busy getting over their shock (I'm presuming this doesn't usually happen when they have pizzas). Julia laughed too, while she was sitting with her right arm around Lily's shoulder, holding her comfortably while she recovered.
Hannah, who was sitting several seats to my right, leaned forward to ask me, "You like the taste, Mark?"
Knowing she was Laila's sexual girlfriend I gave a smart answer, "I love it! Do you?"
"Love it. It's much tastier than from guys. What do you think?"
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 (Continued) When Katelin and I got back to the bedroom after our shower, my clothes for today were already laid out on the bed, right down to the socks and underwear. Julia decides what I'm wearing every day, so there was nothing unusual in that. I don't even cringe too much at the thought of her going into my underwear drawer anymore. Katelin had a set of clothes hanging in one of the closets, so we were soon dressing ourselves, during which Katelin remarked,...
Monday, July 2, 2007 (Continued) We ran to the bedroom, me carrying D-Cup. I laid our poor, shattered, previously inexperienced, previously Good Girl on a sofa in our bedroom. Whether inspired by Nevaeh's monster of an orgasm, or by my obvious desire to reward Carol, Ava and Julia had already thrown Carol onto the bed and had leaped into action on her. I hurried to join in. We all hurried to get Carol off before our sleeping beauty stirred. Carol was already excited so that took very...
Monday, July 2, 2007 Carol and I went for our drive shortly after midnight, driving to D-Cup's home, stopping a block away so I could do some snooping. I searched the house quickly to find out if she was there. After a quick glance in a couple of wrong bedrooms, I found her in the third. I took that as confirmation that God approved of my plan, which was good because He was going to be helping me. I looked around the house more slowly to get a feel for the Smiths. In a word - and it's not...
Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) When Savannah was sufficiently far away, Carol giggled, then added, "You can't resist doing some silly things." "You're mostly right, sweetie, but there is a serious aspect to it. Julia and her parents want me to learn about the manipulative tricks girls can use. Savannah is terrible at them, because she's far too busy being arrogant to think about things from her intended victim's perspective, but there are other girls who're much deadlier....
Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) Julia started the meeting off with, "I'll begin by saying that I had a few wrong ideas when I started the Liaison system. The biggest error I made was wanting every suitable girl at school to fall for Mark, to want to chase him, and to treat him the way I thought they should. That caused me far too much frustration and work. So many girls failed to understand how wonderful he is that I felt I was banging my head against a brick wall most of the time. I...
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Laura's poor asshole, though wounded from the hammering Eric had given it, recovered more quickly than she expected. God, maybe I'm getting used to this, she thought. I've had more men in the last three weeks, Rob and Eric, than I've had in such a short space in my whole life. My pussy and my ass feel like they've been probed and plundered and spurted into a gazillion times. I never knew anyone could come so much as that kid. And yet it wasn't for two or three days that the memory of...
ME: Please welcome my special guest this evening, Céleste d’Chevalier, the bestselling author of The Anarchist’s Cookbook. Céleste. [Applause. Nicki enters.] I understand you have had quite a whirlwind tour this month. Thank you for taking the time to be on our show. NICKI: It’s been insane, but it is over now. I’m home. ME: And home is where? NICKI: Where the heart is. ME: You know I have a daughter named Céleste. NICKI: You know she’s here. She’s been traveling with me for three...
Mark was only a little way out onto the lake when he began to feel a little remorse. That was a cruel thing to do, he realized, although he felt good about it. He was still shaking from being mad. That woman just didn't have the good sense to keep quiet, just once, when someone did her a favor. But no, she'd mouthed off, and for once, she'd gotten hers. With all the trouble she'd caused Spearfish Lake, it felt good to be the one to pay her back a little. Still, he knew that he'd stepped...
Tír na nÓg was, as ever, a hive of activity as Verenestra sorted out her liberated territories and brought her armies to bear on any Daoine Sidhe formations not covered by their fortresses. As Verenestra’s armies were so much larger than the Daoine Sidhe’s this usually led to victory on the part of the liberators, but casualties were often high. The Daoine Sidhe were very effective with area effect magics whereas your ordinary Sidhe simply weren’t. Still, the rate of attrition was definitely...
I spent four more months living quietly on the bayou. Well it was quiet after I got the reputation of being crazy. I took a shot at a dirty blue pickup. Well he did try to run me and the trike off the road. I didn't really try to hit the truck with the duck shot. It might have looked to him as if I did. It was a little drastic but from that morning on trucks gave me a wide birth. Nor did anyone curse at me. It seemed that news indeed traveled fast on the bayou. That is most likely why,...
John reached for the button to open the Ready Room door leading to the Command Deck. Hold on a second, Alyssa warned him. Jehanna’s interviewing Irillith on the Bridge. You can go in, but just stay quiet. Thanks for the head’s up, he said, glancing at Lynette to warn her too. The brunette looked startled, clearly not yet used to hearing her Matriarch’s telepathic voice spring unbidden in her mind. “Don’t worry, she told me too,” she said in a rush, slipping her arm through his. He hit...
Three old ladies were sitting side by side in their retirement home, reminiscing. The first lady recalled shopping at the green grocers and demonstrated with her hands, the length and thickness of a cucumber she could buy for a penny. The second old lady nodded, adding that onions used to be much bigger and cheaper also, and demonstrated the size of two big onions she could buy for a penny a piece. The third old lady remarked “I can’t hear a word you’re saying, but I remember the guy you’re...
Alan somehow made it from Heather and Simone to his first class, but with barely seconds to spare. To do that, he had to run most of the way, which left him very winded. Christine was disappointed. She'd loved her date with him the night before, so had been looking forward to talking to him again at school ever since she'd woken that morning. But since he just barely made it to class in time, she was barely able to trade hellos with him before class started, even though their desks were...
I let them lead me away in cuff while they booked my weapons into evidence. I was printed which was a lot less messy than I remember it. I just had my fingers scanned. Then I sat in a holding cell in my own clothes for a few hours. I sure hoped they didn't think that bothered me any. A plain clothes detective entered the cell. I expected that he was SBI. but I really didn't know for sure. Well I didn't know until he said, "My name is Wade Jordan." "You are a tall black man named...
Coach walked into the workout room Whitney and I used in the morning just as we were finishing our forms. He liked to watch us if we were sparring. It was part of the agreement he signed with our parents. "Follow me," Whitney whispered. She approached Coach Hancock and placed her right fist in her left hand as she bowed. I copied her a step behind. Coach looked puzzled but returned the gesture of respect. "Master," Whitney said respectfully, "teach us water." "You have a master,...
You are kidding right? Here and now? I just got done getting laid as you two watched and now you want to introduce your friend who is still licking my dick clean? Camden sat beside us and said, “Darren I see you have already introduced your dick to my friend Corwin. Skylar knows the rules. She should have asked before seeing if Corwin’s juices tasted better off your dick than they do right from the source.” “You suck Camden,” Skylar retorted. “You know damn well I was going to see how she...
“Those sweet lips. My, oh my, I could kiss those lips all night long. Good things come to those who wait.” —Jess C. Scott, The Intern I LIED TO CINDY about taking Tuesday off. The truth was I didn’t want to let her down in the rehearsal room. I’d been playing the lute guitar for the past ten days and hadn’t been on the concert guitar at all. The concert guitar has a wider neck than the lute and, though it might not sound like much of a difference, I don’t feel confident enough in my...
Neither of us wanted to get out of bed when the alarm went off. I hadn't looked at the clock when we'd finally dozed off, but I know it was probably 1or 2 in the morning. For every gain, there's some loss; it's all a matter of balance. As far as I was concerned, I was way ahead in the plus column this morning. I stumbled out of bed and was all set to go down to the kitchen when I heard a quiet whine coming from the living room. Bozo didn't have any problem getting up with the alarm. He...
"You labor under several misconceptions my dear." Ena gently interrupted causing the images around them momentarily to fade. "Arin Kagito, I am giving to understand, became fascinated by the holy power. He was 'seduced' some might say by his desire to understand it. His wish to somehow replicate it. Particularly the levels found among the holy trees and wielded by the royal family. To that end he left his home world initially to study the giant trees of Ryten, before turning his...
Things began getting hectic for me as soon as we got back. We packed Granny and Gramps back to Utica and went back to being Mom and Dad for a week. Tuesday, at the office, I had to begin making things official. I called the brain trust into the office, and went over the plans we had worked out, and then we called everybody into our biggest conference room. It was tight, but we made it. Then I stood up and I made the following announcements: Starting in January I was going to have a whole...
“You should have been a cheerleader,” I said to Liz as everybody got settled in to the new work areas. “Ha-ha,” she replied. “That was a great speech,” I said. “You helped me write it,” she pointed out. “It wasn’t the words,” I countered. “It was the way it was delivered. You’re excited and it showed. It rubbed off on them. It helps that you believe everything you said.” “I do,” Liz said, smiling at me. “And I am excited.” “I could tell,” I answered as I looked down at her chest. Liz’s...
Wednesday, April 6, 2005 (Continued) We lay on Julia's bed, holding each other with our faces an inch apart. It's a wonderful position to talk with your girlfriend in. Julia asked me, "How has your evening been?" "Some things stand out. First, learning 8-ball so quickly was interesting, to put it mildly. Your brothers were shocked, so that was fun. Dad and Prof bet on me before my first game. Talk about having faith in me! When they gave me half their winnings your father said I...
It was Saturday, alone. There was nothing going on but the sickening sight of Big brother torturing 8 house mates over a glass of water or so it seemed. This intellectual exercise was going way over my head and I was in desperate need of something a little more down to earth. But what is more down to earth than a pizza and a porno flick? Ah, yes! But what... but what do I want on the pizza? Pineapple? Mushroom? Sweetcorn? HA! HA! I'll get all three - Pineapple! Mushroom! & Sweetcorn! Better...
Monday July 2, 2007 (Continued) Because of her gullibility about God, seducing D-Cup had gone even better than I'd expected. Possibly even so well that a bit of caution might be a good idea in case we overreached ourselves because of how easy this seemed. Applying an even more determined go-soft after her wonderful throwing of herself at me, I said, "Thank you, Nevaeh. I'm impressed by your commitment, but I still want to ask you some more questions to get a better understanding of you....
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
?The day had been a strange one. My hormones were driving me wild. Menopause was for oldladies and by God I was not falling into that category this early, 45 and still in my prime as far asI was concerned. I needed to exert my authority, my power, over someone...anyone. Theafternoon had brought urges forward and a hunger for fresh young meat. Suppose the Cougar inme needed fed. Menopause had pushed aside the nurturing mother in me and released theDominatrix that had been suppressed for so...
Thursday, July 28 to Thursday, September 1, 2005 Back at home, there was a great deal of catching up required. For example, Katie West had been laid low by her treatment, but had bounced back (that's what it was supposed to do), and now seemed fine. She wasn't fine, as the chemotherapy had only been a delaying action, but she looked better if you ignored that she was wearing a wig. Carson was also booked in for something similar soon. We'd talked to Ava every day while we'd been away,...
My ex wife, Sheree, and I loved to role play and experiment. We were out of town visiting my parents and stayed in an extended stay motel for the weekend. We ditched my parents one evening and were playing in the motelroom when I hade Sheree, who is VERY limber. tied to the bed with her arms up to the corners of the head of the bed and her legs up and spread wide and her ankles hooked to her wrists so she was laying there with everything in view and everything wide open. I was playing with her...
My wife, Sheree, and I love to role play and experiment. We were out of town in Columbus visiting my parents and we stayed in an extended stay motel for the weekend. We ditched my parents one evening and were playing in the motel room when I had Sheree, who is VERY limber, tied to the bed with her arms to the corners of the head of the bed and her legs up and spread and her ankles hooked to her wrists so she was laying there with everything in view and everything wide open and on display. I was...
Chapter 1 – The Birth of a Goddess Zeke cracked his knuckles and spread out his fingers. They touched the black glass in front of him and the desk lit up. A white keyboard appeared and he started to type on the touchscreen desktop. His fingers bounced around the screen, typing across the keyboard of light. You see, Zeke was a genius beyond his years. He was currently eighteen and in his second year of college. His masterful mind crossed with a youth of video games made him into one of the...
Tuesday, July 1 to Thursday, July 10, 2008 It was much easier to get the non-Mom members of my family onto my side. I went running with Donna the next afternoon. We had a long conversation about topics that I knew were important to her. Naturally there was a lot of talk about sex, as Donna was very curious about it anyway and had been bursting to ask me about what she'd observed. She already knew enough about sex to know that she'd seen something very unusual. She was also amazed that...