Pfand XChapter 5 free porn video

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Carl was seated in his safe room reading a copy of a diary that had been written in 1643 by Roberto Curador. His command of modern Spanish was just barely up to the task of making out the much older version of Spanish Roberto had used. Spelling, style of use, and meaning had drifted a bit since 1643. He had just finished reading the entry in which Roberto had described the stories he had been told about the events of the day when the Swedes sacked the town. There were times when reading it that he could feel tears running down his cheeks.

In reading about the disaster that had befallen his ancestors, he understood why they had chosen to pledge loyalty to each other over King and country. The Baron, charged with protecting them in exchange for taxes, had failed them. Since peasants ... and there were no doubts that they were peasants ... were not allowed to possess weapons, the Baron's failure had left them at the mercy of the Swedes. The Swedes had lacked mercy of any kind.

There was a violence in those times that was unimaginable to the modern mind. By today's standards, pillaging a village and ravaging its occupants was a war crime. In those days, it was just part and parcel of war. A field of grain with peasants to work the field was a source of food for the enemy. Destroying peasants and taking the grain was an acceptable tactic of war. No one expected it to be otherwise. In the ruins of an inn, they realized that the only people they could turn to for help was each other.

It was a sobering thought. In 1643, that kind of sentiment was tantamount to heresy. The accepted hierarchy was God above Church, Church above King, and King above Subjects. For a subject to place himself above the King was to defy the Church. It just wasn't done.

They had accepted a woman, a prostitute no less, to be an equal member of their council. It was a break from custom to raise a woman to that social level. By the time Roberto had recorded the story of that night in his diary, the single men had married the women who had once worked for Helga. In effect, they had given her and her profession a legitimacy that was unprecedented.

Those weren't the only heresies they had committed. They had brought a Jew into their midst, and given him an equal voice in their council. In Spain, anyone suspected of being a Jew, could find themselves facing the Inquisition. The situation was only a little better in Germany. It was agreed that he would publicly declare himself to be a Conversos, a Jew who was a Christian convert, with the name: Gold. In private, the other families would help him practice his Jewish rites.

Their actions would have condemned them to death if anyone in power had learned of them. The Baron would have tortured them before killing them for defying his authority. The Church would have burned them at the stake as heretics. Secrecy was the only way to assure their security. One single misspoken word could doom them all.

Learning that two families had survived intact by hiding in a cellar under the house, explained the Pfand X requirement for a safe room. If more families in that town had had that same option available to them, a lot more of them would have survived the sacking of the town by the Swedes. It was the first lesson of that night, captured in the Pfand.

He had read about how the wife of Siegfried Bauer had led the Swedes away from her family in an attempt to assure their survival. She knew that she would be savagely raped, yet she did it anyway. That kind of bravery and sacrifice was almost unimaginable. Roberto recognized that she would not have died if they'd had a protected escape route to a safe place. It was the second lesson of that night, captured in the Pfand.

There had been a third lesson learned when clearing away the bodies on the morning after the sacking of the town. The wealthiest of the town's people had suffered the worst. The mayor and the male members of his family had been given the Schwedentrunk. The women had been brutally raped, probably in front of the men, before they died as a result of swords inserted through their sex. The priest had been nailed to the church's floor, before the church had been burnt. It was better to be a faceless member of the mob than to stand out from the crowd. The Pfand X stated that they were to live a life of moderation in every respect: wealth, religion, and community.

Anticipating the cold harsh winter, it was obvious that food would be their greatest problem. Their scavenging expeditions through the ruins of the town had allowed them to come up with the barest minimum necessary to survive. The gold coin of Samuel Goldstein had helped significantly, but everyone admitted that his presence in town was fortuitous. The Pfand X stated that they had to have sufficient hidden food and financial resources on hand, to survive until the next harvest.

In light of the lessons of the sacking of the town, and the clean up afterward, the Pfand X was a very practical document. It stated quite clearly what was necessary for survival in an uncaring world. Carl realized very quickly that was why it had managed to last over three and a half centuries.

Reading about how Helga Damenstern and the women who worked for her had survived had intrigued Carl. The way that she had managed to divert the intentions of the Swedish soldiers had been an inspired act of desperation. The amount of courage it had taken to stand in front of soldiers in a state of blood lust and offer the comfortable services of her house to the officers was almost unimaginable. He picked up the biography about her life, which had later been penned by Roberto.

After three hours, he put down the biography. Whether it was her profession or an integral part of her character, Helga Damenstern was exceptionally practical and honest about how the world worked. Every woman, regardless of age or appearance, had an asset between her legs that could serve to protect her or be roughly taken by others. She believed that a smart woman would allow it to protect her by learning to use it to her advantage in every situation.

Helga had spoken of different kinds of sexual congress. There was the congress of love. It was passionate and filled with positive caring emotion. It was the type of sexual congress that was given willingly to lovers.

There was the congress of relief in which a participant expected fun and sexual release from his or her partner. It was a one-sided form of congress, almost selfish at root, unless both partners recognized it for what it was: relief. Having lain with many a married man, she recognized that it had nothing to do with marriage and love. Being a woman, she knew that it was a need that wasn't restricted to just men. It was a view that she repeatedly drilled into the men of the Pfand X.

There was the congress of trade in which a participate would provide congress of relief to another in exchange for something of value. The something of value could be anything including money, food, shelter, or information. She saw this form of sexual congress, i.e., prostitution, as a very fundamental means of survival with which women had been blessed. A man who stood in the way of such congress was threatening the survival of the woman, her children, and often himself. It was a view that was slow to be accepted by the men of the Pfand, particularly when it was their wife or daughter involved in the congress of trade.

She also spoke of the congress of rape, not as a sex act, but as a violent demonstration of power over another by the rapist. This was one of the worst things that could befall a woman, or even a man. Elimination of the threat represented by a rapist, required avoiding or surviving a rape. The key to survival was recognizing that it was an act of power. Playing to the power could eliminate the need for its demonstration. Submitting to the power, could limit the violence of it. Meek submission could turn instantly violent, and catch the rapist by surprise. Even the strongest man, caught unprepared for an attack, could be overcome by a much weaker opponent.

Integral to her view on sex was her opinions about the relationship between men and women. In an idea that was extremely radical for the times, she viewed men and women as being equal partners in the family. The wife was more than cook, housekeeper, nanny, and brood mare; she was a partner in everything.

In times when women weren't allowed to run businesses, she convinced the men of the Pfand to take their wives into their businesses as equal, albeit silent, partners. If an extra hand was needed to plow the field, the husband should turn to the wife. Likewise, the man should support his wife in whatever manner was necessary.

The man who ignored the valuable resource that a wife represented, was a fool. A wife's council would have the husband's best interests at heart. She had just as much at stake in the family's future as the husband. It was practical advice that defied the beliefs of the time. If anyone actually thought about it, they would see she was correct. The Pfand thought about it.

Her attitude about sex and a woman's relationship with a man was remarkable for the time in which she lived. Even more remarkable was that she had been able to get the other members of the Pfand to accept her views. In a way, it spoke highly of the character of the men involved. Rejecting the rigidity of belief that often characterized the peasant mind, they had become agile in their thinking and could accept what was basically the unthinkable. Even today, there were few men outside the Pfand who could entertain the idea of their wife or daughter engaging in 'congress of trade' without anger.

Carl knew that he was having difficulty in accepting that his mother, his sister, and his high school sweetheart had been involved in congress of trade although reading Helga's biography was making it easier. He wasn't sure if it was the subtle change in label that made it more palatable: 'congress of trade' sounded much better than 'prostitution'.

After locking the safe, Carl went upstairs where his sister was putting some of the final touches on his bedroom. The living room was still a disaster, boxes of nick-knacks were piled along one wall, pictures in wooden frames leaned against a box, and furniture was scattered about the room. It would take a while to arrange it to her exacting standard. What he could see of it all, he could envision what the room would look like when she finished.

He walked into the bedroom and looked around. It was a very masculine looking bedroom. Above the solid bed was an oil painting of a nude woman reclining on a settee with an equally naked man between her legs.

Donna asked, "What do you think of the painting?"

"It's rather explicit. I'm not sure that I would have had the nerve to purchase it," Carl answered.

"It's a good painting for a bedroom. It will give your female guests something to anticipate," Donna said.

"I didn't think about it that way," Carl said.

Donna said, "You might want to think about giving Jennifer a call."

"I'll think about it," Carl said.

"Are you concerned about her job?" Donna asked.

"I'd be a liar if I said that I wasn't a little upset about it," Carl answered.

Donna asked, "Do you remember that two year period when the boys and the girls were kept separate from each other at the Cura Private School?"


"That's when got our sex education."

"Same for us," Carl said.

Donna said, "I don't know what the boys got, but the girl's lessons were pretty explicit."

"We ended up having sex with our instructor," Carl said.

"Ours didn't go quite that far," Donna said. "Well, I guess maybe it did. We were given a choice about the time we turned sixteen to have sex with one of our male instructors or to wait until we found the right guy."

"Male instructors? I thought you would have women like us," Carl said.

"We had male and female instructors. We were given the full arsenal of sex toys and taught how to use them on ourselves and on others – including men and women."

"Same here," Carl said.

Donna said, "One of the lessons was to read a cleaned up version of Helga Damenstern's biography."

"Cleaned up?"

"All references to the Pfand were removed. Her name was changed. The time period in which the events took place was two hundred years later," Donna said.

"That makes sense," Carl said.

"At the time that I read it, I didn't know that it had been cleaned up. It was presented as excerpts from a personal diary that had been found," Donna said. "It really affected me a lot. I mean, the whole idea that my vagina was the greatest survival asset, was just earthshaking to me. Until reading that, all of the history that I had learned, presented men as the foundation of survival for the family.

"Women were nothing but brood mares. Women were weak. Even queens had to fight for recognition as political powers. Henry VIII married and disposed of wives in a constant effort to get a male heir. Queen Elizabeth I, one of the strongest queens in history, was under unrelenting pressure to get married and have babies. It was almost enough to make me regret being born a woman.

"Then one day in school, I'm reading a diary that is a couple of hundred years old. It says women can use sex for love, for fun, and for survival of the family. I was enthralled when she described how the wife of the miller saved the town by having a long term sexual relationship with a Prince..."

Carl said, "I didn't get to that part yet."

"Actually, in Helga's biography, it was the new Baron who came to town and it was Gertrude Grun who had the long term affair with him. It was more or less expected that a woman would sleep with a nobleman and the husband would not complain."

Carl said, "Why would Gertrude Grun have a long term affair with the new Baron when there was a Damenstern available?

Donna said, "Helga was there and quite prepared to entertain the Baron. Unfortunately, the Baron had other ideas. He had become infatuated with Gertrude. It should be noted that Gertrude was a rather busty woman, whose chest was probably exaggerated as a result of carrying steins of beer around. Helga, as well as Ernest Grun, picked up on the fact that the Baron was interested in Gertrude. Ernest was not happy.

"Helga knew that trouble was on the horizon. She managed to get Ernest off to the side, and explained to him that the Baron was going to have Gertrude, whether he wanted it or not. Ernest, despite being upset, knew that Helga was correct. Putting a smile on his face, Ernest went out and made sure the Baron had the best food and beer that was available at the gasthaus.

While Ernest was plying the Baron with food and drink, Helga was busy talking with Gertrude and explaining that she shouldn't resist the Baron's advances. In fact, she should play up to the Baron about how rich and powerful he was. Using flattery and all of the other tools that a woman has at her disposal, she was to get the Baron talking about himself and what plans he had for the Barony. She was to be the best lover that the Baron ever experienced.

"To make a long story short, she spent the entire night with the Baron. When she wasn't keeping the Baron busy in bed, she kept him busy talking about himself. He told her why he was there and what he planned to do. The Baron didn't fall in love with her, but he did appreciate her skills in bed.

"In the morning, Gertrude told her husband ... who happened to be in a very grumpy mood ... that the Baron suspected that a number of people in town were holding back on their tithes to him and he was having every house searched. By the time the Baron had finished breakfast, every member of the Pfand had hidden away anything of value that had been in their house. Of course, the first place they searched was the gasthaus. The Baron's men only found the coin they had spent plus a few coins consistent with what a gasthaus would have with local trade.

"Ernest, as a result of his wife's warning, had managed to hide a hundred times that amount during breakfast. After a massive search of the other houses, the Baron left believing that he could not get more in tithes from this poor town. Not a single member of the Pfand lost the smallest coin as a result of her warning."

Carl asked, "How did Ernest feel?"

"I'm sure you can imagine. On one hand he was upset that Gertrude had spent the night with the Baron. On the other hand, he was pleased to have kept his head attached to his shoulders, and to keep his money, also. I would also say that Helga probably helped a little. After all, she spent the night with Ernest."

"I feel sorry for Ernest," Carl said.

Donna said, "In a way, Ernest and Gertrude became heroes within the Pfand. Families that could have lost the bulk of their savings and, possibly their lives, thanked the pair of them. Everyone realized just how valuable of a service Gertrude had performed for the Pfand. Helga made sure that Ernest was portrayed as having behaved in the way that a man should act and that Gertrude was portrayed as being the kind of supportive wife that any man should wish for. As you might suspect, that helped both of them come to grips with what they had done."

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Found Chapter One

What's wrong with me? I ask myself as I attempt to open my eyes and lift my arms for the umpteenth time. I can't move... it's like I'm completely paralyzed. I feel wetness slide down my cheeks and land on the corner of my mouth, followed by a cold sensation landing on my forehead. "Gracie, it's time for you to wake up," I hear Chandler whisper, his breath warm against my ear. I swallow the large lump forming in my throat as my heart rate increases with fear. "I know you can hear me, darling....

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Omegle Chat To Sex 8211 Part 4 8211 Outdoor Sex In Hyderabad

Hi again. I am Kushal and this is the final part and third day of Deepika’s stay in Hyderabad. For better understanding, please read the first three parts and you will know how I met Deepika. Thanks for the feedback for the previous parts on my Gmail and Kik. Coming back to the story, we slept like babies after the hot sex session and woke up late in the morning as usual. We didn’t have much to do, so we decided to explore the city wearing sexy outfits. As soon as we woke up, my dick was...

3 years ago
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432 AFTER the PASSING 3 It was Monday soon enough, together they had shopped on Saturday, and done little on Sunday, Oh young Roger had hinted but mother unknown to her son had been ‘on’ one of her last periods of the change, and Maud had a headache, bordering on a migraine all day. The bus was hot stuffy and noisy and Roger as he left her, said he would be at her works before five, to which she had just nodded. The day rumbled on, after school he caught a different bus into town. He was a...

1 year ago
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Julia my darling

Julia my darling Julia is a beautiful young woman. She possesses beautiful eyes, long blond hair, round full grown up breasts, appealing lips, attractive hips and above all a heart throbbing sexy figure. I like her very much and truly speaking, I love her. In dream, I enjoy her naked body… In dream, I fuck her in her pussy… In dream, I suck her breasts… In dream, I feel the excitement of her leaking and sucking my penis… I spend many passionate nights in my dreams. In my dreams, I see Julia's...

2 years ago
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Becoming MadisonCDs daddy chapter 4

Becoming MadisonCds Daddy chapter Four. The day after the tatooist We are in the living room Madi was dressed in a new Balerina outfit a pair of pink knee socks a pink tutu balerina skirt and a small pink trainer bra for her flat smooth chest . She was teasing me and doing a very good job of getting me hard. ‘ Do tell what you would want to do with me ‘ Madi says ‘ your a beautiful girl ‘ I say rubbing my cock. Prancing around in her balerina uniform she explains to me her Girlfriend is...

1 year ago
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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 30 Supernatural Me

Mother Nature knew how to put on a great show; of course she did. She presented a cavalcade of my accomplishments as the breeder livestock skilled with satisfying supreme goddesses and their needs to be serviced with requirements unlike any other human before. I was an accomplished fucker although a rather humble one. She spoke of how I was groomed from the extreme distant past before time began, a rather difficult concept for most of the crowd attending. And it was a diverse crowd for...

2 years ago
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 25

Dannie was looking at the ceiling above her and rubbing the slight bulge of her belly when she heard the soft knock on the door. The blond haired girl sat up in bed and pulled her blankets up to cover herself as she turned to look at her older sister who was sitting up in her own bed before turning to look at the hall door as she called out, "Who's there?" "It's me," Kenny said through the door in his normal voice. "Mom and dad have both left for work so we're in the clear." "Come...

1 year ago
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20 Years of Infidelity Part 16

Friday Late Afternoon and Early Night...Sucking just creampied pussy was even better than I thought it would be. The only thing disappointing was that Jason had come so much during the day that his load was small. I wanted pussy sloppy with cum. By the time I pulled my lips away from the girls pussy, she'd had more than enough activity between her legs. Jason had eaten her to an orgasm, then my mouth on her had made Jason hard and ready to fuck. After taking care to ease his cock in, once...

3 years ago
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One in a Million

I am a beautiful woman. My hair is the color of sleek gold, my face is reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe, my body a collection of long luscious curves like some modish ergonomic furniture design. I have to dress cautiously or I stop traffic. But I’m not just a pretty face. I have a master’s in English Literature and I am studying for my doctorate. I am an only child. My mother died of a rare tropical disease when I was thirteen. My father is a brain surgeon. He works although he doesn’t need to...

3 years ago
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The Lion King Simba and Kiara Part 31

"Mom are you sure your ok with this?" Kiara asked her mother. "Kiara, your father has told me about what happened between you and Kovu. You obviously need help because I don't want to have a daughter who can't walk around because the one she loves hurt her by accident while trying to make love to her." Nala replied. "Mom, are you sure your ok with me and dad....ya know..." Kiara asked with an embarrassed look on her face. "Dear, your father mates with all the other lionesses...

2 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 35 Chasing Jenny Girl

(May 1814) Thomas was pacing on his quarterdeck just so he could have a diversion and get out of his cabin. It was already quite hot during the noon hours in Valetta harbour. It was Rope Yarn Sunday too, a chance for the crew to wash and mend their clothes, to chat idly and to doze on deck. The purser had seen to it that the oldest water casks were hoisted up on deck, allowing the men to rinse their clothes in freshwater – a rare luxury for sailors. Bartleby had identified a woman on shore...

1 year ago
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Encounter with an Older Man ndash The Octogenarian

I have fantasized about being with a man significantly older than myself for years now, and have had some very nice hook-ups with men in their seventies, but so far never had the pleasure of sampling the ‘Chateau Lafite’.Recently, I found my thoughts drifting off again while I imagining myself with a well-aged partner, and fired up my laptop to fill in the blanks. I thought I had hit the jackpot when a quick search on xhamster turned up more than two dozen octogenarians, until I noticed the...

3 years ago
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The Unforgettable Afternoon

The three friends arrived at the show ground just before eleven in the morning; one of them had entered an array of photos for he was a keen photographer. "I just want to gauge how the exhibit went for this is the first time I have entered the show" Warren said. "We don't mine Warren", Harry replied. "Trevor and I haven't been to the local show in ages. I think we are a little passed the rides etc. that used to be the beckon when we were younger", he concluded. They parked in the...

4 years ago
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My Blind Date With a Super Model

My name is Derek. My last name is not important. I am a sort of nameless clog in the system that plays by all the rules and seldom if ever takes any risks that would expose me to danger or ridicule. At least that was true until I had my date with a "World Famous" super model. It was that long awaited day of the anticipated date and I was on my customary journey back home from my 9 to 5 job in the City. I reached up to the luggage rack to remove my backpack and I felt the sudden little...

4 years ago
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Wife doesnt love me no more sex

I brought him into the dinning room, and told him to take a seat across the table from me and that I had something to say about or relationship. He didn’t say much, he just went and took a seat. I was a little uncertain as to how I should start the conversation, and I could tell that he was a little uneasy just sitting there waiting for what I had to say. So, I thought that I should just come out with it, and then deal with whatever comes up.I told him that I was not happy in our relationship...

4 years ago
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The Stair

by Miss Irene Clearmont. An Adult tale of Female Domination There is no coming to consciousness without pain.- Carl Jung The only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain.- Karl Marx ----------------------------------- Copyright © Miss Irene Clearmont (2012 March) The Stair. ----------------------------------- The Dress. ----------------------------------- I awoke to the sound of her heels on the stair. It must have been the creak of the door that...

3 years ago
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A New Taste Part 37 Lockdown Tom Gardener

Tom and I talked everyday. Late night sex talk and early morning whispers about his rock hard morning glory. It was delightful but frustrating. His parents were rightly strict in observing the lockdown and that left us both frustrated. But I had a plan…“Tell them you have been offered some work doing a garden. You won’t come into contact with anyone as the owners are away throughout lockdown and need the place kept tidy. Ready for their return once it is over. Tell them you want to make some...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Crystal Rush Orgasmic Anal MILF

Fit, flexible, pretty MILF Crystal Rush shows off her petite body in high black stilettos and a red leather collar. She spreads her legs and flaunts the rose-shaped butt plug lodged in her rectum. Hung, bald stud Zac Wild offers his meaty boner and plunges it into Crystal’s dripping pussy. He fucks her hard, till Crystal kneels to slobber on his throbbing rod in a sloppy blowjob. Zac pulls the butt plug out and replaces it with his big cock. He thrusts inside her eager bunghole, plowing...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Requests 07

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

1 year ago
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MrLuckyRAW Nicole Sage Wants More Sex

Nicole Sage is so busy checking out Instastory that she doesn’t notice the man approaching her with a phone camera pointed at her naked body. The stunning hottie quickly sets aside her phone as soon as she sees the man. Nicole looks chaotically beautiful with her messy hair. Even after doing a scene with the lucky stud, Nicole still has the energy for an interview. All the talking made the giggly bombshell feel horny again. She teases the man with her big tits before giving him a blowjob...

4 years ago
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437 taking Montys cherry

437 [Cc52] taking Monty`s cherry. The date was August 1930, rain was hitting the window like hail, his eyes peeping over the blankets blinked open took in the dismal day and soon closed again. For Montigue Percival Pargeter, this holiday was turning out to be a misery of wet days and boredom. He had been sent down from the college for being caught in the girls dorm, that had been bad enough, but coming home to mother was harder! Fathers reaction had been one of; “well of boys will be boys,” a...

2 years ago
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Aunty of Ahmedabad

Hi all I am back after a longtime with another interesting incident. I am from Ahmadabad and stay alone here. To be honest, it was because I didn’t have any interesting encounters. Now coming to what happened. This was around the end of beginning of April. I was casually relaxing on a Saturday and wondering what to do, when I signed onto FSI sex chat. To cut a long story short, met a lady who claimed she was 34 and a lonely housewife. I persuaded her to meet me in a public place and she...

1 year ago
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Mom returns from Norway

Note : This story is completely fictional! Bobbie Sue and I had had a content and fullfilling June. Sex between us was better than ever, and we both had relationships started with others. Bobbie was seeing a lot of Steven, a guy she met in college. I was seeing Mary, a friend of Bobbie's from high school, whom was also attending the same college. Mary had been very nervous the first few times we had sex, but now she has really loosened up, so to speak, and was really very comfortable to be...

2 years ago
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3 Cocks Outdoors

I've just got back from sucking off 3 lovely cocks and thought I had to share my experience as its the first time I have done more than 1...Was a slow night tonight, I had been out photographing the sunset (im a photographer) and thought I would hang around until dark to see if I could get any action.After a while of driving and waiting around the usual cruising spot I parked up in my normal spot where I had a good view of an old bus shelter that guys use at night. Was quiet for a while until a...

3 years ago
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Perks of an Erotic AuthorChapter 3

I must confess; Sunday passed very slowly for me as I constantly wondered if George and Esther were biding by my rules, I knew the fascination of their new piercings would constantly nag into their thoughts, but such is my nature I knew I had to trust them until proved otherwise. Monday was easier for me as I was busy till fairly late into the evening when at 10 30 pm I phoned George and Esther. I wanted to know how the last two days had been for them and also wanted to tweak up the ante a...

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Blonde in Chocolate

  If you want a continuation of this story or others I have written please send me feedbacks and requests at [email protected]. It’ll make me to write follow-ups!!!!! "Sveta, this is Mr. Avdushev," her father shouted after Sveta had cheered her final high school game. "He is from the university and he wants to talk with you about a cheer scholarship, honey." ???? His daughter was a sweet-faced blonde with hair to the shoulders. She worked hard to keep in good shape, working out 3 times a...

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«Hi! Sorry to keep you waiting! You are finally at the age qualification to fuck!... Not that you already didn't, anyways! My names if Woods, but some people call me the 'Fucking' Professor. In this world of ours, it is widely inhabited by creatures known as Deviants. We humans live alongside Deviants since the time we've understood it. At times we coexist as friendly relationship, cooperative workmates, and most of the tumes, we've banded together and fucked other like us. But despite our...

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Julia shocked by her new reality part 3

“You may only cum today at your boyfriend’s place of work!” The message was formed clearly on her screen below a most humiliating picture of her and all Julia could think about was how she could get to her boyfriend’s office as soon as possible. She put her phone away and washed her mouth with water. Faking an upset stomach she explained to her colleagues she was going home, maybe passing her boyfriend on the way to pick some things up. ~~~ Somewhat surprised Michael watched Julia walk out...

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