Fourteen Inches free porn video

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My wife and I have been married for five years and have
enjoyed a long monogamous relationship. I never claimed
to be real experienced at sex prior to our marriage and
my wife went to the altar a virgin. However, we learned
quickly and developed a very satisfying sex life. In
fact, both of us like to have sex almost everyday. If
we can’t for some reason, we both get kind of cranky
and obsessed until our urges are satisfied.

This has made us very compatible over the years. Tracy
is a petite brunette with an ass that turns heads (mine
at least). At 5′ 1″ and 102 lbs. she has oversized
breasts that capture one’s attention. I thank heaven
that she picked me to be her life partner.

About six months ago I received a call from an old
“buddy” saying he was going to be in town for a couple
of weeks and would like to get together with me and my

Steve and I had been really close before he stole my
girlfriend from me our senior year. We had not talked
since graduation. He went off to college and became
an architect while I got a job at the mill. The only
reason I eventually forgave him is because I figured
he had done me a favor. The girl I had been dating
turned out to be a total slut. She hadn’t put out for
me, but had developed quite a reputation after Steve
had finished dating her. A short time later I met Tracy
and my life has been wonderful ever since.

Anyway, Steve offered to buy us dinner at a nice
restaurant while he was in town. During dinner, Steve
mentioned he would be staying at a hotel out of town
because a convention had booked all the local rooms.
Well, Tracy would have none of that and kindly offered
the use of our extra bedroom for the duration of his

Steve quickly accepted.

We hardly saw Steve the first couple of days he stayed
at our home because of his work schedule. However,
Thursday evening Tracy accidentally walked in on him
while he was getting out of the shower. She ran back
into our bedroom gasping with a look of shock on her

I asked her what had happened and she explained that
she had seen Steve naked. I told her it was no big
deal and that he’d get over it.

She said that it was indeed a big deal, an eight inch
‘big deal’ and he hadn’t even been hard.

I laughed about it a little nervously, but didn’t think
much more of the incident until later that night. My
wife and I were getting sexy and she was slowly strok-
ing my 5 inches when she mentioned the size of Steve’s
cock again. She wondered out loud how big it was hard.

I told her that I would ask him if she wanted to really
know, thinking to shock her out of this silliness. She
giggled and seemed to forget the whole thing and we had
some great sex that night.

The next day I thought “what the heck” and told Steve
about the incident. He laughed and said that for
Tracy’s information he was 12″ long when he was hard.
I looked at him in amazement, then shrugged thinking of
my own size. I couldn’t believe that I had penis envy.
Steve must have read my thoughts because he asked me
about the size of mine. When I told him honestly that
I was 5″, when hard. I had never really thought about
size before, but when leaned close and said he knew how
I felt. I gave him my “yeah, right” sarcastic look.

He lowered his voice and asked if I could keep a
secret. I nodded then he said that a couple of years
ago his penis was even smaller than mine. I looked at
him in further disbelief. He looked me straight in the
eyes and said “It’s true, I found a way to permanently
increase the size of my cock!” My expression didn’t
change. “I’ll bet it could work for you too if you
wanted! It’s really pretty simple and doesn’t hurt a
bit!” he added in response to my skepticism.

I had to admit that I was intrigued by the thought, I
could just imagine skewering my lovely wife deep and
hard with my king-sized cock. That would shut her up,
I thought.

Steve could somehow tell that I was interested but
wary. He put his hand to his chin like he was deep
in thought, formulating an idea. Then he raised his
eyebrows as if he had just come up with some sort of

“What?” I asked.

Steve insisted that I let him help me out, that he’d
walk me through the whole process, and that he even had
the equipment for me to use. He said that he wanted the
satisfaction of helping out an old friend, and perhaps
make up for taking my girlfriend all those years ago.
“Besides,” he continued, “Tracy needs to experience the
thrill of a full size cock. Women who do are never
satisfied with ‘little’ again.”

Later that night, I discussed our talk with Tracy. I
asked her what she thought of Steve’s offer. Would she
prefer me with a large cock? She was silent for a
while. Finally, she sighed and said, “Well, if there
is nothing to lose, then what the heck?”

I suspect that she was more excited than she let on
because the sex that night was some of our best ever.

After we came down she asked what the procedure was for
the “enlargement”. I told her that Steve had not yet
filled me in on all the details, but we would find out

I woke up in the middle of the night to find Tracy next
to me in bed and rubbing her pussy. I pretended to just
roll over so she wouldn’t notice that I was awake. The
thought of being fucked by a large dick had obviously
had its effect on her.

The next afternoon Steve called me into his room. He
reached into a bag and pulled out what appeared to be
an oversize transparent bicycle pump. “This is it!” he
proudly proclaimed.

I must have had a confused look on my face because he
smiled and said “trust me.” He went on to explain the
general procedure. I was to use this device 3 to 4
times a day to “invigorate” my member. He said it
involved sticking my cock into the end of the tube and
pumping on the handle. During use of the tube my cock
would greatly expand in size until I came. After
orgasm my cock would return to its normal size.

This all would happen during the “development” phase of
the process. The development phase could last from a
couple of weeks to many months if I slacked off on the
invigoration. However, eventually the change would

When my cock had become acclimated to the increased
size, it would simply not get smaller after an invigor-
ation induced orgasm. Presto, huge cock! He said the
best part was that the invigoration phase was fun.
Tracy could even help out! He even estimated that
based on the size of my cock right now I could antici-
pate at least 14″ when finished. I would dwarf his own
large member.

He also said that it was important to “set” the final
size once achieved, otherwise it might not “take” pro-

According to him, setting the size requires a constant
external pressure on the penis just after final size is
attained. This pressure somehow negates the vacuum
effect that the tube causes, thus setting the size.
Fortunately, an accommodating pussy does just the
trick. I didn’t really understand what he was talking
about. I was never all that great in science.

But Steve assured me that we could worry about that
later. Besides, he said, “Tracy will love it!” Well,
that was all it took to get me started. I took the
tube and headed to the bathroom. My first attempt was
a little clumsy, but I soon got the hang of it. My
cock really did look bigger in the tube. The orgasm
shook my body. I thought the treatment might end up
being more fun than I anticipated. Later that day I
invigorated twice more until my cock was limp.

When Tracy came home I told her all about it. She got
so charged up that she jumped me on the spot. It was
then that I realized the main side-effect. The
invigoration process left my cock too sore and tired
to be of any use to Tracy. I rubbed her off, but it
just wasn’t the same. She really needed than that to
satisfy her needs. We both agreed the payoff would be
worth it.

After about a week Steve prepared to leave for home
saying he would be back in town in a couple of weeks.
He instructed me to keep with it and encouraged Tracy
to think of large cocks in her dreams. He knew it was
only a mater of time before her dream would be a

As it turned out, Steve didn’t get back into town for
about three weeks. Again, he stayed in our spare room.
Tracy seemed especially glad to see him. I wanted to
ask him if he thought treatment was working on me and
when I could expect some results.

It was getting tiring using the tube three times a day.

My cock was like a limp rag doll between sessions, and
Tracy was starting to getn really cranky.

After he was done unpacking, I asked Steve for an
assessment of my progress. Even though I was really
embarrassed to do it, I showed him my erect penis to
get his opinion whether or not I had grown.

He said he wasn’t sure, but everything appeared to be
on track. It could happen any day now.

Tracy and I were thrilled. All that effort was going
to pay off I was positive.

Steve cautioned us that although it “appeared good”,
the final enlargement might still be some time away.
There was no real way to predict the exact time. He
then asked me if I had thought anymore about preparing
to “set” the final size.

I told him that I didn’t really understand the ques-
tion. He reminded me that it was very important to
complete the procedure otherwise all the effort could
be lost. I must have looked puzzled. Steve took a
deep breath and said “remember, the best and easiest
way to achieve the proper pressure is to fuck an
accommodating pussy.”

I did vaguely recall him mentioning that. I asked what
the problem was, Tracy had been waiting for this moment
for 4 weeks.

Steve shook his head and repeated “Accommodating! Do
you think Tracy will be able to handle all 14″ of your
dick when she has been used to your original 5 inches?”

I stuttered “I, I, I don’t know. I guess we’ll just
have to try.”

Steve asked if I was willing to risk all that hard
work. Would Tracy be willing to put up with another
month or more of no sex?

Steve was right, I had to make sure this worked. I
asked what we could do.

Steve thought a few seconds and then said, “I think you
have several options. You could find a hooker or some-
one else able to accommodate your large size. Of
course they would have to be close by whenever you
invigorate. I’m not sure how Tracy would like that.

A second option is to use something, like a dildo, to
expand Tracy prior to the big day. I’m sure it would
take several sessions and there is the danger of that
it might not work as well as you making love to her.

A third option is to find some sort of device to simu-
late the correct pressure, and hope it’s right the
first time.

Finally, you could find someone with a penis large
enough to open Tracy up to within a reasonable proxi-
mity of your 14 inches, but that would be just as
awkward as hiring a hooker.”

Well, I knew a hooker was out of the question, Tracy
would never stand for it. Certainly, a device was too
risky. That left the dildo or, unfortunately, a sur-
rogate penis. I was against the last option and was
sure it would not be acceptable to Tracy either.

Thankfully, Steve noticed my discomfort with the idea
and put some of my fears to rest. He informed me the
expansion process using a surrogate was really a
“clinical” kind of procedure. It wasn’t as if someone
would be making love to my wife. It was more like a
therapist giving a massage. But I still wasn’t con-

Tracy and I discussed our options later that night.
Steve had painted a pretty scary picture of what could
happen, and Tracy is very nervous about the whole
thing. A simple yeast infection commercial gets her

At that point it seemed as if all our acceptable
options had eliminated themselves. I asked Tracy if
she thought we should call the whole thing off. Was
a large cock worth the price that we would have to

Tracy thought about it for a moment, gave me a little
hug, and told me that she was willing to make any
sacrifice for my sake. Besides, she didn’t want to
admit that we had wasted all that effort. She finally
decided that the surrogate penis would be the most
likely thing to work, and besides it really would be
more like a trip to the doctors office. O.K., Maybe
more like a house call.

It was decided. As distasteful as it seemed, we would
need someone to prepare Tracy to accommodate my new
super sized cock. We were out of other acceptable
options as we saw them, and we both knew we would have
to see it through to the end.

It was Tracy who first suggested Steve for the task of
preparing her. She had accidentally walked in on him
while he was naked, in his room. He had been mastur-
bating as she’d walked in. He had asked her earlier
to stop by to help him sew on a button.

As she walked in, he saw her and gave his cock another
couple of quick strokes and exploded in orgasm sending
his cum high into the air.

She had gasped and had felt weak in surprise and shock
but managed to quickly exit from the room. Later that
night as I was finishing my invigoration she relayed
the story while wildly rubbing her cunt. As I was
cleaning up she told me how sorry she felt for him. He
didn’t appear to have a girlfriend and was left to seek
his own release.

She then lit upon an idea. Steve was such a good
friend, and obviously knowledgeable, wouldn’t it be
nice to let him do the honors with her. He was the
size we were looking for and certainly knew what was

I was apprehensive about having Steve be with my wife
but she seemed to settle on him as the one. She asked
me if I would approach him about it. I reluctantly
agreed. After all, Steve had been a great help through
all of this and any penis envy that I had would soon be

When I asked him, Steve seemed surprised and expressed
some concern about my reaction to someone ministering
to my wife. I said I thought I could handle it as long
as I was there to comfort Tracy.

He disagreed with me, he said that it was his experi-
ence that its not a good idea to have the husband
around during this kind of activity. He couldn’t do
it if I was there. His concentration would not be on
the job at hand. Doctors don’t allow family members
into the operating room.

I told him that I admired his clinical attitude and
that I guess I could stay out of the way. Based on my
concession, he agreed to do it. He then added that
they should start soon because my expansion could occur
any day.

That evening Steve entered our bedroom about 8:00 to
start the treatment on Tracy. I watched television in
the living room. Occasionally, I would hear a yell or
a knock from the bedroom. I used the device twice
waiting for them to finish. Eventually I fell asleep
on the couch.

When I woke up the next morning, Tracy was in the
shower and Steve was nowhere to be found. When Tracy
was dressed I asked her how the night had gone. She
smiled and said that it had been all right.

I prodded her for more information but she was reluc-
tant to talk about it. I figured that she didn’t enjoy
it all that much, plus the situation was kind of
awkward. I was actually kind of surprised when Steve
and Tracy retreated to the bedroom later that evening.
Tracy was determined to see this thing through.

The pattern repeated itself for the remainder of the
week. Tracy still didn’t want to talk much about it
and Steve was only home long enough to slip into bed
with her.

I did notice that Tracy had settled down to her old;
self back when we used to fuck every day. However the
treatment was going, it seemed to be helping her.

Friday was the day Steve left for home. He got up
early in the morning, showered, and stopped by the
couch on his way out. He shook me awake and thanked
me for allow him to help us. He cautioned against
using the device for longer than another couple of
months, something should have happened by then. He
said he would be back every couple of weeks and would
make sure he kept Tracy ready for me until then.

I got up and opened the door for him and thanked him
for all his help. After he left, I slowly walked down
the hall into my bedroom. Tracy was sleeping lightly.
She was wearing a skimpy little teddy with no panties

I had never seen that outfit before. She looked great
in it. The light from the window shown across her legs
and stomach. Her legs were spread open and I peered
down at her pussy. Her cunt was gaping wide open and
cum was all over her face, tits, stomach, pussy and
legs. Her hairless cunt lips were engorged and glowing
red. Her nipples thrust out like pencil top erasers.
Even her clit was standing at attention. The enormity
of her once tight cunt amazed me. My entire penis could
fit inside the opening without touching the sides.
Some time during the week she had shaved off most of
her pussy hair, leaving only a small triangle. It was
matted and soaked with cum.

Steve returned two more times after that and stayed for
a week each time. Each week was similar to the first
week; me on the couch and him working with my wife in
our bed. He continued to splatter cum all over her. I
was allowed to stop in every morning after he left to
check on Tracy. Here cunt was always huge and covered
with cum. I suspected that she was giving him oral
sex. I would notice drops of cum on her chin and
cheeks. She never did that for me.

Finally, one morning Steve said he would be leaving and
probably wouldn’t return. He said that he had stretch-
ed out Tracy as far as possible and that his mission
was accomplished. She was ready and no longer needed

I thanked him for all his help, he informed me that if
my cock wasn’t larger in another couple of weeks, it
probably never would be. On rare occasions it’s not
effective. He told me I could hang on to the expansion
device no matter what happened.

I told him I would keep using it for a while and would
darn well pay for it too. After all, I was the one it
was helping. I was kind of surprised at the price he
said he paid, but figured it would be worth it in the
long run. I handed him a check for $475 and thanked
him again for all his help. He truly was a good friend.
With that he walked out the door and I never saw him

A couple of weeks passed and I remained 5″ long. In
that time Tracy seemed to lose interest in her once
nightly rubbing sessions and did not appear at all
concerned with our lack of sex. Whatever Steve had
done, it was having positive effects. I found it
curious that Tracy had taken a liking to her carefully
trimmed pussy and spent considerable time grooming it.

Finally after another 2 weeks, I decided to quit using
the device and get back to my old life. I was disap-
pointed that I hadn’t been successful, but at least
Steve, Tracy and I had given it our best shot.

I convinced Tracy to try sex with me the next evening.
Try is the appropriate word because we both could not
feel a thing. I couldn’t even cum, there was no
friction at all. It was like humping air. We tried a
couple of more times but to no avail.

I felt inadequate. I couldn’t please my own wife.
Several weeks later I returned home from work to find
her in bed with a stranger.

When I walked in, he turned to me and pulled his cock
out of Tracy’s cunt and showed it to me saying, “four-
teen inches!”

Tracy just guided his cock back in and moaned.

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Virgin Ass Takes 10 Black Inches

I'm 18. I thought i was gay. i wasnt really sure. but i never told anyone. but on a summer day, i was home alone. no one was going to be home that day so i knew i could walk around naked. i dont live in the city. so anyways i was cleaning my room(naked) while having porn on the computer. so i was pretty horny. but i hear a knock on the door. so i throw some pants on and run to the door. it was my neighbor. he is about 45, 6'2 black and sexxxy. He asked for some suger, which i thought was...

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8 inches

This story actually began 6 months ago. My wife and I just finished fucking like rabbits and the conversation invariably went to sex. My wife and I had been recently married. She was 23 years old, 5’2" and very thin. She wore a B cup bra but more than made up for that in her youthful and beautiful face. When she began teaching Literature at the local senior high school a few months ago, many older teachers, unfamiliar with her, asked her what grade she was in. With her long straight blonde mane...

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Snow White and the Seven Inches

Once upon a time, in the middle of a dark forest, a young lady was living in a modest hut with 7 dwarves. Her name was Snow White, and the dwarves were named Sleepy, Grumpy, Dopey, Sneezy, Happy, Bashful and Doc. They were all quiet, but hard-working folks; and courageous too, for the queen of the land had tried to kill Snow White despite she was the rightful heir of the king, because she was jealous of her beauty. But the dwarves had accepted to hide her from the Queen's tyranny, and in...

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Donna and My 8 Inches

So....right after leaving home, I had no money. So I moved into the rent controlled apartments (projects). You know the places. There's no drywall. The walls are either cinder block, or wood wall paneling. And since there's not a lot of money, for fun there's a lot of group parties. So one Friday evening, at the parking lot soiree and food sharing festival, this woman caught my eye. Attractive but in a interesting way. Not classically beautiful, but put together well. Nice body. And an aura of...

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Never Enough HumilityInches

My wife and I have been married for 12 years. We're both very horny and very kinky. We decided to have an open relationship, even after we got married. We could have sex with other people, but not in front of each other. It's workedout well, for the most part.Two years ago, the dynamics changed somewhat, but actually for the better. Two years ago, we took our vacation in Costa Rica. We had a great time.The best part of the trip was our stay in San Andres, an island off Nicaragua.It has pristine...

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Chucks Big Inch

Chuck hit the snooze button for the last time. He lay struggling to clear his head of the alcohol induced sleep. He had had too many scotches last night. Apparently, Maggie had as well. She hadn't budged this morning not even a grunt out of her. She lay there with her nightgown up around her armpits with her bare ass shining up at him. With the hickey he placed there last night. Chuck remembered that she had wanted to get fucked last night. Something about wanting one last pounding while she...

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Inch by inch

Inch by Inch By Maid2serveher Okay, I know what you're thinking: Why am I whining? Haven't I yearned to be a baby girl, to be dressed in plastic panties and frilly things, and forced to serve the every whim of a lovely mistress? Haven't I always dreamed of being bound, gagged, and humiliated by this goddess, to be her living toy and plaything? Well, here I am in New Orleans. My dream has come true. I have become Frilly Lillie, a fulltime, big-time, big baby girl. It's...

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I kissed inch by inch

Hello! Guys this is a true story again i am 28 male single from india i used to stay in noida i left nodia just few month back & came to hyderabad on my job but i visited noida as we have office they too. As i had told you that i had sex with my servant shanthi i hope u remember :) now shanthi was working in our neighbor’s home it’s a small family only one single lady as her hubby is in uae. Shanthi is a very nice lady so i use to meet her when ever i had time this happened when i went in dec...

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Inch by inch

The story begins with my girlfriend acting different, I'd only ever wanted to give her everything; it wasn't mean't to be. We’d were having a conversation using the webcam, eventually we both became distracted; as time went by her screen must have darkened. Hours went by and eventually sounds were coming from the computer, laughing and talking. Moving the mouse I’d discover something that froze me silent, something that changed me. She was completely naked,...

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Inch by inch

Introduction: Doing the girl of your dreams The story begins with my girlfriend acting different, Id only ever wanted to give her everything, it wasnt meant to be. Wed were having a conversation using the webcam, eventually we both became distracted, as time went by her screen must have darkened. Hours went by and eventually sounds were coming from the computer, laughing and talking. Moving the mouse Id discover something that froze me silent, something that changed me. She was completely...

4 years ago
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Chris ChrissyChapter 8

I had us get off the bus, while traveling through downtown. We walked into the drugstore together and walked arm in arm, until we saw the 'Family Planning Display.' As we were looking through it, a lady employee came up to us and asked, "Can I help you find anything specific?" "Yes, what's the difference between all these, anyhow—isn't all you need is something that fits?" I asked. Both she and Chrissy giggled. "Actually, this one here is thinner, to give you more pleasure, this...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 20

I had Caroline call a moving company to schedule to pick up and move our stuff to our home in Stockton. She also called Jennifer to give her a heads up about it. “Caroline, have we cancelled our lease on the building that was broken into yet?” “No, that’s one of the outstanding things on our ‘to-do’ list, number 11, I believe.” “Which leaves us with ... what?” I asked. “Number 6, Let Mom and Dad know we’re moving, #7 Let Jackson and Sharon know we’re moving, and #9 Apply for marriage...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Kiki Klout Gotta Play With His Balls To Make Him Play Ball

Basketball playoff season the best time of the year. You got exciting games, drama, records being broken, history being made. All makes for good TV…and good money if u kno wat you’re doing. Kiki is somebody that knows what she’s doing. She’s always liked sports….show her some balls and shes happy. So it made sense for her to start putting some money on these games. And lately she been raking it in. She’s got a big bet on a couple of games tonight and...

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Undercover RoseChapter 63

I stopped for lunch on the way to pick up the bike. When I got there the welding shop owner met me at the car. "As I said on the phone, I made a few changes to make it even more sturdy," he said. "I also made the trailer easier to remove if you want to store them separately," he informed me. I sat on the bike and saw that it was easier to recover than I expected. I could actually sit on it with my feet on the pedals without it leaning. "I have to admit that I like it," I said. "So...

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Warrens WomenChapter 2A Friday Night With Gail

"The Bar," was really just that, a bar in a no frills neighborhood joint populated by a young, knowledgeable in-group making the late night scene. Historically, it was a converted blacksmith shop, located in New York's Financial District. The actual bar was small, patrons clustered around tables that held clam fritters and other appetizers. The drinks were expensive and more than covered the cost of the free food. Music blared from an audiophile's dream of what speaker's should really...

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Always on GuardChapter 25

It was morning before Denae stirred again. She blinked her eyes in the sunlight and wondered why no one had awakened her. She felt Jorgarn rouse beside her. As always, he smiled at her as soon as he opened his eyes – as if he had been dreaming of her and awakened to find it was real. The coverlet had fallen beneath her bared breasts. She felt no shame in presenting them to his inspection. There was no embarrassment in her gait as she got from the bed and walked nude toward his privacy...

1 year ago
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The Ghost of Christmas Past

Midnight woke him up like a clarion going off right over his head. Steve’s eyes shot open and his breath caught in his chest, and he felt like he might as well have not slept at all. The room was dark save for the vaporous glow of moonshine reflected off the snow outside and suffusing through his window. Not enough to make shadows and not enough to actually see by, it was more the idea of light than light itself. Steve sat up and rubbed his face, breathing in the stench off his hands that no...

1 year ago
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Naked On TV

Celeste could feel the South African mid-morning sun warm on her naked skin. A soft breeze caressed her nipples and played with her exposed sex. Nothing moved. In the distance, she could hear the call of a yellow-billed hornbill. The cicadas' monotonous song filled the empty air like an afterthought.The twenty-three-year-old tourist guide knelt in the hot sand next to tracks of an impala ram. This medium-sized antelope was in the vicinity and Celeste had to find it fast. She was about two hours...

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The Solarian Soldier 1

"You can take your orders and shove them up your shit-filled cunt, Earther bitch. Even if you shoot us down, I have 30 killers aboard my ship just waiting for your goons to set foot on our deck. So one last time fuck off and crawl back to the miserable shithole planet you belong" The men's tattooed face was twisted with hatred as Commander Daniel Lafontaine watched him on the integrated display of his combat seat. The hostile skipper had not run out of colorful insults directed to the...

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My Diary Pt2

My Diary Well here are some more diary entries from the week I've been through. Soon I'll have them all posted and just do daily entries. I know a lot of you won't believe my story, all I can say is I have to live it...and writing helps me keep my grip on reality. Thursday, March 8th, 2007 (Morning) Well I dove in just like I said I would, and I got a big surprise. I'll try and put things down just as they happened for you, but I may have lost some details during the...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 45 A Journey Ends

June/July, 1984, Stockholm, Sweden I woke when the conductor announced that we were arriving in Stockholm. I was happy the announcement came early enough for me to be fully awake and clear my mind before the train arrived on the platform. My dream had replayed the last seven years, but in a disjointed fashion. The strongest memories had come first - seeing Birgit for the first time, making love to her, her death, seeing Karin for the first time, my night of passion with Karin, and Karin’s...

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I need a fuck

I need a fuck. I want you to press yourself against me as I step out of the shower. I want you to twist my nipples, making me moan. You’ll stroke my freshly shaved pussy and I’ll feel your hot breath on my neck as you search for my fleshy button. The cold shower I took will do nothing to douse my desire. You’ll push me onto my bed, dripping wet, and slap my ass. “Stay.” You’ll command and I won’t dare to move. I can’t quench my desire without you. You’ll open our toy draw, and slip a blindfold...

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Gf fantasys

We were talking about are fantasys one day and I was saying I'd still love you to fuck s guy u really want to, after ur uncle u were more ready to feel new cocks so u thought of jack from ur work and said u like him and want to taste and feel he's cock, so I told u to tease him and see what happens, then u told me u already have with a naughty giggle. u told me ud been sending him naughty pics of ur self dressed up asking if he like and playing with ur self telling him u wish it was he's cock...

4 years ago
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Garmi Me Maid He Di Thandak

Hi dosto. Mera naam rohan hai. Main 25 years ka hu aur fit rehne ke puri koshish me rehta hu. Main iss ka pehle se fan raha hu aur sabke kahaniya padh ke maine v apne jevan me hue kuch choti moti ghatnao pe adharit kuch kahaniya yaha upload ki hai. Her baar ki tarah aagar aaplog ka pyar milta rahe to aage v apni kahaniya sunata rahunga. Aap log ko agar is kahani ke bare me kuch kehna ho to please contact me @ . Ye kahani mere sath kuch din pehle hue ek ghatna pe adharit hai. Isme main aur mere...

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The School Bitch

It was just another school day as I walked out of my AP English class. As always it was a bore and I was eager to get to homeroom and see my friends. In my rush to arrive on time, I'd completely forgotten to take the long route to my homeroom and as I feared, I saw Chandler Wilkins coming down the hall. Chandler was the most popular girl in our school. Every girl wanted to be her and every guy wanted to be with her. She may have been beautiful and popular, but she was also a total bitch. I...

First Time
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The Misfortunes of Twinks II

The Misfortunes of Twinks II: Part 1 - Mustang MattBy Arthur Wilde, Le Marquis De Zade(M/M, reluctant, forced, CBT, underwear, mast, oral, violent, humiliation, anal, milking, inter; public places)************************************************************************A cute suburban twink plans on selling his hot sports car and inadvertently sells his mouth, ass & cock to a mean sadistic couple. On his way to sell the car he recalls how he met his current sexually abusive, mind-fucking and...

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AllGirlMassage Uma Jolie Angela White Being Gay Is Ok

Teen Uma Jolie treats herself to a pampering birthday massage. Her gorgeous masseuse is Angela White and she’s wearing a graphic t-shirt. It says ‘Some chicks marry chicks, so get over it.’ Knowing Angela is a lesbian makes Uma a tad uncomfortable, although she doesn’t want to admit it. Angela finally convinces her to take off her clothes, and Uma bravely embarks on a new experience. Angela applies oil all over the teen’s sexy body, then she focuses on relieving...

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my servant

When i was like 14 my mom had an accident and broke her leg . Because it was hard for her to move around we had to hire a servant to look after her, the servant was an extreamly attractive young lady in her 30s who had the sweetest smile i ever saw. She not only looked after my mom but also me. Every day when i came home after school she would open the door and greet me with the warmest smile. She would always wear a blouse and a skirt and sometimes i would glimse at her tight body and wonder...

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The Builders Next Door0

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

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Pop Goes the WeaselChapter 2

After the warmth of the afterglow had faded Deb and her lover rose and showered. They dried each other and dressed. The two lovers paused to kiss and caress at each stage of dressing. When they were finally fully dressed and their lunch time of loving was finally complete, they walked out of the hotel room and straight into Mick O’Dell. “Hello Deb,” I said as I rubbed the bracelet on my right wrist. “At it again I see,” “No! No!” Deb repeated. “And this must be Brian Howland. Hello Brian,”...

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wife fucked by another guy


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He'd finally broken a sweat, but he wasn't nearly as winded as she was. She noticed as she watched him closer that he was breathing heavily. But why? Could he feel the tension, or was it all in her mind? Was he looking her over the same way she was looking at him? Still catching her breath and wiping her face, neck, and chest with a towel, she let her mind wander. It wandered to his sweaty body against hers, up against a wall, pinning her there as his hands ravaged her body: searching,...

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Boys will be Boys

Growing up around our family farm kept us busy with work different times of the day. But we always found a way to have a good time doing whatever it was that day. I’m, Chris and I have a twin sister Christine and we are thirteen months younger than our brother Corey. About the time we were almost old enough to drive without any adults in the truck, Corey and us twins were really liking the new stuff we’re doing together. Playing around with each other doing special things to each other caused...

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A Tuscan Holiday Chapter One

Chapter One. The flight was short and gave me little time to contemplate what I was about to do. I clear customs quickly and find myself waiting for my lingerie packed case. I had travelled in a maxi dress and sandals, but neatly wrap a shawl around my shoulders before nipping into the bathroom to touch up my make-up. I add a flick of mascara to my already long black eyelashes, line my brown eyes with khol and apply a shimmer of strawberry lipbalm to my naturally rose coloured lips. I run a...

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The Lady Is a ChampChapter 5

For the grand tour, Pat fastened Margot's hands and attached a leash to her collar, but removed her ball gag for now. "You show interest in becoming a well-behaved and obedient slave, submissive to the needs of your Master. You body yearns for the whip and for the submission of kneeling abjectly before him, willing and eager to perform any duty or indignity on his behalf. In your case I approve of this decision, but still it is an important one that should never be taken lightly or in any...

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Rishi And Kavita Aunty Part 8211 2

Hello readers, thanks for such an amazing response to the first part of my story, ‘Rishi And Kavita Aunty’. I received many emails. In my previous story, I have told you guys about sexy traditional Kavita aunty. She met me online and I seduced her to masturbate on call. If you guys are reading the story for the first time then you can read the first part to know the story behind my steamy sex journey with Kavita aunty. A week after talking with me, she for the first time in her life, was...

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The Next Story of Squirt and Wit

It had been a long winter which began during Christmas break when I had been stranded up at the mountain cabin with my younger sister for a weekend. It had snowed us in all by ourselves and we had the greatest time discovering each other to the fullest. But the winter weather hadn’t really let up and as spring was here finally, we were still enduring very strange weather. I was just thinking about Squirt, my nickname for my little sis, when low and behold, my cell rang and it was her. ...

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Meri Pahli Threesome

Hello dosto, mai sanjana fir se hazir hoon aur ek sachhi ghatna ke sath. Ek baat pahle hi saaf kar dena chati hoon ki jo dost (ladke) meri story padke mere se sex karne ki request ki hai to unko bata dena chati hoon ki mai kisi aur ke sath sex nehi karungi. Aur meri ladki dost, jo meri story padke unke mail id liye to sayad apse unka mulakt ke sath sab kuch ho gayi hogi aur meri jaisi hi satisfaction mili hogi. Pichli bar meri story bengali me thi. Bahot sare non-bengali dost ( khas karke...

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