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Introduction: Mama is in Prison and she wants to have Daddys baby Increments Of Inches

With Kari and I it was a gradual thing. Her mother, my wife, saw it at least unconsciously before we were either one aware of the attraction we had for each other. Keep your hands on the steering wheel, She would call as I left to take Kari to gymnastics class or else, Im going to smell your breath Don, when you two get home. It was always some stupid remark.

Our own marriage was a sort of unarmed truce by then. She had cheated on me a few times, came back, promised to do better and then went out and cheated again. The waitress where I had lunch every day made office calls for me. I paid her rent and she gave me head every day just before I left the office for home. The rent got posted in the books as Conference Hall.

Finally the time came when Kari hurried out of practice and grabbed my hand. She had not taken time to change out of her sweaty outfit. I saw her pussy bulge under the gymnastics outfit. I averted my eyes and felt a strong desire even though I turned my face away was not looking at it. This had happened a few times lately and it bothered me I wanted to have sex with my daughter. She was developing though, perhaps a little too fast. I tried to force the image of her pussy bulge in that whisper thin outfit.

I always sat in the same spot where I could watch her do her routines. She would never be competition material and we both were well aware of it. As usual she grabbed me and hugged me and turned toward the exit. I followed along just like always with my eyes glued on her ass. I even envisioned myself ploughing her butt too..

I saw the way her ass cheeks hung out and liked what I saw. Then, again I reminded myself this was my daughter. Twelve was too young and daughter was out of bounds. When I got into bed that night I closed my eyes and her tasty looking pussy bulge and her perfect ass were right there in front of me. I could even see the stress wrinkles where her pussy molded the thin fabric to it.

I guess it was a month later when we were on our way to practice and she said, Daddy, I want to quit.

Why, Honey? I thought you liked gymnastics. I turned my head sideways and glanced at her.

I do, but Im still in the intermediate group and that is as far as I can ever go. All the other kids are nine and ten years old and I am almost thirteen. Its embarrassing.

Okay, I told her. Want to go get a milk shake or something?

Uh huh, that would be nice.

I reached over and patted her leg a little above the knee and it felt sexy. I started to get an erection. She kind of flinched a little. I pulled my hand back and put it on the steering wheel. We went to a fast food place and got burgers and shakes and sat alone over in the corner.

I called my wife and said, We are going to have a snack here in town. Well be home about eight. I told her.

That means she will get ate before eight. That stupid bitch just could not hold a conversation without saying something stupid.

Give your stupid shit a rest, will you? Kari decided to quit gymnastics and she wants to talk it out with me.

Well, why cant she talk it out with me? After all I am her mother. She sounded all wound up and ready to start a fight with me again.

If you had something to say where you werent accusing her of having sex with half the guys in school, then she probably would. She does not like your stupid remarks any more than I do. She hung up on me.

I think she is getting ready to take off again with another guy, Kari said.

Just hang on until next year. You were present when my lawyer told me once you hit thirteen the courts will let you decide. Before then, the mother almost always is granted custody.

On that sad note we ate our meals and left. I patted her on the cheek of her ass like I had done many other times. She had on her workouts and my hand slapped a lot of bare flesh. She drew in a sharp breath. I left my hand there for a couple of beats before I reluctantly removed it. My cock started to get more than a little hard. I raised my hand to her shoulder and hugged her, She hugged me back and we drove home.

Lisa met us at the door. Have fun tonight. Im going out with the girls. She looked at Kari and said in an insinuating voice, You make such a sexy looking couple. Then she was gone.

Kari ran to her room and started to cry. I stood in the middle of the living room and felt my guts cramp. Jesus Christ, Wont that bitch ever give it a rest?

I knocked on Karis door. Kari honey, may I come in?

Her muffled voice answered, Come in Daddy.

She only had on her panties and bra. She was curled up in the middle of her bed crying. I sat down beside her and ran my fingers through her hair. Sit up, I told her.

She sat up and eased over to the side of the bed next to me. Daddy, why does she say things like that?

I guess because she is very unhappy and wants to share her misery with the world. Hell, I dont know. All I know is that I… no, we have to be patient and wait for your next birthday. Thirteen is the magic number.

She stood, threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. My lips ended up pressing against her right breast while her left one rubbed my cheek through her bra. In a ragged voice I whispered hoarsely, Better let go, little one.

She held my head in her grasp a little longer and then released me. I patted her cheek and headed for the door. If I had stayed I would have started to paw her. I did not want that in any way, so I told myself. Daddy? she called to me in a little girl voice.

I stopped and turned, Yes Sweetheart?

I love you. She whispered through her tears.

Then I made the move where there was no turning back. My heart was overloaded with all the emotions I experiences at that moment. I returned to her and knelt. I threw my arms around her and hugged her close. I kissed her bare belly just above her panties and said, Oh Kari, I love you so much. I licked her belly once and she shuddered and hugged me closer.

I got control of my raging emotions and left her bedroom, pausing just enough to touch her cheek lightly. I headed out into the den and turned on the TV. The weight of the world was upon me. At ten I turned off the boob tube and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up and found Kari plastered against me. How she was able to get into bed and remain undetected was a mystery to me. She did and it felt good. I sleep raw and my cock became instantly hard. Oh fuck, I muttered and eased away from her. I got up and took a cold shower. Right then I was so needful of sex I would have fucked my wife and I couldnt stand her.

The shower helped. I dried off and got dressed for work. Then I woke Kari up. Up and at em my sweetheart.

Oh Daddy, I was having such a nice dream, she protested.

I bent over and kissed her lips and stood back up in a hurry. Jesus, I wanted to turn that kiss into a sex act.

Hurry up and get dressed. I will start breakfast while you shower and get dressed. The school bus will be here soon. Just like I did every morning I started our breakfast. There was a lot happening inside me I had to get a handle on.

While the bacon was nuking and the eggs were frying I set the table. Then I portioned out the bacon and eggs and popped four pieces of bread in the toaster. I sat and sipped my coffee. She came entered the kitchen wearing only her underwear just as she did many mornings. There was a difference. I wanted her sexually this time.

Daddy, I dont want to go to school today. Its Friday and all my classes are electives. I want to go to your office with you. I want to be with you. It was obvious she was upset. I nodded.

She sat and began to eat. I love you so much, Daddy.

I love you too, sweetheart. But I dont think you had better crawl in bed with me any more. You are maturing to the point that&hellip, I searched for the words and finally blurted out, It felt too good when you were hugged up against me. I sleep naked.

She grinned and giggled, I know. It got hard and I had to push it away.

Ah. I was speechless.

Daddy, she confessed in a small voice. I did not exactly push it away. I held it. She lowered her eyes a moment and looked back up at me. I liked to hold it.

Get dressed to go to the office with me. I think we better talk things over. She slipped into my bed while I was asleep and grabbed my cock and then admitted she liked to hold it? Perhaps that stupid bitch was right and I did want to fuck my daughter. Lets face it. I had already admitted I wanted to fuck my daughter last night when I kissed her firm, soft belly.

A part of me said she had just defined our new relationship. Or to be more accurate, I permitted her to put new boundaries on what we meant to each other. All of the butt pats and accidental brushings were just that when taken separately. However, when taken in context with each other, we had a trail as plain as the breadcrumbs in Hansel and Gretel. Somehow we kept getting deeper into the woods.

Then we had her mother with her sick mouth adding fuel to the flames of our passions. I am damned well aware that all of those smart remarks planted seeds of thought in both Karis mind and my own. I was scared of getting found out. I was afraid for my daughter and I wanted her for my lover.

I called the school and got her excused from classes.

I drank the last of my coffee when Kari rose from her chair and came around to me before I stood. She kissed me softly on the lips and said in an emotion-laden voice, Daddy, I love you so very much. Without waiting for and answer she went into her room to get dressed.

When the school bus came by and honked I hurried out and told the driver Kari was going into town with me. He nodded and took off. I looked around our place. We had fifteen acres of fertile land three miles from town. There was a small stream across the road where Kari and I sometimes fished. Her mother even accused us of fucking on the bank of the stream.

Still deep in thought I opened the garage and started the car. Just then Kari came out and hopped in beside me. I took off and looked over at her and smiled s sad smile as I thought of all the things she had been put through. She looked up at me and smiled. She grabbed my leg like she had many times before.

Honey, I dont think you had better do that any more. My voice was shaky. I started to get an erection. Inside me I felt frustrated that my own daughter could not give me an innocent touch without I wanted to have sex with her.

Then her next words made things worse. I made it get hard again, didnt I, Daddy?

Jesus Christ! You have no idea what you are doing to me! I raged. Honey I want to&hellip, I could not finish the sentence.

You want to have sex with me, dont you Daddy? she told me in a matter of fact voice. I want to have sex with you too because I love you.

Honey, you have no idea what you are saying. I was horny, trying to do what was right and was frustrated in these attempts because I was horny. Also, my daughter would not cooperate with my efforts to keep her pure.

Then she said, Oh yes I do to know what you are saying. Daddy, I have had sex before and I gave a boy head once. I only know of one virgin in our school. We have the fourth through the eighth grades. Christine Petersen is a fifth grader who swears she has never done anything. But she is it.

Daddy, most kids start when they are nine years old according to our sex ed class. The teachers know we fool around and sort of look the other way. I only did it a few times and did not like it. I never could get excited like most of the girls do. When you licked my belly I loved it. She put her hand on my hard on.

I did not stop her. Oh, I know all the arguments about I was the authority figure and I was the one in charge and I had a trust I must not betray. However I had so many thrills shooting through me right then my cock was in charge. She squeezed and kneaded it all the way into town and into the parking lot. Better let go, Honey. We are here.

She grinned up at me. Want to drive around the block again?

You have a very dirty mind, I told her.

Arent you glad? She laughed as she let go. We walked together with our arms around each other and separated only when I opened the door.

Good Morning, I see you brought Kari with you. Jane Waters had been my secretary for six years. She was aware of my home situation and just about everything about me. I hit on her when she first came to work.

Fucking is not in my job description. After she said it that plain I never tried again. We became good friends and I even met her husband a few times. He was a nice guy who seemed just right for her.

Hi Jane, Kari told her and followed me into my office. I opened my wall safe and pulled out a set of folders. They were letters of incorporation for three Delaware accounts. Two were for the two apartment complexes I owned in partnership with the bank. The third was for the maintenance company that serviced the two gated apartment communities. A Swiss corporation that bore only my name owned them. It is called hiding your assets from the wife.

Jane, come in here, I called through the open door. It is time for plan B.

Start looking for a new office for the management company, I told her. Hire me a new receptionist and you run the new office. As of today this is a property maintenance company and nothing else.

Whats going on, Dad? Kari asked.

I am preparing for my impending divorce. Your mother emptied out the savings account last year so I only keep a hundred dollars in it. The company checking account only has operating expenses in it and my personal account is for household expenses.

Why the hurry up? Jane asked.

She has been getting worse and it is affecting my daughter. Next week Ill go for the brass ring called divorce. Find me an apartment in Golden Oaks. Two bedrooms two baths. We have families in there. Golden Oaks was one of my two apartment complexes. It was a gated community.

Lets go home, Kari. I walked out of the office and felt a hundred pounds lighter. I was also scared something might happen to take Kari away from me.

She sat like a little lady all the way home. I parked and she ran into the house. She stood on a chair and waited. Kiss me, Dad, she said. The only time I became Dad was when we were talking about other than father-daughter things. I figured sex was not a father-daughter thing.

I pressed my lips to hers and slipped my tongue in her mouth. She rubbed my tongue with hers and whimpered.

I slid my hand up under her skirt and grabbed her ass. My cock was so hard I hurt. When we separated I lifted her down from the chair and said, Lets go in your room.

Why my room, Dad?

If your mother comes home unexpectedly I want to buy a little time to get our clothes back on. She nodded and led the way.

We undressed and lay down side by side. She was on her back and I was on my belly. We kissed again and I eased down in bed and sucked on her little cup cake titties. She squirmed and suddenly stopped moving as I moved my face down and licked her belly and her almost hairless pussy.

I licked her clit and she moaned. I buried my tongue in her and began to lick everywhere inside I could reach. My breath came in ragged gasps. Put it in me Dad.

I eased up in bed and got between her legs. As soon as my cock was positioned I began to slowly push it inside. It hurts, she whispered.

Do you want me to stop? I asked.

Yes please. We can try again later to get more in me.

I got over on my side and sucked her nipples. Get on your back, Dad, she told me.

I did and she scooted down and took me in her mouth. She sucked, licked and played with my balls. I had a see a bunch of stars orgasm. She gagged and tried to swallow and choked. I had my cum all over my belly and crotch. She got up and ran into her bathroom and washed her mouth out. Yuck! She yelled.

I laughed and padded naked into my bathroom and showered. God, but I felt great! There was absolutely no way I was going back to the way things were. My daughter was now my lover and I was glad. My chest expanded and I thought of a future with just we two in it.

Dad, I need to practice more. Gloria told me giving head is an art form. Thats what her dad told her, Kari told me as I walked out into the living room. She was there ahead of me, channel surfing and still naked.

I take it Gloria is one of your classmates? This was an interesting twist.

Yes. They only go oral, though. He does not trust the pill and after a rubber broke he said oral or nothing. She found the channel she wanted, a porn channel.

How long have they been doing it? Jesus, these kids seemed to have a regular sexual underground and I never heard a thing about it.

Oh, since she was six or so. Her mom knows and thinks its all right. Her mom is from Sweden. That explained a lot.

Is the whole school into sex with their families? It was a smart assed question I really did not expect an answer.

No, she answered in a serious voice. I bet about fifteen of the kids I know are doing it with their dads, Moms or brothers and sisters. According to one of my study books, over eighty percent of the families in the US experience incest in one form or another. Most of it is an occasional grope or a one-time thing. It is becoming more common every year.

Here, let me try again. She smiled as she watched my cock get hard again. She started to give me another super blowjob. Finally her mouth got tired.

Lets watch the movie, she said.

We sat side by side on the couch and watched people fuck and suck. Finally she climbed up on my lap and eased her pussy down on my erection. She got it in the inch I had already made it and eased down a little more. Three inches was it.

I rolled over on my side and slow fucked her in short strokes. When I cum I was maybe four inches in. Oh! she yelled. Oh! I shot three squirts and was empty.

Dont move, Dad. Keep it in there. Oh yes! After a few minutes I slipped out and she rolled over.

Lets get cleaned up and get dressed, I told her. We barely got our clothes on when more bad news came. The doorbell rang. Two beefy individuals who could only be cops said, I have a warrant to search these premises. I took the search warrant and quickly scanned it.

Hold it right now. This warrant is to look in the bedroom only. Go look. I shall call my attorney and have him check the validity of the warrant. It is dated yesterday and has expired.

What are you trying to hide? You got your own little stash here? He walked toward me trying to intimidate me. Kari came into the living room and handed one detective the cordless. This call is for you, flat foot. I almost lost it. The little stinker was quoting an old gangster movie out of the thirties.

He gave her a dirty look and took the phone. I still had the warrant in my hands. As I read it again I saw there was no judges signature. I walked over to my gun cabinet and punched in the combination. I pulled out an unloaded forty-four caliber Navy Colt revolver. I collect antique firearms.

I pointed it at the cop not holding the phone. Lets see some ID, right now. The one with the phone threw it toward the couch. Then he saw my gun.

Either I see ID or you both die, I said in my best John Wayne voice.

Daddy, they are city cops from Porterville. I looked out the window and saw they are driving a patrol car. It says Porterville in the side.

I eared back the hammer. It made an ominous click sound. Talk or die. (Dirty Harry talking that time.)

Your wife was arrested on drug charges. She confessed there was a stash in your bedroom. She sold some crystal to a cop.

I pulled the trigger and the hammer fell with a loud click. Both cops jumped. I put the gun back. Jesus, how did you two ever get to be cops? She just set you up and you almost fell into a world of hurt.

Now you throw that phony warrant away and Ill voluntarily permit you to search our bedroom. Since I have now invited you to search, everything is legal.

Two very sober looking cops walked into my bedroom, made for the closet and reached into a shoe. He knew exactly where to search. Well, my wife just fucked herself.
After she was booked and charged I got a call from a lawyer. The lawyer she called refused the case after I told him he would play hell getting more than five hundred dollars from me, even with a court order. She ended up with a public defender that told her to cop a plea and he would plea-bargain it down to ten years and she would be out in three if she behaved. The joke was, without his help she would get ten and been out in three. She fell for it

Kari and I live and sleep together. I touch bottom in her every night. She is almost fifteen and wants her first baby to be mine. We both know she is going to want someone more her own age before much longer. Whenever she brings a boy home from school I sleep alone and listen to them carry on in her room. She makes the guys wear a rubber.

Now and then she will bring a classmate home for the weekend and we will have a threesome. The girls she brings home all come from situations similar to ours. Lately we have been talking about starting an incest club. It would be great to have inter-family get togethers.
What do you think?

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“No, I’m not going to stake you out for the vultures to feed on,” Béla was saying as they traveled toward the center of the great ship, looking for the arborium. “We’ll start with something smaller to stick in you – like making bows and arrows. Maybe then we’ll try something a bit more ... destructive. Okay?” ‘What are we going to use for tooling?’ Beth asked, determined not to pout and realizing that she should be grateful that someone with such a similar mindset to her own was willing to...

4 years ago
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Green Lit

He and her sister, a famed fighter and mage mercenary pair had been hired by the local township to investigate the mysterious lair, a green glowing light at night having lured many a local maiden to it, only to have vanished. They had thought little of it, some fiend or monster, a band of goblins or orcs possibly, no difficult task for the renowned pair. But they hadn’t expected what lay within, had not been prepared for the aberration of horror that awaited them. They had proceeded...

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catching up

She was nervous. She hadn't seen him for years. She could still feel the weight of his body on hers. A kiss that was deep, passionate and left her wanting more. She shook her head, ridding herself of the memories. Mr. Wise has always been sweet and listened to her, but his own life was in shambles. Things were different now. She checked her hair one last time and finished her make up with blood-red lipstick, glossy and inviting. She kissed her husband good-bye and left for a night out with some...

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Rosie 4

Rosie/M Jon and I had come to terms with my relationship with Ron and I must say he was being a lovely husband and spoiling me outrageously. My undies draw was full of new and very naughty items Jon had brought back from a trip to the US. I was enjoying my more dominant status in our marriage and I am sure Jon was much happier with me taking the lead. Ron and I were continuing with our delicious and very sexy affair, if that is what you call it with the full knowledge of your husband. We were...

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Where It All Began

This is, in some way, the story of my life, plus some fantasy, which I included; pretty obvious which is which if you ask me. This is my story: Where It All Began By MOTA I never thought I would be telling this story, yet here I am, this started when I was about 18, but, looking back on my life, I realize that it started much more earlier. Please let me describe myself as I was then, I was short (about 1m 75cm I don't know how many feet that is) but I wasn't skinny, I...

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It’s Friday, September 13, 2013, triskaidekaphobia day. I’m at the mall and go to the washroom. There are 3 urinals and the middle one is not occupied. I stand between the two guys there and unzip and start to relieve myself. The guy on my left has an average uncut dick with a long overhanging tube-shaped foreskin. He is pissing away and doesn’t look over at me at all, he just looks down at his pecker and does his business. The guy on my right is also doing his business. He has a smooth cut...

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Blackfeather24 Laramie

“SUNSET. What an awful time to arrive in a frontier town. We have luggage and cargo. We cannot simply hide in the hotel.” I don’t suppose you made a reservation. “Demon Ramie! My friend. I am thankful for your company.” We heard a gunshot from across what passed for a street and down a hundred yards. “Don’t let it startle you, ladies. Sometimes the boys get a little wound up at night when they get into town. Nothing like it used to be.” We looked at the speaker and found a short man with a...

2 years ago
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The Long Road to Paradise

It had come at last. The night of nights. Mitt's princess stood before him, her long blonde tresses curling down her back, her green eyes alert, yet respectful. The white wedding dress brought out her beauty all the more, a cone of lace crowned with the smooth softness of her bare arms and shoulders. He had called her a "vision of loveliness" in his toast, and indeed she was. His wife's face - yes! she was his wife now! - was so perfect he could not take his eyes off it.She reached behind her...

1 year ago
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Haggling for that Spanking

It was a sunny Saturday during a stiflingly hot summer month and I could tell trouble was a brewing ahead. Beside me Karen, my own dear heart, was sat in the passenger seat, window down, hair blowing in the wind whilst humming and drumming her fingers to the sound of Altered Images telling her to stop talking about this thing called love. Her blue eyes had that steely determined “This lady means business” look in them where I knew exactly what was going through that pretty head of hers....

3 years ago
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Susan Looks After Herself

Slipping into the shower following a long day, Susan stretches her neck. It has been a day of sitting behind a computer, a day of dealing with people, and a day of great sexual twinges. It’s been a while for Susan, so it had urprised her when, during a phone call to a client, she feeltvherself slicken. The smooth sultry voice had slipped through her mind like warmed honey. Now, with the warm water hitting her chest, she picks up the bar of jasmine-scented soap and, rubbing it between her hands,...

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Last Night

Last NightYour skin slides against mine as you come to our bed, your chest brushing and settling against my back. You wrap me up in your strong arms; one under my head the other finding my already hard nipple. Your hand caresses my breast, tweaking my nipple, pulling, and rubbing it. Looking down at your hand against my body I can't help but love the contrast of our skin; your dark caramel skin against my milky white skin. We're beautiful together. We fit perfectly together; our bodies aline...

Straight Sex
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Ballbusting Olympics

[We meet our two announcers; Dan and Elly. Dan is a short, blond man who always seems nervous. Elly is a tall, big breasted brunette who likes to joke about castrating Dan.] E: Welcome back to the Ballbusting Olympics. I'm Elly and this is my co-host Dan. Now that the opening ceremonies are over, its time to have a moment of silence. D: Please take this moment to remember all the men who lost a testicle at last year's Ballbusting Olympics. [Dan looks mortified as short videos of the now...

2 years ago
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Taming of the Petgirl

Looking back it all seemed so obvious but I just couldn’t believe my own family would betray me so severely. I looked at my bindings and tried to think where it all went wrong. I had just turned 18. For most people that is a cause for celebration as they become an adult. As a young woman in a poor family in New America, it was a potential life sentence of servitude. While legally an adult for sexual purposes at 18 your parents legal rights supersede your own until you’re 21. Many girls would...

1 year ago
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UpHerAsshole Alina West Blonde Teen Alina West 1st Anal Scene

Blonde teen Alina West in her first 1st anal scene? Who isn’t game for that? This chick is so California-cheerleader-innocent that you could ravage her every hole for years to come. And you’ll want to. Sure, Mike Adriano gets first dibs on tapping her fleshy big ass on camera. But wow, talk about fucking teen spirit! Alina gives a mean handjob-blowjob combo, before going all slobbery and deep to show off her ball licking skills. But when Mike flips her over and reams her tight...

1 year ago
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Sister in Law

"I can't believe we are doing this," I said shaking my head as we landed. "You have said that fourteen times," Desiree said. I could tell she was getting annoyed with me. At this point my argument was a non-factor, our house was sold, most of our belongings had either gone to Goodwill or sold with the house. All we had left of our life before this move was in our suitcases. "It will be for a few months, six at the most," Desiree said as we waited at the luggage carousel. I nodded. "I am...

2 years ago
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Hot for a Computer Geek

I wasn’t looking for a fling. I had never even entertained the idea. However, there was something about the young man that came to fix our family’s home computer that put naughty ideas in my head. The family computer crashed and I decided to call that popular company that sent a computer geek to your home in a tricked out little car. I had heard that they were good and reasonably priced, allowing the luxury of the customer never having to leave the home. I made the appointment and due to...

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Good Girls

"Hey trace" he said, opening the door "what's up butter cup" "You know I hate that saying" came the reply "People who want favors usual don't nit-pick speech patterns" he smiled "How did you know... whatever, not important, alexis is in the car. I was called to meet with a client about six hours from here and ill be gone for a day or two. Can you watch her?" She asked, her voice revealing that she already knew the answer "Spending my weekend alone with a fifteen year...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Gangbang

Introduction: My fantasy came true. Hey, Jon we are almost done. We have been working at this project for two weeks now. It is time to let loose. So let us all go out tonight and have some fun. You must know some good places to get drinks and meet some fine locals? I had been working on a project with technicians from Miami to install upgrades and establish the connection to a new fiber optic sea cable to our island telecom company. Mark was the loud one and the party man of them. He was the...

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Threesome Tara Strong and Mae Whitman

The Avatar panel had just finished. I went to go to the bathroom, when I ran into Mae Whitman, who plays Katara. We started talking and I mentioned how I had to leave early because I had no where to stay, and she kindly offered to let me stay at her place. Later that evening, we met up outside of the main building and I followed Mae around to her car. “Tara told me you too knew each other, so I hope you don't mind...” We turned the corner and Tara was standing beside Mae's car. “She's crashing...

2 years ago
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Sisters Loving PetsChapter 4

Ellen opened her eyes and saw Cindy whacking Samson's stiff cock. She pulled her fingers out of Cindy's fuck-hole and withdrew her tongue from her asshole. "Ohhh," she moaned, gazing hotly, "you look nice doing that." She slithered up Cindy's curvy body and pressed her tits against the girl's back for a closer look at Cindy's fist pumping the German shepherd's erect prick. "What do you mean you're gonna be naughty?" she purred. Cindy shuddered, her gaze riveted to the dog's...

1 year ago
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Full Leather Fear Love Loathing in the Magic KingdomChapter 3

"Stop the wedding!" I shouted when I barged into the Great Hall. For extra good measure I fired a few shotgun rounds into the ceiling. That definitely got everyone's attention. "This ceremony has been expressly forbidden by the Good Fairy Lydia, who is now exceedingly pissed off and has sent me to relate in full Technicolor glorious detail the exact precise nature of her incandescent rage ... oops, sorry ... the rage is actually all mine. In short, you've all been very, very naughty and...

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The Adventures of Samantha recovered original ending

Note: I am not the author of this. These seven additional chapters of "The Adventures of Samantha" were originally posted to the Usenet by Nostrume sometime around 1997, and were available in his site "Nostrumo's Book" until it closed. Nostrumo claimed at the time that this ending was written by the original author of "The Adventures of Samantha." I have no way to verify that claim, but Nostrumo's good reputation and the general similarity in style suggest that it's probably...

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Boundaries Redefined

In my first two stories, I told of our first meeting with Mike and Sally and how we had pushed our boundaries and, in some cases, destroyed them. This is the final episode in our journey and how things have developed in a rather unusual fashion.Having ignored Sally comments about “you are mine” after the last meeting it was not brought up again as we continued to meet over the next few months. The comment had unnerved me a little and for the next few meets I engineered situations where we...

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Kate and The Christmas Detour

“ What do you mean I’m not going to see you until January? Evan! You told me we could be together for part of the holidays. We talked about going away for New Year’s Eve!” Evan cringed as Kathleen’s voice grew shrill. “I’m sorry if I misled you. My family always goes to our home in Telluride for the holidays.” “ Misled? Misled? You call telling me that something special would happen when we were together at the stroke of midnight misleading? How could you do this to me?” “ Kathleen, I’m sorry,...

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Our only threesome

My very favourite recollection is when I watched my wife being fucked. I remember this vividly in the finest detail!I had a friend, A, at university and we ended up sharing digs together. He had a girlfriend studying elsewhere but she frequently came up to stay with us for the weekend. He must have had the same sense of sexual pleasure as me because he always seemed to arrange things so I saw his girlfriend in underwear or naked. On one occasion, they were both in my room about mid-day –...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 38

The trek up the Arkansas was only the first of many over the next four years, as the men took the boys out to spend a week at a time, teaching them things all men who live in Indian Territory needed to know if they are to survive. They made two more treks the next month, practicing gun skills, learning how to use a knife and especially how to use their fists. They learned how to fight when the odds were against them. Moses taught them that there no such thing as a fair fight. Gang up, whip...

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Sexy Accounts A Nephews Lust Part 1 Obsession

From the view of the nephew.At the age of sixteen, I started to find myself wanting to go round to my cousin’s house, just to be able to see my sexy auntie.Back from that summer trip, I found myself masturbating a lot. I did jerk off to magazines, but I always thought about my auntie. What made it worse was that my uncle wasn’t a nice guy and was big and fat, and quite ugly. I often wondered how had he landed a woman like my auntie.Even seeing pictures of them both from their youth, he wasn’t...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e2 Denise Zhang 33 from Bedford

We’re in the boring, flat, concrete car park, surrounded by boring family cars, looking at the boring red-brick buildings that combine to form the Beddingham International School. But here comes the excitement... She’s sexy, with a fuck-me-but-don’t-fuck-with-me face and long blonde hair is swept around to the side of her head and hangs infront of one shoulder. Her accent, friendly southern English but with a distinct Eastern European edge. “Hello, and welcome to a new series of ‘The...

4 years ago
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The Heatwave Back to nature

Back to nature It was a baking hot afternoon in early August. For the past week the south of England had been enjoying a ridge of high pressure which showed no sign of moving and temperatures had soared way above the seasonal average, causing the grass to wilt and yellow, and stimulating the local insects into furious buzzing action. Around the ancient earthworks of the Iron Age hill-fort the air shimmered with the heat, the sun so fierce that this normally crowded beauty spot was almost...

3 years ago
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Meri bahan ab chhoti nahi rahi

Maine kabhi nahi socha tha ki bhai aur ankita ke beech sex ka rishta bhi ho sakta hai lekin us din meri aankhen khul gayi. Phle mai apne parivar ke bare me bata du.(name changed in this story) mere parivar me hum do bhai aur 1 ankita aur daddy hai mujhse bada ek bhai sanjay hai jiski age 22 year engineering student in jodhpur uske baad mai sunil age 18 aur meri ankita ankita jo mujhse 2 year chhoti hai meri maa nahi hai ankita dikhne me thodi savli hai lekin uski height uski age se jyada...

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The Harriss Part 2 the ThreatChapter 2

narrated by Steve Harris After Mary left, we all showered and cleaned up. Stella and Stephany put on similar short, low cut, sundresses and sandals. Sterling and I wore khaki cargo pants and similar blue shirts and loafers. We were the Harris’s, a loving family. We decided to go to a restaurant on the other side of town that we had been meaning to go to but never had. It was a family style Greek place. Stella wanted lamb. We don’t cook lamb at home because I don’t like the smell or the...

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My wifes sister

This happened a few years ago which changed my life around. I never had imagined the old cliche "life begins at 40" will have some much meaning especially to me. I am an average guy, nice family, house, car normal 9 - 5 job that's pretty much it. The only problem that I had in my life at the time was the decline in my sexual relationship with my wife. We had not had sex in almost a year, she was always too tired or was just never in the mood. I think with her stress at work and seeing to the...

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The Kringle Sisters Are Ready for ChristmasChapter 2 Gunther the Reindeer Handler Gets Laid

Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! The sound of the holiday song hit Gunther's ears like an ice drift on the open sea. He tried to open his booze-laden eyes to see who was making the racket and saw it was the blasted elves again. Those holiday-enthused cretins were so full of Christmas spirit that they made a nuisance at this time of year as far back as he could remember. He wanted to shout out for them to cease and desist before he made them into little pieces of elves all...

2 years ago
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my sons girlfriend at the pool

a while ago my son and his girlfriend come to stay for a short break , it was the first time meeting her ,as my son lives in Bristol , she made a great first impression , she gave me flowers and then a big hug , my hubby told my son she's a keeper , she was a petite blonde with beautiful blue eyes and lovely pale skin , after a coffee and a chat they said they wanted to take a shower and have a bite to eat before bed , so they went up to the bathroom , after a few minutes i herd a phone...

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SCROTUM HOLDERThe first time my wife and I went out to pick up a stranger for her to fuck, we didn't know how to do it, so we did what we did when we were single - we went to a bar! After we had a few drinks, we relaxed a little from all the excitment and started looking around for someone to hook up with. I suggested she "look around" and find someone to dance with while I went to feed the jukebox. When she returned, she said she had been dancing with a real young k**, but hadn't seen anyone...

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A New Life for Julie Ch 06

June 1978 In the morning light, Julie crawled up in between Bruce’s legs. Looking up to make sure he was still asleep, she knelt down on her elbows, and nuzzled his soft sleeping dick. Pausing a moment, she inhaled the odor around his balls, and pulled one hairy nut into her mouth, and sucked it gently for a few minutes. She let it fall out of her mouth, and then took the other into her mouth, repeating the same action. Looking up carefully, to make sure he was still asleep, she let the...

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Vo Mast Aurat Ki Bus M Ki Chudai

Iss k sbi paathkon ko mera namaskaar.Ye meri pehli story h.Baat un dino ki jb m bus se jaipur up down krta tha meri umar 26 years ki h or ye baat aaj se 4 years pehle ki h..To ye safar night ka hota h.Ek raat jb m us bus m safar kr rha tha to meri side wali seat khali thi n piche wali seat pr ek lady n uska bachaa tha sath mein.Kyuki bache ko nind nhi aa rhi thi to usne pehle bache ko sulaya phir aage meri seat p aa kr baith gyi taaki bachaa aasaani se so ske … Jb meri jaag khuli to maine dekha...

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