- 4 years ago
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This is one I wrote and previously submitted under the title Amy. I deleted it from Lit because someone wanted to buy it, but since it also appears on other sites — having been ‘stolen’ from Lit — the deal fell through. So here it is again. If you haven’t already read it I hope you enjoy it.
As usual I’d appreciate feedback.
GA — Chiang Rai, Thailand — 20th of February 2013.
From a letter dated 13th January1979:
… although I’m not evil I have committed evil, I have killed three people.
The first was out of love, the second an accident, and the third out of necessity — or at least I considered it necessary at the time.
I just wanted to explain …
THE GIRL WITH A SECRET looked intently at Billy. The expression on his face told her he’d asked on impulse, in one of those moments without logic. Despite her worries Amy felt a laugh bubble in her chest at his face, a comedy mask of disbelief. He obviously hadn’t meant to offer, but once he’d asked, blurted it out really, the question hung there, floating amid the baking air of the overheated station buffet. Awkwardness ballooned between them while, in the frigid night outside, a seemingly endless goods train clack-clanked on a ponderous and lonely mission to some northern colliery.
Eventually the metronomic clangour faded, and Billy was sure the next sound would be a refusal from the girl’s mouth. Who in their right mind would accept the invitation? From a stranger, an old duffer like him, and at this time of night …
Finally the girl sniffed, cuffed impatiently at her nose and then looked around the room as though considering her options. There weren’t a lot of them available. A squaddie, with a soldier’s trick of snatching rest, head on his forearms and with a scuffed and battered suitcase secure between his feet and the wall slept a few tables away. A surly attendant on duty behind the counter slopped a desultory grey dish-cloth around the formica, irascible and impatient to close up shop and be away home.
And there was the man.
Behind the raisin-faced indolent steward a clock showed the time approaching one o’clock, while the calendar beside told the date — 2nd December 1978. A day in its infancy, with dawn’s light still over six hours away. For Amy the day offered guilt, worry and uncertainty. The sudden and surprising surge of euphoria when she’d first run had dissipated somewhere between Edinburgh and the Tyne, now she was alone and hunted, with eighty-five pence in her pocket and a mug of British Rail coffee on the table in front of her.
And his offer.
She studied the man opposite, the one who’d asked if she needed somewhere to stay. He sat there, rumpled and worn in his thin blue jacket, but he looked OK, didn’t strike her as a weirdo, she liked the look of his face, a road-map of experiences, interesting and interested, with kindly brown eyes, while his hair could do with a trim as it curled at the collar of his shirt. Nobody you’d look at twice, ordinary and mildly unkempt, a lonely old bachelor.
She could handle him.
‘Will there be owt else?’ the steward interrupted from behind his waist-high counter. He wondered at their business, the grey-haired man and the girl. It was an odd to-do. The girl had been sitting there for an hour or more, a pretty one, probably trouble. It was usually the way, the pretty ones caused the grief. The older fellah had been a more recent arrival. ‘We shuts at one,’ his arm swept to encompass his nocturnal mercantile kingdom. ‘But if tha wants goodies or another brew after ah’ve gone,’ he continued in his laconic Yorkshire way, ‘there’s the vending machines ovver there. An’ if you’ve a yen for music there’s yon jukebox.’ He thrust his bristled jaw belligerently at the pair, briefly wondered at their business again before finally deciding he didn’t really care and turned to his end-of-day duties.
The girl ignored the attendant, instead she nodded. ‘OK,’ she said and then shrugged with apparent unconcern. ‘It’s past midnight and ahm alone and ahm a wee lassie. And you, you’re a complete stranger. Och, yuh could be a raving barmpot, but yuh dinae look like a nutter …’ She lifted the mug and, confronting Billy over the rim, sipped at the now tepid coffee. Grimacing at the lukewarm, muddy residue she put the mug back on the table in front of her. ‘How auld are you?’ she asked abruptly.
Despite his years in Aberdeen Billy didn’t have an ear for dialect, the girl was Scots, he recognised that, but that was about as geographically accurate as he could manage, that she was from somewhere north of Berwick-Upon-Tweed.
‘Fifty-five,’ he answered truthfully.
‘You don’t look like a barmpot,’ the girl repeated as the attendant finally lowered the corrugated roller-shutter, clamped a robust-looking padlock through the hasp, shrugged on a thick donkey jacket and, dismissing them from his life, went out onto the deserted platform beyond the glass. His head still on his arms, the soldier stirred and muttered in his sleep. ‘And I’m a pretty good judge of character,’ the girl finished.
Minutes later, decision made, with smoking breath and toting a canvas hold-all nearly as big as herself, Amy quietly hummed as she followed Billy along the station concourse. If yuh want muh body, an’ yuh think I’m sexy … she sang quietly to herself as Billy unlocked the car.
The heater fan in the old Allegro battled against the chill air while Billy, one hand in constant circles on the windscreen, peered through the persistently fogging glass and steered the car through the girder ribcage of Holgate Bridge towards Acomb.
The streets and roads were mostly deserted, with only two cars passing in the opposite direction. A scrawny fox crossed the road in front of them, eyes glowing eerily when the animal turned its face towards the approaching car before slinking into the green periphery of the city’s edge.
A short time later the car’s tyres crunched against gravel as Billy manoeuvred the vehicle between a set of ornate gateposts at the end of a long lane. He brought the Allegro to a halt and killed the engine. Amy was surprised to see the size of the place, Billy didn’t look like he had much money but, as she blinked through the porthole she’d cuffed on the misted window beside her, she saw a large, imposing two-storey silhouette of Edwardian splendour palisaded by a high hedge, with sentinels of Oak and Elm guarding the gate. Her first impression was of sumptuous grandeur but, Amy noticed after stepping through the front door and the lights went on, the house wasn’t as impressive as she’d first thought. It was, she compared, like its owner, threadbare and in need of care and attention. Not that Billy’s domestic arrangements or the state of his home were issues high on Amy’s priority list, this was temporary, one night only, in the morning … or mid-afternoon at the latest, she’d be on her way.
Or so she thought.
Amy stood scrunched inside her parka, hands in pockets against the cold as her eyes flicked over the frayed man, while he, nervous and unsure grinned, shyly back at her.
‘Could I have a bath?’ she asked.
Surprised by the request, Billy paused before saying: ‘I’ll have to turn the immersion on. It might take a bit to warm up, but you can have a bath, yes.’ He edged past Amy with a look of contrition on his face. ‘Sorry about the state of the place. I wasn’t expecting … well …’ He shrugged and grinned. ‘Well, you know … a guest.’
Amy followed him through the long hall of faded wallpaper. An old-fashioned Bakelite telephone with a cumbersome dial sat mute atop a long-legged stand at the foot of the stairs. Old fashioned furniture and ornaments dominated, the house appeared stuck in the nineteen forties, a relic of post-war austerity. She glimpsed the kitchen through an open door at the end of the corridor before Billy led her through a doorway to the left.
‘There’s a f
ire mended,’ Billy said. ‘I’ll just get it lit and then turn on the immersion heater. We could have a cuppa while you wait if you like?’
Amy nodded. ‘Aye, that’d be great,’ she replied.
In the untidy kitchen, still huddled inside her coat, Amy blew over the meniscus of her tea to cool it down.
‘Shouldn’t be long,’ Billy said after taking a tentative sip. ‘While you’re in the bath I’ll make up a bed for you.’
‘Thanks, the girl responded, and then asked, ‘Live here alone?’
Billy nodded. Hesitating momentarily, he then said, ‘My mum left the place to me. I never married, spent most of my life away … Royal Navy — a diver,’ he added, ‘then I did some time on the oil rigs — North Sea. Then Mum got ill, I looked after her … She died, I retired early on a decent enough pension … And here I am.’
They moved to the living room where a fire struggled to life in the grate. The scent of acrid, waxy firelighters reminded Amy of home. A pang of guilt, anxiety and homesickness flared.
Home … She couldn’t go home.
To take her mind off her woes, Amy asked: ‘So why were you on the station at this time of night?’
Billy, on hands and knees, blew on the infant fire, cajoling it to glow brighter. He turned his head to regard the girl. ‘I get lonely in here. All my working life I’ve been used to be being around people, and this time of year … Christmas coming … It gets dark at half-four … I get miserable with my own company. Sometimes I just have to get out, go anywhere, just to have some contact.’ He stood and wiped his hands carelessly on the back of his jeans. ‘Anyway,’ he said, ‘what brought you there — in the station buffet? Ran out of money you said.’
‘Aye, somethin’ like,’ the girl replied.
Billy noticed her evasiveness, her awkwardness at being questioned. He veered away from that subject. ‘Any plans for Christmas?’ he asked.
The girl shrugged inside the cocoon of her parka while she stared into the fire. After a pause she lied into the flames, ‘No really. I’ll be in London by then. Muh wee pal has a flat down there. That’s where I’m headin’ soon as I can.’
Billy didn’t question any further, instead he suggested that perhaps the water would by now be hot enough for a bath.
While Amy splashed in the warm suds in the bathroom on the second storey, Billy sat in front of the fire nursing a whisky. He thought about the girl and wondered at the real reason that led to her being on the station concourse that night, at the mercy of perverts and predators. A pretty one despite the lank, unwashed hair and dishevelled traveller look, she had the bright blue eyes to go with the blonde hair and delicate elfin features. Amy had that spark of cheekiness, a glint in the eyes and quick grin that would catch the attention of any man who cared to look. He thought about her body under the parka and swathes of clothing, a body which would now warm and pink and glowing with the heat of the bath. He imagined her naked, saw her smooth-skinned and shiny, her pubic bush a matted and dripping beard between her thighs …
Billy’s cock thickened. ‘Perverts and predators,’ he muttered, surprised at his body’s sudden tumescence. He swigged the harsh spirit in one go.
Beyond the curtained window, under sparkling winter stars which skimmed low overhead in a fragile and glacial panoply, frost thickened over the sleeping city.
AMY WOKE IN SUDDEN, urgent panic. There was something in the room with her. She struggled to sit upright in a strange bed, in a room she didn’t recognise, with the gluey residue of sleep fogging her brain and strands of a nightmare tugging her into despair.
Where the hell was she? Who was in the room with her?
Then she recalled the man, Billy, and remembered where she was, remembered bathing and recalled the whisky he’d offered at half-past two in the morning following her bath. A spare room in Billy’s house, that’s where she was.
Tendrils of the dream, the horrible dream wisped into her thoughts. He was dead, she was sure he was dead.
‘Mam,’ she sobbed into the dark.
Daylight framed the edge of the blind but the room remained deeply shadowed and vague. Amy yelped when a shadow moved and a sudden weight pressed against her legs. She kicked and whimpered as fingers of terror gripped her guts, real fear this time, this was no dream. She struggled futilely against the bedclothes as the linen tangled around her legs in a conspiratorial embrace, which left her helpless and entirely at the mercy of the intruder.
The weight crept along Amy’s body, stealthy yet insistent like fingers feeling along her torso, reaching for her neck …
Supine with fear, she lay panting, unable to even croak for help — and what would be the use in shouting? The house was in its own grounds behind the high hedge, neighbours would never hear.
Then, with a chagrined blurt of relieved laughter she heard the sound of a cat’s purr and realised what was in the room with her.
Next she smelt the faint aroma of bacon cooking, the lure was irresistible. ‘Get lost,’ she muttered and turned in the cocoon of tangled bedclothes to shift the cat onto the floor. After finally struggling free and flinging the covers aside she squealed when her bare feet touched cold wooden boards. ‘Fucker,’ she hissed, dancing on tip-toes towards where she’d left her clothes piled on a wooden-backed chair. She dressed hurriedly, noticing the door was slightly ajar. That explained the feline intruder.
A quick, necessary toilette later, with residual emotions suppressed, she moved along the upstairs corridor and saw again the threadbare carpet and worn décor, even shabbier in the light of day. Oddly the banister rail looked to be new, sturdy and firmly rooted, with a recent jacket of gloss paint. Shrugging the anomaly aside Amy descended the stairs down to the lower storey. The ground floor told the same sorry story as the rest of the house but the kitchen welcomed her with a warm embrace of delicious aromas and the distinctive, familiar bass tone of DJ Simon Bates on Radio 1.
Billy turned from the sizzling pan and smiled cheerily.
‘What time is it? Amy asked.
‘Just gone twelve,’ said Billy. ‘You OK for the full fry-up? I didn’t know if you’d want all this.’ He turned back to the stove to work magic with lard and sausage and eggs. Amy’s stomach rumbled noisily, betraying her hunger. The man continued: ‘But I went out early and got the things in. Shop down the road does a good range of the staples.’ Billy moved around the deal table and scraped a chair across the lino to offer the girl a seat. ‘Sit yourself down. You want a cuppa? And what about breakfast? You’re not one of those skinny Minnies that hates food, are you?’
A stale waft of trains, waiting rooms and fear floated upwards from her lap as Amy sat down. What had she packed in the carry-all? She’d have to change after breakfast. She thought of the rushed emptying of drawers and panicked stuffing of clothing into the bag while she’d fought against shock at the enormity of what she’d done. No time to think about what clothing she’d need, her departure had been a fraught, frazzled whirl of confused thoughts, Amy had taken whatever had come to hand in her haste to be out of the flat and away.
Away from him. Away from her crime.
‘… I thought a good breakfast before you got your train would be just the ticket … no pun,’ Billy continued, as he scooped two fried eggs on top of toast.
‘Uh … Yeah … great,’ Amy replied, dragging her concentration back to Billy and his inane jabber about breakfast.
‘It’ll be dark in a few hours,’ Billy rattled on. ‘What time train do you want? I can run you to the station, but I thought you might have a particular service in mind. You probably don’t want to leave it too late, might get stuck in a station buffet at midnight.’ He grinned over his shoulder at the girl while sliding sausage and bacon on
to the plate next to the toast and egg. ‘Beans …? Tomatoes …?’ he asked.
‘Yes, please,’ Amy responded, taken aback by Billy’s apparent rush to have her gone. ‘That’d be great. Ta.’
‘Nice cuppa tea to wash it down.’ Billy plonked a mug of steaming brew alongside the plate. He settled into a chair opposite the girl and smiled and winked. ‘Nothing like a proper breakfast on a cold day, eh? Brown sauce or red?’ He proffered the bottle labelled with the iconic Houses of Parliament.
Amy signalled with a fork for the red bottle instead.
They ate in silence for a few moments. The cat, lured by warmth and the prospect of food, wound sinuously around Amy’s ankles while the girl ate.
‘So, what time do you want to make a move?’
Amy shrugged. ‘I don’t know. I’m not sure when the train leaves for London.’ She absently dropped a piece of bacon rind to the floor for the cat.
‘Oh they’re pretty regular. Every half hour or thereabouts I think.’
Miffed by Billy’s continued, cheery insistence towards her departure, Amy munched in disgruntled silence. So the respite was truly only temporary. All she had to do was clean her teeth, change into whatever clothes she could find in the jumble of the hold-all and then take the short drive back to the station.
From there she hadn’t a clue.
Billy left it until the last moment before he challenged the girl. Outside the station a taxi driver tooted an annoyed horn and gesticulated rudely to indicate that the Allegro was causing an obstruction. Ignoring the irate driver and his forked fingers, Billy regarded Amy with a serious face. ‘There isn’t a friend with a flat waiting for you, is there?’
‘Uh-uh,’ she responded, her long hair swishing against the rolled hood of her parka.
‘And how much money do you have … exactly?’
‘Eighty-five pee.’
‘And no ticket?’
The head went from side to side again.
Billy sighed heavily. He swivelled slightly in his seat to confront Amy. ‘So what’s your plan? Where will you go? What about tonight?’ The girl’s forlorn expression told him all he needed to know. ‘You want to come back to the house?’ he asked softly.
Billy smiled as the car passed between the stark and skeletal frame of Holgate Bridge towards home. The girl, Amy, if that was her real name, would probably end up a disappointment, she might rob him blind and slide into the night, but he was willing to take the risk. The moods were on him again and she’d be bright company for however long she stayed.
He had no inkling of what lay ahead.
THEY SAT in the King’s Arms pub on the bank of the River Ouse. Seasonal decorations adorned most of the available surfaces, with a discrete sprig of mistletoe hanging above the bar. Bright streamers garlanded the fireplace while fairy lights winked in the mullioned windows frosted with false snow. In a corner alcove away from the door, Amy sipped at her wine while Billy held a pint of Samuel Smith’s.
Three days on and Billy still hadn’t winkled much information from Amy. ‘What’s up, girl? You seem distracted,’ he said.
Amy flinched at the question, swigged the glass empty and slid it towards Billy’s three-quarter full pint pot. ‘Can I have another, please?’
He stared at her for a long moment, opened his mouth on the verge of pressing the question and then shook his head, dismissing the issue for now. ‘Sure,’ he said, easing his knees from beneath the table.
‘I’m sorry,’ the girl said when Billy returned with her wine. ‘I’m just a wee bit nervous. A strange city an’ all that. And I’m missin’ me mam.’
‘Are you going to tell me about where you come from, Amy? Why you turned up here with just some change in your pocket and nowhere to go?’
The girl sipped at her drink before placing the glass purposefully on the table. She tilted her head to one side and smiled shyly at Billy. ‘Och … It were nothin’,’ she began. ‘A bit of a spat with my father. He threw me out an’ I just went, I was blind angry, see, I didnae have a clue what I was about, so I took some money from his wallet and buggered off to the station. I got from Motherwell to Edinburgh and there in the station was a train for London. I just got on. When the conductor came around I only had cash enough for York …’ Taking another sip of wine, she smiled around the glass. ‘An’ that’s it,’ she finished. ‘That’s where you come in.’ Billy had his doubts about the tale but left his misgivings unvoiced. After swigging at his beer he nodded toward the bar. ‘I’ll just get a pint, you ready for another?’
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Introduction: Once again ideas have been rattling through my brain, I hope you enjoy, please, please comment, I will take it constructively! My name is Sophie, I am 21 years old and have just finished my final year in university with a first class honours degree in mathematics. I must confess I am rather a plain Jane, I am of average height, slim build, straight long brown hair, small breasts and still a virgin. My uni friends call me a swot, I was extremely focussed on my studies and somewhat...
All it took was a boring night 2am i went out smoking and met Mikewe talk about covid being silly and all but both agreed working from home is nicehe was 46 divorced for 2yrs and bored as hell during covid, i was too and he said i could watch a movie with him or play video games''now?''''oh i meant sometimes, but im not tired are you tired? we could smoke weed i have some at home''''oh cool''i was 26 and naive of his real intenthe got scotch out and made sure i was getting drunk and hi smoking...
Maes opened her eyes and blinked at the strong sunlight streaming through the windows. She sat up, and saw Rohea sitting nearby on a chair. "Is everyone alright?" Maes asked. "Yes, thanks to you," Rohea replied. "How are you feeling?" "I feel fine," Maes said. "What did you do?" Puccar asked, walking into the room. "That was like nothing I'd ever seen before." "I don't know for sure," Maes answered. "I tried to heal everyone at once, and it felt like it was working. But...
Authors note: Hi there. This is me, the author. The story youre about to read is based on a fictional character named Mina (http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/MinaMuseumCurator/profile) The guy actually made a whole HF page about her. There are some awesome pictures of his character and even a story. Being dissapointed at the single chapter story of about 600 words i decided to help out a little. Especially because of all the potential. Ok maybe i wasnt dissapointed but it was pretty shit :/...
his continues from Ann getting married soon but lets me fuck her in hNext time I arranged to meet Ann I waited for her outside her work at lunch time. Ann came out wrapped up in a heavy overcoat against the cold.Did I tell you her fiance worked int he same place, so I was anxious he or someone elase would see us. Ann wasn't bothered.When she got into the car she said "Will you take me to my house?" "Ofcourse I will. Do you want to fuck me in your bed like we talked about on POF?" "No I want to...
My friend, Doctor Bertrand Lane, was waiting for me in front of the hangar. After a few minutes to freshen up in the restroom, we were whisked by car to a large hangar near one end of the building complex that comprised the base. Inside the hangar, which was literally the size of a football stadium, was a luminescent hemisphere, like a large dome, mostly green, but with flecks of color that would wash over its surface. Bertrand assured me that the hemisphere was a perfect semicircle. Inside...
AFTERWORD My good friend Professor Sabajhi Indira has decided to end this biography of "The McCock" at this point because what occurred thereafter is in the public domain. The affairs of the family are not public knowledge however, and Sabajhi suggested I summarise them. My youngest brothers, Charles David, Edward Garth, Stuart Leonard and Neville Harold are attending Naval College in Enkland and the Commandant has my heartfelt sympathy — four of us in the same term. Previously, the most...
So walking in I suddenly realize that this would be the day I was sure to meet a celebrity, but also some assholes that just hung around these places. As I approached the bar I notice a young women in the corner who I instantly recognized. It was Megan Fox. She seemed to be in a little bit of distress. She was being hassled by five guys even though she had on a wig and contacts that changed her eye color. So I went up to the bar and ordered two shots of patron. After receiving the shots I took...
It's been a year now since all of this started. The time has gone by so fast that I decided that I had better write this story now while everything is still fresh in my mind even though the final chapter of this story is still six weeks away on December 31. Actually this whole thing started almost exactly one year ago on the weekend before Thanksgiving (for readers outside of the US, Thanksgiving is the last Thursday of November). The following account details the pertinent events of the last...
Ken and Sensei were sitting across from each other in seiza position. The advanced students would be here in a half hour or so, but at the moment, the two were alone in the dojo "What alerted you to their presence?" asked Sensei. "Not sure," said Ken. "I was kind of on alert anyway -- it isn't the best of neighborhoods. Even so, the guy was pretty close to me by the time I realized he was there. It would have been nice to have noticed sooner." Sensei shrugged. "You had all the...
The Ashley Lesson My eyes slowly opened and shut several times before I realized the obnoxious sound echoing throughout the room was the alarm clock on my phone. “Uh, that’s awful,” I sighed hitting the stop button. What’s with this yellowish colored paint? Where the hell am I? Then I remembered the night before, the entire day before. The vignette of emotion, passion and ecstasy crashed together in my head and I reached down rubbing my panties against my clit just briefly. I looked around...
FetishI had arrived home just after five o'clock pm, and Bob was out the front mowing the lawn. Bob was shirtless, and for a man in his mid-forties Bob was still in reasonably good shape, not quite a six pack but definitely not the standard beer belly most men of his age had. I sat in the car admiring my gorgeous husband, running my hand up my skirt, pushing my soaked G-string to the side and rubbing my still swollen clit while visualising my first day at work, and all the naughty fun I had with...
Group SexSatinmaid By Satinmaid Make up done perfectly. Mascara'd eyelashes, glossy lips, sultry eyes. Skirts and petticoats fluffed up for 'easy access' for groping or spanking. Probably both. Apron smoothed down and fussy bow tied tightly behind me. Frilly cap neatly on brushed hair. Stocking seams straight and suspender straps visible beneath the short dress. Patent leather high heels shiny and clean. The house is tidy and dinner is ready. Nervous anticipation, excitement,...
Evil tiki babe Joanna Angel is having her way with Aaron (Small Hands) when Emma Hix busts in, revealing that she’s actually an undercover agent there to take Joanna down. Joanna thought she had dealt with Emma…PERMANENTLY, so this is definitely a nasty surprise. As the ladies stare each other down in a tense standoff, Joanna calls for one of her minions to help her. But Emma announces with a smile that she’s convinced this particular minion that SHE’S his new master....
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: I get hypnotised and exposed in town My Boyfriend likes to expose me or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over 18 when the events took place. Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the earlier parts. They will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 26 Not all Ryans fault =================== First the bad news Tom...
“And just what have you kids been up to?” “What do you think we were up to? I’d think it should be obvious.” Sissy continued getting dressed. I stood there with my glory on display and a dumb expression on my face. “Hello Uncle Buddy. Nice to see you.” And laughed as she turned and followed her mom. I dressed and went to the kitchen with the girls. They were talking when I walked in. Teena looked at me and asked, “Is this a continuation of something from a kid thing or is it new?” “A...
SCIMITAR TWENTY-TWO HOURS FROM EARTH " ... landed behind Sadi's DT and then he comes out of the smoke, Elynth next to him, their eyes like beacons on some dark night. He launches his shield and then draws one of those two swords he carries ... gods it was like watching some majestic knight come to save you. As he fought ... his Shi Viska circled the area he and Elynth were fighting in ... it was almost moving of its own accord." Teeria was speaking animatedly as they sat at the table in...
I dabbed on some ‘Fever’ cologne and got ready for college as Aunt Dixie walked in through the door. “Joe, I’ll be having a party tonight for a couple of people here. Maybe you’d like to join us later when you’re finished with your lessons, she said. “Yeah sure, Aunt Dixie. Thanks”, I said She smiled and went out the door. Aunt Dixie was Uncle Sammy’s, my dad’s brother, wife. He was in the army and he was always getting stationed overseas leaving her alone for most of their...
MatureHello readers, am suma jayaram again. This is my second story which i narrate on this site. The first one was of my own, but this is an incident which took place years before with a friend/classmate of mine.her name is sindhu.i met her during my post graduation,at a reputed college in kerala.we became thick friends very soon as we share the same hostel room. She s 5 6 tall, of wheatish complexion, and well shaped. She was of course the most sexiest one among our group. We spend our weekends and...
My ex had just moved abroad, and we were no longer speaking. So, I tried to forget her, but she was always at the back of my mind. Her face was always what I saw, and I couldn’t get her out of my head. I would try to keep her out of my mind. Every time I tried to, the memories of all the naughty stuff we did would come back into mind and make my cock stiff. It was always the memory of our first time that came back to mind. The way she stuck her tongue down my throat, her tasty lips sucking on...
"Sure, let's go," you agree. She smiles and turns on the car. You drive for a few more minutes, talking and joking around more loosely than before. Eventually, she turns into the parking lot of a modest-sized apartment complex. You get out and follow her inside one of the buildings and through the door labeled 4E. Ms. Grave's place is very tidy and smells sweet. You take a seat on the sofa and look around. She has decorated the walls with various band and movie posters. You have to admit that...
BDSMThe passionate dollar(The beginning give me honest feedback alittle long but its worth it!!!!)This book is made up of stories of events that happened in the life of a male escort...Enjoy -Dr.D(Last resort becomes the best option)As i spent another saturday alone in my apartment off of work i was glued to my computer. After about a good hour or so of internet porn and self love i began job hunting. I was willing to take anything. Because anything was...
The man sagged down on top of the girl for several seconds. His hard cock stayed buried deep in her ass. Slowly Jori began to come out of the orgasmic haze. The man's weight on her body made breathing, especially through the gag more difficult. She felt him stirring slowly. At last he rocked back and off of her. He pulled his hips back and she felt his cock sliding out from inside her ass. She then felt his hands reaching behind her head and unbuckling the straps holding the cock-gag in...
Chapter 1: Tattoo The hostages were free from Tehran. The rescue attempt FUBAR, the politicians stepped in and made their greasy deals. Pillars of smoke rose into the desert sky in his dreams. He accelerated through the humid night air, down the dark stretch of road. The roar of the bike’s exhaust echoed off the still, dark trees, moss hanging off their branches. The lights of his destination appeared ahead on his left. He swung the bike into the gravel parking lot and rolled to a stop among...
Maybe Paul could have been more understanding, as it was he didn’t take a lot of ‘nos’ from Tammy. all teen girls feel they had to protest about their innocence, didn’t matter if it’s true or not. The big benefit this time was with her mother, “Tammy stop that! We’re here for sex. Please honey enjoy this, I’ll tell you right now, Paul is very good at this” Poor Tammy, she had thought many times about her “FIRST TIME”, it was supposed to be much more romantic than this. Her mom coaching, a...
PART – 46 HIS FUCKKY BIRTHDAY It was Friday and most important thing was, my husband's birthday on that day. According to our original plan, we were to celebrate it privately taking dinner outside and then in our bedroom. But we were forced to change our plan because of some urgent and important work in my husband's office as he received a call from his managing director. Previously, there was no plan for going to office as he had already handed over the office charge and we were to...
Hello friends how are you all? After long time I share my another experience of chudai with a beautiful housewife who meet me in marriage, before I share my experience I introduce myself who read my sex stories in hindi first time. I am garryfrom ludhiana(punjab) mai dikhne mai slim hu aur thoda gora hu aur 6feet height mere dick ki size 7inch hai jo kisi bhi lady ki sex ki pyass bujane ke liye kafi hai, aur ha after read my story please share ur experience with me. Ab apko jyada bore na karte...
Previously: Uncle Jamie was astounded when he stumbled upon Jennifer’s elaborate masturbation scenario. Now: Jennifer is astounded by his pre-conceived response. But the story will make much more sense if you read parts I – IV first. Conclusion. I wasn’t sure if Uncle Jamie had intentionally left me with my finger still inside me, but I wasted no time before starting to experiment with the sensation. I was just beginning to believe that this could be very pleasant when I heard him returning...
My roommate started to date the girl I was absolutely in love with at the time. needless to say it upset set me. I did get over it as time passed. She eventually moved in with us. That's where it got interesting, I was still wanting to be with her. I wanted to fuck her. Below are a list of events that happened. You may think there false, or gross but there real.Sara and my roommate had left to go out and eat. I had stayed behind. I had went into there room and grabbed some of her dirty and...
His wide, rough tongue flicked up, then down, and then swirled all around my virgin butt. I was in the mood for anything. I loved it when he ran the tip of his tongue up my crack and then back down again. He grabbed my legs along the back of my knees and pushed, signaling for me to get on all fours. I did. He got on his back and my dick dropped into his mouth. I lowered myselft into his throat and he gagged. I pulled up and whent back down again. I was fucking his face and I was enjoying...
We had to wait for the other playoff games to be played before we knew where the American League pennant games would start. We knew we would be playing Oakland when that series was done. We all thought Detroit would be our opponent, but Oakland prevailed. This was going to be the first four of seven to determine who would go to the World Series. Oakland was a killer team. Their pitching was really good from top to bottom, and they seemed to be able to hit anything from anyone. Price told me...
Reddit Sextrophies, aka r/Sextrophies! Reddit is a website where you can create any kind of community about any theme or topic. Likewise, you can create a subreddit based on popular social media brands. For example, what if you want to have a place where you can more freely talk about some of the content being posted on other social media platforms such as Twitter. That’s the entire idea with /r/Sextrophies. It’s that, and the fact that you can actually have a really simple overview of all the...
Reddit NSFW ListThe race down the hallway had allowed me a moment to restore some self-control, though no struggle in my life had been so difficult. Leaning back against my closed bedroom door (was my hand really fumbling with the lock?), I closed my eyes to Elaine's hurried shedding and prepared to make one last attempt at restoring "good order and discipline." Elaine spoke first. "There's an image I get from you sometimes..." That was no revelation. Probably the fiery pits of hell, where I knew I...
Dani Blu is trying to get a quick shower in before work, but her stepbrother JMac is feeling extra horny today and can’t stop watching her. Her beautiful body getting nice and soapy turns him on so much that he secretly starts to jerk off. He gets caught and tries to play it cool. She was feeling horny today too, and she knows how badly he’s been trying to fuck her. She decides to finally let him hit. He jumps in the shower with her and she gives him an amazing blowjob before moving...