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It's been a year now since all of this started. The time has gone by so fast that I decided that I had better write this story now while everything is still fresh in my mind even though the final chapter of this story is still six weeks away on December 31. Actually this whole thing started almost exactly one year ago on the weekend before Thanksgiving (for readers outside of the US, Thanksgiving is the last Thursday of November). The following account details the pertinent events of the last twelve months.

It was about ten o'clock on Saturday night and I was sitting on the bed waiting for Mary to come out of the bathroom with great anticipation, meaning I was already getting an erection. When the double doors to the bathroom opened, Mary was standing in the doorway wearing a black bra and panties, black stockings and a garter belt. Whenever Mary dresses like that I know we are going to have some great sex.

As Mary approached me I stood and put my arms around her and we began to dance to the soft rock CD I had playing. As we danced I began kissing Mary's mouth and neck.

I positioned us so that we were standing in front of the large mirror on Mary's dresser, then I moved behind her and rubbed her breasts through her bra and pressed my erection against her beautifully shaped and firm buttocks while she watched herself in the mirror. When I slipped my hand inside her panties and began to tease her by just lightly skimming my finger tips over her vulva Mary tipped her head back against my shoulder and closed her eyes. As I continued to play with her pussy she began to make little cooing sounds in her throat.

After a couple of minutes of this Mary turned to face me and gave me a deep tongue kiss and began kissing her way down over my chest and down my stomach as she sank to her knees in front of me. Once on her knees she pulled my shorts off. Then she cupped my balls in one hand as she kissed the very tip of my cock. I was already beginning to secrete pre-cum and as she pulled back I could see a strand of the thick clear liquid extending from the tip of my cock to Mary's lips. I watched as Mary ran her tongue around her lips gathering the shinny strand and drawing it into her mouth. Then she stuck her tongue out and flicked it across the head of my cock creating a new strand of sexual liquid this time trailing from my cock to the tip of her tongue. Without breaking the strand Mary ran her tongue under the head of my cock and pulled her tongue and my cock into her mouth. What followed was one of the most fantastic blow jobs she has ever given me.

I was very close to climaxing when Mary stopped, stood up, and kissed me. I could taste my excitement on her lips and tongue. When she broke the kiss she said "It's my turn" then she sat on the edge of the bed. I got down on my knees in front of her and began kissing my way down from her face to her breasts. When I got to her breasts I pulled her bra straps down off of her shoulders and pulled the cups down to expose her beautiful pear shaped breasts. I took one in each hand and gently massaged them as I alternately licked, kissed and sucked on her nipples. Mary loves this and it often brings her to an orgasm and this time was no different. Mary tipped her head back and grabbed my head with both hands and held me to her breast as she climbed the mountain of her orgasm. When she finally descended again, Mary relaxed and lay back on the bed. As she did I started kissing my way down over her stomach to the top oh her panties. At this point I pulled the gusset of her panties to the side and inhaled the wonderful scent her pussy gives off when she is sexually excited. I used my tongue to slowly trace the lips of her labia then I separated them and pushed my tongue inside Mary's pussy. As usual she tasted wonderful and responded to my attention and was soon in the throws of another orgasm.

This time when she came down from her orgasm she told me to come inside her, so I stood and positioned my cock at the entrance to Mary's well lubricated vagina and pressed forward till I was buried as deep in Mary as I could get. For the next fifteen minutes Mary and I bounced around the bed in several different positions until I couldn't hold back any longer and I shot a load inside Mary's pussy from behind and then collapsed on top of her.

Afterward we cuddled for a while, then Mary fell asleep and I turned on the television to see if there were any good movies on.

At 1:00 AM I was just getting ready to turn the TV off when the phone rang. As I picked up the phone I was expecting it to be a wrong number and I think my irritation was apparent in my voice when I said "Hello"

"Hello, is this George Hanson?" a voice unfamiliar to me asked.

"Yes it is, who's this?"

"My name is Robert Smith and I represent the Omega Sportsman's Club"

"I'm sorry, but I have never heard of you or your club. What is it you want?"

Mr. Smith said "I am sorry for calling so late but I need to set up an appointment to meet with you at your earliest convenience. I have an important matter to discuss with you."

I said, "Whatever it is you're selling I am not interested."

"I am not selling anything, and what I have to say will be extremely important to you and it's in your best interest to take this meeting."

I asked what it was he wanted to discuss with me that was so important and he said "I can't go into that on the phone. The way he said that made the whole thing sound a little suspicious, but I guess my curiosity got the best of me so I agreed to meet him in the bar at the Marriott Hotel near my office at five o'clock Monday evening.

As I hung up the phone Mary rolled over and asked, "Who was that?" I said it was a wrong number and she said, "I hate phone calls in the middle of the night."

Trying not to think about the call I started channel surfing until I came upon a softcore sex movie on one of the movie channels. On the screen a man and woman were in bed and the man was just starting to kiss and suck on the woman's breasts. As I watched this I thought about the phone call but I couldn't make any sense out of it. Why would someone from some sportsmen's club want to talk to me unless it was to get me to joint their club and since I had never heard of their club it couldn't be local. We live in a small city and I know all of the organizations in town. Suddenly I was aware that Mary was awake and looking at the TV. She asked, "What are you watching?"

When I looked back at the screen the man was kissing his way down the woman's stomach and into her pubic hair and was obviously headed for the promised land. As the man continued to move his head down between the woman's legs I slipped my hand between Mary's legs and ran my fingers through her pussy hair feeling the drying cum and her slightly swollen lips. Although the scene on the TV was not explicit you knew what was happening. I jokingly said to Mary "Does this give you any ideas?"

To my great surprise Mary said, "Yes. I want you to do that to me."

This was a first. Mary never wakes up in the middle of the night ready to have sex. Any time I had ever suggested it before she would say absolutely not. As I thought about what Mary wanted me to do while I continued to run my fingers through her matted and sticky pubic hair I wasn't sure eating her cream pie as something I wanted to do. Sensing my hesitation to go down on her messy pussy Mary kissed me on the ear and said "Please".

I don't know why but the idea of going down on her suddenly appealed to me and as if to accentuate that point my cock began to stiffen. I pulled the blankets off us and got between Mary's legs. As I lowered my head toward her, Mary took my head in both her hands and quickly pulled me to her pussy. The first thing that struck me was the smell of my semen. I didn't like the smell but it wasn't as bad as I expected and when I pushed my tongue inside her pussy the taste was not offensive. Actually I didn't mind the taste at all and I soon had Mary on her way to an orgasm.

After her orgasm Mary asked me "Do you want to cum in my mouth or my pussy?" I said, "Whatever you want is fine with me." With that Mary positioned her head over my cock and devoured me. I couldn't believe Mary was going to let me cum in her mouth as she had never let me do that before but when the time came she took my load in her mouth. Some she swallowed and some she wiped off with her hand. Afterward she kissed me leaving the taste of my own semen on my mouth then she rolled over and went to sleep.

On Monday I left work at 4:30 and I walked to the Marriott to meet with the mysterious Mr. Smith. As I walked into the bar I had to wait for my eyes to adjust to the dark room. As I looked around the room I saw only four other people in the bar. There two men sitting at the bar, there was a women off to the right sitting at a table by herself and there was an older man sitting by himself to the left of the bar. As I stood in the doorway wondering if Mr. Smith was one of the people in the room the old man sitting by himself got up and came toward me. He looked to be in his mid to late sixties, with silver gray hair. He was very well dressed and he walked with an air of confidence that usually goes with old money.

As he approached me the man reached out his hand and said "Mr. Hanson, I am Robert Smith. I am glad you could make it." The greeting wasn't friendly it was business like. As he shook my hand he began leading me back across the room to the table where he had been sitting. As we sat down a waitress came over and took our drink order and left.

Mr. Smith didn't waist any time on small talk. He just started right in by saying "As I told you on the phone I represent a sportsmen's club"

"The Omega club isn't it?" I interrupted.

He gave me an impatient look and said "Actually Omega is not the real name of the club but we never use the real name in public. This is a very exclusive club and with a very elite membership. The whole purpose of the club is to provide exciting challenges and experiences for our members."

I asked what he meant by exciting challenges and experiences. Mr. Smith said, "We arrange for our members to participate in adventures that are out of the ordinary and not available to the general population. For instance we have arranged hunting trips to go after animals on the endangered species list, like elephant and rhino in Africa and tigers in Southeast Asia. SCUBA diving on old wrecks in shark infested waters, or snow skiing on mountains where the members have to be flown in by helicopter. This is only a partial list of the topics that I can discuss in public. There are many more adventures that are strictly confidential and for members only. Now this brings me to what I came her to talk to you about."

I thought 'Here comes the sales pitch.' Well I wasn't interested in joining any club and I doubted that I could ever afford a club like the one being described to me nor would I want to be a member of a club that would hunt animals on the endangered list. I certainly wasn't about to waste much time discussing it either.

Mr. Smith continued, "I specifically came to talk to you about an event we call the Round Up."

I immediately envisioned a cattle drive like in the movie 'City Slickers'. Did this guy really think I would be interested spending a week with a stinking herd of cattle? That is definitely not my style.

"The Round Up is the most popular event among the members. We only do it once every four years and the event lasts for a whole year beginning on New Years day and ending the following December 31st. Round Up is a contest in which the participants spend a year trying to seduce as many different women as they can and the winner is the member with the most conquests."

Suddenly I was interested even though I new that I could never cheat on Mary let alone spend a year doing it.

"When we first started Round Up there were very few rules which made for an uneven playing field. In order to make the contest fair we established formal rules sixteen years ago.

In a nutshell the rules are:

Each participant must put up fifty thousand dollars. Expenses for the event come off the top the remaining money is split between the winner and his favorite charity. The rules committee establishes a selection committee made up of members not participating in the Round Up. The job of the selection committee is to select 300 women from all over the country to be the targets for the contest.
- These women must be between the ages of 25 and 35
- Be healthy and attractive
- No addictions to drugs or alcohol
- Be college educated
- Be employed
- And must be married and in a stable relationship The participants must avoid being caught by the women's husbands The seduction must take place outside of the woman's home. Proof on the conquest must be provided in the form of the woman's panties along with pictorial proof. Most of the participants video tape their conquests for the pictorial proof. After each conquest a copy of the pictorial proof and a check for $1000 will be sent to the woman's husband. At the end of the year a check for $5000 will go to any husband whose wife was targeted but would not allow herself to be seduced. To make the Round Up more interesting, more difficult and more dangerous the husbands of the selected women will be told about the Round Up, the rules and that their wife was selected as a potential target. The husband will be told that there is nothing he can do to have his wife removed from the selection list.

Now those are the rules. As of last Friday 35 members had paid their entry fees. Do you understand what I am telling you?"

I was a little slow catching on. I didn't even start to get suspicious until he said the women had to be married but I wasn't sure until he said that the husbands would be told about the contest, that he was here to tell me that Mary was on the Round Up target list. I should have know I wasn't being invited to join when he said the entry fee was $50,000. I began to get very angry. I asked, "Are you trying to tell me that my wife is on a list of women to be seduced and I have nothing to say about it?" It took everything I had to not jump over the table and deck this guy.

Mr. Smith look at me and said, "Yes, your wife has been selected. The only thing you can do is tell her about Round Up and hope that she resists all attempts to seduce her. In that case you will know you have a faithful wife and you will get $5000 as a bonus. Other than that there is nothing you can do about this. Anything these women do will be there own choice so the law can't help you and you don't want to try to expose us to the press because you can't really prove that we exist and the whole thing will make you look pretty dull and embarrass you wife and it will not stop us. I know you are angry right now but don't direct it at me. I am just the messenger. I am not part of the selection committee and I am definitely not a participant."

I still wanted to hit him but I was frozen in my chair by a feeling of being totally helpless. All I could manage to say was "Are you sure you have the right person?"

Mr. Smith smiled and said "Quite sure. Mary Hanson, 29 years old five feet eight inches tall, 125 pounds, hair brunette, blue eyes, very attractive, college graduate, works for large pharmaceutical company, married 7 years to George Hanson, 31 years old, partner in an independent insurance company. I don't think I need to go on."

"How was my wife selected and how did you get so much information about her?"

"Our selection committee spends the three years between Round Ups gathering information and making those choices. We start by buying subscription lists from the ten most popular women's magazines among women in the 25 to 35 year old age group. Then we mail out thousands of surveys to these women to gather the information we need."

"What kind of information?"

"We will send out a survey that claims to represent a particular magazine and say that they want to find out who reads their magazine. They ask about age, marital status, education, career, and income bracket. To the women who respond to this survey we will send others. One survey about successful marriages asks questions about the women's marriages to determine which women have good marriages with questions like How long have you been married? Have you ever separated for any length of time? Have either you our your spouse ever been unfaithful? Another survey addresses Health and Beauty. In this we ask questions about body condition, height, weight, overall appearance, exercise habits and so on. Then there is another survey on fidelity. We ask if the women have ever had an affair, ever thought about having an affair, and what kind of things a man could say to her that would make her interested in him. Information is gathered over a long period of time and a profile is built for each of the women respondents."

I was having a difficult time listening to all of this without jumping up and screaming 'What gives you the right to play with people's lives this way?' I had to stay in control in hopes that I could discover a way out of this for Mary and me.

Mr. Smith continued his explanation of the selection process, "After the survey results are in we usually have over 1000 profiles. The committee then reviews each of the profiles and sets aside what they think are the most interesting 500 for further screening. Members of the selection committee then go out and get photographs of these women and finally telephone interviews are done with the women."

"Telephone interviews? What kind of questions are asked during these interviews? Do you want to cheat on your husband?" I was beginning to lose my grip a little.

"Actually the phone interviews are just another survey. We just want to get a voice sample to go along with the photograph. With these final two pieces we go to work to select our 300 finalists."

I was stunned. I couldn't see anyway to force them to take my wife off of their list. I couldn't think of anything to say so I just sat and stared at Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith rose from his chair and said, "Well good luck young man." As he turned to walk away he looked back and said, "By the way like Omega, Bob Smith is a pseudonym." Then he left.

I sat for another half hour trying to get my emotions under control. I was thinking about what I was going to say to Mary about all this. I felt like I had somehow let her down by allowing something like this to happen.

When I got home Mary was in the kitchen fixing dinner. When I looked at her I could see why she would have been chosen for the list. She is very beautiful. When Mary heard me enter she turned and smiled and asked how my day was. I said, "You won't believe the day I had. We need to have a talk after dinner."

Mary looked concerned and asked what we needed to talk about. I told her it would wait till after dinner and I didn't want to get into it until then.

After dinner Mary took me by the hand and led me into the living room and sat next to me on the sofa. "Okay, what's the problem? You look as thought someone killed your dog."

I said, "I feel even worse." Then I told her the story starting with the phone call Saturday night. I tried to tell her everything except that it came out is such an emotional rush that I was sure I had overlook some of what Mr. Smith had said but I gave Mary enough of the facts that she understood what it all meant. She was to be the sexual target of at least 35 men who wanted to use her to win a contest. To say the least, Mary was very angry. When I was finished Mary asked, "How could they know so much about me? I may have answered some magazine surveys but I don't remember them. It's amazing that they can get away with something like this. This isn't one of your sick jokes is it?"

I told her it wasn't one of my jokes and I saw no humor in this situation. We continued talking about this for the rest of the evening trying to come up with a way out.

We didn't talk about the Round Up the next morning. We just ate breakfast in silence and went to work. That evening when I got home Mary was in the kitchen making dinner. I asked her how her day was and she said "Good" which surprised me a little. I asked, "Have you thought about what we're going to do about this Round Up thing?"

Mary smiled at me and said, "Yes. If any of the participants try to seduce me I will let them. After all it's quit an honor to be selected from several thousand other women don't you think?"

I almost choked when she said that. Then she started laughing and said "Do you really think there is some private club in the country that could put together something as elaborate as this Round Up thing? No way. This has got to be a practical joke site up by one of your buddies."

Now I hadn't considered that. I said, "Maybe you're right. I hope you're right, but I think we had better be ready in case it's not a joke."

Mary laughed and said, "It's a joke, take my word for it. The best thing we can do is not react at all. Don't let anyone know how upset we were yesterday. Then the joke will be on whoever put this together. You have to admit it is a good piece of work."

"I guess you're right, but what if it's not a joke?"

Mary smiled and said, "Well you don't have anything to worry about. I am not about to let anyone seduce me and take a chance on losing you. So how about you taking one of the top 300 women between the ages of 25 and 35 up to your bed and making love to her?"

Mary had already made me feel better and now I was able to joke about it too. "Which one of the 300 did you have in mind?"

Mary took me by the hand and said, "Come on and I'll show you."

For the next six weeks I kept hoping that someone would tell me that this was all a joke but no one ever did. I occasionally brought the subject up with Mary and always got the same response, "You don't have anything to worry about. This is a joke and if it's not a joke you don't have to worry about me being seduced by some spoiled rich guy trying to win a contest. Toward the end of the year I could tell that Mary was getting a little tired of my insecurities. In January I asked Mary to tell me if a guy even tried to flirt with her.

Mary said, "Okay. But no more questions about this. I will tell you if anything happens that you need to know about. Can you deal with that?"

I said I could deal with it and I apologized for being a pest.

It's funny how you can remember some things with such clarity. It was the sixteenth of March when Mary called me at work and said she had to work late that night. I remember the date because I had just signed an insurance deal with a large account and wanted to celebrate that night. So needless to say I was disappointed. On the way home from work that night I decide that I would celebrate my big deal when Mary got home. I stopped and got some Champaign and when I got home I put the Champaign on ice and placed several candles around the bedroom. Then after I showered and shaved I watched TV till Mary got home. She came in around nine o'clock. When she came in I grabbed her, kissed her and then I told her about the account I won. I told her I wanted to celebrate with her upstairs.

When we got up stairs Mary laughed at seeing all of the lit candles and the Champaign chilling next to the bed. She kissed me and said "Let me quickly shower and I will join you in our bed. You can pour my Champaign now. With that she went into the bathroom and closed the doors behind her.

There is bit of a voyeur in me. I have always enjoyed watching Mary as she dresses or undresses, especially when she has no idea that I am watching. When we first moved into our house I discovered a trick for spying on her in our bathroom. Our bathroom has a tile floor with a single strip of white marble under the doors. I found that I could lie on the floor and see Mary's reflection on the shinny marble surface. I occasionally like to watch Mary as she puts on her makeup in the morning because she usually does it in the nude. And I always enjoy watching her as a prelude to sex. It was with this in mind that I got down on the floor and looked at the reflection on that piece of marble as Mary got undressed. She removed her blouse and her bra then she removed her skirt leaving her standing in her pantyhose. I could feel my erection growing as I watched her standing there. I was focusing on her beautiful breasts as she began to pull her pantyhose down. I was surprised to see that she wasn't wearing panties. Before I could think about what that might mean she disappeared into the shower.

I couldn't remember Mary ever going out of the house without panties before but I wasn't sure. I thought about just asking her why she wasn't wearing panties but if I did she would know I was spying on her. I decided that it was probably no big deal and I shouldn't get all worked up about it., but I couldn't get it completely out of my mind.

When Mary came out of the bathroom I was still trying to think of a way I could ask her why she wasn't wearing panties. As Mary walked toward me I stood up and was just going to ask her but before I could she gave me a deep tongue kiss and put her right hand in my shorts and began stroking my stiff cock. Suddenly I had only one thing on my mind and it wasn't Mary's panties. Mary quickly dropped to her knees and took me in her mouth. As usual she stopped just short of making me cum and got up on the bed and asked me to return the favor. I didn't hesitate. I went right down on her fuzzy peach and began sucking the juice from it. I immediately noticed something different about the taste of her pussy. It was different than usual but it was familiar at the same time. I couldn't figure it out and I was too excited to spend any time thinking about it. Mary has always been responsive in bed but that night she was even more so. We made love for over an hour and we were both exhausted when we were through. As we lay in each others arms, my softening cock still inside her pussy, Mary whispered "I love you " in my ear. Then she did something she had never done before. She let my cock slip out of her then she turned around and took it into her mouth. Then she swung her leg over my head and nestled her pussy against my mouth. I began to eat her cream filled pussy as she gently sucked on my cock. It took a long time before my tired cock responded. Mary and I continued giving each other oral pleasure until we both climaxed. After that we both went to sleep.

It was two weeks later on March 31st that I received a Federal Express package at my office. The return address was just a post office box in Los Angeles. When I opened the package two items fell out. The first item was an 8 mm video cartridge. The second item was a cashiers check for $1000. There was nothing else.

I was sick. I wasn't sure if I was going to vomit of not. I almost broke down and cried. I didn't know what to do. I wouldn't know anything for sure until I could see what was on the videotape but I was pretty sure what I was going to find. The first thing I was going to have to do was find an adapter so I could view the 8 mm tape on my VHS machine. I went immediately to our media department. I knew the guy in charge of the department and he let me borrow an adapter.

When I got home that night Mary, as usual, was in the kitchen making dinner. Mary look up at me and smiled and somehow I didn't feel angry at her. Yet!

I don't know how I got through the evening. Trying to act as if nothing was wrong while we talked about our day at work and then later watching TV together. Finally around 9:30 Mary fell asleep on the sofa. I woke her and suggested that she should go up to bed. She kissed me good night and went upstairs. I gave her time to settle into bed and fall asleep then I went out to my car and retrieved the tape and the adapter. I set my VCR up to play the tape then I went upstairs to check on Mary. I wanted to be sure she was asleep, which she was.

As I hit the play button on the remote I could fell my heart thumping in my chest. I almost decided not to watch the tape at all but I finally screwed up my nerve and hit the button. The first minute of the tape was blank then there was a flicker of light and movement but I couldn't make out what I was looking at. Then finally the picture came clear. All that was showing was a view of a room... It looked like a hotel room with a king size bed. In the upper left corner on the screen was the date and time. It said 03/16/99 6:00 PM. After about thirty seconds the pictured began to zoom in on the bed. Now the bed filled most of the screen. The scene went in and out of focus a few times and then finally there was a very clear picture of the bed. A few seconds later the picture went black. I paused the tape for a minute to think about what I had just observed. Some one had just set up a camera to videotape whatever was going to happen on the bed in that hotel room. My heart was still pounding, I had butterflies in my stomach and my palms were sweating. I hit the play button.

The screen was black for a few more seconds then the view of the bed was back on the screen. Now the time and date said "03/16/99 7:30 PM. I could hear noises in the room. I saw someone move past the camera and over to the bed. When the person sat down on the bed I could see that it was a man about thirty years old dressed casually and looking relaxed. He looked directly into the camera and winked. I heard a noise in the background and the man looked to his left then stood up as a woman entered the room. I recognized Mary even before I saw her face. After all I was expecting it to be her and I recognized the blouse she was wearing. The man put his arms around my wife and kissed he on the mouth and Mary didn't make any attempt to pull away. I knew then that my worst fears were about to come true. As they continued kissing the man lowered his hands to cup Mary's ass and pulled her into him grinding his crotch against her. As they broke their kiss I could see that Mary had her tongue in his mouth.

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Das gemütlich und anregend eingerichtete Zimmer ist von vielen Stimmen erfüllt. Einige Personen unterhalten sich gegenseitig, andere betrachten die Bilder mit nackten Körpern und Sexstellungen die an den Wänden hangen. Ein paar wenige studieren die verschiedenen Sexspielzeuge, die auf Regalen nach Art und Grösse geordnet sind. Die Männer und Frauen im Raum sind im Alter zwischen achtzehn und vierzig Jahren. Plötzlich fliegt die Türe auf und ein junger, vielleicht 28 jähriger Mann betritt das...

3 years ago
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The Promise

THE PROMISE by J R D It was a little before 2 on a Tuesday when he got the call. He answered with his usual, "Parker residence." The voice on the other end of the line said, "Mister Shawn Parker, this is officer James of the city police. There's been an accident. Your wife has been seriously injured. You need to come down to Mercy General. Now." He almost missed the cradle returning the phone to its base. He didn't even shut off the computer where he was coding a...

1 year ago
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New Adventures with Mistress M part 4 the hote

after what happend in part 3 of the story it was Mistress M´s turn to play with her willing slave. i was told to lie onto my back onto the bed.. i was totally naked and mistress came with the new leather cock ring i bought.. it was a bit tricky to get on as there is 3 straps.. the first strap goes around the balls and my cock, the second one just below my cock around my balls while the third one goes across the balls.. you can actually see it in the profile picture. Mistress M blæindfolded me...

4 years ago
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Natalie and Daves night out

Natalie finished getting ready for what she hoped was going to be an exciting night,they usually were when she decided Dave was going to be cuckolded.Whilst he was a good lover and actually was all man,sometimes she liked to show him who was the boss and keep him on his toes This was a regular thing for them-and they both got a kick out of it,although she suspected more her than him.She wore nothing except a long black coat,black holdup stockings and black high-heeled shoes,always a good look...

3 years ago
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The room was striking; someone or some group had spent many, many hours on the decorations. The effect was arresting—burgundy and gold, matching floral centerpieces and garlands at every table, walls full of blow-ups of photos taken twenty-some years ago, full of feathered hair, primary colors, rolled sleeves, and leather. The room was full of the clamor of buoyant greetings and the celebration of reunion. As he walked through the room, he overheard snatches of conversation -- the past not so...

3 years ago
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Wharton Lane

I moved to this neighborhood a couple of years ago. I work at home and tend to be a homebody, so I really never have gotten to know any of my neighbors save the ones on either side of me and across the street. Being a homebody, I'd gotten kind of lazy, and when I noticed my Levis getting a bit tough to button, I decided enough was enough. I had to do something - no way was I going to turn into some single spinster cat lady as big as the side of a house, so I decided to start walking. At...

2 years ago
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Michelles New Boyfriend Ch 4 part 3

The following Friday we were planning on going to a square dance festival at Wallowa Lake, Oregon with Jim and Joan. We'd be camping at Wallowa Lake State Park so Monday evening Michelle and I started getting our camping equipment ready to go. We were all going in their Toyota Sienna minivan so we'd have room for the camping equipment, clean clothes and square dance outfits. We didn't need to take much food since there's a Safeway in Enterprise, only a few miles away. We had everything pretty...

Wife Lovers
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Family Affair2

Rachel grudgingly forced herself out of bed, to begin her daily chores. During the day she wasn’t that busy. Later on, she became a chauffeur for their kids, taking them to their activities that never seemed to end. She was proud of them though and watched as their daughter won awards in swimming, their son an avid golfer. A chip off the old block, Tom taught him how to play golf at a young age. Rachel sometimes had pangs of jealousy at the amount of time the two spent together, wishing...

3 years ago
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Texas Death Row Market

She was driving through the open space, wondering whether she would make iton time. The speedometer of her sedan was showing about 50 mph on a two wayroad just off the highway. There was nothing but dust and dirt on each sideof the road. She was not used to this kind of a terrain. She was from EasternMassachusetts where one quickly gets used to seeing trees on one side of theroad, and the ocean on the other. Being in Texas or the first time of her lifereally was a great experience for her....

3 years ago
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Netorare Mama My Parents Betrayal 2

Introduction: Scott runs away. Netorare Mama: My Parents Betrayal 2 By Mathew Elizabeth 16-year-old Jay Roberto had all the power to do whatever he wanted to my mother and I. But not with me living under his roof! Thats right, I decided to run away for a while. Can you blame me? The first thing I did when Jay and my mother told me to go to my room was pack my things and get the hell out of there! I shoved my best clothing and other essentials into a backpack with tears in my eyes. I stomped...

3 years ago
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Skeletons in my Closet part 18

Skeletons in my closet part 18Skeletons in my closet part 18 The She-devil makes an appearance John and I retired to our bedroom after our little talk. Were just about to make love. I looked up to see Michelle dressed in those damn ugly pajamas standing in our doorway.”Is something wrong Michelle?” I asked her.She walked over to the bed as she replied, ”I couldn't get comfortable in bed with Sara and Linda, ” ”Besides Sara snores, ” looking to me with those puppy dog eyes.I looked to John who...

2 years ago
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People will come know

I was working in another city away from my home. I used to stay in a small rented house close to my workplace. The house belonged to a friend of my dad, so the rent was more than reasonable. Overall, things were going pretty smooth. Well, till that day. That day started pretty normal finished my work and hopped my bike. I left the main street behind and was driving randomly on inner streets in the town. I knew several people in this part of town, including my friend Amir. Well, not friend...

3 years ago
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Lake House Virgin

I had just finished jerking off and I was lying here on my bed trying to piece together "What went wrong; why am I still a virgin at eighteen?" I am a pretty good looking dude if I do say so myself; 6'2" tall, dark wavy hair, blue eyes, handsome face, athletic build. I work on my body; lifting at the gym, running and biking. Why couldn't I have scored at least once during high school? High school is over now, I just graduated last week. My chance to score during those four influential years is...

4 years ago
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Sleeping naked with brother in law bi content

Repost from a few years ago, but a new part added .I had slept naked with Tom before.It was no big deal,and had my hot girlfriend Tina, his sister, slept in the middle.We only have a one bedroom flat,and sometimes Tom who is openly gay,comes over for a few beers,and stays the night.So if Tom stays over,he sleeps with us,with Tina in the middle.I have always slept in the nude,and it is a family joke,no big deal.On recent bank holiday weekend,Tina had gone for a weekend away on a hens party to...

1 year ago
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My wife and her sister have always been close and this has affected my relation with her and her husband, Tom, so I too like them very much. We spend a lot of time together and rarely meet other people to socialize. The two sisters are very alike both body-wise as well as humor-wise. Both are slim, rather narrow hips and a cute protruding bum, small tits, long legs. Both are brunettes with shoulder-long hair. Gray eyes, with a shade of green in them. Straight noses, a little too long but they...

1 year ago
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Respected Counselling Teacher

Respected Counselling TeacherBy: Londebaaz Chohan What a pity, the Sex Ed classes do not give much self-confidence to the teen aged boys. Some may argue, these classes giving a lot of information about sex but then, that is the issue. Information does not bring self-confidence for the young adults, as an appendix.A case and point: Darnell Hawkins was referred by his teacher to report to Vilma Lange the Psychology major, counsellor of the Rossi High School. The boy was marked to be not attentive...

1 year ago
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Uncle Daddy

100% fiction! My name is Michael. I am 18 and I live in New England with my parents. I have one sibling, a 25 year old lesbian sister, Natalie. She is married to Becky her old high school sweetheart. They hooked up in high school, went to college together and eventual married. As for me, I am in my senior year in high school and recently broke up with girlfriend. The break up was because of “well you are going to this college and I am going to that one far away so, bye”. Natalie called me one...

3 years ago
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The Bookstore

“Fuck!” I screamed as my alarm clock told me it was 8 am. I was supposed to get up early to do laundry before I met an old friend for coffee, but that obviously wasn’t going to happen now. I had 20 minutes to get to Powell’s, the bookstore, where I’m meeting an old friend of mine from high school. Rummaging through my dresser I realize I have no underwear left, so I decide to wear a dress that hopefully will cover everything. I opt for a light blue number with spaghetti straps that can hold up...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 144 President Buckman

“Good evening. Almost four weeks ago our nation was attacked by terrorists. Four airplanes were hijacked in a coordinated attack and flown to targets in New York and Washington. Two were crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, one was targeted at the Pentagon here in Washington, and a fourth crashed in Pennsylvania when the passengers managed to overpower their attackers but lost their lives in the process. President Bush and over 3,200 other people died that day, and our nation...

2 years ago
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Sex is on mind Its been a long time sigh

Laying here thinking about all the things I want to do and be done by my love. First off I wanna take my time on his body. A tall lean, heavily muscled black man with dark chocolate skin as smooth as butter. Kissing him from head to toe. Teasing him and grinding until I feel his dick begin to bulge in his shorts. Strocking him through the fabric while I suck on his wide juicy bottom lip. Then begining my slow trek down south. licking and sucking ob his neck then his chest and nipples. Teasing...

2 years ago
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The Family Sex And Love

It had been two years since Manjunath moved to Mumbai for work leaving his family in Bangalore and family consisted of widow mother Sarala aged 53 an elder daughter Vijayalaxmi aged 34 and younger sister Netra aged 18. Manju had started from a middle class family and it was usual struggle and finally I am doing good economically of course I am now responsible for my family since my demise of father one year ago The major problem in our family now was that my elder sister Vijaya, who even after...

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Mrs Taylor THE MILF PART 5

Violet walks in. "Hey, I'm home." That's all she's able to say as she walks into the living room and looks at us. She gasps. "What the fuck?!?" I'm standing naked while Linda is in her bra and holds her panties in her hand. Violet is completely shocked and horrified. Oh boy. We had quite some explaining to do. “Uhh...hey Violet. How’d everything go while you were away?” I try to make small-talk with her but I could tell she’s still in shock. “Luke! What the FUCK are you...

3 years ago
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Blue Roses Tattoo

Laurie flipped her cell phone closed and picked two orders off the kitchen delivery shelf. Ned, the short-order cook, peered at her from the other side of the shelf, clicked his lips, and gave her a leer and a wink. ‘Keep it in your pants,’ Laurie barked at him and turned toward the dining room. She knew she should have worn a bra today. It was hotter than a devil’s asshole back here, and her flimsy cotton blouse and skirt were plastered to her body. As she delivered the orders to a couple of...

2 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 4 Intensive Training

When Maryam had recovered from the six strokes of the riding crop and her breathing had returned to normal, broken only by a few sobs, the eunuchs did not release her from the whipping bench. The Head Eunuch carefully explained to her that she had let him down and made his training look inadequate. For that offence he would punish her, and there was no time like the present. Turning to the small rack of whips he selected one the likes of which Maryam had never seen before. It looked quite...

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Juicy sat in a giant, square room, playfully licking her lollipop as she enjoyed the view. Dozens of warriors lay upon the ground, their bodies husks, shriveled up and drained. They looked like they have been dead for hundreds of years but in truth, not a few moments before Juicy had drained the lot of them to the bone. Like the rest, the burly group thought they could take down a twenty something year old girl. They should have known better from the moment they saw her pink skin. Juicy smirked...

Mind Control
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Stay With Me Oh Arneet

If you like the story please do send in a feedback to and please be advised that this story is not based on a true story, but I am just giving a short to erotic writing, I will upload more very soon on other genres but please do give me your feedback whether good or bad so I can always rectify them. Once again do note that this is a work of fiction and all names and used are solely imagination and in no way directed to anyone or person or groups, Should there be any similarities, it is purely...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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A Life of a Barbie 3

A Life of a Barbie 3 ([email protected]) _ How you doing, man? Yes, that's right, I want to make an appointment. _ Do not you think you have enough piercings, Pete? _ Not yet, man. But anyway the time is not for me. _ No? And who is it? _ Let's say it's for a girl ... _Hum ... you're going out with her? _ No! Not even think about such a thing! You do not know this girl ... well, maybe you know yeah. _ And who is she? _ Tomorrow you'll see. I think you'll...

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Work Trip

Work Trip The weather was awful. If you've ever been to Detroit in February you'll know what I mean. Every day I had to dig the hire car out of it's parking bay and trawl through 15 minutes of slushy traffic to and from the office. As an Englishman, this was the worst; weather that was actually worth complaining about.The highlight of my trip was the expense account meals and the hotel gym and pool. I'd hit the gym after work, working my chest and legs, then go for a dip in the pool.A couple of...

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Your my little slut now

The weather was screaming hot, and it was still early in the morning. I had just started my regular jog routine around 7:30, down at the park and afer 5 minutes my crisp white tee was already getting wet. leaving a trace between my cleavage and really showing of the shape of my breasts. I love my breasts.... They are perfectly shaped and firm. Not to big and not to small. Just perfect. Just in case you were thinking, I don't jog to get in shape or to loose weight. I jog because it's a great...

Straight Sex
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The Game

There is a mansion, deep within the forests of some insignificant country. Large and imposing, with towers, dozens of rooms, several floors, and a checkered past that few dare talk about. This mansion lies empty and abandoned, forgotten by all unless it is THAT time. Once every year, when corruption, violence and crime are at an all-time high, and time has forgotten all that has happened in the past this mansion comes back to life. It is in that period that the mansion is restored by its...

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Our New Plaything

We had been discussing who to do it with next, she suggested a nice young girl, but I thought that was too cliché. I suggested a young man, because I’ve always wanted to try it. She liked this idea but he had to be bi-sexual because I can’t have all the fun. The tough part was going to be finding this young man. The internet is great but we weren’t willing to go halfway across the country for somebody. We also wanted someone fairly young, I and my wife are in our mid 30’s and we wanted...

4 years ago
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Betrayed Chapter Five

Betrayed Ch. 05 By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter Five: All You Can Eat We slept until eleven Sunday Morning, made leisurely love, then showered. It was decided this would be a casual day for Dianna and Lisa; jeans, T-shirts, and athletic shoes. With Dianna's help, I still looked good enough to eat - at least, she thought so. Dianna looked... damn, no woman had a right to look so sexy in such a sexless outfit. She filled everything out to perfection, tying off the T-shirt...

3 years ago
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Wife delivers for the Pizza

My ex wife, Sheree, and I loved to role play and experiment. We were out of town visiting my parents and stayed in an extended stay motel for the weekend. We ditched my parents one evening and were playing in the motelroom when I hade Sheree, who is VERY limber. tied to the bed with her arms up to the corners of the head of the bed and her legs up and spread wide and her ankles hooked to her wrists so she was laying there with everything in view and everything wide open. I was playing with her...

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My wife8217s love for sausages

My wife loves sausages. Sausages of different shapes, sizes, textures and flavors. I can safely declare that she is a sausage freak. She will go any lengths to have a sausage. She even won a sausage eating contest when we were holidaying in a small town in Germany. I don’t love sausages the way she does, but I love watching her eat sausages. The look of ecstasy on her face, when she first holds a sausage and then sniffs the slightly wrinkled tip and then slowly parts her mouth to...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 18

All my errands were done by three, and Sammy and I were back at the ranch by four. My ATV's were there, and I turned one over to the guards for their use. I stored the other two, then changed my mind and called the dealer and bought another one for the guards and had them deliver it as soon as it was serviced. One went in the new garage, and the other went into the new hangar. The guards would likely have one in service pretty much twenty-four seven. Sammy wanted to go for a walk, so we...

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The Devils Pact SideStory Lillian Gets Spanked

Introduction: Lillian was a bad slut, and needs her Mistress to discpline her. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact Side-Story: Lillian Gets Spanked Visit my blog at Notes: This takes place during Chapter 43. Friday, November 8th, 2013 Lillian Franks Murano Hotel, Tacoma, WA Lillian, Tomoyo greeted when I opened my hotel room door. She was one of the maids, and cute as a button with dark, slanted eyes and a petite body....

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Alfie and Blatt Resurgence

(Back in 2003, an erotic writer named FINC released a story about two aliens, and their sexual exploits with a human female named Becky. It was one of the first erotic stories I had ever read, and it always stuck with me. I adored the concept, and the characters. This is my tribute to that story; and a chance to continue their adventures. Feel free to search for the original story, as it can still be found on other sites.) First, let's describe our two main aliens. Alfie and Blatt. More...

2 years ago
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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 3 You Are Laro

The Dai Nest so I learned a week later, was a huge space station in an otherwise empty star system. It was deep in Union space. The star had been named Dai-Core. The station was made of several Gigamon stations, interconnected with girder-like structures that acted as docks and mooring arms for Dai ships and the humongous Dai Mothers. The system and the station were busy. From my visually unaided vista, a simple viewport I counted eleven Dai Mothers, I was sure there were many more outside...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 46

December 27, 1884 Tulsa Depot Tulsa, Indian Territory Jon David and Joe were at the train depot when the train pulled in from Kansas City. Jon David had gotten a telegraph message that there would be twenty-one, young Negro women aboard the train arriving on the twenty-seventh. There were only two Pullman cars and a caboose connected to that train. The preacher from the Negro church in Kansas City had made the trip down to Tulsa, escorting the young women personally, since the young women...

1 year ago
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A Full Circle

My name is Sean Patrick O’Conner, at least that is the name my parents gave me. Back when I was in junior high, I got confused about a question the teacher asked in class, and answered with something that had no connection to the question. One of my so-called buddies hollered out, ‘Don’t pay any attention to him, Miss Trotter, he’s just a dumb Mick.’ He got sent to the principal for that one, but the name stuck, and nowadays, everybody calls me Mick. I joined the service after high school,...

2 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 5

Since Sam was gone for the night neither Tabitha nor Steven found a reason to get dressed. Steven reassured her that even if his boyfriend, or to use the correct term, fiancé were there, they still wouldn’t have a reason to dress. As much as the man is into her, Tabitha cannot understand how the man even prefers sex with Sam or any other man. To each his own, I guess. She can’t see any reason to dwell on the thoughts of their relationship and any attempt she has made to talk about it either...

4 years ago
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GF Caught Me Watching Porn PT3

The call placed and the call answeredI placed the phone down. The conversation had been surreal. I had never been talked to like that. I had never heard such things spoken before. With my heart beating fast I thought how could I let someone do that? The conversation ended with me trembling with excitement. I agreed willingly to surrender myself, to devote myself to the pleasure of others. I couldn't help myself could I? I wanted it. I wanted to be used as a gay fuck-toy. What was happening to...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyDaughterGoBlack Melody Foxx 01312021

Melody is a rebellious teen whose dad never pays his bills. This time two debt collectors come over and explain they are looking for her dad because he has an outstanding gambling debt. Melody decides to teach her dad a lesson he will NEVER forget and suggests they follow her lead and make her “fuck them as punishment and interest” to get him to stop getting into debt. The guys are surprised at first but agree to play along. She brings them into the living room where they explain...

3 years ago
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Sallys Fourth Conquest

For the next seven days both Paul and I were perpetually turned on about anticipating the party Saturday night. Paul even took a long lunch on Wednesday to have a twenty minute quicky. Hell, we didn't even go up stairs. He simply made access making me drop my jean shorts and mounting me from behind while I bent over the notorious glass topped table. As soon as he came in me He pulled out, zipped up and told me he was late. He was gone in a flash.Some women might have been offended, but I was...

1 year ago
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Scoreland Casca Akashova How To Make A Porn Video

Casca Akashova is on time for her photo shoot as usual but her porn partner (who must remain unidentified) is late. The photo crew is in another room. Casca is getting restless and eager for a stud to ride. She waits on the bed. Production assistant (also called a towel boy) Nicky Rebel comes onto the set with a bottle of water and towels for Casa and the guy. When he bends over to put them away, Casca gets playful and spanks his ass. Nicky would like to play with Casca while the stud’s...

3 years ago
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Aunt Rebeccas Remarkably Torrid Lesbian Incest Epic Part 1 The KIss

I am a tall yet full figured woman, and I have made working out a priority in spite of my busy schedule. I have short brown hair with lighter highlights, a creamy complexion hazel eyes and shapely full lips. My breasts are more than a handful for me and I love the fact that I can tongue flick my own nipples but only when they are stiff with arousal. I played competitive tennis through high school and college so my legs and ass are firm, sculpted and even though I am 36 have not sagged an...

2 years ago
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In Charge

Their parents went away on business almost every weekend, Liz was always left in charge, and Sammy always rebelled against her, it made her hate being ‘in charge’ because the title promised power, but never delivered because her sister was a whiny little bitch. ‘This time will be different,’ Liz thought, ‘this time; I’m going to assert my authority.’ An evil grin crept across her face and she felt a slight tingling in her groin as she made plans to be sure that Sammy obeyed. Sammy zoned out on...

1 year ago
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The Homecoming

“Kate, I’m gonna cum…” I kept my eye contact with Danny as I continued to take him all the way into my mouth. I guessed he was giving me a get out- this being my first blow-job- but I was determined to see it through. I gripped his shaft a little tighter, my tongue rolling over the head of his prick before my lips closed over the head and swallowed him again. His hips twitched and an almost strangled sound left his throat. I felt the first burst of cum hit the roof of my mouth, my eyes...

2 years ago
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Old lady next door

This storie happen to me 2weeks ago I was just sitting out side one morninn just enjoying the little bit of sun we got until winter is here cold I was alone in the back garden in my shorts no t shirt and next door was a lady doing here flowers I could hear her sing harming doing stuff in here back garden she didn't know I was there cause she alway has a storie or two is she find someone to talk to plus she is not like most older ladie her body scream fuck me but I never get any chance because...

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