Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 9
- 2 years ago
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" ... landed behind Sadi's DT and then he comes out of the smoke, Elynth next to him, their eyes like beacons on some dark night. He launches his shield and then draws one of those two swords he carries ... gods it was like watching some majestic knight come to save you. As he fought ... his Shi Viska circled the area he and Elynth were fighting in ... it was almost moving of its own accord." Teeria was speaking animatedly as they sat at the table in the mess lounge. "Sadi was closer where her DT was parked with Queen For'mya, but it was the first thing we noticed when Princess Normya landed and we got off the STRIKER."
"I have heard that is how the King's Shi Viska acts when he launches it. Almost as if it has a mind of its own. Do you know the Mindvoice power required to do something like that?" Another female cadet spoke. "It would be ... I don't think it can be charted."
Sadi sat between her and Palta, the eights seats closest to them filled with other female Cadets who had not been chosen to go on the short mission. All of them had showered quickly and made their way here for some much needed normal food after returning from the most exciting event of their lives up until this point. None of them would ever know just how easy it had really been.
"Well ... we didn't see the whole fight, but behind him and Elynth were the bodies of ten Evolli. He was carrying one of those swords he has in his hand, his Shi Viska humming on his arm." Teeria shook her head. "It was almost ... surreal."
"Teeria stop!" Sadi exclaimed almost shyly. "It wasn't like that! Don't embellish it into something it wasn't."
"Oh no?" Teeria asked looking at her with a smile. "We were there too Sadi. You can't deny it! And then what Princess Eliani and the others told us of Alba Tau afterwards." Teeria shook her head. "How he won his Shield of Valor..."
"Wait ... they told you that?" A female cadet asked quickly. "The ... the details of that battle are classified ... they say it was the most savage and barbaric of the war."
Palta nodded. "It was."
"Besides Sadi, you were the one that slept in his arms while Palta and I had to make due with the hard ground. The least you could do is let me tell the story!" Teeria said.
"Sadi you ... you slept in his arms?" The blond haired Cadet gasped out looking at her. "Is that all you did?"
Sadi looked at her with a shocked and playful expression. "Rala ... we were in full view of everyone!" She said. "What could we do?"
"I would have been all over him! He could have taken me in front of everyone and I wouldn't have cared." Teeria stated matter-of-factly. "As sculpted as he is, you would have had to pull me off him."
"Teeria stop!" Sadi gasped with a smile.
"Yep, our girl has got it bad!" Palta spoke with a smile as well as she squeezed Sadi's arm. "She didn't tell any of us that Prince Androcles was her secret lover."
"We are not lovers!" Sadi barked out.
"Not yet." Teeria said with a knowing glance at her dearest friend. "It's so obvious Sadi! He is so powerful his aura is leaking through his shields! Every female on this ship can sense it, and that aura is directed only at you!"
"And you aren't exactly denying it either!" Palta spoke. "We saw the way he kissed you this morning. Girl I thought your hair was going to catch fire, and you didn't exactly pull away either. As a matter of fact, you about swallowed his tongue from the looks of it, and for a moment we didn't think you were going to give it back to him! And your aura reeks of desire for him Sadi."
Sadi couldn't stop the uncomfortable smile from splitting her face. Teeria and Palta were right of course. He had helped her to her feet that morning and enveloped her in his arms before covering her lips with his own. She had woken with her face tucked neatly into the crook of his shoulder and neck, breathing deeply of his delicious pines and lavender male scent and it had immediately triggered countless sensations through her body. When he kissed her those sensations soared in intensity and power. The tighter he pulled her body to his, the more she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and melded her lush body to his. She would not be able to stand many more of his kisses before she lost what little control she held onto.
"Sadi you have to tell us!" Teeria exclaimed. "We have never kept things like this from each other."
"It happened many years ago." Sadi spoke softly, "Just before the Intelligence Purge. We were at the Island Palace and..." Sadi told them as they listened in rapt attention. She left out her involvement with the High Coven of course, embellishing Amretus's and For'mya's roles, but aside from that it took her twenty minutes to give them the very short version. "So now you know." She finally finished speaking. "I'm sorry it's just not something I felt I could share with everyone. I spent so many years trying to forget what happened that night and now it's all coming back at once. It's a little overwhelming."
"He has loved you since he was eight months old Sadi!" Teeria spoke still stunned as she finally heard the entire story. She knew some of it, small bits and pieces that Sadi had told her over the years, but never the full story. "Gods girl, how much more romantic than that can you get?"
"The first eligible bachelor Prince in the history of the Union, and he's been in love with you all this time!" Palta spoke. "That is so unfair!" She squeezed Sadi's arm again tightly and gave her a friendly nudge. "Of course there are still three others!"
Sadi laughed aloud and squeezed Palta's hand, rubbing up against her. "You are so bad Palta." She spoke softly leaning her head close to her friend.
"He's been in your dreams all this time?" One of the other female Cadets asked more curious than the others.
Sadi nodded slowly and looked at the cadet who had asked the question. "I never had a clear picture of his face, just his eyes behind the helmet." She spoke softly. "But it has been him yes."
"That is why your Mindvoice powers became so strong isn't it?" Palta asked, "Because of his dragon?"
Sadi nodded. "And Androcles. When Elynth touched me that first night." She explained. "She ... she made the connection. After it was all over, The First oracle selected me to study at the School of the Mages. I ... I completed three years on Apo Prime and then another three over the following years during months where I was doing nothing. I..." Sadi stopped and a look of pure passion filtered across her face as she felt him. His aura was so strong, wild and clear and it was pulsing only for her. He was coming for her she knew.
"Sadi ... Sadi what's wrong?" Teeria asked. "You..."
"He's here!" One of the other cadets hissed.
All but Sadi turned to the entrance of the mess lounge behind them. They saw Andro come in with one of the Durcunusaan Commanders and they were talking in soft whispers. He nodded and then his azure eyes fell upon Sadi's back. The others watched as he made his way to where she sat and Sadi felt his arm curl slowly around her waist as he squatted behind her and then his face was next to hers, nuzzling her cheek and ear and signaling his intent for all to see. And he didn't care who saw how it appeared, which made Sadi's blood scream out in joy.
"Hello KertaGai." He spoke softly into her ear.
"And ... Androcles." Sadi spoke in barely a whisper her eyes half open at the delight that was surging through her.
"Have you eaten your dinner KertaGai?" Andro asked leaning closer to her and sliding his arm further around her waist as his cheek brushed gently against hers.
"Yes Milord." Sadi replied her eyes completely open now and burning with desire as she felt his aura sweep around her and the heat from his arm around her waist almost burning her skin.
"Good." Andro spoke. He lifted his head suddenly and looked at Sadi's friends almost scaring them with the brightness of his azure eyes as the light in the mess lounge reflected off of them. "If you will excuse me ladies, I'm going to borrow Cadet Sadi here for the next few hours. There are some things I would like to show her."
Sadi gasped in surprised when his arm tightened around her waist and he pulled her from the bench, tossing her legs up into the air and catching them with his opposite arm until she was quite securely held in his grasp, her arms around his neck. Teeria and Palta and the rest of the cadets could only watch with knowing smiles on their faces as Andro turned and headed for the entrance.
"What does that mean?" A Cadet asked, "Ker... KertaGai? It's the ancient language isn't it?"
Teeria shook her head. "I don't know what it means ... but I do know he's called her that before."
"It means Eternal Heart." The female voice from the next table answered. They turned and saw the female elf Spartan smile. "In the ancient language ... it means Eternal Heart."
"A few hours my ass," Palta spoke with a smile as she turned back to her friends. "More like a few millennia!"
Sadi's eyes never left his handsome face as he walked confidently down the corridor of the SCIMITAR. He carried her as easily as one would carry a child, without any effort in the least. She could feel his confidence flowing through him. Teeria had been right; his aura was so powerful, it was leaking through his Mindvoice Shields and it caused slow burning fires to ignite in her belly as she realized that aura burned only for her.
"Andro ... Andro where are you taking me? Are you forgoing what you told me yourself? That you would conduct yourself in the proper Spartan fashion?" Sadi finally asked him, trying very much to keep control of her own burning need.
"As I told your friends, there are some things I want to show you." Andro replied easily as he looked into her stunning green eyes.
"Andro ... I don't know if I am ready..." Sadi tried to force the words out as her mind screamed for her not to not give in so easily, while her heart and body simply craved his touch upon her.
Androcles stopped in the middle of the corridor and looked at her. "Ready for what?" He asked.
"You ... you are taking me to ... to your quarters aren't you?" Sadi spoke softly, her fingers reaching up to stroke his cheek and goatee. "To ... to claim me. I ... I don't think ... there are some things I would have liked to do before that took place Andro. To ... to make myself at least acceptable to you. I haven't fully washed the grime from my body after our little trip to the planet and I ... I want to be perfect for you."
"Sadi you are already perfect to me." He said with a smile. "You think I took you from the mess lounge in front of your friends so that I could take you to my quarters and claim you now ... on my ship?" He asked surprised. "You think I would do that for all your friends to see? My blood may burn for you hotter than it ever has KertaGai ... but I would not disrespect you in such a way. I have told you what my intentions are, and I intend to stick to them, no matter how hard it becomes." He began walking again.
"Andro ... I ... I am so much older..." Sadi's mind tried grasping at the last obstacle that kept her from surrendering to what her heart wanted so badly. Androcles beat her to it.
"What is a hundred years to our people Sadi?" He stopped walking again as a look of worry flashed across his face. "Sadi am I truly what you desire? Tell me now if you do not wish to be with me. I will understand. I may not like it but I would understand."
Sadi shook her head so hard she thought she pulled a muscle in her neck. "Carians ... no Andro!" She gasped as she took his face between her hands and kissed him as passionately as she could considering the position she was in. It was a kiss he eagerly returned right there in the middle of the corridor and those who passed by and saw could only grin. Sadi pulled away quickly and looked at him. "I have loved you since those nights on the island Androcles Leonidas. I may have denied it then, denied what I felt was the truth for so long, but being here with you now ... it has all become so clear to me. We were meant for each other."
"I have my father's memories KertaGai. My grandfather's memories. I have seen all they have done, everywhere they have gone, and everything they knew and now know. I have seen ancient Sparta at its peak; the raging black walls of Thermopylae where my grandfather rests, and the burning deserts of the Middle East and so many places on Earth where my father was forged in the fires of combat." Andro spoke softly. "Yes, I may only be twenty-six years old ... but I am so much more, though there are times when I wish others would not look at me as they do. My father and I both. We are not gods, we have our failings. I have loved you since I was eight months old Sadi, not a day has gone by that I have not in some way thought of you. I can't explain it, I told you that, but if it feels so right, how can it be wrong?"
Sadi shook her head quickly. "It's ... it's not wrong. NO!" She spoke softly, running her finger across his lips. She would not deny what she felt any longer. She couldn't deny it even if she wanted to and she surely did not want to. Not anymore. "No ... because it is what I want as well."
"I have waited all this time KertaGai ... I can wait a few more days so that it will be just as I have imagined. As it should be with someone of your beauty and intelligence." Androcles spoke. "And you could have just fallen into a pool of mud and you would still be as beautiful to me as you are now. I would take great pleasure in removing that mud from your body with only my tongue if you asked me."
Sadi laughed softly at his words and leaned forward, kissing him again deeply, loving the texture of his lips upon hers and relishing in the flavor of his tongue. She pulled away after a moment and gazed at him. "Well ... I will attempt to make sure that does not happen. Or at the very least have a bottle of wine next to our bed just in case something of that nature befalls us."
Andro nuzzled her cheek and neck. "I have something I want to show you." He spoke. "Just as I told your friends."
"Then ... then where were you taking me when you swept me off my feet?" Sadi asked with a smile of love, desire and passion. "Not that I mind being carried all over your ship mind you."
Androcles smiled and moved to the elevator lift, pressing the button to call it. It came in seconds and he stepped into the Lift and touched the panel once more. The elevator began to move quickly as he lowered her to the floor but didn't release her from his grasp. Within a few seconds it stopped and the doors opened into a dimly lit area that was completely wide open. As they stepped from the elevator, Sadi took in the cave like walls and the artificial lighting. She looked at him with a questioning glance.
"Andro! Sadi!" She heard Gorgo's voice call. "It's about time! We thought we had lost you as well!"
Sadi's head snapped around and she saw most of Andro's family. Gorgo, For'mya, Aricia, Anja, Resumar, Eliani ... all of them gathered around the obviously fake rock pit fire. Around all of them sat their dragons, each gnawing on the enormous bones. All around the deck she could see other dragons as well. "Andro ... this is..."
Androcles nodded. "Yes. This is the aft portion of deck ten. We call it the Dragon Den. It's much smaller than what they are used to, and they can't fly, but at least it gives them some semblance of home. This is where we come to relax when we are out here among the stars. To focus ourselves and think of quieter times. Come ... they have my mother's coffee, and we need to get a mug before they drink it all."
"Andro I don't belong..."
"Yes Sadi ... you do belong here." Andro spoke pulling her close to him. "You have always belonged here. Now come..."
Sadi let him pull her towards the small group and as each step passed Sadi grew more confident in what was racing through her. By the time they had reached the sitting men and women, Sadi no longer cared what others might think, or what they would see. This is where she belonged, of that she no longer had any whisper of doubt. She saw For'mya's eyes fall on her as they walked up and she bowed her head slightly with a knowing gaze.
Andro gripped her hand tightly as he settled to the dirt that had been spread out on the deck within the dragon den, and then he pulled Sadi into his lap, nuzzling the back of her neck in a gentle caress that had her eyes half closing and her heart racing.
"Where are Deni and Lisi?" Andro asked finally as his mother handed him two mugs of coffee.
Aricia laughed as she leaned back and sipped her coffee and then leaned against For'mya. "Your brother is chasing the tail of a young female wolf that works in Astrophysics I believe." She answered.
Resumar chuckled. "He thinks he is going to get lucky tonight." He spoke.
Eliani punched her brother's arm. "You're such a pig Res!" She berated him with a smile. "And Lisi is on duty on the flight deck. She lost a bet playing Petteia and now she has to work her friend's shift."
"She loses a lot at Petteia, did anyone notice that." Anja said with a grin. "Perhaps she should stop playing for a while or at the very least get some lessons."
"I've told her that mother." Eliani said with a chuckle. "You know how pig headed she can be. She is far too much like father. We should get Denali to teach her, I don't think I've ever seen him lose at Petteia."
Aricia laughed out loud again. "As if any of you are any different from your father." She said with another laugh as she leaned over to nuzzle For'mya's elven ear, causing her elven lover and fellow Queen to shudder inwardly in desire as Aricia made known just what she intended for later.
"Well, they certainly don't get it from us." Anja spoke with a smile leaning over to nuzzle For'mya's opposite elven ear and doubling the pleasure and desire that For'mya felt surging through her. For'mya smiled to herself. She, Aricia and Anja were going to have a delightful reunion in their quarters, of that she had no doubts. It had been several weeks since she had felt Anja's deliciously long and talented tongue caressing her flesh, not to mention that she hadn't tasted Aricia in nearly as long. Yes ... it was going to be a fine night.
Gorgo laughed and shook her head. "Of course not. My son's Queens are the pillar of safe, discrete and intelligent in all of their actions." Gorgo exclaimed even as she made the motioned of causing herself to vomit.
This caused all her grandchildren and Sadi to burst out laughing at their mother's antics.
Lisisa Leonidas was definitely working hard, but certainly not at what her mothers and siblings thought she was working at. She was feverishly working at fitting the entire eleven and a half inches of thick, hot, pulsing cock into her throat as far as she could without choking herself to death. Her naked body was slick with a fine sheen of sweat and she was stretched out on the bed atop the incredibly muscular form of the man beneath her, the sheets torn from the corners, and her arms stretched upwards. Her hands were spread across the toned, well-developed thighs of the man with her, long fingers curling and un-curling along the flesh of his muscular legs in tiny tremors of pleasure. His large hands were gripping her firm ass cheeks securely, his fingers almost bruising her skin as he forced more and more of his pulsing shaft into her throat. His own hands were pulling her hips down onto his warm tongue and working that wonderful appendage in tireless and frenzied motions over Lisisa's now fully inflamed labia and painfully erect clit. Her watery forest green eyes did not need to see the face of the man she was with, as she knew him and his exquisitely chiseled body intimately.
Lisisa was no stranger to men, having bedded nearly a dozen in the time since her father had returned with her to the Union. None of those relationships had lasted for more than a few months because Lisisa was looking for something that none of them had and most of them truly only wanted to get close to her father anyway. The ones her father and Andro, when he was old enough, had not run off after seeing the way they treated her, Lisisa had dismissed just as quickly. This man however, this man beneath her was so very different, eagerly devouring her smooth, utterly aroused pussy as if it was his last meal.
He was six feet tall and two hundred and fourteen pounds of heavy, chiseled muscle and powerful limbs. His body was ripped in the same Spartan definition and manner of her father and Andro and his Alpha male aura could easily turn her to putty in his hands, far more than any man who she had shared a bed with. When he nuzzled her in any way, Lisisa's eyes rolled into the back of her head much the way her mother's eyes did whenever her father nuzzled one of them. This man worshiped her body in ways no man ever had, taking hours to simply and completely explore every millimeter of her flesh so intimately that he could make her quiver in orgasm just from his touch. He had done so their first times together, and this was something he continued to do even now.
He was also the only man that had ever stimulated Lisisa enough to actually want to taste his blood.
Lisisa's wolf genes were the more dominant by far over her vampire genes, but she could still take blood to heal any injuries as well as shift to her wolf form. She still retained the ability to blur as a vampire with their amazing speed but her strength was considerably more due to the wolf DNA in her blood. And in the midst of extreme passion, sinking her fangs into her bed partner and drinking small portions of their blood could send both of them screaming over the edge of the abyss of pleasure. He was the only man who had elicited enough of a reaction from her for her to want to do this. And it was glorious, no matter how many times she did it, and she had done it quite often over the last years.
It had been almost three years together with him now and Lisisa never seemed to tire of his touch upon her. She reveled in the taste of his flesh and his blood, as well as his passion. His passion tasted just as his scent smelled, peppermint and lavender, and there were many nights where Lisisa had been quite content to stay just as they were now and drink his delicious passion down over and over as often as she could. In the process she would explode over his equally talented lips and tongue more times than she could keep track of. It made Lisisa's heart cry out in bliss every time he reached for her in their bed, for it told her he would never tire of her either. He had told her more times than she could recall she was the most ravishing woman he had ever known, and that no one would ever fill his life as she did. He was, without fail, always whispering soft phrases into her ears as he pummeled her tight body into the bed as hard or as slowly as she wanted him to. He would gaze at her with those deep, dark eyes she had come to adore as he held her on his lap while she rode him to the glorious peak of pleasure for them both, or when he simply held her wrapped within the embrace of his powerful arms.
The first time with him had been awkward and unusual but incredibly magnificent in its fulfillment and it almost never happened again thanks to her.
His undying persistence had paid off however, and Lisisa had finally surrendered to her true feelings for him and all that she was after their third time together. As their encounters continued and the months and now years passed by, all the rapes and beatings she had endured in the years of her life before her father had finally rescued her became nothing more than vague dreams that slipped into nothing. Now Lisisa could not imagine what it would be like without him.
Lisisa groaned in delight as her lips finally anchored around the base of his hugely thick cock and she felt his hard body tense. It had taken her nearly a year to be able to accept all of him within her throat like this, but she had relished the dozens of attempts prior to her sweet success. Whenever her lips anchored around the base of his beautiful cock, Lisisa knew they were both close to explosion and this time was no different. The sweet peppermint taste of his passion flooded the back of her tongue surging across her taste buds like some fine wine and letting her know that his explosion was near. His legs went suddenly rigid and Lisisa smiled through tear filled eyes as she felt his large balls swell even bigger. She brought one of her hands back quickly and cupped his warm sack in her palm, and this action was all it took. With a growl of immense pleasure, his lower body lifted off the bed, driving his huge cock even further into her tight throat, and pushing her full lips against the washboard hard skin of his abdomen. Her small nose was buried in his warm sack, effectively sealing his entire length within her velvety throat. Lisisa then felt his huge shaft expand even further in size within the prison of her mouth and throat and his balls tightened in her delicate hand. The veins of his thick cock expanded against the walls of her throat and she could actually feel his hot come racing up the length of his huge, near bursting shaft seconds before it erupted deep into her esophagus and scorched its way into her belly.
Lisisa's eyes went very wide when she felt his large index finger press against her tight asshole and she whimpered loudly against the huge cock engulfed in her throat as his finger slid deeply into her bowels. Her hips quivered upon his face and as soon as his finger seated itself fully in her ass, his powerful tongue stabbed out and his lips sealed around her eraser hard clit sucking hard. Then Lisisa was erupting as well, white lights splashed across the insides of her tightly closed eyes. Her hips convulsed, her stomach contracting in delirious pleasure and Lisisa exploded as his lips fastened over her entire, convulsing pussy and he drank down her juices with the same relish as she drank him.
Tears clouded her eyes now, and this time it was not from having his cock lodged so deeply in her throat she thought she would choke. It was not because he was bringing her to a seventh, will crushing orgasm just this night alone. It was not because she was drinking down his sweet passion with gusto, as his body convulsed half a dozen times filling her mouth and throat with his release. Small drops of his passion were leaking from the corners of her mouth as she swallowed as quickly as she could, wanting to take every wonderful drop. This time the tears were for what she had found in him. This was the fifth time in three hours he had erupted within her in some manner. He could go on for hours Lisisa knew, for one time they had spent two days straight making love with only breaks to feed their hunger and thirst. He did not tire of her, and she could never tire of him. It was perfect what they had found together.
Yet they could never reveal it to anyone.
It took what seemed like several minutes for him to finish erupting into her warm mouth as she slowly brought her lips back up the length of his delicious cock, dragging the tips of her now extended wolf fangs so very gently up the span of his thick shaft and feeling his legs and hips shudder in delight. Lisisa could feel his own tongue, lovingly licking every crevice of her still throbbing pussy as she finally gasped for air, sucking delicately on the large bulbous head before letting his semi erect cock slip from her lips to flop back onto his rippled abdomen.
Lisisa's head fell to his upper thigh in delirious exhaustion as his tongue and lips drew every last bit of her own juices from her, sending small tingles of devastating pleasure coursing through her as he finished cleaning her body. He was not the largest male she had ever had in her life, but he was perfect for her in every way. His cock was beautiful flawlessness in Lisisa's eyes. It reached so far inside her without pain, far enough inside her to touch places she never thought would be touched, and it was thick enough to stretch her almost to the point of pain. Just before she got near that imaginary line however, the pleasure his cock caused when it was seated fully inside her, made ripples of overwhelming gratification begin coursing through her.
Slowly Lisisa lifted her quivering hips from atop his head, his hands and arms dropping to the bed, her whole body alive with ardor and lust and she turned slowly on the sheets to bring her face to his body and begin the wonderful trip back up his abdomen. She turned her body until it was pressed against his warm skin and brought her face to his abdomen, licking every muscle as she went, tracing every delicious contour of his steel hard abdomen, teasing his own hard nipples with her tongue as she reached his chest, until finally his hands grasped her face with loving power and made her heart sing in joy.
Denali Leonidas brought his half sister's lips to his for a crushing kiss filled with heated passion and love and want. Lisisa may have just swallowed everything he had given her, and he could still taste himself upon her lips, but he had proven to her so long ago that mattered not to him in the least. As Lisisa stretched her five foot three inch body atop her half brother like a lithe cat, their kiss continued to sizzle with heat and love. Her large breasts, almost as large as their mother Anja, crushed against Denali's muscled and steel hard chest. His arms lowered to her small waist and then her perfect ass, drawing her closer to him, melding her lush body to his. His semi erect cock nestled between her thighs and pressed against her smooth and still aroused pussy even as her arms slid under his armpits to grasp the back of his shoulders and she pulled him closer. Their tongues continued their dance of passion for several more moments before they finally parted with soft licks and nibbles of their lips, their wolf eyes and fangs now extended. Denali, like his father and siblings, had dual like main incisor fangs that resided next to each other and gave him a ferocious look when he allowed the change to come over him as he did now. His dark brown eyes were almost erased by the thick band of black that surrounded his corneas when he changed. Lisisa's normally forest green eyes altered only slightly, one eye remaining the same forest green color, while one become almost cobalt blue in color. The black ring around her pupils was not nearly as thick as his because of her blood but there was no doubt which blood within her was dominant. Her extended fangs were not vampiric in nature as they were the longer and much stronger wolf fangs, another sign that the wolf within her was far stronger.
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.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 17Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
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.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 24Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 26Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 28Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 29Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 30Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 31Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 33Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 34Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 35Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 37Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 39Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 40Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 42Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 44Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 47Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 48Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 49Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 51Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 52Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 53Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 55Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 56Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 59Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 61Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 62Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 63Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 64Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 65Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 67Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 69Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 70Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 71Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 72Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 73Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 74Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 75Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 78Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 82Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 84Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 85Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
LYCAVORE "The grandson of Resumar?" Condar spoke softly looking at where Martin sat on the floor of the cavern. The Persian red haired female sat casually between his legs, one of his arms wrapped around her waist protectively and quite possessively. Lisisa sat an arm's reach away on his right side with Melita next to her. The second dark haired Hadarian female sat very close to Martin's right leg, her arm leaning across his knee, her fingers touching Anja's shoulder. The massive black...
GALLAIS'S LODGE Tesand lowered the portable sensor device and turned to Aikiro and Yuri who stood by the doors onto the balcony looking through the glass out onto the city of Sparta. "Well, unless they have developed something our instruments can't detect, which based on what we've seen so far is entirely possible, the rooms are clean of anything we can pick up." Aikiro nodded slowly. "They were able to intercept our communications somehow. And we did not detect their shrouded ships...
Isra watched as they approached the blue green planet quickly, his heart beginning to pound in his chest the closer he got to the world. Down there somewhere was the sapphire eyed female she-elf wolf, the one who had stolen all he was. And because she was so deeply bonded with the amber eyed Drow, all that she was now included her. The trip had been long and arduous for him, each day bringing him closer to what he had gained in one moment and lost in the next. He had claimed her that day on...
CENTRAL DISTRICT/SPARTA KING YELU MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ANJA LEONIDAS'S OFFICE "Vana, are you actually being serious?" Anja gasped as she sat in the high backed chair behind her desk. Anja's office was on the thirty-second floor of the hospital named in honor of her father and dedicated nine years ago just before the start of the Evolli War. King Yelu had been the most powerful Hadarian Healer to have ever lived, more powerful than even their mother who was widely recognized as the finest...
HOPE'S QUEST SIXTEEN HOURS UNTIL LAST PIRATE GATE Martin held the data pad in his hand as he traced the star chart on the table in front of him with the index finger of his opposite hand. The mug of coffee was set on the table in the corner and had gone cold hours ago. The trip so far had gone off without a hitch. Yuriko and Filrian were acting as the faces and voices of HOPE'S QUEST, and so far the pirate forces in the area were none the wiser and they had passed through two of the three...
ENURRUA DAY TWENTY Joric grunted his release into the whimpering female beneath him, tears streaking her face, her hands clutching the twisted sheets of the bed. His upper body was soaked in sweat as he had been raping her for several hours and between the exertion of that and having to beat her twice to submit to him, he was tired and worn out. He finished empting himself into her warm depths and then shoved her forward on the bed and let her curl up in a fetal ball clutching her...
SPARTA ROYAL ESTATE "Why didn't you tell me it had gotten this bad Anja?" Martin asked as he lowered the pad he was reading and leaned over to kiss Anja's bare shoulder. They were sprawled on the massive bear skinned rugs in the main room of the villa. None of them had much on in the way of clothing if any at all; they never did when they were alone in their home and simply lounging around in the evening. Their five teenage children were with Andro and the others at Gallais's Retreat,...
ELEAR NORTHERN TEMPLE SITE "They gained access to the Temple through a rear delivery door my Queen." The Elven Holy man spoke as he watched Dysea and Isabella move around the small vault like room. There were over a dozen scrolls encased in the clear glass containers and spaced at even intervals throughout the vault. Three of them were now smashed and empty, but the others remained untouched. "They made their way down here and entered the vault. Only a bio-signature password can open the...
EARTH THE WASTES "You told us you would succeed Maraud." The albino white skin of the creature speaking pulled back over his lips to reveal needle sharp teeth. "You told us if we killed the rider, this dragon would not be able to act! Not only did you fail in killing the rider, you failed in killing the she-elves!" This secret mountain base was the last of the True People's strongholds on the northern continent and the most heavily defended. Hundreds of their people resided within the...
HIGH COVEN RUNNER ONE LIGHT YEAR FROM NONUS IV "I believe we have lost them." Yuriko spoke as she sat back in the pilot's chair of the Runner. The cockpit was one of the smallest spaces in the Runner, and one of the few that had not been refitted in any way for extended comfort. Yuriko was used to the controls and set up of the cockpit, so the only things that were changed were the computer data cores and having a food dispenser added to the cockpit. "You engaged the Shroud?" Dan...
USU'OZEIB 7 VAMPIRE HIGH COVEN COVEN HIGH GUARD COMMANDER'S OFFICE "I told you to not expose yourself Vonis!" Yuri barked at the image of her younger brother on the monitor in her office. "I didn't Yuri." The young man replied confidently. Yuri nodded. "No you didn't, but your actions also let Isabella know someone is after her." Yuri stated leaning back in her chair. "You told me not to underestimate her and I didn't. I contracted two Kochab Bounty Hunters to test her."...