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haya daostao maora naama saunaIla hO maO 24 saala ka 5’11″ka laDka hUM. maOM Aapkao ApnaI phlaI cauda[ kI khanaI saunaanaa caahta hUM jaao [sa trh sao hO. maOOMnao sabasao phlao imaiqa naamak laDkI koa caaoda qaa tba vaao 17 saala kI qaI vaao 12 rhI qaI ifgar qaa @yaa gaaoL gaaoL baUbsa qao ]sako @yaa ptlaI kmar qaI @yaa gaaoL jaaMGaoM qaI ik basa majaa hI Aa jaayao. hmaaro Gar ko pasa hI galsa hasTL qaa vahaM 17 laDikyaMa rhtI qaI ijanamaoM vaao sabasao qaI. jyaada haonao ko karNa vaao baahr AaMgana maoM nahatI qaIMM . ek idna maora Apnao ku%to ko pICo daODto hueo hasTL ko pICo jaanaa pDa tao maOnaoM doKa ik naalaI sao panaI igar rha hO. maoro idmaaga ka SaOtana jaaga gayaa. maOnaoM daophr kao drvaajao maoM iDRla maSaIna sao Cod kr idyaa.
dUsaro idna saubah maOnaoM Cod sao doKa ik ek laDkI naha rhI qaI. basa maora Plaana pUra hao gayaa qaa. Aba raoja hI saba laDikyaaoM kao doKta qaa baDa majaa Aata qaa. tajao baUbsa doKnaoM maoM javaana caUtao kao rgaD kr Qaaoto hueo doKnao maoM. ek idna daophr maoM maOnaoM ApnaI naaiyaka kao nahato hueo doKa. saca majaa Aa gayaa. @yaa laga rhI qaI vaao , @yaa mst baUbsa qao , @yaa caUt qaI. vaao Apnao caUicayaaoM kao mala mala kr Qaao rhI qaI. ifr pOnTI BaI Kaola kr ApnaI caUt kao Qaaonao lagaI. bahut majaa Aayaa ik mauJao mau{ maarnaI pDI tba jaa kr baocaOna lanDkao krar imalaa. ifr tao raoja hI maOM ApnaI naaiyaka kao nahato hueo doKnao lagaa.
ifr maOnaoM saaocaa ik pTa ilayaa jaayao. maOnaoM kaoiSaSa kI tao pTanao maoM safla BaI rha. maonao ]sakao hasTla ko pICo imalanao ko ilayao baulaayaa rat kao vaao AayaI BaI pr vaao bahut DrI hu[ qaI. maOnaoM jaba ]sakao caUmanaa caaha tao vaao Dr ga[. ]sako baad tao hma hasTla ko pICo imalanao lagao AaOr maora ]sakao nahato hue doKnaa jaarI rha. yao saba (Cod vaalaI baat) ]sao nahIM maalaUma qaI ifr hasTla kI Cui+yaaM hao ga[ AaOr saba laDikyaaM Gar calaI ga[ pr maoro khnao pr vaao nahIM ga[. rat kao vaao hasTla ka drvaajaa pICo sao Kaola dotI qaI AaOr maOM Andr calaa Aata qaa. ifr basa maOM ]sao lao kr ibastr pr pDa rhta qaa.
vaao mauJao kuC krnao nahIM dotI qaI. ifr ek idna ihmmat krko maOnaoM haqa ]sako kuto^ maoM Dala hI idyaa. ]sakI kmar pr maora haqa Gaumanao lagaa vaao Gabara ga[. ifr QaIro sao maOnaoM haqa ]pr kI Aaor baDayaa AaOr ]sako baUbsa kao pkD ilayaa. ba/a ko }pr sao hI sahlaanao lagaa ifr QaIro sao ba/a }pr kr dI AaOr baUbsa kao baahr inakala ilayaa AaOr dbaanao lagaa. ]sako inaPpla kDk haonao lagao maOnaoM ]sako hoazao kao caUsanaa caalaU kr idyaa. vaao BaI Aba pUra maora saaqa donao lagaI qaI. ]sakao BaI majaa Aa rha qaa. ifr maOnaoM ]sako kmaIja kao ]pr kr idyaa. Aba ]sako baUbsa maorI AaMKaoM ko saamanao AaOr mauMh ko pasa qao ijanakao maOM dUr sao hI doKta AaOr trsata rhta qaa. vaao maoro saamanao qao baDo AaOr gaaola kDk.
maO pagala kI trh ]nakao dbaanao AaOr caUsanao lagaa tba vaoa baaolaI PlaIja qaaoDa QaIro duKta hO. kuC dor tk bUabsa kao caUsanao ko baad maOnaoM ]skI salavaar ka naaDa Kaolanaa caaha tao ]sanao maora haqa pkD ilayaa. pr maOnaoM haqa ]sakI salavaar maoM Dala hI idyaa. ]sakI caUt pUrI trh gaIlaI hao caukI qaI ifr ]pr sao hI caut kao sahlaanao lagaa AaOr ]ngalaI GausaoDnao lagaa. Aba vaao BaI tOyaar hao caukI qaI. ]sako mau^MMh sao BaI Aah ]h kI Aavaajao Aanao lagaI qaI. tba maOnaOM salavaar Kaola dI. [sa baar ]sanao jara BaI ivaraoQa nahIM ikyaa balkI gaaMD ]pr krko salavaar inaklavaa dI Aba vaao maa~ pOnTI maoM maoro saamanao laoTI qaI.
maOnaoM pOMTI BaI ]tar kr ]sao pUra naMgaa kr idyaa. ]sakI caUt pr Ganao baala baDo Pyaaro laga rho qao. maOnaoM ]sakI caUt kao caUsanaa caalaU kr idyaa. daonaao haozoa kao rgaD kr ]sakI caut kao caUsanao lagaa. Aba vaao BaI pUro rMga maOM Aa ga[. tba maOnaoM ]sakao Apnaa laMD pkDa idyaa AaOr caUsanao kao kha. vaao maora laMD caUsanao lagaI. ]Qar maOM purI tojaI sao ]sakI caUt caUsa rha qaa. ]sako muMah sao Aahaaaaa Aaohao inakla rha qaa. Aba mauJao laga rha qaa ik caaodna caalaU krnaa caaihyao pr maOM kuC saaoca kr ]sako baUbsa kao ifr sao caUsanao AaOr dbaanao lagaa. vaao BaI maoro laMD kao caUsa rhI qaI , tao mauJao laganao lagaa ik maOM ]sako mauMh maoM hI Jar jaa}Mgaa.
tba maOnaoM ]sakao saIQaa laoTayaa AaOr ]sakI jaaMGaaoM kao qaaoDa sahlaayaa AaOr caaODa kr ko TaMgaao ko baIca Aayaa AaOr lanD kao ]sakI caUt pr rKa AaOr rgaDa. ifr ek hI maoM lanD ]sakI caUt mao Dala idyaa. vaao caIK pDI. tba maOnao ApnaI spID QaImaI kr dI. kuC dor tk eosao hI rhnao ko baad maOnaoM maarnao caalUa kr idyao. Aba tk ]sakI caut naoM BaI panaI CaoD idyaa qaa , [sailayao ]sao BaI majaa Aanao lagaa qaa. Aba vaao BaI purI mastI maoM Aa gayaI qaI AaOr icallaa rhI qaI “caaodao jaaor sao , caaodao , maorI caUt faD dao. @yaa caaodto hao tuma bahut majaa Aa rha hO ”
]sakI baataoM sao maOM BaI saatvaoM Aasamaana pr phuMca kr ]sao caaodnao lagaa. Aba daonaao kao bahut majaa Aa rha qaa. AaiKr maora ]sao caaodnao ka sapnaa jaao pUra hao gayaa qaa. vaao ek baar JaD caukI qaI. dUsarI baar kI tOyaarI maoM qaI. Aba mauJasao BaI sahna nahIM hao rha qaa. maOM ApnaI pUrI takt sao ]sao caaod rha qaa. basa maO BaI JaDnao kI tOyaarI maoM qaa. ifr Acaanak maora BaI laavaa ]sakI caUt maoM igarnao lagaa. ]sakI caUt maoro panaI sao Bar gayaI. vaao mauJao caUmao jaa rhI qaI. ifr hma daonaao ]zo ek dusaro kao paoMCa AaOr saaqa nahae. ]sa rat maOnaoM ]sao 2 baar AaOr caaoda.
yao maorI phlaI khanaI qaI. yao Aapkao kOsaI lagaI mauJao bata[yao AaOr kao[ laDkI maoro saaqa ka AnauBava laonaa caaho tao mauJao maola kr saktI hO. mauJao Aapko maola ka [Mtjaar rhogaa. AapkI phcaana gauPt rhogaI.
I was out behind the barn nailin' braces against the back wall before framin' in the hole that was left by the tornado when I heard trucks comin' up the drive and honkin' their horns. When I come out the barn door, there was a flatbed and three other pickups unloadin' lumber and men to help get the place back together. I knew some of 'em including B. W. but about half of em' I'd never met. It took us two full days to get the walls up and the roof finished and shingled. Mama came out...
"Wait a minute!" I thought. "This is impossible! No patent application was filed in 1857 for a breech-loading rifle by somebody named John Akers. This can't be my past! Where and when am I?" I had no time to think about that, now. A customer walked in and damned if he didn't want a copy of the modified shotguns we had used at the church against the Comanches. I thought for a moment and quoted him a price for the weapon in 16 and 20-gauge. He thought for a moment and agreed on 16-gauge....
Hi all I have been a reader for of ISS for very long Now let’s get to the story that happened recently I am 40 I am from Bangalore i have been divorced for sometime now and i live alone…. My job keeps me busy i keep travelling mostly to Pune and Mumbai I met this lady (Alpha) on a flight from Bangalore to Mumbai I had asked for a window seat with some leg space so Indigo had given me the seat on the emergency exit I was ok with it, I boarded the flight and just fell asleep, middle of the...
Hi dosto Aap logo ne meri fast story padhi our pasand ki is ke liye thx. muje meri story ke liye bahot sare mail Aaye khas kar gujrati femal ke jyada mail Aaye our unmese kai femal ne kaha ki yaar hum guju hai to gujrati me story kahona to dosto un sab femal friend ke liye me Aapni story gujarati me likh raha hu, Dosto vese to Aap muje jante hi he mera nam Sunil Patel from SURAT our mera mail edress he Aab age ki story gujarati ma Dosto mari mami nu nam che Sarada ye khub sundar ane bharav...
Я живу в обычной девятиэтажке где блок каждого этажа делится на две части разделённых лифтом и соответственно по две квартиры с каждой стороны. Когда я только переехал в эту квартиру на девятом этаже, я думал что моими соседями будут какие то алкаши и не зря так думал, потому как в 2-х из трех квартир, реально жили какие то мутные алкаши, которые мне сразу пришлись не по духу, однако речь пойдет не о них, а о соседе, а точнее соседке из 3-ей квартиры, которая как удачно находилась прям рядом с...
After my last stay with Auntie Beryl the year before, I was determined never to have to spend another day there with her and her sneaky daughter. She wasn't even my real Auntie, just a family friend we called Auntie. Unfortunately, my parents had enjoyed their little holiday without us kids and had planned another week away. “Jim, you’ll be staying with Auntie Beryl for the week,” My Dad announced. “I am not staying there again,” I yelled, “She's not my real Auntie and I had a horrible time...
SpankingHello readers! I am Sunita Giri, aged 25. I have passed MA in economics this year. My measurements are 34-30-36. I have maintained my body in great shape with 34D breasts and around 36 buttocks. My height is 5’3” and weight is 55 kg. After I finished my studies, my family found Sanjay as a suitable match for me. I am going to share my real sex experience. I have not disclosed my location and all names have been changed to maintain secrecy. I was married on February 14, 2019, just one week after...
IncestAmi rohan.chotobelar kichu kotha sharekorbo apnader sathe. ami tkhn class 2 te pori.amar babar sathe jethuder somorko valo chilo na.kintu dadu hotat mara jabae amader jethur bari jete holo.jethur 2to me.gie dekhi 2to didi khub sundor dekhte.oder nam rini r mini.rini di 19 bochorer.1st yr e pore.r mini di 16.o 10 e pore.ami oder dudh gulo dekhlam.khub sundor dekhte chilo.rini didir ta besi boro chilo r mini didir ta ektu choto holeo upor theke dekhte khub valo chilo. Minidi amae bollo cholo...
She came real close to me and i thought she was going to kiss me but she knelt down and started unzipping my pants. It hurt a little when she pulled my dick out. It was real hard. She kissed it on the head and said "Don't look so scared" and laughed. "What if my wife finds out" I uttered in a shaky voice. "Well its such a horny day, with the rain and all" she said as she sucked my cork, nice and slow. It was a miserable day to be stuck in traffic, i hated the rain. It always caused so much more...
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All That Matters By Cal Y. Pygia Thick and rigid, Jason's cock stood uptight against his belly. The sight of the smooth, firm-soft cheeks of her Violet's bare ass always excited him; he found her round, compact ass delightful. It was her best feature and, considering the rest of her, that was quite a compliment. Jason enjoyed massaging it. He'd spent the last half hour doing just that, making small circles over the sleek, lovely mounds with his palm and savoring the feel of...
The old man who owned the company has handed over day to day operations to his 25 year old son Salim. The family was of Middle Eastern descent, hence the handover of company functions to his son was always going to happen - I just had not expected it so soon. Salim was a prick to be quite honest. He thought that "his shit did not stink", and it was made worse when he had this huge wedding recently to this really beautiful "trophy" wife. He paraded her around - saying to people by his...
William picked me up from a hostel and told me to bring all my stuff, as I would be staying with him that night. We went out and partied hard with people from all over Europe. Then we went back to his place. He brought me up to his room and we immediately were making out on his bed. I was sitting up on my knees as both of us were pulling my clothes off and I squirmed about in a sexual way, knowing what was about to happen. I couldn't help much with his because I was pretty smashed at that...
Anastasia Knight has a new step father, and she’s trying to really get to know him. As she was watching TV with her mom and step father, Anastasia put the moves on her brand new step dad. She started blowing him under the blanket as three of them watched TV. Her step-father then pulled her aside and shoved her cock deep in her tiny little pussy . They fucked behind her mom’s back in several different positions, making Anastasia cum multiple times before receiving a giant load all over her face.
xmoviesforyouOn a hot afternoon day a young man with short black hair named Michael was on a long drive to a city, miles upon blazing miles away. Although the air conditioner in his car worked fine the bright sun was searing through the windshield against his shirt and long shorts. Despite the day’s conditions Michael had his travel planned out just like many times before. The trip was long and would take two days just driving during the day. His next destination was a small town with an inn that he’s...
Things settled down for a couple of weeks. The Indians, grateful for all that Hattie and Pete had done, helped them plow and plant most of the little valley where the line shack was. One morning all of the teepees had disappeared. Most of the Indians had left and gone back to where home and the chief was. Two braves were bunking in with Pat. This was enough to watch the herd of cattle that were getting fat out on the range. The next week there were two different braves. Mary Eustis said they...
That discussion was a sort of turning point. The sisters had started reading Lil's notes and it turned out that she had gotten much further than anybody suspected. From me she had gotten an idea that the male 'satyr' -gene was latent and an exchange of fluids with a female counterpart was needed in order for the change to be activated. The more fluids that are exchanged the stronger the change becomes. During those six months we had known each other, Lil had already noticed the change in...
Nick Underwood and Terry Houston had been close friends since grammar school. They had grown up together in Tarrant City near Birmingham Alabama. Both had lived in a lower middle class neighborhood only a block apart while growing up. Both had found jobs after graduating from high school. Nick got a job as a downtown Birmingham post man, Terry got on at the Homewood City Fire Department as a fireman. Nick and Terry were each twenty five years old, and going to night classes at the University...
Short and sweet from Uther Pendragon Wizard parking only Violators will be toad. ✧ ✧ ✧ Some self-testing from Jmccosh There is a new take at home COVID-19 test. Put your right index finger in your mouth. Put your left index finger in your butt. Count to three and swap fingers. If you can’t taste the difference you have COVID-19. ✧ ✧ ✧ (ˆ◡ˆ)¸.•´✿¨`•✿(ˆ◡ˆ)¸.•´✿¨`•✿(ˆ◡ˆ)
Kira is in a bit of a conundrum. She is a slut but is now involved in a relationship. So she feels really bad about cheating on him. But she needs to suck dick so badly and one guy can’t do that. Is it really cheating to just suck cock? Not according to our past president Clinton it’s not. So Kira sends out some messages to friends about maybe popping by to get a hummer and soon enough one of them does. Then another. And another. And another. The cocks are just piling in and Kira is...
xmoviesforyouHi friends, this is my first story. Though I have been reading sex stories since many years, today I feel like sharing an encounter happened a month ago. Before going into story let me tell u about myself. My name is Vikash, aged about 34 years. I am from a decent family. The story is about a lady whom I met in pantaloons. Last month I went to dispur for some office work but the client asked me to come after an hour, so to pass the time I entered pantaloons. There was not many people as it was...
Just a quick story about me at work, i work in a well known store and i love to wear my uniform skirt with tiny see through pantys. When i'm stocking shelves or sitting on the tills i make sure that customers get a good view. I've been very wet more than once because it turns me on knowing the view there getting, i even let one hunky guy touch me through my knickers when no one was looking, how risky but he had a massive bulge. My top is also white and see through and i'll often go braless...
Introduction: This is a rewrite of the first story that I ever posted to an X-rated adult website. I can only hope that you will find it worth reading. And I realize that some of you may also find this story to be shocking and disturbing, and possibly even disgusting. However, I will not apologize for my having candidly written about one of the most important sexual events that ever took place in my life. Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away by slick_chick * * * * * Im a middle-aged...
Our protection detail was impressive. The government failed the last time they said they were going to protect us, and now the stakes were much higher! The mob said they were not only coming after me, but the Judge, the DHS Secretary, and the Attorney General. One look at our squad, and you knew they would take out anything that the mob could throw at us. They made no attempt to hide their weapons. These four lads and one lady were ready to rock and roll, and acted like they wanted it to...
I can’t satisfy my wife Indica or maybe I don’t try hard enough – either way my dick is too small and she is left wanting more. She tries to re-educate my little dick energy by fucking big-cocked men. She likes to film herself doing it & humiliate me during the process. This time its with …another big-cocked stud. She f-rces me to watch her gagging on his huge dick before she slides her wet cunt on it, you can see it cling right around it. He fucks her hard in doggy,...
xmoviesforyouJack stopped dead in his tracks. As the girl drew closer he felt a bit of a dilemma because the rules he was given for the clinic seemed to limit the contact he was supposed to have with the clients. But thinking about it a bit more he realized that he had never been told anything about relations with clients away from the clinic, only what she should do inside. He relaxed as Lorie came to a stop right next to him. Now that Lorie had brought Jack to a stop she was a bit at a loss for what to...
‘Why are you still bothering me slut’? The voice was icy and sent chills down her spine. The face which greeted her from the monitor was filled with distaste and made her cringe back into her chair. ‘I’m sorry my Master….. I have no excuses for my bad behaviour, I beg you to take me back into your heart to serve you as I know I can’ Her tears fell and she hung her head not wishing to look at the cold face which glared at her. ‘Give me a good reason’ The question hung in the air between them...
Then i feel my ass hole being forced open as you slowly entered me it was slow but you did not stop till all 10 inch was buried in my ass, ive never felt anything like this as you stay still and let me adjust to your length! My legs are shaking i cant stop them pure xstacey is what i feel! I pluck up courage to start rolling my hips which made your cock touch places ive never had touched before aaah aaah aaah mmmh i couldnt control my groaning, then you withdrew just to the rim of your helmet...
Hai friends, indru kathaiyil thirumanam aana oru pen ilamaiyaana aan udan matter seigiraal. Athai eppadi usar seithu matter podugiraal enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiraal. En peyar Vinitha vayathu 30 aagugirathu, thirumanam aagi iru pen kuzhanthaigal irukirathu. Enaku oru kanavan irukiraan, avanuku vayathu 40 aagugirathu. En veetil sontha mamavirku thirumanam seithu vaithu vitargal, ennai vida 10 vayathu periyavar, muthalil thirumanam aana naatkalil ellam avar ennai...
Japanese babe Miss Luke Ichinose is the newest office lady to come to this downtown office. She is new so not well known. She is trying her best to fit into the new office and learn everyone’s names and how the office functions. This is not so easy in a large office with so many things to learn besides office practices. She has learned from pervious experience that the best thing to do is jst really get to know the office manager best and learn from them what is best to do. Today he seems a bit...
xmoviesforyouHi friends this is master x (that’s what I want you to call me) from bhopal This is a true story about the origin of my slave madhu. Yeh story shuru hoti hai tinder se, me madhu ko tinder ke through hi janta tha Madhu kafi fair hai 5’5 ke aroun hogi and photo me uska figure dhang se samajh ni aa raha tha but 32-28-30 ke around hoga…Usne mujhe right swipe kia tha. Hum normal chatting karte the and wohi sab usual flirting. Usne ek din mujhe bataya ki use bdsm bahut pasand hai, and I was shocked...
It was a stifling hot night, as the temperature was still boiling at 100 degrees. I'd just taken a cool shower to cool my body down. I sat on my bed continuing to dry myself off, starting with my neck...down to my breast...down to my stomach...down to my clit...back to my I rubbed the towel against my pussy I was noticing that the more I dried my pussy...the wetter it got...the more I dried my clit...the harder it got... when my doorbell ranged. It was my lover arriving...
Hello guys, I hope you all are doing okay. I got busy due to work, so it took longer to write the second part. I hope you guys enjoy it. I came back to my senses when my big ass cousin sister Adrija called my name and I quickly put my dick inside my pant. I was scared, I thought she saw me jerking off in the living room. But she didn’t say anything and I realized she couldn’t see what I was doing. I was relieved. I noticed my cousin drying her hair with a towel. She was wearing a floral maxi...
IncestThe doorbell then decided to ring. I walked to the door, frowning in wonder as to who that may be, since no one I knew lived around and I didn’t know anyone from around. Looking through the peephole, I saw a sweet looking blonde woman with sparkling green eyes, standing with her hands tucked into a tight pair of jeans, waiting. I smiled and straightened out my clothes. I didn’t mind getting to know that cute blonde though. I opened the door and smiled in greeting, ‘Hi. May I help you?’ I...
Mia was standing in front of the dresser, checking her reflection in the large mirror that gave me such a wonderful view of her beautiful face and upper body. I could see her glance to the side and knew she caught me staring at her ass and legs. Her smile was warm and genuine, and I knew she didn’t mind the lasciviousness in my countenance. If anything she considered it a complement, or at least a confirmation that the outfit she had chosen to wear tonight was having its desired effect on me....
CrossdressingIt’s funny how being under the influence of alcohol can make you do things you would otherwise never consider. This past Independence Day, my husband and I hosted a pool party and barbeque at our house. Such parties are a common occurrence for us, but are much more elaborate on holidays. I’m not typically a big drinker but at a party like that, I really let loose. After all, I don’t have to drive home! My best friend, Susie, arrived early to help with some last minute preparations. She had...
She took her time in the shower. She was in no hurry to face her son again. She wrapped herself up in her robe and headed toward her bedroom, checking the hallway to make sure her son wasn't around first. As she opened her door the dimly little room reminded her of the grimy Sex Shop. It was dark... smelled of sex... and a variety of pornography and sex aids littered the area. She made a note to herself to spend some time this weekend to clean up the room and air it out. Heading over to her...
Blonde petite cutie Bella Rose is just the girl you would expect to see next door and she is ready to let you see her behind closed doors! She loves to show off that sexy tight little ass in her shorts and knows how badly you want to see that panty covered ass just so you can watch her peel them off revealing that gorgeous little shaved pussy! She is so wet for Donnies cock riding him in all the hottest positions letting you see his cock stretch out that tight little pussy! Bella just can not...
xmoviesforyouDear Diary, Very Early Monday Morning I thought that coming to Popper Camp this summer would be a great idea and if the rest of the week is anything like last night I'll defaintely make this an annual summer treat. If you remember, diary, I saw a little ad on the poppers website about an exclusive summer camp for guys who love poppers. I am so glad I pursued it. The inital interview was rough and I had to prove I was worthy for consideration, (several intense...
She knows she is a dirty whore. She takes pride in it. She loves being used and abused as an object for sex by almost any man that wants to take it from her. She will fuck just about any man who is man enough to take her. She enjoys it most when they fuck her in the ass while she resists. Yes she loves to be raped up the ass. Got friends? She will eagerly be fuck meat for you all. Fuck her face, fuck her ass or pussy. Hell you can even fuck her with a variety of household object&hellip,...
Beth sighed as she addressed the last envelope and licked it. Her tongue hurt from all the thank-you notes she'd sent out. But she felt it was her duty to do them herself. After all, she'd gotten a lot of nice gifts from her friends at the wedding shower. And ... a girl only got married once. She turned to look at all the "loot" as her little brother called it. He'd barged in during the shower, while she was holding up a negligee that was almost completely see-through. Then he'd made a...
Nick sat alone at the center of the thrust stage. A large screen behind him projected Naomi’s drawings, which, with his words, helped us enter the world he narrated. The illumination of the screen solely lit the place, with the slight exception of the control booth behind us where Naomi drew and Chandra filmed the drawings leaking a little light behind us. “My consciousness as I know it now began, appropriately, while fucking a gorgeous young woman. I didn’t recognize her, nor the two women...
Emily showed up a couple of hours after I got home from the club. She looked frightened, or worried, or something worse. I was showered, fed and feeling sleepy when the doorbell rang and when I saw her waiting on the other side it was like all the tiredness fled from me. Her hair was beautifully tied back with a blue bow, and her dress seemed to demand that I take it off, but I hesitated to be sure she wasn’t in distress. “Please...” she sighed against my chest, putting her arms around me....
"Hello, wake up sleepy-head!" Roberta found himself being jolted out of a dream involving lots of white lace "come on, tomorrow you'll be getting up much earlier than this." Roberta opened his eyes and slowly his brain started to make sense of his surroundings, slotting pieces of yesterday's hell together. As he looked up at Jodie who was kneeling astride him still in her night dress, the reality of the new morning flooded in. Jodie reached down and stroked his face. "Ouch,...
My ex and I lived in a studio that had an open floor plan. We had enough room for a dressing curtain in the middle to almost create a second room, enough a mattress could fit in case a friend had to crash. Out of the blue, my friend says she is moving away as she just graduated. We had been friends for years, so I was sad about it.My friend, who is a lesbian, and I went out drinking quite often. We often went out drinking and hung out at bars, judged people from a distance. My friend was...
Hiiii friends rohan here again aapne meri saari stories padi hogi or ye meri naughty family ka second part hai pehle part mein mene mom or padosan ko choda or iss part mein mein aapko bataunga ki kaise mom n di ne dad ko sex ke liye manaya……. To phir dusre din hum subah jaldi uthe kyuki dad 7 baje aane wale the to phir humne kapde pehne pure di ne apna night suit pehen liya or mene bhi short or t-shirt pehenli or mom ne bhi nighty pehni or phir 7:30 ko dad aaye humne dad ko welcome kiya or phir...
Callie Jacobs and her stepbrother Jay Romero have gotten together in the biblical sense before, but Callie is prickly about when and where Jay can fuck her. When Jay comes into her room and starts creeping on her, Callie isn’t in the mood. Later, though, Callie puts on a short miniskirt and a bright red thong. When Jay comes in and asks what she’s doing, she makes sure he gets a good look at all the goods before she tells Jay she thinks that she lost her phone under the couch. When...
xmoviesforyouWell finally the day has comeI am so excited, nervous and tremblingI have had a shower and used some of my wife’s less obtrusive perfumeThen get dressedI have purchased some white stay up stockings to go with my panties and camiAfter putting my cage back on after drying my clit I slip on my satin and lace pantiesI sat on the bed I roll on my stockings and adjust them to the correct heightI then slipped into my cami before putting on a pair of trousers and slip on shoesThen my chain was adjusted...
I was riding my bike home from work through downtown. It was a warm night, almost midnight, and I was taking my time. It was Friday night and I had no classes tomorrow but it was three days until payday and I was broke. I really didn’t want to go home … there was nothing to do there … but with no money there was precious little else I could do. Add to that the fact that I was really, REALLY horny and it just made my whole night suck.Of course, tonight I had to work with Melanie, a curvy young...
Bisexual"Wake up it's a beautiful morning..." The sound of the old nineties song by the Boo Radleys blares from my phone, raising me from my slumber and reminding me that I have a big day ahead of me. After I rise from my bed, I pad through to the bathroom, reminded every step of the way that I've had plenty of big days over the last few weeks as well. The first, most obvious thing I notice as I sit in my shallow bath (a mandated part of my recovery program) is the fact that the area...
So far, I've gone through life without a care in the world. At least that's how it's been for the first 20yrs of my life. For me, shit that others have to stress themselves over, I've blown right past with ease. It's just the way it is, the way it's always been. I'm a privileged young man with well-to-do parents, and life can be pretty sweet. But just like everything else in life, it doesn't matter how sweet things are; you're always going to find a reason to bitch about...
Gay MaleMe? No, I’m just another student. Like you. Psychology, actually. I don’t really know what I’m going to do with it yet, but I think that’s okay for any girl in college to not know. Or boy. Why, do you know what you want to do with your life? Wow. That’s so cool. It sounds like you’ve got it all figured out. I wish I was like you. You’re so confident. Where do you get that energy? Whatever. The book can stay closed. I’m having too much fun talking to you. Tell me more about your goals. I love...
Every word of this story is true. It happened almost 4 years ago.I have had sex in front of one or more strangers only once in my life so far. This is about that one time.There is an adult cinema complex not far from my home. It has several different rooms with each room showing a different category of porn videos - one straight, one gay, and one shamble. Each room has several rows of chairs. There are also booths where much of the action takes place behind closed doors. And there is a big, old...
I love my wife but she would be the first to admit that she has a naughty streak that demands attention. On our honeymoon she explained that she needed a strong hand to control her and that she wanted to be spanked whenever she misbehaved, the harder the better. Clearly, my beautiful,blushing bride was very kinky and spanking was her biggest turn on. She reads romance novels: The Cowboy and the Schoolmarm, The Pirate and the Beautiful, Young Stowaway, The Handsome Teacher and the Naughty...
Eliza Ibarra has a thing for older guys, which she confesses to her stepbrother, Kyle Mason, after learning that Kyle’s buddy has a crush on her. Kyle learns that Eliza may not be into his friend, but she’s definitely into his dad. That info really shakes Kyle, who tells Eliza that his dad is a total dork who might even dress up as a bunny for Easter. The two part ways, but Eliza realizes that now that she’s said it she really does want to fuck her stepdaddy. She decides to...
xmoviesforyouI knew she would call. I didn't know when, but shepromised she would, and so far she had lived up to allof her promises, so trust was not an issue. I had beenwaiting for what seemed to be forever. A long foreverwhen your wife is on a date or picking up another guyjust to fuck. This is a trial "date/pickup" run forus. Being my fantasy she said she might try and see ifshe could do it. She wasn't sure. So we just decidedto try it this way, no "on site" hopes or expectationsfrom me, just my wife...
Lisa opened the door to her apartment, and closed it quietly behind her as she saw Carter lying on the couch opposite the door, sleeping. She smiled, and put her school bag on the table just to her left, against the wall. She slipped her purse over her shoulder, and tried to tiptoe quietly across the kitchen floor to where her bf was sleeping. It was hard to do in stilettos, but gradually she made progress, walking only on the front of her heels. As she stood on the carpet of the living room,...
“It doesn’t matter whether you’re the lion or a gazelle—when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.” —Christopher McDougall, Born to Run MY HIGHLY ANTICIPATED private time with Desi never materialized. I fell. It was my own stupid fault. I was concentrating entirely too much on Livy’s bouncing ponytail ten yards ahead of me as we did timed splits and tripped over my own feet. Faceplant right on the asphalt. V1 didn’t run track, but we’d all been out on the cinder track around the...