BeginningChapter 2 free porn video

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Nick sat alone at the center of the thrust stage. A large screen behind him projected Naomi’s drawings, which, with his words, helped us enter the world he narrated. The illumination of the screen solely lit the place, with the slight exception of the control booth behind us where Naomi drew and Chandra filmed the drawings leaking a little light behind us.

“My consciousness as I know it now began, appropriately, while fucking a gorgeous young woman. I didn’t recognize her, nor the two women beside us. In fact, I didn’t know who I was. But somehow I knew where I was. In a small hut on the outskirts of Babylon. And when. Amidst a glorious, expanding empire ruled by Hammurabi.

“I said I was fucking, but the young beauty actually did the fucking, I lay, supine, while she bounded atop me energetically. Despite her moans and pants and enthusiasm, moving my eyes from the bounce of her youthful breasts, shiny with sweat, a perfect handful, I lifted my gaze to meet hers. I saw the tears there. And glancing at the old woman to my right, ancient yet somehow still beautiful, and the woman to my left, at the peak of maturity, neither old nor young and absolutely exquisite, and saw even more despair.”

“Let it go, Nick,” the old woman pronounces. “Give her your seed.”

Nick receives his name, though it must be a nickname, so to speak, because it would be an unusual one for them.

Accepting the first clue of his identity, and banishing his confusion and his concern for these women and their obvious emotional suffering, and focusing on the pleasure surrounding his cock, and adding to the sensuality by grabbing the strong hips and feeling the taut, smooth flesh of the woman, and letting his focus return to her bouncing breasts, he gives himself over to the fucking. He meets her impact with his lifting hips, perfectly timed despite her speed. Flesh meeting flesh resounds in the small room, accompanying the young woman’s appreciative exclamations, both sounds increasing in volume. Soon she stops moving and shivers with pleasure. Her rhythmic vocalizing becomes a singular, high pitched wail.

Despite her becoming still and pressing down hard, he manages to lift her with unimaginable strength, actually increasing the speed of the fucking, giving him the extra friction needed to release his seed. At the same time, she embraces him. Her arms seem to pull on him. Other hands add to the suggestion, and he lets them guide him. With her clinging, and him continuing the hard, fast fucking, he sits up, turns them, and fucks down into her. It takes seconds to make the change of position, and seconds later to release his cum into her womb, an egg there awaiting penetration.

“Yes!” she shouts, her amazingly lengthy orgasm not just extended, but lifted higher. He looks into her sad yet pleasured eyes and sees love. She pulls him into a kiss, her lips soft, warm pillows against his.

“Good,” he hears the old woman utter. Then he hears a thud. A body collapsing to the floor. Sobs come from the other side of the pallet.

“Ssh,” says his young lover when he lifts his mouth off hers and attempts to see what’s happening. Instead he sees her need and lets her pull him back for more kissing. Tongues enter the fray. Another tongue, much lower, licks at the base of his penis and between his balls and across his taint to invade his anus. Never quite flaccid, he feels himself harden. The walls of his lover’s pussy start pressing against his cock again. Fingers and lips join the tongue at his balls. A finger enters his asshole, stroking and pressing a place that adds a unique thrill.

He soon finds himself fucking again. The extra stimulus continues, with fingers slipping between their bodies to pull on his lover’s nipples. It starts slow. Nick embraces the sensations: the kiss and the dance of tongues; the caresses, oral and digital at the base of his torso; the exquisite friction of the tight slick tunnel around his cock. And it remains slow, increasing speed with each of several orgasms his lover achieves. He assists their occurrence beyond the actions of his cock. His fingers add to the invisible woman’s, whom he knows is the perfect beauty he glanced at earlier, caressing his lover’s other nipple. His other hand goes lower, its thumb strumming his lover’s clit.

With no sense of time, he has no idea how long the fuck happens. He does know it’s relentless. And eventually it becomes too much for his lover.

“Cum in me please,” she moans within her latest orgasm.

Doing as commanded, though he senses normally it would be her being commanded by him, his thrusts become hard and fast. A finger, now familiar, rubs harder on that place inside his rectum. Other fingers massage his balls. After easing back the rubbing of her clit, he increases the speed and the pressure there. His fingers twist her nipple. He feels overwhelmed by the release of semen and sperm. Her lover joins him in absolute ecstasy. Pleasure almost eclipses consciousness for him, and it does for her. His head hovering over hers, his eyes finally open, seeing closed eyes, her loose smile, her face completely relaxed along with her body.

His sigh announces his change from amusement, satisfaction and delight, to a return to confusion. Rising up, he finds his simple clothing. Though not a uniform, he understands it signals his place as of a higher class than most of the empire. Dressing, he watches the middle-aged woman dress, a youthful, incredible body showing the influence of age, a softening belly, a little sag at her breasts and buttocks. All made up for by her face, a face of a complete woman, and the wisdom in her lovely eyes, still reddened and puffy from sadness.

“Who am I?” he asks. “For that matter, who are you?”

A look of surprise joins a brief smile of amusement, the latter heartbreaking in contrast with her sadness.

“You don’t remember anything?” she asks.

“I know where we are, and that our people live in an expanding, flourishing empire.”

“I doubt it will remain so,” she replies, her sadness completely returning. “The man who led it has just died, and there’s no one to replace him.”

“Hammurabi’s dead?” Nick murmurs.

“You remember him?”

“I know him to be a great leader of our people.”

“He was also your half-brother. You shared a father, who also has died.”

She barely completes her sentence before collapsing in grief.

“You knew him well?”

“Yes. We’re family, Nick.”

Seeing the corpse, the old woman looking even older in death, he asks, “And her?”

“Also family. She lasted long enough for your transformation.”

“What transformation?”

“You have become immortal, Nick.”


Suddenly she holds a knife and plunges it into his belly. He tosses her across the small room against the hard wall, stunning her.

Amazed, he watches the wound heal. He rushes to the woman who rubs her head and looks at the blood, both saddened and amazed by it. “Are you okay?” he asks her.

“I ... think so,” she answers, her hand pressing against the wound.

“Who are you?” he asks.

“Nana. Your mother.”

He pauses, his eyes wide. “My mother,” he tastes, wondering at the foreignness of it. He should know his mother, but he doesn’t.

“I ... have just become immortal?” he asks her.


“Then ... how could you be sure.”

“Your strength. And more importantly, your taste.”

“My taste?”

“Your ... semen tastes magical.”

“What does that mean?”

“It’s sweet, like no other man. Ambrosia. And it effects people.”


“For one...” her eyes widen and she moves to the young woman, her mouth pressing against the woman’s pussy, and she slurps out his cum. He watches, a little disturbed. His mother drinking his semen. His young lover moans, awakening to pleasure. Once his mother stops licking, she looks up at her son. “It’s a curative.”

Nick nods in understanding. “And another?”

“It makes humans very horny.”

He can see the effect in her eyes. “Oh.”

“Don’t worry. Your slave will take care of me, right, Gula?”

“Yes Mistress,” the young woman replies weakly before her lovely face gets hidden by his mother’s pussy.

Nick doesn’t know if he should watch. At the same time he can’t help watching. His mother is extraordinarily beautiful and sexy.

“Don’t worry, Nick,” she moans. “I won’t fuck you. Am I still that desirable?”

“Yes,” he simply answers. He feels his erection building. He decides to keep it hidden, probably because she notices it too, and it seems to help her cum. Incest interests both of them, and both have decided to resist.

Once sated, she climbs off Gula and dresses. Gula gets up and dresses too. “It’s good you desire me,” his mother explains. “It will keep you in a state of horniness, producing lots of seed.”

“Why is that important?”

“Because you need to fuck lots and lots of women.”

“When you’re not fucking me,” Gula giggles, hugging and kissing him.

“And why do you want me so much, Gula? I hear you are my slave.”

She look at his mother and sniffles. “He really doesn’t remember?”

“No, dear.”

Her eyes return to Nick’s, studying his. “You still find me desirable?”

“Of course. You’re beautiful and sexy. And ... you’re a great fuck, even if I have nothing I can compare you to. I can’t imagine anyone better.”

That brings a brilliant smile to her young face and gains him another, more intense kiss. “We’ll just have to create new memories,” she decides.

“So why are you in love with your master?” Nick asks again.

Gula looks at his mother who shakes her head. Her smile returns with her gaze at him. “Any woman would crave to be your body slave, Nick. You forget how handsome you are.”

“Gula’s people have a complicated relationship with slavery, Nick,” Nana explains. “They’re a tribe from the northwestern edge of Babylonia. Very proud and independent. Unusually attractive and intelligent. All things working against them. The vicissitudes of power, new conquerors vanquishing old ones have been cruel. Rapes and pillages. But it also made them tougher and cleverer. Better at fighting. Better at hiding. Neither worked against Hammurabi. He knew them because your father knew them.”

“Father advised Hammurabi?”

“His most trusted advisor, which resulted in his death. Hammurabi’s son and heir couldn’t be a worse choice. A stupid man who thinks he’s smart. Easily manipulated by the praise of cunning, power hungry men. His one skill, hiding his emotions and his intent, put your father off guard, and allowed for his assassination. A dangerous influence, respected by those who wielded the greatest power, he needed to be silenced and replaced by those selfish manipulators.”

“And Hammurabi’s son wasn’t found out?”

“No. Some bullshit about dying with his emperor the son and his hyenas manufactured. Suicide by beheading, otherwise ridiculous, became the son’s great sacrifice, killing his supposed friend and mentor because of made-up orders from his father and your father. Showing he knows the terrible actions of a ruler that need to be done, while most likely revealing the deception to prove nothing to do with adequacy when the empire starts to fall apart under his and his pals’ rule.

“Anyway, regarding Gula’s tribe, instead of attacking and destroying, your father negotiated. The tribe presented a narrow choice. Unlike tribes around them, killing chieftains and assimilation wasn’t one of them. Because those tribes, despite trading with these people, never trusted them. Too smart or too proud for their own good. Not just besting these others in trades, but seldom did the remarkably attractive women accept suitors from the surrounding tribes.”

Gula grimaces. “Aside from being rude and unclean, they treat their women like shit.”

“You said seldom,” Nick notices.

“I have heard tales of rebellious girls,” Gula shrugs. “They either disappeared, killed or worse, or they brought their men home, a far better fate. Sometimes it took a while for the couple to be accepted, but eventually they were, although her immediate family might have had the hardest time.”

“Would they have been the ugliest ones?” Nick asks.

“Only if they’re ugly and stupid. We find intelligence to have its own seductive quality.”

“Your father’s strategy had everything to do with appearances,” Nana continues. “To the other tribes, slaves were taken to Babylon and those that remained were forced to work for the empire. In truth, no one got forced or punished for disobedience, and the supposed overseers actually served as protectors against the surrounding tribes taking advantage of Gula’s tribe’s supposed weakening.

“It did change the tribe the way slavery might have, in that the so called masters bedded the so called slaves. Except it was never forced. Women liked the men in control, and vice versa. The tribe needed an infusion of new blood. And if anyone assimilated, it was the men that got seduced by the beautiful, intelligent women. A definite change of attitude towards strangers, it had a lot to do with your father’s choice for those who stayed as guards over these pretend slaves. An attractive, intelligent elite of young men.

“And those that returned with him to Babylon had similar experiences. Ladies found men among the elite, ostensibly as mistresses or concubines, but the relationships always had a deeper connection than just sex. And the men, the smartest of the tribe whose absence didn’t cause a weakening of the tribe, brought skills, of natural philosophy or tactics or the counting and dispersion of money or other things for improving Babylonia. And they too found mates among strangers, and changed their beliefs or beliefs combined if needed to gain acceptance.

“Now, with Hammurabi’s death, this all changes. His son doesn’t trust her people. Except one or two who have gained his trust, though not enough to learn about your father’s assassination.”

“Spies?” Nick asks.

“One spy. The other has taken the son’s side and cannot be trusted. We have to leave now, flee. We haven’t much time.”

They bring little with them, escaping into the night. Being at the edge of the capital, they pass few huts before slipping by an encampment of guards. The new moon protects them, and Nick learns he sees well in the darkness and guides them. A mountain, illuminated by stars, gives them direction.

Just past the encampment, Nick sees a vigilant guard and becomes frightened. His mother whispers, “He is with us,” and Nick sees the guard nod. The simple gesture lets him breath again.

When the land behind them becomes alight with the imminent sunrise, Nick spots movement beside a large, craggy boulder. “Friends,” his mother tells him.

Approaching the boulder, an older man appears and embraces Nick’s mother. “He’s gone, isn’t he?” the man asks. Nick can see the eyes pooled with tears.

“Yes,” his mother sniffles.

A woman appears looking much like his new lover, and they too embrace and cry. “Your mate?” Gula asks her.

“He ... stayed with our baby,” the sister sobs. “Too many babies left behind. Too many mates broken apart.”

“It had to be to make things safe for them and for us,” Gula responds. “And they will be safe.”

“I hope so. It ... it makes me wish father never accepted that agreement.”

“It would have worse if he hadn’t.”

“Worse than this?”

“Yes. Meet my lover.”


“He has become forgetful. Nick, this is Belili, my sister.”

“Equal in beauty,” says Nick, bowing. When he straightens up he finds himself completely embraced.

“You changed,” Belili whispers.

“So I’ve been told.”

“I may have loved my mate, but I envied my sister. Bad timing I guess.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let us retire,” says Nana, holding the older man’s hand. “Belili will guide you to your tent,” she tells her son.

Nick gets led past the several makeshift tents to one separate from the others. “Your father liked a little distance,” Belili explains.

She starts to depart, but her sister grabs her hand. “Stay,” she says.


“It doesn’t matter anymore,” Gula explains. “I always knew how much you wanted your best friend to be your lover. I know how strong you had to be to resist, to be a good daughter to our father and mate with his choice.”

“I ... really didn’t mind.”

“He’s a good man,” Gula agrees. “But he’s not Nick.”

“You’re not jealous?”

Gula laughs. “He’s like his father. What would be the point?”

“True,” says Bilili, gazing at Nick, pure lust in her eyes. Her clothes drop away. Larger breasts and softer belly reveal a similar body which has been transformed by birthing a child. She lays on the bed of animal skins.

“But ... your mate,” Nick points out.

“No longer. Help me forget.”

Gula strips him, revealing his rising manhood. She sucks him to full erection, taking seconds. His eyes study the sexy terrain of her sister. He can see the glistening of her cunt even in the darkness.

“Fuck her Nick,” Gula commands after the wet popping sound of lips releasing his rigidity.

He kneels on the earthen floor first and tastes her ready pussy, lingering there long enough to produce her first climax, his hands adding to her pleasure teasing her taut, dark nipples. It takes barely a minute to achieve it, and he climbs over her. Her sister guides him into the welcoming entrance, and he plunges slowly into its depths.

“At last!” Bilili moans. “Fuck me, Nick. Fill me with your seed.”

He silences her with a kiss and does as she commands. His hands return to pleasuring her nipples. Her legs embrace him, pulling him into her, setting the quickening pace. Lifting his hips makes her butt dangle over the pallet and his strokes rub higher inside her. It sends her into her second climax, loosening her legs, making Nick take hold to keep her body in position. His mouth moves down to continue nipple caresses. Eyes now open gaze into eyes. Her mouth no longer muffled by his let out heavy breaths filled with moans and exclamations of encouragement and demands. “Harder. Harder. Nip my nipples. Bite them. Fuck!” she growls, shaken by ecstasy, even more so when his rapid thrusts end in the sweet heat of his ejaculations.

“His second minion,” her sister purrs beside them, her fingers damp with her own pleasure.

“He put the first inside you?” Bilili softly asks her sister.

“I don’t know. He hasn’t checked.”

“What do you mean?” asks Nick.

“Close your eyes and feel her tummy,” says Bilial.

Nick’s eyes go wide. “There’s a spark. Sparks. Like heartbeats.”

“Can you visualize a color?” asks Gula.

“A deep blue. What does it mean?”

“Don’t know about the color,” Bilial answers. “But the sparks I bet mean she’s pregnant.”

“Hunh,” Nick responds.

He looks at his beautiful young lovers. Their eyelids sag closed. Breathe becomes steady. He covers them.

His eyes close, but not for sleep. He feels no need for it. He looks inward, the place for dreams and memories and thoughts. Emptiness. A deep black slate. “Everything’s new,” he murmurs to himself and shrugs. “Ready to be filled.”

The camp moves at sunset, about half again as large as when he arrived. His night vision makes him leader, with the older man and his mother beside him, the man steering the way to his tribe’s home.

The two sisters stay back, amongst their several friends.

After three nights of traveling, they arrive at the tribe’s main village. A guard greets them, again with a nod.

Entering the village, Nick senses emptiness, even if, at this late hour, no one would be up. Perhaps his new keen sense of hearing hears little breathing behind the walls, but he can see his company senses it as well.

A man approaches. Nick can see the resemblance, a male version of his lovers. He embraces the older man and then his sisters, proving the familial connection. “We have to keep moving,” he tells them.

Despite the long march, no one complains. It is expected.

“This is Nick,” Nick’s mother introduces them.

“Even more handsome than I heard,” the man approves. “Ellil,” he informs Nick.

Nick senses the man’s lust, and finds himself returning it. “I am a sexual creature,” he thinks, amused.

An older soldier appears in a doorway. “Nick,” he exclaims.

“A friend of your father,” his mother explains. “He leads the guard here.”

The man waves them to him. Just his mother, his lovers’ father and their brother join Nick entering the largish hut.

The man looks puzzled at Nick’s blank expression. “He has forgotten his past,” Nick’s mother explains.

“Really?” the man answers, disappointed.

Nick shrugs.

“Well, it’s still good to see you, even if you don’t remember why,” the man pats Nick’s shoulder with extra force. Nick remains unmoved. It must have been a familiar gesture, and the result must have been quite different, because the man looks at his mother and she nods sadly.

“Memory loss has come with his change,” she says.

“So he’s...” the soldier stops when Nick’s mother shakes her head, “changed.”

The group has entered a room for meetings. The soldier begins this particular one. “I think we still have a couple days at least before the son’s purge begins,” he explains. “And I don’t think any of the neighboring tribes have realized their new advantage.”

“You think,” her lover’s father shakes his head.

“According to reports, the son has been busy taking power and consolidating changes in the city. You know the soldiers will be slowest to change allegiances. They were the most loyal to Hammurabi.”

“Soldiers are soldiers,” Nick shakes his head. “They take allegiance with those who command them.”

“True. But what if no one commands them?”

“A purge of leadership,” Nick nods.

“Most fled, I’m afraid, upon Hammurabi’s death and your father’s assassination.”

“They knew he was assassinated?”

“Yes. Not very brave of us, but the alternative would have meant rebellion or their summery execution. What became the worst choice, desertion, became the best for the welfare of the empire. It would have weakened considerably with those other options. This way, the son can blame us for being cowards and more easily replace us without the grumbling of our men.”

“Just like us,” his lovers’ father nods. “Escaping our purging. Leaving children behind.”

“What about the children?” Nick asks.

“The son wouldn’t dare kill them. I don’t think he’s that cruel. Just stupid and power mad. But it would also destroy any vestige of respect in his fragile ascension.”

“The tribe’s disappearance from Babylon also makes the disappearance from here more plausible,” the older soldier explains.

“You have vigilant guards,” Nick points out.

“Unfortunately two have been sacrificed.”


“Two men slipped in your father didn’t vet. We only realized when they raped one of the village women.”

“Why didn’t...” Nana stopped herself.

“Some drug made her essentially unconscious. Like being too drunk to remember. When she recovered...” The soldier and Nana nodded.

“How did they think they could get away with it?” Nick asks. “This is an extremely tight knit and protective community.”

“They thought she would be too ashamed to admit the rapes. There’s worse things than fucking an outsider.”

“Stupid men. A tribe who has suffered invasion several times would have laws about rape that would override any concern about sleeping with outsiders. Especially an enlightened tribe as this one seems to be.”

“Exactly,” the soldier agrees with a sigh.

“Despite the supposed buffer of time, we should go,” says Ellil.

“Other tribes will notice the empty village just as we did,” his father agrees.

“Of course,” the soldier blushes.

The two older men embrace. “You have done well for us,” the tribe leader tells the soldier. “Just as Nick’s father promised.”

“A most pleasurable duty,” the soldier remarks as their hug ends.

The older man snorts a laugh, but gets serious, “How is your beautiful companion.”

The soldier sighs. “With my wife and our children. She wouldn’t abandon them, or me, for some reason. I just hope ... I can join them. And she’ll be safe.”

“Just treat her like dirt in front of the enemy, and she’ll be fine. Like you supposedly treated us. Speaking of which, did those spies...”

“I don’t think they had a chance to report. They probably thought they were in paradise with all your beautiful women. They were new and they were watched, unfortunately not enough.”

“At least they became useful, even if not in the way they hoped.”


The two men share a dark smirk before the meeting ends and Nick and company lead the villagers through their former village, exiles again, but forced this time.

“Where can your people be safe?” Nick asks.

Ellil answers, “We have cousins of sorts on the coast.”

“Will there be room for us?”

“They are a lazy group, fishermen, and need a bit of diversity and intelligence and energy in their life. They ignore the land as they face the sea. We will make the land they ignore ours.”

“And along the way?”

“We follow a path of trade, familiar allies if not friends. They have benefitted well from us, as much to keep them happy and unthreatening as anything. It’s a bit of a secret, though Hammurabi and your father knew of it. Part of our strange agreement, spying on these places for their vulnerability.”

“We are no longer in Babylonia?”

“Outliers. Our trade increased with Hammurabi, because we traded for him, and he benefitted more than he would if he invaded their territory and enclosed them in the empire. Funny thing is, I rarely met a man who didn’t praise our dead emperor. They certainly showed no defensive force against an attack, unlike us.”

“What do you mean? You could have defended your land against Babylonia?”

“Not successfully, but it would have been a fierce fight. Many would die on both sides. Far more Babylonians, but of course it would still be a small proportion of their warriors, while we would suffer near annihilation. All of us train to fight from childhood.”

“All of you?”

The young man nods. “Including the women.”

“Interesting. So you know this path well.”

“I should. I am one of our people’s chief traders. I have a knack for languages and for making friends. Speaking of which, I have special friends along the way.”

“You mean lovers. How does your father feel about your preference?”

“He ... tolerates it. Mostly he ignores it. I disappoint him because his son won’t make him grandsons. But he has you and my sisters for that.”

“The lineage of men ends with you.”

“In a way it’s not as important in our tribe, because the true lineage comes from the daughters.”

“Makes sense.”

“Yeah. If a man marries a slut, there’s no way to know the paternity of their child. But then you have men’s egos, and that gets thrown out. The female lineage has more to do with our religion than our society.”

A few minute later, Ellil asks, “So, would you like to meet my special friends?”

Nick chuckles. “Showing me off?”

“You are beautiful. But ... maybe one of them would stay with me.”

“None of your tribe?”

Ellil shakes his head. “Secret liaisons filled with guilt from married men who probably shouldn’t be married. Not my favorite situation, but I get horny.”

“No one with your preference?”

“Like I said, they’re married.”



“Someone young?”

“I would never abuse a child.”

“That’s not what I’m asking.”

“It is actually. As soon as they’re deemed men, their wife is chosen. They don’t fuck them right away. Marriage comes later.”

“What about the changes? The slavery thing? The supposed concubines?”

“That stirred things up, but it happened a generation too soon for me. Things settled. And it sort of evened things out since we have more girls than boys.”

“What about the soldiers?”

“More evening. They had whores. Disgraced women. Or rebellious ones.”

“But none of the soldiers...”

“Preferred men? A couple. We didn’t click and they had each other.”

“A generation before that my father changed things?”


“What about your sisters?”

“They were practically babies when they left with my father.”

“Without you?”

“I guess I represented his presence here. I was always precocious. The chief had no male children, so I think they thought I could take over the tribe.”

“The chief raised you?”

“I slept in his hut.”

“Not a fan?”

“He’s an asshole. If anyone made it hard for me to find a mate amongst our people, it was him.”

“I’ll meet your friends.”

The young man’s frown becomes a wide smile. “Great.”

Along the way, the Ellil twice disappears during the resting times and reappears with a lover. Nick has the first homosexual encounters he can remember. The two lovers stay with the young man, even with Nick explaining his presence would only be occasional. Though the young man doesn’t suspect, Nick thinks their choice has less to do with him than the young man. Charming and good looking, Nick just gives him the excuse to ask his lovers what they want him to ask.

Same as Beginning
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Stella Maris scores triple A at the intimate inspection of her bodily beauties. Next her experiences.She starts at teen times. Her father first hero. Next one her blonde ballroom beau. Too shy or gay?She has her first friend, who demands some sex. So she learns to jack him off. Is messy enough!Stella blossoms from first days at Amsterdam University. Same year as Marina. Not yet her friend.Stella Maris falls for the charms of the guy, who leads her dozen during first week's 'Introduction'.She is...

2 years ago
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Fantasy with TS

Fantasies I have wet dreams about. Here is one :DShemale bus driverI ride the late bus home from school. I could ride the normal bus, but the late bus driver is HOT. I am the last stop on the late bus so I get to talk her alone for a while. Also since my parents don’t get home until after 6:00 pm. I get home around 4. But I usually chill on the bus and talk to her. Her name is Alex. She is around 5’4” with a round ass and plump tits on an average frame. Hair dyed red and short. Today was...

2 years ago
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Convincing the Wife part two

A few weeks, maybe a month, later, I was in bed with the laptop. I was researching some purchases I needed to make for work. It was late and I was ready to finish up and go to sleep. My wife came in to get ready for bed. She saw the laptop and joked, “Looking at hot guys jerking off again?” “No, that’s your job. I could get it set up again if you want. I just need to copy the model number off this laser printer first.”“So sexy,” she laughed and went into the bathroom. While she was there I...

3 years ago
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An ClochnChapter 44

As Demerti left the Dóchas’ conference room Sarah said, “As we do for all visitors, we will go over our safety procedures first. This will be followed by a few details about us. We would prefer that you hold questions until the end of each segment.” She started with the requirement for an escort, this caused some raised eyebrows, which relaxed somewhat after the explanation was provided. It was clear from the visitors’ expressions that they had difficulty accepting that the Órarduine were...

2 years ago
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Husband Training PT2

So I walked around the house that night in my lingerie with a throbbing hard cock. I so badly wanted to stroke my cock, but I knew to wait because I knew my wife would not disappoint me. Around 11:30 that night, I heard the garage door and knew my wife was pulling in. I immediately went to our bedroom. The front of my panties were soaked with my pre-cum. My wife came into the bedroom a few minutes later. Her hair was a mess and she looked disheveled and relaxed. She smiled broadly at me and...

1 year ago
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House helper

I grew up with only my mother for most of my c***dhood. My mother, Lisa met my father, John while they attended college. They stayed together after college and got married young. Both my parents found good jobs and their careers took off. My mother got pregnant with me after about 4 years of marriage. Unfortunately, the pressure from their jobs and having a baby so young, their marriage only lasted another couple of years.My mother could not stay home and raise me even before the divorce. They...

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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 46

When Holly and I got to the door of the apartment, I put a finger to my lips and then moved it to hers. This was to warn her to be very quiet on the way in. I didn't want Lisa to know that I was there before I was ready for her to know. The sound of a moan from a voice never heard in this place before tonight, reached us and made us both smile. That single moan had said so many things, such as need, acceptance, eagerness, maybe even a little fear. Even the sounds of Holly undressing behind...

1 year ago
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after school at dannys house

As we approached dannys front door, he was greeted by his mother. Danny and his mum exchanged hellos and started to talk about their days. I coughed as I was recovering from a bad chest. Opps almost forgot, mum this is callum. Hey callum, nice to meet you. Nice to meet u too I replied. Is it okay if we chill in my room? Sure but can I have a private word with danny alone, callum? I said u don't need my permission its ur house. Danny showed me to his room and told me to...

3 years ago
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Rachael part 6

The early hours of the morning are usually a time for sleep but that’s not going to happen when you’re sharing a bed with two horny sisters and their equally horny mother.I had met Rachael when her car had a flat tyre and as a reward for my help we had enjoyed a meal and an night of sexual pleasure which we extended into the following day when her estate agent, who was also her sister, joined us. Our threesome had been discovered by the girls’ mother who then proceeded to suck me off.A few days...

3 years ago
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Teasing Tyler

My boyfriend, Tyler, and I sat lounging on my couch one Friday morning. All my roommates were off at work, in a class, or with their own significant others. We were watching a documentary for a class that I couldn't care less for and I was feeling a bit mischievous. Tyler was very into the documentary and I knew he needed to pay attention to it, but I still took upon myself to entertain myself the best way I could. I took Tyler's middle finger into my mouth and began to suck and lick it very...

Straight Sex
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Community Property

Hi folks, another week, another tale of love gone wrong. I'm still shocked that I got away with naming the hero of last week's story Daniel Boone and no one caught it. As A warning I have to tell you that this one includes some violence. But in the end it's only a story. Only imaginary people were injured during the story and even they got back up and went home after it ended. So for those of you who don't like to see things like that, this one probably won't be your cup of tea.For the...

2 years ago
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The after party

First time ever: I had the most incredible time of my life ever in my life ever. Well it started after my wife and I got home after going out for dinner. We came home after eating and it was still really early about 6:30pm . So ask my wife to call her friends and I’ll call my friends to come over to party and play some poker. Soon after a little while we had about 25 of our friends over. We all started drinking and playing poker and partying hard till the early morning. Well the party was...

1 year ago
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FilthyFamily Lexi Luna Harmony Wonder 3Some With Step Sister And Step Mom

Harmony Wonder loves messing around with her step brother, Ricky Spanish. Doing everything from spying on him while he showers to bothering him as he tries to do his homework. This particular day, She snuck under the table at breakfast and decided to suck his cock. Once he noticed, he went along with it, trying not to make it obvious to their step mom, Lexi Luna, who happen to be behind them. Eventually, the step mom got closer to him and started hitting on him, not knowing what was going on...

1 year ago
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Private Kaisa Nord Done Deal

Today we reunite once again with the spectacular Kaisa Nord, a true Private star who has come to Private Specials, Anal Chicks 2 to celebrate a business deal with her husband Ralf and ex-boyfriend Potro. Kaisa is here to prove why you should mix business with pleasure as she takes to the shower and shows off her awesome big tits before getting the fun started with a couple of sloppy blowjobs. Then watch the rest of the gonzo action on where this sexy blonde enjoys an anal and DP...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 200

Tuesday raced by like a horse on steroids. I offered the director job to Kelly with a probationary period. The extra ten thousand a year would be the tipping point in getting the house they wanted. Courtney made the announcement at the site and put him in charge as we had discussed. She also informed the group that the North six were leaving on Thursday and she and her group the first of the week. I left KCC after lunch. Lorrie and Roseanne were scheduled back at two and we were all going...

4 years ago
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Meri Divya Mausi

Hi and I won’t disclose my name and say my name as Babu. This is not a story. It is my real life incident. I have a Mausi, who is my chachi’s sister. Amazingly she is 2 years elder to me. Well the incident happened some days back, but I had met her a year before in village for the first time. I was in my 10th and had actually no idea that she actually was attracted towards me at that time but later on I felt that probably even I liked her. But it was late she was gone and i had no idea when...

4 years ago
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Zacks College Bully

Pulling the strap of his backpack to adjust it over his shoulder, Zack rubbed his face with his free hand, his bangs being pushed to the side just long enough for him to catch a glimpse of the person he slammed into. His tired limbs betraying him, Zack yelped as he fell back onto his butt, pain lancing through the wrist he'd put out behind himself. Pouting as he cradled his wrist, Zack whimpered an "ow" before he looked up to see the unflinching figure above him -- an imposing blonde with a...

1 year ago
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Darren and Jamal

100% fictional My name is Darren. I'm a 6"4,18 year old African american male and this story is about how I and my best friend fell in love. It was my last year of high school and me best friend Jamal couldn't wait for it to come to an end. Jamal is Asian, Black, and White (sexy ass combination I know), he's 6"0 and has nice sized muscled with a 6 pack. I've know Jamal basically all my life so its natural that he's my best friend. Me and Jamal been on the football team since freshman years him...

2 years ago
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Our parents away part 1

It was my first term in matric and my mom and stepdad went away for the weekend. I was still dating Cassi who was turning 17 later in the year and my stepsister Amy who would be turning 20, had just broken up with her boyfriend Marc a month or so ago. It was a Friday afternoon and I was home from school and rather horny when my girlfriend and I made plans to see each other at the mall for movies. Amy soon got home and I asked her if she could please do me a favour. She asked what and I told her...

1 year ago
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Nipple Toment

I had contacted an escort who said she was more than happy to satisfy my need for a fee, and what for me made it me more kinky was that she according to her profile was approaching seventy , but her body looked fine. So someone of my Mom,s or my Aunts age would be abusing me. I texted that I had arrived and waited , heart rate rising , and she texted back the house number and directions. I got out of the car and followed the directions. My semi pressing against my boxers and outlined in my...

2 years ago
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Vadodara Me Rasalpur Me Choda

Hi my name is aditya khare. I am doing engineering in vadodara. Sari aunties and ladies apni ungli chut me daal do mera naamleke . So the story is about me and a girl who was very open up and wanted to get fucked like hell which I got to know later. Mere class ki friend thi high school ki. Kuch 5-6 mahinese humari roz baat hoti thi but we were not in relationship amd just friends the . Ek din uska subha phone aya k chal rasalpur chalte hai. I said ok . Me use pick karne gaya and saw that usne...

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Dating CheerleadersChapter 7 Cheer Camp

The school year had ended and summer was upon us. With the help of my girls I managed to keep my grades up and would be entering my senior year with a very respectable GPA. I had signed up to take a photography class next year since my folks got me a very expensive 35mm film camera outfit for Christmas. Brains must run in our family since Tracy graduated with a perfect 4.0 average and was class valedictorian. She had letters of acceptance at a few prestigious colleges and chose a local school...

1 year ago
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Family Beach Week 1

She was sitting in the back seat of a car with her friend Sarah, her younger brother, and her parents in the front. They were on the way to a beach campsite. The kind with both spots for RVs/campers and houses. Her uncle, aunt, and their younger daughter were also on the way in a car. It was around lunch time and they had just eaten. "Not much farther, you know where we are Emily you've been on this ride many times before." answered Emily's mother. Emily and Sarah are 17 and looking...

2 years ago
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Off Trail Intimacy

A deep azure sky accompanied by a light cool breeze is the recipe for a nice summer day. Temperatures were in the 80's with no trace of humidity.  Sloane had dropped by my home to say good morning. She was letting Siobahn sleep late. She knew my wife was kayaking, so her visit was safe. I was in the garage tuning up my hybrid bicycle."Oh, I see you like to cycle," she said."Yes, a friend and I cycle every Friday. We ride  20-25 miles. It is beneficial cardiovascular exercise, and we like riding...

2 years ago
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Listening to my wife getting fucked on the phone

My wife travelled to Newburgh, NY for work. On Sunday, her return flight was overbooked. She called me to say she volunteered her ticket and will be staying another night, and will fly out the next morning. She said the airline would put her up in a hotel and give her a credit on a future flight.She called later and told me that another coworker had volunteered his ticket as well and they were going to stop to eat before going to hotel. I told her to cut loose and have fun. She giggled and...

3 years ago
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Kaisy Mainy Ek Married Lady Ko Patake Choda

Hi I am Nick again with another of my true incident , I’ll keep my about me brief , I am 6’2” fair , with an athletic body since I love working out , and I have a 7” tool . coming on to my story … This happened when my gf left for Hyderabad and I used to be desperate for sex … as I was in a habit of fucking her daily…. I met a married lady on fb , I messaged her but she was too blunt and rude.. I had to talk to her nicely .. Let me tell you about her she’s is someone you would instantly get a...

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The Rest of the Masterful Weekend Getaway

“Get your suit on, let’s go for a swim.” Going out for dinner was definitely what I needed to straighten out my head or maybe George just fucked with it more. Hours ago I was just about ready to ask him to take me back home and that he not contact me again. The roller coaster ride I was on with him had me frightened one moment, floating in ecstasy the next moment, and then blissfully happy the next moment. At that particular moment when he told me to put on my suit, I couldn’t have agreed to...

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Rear Pussy

Reddit Rear Pussy, aka r/RearPussy! I’m assuming everyone reading this is old enough to know what Reddit is about. If not, get off my page, you fucking toddler. Reddit is the perfect place to be to browse, view, and learn about topic-specific content. Hell, it is one of the easiest places to spiral down a dark wormhole of no return and trust me when I tell you I’ve been there, done that. One of the perks of being The Porn Dude is being able to stare down at some of the top NSFW subreddits on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Orgasms thru Breast Stimulation

Most women don't know that their breasts are orgasmic. We're so focused on having an orgasm through clitoral stimulation and/or vaginal penetration that we miss out on so many other great forms of stimulation. Our entire bodies are orgasmic.Rutgers University researchers discovered through MRI brain scans that nipple stimulation activates the same nerve cortex as clitoral and genital stimulation. 1. Set a sensual scene. Start by lying comfortably on your back wherever you feel most relaxed. Set...

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True to Ones Nature by Millie Dynamite

by Millie Dynamite © Copyright 2018 by Millie Dynamite It’s true, I’m a fucking genius. I have literally gotten away with murder, several killings if the truth is told. I enjoy ending lives, especially the lives of beautiful girls. You know the girls I mean, the ones that are so beautiful that men are afraid to approach them. The ones that look down their noses at everyone I find the most fun…the most enjoyable to rape and kill that is. Admit it friend, you’ve thought about it. Choking...

2 years ago
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Daddies Whore 1

"I don't think you want to know Daddy, believe me I'm very sure you don't want to know," was my reply to you, turning from you back to the counter, I hear you chair pull out from the table and grab my shoulder and whip me around to look at you. "No, I didn't give you that option, I took the day off work to find out what the hell is going on, and damn it you are going to tell me. You better start taking this serious." Your eye's peirce mine. "Daddy, I quit going to school...

4 years ago
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Hot days in UK Make all woman horny

So when it gets warm in the uk the woman get hornier so on one of these hot days I was in the back garden sunbathing with just my tight shorts on and having a nice cold beer when I looked up I saw the young girl from next door looking over and as I had my sunglasses on she didn't notice I saw her looking at me when I took my glasses off she hid and then popped back up abit embarrassed and said sorry I said don't worry about it and do you fancy a drink she said sure I asked what she'd like she...

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Birth of the Tentacle Fiend0

“That’s nice, Daph” said Vicky as Daph spun around in a cute floral summer dress. But secretly she thought it would look better on herself. Daph checked herself out in the mirror. “Pretty darn cute if I say so myself!” she said chirpily, before pulling the dress up over her head and tossing it over a chair. She bent down and began rummaging around in her shopping bags for the next item. Vicky averted her eyes from the rather lewd display of Daph’s rounded ass clad in pretty silk panties...

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Sex in the park bushes

This is based on a true story with the names changed for privacy.One evening me and my girlfriend, Hayley, decided to go for a romantic late night walk. She told me she was bored and needed some air. This would of been around 10pm in mid November time. Now I love going for long walks so I absolutely agreed. We both head into the bedroom to get ready however this time Hayley grabs her clothes and walks into the bathroom instead. Thinking nothing of it I got myself ready. After a few moments...

4 years ago
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A Man of No Importance

‘You must be joking,’ I said. ‘You want me to drive all the way to San Francisco just for a dance? You do realize, Kenny, that that’s close to an hour and half drive from here?’ ‘Come on, Mike,’ Kenny responded. ‘Live a little. There will be lots of women there. You need to stop living in your cocoon and get out. How many times are you going to spend the weekend watching sports? You must have 50 tapes full of old college football games. That’s like not normal, man.’ ‘I like my life the way it...

3 years ago
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Mom finally gets her turn

Little Mikey has been teased most of his life for being a lanky small framed boy. He has always been the smallest in his class. For a long time we were even able to let him order from the kid’s menu, even after he passed 12, because his body just was not maturing like other boys his age. His dad and I didn’t really think too much of it. We figured he’d eventually hit a spurt and take off. But by the time he turned 12 or so, he became more private around his dad and I. I guess that...

2 years ago
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An Affair Observed

It all began on a pleasant April morning. It was a gorgeous Saturday. The windows were open, in deference to the unusually mild temperatures. The birds were singing, the air was fresh and clean-smelling, and Norman Rockwell was going to town. I went into the kitchen to begin breakfast. I normally drink coffee, but occasionally I go on a tea binge, sometimes lasting for a couple of weeks. I filled my favorite teapot, one left to me by my grandmother, put it on the stove, and readied the bags...

1 year ago
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the girl next door

Jason had started his own business, and traveled quite often. This left Ellie alone most of the time. Having no kids, she had a lot of time on her hands. She was also left with a lot of desires not being met. sure, she had her old reliable vibrator that did well enough of a job, but she wanted more, she needed a man’s touch. Jason came home from his latest trip and she put the thoughts out of her mind. She enjoyed the time they had together before he left out on his next trip. Jason left for...

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A beach in Guadeloupe

It’s hard to be nonchalant when you’re surrounded by beautiful women, all of them nude.  But that’s what is expected of you on a nude beach, on the lovely French island of Guadeloupe.  Topless bathing among French women is the norm, and nude bathing in the quiet, isolated parts of a beach is not uncommon.  So here I was, a normally shy American, lying naked on that beach, acting like nothing unusual was going on.  Far from the truth.I had come here by myself, to a Club Med -- that beacon of...

3 years ago
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The Theater

Mike was tired from a long day at work. He was just promoted to manager at the bank he worked at. He received a big raise but with more money of course comes more hours and he was now working close to 11 hour days. It didn't help that the branch he had to transfer to was close to an hour away from his house. Mike was 29 and was married with 2 kids. His wife had just given birth to his youngest son 2 months ago so she was constantly tired and sex was completely off the table. He had...

3 years ago
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Gloryhole Adventure

'This is the place,' I said as I swung our car into the car park. Julie squealed with excitement. Since our last few adventures, (fantasy photo shoots, beach, ladies night out) Julie had admitted just how much she loved to play with strangers cocks, teasing them with sensual stroking, licking, squeezing, rubbing, edging until they can't take anymore. And I loved to take photo's of her whilst she teased these cocks. She looked so sexy with a big thick cock in her slender delicate hands! So I had...

1 year ago
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fun with Jen part two

There they were stark naked..except Jen's mother, who still had on her white cum soaked panties...They started making out. I could barely take it. Jens mother was beautiful. she had huge plump breast, and a nearly perfect body.."So you fuck my daughter, and you think you can get away with it?!" she glared at my hard cock, that I was hiding under the blanket...she grabbed Jen by the hair.."come her you fucking slut" Jen readily complied based on her new knowledge about her mother. She...

1 year ago
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CarolChapter 5

Carol thought about what just happened and it confused her. As she laid in bed, she thought about the orgasms she’s had. For the first time in her life, she went to bed with no clothes on. It seemed villainous and nasty, but why not? This opened her mind to new ideals, but all she could think about was the feelings of Bob’s fingers inside of her, feeling the places that no one has ever felt before. This got her all hot and bothered. She threw off the blankets and started massaging her...

3 years ago
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Deaths Favorite Soldier

The call of the night is simply irresistible when you are what I happen to be. Seriously. My name is Jefferson Dean and I am a Proto-Vampire. As far as I know, I’m the only Proto-Vampire who still walks the planet Earth. I’ve seen vampires and other supernatural creatures but I’ve never encountered another one like myself. It makes for a boring existence but I’ve made the best of it. It’s a living, after all, even if you’re undead. Currently, I’m on the run. You see, there’s this thing after...

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The Little Red Light Part One The Seduction

They sat at the small table in the night club, nervously looking around the dimly lit room. The club music pounded as they watched a room full sweaty bodies, much younger than they, enjoying the night. The idea to spend a night out at one of these local clubs seemed like a great idea earlier in the night, but it had become painfully obvious that this was not what Guy and Jamie needed to reconnect in their marriage. They sat silently, apart, sipping their drinks and hoping that the other would...

2 years ago
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Summer of 55Chapter 17

Mary Ellen went with Shirley to their apartment, and I knew she was shaving Shirley’s pussy while I was selling a car. Twice my cock got hard as I sat at my desk - and I had to make my mind stop seeing them both naked as Mary Ellen shaved her. I knew Mary Ellen, she was going to taste Shirley’s pussy when she gets through. I was just hoping I’d get to see Sybil naked, while getting her pussy shaved. I want some of her pussy. I mean - I want her pussy - BAD. I want to lay between her huge...

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Camping With Cousins

Hey my name is karan (name changed for obvious reasons) and this is my first story!!! To start with I am a average looking guy with an average 7 inch dick. This incident happened 3 years before when I was 18 years old. I reached my uncle’s house at 5 pm where all my cousins were waiting for my arrival so that we can go out camping in the nearest forest. I had packed my clothes for the 2 days camping trip. My 6 cousins include Rohan who is 4 year younger than me. Rishabh who is a year younger...

2 years ago
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Child MagusChapter 33

The outfits I had in mind for Cassandra and Katrina were simpler than mine. I wanted them dressed the same but their physical differences made it only a slight challenge for Peter. "You might find it hard to believe, but I have more leather for women than men." Then he disappeared in the back and came back with a cart loaded with tons of different outfits for them to try. Once I picked out what I liked, it was just a matter of finding the right sizes. In the end, the only thing left to get...

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Sneha parinayam

I always wanted to marry my mom and make her my had been my dream since 8 years. But it could never materialize since i never had enough courage to ask her. Before before i get into this long story i would like to describe my mother’s name is sneha. She is 39 years old and got married at a very young age of 18.she is 5’4 and weigh 56 kgs.she has a relatively small but cute pair of boobs.i can never call her to be a bomb shell because she never cared to dress attractively.further...

2 years ago
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My First Experience With A Shemale

It was a Saturday night and I had just arrived in Coimbatore by bus. I got down and didn’t get any taxi or auto. So I decided to walk to my home which was 3 kilometers from the bus stand. It was pretty dark and I was walking through this deserted street. All I could see was parked vehicles and some stray dogs playing. I saw a bright light from behind and quickly noticed that it was a scooty approaching. I signaled for a lift and the scooty stopped. It was a lady in dark blue saree and black...

3 years ago
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Policewoman in drag

Pure Fiction… As a long distance lorry driver I have to park up for the night in different places away from home every night. This night was in late winter or early spring so it was still quite cold once the sun set. I had showered and had my evening meal. I was sitting in my nice warm lorry cab on my laptop surfing the web, curtains closed and heating on. I was wearing just my boxers and reading some great stories on the Lush web pages, giving my now hard cock a gentle rub when there was a...

4 years ago
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A night in Lacy

The thunderous sound of my Mustang rumbling down the highway, I couldn’t go fast enough, weaving in and out of cars, downshifting into 4th passing Porsches and Lambos on cruises around town to show off their trophy wives or girlfriends, or both. I had the chance for a night with my long time crush. A once in a life time chance. The speed signs were to slow, the tires squealed as I down shifted and slid through the turns and stop signs. I looked down at my phone from the picture she sent me...

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