What Are Friends For?-Frankie Says Relax free porn video

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Thanks for reading folks! I'm new to this, but my favorite author Elena Starz got me into writing so I'm trying my hand at it. If you have any feedback or any story suggestions going forward, please feel free to e- mail me at [email protected]. Enjoy! It had been a long night of debauchery. He meant to take care of business, but he let his emotions get in the way. Beer loving emotions. That's why he woke up on the floor. Brian rubbed his head and sat up from his living room floor. Alex and David were crammed together on the couch. Slowly, the two on the couch joined Brian in regretfully realizing they were still alive. "How many beers did we drink, man?" David asked. "Too many," Alex said as he ran off to the bathroom. The answer was they each had four beers. Unfortunately, Brian was the oldest at 19 which meant they had to buy the sketchy beer from the gas station in the Old Fourth Ward that didn't ID. Brian got up and turned on the Keurig. Every muscle in his body ached. His primary concern was the throbbing in his brain. He should have let the night end with that dinner with Jeanie and Abby. He meant to just give the two boys subliminal commands and call it a day. He let them get the better of him. Beer. Video Games. Weed. That's all they ever cared about. They hadn't changed at all. To be fair, he had partaken in the beer, video games, and the weed last night so who was the real idiot here? Fair enough, he thought. He was being too harsh on his old friends. Sometimes life just pulls you in different directions. Also, sometimes your friend hypnotizes you into a woman and then falls in love with you. Stop, he thought. I'm just friends with both of them. I love them as a friend. That's all. Get your mind out of the gutter. Stop thinking about Jeanie's beautiful smile and her voluptuous figure. Stop thinking about Abby's sleek legs in her colorful tights and her wonderful laugh... Thankfully, Alex returned from the bathroom and sat down at the kitchen table to derail that thought train. "Coffee?" Brian offered. "No, thanks" he managed to say without vomiting. He never made eye contact when he talked. It was the polar opposite of Abby. She always seemed to be running on cocaine with how she got her your face and raved about this band that she was listening to or this club she heard about and "Don't you nod like that at me BrianIknowyouaren'tlistening... Something like that. "I am all about that coffee," David said as he shuffled in. "What do we have planned for today, boss man? Hopefully, some Waffle House to start" "Sure," Brian said as he brought over two mugs of the terrible coffee he had concocted. "It is your first time in the city so tell me what you want to do" "Well," David began. "You have a PS4 and I really want to play Bloodborne so let's do that" "Yeah, that sounds cool," Alex said meekly. Brian shook his head and laughed. That's all you could do. "We are in the heart of Atlanta. I've told you I'm buying for whatever we do. And you two want to play video games..." "Not just that!" David said as the coffee reenergized him. "I was thinking. I mean, Alex and I were thinking, it would be cool to have those two girls over. You know, your friends...Jeanie and Abby. Abby totally has a thing for me." Brian did his best not to spit out his coffee. He looked at David as he continued to ramble about how hot Abby was. He had never really been able to see Jeanie's face in his despite the fact that they did indeed share the same face. Jeanie was such a sweet heart. How was David such a dipshit? "I don't know. I only have three tickets to the aquarium so one of you would have to sit out so probably not a good idea." "What are you talking about, dude?! That's a perfect idea! Jeanie can go with you and Alex and I'll stay here with Abby and get to work," he said with a poor attempt at a wink. "I haven't even met Abby after all these years," Alex yawned. "Dude, I've never met Jeanie either. We can invite them over today and finally meet!" "That sounds cool," Alex agreed. "Jeanie is pretty cute. You're not interested in her are you, Brian?" "Me?" Brian stammered. "No, uh, we're just friends. That's all" "You can lie to yourself pal, but not your best friends. Anyways, he has had his chance, Alex. You snooze you lose." Brian could sense he was losing this battle so he did his best to come up with a plan. "Fine," Brian said. "But I need you to get a few thing for me from the store Alex. Do you mind?" "No problem, Brian," he said. "Mind if I shower first?" The trio started getting ready and cleaning up for the arrival of their guests. Brian had an idea, but it wasn't the smoothest by any means. Alex was the first to get ready. Brian gave him his weekly grocery list. He didn't need all of it for today, but it would keep Alex busy for about an hour. "So," David said. He was rubbing his hands together in his attempt at a conspiratorial look. "What's the ETA on the ladies?" Brian didn't like the emphasis on the word ladies. David had a knack for creepiness when he put his heart into it. "Well, Jeanie is already here," Brian said as he leaned towards David. "She's getting ready actually." "Really?!" David said in a hushed tone. "Where? Can I see?" "You get to be front row and center. Finish this lyric for me first though." David gave him a puzzled look. "Stop. Collaborate and listen..." Brian said as he gestured to David. "Ice is back with my brand new invention? What does that have to do with anything? You say...the...weirdest...shi...." Glazed eyes. Mindless smile. Shuffled walk to the bedroom. If Brian was honest with himself, he would admit he got a rush out of having that control over someone. He never was though. He did his best to say he was doing it for their own good. Jeanie and Abby were Alex and David at their bests. What their full potential was. He was doing them a favor. He watched David strip down Get to work on his make-up. He had grabbed some modest white panties from the closet. Brian had fully stocked his apartment with all the clothes they could ever want. While he watched, his phone rang. It was Mr. Folds. "Hello?" "Brian! How are you doing today, my dear?" Brian couldn't help but smile. Mr. Folds was the cheeriest man alive. "I'm doing well, sir. How is life treating you?" "Very well! Business is excellent as always. In fact, I have another job that requires your expertise." "Absolutely. I can stop by later today if that would be alright." "Sure, sure. No rush. The client's wife is coming in at three so try to aim for then. Taa-taa!" The phone clicked after Mr. Folds' signature sign off. Mr. Fold's paid extremely well, so Brian couldn't complain but the timing could have been better. Brian had met Mr. Folds a few years ago when he came out to see one of his magic shows. Mr. Folds had told him he owned a transformation studio in Atlanta. Crossdressers would come down from all over to get made-up and have professional photos done. When Brian had turned 18, Mr. Folds actually let him take the clients out to dinner as a wine and dine package. Most of the clients were just plain ol' men who liked to dress up like women. They just liked the thrill and to be pretty for an evening. Brian refocused on the job at hand which was a little trickier. Jeanie was in control. Still a little dreamy as she slipped on her high heels, but he could see her starting to wake up as David went to sleep. She looked lovely as usual. She always did light make-up so go with her brunette wig. It was a simple straight haired wig that went down a little past her shoulders. She was wearing a flowy green dress with some white tights with a floral pattern on them. A heavy jacket on to deal with the cold and her same high heels from last night. "Morning!" Brian said. "How'd you sleep?" "Not well," she yawned. "I feel like I was up all night. It doesn't even look like I slept in the bed." Brian's eyes drifted to the bed which in fact had not been slept in. It was still perfectly made up. "Can I get you anything to drink?" he said, navigating the conversation elsewhere. "No, I'm ok. How did Abby sleep?" Play it cool, Brian, he thought. "She actually was up early. My friends David and Alex are in town. She went out with David on the town. They'll be back later." "That'll be fun for them," she smiled. "I still haven't met David. Abby says he has a big crush on her." "I wouldn't know," he said. "Sure, sure," Jeanie said. She always saw right through him. "What did you want to do today?" "I actually got a call from work so I have to deal with that at three. If it is ok with you, Alex will be back from grocery shopping soon. I have tickets to the aquarium for you two. I'll drop you off and meet-up with you there after I got by work." Jeanie looked down at the ground and shuffled her feet. "Well...if its ok, we can just wait on you before we go," she mumbled. "Alex is nice, but I'd like to go with you too. You paid for us all to go after all." "It's alright," Brian continued on. He gave her a hug and led her into the kitchen with him. "It shouldn't be long at all." Picking up on social cues was not one of Brian's better skills. Especially, when it came to women. They talked about books while they waited for Adam to return. They both loved Terry Pratchett. Brian kept giving her books from him to read, but she always managed to lose them. It had more to do with David losing them once he switched back, Brian knew. Knock, knock. Brian opened the door to find Adam with him arms filled with groceries. He nearly dropped them all when he saw Jeanie wave at him from behind Brian. "Uhh...hey Jeanie!" he ventured. Not his best opener. "Hey, Adam. Good to see you." Brian looked at the two briefly. Adam was very nervous, but Jeanie was calm and collected. That was a good sign. Jeanie wasn't in to Adam. Whenever she's nervous about something she looks down and shuffles her feet. Like she did earlier with me... Brian shushed the intrusive thought in his head and helped Adam with the groceries. He explained the situation to Adam who seemed more than eager to spend some alone time with Jeanie. They packed away the groceries and made their way over. The city wasn't too congested today so the drive over was quick and easy. He dropped them off and headed over to Midtown to meet the client. It was on the back side of Piedmont Park. It was actually Mr. Folds' house, but he lived in the pool house in the backyard. He had set up the whole house as a crossdresser's dream house. The master bedroom was just a massive closet. The living room was the photoshoot room. The basement was for the customers with more...unique requests. Brian hadn't been down there and didn't much care to find out. He was pretty sure he had heard a horse one time. Brian had his own office on the far side of the house. It was close to woods behind the house. This house must have cost a pretty penny because no other house in this area had this much green space. He had a solid oak desk with a cost rolling chair in his area. He had one of those traditional therapists' couches in the corner. Some of the cliental had trouble coming to terms with their crossdressing so Mr. Folds had Brian use his 'techniques', as he called them, to soothe them. Of course, that cost extra. Brian hadn't had a complaint yet though. Word of mouth spread all around Atlanta about Brian and business had been booming ever since. Granted, it was pretty easy to control word of mouth when you could get people to think what you wanted them to think. Mr. Folds said it was a supernatural gift. He said you couldn't hypnotize someone to do something they didn't want to do. Brian begged to differ. You could get anyone to do anything if you phrased the question right. That still didn't explain Abby and Jeanie though. They took on a life of their own. Mr. Folds was in the backyard with a customer. Brian joined them. Mr. Folds was smiling as always. He always had on his pink dress shirt and tie. His mustache was well groomed and curled in a ridiculous fashion. He looked most days like a clown who was forced to get a day job, but never gave up on the dream. "Here is the wunderkind himself! Mrs. Katarine, may I introduce you to Brian Persaw" "A pleasure, I'm sure," she said as she turned around. She was a work of beauty. If you looked up Southern Belle in the dictionary, this is what you got. She couldn't have been older than thirty. "Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Katarine. I'm sorry I'm late." "Don't be. I'm told you're the best at what you do." Brian looked to Mr. Folds for confirmation and got two excited thumbs up. "That's what they say. What was it you needed done for you?" "My husband is a bit of a ninny, to be frank. I knew it when I married him. Sadly, he lacks the willpower to enjoy it anymore. The catholic guilt in him keeps from enjoying any sexual experiences." Brian was taken aback. "That...is very honest of you, Mrs. Katarine. You must love your husband quite a bit to come to us for help." "I love him to death. That's why I would like you to make him my wife." "Oh, for roleplaying? The 50s housewife is a popular one in the bedroom!" added Mr. Folds. "I was thinking on a more permanent basis. He would be much happier this way, I do believe. I see the websites he visits. He fancies himself...'a sissy', I do believe." "Well..." Brian had to think. This was a strange one. Conditioning someone for their own good. Seemed to be dipping into some bad territory. "I'm willing to pay an extra $5,000 dollars on top of the already agreed sum to you personally, Mr. Persaw. For a job well done, of course." "Done! Wonderful! Wonderful!" Mr. Folds interceded. He grabbed Mrs. Katarine's hands and hopped up and down. "Do bring your husband by as soon as possible. Leave him with us and he won't leave until the job is done!" "Excellent! You both have been wonderful," she said. Mr. Folds walked her back through the house to her car before Brian could get another word in. After several minutes, Mr. Folds returned with the most mirth filled smile anyone had ever seen. "That old Southern money is still running strong! She's only thirty-one! She said her husband works web design from home. This will be the easiest job we ever do." "But sir, what if he didn't want to be turned into a housewife. Did you even talk to him?" "You can do all the talking tomorrow. She is paying us very well for our discretion and our efforts so please do your best Brian!" he said. He didn't quite seem to understand what Brian's objection was. Brian sighed and said goodbye. He wasn't going to let this ruin his day. He would deal with it tomorrow. It only took about an hour to get back to the aquarium after dropping them off. He found them sitting in front of the whale shark exhibit. Brian sat behind them for a moment to see how it was going. The answer was not well at all. "So you, uh, like books right?" Adam said as sweat dripped down his forehead. His brain had worked at full capacity for that one. "Yes," Jeanie said politely without even looking over. "Yeah...yeah. Books are great," said Adam on principal. He didn't know from first hand experience, but he had heard good things about them. "Hey folks!" interjected Brian to save the day. They both sighed in relief as he stuck himself between the two. "What did I miss?" The rest of the day was penguin filled as Brian got his money's worth watching them goof around. It felt good to have fun with his two friends after all this time. They made their way home after gabbing a bite to eat. "These heels are a killer," Jeanie said as she slumped down on the couch. She slipped her heels off and stretched her feet across the cushion. Brian leaned over the top of the sofa and smiled down at her. "It's worth the work. They look beautiful on you," he said. She blushed and switched her eyes to her wiggling toes underneath her nylons. She keeps blushing and looking away, he said. This is not good. We're just friends. I know she's beautiful. She's smart, she's funny, and she's sexy in a librarian kind of way... She's also your best friend David... Now, Brian had to deal with the programing he meant to do yesterday. He needed to plant the mental seeds to get everything in order for the move- in. Brian was about to tell Jeanie to switch back to David when he had an idea. He was about to have some fun with David. Harmless fun. He wanted to have women over, so David was about to give him what he wanted. "Alex, can you come in here for a minute?" Alex came in from the bedroom. He had already switched into his pajamas. "Jeanie, do you mind sitting up for a moment? Thank you. Adam, sit right there please." Brian went to grab a chair and set it down in front of the couch. "David, you can dance if you want to." "You can leave your friends behind," Jeanie instinctively said. Except, it didn't sound like Jeanie. Jeanie had an airy voice. It wavered between different pitches. It was angelic. This sounded more like a trumpet played underwater. It sounded like David. Adam turned quickly towards Jeanie. His face was both amazement and bewilderment. His libido didn't know what to think. Brian smiled as Brian's facial mannerisms came over Jeanie's body. He yawned and moved his feet over the carpet. He felt a strangely soft sensation rubbing on his legs. He looked down. Terror was an apt word to describe his reaction. His masculinity was a fragile thing, and this was worthy of crisis. "What the fuck, dude?! What the fuck?! AM?! I WEARING?!?" His hands jumped up to his head as he felt long strands of hair smack against his neck. He ripped the wig off his head and looked at it in horror. "What the hell is going on guys?!!!?!?!?" he said as he shot up from the couch. "Wha...what? Jeanie is David?!?" Adam stammered. The poor boy was having quite the day. Brian took in the screaming and shouting for a few more seconds before he decided he was having too much fun. "What does Frankie say, boys?" "Relax," they both said robotically. David and Adam both looked confused at each other. "Why did we just say that?" they both wondered before they both fell into a trance. David slumped backward onto the couch as did Adam. Brian took another moment to take in the goofy image of David dressed almost like Jeanie. They both had the dreamy smile and hazy look to their eyes. It was time to get to programming. It hadn't used to be this easy. It took years to get them to the point where the mind was clay, ready to be molded. It had taken hours to get them to accept a suggestion when he first started. That's another reason Brian wasn't forward to this new client. He had his work cut out for him. "Now," he began. "You two won't remember anything about today other than that you had a good day. You two also want to grow your hair out. You won't question it when you're hair starts getting longer." "We want to grow our hair out," they said as if they were talking to themselves. "You want to grow your nails out." They repeated. "You are going to move down town with me at the end of the month. You're going to tell your parents you're living with me rent free." They repeated. "Good. Now, clean up time. Everyone do your share." He got up and left them there on the couch. Those commands were more forceful than his others so he knew it would take a few minutes for them to accept them. After a while, David changed out of Jeanie's attire and went to bed. Adam did the same. Brian tried to go to bed, but he was wired. He kept thinking about Jeanie and about that customer he was going to have to deal with tomorrow. He picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue.

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Frankie and His Gurl

by Julee Linn [email protected] When I was fifteen, I had a friend named Frankie who lived across the street. Frankie was a couple months shy of his thirteenth brithday. He was a little stocky and still sported some baby fat. He hard dark, curly hair. I was taller and very slender, almost frail. I had dark blond hair, and it was longish and fine. Every so often, Frankie would smile mischievously and say, "You're pretty." I just smirked and took this as some...

2 years ago
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Frankie goes to a Conference

Frankie had to go to a conference with work and wasn’t really looking forward to it, she was presenting in one of the sessions so had decided to book a hotel the night before.As she arrived she noticed the bar was full of all her regional colleagues looking like they were getting very drunk.She checked in and went to her room. She had just decided to have a shower when her phone bleeped with a text message. ‘Saw you sneak in, come down and join us we are going for something to eat in a few...

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Frankie Ian meet a couple

Frankie and Ian had gone out for a meal in a local restaurant and while there met a couple Chris and Danny and they had all got on like a house on fire. Chatting easily and having fun in each other’s company.Before they knew it they had spent the night in the restaurant and it was time to leave, as they got up to leave, they were saying their goodbyes and agreed to keep in touch swapping numbers with each other.Ian asked the restaurant to order them a taxi and when they said where they were...

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Frankie takes delivery of her New Car

It was just over a week since the incident with Chris and Frankie had received a phone call to say her car was ready and if she wanted they would deliver it.Frankie asked the caller if Chris could deliver it and the caller agreed he would deliver it that evening.After what had happened with Chris she decided she was going to get her own back.Frankie dressed carefully taking her time, making sure she was spotlessly clean, her pussy was cleanly shaved, she was really going to get her own back on...

2 years ago
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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 2

Chris held out six straws in her hand and asked each to pull one to decide who went first, explaining the first cards would all be light until everyone had had two go’s each and then they could be medium or hard.The short straw got to go first and the rest followed in size upwards until the longest was last.Once they had all pulled a straw Chris held the final one out and measured against the rest, Ian had pulled the short straw, next the all selected a game piece, Ian selected a boob, Frankie...

4 years ago
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Frankie Gaz Food First time Anal

A few years ago Frankie had a fuck buddy called Gaz, she had met him at work and ended up fucking him for the first time after a works night out.Frankie loved spending time with Gaz because it was pure unadulterated fucking and nothing more, because they had fucked so many times they each other’s bodies inside out and there were no inhibitions whatsoever.One night they were both completely smashed when they bumped into each other in a night club and both knew where the night would end, either...

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Frankie Ian Reece

Before Frankie could get her thoughts together and push Reece off, Ian appeared in front of them, Reece pulled out quickly and roughly shoved his cock back into his overalls mumbling “sorry mate” to Ian.Frankie tried to speak but saw the look of pure lust in Ian’s eyes as he stared at her soaking wet pussy, she reached down to try and pick her jog pants up and Ian pushed them away with his foot.“Right young un, you been fucking my Mrs so now I am going to fuck you” as he grabbed at the front of...

2 years ago
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Having my daughter at the weekend Part 2 Frankie

Four weeks ago my daughter Sarah stayed with me, you may have read about it It was quite an unusual but none the less exhilarating experience which I shall never forget. I felt ashamed that I allowed the situation to get out of hand but in the end I was just putty in her hands. She had burst into my bedroom without knocking which was obviously wrong, and as it happened it was particularly embarrassing too as she caught me masturbating whilst displaying my penis on Omegle looing for girls. I...

4 years ago
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Having my daughter at the weekend Part 2 Frankie

Four weeks ago my daughter Sarah stayed with me; you may have read about it It was quite an unusual but none the less exhilarating experience which I shall never forget. I felt ashamed that I allowed the situation to get out of hand but in the end I was just putty in her hands.She had burst into my bedroom without knocking which was obviously wrong; and as it happened it was particularly embarrassing too as she caught me masturbating whilst displaying my penis on Omegle looing for girls. I...

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Frankie goes to Coffee Shop 3

Frankie was horny as fuck and she walked into the coffee shop a week to the day she had last fucked Bob, she didn’t know whether he would there, but if not she would find someone else to satisfy her urge.She ordered her coffee, sugared it as usual and went to sit down on the sofa they had sat on the previous week, it was a good place as it was quite dark and the table was just tall enough that no one could see under it. Or so she hoped!She couldn’t believe she was planning what she was going to...

3 years ago
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Frankies latest visit to the Coffee Shop

Frankie was horny as fuck and she walked into the coffee shop a week to the day she had last fucked Bob, she didn’t know whether he would there, but if not she would find someone else to satisfy her urge.She ordered her coffee, sugared it as usual and went to sit down on the sofa they had sat on the previous week, it was a good place as it was quite dark and the table was just tall enough that no one could see under it. Or so she hoped!She couldn’t believe she was planning what she was going to...

4 years ago
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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 3

Dave moved across the floor towards Frankie who was sat with her dress around her waist as he lifted her legs he pulled the dress from her, fingers searching out her pussy lips he reached up to kiss her, his tongue found hers and started to dance inside her mouth.Frankie thought for all she didn’t like seeing Ian have his cock sucked by a man she was still soaking wet as Dave’s fingers separated her pussy lips and entered her, still kissing her passionately, he started to move inside her,...

4 years ago
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Frankie dogging

Monday came round before Frankie realised and after having a late night the previous night with quite a lot of booze consumed she didn’t feel her best.She struggled to get showered and dressed and her make up sunk straight in as she applied it, she was annoyed with herself for drinking so much the previous night but couldn’t do anything about it so took a couple of paracetamols and hoped she would feel better before Bob arrived.She had taken care in dressing, though she struggled with it, as...

4 years ago
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Frankie Bob Part 3

Monday came round before Frankie realised and after having a late night the previous night with quite a lot of booze consumed she didn’t feel her best.She struggled to get showered and dressed and her make up sunk straight in as she applied it, she was annoyed with herself for drinking so much the previous night but couldn’t do anything about it so took a couple of paracetamols and hoped she would feel better before Bob arrived.She had taken care in dressing, though she struggled with it, as...

3 years ago
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Frankie Kelly

Frankie had gone to a toy party at her friends, she didn’t really like toy parties and lots of silly women giggling but Kelly was a good friend and she felt she should go.She was sat gazing into space while the hostess first showed off all the sexy lingerie she had and then got onto the main event as the toys came out to whoops and cheers of joy for the assembled girls.Frankie wasn’t really in the mood she would rather have been shagging Ian’s brains out somewhere, at that thought her pussy...

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Frankie goes to Coffee Shop

Frankie’s meeting had finished early and she now had an hour and a half to waste before she was due at her next one.She decided to go and look for a coffee shop which had wireless so she could check her emails in peace.She picked one of the chain coffee shops feeling sure they would have wireless.Today she was dressed in a black skirt suit, the skirt was knee length with her customary lace top hold ups and kitten heel shoes for comfort.She ordered her coffee and found a corner where no on one...

3 years ago
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Frankie The Plumber

Frankie picked the phone up in a panic who did she know who could stem the flow that was now running out of a pipe in the kitchen.As she hunted through her contacts she felt sure she knew a plumber and there he was at the top, her friends ex husband Adam.She quickly rang him and he answered straight away and said he would be with her within 15 minutes.She put the phone down and tried in vain to find the stop cock, she was soaking from trying to stem the flow, her jeans and t-shirt clinging to...

2 years ago
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Frankie and the Builders

Since joining the sex site Frankie just couldn't get enough sex, she was constantly turned on and her pussy was always screaming out for attention.She had put a call into her landlord earlier in the day because her back door wasn't shutting properly, he had said he would try and get someone to look at it but would ring her back to let her know.At this moment she was laid on her bed legs wide open, fucking herself with her rampant rabbit, she had made no plans for sex today but she needed an...

3 years ago
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Abbey Frankie

This story is based off of two characters featured in the series Monster High only a few years later during their college years and is completely fictional!Abbey Bominable was strolling through the hallways of Monster College, the fur on her clothes fluffier than ever, and her hair smooth as silk. She continued to pass by all the other students and she slowed as soon as Frankie Stein passed by her, Abbey couldn’t help but stare at her for a moment. Frankie looked absolutely beautiful with her...

2 years ago
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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

I got to school the next morning, and met up with Cass. Everything seemed fine, she was her normal self. We went to the entrance, got undressed, and went inside. That's when all hell broke loose. We walked in, and noticed people huddled in knots at various points along the corridor. We went to one of them, and took a look. People were looking at something that had been hung up on the walls. GodDAMMIT! Someone had gotten a camera. Somehow, they had taken a picture of Cassie-not all of...

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Frankie was the first girl I was attracted to. We met when I started university – she was my chemistry lab partner. She had short trendy brunette hair, sparkling green eyes that twinkled when she smiled and the most gorgeous soft pink lips that pouted ever so slightly. She always dressed well and kept up with the latest trends that made the other girls in my class envy her.   We shared the same interests in music and film and would try and organise nights out with people from the same degree...

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Sarah and Frankie

‘I worked my way back up kissing her breasts, biting each nipple gently and then kissed her as I pushed the head of my cock toward her juicy wet cunt. A slight push and my glans entered the eternal city. She was not as tight as Sarah is and I was able to push in much easier and much deeper. Her cunt was so hot and felt just so good. I thrust in and out of her slapping my body against her, her hand came down and she began rubbing her clit and in moments I could see that she was cumming’. I was...

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Sarah and Frankie

‘I worked my way back up kissing her breasts, biting each nipple gently and then kissed her as I pushed the head of my cock toward her juicy wet cunt. A slight push and my glans entered the eternal city. She was not as tight as Sarah is and I was able to push in much easier and much deeper. Her cunt was so hot and felt just so good. I thrust in and out of her slapping my body against her; her hand came down and she began rubbing her clit and in moments I could see that she was cumming’.I was...

4 years ago
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Frankie Bob Part 5

The following day Bob rang Frankie and asked her to be ready in half an hour, stockings, suspenders, basque and high heels, Frankie questioned” what he wanted to do”? But he just replied, “get ready and you will find out”.Frankie took great care, first shaving her pussy, legs and underarms, before drying off and sliding into a white suspender belt, white stockings, white thong and high heels, she felt quite horny at the look, though doubted she would be able to walk for long in the heels.She...

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Frankie Fetish

The following day Bob rang Frankie and asked her to be ready in half an hour, stockings, suspenders, basque and high heels, Frankie questioned what he wanted to do but he just replied, get ready and you will find out.Frankie took great care, first shaving her pussy, legs and underarms, before drying off and sliding into a white suspender belt, white stockings, white thong and high heels, she felt quite horny at the look, though doubted she would be able to walk for long in the heels.She...

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Frankies Dream

My stories are very often fantasy, this one isn't it only happened on Friday evening!!!Ian had gone to stay with some friends for the evening and Frankie was all alone when the doorbell rang.She was sat just having some quality time on her own, catching up with watching tv and drinking her favourite filter coffee.As she was home alone she was only wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with no bra, she hated wearing a bra most of the time and when she was at home she took every opportunity to...

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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 1

A few weeks ago Frankie and Ian had met Chris and Danny in a restaurant and then gone back to theirs and ended up having sex, Chris rang Frankie and invited her and Ian over to a dinner party she was holding, Chris told her at the time she had invited another couple Cathy and Dave.As Frankie was getting ready to go to Chris and Danny she was asking Ian what he thought she should wear and did he think it was just going to turn into an orgy at the end of the night.Ian laughed at her saying ‘I...

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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 5 Friday

I woke up with Cassie wrapped around me, snuggled into my chest. Now that is something I could get used to in a hurry. "Hey," she said softly. "I didn't know you were up," I said. "Just a couple minutes. I really liked waking up in your arms, so I was just lying here enjoying it." "Ditto," I smiled. "What time is it?" "Time to get up and too late to have any fun, unfortunately," she laughed. "The alarm's going to go off in three minutes." "Ah, well," I said. "Somehow,...

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Frankie gets seduced

It was a Friday night and Frankie was out on the town with the girls celebrating her friends birthday.She was wearing a knee length dress with high heels and matching thong and bra in white.She had had a few drinks but was still aware of her surroundings as she was chatting and flirting with various guys, she felt on top of the world and wanted everyone she came into contact with to know it.She had recently finished a long term relationship and found her way onto a sex personals site and had...

2 years ago
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Frankie at the Conference

After Frankie had eaten breakfast she shared a car with a couple of her colleagues to travel to the venue.She was first on and as she got up to speak she realised Rich had sat right at the front and was watching her every word and move.She knew that she could have done better, because all the time she was speaking she couldn’t stop herself from talking directly to Rich.When she had finished Frankie walked of stage and straight outside for a cigarette. No sooner had she lit up Rich was at her...

4 years ago
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Frankie at the Gym again

The following day Frankie couldn't wait to get back to the gym in the hope of seeing Liam.She knew he worked out every day and roughly the same time as her, she had taken great care this time before going, she had shaved her pussy and instead of a sports bra was wearing matching white lacy bra and pants.She pulled on a tight t-shirt which she knew her nipples protruded through and pair of tight shorts.As she drove into the car park she was excited to see his car was already there, she got out...

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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 6 Saturday

That has got to be the strangest sensation I've ever felt. Strange in a good way, I mean. Waking up with my boyfriend's hard cock buried all the way in me. And we'd been like that all night! "You awake?" I whispered. "Yeah, " he said. I giggled and said, "I think we beat two hours. Even if we did sleep through it." "Yup. But, wow, the dreams I had!" "I know what you mean, " I giggled. He pulled out of me then. "Hey! Get back in me!" I pouted. "Just readjusting. If I...

4 years ago
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Frankie by Callie Messenger The bottle had belonged to my great-great-grandfather. He had been an only slightly famous but very passionate archaeologist and Egyptologist. That was about all I knew about him, and what was written in the museum notes. But the museum was being shut down, and the small loan section that had belonged to Harold Arthur D'Arborfield Jenkinson was being returned to his family. That was me, Johnathan Francis Jenkinson. Frank to all that knew...

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Frankies First Chocolate Part 1

Frankie was beginning to wonder what else she could try, when she was online and a message flashed up from a guy called Kai.As she opened his profile, the biggest chocolate cock she had ever seen popped up on the screen in front of her eyes, the picture having been taken just after he had cum was covered with his juice.Her eyes nearly popped out at the sight and her pussy began to throb instantly, she read his details and she was quite disappointed to see he wasn’t close to her.She felt her...

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Frankie Bob Part 4

All the way home all Frankie could think about was her next orgasm, she was quickly becoming insatiable and couldn’t wait to feel Bob’s cock inside her again, she stroked him very slowly till they pulled up outside her house, thankfully today of all days there was room to park outside the door which meant she didn’t have to do the embarrassing no knicker walk for too far.Bob walked round and opened the car door for her and gave her his hand to guide her out, Frankie pulled at her skirt trying...

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