- 2 years ago
- 22
- 0
It was a straightforward operation, and nearly well executed, which made the death at the end of it come as a complete shock. It started out simple, it became complicated, as all things seem to do.
* * *
Alan and Karick rendezvoused with the waiting surveillance teams shortly before noon. The car bringing Jack and Anne-Marie was about an hour behind, but that didn’t matter too much, as this was certainly not a daylight mission.
The Abbot and Michiko were practicing their moves in a small clearing in the nearby woods, and Peter and the rest of the paramilitaries were stripping, oiling, and checking their weapons. No more dawdling, they were moving this night.
After Jack arrived they all formed in a circle and had a mission briefing. The Abbot spoke to them about the Stone, and what precautions they should take if the encountered it, then Karick ran through the lay of the land and the blueline plans of the house, then moved on to describe once again the security, both technological and human.
They spent the rest of the afternoon in the public woods adjacent to the estate, drilling. They were to be split up into three groups. Michiko would lead Team A, Jack was in charge of Team B. Alan was on Team C with Karick, led by the Abbot. He wasn’t at all insulted by the fact that he wasn’t one of the leaders, as the youngest and least experienced he knew that he was a follower in this company. When they broke for dinner Michiko slipped off and made a quick reconnaissance into the grounds of the estate.
‘Keep that away from us,’ Jack called out as she returned. Nestled in her arms was a silver sphere, about the size of a basketball.
‘I think it’s a decoy,’ she said, her pace not slowing.
‘What makes you think that?’ Alan asked, edging away from her.
She tossed it to him, and on reflex, with consequences forgotten, he caught it. The orb was surprisingly light. He ran his palm over the metallic surface, and his fingers quivered, though not as much as they should have if this was a true copy of a true Orb. Neil took it from him and walked it back to the van. With his expertise in metallurgy and archaeology he gave it a once over, and then tested it with the gear in the van.
‘Silver plate, if you believe the equipment, jacketed over an aluminium core.’ he stated with a chuckle.
Jack was not as amused. ‘Mr. Swindon-Smythe!’
Neil gulped. He recognized the professorial tone. ‘Yes, Professor?’
‘What conclusions can the class draw from these data?’ Jack asked, gesturing to the open laptop screen.
‘Well, sir, it was my understanding when I was in Thornbow’s employment, that the supply of Orb silver was limited. One possibility is that the spheres on the pedestals scattered over the grounds are decoys, perhaps some are silver plated and some are pure.’
‘We will proceed with caution,’ Massimo pronounced gravely.
Since it was summer, night did not begin to fall until after eight. By nine the sky was dark enough for them to begin their assault on Bankington Hall. The three groups moved into their starting positions, from three different approaches into the estate. Alan’s group was coming in from the woods that fringed the south of Thornbow’s land. The woods were a public thoroughfare, making them difficult for Thornbow to have fully secured, Jack’s group was coming in through the east gate, or to be more precise, over the high stone wall just north of it. Michiko’s group, the first to go in, would also be using the wooded approach that Alan’s group was forming in, just from a different part of it.
Alan checked the pockets of his black jumpsuit for the nth time since he had donned it an hour ago. All his gear was in place. In the rear pocket at the small of his back he felt the small handgun through the material.
Having never fired–or for that matter, touched–a firearm until a few weeks ago, he hoped he would not have to use it, or even remove it from its pocket. The bud in his ear crackled, Anne-Marie informed them that Team A had moved in. Two minutes later the Abbot’s Team C, and Jack’s Team B would start.
Two minutes passed, and the go signal from Michiko’s team did not come. Alan wiped his sweaty palms against the fabric of his jumpsuit, and then fiddled with the black balaclava, combing his hair with his fingers, tucking all his hair under it. His foot was tapping an impatient staccato rhythm on the forest ground.
‘You nervous?’ Karick asked.
‘A little,’ Alan replied.
‘You should be worried a lot, so consider yourself ahead of the game,’ he answered grimly. Just as he was about to say more Anne-Marie came on the air.
‘Teams B and C, move out,’ she broadcasted. Michiko and her bunch had taken the security center. It was time to go.
* * *
‘You don’t know who I am, do you?’
Thornbow squirmed in his seat, almost as upset by the thought of what the duct tape was doing to the upholstery of his Louis Quatorze armchair as he was by the fact that he was bound to it at the wrists and ankles. ‘No,’ he sneered at the stranger, a man he was quite sure he had never once before laid eyes upon.
‘My name,’ said Jack, ‘Is Jacob Theodore Lazarus.’
Alistair Thornbow belied no reaction to this bit of intelligence, Jack expected none.
‘My name before it was Jacob Theodore Lazarus was Jean-Pierre Massimo.’
This time Thornbow was thunderstruck. ‘How is that–It can’t be–you’re lying!’
‘Brother,’ Jack continued acidly, ‘You know of what I am capable, do you not?’
Thornbow nodded, defeat evident in his face.
‘Two years, brother. Two years you stalked me, haunted my steps. Because you wanted what you can never have. Decades you have desired it, for almost all that time believing it to be myth, a legend unworthy of a child’s fantasy. Five years ago, in this very room–I remember it was like yesterday–you showed me the talisman. A small Mesopotamian idol of tarnished silver. Just being in the same room with your collection’s latest acquisition knocked the wind from my sails. That fateful day when you began to form the slightest of notions about my nature. Suspicions. Yes, you were suspicious of me for years, but the happenstance of my dizzy spell in the presence of your new trinket ignited the evil scheme within you. And so, you came at me, and to your bitter disappointment, you had me killed. Or so you thought, at any rate. And then, and then you turned your attentions you this young man,’ he spat, gesturing at Alan. ‘You almost killed him. Twice.’
‘What do you want, Jack?’ Thornbow snarled.
‘You know exactly what I want.’
‘So, you mean to do murder?’
‘Killing you,’ Massimo said, ‘Is the last thing I can afford.’
Thornbow slumped in his chair, relieved he would be spared. ‘Then why? Then what?’
‘Anne-Marie,’ Jack said into his radio microphone built into his sleeve, ‘Please signal the Abbot to join us in the office.’
The new intruder was another stranger as far as Thornbow was concerned, though seeing that the middle-aged Englishman standing before him was his octogenarian Swiss step-brother, for all he knew this Japanese monk was in fact Churchill.
‘Allow me to introduce you to the Abbot. No first name, no surname, I’m afraid. He must become nameless to head his order, a tradition, you know. As a rule, people fear what they cannot name, Alistair, and though I have found this chap to be most delightful company, it is, nevertheless, a rule you should heed.
‘You have something of his,’ Jack concluded.
‘And if I give it, you’ll leave?’ Thornbow asked.
‘Where is it?’ the Abbot asked.
‘You must promise–‘
‘I am a man of honor, Mr. Thornbow.’
Thornbow closed his eyes and sighed. He was coming to the realization that defeat was now inevitable. ‘I don’t know where it is.’
Jack scanned his mind, and was surprised to see he was tellin
g the truth. An ingenious plan, really: Lord Thornbow had over forty people in his employ or confidence. To conceal the stone he had sent a memo to each member of his staff. They had gathered in his ballroom, the stone at the center of the long dining table. After their boss had excused himself each employee drew a lot from a basket. The ‘winner’ was to take the stone out of the estate and secure it, with none of the others knowing who had taken it, or where it had been placed.
For Jack this was another complication. Now they had to lasso each and every one of these people, from business managers to chamber maids, footmen to private secretaries, and bring them to be interrogated.
‘Is it OK if I go?’ Alan asked, nausea beginning to overtake him. There was blood on his shoes, though the body of the one Thornbow had shot had been already removed.
‘Where are you going?’ Jack asked. The grounds and house weren’t yet fully secured.
‘I have to get out of here,’ Alan half-shouted, running out.
Jack cast a meaningful look towards the Abbot, and the Japanese man followed Alan out the door. The Abbot spoke quietly in his microphone and asked Anne-Marie to send Michiko into the office to join Jack. He reasoned that she was better equipped to deal with that situation than he was in any event.
‘Alan, please, wait for me. I am an old man, and I cannot keep up with you,’ the Abbot projected. Though his English was improving, they found it most convenient to communicate telepathically, in a sort of bridge language. Alan thought in English, and the Abbot heard him in Japanese, and vice-versa.
Alan snorted, but slowed, he had seen the Abbot in action, and his protest of age was insincere. After witnessing the Abbot in battle, catlike and quick, slow would be the last word he would use to describe this man.
‘You are upset, young man, and understandably so. It is a terrible thing to see a man die. If you had told me that the only man to die tonight would be one of our own, and this man in particular, I would not have been able to believe it. Sometimes things do not go as planned, and we have to deal with the consequences.’
‘He was my friend,’ Alan sniffled. ‘He saved my life, in a way. Made me understand the dangers about me, at a time when I thought I was unstoppable. He had a family–a wife and a daughter!–did you know that? I never even met them, and now I have to go to them and tell them daddy is dead! Do you fucking understand that?’
‘Death, Alan, is a part of life, one which we all have to face.’
‘Tell that to his ten year old daughter,’ Alan projected angrily, his face wet with tears. ‘No! That’s my fucking shit ass job.’
‘Tell them this: tell them that Mr. Karick died doing his duty.’
‘Duty? Goddamn you Abbot. We’re not the fucking army. We came for your fucking sacred stone.’
‘Now, now, that’s not the whole truth, Alan. Pull yourself together, young man. We are here to eliminate a common threat. Mr. Karick understood that, which is why he was a leader–the planner–of this mission, which is why he burst through that door despite our warnings. He wasn’t conscribed. Not to speak ill of the dead, but this was his plan. He would be proud, as I am, that it is so far a success.’
‘Success? Success? Where is this stone of yours?’
‘We will find it. It is only a matter of time now. I have been patient for a long time, and I beg the same of you.’
‘I need to leave, Abbot. I can’t stay here.’
‘If that is your wish. Dr. Massimo, Michiko, and I will organize the search for the one entrusted with our stone.’
‘I’m leaving,’ Alan said aloud, though making no move to the door.
‘As I said, go,’ the Abbot spoke. ‘None of us would dare presume to stop you.’
Still, he didn’t budge.
The Abbot projected: ‘You see, young man, you want to go, but something his holding you back. Do you want to know what that is?’ He paused, allowing time for Alan to answer, but the young American just stood there, trembling. ‘Duty, Alan, you stay out of a sense of duty. Honor, Alan. Honor. This man in there,’ he said derisively, and Alan knew he was speaking of Thornbow, ‘He is without honor. A thief. A murderer. A small man who thinks he can get what he wants without understanding the nature of it, even to the slightest degree, but a dangerous man nonetheless. Mr. Karick understood all of this, and that is why he came here tonight. He could never have led a normal life with that detestable man unchecked. It came to a sorrowful end.
‘Go, Alan, find his wife and child. Do what you can for them. Tell them that because of the efforts of Mr. Karick they are now safe. You need no more duty in this place. They need you now.’
* * *
‘What the hell are you doing, Alan, calling me at three in the morning?’
‘I’m sorry, Kate, I just needed to hear your voice.’
‘Are you crying? Is everything OK?’
‘Yes. No. My colleague was killed tonight. A friend of mine.’
‘Oh my God! What happened? Are you OK?’ she cried.
‘I’m OK. Just shaken up. I’ll tell you when I get home.’
‘Come home now. I’ll meet you. Things are winding down here. I just have to juggle some things and I’ll meet you.’
He didn’t say anything, but she knew he was still on the line.
‘Are you sure you’re OK?’
‘I’m not OK, Katie, but I will be when I see you.’
He hit END, and went to find Neil
‘Are you done here?’ Alan asked him. They were standing in the driveway of Bankington Hall, a safe distance from the panel truck holding all of the seized orbs.
‘I’ll just be a minute,’ Neil replied, his voice cracking. Alan could see he was just as traumatized by Karick’s death. He pulled down the rear door of the truck and padlocked it.
‘I need to go.’
‘Go?’ Neil asked, taken aback. ‘Go where?’
‘Home, Neil, I need to go home.’
‘I can’t drive a car in Britain. Would you take me? Now?’
‘Sure. OK. Sure. We’ll take one of the rented Opels, leave the Land Rovers for the rest of them,’ Neil said, his voice shaking, leading the way back to the edge of the road.
They reached the car in minutes. Alan got in on the left, and Neil behind the wheel. Neil turned the ignition and started it up, but made no move to put it in gear. After a few seconds Alan looked over and saw that he was weeping quietly.
‘I feel the same way, Neil. He was an excellent friend.’
‘That he was. That he was,’ Neil said, collecting himself, as he put the car on course for London.
Alan made some calls while they were motoring down, and to his disappointment he discovered that the he wouldn’t be able to get a flight out until morning. He had Neil take him to the Savoy, and when Neil made to leave, to return to Bankington Hall, Alan insisted he take the suite’s other bedroom. It didn’t take them long to hit the minibar.
‘I’m calling Irina in the morning,’ Neil declared after they had toasted Tadeusz, referring to Karick’s wife.
‘Did you know her?’ Alan asked.
‘Last Christmas I couldn’t come back here, and Karick couldn’t go all the way to Australia. Irina and Katja flew to Montréal, and Tad insisted I come along with him.’
‘Why Montréal?’
‘Karick wanted his little girl to have a European Christmas. The year before he had spent with them in Melbourne, and he had a vile time. ‘Christmas in summer,’ he told me, ‘is a perversion!’ He did some looking around, and decided that the closest he was going to get to a Prague Christmas was Quebec.’
‘Don’t call her,’ Alan said. ‘We’ll go together and tell her in person.’
‘I’d like that,’ Neil replied, a smile forming on his features for the first time in hours.
* * *
Alan had called Harriet, his lawyer Stanley Wilkins’s secretary, from the plane, and she arranged a livery to pick him up from Newark and take him home. Neil had driven him to the airport before he
ading back to Bankington Hall. Once he was home he called his folks, who were both out, to let them know he had arrived. He didn’t mention the reason he had cut his trip short. He called Kate next, catching her on the road. She was already past Mystic, and would see him in a few hours. He napped.
His mother stroking his hair awoke him. ‘Honey, are you alright?’
‘Yeah, mom.’
‘You sounded depressed on the phone before. Are you sure?’
He smiled. ‘It’s good to see you, mom.’
‘You push yourself too hard, Alan. School this summer, and a job, plus whatever you were doing at night. I worry after you.’
‘I’m taking one more trip, and then I’m home for the rest of the month,’ he sighed. ‘I’ll help you with your rosebushes every day until I head back for school.’
She laughed, delighted. ‘Tell me about your trip.’
‘Nothing much to tell, really.’
‘And the next one?’
‘Just a couple of days. Three at the most.’
‘OK, you’ll tell me when you’ll tell me. You know I don’t like to pry. Come downstairs and help me make dinner. Your dad should be home soon.’
‘OK, mom. Oh, Kate’s joining us.’
‘I thought she wasn’t coming back until Friday.’
‘She wanted to see me,’ Alan said.
‘That’s nice. She’s a sweet girl. You should marry her.’
‘Want those grandchildren soon, do you?’ he laughed, and she laughed with him.
‘From your lips to God’s ears, as my dad used to say.’
Kate and Alan sat in the backyard after dinner. He didn’t say much and she just put her arm around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair. Over the din of crickets she asked him about Karick.
‘Tell me about your friend from work.’
So he did, saying as much as he could without betraying the others in his cabal, Jack and the Japanese monks. He told her about all the time they had spent together the summer before, when they hopscotched around Europe looking for Jack. He told her about the wife and child he had never met, and how he had to go to them and tell them about the killing.
‘Do you want me to come with?’ she asked.
He thought about it for a second, trying to formulate a good reason why she shouldn’t come, but his mind went blank.
‘Sure,’ he answered, smiling at her. ‘That would be great.’
They went back in the house and watched television with his folks for a while. At eleven his parents went upstairs to their bedroom. Alan and Kate watched the news snuggled up together. Just before the sports came on Alan’s cell phone rang. It was Jack, calling from Thornbow’s estate. They had managed to compile a full list of all the personnel involved in the stone-concealing scheme, and had so far interrogated nineteen of the forty-six people involved. Most of the nineteen were household staff at Bankington Hall. There were a couple of servants at the London flat, and a few people in Lord Thornbow’s parliamentary office, and the remainder were spread out over the rest of Britain. Jack figured they would see them all by the next week. After the update Jack handed the phone to Neil, and they made plans for Australia. Karick had moved his family to Melbourne, to a neighborhood named St. Kilda, chosen because of its good-sized Eastern European community. Alan and Neil decided that it would be easier to meet in Melbourne. Neil would fly to Singapore and change planes, and Alan and Kate would fly west, spend a night in Hawaii, and then on to Melbourne. Neil promised to call Harriet in Stan Wilkins’s office to book the flights.
‘So we’re set?’ Kate asked, as he came back from taking the call in the kitchen. He had made no effort to keep quiet, and he assumed he had heard his end of the conversations.
‘Yeah, I’ll have the exact details about the trip tomorrow, probably before lunch.’
‘Cool,’ she answered with a yawn. ‘I’m pooped. Ready for bed?’
‘Are you staying here? I thought–‘
‘Do you think your mom and dad would object?’
‘Probably not,’ Alan thought aloud. Besides, if they did, he could just use his abilities to smooth things over. ‘But what about your folks? You just got back and they’ve barely seen you.’
‘My parents are practically living in the city this summer. Remember my mom’s Aunt Victoria? With the broken hip?’
He nodded.
‘She’s a little batty,’ Kate explained. ‘The only way my mom got the latest in a long line of home care nurses not to quit was to promise to be there a lot. They tried getting her to move in with us, but she refused.’
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It was late one hot summer night and I was moving the trash to the alley when I saw my neighbors back door was open and she was busy working in the kitchen. I was 17 at the time and my hormones were working full time. As I watched, I could see she was only wearing a tee shirt and panties. I had always had a crush on her since I saw her sunbathing topless. She was a British woman in her late 40's and her body was a rich golden brown. As I continued to watch, I removed my tee shirt and moved...
EroticPaige Owens is only eighteen years old, but she already has a huge craving for cock. It could be because she and her first boyfriend had been making homemade sex tapes from the jump. Man, this girl is horny! Getting cock in her vagina is pretty much her favorite feeling in the world, and today, she certainly gets all her needs met. Our stud slides his thick prick into her pink and strokes while she moans orgasmically. She loves spreading her thick legs so that he can penetrate her hungry, teen...
xmoviesforyouKatharina steigt aus dem Auto ihrer Freundin und winkt zum Abschied. Sie trägt ihr hellblondes Haar wie immer zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Weil heut so ein warmer Tag ist trägt sie einen weißen Rock und dazu passend ein blaues Oberteil. Um sich möglichst keinen Sonnenbrand zu holen, will sie im Schatten der hohen Bäume bleiben, die die Einfahrt ihres Elternhauses einsäumen. Da glitzert plötzlich etwas in der Sonne und als sie näher kommt, erkennt sie, dass es sich dabei um einen kleinen...
She was angry all the time since her mother had dropped the bombshell that she had remarried, and they were moving from the lovely village they had lived to this northern industrial town where she stood out as the new posh girl. Julia was 14 and just entering puberty. Her breasts were beginning to bud. Her blonde hair was short. She had full lips and large green eyes. She had not made any friends at school yet and felt an outsider. 14 was bad enough without all this shit going on. She felt so...
All summer vacations have their pros and their cons. The pros are seeing beautiful women wearing skimpy bikinis and low cut shirts while the cons are the long work hours and endless nights of summer school. This was a realization I had during the time I spent staring at the wall at the company I interned at for the summer. Day after day Id come in at eight, stare at the wall until noon, eat lunch, and finish out my day looking at the same spot on the wall that never changed. Sure it was nice...
I am just waiting for a text message, telling me where to meet Marcus. With Marcus, you never can tell what he's up to. So today I decide to get a little adventurous with him and do what he wants. Any sexual encounter with Marcus is great, although I have a few rules, like no slapping or leaving any marks. "Come to my office around 2pm. Dress up in a dress and heels," his text reads. Marcus had a thing for feet, pantyhose, stockings and high heels. That gives me an hour. So, I change out...
“Now that was completely unexpected,” Dan commented as they enjoyed their evening walk. “I am being rather naughty for the way we’re celebrating our honeymoon. I can’t help being sexy for you, my love.” “I can’t imagine what’ll happen to us next,” he anticipated. “Then you should walk me to Club Rouge so we can enjoy some more sexy fun.” Dan’s eyes took in the beauty of his love, and so did almost every eye, along the way. At the entrance to Club Rouge, Dan mentioned he had reserved the...
Part 4 . . . Friends for Life - Part 4Mr. Colby had left his chair/place in the shadows of the room. While I was enjoying making Rita's clitty hard from my knees - and tasting her delicious pre-cum that was oozing from the tip of her cock, the big man had stopped stroking his dick and had made his way quietly behind me. I could smell his body, his sweat, his thickness - from head, chest, balls to toes!He gently put his hands on my shoulders and squeezed. He brought his mouth down to my left...
THE PANTY CLUB (A LESBIAN TALE) – PART 2As was mentioned in the first part of this tale, Moïra was the owner of a chain of lingerie shops across the US. She had inherited it and was very rich. The first shop, started by her grandmother, was still there and there was an aura about it which attracted women who were, like Moïra and Reena, collectors of worn lingerie, especially panties. Moïra visited the store quite often and brought a girl friend with her every time. Reena had gone many times so...
First start off by describing my wife. She is 32yrs old a beautiful woman. 5'1" tall 110 lbs nice big ole' breast with a bubble butt, and very sexy calf muscles. I love her legs. She is some what of a conservative girl. Doesn't really show off her body much. But it is hard not to notice, when she has on yoga pants on! She is in every sense " a woman in the streets but a freak in the sheets."As far as our sexy life I can't complain. She is always open to trying new things. As long as they're not...
It was recently that my daughter moved back home. She moved out shortly after high school but only a few short months later when the bills started piling up she was back at home. I noticed right away that sh had a new boyfriend and they seemed to spend a lot of time upstairs. I was beginning to wonder if he was now living here too. The air of sex and flirtiness seed to begin to fill the air. I would be lieing if I said I didn't begin to get turned on with all the sexy outfits my daughter...
I have a very sexy and beautiful wife named Ava. She is of Asian descent and looks like a Pacific Islander with golden brown skin and long, jet-black hair in a very toned body. I often see guys checking her out when we are around town. She has long, beautiful, slender but strong legs also. I am always trying to get her to wear sexy clothes like miniskirts or very low-cut blouses but she always tries to stay looking sophisticated and not slutty. She is aware that I am always trying to show her...
VoyeurYe baat kuch 3-4 mahine phle ki h. M to rhne wali hu city ki or mere mama rhte h village me. To meko mama ke bete mtlb mere cousin ki shadi me village jana pada. Wese bhi mujhe bhot gandi aadat thi masturbation ki. M hamesha se chahti thi ki koi bada lund meri chut ko faad de. M village me shadi ke liye 10-12 din rukne wali thi to village tha na. To wha log jyada or room kam the. To jisko jagah milti wo wha so jata. Phle hi din meko some ki jaha nhi mil paa rhi thi. Mami or bhai ko jese these...
Today was the best day ever. I was officially sixteen, and in the eyes of the court, free to choose my own life path. That was easy, I was leaving the Naval base in Hawaii. My mom had married a Navy Airman a couple years back, dragging me with her. At first it was Whidbey Island, than after a year, it was Hawaii. Both fun places, but not home. Home was in Ohio, where my friends and more of the family lived. The plan was made a couple months earlier, I would leave for Ohio on my birthday. Last...
Straight SexPlease email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 26, 2010) Chapter 32 - Can I Have This Dance? I was very nervous standing in the lobby of the ActiveLife Dance and Fitness Center. It was a large facility just outside of Beverly Hills that seemed to be designed specifically...
The figure beside her stirred slightly; Tessa's hand slid down between her ass cheeks, and a softly murmured, "Mmmm," floated out from under the covers as Tessa's fingers searched out the magical places. Tessa felt her own body respond as her fingers slid past the curve of warm buttocks and directly between the legs of the sleeping figure. Tessa pondered as to who was the wetter between them as the woman under the sheets stirred again, this time parting her legs providing Tessa greater...
Lisa McKinnon was like a sex maniac at home with her husband, John. Sunday night through to Wednesday night was non-stop fucking anywhere in their house and having the best sex of their marriage. She and John watched the videos he’d recorded of her and Dan fucking. She said it was only fair to return the favour and wanted to watch him fuck another woman, namely Dan’s wife, Karen. She also told him how aroused she was to have sex with a woman and he should try to convince Karen to do it with...
My wife and I were in the south of Greece on vacation recently and had a great time. On our 2nd day we were at the beach and wanted to check out a small island just off the shore. We were told there was a nudist beach there so after some persuasion I got my wife to go over there with me on a pedal boat.We had been there about an hour and my wife was (with some reluctance) nude bathing when a motor-boat kept going past and eventually pulled in.There were two (English) guys in their mid 20's in...
The next day after my wife Dina had a threesome with two black men. She woke me up with a blow job. As she was sucking me hard I noticed that her skill lever and enthusiasm were at a much higher level.she was doing something different then her usual bj. I could quite put my finger on it. I mean she was always good at giving head. Plenty of shaft licking some ball tongue action.God this is so good. Why does this feel so much better.then I realized Dina wasn’t breaking eye contact with me. She...
I kept having the same dream. Not that that's anything new. I'll have recurring dreams about losing my makeup, missing a flight, failing out of school. But I usually don't have these types of dreams. The ones where I wake up in the middle of the night feeling guilty, ashamed, and incredibly wet. Guilty because my boyfriend would be gently asleep next to me, unaware what filled my dreams. Ashamed because, well, I love sex. I love the way it feels when my boyfriend pushes deep inside of me, the...
Straight SexCindy Jamison slumped against the door, shuddering as she sat in the passenger side of the Volkswagen Variant, her face buried in her hands. She cried plaintively, weeping her tortured emotions into her palms as one might wash an infected wound. The sangria she had consumed to dull her sensitivities had, if anything, only loosened the barriers holding them back, and now, fully surrendered to the alcohol, she allowed her pent-up emotions release. She had purged her soul once, to Norma...
Let me preface this story with I am normally very sweet. However, sometimes I act up a little when I am needing some attention, and I am needing some attention right now ... from him.You would miss his attentions too if you knew him. He stands tall at 6'2, with a handsome face, and the sexiest voice you have ever heard. And his inside shines even brighter than his outside. From the beginning, we recognized our special connection. He has been busier than usual at work, and I am feeling a little...
SpankingToo Much of a Good Thing: A Fantasy of Excess. Chapter III: How much ‘Change’ can a fella handle? Angel and I had agreed to a long pause following a come scene, but then I’d come before plan and we still had five girls to get through. Since Cathy had had well over one hour of air time, this meant at least another five to six hours on the job — well, you can do the math. So, bottom line, we agreed after a short pause to keep going and hope it would turn out ok. I made a much needed trip to the...
"They love YOURS, Carol. But what about mine?" "Hmmm. Let me see it." I heard the sound of a zipper and then silence for a few moments and then female giggling. "Well," it was Carol's voice, "It's a nice one. But let's go to my trailer and I'll trim it real pretty for you." I would have loved to see that, but when I followed them to Carol's trailer, I found the door was locked and the blinds were all drawn. I stood there, by the screen window of Carol's bedroom, listening. I...
(This is a sequel to I am whipped in from of my parents.Everyone in this story is over the age of eighteen.) I am a sex stud for an auction house. My duty is to publicly fuck anyone, male of female, that is given to me. It isn't a bad life. Sometimes the problem is that I would be in the mood for a blond but get a brunette or a boy. This is a quality auction house so I tend to get exception sex partners.Most of the time my dike is locked into a cock cage. I am only unlocked for a performance....
Prologue This is a story of introductions, obsessions, clarifications and a course altering week that served as a delta for the four main characters. I knew their attitudes and actions changed soon after they met, but I didn’t know this was that story. Did their personalities truly change or did they just recognize and accept the unacceptable? You decide. Steve and Sue will tell you their sordid tale in a parallel story and time line. And so it began A few years ago, in a Networking class,...
Exploration of a Darker SideIntroductionSarah Patterson is a 35 year old mother of two, happily married to Bryan for 11 years, together for 13. He is a hard working carpenter with his own business. A successful business and one that affords them a very comfortable lifestyle, a nice 4 bedroom detached house in a leafy rural suburb of Birmingham and a luxury holiday caravan in the Yorkshire Dales.Sarah is a qualified teacher who lectures at a local teacher training college 2 days a week. She...
First TimeAlicia saw the flash of metal, as her high heels clicked briskly across the subway platform from the train toward the stairs. Though she was in a hurry to get to work, she HAD to pause and stoop down to pick it up. Crouched near the ground, she could now tell it was a quarter -- and already her pussy was throbbing with the thought of what she was going to do with it. But just as Alicia's fingers were about to close on the coin, another hand snatched it away from her. A hand in a tattered knit...
Yeh meri panchvi kadi hai apni nai chahci ke saath sunahra chudaai ke sambandh ke barey mein. Yeh samabandh jiasa aap jante hein 25 saal pahle shuru hua aur abhee tak jaree hai. Aapko pahle meine batay kis tarah hamar chudai ka samabandh Toronto mein shuru hua, jab mein Buffalo NY se vacations par Toronto aya tha, chachi ki pahli daughter, Shweta, ke janam ke baad. Nanhi shewta ko doodh pilate samay hamari chudai shuru hui, aur phir chacha ke job par jane ke baad roz pyari chahci nangee sabere...
We like going on sun holidays and as Linda had always wanted to go to the Caribean this particular summer we managed to get a cancellation to Barbados.It was not peak season nut the place was busy enough with alot of couples there. It was our first time in one of these resorts and it took a short while to get used to what you were allowed to do and weren't.There were places it was OK to bathe topless or nude, even walking around topless or nude was allowed in certain places aswell. Linda had...
Saturday afternoon is a lazy day for me, but a day at the mall for my daughter, Cindy and her mom. Cindy is 18 and my wife is now 39. They are both the loves of my life. Cindy, a long legged blonde, is in her senior year at high school and is planning to go to a prestigious college up north in the fall. That is the reason why she and her mom were at the mall. Cindy was getting a clothing overhaul. She had nice clothes but my wife wanted her to be ready for school and a Saturday while school was...
My friend talked me into dressing up as a female this Halloween. It wasn’t much of talking into, I was a closet cross dresser for sometime. The only person who ever knew was an old girlfriend, Mel, a few years back. It was a good thing she was bisexual because she was really into me wearing her clothes. She even mentioned that I looked better in her clothes than she did. So, I started wearing her panties to work, painted my toenails, and she even did my make up. We did break up, but I still...
It all started in 2004. My name is Rakesh((28). Talking about me, i am a well built, nice physic and well toned man. Lund ka size normal i.e 6 to 6.5 inches hai. Now lets come to my mom. She is very beautiful by her looks. Short height but well maintained shape make her look younger. She is 52 now. The story is about to start. I took admission in my graduation. Before admission into graduation I was living in my home. Suddenly one day when I was aroused by the mom’s panty hanging in the...
A couple of weeks had gone by since Renee’s a*****ion. She was more cautious about what ways she walked to her car and even had Bob the security guard walk her to her car at night, all to avoid the situation of being used as a sex toy again. It was four pm on a warm Friday afternoon. Class had let out and it was still light out, so Renee felt safe enough to walk to her car with another student. She was excited about the weekend. Renee’s hubby was out of town on business and the k**s were at...
I had been a member of scatboi a few months and already had some experience as a shit eater, I hoped in scatboi I would find someone who woulduse me as the sissy toilet slave that I knew was my place in life I had been a member of scatboi a few months and already had eaten a little of my own shit but I would not say I was an? experienced shit eater, I hoped in scatboi I would find someone who would use me as the sissy toilet slave that I knew was my place in life.? So I bought a...