Alan Ch. 21 free porn video

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Chapter 21: Resurrecting Jack (part 2)

‘He said he would only meet with me, but I figure that with your abilities that wouldn’t pose a problem,’ Karick said as the trio stood on the curb, the taxi having just deposited them in one of Paris’s seedier neighborhoods. They had set out from the hotel not long after first light, after checking in and leaving their bags in the rooms.

‘No, that wont be a problem,’ Alan agreed.

Karick rang the bell and led them in after their host buzzed them door open. Alan immediately took charge, calming the man’s fears.

‘I don’t like it,’ he said quietly to Karick, who assured him Alan and Neil would be discrete. When the former Czech intelligence agent started to introduce his colleagues to the grubby document expert he was cut off. ‘Call me…Viktor,’ obviously making up a name on the spot.

‘Alright, Viktor,’ Alan said, extending his hand out, but it was not taken.

‘You have the document?’

Alan nodded, and handed it over, and the three of them followed Viktor into his work room. Viktor held it up to the light, looked at the wordless parchment wordlessly for a few seconds, and then clamped it down on a lightboard. A magnifying glass, attached to the side of the lightboard by a swinging arm, was moved into place, and Viktor took station over it. Without moving his head from the glass he reached to a side drawer and pulled out a tool that looked like a needle on a mount, and then scraped some of the parchment away at the corner. The next table over had a small-model gas chromatographer and he prepped the sample for analysis.

‘What do you think?’ Karick asked.

‘I’ll know on a few moments, but my best guess is that it is vellum. Sheepskin, probably about mid-fifteenth to sixteenth century. From the way it’s been cured and treated I would guess Central Asian origin, Uzbek or Tadjik, a very small chance Armenian. Quite possibly…’ he drifted off, but his eyes lit up at the last thought.

‘Is there a hidden message?’

‘What?’ Viktor asked. ‘You’re looking for a message? You should have said that at the outset,’ he grumbled as he opened some cabinets looking for something. He came back with a spray bottle and without asking permission saturated both sides of the parchment.

‘Hey! What the fuck are you doing?’ Alan yelled.

‘Nothing to fear, nothing to fear, boy. Just watch. The solution is almost completely inert.’ Viktor flipped a switch and the room’s light all went off, including the lightboard, and a black light flickered on from both the ceiling and from within the belly of the board. In the dim glow of the room Alan could see him beckoning for him to come closer to the parchment.

‘I can state with authority, and you can ask your friend Tadeusz what kind of authority I am, that this paper is blank. You see how clean it is. No pen marks of any kind, no print marks of any kind. No kind of writing or printing instruments have impacted on the paper. A virgin, you get it? Virgin!’ he laughed, a rheumy cackle.

The gas chromatographer beeped and Viktor sat down at a p.c. which was attached to it by a cable. The results meant nothing to Alan, and he watched with interest as Viktor loaded a CD into the drive and ran a comparison program. ‘This will take some time,’ they were informed by their host.

Alan and Neil went looking for a café, while Karick stayed behind to keep an eye on things.

‘So, Karick, you’ve come up in the world, I see,’ ‘Viktor’ said once the others had left.

‘The Cold War is over, my old friend. I have to make a living somehow. To tell the truth, I consider myself lucky. It is a good job. No wet work.’

‘You never did like killing.’

‘No, but I did it, unhappily. And you? Now you forge passports and identity papers for the highest bidders, not for love of Lenin and Marx. More rewarding for you too, no?’

‘Victor’ sighed. ‘The more things change…most of my, ah, clientele, are Russians, fucking Russians. Mafiya scum, and kleptocrats calling themselves without a hint of irony ‘New Capitalists,” he grumbled. ‘The pay is better, but the more things change…’ he added with a laugh.

They chatted of trivial things while the computer searched the database looking for a match to the sample, the computer was fairly ancient, and taking its time. When the match had been found Karick keyed his cell phone and called Alan and Neil back from their coffees.

‘Samarkand,’ Viktor pronounced triumphantly. ‘From the workshop of the Master, I would guess early 1500s.’

‘The Master?’ Alan asked.

It was Neil, to the surprise of the other three who answered. ‘The Master of Samarkand, a dyer, name unknown, who worked from about 1480 to 1515. His product was of exceptional quality.’ Neil pointed to the parchment laying on the lightbox. ‘This is the Stradivarius of paper, parchment, whatever,’ he said correcting himself. ‘If the provenance can be proven,’ he ventured, getting a small snarl from Viktor in response (so unused he was to having his expertise questioned), that is one valuable piece of parchment.’

‘Valuable, yes,’ Alan thought, ‘But that doesn’t quite help us along in our quest however much it’s worth.’

‘The bleaching process used by him,’ Viktor began, taking up Neil’s point (and a bit perturbed at being upstaged and doubted), ‘Is quite distinct, decades, no centuries ahead of his time. From the finish on the document I should have pegged it off right away, but I’ve never seen an unused piece of his product.’

Later, back at the hotel Alan asked him if that was the clue. ‘Do we need to go? To Samarkand? I’m willing, but that corner of the world is not exactly considered safe.’ Uzbekistan borders Afghanistan.

‘No, Alan, there’s nothing left there. The Soviets pretty much plundered the country back in the day, and the best experts about the Master are all in Russia now. I know one, he lived in Moscow. He consulted with the museum back when I worked there. Should I call him? Try to see if he’s still around? He’ll be terribly excited seeing an unused parchment.’

‘No hold off on that. Karick’s team had been watching Massimo since before I even acquired my powers. So we know that Massimo was never even near Central Asia for a long time. Damn it! Somehow there’s a message on that parchment, and I just don’t know how to get at it. What’s worse, the dreams are back, and more frequent, more powerful. It’s like being here, on this side of the Atlantic, I’m closer to the solution, and Jack is trying to guide me more. This whole fucking thing makes no sense.’

‘Whoa, whoa, step back a minute. You getting frustrated will not help you get over this thing.’

‘You’re right,’ Alan exhaled.

‘Let’s look at this thing from a logical point of view, OK?’

‘OK,’ Alan responded, rubbing his temples trying to massage the stress away.

‘Massimo is out there somewhere. In some form, yes?’


‘The most important think we have to keep in mind is that HE wants YOU to find him,’ Neil reasoned.

‘I never thought it through like that. Yes, you’re right,’ Alan said sitting up straighter. ‘This is good, keep going.’

‘He wants you, and no one else to find him,’ Neil said of the top of his head. He hadn’t really developed a full argument, so he was winging it. ‘He has to leave clues, but clues only you can understand.’

‘Yeah. Keep going.’

‘No. I’m spent. There’s something we’re missing.Shit. I need a vacation.’

‘Yeah,’ Alan said as he slouched back again. ‘You know what? We do need a vacation. It’s Friday, so we’ll stop for the weekend. The next two days, at the least, no work. I mean it. We need to recharge.’

Swindon-Smythe and Karick made arrangements to visit their native lands, England and the Czech Republic, respectively, and neither was worried about being seen, their altered apprearences and new identity papers eliminating that problem. For t
he first time in a few weeks Alan was alone.

* * *

‘Is anyone sitting here?’

Alan looked up from his paper, the International Herald Tribune, and saw two women standing abreast his table. It was a sunny morning as only an early July day in Paris can be light. After the dampness of Switzerland it was a welcome respite, and he took advantage of it, choosing to sit at an outside table for his morning coffee and croissant. The two young ladies before him were about his age, perhaps a few years older.

‘No. Go right ahead,’ he allowed, signaling to the waiter to come and take a new order. After the garcon had gone back inside the café Alan introduced himself.

‘Nice to meetya, Alan, I’m Margo and this is Lisa,’ the blonde one said, extending her hand. She was almost as tall as he, and she had, from what her could see, a very nice, curvy figure, punctuated by wide flaring hips. Lisa was slighter and darker, with a trim body and small but very attractive breasts. Both wore shorts, Margo a button-down shirt with the tails tied up to expose her tummy, Lisa a plain white t-shirt, and Alan could tell that she was bra-less.

‘So, what brings you two ladies to Paris?’

‘Oh, we’re bouncing around Europe for the summer, Eurail pass and all. We just graduated,’ Lisa said. She had a slight Hispanic accent.

‘Congrats! Where did you go to school.’

‘I went to G.W., and Lisa went to Colgate. But we grew up together and we’re both going to law school at Virginia, next month. You?’

‘Oh, I just finished my freshman year. Columbia.’ The pair was impressed.

‘Are you backpacking this summer, too?’ Lisa asked, though she somehow doubted it. Alan was dressed too nicely to be someone living out of a rucksack. She admired the lines of his Italian suit while waiting for his answer.

‘I wish! No, I’m over here for work. Just taking a few days off. So, you grew up together. Where?’

Margo answered. ‘Montclair, New Jersey. Heard of it?’

‘Yeah actually, I have. I’m from Westchester, so were from the same area really, and one of the guys on my hall last year is from there. Do you know Paul Sullivan?’

‘The name sounds familiar,’ Lisa said thoughtfully. ‘Is his older sister Melissa? Lissa Sullivan? She was in our class, and I think she had a younger brother.’

‘Oh, I don’t know,’ Alan answered. ‘Maybe. We never discussed brothers and sisters.’

Their coffee and breakfast came and they set out sipping and chewing. Alan had his cup refilled and glanced at the paper from time to time, not wanting to seem rude. He noticed that there were a couple of vacant tables in front of the café and wondered why the two coeds hadn’t taken one, but had asked to sit with him. So, he asked.

‘Oh, ah, well, we saw you reading the English paper, and we’ve been sort of starved for conversation lately. Neither of us speak French, only Spanish, so we figured you’d be someone we could talk to,’ Lisa said.

‘I take it,’ Alan said, proceeding delicately, ‘That Spanish is your first language,’ he asked Lisa.

‘Yeah, that’s easy enough to tell. I was born in Costa Rica, and we moved to the States when I was ten. That’s when I met Margo,’ she said, casting a friendly glance her friend’s way.’

‘Why did your family leave Costa Rica?’

‘My dad got a research fellowship at a hospital in New York, and we never left. My mom is half-American (her mom was born there), so citizenship was never a problem, and dad’s fellowship turned into a permanent position.’

‘Yeah,’ Margo piped in, ‘My dad’s the one that hired your dad. And that’s that. We’ve been friends ever since. Best friends.’

‘So let me get this straight, two doctors have daughters and they both go to law school. It must be their worst nightmare!’ Alan joked. The two females giggled, and assured him that their fathers, though slightly unnerved by the career choice, were supportive nonetheless.

‘What’s your job?’ Margo asked. Alan told them he had an internship with a multinational antiquities consulting company, and left it at that. When the comestibles were at last consumed the three agreed to spend the day together, seeing the sights Paris had to offer.

* * *

It wasn’t that late, just after nine, but the three of them were relaxing in a bistro, bowls of onion soup before them, a bottle of vin ordinaire mostly sipped away. All three of them were foot-weary, and Margo was a little drunk, listing to the side, occasionally brushing against Alan. He didn’t mind, she reminded him of Kate. A blond, slightly older, taller, and more confident Kate. Lisa had been less affected by the night’s revels. From time to time she reached out and peeled the label from the glass of the wine bottle, it was a habit, a little bit of a compulsion, something she always did.

‘Soren, my roommate back at college, does that too.’

‘What?’ Lisa asked.

‘That thing you’re doing with the bottle. He does that too, though mostly with beer bottles.’

‘It’s getting on late,’ Lisa commented, consulting her watch. ‘Shit, I wish our hostel wasn’t all the way over on the other side of town.’

‘You could stay at my hotel,’ he offered. The women blushed. ‘One of my business colleagues went to London for a couple of days, and the other to Prague’ he hastily added. ‘You can use their rooms, a suite, actually.’

‘Sure,’ they both said at once.

‘Nice place,’ Lisa said approvingly, eying the sumptuous three bedroom suite. ‘What was it you said you did, again?’

‘Oh, just a summer intern, me,’ Alan lied. ‘The room is being paid for by the company, so…’ This seemed to satisfy the two of them.

Lisa went into one of the bathrooms to take a shower, and Margo took another one. Alan slipped off his shoes and suit coat, and took his tie out of the pocket and hung it up in the closet in his room. After a very short while both ladies emerged from their respective bathrooms wearing the hotel’s white fluffy bathrobes.

The room service man knocked shortly thereafter, he deposited the coffee service and Alan signed for the tip. Margo and Lisa eagerly helped themselves as Alan dashed off for his own shower.

‘How do you take yours?’ Margo asked as Alan reappeared.

‘What?’ He had a towel over his head, drying his hair, rubbing it vigorously back and forth over his pate.

‘Coffee. How do you take your coffee?’

‘If it’s good coffee, black’

Margo poured him a cup and he made his way to the couch and took it from her. As they sipped and enjoyed the view from the window Margo thought about the day just passed. They had gone out that morning looking. It had been so long since they had spent time with an English-peaking person, so they had gone to three cafés before seeing Alan. His copy of the IHT had pegged him as a probable American, and he had been reading the baseball box scores as they approached, and that clinched it.

In a word, they were lonely, and by meeting Alan they had lucked out. Not only was he what they were looking for at the basest level, a fellow Yank (even from the same part of the country as they were), but he was nice and charming and witty, and good company. Though he wasn’t movie-star handsome he was OK to look at. He had a really good job, judging by the luxury of the hotel and this suite, and he dressed well.

‘So. what are we doing tomorrow?’ Lisa asked from the couch opposite, her mouth curled up in a small grin.

‘Whatever you like, ladies,’ Alan answered, returning the smile.

‘Cool,’ Margo, this time, ‘We’ll need to head back to the hostel in the morning to change our clothes and stuff.’

‘Yeah,’ Lisa said, ‘I’m glad for these robes. I wasn’t looking forward to getting back into my sweaty clothes, though we will have to a some point.’

Margo leaned in closer to Alan, he shoulder lightly pressing into his. She had a loopy smile on her face, and it wasn’t from drink. ‘Do you have a girlfri

Alan pressed closer to her. ‘I do.’

‘What’s her name?’ Lisa asked, her eyes shiny. They didn’t know it but Alan was increasing their arousal. He, too, had been lonely of late, his only companions a British archaeologist and a former Czech intelligence agent. He hadn’t seen Kate in weeks, and he was horny as hell, just spending time with these two attractive women made him realize he had been without sex for a long a period since he had become a Vessel of the Seed.

‘Kate, her name is Kate.’ Alan told them a few things about his raven-haired girlfriend.

‘Is she pretty,’ Margo asked, batting her eyelashes. ‘As pretty as us?’

‘She’s very pretty. You,’ he said indicating Margo with a wave of his hand, ‘Remind me of her, though she is a little curvier, and she has this really nice head of black hair, I mean really really black, like coal.’

‘I bet she wouldn’t be to happy to know you were spending the night in a hotel with two pretty girls like us, huh?’ Lisa asked, her breathing shallow.

‘We, uh, have an arrangement.’

‘Oh, yeah, I’ve heard that one a hundred times.’ Margo said with a dismissive snort, and Lisa agreed. Alan used his power to up the erotic feelings the two of them were experiencing. On the opposite couch Lisa began to rub her thighs together in a languid rhythm, and Margo began to tremble almost imperceptibly.

‘Yeah,’ Lisa added, ‘What? An open relationship? You get to sleep with all the women you want to and she gets to sleep with all the men she wants to?’

‘Not quite,’ he said, looking right at her. Lisa felt like this guy could see right through her, and she was turned on like she had rarely been before.

‘Oh,’ whispered Margo at his side, her hand lightly stroking his exposed thigh, her fingertips tracing a soft pattern on his knee. ‘What, you get to sleep with women and she can’t? You cad, you,’ she giggled.

‘Actually, it’s simpler than that. I get to sleep with all the women I want, and she gets to sleep with all the women she wants. Fair’s fair, don’t you think?’

Lisa sucked in her breath hard. She had never been with another women sexually, but it was one of her deep-seeded fantasies, a fantasy which had increased of late. Spending all of this time with Margo in close quarters recently had, in some small way, made her bisexual tendencies a little less latent.

For Margo’s part she was completely stunned. Not only had she never had any sexual contact with another woman she had never even fantasized about girl-girl sex. She knew of it, of course, but never thought about it much. If she wasn’t so turned on at this moment she would have bolted to the bathroom, dressed quickly and fled the room. Alan had scanned them during their day out together so he knew where, so to speak, the pieces stood on the board.

‘You’re kidding,’ they both said at once.

‘I assure you, I am not. Kate loves me, and I love her, but she also loves having sex with women, so we decided that both of us could pursue that,’ he paused to think of the right word, ‘Avenue.’

‘That is so, so–‘ Margo was flailing mentally trying to decide what she thought of this.

‘–HOT!’ Lisa squeaked. She shifted position slightly, her ass grinding into the cushions of the sofa trying to deal with the tingling she felt below the waist. Her nipples were hard, pressing against the inside of the robe, stimulated by the arousal within her and the feel of the soft fabric without her.

‘Lisa!’ Margo objected, but her companions could sense its half-heartedness.

‘It doesn’t turn you on?’ Alan asked, his hand against her thigh slowly moving towards the hem of her robe. She said nothing, her eyes fixed on his moving hand. She was silent as it slipped under the cloth, and she shuddered as she felt his fingers at her cleft. She moaned as she looked up at him hungrily, her blue eyes sparkly with desire. As he began to rub her slit with his fingertips she gasped and didn’t fully hear him as he restated the question, she was distracted by the sight of her best friend standing up and shedding her robe before coming over to their side of the coffee table. Lisa sat on the other side of Alan and began kissing him on his neck and shoulder, but her eyes were fast on Margo, and she shivered imagining what Alan’s hands were doing under her friend’s robe.

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You hate cliche, and so you would never say no one would ever know I'm Daddy's filthy little slut by day, but this common trope fits like Cinderella's slipper. You're successful, a leader in your field. You manage others. You're responsible and authoritative. You're the expert And yet sometimes even the carefully calibrated (one of the boys) uniform you wear daily is enough to distract you with thoughts of the fact that you move in a man's world. You go to happy hours to order martinis and talk...

3 years ago
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Our first time Part 1

I cannot help but notice the way the light reflects off of your left knee, or the way your knee cap is defined as you sit on the edge of the bed. I sit to your left, close to you, but far enough to keep a small gap between our thighs. As my eyes focus on that knee, my right arm reaches over, letting the tip of my index finger rest on your skin. I take a quick glance towards your eyes before turning back down, letting out an inaudible sigh as I move my finger along your shin and up to your knee,...

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You know its what you fanatsize about when

You’re sitting at the bar, in a restaurant. I come in to grab some food, and I spot you there. I tell the hostess, I’m just going to sit at the bar. I don’t sit next to you, but a few seats around the corner of it, so we can make eye contact. I order something, and then I look up at you, and you try to look away. I just wait and when you look again, I signal for you to come sit. We talk for only a few seconds, and I realize I don’t give a shit what you are talking about, so I tell you,” shut...

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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 20

Astrid Little Feather January 12 (the morning of January 13 in China) Astrid checked the reports again. According to Major Robert Waldspeil, the southern power substation was finished and could be activated after testing. The northern substation would be finished by the 15th. That was fully two weeks ahead of the original schedule. Ms Lenti would be very pleased. The Nevada National Guard was a big help in getting them built, even though the southern substation was mostly in...

2 years ago
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JourneyChapter 5

"Wake up, sleepyhead," Tim said as he walked into the bedroom with a tray of food. Janice opened her eyes slowly then smiled as she remembered last night. "Good morning, sweetheart," she said as she set up in bed and stretched. "What's this?, Breakfast in bed? Did I die and go to heaven?" she joked. "Nope, I just wanted to make sure that you had plenty of strength for today." Janice looked at Tim with a worried look. "What's going to happen today that I need my strength?" she...

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Kittys Story

Kitty Silbeau had a strange feeling as she stepped out of the shower that morning. There was a heat low in her body which was usually reserved for other times, but there was also a distinct feeling that the day was going to be different in a good way. But there wasn’t much that could be better than what she had at this time, was there? Nothing that didn’t go beyond her wildest dreams, anyway As she left the car park of the Renforth Publishing Company offices, there was more than work on her...

Office Sex
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Aunty is my love

I am about to share an incident with you which changed my life and sex made it possible. This happened in final year when i was knowing very details about sex. By then i have seen a very good collection of sex movies, but never had sex. The urge of hard sex was driving me crazy and i was seeing a naked lady in every woman. But i was not sure that sex will happen so soon and also some one like my aunt her name is sailaja( in real also) married . Let me describe about my aunt first, she is...

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Bravo ForceChapter 18 Battle report

By the time they returned to the CA, Pru's leg was functional again, though still not completely steady. She limped slightly but the exercise of walking actually helped wash the numbness away Isabella was limping, too, but from a sprained ankle. She had slipped while getting into position to stun the guards and twisted it. She had known it would soon put her out of action, so she had aimed her stunner at a rock and moved her ankle into the field to numb it. By the time the action was over,...

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Exhibitionist Sister Chapter 9

Ashley, Madison, and Brian find themselves having more fun in the bathroom together. Let’s just say that the following morning was pretty great. Ashley and I woke up around eight. We just laid in bed for a while. This is a little unrelated but truth be told, I was surprised at how readily Ashley entered a sexual relationship with her sister. At first they were basically hands-off of course, but Ashley and Madison had since moved to playing with each other’s tits and sucking each other’s...

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My Sissy Husband

My Sissy Husband Susanna says: - This is actually a story that I heard from a friend of mine, she was desperate to tell it and all it took was a little fellatio persuasion on my part. Are there many men like the one in this story out there in the real world, well if I'd never searched the Internet then I would say no, but all you need to do is look at the number of men who like to be humiliated and dominated and you'll see that this story is not so far-fetched as you might...

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The Guy Next Door Chapter 2

The Guy Next Door – Chapter 2 At 6:00 the following morning, Bill was just finishing in the shower. He came out with the towel wrapped around his waist and met Jane on the stairs. “I‘ll get your toast and coffee,” she said to him. Bill just nodded. The breakfast consisted of the usual foods with some polite conversation. Bill thrust the remnants of a piece of toast down his throat, grabbed a second piece and declared that he was off to work. Jane smiled at him, grabbed her coffee and walked to...

1 year ago
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Turned his wife into owned whore

This is a true story about a woman I met almost two years ago and how an amazing transformation. It may get a little long and detailed but I think (and hopefully you do as well) worth it. I met Nata when she called my business requesting a home inspection. when I met her she was the most uptight, rigid woman I think I had ever met. She was (still is) married to a very bland, boring man who seemed very disinterested in just about everything. A few days after the inspection she started texting me...

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He was a nobody by anyone's standards. Tall and yet still overweight, he was the butt of many crude jokes, but he never cared. He always brushed people off with little concern for the petty snipes and jokes. He only wanted to be left to his art and now even that was in jeopardy as the last bus he could catch to his own art show blew past the stop without a care. He was forced to walk in the slush that his city called snow. His coat kept him warm and his boots kept his feet dry, but the walk was...

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Extended Family Values

Extended Family Values © 2004 by Nom de Plume Dear Kit, This is the most difficult letter I've ever written. I only wish I had the strength to tell you what I am about to say in person, but I don't have that kind of courage. That's why this letter is wrapped around a video cassette. A picture is worth a thousand words. Before you put the cassette in your VCR, let me try to prepare you for what you are about to see. The woman who will be speaking to you in a few...

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what a sexy story 2

আমার নাম লাবনী, বয়স ১৪ বছর, ক্লাস টেন এ পড়ি। আমি আব্বু আম্মুর বড় মেয়ে। আমার একটা ছোট ভাই আছে, ওর বয়স ৫ বছর। আমাদের চার জনের ছোট সংসার। আব্বু একটা প্রাইভেট ফার্মে চাকরী করে। আমার বয়স ১৪ বছর হলেও এই বয়সেই আমার যৌবন ফেটে বের হচ্ছে। আমি ৫ ফুট ৩ ইঞ্চি লম্বা, দুধেরসাইজ ৩০”, গায়ের রং ধবধবে ফর্সা, কোমর পর্যন্ত ছড়ানো লম্বা কালো রেশমী চুল। যখনআয়নায় নিজেকে দেখি তখন আমিনিজেই অবাক হয়ে ভাবি আমি এতো সুন্দর। আমি যখন থেকে চোদাচুদি বুঝতে শিখেছি তখন থেকেই পর্নো ফিল্ম দেখি, চটি বই পড়ি। চোদাচুদির...

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THE Harem Tales 1 The Times They Are A ChangingChapter 9 Interlude

Monday, we were back walking east on Highway 20, and for now, Rachel was out front, and Cathleen was rear guard. Our doctrine of alternating the lead gave us all experience and some stress relief. It was early afternoon, and the temperature was dropping. The gloomy sky and the blustery wind meant more crappy weather was on the way again and made me wish we had remained holed up in our last refuge. It hadn't been wonderful, but it had a roof and walls. Too late now. "Looks like we had...

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Ms Waddles

Ms. Waddles ? by: Mary Beth Sanford Facts from fiction: Sandy is real and she provided me with a lot of things to wear growing up. Some things she knew about some she didn't. She was also a plus size little girl and a plus size woman and I adored her for all of our lives. Sandy is also a woman I've since come to know after discovering she has a passion for taking boys down a peg or two. Both are very tolerant of a boy like me. I've mixed the two for this story and the rest was...

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Nurse Mom Chapter 6 Mom scored one from the gyno wing

When I was younger, I do remember seeing Mom wear a bikini on occasion. Now that she has filled out, I am not sure that she even owned one anymore. As she removed her robe in the darkness, I was disappointed to see that she was wearing a very conservative bathing suit that gave her full coverage, and then some. It even had a ruffly skirt attached to conceal her intimate region even more. I was a little let down at this fact, but I just tried to focus on the curves that I could actually still...

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What the Night WhispersChapter 5

We spent the day on the couch, Kira and I, cuddled together, just mother and daughter, innocent and lovely. I really enjoyed holding Kira against me like I had so often before she hit puberty. Even as my thoughts about her turned more intimate, I loved feeling her skin on mine, knowing my child was safe in my arms. The movie we watched ended and neither of us moved, both half-asleep, Kira leaning against me, her head resting on my breast. I rubbed her shoulders and felt her stir as the...

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Another Welcome Guest 11

-------------- Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister and wife of Zeus Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeu Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage,...

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emmas cuck hubby and dgs

He allowed his mind to wander back in time as he drove the car, the first woman's face leapt into his mind triggering an instant sexual response he eased his thighs apart to allow unrestricted blood flow to his cock.As he had ****d her he felt her body's involuntary response to his forced brutal entry her lubrication expelled along his thrusting cock her faint gasps as his huge swollen balls banged against her cunt each time he thrust deeply into her.He remembered her teeth biting into his...

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Healing HandsChapter 5

The next morning we were all sitting around the breakfast table. Maggie and Frank were sitting with me, while Donald and Gill were fussing in the kitchen with breakfast dishes. Frank brought up the issue of testing my abilities again. “You know, it’s time to think about what other abilities you have, apart from your powers to heal and that incredible orgy of pleasure that you triggered.” He said. “Have you tried to do anything that could be used as a defensive or offensive weapon? After all,...

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Fucking My Friends Mom

I don't know Jenny, it's just like he doesn't care about me anymore. He's more worried about his job. When we have sex, he only takes care of himself and then he goes to sleep. I haven't had an orgasm in years."My ears went on full alert when I heard this. I have been trying to find a way to fuck Mrs. Hudson since I was 13. She has been my fantasy when I jack off or have sex for years. Mrs. Hudson, or Stacy, as she liked to be called, is 36, about 5'4", and looks to be a 36"-24"-36". She has...

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lsquoAuntrsquo Joan

My aunt Joan was very old, or at least that’s what I thought at the time when I was 18, in reality she was around 38. Ever since I could remember, she was really nice to me when she came which was often as she only lived a few streets away. She wasn’t a real aunt but a good friend of my parents so I was sort of adopted by her as she had no k**s of her own.After I reached puberty and became aware of sex I looked at her in a different way, she was actually very attractive and had quite large tits...

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Friend mommy

Friend Mommy This is a story of my friend’s mother and my illegitimately relation. Fahem was my best friend in high school from the primary. I was always over his house and he mine. He was 18 and I was19 when this story takes place. His mother was not an average looking. Or may be she was looked me so beautiful. Lets me describe her to all of you. She has very fair skin. Her height was not as normal of other woman, she was little tall and has 5′. 9’’. Her face features were sharpness, and...

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St Katherines Day Feast

It was a very tired and thirsty Corrine who greeted her Father as he entered the house. "Hello Daddy!"she panted. "How was your day?" John set down his brief case and hung up his jacket, before patting Corrine on her cheek. "Same as always sweetie, to many girls. They all know someone needs to be culled but no one wants it to be them." he sighed and ran his hand down Corrine's shoulder to her side and cupped her breast, tweaking the nipple. He gave a light chuckle. "So what have you...

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Janes Evening

(Thanks to Holliexx for feedback on this) Jane was bored. She had finished work for the day; another boring day in the same, boring office, taking boring messages she didn't understand and didn't want to understand. She had got home extremely tired and flopped down on her sofa, kicking off her heels and lying back. She knew she should probably change out of her work clothes but she was exhausted. She liked to make an effort with how she looked at work - it was about her only pleasure there! She...

Straight Sex
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Penultimate Sacrifice

Penultimate Sacrifice By (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Copyright 2000 by (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Michael Odum was looking to see the world. The 18 year old brown haired blue eyed American with a southern accent was curious to learn Japanese, having been fascinated by anime and manga since before he was a teenager. Now, the first chance he had to get away from home, he was going to take it. His parents were, at first, against his decision to attend...

1 year ago
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Cutest Bhabhi I Have Ever Seen

Hi ISS readers. Vaibhav (changed) here. I love this site because reading stories here help me keep my sexual intentions up always. About me, I am 19 years old. I am a student in a college and live in Rajasthan. I am handsome, 6 feet tall with muscular body and I am fit as I play sports and visit gym regularly. Let us get into the story. This story is about my intercourse with my lovely bhabhi which lives in a house opposite to me. I was a very good student. I used to travel to my college by...

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Mama Ki Ladki Ki Chudayi

Hi All, Thank you for posting your comments, I got good responses to my old story (Ex Wife ko Jamkar Choda – I & II) and lots of appreciation. Introduction to those who would be reading my story for first time, I am lover 52655, 39 years old working in Pune in a reputed MNC, Normal size ka lund lekin kisi bhi ladki ya aurat ko santusht karne ke liye kafi hai. I have been married for last 9 years to a beautiful girl. Ladies, If you want to get in touch with me you can write @ Let’s start with...

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A Night to Remember

It was almost 2am, just into Saturday. I was necking a beer, my third, and watching some comedy show re-runs on late-night TV. I don’t recall what the shows were. I have never needed more than four or five hours of sleep and while in my younger years that meant I could be out partying most of the night, now at the age of 52 the evenings tend to drag, especially when my wife is away. So I was sitting, half awake, scanning the airwaves for something I recognised, even though I was really not...

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Adventures of RachelChapter 6

Gregg went off to work and Nita drove the girls to school. Abby and Michelle went to their classes while Nita and Rachel went to the Principals office. Miss Jasmine saw them and walked out to greet them. Miss Jasmine said, "Hi Rachel welcome back to school." Rachel said, "thank you and I'm glad to be back. It's boring sitting around the house all day. Oh and I brought in all my work you sent home for me to do. It is all done." Miss Jasmine said, "that is great so maybe you won't be...

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Meri Kahani Meri Zubani 8211 Part 4

Hi dosto kaise ho? Mai Sheela Yadav aap sabhi ko mai namaste karti hoon wo v puri tarah jhuk ke gaand aap ki taraf karke. Main ake baar fir haazir hoon apni ake nayi exprence ke saath. Aap logo ne jis tarah meri pichli kahaniyon ko ‘Meri kahani meri jubani I,Meri Kahani Meri Zubani II, Meri Kahani Meri Zubani III,pasand kiya umid karti hoon ki ise v karoge. Meri mail id hai Yahoo masanger pe raat ko mujse sex chat kijiye. Jineko gandi chat pasand hai wahi sirf chat kare. Phone talk nahi kar...

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cmsix and the Lapdance

Copyright© Russell Hoisington 2005 This here tale is an eeerotic fantasy of the humorous variety which I done writ in the vernackulary style of th' area where it all took place. So, if'n you don't speak Redneck, y'all are gonna be lost, 'n' y'all got my deepest sympathies fer bein' so poorly educated. The characters, cept'n for th' famous eeerotic writer cmsix 'n' the briefly mentioned eeerotic writer Naive, 'n' the situation are purely th' product of my overactive imagination....

3 years ago
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The Magic Soap of Babylon

The Magic Soap of Babylon OBJECT: Magic Soap of Babylon USAGE (setting the form): Imagine the form that you wish the soap to "create" when next used. While holding this image in your mind, tap the soap three times and then blow on it. You will know that the new form for next use has been set when a small spark shoots out of the soap. USAGE (activation): When applied with water or moisture, the form of the user will instantly transform into that of the soap's last form...


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