Alan Ch. 11 free porn video

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The House Always Wins

Quiet time.

Alan was lying on his in a hammock reading a novel, ‘Aura’ by Carlos Fuentes. Pauline was dozing next to him, on her side and half curled up into a ball, her back pressed into the side of his body. It was the first really warm day of spring and they were taking advantage of it, trying to spend as much time outside as they could get. A half hour ago they finished lunch on the deck, and Pauline’s parents had returned inside the house. Pauline had suggested the hammock, and they had both taken books, however the big lunch had taken its toll on her, causing her to nod off almost immediately.

By the time Alan finished reading the book, a novella really, not long enough to be a novel, he too dozed off.

The afternoon turned overcast and chilled, Alan was awakened by Pauline shivering through her sleep beside him on the hammock. Her long brown hair was on him because in their slumber she had nuzzled her head in his armpit, and he was amused by it, absorbed by its sheer volume, it smelled of chamomile. It completely obscured his shoulder, and stray bits of it had worked their way up under his neck, tickling him pleasantly He lifted his arms above his head, stretching out, and let out a hearty yawn. Mr. Van Devanter, who was about fifteen yards away and watering his vegetable patch turned and waved. Alan hoisted himself out of the hammock, casing her to stir.

‘When did it get so cold?’ she asked him sleepily.

‘Not sure. We both drifted off into dreamland.’ She sighed contentedly.

‘Umm,’ she purred, stretching out on the now roomier hammock, ‘I’m far too wiped out to move, but much to cold to stay out here.’ She stretched again. ‘Help me up?’

He pulled her up and out of the hammock and gave her a little kiss on the lips, and was about to follow her back into her house, but her dad called him over.

They chatted for a little while, mostly about growing vegetables, a topic which interested Alan not at all.

‘Come inside with me, we should talk,’ he said to Alan, a wicker basket of radishes under his arm.

‘Uh oh, this doesn’t sound good,’ he chuckled, and Mr. Van Devanter assured him there was nothing to fear.

They went into the kitchen, finding Pauline’s mom at the sink filling just-washed clay flower pots from a huge bag of store-bought soil. She smiled at him as they came in.

‘First off, who told you you could sleep with my baby?’ Mr. Van Devanter asked. It was such a shocking opening, and not only to Alan. Pauline’s mom dropped a flower pot into the sink, smashing it.

‘What?’ she screeched.

‘Relax. Relax. I was just kidding, Helen. The two of them were out back in the hammock reading, and they both nodded off. Jesus, can’t anyone here take a joke?’

‘Oh,’ her mom said clutching her heart, her tone of voice suggesting that the weight of the world had just been lifted off her chest. Mr. Van Devanter gave her a meaningful look, and soon she left them alone in the kitchen.

‘You know of course that we–Pauline’s mom and I–think you’re a great guy. We couldn’t be more happy with this situation, with you an our baby girl dating.’


‘Oy, I’ve been dreading this day for years.’

‘I don’t follow,’ Alan replied.

‘You’ll understand when you have a daughter.’

‘Oh,’ Alan said, grinning at Mr. Van Devanter, ‘That.’

‘I not just because she’s my daughter. She’s my baby, you understand. When she’s forty she’ll still be my baby. It’s just hard, though you being the person I’m having this conversation makes it all the more easy.’

‘I think I know what you’re trying to say.’

‘Good, then I’ll be brief: Don’t hurt her. Got it?’

‘You bet.’

‘Whew,’ Mr. Van Devanter exhaled, ‘That was easier than I thought it would be.’

* * *

Alan hung around the house a while longer. Pauline was up in her room having a nap, and he and her dad watched some early season baseball in the den. Mr. Van Devanter had invited him into the den and cracked

open two beers, a surprise.

‘I am sure you’ve had this before, eh.’

‘Yeah. My dad and I sometimes have a beer together.’

‘Well, I’m glad I’m not leading you down the path to perdition.’

After a few innings Kate came home, she had been out with friends and was surprised at seeing Alan still at her house. Alan and her dad greeted her, and her heart started racing when she saw Alan rise and follow her up the stairs to her bedroom. She could feel his presence behind as she walked across the upstairs hall, and she realized with a start that her pussy was dripping.

‘My parents are downstairs,’ she whispered as he closed her bedroom door behind them. ‘Pauline is home.’

‘Get undressed,’ he ordered. She did while looking at him with look that mixed her belief that this was ill advised with one of high lust.

He approached her as she was finishing and gave her a gentle push onto the bed. ‘I thought you understood, slut. You are mine. Property.’ She began to nod in agreement. ‘I use you when I want, where I want.’

‘Please,’ she half-squeaked, half-whispered, ‘Master, please. Use your slut. I will never for a moment doubt you again. I will never for a moment even hesitate when you command me.’ Alan was slowly running is fingers up and down her bare slit, and Kate could no longer continue her begging, consumed as she was by the feelings he was drawing out of her body.

‘Hmm, your pussy is very wet, my slut.’

Through her gasps she answered him, ‘No, Master, ahhhhh, it’s your pussy.’ Their eyes met and she smiled at him.

‘Nice answer.’ He put his mouth against her labia and snaked his tongue into her moist depths.

‘Oh my god!’ she squealed. ‘Yessssssssss!’ Alan licked her pussy vigorously, his right hand twisting and tugging at her butt plug, his left pulling at her nipple rings causing her breasts to stretch away from her body. Kate came explosively at this treatment, her body shaking and twitching, her hips bucking at his face. He moved up, pressing his body on top of hers so that they were face to face. Kate licked her own juices off his face, gasping and moaning with the after effects of her prodigious orgasm. ‘Please fuck me,’ she panted. ‘Please, put you dick in my–I mean, your–cunt. It’s soooooo wet. Wet for Master’s cock, my Master’s big cock. Please?’

Alan slowly entered her, and the sensation, the feeling of being used by him, took her breath away. ‘You like that, slut?’ She moaned contentedly as he slowly pumped in an out of her. The plug in her ass came alive, vibrating inside of her. She was incoherent with lust, and just as she had bucked her pussy into his face, she was now thrusting her hips up at him, desirous of more of his cock in her. She looked down at their joining and saw he was burying himself in her to the full, but she wanted more. She wanted a harder fucking, wanted to feel him piston in and out of her so that their bodies came together with slapping force. Alan increased his pace. ‘More,’ she moaned. ‘Harder, yes, faster, fuck me, Master, use your slut. I want you to feel this hot cunt squeeze you big cock.’ As she felt herself crescendo towards a monstrous climax she began to twist her nipples by the rings.

They were interrupted by a knock at the door. ‘Kate, sweetie, are you in there?’ her mom asked from the other side of the door. Not waiting for an answer she turned the knob and entered. Alan took charge of the situation. He used his power to project an image into Mrs. Van Devanter’s mind that she was not seeing Alan fuck her middle child, but rather she saw the two of them demurely conversing. ‘Oh, hi Katie. I wasn’t sure you had come home yet.’

Kate mind was exploding, and not just from the heroic fucking Alan was throwing her way. ‘Ugh ugh, yeah Mom, I just got back a-a-aaaaaaaaaaaa little while ago,’ she managed to speak through her climax. She didn’t underst
and her mother’s calm reaction at seeing her fuck Pauline’s boyfriend, who had not even paused his rutting when the

door had opened.

‘Oh, Alan, I didn’t see you there! I just got off the phone with your mom. Were all going to go out for dinner tonight. I insisted because your mom had barely been out of the house since you grandfather died, and she needs a good night out.’ As she was leaving she turned and added, addressing Kate’ I’m so happy to see you and Alan getting along so well. It’ll make Pauline so happy to know.’

Right after she left Kate’s orgasm hit her like a runaway freight train, her shrieks echoing off her plaster walls. It was Alan coming inside of her that set her off, and it took more than a few minutes for her to becalm herself enough so she could speak. She was about to ask him, ‘What just happened?’ but thought better of it. There were still a great many things she didn’t comprehend, but she did know that she was Alan’s property, and slaves don’t ask impertinent questions of their masters. Whatever Alan did to her, she accepted.

* * *

‘I just saw Alan and Kate upstairs getting along like a house on fire,’ Mrs. Van Devanter told her husband.

‘Good. I know last time it was Kate who caused them to stop dating.’ He bit down on his pipe. He had stopped smoking it years ago, but still kept a few around anyway. ‘Good,’ he said again, unaware of any double meanings in his wife’s report.

Alan appeared downstairs a few minutes later. Mrs. Van Devanter and the girls were upstairs getting ready for dinner and Alan and Mr. Van Devanter were passing the time at the backgammon set. Alan was experimenting with his powers by manipulating the dice, giving himself bad or mediocre rolls at the start of games, and then gradually improving them. He found that he could double Mr. Van Devanter midway through the game and then win two points every time, sometimes four, if he was doubled back.

‘Wow, that’s some game you have there,’ his opponent said. ‘You should come to the club on poker nights and hustle some of the guys who play this instead. You’d make a fortune at twenty dollars a point!’

Alan thought this was an excellent idea, but didn’t tell that to him. He was contemplating a trip to Atlantic City or one of the Indian casinos in Connecticut, and a good night of backgammon at the country club would provide a needed bankroll.

* * *

Two weeks later Alan was driving to Atlantic City alone in a rented car. He had considered taking someone with him, either Chloe the au pair next door, or Megan and Leila, but thought better of it. He had more than five thousand dollars in his pocket, won from the stock brokers and high-powered lawyers at his country club last Wednesday night. He might have won more, but after a few hours nobody would play him. His dad and Mr. Van Devanter even managed to win a few hundred from side bets on the games he played.

It was nearing dusk when he reached the casino. He had stopped in New York for two Italian suits, some fancy dress shirts and silk ties, a new pair of black shoes (also Italian), and a hundred dollar haircut. ‘I should have sprung for a fancy watch,’ he thought to himself as he handed the car keys to the valet. He tinkered with his appearance on the way down, making himself look about ten years older than his eighteen year old self, matching his new papers.

He had contacted Jack through the Swiss Bank, FedEx’ing a letter and writing of his plans to make some money at the casino. Jack had telephoned back and told him to see a man in Manhattan first. This man was an ’employee’ of Jack’s, and he provided him with a fake set of identity papers (birth certificate, drivers license, passport), a social security number, a nice credit history, and an American Express card (platinum) under his new false name.

A few hours later he was up twenty thousand dollars. He was playing blackjack, and using his power her could read the hole card of the dealer. Actually he had two methods, either he read the mind of the dealer, or he focused on the card itself, reading through it to see the concealed value. He was also careful

not to arouse suspicion. He didn’t set out to win every hand, and even made some intentional mistakes, doubling down at the wrong times. He was at a $1,000 max table, and he never varied his bet, always putting down just five hundred for each hand.

‘Hi, mind of I join you?’ A pretty young thing sat down next to him, not waiting for his response. ‘I’m Lisa.’ She flashed him a dazzling smile. She had a tight body capped with a drop-dead gorgeous face. Alan stood and pulled out a seat for her. ‘You seem to have the touch tonight. I hope some of your luck will rub off on me.’ She leaned into him at this, her arm brushing against his as if to illustrate her point.

‘Hi, I’m Carl Sutherland, nice to meet you,’ giving her the name on his false papers. He scanned her mind. Her name was not Lisa, it was Anne-Marie, and she wasn’t a random gambler, she was from casino security. She was there at his table to see if he was cheating.

Anne-Marie Nicoletti had been with the hotel for about a year, and was well schooled in the various ways players try to con the casino. She had recently been promoted after exposing a ring of slot-machine cheats. The ring had recruited little old ladies to play machines they had first modified after breaking into them. The old women had aroused little suspicion even after a month of big takes, but she had been the one to see the emerging pattern, and the credit for the bust was hers.

She watched her target play. She had been roaming the floor when her supervisor had radioed her to check out table nineteen. In the jargon of this particular casino Alan was a ‘mustang,’ an unknown player who was doing ‘too well.’ She watched him even more closely, if he was cheating he was very good at it. She looked around as he played, checking to see if there was a partner somewhere on the floor who was signaling to him what the dealer’s hole card was. Nope. She watched his hands as he bet, looking for the telltale signs of a computer in his suit. Nope. She watched the dealer for a while, checking if he was weak in some way. Strike three.

Alan chatted with Lisa/Anne-Marie as she did her job. Since she had sat down Alan had lost, intentionally, five thousand dollars. ‘Sorry,’ she said to him, ‘I seem to have brought you bad luck.’

‘It comes, it goes,’ he said as he grinned at her. Alan decided that since she had just seen him lose $5,000 it was time to start winning again. He upped his bets to a thousand per hand, and in less then a half an hour was up more than $75,000. ‘You turned out to be lucky after all,’ he said to her smiling. Alan looked at his watch, and seeing it was only about 10pm asked her to dinner.

‘Are you staying here?’ she asked him, hoping for the chance to search his room.

‘No, I’m not staying the night.’ She was disappointed. Alan called one of the pit workers over to take care of his winnings. He was informed that the floor manager wished to speak to him in the office. Anne-Marie watched Alan go to the rear of the casino, and she knew that if he did have some sort of cheating device on him the scanners in the doorway leading to the office would betray him. As she watched him disappear into the back she went to the phone and called her supervisor.

‘Did you see anything?’ he asked her quickly.

‘Zip. What did the overheads get?’ she asked him, referring to the ceiling-mounted cameras which watched all that transpired in the gambling den.

‘Like you said, Zip. Bupkes. Less than Zip. He’s coming. Gotta go.’

* * *

Alan had a brief conversation with the floor manager. He was invited to the back where a cashier would count his chips and cash him out. Alan was suspicious, he had seen the Scorsese movie ‘Casino’ a few years back, and the scene with the cattle prod and the bal peen hammer came forward in his consciousness. The man led him to
his office and began to tote up the chips. Alan scanned his mind, relieved that his motive was not to do violence, but to simply keep him in the casino, in the hopes

that Alan would lose back his money to the house. Alan gave the manager the information required to have his winnings transferred to his Swiss bank account, and he saw the man’s eyes widen at this, the fact of Alan’s status as a ‘player’ becoming ever more clear. This eased his tensions, and he was about to tell the floor manager that he had to leave, but the man told him that if he wanted to spend the night his room would be comped. He also told Alan that anytime he came back her would be allowed into the VIP room.

Alan accepted his offer, and told the man that he was thinking about dinner, and then perhaps another trip to the tables. The man lifted the phone on his desk and got Alan a table at the hotel’s best restaurant. As he went back out into the casino he saw ‘Lisa’ and again invited her to join him for dinner.

They sat down at the table and talked while waiting for their drinks. Anne-Marie gave him her cover story, that she was visiting the casino with her rich father, a real estate developer from Ohio who was playing high-stakes poker in a private room. Alan gave her his cover story, that he was an international business consultant based in Geneva and New York, spending a day or two in Atlantic City because he had a few days off between one engagement in Philadelphia and another in New York.

They ate and drank well. The casino management had a bottle of wine brought up from the cellar. ‘Lisa’ excused herself and called her boss for instructions.

‘He’s not in any if the black books,’ Peter Milburn told her. This meant they had no good reason to ban him from the tables.

‘What do you want me to do?’ she asked him.

‘Code 14.’

It was now Anne-Marie’s task to get Carl back to the tables. Statistics had shown that the more a player played, the worse his odds got. Keeping him at the table was the paramount task then.

‘It’s still early,’ she told Alan as they rose from the dinner table. She noticed that he had left a five hundred dollar tip, cash, but tried not to stare. ‘I’m going to keep playing. Want to join me?’ she asked flirtatiously. Alan knew what she was doing, and played along. As he returned to the casino, a pit boss led him and Anne-Marie to the VIP Room, a smaller and quieter chamber right off the main floor. It was like a smaller version of the main casino, but without the loud noises caused by the slot machines. Alan sat down at the table and signed for $25,000 in chips, all in hundreds, and the room manager went to the cashier and drew them. There were no limits at the tables in here, and Alan bet either one or two thousand per hand. On hands he knew he was going to win he bet two grand about two-thirds of the time. On hands he knew he was going to lose her bet one grand almost every time. Soon he was up more than $200,000, and he increased his bets to either five or ten thousand. Anne-Marie and the rest of the casino staff watched with increasing dismay. As Alan passed the half a million mark she feigned fatigue and told him she was done for the evening.

As the dealer set to counting Alan’s chips the pair chatted off to the side. ‘So, what’s your secret?’ she asked him. The scanner in the doorjamb of the floor manager’s office showed nothing, but she wasn’t 100% sure he wasn’t concealing some sort of gear on him. As he played in the VIP room she watched his hands to see if they were entering data on a miniature computer. One of the advantages of the room was that cell phones and other radio transmitters could not penetrate its walls, so had he been using a partner on the outside and been receiving signals he would have been cut off. But he kept on winning. She had to find out how he managed to do it.

‘Secret? What do you mean?’ he answered her feigning innocence. He smiled at her as he said this, and for the first time that night Anne-Marie looked at him as a person, not as quarry, she really hadn’t noticed before how handsome he was.

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Hi friend here archit fr surat me apni 1 real story likh rehe hun so friend aapko agar pasand aaye to mujhe repllyy kerna plz mere emaill address merei kahni is tarh he ki. I am very fond of this ISS I had ready almost all the stories, some time I think that the stories are fake but when I remember my first incident then I think no it could be happen. So coming to the story now in Hindi. Baat us samay ki hai jab main college mein padhai karta tha mere final ke exam khatam ho gai thee aur main...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 32

It was the 28th of May, fight day. It was good that I remembered that, although I had no idea where the fight was being held. I probably needed to find that out along with what time I needed to be there. When I walked into the kitchen, Mom and Grandfather were drinking coffee. “Seeing as I’m just along for the ride today, would somewhere care to tell me where and when I’m supposed to be there.” “All you need to know is that we need to leave to pickup Ellie by 2:45.” “OK.” I went on a...

2 years ago
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Your My Bitch for Tonight Pegged

I was greeted at the door, however, not by an angry, upset wife, but by a smiling one. She gave me a big hug and a kiss and asked the normal "How was your trip?" questions. As I carried in my bags and engaged in conversation, I looked around the house. No box. Had it not come? Did it not ship yet? Was it lost in the mail? Who cares?! A feeling of relief came over me. My surprise purchase was not discovered and this could remain my little secret. The next day I went back to life as normal and...

3 years ago
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Not OrdinaryChapter 18

Chaos! That’s the only way I could describe the situation all around me. I couldn’t make out anything in the fighting around me. The conflict around me had engulfed my vision of Frank and Frost and I didn’t have an idea of what was going on with the two of them. I was trying to move through all the brawls to get to where Frank and Frost were before I was confronted by the three Untethered, I had seen flanking in the club the last go around. One of them looked at me with a menacing grin and...

3 years ago
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Day of DestructionChapter 8

We took the freezers to the Stover house and hooked them up in their old living room. We then went home. I said, "We just met the kind of people we don't want but we don't want to hurt them either. We will have to watch better in the future as more survivors will be on the roads. Some will be ax murderers." We decided to take it easy for the rest of the day and use the time to put together a new set of priorities. After a bit of discussion, gunnery practice wound up as the first thing....

2 years ago
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A New Superheroine

Superman didn’t think about sex. It wasn’t in his personality to think about sex. It had never been a subject that a super hero of his ability needed to think about. Clark Kent had thought about and even had sex with Lois Lane, but when he donned the cape and tights he became Superman. The super heroes super hero. A being with no sexual thoughts. So what happened when the latest Super Villainess came on the scene? She called herself The Whore. Her powers basically consisted of being able to...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 46

Tom and I arrived before Tamara and the girls. I felt a little lost without my cell phone but I was pretty sure they were okay. Tom said there might be some ramifications due to the killing. "I expect the newspapers and television stations will be hot on your trail tomorrow. I suggest you do not give any interviews until the Grand Jury completes its inquiry and reaches a decision." I agreed to that. Tom continued, "I'll follow up with the Santa Fe Police to find out all I can about the...

1 year ago
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Adventures Of Celeb Gigolo

By : Hotty.Akshay This story is a pure work of fiction and does not intend to malign the image of any person or profession involved. Please take this story as it is meant to be, a pure sexual adventure, a pure fantasy. So, enjoy! I opened up my e-mail inbox to see a mail addressed to me by some guy in Mumbai seeking my services for the night. He introduced himself as a TV. Actor and said that he saw my profile through some escort-providing company and he found me rather hung and very nicely...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Day After the World Ends Bravo

“The world ends every day for those who die,” James read the statement at the beginning of the philosophy test. “Defend or refute this statement,” the instructions on the test continued. “Not the easiest question ever, yet I believe I have an answer,” he thought. ‘This statement is entirely untrue for everyone,’ James wrote, ‘My reasoning on this follows my belief that we all have eternal life, that life being either in heaven or hell. ‘Those who accept the fact of Jesus as Messiah and live...

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The Sacred Tunnel Pt 02

Part 2 Dublin: present day At dinner, Ida told Craig some about the meeting with Professor Sherridan, although not the discussion of her other idea. Throughout dinner and the evening, her mind kept returning to the sexuality of a Woman centered culture. She imagined that somehow the men would learn to be better lovers, but how? A class? Lessons. She giggled at that thought, imagining a hut full of young men being shown a crude drawing of a woman’s vagina and a woman intoning, ‘You must put...

2 years ago
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I don't really like to write but i wanted to share an experience i had some days ago with a friend of mine. She is a really shy girl, she always conceal her body under large clothes and she is virgin. We went out in the morning because we had some business to take care of and we went to my place for lunch. Since she had not been at home for some days she asked me if she could take a shower, and after her i had one too. She took her clothes in the bathroom and after the shower she came out...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Brooke Underhill No Condom No Problem

Brooke is extremely excited for her boyfriend Johnny to come over. Its been a while since shes gotten shagged and is heavy cravings plus her parents are away making this the perfect scenario.soonJohnny gets into the house things escalate quickly, and Brooke tells him to prepare the condom. Too bad Johnny totally forgot to bring that mega pack of flavored rubbers he just bought. Looksthey will have to perform a search and rescue around the entire house to see if any are laying around. After...

2 years ago
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Sodomy in Salem

1692 - Salem, Massachusetts The trees shook in the cool evening wind. The leaves were beginning to fall to the ground, mixing with the bare earth to add a fresh new layer to the forest floor. Soon, although the trees didn’t know it, that new layer would be trampled down by the hooves of horses giving chase to a woman in a dark dress. She was being hunted down by a mob of enraged townspeople chosen by their god (or, more appropriately, by the Court of Oyer and Terminer) to capture anyone in the...

1 year ago
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Once upon a lonely birthday

This story is completely fictional I was upset, to say the least. My birthday fell on a wednesday this year and it seemed to pass by just as fast as it arrived. All I did to celebrate my 18th, one of the most important birthdays in a young mans life, was split a store bought cake in the breakroom of my work with my co-workers (who I don't even talk to that much anyway)! My friends were at their respective jobs and busy for the rest of the week. Depression was beginning to follow me back to my...

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First Time in a gay bathouse changed my life

This is AS TOLD TO ME from a friend, it is not me. Although I wouldn't mind dabbling lol!! My first time at a gay bath house or spa! I had for years had an urge for seeing naked men especially ones that had big dicks. I didn’t consider myself gay. I was actually married and I still liked having sexual relations with my wife. I found myself getting turned on when at a nightclub or somewhere in public standing at a urinal and seeing a man that was hung standing there peeing. At times, I would...

2 years ago
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I Fell ThroughChapter 11

July 17, 1847 I got up this morning and saw that two of the wagons that had been next to mine had moved. When I went to the main fire for our morning meeting there was a space around me, as if people thought I was somehow suddenly different. I talked to several of the men there and had some who answered in short sentences, inviting no further conversation, while some people who had hardly spoken to me before gathered next to me. When I spoke to one of the people who would speak to me, he...

4 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 79 SM03Phi Day 12 Morning

Scott was worried. Why did he need his CO to come along when he was going to meet his wife? It had only been twelve days for her, they had said; that didn't seem like enough time for any nasty 'unexpected survivor' problems. Maybe it was just his guilt for how he felt about Amy; he hadn't even considered kissing her, but he'd never felt as close to another woman as he did to her, except for Charlene. Their brief journey ended at a residential unit, where another Steve Miller waited,...

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It started with an itchand continued part3

“So what we gonna do now” said Tim, “We have to make it fast as I have to go in 30 minutes”. “Better get ‘em off then” said David, and both lads threw their clothes onto the floor. They stood there with their boners waving between them until David pulled Tim into an embrace and for a couple of minutes they ground their boners together while they made out. Then David pulled Tim onto the bed and they got into another cuddle with Tim on top. “I really missed you on Sunday” said Tim, “I was...

4 years ago
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Camryn C09

A week passed. Corey laid in a coma under the bright nauseating glow of the hospital’s fluorescent lights. The driver of that fucking car was just released from the hospital. She finally regained sight in her right eye. Besides two chipped teeth, she walked away well, she walked away. Fuck her. She would probably be given a leniency because of me. She would be pitied to an extent. If I knew they were going to count my assault as part of her punishment, I would have made her look...

1 year ago
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The Day I Caught Jenny

Hi my name is Gareth I am forty three years old I am six foot one inch tall with brown hair and grey eyes I am an average looking guy who’s quite slender. I work as a security guard at a shopping centre in Birmingham. It’s 45C today so a hot sticky day.Today is like any other day until I get a call from a clothes retailer in the centre who’ve called me about a female customer whom they alleged were trying to steal some clothes. I arrive at the store I ask the staff what happened they tell me...

3 years ago
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I have come into the room

I have come into the room, quietly and you have not seen me yet. You are sitting there with your top pulled up over your breasts and are playing with your nipples, eyes closing every once in a while as you absorb each caress, you nipples getting harder and harder. I become aware of my cock getting hot and hard and slowly make my way over and stand in front of you. You look up, somewhat surprised that I am there. I smile and take your hands and place them on my crotch so you can feel the...

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Candy Stroker 8 My Date

Candy Stroker 8: My Date I had an afternoon shift at work that Saturday. There was no way I could perform any special services, what with visiting families all over the place. Weekends, there were usually some on-call staff. One on my wing that day was a young male traveling nurse. I’d heard of that, so I asked him about it. “It’s a great way to see the country and earn money,” he said. “Like, last winter I worked a hospital in Boulder, Colorado, and went skiiing a lot when I wasn’t on duty....

Straight Sex
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Being asked to Breed a White Married Woman chapter 8

Antonio and Sally enjoy the rest of their time togetherSally and I arrived in our room after the banquet and just went to bed. However, sleep was nowhere on our minds. We kissed and sucked each other’s tongues for a good fifteen minutes before we started to remove our clothes.Sally was on her knees sucking my cock when I said to her, “You know, Kitten, I was really turned on watching you dance with Josh tonight. I was hoping he would pull you back in that dark corner and try to have his way...

1 year ago
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Reddit KPopFap, aka r/KPOPFAP! Where are all my K-pop fans at? Let me tell you a few things about that music genre. I might not like the music all that much, but damn to I love the singers. Now, here’s the thing, I know some of the singers are barely legal and all that, but to be honest with you, as long as they’re 18, I’d have sex with all of them. I don’t think that there’s a single babe out there in the K-pop industry that I wouldn’t want to have sex with. And I’m pretty sure you feel the...

Reddit NSFW List
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Interstate 95

I was feeling it pretty heavy and saw a sign for a huge sex shop and my balls told my mouth to speak up cause we need to see something sexy now! "You wanna stop at that store?" I said pointing at the billboard. "Sure." my girl said. She was not the best at the sexy talk or the buildup. Now don't get me wrong, she is the best I have ever had, but she just doesn't know how to talk about it. She will go from doing something boring on the laptop to me asking if she wanted sex, and just...

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A woman who has always liked to dominate her boyfriends

“You’re kidding!” said Madison. Vanessa laughed. “No, I’m absolutely telling the truth,” she said. “You’ve been a conniving, controlling bitch since I first met you, but it’s hard to believe you pulled this off,” said Madison. “But I did,” said Vanessa. Madison knew Vanessa took her insults as compliments. “You’ve seen him.” “Yes, and I know he’s totally focused on pleasing you, but what...

2 years ago
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A Shot In The DarkChapter 9

Monday morning in school was a tense time for both Mike and Jennie. As much as possible, and, as if by some silent understanding, they managed to avoid each other throughout the day. Mike felt terrible though, since he knew that their changed relationship was caused by his breaking of one of the rules that he had tacitly agreed to with Jennie. If this day were an accurate predictor of what their future interaction would be like, Mike realized what the full price was that he would have to pay...

2 years ago
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From my memory

I lay in my bed, propped up with precisely3 pillows behind my head and back. The time was ticking between day and night as I sat and watched several different movies. The time has passed slowly, and yet you are still not here. I unconsciously watch the USA and Canada hockey game, knowing where you are you are watching it as well. That’s the closest I can get to you. I have not felt your touch in months, your kisses are faintly remembered, your touch is unfamiliar, and I long for you to come...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon Sex In Singapore

Hi readers, I am a 40 years old man and I look very handsome. I am a rich and successful businessman living in Mumbai. I had not been yet married till this age because I did not find a fitting girl for me. Well, I had many childhood crushes but not good enough to marry. Many women also had a crush on me and wanted to marry me because of my wealth. But I wanted true love. My parents were worried about me and looked for girls regularly. Finally, they met a girl about same my age and they agreed...

3 years ago
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Seduction of Shanti Indian girl is seduced by we

Danny drove the love of his life to the airport and watched her board the plane with her friends. The two were very much in love, destined to be married. All the same, the next time he laid eyes on her would be after another man's cock frequented her pussy more than a few times.Shanti was one of the most beautiful women that you would ever meet. She's a West Indian girl, with gorgeous brown skin, long luxurious black hair, and a perfect face. Her body was a knockout – 32-23-35. You couldn't ask...

1 year ago
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Mom and IChapter 5

I had not ridden a motorcycle since the early 80's which would put me in the 25 to 27 year age line and thirty years later I decided to ride again, I had a Honda CL 360 that could kick some good ass as I was pulled over on rte. 25 north of the Bourne Bridge to Cape Cod. "Yup" I told the state trooper when he asked "Do you know how fast you were going?" yeah somewhere between a hundred an ten an a hundred an fifteen. He said "You probably won't be around to pay the fine, got in his...

3 years ago
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So Dirty

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2002 Couture So Dirty By Couture It had started innocently enough. I had always fantasized about my wife taking more control in bed, and when she asked if she could tie me up, I jumped at the chance. She got some of my old ties out of the closet and tied me spread-eagled to the bed. Then instead of mounting me, she blindfolded me. That was okay, not what I expected, but...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 524

“Why don’t you want to tell the King that his son’s were financing terrorists all over the world and working with Iran, his arch enemy?” Frank asked with a cocked eye brow. He was baiting me: “It’s over my pay grade,” I replied. “That’s true but I doubt that would bother you,” Frank returned. “You’re right, it would not and if I knew the King was supporting terror in the US like his sons, I would cut his throat, King or not,” I replied. “Wait a minute. You knew that Crown Prince was...

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Legend of Korra Amons Pet

Chapter One: Arrival and Captured​ Cassandra arrived into the nighttime world of Korra's. arrived here via Vortex portal, she landed full on grass stark naked. she stood up, looked at herself while the vortex closed on itself. said, "my clothes, they're gone." then said, "i have big boobs and pussy.. i'm girl." looked around and sees the air temple island. "that's it." she says. she walks into cold sea, "ahhh! so cold! i'm gonna be freezing my butt off!" swims all way to the island. she walks...

4 years ago
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My Unexpected Life Partner 8211 My Brother

Hi guys, I am Vasanti aged 28 with a good figure of 40C-26-38. I would like to tell the story happened 10 years back. I and my brother were very close since childhood but there grew a gap between us due to our parent’s jobs. I stayed back in my village and my brother moved to Vizag. Now I’m in my 12th and 18 years now and attained a womanly figure of 30b-24-33 and a height of 5ft 6. Many of the boys in my college and some local guys had an eye on me. But I ignored all of them. After my...


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