- 3 years ago
- 29
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Alice had known about bondage almost all of her life, since finding one of her parent?s magazines showing girls in rope. She didn?t think her parents had found out she had discovered their magazines, and Alice was careful to make sure she always put them back exactly where they were after she had borrowed and read them. Though read may not be the right word, she had devoured them.
Since then Alice had been tying herself up as often as she could, having gone to work several times in a crotch rope. Even now she felt sure that every time she wore one, someone could tell, and this made her even hornier, having to relieve herself during her lunch break on a regular occasion.
She knew from touring the internet that she could get someone to tie her up, but Alice didn?t want this, she wanted to do it herself, and had planned for months what she was about to do. It was daring, it could be dangerous, but simply thinking about it made her wet.
Using ebay Alice had bought metal cuffs, ropes, a gag, a blindfold and several vibrators and plugs. Her most recent acquisition had been the inflatable butt plug that she intended to be using in this task. She had used it twice since it arrived, and already knew that it would not come out of its own accord once in place.
Alice had also bought some clothes at the local charity shops, clothes she could tear up and not worry about. This was important, as her own clothes cost a lot of money. She always had to look good in the office, and she spent a lot of money on doing so, which meant her own clothes were perhaps a little too expensive to rip up, though she had considered this option. Instead she had bought a short skirt and a top from the local charity shop, and a pair of training shoes off the market. The whole outfit had cost her a little less than twenty pounds.
The hardest thing for Alice to find was also the most integral, a magnetic box which she intended to use to hold the car keys. It took her several weeks to find what she was looking for, but eventually, she had everything she needed. All she needed now, was the right time.
This came at August Bank Holiday weekend. Alice realised if she took the Friday off, she would have four days where no-one would miss her or come looking for her, which was much longer than she would need for her task.
On the Friday morning the sun was shining, and Alice made her final preparations. She packed all her acquititions into a bag, and placed them into the car ready for her task. Inside the car was a box containing all the keys to the cuffs and padlocks she would be using. A moment of panic swept through her as she realised that if someone stole her car, she would be in deep trouble. But pulling herself together, she placed the box into the glove compartment. As she closed it she knew it would lock, and only when she got the key from the magnetic box, now secured under the arch of one rear wheel, would she be able to retrieve it.
Alice had taken a long time in deciding where her task would take place, and in the end, decided on the moors. Even on Bank Holiday weekends the section of the moors she was going to use was not populated too much. A few pick-nickers , but nopthing too much.
Dressing in her new clothes, Alice could already feel the dampness between her legs. She wanted to relieve herself, but denied herself, knowing that later, when the task was complete. She would be able to enjoy it even more. She looked at herself in the mirror, and wondered if she should wear underwear, but decided that as all her clothing was going to be torn up, it would be a waste of a good set of underwear, and walked out of the bedroom wearing only the skirt, top and shoes.
Leaving and locking the house, Alice moved to the car and started it. This was the time, this was what she had been after for so long, so why did she feel so nervous? Nervous, but so hot, a heat that had nothing to do with the rising sun.
The drive to the moors was uneventful, hardly any other cars about, and certainly nothing to make her nervous. She arrived at the starting place and stopped the engine. It was now or never for Alice, either she did this now, or she knew she never would.
Picking up the bag of toys, Alice threw her car keys inside the car, and Locked the door. Still not too late, as the spare keys were in the magnetic box under her wheel arch. Thinking hard about her task, Alice walked slowly away from the car, following the footpath she had found a few months ago when searching for the right place. There seemed to be more brambles now, but nothing she didn?t think she could handle. The path wound on for over a mile and a half, and then thinned down so she was fighting trees and bushes as she continued to walk.
Looking at her watch it had taken over two hours to get where she was, and still had further to go. If it took this long now, how long would it take on the way back?
Eventually after three hours of walking, Alice reached the clearing she was looking for. Looking around she could see nobody close, in fact, she felt she was the only one on the moors, especially in that area. It was now or never, final chance to walk away, go back to the car, and drive home.
But Alice already knew she was not going to do this. With some trepidation she slowly removed her top, and started to pull at it, hearing the material start to tear. Moments later the top was useless as clothing, lying in shreds at her feet. Removing the skirt Alice could feel the heat between her thighs, a heat like she had never felt before. How she wanted to touch it, but she knew she had to wait. Only a few hours, and she could have all the relief she wanted.
Moments later the skirt, like the top, was in shreds at her feet, neither? garment would ever be useful again. Alice was now naked until she got back home. She considered keeping the trainers on, but she knew that her task was to be totally naked, and so removing them, she closed her eyes, and holding one, she spun with her eyes closed, and threw the shoe without seeing where it landed. The second show followed, and could have been in the same direction or not, she would never know.
Now naked and exposed, Alice could no longer turn back. She opened the bag and placed the items on the grass in front of her. First was the gag, this was a large rubber ball with straps coming from the sides, and a small padlock. She knew that once this was in place, her mouth would stay open until she unlocked the padlock, and the keys for that particular lock were in the car, as were all the other padlock keys.
Picking up the inflatable plug, Alice stood with her legs apart, and forced the plug into her tight anal passage. Feeling it fill her, feeling the pain as she pressed until it was deep inside. Without a moments hesitation Alice started pressing the bulb that would inflate it, feeling it grow larger and larger inside her. She had wondered how high she should make it, but all ideas of leniency with herself seemed to have disappeared, and she continued to inflate it until she could handle no more. Had she known, she would not have inflated it as much.
The next item was the vibrator, turning it on she set it at the lowest level, knowing that this would keep her horny, take her close, but not make her cum, well, not for a long, long time. Placing this between her pussy lips, Alice pressed, amazed at how quickly and easily it slid in. working quickly, Alice tied a crotch rope in place, to hold the vibrator in place, making sure it was as tight between her legs as she could make it.
Almost immediately Alice wanted to turn the vibrator up, but denied herself this pleasure.
Now for the ropes. Alice picked up the first of the two smaller ropes, and placed it under her right breast, pulling it around and tying a knot at the tope, pulling the rope hard, so that her breast was tied as tight as she could get it. Touching her breast Alice realised she had never felt them harder, and smiled as within minutes the breast started to change colour, turning slightly purple. It would turn darker in the passage of time. Having tied one breast, Alice wasted no time in repeating this on her left breast, again feeling it hard under her touch. Having tied her breasts many time in the past, Alice knew that the pain she would feel when the blood flshed back, would be immense.
Picking up another piece of rope Alice turned to her knees. Wrapping the rope around her legs just above the knees, she pulled it quite tight, and tied a knot, before wrapping the rope around another twice, each time tying a knot. She tried to open her legs, but it was a futile attempt, they would not open, and in fact, with them tied like this, Alice could feel greater pressure from both the butt plug and the vibrator.
Almost done, she thought, as she picked up the first set of leather cuffs. She fastened these around each ankle, making sure they were tight enough not to be able to pull off.
There was no chain to hold these together, just the padlock, which once in place, would make walking impossible. Alice had never intended being able to walk back to her car, she was going to have to crawl. Closing the padlock Alice knew now that no matter what else she did or didn?t do, it was going to be a long, long time before she could reach her car, and safety.
Laying at her feet were the last pair of cuffs, and the blindfold. She had fully intended to use the blindfold, but now realised that if she did, she may never find her car. The trail to where she now was, was hard enough with sight, impossible without. Strapping the leather cuffs to each wrist, this was the moment of truth. Once Alice placed her hands behind her, and locked them in place, she could not even use her hands to crawl back to the car, it was going to be a snake crawl. She could, of course, lock them in front of her, but, then she was not going to do so, that would, in her own mind, be cheating.
Placing her hands behind her, Alice struggled at first, but soon had the padlock in place. One click, and she was helpless, totally. Even as she knew the click would be the last thing she could do from free will, Alice knew she had to do it. It wasn?t much, just a simple click. It sounded louder than anything she had ever heard before, though she realised that this was simply because it was a finality she had never tried before.
Now, Alice was helpless, her only way out was to reach her car, get the keys, and release herself, but her car was four miles away, through brush and brambles. And walking was not an option, it was going to have to be a snake crawl.
Laying on her side and bending her knees, Alice leant all of her weight on them, and pushed, feeling herself move forward, falling on her tied breasts, but moving three feet forward. This was going to be slow work, and the sun above was hot, making her sweat. Again she bent her knees, pressed down and felt herself move forward a little, feeling the ground beneath her brushing her breasts. This was not something she had considered, by the time she reached her car, her breasts were going to be badly scoured by the ground.
Alice wished she had not been so confident now, she now knew that the chances of getting back to her car in four hours, was more than a little ambitious. Again and again she bent her knees, pressing herself the three feet forward, landing each time on her tied breasts, feeling the dry earth like a file on her nipples. Maybe, if she screamed for help someone would rescue her?? But the gag, and the remoteness of her situation would stop anyone finding her, she had to do this herself, there would be no early release.
After an hour, Alice had managed to traverse less than a hundred feet, not that she knew the time, only that her breasts were already sore, as were her anal passage and pussy, the constant bending of her knees was making the twin insertions hurt, but there was to be no escape.
Slowly, painfully, Alice snaked her way across the moor, after three hours having managed much less than she had planned. There was a sudden coldness, and dark clouds passed overhead. ?oh God, not rain. Please not rain? she screamed into her gag, as the clouds started to release their content. Rain had not been forecast, but here it was, turning the ground under her softer.
The soft ground slowed her down, and over the next hour Alice managed less than eighty feet. She knew instinctively that she would never make it back to her car that night if she continued at this rate.
Using a tree, she managed to get back on her feet, her intention was to hop, or jump, her way to freedom.
This did allow her to move faster, even though she could feel the plug, vibrator and her breasts move with every jump. She was at least moving faster now, but she knew she had perhaps gone a step too far with this task.
The rainfall lasted two hours, by which time Alice was cold, wet, and in severe pain. The plug filling her anal passage was hurting, the vibrator was still humming inside her, but her ankles, with all this jumping, were in severe pain. She wanted to curl up and die, but her sense of self survival was more paramount.
The ground was mud beneath her, and several times Alice had fallen. With no control over? her body, she had fallen on her side, on her back and on her front, the falling on her back the worst, as her hands were cuffed behind her, which meant she fell on them.
Alice suddenly realised that daylight was fading. By her own reckoning, she had now been struggling for at least eight hours, and her car was still miles away. This was not going to be an easy task, but now, with darkness moving in, was going to be much harder.
Totally drained from her efforts, Alice was now having problems staying awake, the darkness closing in even faster on the moors, no street lights to help her. Her last sight before her eyes closed, were the magnificent view of the night stars.
Alice had no idea how long she slept. It was still dark, she was very, very cold, and knew she had to make some movement. Her legs felt like lead, her breasts hurt more than she could ever imagine they would, had she been able to see them, she would have seen how dark that had become. And worst of all, she needed the toilet, totally impossible thanks to the butt plug. She prayed to any Diety she could think of, none came to her assistance.
Once again she forced herself to her feet, and set off, the ropes, the cuffs, everything causing more and more pain and frustration.
Alice could not count the times she had fallen over by the time the sun started to rise again. Only when it had risen could she see the dirt her body had picked up. She was coated in dried mud, her breasts felt as if they were no longer hers, and though the vibrations had stopped, she could still feel the thing inside her, now, more of a painful annoyance than anything.
Though Alice struggled, she still did not make it back to her car the second day. Her stomach was cramped with the need to use a toilet, the bouncing when she jumped was causing more and more pain, and she slumped to the floor in desperation more than once.
Once more darkness surrounded her, and Alice cried herself to sleep. How much longer could she handle this? How much more pain and suffering could she take? How much longer to her car?
Had she known where she was, and had the courage to go one, Alice would have found her car just? ten minutes later. The night was cold, very cold.
The sun had gone around nine at night, and took all the heat with it. Alice had not eaten for two days, not drank anything,? her body was sore, her intestines full, and her mind wandering. She dreamed of warm nights in front of the fire, hot coffee fresh from her machine, hot beef and onion baguettes.
It was three days later that she was found. Her car only yards away, but, whatever could have forced a young woman to lie down and die so close to freedom?
Alice had known about bondage almost all of her life, since finding one of her parent?s magazines showing girls in rope. She didn?t think her parents had found out she had discovered their magazines, and Alice was careful to make sure she always put them back exactly where they were after she had borrowed and read them. Though read may not be the right word, she had devoured them.
Since then Alice had been tying herself up as often as she could, having gone to work several times in a crotch rope. Even now she felt sure that every time she wore one, someone could tell, and this made her even hornier, having to relieve herself during her lunch break on a regular occasion.
She knew from touring the internet that she could get someone to tie her up, but Alice didn?t want this, she wanted to do it herself, and had planned for months what she was about to do. It was daring, it could be dangerous, but simply thinking about it made her wet.
Using ebay Alice had bought metal cuffs, ropes, a gag, a blindfold and several vibrators and plugs. Her most recent acquisition had been the inflatable butt plug that she intended to be using in this task. She had used it twice since it arrived, and already knew that it would not come out of its own accord once in place.
Alice had also bought some clothes at the local charity shops, clothes she could tear up and not worry about. This was important, as her own clothes cost a lot of money. She always had to look good in the office, and she spent a lot of money on doing so, which meant her own clothes were perhaps a little too expensive to rip up, though she had considered this option. Instead she had bought a short skirt and a top from the local charity shop, and a pair of training shoes off the market. The whole outfit had cost her a little less than twenty pounds.
The hardest thing for Alice to find was also the most integral, a magnetic box which she intended to use to hold the car keys. It took her several weeks to find what she was looking for, but eventually, she had everything she needed. All she needed now, was the right time.
This came at August Bank Holiday weekend. Alice realised if she took the Friday off, she would have four days where no-one would miss her or come looking for her, which was much longer than she would need for her task.
On the Friday morning the sun was shining, and Alice made her final preparations. She packed all her acquititions into a bag, and placed them into the car ready for her task. Inside the car was a box containing all the keys to the cuffs and padlocks she would be using. A moment of panic swept through her as she realised that if someone stole her car, she would be in deep trouble. But pulling herself together, she placed the box into the glove compartment. As she closed it she knew it would lock, and only when she got the key from the magnetic box, now secured under the arch of one rear wheel, would she be able to retrieve it.
Alice had taken a long time in deciding where her task would take place, and in the end, decided on the moors. Even on Bank Holiday weekends the section of the moors she was going to use was not populated too much. A few pick-nickers , but nopthing too much.
Dressing in her new clothes, Alice could already feel the dampness between her legs. She wanted to relieve herself, but denied herself, knowing that later, when the task was complete. She would be able to enjoy it even more. She looked at herself in the mirror, and wondered if she should wear underwear, but decided that as all her clothing was going to be torn up, it would be a waste of a good set of underwear, and walked out of the bedroom wearing only the skirt, top and shoes.
Leaving and locking the house, Alice moved to the car and started it. This was the time, this was what she had been after for so long, so why did she feel so nervous? Nervous, but so hot, a heat that had nothing to do with the rising sun.
The drive to the moors was uneventful, hardly any other cars about, and certainly nothing to make her nervous. She arrived at the starting place and stopped the engine. It was now or never for Alice, either she did this now, or she knew she never would.
Picking up the bag of toys, Alice threw her car keys inside the car, and Locked the door. Still not too late, as the spare keys were in the magnetic box under her wheel arch. Thinking hard about her task, Alice walked slowly away from the car, following the footpath she had found a few months ago when searching for the right place. There seemed to be more brambles now, but nothing she didn?t think she could handle. The path wound on for over a mile and a half, and then thinned down so she was fighting trees and bushes as she continued to walk.
Looking at her watch it had taken over two hours to get where she was, and still had further to go. If it took this long now, how long would it take on the way back?
Eventually after three hours of walking, Alice reached the clearing she was looking for. Looking around she could see nobody close, in fact, she felt she was the only one on the moors, especially in that area. It was now or never, final chance to walk away, go back to the car, and drive home.
But Alice already knew she was not going to do this. With some trepidation she slowly removed her top, and started to pull at it, hearing the material start to tear. Moments later the top was useless as clothing, lying in shreds at her feet. Removing the skirt Alice could feel the heat between her thighs, a heat like she had never felt before. How she wanted to touch it, but she knew she had to wait. Only a few hours, and she could have all the relief she wanted.
Moments later the skirt, like the top, was in shreds at her feet, neither? garment would ever be useful again. Alice was now naked until she got back home. She considered keeping the trainers on, but she knew that her task was to be totally naked, and so removing them, she closed her eyes, and holding one, she spun with her eyes closed, and threw the shoe without seeing where it landed. The second show followed, and could have been in the same direction or not, she would never know.
Now naked and exposed, Alice could no longer turn back. She opened the bag and placed the items on the grass in front of her. First was the gag, this was a large rubber ball with straps coming from the sides, and a small padlock. She knew that once this was in place, her mouth would stay open until she unlocked the padlock, and the keys for that particular lock were in the car, as were all the other padlock keys.
Picking up the inflatable plug, Alice stood with her legs apart, and forced the plug into her tight anal passage. Feeling it fill her, feeling the pain as she pressed until it was deep inside. Without a moments hesitation Alice started pressing the bulb that would inflate it, feeling it grow larger and larger inside her. She had wondered how high she should make it, but all ideas of leniency with herself seemed to have disappeared, and she continued to inflate it until she could handle no more. Had she known, she would not have inflated it as much.
The next item was the vibrator, turning it on she set it at the lowest level, knowing that this would keep her horny, take her close, but not make her cum, well, not for a long, long time. Placing this between her pussy lips, Alice pressed, amazed at how quickly and easily it slid in. working quickly, Alice tied a crotch rope in place, to hold the vibrator in place, making sure it was as tight between her legs as she could make it.
Almost immediately Alice wanted to turn the vibrator up, but denied herself this pleasure.
Now for the ropes. Alice picked up the first of the two smaller ropes, and placed it under her right breast, pulling it around and tying a knot at the tope, pulling the rope hard, so that her breast was tied as tight as she could get it. Touching her breast Alice realised she had never felt them harder, and smiled as within minutes the breast started to change colour, turning slightly purple. It would turn darker in the passage of time. Having tied one breast, Alice wasted no time in repeating this on her left breast, again feeling it hard under her touch. Having tied her breasts many time in the past, Alice knew that the pain she would feel when the blood flshed back, would be immense.
Picking up another piece of rope Alice turned to her knees. Wrapping the rope around her legs just above the knees, she pulled it quite tight, and tied a knot, before wrapping the rope around another twice, each time tying a knot. She tried to open her legs, but it was a futile attempt, they would not open, and in fact, with them tied like this, Alice could feel greater pressure from both the butt plug and the vibrator.
Almost done, she thought, as she picked up the first set of leather cuffs. She fastened these around each ankle, making sure they were tight enough not to be able to pull off.
There was no chain to hold these together, just the padlock, which once in place, would make walking impossible. Alice had never intended being able to walk back to her car, she was going to have to crawl. Closing the padlock Alice knew now that no matter what else she did or didn?t do, it was going to be a long, long time before she could reach her car, and safety.
Laying at her feet were the last pair of cuffs, and the blindfold. She had fully intended to use the blindfold, but now realised that if she did, she may never find her car. The trail to where she now was, was hard enough with sight, impossible without. Strapping the leather cuffs to each wrist, this was the moment of truth. Once Alice placed her hands behind her, and locked them in place, she could not even use her hands to crawl back to the car, it was going to be a snake crawl. She could, of course, lock them in front of her, but, then she was not going to do so, that would, in her own mind, be cheating.
Placing her hands behind her, Alice struggled at first, but soon had the padlock in place. One click, and she was helpless, totally. Even as she knew the click would be the last thing she could do from free will, Alice knew she had to do it. It wasn?t much, just a simple click. It sounded louder than anything she had ever heard before, though she realised that this was simply because it was a finality she had never tried before.
Now, Alice was helpless, her only way out was to reach her car, get the keys, and release herself, but her car was four miles away, through brush and brambles. And walking was not an option, it was going to have to be a snake crawl.
Laying on her side and bending her knees, Alice leant all of her weight on them, and pushed, feeling herself move forward, falling on her tied breasts, but moving three feet forward. This was going to be slow work, and the sun above was hot, making her sweat. Again she bent her knees, pressed down and felt herself move forward a little, feeling the ground beneath her brushing her breasts. This was not something she had considered, by the time she reached her car, her breasts were going to be badly scoured by the ground.
Alice wished she had not been so confident now, she now knew that the chances of getting back to her car in four hours, was more than a little ambitious. Again and again she bent her knees, pressing herself the three feet forward, landing each time on her tied breasts, feeling the dry earth like a file on her nipples. Maybe, if she screamed for help someone would rescue her?? But the gag, and the remoteness of her situation would stop anyone finding her, she had to do this herself, there would be no early release.
After an hour, Alice had managed to traverse less than a hundred feet, not that she knew the time, only that her breasts were already sore, as were her anal passage and pussy, the constant bending of her knees was making the twin insertions hurt, but there was to be no escape.
Slowly, painfully, Alice snaked her way across the moor, after three hours having managed much less than she had planned. There was a sudden coldness, and dark clouds passed overhead. ?oh God, not rain. Please not rain? she screamed into her gag, as the clouds started to release their content. Rain had not been forecast, but here it was, turning the ground under her softer.
The soft ground slowed her down, and over the next hour Alice managed less than eighty feet. She knew instinctively that she would never make it back to her car that night if she continued at this rate.
Using a tree, she managed to get back on her feet, her intention was to hop, or jump, her way to freedom.
This did allow her to move faster, even though she could feel the plug, vibrator and her breasts move with every jump. She was at least moving faster now, but she knew she had perhaps gone a step too far with this task.
The rainfall lasted two hours, by which time Alice was cold, wet, and in severe pain. The plug filling her anal passage was hurting, the vibrator was still humming inside her, but her ankles, with all this jumping, were in severe pain. She wanted to curl up and die, but her sense of self survival was more paramount.
The ground was mud beneath her, and several times Alice had fallen. With no control over? her body, she had fallen on her side, on her back and on her front, the falling on her back the worst, as her hands were cuffed behind her, which meant she fell on them.
Alice suddenly realised that daylight was fading. By her own reckoning, she had now been struggling for at least eight hours, and her car was still miles away. This was not going to be an easy task, but now, with darkness moving in, was going to be much harder.
Totally drained from her efforts, Alice was now having problems staying awake, the darkness closing in even faster on the moors, no street lights to help her. Her last sight before her eyes closed, were the magnificent view of the night stars.
Alice had no idea how long she slept. It was still dark, she was very, very cold, and knew she had to make some movement. Her legs felt like lead, her breasts hurt more than she could ever imagine they would, had she been able to see them, she would have seen how dark that had become. And worst of all, she needed the toilet, totally impossible thanks to the butt plug. She prayed to any Diety she could think of, none came to her assistance.
Once again she forced herself to her feet, and set off, the ropes, the cuffs, everything causing more and more pain and frustration.
Alice could not count the times she had fallen over by the time the sun started to rise again. Only when it had risen could she see the dirt her body had picked up. She was coated in dried mud, her breasts felt as if they were no longer hers, and though the vibrations had stopped, she could still feel the thing inside her, now, more of a painful annoyance than anything.
Though Alice struggled, she still did not make it back to her car the second day. Her stomach was cramped with the need to use a toilet, the bouncing when she jumped was causing more and more pain, and she slumped to the floor in desperation more than once.
Once more darkness surrounded her, and Alice cried herself to sleep. How much longer could she handle this? How much more pain and suffering could she take? How much longer to her car?
Had she known where she was, and had the courage to go one, Alice would have found her car just? ten minutes later. The night was cold, very cold.
The sun had gone around nine at night, and took all the heat with it. Alice had not eaten for two days, not drank anything,? her body was sore, her intestines full, and her mind wandering. She dreamed of warm nights in front of the fire, hot coffee fresh from her machine, hot beef and onion baguettes.
It was three days later that she was found. Her car only yards away, but, whatever could have forced a young woman to lie down and die so close to freedom?
-->Alice Alice was watching through the chain link fence. She saw Juan approach the border in his fancy car. It had cost nearly a quarter million, but Juan could afford it. She watched as he was waved into an inspection bay by the customs officers. The trunk lid went up, and Juan was escorted into a low building. Alice could only...
At sixteen my life wasn’t typical. I lived alone with my older sister Alice who’s only seventeen. We lived with our eighty-two year old grandmother, but she fell a while back and had to be taken to live in a nursing home leaving us to live alone. We visited granny daily as she was our only living relative and we loved her dearly. Since granny’s fall our lives have taken on a rhythm of school, home, chores and then relax for a movie. No one seemed to know or notice that Alice is...
On my sixteenth birthday, my parents gave me my best ever present, they allowed me out of dating jail. Not an unconditional release, they had what they called behavioural expectations.I’m pretty sure those guidelines didn’t envisage me finding myself, after dark on the day school broke up, in the local park’s quietest corner. And no doubt I wasn’t expected to copy Alice and wear the sort of boob tube and shorts that mum tut-tutted about whenever Alice had shown up in them.But, had they known I...
MasturbationIntroduction: Alice is like no other in the world. Being the first of her kind makes her unique in every way. She is the first in what will be a long and lucrative line of helper androids for everyone. Her creator Adam, a tech and artificial intelligence genius at 14, graduated MIT at 17, CEO of his own company by 20. Now 23 he lives in seclusion on his private island to focus on his secret A.I. project named S.W.A.P. Adam has been working on project S.W.A.P for over a year now with no one...
Alice was watching through the chain link fence. She saw Juan approach the border in his fancy car. It had cost nearly a quarter million, but Juan could afford it. She watched as he was waved into an inspection bay by the customs officers. The trunk lid went up, and Juan was escorted into a low building. Alice could only wait. Alice and Juan were going to get married. He was a friend of her father, and she had known him since she was a little girl. When she was seventeen, he asked her to...
I came home from work one afternoon to discover someone was moving into the apartment next door. The new tenant was a young lady. She was in her twenties, she had light brown hair, sexy blue eyes, and a nice body. She was not spectacular to look at, but she was definitely very attractive. I did not introduce myself right away. I wanted her to have a chance to get settled in before I intruded on her. After about two weeks I finally introduced myself to her. I was coming in the front door of the...
I met Nell when I met Alice, the woman who was destined to be a significant other, at a free concert in Central Park (Zubin Mehta and the New York Philharmonic). They were unlikely roommates, a true mutt-and-jeff pairing. To tell the truth, while Nell was the taller - by quite a bit - of the two, no one was ever going to call Alice a "mutt." Or Nell, for that matter. Alice and I hit it off pretty quickly. We exchanged phone numbers, and the first time I picked up the phone to call her, she...
Her name was Alice and she was the sister of my seventeen year old daughters' best friend, only fourteen, almost an innocent, yet she drew my attention in a way that few adult women ever could. Until I first met Alice, there was no way I'd consider a young teen as a sexual object; that was for dirty old men in macs exposing themselves and more often than not getting caught too. Yes I knew there were paedophiles around, but sex with an underage girl? Sorry, not interested and definitely not...
Alice and Bob danced the first dance, as was traditional. Of course I was there, chronicling this latest phase in my best friend's life. The two of them were good together, everyone said so and I had to agree. The love-light just shone from their eyes and their smiles were sickeningly sweet. How did I know this? You ask. I was videotaping their wedding. I didn't have to, they did have an official cameraman, but I had a self-appointed task to complete my record of Bob's life as a single man....
Alice by BryanDoug -- Edited/Modified by NE14A69 "Alice, you come right down here immediately!, Your friend Millie is here to see you" Alice trembled at the thought. Millie was the last person on earth he wanted to see, especially like THIS. Not Millie, his best friend since childhood! But the poor child knew full well what would be the consequences of disobedience. That sort of thing had gotten him into this fix in the first place. There was no putting...
I had her picked out for months, but I was waiting for the right opportunity. Opportunity is everything. I had done this more than once over the course of my career. I was always careful about the girl I picked. Didn't want any well connected princess crying to her parents. So I picked the losers. You know the type. Daddy left early, or maybe he stuck around long enough to knock mama around when he drank too much. Mama was usually a drunk or a druggie who cared more about whatever step-daddy...
Plucking another mushroom from the ground, Alice placed it in her woven, wooden basket. Her cat, Dinah, danced through the overgrown blades of grass behind her, chasing the fluttering butterflies. College had finished for the summer and Alice intended on enjoying every minute of the glorious sunshine. Glancing around at the tranquil, open field she sneakily placed the head of another mushroom to her lips and bit into the chalky texture. “Don’t look at me like that, Dinah, I’m hungry,” Alice...
It took me a long time to get into Alice. Her Dad owned the company where I worked, so she came in whenever she cared to, despite making 100K per year. I first noticed her walking away from me down the hall in a '50's style tight skirt. She dropped something (on purpose?), bent at the waist to pick it up, displaying a beautiful heart-shaped ass. She was petite, with waist-length beautiful blonde hair. She had virtually no boobs, but after ogling her sweet butt, I couldn't care less. ...
AliceI walk into the opulent hotel. Golden walls glow at me. The Olympus is known for it's clientele and their lavish lifestyle. I wasn't sure that I belonged there. I walk over to the shiny elevator doors. My reflection stares back at me.I am dressed in a thin white sheath dress with a shear lace light blue overlay. My breasts push against the material. My straight blond hair falls down to the middle of my back. The black Mary Jane's I am wearing have a slight heel. My legs look long and lean...
ALICE By Lisa Fox I must admit that I was a bit skeptical when Harold first came to live with me. I was his only surviving relative, so I really couldn't refuse the poor little orphan, but I am well into middle age, and though I raised two children of my own, I had no experience with boys, especially boisterous, rampaging, girl-crazy adolescent boys like Harold. Still, I had an obligation to my dear, departed sister, so I agreed to take him under my wing and do what I could for him,...
Die Story ist zur Veröffentlichung in Print vorgesehen. Ich muss sie deshalb hier rausnehmen. Ich bitte, die Unannehmlichkeiten zu entschuldigen. Admins dürfen komplett löschen. The story is going to be pubslihed in print, so I have to delete the digital edition. Sorry for the inconvenience. Admins may delete this.
The Spa was just a Salon that offered massages but that was fine with me. Veronica was standing outside waiting on me. She was wearing a pair of peach colored capris with a lace blouse. I told her that her outfit was cute and she told me she loved my skirt. We walked in and Veronica went to the front desk and told the woman that we were there. The receptionist told us that our massages were first and that our masseuses would be right out. We sat and I told her all about my...
D-Lin! The bell gives a playful cheery ring as the door closes behind, welcoming you into the building. Rows and rows of crowded shelves of books spread as far as the eye can see, with rather large signs organizing the genre of each category. You gasp in awe at how much larger this place is on the inside then it seemed on the outside, an aura of tingling excitement surrounds you almost as if tiny little faires tickled your senses. Clean air, nice wooden work with that humble creek with each...
Fantasyas i watched the 2 girls starting to ravage my sister, i thought to myself,they did not know what they were in for. my sister mary is physical, hard body,hot could crack an egg on her breasts.i never really saw her monkey, but i often dreamed about it.when i was 10 years old i got a peek .,through her nite gown, but that was it. karen and i were awe struck and just sat st the picnic table and gulped our beers.we had to see this,our hands quit rubbing. we just were in shock.the 2 new...
Anjali waited outside the railway station with her left hand holding her mobile to her ear. It was nearly eight o clock at night and she wasn’t standing close but at a moderate distance from the station. Today Ananth was arriving. She wrote sex stories on iss and Ananth was her fan and also her ‘online boyfriend’. Anjali: where are you? Ananth: I am outside now looking for you. Anjali quickly walked out of sight and hid behind a parked car. Anjali: what are you wearing? And just raise your...
Present day... Corec and his companions followed the slow caravan as it made its way along the path to the border camp, surrounded by the giant elf trees. They’d reached the forest—the real forest—five days earlier, and Lors had given everyone the standard speech before they entered. They were allowed to hunt rabbits and bucks—male deer—but no more than three deer for the entire caravan. If they captured or killed any wild boars, the elves would pay them a bounty. They weren’t permitted to...
I groaned out loud as I stretched my muscles. Ahh, that felt good. The ninety-day school that Homeland Security (or "HS", as I liked to call it) provided, had been a shock, but it had been interesting, too. Most of the other students had been at least five years older than I. Most were even older than that, and many were lawyers, of all things. They were taking a lot of different courses more than I was. My days had been filled from five AM until about three thirty or four in the...
University was a tough transition for me. Having to leave behind all my family, my friends and my boyfriend. They’d all promised to visit me as soon as they could, but I was still teary-eyed as I said my goodbyes to my parents and siblings and pulled out of the drive to start the 4-hour car journey. I’d refused help with moving my stuff in, it would only drag out the inevitable moment when I’d have to say goodbye. I should introduce myself. My name’s Jessie, I’m 18 with brown eyes, black hair...
Hi Guys. I have been reading stories on this site for a couple of years now and I felt like sharing my experience with all of you. Be a bit patient as I would be explaining a bit about the situation initially. I promise you this is a good one. At the end of the story, I have mentioned my email id where you can reach out to me and give me feedback on this story. This is my first try to something like this so please forgive me if I make any mistakes. Now about me, I am a final year engineering...
“Uh-oh.”Becky's voice was soft as she stared at the puddle that was quickly forming on the floor, tears filling her eyes as she turned and ran towards the safety of the bathroom.Sue sighed, thankful it had just been the two of them in their shared office, and followed the other at a distance. She found Becky sitting on a bench by some lockers, staring at her wet tracksuit as tears ran down her cheeks.“I...I couldn't help it.” Becky sobbed. “I just...had to go so bad…and then you called me into...
LesbianThis is a true story and happened when I was 14. I had a good friend who I saw every day when I was at school and most weekends. He live a few streets away from me and lived with his mum who was widowed She was a friend of my mother’s. I knew her all my life to that point and she was very sexy to me and I had seen her putting her stockings on when I had been at her house and had always tried to watch without being caught but had been on a few occasions and had instantly looked away as she had...
Okay so I didn’t ask on the last chapter, if you’ve got constructive comments let me know. This chapter or previous ones just let me know to which you are referring to. ********** ‘Also DON’T allow Micheal to touch Brianna, and DON’T allow him near her bed…’ Why did I tell Tina that? Brian wondered after he had deactivated the communicator. Oh well, he concluded, if I felt it strong enough to say it there’s probably a good reason to have said it. ‘Atherian, I need access to design programs....
Hi, i am john from b’lore. This story is about how i fucked deepthi.. She is 5.7h and a fig of 34.28.34 and age 21.. Im 5.8h and age 19 with a 6 inch.. Deepthi used to come to our house every weekends as she was staying in hostel.. I dint have any sexual desire on her as i thought tat she was good and was not interested in such things.. One Friday as usual she had come to our house.. We chatted for some time and later i went to my room and closed the door.. My mother at that time went top to...
It was Friday morning and Ami was standing at the kitchen counter preparing breakfast. She felt well rested after her trip and was eager to do something special with William when he got off of work that night. A million thoughts were racing through her mind. All of a sudden the conversation they had the night she got home came to her. Oh God, ever since Gopal tied her up she had wanted to try it with William. Ami's body tingled and she trembled as she envisioned what they could do. She was...
One day she was on me and said, “Dad, you taught me how to walk, how to run, how to climb. you taught me the language. You taught me the alphabet and numerals. You helped me to learn cycling and swimming. It was you always. Now you are teaching me the sex skills. Nothing wrong in it Daddy. You are good at it. Don’t feel sore about it. I am enjoying every moment Dad. I feel I am in heaven for the past 3 days. Be happy. Don’t feel the other way. I really love you Dad.” I hugged her tightly with...
IncestHeather was still upset enough over what had happened with Richie that she wished she could have canceled her "date" with Brad again, but she had already done that every day this week. The last time she had talked to him, he was starting to get upset over it, and her excuses were sounding more and more lame even to her. She felt obligated to go see him. Any hope that he might be content with just her company were quickly dashed when he started kissing her as soon as they sat down on the...
As per usual i've woken up dreaming all things xHamster! As I roll over with my raging hardon expecting to find my wife (who loves sex in the mornings), gone. She must've snuck downstairs for early breakfast leaving me hanging. Expecting her to return at some stage, I grab my phone and check out a couple of pages on xhamster- to keep my cock on the job,to ready and waiting for her return. I put on a leather cock strap which wraps around my cock & balls that pulls everything really tight! As...
Director Mike Adriano loves girls that aren’t afraid of a little extra adventure — and tiny, valiant blonde Angel Smalls fits the bill perfectly. The pocket-sized vixen looks adorable in her pink tube top and knee-high socks, submissively kneeling in front of Mike before stuffing his fat shaft deep down her throat. Spunky slut Angel anally rides Mike’s tool, spewing foul-mouthed remarks. She hops off of his lap to tasting his prick ass-to-mouth. After intense ass fucking,...
xmoviesforyouI was on my way to spend the night with my friend Jessi. His mom, Kate, was going out on the town and would not be home till late if at all. So Jessi and I had this big plan to play Xbox and watch some porn videos. I had a new DVD-Homemade Creampies II, we could not wait to watch it. When I got there Kate was just leaving, she told us to have a good time and we told her the to do the same and she was gone. We threw some pizza in the oven and went to playing Xbox. After the pizza, we decided...
One More Reason Geometry Sucks By Patrick Prescott I switched on the television. ...WFLD - Chicago, Channel 32 News Flash: Last week's heat wave will blaze on through this week, bringing over 100 degree temperatures all over the area; slightly cooler by the Lake. Mayor Daley has issued tomorrow, Thursday June 7th 2001 an ozone action day. Citizens are encouraged to stay indoors and use public transportation wherever possible... The television faded into my mind. I didn't...
"Firstly, I didn't want to embarrass you and secondly, and you mustn't take offence at this, I was enjoying the view too much to put a halt to it. You have a really lovely bum and I was getting great pleasure from my examination of it." You could have heard a pin drop when I was finished and I was sure that I had offended her. I forced myself to look at her and found that she was scarlet faced and not looking at me. "I hope I haven't insulted you." I went on and Mom finally...
Kim had been married for twenty years, she loved her husband Bob, and they had a great sex life, but Kim just wanted a little more variety. She joined some chat sites and finally found one she liked. She worked part time and had the afternoons free. This is the time she would get online. She found herself drawn to BDSM stories, they really made her horny. She found herself reading these more and more. Her pussy would get wet just reading these stories, and she would rub her pussy and make...
BDSMDante walked up towards the large country mansion; truly it was magnificent with its stone carvings but it still dwarfed his by far. He rang the door bell and waited. This was going to be an exciting five day visit, the main reason was to celebrate his best friend's birthday as well as being a small and intimate reunion too. Theo's father and his had been business partners for over twenty years and they had grown up like two brothers. He was looking forward to spending time with his...
Chapter 27 -- The Day in Public Starts Off in a Light Vein and Then Gets Even Better Wow, this was it. The three members of the "Booster Day Team" piled into Randall's van and headed out to Disneyland. They were already in costume. Janie had convinced the boys that pink fingernails would guarantee their disguises would work, and each of them now glanced often at their hands to see the marvelous outcome. Janie had even convinced Randall that he should wear ("just for the day" and to...
Heading down the path, Steve and I continued to discuss our delightful afternoon and started to talk about getting together after we returned home. I had always liked hanging out with Steve since he was more open and honest about his feelings. I also knew that of the three guys, he would be the one that I could see myself starting a real relationship with, but I wouldn’t mention that after just an afternoon together.As we approached the lake, Steve pointed to Bob and John out on the lake in a...
Gay MaleThere’s nothing better than a beautiful girl with an eccentric sense of style and a vibrant personality, and Lulu Ninfo has all of the above. With green highlights, a tight black choker, and some sexy piercings, this punk chick can’t wait to get her pussy turned out. She arrives at the airport ready to have a good time, and when she gets back to the house, there are plenty of good times to be had. Our stud rips off her clothes and fucks her in her fishnet stockings, making her squirm in...
xmoviesforyouFor the last 7 years or so I have been from one guy or girl to another looking for someone that I could serve sexually and not interfere with the rest of my life.Last month I finally found him. I was at the local porn shop on Friday night cruising the theater and the peeps as usual. I was in the Theater by myself in the back row when a guy walked in he looked to be about 35-40 average build dressed in blue jeans and black shirt. He sat down across the aisle from me on the back row out of...
Grant tried to move the meeting forward, but eventually everyone came to the opinion that the British had to be dealt with before anything else mattered. They also felt that getting to Charleston was the crucial first step in that task. In lieu of that, the decision concerning clothing was tabled, though Bea did purchase a lot of material and sewing notions. The house slaves were purchased from her brother and were getting set up to travel on the Amanda Dear. They were fearful, at first,...
A sound at his office door brought Dan’s head up. His secretary stood in the opening and spoke softly to him, “It’s Laura; do you want to take the call?” Dan picked up his phone and spoke without pause. “Well hello, so good to hear from you, it has been a while.” Dan recalled with distaste the last time he talked with his wife; it was six weeks ago at Thanksgiving when she told him she was leaving to go skiing with Greg. Today Laura was asking if they could get together for lunch soon. “The...
CuckoldSammy assumed that the show had ended. It'd been a long time since someone had poked or prodded her. She could feel herself slightly swaying on the frame, and began to wonder if she'd signed up for something more than she could handle. Sure, the orgasm that had hit her had been fun, but she couldn't quite figure out why she'd had it. She hadn't been able to get the ben wa balls to trigger one, but having someone grope her and knowing that they were doing it in front of a crowd seriously...
Part 1 As you walk into the room, our eyes meet for the very first time. You feel something different. A slight tingling starts deep down inside you. It gets more intense as we get closer. We walk towards each other and we both know, even before we speak. You introduce yourself and your voice quivers. I take your hand and we both feel the electricity jump between us. We sit down to have a drink and try to relax, but can’t. The attraction is just so strong. We decide to...
Okay so i met these 2 milfs early mid twenties both had some big tits. One was a medium bbw pierced nipples shaved pussy ima call her Tay. Her friend was a small bbw nice big tits and a sexy ass ima call her Cay. we got a hotel room started drinking a little Tay being so horny was practically sexing me up with her eyes her friend Cay being a lil shy was just making small talk. Tay got out her shorts quick and layed down on the bed facing me im sitting in the chair relaxing tay tells Cay to take...
Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto main prem..Meri umar 22 sal hai aur main final year engg me pdhta hu..12 sal ki umar se hi muje muthi marne ki aadat pad gayi thi.. Muth mare bina mera din nhi gujarta tha pahle muje bahoot sare porn dekhne ki aadat thi aur main roj porn dekh kar muth marta tha jis wajah se mera lund kafi lamba aur chouda ho gaya hai main apne lund ko handsome lund smjta hu aur muje apne lund pr naj hai.Pichle kuch dino se muje bf dekhne me intrest nhi aa raha tha balki sex...
Feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected]. Train Ride I get the train every day to my work and back at the end of the day. I sit in silence, only ever speaking to the person next to me to ask them to move when I arrive at my stop and occasionally to buy a ticket for my journey. I people watch and watch people looking at me, with...
After a short recovery from her very first penetration, and with their inner fires pretty well flamed out for now, Carrie and her cousin Dora got dressed and left Michael's house shortly after Carrie's initial experience in the old fashioned art of wick-dipping. She and Dora decided to spend the rest of their day at the Mall, where they had told their mother they were going in the first place. They had lunch on the food court at Taco Bell. Carrie had a Mexican Pizza and a Taco Supreme, and...
The couples sat, some partially clothed, as Jennifer and the other girl offered drinks and snacks. They had removed their short skirts and their shaven pussies were on full display. Dan was sandwiched between a husband and wife who took turns trying to stroke his cock to life. He returned the pleasure noting his cock was bigger than the one in his hand. “You don’t mind if I give your cock a little encouragement?” The wife asked and not waiting for a reply knelt between his legs and began...
Anyway, we hopped a few bars that night and eventually wound up going to my buddy's house with him and another friend of mine, a girl named Katie. My brother, Colin, kept flirting with Katie the whole time we were there, but she didn't seem too interested. I suppose that's because a little bit later she left with my buddy. So this leaves me and Colin alone in the apartment, both pretty intoxicated. We talked for a while, and Colin kept bringing Katie up, saying how he wished he could've...
Back when I was a single sailor in San Diego, down the street from the Plaza where the underground restroom and four-corner bus stop is located, is a sleazy movie theater, one of dozens. But this straight movie theater hadan upstairs bathroom with a communal urinal trough and two toilets with a glory hole. And showed really lousy movies. I spent many hours in there after I got drunk on base (still not old enough to drink out in town). A short, fat white boy with a moon face and close-cropped...
He loved having her play with his cock. They were both only very young but he already knew that having a girl touch his cock while he checked out and played with her pussy was one of life's pleasures. This was when it all started...Back in those days bread and milk was delivered to the house every day. The money for the delivery was left just inside the door and the young female baker would bound up the front steps, open the screen door and leave a loaf of bread. He knew the routine and...
Hi everybody, my name is Riya Sengupta , today i m going to narrate u my true story, i am 25 yrs old housewife, married to a high middle class business man in Kolkata. We have been married for 4 years and now we are living happily in Kolkata, our family consists of me my hubby Anik who is 38 yrs old handsome man having good personality, ours is a arranged marriage so we have a age difference of about 13 yrs. My hubby is a business man dealing in software & hardware, and from time to time he...
copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcome comments and feedback! _________________________________ He was a shock to my system. Stellan Kellner was the man I’d been charged to find and help me navigate my way through a dangerous world, a mentor of knowledge even if he was to be a possible opponent in a battle to the death. We were fighting to save the dying world, one champion of eight would triumph and open a gate to let in their gods to save the world, or so I’d been told. Of all...
My fatly erect and sensitive clit was poised over the red glowing knob and so close that it felt like it was being roasted as it danced wantonly in the rising heat. The sensation was like nothing I had ever experienced. Waves of pain and pleasure coursed through me simultaneously. The fear and lust had destroyed my reason, leaving only the irrational desire for unnatural intercourse with the iron phallus. If my tongue had been free, I would have begged him for consummation. I would have...
Béa was sexy femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She decided to take care of him and raise him like her little brother. Together they discovered and revealed their feminine side and grew up into beautiful transvestites girls. Tthey soon became lovers, living perfect life together until zombies attack the city. Béa was transformed into zombie but Lilly changed her back by having sex with her. Then their neighbour Martin was saved. But people are killing zombies to defend themselves when...