Alice free porn video

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Alice and Bob danced the first dance, as was traditional. Of course I was there, chronicling this latest phase in my best friend's life. The two of them were good together, everyone said so and I had to agree. The love-light just shone from their eyes and their smiles were sickeningly sweet. How did I know this? You ask. I was videotaping their wedding. I didn't have to, they did have an official cameraman, but I had a self-appointed task to complete my record of Bob's life as a single man. The first song segued into the second song and the rest of the wedding party sashayed onto the dance floor and mums and dads partnered their opposite number along with maiden aunts and roguish uncles. I decided that I'd had enough and sat down, deflated.

"It's all right you know."

I turned round bewildered at the unexpected intrusion. The words had come from Alice's grandmother.

"What is?" I said tersely.

"It's all right to admit that you love him."

"Who?" I was completely at a loss to understand what she was driving at.

"Bob. It's all right if you're in love with him."

I laughed. She looked offended.

"I'm sorry. I'm being rude, it's just that you caught me off-guard. Yes, you're right, I do love him." The old lady looked smug and murmured something like 'I knew I was right'; then I lowered the boom. "But like a brother. I'm not in love with him." I reflected on the inadequacies of the English language in this respect. The Greeks had it right with their different sorts of love: Agape, Philos, and Eros. Philos that was the one: love between friends. I clarified myself to Alice's Grandmother. "I'm not gay you know."

She looked unconvinced. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

"It's okay, I'm not offended, there's nothing wrong with being gay. It's just that I'm not." I smiled to show just how relaxed about it I was and wandered off to get a drink.

Another close call, I reflected as I downed the single malt that Bob had made sure was behind the bar especially for me. The peaty, peppery flavour of the Talisker burnt its way down my throat and I held my glass out for another double. Good old Bob, always looking out for me, I thought darkly. I looked up to see the happy couple weaving their way towards me. I pasted a welcoming smile on my face in a band-aid kind of way and waited for them to arrive.

Alice and Bob descended on me like two slightly drunken angels of love, dispensing bonhomie and goodwill to all and sundry. Alice draped her arm around my shoulder and tried to kiss me. I stiffened under her embrace and she desisted, rebuffed once more.

"Wish us luck." Bob oblivious to the by-play, as always, demanded his obligatory blessing from me.

"Good luck" I tried to smile and added, "both of you. I hope you'll be very happy together."

Alice flinched at my artificial tone and dragged him off. I stared after them and wondered again what the hell I was going to do when they came back from their honeymoon. It was then that I knew I was going to take the job offer from the 'States. That was the ticket, I thought to myself, several thousand miles ought to be far enough away to cope with it and maybe, just maybe, I would be able to forget.

The sounds of cheering drifted from the entrance of the hotel and then cries of "Charles, where's Charles?" floated into the ballroom. That was my cue. I fired up the camera and made my way outside to video them leaving for a fortnight's cruise in the Caribbean. So intent was I on filming them that I missed the fact that the bouquet had been thrown until I looked up and saw the flowers descending on me. Sometimes things just happen. I nonchalantly put out my hand and the bouquet just fell into place as if it were magnetically attracted. I looked up and saw Alice glaring at me. I shrugged an apology and handed the flowers to the girl next to me who looked dejected at having received them second-hand. Before anyone could say anything Bob grabbed Alice and dragged the garter from her thigh, a process that I didn't capture on video. Then he chucked it high in the air and I watched as several drunken teenagers fought over the bounty. With a final wave the car drove off into the night with cans and boots banging and thumping merrily behind it.


The 'phone rang as I entered my apartment. I searched amongst the chaos of the imminent move and eventually found it.

"Hey Charlie boy, wassup?" The raucous tones of Bob made me wince.

"Hey Bob. I only just left you, wa'd'ya want?"

"Sorry, I forgot to ask you. Alice says the cameraman has made a complete cock-up of the wedding video. I told her that you'd been filming all the time and she asked if she could borrow your tape. What do you say mate?"

"I suppose so." I stalled for time. "Look, the thing is, with all the packing I don't even know if I still have the tape."

"That's okay, it was just a thought. Tell Alice when she gets there. She said she'd be calling round after work."

Christ! She was coming to the apartment! I had to get away before she got here.

"Okay Bob, I'll see what I can do. No promises, mind you."

"Thanks mate. You're a pal."

"What are friends for?"

"Yeah, bye."


I chucked the 'phone on the settee and hurried back to the front door. If I was quick enough, perhaps I could be out when she called. I opened the door to see Alice with her hand stretching towards the doorbell. She screamed in surprise.

"Shit! Charlie, you scared the crap out of me." She stared at me confused. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Open the door before I'd pressed the doorbell."

"Oh. Coincidence, I was just on my way out."

She forestalled me from trying to squeeze by her and pushed me back into the apartment.

"This won't take long." She closed the door behind her and leant against it, blocking my escape. I stood irresolute. "I'm determined to have this out with you. Why do you dislike me so much?"

"I don't dislike..."

"Yes you do. You won't spend a minute alone with me. My Granny reckoned that you were in love with Bob. I even asked him if you were gay and he laughed at the very idea. So, just what is your problem with me?"

"I don't have a problem with you." I prevaricated. It was an outright lie, but not the way that she thought.

"Yes you do. You've never liked me. I don't understand why, I've always tried to let you and Bob have time together. I've never come between you. Ever. I've never said, 'it's Charlie or me, decision time.'"

Her words knifed through me, scarring my soul. I tried again to deflect her ire. "I know, it isn't..."

"So why? I try and try and you keep knocking me back. If you weren't Bob's best friend I'd have given up a long time ago!"

"It's not like you think." It was futile. My words were lost in the tornado of her frustration. She continued as if I'd said nothing.

"I don't understand you at all. If you disliked me that much, you could've stopped Bob from marrying me, he listens to you, but you didn't. Everyone I talk to says you're a great bloke, but I never see that side of you at all." She subsided, bewildered, into silence.

"Leave it alone, please?" The plea in my voice disarmed her somewhat.

"Well don't say I didn't try. Again. Anyway I came to ask if I could borrow the video that you made?"

"I suppose so. If I have it here; it's probably been packed away."

While I was talking Alice had made her way to the stack of videotapes by the TV. I stared in anguish as she picked up one in particular.

"I don't think so. Is this it? The one with 'Bob's Wedding' written on the label?" She looked at me, resigned. "Couldn't you even bring yourself to write my name?"

I shrugged. "I've probably taped over it by now."

"Unlikely, as you've removed the record tabs. So let's see what we've got, shall we."

I stood paralysed as she pushed the tape into the player. The sights and sounds of the wedding service filled the room. The picture was surprisingly steady and the quality was pretty good, though I say it myself. The wonders of modern technology now make it almost impossible to make a traditional wobbly home video. Alice was thrilled.

"This is wonderful Charlie. Do say I can borrow it." Her delight at finding usable footage of her wedding had driven all thoughts of my behaviour towards her out of her mind. She turned to me. I stared aghast at the screen, which was now filled with her smiling face, in loving close up. Alice seemed surprised at my expression and turned to see what I was staring at, and then she became quiet as each shot I'd taken eventually ended with a close up of her. After minutes of this, Alice turned back to me in bewilderment.


"Of course you can borrow it. I'm sure your video company can make something suitable for public consumption out of it." I struggled to maintain my composure and added, "best not to let Bob see it though."

The homage to Alice continued to play on the screen and Alice stared at me in dawning realisation as I stood with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Charlie. I had no idea. I thought you hated me." Her expression had softened as she saw me anew in the light of this revelation. It was this, more than anything else, which almost broke me. Finally I forced a few words passed the lump in my throat. Short, staccato bursts of speech were all that I could manage.

"Hate you? How could I? It's a self-preservation thing, really. Abject failure, though, as you can see. Still, I'll be in America soon. No point in crying over spilt milk." I stumbled blindly through the front door. "You'll see yourself out, won't you?"

I wandered aimlessly for a few hours and eventually I made my way back to the apartment. To my relief it was empty. All that was left was the faint smell of her perfume and a post-it note on the TV.

'Thanks for the tape. Alice.'

I lifted the note from the screen and kissed it gently before letting it fall into the waste bin. Christ, it was all such a mess. I looked about me, there wasn't anything I needed here; the removers would stick it all in storage. I'd just have to pay them the extra to do the packing that I had planned to do.

I couldn't face another night here.

Time to cut myself adrift.

I'd had my leaving party today; there was nothing else I needed to do. I switched off my mobile and dropped it into a convenient box. I'd have to buy a new one in the 'States anyway.

I spent my last couple of nights in the UK at a hotel near Heathrow airport. I rang everyone who mattered and told them what I'd done; making up some story about how I couldn't face all the packing and told them not to worry, I'd be in touch as soon as I was settled in America.


"Hey, Chuck, how ya doin'?"

I looked up to see Herb standing in the entrance to my cubical. Herb was a nice guy, concerned for me. He'd made it his mission to cheer up the 'English guy' and, to be fair, he'd succeeded in no small measure. Herb was a lot of fun. I smiled up at him.

"Hey, Herb. I'm okay. How 'bout you?"

Herb seemed unsure of himself. This was a surprise. Fridays were his day for setting me up with another of his long string of ex-girlfriends. He wasn't normally so reticent. I decided to help him out.

"Come on Herb, spit it out. Which one of your harem am I being fobbed off with this weekend?" I grinned widely to show that I was making a joke. I had to be careful; early on I'd got myself into trouble a few times when my ironic comments had been taken at face value. I tried not to be patronising about it. I liked America and Americans. It was refreshing to have people take you at your word and not assume that there was a hidden meaning in everything you said.

"Oh it isn't that. Well it is, but not like you think." I waited, patiently, for Herb to organise his thoughts. It was a waste of time trying to hurry him along. Eventually he got all his ducks lined up.

"A new girl has started at Marcie's agency." Marcie was his current girlfriend; she worked in a medium-sized ad-agency.

"She's English too, like you." I bit my tongue and stifled a flash of irritation. This seemingly universal, national determination to follow very train of thought through to its logical conclusion was occasionally maddening. Sometimes it wasn't necessary to draw a map, sometimes just the signpost at the start of the path was all that was required, guys! Herb carried on.

"Marcie says she's kind of sad too - the girl I mean. We thought that we'd make up a foursome and go out. See if we can cheer you both up." His expression became serious. "You don't talk about it, but my 'harem' tell me things." He smiled self-deprecatingly, "well they tell Marcie anyhow and she tells me. We know that there was someone back home that hurt you. A lot. You have to let it go Chuck. We're your friends, we all think you're a great guy and we hate to see you unhappy."

I stared at Herb in amazement, "Yeah, well, ummm." I tried again. "Thanks Herb, I'll try, OK?"

Herb's accustomed cheerful expression replaced the strangely serious one that had settled in its place when he was making his speech to me.

"Great. We'll pick you up at seven."

"Thanks. See you tonight."

Herb wandered off and I turned back to the code I was writing. I gave up and wallowed in thoughts of Alice. I realised with a shock that I'd not spoken to Bob in months. I wasn't even sure if I knew his address. We'd both moved several times, for one reason and another, and I was certain that I'd managed to miss a change of address notification, along with a whole load of other post too. My sister still was hardly talking to me after I'd managed to miss her engagement party. His mobile should still be working, though, and I pulled out mine and dialled his number from memory.

"The number you have dialled is no longer in use."

The recorded message played over and over. Shit. This was the third time I'd dialled the number. The first time I'd got this message, I'd assumed that I'd misdialled and the second time, I'd found his entry in my 'phone's number list. This next try, I'd checked the number in my organiser and then double-checked each digit as I dialled it. Damn. He'd changed his 'phone. Now I'd have to pester his parents for the new one. I checked the clock, too late to ring them now. Bob was okay with me ringing at odd hours, but Bob's parents would assume that any call this late would be bad news, so I resolved to ring them tomorrow, first thing, when it would be a more reasonable hour for them.

"See ya later, alligator!" Herb parodied Arthur Hailey, or whoever it was, as he left to go home. I waved vaguely in acknowledgement and refused to be drawn into the next line. I fiddled some more with the coding and saved it away. A quick 'make' showed that I hadn't completely broken it with my new stuff. A couple of warnings and several-hundred error messages flashed by, but a forgotten declaration and a couple of missing semicolons had caused them all. This was soon rectified and a clean compile and link was the result. I resolutely put off testing the changes. Next week was early enough, especially as I was about a week ahead of schedule anyway.

As I left the building, my thoughts turned to the 'sad English girl' that Herb was foisting me onto. I hoped that I wasn't going to make things worse for her. The dislocation caused by moving to America had been strange; the place was at once familiar and deeply odd. Several things still struck me as slightly humorous. I mean, they liked to call themselves the 'Land of the Free' but I'd never seen so many signs forbidding things, and the drinking rules! I shook myself crossly, telling myself to stop carping. Oh well, it would be nice to see someone from home with whom I could compare notes, maybe.

My apartment was big, much bigger than the one I could afford in England. I slopped around getting ready. All too soon, the entry phone sounded. "I'll be right down." There was some garbled sound at the other end, which I assumed was some sort of agreement and I dashed out of the door. Herb was waiting for me by his car. I leant through the window and gave Marcie a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Marcie. You're looking great. When are you going to dump Herb and go out with someone who will really appreciate you?"

Herb smiled indulgently at this. "Stop yo messin' with ma woman an' git in. Yo English sonofabitch!"


We laughed a little, all of us were happy to be going out and happy with the weekend ahead of us.

"So where are we going?"

"Marcie knows this place that does killer ribs."

"As much as you can eat and the sauce is just out of this world!"

"Great. When do I meet my 'blind date'?"

"At the restaurant. It's only a block away from where she lives. I'm calling her now to let her know that we'll be there in a few minutes." She stopped as someone picked up at the other end.

"Hi it's me, Marcie."

"Yeah, 'bout ten minutes."

"See you there, then."

"Yeah, he is. Bye!"

I wondered about the other side of the conversation. I was intrigued in spite of myself. I settled back in my seat, I'd find out soon enough anyway.

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Since nobody's life or career was in immediate danger, I allowed things to just coast for a couple of days. I did nothing, about anything, until the downtown building's 'Eve renovations' were completed. As I had expected the renovations took almost two weeks instead of one. I found out that the contractors were finished only because I stopped by the building every morning to check on the progress. I wasn't paying the bills, so they didn't answer to me. Fortunately we didn't have any...

2 years ago
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KryptoniteChapter 2

Nan was still sleeping when I left for work the next morning. She had earned some rest! By 10 AM the emails began. "I sucked hubby's cock like a pro last night! I even swallowed! I have to say his cock really is not limp, small, or a needle. It is just that your cock is really big. He shot so much stuff into my mouth I thought I was going to choke. I do not know how I could ever get yours in my mouth or swallow the loads you make. It actually felt pretty good. I felt like I had control...

2 years ago
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Part 1 Bike Shorts

Sam looked out the window of his second story bedroom on clear, sunny Saturday afternoon and realized that it would be a perfect time for a bike ride. There was a trail not far from his house and it was just warm enough and late enough in the day that he might see some interesting activity if he wondered off the beaten path. Sam loved biking. He was a naturally stocky guy of average height and biking, along with trips to the squat rack, helped keep his muscular ass from getting sloppy now that...

Gay Male
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Slave Service To My Client

Hello, guys. I am Raunak Singh from Mumbai. I am 19 years old and provide all types of sexual services to ladies in and around Mumbai.Those who wish to avail my services please feel free to mail me at Coming back to the story, my last story got a good response from readers. A lady then emailed me and asked me to meet her personally before getting into bed. Her name was moksha a 40-year-old middle-class lady. She was married, had 2 kids. We decided to meet. She wore a traditional suit and she...

2 years ago
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Jays Short StoryChapter 2

[note: I have taken great liberties with the publication dates of a quite famous television series that went into reruns--MASH and the release dates of two acclaimed movies--Zulu and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. What can I tell you? Fiction is a constrained set of lies by definition.] Early April, 1987. Tuesday. Why did I ignore all my other possible choices and go directly to the University of Illinois? During my selection process they came in second. After calling the...

3 years ago
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Sophisticated mom to cheap slut

Hi All. This is Dilip back with another hardcore story. The is a hardcore sex story and has many extreme sexual themes like incest, watersports, scatplay and also bdsm. If you don't enjoy these things, I would say this is not a story. Send in your comments to [email protected]                It was 2 years back. I was 20 at that time. We are a family of 3. We live in an apartment in Chennai. My father works abroad and comes once a year. So, it is just me and my mother staying here. Our...

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Asian wife needs sperm donor

  PrologueMy shy Asian wife needs a sperm donor, she wants to get pregnant and have a kid. I've fucked her silly trying to get her pregnant. I guess the sperm I have pumped into her belly are not doing the job.I have to state here and now that this is a true event and also I am not a writer. Just an ordinary guy. There will be a few mistakes, I did my best.Let me describe my wife. She is a shy little Asian gal from the Philippines. She is much younger than I am and really wants to have a kid....

2 years ago
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First Time With My Sister Lindsay

I got home from school on a thursday afternoo and collapsed on the couch to take a nap. I woke up around 6 to have dinner, when my mom told me that she and my dad were going to Toronto for the weekend, and I would have to look after my little sister lindsay for the weekend. I didn't really mind because I had alot of homework to get done, and didn't really have time to hang out with my friends. When i got home from school on friday, I went up to my room to masturbate thinking...

2 years ago
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Broken Bliss Ch 9

Patience was never really a virtue of mine, but as I sat waiting, my legs fidgeting on the side of the bed, I thought I was going to go crazy.A knock sounded at the door to the room, and all three of us jumped, as an older man entered, a smile on his face, and a clipboard in his hands."Good news, Jason. Looks like your casts are coming off early." Doctor Brown said. His wispy long grey hair stuck out from his head, but he's been our family doctor for years.Lisa and mom jumped up to hug me at...

4 years ago
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Bird and the Blonde

Bird was hungry and his feet hurt.  His feet always hurt on Saturdays and Sundays, when he worked the register at Walmart.  He hated the job, hated that he never had time to just hang out all weekend like his friends at college, hated that he needed even the pitiful income that he made there just to stay in school.  But he especially hated standing all day on his size-thirteen feet (which, along with his pathetically skinny legs and somewhat beaky nose, had earned him his nickname).At least it...

3 years ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 9 Loving Friends

Saturday Evening It might have been hours that Janelle stood there, watching her dreaming lover, but time means nothing to the dead. Too soon, she felt a pull and she let her spirit move in the direction of the pull. She found herself in Sue's body, in Cal's bed, where Sue and Cal were still snuggled together, and Sue was thinking. 'I can't believe this all happened because I was jealous of Janelle.' The thoughts were scrambled for a while as Sue almost started to cry at the mix of her...

2 years ago
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The Possibilities

When I was in high school there was a girl one year behind me named Elaine. Her dad was the high school principal, we were all terrified of him. She was the middle child with an older and younger brother. Looking back, Elaine was cute. She was taller than average, probable five-seven or eight. With reddish brown naturally curly hair and big sea green eyes she clearly showed her Irish heritage on her fathers side. She had a nice body, she certainly filled out her cheer leading uniform well....

2 years ago
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Padosi Bhabhi Ki Choda

Hello story readers … I am sam from haryana this is my first story which I want to share with you all … Himmat karke post kr rha hu kyuki lode ko ab choot chaie jo bahut time se mil nai rhi koi anty,bhabhi,girl koi ho to mujhe neche die gye mail par mesg kr dena maine unko ache se satisfy krunga … Mera loda mota or lamba h height meri 5’4 h ab main story par ata hu… Bat kuch 1 saal pehle ki hai hamare pados m ek mota sa uncle sa uncle rehta h uski age 40-45 hogi uski shadi ni huai thi ab tk...

3 years ago
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Helping Step Daughter Part 1

The next day I mentioned my find to her and asked if everything was OK and why she decided to shave her area. “I just wanted to try it.” she replied. I had always been the one she talked to about her curiosities instead of her mom so it wasn’t awkward to be talking about her private area. “So what do you think” I asked. “It feels funny” she answered. I told her she would get used to it and how important it was to do it right with a good razor and shaving gel. I told her if she needed anything...

2 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 11

Ken smiled as Joan approached. Unlike the last time that she'd been at the mansion, she was fully clothed. She looked at him with some trepidation, so he stepped forward with his arms open. With only a small hesitation, she stepped into them. They hugged for a moment, then he let her go and stepped back. "So," he said smiling, "are you feeling better today?" "Yes, I am, thank you," she said. She seemed at a loss as to what to say next and Ken sighed. Apparently, it would fall to him...

1 year ago
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Undercover Investigator

Katherine "Kat" Cranston walked down the hall towards the launch bay at The United Earth Investigative Service Head Quarters with pride. The young twenty-two year old brunette was tall with an athletic build, long straight hair, and bright blue eyes. Only two months ago she had graduated the academy at the top of her class and now had been selected to be part of a major undercover investigation. The investigation focused on The Amazons of Tython. An all female race of slavers that specialized...

3 years ago
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What a day

Hi dear, how are you? Hope your life going well with good fucking and sucking. I love sucking cunts and drink juice coming from cunt. I’m good looking and smart guy from Bangalore, want a good friendship than mail me. Waiting for your reply. Hi readers of ISS. This is a true story. The incident happens with me. I am Diky 27 years, from Bangalore. Basically I came to Bangalore from Orissa. I got good physic body. I came to Bangalore for a good job. I am in computer field. One day a message came...

4 years ago
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Honey Goes Down Under

CHAPTER 1 Flint Jackson yawned his way across the near-empty supermarket parking lot, thumbs tucked into the shoulder straps of his backpack, black Acubra at a rakish angle hiding most of his tight blond curls. He wondered didn’t American women have anything better to do? The supermarket had opened at 7:00 and already at 7:25 there were forty vehicles parked and more arriving. The community was small, center of cropping farms, horse spreads and cattle ranches from what he’s seen coming in...

4 years ago
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For His Pleasure She Cums Part 1

This story loosely follows Edge for Thrusts , as it’s the same couple. This happens a few weeks after. Friday Evening It’s been a few weeks since she had played with her husband and made him edge over and over, allowing him to thrust into her every time he reached the edge of orgasm – naturally bringing him closer and closer to losing control with each iteration. Even though life was very busy and they got very little time to ‘play’, they were indeed intimate. That said, they started to...

2 years ago
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A Motherinlaw Referral

Things with Judy have been great since my last posting. Our affair has continued despite the slowdown in posting my stories about her. We have had a couple of great encounters. Judy and my father-in-law went south a couple weeks ago to spend some time at their condo. The weather up north has sucked so they needed to get away. The plan was for the rest of the family to come visit over Easter week. I wasn’t too interested in doing that though. Being in tight quarters with the rest of the family...

1 year ago
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My Sugar Daddy His Friends

I lay soaking in a huge sunken whirlpool bath - my eyes shut and excited about what my boyfriend, Alexander, had in store for me. He had told me that my entire evening was planned and that I should 'relax that afternoon'. That's how I came to be soaking in the tub sipping a glass a wine and my mind wandering about what I was going to be doing that night. Alexander was the stereotypical sugar daddy and I'm not ashamed about that. Why should I? He was approaching thirty years older than me - on...

Group Sex
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Husband Watches Wife With Masseur

Hello everyone! This is my first story on the forum, I am a professional masseur, I was studying in the U.S. where I learned the techniques of massaging from a professional institute but I never thought that once I am in India this technique will give me an experience of a lifetime. I have served couples, divorcees, unmarried couples, housewives until now- in total I have given massage to 27 women in different cities. Give me your feedback on my story at Let me tell you a story of a married...

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Mile High

CHAPTER 1 “OK, you sure we have everything?”“As sure as I was fifteen minutes ago.”“Except that this time, you have your passport.”“I do, and again, thank you.”“Right, then let’s head off.”“Allons-y.” They start the car and head off for their long-anticipated holiday. With the sunlight shining in their eyes, the sound of Oasis blaring out the stereo and the wind passing through their hair, it seems like a perfect day.“So, what do you think is going to be the first thing we do as we land?” Jack...

Oral Sex
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Rainy days and Mondays

Monday morning, who needs them! in the street people jostles for position in queues, pavements begin to fill with men and women going to work. In your house there was a different atmosphere, for today a special person was visiting, A local beauty agency was sending a new apprentice to your house for some training in massages and waxing. You took a shower and awaited the arrival of the apprentice. To get you in the mood you put on a silk dressing gown and some generously revealing panties that...

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Collection of Show Horse semen

Collecting Show Horse Protein GROUND COLLECTING A STALLIONBy Drss.Kathy Mann-St.Martin, adulterated by SFL Admin. For Education Dept. use. *wvs = woman "voluntary" servant … As there are a variety of methods to start a breeding stallion, both for collection and live cover, for the sake of this article, we'll assume that nothing has been done with the stallion, i.e., he has not been bred live cover or artificially collected by a wvs.You would start by setting up the selected wvs as the...

3 years ago
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Midnight Snack

MIDNIGHT SNACK Sisyphus My oldest friend, Frank and his wife, Marci invited me to spend the weekend with them at a house they rented for the summer on the Jersey shore. I’ve known Frank for over twenty-five years. He was teaching at the University of Pennsylvania while I taught English at a community college outside of Philadelphia. I was recently divorced and they thought it would be good for me to get away from the city. They were renting the house with another couple. At first, I didn’t...

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wifes night out

-Hi sweety, where are you going?-Hi, I have to meet with some business parteners.-Where?-In the lobby of the hotel.-Why there?-The hotel has good drinks at the bar. I saw her earlier. She was wearing a black and white dress, high heels and a small purse. no way she was going for business. The dress was just above the knees and the boobs looked very good in that dress. She was meeting with 3 other guys and she had to get the contract. When I got home I saw that she took the black thong, and...

1 year ago
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Oh BoyChapter 33

Oh boy! I woke at seven o'clock in the hotel in Milwaukee. I lay back with a woman on each shoulder as I thought of the past few days and the coming three. I knew Maddon wouldn't let Price pitch with two days rest, so it would be Alex Cobb today. He had been pitching very well lately, and the team had gotten behind him with some run support. It would then be Odorizi for game four if Cobb can win. That guy threw nothing but strikes lately. He had a couple of games where he fell apart in the...

4 years ago
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I Guess My Roommate Is Gay After All

A couple of years ago I had a roommate who everyone always thought was gay but he always claimed to be straight. Big deal, ‘cause I always have kept my male on male adventures to myself and live my life as a straight guy. Since I keep my stuff on the down low, I have learned to hit up the cruisier areas here in Orlando for some discreet fun.One day I was home alone while my roommate was out and I was getting seriously horned. It had been a while since I had done anything with a dude so I...

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Aunty Teaches Virgin Nephew 8211 Part 3

This story is fantasy and never happened and is only written for the enjoyment of the readers. Please read and enjoy Part 1 and Part 2 of this story. Greetings ISS readers, the story will for the most part be written as a narrative since I am not an expert in writing good conversational English. My name is Raj and am 18 years of age, slender build, tan colour skin, and an average student attending school in Pune and staying with my mum’s sister Anita (I call her aunty) in Pune. Aunty is...

3 years ago
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Cheating Sexual Desires Chapter 2

Officer Brittany Jones and Officer Maria Ramirez were ending their shift when they received a call from dispatch."Officer Jones, Officer Ramirez, this is dispatch.""Come on, dispatch our shift is over in five minutes!" replied Officer Jones."I know, ladies. I promise this should be quick. Do me this favor, and I'll owe you one.""Brittany, it's probably nothing, you know nothing ever happens around here in this bougie ass town. Besides, I like it when Chloe owes us a favor. You remember...


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