- 2 years ago
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Ask Me Some Questions and I’ll Tell You No Lies
‘I don’t know how to begin. I’ve never come here with this type of situation.’
‘Well, why don’t you start at the beginning? I’ve been your guidance counselor for four years, and you’ve only come to see me about college applications. Since you’re going to Georgetown on a football scholarship–congratulations by the way–I know it’s not about that. Something is troubling you, I can see that.’
‘I’m embarrassed.’ He couldn’t look her in the face.
‘Don’t be. You can tell me anything. I’ve heard it all before.’
‘Maybe I’d be more comfortable talking to a man. Is Mr. Keltner in his office?’
‘Please, talk to me. I want to listen. It’s my job you know.’ She smiled, and he looked up and gave a half-smile back.
He inhaled sharply, and an uneasy silence followed.
‘Is something the matter at home?’ she prodded. ‘Are things alright between your parents, or between you and your parents?’
‘No, it’s nothing like that.’ His voice had a pathetic quality to it.
‘Something is obviously bothering you.’ He leaned back in his chair, considering whether coming to the guidance office was a good idea. He had stood in the doorway unsure if he had the guts to enter, when Mrs. Hall saw him and roped him into her office.
‘My girlfriend is sleeping with another guy,’ he blurted.
‘Oh, Chad, that’s awful. She broke up with you?’
He didn’t answer.
‘You’ll be OK. Hey, you’re the football hero! You led the team to the league title. I’m sure the girls will be all over you once they hear you’re back in circulation. It’ll be tough, for sure, but you’ll get over her.’ She was trying to rebuild his confidence.
He said nothing.
‘I’m sorry Chad, I really am. When did this happen. You and Kate have been dating for almost a year, and you seemed so happy together, but do you really want to be going out with someone who would betray you like that? Count yourself lucky, in a way.’
‘We didn’t break up.’
‘Really? She slept with another boy and you forgave her? Well, that’s very noble of you. Forget that last thing I just said.’ She paused. ‘Have you talked about it? Did she promise you it wouldn’t happen again?’
‘You don’t understand,’ he answered, his voice choking up.
‘OK, explain it to me.’
‘She wants to keep dating me, but not have sex. She only wants to have sex with him. It’s like she’s his slave or something.’
Kimberly Hall leaned forward in her chair. Though she had assured the young man in front of her that she had ‘heard it all,’ this was new to her. ‘What? Slave? Who, Chad, who is Kate having sex with? This is important. I need to know. I have a legal responsibility to report abuse, so you must tell me.’
Chad thought he was going to pass out in fear and shame. ‘Alan Marshall. Kate is,’ his voice strangled up as he said the next word, ‘fucking Alan Marshall. And he is also dating Pauline.’ Chad wiped the tears from his face.
* * *
Kim Hall didn’t know what to do for a second. Composing herself, she sent Chad Krieger to the nurse’s office to lay down for the rest of the day. She then went to the main office and looked up Kate Van Devanter’s schedule. A few minutes later she had reached the classroom, and after a brief conversation with Mr. Eichler, Kate’s social studies teacher, she was walking with her back to her office.
‘I don’t understand, Mrs. Hall. You’re not my counselor. Where’s Mr. Ruggerio?’
Kim ignored her protests and gestured Kate to take a seat. ‘Before we start I just need to know, are you OK?’ Kim asked the girl.
‘I’m fine. What makes you think otherwise?’
‘Chad Krieger was just in here, and he told me that Alan Marshall may be abusing you. Is there any truth in that?’
”No.’ That’s it? That’s all you have to say? ‘No.”
‘Did he threaten you? Did he tell you he’d hurt you if you said anything to anyone?’
‘Is that all you’re going to say?’
* * *
Kate left Mrs. Hall’s office and walked to the end of the hall. After turning the corner she broke out into a run. She knew that Alan was in Math class because her friend Suzy was in the same class, and by the time she reached the door to the classroom the bell was about to ring. She cornered Alan as he came out and led him to the end of the hall.
‘We’ve got trouble. Chad went to Mrs. Hall and told him about us. What are we going to do?’
‘Come with me, slut. I’ll take care of it.’
‘Where are we going?’ she whined.
‘We’re going to see her. I’ll explain everything to her.’
‘NO!’ she gasped, causing heads to turn in the hallway.
‘Are you questioning me, slut?’ he asked her sotto voce.
‘Yes. Maybe. No,’ she whimpered softly.
He pulled her aside, into an alcove. ‘Who am I?’
‘Y-y-you’re Alan. I don’t understand.’
‘Who am I to you?’
‘My m-m-master.’ She began to tremble slightly.
‘If I say that we’re going to see Mrs. Hall, why do you question me?’
‘S-s-sorry, Master.’
‘Good, I’m glad we’re on the same page.’ He petted her on the top of her head, and she smiled, glowing inside.
* * *
Kimberly Hall spent the last five minutes in her office with the door closed, weighing her options. She didn’t have enough evidence of abuse to make a report. Kate was certainly not being abused at home, there had never been any signs of that. Chad was her boyfriend, the most likely candidate for being her abuser (the order of usual suspects running parents first, boyfriend second), and she didn’t think he was knocking her around. Alan Marshall was the least likely person she could come up with to paint as an abuser, and the story which she had been presented with, that Alan was abusing Kate Van Devanter was similarly unlikely. He just didn’t seem to be the type. Complicating all of this was the fact the Alan’s mom was on the school board, a very powerful position. The best course, she had decided quickly, would be to make quiet inquiries among the teachers who taught Alan, Kate, and Chad. She would not at this time be calling the county’s Child Services Department. If the story turned out to be a delusion on Chad’s part, this whole thing could blow up in her face if the authorities were involved. There was a knock on her door.
‘Come in.’
The door opened and she was shocked to see that Kate and Alan were standing in her doorway, together. ‘Hello. I’m surprised to see you.’
‘Kate told me about your conversation just now, and about what Chad had said to you, and we’re here to clear some things up.’
‘OK.’ Mrs. Hall had no idea where this was going.
‘Before I start I would like to know just exactly what Chad told you.’
Kim saw this coming, of course Alan would want to know that, but it was against policy to tell one student what another student had said in a private counseling session. She was just about to open her mouth and say, ‘I’m sorry, I can’t tell you that.’ But she didn’t, instead she said, ‘Chad told me that you were fucking Kate. That you have turned her into a sex slave, and were abusing her.’
‘Why did I tell him that?’ she thought, kicking herself.
‘Interesting,’ was his only response.
‘Well, is it true?’
‘What if it is?’
‘I would be duty bound to report you to the county.’
Kim sputtered, ‘Because it’s wrong! That’s why.’
Alan turned to Kate, ‘Are you my sex slave?’ She nodded. ‘Am I abusing you?’ She shook her head. ‘Satisfied?’ he asked, turning back to the counselor.
‘No I am not. This is disgusting. I’m going to have to, at the very least, tell the principal, and also your mother. You should be ashamed of yourself!’
‘Look, I’m not doing anything to Kate that she doesn’t want me doing.’ Kate nodded vig
‘What in god’s name are you talking about? Kate?’
‘Go ahead, slut, tell her.’
‘Alan is my master. He can do anything to me that he wants, and I
love it all.’
‘W-what what does he do to you? Does he hurt you?’
‘He fucks me. He fucks me until I scream. Sometimes I come so hard I pass out. He calls me his slut, and I call him master. He took me to the mall and allowed me to get my nipples pierced. He shaves my pussy and fucks me up the ass. He gave me a dildo–a butt plug–and I wear it all the time, unless he wants to fuck me in the ass, that is.’ She told this all in a happy and singsong voice, and Mrs. Hall looked like she was going to vomit.
‘I don’t understand this,’ Kimberly told the pair, horror evident in her quivering voice.
‘Show her,’ Alan commanded Kate.
‘Hmm?’ Kate asked, not knowing what was expected of her in this situation, strange ever for her.
‘Take off your clothes, slut, and show her your rings and pussy.’ Kim froze, not believing that Kate would actually strip, but sure enough Kate was taking her things off without hesitation. She gawked at the sight of Kate’s pierced nipples and shaved mound.
‘You just made your last mistake young man. Now I know there’s proof of your abuse because I see it right in front of me,’ the counselor scolded Alan, a gleam of triumph in her eyes. ‘Forget about the Department of Child Services, I’m calling the police!’ She reached for the phone, but for some reason couldn’t follow through.
‘Sit,’ he said to her calmly, pointing at her office chair.
‘You mind your mouth, young man!’
‘Sit.’ She sat.
‘You’re not going to tell anyone about this, understand?’ Kim nodded, not knowing why. ‘My little slut here never had it so good. Isn’t that right?’
‘Yes Master, I never had it so good.’ Kate voice took on that little-girl quality like in past situations when Alan dominated her.
‘Go over to Mrs. Hall and take off her clothes.’
‘What?!?’ Kim protested, but she was powerless to resist as little Kate Van Devanter came forward and began removing her from her suit.
‘Oooh, look at her nipples. They’re nice and hard!’ Kate exclaimed as she stripped the counselor to the waist.
‘Good eye, slut. And what do those hard nipples tell us about her?’
‘She’s a dirty slut,’ Kate giggled. ‘Just like me!’
‘Right you are, my good little slut. Right you are. Stand her up and remove her pants.’
‘I don’t understand. I don’t understand. I don’t understand. What’s happening to me?’ she sobbed as the naked Kate approached her. Kim was amazed to find herself going along with this, and she slipped out of her pumps before letting Kate stand her up.
‘Oh Master, can you see how wet her pussy is?’ Alan looked down and saw a few drops of moisture clinging to the guidance counselor’s fine brown pussy hair. ‘She really is a huge slut! Are you going to use her like you use me?’
‘I don’t know. She has a decent body. Hey slut, how old are you?’
Kim really didn’t want to answer. She was supremely uncomfortable with this whole situation, and she certainly wasn’t going to answer to the name ‘slut.’
‘Master asked you a question,’ Kate hissed at her as she twisted Kim’s nipples. ‘How old are you, slut?’
‘Please stop hurting me. Please!’ Kate refused to relent her assault on Kim’s nipples. ‘Argh! Thirty-two! I’m thirty-two. PLEASE stop doing that.’ Tears began to fall from the corners of her eyes.
‘Hmmm, she has a nice figure for a woman in her thirties,’ Alan said. ‘And now we know that she knows how to beg.’ Kate continued to twist Kim’s nipples, and Kim was amazed to find that she was becoming aroused by it. She could feel her juices running down her thighs despite the fact that she hated what was happening to her at the command of Alan and the assault of Kate. ‘Release her, slut.’
Kim gasped in relief as Kate stopped twisting. ‘Please,’ she sobbed, ‘I don’t want to do this with you.’ She buried her face in her hands.
‘Yes you do.’
‘Oh my god,’ Kim thought to herself, ‘He’s right. I’m so turned on.’ When she looked up she gasped upon seeing Alan with his pants down, Kate happily sucking his penis.
‘She’s getting me hard. Hard for you. But you’ll have to beg. You’ll have to beg me to fuck you.’
Something snapped in her mind. ‘Oh my god. Please. Please fuck me. I want to come like Kate does. Please, like she told me. Call me your slut. Please? I need it so bad. So bad. I’ll do anything if you fuck me. I’ll call you my master. I’ll be your slut if you just fuck me with your hard cock. Oh god, I need it now.’
Alan pulled out of Kate’s mouth, normally she would be disappointed, but instead she was looking forward to watching Alan put it to this meddlesome bitch. She watched as he grabbed Mrs. Hall by the shoulders and laid her down on her desk. Wasting no time he lined up his cock against her dripping slit and pushed in, sinking half of his dick in with the first thrust.
‘Yes! Oh my god, YES!’ the counselor screamed, grateful that her office was soundproofed for privacy.
‘You like that, bitch?’ Kate growled into her ear.
‘Yeeeeeah! I love it. FUCK ME. Fuck me hard.’ Kate looked on, one hand fingering her pussy, the other twisting her butt plug. Alan was pounding into Mrs. Hall, his cock hammering her drenched channel and making squishing noises.
‘I’m COMING,’ Kim screamed at the top of her lungs. ‘So good, so good,’ she kept repeating. Alan pulled out of her and beckoned Kate over. He bent her over the desk next to the trembling Mrs. Hall.
‘Oh Yeah! Use me. Please Master, use your slut.’ Kate moaned when Alan withdrew the butt plug from her, jerking it out of her clenching rear end. ‘Put your hard cock in my ass. I LOVE IT IN MY ASS!’ she screamed as Alan plunged his cock into her tightest hole. Her near constant wearing of the butt plug made for an easier entrance, but her asshole was almost as tight as it was the first time he had entered her backdoor.
Oh, oh, oh, mmmmm, that’s so nice. My Master’s hard cock up my tight little ass feels soooo nice’
‘You like it, don’t you slut?’ he asked her in a voice loud enough for the now recovering Kim Hall to hear over Kate’s screaming and groaning.
‘I LOVE IT! Ugh, ugh, ugh, Who wouldn’t love your nice hard big cock in their ass?’
The guidance counselor watched this dirty scene, slack-jawed at what she was witnessing. It was so disgusting, and she shuddered. But it was also one of the hottest things she had ever seen, and without even looking down she knew that her nipples were still hard as rocks.
‘Do you really like that? Kate?’ she asked her.
‘Mmmmm, yeah! It feels so nice. Everything my Master does to me makes me feel good.’
‘And that, uh, dildo? The thing he took from your–‘ she paused, not knowing if she wanted to know the answer to this question. ‘The butt plug? You like that too?’
‘Oh god yes. It feels so yummy. Especially when I’m sitting on a hard chair, like the, ugh, ugh, oh, like the kind here in school. COMING, Master. FEELS SO GOOD.’
‘That’s a good slut,’ he told her, patting her gently on the head, she was filled with overpowering feelings of well-being, as if the warmth of a thousand suns was shining down on her body. He addressed his two slaves, ‘You two, on your knees, next to each other, facing me, your cheeks pressed together.’
‘Oh goody, a face bath!’ Kate exclaimed, and she and Kim got into position. Kimberly knew what was about to happen, and half her brain was screaming at her body to resist, but she didn’t. The other half was ecstatic at the prospect of feeling his jism coat her face, and that half won the battle.
‘Here it comes!’ Alan bellowed, his voice deep and throaty. He used his power to increase the volume of his ejaculation, and in seconds both of their faces were dripping with liberal amounts of come. He s
ent a mental command to both of them to clean the other off, using only their mouths and tongues, and they set to it, eagerly lapping his juices off the other. Kim was tentative at first, but Kate’s enthusiasm was infectious, and soon their efforts
took on a franticness which shocked her to her core.
Alan reached down and put his hand under Kim’s chin. She resisted only slightly as he made her look up into his eyes. As he stared into her she tried her best to look away, but she didn’t know whether she wanted to look away out of a sense of shame, or if she wanted to look away because it would be wrong to look into his masterful eyes. ‘Do you understand now?’
‘Yes,’ she whispered. ‘I understand.’
‘You will tell no one.’
‘I will tell no one. Who’d believe me anyway? I didn’t believe Chad when he told me.’ A tear formed in her eye. ‘I’m so sorry.’
‘Sorry? For what?’
She looked down again, not able to face him in her shame. ‘For not believing,’ she sobbed.
‘It’s OK now,’ he bent down, whispering into her ear, ‘You understand.’ He stroked her long brown hair. Suddenly she was filled with the most delicious sense of happiness she had ever experienced, but the tears continued to fall.
* * *
‘You handled that so well, Master,’ Kate giggled at him after they left Mrs. Hall’s office.
‘Do I detect some doubt in you, slut?’
‘Never,’ she shot back at him, her face a portrait of seriousness.
They reached the end of the administration hallway and parted. ‘I’ll call you later,’ he said as a farewell.
‘You promise?’ she mock-pouted.
‘Everything I say to you is a promise.’
‘Lucky me,’ she answered, her whole body briefly shivering.
* * *
Jack was right, Alan realized. His initial efforts at control and been clumsy and badly thought out. He had pacified Chad that day at his house, but his simple commands did not prevent Kate’s boyfriend from blabbing to his counselor. Instead of going to his next class he decided that something needed to be done about Chad straightaway. Then it hit him. His next class was physics, the only class he and Chad shared. He walked up to the physics lab less than five minutes before the bell rang, and used the time to plan out what he was going to do the tattle-tailing football jock.
Someone was behind him. ‘Hall pass?’ He turned. A kid stood before him, a freshman, or a sophomore at most, wearing a bright red hall monitor’s arm band.
‘Go away,’ he said calmly to the pest, and the kid walked down the hall. The bell rang and the halls quickly filled with his classmates, but Chad was not among them. He didn’t know then that Chad was on a cot in the nurse’s office, quietly weeping. A quick scan of all the minds in the building, and he set off, ditching physics. It mattered little anyway, Alan had found that one of his powers allowed him to learn and process information at a near infinite speed. He had read all of his textbooks over the past week, and had moved on to more advanced books recently. He spent his classroom time using his power to make the students and teachers think he was paying attention and participating, be really her was using the time to daydream and practice his powers.
‘Hi, I’m here to see Chad,’ he told the nurse.
‘In the back,’ she pointed.
Chad was sleeping flat on his stomach. Alan decided it would be cruel to wake him. He made a few modifications to him, and then left. It was over so fast that he was less than a minute late to physics. No one noticed when he entered and took a seat.
From now on Chad would be unable to communicate to anyone, in any way, what was going on between Alan and Kate. As a nice twist, any time Chad felt the urge to spill the secret he would piss in his pants.
* * *
Alan was only half-surprised the next morning to receive a note in homeroom from the guidance office. It was from Mrs. Hall, asking him to come see her first period. After the bell rang he sought out Pauline, reaching her just as she came out of her homeroom, and gave her a little kiss on the lips, their morning ritual for the time between homeroom and first period.
‘So, Mrs. Hall, what can I do for you?’
‘I, uh, don’t know, Alan. Can I talk about it?’
‘Shoot,’ he chuckled.
Tears started running down her face. ‘I’m so ashamed,’ she sobbed. ‘I went home last night and–no, I’m too embarrassed to talk about it.’
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The girl stood in the shadow of the mud house to watch the rich man’s progress through the market place. Her ragged dress could not hide the thickening of her waist. Her head was covered with a heavy veil to keep out dust swirling around on the hot wind from the desert. Sometimes, men — strangers to this place – thought her condition made her an easy target for their desires, but others would soon warn them about the curse. Anyone who lay with her would die. Though some tried, her vacant...
Over dinner, I was asked what I intended to do about a bigger house and I replied that, in all honesty, I didn't have a clue."What about the old mill, darling?"Karen's father looked up and smiled, "Perfect.""We own an old flour mill just outside the village. It hasn't been a working mill for over fifty years, so it's fair to say it needs some work.""How much?" I asked."I think you should look at it first. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think you could turn it into a...
Love StoriesThe problem with our next planned meeting was that Friday is my busiest day of the week. Now I don’t have any real problem customers, but you just never know how some people will react to a beautiful exhibitionist, especially in close quarters. I knew that she would probably be quite happy with just staying in the office as other customers came and went, but I was hoping to get Anne out of the office for this occurrence. I really wanted her to ‘stretch her legs’ this time.I’m good friends with...
ExhibitionismTricked to Serve – Additional Side Story 2 - Logan sold to Perverted Couple for weekend Pleasures, by Wife(continuation of writing I started elsewhere, hope you enjoy please comment)After only what felt like such a few short weeks for Logan since his initiation into Mistress Alyson’s world of unlimited sexual pleasures and depravity, unknown at the time by Logan encouraged and supported by Sarah and Courtney...(His wife and daughter who had already been enjoying the deliciously perverted...
Latex Dress When my sexy sixteen-year-old daughter said that she needed a special dress to wear up on stage for her solo during the school musical I thought to myself, “Why not.” Then I was sorry. When I took Valerie to the mall to shop I had no idea that they even sold dresses like that. She picked out a bright red skin-tight latex dress. If I could have seen the slit in her pussy I would have sworn that it was painted on. It fit her like a second skin. I had no idea that my...
We left off in Volume 1 with us four kids watching TV waiting to eat Supper. It was almost time for Pop Pop to get home from work. We washed up in the hall lavatory, headed to the dining room table, Kim and I went into the kitchen and asked Grandma if we could help with anything. She said plates and silverware we on the table but needed to be placed. So we went back and the four of us proceeded to set the table, Pop Pop came in the back door, Kicked off his boots and put on his slippers, He...
As I wrote in the previous part of the story, the hot love of our girls at some point was watched by the boys. Unexpectedly, they came to visit our girls. What astonishment they were to them, how they saw them again in the student room, undressed and with their hands in their pussies, in addition strongly shrieking in pleasure. Of course, they could not believe that even on the occasion of such life matters as a trip to college, girls can find time to have fun. After the first shock, they shook...
>>> My name is Ryan. I am nineteen now and I am the personal faggot slave to a bunch of jocks at at well known Midwestern University. Some of you have read my story up to now, but for the rest of you, here is a quick account of how my horror started. I am smooth bodied and small of stature. I am a Freshman and was still eighteen years old, rather naive and shy. Let me make this perfectly clear to you, I was and am still straight. Although I must admit, I hardly know what that means anymore. I...
I was up early the next morning. The ward was still dark and the dayshift staff hadn't arrived yet. I dressed in my sweats, went down and started jogging around the grounds. I had a lot on my mind and I didn't want to be distracted later on. I needed to maintain my focus later so it was time to get things sorted and straightened out. "Why haven't you called or written me, Izzy?" 'Why haven't you called me?' "I don't know where you are." 'You could find out, if you wanted...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, everyone. My name is Ram Prakash and I am from Hyderabad. I always dream of losing my virginity in a femdom act. So I posted an ad on a dating site explaining my fantasies regarding the femdom act, how I like to get dominated by women. For the first 2 weeks, I didn’t get any response. Later, I received a message from a woman named Swapna(name changed) from Hyderabad. She is 34 years old and has 2 kids. We started with...
I'm a fifty year old white male married to a very attractive forty-five year old woman, Tina. We are both very athletic and work out every day. Our sex life is excellent; she is always horny and is multi orgasmic. Over the years it has become increasingly difficult for me to keep up with her. She wants it much more often than I do and she is not satisfied with a single orgasm but often wants three or more. When I was younger this was not a problem, but now I just can't keep it up long enough to...
CuckoldLooking out my window, I saw the Cal-Trans truck parked along the curb. Swell, I thought to myself, another fine day with my street closed. But then, I noticed a lovely female worker who stepped out of a truck in front of my sidewalk. She was wearing the standard bright orange reflector safety vest over her blue jeans and a work shirt. Even from across my front yard I could see that she was stunning, with long beautiful brown hair and a gorgeous young face. All morning long, I peeked through my...
Rudy was bored out of his skull on another stinking hot day stuck in the vast, whitewashed desert fort that he was defending. Only there was nothing to defend it against; the fort had not come under attack for well over two years and there was nothing for the men to do but work out and keep themselves fit. Rudy’s body was as fit and as hard and as sun-bronzed as he had ever wanted it to be. All the men around him looked the same and all were trained in the arts of combat and survival; but there...
Gay MaleBritt goes to the pool in her little bikini, she sees the pool guy and wants his attention so she takes her top off showing her huge tits, she oils them and massages them, in such a sexy way that she gets horny, takes her panties off and starts masturbating in front of the pool guy, now she got his undivided attention, she invites him to approach she is eager to be fucked by a big black cock, and she got it, she gives him a nice BJ before getting fucked on one of the chaise lounges then on the...
xmoviesforyouDING-DONGThe first guests for the twins’ birthday party have arrived. After our little sexual soirée with the twins, James and Kate, we showered, cleaned the rooms for definite further encounters of the erotic kind, had breakfast and prepared the patio pool area for the barbeque with our naked friends. The moment of truth has arrived. We are presenting our sexually primed children to friends for a day they will hopefully remember for the rest of their lives.Our home is built on the side of a...
Incest“Are you Harry”? She demanded angrily. A bit hesitant I confirmed I was She turned to Kat and said sternly, “Right you get home NOW, I’ll deal with you later”. Turning to me she said snappily “I want to talk with you so I suggest we go in” A little taken aback agreed and showed her in to my lounge/dinner. She stood in the middle of the room looking around. “I’m Lisa, Kat’s mum as if you couldn’t guess” “What’s this about”? I asked nervously, unsure what Kat had been telling...
In a previous story, I mentioned how my wife had been bothered by my attraction to another woman. One of the things that make our swinging lifestyle work is our ability to discuss matters like this and work through them. Here is a fun little story of one of those encounters.Throughout our swinging career, we have been involved in three bigger groups and a fourth smaller group. The bigger groups are fairly open and can be easily found. They are based in larger cities like Rockford, Milwaukee and...
TrueThe next week, Alex and I sat and talked during lunch every other day. On Monday and Friday we went to the tables outside the library. On Wednesday, we walked close together in the rain under a big golf umbrella and had our box lunches in the cafeteria at the student center. Monday we did a post mortem on the weekend and it wasn’t as much of a disaster as I had thought. She said her parents liked me and they trusted me to keep seeing her. She said Azee wanted Gianna to come back for another...
So, late last week, there I was, unable to sleep, so I figured I would throw on a ballgag, some cuffs, and do a little role playing; k**napped girl trying to get loose. I was down to my tee and panties, and slipped on the gag (medium sized, tight as always) and then put a scarf, over that, like an OTM gag. I had one cuff on, and the idea was that the chain would go behind the head board and the other cuff on my wrist. I sat on my bed and then laid down, worked the cuffs on the headboard, and...
Mikayla and my sisters name is Shayna. So one night very late me and my sisters friend were sitting talking to people on the internet. She was asked if she'd ever fingered her self and she said yes. I kinda got exicted but it didnt go anywhere that night and she walked out the door and shook her nice round ass a bit. She has 32 Cs a nice ass and a gorgous face. So we'd all play board games every friday of the week. But one night it was different Mikayla had brought a friend...
The next morning I made a pleasant discovery. It seemed like the more I masturbated, the more aware of my body I was. Everything felt different. The sheets felt softer on my bed, making me stretch lazily like a cat when I woke up. My cute little toes pointing and toned legs stretching to their full length. When I stood up my perky little buds of breasts felt heavy and swollen. My hands slid up my body to cup them through my cotton sleep shirt. My nipples tingled and tightened. I could see...
Downstairs I was delighted to find a message at the main desk from my old football owners here in town that they would be delighted to join us for dinner tonight, along with a few friends. They had suggested an excellent Italian restaurant, one of the best on the downtown side of North Beach and I called them back to confirm that we would be there. Also, in a message that was too delicate to be left with the hotel staff, I was told that they were looking forward to meeting my slave girl in...
Classic Erotic Horror In the city the Europe City of Dark Watch, strange thing are in the works on Hollow’s Eve. Strange tales are to be told. There all tales of horror and MADNESS. Old monster from the pass are reborn in modern day. They are reborn under familiar but different forms. 1) Lisa Jeckly and Jacky Hyde. Lisa is a brilliant scientist with long black hair and thick glasses. She is beautiful but you have to find the beauty beneath her nerdy look. She has low confidence and a bit nerdy....
FantasyKendall stared at her phone, willing it to ring. ‘You haven’t heard from her either?’ she asked Joanne. The older woman shook her head. ‘Sure haven’t. Where could she be? It’s nearly eleven.’ ‘I’m calling her again,’ Kendall announced as she snatched her phone from the counter. Voicemail, of course. ‘Taylor, are you okay? We’re worried, and if we don’t hear back ASAP, I’m calling your mom.’ ‘That’s low. The woman’s an hour and a half late and you threaten her with her mother. Remind me not...
When I was in my late twenties, I began working for this new company. It was a very good place to work and the CEO was a great guy. He had been at the company for many years and worked his was up from the bottom. He was in his late 50's and was a real man's-man. He enjoyed fishing and golf and, although he wasn't particularly good at golf, he was very competitive. I was a fairly decent golfer and a long hitter, so I often was paired with him in company golf tournaments. This allowed me to get...
Wells College First Males Part 5 Bobbie and Nicole find their foes and a surprise. Nellie walked in and sat down at Murphy's Law Tavern. Nicole was working she just served two regulars down. She ordered a cola. She looked at Nicole with some fear. She said, "Nicole, I have this problem. It is about a friend of mine. She knows of the jokes going on. Yet she knows there is one person if he took it the wrong way or was hurt really bad, he could close the school. ' Little Mother...
For no particular reason, not one that I consciously admit anyway, I've always thought that the name Yvonne was erotic. It conjured up thoughts of a femme fatale, a siren calling ancient seafarers to her rocky shores, a temptress flitting behind a sheer veil. Then the Yvonne of my masturbatory dreams walked into the used bookstore that serves as my cunt web. Not that I ever managed to get enough use of that back room with the bed; most of the time, I had to flog Peter The Great something...
My accident had totally disrupted my entire life. I was paralyzed from the neck down and would remain that way for at least a year, or so the doctors said. My arms didn’t work, my legs didn’t work but worst of all, I couldn’t get an erection. I could feel it if someone played with it, but it would not rise. Luckily I had a lot of money from an inheritance so I didn’t have to worry about missing work. Meanwhile my wife, Linda, got tired of blow jobs and hand jobs and started going out a lot...
“Have either of you ever been with a black guy?” my friend Jasmine asked.“Well, we all know Hailey hasn’t, but I have,” Courtney said.I rolled my eyes. “Thanks, Courtney.” She was always bagging on me for not being as ‘free-spirited’ as her.“Was he big?” Jasmine asked.“Yeah. He was like six-two and played football. So, y’know, fit.”“No, I mean was he big,” Jasmine insisted.Courtney smiled. “Ohhhh… No he was pretty average.”“Have you ever been with someone super big?” Jasmine asked.“No, not...
InterracialStraight Arrow watched as Two Bears and Bent Willow inspected his newly completed lodge. Custom decreed that the mother and father make the first inspection, but Straight Arrow had none in the village, other than his Aunt and Uncle, to do this for him. They took their duties seriously, inspecting every knot and pulling on the oily roof skins to check for their tightness. Two Bears found one stitch that had come unravelled and pointed it out to Arrow. The inspection was stopped while Arrow...
Hi my name is Anil; I am from Nepal and a big fan of ISS. I get very excited to read all those experiences of the authors and sometimes it’s very hard to believe the incidents they describe. I was forced to believe all those stories after I faced similar kind of situation with Rojina (my sexy married neighbor; name changed). Rojina was 21, when she got married to Saroj 2 years ago. She was a sexy looking girl with perfect petite figure. I was 23 when I saw her in their marriage. No such...
ENF Reddit, aka r/ENF! ENF – stands for embarrassed nude female, and I think that already tells you what the fuck you can expect from r/enf/. In case it does not, I am here to clarify it all. You have a subreddit dedicated to gorgeous women who are embarrassed and naked, but all in good fun. So, you have loads of random posts that work perfectly for the theme.Everything you can expect from r/enf/ is basically in the name; there ain’t much mystery left for me to solve. Now, if you still want to...
Reddit NSFW ListTitle: There's No Place Like Home Part 1 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Note: Reading the author's previous work "Where Angels Fear to Tread" will provide background information and is recommended. This story is told in...
Magic still exists in the world. The Blowjob Fairy stands ready to serve. Who will summon her and receive her favor? More importantly, do they even know what they're in for? Please feel free to submit chapters/characters, or post suggestions in the comments to keep the adventure going.
FantasyJacqueline and I are lying on our bed, recuperating from our experience with our neighbour. Jacqueline looks at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. “Do you realise, we didn’t even ask her, her name. I have seen a man coming and going from the house, which could be her boyfriend or her husband. Maybe, we could invite them over for dinner and a bit of fun. What do you think?” Jacqueline asks. I love the way Jacqueline thinks, and have already decided this sounds like a great idea. ”Let’s...