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Kendall stared at her phone, willing it to ring. ‘You haven’t heard from her either?’ she asked Joanne.

The older woman shook her head. ‘Sure haven’t. Where could she be? It’s nearly eleven.’

‘I’m calling her again,’ Kendall announced as she snatched her phone from the counter. Voicemail, of course. ‘Taylor, are you okay? We’re worried, and if we don’t hear back ASAP, I’m calling your mom.’

‘That’s low. The woman’s an hour and a half late and you threaten her with her mother. Remind me not to piss you off,’ she said with a chuckle.

Kendall paced the small floor behind the register. ‘I’m worried. She was supposed to break-up with Kevin this weekend, and now we haven’t heard from her.’

Joanne pulled a face. ‘Kevin wouldn’t hurt her, hon.’

‘I know, but I still have a bad feeling about this.’

‘So, what, you’re a Jedi now?’

‘Something like that,’ Kendall muttered.

She was still pacing when the door opened. A distraught and disheveled Taylor stood in the doorway, her red hair is disarray, her face pale and drawn. Before she even realized she was moving, Kendall had wrapped her in a hug.

Taylor buried her face in Kendall’s hair. ‘He’s dying, Ken. I couldn’t say no.’

Kendall drew back to look her best friend in the eye. ‘Who’s dying? What’s going on?’

‘Kevin,’ she replied before dissolving into sobs.

Joanne had been standing silent on the floor, but chose then to ask, ‘Kevin’s dying?’

Wiping her eyes with her sleeve, Taylor sniffled as she attempted to explain. ‘Brain tumor,’ she gasped and sniffled before continuing, ‘an inoperable tumor.’

‘Wow. You must love him if you’re this broken-up about it,’ Joanne remarked.

Taylor’s sobbing worsened then. ‘No. I don’t. That’s the problem.’

‘So, you broke up with him anyway?’ Kendall asked, smoothing a hand through her friend’s hair.

‘No!’ she wailed. ‘What I did was so much worse.’

‘Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad, Tay.’ Then a terrible thought flitted through her mind. ‘Shit. You didn’t cheat on him, did you?’

The sobbing was nearly uncontrollable now. ‘I… I… Married him!’

‘You WHAT?’

‘He said,’ she paused for what sounded disturbingly like a hiccup, ‘he said he wanted to marry the love of his life before he died.’

Kendall continued to smooth her friend’s hair. ‘How long does he have?’

‘Less than six months.’ She said something else that was unintelligible due to the crying and then, ‘I couldn’t say no. He was so sincere. He loves me, Ken, and I am the most horrible bitch in the world.’

‘You’re not.’ At Taylor’s snort, she said more vehemently, ‘You’re not!’

‘Oh, but I am. I like him, really I do, and I’m sad he’s dying, but I’m so upset for me. Me, Ken. I’m a selfish bitch.’

‘That’s exactly what you are. You married a man who was dying so he could have his wish. You will be with him through treatments and the end of his life. That sounds selfish to me. Doesn’t it sound horribly selfish to you, Jo?’

‘Surely.’ Joanne walked to the pair, her brows knitted together. ‘Taylor, just how much is Kevin worth?’

‘He deserves a woman who loves him,’ Taylor answered through a new wave of sobs.

‘No, monetarily.’

Taylor’s answer was a shake of her head against Kendall’s shoulder. She didn’t know.

Joanne held up a finger as she nodded. ‘Just what I thought. You’re far from selfish, Taylor Jamieson. You’ll get through this, I’m sure of it.’ She patted her boss on the back before heading behind the counter to answer the phone.

Kendall murmured agreement as she rocked the sobbing redhead in her arms.


‘Why does it seem like everyone around us is getting married for the wrong reasons?’ Kendall asked Reid that night over dinner.

‘The wrong reasons?’

‘Kyle married Nichole because of Jacob, now Taylor married Kevin because he’s dying.’ She sighed. ‘Doesn’t anyone get married just because they love each other anymore?’

‘Are you fishing, baby?’

Her eyes widened as her brows shot up. ‘Of course not!’

He gave her a questioning look as he cut his chicken.

‘Really, I’m not fishing. I’m just commenting on the sad state of affairs.’

‘Uh-huh.’ He took his time chewing and swallowing, then told her, ‘I wanted it to be romantic.’

She didn’t follow. ‘Wanted it… she started before it dawned on her what he meant. ‘Oh my God.’

He crossed the room to pull a Taylored Jewels box from the freezer. ‘It might be a little cold,’ he warned.

Right, like she cared about that. ‘It’ll warm up. Nice hiding place by the way.’

‘Shush, I’m trying to propose here.’

‘Have at it,’ she told him before clapping a hand over her mouth.

He dropped to one knee right there in the kitchen floor as she sat at the table. This wasn’t how he planned it, but things never seemed to work as planned with Kendall. Why would this be any different? ‘I wanted to make a big, romantic gesture, but I never found the right time. So, here I am, in the middle of dinner with a frozen ring.’ He opened the box, pulled out the hand-engraved platinum solitaire Taylor had created just for Kendall. ‘Marry me, Kendall. I love you, baby and want you by my side forever.’

She liked romantic in the middle of dinner and the kitchen floor. She offered her left hand. ‘Of course I’ll marry you. I love you so much.’

Reid slid the ring on her finger, then tugged her down to him. ‘I believe we have to seal it with a kiss,’ he whispered before covering her lips with his own. She opened beneath him, sucking on his tongue as she writhed on his lap. Dinner forgotten, he pushed the straps of her dress down to expose the creamy tops of her breasts. ‘God, I love you,’ he murmured against her mouth as he peeled the pale blue fabric away. She twined her arms around his neck after he freed her from the confines of her dress, clinging to him when he picked her up. ‘We have a bed, baby,’ he reminded her between kisses as he carried her to the bedroom.

Gently, he lowered her to the middle of the neatly made bed. He stepped away to discard his own clothing, drinking in the sight of Kendall sprawled across the navy quilt in nothing but scraps of white lace. She was his. Forever. The need to possess her was almost overwhelming, but he forced himself to savor her.

‘Come here to me,’ she beckoned as she sat up. ‘I need you, Reid.’

‘Oh, baby, you have me,’ he murmured as he crossed to her. He took her mouth again, softly at first. ‘You have me, you’ll always have me,’ he told her before fusing his lips to hers, sweeping his tongue into her mouth. Her hands went into his hair, her short nails scraping his scalp as he settled over her. He trailed kisses down her neck, her collarbone, nibbling at the lacy edge of her bra. He took her right nipple into his mouth, lace and all and Kendall let out a gasp. Leaving her breasts, he continued down her body, dropping kisses over her torso, running the tip of his tongue around her belly button before nipping at the edge of her thong.

‘Stop teasing,’ Kendall panted. He slid his hands up her thighs, sending a shiver down her spine. ‘Evil, evil, man,’ she breathed as he slowly pulled the panties from her body, his warm breath caressing her bare pussy.

Lowering his head between her splayed legs, he continued to tease with slow swipes of his tongue. He feasted on her, her taste bursting in his mouth. At her chants of, ‘Please, please, please,’ he relented, sliding two fingers into her core as he gently nipped her clit. That was all it took. She arched off the bed with a scream as her inner muscles clamped on his fingers. Quickly he pulled his fingers free and made his way up her body, burying his cock in her as she spasmed wildly, claiming her mouth as he did.

She loved the taste of herself on Reid’s mouth, the feel of his body over her, fil
ling her. She devoured his mouth, her hands once again in his hair, her legs locked around his waist. He tunneled in and out at a fevered pace, the restraint he showed earlier melting away. He pulled almost all the way out before plunging back in, over and over, the speed increasing as he slammed into her body, brushing her clit with every stroke.

Her short nails dug into his scalp as she shattered beneath him, a declaration of love falling from her lips between moans. He crushed her to him, angling her hips to take him impossibly deeper, powering into her for a few more strokes before finally bursting within her with a roar.

‘Wow,’ she breathed as she melted into the bed.

He dropped a light kiss on her lips before rolling them both to the side to avoid crushing her. ‘I love you, baby,’ he whispered as he held her close.


The middle of the night phone call was Reid’s this time. Kendall listened to the half conversation and gathered the news was far from good. ‘Work?’ she asked, her voice raspy from sleep.

‘Dead body found,’ he answered as he pulled on his clothes.

She watched him quietly for a moment. ‘Promise you’ll be careful,’ she finally said.

‘Of course, baby,’ he promised as he crossed to her. ‘I love you.’

‘You sure?’ she teased before kissing him goodbye. At his grin, she told him, ‘I love you, too. Stay safe.’


The dump site- definitely not the crime scene- was a shallow grave in the park on the south side of town. The body was a woman, wrapped in a sheet and lying on her stomach.

Jason Monroe was already down with the body when Reid arrived. ‘Uh, Caufield, I think you can give us a positive ID on the vic,’ Jason said, forgoing any pleasantries at four in the morning.

Me? He thought. ‘Headed to ya, Jase,’ he answered as he made his way across the field. The ME rolled the body over when Reid came to a stop beside Jason.

Holy shit. Amy? ‘Whoa.’

‘Yeah, I know,’ Jason agreed.

Reid quickly pulled himself together. ‘What have we here?’

‘Looks like an overdose. There are track marks in both arms. We’ll run a tox screen to confirm,’ Adrienne Marquette, the Ayles County Medical Examiner answered.

Reid hadn’t noticed Adrienne’s arrival, he was too stunned. ‘A? Did you just say Amy shot heroin?’

She shook her head. ‘Reid, you know what I said. I said there were track marks in both arms. Nothing is conclusive yet.’ She stared for a moment at Amy’s body. ‘She’s our age, Reid. Damn,’ she murmured with another shake of sandy head.

‘She didn’t even drink when we were married,’ Reid argued. ‘Drugs, A?’ He couldn’t reconcile the dead, apparently drug-addicted woman to the girl he once loved.

‘You know as well as I do, I haven’t seen her since you left her. I didn’t even know she was in the area…’ she trailed off. ‘Holy mother. Where is her kid?’ she asked, amber eyes wide.

Jason had been quietly working the area around the dump site scouring to evidence, but stood to answer Adrienne. ‘O’Halloran and Delmonico are checking residences now, although we might have to yield jurisdiction to Sheridan PD if she was killed there.’

Reid held up a hand. ‘Wait, A just said she thought it was an overdose.’

‘That she did. We can’t rule anything out yet, though, can we?’

‘True,’ he agreed. Swallowing hard, he asked, ‘So, I suppose you’ll want me to talk to the Reverend and Mrs. Shaw?’

‘What a way to see the in-laws,’ Jason remarked with a half smile.


Reverend Shaw answered the door before Reid had a chance to ring the bell. ‘Reid Caufield. What brings you here at,’ he checked his watch, ‘seven in the morning?’

Instead of dancing around it, Reid answered truthfully, ‘There’s no easy way to say this, sir. Amy was found dead this morning.’ He stopped for a moment. ‘I need to ask you some questions, if I may?’

Reverend Shaw stood aside, gesturing for Reid to come in. ‘We haven’t seen Amy in years, son. She lost her way and cut us out of her life.’

He hadn’t expected that. ‘You’ve had no contact?’

The Reverend nodded. ‘Very little. Annie lives with us. Amy couldn’t take care of her, she said.’ Frowning, he went on, ‘I think she was into drugs, running with the wrong crowd in Sheridan.’

Reid made a face. ‘Annie?’

‘Her daughter. You remember.’

Did he ever. ‘Has Annie had contact with her mother?’

‘Here and there.’ He shook his head. ‘Poor girl feels unwanted half the time. We do what we can, but that kind of damage isn’t easy to repair.’

‘What about her father?’ Reid forced himself to ask.

‘Amy never did identify him.’ The Reverend pinned Reid with a look. ‘Coulda been you.’

‘Should have,’ Reid agreed. ‘Paternity test said otherwise,’ he elaborated, his voice strained.

‘I know, son. I just wish my granddaughter had more than just her Gran and me.’

Just when he thought things were on-track, Amy was dead and he was talking to his ex father-in-law about the daughter who should have been his. God, that was a lifetime ago. He pushed it all aside, focusing on the task at hand instead. ‘I was hoping you could help me piece together Amy’s life, but it doesn’t sound as if you can shed much light there.’ He blew out a breath. ‘I’m sorry for your loss, sir.’

‘Thank you, son. Let me tell you something about Amy. Remember that she was good, too good, at making up stories. Girl could make anyone believe anything, sometimes I thought she should have gone into the CIA.’

Reid was all too familiar with Amy’s brand of story-telling. ‘I’ll remember that, sir.’

He left the Shaw’s with more questions than he had when he’d arrived. So far this morning was turning out to be awesome.

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It was hot in the office – like reeeeally hot. Jamie was in the kitchen making coffee, sweating his ass off pouring cup after cup of boiling water. His shirt clung to him as he wiped his brow for what felt like the millionth time. He opened the fridge door, the cool blast of air on his face causing an involuntary ‘fuck yeah’ to slip from his mouth. At that moment Amanda walked through the door and giggled at the sight – Jamie with his face in the fridge. He heard her heels clack against the...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 99

Adam and his group were halfway to the university when something else popped into his mind. "Damn," he muttered. Erin looked over as she pulled out a pen and paper. "What is it?" she asked. "I'll jot it down so you don't forget again." Adam couldn't help but smile. Karlie, their personal assistant, had conscripted an assistant of her own. "The meeting with, uh, hell, the guy Cassie is working with," Adam said. "I can't even remember his name, let alone when it is set up. If...

4 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 19

When Sandra and Frederik walked into the hallway, they saw that some students from the other classes were lingering around and started to follow them to the courtyard. However, Sandra didn't flinch and even didn't act differently, she walked on as she would do when she would be clothed. To the other students, it looked like Sandra just didn't care that they were looking at her. But in truth, Sandra was very happy that they were doing this, she had totally no bad feelings about it, but she...

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Goodbye Miss GrangerChapter 6 Brian and the Skipper

We made it back to Manly Cove with time to spare and I even managed to get my bra back on straight. We went to the upper deck again, but this time we weren't alone; there were a few couples already outside enjoying the summer evening and cuddling in the seats along the rail, so we separated into the toilets to tidy up and met back in the upper cabin amidships where we took a couple of adjacent seats. Just before departure, one of the crew came up to our deck and walked past us, making for...

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Cuckold shared with another man

Wednesday, June 19, 2019I've promised several people a story. We have had many experiences worth writting about this past year. Last night's is one that I hope our followers will enjoy.We have been trying to find a fourth person to video us. We utilized Lucy a while back, but she keeps making excuses to not do it again so we moved on. I found a gentleman that lives realitively close. After screening him I relayed the information on Randy to both my wife Agness and Brett her Bullfriend. The...

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Fusion Of Horizons Chapter 7

December 2014, LondonHaving saved the day’s work on the computer, I clicked shut down and waited for the windows to log off. It was late in the evening, and I wanted to return to my apartment. The Windows update running as the computer logged off got on my nerves. '67 68, 69… and its fucking stuck at 69!’ I took out the phone from my pocket and began to browse through the emails. Thirty-one unread emails from Mary were piling up. I could have blocked her, but no. I somehow derived pleasure...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsAfterword The Glencoe Concert and Chapter Title Songs from Book 3

I’ve put together web-links for the Glencoe High concert from Chapter 50, and all the chapter title songs included in this 3rd Book of The Energists series. I have not including a web-link to songs that I included in the ‘concert playlist’ for the Glencoe concert in the chapter list. If I used some special videos of a song to help with writing this story, I have include it in either the concert or chapter lists. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ I used in this book, such as: Lost in Love,...

3 years ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 19 The Windy City

Time: June 26, 8236 2:15 PM I was sitting in my spacious office at Karbala, mentally preparing for an unpleasant 2:30 meeting. I sat gazing westward out of large bay windows, admiring the beauty of the snow-covered rocky coast directly below while pondering the morality of the decision before me. The afternoon sun broke out and began shining brightly over the cold blue-gray waters of the South Atlantic. "Well, that's nice," I thought. "After six days of hiding, you finally decide to...

1 year ago
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Nothing I Can Do About It NowChapter 2

As I remember, to start with it was like all the other Fridays when I’d just returned from one of the regular foreign trips, that I had to make on behalf of my employers. Sweet-talking trips, that’s what they were really. The company liked to call them planning or liaison visits, but the whole point of the exercise was to keep our local agents happy and show them that we hadn’t forgotten about them, or their customers. Oh - and to chivvy the lazy buggers along a bit as well. These visits...

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A day at the hotel with my bestfriend Part 2

After she said that she stood up, “I’ll only be a minute, and I have a surprise for you.” She giggles and ran to the bedroom. I hear her unzip and open her suit case. My ears were on alert hearing everything she was doing while I look all around the room excited, and a little nervous. I heard her run back out and their she was standing there with a hand behind her back biting her lip. She looks so cute doing that. I looked at her and wondered what she was hiding. “Teagan what are you not...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Nelly Kent Romanian Babe Nelly Kent Fucking

Romanian hottie Nelly Kent is ready to have some fucking fun! This hot girl is not afraid to let you know the way it is and wants all your cocks to fuck all her holes! Nelly is one naughty girl and will put those cocks of yours to the test as she tells you just how to stroke them and just how she wants to fuck them! Tommy Gunn is ready to give this babe his all and she will deep throat that cock and beg for more once he starts pounding her in some hot and sweaty doggy before letting her loose...

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FamilySinners Lexi Foxy Stepson Seductions

Lexi tries on various pieces of lingeries while examining herself in the mirror. She is stunning, but she clear does not see herself this way. This is in part because her husband belittles her and keeps her at home for fear that she will cheat on him with someone who recognizes her true beauty. As it turns out, that person is his own son. Robbie finds Lexi on the couch, depressed after her husband said she looked trashy. Her step-son tells her that if his dad isn’t careful, he will lose...

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NaughtyBlog POV

If the thought of visiting a blog to beat off to POV videos sounds like a fucking terrible idea, I have news for you. Stop pretending to be a porn aficionado because, believe me, mother fucker, you’re not! The goddamn ThePornDude is, so cut that shit off! If I tell you a site is worth visiting, I fucking mean it!NaughtyBlog.org/POV is such a site. If you love POV content, you’re going to find some hot shit here. It’s going to give you a hard-on. That goes doubly for if you cannot get enough POV...

POV Porn Sites
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My mom and the surprise

I came home early to surprise my mom. The front door was unlocked so I let my self in. I did not see mom in the kitchen so I went upstairs to her room. I heard two women giggling and her bedroom door was open part way. My mom was standing naked in the room in front of her twin sister. She was now undressing her twin. I watched as she pulled the bra straps down and then lowered the cup of the bra covering her twins full tits. I was amazed at what nice round tits my aunt had. My mom then fingered...

2 years ago
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You Jackass

‘You jackass!’ She yelled from the back porch as I backed out of the garage headed for work. I waved as if I hadn’t heard her words and kept going. Donna was my wife of twenty years, standing on the back porch of our modest home at the edge of town. She was wearing a pair of ‘big girl’ panties and nothing else. Her double D or bigger breasts were exposed and looking great. I didn’t have to ask why she called me a jackass. I knew. I had given her a hickey. We had had sex the night before. She...

3 years ago
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Love Making With Girlfriend

Hello ISS Readers. A big “HI” to everyone. This is Chandu. I am not gonna bore you with my complexion, my width girth blah blah , as it is not gonna help with the ways in your orgasm may happen or u masturbate. It is left to the imagination of the readers to assume the sizes which give them the best feel ;-) This is my first story. So, please adjust with the mistakes i possibly might commit. This is not a suck,fuck, dick kinda story. It’s pretty long with all the explanation stuff and blah...

1 year ago
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Dons mistake chapter three

Dons mistake leads to fun:- chapter three….the gang bangAmber stood at the top of the stairs, the noise from downstairs sounded loud and excited. She new what was going to happen, only that morning she had signed a contract, a contract originated by her husband Don and her sexual abuser Ray.She signed to say she agreed to be complicit in further adventures, sexual adventures. She and Don had talked and thought long and hard before she had signed the contract, the original agreement with Ray...

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A White Dove

My brother Toby and me were also best friends. He was a year older, but we had played together since we could walk. I told him everything, everything but how I felt about other girls. It was the one secret I had never shared. I thought it might just be a phase I would grow out of, so I tried hard to put it out of my mind. I studied hard and went to church. Where incidentally, I listened to my dad preach about the evils of homosexuality. He would comment to Toby and me how ‘He was sure glad he...

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CHICAGO.TXT - by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation I had my first experience with a professional role play mistress this week. I was in Chicago on business, opened the weekly newspaper "The Reader" for the adult services section, and chose one of the advertisements. The price was $125 per hour or $225 for two hours, and the location was a fifteen minute cab ride from downtown, in a third floor private apartment above a retail business. A gorgeous late twenties woman named Mistress Rae met...

3 years ago
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Godless and Faithless Chapter 9

The Inimi, being outnumbered and attacked from all sides, retreated. Causalities were minimal; the leader of the Inimi army had executed a brilliant retreat leaving their goblin allies behind to distract the enemy while the rest escaped. Sucks to be a goblin. Kevia told Axel people would forget their deeds in time, and he wanted them to, but it jarred him to see it happen. The handsome guard at the gate who had seen them off didn’t even recognize them. All the attention shifted to another...

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Fun With Sexy Married Colleague

Disclaimer All credit to Jker original author. No Copyright Infringement is intended! story is pure fiction and bears no resemblance to anyone in real life. purely an erotic fantasy. Hello friends, hope you are all well and enjoying your life. Myself, little fat guy with somewhat good look, good dressing sense but little attractive. Without wasting time and spoiling your mood lets start the story. This is story of my being lucky to have fun with sexy married colleague. About my married...

2 years ago
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CommuneChapter 28

Bev and Liz ended up at the Benjamin house with Rich for the next two days looking up hospitals and medical facilities through the region that had been affected by the storm while Rich was busy on the phone making calls. It turned out that only three of the four hospitals that had contacted Rich had equipment that had been damaged. The fourth hospital was merely a matter of coincidence. However, that did not stop Rich from making additional sales with hospitals that had never before done...

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A Sissy and Four Brothers

A sissy and four brothers -What is it like? Mother is very strict about separating me from 'the boys' but they've never experienced a 'sister' in the house before so there seems to be a lot of snooping around. A few of my readers have asked me for some additional information about farm life and living as a sissy with four brothers, and I'll respond to the question about seeing Jack again. Jack's mother called me and told me that I'd done wonders about boosting his self-esteem and she...

2 years ago
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Her First Time

We decided it would be best to meet in a hotel so that everyone would feel most comfortable, but I think I was the only one nervous. As we waited for her to arrive, I changed out of my clothes and into the short low cut white silk slip negligee. I loved the way I felt in the negligee, it clung perfectly to my full large breasts and swept low enough, just below my round soft butt. I fixed my long blond hair in the mirror, pulling the sides up to expose more of my neck, I surveyed myself and I...

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MAU Slayers Series One Book One

MAU - Slayers - Series One - Book One By Erin C The following is the first story arc of the MAU - Slayers series. They have been combined and some parts have been rewritten or touched up. Nothing that alters the story in major ways has been changed though. The series is meant to be read on a story by story basis, but this is for those who prefer the long story format. I highly recommend reading Allen W's MAU - The Slayer series. While this is not a sequel to it, it is very much...

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Sexy Fairytale part 6

Kristen had been right, the pleasant weather seemed to have melted away, and she was quite sure that it was going to be cold enough to snow by the time the sun was completely down. Naked, she ran through the woods, trying to heat up her body. When she saw a light through the trees, she immediately went towards it, heedless of where it might lead to as long as she could be warm and inside.The wind picked up as she found herself standing in front of a huge castle, an iron gate swinging in the...

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Yin Yang Part 1 A MORFS Universe Story

Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval. Yin Yang - Part 1 By Britney McMaster Chapter 1 I opened my eyes and looked out the window and saw that we were still driving home through the snow. This was the worst part of the holiday season. Every year, Mom and Dad would pack all us kids into the van and then we'd travel for several hours through slow traffic and blowing...

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Lucky Friday

Hi ISS friends, this is jai….. With another story that happened longtime back….. It was a Friday, the end of the working day & as I was single at that time , the best thing I could find to entertain myself on Friday was go to a bar and have some beer. As I ordered the beer I saw a sexy gal, sitting opposite me. The beer hit my head after a hard work day and I got more relaxed and free-minded, so I just took my beer mug and approached her table. Without asking for a permission to take a seat, I...

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