Gloria, Barbara, Alice And Joe free porn video

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GLORIA, BARBARA, ALICE AND JOE By Betty Noone Mark Curry and his wife, Shirley, lay on their bed completely exhausted. After ten years of matrimony they just had the most intense sex in all that time. They were both dripping wet, laying on their backs, and holding hands. Reveling in the moment they confessed to each other their utter satisfaction. However, as good as they felt they were confused. Up to now, in all of their married life they enjoyed sex with each other, and even after ten years they coupled at least once, sometimes twice, a week. But it was straight vanilla...the missionary position each time. He never asked her for oral sex as Shirley made it quite clear when they were dating that that was something she would not do. Even thought they tried to make a baby, Shirley never conceived. They consulted doctors who found nothing wrong with either of them, and told them to just relax. What was different this time was that they reversed roles for the very first time, and each found it exciting. They had returned from a Halloween party and each went as the other's sex. Shirley dressed as a male and Mark a female. Not that either of them could ever pass. Shirley was 5'-4", quite petite, 115 pounds with a killer body, and very pretty. Mark was 5'10" weighing in at 190 was toned but not what one would call slim. At the party there were about 50 people in attendance, all in costume. There was one other male who came in drag, but he was so good that he could pass. For the first couple of hours of the party he was asked to dance quite often. Mark, looking outrageous in drag was left alone, and he and his wife danced with each other, and that was what they preferred, anyway. When the party was over and the Currys returned home they washed the make up off of their faces, and got dressed for bed. On a whim Shirley threw him an old nightgown that was tailored like a muu-muu and asked Mark to wear it tonight. It being late, and both being a bit tipsy, he didn't think to ask why, but merely put it on. It came to three inches above his knees as he was so much taller than his wife. When he entered the bed, his wife was already waiting for him and told him to lie on his back, that she would take over this night. And Mark became the passive partner, and Shirley the dominant one. To make him stiff she massaged his penus with baby oil, something she had never done in the past, and then when he was ready, she mounted him, riding him until they both climaxed. 'I really liked that," he said. "Me, too." "I wouldn't mind doing it again." "Me, too." It being quite late, they turned toward each other, she cradled his head in her chest and both fell asleep. The next morning, was a work day for each of them. Mark was assistant vice-president at a stock brokerage, also handling accounts, and made a very nice living. He was looking forward to a promotion to vice-president sometimes in the near future. He liked his job, and his bosses liked him and tagged him as a 'comer'. Shirley worked at an ad-agency as an executive assistant to the president of the company, was quite competent and appreciated by her boss. She was so pretty that often her boss had fantasies of getting into her panties, but realizing the risks to both his job and his marriage, was strictly hands-off and business-like when dealing with her. Working in the same down-town area, Mark and Shirley were sometimes able to meet for lunch. But because of the nature of the stock business, that was not too often and when it was it was a spur of the moment thing. Because her hours were regular, Shirley commuted to and from work by public transportation, while Mark took the car. At home, even though Shirley worked a full forty hours a week, Monday through Friday, the domestic chores also fell on her shoulders. Because Mark put in no less than fifty to sixty hours each week, Shirley never pressed Mark to help out at home. Shirley made the bed each morning, kept the rest of the house clean (although both of them being careful, it never got too messy) shopped and prepared the meals. After dinner Mark did bring the dishes to the kitchen, wiped them and put them away. This saved a good half hour of Shirley's time and they were able to spend it sitting next to each other on the sofa, reading the paper, a book, or watching TV. They loved each other and were happy with their lives. The evening after the party, when their chores were done and they were sitting on the sofa, holding hands, just gazing at the fire in the fireplace. Neither one was wanting to do anything but talk about the previous night. Shirley started out by saying, "Honey, I think we should experiment some more." "I agree. But I don't think I would know where to start." "Let me explore some places. The internet for example, and see what I can find." "Sounds good to me," he said. As everyone knows, women have different and more intense relationships with their best girl-friends, than men do with their men friends. Shirley arrange to meet her best friend for lunch the following day. Who else could a girl discuss this matter with, except for her best friend? They met at a casual lunch place, but one that would allow them to sit at the table and chat without the server becoming angry. Shirley's best friend, Gloria, was her friend since college days. She lived in the same community and they maintained their relationship with each other all of this time. When either one had a crisis, major or minor, they turned to each other for advice and solace. Shirley related to her dear friend the events after the party, and wanted to know if Gloria could advise her as to where to take it from here. Gloria said she would like to think about it and would call her at her office later in the day if she came up with anything. It was four PM before Shirley received a call from Gloria. Gloria outlined her thoughts and Shirley thought that what her friend said was a good first step. The next day, during lunch hour Shirley went shopping. Excited about the prospect of their next sexual encounter, Shirley wanted to be ready for her hubby. The next day which was Saturday, Mark and Shirley did their respective Saturday chores. He cut the grass, and after lunch they went shopping together to get food supplies for the coming week. Saturday dinner was always early and light as Sunday's would be a heavier meal. After dinner Mark took a nap. Afterwards they went to a movie not too far from their residence. During the day, each of them felt the sexual tension that was building. "Let's take it to the next step tonight. I made some plans," Shirley said. That night both of them were getting excited when they were undressing in their bedroom. Shirley handed Mark a box and said: "Don't say anything. Just put this on. Let's see what happens." Mark opens the box and takes out a yellow, knee length, nylon nightgown. He looks at Shirley and she smiles and nods her head as if to say 'yes'. Mark shrugs his shoulders and slips into the gown. It is obvious that it was purchased for him as it was his size. Shirley takes a little scissors and snips off the tags that were attached. "I feel a little silly in this," he said. "You don't look silly to me. Touch the material. Doesn't it feel nice against your body?" "Well, yes it does. And it feels so light, too." "Tonight you will be my woman, and I will be the man, just like the last time. It felt so good for us both that I want to see if it is still as good." "I have to confess that I haven't had such great sex in a long time. I am willing to try." With that, Mark got into bed first, and after turning off the bedroom lights, Shirley assumed the top position. Mark felt the sensation of the silky gown against his body, and when Shirley got on top of him, he was ready. The thought of the reverse position also got Shirley quite excited and her body responded and she was lubed and ready as well. She started out by kissing Mark very gently on his lips. Then harder, and finally she inserted her tongue into his mouth, which he accepted readily. Mark responded by placing his tongue into her mouth and Shirley said, "No, let me." She stopped kissing him and moved her head down to his nipples and began to suck on them, one side at a time. He had never had them sucked before and was surprised at how sensitive they were to her ministrations. After fifteen minutes of foreplay, she gently began to direct his penus into her, and she let her body down so that it can enter her fully. When he was inside of her they said at the same time, "Oh, yes!" At first Mark lay quiet as Shirley began to pump her body up and down, and shortly thereafter he responded and they were going in unison. Faster, faster and faster, until they both exploded at the same time. She collapsed on top of him, holding him close to her while both their bodies vibrated. They lay together like that for a good five minutes, while they cooled down. They just rested in the greatest ejaculation either of them ever had. In the meantime with Mark's penus still inside of her, it shrunk and she rolled off of him and lay by his side. She took Mark's head and cradled it in her chest, both of them just laying there, no words needed to be spoken. Mark was again cradled in Shirley's arms and they both fell asleep, exhausted. When Mark began to stir in the morning's light, Shirley entered their bedroom and seeing Mark open his eyes, said, "Morning, sleepyhead." "What time is it?" "Time to get up. Coffee is ready. Here, put this on and come downstairs." As Mark swung his legs over the bed, Shirley handed him a yellow nylon robe. It is obviously the mate to the peignoir set. It was longer than the gown. Mark accepted the robe without comment, tied the sash about his waist, put his feet into his houseslippers and after washing his face and brushing his teeth, went into the kitchen. Shirley was at the stove and seeing Mark enter, brought the coffee pot to the table and poured them each a cup of coffee. "I sort of feel silly in this," Mark exclaimed. "But, doesn't it feel good on you?" "Yes, but..." "Mark, I really would like to talk." "Huh?" "About the last couple of nights." "O.K. If you will pass me my orange juice, I will be ready." "Since I was a little girl I have been taught to be second to the man. Be quiet. Be demure. Be ladylike. I never was allowed to have any power. These last couple of nights gave me a new feeling. I like it. I like being in control. I like the power it gives me. Can you understand that?" Mark sipped on his orange juice and said nothing for several minutes. "Well?" Shirley asked. "What do you say?" "Give me a few minutes to think about what you just said. I have had some thoughts about this as well." Three minutes is a long time, when one is waiting. And it took three minutes for Mark to respond. "All week long I must be in control. Decisions, decisions, decisions. I have to be in charge of everything. I not only give the orders but have to see that they are carried out to my satisfaction. Since I have been an adult I have been either a manager or a boss. The responsibilities are always on my shoulders. The last couple of nights were the first time since I have been an adult that I was able to let it go. To just lay back, relax and enjoy. I had to think of nothing, had to do nothing but respond to you. It was a welcome relief from my everyday responsibilities." "Oh, Mark, I am so happy that you feel the same way about it as I do. We don't have to do it all of the time, but sometimes, I, you know, just want to take control." "I know I look silly wearing this outfit, but I have to confess I like it. I don't know, it just feels good having it on." "Then you agree to continue to explore this new avenue?" "Oh, yes. I haven't had such good sex in a long, long, time." "Then wait until the next time," she said. After breakfast they both went back to the bedroom, took a shower together for the first time in years, and hugged and kissed while the warm water came down from the shower head. They haven't been so loving with each other for a long time. Mark hung up his gown and robe in his closet, and got dressed. It being Sunday Mark put on a pair of jeans and tee shirt. Shirley also put on a pair of jeans and they resumed their normal Sunday activities. Sunday was a day when Shirley usually made a big dinner. Mark's only usual activity in the kitchen was setting the table and making the salad. This time Shirley invited Mark to help her prepare the meal and as she prepared the roast, kept a running dialogue of what she was doing so that Mark could learn what to do. Mark did not think it odd that he was being taught how to cook, as he was completely sated and was somehow willing to learn. The day went by quietly and after dinner Mark not only cleaned up the dining room by bringing in the dishes to the kitchen, but donned an apron and began to pre-wash the dishes before putting them into the dishwasher. Shirley did the pots and pans and put them away. Because they both were working at it, the time to complete this chore was cut in half. "I appreciate your helping me, Mark." "You're welcome, honey." They spent the rest of the evening watching some tv and by 10P.M. were ready for bed. Both Mark and Shirley were not ready to have sex that night, but neither of them wanted to be the first to say it. When Mark was undressing he began to put on his regular pajamas, and Shirley said. "Why don't you wear what feels so good on you?" "Should I?" "Of course you should. That's what I bought it for." And with that, Mark put his pajamas back in the dresser drawer and went to the closet and donned the nylon gown. As he did so, his body gave a little shiver of delight at how good it felt on him. With that he climbed into bed where Shirley was waiting for him, and they cuddled. Mark was so tired, and the cuddling felt so good, that he had no sexual reaction to the petting. The lights went out and in a few minutes, both were sound asleep, he again cradled in Shirley's arms. Monday morning, is a work day for them both. They both had to hustle to get dressed, fed and out of the house in time. And the rest of the week went by normally. Each night, Mark put on his gown and there was no mention of having sex all during the work week. Both came home too stressed and too tired. But each of them was looking forward to the weekend. On Wednesday, Shirley showed Mark how to wash and dry his gown and robe so that they stay fresh and pretty. He was instructed to wash it every other day. And he did so without complaint. By Saturday they both knew that they were going to have sex that night and throughout the day the tension began to mount. Either made any mention of it, but they could sense the excitement building in themselves, and felt the excitement building in their mate. When it finally came time to go upstairs to bed, Shirley said, "Do you mind if I continue to explore?" "No. I am looking forward to it." "Will you follow my instructions?" "Uh huh." Mark got into his nightgown and this time Shirley handed him a six pack package of cotton panties. "Slip into one of these," she said. When Mark saw what it was, his erection became so hard that it even began to hurt him. He couldn't understand it, but neither did he question it. He slipped his feet into the leg holes and drew the panties up to his waist. They were obviously sized for him and his erection was drawn against his stomach by the tightness of the panties, and he could feel its warmth. With that Shirley took an atomizer and spritzed some perfume on Mark, and after a moment, Mark could smell the perfume he was now wearing with every breath. He climbed into the bed, lay on his back as before, and Shirley got on top of him. This time Shirley was wearing cotton undershorts with a cotton top, She again spritzed him with perfume and told him that he should put it on himself the next time. "Are you going to be my bitch tonight?", she whispered to him. "What?" "I said, are you going to be my bitch tonight. Say 'yes'." "Yes." "Yes, what?" "I want to be your bitch tonight." "O.K. bitch. You are going to get it tonight." In all their years together Mark never heard Shirley use that kind of language, and was at first taken by surprise, but his reaction to it was positive, and he realized that this was part of her power play. He never, ever, referred to himself in any kind of feminine language and was a little surprised at himself when he agreed to be Shirley's bitch so easily. Shirley began to kiss and massage him but this time she was speaking to him constantly in a low voice, calling him 'bitch' and then after a bit, she began to call him "Alice," At first Mark didn't know what she was talking about but then he realized that he was being called by the name "Alice" and he responded by saying, "Yes. Yes. I'm Alice. I'm a bitch. Do me. Do me." The climax was as intense as before, and if possible even more so. They both were sweaty and after laying in each others' arms for fifteen minutes, they had to get up and shower and change clothes. Mark was surprised when he went to his closet that there were two more sets of robes and gowns hanging there. He knew that they were for him and he took one off the hangar, and slipped it on. They were of different colors and styles. By now Mark was accustomed to wearing them and felt very comfortable while so dressed. And when Mark climbed back into the bed, Shirley was waiting for him and again took him in her arms and cuddled him like a baby. He liked it, and with the tension out of them both, they soon fell asleep, in each others' arms. When Mark awoke the next morning, he was surprised to see a pair of lady's slippers at the side of his bed. They were slip-ons with a 2" heel and open toe. They were obviously for him as they were a size 12 and his wife took a size 7. When he got ready to go downstairs he slipped his feet in the slippers, put on the matching robe and went to the kitchen where his wife was waiting for him. "What's with the 'Alice' bit?" he asked. "You didn't say if you liked the slippers I got for you." "I knew they were for me because of their size. I didn't buy them, so I knew that you had to." "But do you like them?" "Yeah. They sort of go with the rest of the outfit. You were calling me 'Alice' last night. What's that about?" "Just taking it down the road a little, honey. Did it offend you?" "Not really. But it did take me by surprise." "When we are playing, I would like for you to call me 'Joe'." "Joe?" "Yes. Joe is a good and manly name. It will give me more power if I am Joe." "O.K. Joe. How about Joe pouring me a cup of coffee?" "Coming right up, Alice." After breakfast, they both went upstairs and got dressed in their normal clothes. It being Sunday, Mark went to the den to read the paper and Shirley went into the kitchen and called her friend Gloria and discussed the events that happened since the last time they talked. Gloria said that she sure would like to see Mark in his gown, and Shirley cautioned her by telling her that Gloria visiting was not going to happen. Shirley said she would continue to discuss the events with her friend as they occurred but that seeing Mark dressed femininely is out of the question Gloria asked what Shirley was planning next, and she responded by saying she would tell her next week after it happened. With Mark now having three sets of robes and gowns, and at Shirley's suggestion, he began to wear them to bed each night, even when having sex was not on the menu. He also gave himself a perfume spritz just before he climbed into bed. He liked the smell of the perfume, and was confident that the morning shower would wash away all traces of the aroma. But he now became accustomed to sleeping in the gown, and wearing perfume each night. Shirley bought herself three sets of boxer shorts and tee shirts in her size and began to wear them to bed instead of the nightgowns she previously wore. They discussed the events, and the progression of their activities in bed. Mark agreed to allow Shirley to take the lead and he would submit. She loved being in power, and it was restful that for one or two days a week, on the week-end he became submissive and had no decisions to make. Especially on Sunday Mark would now be in the kitchen helping Shirley prepare and cook the Sunday dinner. While doing so, Shirley took pains to explain to Mark every step of the meal preparation, and told him that at some point, soon, he would make the dinner by himself. Mark did not object and tried to learn every step of the way. He soon was adept at handling the cutlery and was slicing and dicing as good as any chef. He followed the recipes faithfully, and within a few weeks was ready to make the meal by himself. On the Sunday that he was going to be the meal preparer. Shirley asked him to stay dressed in his nightgown, and to wear the slippers while making dinner. When in the role as a submissive, Mark accepted all of Shirley's suggestions without any argument. He not only cooked a nice beef roast, he made oven-browned potatoes, asparagus with hollandaise sauce and a nice dinner salad. He baked a chocolate cake with frosted icing for dessert. All the time Mark was in the kitchen, Shirley was in the den wearing slacks and a tee shirt, reading the Sunday paper and watching the football game. Mark set the table, lit some candles, and opened the wine. He called Shirley to the dining room and proudly showed her what he had done. And Shirley was impressed. For a guy who never had any interest in cooking or baking, he set the table properly, the meal was delicious and the dessert divine. Shirley helped Mark clean the table after dinner, and Mark washed the dishes and pots, Shirley going back to the den to continue watching TV. Mark knew what he was doing, but did not realize that they had this day completely switched gender roles. He was still in his gown and slippers when he finished cleaning up the kitchen and joined his wife in the den. They sat together, holding hands, and both were contented. The following morning, all was back to 'normal'. He dressed for work as did she. She served breakfast and they were both soon out of the house on the way to their respective jobs. At lunch that day, Shirley called Gloria and filled her in as to what transpired the day before. Gloria was amazed at how quickly Mark was taking to the subservient role. And Shirley stated how strong it made her feel to be the one in charge. She said she liked it. Liked it a lot. During the week Shirley went shopping on the internet. So that her purchases would arrive in time for this coming Saturday, she paid extra for express shipping. She had the deliveries sent to her office so she could control bringing them into the house so that Mark would not be aware of them before the appointed time. On Saturday morning while at breakfast, Shirley asked Mark if he was ready for the next step. "I don't think I can take much more that I already have," he said. "Trust me. I think we will both enjoy it." "So far, I have no complaints." That night, Joe and Alice came out of the closet and sex was as intense as it has ever been. In the morning, Shirley said to Mark: "Alice. I want you to wear this today." And she handed him a box that she had shopped for. He looked surprised, and when he opened the box there was a house-dress. It had a sweetheart collar, was in a light cotton material, and had a pattern that was white with light blue stripes. The front was closed with snaps. Mark looked at her with a puzzled expression, and was about to say something, when Shirley jumped in, saying, "I would like you to be Alice all day today. We have nothing planned. Please wear it. I also got some shoes and hose to go with it." "But I will look silly wearing this." "You will find it so relaxing. This will only extend your time away from responsibilities. You know you need a rest from them. Try them, please." And in his submissive role, he took off his gown and hung it up. He put on a fresh pair of panties, then Shirley showed him how to put the thigh-high nylons on without snagging them, and he slipped on the house dress, fumbling with the snaps, as men's clothes do not ordinarily come with snaps. He finally got the snaps closed, and was handed a pair of lady's shoes, size 12 with a two inch heel. They were made of navy blue leather and were oxfords with a strap across the vamp. Shirley got down on her knees and fastened the straps on the shoes. She then handed Mark a white turban for his head which completely covered his hair and ears. It softened his face. She took him by the hand and led him to the full length mirror in the dressing room, and told him how nice he looked. "I don't look like a girl," he exclaimed. "No, you don't. You never will. You are too big. Your hands are too big. Your feet are too big, and you don't have any features that anyone can call feminine. But, tell me, doesn't it feel good to wear it anyway?" She paused for a second, and then added, "Alice?" "Well I have to confess, that I don't find it bad. It sort of feels good. And I don't know why?" "What difference does that make? Go with the flow. I am going to be Joe all day today, and you are going to be Alice. It makes us both feel good, and what's so bad about feeling good? By the way, while we're up here, take your razor and shave your legs. Hair peeking out from your stockings are unsightly. Be careful when you take your stockings off that you don't turn them inside out." Alice went into the shower with razor in hand, and shaved his legs all the way up to his torso. Joe went back into the kitchen. While Alice did not get an erection when he put on the house dress, hose and shoes, the act of shaving his legs excited him. He then did something that he had not done since he was married. His penus was hard, and he lathered it and began to masturbate while in the shower. It took only a few minutes of rubbing for him to ejaculate, and was surprised that for all his excitement, the results were less than satisfactory. "I won't do that again," he thought to himself. Having sex, even turnabout sex with your wife was the ultimate release. He dried himself and applied the body lotion to his shaven legs that Joe had handed him. He was amazed at how smooth and glossy his legs now looked. He went back into the bedroom, sat on the bed and re-dressed. When he drew the nylons up over his legs this time, he felt the thrill of how nice they felt as they were pulled in place. After he re-dressed himself, he looked at himself in the mirror, particularly his legs, and nodded in satisfaction. Monday evening, when Mark came home from work, Alice was already home and in the kitchen. He called out that he was home and she said, "I'm in the kitchen." When Mark entered the kitchen he stopped short and exclaimed, "What did you do to your hair?" "Do you like it? I love it," she responded. Alice's hair was always kept short, falling just at her shoulders, and was styled to look nice, but did not take a lot of grooming. She had gone to the salon and had her hair cut. It was cut close to the sides of her head, and the back was tapered against her neck in the manner of a man's haircut. The top of her head had about an inch and a half of hair, and covered the top of her head in soft spikes. It looked butch, but on her small head it was sort of cute. She thought so anyway. "I loved your hair." "Not only did I have my hair done, but I stopped off at the department store and went to the boy's department and bought myself a new wardrobe. For the first time, Mark let his gaze fall from Alice's head and began to see what she had on. She wore a woolen plaid shirt that was roomy on her, so that the outline of her breasts was not apparent, pants with a front zipper, cotton sweat sox, and boy's brogans. She gave a little twirl for Mark and said, "This is the new me. I decided that you are not the only one who is going to change. Not only that Mark, I bought boxer shorts, and men's pajamas and that is what I am going to wear when I am at home. Yes, I bought a whole new wardrobe. Get used to this, Mark, this is what Joe looks like from now on." "It's just that you took me by surprise, honey. I loved the way you looked." "You will learn to love this, too," she replied. Mark walked over to where she was standing, took her in his arms and hugged her. Shirley responded by hugging him back, and understood that her new look was now accepted by Mark. They had their dinner, and afterwards, Alice sat in the den, kicked off her brogans, and said to Mark, "Why don't you go upstairs, and put on something more comfortable?" This was the first time that their role-playing was outside of the weekends. Mark went upstairs, and shortly came down wearing his gown, robe and slippers, and they sat together watching TV and discussing the day's activities. She was excited to tell Alice how she shopped and what she bought. She was anxious to show him all of her new clothes when they returned to the bedroom. It was unspoken, but they both knew that tonight there was going to be sex. Up until now it only happened on weekends, but the events of the day became too exciting for them both. They both felt the tension building as the evening wore on. It was soon time to get to bed, and both of them were ready. When they got to the bedroom, Joe showed Alice all she had bought, and then stripped out of her new boy's clothes and hung them up in the closet. Alice was surprised to see that Joe was not wearing a bra or makeup. He didn't notice that when they were downstairs. Joe donned her long-legged pajamas, and being boys had a fly front. Alice was already dressed in his gown, and only had to slip out of the slippers and take off his stockings. He sprayed himself with perfume and got into the bed, lying on his back, waiting for Joe to take control. "Are you my bitch?" "Yes, I am your bitch." "What is your name, bitch?" "Alice." "Are you ready for Joe, Alice?" "Oh, yes. Yes." Joe was getting used to taking control, and with each time she was more forceful both in actions and in words. And Alice responded in kind. And the explosion was as good as it ever was. Afterwards, they lay in bed resting in the moment, Mark said, "You know, since we have started this I have found that I am more in control at work. I think I am doing a better job than before. I am not as sharp with my employees as before and it seems that they are responding by putting forth more effort. I think this activity is making me a better person." "Oh, I am so happy to hear that. You really need to get away from your everyday work life. I think that what we are doing is really, really good for both of us." "Me too." It wasn't too long that Joe took Alice in her arms, and they both soon fell asleep. In the morning, it was business as usual, Alice reverted back to Mark, Joe again became Shirley, although more of a 'butch' Shirley. She did not wear her new clothes to her job, but as usual, a dress, hose and heels. This, with makeup, softened her appearance. While her hairstyle was certainly different than before, she still appeared feminine. Most of her fellow employees commented on how 'cute' she looked. Shirley thought, "If they only knew," She had lunch with her friend Gloria, and they made plans for the four of them to go out the coming Saturday. They have been best friends, and the husbands were friendly, too. But since the experiments, they haven't gotten together in quite awhile and Gloria pressed the issue, and the date was made. When Gloria saw Shirley's new look, she loved it. She told Shirley that she could pass as a teen-age boy. Shirley then said, "You should see my new outfits." And she described her new wardrobe. The waiter came, and they ordered wine and began to read the menu. Gloria reached for her purse and took out an envelope and handed it to Shirley. Shirley opened it and took out a snapshot of a lovely woman, dressed in a knee-length pencil skirt, and also wearing a sleeveless shell top. Her hair cascaded down past her shouders and was brought to the front of her chest. The woman was sitting on a kitchen counter stool, holding a martini glass as if in salute, and was smiling graciously. It was obvious that this photo was taken in Gloria's kitchen. "She's quite attractive. Who is she?" "That's my Bill." "What?" "Yes. That's my Bill all right. Before we were married he told me that he liked to wear women's clothes from time to time. I had him dress for me once, and it was nothing special. He told me he would indulge his hobby only when I would not be home so that there would be no conflict. I was young, and in love with him and so, I agreed to it. But, about six months ago his firm offered him the opportunity to work from home full time. He only has to go into the office once a month now. He began to dress as soon as I left for work and stayed en femme until I was due to come home and he changed back. One day I came home early and found him completely dressed. He didn't seem to be taken aback, and I was so surprised that all I did was to tell him that I thought he looked 'nice,: Well, from that time on he is now dressed as a female 24/7. The only time he dresses as a male is when he has to go to the office or if we have a date with friends. "But I wouldn't have guessed that this was not a real female. He looks so natural." "Oh, yes. He goes out dressed, does the shopping, the cooking and all of the housework now. I don't have to do a thing." "But, how are you handling this?" "It has its good points and its bad points. Barbara, he wants to be called Barbara now, is really very sweet and gentle. He has his male parts and his sex drive intact, and to be honest, it is even stronger than before. But I find it difficult to have sex with a person who looks, acts and smells like a woman. I often have to close my eyes when we are having sex so that I can pretend it is the old Bill, or else I would feel I was in a lesbian relationship." "You said that when you first saw him, he didn't look so good. What happened?" "Well, he invested in four expensive items which made the difference. First, he found a beauty salon that catered to people like him. I think he said that the owner's son is 'that way' and also works at the salon. He got a complete makeover. He also invested in a really good wig. Then he took voice lessons. I don't know how he did it, but he forced his voice in a higher register and if you heard him as Barbara, particularly now that he has learned how to speak in a feminine manner, you would not know that it was a male. He can use his male voice when he has to, but I think it has now become second nature for him to use this higher register. "This all sounds like a lot of money." "It was. But he showed me that we no longer needed the cleaning service that came twice a month, and that with the money we saved, he would like to use for himself." "You mentioned four things, but you only told me about three." "This is the kicker. It cost a ton of money, but he has falsies that glue to his chest, that when he feathers the edges with makeup you cannot tell that they are not real. They are prettier than mine, and I always thought I looked pretty good. But, listen to this. He has special rubbery panties that are the same color of his skin. He inserts his penus in a hole which then goes between his legs. There is a false vagina in front that can even take a penus. Whenever he is dressed he wears them. You would need to give him a physical examination to determine that this was not a real vagina." "Oh, my God! I never heard about these things. So, you didn't get to finish. How are you handling this? What are you going to do?" "I weighed the pros and cons. He is my husband, but he doesn't look like my husband, or anybody's husband for that matter. He is happy being what he is. He sings, he hums. I have no responsibilities in the house. He cooks, cleans and takes care of me. He is a good provider and without him I would not have it so good. I love him. I would lie to love him as the old Bill, but apparently that is not to be. He is sweet, gentle and loving. I don't know what the future will bring, but for now, I intend to stay." "I can see why you have been so interested in what is happening at my house. But it is different. I am the one pushing it, not Mark." The waiter came by and they gave their orders, and they both knew that this was going to be a long lunch, so they each ordered another glass of wine. Gloria said, "I would like to suggest that on Saturdays, it should be Mark's day for house cleaning. He must be introduced to those chores that are traditionally female." "And?" "Prod him gently. Do not be bossy. Show him how to clean the toilets, then have him do it. Show him how to properly run the vacuum cleaner. In the beginning he won't do it to your complete satisfaction, but praise him. Praise him every step of the way. Let him develop pride in seeing that the kitchen floor is sparkling. The first time have him call you to inspect his work at each step. Tell him what a good job he is doing. If it isn't good, re-do it yourself, explaining to him how he should do it in the future. You must teach him how to rinse out both of your personal things. How to run the washer and dryer. Within a week or two he will be able to do all of these things without any further supervision from you. But never be critical. Praise him. Praise him a lot. He will learn to be proud of his work and he will find that he wants to please you even more." "Wow! I hadn't thought about him taking over the house. He has started to do some cooking on the weekends and some of the meals are O.K. and some are not." "Bring him a present. Buy it today. Go to the bookstore after lunch and get him a cookbook of his very own. Have it wrapped as a gift and make a big deal about it when he give it to him. Tell him you would like to have him plan the meals, and that if he gives you the list of groceries he will need, you will bring them home with you when you come from work." "Should he do the cooking? The entire week? "Of course. You will find it nice coming home to dinner without you having to cook it.: "I could do that. Getting back to Bill, or Barbara. I would really like to see him. Do you think he would mind?" "Up to now he has resisted seeing any of his friends when 'dressed'. But if you will let me tell him what is happening in your house, I may convince him to let you come." "Please try." By this time they finished their lunch, hugged each other good-by and Shirley went off to find a bookstore. That evening, Gloria phoned Shirley and invited her to come over. When Shirley asked, "When?" Gloria told her to come now. Shirley told Mark that she was going over to Gloria's house and shouldn't be long. Shirley was dressed in her plaid cotton shirt, man-tailored jeans and boy's shoes when she rang the bell to her friend's house. She also wore a boy's cap as the weather turning nippy in the evening and without her long hair she needed some warmth on her head. The door opened and Barbara greeted her warmly, asking her to come in. Barbara was dressed in a knee length shift, hose and three inch stilettos. His hair was combed as it was in the photo. He was perfectly made up. When he greeted Shirley, there was no trace of any masculinity in his voice. "My, you really are pretty," Shirley excaimed. "Oh, thank you. You know you are the very first of all of our friends and family that I have allowed to see the new me. I have no trouble with strangers, and as you can see, I pass very well, but I am still shy about what friends and family will say. By the way, if you are trying to look manly, it's not working. You are too cute, even the way you cut your hair and are now dressed." "I don't suppose I have to tell you that it is not about how you look, but, about how you feel." "You are so right. Until recently I didn't look like this at all. And it frustrated me. But now when I look in the mirror, I am pleased. No- one who has seen me has ever taken me but for what I appear to be." By this time Gloria came up to the front door, hugged her friend in greeting and they went to the family room where they all took seats facing one another. Shirley noticed how graceful Barbara walked, and how feminine he was when he sat down and crossed his legs. Shirley gazed at him, noticed his watch, rings ,bracelets and necklace. She particularly noticed the drop earrings in his pierced ears. He looked lovely. The picture of femininity. And Shirley told him so. They discussed the situation at Shirley's house and where to go from here. While they were talking, Barbara got up, retrieved a small cloth tote bag, and took out his crocheting work. While they were conversing, Barbara worked his pattern, which appeared to be a sweater. After an hour Shirley said she had to get back home, and commented on what a delight it was to meet Barbara. What surprised Shirley was that she meant it. When Shirley came home she gave Mark his present of a cookbook. She told him that starting the following week he would be responsible for planning and preparing the meals. Mark seemed pleased with the gift and for the rest of the evening while Shirley watched TV, he was going through the book. He even brought pen and a pad of paper to take notes. Shirley realized that this was something that mark would have no problem with. At breakfast Saturday morning, Alice was already in the kitchen making breakfast when Joe entered. He had on his house dress, stockings and shoes with the two inch heel. On his head he wore the turban. Joe heard Alice humming as she entered the kitchen. Alice served Joe her breakfast and they sat and ate together. It now seemed natural that Joe is Joe and Alice is Alice, especially on week-ends. While eating breakfast Joe told Alice that from here on it would be Alice's responsibility to clean the house on Saturdays. She followed her friend's advice and was very gentle in how she framed her sentences. She took Alice to the bathroom and demonstrated how the toilets needed to be cleaned. And how the tile floor had to be washed and dis- infected. After demonstrating, she told Alice to complete the job and to call her when he was finished. He did call her, and again, following Gloria's advice praise Alice highly. And Joe could see Alice begin to take pride in doing a job well done. With every chore, the same positive reinforcement was given to Alice. It took about three and one half hours for the entire house to be cleaned. Joe told Alice that in the future it should only take a couple of hours, maybe a little more, as there would be no need for instruction nor inspections. Certainly by the second time any flaws in his work would be corrected. When the chores were finished, Joe had lunch ready and when ate, Joe commented, "Isn't it nice to have the house nice and clean?" "Yes. I cannot understand why women are always complaining about doing housework. It isn't that big a deal." And Joe thought to herself, "Gotcha. You are mine!" After lunch, Alice took a shower and put on his gown, robe, slippers and turban, which he found to be quite comfortable to wear. When he came downstairs, Joe was waiting for him and said, "We are going to have to get you some more clothes. You can't spend the whole day in your nightgown. Let's go on the computer and see what is out there." As we all know by now, purchasing clothes on-line has become one of the cross-dresser's best friend. With large size availability, free shiipping, and a liberal return policy, having to go into women's stores to shop, pretending to purchase items for your 'sister' was no longer necessary. Alice, when hearing that Joe wanted to by hm more clothes, realized that he indeed had too limited a wardrobe, even if it was only going to be for the weekends. Pretending to put out his last vestige of masculinity, Alice protested feebly. "Just how far are we going to take this?" he said. "I don't have any plans. Why don't we just let things unfold?" Sitting at the computer with Alice by her side, the first web site that Joe went to was Paula Young for wigs. They went through the entire on- line catalogue and after some discussion selected a medium-length wig, approximating the same color of Mark's natural hair. Joe also ordered a plastic foam head to store the wig when not in use. Some shampoo and conditioner completed the purchase. The wig itself was only $39.95 so the entire package was reasonable. Joe opted to pay a little extra for express shipping and did so with all the subsequent purchases as well. Joe then Googled, "ladies shoes, large sizes," and a whole list of vendors came on the screen. They spent some time going into the various web sites and Joe selected a pair of black patent leather pumps with a three inch heel. Size twelve. "You are going to love heels," Joe said. Alice just nodded his head. She found another site that had boots on sale. There was a pair of leather boots with a 2 1/2" stack heel on sale at what seemed a reasonable price. "You have to have these boots," and proceeded to the checkout process to make the purchase. Joe really seemed excited about buying all these items for her husband. The final tally included skirts, dresses, sweaters, some bras and panties. Alice did not object to purchasing any of these items until it came to ordering the bra. "Why do I need a bra?" "Your clothes won't fit properly unless you have breasts." "But I am flat upstairs." "That's what tissues are for, silly. We will fill the bra with a couple of tissues and fill them out. As long as you are going to be 'Alice' you want to look as nice as you can be, don' you?" "I guess so," he conceded. Joe thought about buying makeup but felt that going to the drug store and inspecting the various items would be much better. She also felt that ordering makeup for Alice at this time might be over-kill...and she didn't want to do that. "Take things slowly," she thought to herself. "One step at a time." Because all of the purchases were specified express shipments, packages began arriving at the Curry household within a few days. Alice developed the habit of changing into his gown and robe after dinner, even during the week days. Joe purchased a cotton men's robe for herself at the department store, although it was purchased in the boy's department because of her small size. They soon found it normal to see one another dressed this way and both seemed comfortable with it. There was a time or two when while lounging in the evening, the front doorbell rang and Alice ran up the stairs to the second floor in a panic. In both cases it was some kid selling raffle tickets or something, but it did give Alice a fright. That Wednesday, while on her lunch hour, Shirley went to the drug store and with care selected a variety of cosmetics. This was going to be the next step for Alice. The following Saturday after breakfast, they opened all of the packages that had been delivered during the week. Alice had to try each garment on to check the fit. Because Joe was an experienced shopper, all of the items fit, and nothing had to be returned. They were hung up in the closet or placed in the dresser drawers. Alice was particularly taken with the boots as they felt different than the shoes. Joe suggested to Alice what to wear for the balance of the day, and snipped off the tags. Alice donned a knee-length pleated tartan skirt, with a white short sleeved blouse. He was shown how to hook up the bra, and it took stuffing each cup with three tissues before Joe was satisfied with the result. He donned the three inch pumps and found that when standing they made his ankles wobble. Joe told him that he soon would get used to them. Joe then shook out the wig and placed it on Alice's head. She brushed it until she was satisfied with the styling. It made a big difference in Alice' appearance. But it still looked like a tall man weariing a wig and women's clothes. "I bought you something that is going to help," Joe told him. Joe took Alice by the hand and led him to the bathroom where on the vanity were placed a variety of cosmetics. She had Alice sit in a chair, and Joe began to apply the cosmetics to his face. By this time Alice meekly submitted to what Joe directed him to do. He watched and listened as Joe applied the cosmetics. He was told what she was doing, how to apply it, and why it was necessary. It took about an hour before Joe finished working on him, and they both agreed that there now was a big difference in his appearance. It was true that he would not pass as a woman, but he certainly looked more feminine now that he ever did before. Afterwards they went downstairs together, holding hands all of the time. When Alice went into the kitchen to get them both a cup of coffee, Joe secretly snapped a picture of him with her phone and sent it on to Gloria with a text message, "Lunch Monday?" Within ten minutes a text came back. "You bet." This being Saturday Alice set about cleaning house. He changed out of his nes skirt and top and put on his house dress. He kept on the stilettos but after an hour complained to Joe that they hurt his calves. "If you sit down and rub them for a few minutes the muscles will relax. It will take a little time for your legs to get used to the heels. Just continue to wear them, honey." Alice continued doing the chores, he no longer had to call Joe to inspect, but every half hour or so, he had to sit to rub the back of his legs until the hurting stopped. On Monday, Alice and Gloria met for lunch at their usual place. "I can't believe how far you pushed Mark since we last saw each other." "It just seems to be going at its own pace. Somehow it seems to be getting there faster than I thought it would." "I showed Alice's picture to Barbara and he said he would be willing to meet with Alice. He thinks he can help him a lot." "I am not sure if Alice is ready to go out dressed, even to your house. He doesn't think anyone knows." "I don't mean for him to dress. I want him to come as Mark, but I want him to meet Barbara. I am really surprised that Barbara is willing to meet Mark as he hasn't been willing to have anyone who knows him see him as he now is." "Let me have that picture of Barbara that you showed me the last time. I will show it to Mark and see what his reaction is." With that, Gloria reached into her purse and took out the envelope and handed it to Shirley. At 4 P.M. Shirley received a text message from Mark, saying that he was running late and would she mind making dinner? She texted back that she would, and asked what time he expected to get home. He replied 'no later than 7:30'. It was 7u:15 when Mark came in the front door, went into the kitchen to greet his wife, and they hugged, 'hello'. She was in the middle of grilling lamb chops with mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts. The table was already set. She told Mark to wash up and come down to dinner as it was ready. She was surprised when he entered the dining room dressed in his nightgown and robe, but also wearing his new high-heeled boots. As usual when Shirley came home from work she also changed to her boy things, so she was dressed in shirt and pants with brogans on her feet. Alice didn't notice it but Joe began to use eyebrow pencil to thicken the appearance of her eyebrows. She also stopped plucking them and they soon would become thicker looking. After dinner, Alice helped cleaning up in the kitchen. Joe did notice that when Alice now sat down he swept his hand behind him to smooth out the skirt. A typical feminine gesture. Later when they both got comfy in the living room, Joe handed Alice the envelope that she got from Gloria, saying, "Look at this." Alice opened the envelope, took out the picture, gazed at it and said, "She's cute. Who is she?" "Are you ready for this? It is going to be a shock" "Tell me already." "It's Bill." "Bill who?" "Gloria's Bill." "Are you kiddiing me?" "No. I'm not. Look closely and you will recognize him." "Oh, my God! You're right. How did you get this picture?" With that Joe told Alice the whole story as she knew it. She also said that Barbara would be willing to have them over to visit as soon as they would like. "No. No. No. I cannot go out like this. This is just between us," Alice said. "You misunderstand. You are to come as Mark. This will be the first time Barbara is willing to meet with someone who knows him as Bill," Joe fibbed. "He constantly goes out as Barbara but only with people who don't know him. It might be good for you, good for us both, if you would meet with Barbara. He is dressed this way almost all of the time now and I would like to meet him, too," she lied. "I have never seen a man look so like a woman before. I think I would find it interesting. But you have to make the call, and you have to promise that nothing would be said about goes on in our house." "You have my word," she fibbed. Joe went to the phone and called Gloria. It was arranged for them to come over the day after, on Wednesday. An invitation to come for dinner was extended and Alice said he was sure that he could leave the office in time. The next day Gloria and Shirley spoke on the phone for over an hour planning the meeting between the two boys. As he promised, Mark came home from work early, went upstairs, hung up his suit, took a shower, and re-dressed casually in slacks and a tee shirt. Out of habit he reached for the perfume atomizer and caught himself in time, realizing that tonight was not a good night to be wearing Chanel #5. He came downstairs, found his wife dressed as Joe, even though he thought she looked cute, was surprised that she was going as Joe. Not realizing how submissive he was becoming, it did not occur to him to make a comment about it, but he did tell her that she looked nice. They arrived at the house at the appointed time of 6:30. Gloria opened the door to let them in. Hugs and air kisses were given each other in greeting and Gloria led them into the kitchen where Barbara was busy preparing dinner. He was wearing a calf-length straight skirt with a belted blouse. He was fully made up. His hair was down in front of his shoulders as it was in the photo. He was also wearing a white, lacy hostess apron. He greeted Joe and then walked over to Mark, saying, "Surprised?" "You look fabulous, Bill." "Please call me Barbara." "I mean, Barbara. And your voice. How do you do your voice?" "We'll talk after dinner I will tell you as much as I can. In the meantime, dinner is just about ready. Gloria, dear, will you seat our guests, and open the wine, please?" Everyone except Barbara was seated at the dining room table, making idle conversation, when Barbara began serving dinner. The dinner was delicious. It could have been prepared by a professional chef. Barbara beamed with delight when everyone told him how delicious the food was. Barbara was watching his weight so he did not prepare a baked dessert, instead he brought a tray of fresh fruit for all to enjoy. Afterwards when the conversation about the table began to dwindle, Barbara said, "Girls, why don't you two go into the living room and chat, while Maark helps me clean the table while I do the dishes. In the meantime, we can talk to each other as well." With that, the girls got up and left the room. Mark sat in his chair until Barbara prompted him to bring in the dishes to the kitchen. When Mark finished bringing in the last of the dirty dishes, he said, "Are you on hormones, or something?" "Oh, no. What you see is me. I have all of my male equipment and it works quite well, thank you. But I love being female and doing female things." "You were going to tell me how you got your voice to change. Was it surgery?" "No. Surgery is still experimental, and there still times when I have to speak in my male voice. But there are voice coaches that will get the job done. Don't you agree that I sound completely feminine?" "Absolutely. If you answer the phone and the call is for Bill, what do you do then?" "I tell the caller that Bill is not in, but that I can reach him and he will call them back shortly. It works every time." And with that Barbara began to tell him the story from the beginning. How he always loved to wear women's clothing, and that when the opportunity came to work at home it was his opening to go full time. He repeated the story about his purchases and makeover that Gloria previously related to Shirley, and Mark listened with interest. He also told Mark about his special V-panties that simulated a vagina while hiding his penus and testicles. He revealed that when wearing it he had to sit to pee. Also how his breasts would seem real except on a careful examination. "Would you like to see my vagina? I'm wearing my special panties now." "No. Thank you anyway." "Don't be silly. It's nothing you haven't seen before." With that Barbara reached out and took Mark by the hand and led him to an upstairs bedroom. He lifted his skirt and his V-panties were on display. He was not wearing regular panties over them. "Would you like to touch it? It is quite natural looking, don't you think?" "I don't think so," Mark replied. Barbara realized that Mark was not ready to declare himself and pretended that he wasn't aware of what was going on at Mark and Alice's house. He was clued in about it by Gloria, however. They went back downstairs and joined the ladies spending another forty minutes chatting. Barbara brought his crocheting bag and while they were chatting, continued to work on his pattern. "I find crocheting so relaxing," Barbara said to no-one in particular. It was soon time to leave. Mark and Shirley said their good-by's at the door. Mark kissed Gloria on the cheek and before he could stop himself found himself kissing Barbara as well. It gave him a funny feeling when he realized what he had done, but it quickly passed. They were soon on their way home. On the short drive back to their house they talked about Barbara. Shirley decided to take a chance and said, "You know. I think Barbara would be willing to help you if you would let him." "I find it difficult to refer to Barbara as 'him'. There is nothing about him that is a him. Why don't we call him a 'her'? "Well I understand that he has all of his male parts and that they work very well. He gets called 'her' and 'she' when she is out of the house, but at home he is called in the masculine gender." "Its just that it gets so confusing. I can't think of her, I mean him, that way. I sort of even forgot what he used to look like. Come to think about it, I didn't see any pictures of Bill anywhere in the house." "Getting back to what I started to say," Shirley pressed, " I think he would help you if you would let him." "Let me think about it. This is all coming too fast for me right now." When they got home they both were tired from both their work day and the events of the evening, and they went right to bed. Without giving it a thought, Alice put on his nightgown, and gave himself a spritz of perfume, and with that, climbed into bed. Joe put on her boy's jammies and while they were both mildly excited about seeing Barbara, they were both so tired they soon fell asleep, with Alice cradled in Joe's arms. The rest of the week was uneventful. Saturday came and Alice performed his house cleaning chores. He gave Joe a grocery shopping list and Joe left to get the supplies. It was Sunday night, while they were both relaxing and watching TV, when the phone rang and Joe got up to answer it. "It's for you" she said, handing him the phone. "Hello?" "It's Barbara, Mark. How are you doing?" "Oh. Yeah. I'm O.K. What's up?" "Do you think you could make time to have lunch with me this week?" "Uh. I don't know, Barbara. I don't think that's a good idea." "What if I come as Bill?" "Yeah. That would be better." "What day would be good for you?" They decided on a date and place the following Friday, which was always a slower day at Mark's office. When they met, Bill appeared as Bill, and was quite a handsome man. Mark was already seated at the table when Bill came in, and Mark watched him as he approached the table, wondering just how Bill was able to change his appearance so drastically, as there didn't appear to be anything feminine about him. "You know, I don't do this for everyone," he told Mark as he sat down, speaking in his baritone voice. "My God. Your voice is different. I am getting so confused. I don't know who I am talking to anymore. Maybe I should have let you come as Barbara, but it would not do me any good if anyone from my office saw me having lunch with such an attractive woman." "Why, thank you, kind sir" which was a feminine response delivered in a male voice. But he said it so softly that no one not at the table would be able to over-hear the conversation. Bill continued, "I no longer feel comfortable in these clothes. I wear them so seldom. I have to go to the office about once a month and I have to be so careful. I have to make sure that I don't forget to go into the office with red polish on my nails, or that I forgot to fill in my eyebrows with pencil. One of these days I may just call the boss and tell him who I now am, and see what happens. There is little they can do about it now-a-days with anti-discrimination laws on the books." "So, what did you want to talk about?" "I sensed your interest in how I looked when you saw me last week. I have a question to ask you. Be honest. Have you ever thought about wearing women's clothes?" "What kind of question is that?" "I am not only dressing as a woman, and acting as a woman, but I feel I have developed a woman's intuition. And I feel there are some things that I can help you with, if you will let me." "Bill, you are wasting your time," Mark denied. "Let's finish lunch, as I have to get back to the office." The rest of the lunch was quiet as Bill was rebuffed in his attempt to draw Mark out. They each paid their own check, shook hands and said goodbye. That night Joe asked Alice how the lunch went. Alice recounted the conversation and his reaction to the question. "No one needs to know what goes on in this house," he declared. "Think about this Alice, maybe he can help you. Wouldn't you want to be the best Alice you could be?" "Joe, we have come a long way in just a few short months. We now have our own wardrobes, and here you are sitting as Joe, and I am here as Alice, and we are thinking that there is nothing unusual about it. Three months ago if anyone would have said that this would come to pass, I would have bet everything that I owned that it wouldn't be so. But here it is. Especially on week-ends. I am the woman and you are the man. You are even making yourself as masculine as you can get away with, and here it is that I don't even care. I am dressed in a nightgown every night and it not only feels comfortable, but normal. And I am getting quite confused. I call you Joe without realizing it, and I find that I respond when I am called Alice. Confused, that's what I am." "Look. You never will be able to look as good a

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Teresa Scalia Barbara and the Principal Come to an Understanding

A new school year was beginning. Chad Anderson and DJ Scalia were discussing the prospects for their final year at middle school. "I guess we're getting a new principal. Ms. Abercrombie retired." DJ remarked to Chad. "Let's hope she's not some old bag that'll make us have detention for looking cross eyed" said Chad. The boys were right they are getting a new principal but she will prove to be anything but an old bag. Meanwhile, Barbara Anderson is on the phone with her friend...

2 years ago
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Gloria at the Company Beach Party

About a week ago, my wife Gloria and I were invited to a beach resort along with a bunch of her coworkers. She works in the marketing department at a large company which did very well in the past few years, and the employees were starting to get a lot of perks, one of which was the resort trip.I was eager to go, although I was worried about meeting Gloria's coworkers. Her company had a very informal culture, and Gloria would sometimes tell me about all the flirting and pinching that went on...

2 years ago
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Gloria and Her 2 Daughters The Ultimate Gift

Introduction: This is as close to reality as you would get – if you meet a young mother who has a fetish for kiddie porn.. Ever get the chance to help a mother educate her 2 young daughters in the art of love making? I did. I was 20, going on 17. A baby. And though I didnt know it at the time, I had all 3 girl age groups at my fingertips – 1. Girls under 12 (at summer camp for example) would get a crush so big they would swarm around me in groups, trying to impress. 2. Older teenage girls...

3 years ago
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Gloria and The Tgurl Torturer

Gloria and The Tgurl Torturer WENDY struggled furiously against the restraints and called through her heavily gagged mouth. "MMppphhh! Ummpphhggt!" It was no use; the restraints were too secure and the gag tight and heavy enough to muffle her cries for help, even if there were anyone around to hear them. She was in trouble, and was not likely to survive for much longer. The pain was excruciating, The only comfort - if you could call it that - was that Wendy would be rendered...

4 years ago
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GloriaShe-male, T Girl, Flashing, Hand Balling, Fisting, Multiples and Cream pies It was a Lazy Saturday. Porter and Gloria were leisurely cleaning house. She in a simple cotton house robe, he in loose fitting shorts, bare chested. He sat on a deck chair as she passed by. On her return pass, Porter grabbed her, she toppled into his lap. Her bare ass rested on him as he removed his cock, probed around for her ass hole as she giggled. She squirmed helping him find it and sank on him saying, “you...

1 year ago
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Gloria gets a tatoo

My wife Gloria and I were talking about girls getting tattoos. She was saying how she didn't think she would want something permanent. She was certain that she didn't want anything permanent that someone could see. I personally think tiny tattoos strategically placed are cute and sexy on petite girls. She agreed but not certain she wants to take the chance of changing her mind later. She also wasn't sure she wanted a tattoo artist drawing the tattoo on her body in a place that wouldn't be seen...

2 years ago
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Gloria Goes to Work for BBC Inc Ch 0106

There were already half through one of the worst years since they had been married. It was like one set back after another for George and Gloria, first after trying to get pregnant since their honeymoon, this year she had two miscarriages. The Doctor claimed her husband had not only a low sperm count, what few he had been too weak to keep her with child. This was not only devastating news it was very humiliating to her husband as her female gynecologist not only prodded his privates she...

3 years ago
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Gloria Naked For The WinterA Few Monents of Passion and a Punishment

It was eight in the morning. The morning swim was over and she was tingling all over. When she had got out of the pool her skin had been burning. Then breakfast and she had never felt so hungry! Class number one was about to start. Gloria had never seen Naturists en masse before. She had seen nudity, of course. Alfredo and Company in his Cyprus hideaway had not exactly endeared her to the concept of total nakedness, but they had been middle aged men. The other girls had all been fair and...

2 years ago
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Alice in Winter Wonderland

“We’ll get through this, Al.”Alice and her sister stared at a three-by-three grid of monitors pinned to the Aspen Orthopedics exam room wall.“If I can’t ski, I may as well be dead.”X-rays glowed on the displays showing various angles of the broken bones. A nurse in aquamarine scrubs nervously flanked the doctor holding a metallic iPad as they entered the room.If the doctor was tense, he didn’t immediately show it as he addressed the women. “Morning, Alice. Rebecca.”Doctor Reid took a seat on a...

3 years ago
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Gloria and Tony Strangers to lovers

TO RENT:- Large room available to single working man.  Bath and laundry facilities available.   Also meals if required.  Enquire within. This was what I had been looking for, for weeks now.   I just wanted to get settled into a space of my own where I could have peace and quiet.  I had recently been divorced and left the house with the wife.   Thank goodness we didn’t have any children as I don’t think I could have been separated from them. Anyway, I rang the front door bell and waited.  The...

Straight Sex
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter II The Other Alice

Alice’s eyes lit up with joy as the cat dangled the silver key teasingly before her. Her freedom was within grasp, only, with her hands trapped behind her back, she wasn’t exactly sure how she might grasp it.“I don’t suppose you could assist me, Cheshire.”“I could,” the cat grinned.“Thank you ever so much,” Alice sighed in relief and waited. And waited. And waited, finally frowning as the cat had done nothing but stare at her, never once even blinking. Finally, her patience wore out.“Well?” she...

2 years ago
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My name is Jason Raymond Russell. I am 26, decent looking, and have a good job. It is Sunday morning and I'm having a second coffee while reading the Sunday paper. A large two column picture caught my eye. As I stared at the picture, my mind was lost in thought. Two years had passed since we parted and seeing the woman's face in the picture still hurt me. Who could cause such a reaction, you ask? That is my story. I was living and working in a small college town that had four colleges in...

3 years ago
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Gloria Part 2

The return address on the letter transported me back in time. It read Gloria Sterling, St. Louis, Mo. I hadn't heard from the bitch for four years. What could she want? Why was she writing me? Hadn't she screwed with me enough back then? Four years ago Gloria and I had a "thing" for a few months. I was working in the college town where she was going to school and met her through a mutual friend. I had used this elaborate plan to get close to her but she knew exactly what I was doing and...

3 years ago
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Alice in Wondeland Takes a Turn

Alice, clad in a pink bra and matching pink panties, sat on the lawn interweaving her silken combed locks into a thick long plait. No sooner had she finished braiding her hair, then a high-pitched voice from nearby started her. ‘Drat! Damn! Fuck a duck! She’ll kill me if I’m late!!’ the voice was saying in a very excited tone. Alice jumped up and looked over the hedge to see the speaker. To her astonishment, it belonged to a rather large, white rabbit. Not an ordinary rabbit by any means....

3 years ago
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Alice in Wondeland Takes a Turn

Alice, clad in a pink bra and matching pink panties, sat on the lawn interweaving her silken combed locks into a thick long plait. No sooner had she finished braiding her hair, then a high-pitched voice from nearby started her."Drat! Damn! Fuck a duck! She'll kill me if I'm late!!" the voice was saying in a very excited tone.Alice jumped up and looked over the hedge to see the speaker. To her astonishment, it belonged to a rather large, white rabbit. Not an ordinary rabbit by any means. This...

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Gloria Naked For The WinterGlorias Punishment Continues

"WOOOSHH! - CRACK" Gloria twitched and bit her lip before counting out the latest stroke. "Sixty two. Thank you, Madam!" The cane hissed again through the air, delivering yet another angry scarlet weal onto Gloria's furrowed and reddened rump. "Sixty Three. Thank you, Madam!" Her tanned and super hard body convulsed as another blistering cut sliced into her, this time finding the crevice where the backs of her well developed and fat-free thighs met her bottom. "SIXTY FOUR!!...

1 year ago
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XXV Another Alice

Although Alice found it very uncomfortable to be chained to the rafter, not to mention the draft blowing through the room, she also found it quite boring. At first, she wiled away her time attempting to conceive a clever plan of escape, only to discover she wasn’t nearly as clever as she had hoped. Then, she tried to bide her time thinking of more pleasant things. Being buggered by the Hatter, for instance. Or by being ravished by the Chessman. Or delightfully tormented by Yum and Yee. Or...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter VII This Alice

Eventually, gravity settled down (as did her stomach) and she was once more right side up, positioned before the portal.‘I wonder where I am now,’ she mused as she gazed across the lake, recalling the earlier glimpses of enormous flora and fauna from the prison cell. Upon the distant shore stood a strange looking village made up of curiously shaped towers and buildings, walls and bridges, all painted in a cacophony of garishly bright colors. It looked like a child had taken building blocks and...

Oral Sex
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Gloria Naked For The WinterAssignment Completed Successfully Gloria Flogged

If Gloria had thought that her foiling of the poachers might get her sentence reduced she was wrong! Max called her into his room on the Tuesday and reprimanded her for oversleeping. She thought of mentioning that she had been three days without sleep and that she had been quite badly injured by the three intruders. Her eye with its twelve stitches ought to have been evidence enough but she saw she would be wasting her breath. "Extension of my punishnment, Sir?" "Three more weeks! Get...

3 years ago
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Alice In WonderlandChapter 6

Green Leaf spent the whole following day talking to Moon Glow and Gentle Rain about her experience the night before. She had never before had a real orgasm and didn't know that she even could have one. She was not bragging to her co-wives, she was just marveling at the fact that it had happened to her. She was now convinced that I was truly favored by the gods. I had to admit to Alice that all of this praise was making both my heads swell, but I was worried that I would not be able to live...

1 year ago
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Hello my name is Lucky .Today I am going to share the story of princess Alice(15) . She lived in a place named Delhi . It’s a modern age story .She is an average good looking teen techanically(22-22-22). She belong to a political family .Along with father and mother she was having a younger brother.And she used to live like a princess.Everything was going good in their family their life was full of joy and happiness.Alice was also good in studies too. Alice’s story is also having megical...

2 years ago
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Gloria Naked For The WinterHer Tough New Assignment

So, what's the job, Mrs F?" "I have arranged for you to work as a physical fitness instructor, Gloria. We think that the establishment you will be working at is being used for people smuggling. It is an island three miles off the coast and privately owned. Boats unload batches of three or four at a time and they are ferried to the mainland in batches of twenty. This happens at night. Mostly we catch up with he poor refugees and send them home but not before some very nasty people have...

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Alice in Acidland

This takes place in 1968 and is the story of Alice Trenton, and her trip through what some could call acidland. Alice stood about 5’9”, with blue eyes and medium length brown hair with red highlights. She had a slightly curvy body and wore a C-cup. She was an only child and had lost her mother a month before she met Lynda Wallace, who invited her to a pool party at the house of one of her Junior College teachers. Lynda acted like a talent scout of sorts and was always on the lookout for some...

3 years ago
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Alice Embarrassed in Wonderland

Eighteen year old Alice Liddell was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice “without pictures or conversations?” So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be...

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Alice In WonderlandChapter 9

My other two wives had their babies in the late fall, so the two boys kept them entertained over the winter. Man, here I was, a multiple father with a regular harem of loving wives! How lucky could I get? At first, I was somewhat pissed at the ETs for getting me into this situation, but no more! I had all the love and sex that I could handle, and I was the boss of a growing, happy community. With Alice to back me up, I couldn't screw up unless I tried real hard. Life was good! There were no...

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Gloria and Stacey

I was broken hearted as only the young can be; deep despair, my life was over, oh woe is me. Gloria had been my girl since the sixth grade. We were inseparable all the way through high school and into college. We started making our wedding plans in our second year even though we didn't plan on getting married until we graduated. I loved Glory more than life itself and then one night she broke a date with me because she said she needed to study for a test. Three hours later I was sitting with...

2 years ago
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Gloria Naked For The WinterChristmas A Cold Time for the Still Punished Gloria

"Merry Christmas, Samantha! It's so good to see you better - fighting fit again!" "Merry Christmas, Mrs FitzWalter!" Samantha and Edwina were standing looking out over the grounds. Young Edward was in bed asleep. It had been a quiet day for the couple. Samantha sighed. "I wonder how Gloria is!" "Out in the cold, I'm afraid, Samantha. It's a Saturday and she gets no favours! Thank heaven it's been reasonably mild. But the stupid girl has only herself to blame. If it weren't for...

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Alice Amanda 6 Birthday Girl

Alice & Amanda 6: Birthday Girl by Alina Aamustorycodes: F/f, bond, gags, rom, cons, XThe day had just begun and it was already very clear about what it would include a lot of. I was tightly fastened to the headboard of the bed and my legs were forced wide open with ropes secured to the posts at the foot of the bed. I was sitting up since my hands and torso was tied to the metal bars on the headboard.We were celebrating my birthday and the tradition was set in stone. It meant that Amanda would...

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Gloria a Latin Ecuadorean Lady gets laid

I’ve been encouraged by your posts and thought it would be worthwhile to write about my  own experiences, those  I’ve  had, particularly on that one I once got  involved in  with a 42yo. Latin Ecuadorian.  I come from Central America, 36 yo; I landed in this country -the U.S.A.-  back in 1996, to work as a workman and was hired by a company as a skilled worker.  It was in this country where I had the chance to meet Latin immigrants from different nationalities.  My customary to treat and...

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Gloria Naked For The WinterGloria is Given Some Training in the Cold

Gloria was feeling cold! Mrs FitzWalter had signed both her female operatives up for a rugged training course. Ten days in this isolated spot being terrorised by three tough and merciless men. If Samantha and Gloria had ever thought they were tough, they were beginning to doubt it now. Or Gloria was! Sammy had been with her on the previous course, six months ago. That had been full of such fun activities as running twenty miles with a full pack and voluminous clothing in the heat of the day....

1 year ago
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Gloria Naked For The WinterGloria Gets Started

"Welcome to our Naturist Paradise, Miss Gloria! I see the sea trip did not agree with you! It often doesn't, I fear. The sea around here can be very rough! Never mind, my dear! You are on terra firma now and here you will remain for the next seven months!" Gloria's heart sank even further at the thought of being so long a time away from her darling Samantha and the well endowed Allen! She just hoped those two would maintain a seemly distance between themselves during the Winter...

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Barbara Model Turns Slut

All the credit goes to NiteWriter for this one. And Man is it hot I spent most of my morning reviewing applications for my latest modeling job. I was surprised at the response of my newspaper ad. Finding one attractive girl to model swimsuits would be an easy task, out of the 100 applications I received. The magazine publisher was in a hurry and needed someone by next week. With the pictures submitted, choosing the best ones for interviews was going to be difficult. I reviewed the pictures and...

4 years ago
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Gloria Second Time Around

FRIDAY NIGHT "Love is better, the second time around," or so the song says. I wonder. Jack and I broke up shortly after the start of the first semester of college in the fall after our graduation from high school. I went to a school on the West Coast and made a career there while remaining single into my forties. He went to a school on the East Coast, got a job, married, and raised a family. Jack's parting words were, "Gloria, you've been very special to me and you'll always hold a...

4 years ago
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Barbara A True Slut

I spent most of my morning reviewing applications for my latest modelingjob. Iwas surprised at the response of my newspaper ad. Finding one attractivegirlto model swimsuits would be an easy task, out of the 100 applications Ireceived. The magazine publisher was in a hurry and needed someone bynextweek. With the pictures submitted, choosing the best ones for interviewswasgoing to be difficult. I reviewed the pictures and all the informationthegirls wrote. There was one girl who wrote some...

1 year ago
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Alice In WonderlandChapter 11

The women were absolutely enthralled by the growing squash. They loved the idea of having the plants right where they could find them easily and not be in danger from wild animals while gathering the produce. I knew I had a winner when I got the women on my side—now the men would go along just to keep peace in the family. Next spring, I planned to have a full fledged garden in operation; I now knew that the women would support me. My next project was to get the kids interested in having some...

2 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 05

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

4 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 19

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

2 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 09

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

3 years ago
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Teresa Scalia Barbara and Michelle Once Again

Roxanne Starr the redheaded strip club owner, in her continuing efforts to become a legitimate businessperson, had expanded her lingerie shop. Leaving the small Main Street storefront, she left the quaint shop behind and moved the business into a standalone building adjacent to a large shopping mall. With nearly quadruple the square footage in the new building, Roxanne’s lingerie venue could now rival even some of the larger retailers such as Victoria’s Secret. Many more displays, sample cases,...

4 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 11

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

1 year ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 10

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

2 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 12

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

3 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 08

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

4 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 16

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

2 years ago
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les michelle and barbara

her 127 pounds are not skinny. She wears her deep brown hair short and curly, and dresses for business in tailored pantsuits, with just a touch of color in her accessories. Although she appears to be in her early thirties, she will celebrate her forty-second birthday this coming November. Her body is soft and curvy. Her waist is small, accenting the firm roundness of her hips, the small mound of her belly. She has been known to freeze uncooperative subordinates with her grey-green...

2 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 14

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

2 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 20

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

2 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 18

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

3 years ago
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Gloria Janet L. Stickney [email protected] She had put my hair up into those dog ears she called them, with bangs cut straight across my brow, then she had me stand up so she could help me with my bra, size A cups she told me. Smallish lacy cups that sat on my chest, holding my brand new breasts. My makeup was tolerably minor yet totally visible, but the perfume said it all. The dress was a simple shift, pale blue, fitted across my breasts, with what she told me were cap...

2 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 01

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

3 years ago
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Barbara Ch 08

Chapter 8: Barbara’s First Porn Film Chapter 7 can be found in the Extreme section of the site. This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * The day finally arrived. Today was the day Barbara would be in her first porno movie. She was up early to dress and put on make-up and had to be at the studio by nine AM. She...

2 years ago
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Barbara Ch 09

Chapter 9: The Adult Book Store This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * Barbara took a leisurely drive towards home, daydreaming about how much fun she had doing her first movie. But still, she wasn’t satisfied, at least not sexually. Over the past few weeks her appetite for the bizarre sexual gratification had...

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