A Sense Of Symmetry Pt. 01 free porn video

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The loving over, she sat up and began to put her shirt back on. He pulled her back. ‘Don’t do that,’ he said. ‘I like looking at you.’

She lay against him, her head on his chest. ‘You know, you’re the only guy who’s ever seen me naked,’ she said.

‘What about Jason?’

‘He and I haven’t made love. He’s too scared. He’s a virgin.’

For a moment, he was laughing too hard to speak. ‘Does he know you aren’t?’

‘I told him about the guy last summer.’

He kissed her. ‘That was incredible,’ he said. ‘I’ve been waiting a long time for you to finally let me fuck you.’

‘Was that all it was, a good fuck?’ she asked, trying to sound as though she was joking.

‘No way,’ he said, very serious. ‘You should know better than that. You know with you it was making love.’

‘If it was making love, why do you keep calling it fucking?’

‘Dani, come on. You know that’s the way I am. I’m not very good at acting like I give a shit, but that doesn’t mean I don’t.’

‘I know.’

‘You do know how much I care about you, don’t you?’

‘Yes,’ she said. Not really, she thought.

He grinned. ‘So how come you never let me fuck you before?’

‘We tried,’ she said. ‘You know, I always thought you should have been my first.’

‘Why did you sleep with What’s-His-Name last summer, then?’

‘Because Jason wasn’t speaking to me, and you were going out with What’s-Her-Name.’

‘So it was a revenge thing, huh?’

‘Something like that,’ she said.

He got up then, and sat in the chair across the room. He lit a cigarette. ‘Dani, you know you’re going to have to choose.’


‘Between me and Jason. I don’t think Jason would be too impressed if he knew what’s going on with you and me.’

‘What do you think about Jason?’

It took him a few minutes to answer. ‘It’s your life,’ he said finally. ‘Personally, I don’t think he’s good enough for you. But I don’t really think I’m good enough for you either. I admit, I am jealous of him. But you have to make your own decision, Dani. You can’t base your life on what I think.’

‘I know. Jason’s going to propose.’

‘How do you know?’

‘Hints and signs.’

He nodded. This made perfect sense, coming from her. ‘What will you do?’

‘What do you think I should do?’

‘Whatever you want. I want you to be happy, Dani. I love you.’

I want to be with you, she thought, but didn’t dare say. ‘I love you, too, Ben,’ she said.

When he spoke again, he wouldn’t look at her. ‘You’d better go,’ he said. ‘I know your parents. You’re an adult, but they’ll still be wondering where you are. Let me know what happens with Jason.’

‘I will,’ she promised.

He hugged her good-bye, and she left. As she drove back to her parents’ house, she burst into tears. How could she choose between him and Jason? On the other hand, what choice was there? She didn’t love Jason. She knew that, although Jason hadn’t figured it out. She loved Ben more than she would have believed possible. She was sure that Ben knew how she felt. For two years, she had allowed him to kiss and touch her as though they belonged to each other. But during those two years, their involvement had only been during the times that Ben didn’t have another girlfriend. Sometimes, Dani hated herself for running to him every time he called, but she still always went. And he had spent the last two years telling her not to fall in love with him, that he wasn’t good enough for her, that he would only hurt her. That he could never love her because he couldn’t love anyone. She knew this was a lie. Hadn’t he just told her that he loved her? But maybe he had only said that in the heat of the moment.

By the time she got home, she knew what she would do. Jason wanted to be with her, to spend the rest of his life with her. He treated her well, bent over backwards to show her how much he loved her. He acted, in fact, exactly the way she had always dreamed of Ben acting. She couldn’t wait forever for Ben to admit, to himself and to her, how he really felt about her. So she would marry Jason, if and when he asked. Maybe she could learn to love him the way she loved Ben. At least she wouldn’t be alone.

* * *

Dani and Jason were married six months after he proposed, seven months after her last night with Ben. Thank God, Jason had never found out about that. With Jason’s blessing, and despite the protests of his family, Ben was Dani’s ‘person of honor’ at the wedding. ‘That’s ridiculous,’ Jason’s mother had said. ‘The maid of honor is supposed to be the bride’s best friend.’

‘Ben is my best friend,’ Dani had insisted.

The wedding went well. Ben stood with Dani, and Jason’s brother Steve stood with him. Ben’s girl-of-the-week was among the guests, although she had never been officially invited. Dani couldn’t deny the jealousy she felt when she saw Ben with her.

At the reception, Beth, one of Dani’s bridesmaids, took her aside. ‘I think you really hurt Ben,’ she said.


‘By marrying Jason.’

‘What are you talking about?’ Dani asked.

‘Ben loves you, Dani,’ Beth said. ‘It’s killing him to watch you marry another guy.’

Dani laughed bitterly. ‘Get real, Beth,’ she said. ‘Ben had more than enough chances to tell me that he loved me. I even asked him if he thought I should marry Jason. He certainly could have said something then. And if it bothers him so much, he didn’t have to come to the wedding.’

‘He only came to the wedding because he knew how much you wanted him here. And he thought you’d be happy with Jason. I don’t think you are, though.’

Dani would never admit it, but Beth was right. In the last six months, she had come close to breaking the engagement at least that many times. But she had gone through with it, ultimately, because she didn’t want to hurt Jason. ‘I’m fine with Jason,’ she said.

‘I think you and Ben belong together,’ Beth persisted.

‘Well, the universe has a fine sense of symmetry,’ Dani said flippantly. ‘If Ben and I are meant to be together, then someday we will be. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to dance with my husband.’

After a token amount of time, Jason and Dani left for their honeymoon. Dani never forgot the last glimpse she had of Ben, standing apart from the other guests with his head down, looking away as she and Jason were showered with confetti. Dani couldn’t be sure, but she thought Ben was crying.

* * *

‘So how’s it going with Jason?’ Ben asked. He sat on the floor, watching Dani’s two-month-old daughter try to reach her feet.

‘Not well,’ Dani admitted. ‘I’ve been thinking about leaving him. He acts kind of abusive sometimes.’

‘He doesn’t hit you, does he?’

The anger in Ben’s voice startled her. ‘No, he hasn’t hit me,’ she said. ‘But he swears at me a lot, and sometimes he throws things. He’s started yelling and swearing at Anna, too.’

‘You need to get away, then,’ Ben said. ‘She doesn’t need to grow up with that shit. And you deserve to be treated better, too.’

‘I know,’ Dani said. ‘But I’m afraid of what he might do.’

‘Don’t be,’ Ben said. ‘Guys like him are all talk. Besides, I won’t let him hurt you.’

Dani smiled. ‘I know. Thanks.’

‘So you’ll leave? I’m worried about you, Dani. I don’t want to find out that you stuck around and he ended up hurting you or the baby. I know your parents will back you up.’

‘I haven’t talked to them about it. You’re the first one I’ve told.’

‘Well, you’d better do something about that. If you don’t tell your parents, I will. Promise me you’ll leave.’

‘I promise,’ Dani said. She knew she would have to leave now. She never broke the promises she made to Ben.

‘Good,’ Ben said. ‘Hey, I have some good news.’

‘What’s that?’ Dani asked, glad of the change of subject.

e’s pregnant.’

‘Congratulations,’ Dani said, ignoring the jealousy produced by this announcement. She had Jason and Anna, Ben and his girlfriend had been trying for a baby for a few months now. She should be happy for them. ‘When’s it due?’


‘I’ll save some of Anna’s stuff for you.’

‘Thanks. But I think it will be a boy.’

‘Probably,’ Dani agreed. ‘But I’ll save stuff anyway.’

* * *

On the phone, Ben was crying. Even though he tried to hide it, Dani could tell. ‘Julie left me,’ Ben said.

‘I’m so sorry, Ben,’ Dani said. Good riddance to the bitch, she thought. ‘What about the baby?’

‘She’s seeing another guy. She says he wants to adopt the baby.’

‘How can she do that?’ Dani said. ‘What are you going to do?’

‘I won’t sign over my rights,’ Ben replied. ‘Her parents said they’ll make sure I get to see the baby.’

‘I can’t believe she did that to you.’

‘I can. She told me she only used me to get pregnant. She’s been pregnant by two or three other guys, but she’s miscarried every time. She wants a baby so bad that she tries to get pregnant by every guy she goes out with. Of course, I didn’t know all this when I got involved with her.’

‘I hate to say it, Ben, but if that’s the way she really is, she isn’t good enough for you.’

‘Jason wasn’t good enough for you, but you married him,’ Ben pointed out.

‘And I’m not with him now, am I?’ Dani countered. ‘Which goes to show that you were right.’

‘Yeah, well, don’t get any ideas,’ he said, suddenly sounding annoyed. ‘I’m not looking for another girlfriend, especially one with a kid.’

‘Where the hell did that come from?’ she demanded. ‘I didn’t say a damn thing about us getting together!’

‘I know you still love me,’ Ben said. ‘Julie was jealous of you. You’re part of why she left me.’

‘Go to hell. I hope you get to see your kid.’ She hung up.

* * *

The announcement was in the newspaper on April 14. ‘Sean Joseph Ryan, born April 3 to Julie Ryan of Portland.’ Although no father’s name was listed, and Dani had never known Julie’s last name, she knew this was Ben’s child. Joseph was Ben’s middle name.

* * *

Anna, age eighteen months, tried to sing along with the radio as Dani tried to negotiate the traffic on I-295. She swerved to avoid a white station wagon coming off the on-ramp, then looked in surprise as the driver of the wagon beeped at her. It was Ben.

She motioned for him to pull over, and did so herself. She hadn’t seen or heard from Ben since the night she had hung up on him, and she had missed him. When he got out of his car, he gave her a rib-cracking hug. ‘It’s great to see you!’ he exclaimed.

‘You too,’ she said, unable to stop smiling.

‘I heard you and Jason got back together. How’s it going?’

‘All right. He’s in anger counseling, and he joined the Young Fathers’ program. He still loses it sometimes, but he calms himself down and we talk about it.’

‘No more swearing and throwing things?’


‘That’s great. I’m glad it worked out for you.’

They made small talk for a few more minutes, then Dani found a scrap of paper and a pen. She wrote down her phone number and handed it to Ben. ‘We’ve moved to a better apartment,’ she explained. ‘Give me a call sometime.’

‘I will,’ Ben promised.

Anna started screaming then, and Dani opened the car door. ‘I’d better go,’ she said. ‘When you have kids, you’ll realize how impossible it is to have a real conversation.’

‘See you,’ Ben said.

Dani saw the look of pain on his face, but didn’t connect it until later with what she had said. Ben did have a child, one who, since Ben hadn’t mentioned him, he probably never saw. Dani wanted to apologize to Ben for saying something so insensitive, but he never called. Dani never saw him again.

Chapter One

‘Damn it, Dani, where are the CDs?’

‘In the box that says ‘entertainment center’.’

‘Where the hell is that?’

‘I didn’t move the stuff, Jason. Ask one of your brothers!’

A few minutes later, the CD player blared into life with Dani’s favorite Steven Curtis Chapman CD. Jason appeared in the doorway of Anna’s room, where Dani was trying to sort out Anna’s clothes from those of her baby sister, Melanie. ‘I’m sorry, honey,’ Jason said. ‘I didn’t mean to snap. It’s been kind of a stressful day.’

‘It’s all right,’ Dani said, getting up to give him a hug. ‘It’s our first house, and moving’s always hard. Just remember, I’m on your side.’

‘I know,’ Jason said. He kissed her, then disappeared again in response to a shout from downstairs.

Three-year-old Anna and her cousin Denise raced into the room. ‘Mommy, is this really just my room?’ Anna asked.

‘It sure is, Punky,’ Dani replied.

‘Where’s Melanie going to sleep?’

‘In her new room.’

‘Me has my own room,’ Denise said.

‘Yeah, but you don’t got a baby,’ Anna said. ‘Let’s go outside and play!’

‘Okay!’ Denise agreed.

The girls ran off again, to Dani’s relief. Anna was a good girl, and so was Denise, but it would be easier to unpack with them out of the way.

* * *

By the next evening, almost everything was unpacked, and the house looked like a home instead of a pile of boxes. Jason’s brother Steve and his wife Robin, and Denise, came over for the pizza they had been promised for helping with the move. While the adults were eating and the two little girls were playing with four-month-old Melanie, the phone rang. Dani answered. ‘Dani, it’s Beth,’ said the voice on the other end.

‘Beth, hi,’ Dani said. ‘You must have gotten my letter.’ She had sent letters to all her friends, letting them know her new address and phone number.

‘Yes, and I’m glad I did,’ Beth said. ‘Dani, I have some really bad news.’

‘What is it?’

‘I don’t know how to say this.’ Her voice was breaking. ‘Dani, Ben was in an accident last night.’

‘Oh, no!’ Dani said. ‘Is he going to be all right?’

‘No.’ For a moment, Dani could hear her sobbing. Then Beth said, ‘Dani, I- Ben didn’t- He’s gone, Dani. He- he didn’t make it.’

‘Oh, God!’ Dani cried. Jason looked up, surprised. His surprise turned to concern when he saw the look on Dani’s face, and he went to her. She leaned against him. ‘I- thank you for letting me know,’ she said to Beth, trying to keep her voice calm.

‘It happened just down the road,’ Beth said. Dani could tell she was crying. ‘Howard was off duty last night, but when he heard about the accident on the scanner, he went to see if he could help. It sounded pretty bad. Then he got there, and it was Ben.’

‘Oh, Beth, that’s horrible!’ Dani said sympathetically. Beth had known Ben even longer than Dani had. Dani couldn’t imagine what it had been like for Beth, finding out about the accident that way.

‘Yeah, well, that’s what I get for living with a state trooper,’ Beth said, trying to make a joke. ‘Anyway, I’m sorry to have to break the news, but I thought you should know.’

‘No, no, I’m glad you told me,’ Dani said. ‘Is there-‘ She broke off, not knowing how to finish the question.

‘The funeral’s going to be tomorrow afternoon,’ Beth said, answering what Dani hadn’t asked. ‘His stepmother’s arranging it. It’s at the funeral home on Cottage Street in South Portland.’

‘I’ll be there,’ Dani promised. ‘Thanks, Beth.’

She hung up the phone and turned to Jason. ‘Ben’s dead,’ she said, bursting into tears.

‘I’m sorry,’ Jason said. He put his arms around her, but there was a ring of insincerity to his words. He had never accepted that Ben wasn’t a threat to their marriage.

‘The funeral’s tomorrow,’ Dani said.

‘Do you want me to go?’

She could tell from his tone that going to Ben’s funeral was the last thing he wanted to do. ‘You don’t have to, but could you stay with the girls
so I can go?’ she said.

‘I’m their father, Dani, not a babysitter. Of course I’ll be here. Just remember, I have to leave for work at four.’

‘I know,’ Dani said. She couldn’t believe that getting to work on time seemed more important to him than the fact that she had lost her oldest friend.

‘I’m sorry,’ Jason repeated.

‘Thank you.’

* * *

‘Mommy, where are you going?’ Anna asked the next afternoon.

‘Anna, don’t bug your mother,’ Jason said.

‘It’s all right,’ Dani told him. She picked Anna up. ‘Do you remember when we talked about how people die and go to Heaven?’

‘And see Jesus,’ Anna said.

‘That’s right,’ Dani agreed. ‘Well, when someone goes to Heaven, people have something called a funeral. A funeral is when you talk about the person who’s gone, and say goodbye to them. A friend of mine has gone to Heaven, and I’m going to his funeral.’

‘Can I come?’

Dani kissed the little girl and put her down. ‘No, Sweetie. People get very sad at a funeral. It isn’t a good place for a little girl. You’ll stay here with Daddy.’

‘Daddy, can I play in your room?’ Anna asked.

‘All right,’ Jason said.

Anna hugged her mother. ‘I love you, Mommy. Don’t be sad. I’m here.’

Dani smiled. ‘I love you, too, Baby,’ she said. ‘And I’m very glad you’re here.’

Anna went upstairs. ‘Did you really need to tell her all that?’ Jason asked.

‘What did you want me to do, lie?’

‘No, but isn’t she too young to hear about dying and funerals and stuff?’

‘I don’t think so. She obviously isn’t too young to ask about it.’ She gave him a kiss. ‘I’ll be back as soon as I can,’ she said.

‘I love you.’

‘I love you too.’

Dani was surprised at the number of people at the funeral. She hadn’t been in touch with Ben in a year and a half, she hadn’t realized that so many people had known him. ‘Is Julie here?’ she asked Beth, whom she was sitting with.

‘Of course not,’ Beth said bitterly. ‘Julie didn’t give a shit about Ben.’

Across the room, Dani recognized Ben’s stepmother, Phyllis. There was a little boy with her. ‘Who’s that with Phyllis?’ Dani whispered to Beth.

Beth looked. ‘That’s Sean,’ she said. ‘You didn’t know? Ben had custody.’

The little boy turned around, and Dani caught her breath. He looked just like Ben. ‘The poor thing,’ Dani said. ‘What’s going to happen to him now?’

‘I don’t know,’ Beth said. ‘From what I’ve heard, no one knows where Julie is, so he won’t be living with her. Probably Phyllis will take him, or maybe Julie’s parents.’

The boy caught Dani looking at him, and smiled shyly. Dani smiled back.

* * *

‘So, how’d it go?’ Jason asked when Dani got home.

‘It was a funeral, for God’s sakes!’ Dani exploded. ‘How do you think it went!’

‘Well, excuse me,’ Jason said. ‘I’m trying to be concerned.’

‘You didn’t sound concerned.’

‘I’m sorry. Are you all right?’

‘No. I just saw one of my best friends buried. But I will be all right. I just hate that it’s been so long since Ben and I talked, and now I’ll never get another chance to talk to him.’ Tears came to her eyes.

Jason held his arms out, and Dani went to him. She tried to stop crying. ‘Let it out, honey,’ Jason told her. ‘It’s okay. You have a good reason to cry.’

Jason just held her and didn’t try to talk for a few minutes, for which Dani was grateful. Finally, she was able to stop crying. ‘Feel better?’ Jason asked.

‘A little. Where are the girls?’


‘Melanie usually is around now, but Anna never takes naps anymore.’

‘Well, she is today.’

Thinking about her daughters led Dani to thinking about Ben’s son. ‘I hope he’ll be all right,’ she said, mostly to herself.

‘Who will be all right?’ Jason asked.

‘Oh. Ben’s son. The one he had with Julie? Beth says Ben had custody, and no one knows where Julie is.’

‘I’m sure someone will take care of him,’ Jason said.

‘I’m sure,’ Dani agreed. I wish I could, she thought.

* * *

The next morning, the phone woke Dani. ‘Dani, I just saw it in the paper,’ her mother said to Dani’s hello. ‘Are you all right?’

‘As much as I can be, I guess,’ Dani replied.

‘The obituary said his son was living with him,’ her mother said. ‘I wonder who’ll look after him now?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘That poor little boy,’ her mother continued. ‘To lose a father like that. And Ben didn’t really have any family.’

‘His stepmother,’ Dani said.

‘What does Jason think? He didn’t really like Ben, did he?’

‘Not really.’

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They were the perfect couple, they were thirty years old and had been married for ten years. By now you would think their love life would have waned, but they made bunnies jealous the way they went at it every chance they got. John practiced ambush sex, Betty never knew when he would jump her, and she loved it. The other thing she loved was the fact she could turn heads when she walked in a room! As a hobby John did custom car work, one day they were coming home from the movies, and John pulled...

2 years ago
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Mile High By Giorgio Canoli

MILE HIGH by Giorgio CanoliAs Tammy was putting her carry on in the over head compartment she struggled and fumbled. From the corner of her eye came two olive skinned and chiseled forearms. As her eyes followed his arms up to the head she ogled his features as he successfully fit the bag into the compartment. "Thank you very much. That was sweet of you" she said with imaginary hearts floating above her. The good looking stranger replied "No problem at all. That's my superhero power, I help...

2 years ago
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Short Cut Through The Park

We'd both heard of the chavvy girls in the park and how they liked to have fun with their victims. Vic and I had a few to drink that night and feeling horny, we thought we'd try our luck. The park was a short cut back to Vic's place and so we entered. Street lamps and trees lined the route. It appeared quiet with no one else about.It wasn't long as we entered a dimly lit part of the path that two girls suddenly appeared ahead of us. One was black, quite pretty with the trademark big ear...

2 years ago
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Sarah humiliated

You wake up, exited for the big day, but also worried about what you bully has in store for you. *Side note: This story is public, please feel free to add any chapters or storylines that you want.

2 years ago
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Nowhere Man Book TwoChapter 24

Gomoro spread his hands apologetically. “Only enough to defend themselves. It looks like he sort of ‘accidentally’ fell into the fire and set himself ablaze; very sad.” Chief John listened to this with a small smile on his face. Gomoro was learning diplomacy. Ferro cleared his throat before giving his own verdict on Denovo. “Chief Gomoro and High Chief John, the council made a decision a short while ago. The council blamed Denovo for threatening Chief Gomoro’s wives, forcing him by that...

3 years ago
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The Massage

This incident happened when I was on work to Bangalore. I as put up in a good hotel, the day I arrived there I was shown my room, it was a double room with nice view of the city, I first ordered some coffee and unpacked, I was tired from the long journey and wanted to take a good hot bath, when the door bell rang, I opened it and my coffee was there, I undressed and had my coffee, and lay down for some rest, I must have slept for quite some time when again the door bell rang, I put on a towel...

4 years ago
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Crossdressing with my Girlfriend

My girlfriend and I had been dating for several years and our sex life had basically become non-existent. It had been at least a year since we last had sex, and probably another six months before that. The problem was, as much as I loved her, I had developed a different kind of attraction.For some deep-rooted reason, I had grown a craving for ladies' clothing. Lingerie, stockings, high heels; all drove me crazy with lust. Eventually, this led to me dressing and wearing slutty outfits, gaining a...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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ViperGirls Vintage

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and look at how porn once was. Let’s remind ourselves of how porn used to be like decades ago. Let’s look at porn made before all the big porn networks got into the game and began out-competing each other regarding how many pixels they can cram on a screen while showing you a penis entering a vagina. Seriously, if you think about it, that’s all that HD porn is. Ever since we achieved 720p HD, 1080p Full HD and 2160p 4K Ultra HD have just been marketing...

Vintage Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Timestop The Train Ride Chapter 3

In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! --------------------------------- CHAPTER 3 A bit later, I still lay there admiring the mess next to me, she's sweaty...

2 years ago
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A husband brings his drinking buddy home one evening to help spice up his sex life

Paula arrived home from shopping to find the house empty. It was a nice break from her normal days with two kids and her husband John waiting for her. Married for 15 years, Paula enjoyed a pretty routine life with husband, kids, and school. She frequently thought about talking with John about doing something spontaneous, something exciting. But, Paula never found the courage. She and John were married fifteen years ago. Paula was a virgin, and although John was patient with her sexually, their...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Camila Cortez Crystal Rush Piping My GF And Her StepMom Together

Fixing pipes is quite the gig. You get a lot of lonely MILFs and the nature of the job provides for great upskirts. When I (Apollo Banks) go to fix Crystal Rush & her stepdaughter Camila Cortez’s kitchen sink, I can’t help but think of the potential with these incredible women. When I mention a threesome to stepdaughter Camila… she seems kinda intrigued. Her stepmom Crystal’s ear perk up and she has her hands on me in no time. They both seem quite impressed with my...

2 years ago
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A Gift From His Father Ch 16

Elizabeth turned to look behind her and saw a small Asian woman standing nearby in wrinkled baggy clothing that were at least three sizes too big and obviously not her own. She looked sheepishly at John, waiting to be acknowledged. Ignoring the girl, John returned his attention to Elizabeth and filled her in on what she had missed while she had been taking care of the details of their trip. When he had completed the tale he called the petite Asian woman over to join them. ‘Denise, this is...

3 years ago
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BootsyCopyright 2010 by RubberHNote: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, events, etc. is coincidental. IF something like this did actually occur I’d be damned amazed.** Saturday 9:30 AMDarla opened her eyes and smiled. Dan had given her one of the best morning fucks she had ever had before he left to play a round of golf. She had dozed off and had forgotten to reset the alarm.‘Oh, dear.’, she said to herself. ?It’s getting late. I better go out to the garden and get...

1 year ago
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The Earls ManChapter 8

It was nearly noon before their army plodded into view. For our sake, I hoped they didn’t fight as good as they looked. Their knights were at the head of the column, horses prancing ostentatiously, and their banners flying proudly to announce themselves to the world. The crossbowmen followed on foot, their part of the procession a multi-hued patchwork of different-colored uniforms representing each of the different nobles and clergy involved. The poorly clad peasant-soldiers had barely come...

2 years ago
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A Birthday Blow Job for Daddy

I gave up on birthday parties after my thirtieth, but my wife Joan and my daughter Karen insisted on celebrating my thirty-eighth with cake and ice cream. I blew out the candles with one long puff and then Joan carved out three wedges. After we finished off our sugary treat, my pretty wife wished me a happy birthday and handed me a gift-wrapped package. She had thoughtfully bought me a best-selling book that I had been planning to read."I'll give you my present later, Dad," Karen said. When...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Harems Passion 17 Incests Naughty Price

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seventeen: Incest's Naughty Price By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 11th, 2027 – Leyla Umayyah Judge Lyle Coburn emerged from the back of the house wearing a robe. The older man's hair had gone gray. His eyes narrowed at us with suspicion. Then he flicked down to his daughter kneeling before us, submissive the way my mother had trained her. What a treat that had been. I'd helped Mother make Tammy...

2 years ago
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254 Just a few precious months 7

254. Just a few precious months 7 By now it was late May, time was slipping away, the two of us took a fortnight off to the Caribbean, the water did her good and occasional gentle love making and fab food was the****utic as we/she recuperated, so it was in the last couple of days of June after our return that the minibus pulled in with 7 of the biggest rugby backs you have ever clapped eyes on and driven by the manager old harry a little runty bloke that stood about 4ft 6 tall. I had known...

3 years ago
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UnconventionalChapter 16

“Okay, looks like you have one last group of visitors before you’re released. I don’t know why they couldn’t wait to meet you at home or somewhere else, but here they are. The Lanier family. Pierre, Angelique, Monique, and Jacques. Her parents and siblings,” Nora made sure that I actually wanted to speak to them prior to release, given how close I was to being discharged. “Oh, go ahead. Let’s get this over with, and in a setting where they have to behave themselves,” I smiled, as Nora nodded...

2 years ago
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Monica Saves Hubbys Job

"Jaggi, I have to lay off you. I have no job for you anymore. There is only one man's job in my office now as business is bad. So Hamid will have the job and you will lose it" I said as I thought of beautiful sexy wife of my employee. I had met her at an office party and since then she was on my mind. Jaggi's wife Monica must be 24 or 25, 5 feet 5 inches, wheatish complexion and nice body. She had her hair cut short like a boy's and wore tight jeans and tighter tops. I had often seen the swell...

2 years ago
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One weekend late in my junior year, my favorite hard rock band was coming to play at an arena in nearby Columbus, OH. As it turned out, my boyfriend was tied up that weekend and couldn’t go to the concert with me. I decided to go anyway, and then had a crazy idea pop into my head…..I wanted to try to get backstage and party with the band. I had never done this before, but I kind of knew how it worked….you dress like a slut, try to catch the eye of the security guys or manager-types who are...

3 years ago
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Jane and me Part 3

It took a while for the post-shave and wax treatment soreness to abate but that's ok as we are not living together and thus not around each other constantly; just when we need to or when an opportunity arises when the harpies are otherwise occupied. I rather like my 'new look' and until then didn't realise my cock had a natural curve to the left. Without pubes my cock looks longer although it isn't really; it's just that the first half inch or so isn't buried in a bush!Jane managed to get away...

3 years ago
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She Gave Him Power Part 1

He sighed. His alarm clock to the right indicated 04:30, way too early to be getting up. “Wait...what” It was four thirty in the morning, why was the sun up? He quickly climbed from his bed and crossed to the window. The sun was literally up, right in the sky, which shouldn't make any sense at all because he’d literally just felt it cross across his body. But even weirder than the sun, was the fact that his garden was not outside his window. In fact, there was no garden whatsoever. No...

2 years ago
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BUS HOME part two

OMG i can't believe what i've just done i have just brought myself off on a bus with a complete stranger sat beside me watching my every move.I felt so embarrassed that i forgot my hand was still underneath my skirt when john text looking for an update,well i quickly informed him that not only did i touch myself as he requested but i got a little carried away in the process lol.I was worried about john's reply as i mentioned earlier he can be quite conservative about sex.I was certainly shocked...

3 years ago
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The Old Lady

Older female cougar looking for younger man for an... interesting experience. Hey young man, are you looking for an experienced, older and sexy woman to spend some time with for a weekend full of unabashed, unfiltered, raw sexual fantasies made reality? Well, you can stop looking, you have found what you wanted. I am expecting interested parties to be between 20 and 30 yrs old and respond with 2 pics, one of your face and one of that delicious penis of yours, you can keep your name...

2 years ago
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Hi. Welcome. This is Stacy. I’ll be your host for this story. The following serial novel is surprisingly true for the most part, and the inaccurate parts are mostly for narrative structure. All of the characters exist, and most of the events have occurred. This is an important story. It’s about sex and slavery, but it’s also about your life, and my life, and how we get through it all. It’s an experiment, but it’s also a manifesto. This has all happened for a reason. I want to change people for...

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Frank and Harry Green

Harry Green and I had been exchanging text messages to arrange that beer we had promised, we decided that he would pop round that afternoon, I certainly wanted to find out more about the situation with Danni and hoped that he would come clean and be honest. He arrived just after 2pm, Lisa was out with friends and he caught me on the hop as I had just got out of the shower and had answered the door in just my boxer shorts, “Hi Frank” he said, “Sorry for being a little early, I hope I haven’t...

2 years ago
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He Only Wanted One Thing

Suddenly without conscious thought he’d kissed her, for a second nothing had happened then almost desperately she had returned the kiss, he’d held her tightly before remembering her broken ribs, however she’d barely notice the pain. After driving her to the hospital, he’d been shocked by the hate filled looks the doctors and nurses gave him before he realised who they’d mistaken him for and no doubt his bruised and split knuckles explained why he’d been mistaken for the bastard, the next...

4 years ago
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The Incredibles 2 Elastigirls New Super Suit

I sighed as I look at my curvy body. My rounded bubbly breasts are perfectly cupped by the suit. It feels thin. Thinner than Edna’s suit. But it does the same trick. It can withstand fire blast, bullets, and radiations. I look down at my thighs, I have thin stocking like materials that a bit see through, where people can see the shades of my skin under the stockings. I sighed realizing how thicker my thighs are since the last time I suit up as an old school Elastigirl. “Helen!! Quick!” Bob...

1 year ago
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My Best Friend 6 The Sleep OverThe Conclusion

Disclaimer: She asked me a serious question. How was I going to respond? If you haven’t been reading the previous stories of ‘My Best Friend’ then you might want to go back to find out what has been going on. And now I bring you the conclusion to The Sleepover…. I pulled her out of her crevice and laid her completely on top of me so her whole body would be pressed against mine. I smiled at her, “Since last year I’ve wanted to move beyond friends with you.” I watched her facial reaction as it...

3 years ago
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Check Yes or NoChapter 15

"You ... played ... dirty," Jake grunted between strokes. Ann Marie wrapped her arms and legs around him. He pressed her against the wall, driving deep inside her pussy. She absorbed every blow with a gasp or a moan. His pants were down around his ankles, her clothes were strewn about the living room. Jacob made a game of trying to rattle the picture frames as he pounded Ann Marie for "cheating" in their bet. "You're ... just ... a ... sore ... loser!" she taunted. With one hard...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Maddy May Delilah Day 3way

Yes this summer was pretty shitty with Covid and all but we were able to maintain social distancing and use face coverings to keep Maddy May and Delilah Day over an extra day so Delilah could experience her first taste of pussy. “Oh yeah” said Jay when I told him these two hotties were staying over. That’s right Maddy with all her experience has taken part in the delightful treats of the female body, but Delilah’s a slit virgin and we’re all about firsts here. So...

2 years ago
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The Moment

In the year 2020, I was nearly forty. I lived with my wife and our two kids. Once, I think I was happy in my marriage. Today, my wife and I go through the motions. It's never gotten so bad for either of us to step out, but it isn't the way it once was between us. It's a life that could have been different, had I made a different choice.In 1990, I was nineteen and alive and living the last free summer between high school and the real world, a timeless limbo between the innocence of youth and the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 3 Town and Gown

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed, neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! A previous version of...

3 years ago
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What Do You DoChapter 9

Jasmine The Citroen passed all its tests with flying colours; the inspector described it as 'in outstanding condition for its age' and we were not surprised when the legal search showed that it was indeed 'one owner from new'. The cheque was cleared and the sad first owner delivered it to Anna Friday evening. Nothing would do but that we, all four of us, crammed into the little vehicle and drove out to the Strines Inn for supper. "My treat tonight," Anna announced, "and, Bill, as...

3 years ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 26

Ashley reached into her bag and pulled out a pair of white open toe heels and presented them to Jessie. "These will look good with your outfit. Why don't you try them on?" "I don't think so Ashley. You're not going to get me to wear heels... those are girl's shoes," Jessie replied. He was taken aback from the offer. "Oh come on Jess, you can't wear a pretty dress and sneakers! Get real sweety. You need to complete the outfit. Besides, these shoes will show off your pink toes...you...

3 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 28

~~Julias~~ He still wasn’t comfortable with the Primogen. Much as he had confidence in his abilities and intelligence, they were older than him, stronger than him, and, although he was loath to admit it, they were probably smarter than him. All his poker skills, tested every time he had a conversation. No wonder Viktor turned to stone over the centuries. White walls, black ceiling, fancy leather chairs, and a glass table. A sight he’d grown to hate over the past few months. But at least the...

2 years ago
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"Damn it, John, do you really have to be a walking, talking, driving cliché? The road isn't even paved anymore ... where the hell are we?" John had known the silence was drawing to an end. Historically, his sister could only hold her tongue for so long and, once she'd crossed her arms over her ample chest, he'd known the quiet would soon be interrupted. He clasped the steering wheel tighter. "We're not lost--just a little turned around. We'll hit a town soon." "Yeah, well, you'd...

4 years ago
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Not Many Hours

From the train window, Mike Spar admired the rising hills and pine clad mountains of the Swedish countryside. He was on his way north to show three novice archaeologists how to start an initial exploration of a tribal village exposed by building work. At just thirty-five years old, being one of the most highly regarded archaeologists in the world could have its drawbacks.This was a beautiful country, but he’d rather be home to strengthen his relationship with Angela, a biochemist, he had been...

Straight Sex
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The Adventures of Harry MakepeaceChapter 9

Sunday morning dawned. Harry looked out of the window as Kate rolled over towards him and grasped his erect cock. She began to lick his tool, dribbling saliva down his shaft. She licked up and down his foreskin making it even wetter. She tickled her tongue into the sensitive ridge under his knob and then swallowed his length; she didn't deep throat him, just keeping him tantalisingly deep inside her mouth as she sucked on his length. Harry groaned with acute pleasure at all this cock...

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