A Planet Is SwornChapter 9 free porn video

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Work carried on apace over the next few weeks — for Thomas on building the second new ship and for Elizabeth on building another artificial intelligence that would test out whether they could recreate what had happened with Elise.

Simeone was also working hard, putting in hours and hours of flight time as he helped try to prepare Ben and his offspring to perform effectively in their role as ship's officers.

At Aetherkraal, the training academy with its virtual reality suites was being well used. Having completed their training with General David - Simon, Kirsty, Ben Jr. and Jenny were coming towards the end of their two weeks of hard-earned leave. As well as spending time with their family, the two sets of twins had regularly taken the time to test themselves against the random scenarios that the VR system generated.

Sarah had even collaborated with Elise and some of Elizabeth's prodigies to develop a number of space based scenarios. They were important in helping Simon to get ready for his tour of duty onboard the Rebecca.

Ben Jr. and Jenny would be heading off for their war games soon at the head of the red and green groups — now renamed as the third and fourth companies of the New Woden Legion. They kept their wits sharp by pitting themselves against the VR's more difficult scenarios.

At the training camp, David and Beckie were overseeing the second week of training for the first Stellarite volunteers and were pleased at how well the group was doing. The people of New Woden were already more naturally aggressive than the Wodenite crew and that meant that they threw themselves into the training with some relish.

The would-be assassin was in the group of trainees and proved himself to be particularly attentive to everything he was being taught. The skills that he was learning could be invaluable if another opportunity to kill Ben presented itself. David and Beckie's squad leaders noticed the quiet, focused, intensity with which that particular trainee applied himself and were pleased with his progress. There was no inkling of his alternative motivation.

Captain Marlon was probably the one with the least to do. The Stellarites had built a city for his crew on the planet, his troopers were down to be trained by David and his ship — the WS Scout - was nearing the completion of its re-fit.

The good Captain took Ben's advice and tried to enjoy the simple pleasure of walking in the countryside — smelling the fresh air, soaking up the natural beauty of the planet and generally relaxing. He knew that his future held a massive challenge — to liberate Woden — and he was intent on re-charging his own batteries while he could.

Marlon's biggest disappointment was that there had been no further contact with any other Wodenite ships. After communications from the three ships that had decided to head directly back to Woden, there had been nothing, not a single contact. Like Ben, the Captain was certain that the three ships they had spoken to would by now have perished at the hands of the Zytol.

"This one seems to be going faster than the first," Elizabeth commented, as she looked over the dry-dock at progress on the second ship.

"A good workman always learns lessons from what he's doing," Thomas replied with a smile. "We found out how to do certain things with the Rebecca through trial and error, but now we can get them right the first time."

"I know what you mean and I suppose I've been doing the same thing with the programming for the ship's AI — it's been going faster than the first one too."

"What is it about that that's got you so excited? You weren't this excited when you were building the first one," Thomas observed.

Elizabeth hadn't told anybody about the discovery that Elise had been developing brain tissue and that she was hoping the second AI would be able to do the same. This was her twin however, and she decided she couldn't keep this secret from him.

"Search your inherited memories for the work that was undertaken on Woden to develop a computer that was self-aware," she began.

Elizabeth paused to give Thomas time to filter through the millions of memories that his brain had stored away. After perhaps thirty seconds Thomas looked at her.

"They all failed?" he asked.

"Yeah, all of them. Geeks, scientists, medical experts — all of them failed. But guess what? I think I've achieved what they couldn't," beamed Elizabeth.

"Seriously? You've developed a computer that can think and act for itself? How is that possible?" asked a stunned Thomas.

"A series of accidents I think," Elizabeth replied. "I had the idea of using some stem cells to help with the higher order functions of the AI. I also came up with the idea of linking the computer to the pilot of the ship by creating a symbiotic relationship. The combination of things seems to have led to the AI on the Rebecca becoming self-aware."

Thomas was fascinated. As an engineer, he was intrigued by how things were made and there was nothing more important than life itself. He felt immense pride in his twin — if she was right, she had succeeded where thousands of others had tried and failed.

Elizabeth could see how impressed Thomas was with what she had described. Impulsively, she put her arms round his neck and gave him a deep kiss.

"What was that for?" asked a surprised, but nonetheless happy, Thomas.

"Because I love you, silly!" laughed Elizabeth.

Thomas returned to his own work with a goofy smile on his face, happy that his twin still loved him despite what he knew she was doing with Ben.

Marlon tele-ported onboard the WS Scout to inspect the work that was all but completed. His first stop was the engine bay and he walked round the huge new engines that had been fitted. Some adaptations had had to be made to accommodate the way the engines were set out in a line rather than side by side. The loss of a few cabins was a small price to pay however, for the extra power that Thomas' designs delivered.

The Captain stroked his hand over the gleaming alloy of the engines and imagined that he could feel the power of them just by touch alone.

Leaving the engine bay, he stepped onto the moving corridor that would take him directly to the bridge. There was still a lot of activity going on here as Marlon's officers familiarised themselves with the new equipment that had been installed.

"Captain on the bridge," announced the ship's AI.

The various officers snapped to attention as a mark of respect for their commanding officer.

"As you were, gentlemen," said Marlon.

The crew returned their attention to their instruments and Marlon took the opportunity of walking round the bridge. Everything looked shiny and new and the Captain felt like a child with a new toy.

"What do you think of the new scanners, Candela?" he asked his Science Officer.

"Their range is well above what we had before Captain. No wonder Commander Ben was able to run rings round us — he had quite an advantage."

"Not anymore, Candela, not anymore. Let's see him try that again now, we'll show him a thing or two," chuckled a very pleased Marlon.

He made his way to the new Captain's chair that had been fitted and sat down. A series of beeps alerted him to the fact that something had changed in the design of the chair and at that moment the AI's voice sounded to describe what it was.

"Captain, my programming has been upgraded too. Part of that includes the addition of a neural net built-in to the chair you're sitting in. I am able to read your instructions directly from your brain in order to cut down on reaction time."

Marlon's face remained impassive as he thought about what he had just been told. He knew that he shouldn't be surprised that Elizabeth had somehow managed to circumvent the tough security that protected his ship's computer, but she clearly had and that upset him. It was unlikely that Elizabeth would have done anything to compromise his ship, but that wasn't the point. Interfering with his AI was a very personal thing and Marlon felt his resentment beginning to fester.

"My processing capacity has been increased by a factor of twenty, Captain. I can also now cover the duties of any of the officers should that be required. In theory you should be able to contact me directly from the surface of the planet, but I haven't had the opportunity to test that functionality," added the AI.

Marlon felt his resentment melt away, as the AI proceeded with its long list of enhanced abilities. He realised he would be churlish not to appreciate the wonderful job that Elizabeth had done.

The next few hours were spent in routine work, as Marlon tested each of his officer's understanding of their new systems. He had been growing increasingly impatient however, about reaching the point where he could try out his new engines and at last he couldn't resist it anymore.

"Mr Navigator, plot a course that will take us out of this system, make your speed twenty-five percent," he ordered, the slight quiver in his voice betraying his excitement.

"Aye, Captain."

Marlon took in the fact that the large screen at the front of the bridge automatically split and began to show views from all four sides of the Scout.

Once the ship had been flying for around ten minutes, Marlon decided it was time to try out its full capabilities. The AI read his thoughts and sounded a slight note of caution.

"Captain, the engineers warn that we should gradually build up to top speed the first time so as not to over-tax the new engines."

"Thank you, AI," snapped Marlon, annoyed at himself for forgetting such a simple thing. "Navigator, take the engine speed up in steps of ten percent over the next twenty minutes until we reach maximum."

"Aye, Captain, up in steps of ten percent," Gaven replied.

There was a buzz around the bridge as the refurbished Scout went through her paces. The additional power from the engines was unbelievable and Marlon didn't miss the grins on the faces of his officers — grins that matched his own.

"What are the chances of Ben's wee ship outrunning us now?" asked a pleased Marlon of nobody in particular. All round the bridge there were nods of agreement with the Captain's line of thinking, the crew were more than impressed with what their upgraded ship could do.

"You know, I'm not sure why you're still coming to me for lessons — there's nothing more I can teach you," Simeone told Ben.

"I like spending time with you, you are my father after all," laughed Ben.

"That's nice, but seriously, you're one of the most natural pilot's I've ever come across. My advice would be to stop fussing about on my little ship and spend your time getting to know the Rebecca inside out. There's no substitute for that — knowing your ship and what it's capable of," said Simeone.

Ben thought that that sounded like good advice. He had put off the moment when he knew he should let Elise try to use whatever power the metal coating on the Rebecca gave her, but perhaps it was time to do so now?

"Maybe you're right," he said. "So long as you don't think I'm abandoning you to deal with these troublemakers."

Ben's reference took in the other members of his tribe that Simeone was training. Calling them troublemakers was something of a joke Simeone knew, as he had never come across a group that was so focused on what they were being taught.

"You get off and do what you have to do. I'm sure I'll be okay with this lot," Simeone laughed.

Ben smiled and took a step forward; immediately finding himself on the bridge of the Rebecca.

"Pilot on the bridge," announced Elise.

Ben's small crew snapped to attention and saluted their Commander smartly.

"At ease," Ben ordered casually. "Gentlemen, I think I've been working you too hard. How would you all like some time down on the planet with your families?"

The question brought smiles to the faces of the officers, as Ben knew it would.

"Okay, I want everyone on the ship to have twenty-four hours leave of absence starting immediately. You have twenty minutes to get ready," he said.

Ben laughed as the officers all made a mad dash for their cabins to pick up whatever they needed. He was pleased to see that some of them remembered to pass on the news about the day off to the other members of the crew throughout the ship.

It took slightly longer than twenty minutes to find out where each person wanted to be tele-ported to. Elise used her powers to simulate tele-porting them to their destinations, but at last the ship was empty apart from Ben and the AI.

"Alone at last," Ben laughed mentally.

"I assume that you wanted the crew off of the ship for a reason, Commander?" Elise asked.

"Indeed, I thought it was high time we tried to find out exactly what else you can do. It wouldn't do to have the crew around for that now, would it?"


Ben could swear he felt a sense of excitement coming from Elise and he smiled to himself.

"Yes, really. I'm assuming that you can manage all of the instruments yourself?" Ben asked.

"Of course, Commander!"

"Okay then, take us somewhere with some room to play."

"Aye, Commander!"

This time there could be no doubting the feelings he was getting from the AI. Ben sat back in the pilot's chair and watched the screen in front of him. The rear view showed New Woden receding rapidly until it was only a tiny speck in the distance.

Elise soon had the Rebecca up to maximum speed and it didn't take her long to get the ship far enough away from the planet to be out of range of any scanners that might be tracking them.

"That's probably far enough for now, Elise. Cut back on the power and we can run our first test."

"Aye, Commander."

Ben realised that Elise was communicating with him more formally than she usually did. She was always proper, but the sense of occasion, the responsibility of actually controlling all of the ship's systems, seemed to have ratcheted that up a few notches.

"Okay Elise, the first thing I want you to do is to turn off the scanners and try to simply sense where we are in space. One of the first abilities I got from the metals was being able to see 'remotely' over large distances. We'll test out whether you have something equivalent to that."

"Are you sure, Commander? Without the scanners running we could collide with any manner of things," Elise replied.

"Just trust me on this and give it a try," Ben coaxed her.

From the pilot's chair he could see the lights on the scanner instrumentation blinking off.

"Good girl, now tell me what you can 'see'?" he asked.

Elise didn't reply immediately and Ben began to worry that something had gone wrong, but then he heard her voice inside his head again.

"Commander, I can't begin to explain what this is like — it's absolutely incredible."

Ben could hear something like awe in Elise's mental voice.

"We aren't going to get very far if that's the case. I suggest you try to find the words to describe it so that I know whether the metal is working or not," he ordered.

In answer Elise didn't speak, but instead she sent a view of what she was 'seeing'. Now it was Ben's turn to be awed. Perhaps he should have guessed what ability Elise would have, but he hadn't. The metals had given him a 'worldview', the ability to look down on the entire planet of New Woden and to zoom his perspective in and out as he chose. With Elise, the metal coating on the ship had given her a 'galaxy-view' and now she was sharing that with Ben.

It was simply incredible, beautiful, stunning. He could see novas, supernovas, nebulae, countless stars — the colours were vivid and the scale so breathtaking that he did nothing but sit and drink it in for minute after minute.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Elise eventually intruded on his thoughts.

"It certainly is. I thought I would never see anything as beautiful as Aetherkraal, but this is way beyond that."

"Are we going to try something else now?" she asked.

Ben gave himself a mental shake to break the spell that the 'galaxy-view' had cast.

"Pick a star and try to zoom in on it," he suggested.

Ben's perspective changed immediately and he saw a single star rushing towards him. Elise quickly got the hang of what Ben wanted her to do and she spent several minutes shifting their focus from one object or point in space to another.

"There's something a little different over there," said Elise.

Ben found their view zooming in towards something he was familiar with. It was a circle of light, just like the circles he was able to see from high above New Woden. This one had the colour that signified the presence of people and as Elise continued to zoom in, Ben saw that they were actually looking at the WS Scout.

"I see Captain Marlon is putting the Scout through her paces. Maybe we should have some fun with him?" suggested Ben.

"What did you have in mind, Commander?" Elise asked.

"I'm going to go through the mental process I use when I transport myself. I want you to focus on it and then try to do the same thing, okay?"

Ben stood up and took a step forward. He disappeared and immediately re-appeared on the opposite side of the bridge.

"Did you follow that?" he asked.

"I think so, Commander. What do you want me to do?"

"Try to do the same thing and see if you can transport us so that we're right behind the Scout. Wait, load a training round in the forward tubes and have it ready to fire as soon as we get behind Captain Marlon," Ben ordered.

"You're assuming that this is going to work, Commander. I must say that I have my doubts."

"Trust me on this, Elise. Just believe that you're going to be able to do it and it will happen," Ben urged.

"Okay, training round is loaded and ready to fire. I've plotted a course for the torpedo that should work if we come out behind the Scout. You might want to sit down just in case something goes wrong, Commander."

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PLANETARY AGENTS 3: Tentacles of Doom CHAPTER 6 (The all-smut episode) ************************************************* LAST EPISODE: The galaxy?s greatest scientist and high-school teacher is the next target of a nasty tentacle monster. Our super girl spies are there to save him. Last episode, our heroine coped with the onset of her period (even though agents aren?t supposed to have periods), learned of the upcoming dance, and fell suddenly and deeply in love with a...

3 years ago
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Planetary Agents 3g Tentacles of Doom

PLANETARY AGENTS 3: Tentacles of Doom - CHAPTER 7 ? by: Babs Yerunkle A teenaged girl, barely topping 5 foot tall, bounces into the room. She has close-cropped shaggy black hair, very large green eyes and projects WAY too much energy. The best description of her would be pixy, if not for her impressive figure. The girl looks at a second girl curled up like a cat in a pile of blankets. The second girl could be her twin, except for the open-mouthed snore, and the utter *lack* of...

3 years ago
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Planetary Resort

Toettut had been terraformed three hundred years ago and served as a planetary resort for multiple species. Two thousand years had passed since humanity had had the first contact with an Alien species. Humans had to finally acknowledge that we were not alone in the Universe. All species were welcomed here and diplomatic liaisons were opened for commerce and cultural exchange on this far outpost. Intergalactic agreements sanctioned the opening Mega-City for a place of safety for all beings to...

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Planetary lottery

My name is Adam Ferguson, a 22 year old who has generally had a bad life and what I'm going through right now would have to be one of, if not, the toughest time in my life. I was broke and had nothing to go on due to me blowing my savings on a gamble. My career was young and I wanted to make a name for myself but to my bitter disappointment my gamble hadn't payed off and damaged the company's reputation. As a result of this, I'd been fired by my boss and was looked down upon by my colleagues....

Mind Control
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Planetary Resort Part II

Jean waited, anxious and trembling, for she did not know what her eccentric boss might be expecting from her in the ‘special room’. "Do not fear, Miss Rene," said Brick, pleasantly. "I really believe that you and I are going to get along splendidly. Do you have much experience in the escort service?" "Humans only," Jean admitted. "This is my first time off world and first time with an alien." "I see," he nodded and grinned. "I do hope that I satisfied you." "Oh you did," Jean...

2 years ago
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Planetary Agents 35 Tentacles of doom

CHAPTER 5 LAST EPISODE: The galaxy?s greatest scientist (and high-school teacher) is the next target of a nasty tentacle monster. Our girl spies are there to save him. So far, there?s been no monster, but other oddities have been occurring. Now, Caitlin gets to find out what it truly means to be a girl? Crystal helped me into the shower while Amber ran out for some quick ?feminine protection.? Since Crystal was feeling everything I felt, you?d think it would be a case of...

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Planetary Alignment Harem

As you slept a once in a millennium event occurred. The planets reached perfect alignment and as astronomers around the world observed it something totally unexpected happened. At the exact moment the planets reached their alignment in the instant it happened, the sun turned blue and yellow light poured out of it encompassing the entirety of the solar system. In an event that would be called the Light Spread by the scientific community for the rest of recorded human history. As quick as it...

4 years ago
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The Hotel It was a sad thing that brought my family together. The passing away of my beloved grandfather. He truly was a great man. When it came to inviting people we invited all the family that we could, as most families do. But what really got my attention was my two cousins, Sam and Rhea. They were the same age as me and my brother and therefore we were very similar. Or so it would seem…..Later we had dinner and sang and celebrated my grandpa’s life and death when we decided that some of...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Nostalgia Lisa

It’s a bit of a stretch to consider Lisa a “girlfriend.” But less than twenty-four hours with her left a lifelong impression. I flew into Miami to go to the wedding of some old friends. I had introduced the couple a decade earlier and they were finally getting hitched. I arrived the day before the nuptials and went to the rehearsal dinner soon after my arrival. There I met Lisa. Or that’s where I thought I met Lisa. She came up to me as if we were old friends, called me by name, and leaned in...

Straight Sex
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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 9

She was all business at the hospital, and even Bob couldn't tell she'd been having orgasms on the way there. They were again denied access to ICU, this time by a different nurse. "Your father will be moved to a regular room today. We're getting him ready to go now. You'll have to wait until he's in his new room to see him," she said. "Your mother is still in a coma and will remain that way for at least another day. She's doing better, though. You'll have to be satisfied with that....

3 years ago
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Bringing out Audry

I sat nervously watching the clock as my wife Audry readied her self in our hotel bathroom. It didn’t usually take this long but tonight was different. Tonight she would meet a man we had met before several times only tonight it would be on his terms. He had promised to set up the whole weekend for the both of us. She was to do what ever she was told for the next seven or so hours, no matter what. As my mind started to drift about with the possibilities I was brought back to reality by my...

3 years ago
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A born Jack off

My name is Bill and I’m a fucking Jack off. Seriously. I masturbate at least 3 times every day on weekdays and even more on the weekends. I discovered it when I was 11 years old and ever since I have jacked off every chance I got. I knew how a man and a woman would have sex and I also knew that fondling my penis felt good. I knew that a man would thrust his penis into a woman’s hole and I knew that It felt good to use my hand on my dick so eventually I put two and two together and I started...

1 year ago
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Drunk Chachi In Delhi

Hi I am a fair, handsome, cute guy from Delhi. I have been in relationships before but I was still a virgin. I was really good looking and kept long hair. This is how I lost my virginity to my Chachi Last year. To describe my chachii she is very fair. She is healthy but really gorgeous, big eyes, and lips and long hair. She was really beautiful. Her plump fair belly n thighs used to make crazy and she wore skin tight jeans and t-shirt. Both chachii chachuu used to drink every night. And had...

2 years ago
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The look alike part 2

Weeks go by and my tight, low cut shirts, form-fitting dresses, and short skirts had done nothing to get Jimmy's attention. After his first day in my office and the amazing oral sex I have ever received, I couldn't get him off my mind let alone keep myself from being hot and bothered whenever I saw him. Every night I would go home and get my toys out and pleasure myself to the thought of that afternoon, and then some. I'd think about him coming up behind me in the vault room, unzipping my dress...

Office Sex
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Mommy8217s Decision

Kamala is a typical South Indian lady. She is in her 40’s, not so beautiful or fair or have a smoking hot figure. In accordance with her age, she has medium sized breasts, a bumpy stomach and some fluff around her buttocks. Her only son, Somesh is a studious and nice boy. In short he was momma’s boy. She was proud of Somesh as he never misses No:1 Rank in his class. This happened when Somesh had just entered his teens. He was 18 years and was doing his VIII std. She noticed Somesh was a bit...

3 years ago
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Massage became suckage

Hi all…Thx for the responses. Here is one incident which I mentioned in earlier. (I dont want to use the word story – incident).She is from Karnataka although a Mallu and looks good. Wheatish in color pink lips and small but firm boobs and good ass. I never had any bas intentions towards her, but it happened unexpectedly. One Sunday evening she came our home and was looking so dull. We had a cup of tea and were taking rest. By that time my friend left for work. We were alone and I noticed that...

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Hutt Slayer Leia

Grace Harper is a 22 year old aspiring model and student who has been cos-playing for a little over 2 years. She was very thankful of the last minute growth spurt that put her at an ideal modeling 5'9", with perky B cup breasts and a 27 inch waist. Her hair came down just past her shoulders a natural sandy blonde, she was known to change her hair dramatically from month to month. She had dyed it a deep brown for the Con. Normally she stuck to scary or cute costumes, having done one version of...

1 year ago
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Hard WinterChapter 9 Every Mans Dream

It was now the middle of February and we had one more severe blizzard but by running the train for twenty four hours we kept the line open. This was a lot easier than clearing the drifts after they had built up. Scott, Katie and Larry shared the duties between themselves and Cath, one of the dozen women we rescued from Brid. She had expressed an interest on the day we spoke to them so this development wasn't unexpected. We certainly wouldn't be needing solicitors in our new world. We...

1 year ago
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Life Death and LifeChapter 10

A creature of habit, I always turn to my right getting up from bed. However, a body stopped me, it was Faith. “Hello, Daddy, you’re hard again, aren’t you? Can I help you with that?” Wh - What? “You already gave me a very satisfying blow job earlier, my dear. I’m OK!” “Can we make out?” “Why are you being so ... naughty?” I asked her. “I don’t know, but I’m enjoying it. Especially when you are around me,” she said. “Hold me, please?” She is just too cute and I wrapped around her as...

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The Boy in the commercial

The Boy in the Commercial By Dauphin Clint and I were best of friends, and have been best friends all our lives. We have a special connection as we were born the same day eleven years ago. So why was I standing in the middle of a shop and pointing my finger at him and laughing at him? The reason was that I heard him tell his mum that he wanted the frilly plastic panties. I looked in the shopping basket and could see he had frilly panties, as well as diapers and I even saw tights. I...

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GirlsWay Aidra Fox Charlotte Stokely Elena Koshka Blind Taste Test

Three friends – Elena Koshka, Charlotte Stokely, and Aidra Fox – have just had dinner together. As they chat, talk soon turns to their love lives. Charlotte and Aidra have always been very competitive with each other and soon get into an argument about who is the better lover. An idea is proposed to settle who is the better lover: Aidra and Charlotte will both go under the table and take turns eating Elena out, who will then decide who did it better. But the twist is that Elena...

3 years ago
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MandyChapter 2

I got home somewhere after 2 AM and snuck into the house. As I went up to my room, I was careful to not step on the two steps that creak. I’d taken off all my clothing when I first came in and I figured if I heard mom or dad moving, I’d just hide my stuff, tell them I was thirsty and was getting a drink. Nobody heard a thing. As I drifted off to sleep, I thought about my evening with Mandy. I was still hard, so I took care of it while I thought about Mandy. Tonight, I thought it felt better...

3 years ago
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new story

No stories about u******e persons, a****l sex, ****, i****t, shitting and other disgusting thingsNo stories stolen from other sitesNo stories about u******e persons, a****l sex, ****, i****t, shitting and other disgusting thingsNo stories stolen from other sitesNo stories about u******e persons, a****l sex, ****, i****t, shitting and other disgusting thingsNo stories stolen from other sitesNo stories about u******e persons, a****l sex, ****, i****t, shitting and other disgusting thingsNo...

3 years ago
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Collecting GinaChapter 3

Brad was four pulses into the most incredible orgasm of his life when he became aware of a crash and a number of thumps to his right. Looking over the side of the bed, he beheld Sarah, lying half on her side, apparently trying to catch her breath. “Are you okay?” he puffed. Sarah gazed up at him in shock and embarrassment. It WAS Brad! “I think so,” she said in a small voice. “Who is it?” Gina asked. “I can’t see...” “It’s Sarah,” Brad related. “How long have you been here?” Sarah stood...

4 years ago
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still nitemare part 2

Wednesday July 11t2018h 9pm She is back over there and I am sitting here what next..? I will say that earlier she was being a bitch saying she was frustrated. She gets the text and basically informs me she is going. We havnt fucked for over a week. So I listened to the assault on her pussy, I cant begin to tell you how many times she came, lets just say he can make her cum at will and she is a fucking sprinkler when he makes her cum . So as I was listening she starts sucking my dick and...

2 years ago
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Hamster Buddies PT2

Two days later Kristi called and asked if I was free to get together over the weekend. I felt like an ass when I told her "I was gonna be in New York for the weekend" ,so I asked If we could get together Thursday. " Of course" she replied "I haven't missed a day of work all year time for a sick day." We agreed on meeting at a motel near my side of town.Thursday morning came and I got a 7 am morning wake up call asking where the motel was. I told her where it was and said she wanted to meet up...

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Fucked My Amma With Help Of ISS Friend8217s Guidance

Hi, guys, I’m Mark. Hope you have read some of my stories. I was busy guiding many to take first steps into incest. It is so common in our society. Many guys and moms got in touch with me sharing their fantasies. But they are afraid to take one step for fulfilling their desire. One south Indian lady knows that her son is masturbating on her panties and she is still afraid to ask him for sex. So I recommend you all even if you are a guy or lady if you think about taboo please take some guidance...

2 years ago
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Lover8217s delight

I woke with the sun shining in my eyes through a gap in the curtains. I tried to roll over so I could go back to sleep but my husband was snuggled up close to me. I could feel the warmth of him against my back as I woke to what my body was feeling. Keeping my eyes closed I could smell his manly scent and feel his heart beating against my back. My Chutad was pressed against his Lund, which was hard and pulsed with his heartbeat. I slipped out from underneath his arm, turned and took his Lund...

1 year ago
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The Dogging Diaries IX

Diary Entry: September 2008 What the hell is going on here? Ryan and I both slept in and when we woke up I wasn't exactly sure what to do or say. All he said was, "crazy night, last night." I don't really understand everything that happened. I feel terrible that it did and yet, I don't feel like I did anything wrong. It's not like I wanted this to happen. I was just doing what he told me. I feel dirty. I can still feel Tom's cock inside me, still feel his cum. I don't want...

3 years ago
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William Redman CarterChapter 58

"Do you think I should open a publishing house?" William asked. "No," Linda answered putting the manuscript on the table. She had just finished reading it and had been very impressed. She knew Happy Harry, but not many of the other homeless. She had noticed that the manuscript had Forest Shadow crying like a baby by the time she had finished it. "Okay, so who do we take the manuscript to?" "Al Maloney would probably be the best person. His publishing house has handled a lot of best...

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