Transforman! free porn video

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On a silent and dimly-lit street, a young man in a gray hoodie and sweatpants fidgeted with his pry bar, trying to slip it under the window sash and catch the Porsche's locking mechanism. Carl was a little nervous, wiping the sweat from his brow as he worked. This was far and away the nicest car he'd ever boosted and the closest to his home. He hoped the car alarm didn't go off, he was less than a block from his house. It might wake up his mom, who would find out that Carl had snuck out again instead of going to bed early before his big AP Calculus midterm. Of course, she had no idea what Carl did when he snuck out. If she did, she'd be a lot madder. As Carl focused on the car in front of him he heard a gentle swooshing sound and two footfalls behind him, the sounds seeming echoingly loud against the otherwise quiet street. With a jump Carl spun around, the blood draining from his face at what he saw. Eighteen years old, Carl was fully grown and average height and build, an inch or two shy of six feet. The figure standing before him was far taller, easily 6'4" at least, and built like a brick house. Tight, clingy white spandex wrapped over the giant's bulky muscles and wide shoulders, revealing every feature. He wore a red cape, and at his crotch was what appeared to be red underwear worn on the outside of the spandex, presenting an indistinct bulge. His feet were covered in sleek white boots, and his hands by tight blue gloves. His square-jawed chin was pronounced on a handsome face, and over his eyes was a white masquerade mask. Most prominently to Carl's height was the large heptagon centered on the man's chest, with a capital T elegantly stylized in the middle. "Oh shit," Carl gasped and turned to run, but the man grabbed his shoulder, and with unnatural strength pushed Carl against the car he was trying to steal. "Transforman!" Carl shouted nervously. "Yes it is I!" Transforman baritone voice spoke, full of bravado. "And you are a car thief!" "What? No!" Carl stammered, trying to think of a lie. "I'm just a kid trying to get back in my car! I locked the keys inside!" "You are not, wrongdoer!" Transforman continued. "You think it is fun to take things from other people! Let us see how you like when something is taken from you! Your physical identity!" Transforman bellowed and his eyes started to glow blue. "No-no please!" Carl stammered as he felt his skin tingling, watching Transforman seem to grow before his very eyes. Carl felt the car he was pressed up against slipping against his back too though, and realized he was actually shrinking. At the same time a lock of hair slipped out from under Carl's hood, growing long before Carl's eyes. Black and straight, not wavy and blond like Carl's normal hair. He tried to bring his hands up and grab at Transforman's arm which held his shoulder, and when he did Carl saw his hands were now small and dainty. Carl's arm were even weaker than usual, and he could do nothing to the arm which held him. Then Transforman's eye's stopped glowing, and Carl knew he was too late to stop what was done to him. "There," Transforman said, but did not let go of Carl's shoulder. "Let me go!" Carl shouted in a voice that wasn't his. It was high pitched and slightly nasal, and he instantly recognized it as a girl's voice. Carl's eyes went wide and his hands on Transforman's arm let go and quickly darted to his own body. Under the now ridiculously baggy hoodie Carl felt a puffy chest, but more worrying was the pat to his crotch, which felt no bulge of his dick or balls. "I'm a-" "East Asian woman," Transforman finished with a smile. "Compositionally, your features are mostly Japanese." Carl's hands slapped to his face, which was now round and possessed of a smaller nose. He gasped and squirmed under Transforman's grip. "Let me go!" he repeated. "Not until you promise not to steal any more cars. If I catch you doing this again, I'll do far worse," Transforman continued. "You have no right!" Carl squealed and thrashed about, kicking at Transforman and ultimately hitting him right in the crotch. Transforman winced and frowned, as if the blow had not been too hard. "Be still!" Transforman hissed angrily and his eyes glowed again. Carl froze at that sight, and felt the tingling return. This time it was focused entirely around his chest. He looked down and brought his hands up to feel as his new small breasts ballooned outwards with tremendous speed against his hoodie, inflating like water balloons until he could barely cup them in his hands. Transforman's eyes stopped glowing and he glowered down at Carl, seeming even larger than before. "Now do you promise?" Transforman asked. "Yes! Yes I promise!" Carl shouted. "Please turn me back!" "If I do that then you will learn nothing. Let this be a reminder for the rest of your days," Transforman said and let go of Carl's shoulder. Carl stood upright, feeling the strange balance of his new body. Comparing his height against the car behind him, Carl guessed he'd lost half a foot of height, leaving him roughly 5'3". He looked back to Transforman one more time, pitifully, but was met only by his stern gaze. "Go on! Go home!" Transforman commanded angrily and Carl began to run awkwardly, his weighty breasts bouncing considerably with each step as he raced home, where he'd have to figure out some way of explaining to his mother how she now had a busty Japanese daughter. Transforman stood in the street and watched Carl go with a contented grin on his face when he heard laughter coming from behind him. He snapped around quickly, ready to face a new foe, only to be see a ordinary civilian standing on the far side of the street with his cellphone out, recording the whole thing. "Aww man! Transforman! Dude, that was dope!" the man said between laughs and put his phone away. "Move along citizen," Transforman said, beaming the man a smile and standing upright, pushing out his muscular chest. "One sec," the man replied, glancing down both sides of the street and rushing across as a frown formed on Transforman's face. "Can I get a pic with you? Please?" "Citizen, jaywalking is a crime," Transforman said sternly. "It's a law for your safety." "What?" the man replied, the jubilance gone from his voice. "Dude, it's the middle of the night and there's no one on the road." "I understand," Transforman said and nodded. "You're overly confident because you don't think things can hurt you. Perhaps a slight adjustment in your stature will teach you to be more cautious," Transforman said and his eyes began to glow. The man watched as Transforman seemed to grow several inches taller before his eyes. Only when Transforman's eyes stopped glowing did the man realize he'd actually been shrunk about four inches. "What? Hey! Come on!" the man shouted angrily. "Obey the law citizen!" Transforman shouted, and hurling his fist into the sky, launched himself into the sky with great speed. "You're fucking crazy!" the man shouted at the sky, then walked slowly to the side of the street he'd crossed to. His house was on the other side of the street, but he wasn't about to risk jaywalking again now. He'd walk to the end of the block and use the crosswalk. --- "I snuck out last night to meet up with some friends," Carl said in a high pitched voice to the detective sitting in the armchair across from him, who scribbled down into a notebook. Beside Carl, Carl's mom sat, now silent, on the couch after a night of swinging between grief and anger at what had happened to her son. They'd both been up all night, and the detective had arrived just after sunrise. Carl had rehearsed his lie on his mother, and so now that he was telling it to the police officer the story had a regular rhythm. "I was going to meet them down at Kilpatrick Park. I was walking that way when I crossed the street and suddenly Transforman was behind me. His eyes started to glow and he turned me into this," Carl said and gestured at his body. He was still wearing the same baggy, dark hoodie and sweats, which obscured most of the curves on his new body. Underneath Carl was achingly aware of his large heavy breasts, dangling free, his nipples brushing against the inside of the hoodie. Less obvious unless he thought about it was the lack of his balls, pressed between his legs. "I think he said I was jaywalking. I don't know really, I wasn't listening, I just ran," Carl knew that Transforman occasionally transformed people for just this minor offense. Detective Wilkins, wrote it all down. He wore a simple white buttoned shirt and a blue paisley tie, with khaki pants. Around his neck on a chain was his golden shield, the letters NCPD readable even at a distance. He frowned as he finished writing and looked up at Carl, then over to Carl's mother, then back to Carl. "Is that all?" Detective Wilkins asked. "If that's what my son says happened, that's what happened!" Carl's mother snapped and crossed her arms. She'd gotten dressed before the detective arrived, wearing a pink blouse and a long black pants. She'd dressed for work, Carl realized, she was still planning on going in today. "Miss Patterson, please, I'm just trying to understand your son's story," Detective Wilkins replied then turned back to Carl. "Who were you going to meet?" "Martin Boyle, Wendy Asher, and Natalie Wermer," Carl said, knowing the three of them would back up any story he asked them too, though he dreaded having to explain this to them. "And why were you sneaking out?" Detective Wilkins asked, and Carl's mom's frown deepened. "I- I'd rather not say in front of my mom," Carl said, letting his anxiety show a little. He didn't need to worry about blushing, he already was. "Ms. Patterson, would you give us the room?" Detective Wilkins asked with a smile. Carl's mom grumbled and stood up, walking to the kitchen of their small apartment where she was only barely out of earshot. "Me and Natalie have an on-off relationship," Carl spoke in a hushed tone, stating a truth unrelated to his story, "Kilpatrick Park is big, we were gonna find a place to..." Carl's voice trailed off and he arched his eyebrows. Detective Wilkins wrote that down and shook his head. "How old are you Carl?" "Eighteen since February," Carl replied. "Eighteen. That's bad luck. Just a few months earlier and you might have gotten off lighter. Transforman is usually pretty lenient to minors. God knows how he figures out a person's age, but then there's so much about him we don't understand," Detective Wilkins continued, frowning, then looked Carl in the eyes. "I don't suppose you are you going to tell me what really happened?" he asked bluntly, but Carl didn't react. "What!?" Carl's mom snapped, stepping out from the kitchen where she'd been ease dropping. "What are you accusing my son of?!" "Ma'am, first of all, I think you'd better get used to calling Carl here your daughter. I lead the Transforman task force for NCPD, and I can tell you, no one he's transformed has ever been transformed back. Hell, we have no idea how he does it, it's like magic for crying out loud!" Detective Wilkins explained, venting a bit of his frustrations with Transforman cases as he did. He recomposed himself and continued, "Second, Transforman has a pattern. Certain punishments fit certain crimes. Attempted murder might get someone turned into an animal, but something as petty as jaywalking never results in anything as severe as what happened to Carl here. Based on the change, I'm guessing it was actually some kind of theft." "What?! My son would never!" Carl's mom shouted, anger pouring out of her. "Ma'am, Transforman doesn't work like a police detective. He doesn't go around building a case and gathering evidence. He catches people in the act and punishes them immediately. If your son got transformed by him, that means he was probably caught in the act." Carl's mom scowled and looked to Carl, who looked up at her with a sheepish frown. This detective was good. "It doesn't really matter. I have no evidence linking Carl here to any kind of crime, and I'm not going to pursue it," Detective Wilkins said and flipped his notebook shut. "I'll put Carl's name into our database. Come by the police station sometime and we'll get you the paperwork you need to get any updated I.D. documents. Consider yourself lucky Miss Patterson." Detective Wilkins spoke to Carl addressing him as female. "Transforman's punishment could have been far more severe." "And what the hell is Carl supposed to do in the meantime?" Carl's mom asked bitterly, ignoring Detective Wilkin's dismissive tone. Detective Wilkins stood and adjusted his tie, then looked down at Carl. "I'd get her some new clothes first. Then she'd better get used to being a she and go back to school and live her life normally." Hearing her son referred to as `she' made Carl's mom's eyes go wide. She took a loud hissing breath and puffed herself up. He crossed arms snapped off her chest and she pointed to the door. "Get out!" she shouted loudly enough it reverberated off the tiny apartment's walls. "Get out!" she repeated quickly. "Yes ma'am," Detective Wilkins replied with a nod and quietly let himself out of the apartment. Carl's mother watched from the window and saw the detective get in his beaten down old car and drive off. Then she turned back to Carl, forcing a smile on her face even as she still scowled. "What an awful man. Accusing you of all that! He doesn't know what he's talking about!" Carl's mom vented at Carl. "Yeah," Carl quickly agreed, happy to keep his mom on his side. "But mom, what am I going to do?" "We'll do our own research. We'll see if he's right, that no one ever gets turned back..." Carl's mom spoke as much to herself as to her son. "In the meantime, we can go clothes shopping tomorrow and get you some things to wear. And I don't want you missing too much school because of this." Carl's heart sunk at his mother's statement. She was actually going to make him do it. Dress like a girl and go to school. Even though his mother was unused to reading Carl's new face, his anxiety at her comment was plain as day. Her expression softened to one of sympathy and she sat and put her arm around her son. "Come on Carl, it's not so bad. You know I'm a woman, and I've done OK." "Yeah mom," Carl said and rolled his eyes as very real tears poured down his cheeks. He felt so vulnerable right now. Was he really going to be stuck this way, forever? "There there, it's OK..." Carl's mom repeated and patted his back. As she held her son her eyes went up, glancing at a clock on the wall. Carl didn't miss the fading of her attention. "You've got to go," Carl said hoarsely and sat up, coldly shaking off his mom's embrace. "Honey I'm so sorry! It's just- there's a meeting today with our biggest client and I really have to be there. I'm going to be late as is," Carl's mom explained quickly. "I'll come home right afterwards, but it's going to be a long meeting. Maybe I'll be back around 3. You can skip school today, obviously, you must be exhausted." "Yeah sure," Carl said, happy to skip school, but not really feeling exhausted. His adrenaline was easily keeping him awake at this point. He didn't even bother to think about how sleep deprived his mom must have been as well. "Go get some sleep," Carl's mom said and stood. She bent and picked up her purse from the coffee table and reached inside. She pulled out a credit card and handed it to Carl. "Get something delivered for lunch when you wake up. Whatever you want." "Thanks mom," Carl said and smiled weakly at her. She smiled weakly back, then glanced at the clock again. "Ok, I've got to run," she said, snapping her purse shut and walking to the door. "Bye baby!" she called automatically and was outside before Carl could respond. The apartment suddenly seemed big, empty, and quiet as Carl sat alone on the couch. He didn't feel the fatigue he should have, but it was still there, and so he sat vacantly on the couch for a few minutes before he moved. He had to go to the bathroom, something which raised a new level of dread in his mind. But he had to go, and there was no way around it. He walked across the apartment to his room and it's small attached bathroom. He pulled down his sweatpants and underwear, seeing his pale, hairless legs for the first time as he did. He didn't have the courage yet to look at his crotch. His heart raced as he sat down on the toilet seat, painfully feeling the absence of dangling balls underneath him. A momentary panic of not knowing how to go faded as the reaction came instinctually. He managed a moment's relief and sighed as the pressure in his bladder lessened as a hissing stream of urine hit water underneath him. He'd be peeing sitting down from now on. That thought brought his anxiety right back up, and he stood without wiping and blindly pulled his pants back up. He flushed the toilet and noticed his hand was shaking. "Screw this," Carl said in his new high-pitched voice, knowing he needed to calm down. Carl entered his room and pulled a box out from under his bed. Inside were many things, a collection of junk and old books from his childhood. He grabbed one of the books, a big hardback novel he'd never actually read. He opened it and shook the book. From under the spine of the book came a long thin white tube of paper. A delicately rolled joint. Carl's last. He'd have to hit up Martin again soon. Grabbing a lighter and heading back into his bathroom. Carl hit the exhaust fan and shut the door. The fan hummed gently and Carl sat on the toilet. He brought the joint to his mouth and with a flick of the lighter, took a long drag. He was a fucking chick. Carl exhaled slowly and then took another long puff, holding his breath. A chick, a woman, a girl, female, feminine. God, was he going to have a period? Could he have a baby? Carl let out another large cloud of smoke and watched as it was sucked up into the exhaust fan over head. Then he took another puff. He had a fucking pussy now. And tits. The joint was strong stuff, and began to hit Carl in no time at all. As usual, it's first impact was to make him giggly. Tits. Heh. He could see tit's whenever he wanted just by looking down. Carl did so as he thought this and saw the bump in his hoodie at his chest. He hadn't even seen them properly yet. Only felt them. Setting his joint down on the sink counter top, Carl reached down with his dainty new hands and grabbed the base of his hoodie and quickly pulled it off. When he looked down again, he could see his pale, bare breasts, large but still perky, hanging on his chest, a flat belly beneath them. Carl's jaw dropped as he stared at them. They were magnificent. He shook his chest from side to side and watched them jiggle and sway with a slight delay. He laughed to himself. He reached down for the joint and lighter and took another hit. As he did, he caught his reflection in the mirror. Long, straight black hair cascaded down to just past his shoulders. It framed a round, cute face with a small nose and faint cheekbones. Thin pink lips with just a bit of poutiness to them were wrapped around the end of the joint, and two large, dark brown eye's stared back at him. His face reminded him of some Japanese cartoon character in its perfection. His eyes drifted down and he saw his large breasts from the front. They were absolutely huge on his small frame, like two grapefruit on narrow tree trunk. Each was capped with a bright pink nipple, which stood erect in the cool air. Carl took another puff of the joint, watching himself do it in the mirror, trying to make the girl there look as sexy as possible in doing so. That was when another typical effect of the pot started to hit Carl. Carl often got horny when he smoked. Feeling a little light headed, giggly, and horny, Carl knew now was the time for the final reveal. He felt relaxed enough now he could see his vagina. Setting the joint down again, he reached down and shimmied out of his sweatpants and underwear. Carl's eyes first fixed on his new womanhood, mostly obscured between his legs behind a small tuft of curly black hair. His thighs seemed huge and lead to an even bigger ass and wide birthing hips. He spun around looked over his shoulder into the mirror. He saw his butt, not so perky and round, but still tight. He reached a hand back and grabbed it, finding it every firm like a raw ham. Turning around again he looked in the mirror and watched as the girl there brought her hands up and cupped both her breasts. They were big and heavy and soft. Carl had felt boobs before, but never from both sides at once. It was an odd and pleasant feeling as he massaged them, bringing his fingers up and pinching his nipples. He closed his eyes, basking in the sensation. "Ah!" Carl gasped when he pinched a little too hard. His eyes darted open and he stared at himself in the mirror. He suddenly started laughing. It was absurd that he was getting off watching himself get off. He reached down and grabbed the joint and lighter, taking it to his lips for another long puff. He held it at his lips and set the lighter down, then brought his hands up to fondle his breasts some more. It made him feel all warm and soft, squeezing his tits, feeling their flesh bulge out from between his fingers. "MMmmm..." Carl moaned and gyrated his hips automatically. He brushed his crotch against the cool plastic sink counter top. The cold quickly warmed from the warmth of his crotch, which in it's movement brushed against something wonderful. "Ah!" Carl gasped and the joint nearly dropped from his mouth. He grabbed it and brought the lighter up, taking another long drag then thrusting his hips forward, pushing his crotch against the sink again. His whole body felt so good right now, his hands grabbing his tits, his crotch grinding against the corner of the sink. He closed his eyes and moaned, feeling completely relaxed. He should do it, Carl thought to himself. It felt so good! He should commit and go masturbate. He was a guy, and what guy hadn't been curious about how girls felt at least once? From what he felt so far, he was expecting it would be very, very good. Grinding against the corner of the sink was good, started to feel like he needed more. The thought of touching himself down there was till very strange. His anxiety started to return. Still thinking like a teenage boy, he immediately thought of a solution to distract him. Pornography. Strolling naked into his room, Carl plopped himself down in front of his computer and turned it on. While it booted up, he continued to play with his new breasts and smile. Clicking through a few sights he frequented, Carl quickly settled on a video of a white girl being double teamed by two big black guys. As the video played, Carl's hand made its way to his crotch and gently probed what he found there. Carl was not a virgin, and he'd fingered a girl before, so the sensation from his fingers wasn't wholly new. The sensation from his crotch however, was. A bolt of pleasure mixed with pain made him jump as he aggressively poked his clit. He paused for a second, but continued at a lighter pace a moment later. His middle finger drifted south, caressing his pussy lips and slipping inside. His natural lubrication coated his finger immediately. "Ahhh, ah!" Carl gasped along with the girl on the screen as the first of the cocks penetrated her from behind. Carl's free hand remained on his breast, massaging it as his right hand continued to poke around his crotch, moving whatever ways felt good. Up and down, side to side, little circles, his pleasure came and went elusively as he watched. Carl frowned, feeling like his fingers weren't up to the job. Then a perverse idea entered his head. Reaching down into a drawer beside his computer, he pulled out a gamepad. Quickly typing on his computer with his slimey fingers, Carl opened the gamepad's configuration software. He opened the tab for rumble. He set it to test-mode and the gamepad began to vibrate. Flipping back over to the porn video, the girl was moaning loudly as she was spit roasted by the two black guys. Carl slipped the rumbling controller to his crotch and pressed one of it's long grips against himself. "AH!" Carl gasped and his whole body spasmed as he held the controller with both hands at his crotch. "Oh fuck! Ah-a!" Carl's body curled forward as pleasure shot through him and he struggled to breath. He watched the girl in the video, enjoying herself. He tried to fixate on her breasts and he moaning, imagining he was fucking her. His thoughts became confused at the sound of his own moaning though, and he began to imagine he was her. His eye's drifted and looked to the muscular black guys, watching their cocks pump in and out of the girls pussy and mouth. Carl opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue to needily caress a cock that wasn't there. "MMnngh! HMNG! AHHH!! FUCK!!" Carl screamed as his whole body felt like it was struck with lightning bolts of pleasure. His hips convulsed against the controller held there, bucking violently in his seat. He gasped for breath and sighed as the two guys in the video pulled out and exploded all over the poor girl's smiling face. Carl pulled the controller away, it's right grip now covered in his juices. The seat beneath him hadn't fared much better, and a pool of translucent slime collected at his crotch. Carl shut the video and gamepad config tabs in a daze, his eyes struggling to stay open in the afterglow of his first female orgasm. The combination of orgiastic bliss and being stoned overwrote Carl's worry and anxiety, and the fatigue from not sleeping last night finally hit him. Without bothering to get dressed or clean anything up, Carl stood and then fell face down on his bed, his naked body rubbing against his sheets as he did so. He sighed contentedly and closed his eyes, sleep overtaking him immediately. --- As soon as the final bell chimed, Carl got out of his seat and made a b-line for the exit. It had been an awful, humiliating, stressful day. His first back at school since the change, and only the third day over all. Yesterday, true to her word, his mother had let him skip school again to take him clothes shopping. As usual for Carl's mother, she was very pushy about what clothes Carl should buy. That's how he ended up with his current ensemble. A pair of tight-fitting blue jeans which hugged his legs and butt, and a buttoned white blouse which obscured all his womanhood but a bulge at his chest. Of course, Carl's face was fully exposed, completely different from his old one. Everyone at school had already heard rumors about what had happened to him. All gawked, but few asked Carl questions. He'd had an awkward lunch with Martin, Wendy, and Natalie. Natalie had been blue about how Carl now being a woman meant their on-off relationship was finally at an end, and Wendy had a thousand insouciant questions about minor details while Martin sat quietly, trying not to stare. Carl dreaded where he was headed now. Martin was his ride home typically, and his choices were that, walk, or bus. Carl had no desire to do either of the latter. Besides, he needed to get more weed from Martin. It had really helped him relax that first day. As the students streamed out into the parking lot, Carl saw Martin leaning against the hood of his beaten up old Datsun. Black and sporty, the car would be quite the car if it didn't die half the time and was covered with rust spots. Martin scanned the crowd, taking awhile to recognize the new face approaching him. "Oh, hey Carl," Martin said, climbing off the hood as Carl approached. "Hey. Let's go," Carl replied quickly and climbed into the passenger seat. After a little struggling the engine turned over and the car roared to life. A few silent minutes of stop and go traffic exiting the parking lot and the two of them were out on the road. "Here," Martin said, pulling a fancy brass cigarette case from under the seat of his car and handing it to Carl. "I think you need this." Carl didn't answer, but took the case from Martin's hand. Opening it, Carl pulled out one of the joints from inside. Looking around, Carl found a lighter on the car's console and grabbed it. Like the car, it took a few tries to get the lighter to catch. When it did, Carl puffed deeply on the joint, holding the smoke in his lungs for as long as he could before finally exhaling. The surge of relief he felt was almost instantaneous, and he slouched down into the car's bucket seats, leaning his head against the window and watching the world go by. He held the joint out to Martin, who pushed Carl's hand back. Martin's hand felt huge and tough against Carl's now feminine hands, a new oddness which prompted Carl to take another long puff immediately. "I think you need it more," Martin said calmly, keeping his eyes on the road. They weren't headed straight to Carl's house, but that was typical for them. They'd often just drive around and smoke after school. "You have no idea," Carl replied and shook his head. Martin drove them to Kilpatrick Park, to a remote lot which was rarely visited by anyone. It was a popular hang out for teens to do exactly what Carl and Martin were doing. Only after Martin turned his car off and reached towards him did Carl suddenly remember what else teens did in this parking lot. Carl jerked backwards against the door, eyes wide with terror as he looked across the car at the mellow face of Martin. "I just want a puff man," Martin excused himself, reaching slowly and pulling the stub of a joint from Carl's hand. Martin gingerly lifted it to his lips, pinched between two fingers. Sucking on it made the tip glow orange, then fade back to black. He exhaled slowly, filling the car with smoke. "Don't worry. We can have another," Martin said before taking another puff. "Good. I wanted to buy some from you," Carl said, watching Martin puff on it until, making it dwindle down in size until he couldn't hold the roach anymore. "No doubt. No doubt," Martin replied, holding the smoke in his lungs an impressively long amount of time before coughing and sputtering it out. Carl opened the case and pulled out another joint. He brought it to his lips and flicked the lighter on, puffing hungrily as it, then passing it off to Martin. Martin puffed away at it, then exhaled slowly, holding the joint in his hand and turning to look at Carl. "Shit man. Look at you," Martin said and shook his head. "Don't remind me," Carl replied and reached for the joint. "Hey, at least you're pretty hot. That's a perk," Martin replied. "I guess," Carl replied, not really wanting to accept the compliment. Martin passed him the joint and he took another drag. "I'm pretty sure Transforman is a pervert. He did the same thing when he caught my cousin Fernie," Martin replied. "-what?" Carl gasped and coughed, looking at Martin incredulously. "Your cousin Fernie used to be a guy?" "Yeah, Fernie doesn't like to talk about it. She got transformed about two years ago. Didn't you think it was weird that I had a hot black cousin?" Martin asked, pointing to his white skin. Carl didn't respond, but stared at Martin confused. Carl had met Fernie a couple of times. Fernie was about two years older than him and had a pretty loose reputation. One time, at a party about a year ago, Fernie had given Carl a blow job. It was the best blow job he'd ever gotten. Now he knew why it was so good. Had Fernie always been into guys? Was Carl going to end up doing the same kind of thing? "Fuck man," Carl finally said and passed the joint to Martin. "Yeah, took the whole family like six months to get used to calling her a her," Martin replied, taking another puff. "I bet I'll be faster with you." They sat in silence for a moment as Carl let that piece of info sink in. "So how are your boobs?" Martin asked. "Uncomfortable," Carl replied, reaching up and adjusting his bra through his shirt. "Are they fun though? Can you get off with them?" Martin asked and pushed the joint back to Carl. "Why don't you ask Fernie?" Carl frowned and took the joint. "Dude, she's my cousin. That would be weird," Martin replied and shook his head. "You know, I've thought about it. Because of Fernie. I thought it might be kind of fun to be a chick. Just for a while I mean." "Well too bad. Tell you what though, try jacking cars for joy rides long enough and you might get caught like me," Carl shook his head, ignoring the fact that at this very moment his nipples were erect under his bra and there was a warm, soft feeling at his crotch which he could not identify as arousal. It was the weed again, plus talking about it. Carl knew he'd be masturbating again when he got home. It felt really good, but he wasn't about to say that out loud, no matter how stoned he was. "Yeah, it sucks that there's only one guy who can make these kinds of changes, and he's kind of nuts," Martin shook his head and reached for the joint. "Yeah, I mean, I'd love to get him to turn me back to normal, but according to everything about Transforman on the internet, that's not going to happen," Carl shook his head and passed off the joint. "Too bad you can't capture him and make him turn you back," Martin answered, and Carl froze as an idea formed in his mind. What if Transforman had a weakness? What if there was some way to capture him? There were all kinds of rumors and stories about him doing weird things during his `heroic escapades'. Maybe some of those weird things were him hiding a weakness... "You ok? You're zoning out," Martin asked, offering up the joint which had gone out. "What? Yeah, no. I'm totally fine," Carl answered, taking the joint a tucking it between his lips. As he sparked the lighter he looked down the length of it, to the bulge at his chest. Maybe, he thought, he could find a way to get rid of that... "I think I'm done," Carl said and handed the joint back to Martin. "Ok. You're not stoned enough to show me your boobs are you?" Martin asked, cracking a big grin. "No," Carl answered quickly, but not before feeling another surge of warmth pass through his body. He'd go straight home and masturbate to clear his head, then he'd start his new research project. How to capture Transforman. --- "So tell me again, why are you suddenly interested in Thomas Feldman?" Natalie asked as she, Martin, Wendy, and Carl all sat at lunch. Carl's eyes kept jumping two rows of tables down, to where Thomas sat alone reading a book. "Let's review," Carl sighed, all three of them were already in on Carl's plan, or at least his goal. To capture Transforman and force him to turn Carl back into a man. "What do we definitively know about Transforman?" "He's a magical guy in spandex and a cape who flies around transforming criminals in ways he thinks are appropriate punishments," Wendy said and Martin and Natalie nodded. "And?" Carl asked. "He's bulletproof, though his costume isn't," Natalie added. They'd all seen footage of Transforman coming out of shoot outs in tattered clothes, but otherwise fine. "Right," Carl said. "And what are his weaknesses?" "None confirmed," Martin frowned. "But-" "But there's one video where someone tries to tase him. The taser needles don't pierce his skin, but hook on his clothes. He then appears to spasm before ripping the taser barbs out of his costume, suggesting he was electrocuted through his skin," Natalie added. Carl had shown them all the video and explained it. Over the past three weeks, he'd watched every video he could find on the internet about Transforman. This embarrassingly included his own transformation, apparently captured by some anonymous guy on the street. Carl's face couldn't be seen in the video before or after his transformation, so there was thankfully no way of linking him to any crime, but Carl knew it was him. "Right," Carl concluded. "And Thomas Feldman is the son of Lawrence Feldman, CEO of Feldman Defensive Industries, who make tasers and were recently awarded a grant to develop a means of neutralizing Transforman." "Yeah, so?" Natalie asked. "So Thomas is a lonely nerd. It shouldn't be hard to seduce him, then his new girlfriend can find out whatever it is his father's company is making. So one of you two just needs to seduce him and do that," Carl said confidently and smiled. Natalie and Wendy both looked to each other and frowned. "Pass," they both said together and Carl slumped. "Listen Carl, it's not that I don't want you to be a guy again, it's just this plan doesn't seem very thought out," Natalie said. "Besides, even if you catch Transforman and succeed, what's to stop him from finding you again later and turning you into something even worse, like a worm or something?" "Us too, if he catches us helping you," Wendy added. Carl frowned and turned to Martin, who shrugged. "Sorry man, I gotta go with the ladies on this one," Martin replied, returning Carl's frown. "I'm not too keen to get turned into a slug or something." "Fine, so you won't help me catch Transforman, but will you at least help me figure out what Feldman Defensive Industries is cooking up?" Carl growled. "You mean to seduce and manipulate Thomas?" Natalie asked. "Pass." "Also pass. That sounds like way too much work, and I don't think I'd be good at it," Wendy added. Carl turned to Martin, who just shrugged again. "Sorry man, I'd help you out here if I could..." Carl frowned, suspecting that was a lie. "So you all spent the past two weeks listening to me talk about this just so you could bail when I need you?" Carl snapped at his so-called friends. "Honestly? I thought supporting you would help you adjust to the new you," Natalie answered with a slight frown. "Besides, you don't need us." "I don't?" Carl asked and Natalie wiggled her eyebrows at him and looked him up and down. Carl's eyes went wide when he realized what she was implying. After all, Carl was a hot girl now, quite capable, physically at least, of seducing a teenage boy. "What- but- no way. Thomas knows I used to be a guy, same as everyone in school. I'm sure he finds that thought off putting," Carl replied, stating what he assumed to be the truth. "I don't know..." Martin interjected. "I've overheard things in the guys locker room, a lot of guys think you're pretty hot. It seems to be about fifty-fifty for the split on them who want to fuck you, versus being repulsed by the idea." "You're kidding me," Carl gasped. "I buy it. Guy's'll fuck anything with tits, and oh boy do you have tits," Natalie added with a playful smirk. Sometimes she almost seemed to enjoy tormenting Carl about his new body. Carl blamed that on some of his more selfish acts back when they'd dated. "We'll just go out and get you something revealing to wear. Really show off the goods," Wendy added. "OOOoo! And you're failing calculus, right? I think Thomas tutors calculus! That's your in!" Natalie added, cackling softly. "Flirt a little, then request to go to his place for more `tutoring' after school." "Ha ha," Carl answered flatly. "Too bad I don't know how to flirt with a guy." Natalie and Wendy both rolled their eyes. "Oh it's so easy," Natalie said. "Especially when you show some skin to distract them." Carl blushed as he thought about it. He'd been a guy, he knew that was true. "Fine," Carl swallowed hard and frowned. It was his plan, and he still thought it was a good one. "OOO!" Natalie squealed excitedly. "It'll be like playing dress up with the sister I never had! Let's go to the mall after school today! Maybe you can even practice flirting with some boys there!" Carl's blush deepened, and he returned his focus to his lunch. It was all to get his manhood back after all. To become himself again. Playing a part was a small price for that. --- Carl walked uncomfortably into the mostly empty classroom. His ankles felt tired and weak, and each step in his three-inch heels required his complete concentration. They pushed up his butt in the tight, short blue skirt he wore which came down to just above his knee. He wore a tight yellow t-shirt, whose neckline plunged down in a V, showing off the curve of the interior of his boobs, which were lifted and squished together by a pushup bra, making their large size appear truly massive. His hair was cut to shoulder length, and styled to curl a little at the end, framing his soft round face, which had the most delicate amount of makeup. It was the most like a girl he'd ever dressed, and he'd felt like he was continuously blushing all day as heads, male and female, turned to stare at him as they passed. In the empty room, Thomas Feldman sat at a desk facing towards the door. His eyes went up as he heard Carl enter the room. Thomas face quickly flashed a combination of excitement and embarrassment at what he saw, and Carl watched as Thomas eyes quickly moved off him to the worksheet on the table. "Hi Carl, come in," Thomas spoke in a soft voice. A few lingering students walked the halls after the final bell of the day, chatting loudly. "Shut the door." Carl did as he was told, then, focusing on each step, walked over and sat down in the chair next to - not across from - Thomas. Thomas was average height, which made him much taller than Carl now. Even sitting down he was almost a head taller. Carl watched and felt Thomas gaze look down at his face, then drift a few degrees more to stare down into Carl's cleavage. The blush on Thomas's face seemed as permanent now as the one on Carl's. "OK, so you wanted help on your last test, which was on trigonometric differentials-" Thomas began turning his attention to the worksheet on the desk and slid it between them. "Uh huh," Carl answered in an even higher pitch than usual, leaning forward and pushing his boobs out even more. Thomas rambled on and on about different limits and memorization rules, drawing squiggly lines on paper and pointing between them at different times. Carl nodded along, finding it no more clear now than when he'd first had it explained to him. It seemed to him like the answer was just to memorize things, which he's simply never bothered to do. Thomas walked him through a few practice problems. Problems which Carl deliberately got wrong on the advice of Natalie. This let Thomas correct Carl, moving in closer, brushing his hand against Carl's as he took the pencil from Carl and pointed out Carl's mistakes. Carl would nod and lean in to Thomas and smile. Smiling was important according to Natalie. After about forty-five minutes, Carl was feeling bored of his act, and quickly solved the last few problems on the worksheet correctly. "Oh- see? There? I think you've got this now," Thomas replied with a smile. "Yeah, no, it's not too hard," Carl answered. Don't appear too dumb, Natalie had warned Carl. Nerds like Thomas didn't typically want dumb girls. "I've just been really distracted lately..." Natalie's other advice - let him into your confidence. "I believe it," Thomas said and nodded. Thomas and Carl hadn't been friends or enemies, but two people who ran in completely different circles. As far as Carl knew, this was their first time talking. Of course, that didn't mean neither of them knew anything about the other. Their high school wasn't that big, and as the cliche went, it was all just one giant rumor mill. "I've been trying to embrace it more recently. I figure I gotta just go all the way in now. What do you think?" Carl asked, leaning back in his seat and gesturing up and down his torso with his hand. Thomas eyes followed the gesture, but definitely lingered on Carl's boobs. "I think you look great," Thomas said and blushed, quickly adding, "For a victim." Carl frowned, a genuine reaction to the term Thomas had just stuck him with. Honestly, Carl found that term worse than any of the others which had been attached to him since his run in with Transforman. He didn't want any pity. Thomas caught sight of the frown and shifted in his seat, sitting stiffly upright. "Sorry. I just mean you look great." "Thanks," Carl replied with a genuine smile. The compliment made him feel nice. The two of them sat in silence for a moment before Thomas turned and looked a the clock. "I think we're just about out of time, unless you have any other questions," Thomas said curtly. "Yeah, actually," Carl answered. "We started on integration, and I get that it's the reverse of the derivatives, but some of it, quotient rules and stuff, I don't get it. There's going to be a quiz on it tomorrow and I don't feel prepared. You think you can tutor me on that? We can go to your house if you want, I know they kick us out of the school at 5." "Umm, yeah, uh, sure," Thomas stammered and blushed again. Carl guessed he was going to be the first girl Thomas had ever had over. "I'll give you a ride." Thomas's car was an old Lincoln, nothing fancy now, but it would have once been the kind of car Carl would have pinched for a ride around. A hand-me-down, Thomas explained on the ride, his dad's old car from ten years ago. Thomas house was huge, and Carl felt horribly out of place as Thomas drove them up a gated drive and parked in a four car garage. In the garage there were two super cars, a white Lotus Elise and a yellow Lamborghini that made Carl drool. The other spot was empty, and finally was the spot Thomas parked in. The house was large and immaculately clean, decorated all in ivory and tan. Thomas led him into a massive living room. On one wall was the biggest TV Carl had ever seen, hanging over a large gas fireplace. The room housed a giant L-shaped leather couch with a large, square coffee table with a black marble top. Thomas threw his backpack down on it and Carl did the same. "Is your dad home?" Carl asked curiously, suddenly feeling like this plan was moving far faster than expected. "He's got a board meeting tonight. Won't be home until 10," Thomas replied. "Your mom?" Carl asked. "She lives in Florida," Thomas replied. "Divorced." "Oh, right. That sucks," Carl offered to the guy who was basically a stranger to him, but had invited him to his home. Thomas shrugged. "Better than the two of them fighting all the time. Anyways, sit down and I'll get us something to drink. Carl plopped himself down on the couch and looked around the room in silent awe. He was distracted from his gawking by a pinching in his chest. The bra which put his boobs so lovingly on display was very uncomfortable. Carl struggled to adjust it through his shirt, and was still doing that when Thomas returned with two glasses of ice water. They both locked eyes and each blushed in turn. Carl let go of his boobs and frowned. "Sorry. These things are a little awkward." "No need to explain," Thomas answered, averting his gaze. "Having two big balls on your chest must be weird." "They're more like sacks," Carl replied automatically. "Right, right. I know that. It was a figure of speech," Thomas hastily replied, the nervousness in his voice hinting he might not have actually known that. "I'm sorry I know this must be really weird for you," Carl tried to politely explain his way out of it. "Just imagine how weird it is for me! Honestly I can't really talk about it with anyone. Women don't get it because they're used to it all their life, and guys just laugh," Carl finished, taking Natalie's advice to heart once again and letting Thomas into his confidence. "I'm not laughing," Thomas replied looking back at Carl, then to his boobs. "Or they just stare," Carl said. "Sorry," Thomas replied and averted his gaze. "Honestly, the weirdest thing is that sometimes it feels nice when they stare," Carl said, admitting as truth something he'd only ever thought before. "I don't know, it just stresses me out." Thomas's eyes lit up and he held up one finger and smirked. "One sec," Thomas said then stormed out of the room again. He returned a minute later with a baggy full of the familiar remains of a dried green plant. Carl arched an eyebrow. "You smoke?" "Just on rare occasions when I get too stressed out," Thomas said defensively. "You smoke, right?" "Yup," Carl answered and patted on the couch next to him. Thomas sat down and Carl watched as the nerdy boy expertly separated out the stems and seeds, then rolled the weed into swiftly into a joint. Carl colored himself impressed. He had underestimated Thomas. Maybe he'd been misreading him this whole time. "We can smoke here?" Carl asked as Thomas handed him the joint and a lighter. "Yeah. My dad smokes too. I'm surprised you couldn't smell it." Carl nodded and lit the joint. Now that he thought about it, there was a faint muskiness to the odor of the room. The smoke was mild and warm, Carl took a deep breath and held the smoke in his lungs for as long as he could before slowly exhaling. The impact was almost immediate. This weed was STRONG. "Woah," Carl said and looked down at the joint in his hands. "That shit's potent." "My dad only buys the best of everything," Thomas replied as Carl took another hit, then passed it off. Thomas pinched the joint between two fingers and sucked down on it. He puffed and puffed, burning through almost a quarter of the joint in one go. Holding his breath he passed the joint back to Carl, who was already feeling the tingle it induced radiating out through his body. "Oh wow," Carl said and took another hit. "Are they fun though?" Thomas asked out of the blue after he finally exhaled. "What?" Carl asked. "Boobs. I mean, you can play with them whenever you want," Thomas asked brazenly under the influence of marijuana. "Yeah," Carl admitted with a shrug. "Yeah they're fun." "I know it sucks that you were transformed, but that's got to be a hell of a perk," Thomas added with a giggle. Deep inside Carl, the marijuana was doing it's thing, triggering its typical chemical responses. Slightly light headed and feeling a bit tingly all over, Carl's arousal built. This clashed with a more sticklery part of his brain, which felt it was weird to get aroused around a guy who was basically a stranger. A further part of him was new. The hormones of a teenage girl coursed through Carl, pushing him subtly with their own biologically driven wants and needs, responding to the sight and smell of the young man sitting beside him. "You wanna see 'em?" Carl giggled and asked nervously, feeling his face blush. It was a part of his plan, he told himself. He needed to wrap Thomas around his finger, and what boy his age wouldn't be mesmerized by boobs? "Oh totally!" Thomas said, laughing and not making eye contact. He thought it was a joke. Thomas laughter faded out quickly as Carl reached down and tugged off his yellow tee. His eyes became fixed on Carl's breasts, on display in the bra which pushed their mass up and together. Carl saw the look on Thomas face and felt a nervous hollow forming in his stomach. He was really doing this. He was about to show Thomas his tits. "Bra's are a little tricky," Carl anxiously giggled, reaching behind his back as he tugged at the clasp there. He heard Thomas swallow loudly, and as Carl's eyes scanned across Thomas caught sight of a bulge at his crotch. Seeing an erection he'd caused produced strange new feelings in Carl's teenage girl's brain. He felt a little proud of that fact. With a final tug the clasp came undone. Carl breathed a sigh of relief as the tight bra loosened, no longer cutting into his skin. He slipped it down off his shoulders, glancing down and staring at his own breasts hanging free. Now it was the turn for the part of his brain that was still conditioned like a teenage boy to add to Carl's mounting arousal. Thomas stared open mouthed and silent at Carl's magnificent, pendulous boobs. The teenaged boy part of Carl's brain remained anxious, and Carl grabbed the joint and took a big hit. Thomas's eyes didn't move as Carl huffed in, his lungs filling and expanding his chest, pushing out Carl's breasts even further. "Pretty great, right?" Carl said as he exhaled and leaned back. "How do they feel?" Thomas asked, boldly reaching out and grabbing the Carl's closest boob and giving it a gentle squeeze. "-mmmhhh..." Carl let out a brief, involuntary moan. He hadn't been expecting the touch, but there was something deeply satisfying about it that fanned the fire in Carl's loins into an inferno. Thomas didn't need further goading. The moan was enough. He leaned in quickly and kissed Carl. Carl's mind went blank in the kiss. Thomas's lips were soft, his hand still gently fondling Carl's breast as he pushed Carl to lean back on the couch. Carl's new hormones were in control now, given curt permission by reason when challenged as Carl's plan had always been to seduce Thomas. Carl let it happen to him, feeling Thomas lips and tongue kissing him as both the teen boy's hands fondled clumsily at Carl's chest. Carl's own hands stretched out and brushed against Thomas pants, feeling the bulge he'd seen before. It felt huge against Carl's tiny hands and that briefly startled him. Thomas pulled his head back, checking to see if everything was OK. Carl worried he might lose Thomas interest if Thomas thought too much about what and who he was making out with, and so Carl curled his fingers around the bulge and began to rub it through Thomas pants. That was all the check Thomas needed, and he leaned in and resumed his sloppy, wildly passionate kissing as his hands squeezed Carl's breasts so hard it almost hurt. In his hand Carl could feel the shaft of Thomas dick, rock hard, and rubbed fitfully at it. Periodic groans from Thomas hinted he was enjoying it. Thomas mouth let up from Carl's lips and moved down to his chest, kissing and then sucking hungrily on one of Carl's large exposed nipples. "AAhhh!" Carl gasped loudly at the new sensation. It was a delight, and if there had been an inferno beneath his crotch before, now it grew to a firestorm. As Thomas continued to fondle Carl's chest with one hand and suck at his nipples, Thomas's other hand reached down, finding Carl's thigh and quickly tracing it's way up under Carl's skirt. "NNNnggahh!" Carl gasped as Thomas fingers pushed his panties aside and began to probe Carl's womanhood. A thought suddenly occurred to Carl as Thomas fingers found Carl's clit and began to gently rub it, periodically shifting down further to probe at Carl's labial folds. There was no way Thomas hadn't done this before. So much for the isolated virgin would would be easy to exploit. Thank god for the general horniness of teenage boys, even if they'd had sex before. "Hnna! AH!" Carl gasped as his body shook against Thomas's ministrations. He felt a need to respond in kind, and so Carl fumbled and tugged open Thomas's fly. Slipping his hand into Thomas pants, Carl wrapped his fingers around the warm, hard shaft he found there. The sensation was familiar, for back when Carl was a man he'd grabbed his own dick plenty of times. From those experiences, muscle memory took over and Carl's hand started to pump. Intertwined on the couch, they were a mass of moans, groans, limbs, and fluids. The sensation of being fondled by someone else was far more erotic for Carl than doing it himself, but also more clumsy. Several times Thomas slipped or poked wrong, eliciting gasps of pain amid the gasps of pleasure. Mostly it was a divine experience, rising far above Carl's earlier masturbratory experiences. "Ohho-AH-NNgha! Ha-" Carl gasped as his body climbed to a familiar crescendo, then kept going. Carl's breath caught in his throat and his mouth opened in a silent scream as his body tensed and froze. Hand's no longer pumping, Thomas began to buck with his hips, thrusting his cock in Carl's grip as Carl locked in an unbelievable orgasm. "Ha!" Carl finally managed to gasp, shivering as he came down. His whole body was tingling like he'd been struck by lightning. At his crotch Thomas probing fingers were suddenly too much, each touch as painful as a shock and Carl reached down and stilled Thomas hand. The whole room was spinning as Carl saw spots. This had the unfortunate side effect that Carl wasn't giving the attention to Thomas dick that it deserved. Thomas pulled away, swinging his leg over her and straddling Carl on the couch. His cock was right in Carl's face, hovering over his breasts as Thomas grabbed his cock and resumed Carl's work himself. It wasn't so scary, Carl realized in a daze, staring at Thomas cock as he pumped it frantically. It was kind of appealing really, a nice friendly girth and smooth shape, dribbling a bit of precum. He could smell it, and it smelled sublime, musky and powerful. Carl felt his mouth watering and his jaw dropped open, wondering briefly, how it would taste. Thomas groaned loudly and pointed his dick down at Carl's boobs. A jet of hot cum fired out, hitting them and splattering over Carl. None landed in Carl's mouth, which instinctively closed along with his eyes when a second volley was unleashed. Eyes shut, Carl felt Thomas load coat his boobs and drip down to his belly, he felt warm flecks of it splatter upwards to his neck and even a few on his chin. With a groan Thomas rolled off to the side, slumping on the couch beside Carl. Carl opened his eyes and looked down at his cum covered tits. He smiled, feeling a bit of contentment seeing the completed act. Only then did the rational part of his mind begin to reassert itself, asking Carl sternly what he'd done. All part of the plan, Carl told himself as a nervous pit reappeared in his stomach. He'd just gotten fingerbanged and let a guy cum all over his tits. Even just a month ago he never would have thought that was something he'd do, but now he was laying here in the afterglow, and he couldn't deny that it felt half-good. "You're not going to tell anybody, are you?" Carl asked nervously as the goopy cum on his tits started to cool. "Are you kidding? I can't believe we just did that," Thomas replied gravely. "I fucked a guy." Carl smiled at the sentiment. Thomas still thought of Carl as a guy. Naturally Thomas would be embarrassed to share that fact then. "I mean, yeah, I guess," Carl consternatedly replied. "I mean, that damn Transforman! He put me in this body and sometimes I feel like I just have no control over it." "Yeah, that's typical. My dad says just about everyone who Transforman curses ends up giving in to bodily impulses. Some can't take the contrast though and..." Thomas voice drifted off and Carl knew what he was avoiding saying. Carl had done his own research. Some of the people Transforman transformed ended up killing themselves. "I feel OK. Confused, but OK," Carl admitted frankly. "I guess my sexuality was always a little fluid," He speculated aloud. "You are super hot," Thomas said, turning to look at Carl, eye's pausing on his cumstained tits. "I mean- Jesus." "It's really not fair though. Transforman had no right to do this to me," Carl said. Thomas frowned. "Everybody knows you steal cars and go for joy rides." "Yeah, but even so that doesn't make this right!" Carl replied. "Someone needs to do something about Transforman!" "You're right. I mean my dad-" "Not your dad," Carl replied. "Not the police. We need to do something about him. Before he hurts someone else." Thomas arched an eyebrow and met Carl's gaze. "What exactly did you have in mind?" Thomas asked, and though he was topless and splattered with cum, Carl felt a sudden surge of victory and grinned. --- Carl sat in the passenger seat of Thomas's Lincoln, idly staring out the window as they drove to a distant corner of the city. It was hilly, and the roads out this way were pretty bad. Carl could feel his large chest bouncing up and down and side-to-side in their blue spaghetti strap tank top. The strapless bra Carl had on help a little, but more support would have made him more comfortable. Thomas was grinning like an idiot, occasionally glancing over and watching Carl's tits bounce, but Carl's face remained passive. They hadn't managed to see much of each other outside of school in the past week. Schedules and free time at home meant neither of them could get away unnoticed. That meant Carl had had a week to reconcile what he'd done with Thomas. In that time, Carl had come to embrace his role as the sexy femme fatale, manipulating a guy with the power of sex. Whatever it meant about Carl's sexuality was trivial. He'd done nothing a man couldn't have done after all. And that was how Carl still thought of himself, as a man, trapped in a woman's body. "You're really not going to tell me where you are taking me?" Carl asked in a huff, crossing his arms under his chest and pushing his tits up even higher. The position kept them from bouncing some. "Something I found in my dad's files on Transforman. It's better as a surprise. We're almost there," Thomas replied, his smile unwavering. Carl shook his head, feeling his hair, pulled back into a ponytail, shake as he moved his head. He'd considered getting it cut short, but decided that wouldn't help him in his femme fatale role. He needed to look sexy. Thomas drove his Lincoln down a steep hill towards a hairpin turn. He slowed to a stop, pulling over and parking on the side of the hill next to a cliff looking down on the other side of that hairpin. Thirty feet down on that side were rows of houses, separated from where Thomas and Carl were parked by the cliff and a line of thin young trees covered in bright green leaves. "So, what is it?" Carl asked, looking around. Thomas glanced at the clock embedded in the dash, which read 6:34. "It's a stake out, we're going to have to wait until about 8." Carl rolled his eyes. "So what're we supposed to do until then?" Thomas grin widened and he pointed to the glove compartment in front of Carl. Carl opened it and saw a boxy, expensive looking pocket vape sitting there. Carl picked the device up, turning it over in his hands trying to figure out how to flip it on. "Here, let me," Thomas replied, taking the device from Carl's hands, deftly activating it and bringing it to his lips. He took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, emitting a smokeless, almost odorless vapor. A small astringent smell confirmed what Carl already expected. Weed. Taking the vape from Thomas, Carl mimicked his movements and took his own hit. It was smooth and a little cool, but Carl could still feel it in his lungs. The same potent stuff as last time. "Cool little gadget, right?" Thomas asked and patted on the bench seat beside him. Carl suspected this move, and embraced his role. He slid over and took a second hit before passing it back to Thomas. Thomas took another hit, then stared down into Carl's eyes with a hungry look. He leaned his head forward and they kissed. Carl's whole body was already tingling as their lips and tongues locked. Thomas leaned in more and more, pushing Carl back. Suddenly Carl felt a hand on his chest, grabbing a boob through his shirt. Carl brought his own arms up, pulling Thomas in closer, reaching around him for the vape. He broke their kiss and took another hit, then passed it to Thomas who did the same. Thomas grinned and set the vape on the floor, leaning in and kissing Carl again as his hand slipped under Carl's tank top and grabbed more hungrily as Carl's breasts. Carl felt helpless under the assault, but also thrilled. His whole body was heating up, and every squeeze of his breast, or passage of Thomas tongue into his mouth made Carl want to shiver delightfully. Thomas hands slipped off Carl's breasts around his back, fumbling briefly with Carl's bra before it popped free and Thomas tugged it out from under Carl's shirt tossing it to the floor. Now unencumbered, Thomas's hands returned to Carl's chest, massaging them forcefully, thumb and forefinger gently pinching and rubbing Carl's nipples making Carl moan. "MMMnnn..." Carl couldn't stop

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The Odd Job

I just turned seventeen. I was a junior in high school and lived in Hollywood, Florida. Hollywood is a small city right outside of Miami and there were hot chicks everywhere! My hormones and puberty were in full swing. I am gifted with a nice eight inch cock and at age seventeen, that was truly a gift as my body was filling out. I loved my cock. I couldn't stop playing with it. I jerked off two, sometimes three times a day. I also had a girlfriend. She was my age and we took each other's...

2 years ago
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Another Springtime Ch 11

Chapter 11: Living With and Loving My Pretty Little Vixen The event of our marriage had swept upon us much quicker than either of us had ever supposed would be the case, and several details had been left unattended. We went shopping together for rings, including a jeweler’s shop in Bellevue where he made all his own stuff, all of it impressively beautiful and unique. The problem was that she didn’t want a ring. When after some discussion I proposed that I might give her some other kind of...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Stories

Chapter 1 Madonna This ar fictional stories about fucking famous bitches.... The story of Mike and this girls stars here hope you enjoy the fantasy,Mike was one young man 5"10 feet tall about 200 pounds not really muscle but really strong he was tring to get in shape cause he didnt take are of himself lately . So he goes to the closest gym and gets to work he didnt know whose gym this was ,after couple of weeks he got back in shape and life got better ,his job got him train late...

1 year ago
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It's an real story ... anties,mom's,girls especially boys will cum by reading this story... please go for once hear [email protected] Please share your views regarding my story and how I can improve it. Your good advice is appreciated.

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SRU Stargirls Visit

Authors Notes: The mighty SRU universe belongs to Bill Hart, whom I gladly tip my bonnet to in the hopes I'm not breaking anything here. This story contains a few words not seen on TV as well as an object PC people and people with aversion to sexual items would do well to avoid. This is just a piece of fluff filler before I begin my story universe. Stargirl's reply as she walks out the SRU door I've taken from another SRU story, though I don't remember which one. Also, The...

2 years ago
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Gentlemen Prefer

I never would have noticed her if it weren’t for the hat. I mean, let’s be honest here, cigarette girls are a dime a dozen, and the way I went through nightclubs, I’d seen a hundred dollars’ worth already. Her hat came bobbing through the crowd, keeping that hot swing beat, with those short maple-wood waves under it shining in the lights off the big bandstand. Call her what you want, a dame, a doll, a pinup waiting to happen, anybody could see that there was something about her that begged for...

4 years ago
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A Mexican weekend getaway turns into a gangbang w

In August fifteen years ago, Maya (my wife), 38 and I took a three day weekend to Baja in our camper and at night parked at different secluded areas. Our three day holiday was extremely relaxing with plenty of sunny hot weather. After the first day Maya was very relaxed, spending days sunning herself on secluded beach in very skimpy bikinis. Maya has a medium length brown hair which falls nicely her back and a decent figure, with larger hips and full 34D breasts which still have milk in them,...

1 year ago
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The President Addresses the Nation

The President Addresses the Nation By Rosie Julie Weiss carefully put the hot dish down on her dining table. Her husband, Jake, and her son, Tommy, were hungrily awaiting the steaks she served them. They didn't even wait until she sat down at the table, they dug right in. Julie looked at her men with pride. Tommy was beginning to look more and more like his father gentle faced and slim. Not quite tall as him, but Julie never cared for too tall men. She wasn't a tall woman herself,...

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Juicy Jessy at Poets Petra n Peter 2

Juicy Jessy meets Pretty Petra at Professor Poet Peter, her great grandfather, who learned her all in loveJuicy Jessy meets Poet Peter's meat, which is her right, as soon she discovers the truth about her f(a)milyPrincess Pretty Petra 'en Profil' at her 18th birthday: Peter has only one...

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Fucked By Two Thugs

They say there is a high percentage of thugs that fuck around with other dudes and I tend to agree. Everyone that knows me, knows that I am gay. I don't hide that from anyone. I know that it catches some dudes of guard and some are cool with it right away and some, not so much. Even if they are on the fence, he's going to take time so he can get to know and trust you before he'll ever try. My friends are surprised that they hang out with a gay dude. I tell them that as long as you treat them...

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Saint and a SinnerChapter 29

Roger stood outside the house, watching as the ambulance pulled away, lights going, sirens blaring into the quiet of the night. He gave a silent prayer that Nick would be okay. The he could find Michelle and keep his promise. Damn, how do you come to admire and like someone that you've only known a couple of days. He looked down at the blood covering his hands. Then he felt a hand on his arm. He turned. Stephanie stood there, looking up at him. She was such a tiny thing. No wonder she was...

3 years ago
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Runaway DreamChapter 8 Anamorphosis

I was asleep, and I knew that because my parents were still alive. We were in the car with the darkness all around, as if we'd entered a long tunnel and we had to drive through it. I didn't want to, but in my dream I didn't seem to care as I sat in the backseat, buckled up tight and holding Edgar. I smiled in my sleep I think, because I'd forgotten him completely. Edgar the Bear, soft and stuffed and in my arms. What a nice dream, except for my shoulder. It hurt and when I looked down at...

4 years ago
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CEO Makes a Business Decision Part II

Jack and Danielle stood waiting for the elevator. Danielle kept shifting her weight as she could feel Jack’s cum running out of her and down her left thigh. “Stop squirming!” Jack ordered. He then cracked a slight grin as the elevator arrived. They stepped on the elevator and headed toward the lobby. “We’re going to eat here in the hotel,” Jack said. Feel free to order anything you like. I’m sure you’re hungry.” “Oh and one more thing,” Jack added. At no time during this meal...

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Lisa My Uncles MaidChapter 2

After Lisa had served my uncle he indicated for her to kneel on a small pillow on the floor next to his chair. With another self-conscious glance at me she lowered herself demurely to her knees. She folded her hands in her lap and rested back primly on her heels. She lowered her eyes and would not meet my continued frank appraisal. As we talked I examined my uncle. I figured his age in the mid-thirties. He was tanned, tall, lean and looked very fit. He was very serious man and was not one to...

3 years ago
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Starting Over Chapter 42

Prologue This is the fourth chapter about the sexual rebirth of Jack a senior citizen who learns it’s OK to enjoy sex again after the tragic loss of his bride and lover of 50 plus years. In this chapter, I’ve tried to spend a little more time developing characters and describing their surroundings. I’ve divided the chapter into sections. Those of you who are looking for the hard core sex, may want to skip directly to the “The VIP Room” section. Thanks to the 40s Couple, Deb and Allen...

3 years ago
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Fucked Up An Indian Sex Stories Reader Bhuvana

Hi to all Indian sex stories readers after getting a huge response from my last 2 stories now I’m going to write my next real experience story which happened a month ago..I request all our members to send your suggestion and feedback through even though I don’t speak English properly I tried writing my story in English please excuse me for grammatical mistakes Now coming to the story…. I’m Arun from Chennai age 23 height 5.6 weight 75kg penis 6.5 inch This story is about how I fucked an...

2 years ago
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Birds of a Feather

“Damn,” the colorfully garbed crimefighter said under his breath as he spotted a solitary figure walking along the edge of Kane Reservoir. “How is it that no matter how hard you try to get the message out, there’s always someone who doesn’t get it? Or worse, just assumes that it applies to everyone but them?” The message, in this case, was that there was a homicidal maniac running loose on the streets of Gotham. Or more specifically, the woods of Middletown Park and that it wasn’t safe to be...

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Beach gender bender

Thought I'd share another story about an experience on a beach a few years ago...A few years ago I spent some time living and working in Spain, near Tarragona in the north west. I used to visit the local beaches as often as I could and found a few quieter spots that I liked to go to. Sometimes I'd strip off if there was no-one about and I had a great all over tan!During one of my more fem phases I decided to go to the beach. I'd admired all the lucky girls who got to wear little bikinis and go...

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UnendingChapter 10

There was very little talking after that. Lucy was very enthusiastic, sucking my cock like her life depended on it. Her little hands were everywhere, stroking my shaft, cupping my balls and generally roaming all over my lower body. Christine, her eyes alight, stood and slipped the straps from her shoulders, her dress slinking down her body to pool at her feet. Underneath she was wearing thigh-high hose and nothing else. She kicked her shoes off and lay back on the loveseat, her eyes on Lucy...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Alex Coal The Morning After

A nap on the couch together turns sexy when David Lee wakes his girlfriend Alex Coal up with light caresses and gentle tickles with his fingertips. Alex is definitely interested as she grinds her hips backwards into David’s hardon. When he has finally had enough of those teasing touches, David rolls Alex over to face him so they can really begin to enjoy each other. Their sweet explorations continue as Alex indulges in some touching of her own. Their kisses are slow and sensual to begin,...

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Home for Summer

Read and Enjoy, but don't forget to add to the story! The sounds of muted passion blended deliciously with the soft, wet plunging of a vibrating dildo in and out of a sloppy pussy. The girl's hushed mews were almost completely lost to the sound of the expensive toy rotating, twisting, and humming in her tight box. She was so close to orgasm...all it would take was hitting her g-spot one more time while thinking of the long and talented tongue of her former roommate, Sarah. She looked down her...

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No Strings Attached Chapter 8

It’s the evening before I have to leave to fly back to London. We have agreed that we will allow one another a gift of 60 minutes during which we can each do anything we want. We are about to receive our gifts. It promises to be a wild night. You are to receive your gift first. You have already specified that you would like it to involve a threesome and we have arranged for a second man to join us. Angel is a barman at the hotel. He is Colombian, tall and well-muscled. He has seen us together...

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SeducedByACougar Sydney Hail 23505

Sydney Hail is excited for Cyber Monday! Not just because she’s getting packages delivered to her home, but because they’re vibrators and they’re going to make her pussy feel so good! But wait! The delivery guy comes and out of excitement she opens them right in front of him, only to discover that she’s received the wrong kind of sexy toys: dildos. Sydney’s upset, and the poor delivery guy has no idea what to do – he just delivers the stuff – but he tries to...

4 years ago
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Belated Birthday Treat

I was away when your birthday was approaching, but I bought you a birthday card and started shopping online for a present. I looked at some sex toy shops and decided on buying a vibrating cock ring and some sexy silk restraints. The estimated delivery date happened to be the day I was returning home from my Easter break away. I told you what I had ordered and we both looked forward to trying out our new toys, we sent naughty texts back and forth telling each other what we wanted to do to each...

Straight Sex
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About Tina

She towered over me, all 6 foot-3 inches of her. I looked straight up. She had her hands on her hips. "Sarah needs another half hour," she said. "God damn it. I want to get out of here." I looked sideways at her full big beautiful legs, no more than inches from me. I slipped my hand under her skirt and stroked her ass. She pressed her belly to my head. "O-oh," she said. "Well, tell her to hurry up." "I asked. She needs to close up the books." I gave her a pat on the butt and...

1 year ago
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Playing with the ParkersChapter 6 Warming Me Up

I didn't say much to Tad during the week about the upcoming Friday night, but I could tell it was on his mind. It was on my mind, too. Let's face it, we were young and green and new to the world of sexuality. We'd had a nice run together as newly married kids, discovering all the wonders, but we'd also been extremely occupied with work, and school, and just getting by. We hadn't had much of a social life since our marriage, and just being invited over to Don and Louise's house the week...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 88

Mazdani are not human, they are descended from bovine stock, however they are not minotaurs. If you’re expecting a man’s body coupled with a bull’s upper torso you’d be quite disappointed. Certainly they didn’t have horns either, though some of their primitive types had the subcutaneous bulges where the horns would form. What you had were eight foot tall seriously muscled humanoids, with a long extended face. They are roughly seven times stronger than a normal human and covered in a short,...

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GangbangCreampie Kaiia Eve G281

Kaiia didn’t feel the need to get fully dressed again for the start of her gangbang. She just has her loose “I’m here for the gangbang” tee on and her head hung over the edge of the pedestal. Her SIX COCKSMEN take full advantage of having that head at BJ height and quickly form an orderly line. The Cocksmen on the other side reach up that loose tee and fondle Kaiia’s natural boobs as she continues getting warmed up. Fresh off his GUESS THE V win, Rex dives into...

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Playing Dangerous Game with my Brotherinlaw

A couple of years ago, the poor health of my parents required me to leave my husband and kids for a couple of weeks to travel away from home. My parents live in the same town as my trip was unhappy, it allowed me to spend some time with them as well. My sister Barbara and her husband Nick are much older than me by about 15 and 20 years. I was 35 at the time of this trip. I developed a womanly figure in my very early teens. I am a green-eyed blond with a petite but voluptuous figure, and most...

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The Guitar Player Gets A Personal Lesson

THE GUITAR PLAYER GETS A PERSONAL LESSON I was an 18 year old senior in high school and lead guitarist and vocalist in a good rock band that played at least four or five gigs a month locally, making good music and better money than we used to make cutting grass or washing cars. We were getting a rep as a good party band! We were the happiest guys in school — and I was soon to learn there is more to music than I thought! We played a birthday party for one of the popular chicks, Jody, in school...

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Student voyeur

Paul put himself between the half open door and its frame and lent gently back against it. With his head resting on the architrave he could see directly into the mirror on the bathroom wall. As long as he kept his eyes fixed on the mirror and did not move them he could see the shower. The curtain was open and Stuart had just stepped in. The two had shared their house for just over a month, since the new academic year had started. This was their second year at Uni and they had to move out from...

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Lindas New SchoolChapter 16 Dbut

As they approached the common room, she knew something was very different. Girls who had stared in fear (and sometimes awe) earlier in the day were barely hiding giggles as they passed. Others looked puzzled, sometimes whispering to the gigglers. Linda had a pretty good idea what was going on. As usual, their approach quieted the room. Once it was clear that no adults were coming, the sounds of enjoyment returned. She noticed that the girls were passing around books by Baum, and a variety of...

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Dating Lisa

This story is fiction. It is meant to be read by adults. Children under the age of 18, please leave. All the characters in this story are of my own imagination, and not real in any sense of the word. Any similarities to that of living people is pure coincidence. Joe and Don were sitting around the apartment they shared discussing life and it weird side when the conversation turned to women. After each had contemplated how they wanted to have the most beautiful of models, or movie stars to be...

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Heading West Ch 02

‘So Janine, yeah, the last time we spoke, I was telling you about that incredible thing that Scott and I did in Texas on our trip out west. You know, when I fucked him while he drove the car down the highway? That was so good, you HAVE to do it with Billy. I was so turned on, you have NO idea. And when that other car passed by us, it really was so hot. But let me tell you, that was not the only crazy thing we did. Yes, I know. We were completely uninhibited, it was so great! What? You want to...

3 years ago
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Be Gentle Its My First Time

Laying on the couch watching a movie with my legs over your lap. It’s like our fourth time hanging out and we still haven’t had sex. I’m getting turned on just thinking about your dick entering my pussy. So I pause the movie and you ask me why I stopped it. I sit up and say, “Im horny and my pussy’s wet.” I can feel your dick on my leg beginning to harden. I grab your face and kiss your lips nice and softly. Everytime we kiss, the kisses get more juicy and our tongues are now intertwined. I...

4 years ago
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A Very Special Birthday

I was 25. It was my birthday. I'd been seeing my boyfriend for about a year. I didn't start out intending to have sex, but I must admit that I had thought about it. I had wanted him for a while, but I was raised to wait for marriage. Still, on this particular day my desire for him was especially strong.My boyfriend said he had a very special birthday present for me, so we went to his house. There he carried out a well executed seduction. I was more than a bit reluctant, but I was in love with...

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The Story Of Roger Part 10

“OMG Rog” Ollie said looking at the naked old man sitting with his sister, “Why are you nudie with my sister?” he asked with a sly smile on his face, his voice certainly wasn’t mad but more inquisitive. Ella giggled as the old man explained that he is now adopting a clothes free lifestyle.“Wow uncle Rog” he sighed, “How cool” he continued as he looked down at the old mans soft cock and then across to his smiling sister who was still sitting with her knees apart teasing her brother.The moment of...

1 year ago
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"Ned? NEDD? " the Brown eyed, tan skinned woman shouted after her words and worries were ignored the first time from her husband. "What? oh, ok...ok... now what is it again you wanted to tell me" like an asshole, farting but with words, Ned managed to calm his wife. " he's been doing JACKOFF!" Jin shouted this time, her Korean eyes full of fire burned into her lifeless husband. "Jack off?" he asked almost in an ignoring manner. Folding his newspaper, just right, careful not to ruin...

2 years ago
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Stabsrztin Sabrina Mller

Ich bin die 32jährige Ärztin Sabrina. Vor 4 Jahren war ich in Afghanistan im Einsatz. Meine gut schulterlangen naturgewellten blonden Haare passten zu meinen leuchtend blauen Augen. Mit meinen 28 Jahren und meinem bildhübschen Gesicht, und meiner Figur, bei 185 cm wog ich 68 kg, hätte ich durchaus Model sein können. Meine Pussy war rasiert. Eine Handvoll Busen mit kleinen Warzen, Nippeln und Vorhöfen, eine Wespentaille ohne gleichen, mein Knackarsch und meine superlangen, wohlgeformten Schenkel...

3 years ago
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Wet My Pet

"Wet My Pet"by SmutwriterCopyright October 2010Eleven-thirty and Celia was feeling tired, her bed wasbeckoning.The gentle knock at her apartment door was anunwelcome interruption. She peeped through the littlespyhole and saw Stephan looking back. A littlereluctantly, she opened the door. "What d'you say to a midnight swim?" he whispered."Pool doesn't open till next week.""I've got a key," he grinned and brandished a largebunch."I've no suit," she was too tired for this."Skinny dip," he...

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My Little Raelynn

My Little Raelynn It was a rainy night and Aaron was tapping away at his keyboard on his computer hacking away at the report that was due for work tomorrow. Aaron hated how his boss always demanded so much of him in so little time. He needed a break. Luckily starting tomorrow was a four day weekend off of work. Ever since his wife Lauren died two years ago he had been taking care of his 18 year old daughter Raelynn by himself. Aaron made enough money so that wasn't the issue. The issue was she...

3 years ago
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Animal Farm SwappersChapter 4 Teenage Sex Party

Betty almost wished that she hadn't agreed to be a participant in what would soon turn into a sex party. She liked Steve's looks, and Carl's, and they were both friendly without being pushy, but she wasn't sure that she was uninhibited enough to enjoy being fucked while being watched by so many people. She'd been thinking about little else since the wonderfully pleasurable afternoon began, but now she was so nervous she was almost shaking. She'd been excited as hell off and on "...

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It’s amazing how you trundle along through life, and then something comes along and throws everything out the proverbial window. That happened to me the other day. It was unplanned and uncalled for. There was no need for life to do it. I mean, there are plenty of other people in the world for it to pick on. Why did it choose to rain on my parade? I’m thirty, been around a bit, and I know, quite happily where I’m going. At least I did. I have a long-term boyfriend, he’s not perfect, then again,...

2 years ago
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Turning wifey into a whore

I had the evening planned out well. My wife of lessthan a year was young and inexperienced in the ways ofsex. Don’t get me wrong she is one hot sexy girl andher body and looks would make the dead cum. Long blondhair and a rockin’ body that never ceases to excite me.But she lacks experience. With her looks you wouldthink that she would be an exotic stripper. Incredibletits and nipples that are thick and long. Lithe sensualbody with legs that are long and shapely like her tightlittle ass.When we...

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My panties

It was a Sunday afternoon, and had been a month after the start of a new school year. Frank playfully pinched me on the ass and told me to stop moping around his place. Frank was my boyfriend and coworker whom I had known for years. He was my rock when things were really at their worst in my life. I am the computer teacher, he is the gym teacher at a local high school. Frank said to me, ‘What you need is to get your self-confidence back and you really NEED to get laid!’ ‘You know I am saving...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Alix Lynx Silvia Saige A Womans Physique

Silvia Saige is new to the world of massage therapy. After a divorce, she embraced a career change, which led to her being a masseuse! Although she seems to be doing perfectly fine with her male clients, she’s worried that her female clients aren’t as satisfied. To figure out what she’s doing wrong, she goes to her coworker, Alix Lynx. When Alix learns about Silvia’s issues, she kindly smiles. It seems as though Silvia’s just not experienced enough with the female...

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My First Time With Julie

It was Labor Day weekend 1974.The summer was winding down and my parents decided to take one last camping trip to upstate New York before my school vacation ended. As an eighteen year old boy, I enjoyed the camping trips that year. It was a welcomed change from the apartment life we lived in New York City. That summer we had gone camping in central New Jersey and in Canada. I remember the long solo treks into the forests and being one with nature. However, this last camping trip would be...

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A Few Pages out of My Old Diary

"Mark's Diary, The very first page...Saturday, April 8, 1977Hi my name is Mark. I am 11 years old. I live with my Mummy in our house. Dad left mum when i was 5. I smile at my reading and I skip a few pages...Sunday February 4th 1979I started sleeping in bed with my Mum, which she likes. It is comfort for both of us, since I have nightmares often. Mum says that sleeping in bed together keeps her company. Also, when it gets cold, we cuddle to warm up. I love cuddling with my Mum. I skip a load of...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 105 Take It to the Limit

Alan woke up, opened his eyes, and languidly stretched his arms. He glanced around and slowly came to the realization that he wasn't in his own room. He was actually in his mother's master bedroom instead. Suddenly, memories of how he'd fallen asleep with Katherine on one side and Susan on the other flooded into his consciousness. He smiled widely and his arm stretch turned into punches of joy in the air. Yes! Now THAT's how a guy should get some sleep! Not only that, but I actually feel...

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Guy on the Road

About 15 years ago, I was dating my husband‘s boss, Guy, from the construction site he was working on. We had been dating for about 5 months and one of the first weekends we went away together, we took a trip to Santa Cruz for 4 days. We were pretty pent up and eager to be together even before we got driving, so the prospect of spending the next 4 hours focused on driving to our destination was frustrating to say the least. We spent a good 20 minutes debating exactly how to handle the excessive...

2 years ago
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Stephanie Bankangestellte zahlt Zinsen

Stephanie, 30, mit braunen leicht gelockten Haaren arbeitete in einer Bank. In der Bankfiliale war sie ein Hingucker für die männlichen Kunden und Kollegen gleichermaßen. Meistens trug sie einen Bleistiftrock, weißer Bluse und Blazer. Ihre Körbchengröße lag bei 75 DD, was dafür sorgte, dass ihr die Männer während des Gesprächs auf ihre Brüste starrten, statt ins Gesicht. Ein Mann blieb ihr lange im Gedächtnis. Es war Chris. An seinen Nachnamen erinnerte sie sich nicht. Er machte ihr in der Bank...

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