Up Le Revard free porn video

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Jane struggled up the stairs with her two heavy suitcases. She had been banished by the hospital council to their clinic in south France, and now it was mandatory that she spend a week in a little village up Le Revard, the second tallest mountain in the region. Her best friend had tried to placate the hot headed surgeon by saying, “Think about it as a romantic getaway to the Alps! You can pick up hot French guys, and have hot steamy sex all the way up in a little cabin, and no strings attached!” Estelle would have killed for an opportunity to have emotionless sex with complete strangers, but Jane considered the impending experience as absolute torture. On her way up here she realized that the WIFI was non-existent, and her destination was up two flights of stairs to the furthest lodge overlooking the village. Gritting her teeth and using her anger as fuel, she managed to make her way up the last few stairs.

It looked like a typical wooden lodge made of varnished tree trunks. Giant slabs of slate made a sort of mosaic on the steps, and also framed the base of the two huge wooden trunks used as pillars which hung the sign ‘Bienvenus à Tous!’ in large black letters. There was no one around though, and Jane got the impression that the place was abandoned.

“I don’t want to be here!” Jane cried out in frustration. It was hard to enjoy the situation, given the circumstances, and even though the cold wind nipped her face, it was fury that made her cheeks pink.

Her heart jumped to her throat as a young man emerged from behind the pillar to her right. He had been sitting on the square base apparently, and had shimmied around the pillar when he heard her voice.

“Why not? It is a beautiful place.”

The wind ruffled his short dark hair, and somehow his smile put her in a slightly better mood. He was cute, but she was still angry.

“It’s nothing. Forget it. Are you staying here too? I was expecting there to be someone down there to help with my bags. What kind of place is this?”

He casually hopped down from his perch and extended a hand. The corner of his eyes crinkled, and he smiled wider.

“Do not worry, I will help you. You can call me Michael.”

Jane shook his hand sheepishly. With every word, Michael’s accented voice made her tremble, and little by little he chipped away at her anger.

“Jane Rogers. I’m staying here for a week.”

She gasped as Michael easily picked up her two suitcases and headed up the front stairs. She darted forward to open the door for him, protesting all the while.


The tiny lobby was empty. There was no one behind the welcome desk, and the entire building seemed silent. Jane buried her head in her hands, and took deep breaths. Michael gently set her bags down and moved toward the desk. He looked at her with a grin on his face while she took her moment to compose herself, amazed that anyone could frustrate themselves so easily. He reached over the counter for a register book, ticked off her name with a pen, and took a set of keys out his pocket. He gently brushed his fingertips against the small of her back to catch her attention. Even through her thick padded jacket, Jane felt a touch that sent shivers down her spine. Jerking her head up, she saw Michael gently dangling a key in front her face.

“I signed you in, so you don’t have to worry. I know the guys who work here, and they will not mind. I’ll help bring your things to your room. But please,” his eyes seemed to twinkle, “try to relax.”

Jane’s lips tried to form words that didn’t want to leave her throat, then gave up. She sighed and gave him a small nod and an even smaller smile.

“Where’s the room then?” She asked incredulously.

He winked and jerked his head. She followed him down a corridor, and on his signal used her key to open a large door, which, despite its size, swing forward easily at her touch. The room was beautiful. It was as if the room was decorated with autumn in mind: soft pastel colours swept the thick quilt (with its pattern of orange maple leaves) and wall hangings, and seemed to blend in nicely with the varnished trunks of the surrounding walls. As Jane stepped in slowly behind Michael, she could see that all the light came from a huge floor length window to her left, which gave an astounding view of the village that swept the valley below. At the moment the sun shone over a thick mist that separated the valley village from the Alps opposite, and, looming far away over them all, was snow capped Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in the Alps. This view, and the warmth of the room washing over her, calmed her down.

She turned around. Michael was gone. Shaking her head in disbelief and wondering how long she was standing at the window, she shut the door and unpacked a few of her things. On a table opposite the door, she saw a square panel painted with golden leaves. On it were two metal buttons, labelled ‘cuisine’ and ‘accueil’, and next to a square black speaker, was the button ‘parlez-vous’. She knew enough French to know that the buttons would allow her to speak with someone at the kitchen or the help desk from her room, once she pressed the third button and spoke into the black circular receiver.

She left her room and headed back outside. Michael was outside, breathing in the cold mountain air and stretching.

“Are you always this carefree?”

He didn’t turn around, but answered, “I like to enjoy life. It is too beautiful to spend being unhappy.”

He lifted himself up to his perch against a pillar and looked down into Jane’s eyes.

“What is wrong, Jane? Why are you upset?”

Jane bit her lip and frowned. She looked off into the distance at cold Mount Blanc, feeling the wind cut into her face. Talking about these things never helped, but… she felt like he had a better chance feeling better about everything if she spoke to him. She inhaled.

“I think there’s nothing wrong. I was a surgeon in New York, I was the best in the field. But the board decided that my lifestyle was… dangerous.”

“What do you mean?”

She smiled ruefully, “I have no social life. I spent all my time in the clinic, did one surgery after another, got by on a couple hours of sleep.”

“How old are you Jane?”

Wind demons were tugging on Jane’s long brown hair, sending it flying all over. She leaned against the other pillar’s base and stuck her hands in her jacket pockets.

“I’m the youngest in the practice actually: 28. The committee thought that since I spent all my time at the hospital and have no social life, I’ll eventually get a break down and kill myself. It’s what happened to another resident there. Brilliant guy, but he got consumed by the job.”

She looked up at Michael to see his face.

His eyes were closed. He took a deep breath in, exhaled, and opened his eyes with a smile.

“And about your family? Why aren’t they here with you? ” He asked.

“I have no family.”

“What about lovers?"

In spite of herself, Jane bit her bottom lip and smiled.

“I don’t have any.”

She looked up at him again. Again his eyes were closed, he was taking slow, deep breaths.

“Why’d you do that so much?”

He opened his eyes, looked her in the eyes and smiled again.

“It is my way of giving simple thanks for little things.”

Before she could say anything else, Michael jumped down from his perch. The sun had slowly gone down behind the mountain, casting large shadows over the valley.

“I have to help some friends. It is OK that I leave you here, no? It is a little late. You should go get ready for dinner! I hear the chef is really good.”

With a wave and without further ado, Michael headed down the stairway to the village. 


Jane made her way quickly from the dining room. She had received a crackling message from the kitchens informing her that dinner was ready while she was getting dressed. The dining area was beautiful enough, with amazing crystal chandeliers bouncing golden light over white-clad tables. But there were no other diners present. Her heart had beat heavily in her throat as a blonde waitress came from doors at the far end of the room, and requested her order. All Jane could stomach was a simple vegetable soup. The fear of spending a night in the empty cold lodge seemed like something out of The Shining. When she finished her meal, she fled back to her room, taking care to lock the door behind her.

It had started to snow heavily outside while she changed into her pyjamas. It wasn’t logical to leave the lodge now, and the situation couldn' possibly get worse. 

There was a loud bang somewhere, and the lights went out. Jane screamed, hysteria building up inside her as the thick blackness encircled her. Her heart thumped painfully in her chest, and tears burned her eyes as she scrambled towards the area where she thought the table was. Feeling all round, she pressed buttons on the console, but got no response.

“No, please!” She called into the receiver anyway, “I hate the dark, put it back on! Please!”

She heard movement behind her, and cried out again, sinking to the floor. Panic clutched her, and put images of monsters in her head. She could imagine that the patients who didn’t make it under her care were coming to get her, intestines wrapped around their necks, brains leaking out through eyes.

Someone was pounding on the door and calling out. Jane trembled, sobbing, her arms wrapped around herself.

The lock clicked and the door swing open. Michael stood there, wearing a white shirt (whose sleeves where rolled up) and an apron around his waist. He held a lantern in one hand, and a bag of candles in another. Jane was paralyzed, sobbing uncontrollably, fingers digging into her arms.

“No! They’re coming! The door! Don’t let them get me!”

Michael quickly locked the door behind him, and tossed the bag of candles on the bed. He bent down and scooped Jane up from the floor with one arm, and slowly brought her over to the bed. He made shushing sounds, and put the lantern on the bedside table. In ten seconds, Michael had lit five candles and placed them around the room, and was back at Jane’s side, supporting her back with one arm and wiping her tears with another.

“Take a deep breath, cherie. I am here for you. Nothing shall touch you in my house.”

Tears had stopped falling down her cheeks, and now Michael rocked her gently.

“Did you like my soup dear? I was worried when Jasmine said you only wanted soup. Now even I am worried about you.”

He stopped rocking her and gently eased her face from its burrowed place in the crook of his arm. Her face was flushed, her eyes bright, and her lips glistening. She looked so beautiful and vulnerable that he felt like he just had to take a chance. Gently he dipped his head down to hers and kissed her bottom lip. He heard her take a shuddering breath and felt her grip his shirt tighter. She whimpered and her tongue darted out to lick a pathway between his lips. They locked lips now, tongues venturing out to play hide-and-seek. He broke away from her lips to trail kisses down her chin and throat. His fingers untied his apron behind his back while hers scrambled at the buttons on his shirt. He shrugged it off and gently blazed a trail from her waist to her hips. She had on the cutest pink lace bra, through which he could see her hard nipples. She had on matching lace panties, and perhaps it was a trick of the light, but he could imagine seeing a moist patch. She obviously was changing for the night when the transformer blew. He closed his eyes for a moment, and took a deep breath; inhaling her wonderful smell. 

Jane unclasped her bra behind her and allowed gravity to make her breasts fall free. Michael lost no time in licking at her tight nipples, gently nipping them between his teeth. He kicked his shoes off, and removed his socks with his toes, and gently took his place between Jane’s thighs. He eased her underwear down her legs, and deeply inhaled her sweet scent again. The sound of her whimper made his cock strain unbearably against his pants, but felt the need to pleasure his lover first. First he sent his tongue deep within her, causing her hips to buck against his face. Wrapping his arms around her highs, he spread her juice along her slit, paying special attention to her clit. Each soft cry, each whimper, gasp, groan and moan sent warm waves down to his cock, and he intended to keep them coming. He sucked and lapped at her warm clit, and gently slid one finger into her moist depths. First he fingered her slowly, timing each lick of her clit with a thrust of his finger.

The moment Jane removed her arm from over her face and looked down, Michael had looked up. The sight of this gorgeous young French man who was licking her clit wildly, whispering to her in French, and framed sexily between her thighs brought her orgasm on unexpectedly. She cried out his name, while pulse after pulse of orgasm rocked her. He withdrew his finger and licked her creamy slit with each involuntary thrust of her hips. When her shuddering stopped, he slowly kissed his way up to her neck and swilled his tongue over her sensitive skin. While he nibbled on her neck and sucked it deeply in, he pulled his pants off and let his iron cock dangle down.

Jane cried out softly while Michael worked on leaving a love mark on her, and wrapped her legs around his now naked waist. Her fingers pulled on his hair and she cried out as he bit in another area, and thrust himself inside her at the same time. The pain was replaced with a strange pleasure, and with every thrust she moaned in appreciation. He grunted in response and flicked out his tongue at her ear lobe, which in turn caused her to tighten around him. She felt like heaven around his hot shaft, and he couldn’t control himself anymore. He pulled away from her arms, sat up on his knees, and thrust himself faster into her. His gorgeous face was a swirl of emotion; his eyes penetrated deep into her soul while his teeth bit into his lower lip. He took in the sight of her beautiful body bathed in sweat, breasts jiggling with each movement. His thumb started to circle Jane’s throbbing clit, making her jerk forward and grab onto the wrought iron headboard.

She climaxed again, riding out her orgasm on his rod and arching her back. At the tightening of her pussy Michael felt himself heat up even more, and felt the lava flow of his cum pump into his brunette beauty. Breathing heavily, he fell gently next to her. Gathering her to him, he brushed her hair off her face and kissed her forehead. His thumb caressed the tiny love bites on her neck, and her own fingers were making tiny circles on his chest. Jane licked at a trickle of sweat that coursed down Michael’s neck and felt his cock stir against her leg.

“If you wanna go again you gotta give me a few minutes.” She giggled

“You are too irresistible, amour.”

“You’re the chef here? You’re the chef that you heard is really good? Self praise is no praise you know”

He laughed.

“Of course! I’m the best in the region. You can even check my reviews. However you might have heard of me under the name Monty Normavik.”

“Wait…Monty Normavik… why does that sound…Oh my god!” Jane scrambled out of his arms and sat up.

“You own this place!”

“I own this place.” He smiled.

“I’m…so sorry for how I acted before…”

“Do not worry,” he pulled her back down to his chest, “I took it as a part of your charm.”

"Why is there no one around but me?"

Michael chuckled. "The resort is actually closed. I couldn't turn you away when you arrived."

The young resort owner gently kissed Jane, raking his tongue against the roof of her mouth to make her shiver. His cock was slowly hardening against her leg.

“Is this all just revenge for what I said back then?” She murmured between kisses.

“No, of course not. I am merely enjoying a feast. And I shall soon want seconds.” 

He trailed his tongue down the valley of her breasts, licking at rivulets of sweat on his way, and whispered to her:

"Restes-toi ici avec moi, cherie? Will you not stay with me for the holiday?"

As Michael's mouth enveloped Jane's hot clit, she moaned her answer.


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Four Months Ago: Kelly Drosin, M.D. Kelly was enthralled that she had finally completed her residency-training program and was now a full-fledged physician able to practice medicine on her own. No more of that idiot "Chief" resident assigning her "scut work" day in and day out. No sir, now she could practice medicine as she saw fit. And no hospitals either, Kelly wanted her own private practice and wanted to do it right here in Tacoma, Washington. Well, there was that little matter of the...

3 years ago
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Becky s After School Surprise

I drove slowly up to the stop sign looking up and down the road for traffic. The bus passed in front of me from left to right, it was empty and the driver probably wanted to be at home or somewhere else other than the country road he was driving down. He was probably just as glad to be rid of the crowd of brats her had to drive around every day after school. The red tail lights disappeared over a rise in the road, just a swirl of rain and mist behind him.It had been raining all afternoon and I...

1 year ago
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Meeting Cindy

‘Please return your seat backs and tray tables to their full upright and locked position, we will be landing shortly,’ the flight attendant announces over the intercom, waking me with a startle. I had drifted off to sleep, if anyone can sleep on an airplane. As I rub my eyes, the plane banks left and I hear the landing gear lower and the flaps come down. Lower we glide toward the runway. Row after row of homes appear below me. All look the same, there is no character in this modern world of...

2 years ago
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Dark WellChapter 11 In The Dead Of Night

It is night. The darkness is almost impenetrable. Only my body cast gleams out white. As though, it is trying to illuminate the room. I turn my head toward the window. The sky is starless. I see a strip of light under the door. It can't chase the darkness away. I am tense. Something has awakened me in this ungodly hour. I am trying to figure out what. Was it the dream that awakened me? No, it wasn't the dream. Something else. The darkness is frightening. I have never been so afraid of the...

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playing on the bus

100% true story!Resently i was Traveling on a bus with my girlfriend after a trip to the city for a day shopping. we were both a little sleepy after a long day and cuddled up close on the bus. the bus wasnt busy but had some people sat close by.a few minutes past when my girlfriend started to rub my cock through my shorts. i am a very horny guy and this blew my mind and nearly my cock. then she undid my zip and pulled out my cock (with a little difficulty, check my profile) she was wanking my...

3 years ago
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Rendezvous in Chicago

She's married; she has a number of young children at home; she has a successful career; she is intelligent and beautiful, and she has a libido running on overdrive. Why would she risk it all? Why would she risk it all with him? So much to lose and what would she gain? That fucking sex drive will be the death of her. He is older, like at least twenty five years older, with limited sexual capabilities; he's married; he should be thinking of other things like retirement or downsizing his house or...

2 years ago
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Poppy Chapter 2

She got out of bed, and stretched some more, then padded across the sun-warmed carpet to her bathroom. She began preparing herself for Him with a shower, making sure to scrub everywhere well. She found all she needed to shave her legs and armpits and took care of them carefully, making sure not to cut herself or miss anywhere. She found all the best shampoos also, and washed her hair twice. When she noticed the conditioner on the shelf, she thought of her pubic hair and His instructions to...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Crystal Taylor Power Through

Crystal Taylor meets her newest client, Tyler Nixon, and begins to give him a relaxing standard massage. But as the massage continues, Crystal aggravates an old tennis injury, which makes it harder and harder for her to keep massaging. It becomes so hard that she has to end the session early, which, understandably, leaves Tyler disappointed. Not wanting to lose her newest client, Crystal gets creative. To work around her injury, she’ll give him a NURU massage! It’s not long before...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 2 Martha ThompsonChapter 2

It was a week later, and Bobby had just come in from morning chores, when Mamma told him that Mrs. Thompson had called, to see if he was free to come over and fix a hole in the wall. Mamma said they’d had a nice chat, and that she’d thanked Martha for the pears, which had been succulent and sweet. He called her back, and arranged to go over that afternoon. When he got there, she was dressed in much more youthful clothing, wearing a skirt that came two inches above her knees, and a flowered...

4 years ago
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Donna And Megan Part 1

As she took another sip , she thought to herself…. ” I'm tired of being alone , I want to share my life with someone…someone I can support and mentor ” but she didn’t know where to start.. So she went to the one place she could possibly find an answer…. “Google” … and after a couple of hours she landed on “seeking arrangement.com”, she made an account and started looking for prospective partners. After weeding out many fake and desperate profiles, she came across a profile. It was of a...

1 year ago
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Mr Johnsons secretary

The mirror is between my legs. The razor moves up and down my lustrous hairy bush. My fingers part the moist lips displaying the pinkish clit. I am enjoying the view, loving what I see. No wonders Mr. Johnson can’t have enough of me, and I can’t have enough of him. He is the best boss I ever had. I get paid three times more than any other secretaries doing the same kind of work, and surprised with expensive presents now and then such as a strand of luxurious pearls he pulled out my cunt on my...

2 years ago
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The Deal Ch 01

Professor Dawson removed his glasses, and rubbed his eyes with his palms, followed by running his hands through his salt-and-pepper hair. He looked up at the decorated walls in his large office, realizing that day had turned to night. He had been reviewing and grading midterm exams since the early afternoon, and had completely lost track of time. He stood from his chair, and stretched his arms, gazing out the window. There was a small scattering of students walking between buildings on the...

1 year ago
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My Best Friend 13 The Surprise Pt 3

Amanda laid quietly along the couch with her head in my lap while we watched TV. Amanda had talked me into changing the channel so she could watch her stories while we wait for Jeanette to call. I sat there letting Amanda watch her stories with her head in my lap. I quietly wished Jeanette would hurry the fuck up and call letting Amanda know when she was coming over with her asshole boyfriend. If Jeanette takes any longer than I was going to find a way to keep Amanda from watching her stories....

Love Stories
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 36

Another ordeal: flying in a med evac equipped flight from Hawaii to Gallup, NM, and then getting private ambulances from there to the small clinic in the Naabeehó Bináhásdzo. Thank goodness that Io had made the arrangements – even arranging for the best neuro doc to come up from Phoenix to examine Zeus. I don't know if I could have done it. No, wait. I could have done it, and would have done it; it's just that Io did it first and made it seem so effortless. It was just too much ... I was...

3 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 31 New Orleans

I was beginning to understand the meaning of the word entourage. I was a little embarrassed when I saw how many people were boarding the plane to New Orleans for my Range Sports photo shoot. From Ford modeling I had Tiffany, my agent, and Deb Thomas, their Vice President of Talent Development for their Chicago office. Deb arranged to join us, because she wanted to talk to Devin and Sandy Range about their corporate relationship. It had been on shaky ground ever since our shoots in the UK,...

2 years ago
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Raven Goes Elsewhere

Raven Budreaux had run into some bad luck of late. She had decided to visit a New Orleans fortune teller in the hopes of turning things around. She was that hopeless. The old lady fortune teller had warned her that there was a slight chance that if she placed her hands upon the magic orb, she might just disappear. "It happened once before." said the old woman. "In my grandmother's time. A movie star came to see her. He placed his hands on the orb and he was gone! Just a pile of clothes on the...

4 years ago
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The IdeaEpilogue

Not all the requests from clients are filmed; we have had to turn down several requests because of the legalities of the scenarios presented to us. As a rule if it is legal in the United Kingdom, we will do the filming. Here are a few of the ones for legal reasons we refused. Tanya and her horses. Tanya ran a breeding and horse riding stable in the country, her fantasy involved firstly giving a blow job to a young pony and secondly being suspended under a stallion whilst he fucked her....

3 years ago
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Scout Part 3 Chapter 4

Introduction: Chapter 4 of the Scout story Chapter 4 The next morning, I awoke with Scout in my arms. I gave her a kiss on the back of her head and left her sleeping. I went downstairs to make breakfast. In the middle of making pancakes and sausage, I heard foot falls on the steps. I looked and saw Scout coming down the stairs. She was rubbing her eyes with one hand, the other on the banister. Her white shirt was riding up, showing off her flat belly. Hi, cutie, I said. Howd you sleep? ...

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Today is the day Maggi comes to be with Jason her hubby he is in the Army and has been over seas. He has been assigned to a new post and now him and Maggi can live on post. Fran Barson meets Maggi at the airport cause Jason is in the field for two more days, Fran brings Maggi to on post housing and shows her the house. Waiting are a couple men Fran lets every one in and hands the keys to Maggi the men bring in the bags and other things and Maggi is left alone to settle in. Scared alone 1285...

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Angelas new boss

Angela Wedgwood was a middle aged woman who lived with her mother.She had boyfirends in her teen years and her early twenties, but after Paul broke up with her and started to fuck her best friend she never bothered again.She wasnt a virgin or anything and some nights when she was lying in her bed she would get pretty horny and masturbate until she came.That was getting less and less frequent.Her mum heard her one night and burst in to her room to ask what she was doing.Fortunately Angela was...

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The HealerChapter 13

The Imperial 17th Fleet was patrolling the Conveelt system as part of the various measures the Empire now had in place to try and counter the alien incursion. So far, other than the entrapment of a smuggler’s vessel, it had been quiet and uneventful. The ships themselves were overloaded to a certain extent with double the complement of Ground Force personnel as well as being accompanied by a couple of the new missile carrying ships that would hopefully surprise the aliens, assuming they ran...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 913

This one is compliments of Capt. Zapp A man is hiking through the woods when he hears a female voice calling for help. Eventually he finds a naked woman tied to a tree. While she was dirty and covered in cuts and scratches, he could tell she was quite attractive. “Gee Lady, what happened to you?” The lady sobs and tells her story. “I was having sex with my boyfriend when my husband came home early and caught us. He threw both of us out the window naked and I landed in the rose bushes. I...

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What happened last night

I closed the door behind me, trying to make as little noise as possible. It clicked shut and I walked away, head spinning, heart pounding and a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. How on earth had this happened? Barely two minutes earlier, I had awakened with a start in somebody else’s apartment, in somebody else’s bed. A guy’s bed, with him in it, his arm thrown across my chest. I had leaped out of bed, pushing his arm roughly aside, and was startled to find myself naked. He was naked,...

Gay Male
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Genocide News

“Peter Patter here. This just in, breaking news from PTEN, your Fair and Balanced NEWS station: SETI, Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, organization is right now announcing it has made incontestible contact with an alien species not-of-this-Earth! Behind me is a panel of experts from SETI, NASA and ESA explaining in detail how they made contact. Spokesman Carl Sagan has explained”: “SETI has been scanning the skies for decades. We have been listening to the skies using radio...

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Home sweet home

     Mandy Sykes is a beautiful 24 year old woman.  Her mother passed away while she was in nursing school leaving her dad a widower at age 44.  Mandy had several relationships and after a failed marriage, decides to move back home to be near her father.      Ted Wilkins was working in his office when his phone rang.  Looking at the caller ID, he could see it was his daughter, Mandy.      "Hey pumpkin.  I was just thinking about you.  I really miss you".      "Hi, Daddy, I miss you too, but I...

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My little sister Lily Chapter 1 Loving Lily by F

I’m Danny, six years after I was born my parents had Lily. I think it was an attempt to save their relationship and thankfully for me having a new baby around the house worked for a little while but I left home, then for the military as soon as I could. My little sister would call me and send me letters. We were always close. She had gray eyes and was so caring. She would sit on my lap and I wouldn’t be able to see her face through her long brown curly hair, it was beautiful. I was always tall...

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Karaoke With A Sexy Twist

For over 10 years I have been doing karaoke shows at local bars, restaurants and a shit load of private parties. They are usually the same scenario, set up, play karaoke music for 3-4 hours then breakdown, pack up and go home. At one bar I play at I have quite a few “regulars” who I have gotten to know. Two girls, sisters, are in that group and they always sing duets together. They are quite good and also nice on the eyes. The shorter one isn’t as “chesty” as the tall one but she is more...

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