The Free-Use Bible: Book Of Genesis 1 free porn video

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This series is SUPPOSED to be DISGUSTING, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD get bad feelings reading it, which is why I consider it HORROR! I try to gross myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! I’m assuming we’re all mature adults that can separate fantasy from reality.

This is more PORN than PLOT.

All characters are 18+.This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely coincidental. This story is not meant to be a direct reference to any real-life cultures/religions. I just liked the idea and wanted to push it to the extreme.


-Rape / Non-con / Male-dom / misogyny / violence / sadism

-Mind control / slavery

-Gross bodily smells/taste, unwashed, fluids, sweat, ATM, Piss

-Period sex to mouth


Book of Genesis 1

“God made all kinds of wild animals, all kinds of cattle, and all kinds of creeping things of the earth. God saw how good it was.” - Genesis 1:25

Six months after acquiring the Book…

The more my dreams come true, the more I’m left with nothing in their stead. A vile vacuity that looms larger in my mind each day. I see the inky black words whenever I close my eyes. Every Law I’ve written seems to scroll through my head at all times. An obsession, like shadows attached to each thought. But as always, these feelings of dread dissipate when I lay eyes on the first naked female of the day. A warm reminder of the world I’ve crafted.

“Good morning, sir!” I’m greeted at the front desk by a cheerful voice like always. With the Book tucked neatly away in my briefcase, I enter the office building, taking in the familiar sights. A modern and stylish lobby, with Anne the secretary completely naked behind her desk. She offers herself to all men as they enter. Offers her holes. Always smiling, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. She even offers to make calls to have any girl in the building brought out by request.

I politely decline all this with a wave, “Nah, not today, thanks. I’ve got work to do.” I continue on, greeting and smiling at several more people, routine morning pleasantries. No one bats an eye at the fact that nearly every female employee walks around naked.

The workplace environment here has become so friendly it’s almost cult-like. Morale is at an all-time high, with happy faces and laughter all around. Men are free to de-stress however they want, creating a chill atmosphere that would make even the ‘coolest’ of Silicon Valley tech companies envious.

I wave good morning to Dave from Finance, watching him casually pushing Charlotte from the Tech department up against the wall in the hallway, kissing the blonde’s neck and shoving his hand between her legs. Women are put on a rotating sign-out sheet. Guys that meet their productivity metrics for the month can openly walk up to any woman and sign her out for the day. Females used in this way are teasingly referred to as ‘Cow-Workers’, treated like nothing more than cattle. I pass another man fucking a girl right out in the open outside the restrooms. His face is calm, almost bored, as if this is as mundane as grabbing coffee.

With this Book, I’m like an author able to manipulate characters as I please. Or like a prophet creating Laws that others follow blindly. This building is like my church, and people are brainwashed to follow my Word without thinking too hard about it. To them, this is what women are for. As unpleasant as it is for the females, it’s simply the way of the world. There’s no sense questioning it.

Passing by the open workspace of the Sales department, I see low-walled cubicles with male employees working away happily. Jason has Lindsay kneeling underneath his desk, head bobbing dutifully. Brian has simply forced Alice to give him a back rub for a few hours. I see the lovely Hispanic MILF, Carla, up on a desk, twerking her ass in Phil’s face while he works. And Trevor has the chubby executive, Lisa Labinger, down on all fours under his desk, remaining perfectly still and acting as a footrest while he talks with a client on the phone. Servants, casual entertainment, even furniture. And everyone sees this as ‘normal’.

Sure some of the women look embarrassed and uncomfortable, but they smile and greet me as I walk by nonetheless. The occasional scream or pained outcry is met with apathy by everyone. After all, the men are just acting on their natural instincts. Holding back those urges, no matter how aggressive, would be considered strange. I’ve created total freedom for us men to act on our true desires. But in order to do that, I needed to enslave.

I’m no longer a cog in a machine, mindlessly trudging through life, repressing every thought and craving and biological inclination. I no longer need to pretend I’m not imagining a girl naked while I’m talking to her. Or pretend I don’t want to bend every girl over, sniff them, lick them, fuck their brains out. I don’t need to tranquilize myself just to fit into society, avert my eyes, hide my perversions. And it’s not only me that’s been holding back this whole time. When these men were given real freedom, most of them savagely unleashed themselves upon the women of the office. And I’ve never seen them happier, more alive.

As I walk by the men’s room, the door opens and a man walks out. “Hey Dan, how are ya?” I say politely. He returns the greeting and continues on. I glance inside the restroom before the door swings shut, catching a brief glimpse of my most cruel invention.

I smile and shake my head, wondering if I’ve taken things too far. Urinals, with naked women strapped to them. Men come and go, relieving themselves on the poor ladies, even occasionally fucking them right then and there. Girls I dislike or have grown bored of often end up assigned as Urinals. As I look, inky words creep up across my vision, but I blink them away and continue walking.

Even outside this building, I’ve reshaped my entire life, written all my darkest fantasies into reality. My wife waits for me at home, enslaved. And when we visit her family, I have my way with her mother, her sister, and even our nieces. I’ve carved my own personal heaven out of the world around me.

I walk down the last hallway before my office. It’s still under renovation, my latest plans not yet complete. I pass a few workers installing padded holes all along the walls. I can’t wait to see the ‘pillory’ in action. Girls will be stuck in the walls, free to be enjoyed like nothing more than decorations.

Finally I enter my grand office. A magnificent wooden desk is in the center of the huge room, modern decor on the walls, a liquor cabinet off to the side. And floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the beautiful grounds far below. Those stupid inky words overlay my vision again as I glance out the windows, and I feel a tugging sensation, as if something’s pulling me toward them. I shrug the feelings off and sit down at my desk.

Immediately I’m greeted by little Chloe Seitz kneeling patiently under the desk. “Oh hey, Chloe. Your turn today, huh?” I have them surprise me with a new Cow-Worker each day to keep things fresh. This one is one of my favorites, a young saleswoman with long light brown hair and a petite figure.

“Yes sir,” She smiles nervously, then unzips me and gets to work. “Oh and sir? There was a call from a Mr. Smith. Something about the deal being ridiculous? Unfair?”

I pet her hair and chuckle, “Oh he won’t say no.” I press a button on the phone, buzzing for the secretary. “Anne? Hey call Mr. Smith back for me will you? Have him come in so I can talk to him in person. Thanks.”

I hang up and look down at Chloe, grabbing hold of her hair, stiffening in her mouth. I smile. They never say no once they come visit.

* * *

Six months earlier…

Dayton, Ohio. The Birthplace of Aviation. Even back then people did everything they could to fly away from the mundane drudgery of Ohio life. Hell, we even had some of the most famous astronauts. What is it about this state that makes people want to leave the fucking earth?

Freedom Marketing LLC. Yeah the job is as exciting as the company name would imply. ‘FML’ is right. The worst part is days like today when they make us all come in for a big company meeting and ‘team-building’. Thankfully I don’t have to visit the downtown office here too often. Lately I get to work from home most days.

On my way out after the dreadful day, I almost trip over the guy. A homeless man lying on the sidewalk by the door. “Shit, sorry man,” I apologize politely. But he doesn’t notice me, keeps mumbling something to himself. I start to move on, but I do a double-take when I see his face. I’ve seen him before. Maybe he just hangs out around here a lot? But I could swear he looks like someone. Someone I’ve seen on TV. Yeah there was this famous guy. A CEO or owner of some company. Some rich hotshot. Obviously not the same guy sitting here talking to himself.

“I don’t want it. I don’t want it anymore!” The man is rocking back and forth, twitching, holding a beaten up old book. “Take it away! Make it stop!” He throws the book at me.

I turn and quickly put some distance between me and the guy. He shouts even louder as I walk away. I turn to glance back just as he bolts out into traffic. Tires squeal, but the truck couldn’t avoid him. Crunch! Thud! Then screams from a few onlookers.

The following minutes are a blur. I can’t believe I just watched a guy die! A crowd forms along the sidewalk. Shouting. Ambulance. My heart racing. People all around, asking questions, a bit panicked, flashing lights as the cops start to block off the road. In all the chaos, I notice that old book again. Forgotten. Sitting there on the sidewalk. I don’t know why, but I pick it up. Put it in my bag.

* * *

Back home that evening, I walk through the front door of my house in the suburbs. Small and comfy, nothing special, but it’s always good to be home. I’m greeted by my wife Lizzy calling out nonchalantly from the living room, “Hey babe. How was your day?”

“Yeah about that,” I let out an enervated sigh, then chuckle and proceed to tell her all about the homeless man running into traffic. I leave the book out of the story, a bit embarrassed that I actually took it.

Liz is shocked and sympathetic, and she immediately gets up and flings her arms around me, “Oh my God, are you ok?!” She’s always such a sweet girl, pure of heart, such a bubbly, uplifting personality. I hug her deeply, the feel of her soft little squishy body never gets old. Short, naturally thin even though she never works out, but with an hourglass figure, a plumpness in the right areas. The embodiment of soft femininity, we always joke how she’s made of marshmallows, not a muscle on her body. I nuzzle my face down into her wavy shoulder-length hair. Brown spirals that taper down into blonde, an ‘ombre’ hair dye style I think she calls it. And her sweet scent always puts me at ease. Always so pampered with nice fruity, dessert-like products, always reminding me of baked goods or pies.

We’ve been married several years now. She’s in her mid 20s, I’m a couple years older. It’s been a happy but boring life as time goes by. She decided against having kids, and ‘hasn’t gotten around’ to changing her last name after we got married. But I make concessions like these happily because of moments like this, when I come home to a woman who makes me feel so filled with life, so rejuvenated after a horrible day.

We relax the rest of the evening. Same old routine. Dinner. Watch whatever show we’re currently into. Bed. And as we both automatically turn our separate ways in bed, like most nights the option of intimacy not even a consideration, my mind keeps returning to that weird book.

* * *

Late the next night, I sit in my office at home, staring at the strange markings on the cover of the ancient-looking tome. I flip through the pages. The first few are written in some foreign language. No, several languages! Arabic? And that’s Greek I think. It seems to be instructions, an introduction to the book, but it’s as if it’s trying to be as cryptic and hard to follow as possible. After the first few pages, the rest of the book is blank. Almost like a journal. Or a book left intentionally unfinished. And there are pages missing. Roughly, almost angrily torn out. The homeless guy really didn’t take good care of this thing, whatever it is.

A bit of Googling and I find similar looking characters. It’s not just Arabic, but Classical Arabic, from the Middle Ages I guess! Not used for much nowadays. Then Ancient Greek. And Hebrew too. And maybe three other languages I can’t quite figure out. A total of six! With every sentence switching to another language. What the fuck is this book?

I text a couple old friends from college. One has Muslim family, another studied theology and history a lot. I decide to not really tell them what I’m trying to do, not wanting to explain the story of how I got the book. And for some reason, I also feel the need to keep it to myself, protect it. Between the two friends, I’m able to get a few shitty links to websites that give rough translations. Classical Arabic isn’t exactly like Modern, which makes it harder, but even the parts I’m able to figure out only make up a fraction of all the text. The other languages are just as bad or worse.

But I’m able to figure out bits and pieces. I get the words ‘Djinn’ and ‘Iblis’ and ‘Shaitan’, which reference genies and demons and the Islamic version of Satan. I get similar words in the Hebrew and Greek parts, as if I’m reading the Old and New Testaments or something. But without translating all of it, I don’t really get the context, don’t understand what it’s really saying about them.

The number 9 comes up a lot for some reason. ‘9 after the beginning’? Or is it saying ‘it ends after 9’? 9 what? Is it a duration? 9 days? Weeks? I also get the word ‘slavery’, and it keeps saying ‘the law’ this and ‘the law’ that. As well as what seems to be a phrase instructing me to ‘scribe names and places of those around you’. Maybe it’s saying to write names or places into the book? That might explain all the blank pages.

But I hit a wall, unable to get much more out of it. After a while I remember how dumb this is anyway, and I shove the book in my desk drawer and go to bed. Lizzy is already fast asleep when I get there.

* * *

A few nights later, I sit in my office, pen hovering over a blank page. Over the past few nights, my curiosity has kept dragging me back to the Book, obsessing over it. I give up. I only understand a bit, and I doubt I’ll get much more no matter how hard I try. What’s the worst that can happen? I begin doodling on the page. But this immediately feels wrong, makes me feel oddly sick to my stomach. I sigh and decide to take it more seriously.

Let’s see, it seemed to be asking to write a name, right? Specifically the name of someone around me. Someone I know? Someone nearby? So I try the first name that comes to mind, ‘Lizzy’. Ok and then I think it was saying something about laws. Maybe an action? A command of some sort? Liz has the TV on in the other room and I hear that old Jump Around hip hop song playing in the background of whatever she’s watching. I shrug, that works I guess. I write ‘Jump Around’.

A moment later, loud thumping sounds start coming from the living room, hitting the floor over and over. I rush in to see what’s wrong. At first I think it’s a coincidence, think she’s joking around. I mean my wife has a pretty goofy personality. She’s in front of the TV, bouncing wildly up and down, vaguely to the beat of the song. But the music stops… and she continues. Her face oddly blank, just staring at the screen same as always, as if this is a normal way to watch TV. She looks over at me, “Hey babe.” Then looks back at the screen, still bouncing.

“Liz, what the fuck are you doing?” I’m so confused. I don’t get the joke.

She looks at me again, frowns, shakes her head with a bit of attitude. “What?” she snaps back as if annoyed. I stand and stare, dumbfounded. She’s in her comfy sleepwear. Tight joggers and a tight long-sleeve shirt. A low neckline, showing just a bit of cleavage, clearly no bra beneath, tits bouncing around freely. I’ve never seen her act like this. She’s modest and shy, even around me. She’d never do this.

I rush back to the book in my office. Heart racing, I stare down at what I wrote. ‘Jump around’. No fucking way! This has to be some prank. But I can’t think of any other explanation. I quickly pick up the pen and jot down the words ‘stop jumping around’.

The noise from the living room stops almost instantly. My heart is throbbing in my ears, my head spinning. This can’t be real!

I gingerly walk back in the living room, eyes scanning my wife, trying to make sense of all this. She’s back on the couch, breathing heavily, face flushed, but otherwise just continues watching TV. She glances at me again, giving me a weird look, “Babe, what’s wrong? Why do you keep looking at me like that?” I’m at a loss for words.

“Uh- I- Lizzy, what were you just doing?” She looks around, annoyed and confused. “Just now. You were jumping up and down.”

She looks at me like I’m the crazy one, “Ummm so? What’s your problem? I’m just watching my show.” She’s getting angry. Clearly she’s convinced that whatever she was just doing was perfectly normal. I back off the topic, nodding like she’s right, then return to my office.

I stare down at the book. My mind racing. She must be fucking with me. But how? I look around the room, at the ceiling, under the desk. There’s no way she saw what I wrote, or when I wrote it. She acted upon the commands immediately, like she was hypnotized or something! I sit down and stare at the book for probably a full hour, deep in thought, petrified and bewildered. Then I slam it shut and hide it in my desk.

We go to bed later, but I lie awake. If this thing is real, what else can it do? It needs names or places. And then some sort of command, or law. And it takes things very literally. I didn’t write how long to jump around for, so she kept going until I countered it with another law. I need to be extremely careful with my wording, practically lawyer-like.

And I’m still not convinced this is real. But there’s one way to find out for sure. Jumping around is one thing. But if I make my wife do things she’d really never do…

In the middle of the night, I sneak out of bed without waking her. Back in my office, I pull out the book, pick up the pen, and carefully craft another law. Closing the book and hiding it again, I hold my breath and wait anxiously, heart thumping.

I swivel in my desk chair, facing the door as I hear it opening slowly. Lizzy walks in to the dimly lit office.

“Babe?” My voice is shaky and unsure. My wife’s face is calm, but there’s a hint of unease. Her eyebrows a bit furrowed.

But she steps forward, “Is- is it a bad time? You want me to… you know?” Her pale blue eyes glance down at my crotch as I sit carefully reading her face. She sounds heartbroken, scared, but weirdly determined.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want.” A compromising phrase I’ve used countless times with her. And my words are still vague, careful not to incriminate myself in case this really is all some misunderstanding.

But she shakes her head and kneels down on the floor before me, “No, I do. Don’t I? It’s my wifely duty, right?” Oh my God! Those are exact words straight from the law I wrote!

“That’s… right… but I- I haven't showered since this morning…” Against every urge in my body, I’m still giving her an out, still giving her the typical politeness. This is usually where she takes me up on it, gets what she wants.

“Why would that matter?” She looks genuinely confused. She’s right, with the way I worded the law, this is her duty no matter what. I shrug and shake my head, then beckon her to me with a nod. She crawls closer slowly, letting her hips sway beneath her tight nighttime sweatpants in an almost laughable attempt at seduction. She’s hardly ever done anything of the sort, and it shows. But I feel my dick stir in my shorts all the same.

Lizzy sits back on her heels, kneeling between my knees, reaching her hands up to start tugging at my shorts. Her eyes are bashful, but she can’t hide her anxiety. She keeps glancing at me, adorably trying her best to appear sensual, clearly no idea how. Her round cheeks a bit rosy with embarrassment. The light smattering of freckles on her face only visible when you’re this close. A face that always looks much younger than she is. And those lips. A natural pouty puffiness, curling up into slight dimples that always make her seem like she’s smiling a bit, even when she’s not.

She helps me slide out of my shorts, and without underwear, my bare ass feels the cool leather of my office chair. I can’t believe this is happening! I chose this particular command because I was sure it wouldn’t work, thought for sure this would prove the whole magic book thing to be bullshit.

My wife hasn’t done this in years. When we were dating, she used to begrudgingly agree to it, more eager to please me back then. But she hates it. Always says it makes her want to puke. Finds it degrading. So over time I asked less and less, not wanting to make the woman I love do something she despises so thoroughly. But eventually less often became not at all.

None of that seems to matter now. As Lizzy’s warm palm grips me, my cock stiffens. Her hand pumps gently, remembering how to work it. Within a minute, I’m full-mast, pulsing in her hand, a bead of precum getting squeezed out the top.

She makes eye contact again, feigning a smile, batting her eyes in an attempt to emulate what she thinks she’s supposed to do. She rarely has to take charge like this, always passive and modest, even during sex. But she was given specific commands, and she dredges up every memory of what women seem to do in this situation. Of how to please a man as she should.

And I see through the facade. I know my wife well. She’s terrified. So fucking uncomfortable. Her face scrunches up a bit, clearly smelling my cock. I’m not that dirty, but it’s been a long day. And it’s always common courtesy to shower or present yourself nicely before sex, let alone before having my dick a foot away from her face.

My heart races as she leans forward and engulfs my cock. The heat and wetness envelopes me. Her tongue slides along the shaft. A tooth scrapes gently along my tip, but I couldn’t care less. I’m inside her mouth! I had given up on this, contented myself with a boring sex life where I’d probably never do this again. But here she is! Stuffing my meat in her little mouth!

She moves slowly up and down. Both hands gripping and caressing the hilt of my shaft as my swollen cock fills her up. She goes as deep as she thinks she can, coughing here and there. I can’t help but grin as she stares in concentration at my belly button, struggling every step of the way. I’m suddenly reminded of just how bad she always was at this. At least I know she wasn’t faking it, was always giving her best, as pathetic as that was.

I let her take her time, my elbows up comfortably on my armrests, just happy to be buried in my wife’s face once again. And she hates every second. Her pretty eyes quiver, the look on her face priceless. She can’t stand the taste of my dirty cock. But her tongue laps away anyway. Swirling around as she bobs up and down.

Lizzy has seen porn, I mean everyone has. She knows some tricks, knows what to try. She hums, her voice trying to stimulate me with vibrations. She slurps and sucks, trying to make lewd noises. And then eye contact again as she lifts off me and licks all the way down the side of my dick. I feel sorry for her, her eyes tired from waking up in the middle of the night to do this, going bloodshot from the exertion. But as she stuffs me back inside her mouth, a shiver of desire washes away any reservations I was feeling.

Her hands occasionally remember to massage my balls, and her head works faster and faster as she starts to see me reacting more heavily. She wants this over as quickly as possible.

But for some reason, that nags at my mind. A spark of cruelty shoots through my thoughts. I put on a poker face, hiding how aroused I’m getting. And I try to hold out instead of just giving in and letting her end this. Normally she whines and wins me over. Anything uncomfortable, anything difficult, and she’s normally let off the hook, pampered like a little princess. She deserves it usually, to be honest. Such a kind girl, such a sweet face. But as I sit here watching that face pumping up and down on my cock, tears forming in her pretty eyes. It’s just too good of a moment to pass up. Just this once, let me have my way, let me use my wife as I please.

I deliberately hide all signs of my impending climax, letting her work as hard as she can, thinking she’s got a long ways to go. Her blonde waves flop as she moves. Cheeks pink from the effort. She lets out a loud cough, and I feel a nasty splatter of saliva shoot down my shaft. Her lips quickly slurp the slime back up, trying to regain any amount of decency she can in this situation.

Seconds away and I still remain calm. Urp Urp Urp! My innocent wife starts gagging on my cock, working me as hard as she can. And for some reason, it’s not enough. I need to go all the way, do something I’ve never gotten to do with her.

My hands fly forward, gripping her roughly by the hair. She yelps, but I shove her down hard, gagging her, driving myself down her throat. Her hands flail and fight me reflexively at first, but she seems to realize she has to do this, accepting that this is just part of her ‘wifely duties’.

And for the first time ever, I unload down my wife’s throat. Through coughing and gurgling, my cream shoots out inside her. The feeling is unreal, my entire cock engulfed in her warm face-hole, my tip being squeezed repeatedly by her clamping throat. My fingers can’t help but dig into her scalp, gouging at her hair with a bit more roughness than I’ve ever shown her. She tries to scream, cough, and hold back from puking all at the same time.

And in the process, my jizz explodes every which way inside her. Splashing around my cock, shooting down her poor esophagus… and even squirting out her nose! Lizzy squirms and shakes her head around in utter disgust, my cum leaking out her nostrils, onto my groin. But my hands hold her there, savoring a few more precious seconds within her mouth.

Finally, breathing heavily, my hands let go of her blonde locks, allowing her to burst off of me. She collapses hunched over on the floor, coughing violently, hands covering her mouth. I give her all the time she needs, just grinning to myself as I sit there letting my heart rate slow. My cock flexes and oozes the last few spurts of cum, dripping down my shaft as my eyes hazily watch my wife coughing between my feet.

Then after a few seconds of recovery, Lizzy kneels upright again, faces me, and visibly gulps with her mouth closed. My cock jumps in excitement again as I watch for the first time ever… my prude of a wife swallowing my cum! Without a complaint, without a word, she leans forward and finishes me up. Her tongue flicks out as she grips my softening cock in her hands once more. She laps at the dribble of white cream slipping down my shaft. Her face crinkled in sheer disgust. But she carries on, sucking at the urethra, then cleaning up every other inch of her husband’s dick.

My eyes just stare in disbelief. It worked! Look at this! A sight I never thought I’d see. Lizzy… cleaning my jizz, eating it up off my spent cock.

After a minute, she leans back and looks up at me, trying to smile again, giving me a look that asks ‘am I done?’

I press my luck just a tad further, “Open up?” Worded as a question, my politeness still clinging on even after all that. She opens her sweet mouth without hesitation, sticking her tongue out, showing me she swallowed. A brief whiff of the smell of my own cum hits my nose as she exhales an exhausted breath.

My voice is kind and thankful, “All good. Thanks babe.” She smiles, still hiding her humiliation and discomfort under a thin veneer of wifely warmth.

She gets up, leans over, and kisses me on the cheek, “Oh no problem. Night babe.” Her voice is already softening, as if just glad the annoying part of being married is over. As if this was all just a normal day, she walks out of the office to head back to bed.

Leaving me still panting alone in the room. My head spinning. I turn and bring the book back out, setting it on the desk and just staring in awe. She followed every command I wrote. The inky black words seem alive on the page.


Thanks for reading! See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story


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My cuckold genesis

Genesis of my cuckold adventure begin with mine first brokeup with my girlfriend. It was only for one week but just the day after brokeup she found a guy that instant became her NEW boyfriend. I could see them for that one week clearly in the park sitting together, holding hands and kissing (because of my jogging activity). I couldnt belive she found a guy almost same day we broke up, I felt the pain inside my chest when I was not seeing them or thinking about her kissing him now, but when I...

5 years ago
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PUPPET Genesis

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is an 'open universe', free to be used by anybody, in any way they see fit. MOREOVER; for every single PUPPET story written and posted by anybody else, I shall create a 'matching donation' of roughly equal length - that is to say, I shall write and post a PUPPET story myself. In fact, this is an 'open offer', not merely limited to TG. I will match length-for-length, genre-for-genre, fetish-for-fetish, including - but not limited to - TG, TF, BE, PE, MC, SHEM, ROBO,...

3 years ago
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Nightblade Genesis

Note: This story contains objectionable content. Minors are encouraged to find something else to read. As for those who believe gender transformational fiction is sinful and evil, you can stop reading now. Go back to undermining free speech. Authors Notes: At the end of the three tales that follow, this universe will be open to any author. Before then, please email me at [email protected] for the specifics. This tale, in itself, contains NO TG, but sets the stage for the ones that...

2 years ago
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Switch World Genesis

SWITCH WORLD: GENESIS by BobH (C) 2005, 2008 *********** Switch World is an 'Open Universe' that anyone is welcome to set stories in. The first to appear here was: Many Worlds Inc: Switch World That's the story that established the universe, and which sets out the 'rules' for it. A careful reading should I hope answer most queries about how this particular universe functions *********** ...

3 years ago
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Liberator Genesis

Liberator: Genesis By Brittany Cosco (Mekalicious) © 2011 Brittany Cosco Note: This is the first in hopefully a many-part story. Based on the reception I get, I'll hopefully be writing one every 2 weeks. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters are original creations of the author and may not be used without the express written consent of...

4 years ago
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The Bible Tells Me So

{ or Things They Never Taught Me in Sunday School } Why Boaz Married Ruth I remember my mother telling me that Grandma Coit had once said that the Bible was the dirtiest book she had ever read. At the time, when I was in high school, I took that to mean that my maternal grandmother had been conservative in her choice of literature. But later, as I studied the Good Book professionally, I came to realize that anyone who reads a great deal of Scripture will run into some very human people. Which...

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Bible Study

Lester Stix first discovered the real power of the phrase quite by accident. It was an unfortunate thing that caused quite a bit of embarrassment for some of the community’s most staid and honored families. It also cost Elias Helms his position as assistant pastor at the local Congregational Protestant Church. Lester and Elias were close friends both having studied at Oral Roberts University before each entered their chosen profession. Lester went into archeology while Elias went into...

3 years ago
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Hit Me With That Bible Belt

My father was a member of the Army National Guard, so my family moved around a lot while I was growing up. After my mother passed away when I was twelve, we started moving yearly. I’m pretty sure that was Daddy’s way of coping with trying to dull the pain of losing his wife and the burden of raising a daughter on his own. I’d been to four different high schools by the time I graduated Greenville Senior High Academy in Greenville, South Carolina, and I’d had enough of the nomad way of...

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The holy bible

Thomas was in shock... he had just made a deal with the devil. The actual devil! He looked down at his hands amd saw what he was holding. It was a book with the title of "Holy Bible". But it was no ordinary bible, though it seemed to be in every way. It looked the same, felt the same, said all the same stuff, but it had magical abilities. As long as he was holding it, he could manipulate the mind of anyone who could hear him. All he had to do was say some bullshit book and verse and follow it...

Mind Control
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Bible Belt Bride Chapter 1

By Greg As far back as I can remember my family spent Thursday evening at bible study. Then, we spent the better part of every Sunday morning at worship services. It wasn’t ever an option to skip a week. Momma made sure of that. My name is Chastity-Lynn, but never call me that. I go by Lynn with all of my friends. The Chastity part was Momma’s idea. I guess she thought if I was constantly reminded about the virtue, I wouldn’t stray far from the “path of...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 13 The Treehouse

Saturday, June 5, 1971 Sixteen mostly sleepy women were exiting the dining room as I descended the main stairs. I stood there as they filed by, headed out the front door to board the chartered coach that would take them for their day at the spa. Being beautiful is hard work sometimes. Vickie and Nicky both detoured when they saw me, stopping to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck!" Vickie thought to me. Liz just smiled and winked as she walked by. I sensed that Beth and Penny were...

3 years ago
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The Taming of the Bible Thumpers

THE TAMING of the BIBLE-THUMPERS a JEP story Jack had to rest a minute. He had been humping her for twenty straight minutes.They were doing it in the missionary position and during the entire time hehad supported his upper body above her body on his hands with his arms extended.This permitted him to get a good view of her face and tits while he fuckedher. She was still crying although at least she had stopped begging for himto stop. He was covered with sweat and it was dripping down on to her...

2 years ago
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Bible Black Ressurection

Black Bible, the only book in this world, which really hold the power denied by Heavens to Man. This powerful grimoire holds the spells which allow to bind the demons and devils to the bidding of summoner, and allows him to pact with the evil ones on even terms. You can achieve everything with this book, and you almost did. You've learned how to seduce other people into submission, using their darkest, most secret sexual fantasies, how to morph your body, and corrupt even the purest souls. But...

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Heretical Bible Stories

These are frank parodies of real Bible stories. Nothing is sacred. Heretical Bible Stories By Jacquie Windsor [email protected] (c)October 2001 Gospel of John -- Chapter 2: 1 - 11 1. On the third day a wedding took place in Cana in Galilee. Jesus' cross-dressing father was there. 2. Jesus and his band of twelve transvestite hookers had also been invited to the wedding. 3. When the wine was gone, Jesus' cross-dressing father said to him, "Jesus, don't you have anything...

5 years ago
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Bible Belt

It all started the day I flashed my sister. See, we live out in the Bible Belt, a little place called Vernonberg. Everything you’re imagining, that’s it. I live in a town of about 200 people, and all of ‘em cram into the same Church every Sunday. My sister is the head of the chastity club, which every boy in town probably thinks is a complete waste, because she’s easily the hottest girl in the state. I’d never thought of her in a sexual light before though. She was just my older sister —...

4 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 9

"Supper's ready, guys. Hope that y'all are up to it," Crystal blushed and giggled a little, trying not to see too much of our naked bodies. "Oh, definitely, I would say," I announced, as we got dressed and went to wash our hands for dinner. "So, what's this about a large place for all of us to live together as one big, happy family in some Belgian cutie's mansion?" Crystal teased me a little as we headed downstairs for supper. "Oh, yes, that. Well, we can discuss it over the...

2 years ago
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Tobys Sins 1 The Genesis

I'll admit, I was raised in a sheltered Christian home. Now, that didn't stop me from delving deep into the internet to sate my curiosities when they arose, but it did prevent me from acquiring a lot of practical experience in things deviant from the faith, namely sex. I was also raised in a Christian private school with a strict dress code and many rules meant to dissuade the male and female students from procreating with one another before marriage, but when you lump dozens of...

First Time
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Family Ties Part one Genesis

Introduction: This fictional story is sick and twisted but is legal due to my constitutionally given freedom of speech. If you dont like it, you can take my first amendment and shove it up your ass… if your not into grown ups and young ones, or incest, or rape then dont read it. If you do read it then we both know that you like it… regardless of how many negative reviews you give to it after you bust your nut and feel guilty. Dont be a hypocrite or a dick, its only a story: other than that…...

3 years ago
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Futa Genesis

Hey all, new story featuring futa and other such themes. If you don’t like that, maybe don’t read this story. Anyone who wishes to add, the story is moderated, but if you want to try and add a chapter, I’ll review it and if it’s good quality, I’ll add it in. ——————————————————-————— Prologue: a dream. Mark Chatman was a pretty unhappy 18 year old boy. You would be too if you hadn’t gotten any taller since middle school. High school sucks when you’re 5’2. Between his lack of height and his...

4 years ago
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Surreal Sex 8211 The Genesis

This story is about the normal Indian couple trying to explore the untouched aspect of their sexuality. We both are mature enough at age around 27. Both of us are in a well-settled job and residing in a metropolitan city. She lives with her family whereas I live alone. Both of us are very calm and composed to the entire world. She is free-spirited and cool, laughs at my silly jokes and puns. We both loved going out for food and traveling. No drama, no typical nagging. We love each other,...

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Katherine wandered the expanses of the web, looking at a variety of sadomasochistic sites. This activity had already quite bored her after the long past hours of useless and senseless searching, it was close to midnight and each minute she became more and more sleepy. She was just going to turn off the computer and go to bed (it's so nice that she lived alone, she thought, as you can do anything you wish), when her eyes came across one of the headers of another infinite listing issued by the...

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It wasn't quite brandy and cigars time, but I found myself pontificating to the Young People. "Course, festivals weren't festivals the way you know them, those days. No fence, no security - hell, no tickets - and no camping fields..." "No toilets, either, though," the wife interjected, "but, yeah, it was 'free', put your tent where you wanted - not near the stage generator, by preference - buy and sell drugs from whoever you wanted and, well, shit where you wanted. Bit of a public...

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Suse wird erwachsen

Suse wird erwachsen Inhalt I. Der Vertrag............................................................................................................... 1 II. Der erste Abend....................................................................................................... 2 III. Der Abend geht weiter............................................................................................ 6 IV. Der erste Tag...

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Jessa Stories Jessas Bible Study Group

==== Jessa, being a well-brought-up girl, believed two things: that women were basically stupid, and that women were basically sluts. There was nothing she loved more than helping other women understand this. So when she found the group of pretty young wives running a "Christian prayer and discussion group" in her neighbourhood, she couldn't help herself. She immediately joined, and began offering to host meetings. Being host gave her privileges, particularly the privilege of slipping...

2 years ago
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Donna Me and the bible basher

As luck would have it, Donna and I had just been in the shower and were having some 'us' time, I was feeling her up and she was getting quite turned on. Then someone knocked on our door, I ignored it but the knocking carried on. Throwing my pants on I came downstairs to see who it was. Donna wasn't far behind me. When we opened the door there stood a bible basher.I looked at Donna and she looked at me, remembering what had happened when the telephones were down, I invited him in. He was 29...

4 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 3

"So, let me get this straight. You and your girlfriend ... Jenny, you break up for a period of time and she sleeps with a married man, no less. So, because he won't man up and claim the child, pay child support, etc., you're going to leave school and not only get back with Jenny, but marry her and raise the baby as your own. Why in the world would you want to do this?" my father all but screamed at me. "Because she realized that she loves and needs me, and I miss her ... I want to share...

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Bible Camp BluesChapter 6

We were all a little nervous at meeting Crystal for the first time, but we wanted to be there for Mom. She had been there for us in the past, hadn't she? If this Crystal brought Mom true joy at last, how could we possibly object to that? I, for one, cared enough about Mom's welfare to want her to be happy and satisfied for a change. That Dad didn't grasp or accept this was a tragedy, albeit understandable from his perspective, but there was nothing that we could do about that. We could...

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Bible Camp BluesChapter 7

Anne-Marie then grabbed her father and led him to the bed, blowing kisses to my cousins as they pouted over not getting a longer turn with him. They changed their tune fast when Anne-Marie gestured for me to join her and spread her father's cheeks to lube him up good. She kissed me deeply on the mouth and guided my cock toward Marten's asshole to start fucking him for the next part of the deal. He reacted with delight, just as Nicole did while Melvin/Melissa ate her out. "Papa, are you...

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Bible Camp BluesChapter 18

Not having too much else to do with the time, I opted to take Felix out for a nice swim near the camp and the ravine. Well, swimming is a tame, G-rated version of it. We went skinny-dipping for a bit in one of many nameless creeks and streams in our part of Kentucky. We played and swam and splashed each other with the surprisingly cool water in the nude, our clothes on the bank closest to us, of course. Both of us enjoyed the time to ourselves, just the two of us, despite neither of us being...

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Bible Camp BluesChapter 19

After a nice, very enjoyable morning of hot, sweaty sex with Henry Stewart and his two girlfriends, we had to part company, as that trio needed to go back to the summer camp. What could we do with our day now? Felix was off work that day, though he had to work a shift the next day. He also got an employee discount on movies, so I wasn’t too shocked at his next suggestion. “How about we go see a film together? We can run into Anne-Marie, use my discount, and get you an application to work...

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Bible Camp BluesChapter 20

“You know, one thing that I considered was the National Guard. There are a lot of pluses to that idea. There is the risk from the UCMJ regarding adultery and such, but my understanding is that there has to be some military reason, something affecting unit cohesion and such, for the commanding officer to turn matters over to the JAG and the courts-martial. I would have to be careful while on deployment and such, at least in terms of comrades, if that ever happened. “I would also have to be...

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Bible Camp BluesChapter 21

Shortly after the incident in question, Anne-Marie, Felix, and I returned home, to be greeted with a few bits of news ourselves. The first was on the TV, where reports of the adult theater romp and the exposure of the Reverend Elijah Moorehead on viral video were already making waves. Since he had a radio and TV ministry and was a local celebrity of sorts, it was a big deal here in Kentucky. He had already begun to experience the consequences with remarkable, break-neck speed (fitting for a...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Freefalling Freestyle

Freefalling Freestyle By Elliot Reid "What are we going to do with you?" the woman asked, flatly. There was no answer to that. I stared at my fingernails. They were long and well-manicured, though unpainted and unpolished. They were also unfamiliar. They belonged to a teenaged girl I'd never met. I was trapped in a duplicate of her body, powerless. I saw no way out. I was sitting in a bare office with closed blinds obscuring the neon New York night. The glazing kept out the traffic noise...

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The Last Bookshop The Muse

He caught himself in the mirror and backpedalled. Dark, sunken rings around pink fatigued eyes glared back. His waxy pallor, the colour of plain paper and his skin, the texture of gruel haunted him.  Wearily, he carried a pained and troubled countenance.  His limp hair aged him and he rubbed at the abrasive stubble on his chin.The long abominable night never felt lonelier as he stared from the window and waited for them to come.Any unfamiliar sound pumped adrenaline through his embattled body....

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Giuseppe and Maribella

The Story of Giuseppe and Maribella Youthful romance in renaissance era Italy. ‘Giuseppe! Giuseppe D’Ostra, pay attention!’ Maestro Grassello, the fat professor of medicine, banged on the lectern with the hilt of his decorative dagger. Seeing the drowsy student rouse himself, he returned the blade to its sheath and tugged the sleeves of his doublet back into place, his scowl partially hidden by his full beard. ‘Sorry Maestro.’ Giuseppe blinked a couple of times to force himself fully awake,...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Wanking With Giuseppe

The Franconi’s were an Italian family that lived two homes away from us. Although both parents had been born in Italy, all three kids were born locally. Marco, the dad, was a short and stocky man. There was no doubt that as a younger man he had been a very good-looking individual. His wife Karina was stout and motherly. They had three kids. Theresa, was the eldest, was married and was a carbon copy of her mother. Giovanna, their second daughter, was the good looker of the family and was working...

Gay Male
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A Shy Guys Notebook Part Two Following the Books Commands

James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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HeatherWillow Book IIChapter 3

Live Eye Witness 8 News The bomb exploded around one AM outside the Nimitz Hotel and Casino located on Treasure Island just outside of the city of San Francisco. It is believed that the explosives were hidden in a delivery truck that was approaching the service area of the hotel. It had been stopped by security at a checkpoint about two hundred feet from the southeast corner of the casino and entertainment section of the building. It appears that when the driver realized his truck was to be...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites

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