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These are frank parodies of real Bible stories. Nothing is sacred. Heretical Bible Stories By Jacquie Windsor [email protected] (c)October 2001 Gospel of John -- Chapter 2: 1 - 11 1. On the third day a wedding took place in Cana in Galilee. Jesus' cross-dressing father was there. 2. Jesus and his band of twelve transvestite hookers had also been invited to the wedding. 3. When the wine was gone, Jesus' cross-dressing father said to him, "Jesus, don't you have anything decent to wear? I wish you'd shave off that beard, honey, since your facial skin is so positively divine! Oh, and by the way, I'm sloshed and we've clean run out of wine!" 4. "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied, rather flattered at his father's remarks, although he didn't want to admit it. 5. Jesus' father sidled over to the servants, nearly tripping over his long, flowing, rhinestone-studded gown: "Do whatever he tells you." 6. Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind wedding- party guests would invert and wear on their heads when they got too loaded. 7. Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water", so they filled them to the brim. 8. Then he told them, "Now draw some out and take it to the groom and that fellow dressed as his fianc?e." The servants did what Jesus said, sneaking a look at his well- formed calves as they did so. 9. The groom tasted the water, which Jesus had told the servants he had turned into wine. He did not know where it had come from, though the servants were well aware that Jesus was not just cute and smart, but also quite a connoisseur of bottled water. 10. The groom took aside "Millicent", his bride-to-be, and said to her, "Taste this, he says it's wine". The servants snickered among themselves, for they had tried to convince the groom that Jesus had transformed the water into fine wine. 11. Millicent took a sip and spat it out. "George," she cried, "this isn't wine, you bastard, it's just tap water!" "I know," answered her soon-to-be husband, "but he says it is." He pointed at Jesus who was grinning complacently near the water jars. "That jerk?" cried Millicent. "Let's crucify him!" Daniel -- Chapter 3: 1 - 30 1. King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, thirty metres high and three metres wide, and set it up on the Plain of Dura in the Province of Babylon. 2. He then summoned the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, judge, magistrates and all the other provincial officials to the dedication of the image he had set up. 3. Some of the officials whispered among themselves that something about the golden image appeared to be just a little bit out of the ordinary. 4. Harold, the man with the loudest voice in all the Kingdom, proclaimed, "This is what you are commanded to do, O peoples and nations of every language, except English, because England is not yet in existence, and, I suppose, Spanish, because there is no Spain...right, and I guess even Latin when you think about it... 5. Anyhow, when you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe, and all kinds of music except for Soilent Green, you must bend over and reveal your buttocks to the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. 6. Whoever doesn't do this will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace." 7. Therefore, as soon as the Janet Jackson concert blew into town, the people remembered these words and collectively mooned the huge monument as Harold had told them to. 8. At this time the concert promoters came forward and complained to Harold, who drove them over to the king's palace in a big old Mercedes. 9. The promoters said to King Nebuchadnezzar, "O King, live forever! 10. "You have issued a decree, O King, that everyone ought to buy tickets to go see Janet Jackson, and then go out the Plain of Dura and moon your big yellow statue, 11. And that everyone who refuses to do this will be thrown into a furnace. 12. But there are these three ticket scalpers we know, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who pay no attention to you, O King. They buy their tickets in bulk and stand outside the arenas overcharging and basically ripping us off. 13. These promoters had been big contributors at King Nebuchadnezzar's campaign fund-raisers so they had to be taken seriously. He had the three suspected ticket scalpers brought to the palace, 14. And Nebuchadnezzar asked them, "Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, that you are charging outrageous prices for tickets to the Janet Jackson concert?" The three men shrugged their shoulders and stared at the ground. 15. "I'll tell you what," the king continued, "if you are ready to go with me down to the Plain of Dura, and expose your rear ends to the golden statue, I will drop this matter right now. But if you do not agree to do this, you will be thrown into a blazing furnace. Then what god will be able to rescue you?" 16. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, first of all, scalping tickets is merely a method of satisfying the needs of the marketplace, since the concert promoters set the price artificially low in order to create an excess of relative demand. Secondly, there's something a little weird about this whole statue mooning bit. That big golden statue appears to possess both a fairly graphic erection and what sure as shit looks like a pair of boobs. 17. Now, for the first crime, maybe you should go take an introductory course in economics to figure out what's wrong with your thinking. 18. But the punishment is even more ridiculous than the crime, for our God is a jealous God, and he will rescue us from the blazing furnace if that's the only alternative to exposing our asses to that big yellow transsexual image." 19. Then Nebuchadnezzar became furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and his attitude towards them changed. He ordered the furnace stoked with tonnes and tonnes of fuel, to make it hotter than Hell, 20. And commanded some of the strongest soldiers in his army to tie up the three ticket scalpers and toss them in. 21. So these men, wearing their T-shirts and jeans, were bound and thrown into the blazing furnace. 22. The fire was so goddamned hot that it scorched the hair right off the heads of the soldiers who brought them up to the entrance. They leaped about screaming, "My head is on fire! Yow!" 23. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, meanwhile, fell into the fire. 24. Shadrach said to Abednego, "Abednego, you'd better call God on your cell phone, because these flame-retardant suits sure ain't going to last long in this kind of fire." 25. So Abednego made the call. A phone by God's bed started ringing, waking Him up from an uncommonly deep sleep. 26. "God, here, what up?" "This is Abednego," said the voice at the other end. "Er, have you forgotten that today was the day you are supposed to be saving us from the fiery furnace?" 27. "Shit," God replied. "Damn it all to fuck, Abednego, wasn't that supposed to be tomorrow? I was up doing crack all night with the Witch of Endor and that Jezebel chick. 28. Listen, I'm really, really sorry, Abednego, but I am in no shape right now to do anything like that. Hey, by the way, does Meshach have that hundred he owes me? I blew pretty much all my cash on the party girls and my mortgage payment's overdue." 29. But Meshach couldn't get the cell phone out of Abednego's hand, because it was fused to Abednego's melting skin. Soon the heat of the fire overcame the flame retardant on their special suits and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego died a horrible death by roasting. 30. And to this day, the people of the area gather in front of the gigantic image of the golden transsexual, out on the Plain of Dura, whenever there's a pop concert. As for God, well the bank repossessed Heaven and now He runs a hot dog stand down by the beach. Judges -- Chapter 16: 4 - 21 4. Later on, Samson fell in love with a beautiful woman from the valley of Sorek. Her name was Delilah. 5. Now Delilah was a Philistine, too, although she apparently took baths now and then in breach of regular Philistine custom. The barons of the Philistines came around to her new place and said to her, "Trick him into telling you the source of his strength. We cannot defeat him, since he is very strong." 6. So Delilah said to Samson, one romantic evening, "What makes you so strong?" 7. Samson grinned and told her that if he was bound tightly in a corset, and breast forms were inserted in them, then he would become as weak as a normal man. 8. Delilah thought that was a little kinky but, being a Philistine, she figured this would be fairly similar to anything she might have expected from the men back home. The barons of the Philistines brought her a tight bone corset and two rather large gelatinous breast forms. Delilah dressed up her new boyfriend in these things and thought he looked a little butch, really, because he had such a muscular body. 9. Now the Philistine barons were hiding in Delilah's closet, waiting for her to signal for them to come out and defeat Samson. She had finished dressing him up and suddenly called out, "The Philistines are here, Samson!" And he burst out of the corset as though it was made of lint and punched out all the Philistines. Their noses bled freely and they ran out of Delilah's room to recover from their wounds. 10. Delilah, realising that Samson had tricked her, started to cry, "Samson, you are mocking me. You lied to me, you son-of-a-bitch! Now tell me the truth! What could possibly take away your strength?" 11. And Samson told her, "If you take lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, and cosmetics of kind, and apply them liberally to my face, I shall become weak as a lamb." 12. Delilah recovered from the mild shock that her hulking boyfriend would enjoy doing his face like a woman. After all, some of the Philistine customs were equally unusual. She took all manner of make-up and did a good job of creating a feminine vision of Samson's rugged, squarish facial features. Once again, some of the Philistine barons were hiding in her room, and they awaited her signal. Delilah called out, "The Philistines are here, Samson!" And without too much effort, Samson fluttered his eyelashes and flew into action, breaking many of the Philistines' limbs in the process of driving them out of the room. 13. Delilah glowered at her boyfriend as he calmly removed his make-up. "You did it again, you bastard. You lied to me. Tell me the truth or I'm going back to mother!" So Samson calmed her down and explained that if his hair was set into curls or into a wavy cascade like Andie McDowell's, then he would become as powerless as a turtle. 14. So Delilah washed his hair and set it into a gorgeous style, just as he had told her to do. Then, as before, a number of Philistines were hiding in her room, and some of them wore bandages because they were still hurting from the other sound thrashings that Samson had given them. "The Philistines are here, Samson!" And Samson, just as he had before, kicked, punched, gouged and pounded the Philistines until they ran away, holding their sides and bent over in extreme pain. 15. Delilah flew into a daily rage, followed by a deep silence, and then tremendous grief, and finally a stream of recriminations against Samson. "You say you love me, and yet you tell me all these lies. I wish you were dead, you asshole!" 16. This kind of behaviour went on for a long time, until it nearly drove Samson totally bonkers. 17. "Okay," he admitted at last, "if I tell you, Delilah, will you just stop pestering me?" She smiled quietly. "If you dress me up, as before, and with a beautiful prom gown and four inch heels, and don't forget the make-up and the hair, then I will become as weak as any other man." 18. So Delilah did this and sent for the Philistine barons, at least those remaining relatively healthy. 19. One of the barons took a look at Samson, and thought he was pretty sexy and quite passable, actually. Samson's face flushed a little as the Philistine baron told him how attractive he was. 20. Delilah stood by, mortified. "Wait a minute. Aren't you going to take my sissy boyfriend off to prison now?" 21. "Shit no," answered the Philistines. "She's hot! We're gonna go out to the disco. If you want to tag along, Delilah, feel free. But Samson's our kind of girl!" And so the Philistines and Samson left Delilah's house and went down to the disco. Ezekiel -- Chapter 23: 1 - 35 1. God dropped by my place, again unannounced, on a Friday night, just as I was getting ready to go out. 2. He started talking (He smelled like cheap wine, too, so I decided to humour Him, since He was loquacious, to put it mildly, when He had been drinking): "Yah Zeke, there were these two dudes, sons of the same bitch, 3. And they used to dress up in chicks' clothing and run off to party in Egypt. Their mom set them up with a plastic surgeon from Palmyra or some place and they got these nice big implants, too." God held his hands front of his chest, simulating the volume of their fake tits. 4. "They changed their names to Aholah and Aholibah, and passed as sisters, 5. And Aholah used to work as a transvestite whore in Assyria, believe it or not!" 6. I tried to amuse God as He sprawled unceremoniously on my couch. I just hoped He didn't vomit, since He was known to project a most prodigious amount of curdled wine when He did, and had ruined many fine carpets in the Land of the Medes. He went on: "Aholah's lovers were generals and politicians, all of them young and desirable, and each of them drove fine cars and smoked the best cigars from the Citadel of Havana. 7. Well, that in itself wasn't all that terrible, really, since prostitution isn't exactly all that rare, Zeke, but it really boiled my blood to see that sexpot spending time in the Temple of the Phallus of Put." I knew that the Assyrians had made an error in translating some of the dimensions of the Rhind Papyrus, and had made the Phallus of Put a great deal larger than God's own dick, which, even now, appeared as a tree trunk beneath His carelessly arranged robe. The priests at Nineveh thought that a cubit was more than three times larger than it really was, and thus made the Phallus of Put to be nearly one metre long. 8. "Now if that wasn't bad enough," God went on, "Aholah came back to this country with all the bad religion and transvestite hooker personality that she'd learned in Egypt and Assyria. 9. Well, of course, I simply drove her off to Assyria again, I mean, what else could I do?" I slipped a pail near God, who belched suddenly in a most alarming way. I had only vacuumed the carpets last night, and couldn't bear to see them stained. 10. "Well, the Assyrians fucked Aholah for a while, but they invited her to one of those S&M orgies they were fond of throwing, and at that time they cut off Aholah's head with a sword. That was My curse on her coming true! Unbelievably, the fame of Aholah spread among all the transsexuals and transvestites and all of them suddenly wanted to become just like her. I kid you not, Zeke. My whole plan fucking backfired! 11. In fact, when her 'sister' Aholibah saw that, she decided to become even more famous by indulging in even worse shit." 12. God slumped further into His chair, furrowing the seat deeply with His generous buttocks. "So Aholibah exchanged sex for cash with all the same Assyrian nobles and bankers, just as Aholah had done, 13. And they even did her up the ass and in the mouth at the same time. 14. Now as if that wasn't enough... O Zeke, excuse me, do you have a spare smoke? I seem to have run out." I rolled my eyes heavenward and offered Him a Camel, lit it for Him, and urged Him to continue. "Well, yeah, where was I? Right, Aholibah saw the murals on the walls of the City of Nineveh, portraying Chaldeans in red robes, from far to the south. 15. Now these weren't just run-of-the-mill Chaldeans but, by the gaudy headdresses they had on, they were actually Babylonians, the dukes who ruled in Chaldea." 16. "I'll bet she wanted them bad, right?" I interjected. 17. "Damn straight," replied God, inhaling deeply on the cigarette, "and they came running when she called. They had sex orgies all day and all night, and she became filthy rich because of it, but her brain turned to mush, and her emotional state turned sour. 18. Now Aholibah ought to have realised that I am the Great Cloud of Knowing and that nothing and nobody escapes My judgement. 19. But she was just a transsexual slut and the Babylonians came up to Nineveh with caravans of spice, silver, medicines and rare exotic fowl, and she seemed to like those things more than having her own functioning brain, so she's, like, 'What the fuck?'" 20. "Gross," I admitted. "The Babylonians are known to have faces like the rumps of mules, even if they are hung like horses." God belched. Then He howled in laughter, clutching His sides. 21. "Yah, Zeke, she was a worse whore in Nineveh than in all her younger days in Egypt, and she even got bigger implants when she was there, in order to make herself more attractive to those ass-faced buggers from Chaldea. 22. So I cursed her bad, appearing to her as a Giant Floating Squid hovering over her refrigerator, and telling her that all her johns would come to torment her from every side. 23. The Babylonians, the Chaldeans, the Pekod, the Shoa, the Koa and all the Assyrians that she'd fucked 24. And that they'd bring with them several tonnes of shackles, scourges, rods and Chinese finger torture devices, and that they would set upon her body in a riot of sado-masochism." 25. "Who the hell is Masoch?" I asked. "O Zeke, never mind, he lives about 2,500 years from now but I know that because I'm omniscient-like, you know." "Right, sorry, I forgot." 26. God went on, acting a bit dangerous whenever I interrupted, a most unsettling sight. 27. "I told her I would do all this, and worse, if she didn't behave like a proper girl." 28. God threw His spent cigarette into the pail I'd set beside His place. And as the bright future of Aholibah, so the fired end of the Camel smouldered a while and then went out. 29. And then God's eyes turned upon me, widening in miraculous recognition. He saw me dressed in raiment and decoration, far exceeding that of the opulent princesses of Chaldea. 30. And God's omniscience, dulled into a drunken fog, and His omnipotence, mollified by a week of bingeing, and His omnipresence, cornered by Pride, Wrath, Avarice, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy and, especially, Lust, all came roaring back from the periphery of His consciousness. 31. "Zeke! You, you, you..." 32. He tried to finish His sentence, but simply couldn't choke out the words among the bile that sloshed within His organs. 33. "Yes, God, Your dearest whore, Aholibah. She leads a double life as Your prophet, in the day, and as the finest Whore of Babylon for all the nights. 34. For You see, O God, that those fine tricks of mine, from Babylon, Chaldea and Assyria, all turned out to be rather a tad more 'M' than 'S'. And you'll be overjoyed to learn that I make twice the pieces of silver I ever did before. 35. And all it takes is a riding crop!" THE END

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As with the footsteps, I don’t remember my fingers entering my pussy. But standing there looking as he withdrew all those inches of delight, I found them buried as deep as they could go. I watched him lay his pride onto her stomach, and thought of being almost like a dream as I watched it slowly slip into a semi hard shape. For the first time I had my pussy full of two fingers, and I realized I was grinding the palm of my hand on my swollen clit. Once again, her timing was impeccable. ...

3 years ago
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Broken in in the bible belt part 4

Jamal was the athletic standout of the local flag-football games. He stood about 6’2” and had a natural muscular body that he had helped along with apparent workouts. He had caught my eye several times, as well as a few college scouts; although I doubted for the same reason as mine. I had watched his muscular thighs flex with every cut he made, which immediately made his obviously larger jock sway in poetic motion. This thought alone would have created sure rejection from my family, must less...

3 years ago
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Broken In In the Bible Belt Part 3

Melinda slowly reached over, leaving one hand on her pussy, and kissed me on the mouth. Try and imagine my emotion, I had never been kissed and now there was a woman kissing me softly just as I had dreamed of …only with a boy. When she gently slid her tongue in my mouth, I groaned. Not like a child, not like the actors on the tape, but as a woman yearning for her lose of virginity. Melinda slid her finger out of her warm wet pussy and touched it to my mouth. Out of pure primal instinct...

4 years ago
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Broken In In the Bible Belt Part 2

I waited a few moments before leaving the restroom unsure of the situation outside. Nervously, I exited only to hear my mom thank Melinda for something my bewildered mind could not comprehend. Then she kissed my forehead telling me she would call me tomorrow. Only after several minutes later, already in the car with Melinda, did I remember my parent’s engagement for the night and how I had begged to be excused from the affair. It was several minutes, I think, before she broke the...

4 years ago
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Broken In In the Bible Belt Part 1

Why, I do not know. Even my father had his secrets and, coming of age as I was, I spent all the time secretly looking at his pornographic magazines. It was a strange time, I was learning about my young body and all its desires. It was a struggle of conscience, to the point that I masturbated by never touching myself skin to skin. I would lie there gazing at the sex and rubbing my young sensitive clit through my panties. My first orgasms were exhilarating, and I had multiple. My...

3 years ago
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Spreading the Bible of Bimbo

As Faith and the Bimbo Squad were picked up at the air port in Dallas to speak at a women in business conference she could not help but to think that Erin and Sara the 2 women picking them up in a large limo would make good bimbos. This would be the test of turning women into bimbos outside of the controlled environment for Faith and her team. In the limo Faith sat between Erin and Sara and as the 90 minute ride to the conference started Faith started rubbing both women's cunts through their...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Bible Black Precognition

I awoke. My body was covered in sweat. I was incredibly excited because of that dream. I immediately masturbated until I came… four times. Uncontrollable lust finally left my body allowing me to come to my senses. The dreams. They were so real. No. They were beyond doubt real. I not only saw it, I felt it! My body still feels it. I gasped as I checked the clock. It showed that it was still 5 months before the events of my dreams. 5 months before La Noche de Walpurgis.

3 years ago
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Bible Thumper part3 Taste me

as I continued to come,I had to sit back on Jason's legs quickly, to keep from collapsing due to the violent spasms of my legs.I thought to myself (what the fuck is this why B*tches moan and scream when we fuck?)i took this time to look at all the come Between Jason and I... I started to feel guilty ...almost a level of disgust ... and a overwhelming collection of feelings of pure ENJOYMENT,CONFUSION,RECKLESSNESS,REGRET and SATISFACTION.How did i end up with This beautiful, smooth ,chocolate,...

2 years ago
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Bible thumper part 2

Jason looked up at me with his mouth stuffed full of my Dick and his beautiful brown eyes began to talk to me. Telling me that he was pleased that i had stopped fighting him.Now that he had my full attention Jason's sucking got harder and stronger but much more sensual.While my dick got harder and stronger and so much more sensitive.The sounds that my dick and his mouth made for the next 15 minutes made me quiver with excitement. I had never had my dick sucked like this in my life!It felt as if...

3 years ago
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1st story Bible thumper

It was about 9 o'clock on a beautiful fall evening. Jason,The guy who i had met at church said he wanted to hang out.I was young but old enough to know better and now that i look back i was extremely gullible to think that this guy only wanted a friendship.It all started when i decided to join a new church.I had been in a d**gged out relationship with a crazy chick that should not have lasted as long as it did. as i talked to this young minister i felt that he could put things in perspective...

1 year ago
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Bible thumping Becky blackmails bribes and begs t

No one would ever guess Becky's secret. Her friends didn’t know. Her students didn’t know. Her mom didn't know, and even her husband didn't know.She lived a pretty normal life: choir practice, teaching her yuth classes at the church, and then heading over to the a****l shelter to volunteer. At night, she take care of her 2 k**s and husband in the house that they live in. But after everyone goes to bed, She get's very horny to suck cock and she starts looking for a hookup online. She would have...

2 years ago
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The FreeUse Bible Book of Genesis 1

READ THESE DISCLAIMERS! This series is SUPPOSED to be DISGUSTING, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD get bad feelings reading it, which is why I consider it HORROR! I try to gross myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! I’m assuming we’re all mature adults that can separate fantasy from reality. This is more PORN than PLOT. All...

2 years ago
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The FreeUse Bible Book of Genesis 2

READ THESE DISCLAIMERS! This series is SUPPOSED to be DISGUSTING, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD get bad feelings reading it, which is why I consider it HORROR! I try to gross myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! I’m assuming we’re all mature adults that can separate fantasy from reality. This is more PORN than PLOT. All...

2 years ago
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Bible Belt Babes

Jackson Alabama is pure country! There is not much to the town, the stores close before sundown and on Wednesday afternoons. The fast food places are never open later than nine in the evening except Friday and Saturday nights. Clarke County is predominately Black. Alabama has a large Cajun population in that area. They are neither Black nor White. Nearly all of the Cajuns of Alabama have Indian and black blood in their ancestry. Most successful businesses belong to the white segment. SBA...

4 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 2

I now turned around and saw Melvin Warner, one of the camp counselors, who clearly wasn't there to enforce the camp code of conduct. He seemed to be up to something else. Of course, he was only a year my senior, at twenty, also on summer break from college. He had tried to recruit me as a counselor, but I had declined. I got the impression that he was up to something even then and I hadn't wanted anything to do with whatever he had in mind. Fucking teenage girls was one thing, but Melvin...

3 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 4

I was drenched in sweat as Sam rode me yet again and finally managed to squeeze out the last contents of my balls on my final stroke inside her already sloppy, slippery cunt. I had been, more or less, the willing stud to my three sisters that entire day, though I certainly tried many positions during the course of it. Thank God for those blue pills that Emily gave me from the hospital where she worked, to say the least. They made a huge difference in helping me get it up so many times over...

2 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 5

We had the hardest time keeping a straight face that night at suppertime, all of us, knowing that I had already fucked all three of my sweet sisters, plus my sexy cousin Stephanie, and had received a blowjob from Anne-Marie, the cashier at the concession stand at the local cinema. If my parents had any idea of just how sexually active I had become under their noses, they would have been floored. I was the furthest thing from a virgin, to be sure. That was even leaving out the act of sodomy...

1 year ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 8

Camille turned out to have been far less discreet than Stephanie, Erin, Deanna, or even Melvin. She had gotten so caught up in fucking a 14 year old boy named Troy in the shower that she didn’t notice the time or the noise that she was making, which drew the attention of another camp counselor, a bit of a batty and prudish old woman named Mrs. Edith Bonham. A pastor’s widow, Mrs. Bonham had a distinctly old-fashioned idea that “boys will be boys,” but “ladies should know better,” as she...

4 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 10

About the time that I began fucking Melvin in the ass as part of his slave training, Dad remembered that today was Sunday, so he had to get showered and dressed in a hurry. He had already missed the chance to arrive on time for Sunday School, but after today none would care, anyway. At any rate, Ruth and he departed for church, as did a few others for now, all saying that they would be back. Mom and Crystal were not among them. Nor was Uncle Steve, who was Mom’s brother after all. That was...

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Bible Camp BluesChapter 11

Shortly after I came inside Stephanie and started in on Deanna, Dad emptied his balls at last into Melissa, who now had three loads dripping from her booty. Right at that point, Ruth came as well, squirting as she withdrew from Camille. The next thing that Camille knew, Steve was inside her pussy, fucking her like mad while Nora grabbed the strap-on to violate Melissa next to him. “Hey, it’s a couple’s thing right now, right? It was a nice bonding experience for Larry and Ruth, I think. Why...

3 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 12

We all killed time as best we could while they were in surgery, with sex right then the furthest thing from our minds. For the second time in one day, someone was being castrated, in a secret operation conducted in a private residence, with plenty of witnesses but no physicians present. It was illegal, it was dangerous, but in this case, it was voluntary. It was rather hard to think of sex at such a moment, but then we could all use the break. Our private parts were all rather sore from what...

2 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 13

I was several strokes into Erin, who didn’t try to hold back her screams as I fucked her, my sexy cousin giving as good as she got with her wonderful body, when I felt a tongue sliding along my crack and sucking on my balls. This gave me chills, to say the least, but I kept up my solid work, screwing my fair cousin blind, and there was little doubt that she was enjoying herself, because she grew wetter by the second as I fucked her. Erin didn’t just cream herself. She creamed herself...

1 year ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 14

Chapter 14 “So, does that meatlessness extend to sex? Are you straight or bi?” Felix asked Troy, who shrugged. “I’ve never been with another guy. I wouldn’t mind trying it, though, if someone wanted to initiate me that way,” Troy confessed, about three slices in by now. “Top or bottom?” I inquired now, truly curious. “I’d try both and see if I liked either or both of them. But first, I really want to try it with a girl again. Finish what I started,” Troy explained. “Alright, then,...

3 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 15

Troy had, not surprisingly, more than a little difficulty not coming sooner upon fucking his second woman ever in his short lifetime, but he held back as long as he could. She didn’t help him resist, either, pushing back at him with her hips with a vengeance, eager to get that cum inside her snatch. Kathy later confessed to me that all that she could think about right then was getting knocked up by Troy. It was just such a sexy fantasy for her that she came several times in quick succession...

4 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 16

The beads of sweat formed on Marten’s face as he fought back the urge to cum, more than once holding himself back, partly due to the desire to drag out the delights of fucking Kathy for the first time (that he recalled). Nicole didn’t help matter as she spread Kathy’s butt-cheeks and licked her booty without any shame whatsoever. In fact, she later confessed to me that she “could eat that derriere for the rest of the night without any trouble at all.” As it was, Kathy admitted to me that,...

4 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 17

The next morning, I awoke in Felix’s arms, the young man having definitely proven just how close and vulnerable he could be by snuggling up tight on one of the loveseats with me, using me my hairy body for warmth. We were both naked, but at least it was summer, and a Kentucky summer no less. We weren’t likely to get that cold at night, not in July. I ruffled his hair a bit as I smelled coffee brewing, and sure enough, it was Mom’s idea. Aunt Leigh was up and with her, as Felix and I...

1 year ago
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Bible Thumping Slut

Carey was fully aware of her panties pushing against her clit. Pussy juice started to dampen the cotton underware. Dammit! she swore. Carey picked up her pace, then slowed it again, trying to stop the swell of her cunt. Images no catholic girl should have filled her mind. Angry, she shoved them out. What kindof whore was she? Up ahead the image of St. Michaels Catholic Church loomed. "Thank God" muttered Carey, ajusting her purse and trying to ignore the tingle between her legs. She walked up...

Group Sex
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My Porn Bible! At a time when new porn sites are springing into action left and right, we need a place where all of those websites are kept in a single place. Or rather, a website where we can explore all the different options when it comes to each category of porn websites. We all know about the most popular porn sites out there, but what if I wanted to find out something new, a porn site that I’ve never even heard of. Well, the answer is here in the form of porn index websites. Today we’re...

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IntroductionAt the edge of this galaxy,  in the outer spiral arm there relatively few planets that are earth normal and those that are and occupied are known as rim worlds. There isolation over time, and distance from Imperial control had made rim worlds magnets for groups and cults that wished to make there own societies and one such world is known as Prophet.First settled many centuries ago it had been turned into every thing the ruling Elders had ever dreamed of, church and state in one; of...

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Sexual Stories

SexualStories! Do you like jerking off to erotic fiction? Well, you are not alone, mate. So many horny fuckers out there eat up this kind of smut. So, it’s not out of the ordinary. But where can you find a collection of sex stories that can get you off?Well, there’s a fuck load of options to choose from, and one such site you should consider visiting is Sexual Stories. Here, you are bound to find compelling sex stories that will make you cum in your pants right where you fucking sit.I know; it...

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XXX Indian Stories

Pornography comes in different forms, and they are all appropriate for various setups and moods. I know that sounds a bit crazy to some of you, but it’s the fucking reality. Allow me to explain. You see, when you are alone in your bedroom, a load hardcore movie of a young buck devouring his stepmom sounds like a good idea. But the same wouldn’t cut it at a family dinner. A nice erotic story would do well for that setup. Do you see my point? Well, that’s just an example, and there are many porn...

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XNXX Sex Stories

“” aka "XNXX Stories" is a name of a site that likes to get straight down to business, since they are already telling us what the fuck they have to offer in their domain name. However, I have a couple of issues with this site, so if you are interested in erotic stories that you can read for free, just continue reading. This site ain’t all that bad, and I will not sugarcoat anything, do not worry.Quite a crappy layout…I will be honest with y’all, I was very close to not even...

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xHamster Stories

xHamster free sex stories! Any seasoned pornoholic out there has heard of xHamster. Even the occasional, once every few days fapper has likely stumbled upon the popular adult tube and dating site at one point or another. As far as porn tubes go, xHamster is right up there with Porn Hub, Red Tube, Spank Wire, and Xtube—one of those sites that you are bound to end up finding useful at one point or another thanks to its unthinkably enormous archive of both professional and homemade porn. Plus, the...

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A Sex Stories

ASexStories has such a weird fucking name. Capitalize the words differently, and it sounds like it’s a collection of stories for people who have zero interest in sex. Well, it’s actually the very opposite of that, so apologies to all the asexuals out there who were hoping for a decidedly non-sexy time. (Then again, why should I apologize to asexuals? It’s not like they’re even visiting ThePornDude!) The domain was registered back in 2001, though, so I bet they just grabbed one of the available...

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Indian Sex Stories

You don't need a 200+ IQ to know what to find on IndianSexStories! Indian women may as well be the most beautiful in the whole world with purely naturally tanned skin as well as curvy bodies. There is also something about their conservative culture and way of life that makes the prospects of laying with an Indian bitch next to impossible and strangely worth a fucking try. Well, I know for some of us the closest we've been to these gorgeous bitches is the Bollywood movies, i.e. If you guys have...

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