Bible Camp
- 3 years ago
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The next morning, I awoke in Felix’s arms, the young man having definitely proven just how close and vulnerable he could be by snuggling up tight on one of the loveseats with me, using me my hairy body for warmth. We were both naked, but at least it was summer, and a Kentucky summer no less. We weren’t likely to get that cold at night, not in July.
I ruffled his hair a bit as I smelled coffee brewing, and sure enough, it was Mom’s idea. Aunt Leigh was up and with her, as Felix and I discovered. As for Camille, well, she had been the only one to sleep by herself, so she was already up in a hurry, not having enjoyed her rest as much. She kept busy as a maid, with Mom ordering her around, while Melissa earned brownie points by giving Dad a backrub. It was an adjustment for us all, but then that would also be true of sharing a mansion owned by Anne-Marie and her parents in time.
“Sit down, boys! Steve’s at work. Nora’s busy with laundry, smart girl, that one! Deanna’s babysitting someone, and I don’t know where some of the younger girls are. Emily’s taking full advantage of her vacation time, so I suspect that they’re probably with her. Crystal’s doing yoga, I think. I can’t blame her there. I’m not sure where Kathy and her menfolk went, but no doubt, they have places to go for the day as well,” Mom assured me, “Oh, and Anne-Marie is at work at the theater. Her parents are at work as well. You, on the other hand, don’t have a job just yet, so you can hang out with your boyfriend here and let your mother make you two some breakfast, since you stuck around for it.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” Felix told Mom, but she put a finger to his lips in a hurry.
“Any boyfriends of my son had better call me ‘Mom, ‘ okay? You suck his dick and snuggle up with him at night? That’s a boyfriend and you know it! You get to call me ‘Mom.’ You’re family, plain and simple! Jake’s head of the household, we’ve all agreed, but a mother has the right to decide how to treat her son’s lovers. They all get to call me ‘Mom’, ‘Mommy’, or in some cases, ‘Mommy Hannah’, if they must. Or ‘Aunt Hannah, ‘ in the case of my nieces. You two looked so cute together, you holding Felix tight and letting him use you for a pillow. I love that kind of intimacy between you.
“Look, Jenny matters to you romantically, I know. So do your sisters and cousins and Anne-Marie, etc. That’s cool. So do Ruth and Crystal, and even me to an extent in that way, and don’t try to deny it. Kathy, too. And Anne-Marie’s parents. But don’t even try to convince me that Felix hasn’t wormed his way into a special place in your heart, too. A mother knows, or should know, her son. You’re very protective and caring with him. Good for you. That’s how a man should be those whom he loves.
“That’s what love is about, providing, protecting, nurturing, caring for someone, with plenty of sex in the mix for sure, but only as part of the overall package. Don’t get me wrong. Sex is as essential as food or drink or air or sleep. It’s a basic bodily need and human right. But it’s not the whole package, just a key component of it. Naturally, as a lesbian, I fully understand, more than most, what it means to have a special bond with someone of the same sex.
“I can understand how deeply Felix cares about you, too, which to me is a huge part of this. He’s in love with you, Jake. A blind person should be able to see it. And what’s more, my dear, polyamorous, bisexual, dominant son, you’re in love with him, too. Anyone who has such a deep love for my son is family to me, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
“On a different note, how do you guys feel about a hot brown for brunch? It’s later than you think and I have some leftover turkey and bacon to use, plus plenty of the Mornay sauce that needs to be used up. I have some coffee, of course, and I think that it would go pretty well together,” Mom asked us both.
“Yes, Mom, a hot brown sounds very nice indeed! Thank you! What do you think, Felix?” I asked as I looked at my watch ... it was fucking noon ... I had slept the whole fucking morning away!
“Oh, thank you ... Mom! That sounds terrific! Coffee and a hot brown! Delicious! My family used to work at the Derby, you know,” Felix told her, “No wonder I’m fine with having someone ride me like a thoroughbred!”
I nearly spat out my coffee on hearing that, plus I had a full bladder, so I rushed to the bathroom for a moment there, more than a little red in the face. I heard laughter behind me, especially once Felix joined me in the john and started peeing into the bowl right next to me. We laughed as our streams crossed like swords, filling the bowl before we finished and Felix flushed the commode.
We also washed up really good, even if Felix used the occasion as an excuse to press his naked flesh against mine. Yes, neither of us were clothed yet and no one bothered to mention it, partly because it seemed so natural now, at least in our family. We walked back to the kitchen holding hands, while hearing Mom and Dad joke with each other just like old times (well, mostly). It was almost as if there had never been any marital troubles, though admittedly now that everything was out in the open, things were a lot better. Mom and Dad knew something of the boundaries, the true feelings, the reasons for things, etc., and they were both a lot more comfortable in their own skin these days.
“So, then, my old buddy Ralph, he, and I am not making this up, Ralph tells this drag queen, Sonya, that was her name, ‘Look, right now, I don’t give a shit. I just want the rest of my rubbers back!’ It was fucking hilarious! He never slept with another drag queen, but he also never heard the end of it! We called him ‘King of the Drag Queens’ clear until he left the Corps at the end of the year!” Dad chuckled with a risque anecdote that he would have never shared in his preaching days, that much was sure.
“I can only imagine how long that took to live down,” Felix interjected with a snicker.
“Trust me, son, I think that every time he goes to Mick’s Barbershop he hears of it, since Mick was the corpsman for our unit! Not that Mick didn’t get into some trouble of his own, mostly with Thai girls, but that’s another story altogether. I think that he got the clap six times during our stay there and the first sergeant got so annoyed with him that he ordered someone to play Blue Oyster Cult’s ‘Burnin’ For You’ whenever Mick went to the head, just to humiliate him into wearing a damn rubber for once!” Dad belly laughed as he related the story to us, not even hesitating to include Felix in the conversation, “Mick was a great corpsman, but he didn’t always practice what he preached about safe sex.”
“They say that doctors are the worst patients. I wouldn’t be surprised if that were true with corpsmen, too,” I observed as I drank more fine, black coffee (I never much used creamer or sugar).
“Me, neither, certainly not in Mick’s case. Like I said, great corpsman. Just not a great patient, at least not when it came to his STDs. Now he’s married and I think that the wife that he has knows what kind of heathen he is, since he picked her up in Bangkok and never looked back. He even married her at the end of his stay. Then again, he knows what she is, too. Not sure how they work it out, but that’s their business, I’d say. Pretty little thing, very petite, very friendly, though she never got THAT friendly with me, if you know what I mean. Maybe they’re really faithful to each other. One never knows. I’m not going to judge them either way,” Dad recalled with a grin, even as Mom lay a hot brown down for him, too.
“Not that I can judge. We haven’t exactly practiced safe sex of late,” I admitted with a bit of a blush.
“Yeah, well, sue me, but when you have a terminal disease, you no longer give a crap about catching something else. Hell, I’m half-tempted to pick up smoking again, and I haven’t done that since before I started preaching!” Dad shrugged, holding Mom’s hand as she stroked his hair.
“Honey, don’t worry about it right now. We’ve kinda kept it to a restricted circle for now, haven’t we? We can all get tested, though. It wouldn’t be the worst idea, except maybe for Larry, and he’s not a high risk. His only indiscretions in years have been in the past 48 hours or so. I don’t even think that Kathy is that high of a risk, given that most of her sex has been with Duncan and his brothers. I’m guiltier of extramarital affairs than your father, since Crystal and I have been lovers for a while, though he seems to have forgiven me and understood about it. Granted, Crystal was my only extramarital partner up until very recently. I was faithful to her, just as she was to me,” Mom smiled at me.
“I think that with only a limited inner circle, we’ll be fine. As for you being gay and having an affair with Crystal, I’ve made my peace with it. I want to go to my deathbed without anger, hate, or bitterness. Besides, I have Ruth, you’ve decided to make a huge sacrifice for my sake by not divorcing me, and who can blame anyone for being drawn to Crystal? She looks like an angel, at least how they’re often portrayed. She only needs the wings. She acts like an angel, too,” Larry reassured us both.
“She does look like an angel, yes, and I’ll be sure to let her know that you said that. She’d get a kick out of that. She doesn’t act or sound like an angel when I’m eating her out, though!” Mom giggled as she ate her hot brown.
The hot browns were delicious as ever, given that she was an excellent cook and hot browns were something that any self-respecting Kentuckian took as a birthright and any sensible Kentucky cook took as a matter of pride. Even in his angriest moments, Dad never insulted or attacked Mom’s cooking skills. Some things were just understood. Mom knew how to cook better than a short order cook and could easily be a chef if she wanted to be.
“Damn, Mom, you make the best hot browns that I’ve had in years, and that’s saying a lot, because my Granny used to cook a mean hot brown! Well, before she died of emphysema, sad to say. She was a bit of a chain-smoker, of course. How do you get the bacon so crispy and the turkey so moist? The Mornay sauce has just a hint of a sweetness to it, too,” Felix noticed a sweetness that even I had never experienced prior to now.
“That’s the bourbon, sweetie. You’re all tasting that in it for the first time. In the past, well, Larry didn’t approve of liquor. Now that he doesn’t mind, why not?” Mom winked at us.
“Well, you always made a great hot brown, Mom, but you’ve definitely outdone yourself now,” I told her with a kiss on the cheek, though she followed it up with one on the lips, albeit very motherly rather than like a lover’s (as in, only light lip contact with no tongue).
“You know, one thing that I considered was the National Guard. There are a lot of pluses to that idea. There is the risk from the UCMJ regarding adultery and such, but my understanding is that there has to be some military reason, something affecting unit cohesion and such, for the commanding officer to turn matters over to the JAG and the courts-martial. I would have to be careful while on deployment and such, at least in terms of comrades, if that ever happened. “I would also have to be...
"Supper's ready, guys. Hope that y'all are up to it," Crystal blushed and giggled a little, trying not to see too much of our naked bodies. "Oh, definitely, I would say," I announced, as we got dressed and went to wash our hands for dinner. "So, what's this about a large place for all of us to live together as one big, happy family in some Belgian cutie's mansion?" Crystal teased me a little as we headed downstairs for supper. "Oh, yes, that. Well, we can discuss it over the...
We were all a little nervous at meeting Crystal for the first time, but we wanted to be there for Mom. She had been there for us in the past, hadn't she? If this Crystal brought Mom true joy at last, how could we possibly object to that? I, for one, cared enough about Mom's welfare to want her to be happy and satisfied for a change. That Dad didn't grasp or accept this was a tragedy, albeit understandable from his perspective, but there was nothing that we could do about that. We could...
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Anne-Marie then grabbed her father and led him to the bed, blowing kisses to my cousins as they pouted over not getting a longer turn with him. They changed their tune fast when Anne-Marie gestured for me to join her and spread her father's cheeks to lube him up good. She kissed me deeply on the mouth and guided my cock toward Marten's asshole to start fucking him for the next part of the deal. He reacted with delight, just as Nicole did while Melvin/Melissa ate her out. "Papa, are you...
After a nice, very enjoyable morning of hot, sweaty sex with Henry Stewart and his two girlfriends, we had to part company, as that trio needed to go back to the summer camp. What could we do with our day now? Felix was off work that day, though he had to work a shift the next day. He also got an employee discount on movies, so I wasn’t too shocked at his next suggestion. “How about we go see a film together? We can run into Anne-Marie, use my discount, and get you an application to work...
I now turned around and saw Melvin Warner, one of the camp counselors, who clearly wasn't there to enforce the camp code of conduct. He seemed to be up to something else. Of course, he was only a year my senior, at twenty, also on summer break from college. He had tried to recruit me as a counselor, but I had declined. I got the impression that he was up to something even then and I hadn't wanted anything to do with whatever he had in mind. Fucking teenage girls was one thing, but Melvin...
Camille turned out to have been far less discreet than Stephanie, Erin, Deanna, or even Melvin. She had gotten so caught up in fucking a 14 year old boy named Troy in the shower that she didn’t notice the time or the noise that she was making, which drew the attention of another camp counselor, a bit of a batty and prudish old woman named Mrs. Edith Bonham. A pastor’s widow, Mrs. Bonham had a distinctly old-fashioned idea that “boys will be boys,” but “ladies should know better,” as she...
That evening there were 21 people sitting at the 12 person dinner table in the dining room. Besides the Andersons, Irvings and Wilsons, Patty (with Dolly and Melissa) were still in the house as well as Dr. Lewis. As usual in these situations, most of those at the table doubled up in the expected couplings, the only different couples were Lenny and Melissa, as well as Robert and Dolly; both Melissa and Dolly agreed that they wanted to feel real cocks plunging in and out of their twats as they...
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By Greg As far back as I can remember my family spent Thursday evening at bible study. Then, we spent the better part of every Sunday morning at worship services. It wasn’t ever an option to skip a week. Momma made sure of that. My name is Chastity-Lynn, but never call me that. I go by Lynn with all of my friends. The Chastity part was Momma’s idea. I guess she thought if I was constantly reminded about the virtue, I wouldn’t stray far from the “path of...
I was drenched in sweat as Sam rode me yet again and finally managed to squeeze out the last contents of my balls on my final stroke inside her already sloppy, slippery cunt. I had been, more or less, the willing stud to my three sisters that entire day, though I certainly tried many positions during the course of it. Thank God for those blue pills that Emily gave me from the hospital where she worked, to say the least. They made a huge difference in helping me get it up so many times over...
We had the hardest time keeping a straight face that night at suppertime, all of us, knowing that I had already fucked all three of my sweet sisters, plus my sexy cousin Stephanie, and had received a blowjob from Anne-Marie, the cashier at the concession stand at the local cinema. If my parents had any idea of just how sexually active I had become under their noses, they would have been floored. I was the furthest thing from a virgin, to be sure. That was even leaving out the act of sodomy...
About the time that I began fucking Melvin in the ass as part of his slave training, Dad remembered that today was Sunday, so he had to get showered and dressed in a hurry. He had already missed the chance to arrive on time for Sunday School, but after today none would care, anyway. At any rate, Ruth and he departed for church, as did a few others for now, all saying that they would be back. Mom and Crystal were not among them. Nor was Uncle Steve, who was Mom’s brother after all. That was...
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Chapter 14 “So, does that meatlessness extend to sex? Are you straight or bi?” Felix asked Troy, who shrugged. “I’ve never been with another guy. I wouldn’t mind trying it, though, if someone wanted to initiate me that way,” Troy confessed, about three slices in by now. “Top or bottom?” I inquired now, truly curious. “I’d try both and see if I liked either or both of them. But first, I really want to try it with a girl again. Finish what I started,” Troy explained. “Alright, then,...
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A little background: Lynn was excited. This would be the first summer camp Lynn had ever gone to a summer camp. According to the brochure there would be baseball games, horseback riding, swimming, and all sorts of other things to do. Lynn had always been one of if not the best baseball players in their small town. Also there was supposed be photographic and video classes could take. Lynn could learn how to not only take good and lasting pictures and videos, but also how to develop them. The...
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Camp Challenge; Mitchie Face the Music! ? Disclaimer:?I do not own the movie Camp Rock, or any of its characters.? Disney Studios owns them.?? This story is?a parody, meant for mature audiences and should not be read by persons under 18 years old, or who are offended by a serious spanking of an eighteen year old teenage girl. ? ???? Mitchie had taken it upon herself to rally and sashay in her short summer dress over to Camp Star and challenge the new bold music camp to a "Final Jam". When she...
Celeste: "Morning jonah she said as she walked into his cabin" Celeste is just your typical girl, at the age of only fifteen she stands around five and a half feet tall, she is what most people would call average weight, she has brown hair and hazel eyes, just your typical girl, the thing that made her stand out were her abilities with a bow, she was the best in the camp at archery Jonah just sat on his bed, his face buried in his knees Jonah is pretty much your average guy, at the age of...
My name is Ken Griffin. I am a 36 year-old man who has a 8.1 CAP score. I started out in Billings, Montana, the day the Sa’arm attacked it. I had been supervising several women’s shelters for the state of Montana in the city of Billings. It was a good job for a retired Marine captain. I was not disabled, but my tour in Iraq, and the damage I had, made enlisting or being conscripted into the EDF impossible. Walking a few hundred yards I could do comfortably. Walking ten miles though was out of...
May be posted on any non-pay, non-membership site. Camp Trans By Princess Pervette There were eight of us on the bus. When got off, we were greeted by a pleasant- looking woman in her fifties. She showed us to the dormitory and told us to unpack. It wasn't the usual kind of dormitory; there was a wide hall, and there were a dozen private rooms opening off it, six on either side. Our rooms were bright and pleasant, but they looked like rooms for girls, not for boys. In my room,...
When I hit my teens, my hormones were raging but completely unsatisfied. Having discovered the unspeakable pleasures of masturbation when I was around ten (I certainly didn't know anyone I could speak to them about!), I'd have done anything to get laid by a real feminine female. But for all I did, no matter how hard I tried (and gawd knows I always tried too hard) it only rewarded me with unending embarrassment. I made a total fool out of myself with any girl I was around. I was awkward,...
Part 1: A Plan is made Williams Summer Camp was an all girls camp that lasted for a week during the month of June. All of the councilors were women as it was assumed that none of the girls families would trust men with their daughters. Unknown to any of the families however was that it was in fact a man who owned not only the camp but also the land it was on. It was also unknown that the camp had actually been loosing money, and had been for years. It seemed that fewer and fewer girls between...
My mom and dad enrolled me in a five week summer camp, Camp Wilderness, when I was about eight years old. I had gone back to it until I had reached the last year I could go and then became a junior counselor and, eventually, as I entered college, a senior counselor. In the interim the husband and wife team who owned the camp had started acquiring other camps. By the time I graduated from college they had a string of twelve camps throughout the South. I went to work for them on a full time...
SpankingSummer Camp Author's Note: Al rode along on the bus heading for a summer camp. He was surprised to be sitting here; his parents suddenly told him they had found a camp for him to spend a week. "It will be fun," they told him. "Lots of new experiences, lots of new friends." He was enjoying his time at home now that school was out, he was twelve now and getting to spend some time alone when his mother needed to run an errand. He wondered if his mother had figured out that he was...
School was finally out for the summer and I should have been looking forward to a long vacation. Instead, I had allowed a good friend to talk me into going away with her to spend the majority of my summer vacation as a camp counselor at a camp for inner city kids. It isn't that I don't think it's a worthwhile cause. I do. I totally support the concept of getting those kids out of the city and out of a dangerous environment. And since I work as a substitute teacher I am accustomed to...
Character descriptions: Rich: 5 "7", Chest nut brown hair, blue eyes. Allison: 5"6" Blonde hair, blue eyes just like her brother, 36B breast. Taylor: 5 "7" Auburn hair, dark brown eyes, 38B breast. Rachel 5 "5 1/2", Brunette, grey eyes, 32C breat. Emily: 5 "7", Red hair, hazel eyes, 34C breast. "Mom this is your last chance to end all of this," I say from the passenger seat. "Yeah! We don't have to go," Allison chirps up from the back. "Enough you two. Every...
BECOMING THE SISSIFIED FISHING CAMP PRINCESS!!!!!!!! Between being raised by a strict single parent mother, and living far out the boondocks of a small remote New Hampshire country town, my life was different than that of the other town boys.. Yes homework and then houseword were all I ever seemed to be doing. By fully LEGAL age 18, I was a good three to four years younger in mental developement as my mom was super protective of me, I was also still the physical size of most jr.high school boys...
Boy in a girls’ brat camp A fantasy of women using a man.Part one Bob was seventeen and failing badly. He had at school got in with the wrong set and had been in trouble with the police and also with the school. Finally that summer his parents had given him an ultimatum. Either he left home and school or he spent the summer on an outdoor programme designed to change the way he acted. Bob was not at all keen but his parents would not be moved so that summer he packed a rucksack and looked...
Deer Camp Sex Slave By xdressedslave Well, I survived! I asked for it, and I got it. I never in my life thought I would be sooo glad to be dumped off in a Holiday Inn parking lot, in broad daylight, dressed like some kind of garish, drag queen whore. The heel of my right, 5" pump had broken off, making me hobble unevenly as I slowly made my way to my car. My outfit was tattered, and I know there was dried cum on my face and in my hair! Every muscle in...
I was packed and ready to go to camp. The plan was for Tami to pick me up to take me to the airport. I had loved up on Duke, and explained I would only be gone a few days. I was surprised when Harper walked in the back door. I didn't ask any questions until we were in the car. "Where's Tami?" I asked. "She'll see you when you get back. You get to talk to me on the way to the airport." "Okay, what am I talking to you about?" "My job is to talk you out of being Tami's boyfriend....
It Started with a Summer Camp Dare By: Malissa Madison Dennis had always enjoyed camping no matter what time of year. Of course living with two older sister's it was a chance to get away from them when I was younger. They got to go shopping and they always got such pretty things. All my stuff was boring by comparison but I had no idea why I felt that way or why I resented them. I'd joined the boy scouts and gone to all the camping trips. Earning the merit badges, learning about so...
Layla was considered a very attractive woman and one of the sexiest mothers around. She had exceptional female features with a beautiful, sultry appearance and her beauty seemed to radiate a sexiness that most men found irresistible. She was 5’5″, 115lbs and had a 32C-25-24 figure that was real and firm in every aspect. There wasn’t too much about sex that Lori didn’t like and it showed, as she acted very confident and sure of herself. Layla was married and she had two lovely children. She...
Summer Camp: Once a Scout, Always a Scout Prologue The line separating fact from fantasy often blurs as one ages, this is not true for me. The line is very clear. With one exception, all of the characters and most of the incidents are as described. The reader will have to determine which is the exception. There is one indisputable fact that runs throughout, however: almost all older women (any woman over thirty in my view) are horny by nature. Place them with a bunch of horny young men and...
Once Lori came home from summer camp, she hardly went out of the house for the next two weeks. Andy wondered why his wife acted a little strange, but he shrugged it off to that awful feeling of summer being almost over. He had pressed his wife for details about the camp, but Lori merely said that nothing out of the ordinary happened. Andy was not one to press the issue or persist and he let it go, as they eventually got back into the family's weekly routine. The kids readily told Andy about...
Sunday morning, I was busy pulling my commands from everyone’s heads I had missed on Saturday while saying goodbye to Paul, Rita, Jen, and several others who we knew. The Tweedy Hills camp had three separate campgrounds spread around the lake, each tailoring a specific age group. The youth camp was for kids entering 4th and 5th grade, the Jr. camp was for kids entering 6th, 7th and 8th grades, and the Sr. camp was for high school kids. The lake was large and twisted enough that you...
Dale looked up from his newspaper and smiled inwardly to himself. His wife Joy had just then come into the kitchen heading immediately towards the sink where she stood rinsing out her coffee cup before pouring herself a fresh one. He smiled, because she really was a joy to look at, never failing to arouse him whenever he saw her, especially when he saw her as she was now, wearing only a man's tee-shirt and nothing else. Her tight firm little behind was peeking out at him beneath the short hem...
CAMP XV This is a simple tale of just one of a number of prison compounds, it being the consummative female labor camp for young women. The particulars of the reason for this small, isolated camp, why and how the young women became inmates, the politics, the time frame and even the nationalities of the prisoners and administrators are all irrelevant to my story. Suffice it to say it’s just a bunch of good looking late teen to mid twenty age women in an isolated part of the world held...
Bo Harrington met us at the apartment where we'd be staying. He'd found us a three bedroom within walking distance of the Camp, and Hunter and Ridge had agreed to room with me. Bo suggested we needed time away from the facility. Bo had rented the unit right across from us. I got settled into my room, and joined him across the hall. The West Coast guys were not getting in until late this afternoon. I'd caught the first flight out of O'Hare and had arrived just before lunch. Bo had food...