Sara - The Best Feeling Of The Universe free porn video

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English isn't my mother language so I hope you will forgive me about grammars and word's errors.

Please read the first part of SARA for understand better the story.

(F/f, petting, teasing )

The next morning Viktoria dragged her daughter out of the bed, shocking the still sleeping girl..

Viktoria decided to give to her daughter a little lesson of humility. Now she has found a good candidate for put new spirit in her job, she was feeling free to start a new education for her selfish daughter.

“From today..” Viktoria spoke harshly “.. you will be without cell phone and your weekly allowance will be reduced just to your lunch needs. No more trips with your stupid friends at the mall and you will earn what you need with chores at home. Is it clear??”

Cristina was watching her mom terrified. Why she was doing that?? “B..but mom.. “ complained the girl “'s not right!!”

“Listen to me, little slut, I know what you and your friends do all the time. So , now, stop buy lingerie, stop tease boys. You'll learn soon life is not RIGHT! Now get up, and go to breakfast and I don't want ear you for the rest of the week.” Then, she slammed the door, leaving the dumbfounded girl in her bed, desperate.


Sara started her new week full of life. She knew she could get herself in trouble but she was so happy at the idea to gain money for herself and maybe for help her mom. She felt herself, for the first time, after a lot of time, much self sure, much happy: like a loss of weight on her young hart.

Her mom Deborah noticed how happy the girl was that morning and was pleased of it. She knows that a large part of the girl unhappiness was her fault. She's knows she's in an age where she needs a lot of attention, consideration and she needs to discover herself. Unfortunately she wasn't able to give to her baby girl all this and much more because the lack of time and two poor works she was doing for gain enough for close each month. Also she understands, from the way the girl look at others, how she would have competitive clothes and money to spend in the mall.

She cries inside herself but she was pleased by her baby girl happiness of that morning. Then she try her best for show an happy face too and she promised to herself to change that situation is some way.

Days were going and, more the Sunday was coming, and more three females were nervous in town.

Cristina was close to a nerve. Her mom was so strict. Every time her friends were calling, her mom was there to survey her. Worst of all, next Saturday, she wanted go to ride with her friends but her mom refused to give the money for hire the horse and told her she could work in the stalls for gain the right of ride an horse there. More than one time she started to cry and the only comfort was the ample chest of her mom but nothing more: no more proposal to send her to parties, buy new clothes, news about a week ends on the Alps skiing. Just cry on her chest like when she was a baby girl.

Viktoria was nervous as never happened to her from a lot of time. What really she was doing?? She was driving a preteen girl to prostitution. What crazy idea?? She just heard Sara by phone a couple of times for more specific agreements about hour and place where meet on Sunday.. She was been so crazy to give her, her own cell number. What if Sunday, instead of her, she was going to find the police?? But no. The girl was too much interested in gain money and be popular. Other wise what if her mom intercepted her calls or.. “Oh my god” she thoughts “ Am I going into become paranoic??”

Sara was nervous. She was near to say every thing to her mom. She was sure she was going to put herself in a big trouble. What if she was a killer? Or she will kidnap her and sell her who knows to who?? Worst: what if Viktoria will not like her ?? What if she will not able to keep company to others?? Surely Viktoria will report that to Cristina and everybody will laugh at her.
What clothes she has to wear for that meeting?? Viktoria said she was fine how she was dressed last Sunday but she felt ashamed of herself at the pool bar, when she noticed how well dressed were other people.

Was a wonderful and sunny Sunday morning but Sara was nervous. Viktoria picked her up at the right hour, now she was fastened on the rear seat of her car and she was been gentle and talked to her a lot in first minutes of their trip. Now both of the females were quiet. Both of them into their thoughts. Car brought them out of town, on the hills, within of woods of Mediterranean pines. In her pubescent girl's brain Sara wondered how beautiful and relaxing that place could be. All their worries were blow away from the chirping of the birds and intense smells of the wood coming from the opened glass windows. Suddenly a beam of sun made her notice the end of the road. A big gate was in front of them and Viktoria made her car stop at the level of a cam.. ”Private Boarding School for Young Gifted Girls” she was able to read on the big golden plate near the gate. She heard the woman talking fast and the gate opened automatically. The car came along of the road and, after another pair of curves; they arrived in front of a big mansion.

Viktoria said something but the girl was too busy to watch around for hear what she was saying but she followed the woman at the door. A pretty girl was there, waiting for them. She kissed Viktoria on the cheeks and introduced herself as Patrizia and she was there for help in all her needs.

Viktoria told her to follow the girl while she was going to take care of her registration.

She followed the girl as ordered but she turned her head looking for Viktoria. Again her feelings were mixed and her doubts, about she was in trouble, started to back in her head. She was there, talking with a vaguely familiar woman.

Patrizia brought her in a large bathroom. She told her to undress herself and to go under the shower. Sara protested saying she was already cleaned but the girl just smiled and kissed lightly the girl on the lips. Then she explained it was the rule and, if she was going to work there, she needed to be addicted to clean herself many times a day and, for emphasize the fact, she slapped the girl's butt.

Sara was in doubt and she become dumbfounded when she saw the girl undress herself. What the girl was doing? She ask to herself. Was she going to take shower with her? Sara never showered herself with some stranger also if another girl.

Patrizia was a tall girl, around her late teens or early 20th, slender body, olive skin, with proportioned boobs. Everything in her seemed a spark of joy, especially, her big black eyes. Sara thought they were smiling at her every time their sights met.

Patrizia understood the girl's doubts so she ask her if she wanted take the shower alone and she was doing that just for get the girl easy but she didn't want scare her.

Sara's face become crimson when realized how prudish she was, especially if she wanted work in this way, then forced herself to smile, telling to Patrizia how sorry she was for be so dumb and started to undress by herself but avoiding watching directly at Patrizia's body.

“Oh my god!“ She thought, watching with the corner of the eyes the developed body of the girl, “how I can compete with girls like her?? Surely nobody will want my company.”

As like Patrizia was reading Sara's mind .. “Oh my.. You are wonderful .. I wondered how a girl of your age .. I wondered how sexy you can be with a nice dress and hair comb. I hope we will be friends if you'll work here.“ Then Patrizia forced herself to blush, kissed again the young girl's lips and toke place under the large shower's cabinet. Starting to adjust the water's temp, she checks with the corner of the eyes what the young girl was doing but, with pleasure, she can see her in her birth suit.

Silently Patrizia extended her hand to the girl and, smiling but without avoid her sight, when Sara toke her hand, she pull the girl under the shower making her gasp .

Sara was like in a dream. She can't believe she was naked with another girl under the shower. Last time something happened, was years ago with her mom. But as with her mom, she was feeling the fingers of the girl between her hairs, washing them slowly, just like her mom.

“Is it your work??” Sara asks to the girl almost whispering like she was scared to disturb Patrizia. “ I mean, to be sure I am clean and help me to take the shower?”

Patrizia didn't reply immediately. She finished to wash her hair, turned the girl again then, smiling at the girl also if she, understood, she was trying to look every where except directly at her naked body.

“Sara... “ She whispered, taking the girl under her chin and pulling up her face until their sight met again “ Please look at me. It's OK if you look at my body. I like if a girl consider me enough nice to be watched.” Then she pushed his body under the warm water again and turned herself slowly, then spoke. “Yes and not.. I mean: yes. I should survey and explain you how prepare yourself following Mrs Victoria advices. No.. It's not my work strip me naked, go under the shower with you and rinse your beautiful long hair.. It's something we expect you do by yourself.” Patrizia left her words in the middle of air, waiting the young girl absorbing this information and see what kind of reaction she could have.

Sara was thinking about the explanation.. Why does she do it then?? She seems so friendly. Like Mrs Viktoria.

“Sara, our work isn't always good. Sometimes we need to do things we don't like. Everybody needs a friend. I would be your friend if you allow me. But first, before everything, you have to accept your beautiful body; accept to show it to everybody. Be proud of yourself and not hide it. The same.. I like to know you are watching me. It makes me proud of myself. It is part of our work show our self. What's wrong if I like it ??”

Sara thought about it for a while, then swallowed and try to smile. “ I..I am sorry if I am so shy. I didn't want upset you. I.. I was wondering how someone can be interested in my company . I mean you are beautiful. I am not. I am afraid Mrs Viktoria could be disappointed of me. Also I haven't your .. your hips your. I mean...” Sara blushed a lot and lowered her sight again until she felt her chin lifted up by the other girl's fingers meeting her sight.

“Oh baby girl.. Do you like my boobs?? Why?? Thank you. You are very kind and you make me feel special. Do you want to touch them?“ Suddenly, without waiting Sara's reply, she toke the girl's hand and put it on her breast.. Moaning ant the touch.

Sara wanted to die. She was touching another girl's breast. She was so ashamed of herself. About her feelings, about her shyness. She wondered how soft and, at same time, firm that was. Her sight moved from the breast to other girl's sight, again on the breast. The girl's hand was gone but Sara didn't left the breast.

“Oh Sara. You are wonderful” coed the girl “ I like your touch very much.. May I touch yours?” said Patrizia teasing the girl.. Again, without waiting a reply, she put her hand on the pubescent chest of Sara.

The baby girl's eyes grew wide. The expert touch, with the palm cupping the little breast and the thumb teasing the nipple, was like a jolt on her inexperienced body. She was split. She wanted run away, she wanted to cry, she wanted feel much more. She felt butterflies in her stomach, warm between her legs, hard on her nipples. Then everything overwhelmed her senses and she started to cry uncontrollably and Patrizia toke her body against hers, embracing it motherly, and started to kiss the wet girl's hairs, whispering it was Ok to cry and how good it was.

After some minutes, when Sara stopped to cry, she was still embraced with Patrizia. She was still sobbing but she felt herself calm. She let the girl bring out of the shower. She helped her to wear a hot and soft bathrobe and, still without talk, Patrizia started to dry and comb her hair.

After some minute Sara whispered “I am sorry. I don't know. Was a strange feeling.. I was scared. Will you tell what happened to Mrs Victoria?”

Patrizia watched the girl image reflexes on the window. “Of course I will. Why I shouldn't?” said the girl smiling but suddenly she realized what scared the girl, making her cry. So she ask: “Have you ever felt the same? Do you know what it is??”

Patrizia waited the girl's reply but not hearing she understood she never touched herself and she was not aware of her own body and feelings. She felt suddenly down for that girl.

“Sara. Listen to me. Can I be your friend? I mean your special friend?? You know the usual friend you say everything you haven't courage to tell to others? I would so much you can trust in me.”

The girl was close to another cry and wasn't able to speak so she just nodded and let Patrizia get her up and push her in another room. A rounded bed was in the middle and lights were soft and the place was warm.

“Now we are going to play a game. OK? “ Patrizia climbed on the bed and pulled the girl next to her. Slowly she opened her bathrobe revealing a part of her chest and one of the legs. Then she opened a little the bath robe of the girl.

“First: you will touch me everywhere. No matter where. OK? And when you will touch me, I have to say what I feel, OK?? Where ever you decide to touch me it will be fine. Don't be afraid and touch me. Then, after that game we will decide together what to say to Mrs Victoria”

Sara looked at her. At first she doesn't understand why that strange girl would play this curious game. Then she realized she wanted teach her what she feels when she's touched.
She tries to touch a no private place: her hair.

Patrizia smiled. “I like if you touch and caress my hair. It make me feel sure.. Your hands are warm, delicate. Is it OK?? Can we play further??”

When Sara nodded again, Patrizia toke her hand in hers. And said she was going to let her touch again her breast but, this time, she waited for her reply. The girl waited a while. Then moved her hand by herself on the breast checking the sight of the girl as reassurance she was doing the right thing.

When she felt her breast touched, Patrizia moaned softly and, for emphasize it, she kept the hand on her breast then smiled “Oh.. You are making me feel good, all dizzy but warm; I feel butterflies in my stomach and warm on between my legs. You are making me feel good, Sara.”

Sara was surprised. She was giving her the same sensations she felt under the shower. How was that possible? So she decided to try another thing. She ask to Patrizia to close her eyes and, when she was sure she can't see her, she leaned on and kissed softly the girl's lips in the same way she had a kiss from her a while ago. Then immediately she stopped and blushed crimson.

Patrizia opened her eyes, smiling. “ I felt humid, then butterflies inside my stomach and my nipples getting hard... Did you feel the same when I did it a while ago? Wasn't wonderful? When I explained what I felt while you were touching me, were them the same feelings you felt when I touched you??”

“Yes. I .. I felt the same. How did you know that?? I mean.. I never felt something like that.. It was like I was going on fire. I was so scared. I am sorry if I cry.”

“Don't worry baby girl, you just find the best thing of the universe. It's why I was going to say that to Mrs Victoria. She surely will be happy and proud of you knowing that. I was just surprised because I thought you already knew that.. So I suppose you never had an orgasm too. Isn't it?”

“No I think not” said blushing the girl then after a pause she added “ but I know what it is.. I heard it's when a man makes love with a woman and they get pleasure each other and the man makes the seed for make babies” Then, realizing what she just described, Sara became crimson again making the other girl giggling.

“See?? You are very smart.. It's why I thought you already knew that kind of feelings. No reason for blush or be ashamed of yourself, baby girl, I couldn't explain better by myself. Just, another question: you are a girl, right?? Am I a man?? “

Sara realized immediately what Patrizia was meaning and, also if she never saw a naked man, she knew the difference and also she understood also she was been touched by another girl.. Like ... She became crimson.

“Oh my god.. I am a...” but the fingertip on her lips of Patrizia shouted her.

“No baby girl, you are not, well at least seems you aren't a lesbian. Just your body reacted at my touches.. No matter if I was a man or a woman.. Your body do not understand the differences.. Well not at this level anyway. I am not a lesbian too but I liked very much your touches and.. “Lowering her voice” I would like have more touches and give more touches to you if you allow me to do it. Will you?”

Sara for first time in her life was sure for something. She wanted understand what that feelings mean. Then smiled shyly, toke one of Patrizia's hands and brought it on her chest, closing her eyes and try to enjoy the warm touch.

Patrizia embraced the girl and, without leave her chest, she kissed her lips deeply while her other hand was running around her body. After her lips her started to kiss her nose, her cheeks, here eyes, then she sucked the girl's earlobes making her moan loudly. Both of them watch each other's eyes and after a moment they burst in laugh. Serious again, Patrizia leaned down and kissed then licked her neck making Sara tremble. Slowly and without leave the girl's sight for understand any sign of her will, she lowered slowly on her stomach, opening completely her bathrobe and revealing he pubic mound, still smooth, but already wet. She brushed a finger over the wetness, making her moan again, she scoped with a finger a little of the girl's cream and, openly, she brought it to her lips sucking it and showing her appreciation.

When she saw the girl not worried but curious, she lowered her face on her wet pussy and touched her sensitive clitty with her tongue, working fast and hard.

What Sara felt in that moment was like an explosion in her mind. She felt like she was coming out of her body and then again inside. Her body trembled in all her muscles and butterflies in her stomach become like cramps. Her sight became first red, then black. Then, like a punch in her stomach, she looses her senses.

Last thought before she passed out was: “Oh my ... Yes, it’s the best feeling of the universe!”


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Sara forced to play at last

After 10 years of marriage any couple goes through some stale patches in the bedroom, Sara and I usually got through these times with various activities toys, role play, some bondage, Sara loved me to dominate her and make her do dirty things. We also discussed our fantasies, which always got us hot while we were making love; of course threesomes came up from time to time and although Sara got really turned on at this she said she could never go through with it with either another girl or...

2 years ago
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Sara Becka and me Chapter 4

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter IV The First Week Sunday - Hi Daddy Well I've done it now! I've agreed to be one of Vicki's bride's maids. And to live the next two weeks as a girl. And we, actually Sara's mother, has spent a small fortune. Lets see what happens next... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I slept...

4 years ago
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Sara Becka and me Chapter 6

Sara, Becka, and me. by Teddie S. Chapter VI The First Week Tuesday - A waxing. Wednesday - Nylons. Thursday - Aunt Dorothy. Now, not only do I have a bridesmaid's dress, but a corset. I thought it was all over when the dress maker found out that Becka was really a boy. But in the end she was willing to fit me...

3 years ago
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Sara is a hot attractive housewife from North Carolina. She is in her early forties. Sara and her husband have been married for almost twenty years. Sara’s husband is also confined to a wheel chair these days. Unfortunately, he no longer can perform normal sex with his lovely wife. He still loves to use his tongue to give Sara wonderful orgasms. Sara has never had any breast enhancement surgery. Most men would think she is gorgeous being the natural size that she is. She loves having her large...

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Saras Beach bate

Authored by pobox731. Inspired by an xHamster member.This is actually a repost. It was previously titled "Water they dune-ing?""Sara's Beach 'bate"Sara is a frightfully shy girl, the type to be voted "most likely not to" in her yearbook. An only c***d, she's on vacation with her parents following her high school graduation. They're visiting her mother's sister in a rather exclusive development of beach-front properties.Yesterday in an uncharacteristic fit of courage, Sara had forced herself...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 1

Sara, Becka, and me. by Teddie S. Chapter I How it all started. It was a Sunday, and my family was at a pavilion at a local park. We were having a going away party for my brother, Richard, who is leaving at the end of the week for the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. I'll really miss him. Being the younger of two boys, I've always been the brunt of his jokes. But, I'll still miss all of that. Everyone is here at the party, all of our family that could be here, all his...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 8

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter VIII The Second Week Monday - Dresses and the Girls Tuesday - Some Glue Last week was really a roller coaster. On Saturday when I woke up I was a typical geeky boy. And now I look more like a pretty teenaged girl. I even talk like a girl, act like a girl and walk like a girl. Being a cross-dresser...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 11

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter XI The Second Week Saturday morning - The Beauty Shop Saturday afternoon - The Wedding Today's the big day. Well Linda's big day. Yesterday we met the guys that we're paired with for the wedding. The rehearsal went well and the dinner afterwards was fun. But jealousy reared its ugly head for the first time in...

4 years ago
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Sara gets her drink drugged and she gets fucked pt 1

Sara had claimed she wasn't going to drink at all when Amanda had finally agreed to bring her along to a real college party. Then, when they got there, she claimed she would only have one drink. Then two. As far as Amanda knew Sara only had about two and a half drinks and yet she was totally shitfaced. Amanda had no reason to suspect Sara would embarrass her; Sara had always seemed totally chaste and innocent. She was the kind of girl who wore pajamas with Disney characters on it. Amanda...

4 years ago
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Sara 8211 Part 1 My First Boobs Experience

I am a 35-year regular Indian man. I am 5’11” tall, decent looking and well-educated. I used to be lean and fit but I have gained some weight due to my love for whiskey, good food and lack of exercise. I have a normal straight penis measuring over 5 inches. This is my the story of my first ever experience as a teenager. I was in class 12. I have had girlfriends in the past, but had never moved past kissing or making out passionately. This story is about my girlfriend at the time. We will call...

4 years ago
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SaraChapter 3

Mark arrived home to find his mother heading out the door. She was walking to her car, still dressed in her work outfit and moving in a brisk pace. "Mark, there you are." His mother said as she threw her purse into the car and across the seat. "What's up, Mom?" Mark asked. "I'm was supposed to have met your father over twenty minutes ago for dinner, so I'm running late." She said, busily starting the car. "Oh." "Now listen, I left some money on the kitchen table for you and...

1 year ago
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Sara and Jessica

Sara didn’t really understand the feels she was going through. All she really knew was whenever Jessica came into the restaurant where Sara worked there was a certain warm feeling that would come over her. The feeling over the past week had gone from innocent friendship, to a deep attraction, at least on Sara’s part. And Sara found herself almost obsessed the thought of being with tall redhead that worked across the street at the Magic Fingers Spa. Sara never considered taking any action on...

3 years ago
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Sara First time

Viktoria was driving her car. She and Sara just left the house where Sara had her first sexual experience. In her pocket there was a billet of 100 Euros and much more in her account in the house and, mostly, she was happy. The experience with the girl was embarrassing but pleasant and with her first man well.. She was still a little in pain but, after a doctor visit and some pain killer, she was feeling herself just a little uncomfortable but her mind was still trying to collect all her...

2 years ago
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It was a typical Los Angeles winter night. Raining and cold, Sara looked out at the rain-soaked streets, knowing that she would have to work tonight, rain or not. She walked out of her apartment to the corner and caught the bus 10 minutes later heading off for another night of work. Her new day job was only good for minimum wage and 20 hours a week, so she still needed her night job to make ends meet.She got to her normal area and got off. She then started her normal night work, walking two...

3 years ago
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Sara Becka and me Chapter 9

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter IX The Second Week Wednesday - Nails Thursday - A Trip Well, I've met the other bridesmaids and it went well. I think that they were all shocked when they first met me and full of questions. But I was quickly accepted as one of the girls. And one of them even said, "You should have been born a...

3 years ago
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Saras Chair

Sara shifts in her bonds, adjusting her position in the chair in a futile attempt to move her sodden sex closer to the vibrato  Sara shifts in her bonds, adjusting her position in the chair in a futile attempt to move her sodden sex closer to the vibrator strapped between her legs, its tip in only the most minimal contact with her flesh.? Her state of arousal being compounded by the computer screen in front of her, showing a seemingly never ending slide show of pornographic video clips.?...

3 years ago
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Sara The begin

English isn't my mother language so I hope you will forgive me about grammars and word's errors. Viktoria, as some Sunday afternoons from last two months was secretly following her 12 years old pubescent daughter Cristina while she was busy with her friends, shopping around. She is enough smart, bold and self sure for go around alone but, sometimes, Viktoria mother's instinct take advantage and she can't help herself about survey her. Oh yes, Viktoria thought by herself, she...

4 years ago
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Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 1

Sara and I arrive at the airport, ready to have to our long waited trip to the sun. As I step to a kiosk to get our boarding passes, Sara gets a phone call from her friend Laura. She tells Laura the plane will take off in 1hour. After disconnecting the call, we head for the lounge to get drinks before we board our flight.We take a table with a nice view of the planes. A pretty waitress comes to our table asking what we would like to drinks. I look at Sara. For some reason, she seems scared to...

3 years ago
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Sara and Mr Rostand The Fun Continues

Introduction: This is abit rougher than anything I have ever written before. Hope you enjoy and please leave your constructive comments Sara stood in the hallway, tugging down her shirt to expose a centimeter of her bright pink lace bra. The edge of the lace played peek-a-boo with her low cut black top. It was one of the few bras she owned, but it was her favorite by far. It was the last day of school, she had stayed clear of Mr. Rostand for the past three weeks, but now she was standing...

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Sara and Sam

We went to the kitchen and Sara poured a cup of coffee and opened the back door and stepped out on the patio. She acted as though she didn't see Sam standing in the yard and went and sat down on the recliner. She was wearing her cotton nighty that is just long enough not to show anything and just short enough to keep you looking. Sam saw her step out and watched her as she sat down. He looked away when she didn't notice him. Suddenly his name rang out clearing the silence in the...

5 years ago
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Note to the reader: this story contains romance, but not sex. Hope you enjoy. * Sara adored fall. There was something about the changing of the season that spoke to her. As the days grew shorter, and the chill crept into the breeze of fine, sunny days, the colours of her New England world would change slowly into the burnished golds, straw and rich browns accented with fiery reds. It was as if nature was determined not to go quietly. The last flush of energy before the long sleep of winter...

2 years ago
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Sara Teleporting Mishap

It is early in the morning as Sara sees her watch it marks 5:15am, Sara whas checking the different jobs done for the science fair, as she walk around the auditorium she mumbles to herself "baking soda volcanoes check, projects to protect the environment check, teleporter chec…" sara look at her list one more time then proceed to walk towards the strange device the device looks like a public phone booth straight out of some science fiction series, several different colored cables come out of...

4 years ago
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Sara Becka and me Chapter 5

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter V The First Week Monday - A dress and more My ears are pierced. I now own more girl's clothes. And have a supply of makeup that will last me a year. Then Becka met her father and Sara's father. It was scary to start with. But I was surprised that they accepted me and why I was doing it. What more can...

4 years ago
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Sara Becka and me Chapter 10

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter X The Second Week Friday - Oh no! & The Rehearsal Friday Evening - The Rehearsal Dinner Well, my nails are now long and very fancy. And we're at West Point. And so far so good. Everyone is still seeing me as girl. The wedding is tomorrow. And I wonder if Linda is as nervous as I am. And about last night,...

3 years ago
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Sara and Mr Rostand The Fun Continues

Mr. Rostand opened the door, his mouth dropped down for a moment as he saw Sara standing outside in the sluttiest outfit he had ever seen her wear, he snapped it close and cleared his throat, trying to find any words to say. “Did everything go alright with your final grades to Brown?” he finally managed to speak out. Sara grinned a sexy sly smile, “yes, thanks to you”. She walked past him and into the classroom, which was disheveled from him packing up all of his stuff for the end of the...

4 years ago
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Saras Awakening Part 7

Sara cracked her eyes open and found the sun blazing through her window, warming her naked skin the next morning. She did a long full body stretch, her arms over her head, legs pushing away from her body and her back arching up. Sara let her mind wander back to the events of the night before. Daddys mouth on her's, kissing deeply and hungrily. Her taking his cock cock into her mouth and sucking him till he shook from his orgasm. Then his mouth and tongue licking her, tasting her. The building...

4 years ago
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Saras Fantasy

I opened the door and felt a wave of both excitement and apprehension wash over me. Stood before me were 3 guys between the ages of 30 & 35. These were friends we met in chat rooms but had never met in person. They are Brandon, Rick, & Mark.These guys were the ones Sara felt most comfortable with from chating with them Sara chose them to fulfill her fantasy of her getting gang banged by 3 guys while I watched. Now it was time to see if they lived up to their online representations.I...

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Saras Fantasy

I opened the door and felt a wave of both excitement and apprehension wash over me. Stood before me were 3 guys between the ages of 30 & 35. These were friends we met in chat rooms but had never met in person. They are Brandon, Rick, & Mark.These guys were the ones Sara felt most comfortable with from chating with them Sara chose them to fulfill her fantasy of her getting gang banged by 3 guys while I watched. Now it was time to see if they lived up to their online representations.I...

2 years ago
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Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 2

Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 2When Sara finishes giving me an earth-shattering orgasm, I cannot move. Once I stop trembling, I am totally spent but invigorated too and cannot relax. A thought comes to me and I sit up. Looking over at Sara, I see she has passed out from her exertions. Poor dear Sara, she is exhausted from the trip and her exertions just now.Her dark brown hair frames her adorable 18-year-old face. Her pouty lips open a bit remind be of the pleasure she has given...

2 years ago
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I met Sara through an adult personals website. I had originally posted my ad on a night I was home alone d***k and horny. So I was surprised , a month later, when I got an email. Sara lived in the same town as me, so we met on her college campus on a Friday afternoon. Initially I was disappointed in her appearance. Sara was 5’5′, kind of chubby/stocky build, small tits, short hair, average looking at best….she looked like a brick …having no distinguishable waist line. She dressed like a tomboy....

4 years ago
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I met Sara through an adult personals website. I had originally posted my ad on a night I was home alone drunk and horny. So I was surprised , a month later, when I got an email. Sara lived in the same town as me, so we met on her college campus on a Friday afternoon. Initially I was disappointed in her appearance. Sara was 5'5", kind of chubby/stocky build, small tits, short hair, average looking at best....she looked like a brick ...having no distinguishable waist line. She dressed like a...

3 years ago
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Saras Awakening Part 4

This first paragraph starts with Sara still in her bed remembering the last few weeks. After that it jumps back to her in their present timeThe next few weeks brought much of the same. During the week she went to school but on the weekends she waited for daddy to go to work so she could continue learning about sex. She studied the videos and read forums. She was learning fast how to make a man cum and was desperate to try it out for real but the only man she wanted was her father. *Sara opened...

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