- 3 years ago
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Oh God! Had Gary just complimented her? She had hardly even heard what he said. It had sounded sort of sweet and sincere. But Julie’s attention had been drawn yet again to the stranger sitting at the bar. Poor Gary.
Julie smiled and nodded to him, unsure how to respond, as she wasn’t sure exactly what he had said. Would he realize?
‘That’s one of the things I really love about you,’ he said, apparently not aware of her momentary lapse of attention. She smiled again and reached across the table to touch his hand. He was such a sweet guy and Julie knew she was lucky to have him. But somehow that didn’t keep her eyes from wandering back to the dark haired stranger sitting with his date at the bar.
Gary was smiling at her, his soft brown eyes swimming behind his glasses. He laid his other hand on top of hers and squeezed slightly. Dinner tonight had been his idea. He had chosen this restaurant, even though it was a little more expensive than places they would ordinarily go. It wasn’t a special occasion, just their usual Friday night dinner out. Taking her to a particularly nice place well… it was just Gary being Gary. Julie gave his hand a squeeze in return, smiling back at him and trying to keep her eyes from straying to the stranger at the bar.
But try as she might, her gaze kept returning to him, like a moth to a light. He was tall, maybe six-one or six-two. He had thick dark hair and blue-gray eyes. His body was muscular, athletic, but not overly big with broad shoulders and a tapered waist. There was an easiness, a confidence, to his body language. His blue chambray shirt and jeans at once flattered him and left her wondering what he’d look like without them. And his smile made Julie want to smile herself every time he flashed it.
His date was a curvy brunette, very similar in build to Julie. She was dressed in a low cut top and short skirt. She was smiling and laughing at his every word. She was also giving him that look. The look that said she was his tonight. Did Julie actually feel envious of that girl?
Julie tried concentrate on her conversation with Gary. It was Friday night and he wanted to talk about the weekend. There were things to do around the house, a friend stopping by for lunch and so on. The same conversation married couples everywhere were having over dinner. The same sort of conversation that Julie and Gary usually had and she usually enjoyed and participated in. Why was she so distracted tonight? Because of a guy she had never seen before, who had a cute little bar fly hanging all over him?
A few times during dinner, Julie had looked over at the handsome stranger, only to find him looking back at her, his eyes boring into hers. She quickly averted her eyes, hoping that Gary wouldn’t notice the color rising in her cheeks. The second or third time he caught her, their eyes locked for what was definitely too long. Just by a couple heartbeats really, but long enough to be more than random eye contact. How was Gary not noticing?
But Gary was oblivious. He was talking to her about some mundane thing or another… she could hardly pay attention. Especially when the girl with the guy at the bar was hanging on him and laughing and smiling. Did Julie just see her hand run along the inside of his thigh? Was that little hussy going to go home with him? Was that trampy little outfit of hers going to wind up crumpled on his bedroom floor? Was she going to be calling out his name when he brought her to climax?
Julie blinked. She had to get her mind off of this guy and his date. What the hell did she care if he fucked her right there at the bar, right? So why was Julie still looking over there? Why was she annoyed at the way the girl surreptitiously ran her hands along his legs? Did her hands actually just brush across his crotch?
‘I’ll be right back,’ Julie said to Gary. ‘I have to use the ladies room.’ She didn’t really, but she had to walk away for a second, collect her thoughts and get back to having dinner with her husband. Not gawking at some guy picking up a girl at the bar.
She was coming out of the ladies room headed back to her table when the stranger from the bar rounded the corner right in front of her. In her surprise, she almost walked into him. She gave a polite smile, excused herself and went to step around him. He moved in front of her.
‘Weren’t you the one at the table?’ he asked, ‘That was looking at me? Do I know you?’ Julie looked up at him. He was tall. She had realized that when she had seen him across the restaurant, of course. But it was far more evident as he stood in front of her now, towering above her petite frame.
‘Uh, no,’ Julie replied with a polite smile. ‘I don’t think so.’ She moved to go around him and again he moved to block her.
‘What’s your hurry?’ he asked, giving her a dazzling smile. Julie was instantly irritated. She held up her hand to show him her wedding band.
‘Sorry,’ she said, her face conveying that she was anything but. ‘You’re too late. If you’ll excuse me.’ She tried again to get around him.
‘Don’t worry,’ he laughed. ‘That guy will wait there forever for you. And you know it.’ He gave her a meaningful look. ‘You, on the other hand, seem more interested in looking around at what else might be out there.’
He had her there, Julie admitted. She had been staring. But now that she was actually talking to him, his arrogance was quickly wearing thin.
‘What about her?’ Julie said, nodding toward the bar where his date was waiting. Julie didn’t really care. She just wanted to deflect the conversation away from herself. He shrugged off her question.
‘Yeah, I’m booked for tonight,’ he replied. ‘But maybe I can help you out another night.’ He held out a business card. She looked at it in disbelief.
Help her out? Julie felt an angry heat rising in her face.
‘Look,’ she retorted, ‘I’m not looking for any so-called ‘help’ and if I was, it wouldn’t be coming from an asshole like you!’ Before he could step in front of her again, she bolted around him and walked briskly back to her table.
For the rest of the meal, she fumed about the audacity of the guy. She did manage to keep her eyes off of him, but she still wasn’t really able to concentrate on the conversation with Gary.
Only when the stranger and his date were leaving did Julie look up. And damn if the guy wasn’t looking right at her again. He was smirking at Julie, even as he held his date’s jacket for her.
‘Are you okay?’ Gary asked. Julie snapped her gaze back to her husband.
‘Yeah, I just…’ she had no idea what to say.
‘You look a little… weird or something.’ The concern in Gary’s voice was sincere. ‘Do you want to go?’ She shook her head. She at least wanted to wait until that guy was out of the parking lot.
‘No, I’m fine. Let’s finish and go though, okay?’ Gary quickly assented.
Ten minutes later they were walking across the lamp lit parking lot toward their cars. They had met here after work and Julie was parked a little closer than Gary. He walked her to her car and kissed her.
‘See you at home,’ he said and headed off toward his own car.
As Julie opened her car door, she noticed that the stranger from the bar was sitting alone in a car facing hers a few cars farther up the row. What was he still doing here? And where was the girl he had been with?
Then, in the pale glow of the parking lot lights, Julie realized that he was not alone. The girl from the bar was in the passenger’s seat beside him. Sort of. She wasn’t all that visible though, on account of the fact that she was leaning over with her head in his lap.
He was sitting there looking down at her head in his lap, one of his hands on the back of her neck. She was bobbing up and down quite energetically. Julie stood transfixed, at once disgusted and fascinated. It wasn’t the first time she had ever seen an overzealous couple in a bar parking lot, of course.
But it was the first time she had ever found herself transfixed, watching.
Then he looked up and saw Julie. She was looking right into his eyes. She felt a rising panic, but she didn’t look away. Then he winked at her. Winked! That would have been enough for Julie to tear herself away from this spectacle, but just as she was about to get into her car, she saw his head go back and his mouth open as if moaning. A moment later, his date’s head slowed down, then stopped.
Oh my God, Julie thought. I just watched him cum in her mouth! Then his head came back up and he looked over at her again. That damn smirk was on his face, like he had known Julie would still be there watching.
She dove into her car and pulled away quickly. She had a swirl of thoughts and emotions tangled up inside her as she pulled out of the parking lot and headed for home. The stranger’s arrogance and smirk definitely were irritating, almost infuriating. But why did she care?
And why had she been unable to look away when she saw him in the car with his date? She had watched him get a blow job–cum, even. And he knew she had seen it all. Why the hell had she stood there like that? She was mad at herself, but she couldn’t stop replaying his moment of orgasm over and over in her head.
It might not have been the first time she had walked past a car with a couple getting it on, but it was the first time she had ever watched. And it was certainly the first time she had ever seen the man actually cumming in his date’s mouth.
Why was she so annoyed by this guy? So he had hit on her. Big deal. He was just a player. Tomorrow night he’d probably be sitting in his car getting a blow job from some other little chickie who thought he was God’s gift. Why did it rankle her so? Was there something about him? Something that Julie was sexually responding to? And she didn’t want to? Was that it?
Julie replayed that scene over and over in her head on the way home. As she thought about it, she realized that he had looked at her, winked and almost immediately after that, he had cum. Then he looked over to make sure she had seen him cum. And of course, like a dope, she had still been standing there, slack-jawed watching it all.
The whole thing evoked such a strange mix of emotions. She was mad at herself for watching him and even more angry that she had let him see her watching. And angrier still that, even after he had seen her, she kept watching.
But that was only part of it. There was something more to it. Why the hell had she watched in the first place? Any other time she would have averted her eyes and moved along quickly. What had compelled her to watch? There was something to it, she knew, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
It wasn’t really a voyeuristic thrill or anything like that. No, it was something more subtle. Maybe because he had actually been hitting on Julie just a half hour earlier? Had arrogantly assured her that he could help her? Of course he could afford to be arrogant with Julie… there had been a girl sitting at the bar waiting to suck his cock!
And he talked to Julie like she should be grateful to be next in line! Why would such abrasive cockiness make her interested in seeing him get sucked off?
And was there a tingle that she felt when he winked? Was it like he was telling her it could have been her in the car with him? His eyes could have gone anywhere, but they stopped on her. Why would that make her feel flattered instead of repulsed? Why would she want a guy like that looking at her when he cums? Whatever her brain knew about what she should feel, her body had its own ideas. There had definitely been some sort of physical sensation she had experienced. Not exactly a thrill, but her body had responded.
When she got home, she tried to push the clutter aside and get back to the important things in her life. Gary met her in the garage and kissed her. Then they walked up to the inside door holding hands. It felt good and right and she was glad to have his love.
That night in bed though, as Gary nestled between her raised knees and penetrated her, there was heat, but nothing wild or passionate. Gary, always the considerate lover, did his best to make her cum, but Julie simply wasn’t feeling the magic in their movements that night.
It wasn’t until she started thinking about her encounter with the cocky, good-looking stranger that she started to feel the possibility. As she thought about his interaction with his date at the bar, the way the girl kept hanging on him, looking at him, basically throwing herself at him, a wave of heat radiated out from her now dripping pussy.
Then she thought about the two of them in the car together, the way her head bobbed, so anxious to please him. And the way he looked over at Julie, like he had every reason to expect that she should want to taste his cock too.
And what had happened after Julie left? Sure, the girl had obviously sucked him off, but a stud like him would be ready to go by the time they got back to his place. He would probably spend the whole night and half of Saturday morning fucking her in every position imaginable. How many times would he make her cum?
Then Julie’s back arched and she let out a cry, her own orgasm radiating out in a luscious warm wave, the ecstasy of the momentary connection between pussy and brain flooding her.
Gary came too, her cry sending him over the edge. He lay on top of her and kissed her gently for a while before telling her he loved her and rolling off. She kissed him back and hugged him close for a long moment before letting him go. Poor dear Gary. How could she be thinking of another man at a moment like that?
Confused and apprehensive, Julie tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep. Feelings of guilt were intertwined with the erotic images that had brought her to orgasm. And poor Gary, snoring softly beside her, had no idea that it wasn’t his cock that had made her cum.
Julie was happy to be back at work that Monday, with all of the hustle and bustle to distract her. She had spent way too much time over the weekend remembering the stranger at the bar. And, more specifically, he and his date in the car afterward.
Once she had her head full of daily work issues, the images from that night were quickly pushed to the background. Even after work Monday, her thoughts were on work, dinner and other minutia and the stranger was all but forgotten.
The rest of the week was just a normal, busy week for her. It wasn’t until Friday night that she thought about the stranger again. That night, as she and Gary were having their usual Friday night out dinner, Julie found herself thinking about dinner the previous week. And how it had ended.
It wasn’t nearly so distracting this time, but it was still there. Julie still found herself looking around the restaurant, almost as if she expected to see him there again.
As dinner progressed, Julie once again found herself struggling to keep her attention on Gary. At one point she actually found herself wondering what it would have been like to be the girl in the car, sucking the handsome stranger’s cock.
Had the girl made the first move? Unzipped his fly and pulled him out? Or had he pulled it out, waved it around and told her to suck it? Julie wondered what that would feel like, having a man tell her to suck his cock.
It was an unusual thought for her to have. She was not a particularly avid fellatrice. Her husband, thoughtful man that he was, knew that she didn’t like the taste of semen, so he never asked her to do it. And even when she did go down on him, he quite often didn’t let himself cum in her mouth.
What would it be like to have an arrogant, good looking man tell her to suck his cock? She knew how she should react: with a scoff, angry and indignant. But there was something else, wasn’t there? There was something compelling about a man ordering a woman to take him into her mouth. Exci
ting, perhaps?
She forced the thought out of her head. Why was she even thinking about that guy? With luck, she’d never see him again.
I never knew my natural Parents my adopted Parents names are on my Birth Certificate along with my adoption Certificate. I only found out when my Father a Solicitor and my Mother told me on my s*******nth Birthday what a gift along, with the news of my birth came a gold locket no inscription but it was hallmarked which the adaption society told them my natural Mother asked them to give me the locket when I was s*******n . To say the least it was shock I love my Parents and I wouldn’t do...
I am an ardent fan of Kerala Erotica. I came into this site by chance and was thrilled after going through its contents. I see to it that daily at least twice I enter the site and go through its various topics. Regarding the stories I am not sure whether how many are true but nevertheless it does certainly titillate you. After much thinking I thought of putting my story and experience in this site. By doing so I am sure I will get lot of relief since I can’t say about my experience to anyone.My...
As I entered the bar, the clientele seemed a bit unusual. The women were extraordinarily beautiful, many dressed in expensive, revealing gowns. There seemed to be a preponderance of "middle aged" men, not a few showing a bit of paunchiness. The affection being showered on these gentlemen by the women at the bar and around the tables drew me into the place. I spotted a vacant bar stool and installed myself, ordering a rum and coke from the handsome young bartender. As I began sipping my...
"Come on, it'll be fun!" My best friend Julie was throwing a Halloween party, and like every year, she wanted us to dress up in the same costume. Except that this year, she wanted to go as a sexy, girly black cat. "Julie, that's great for you, but what am I supposed to do?" "Don't worry Chris, you'll make a great girly kitty cat!" I have had a huge crush on Julie for five years, as long as we've been friends, but I've never had the courage to tell her. We're both 18 now, in our...
JULIE Julie Believed We Should All Share Our Assets. I don’t really remember exactly when I met Julie; but I do recall that I knew, almost at once, that I was dealing with a very different type of girl to the others I had known up to that date.I think that we first met when a mutual friend took me to Julie’s house. Julie was sprawled on the floor playing her guitar; she was actually quite good at this. She had long dark hair, which I remember was always spotlessly clean. She was scantily...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Julie was going to her purse to retrieve her wallet so she could pay her brothers for helping her move into the aprtment that she had rented. The two 18 year old twin brothers watched their buxom redheaded sister walk across the room as they moved one of the last boxes into the kitchen. Her Double-D tits jiggled with every step and her round, firm ass looked as if it was made for fucking. Hank and Kyle had always had a thing for their sister who was...
IncestPeople thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn’t talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
I spent the night at her house. And we had fun...watching movies with her parents, eating popcorn. We slept together in her bed and after kissing and making out for awhile, we both slipped off to sleep.The foggy edges of the dream crept into my conciuos mind, soft and wet, sliding over me. I fought to hold onto the wamr feelings inside me even as mmy body was waking up. The sun was already shining in the room, and my eyes blinked open. It still took a few moments to realize Julie was the...
People thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn't talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
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Julie’s perfectly round, luscious ass was sticking up high in the air, while her head, turned to the side, rested on the mattress. Her beautiful, curly, dirty-blonde hair covered her face slightly. Her ankles were held spread wide apart by a sturdy, metal spreader bar, while her wrists were clasped close together between them. She was completely naked, and exposed, and more turned on than she ever thought possible. I gently brushed her golden locks away from her pretty face, back behind her...
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Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Posted on literotica.com with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * Spring came to Altwar with a wealth of green leaves, and rain, and unbelievable amounts of hard work. Kokata couldn’t remember ever having been so exhausted in his life. Whenever he thought he had earned a good rest, Lei sent him into another back-breaking task. ‘For all we...
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I was on holiday in Greece and was ona night out with my b/f. We were hitting the clubs and getting drunk of course ;o)!!We met some guys we were staying next too and were talking and drinking when some girls came over and joined in. I got friendly with one and we were just talking and she said come back to my room as I have some pictures of family etc and free drinks. I went off with her as my b/f chatted to his mates said see you later baby.Me and this girl (can't remember her name) were...
Hello readers, this is Pradeep from Bengaluru and is staged in rural part of Karnataka and I hope you will like it. My family consists of 4 people. My dad is 50 years old and owns a garment shop. My mom Rekha is 42 years old lovely lady and she is a housewife. My brother is 28 years old and looks dad’s business and I’m Pradeep 25 years old and waiting for job. This incident took 2 years back when I was in 2nd year college. Now coming to story and my dad and mom are friendlier with me and I...
IncestIt was a sunny Sunday. I got frustrated because of the heat inside the room and how I was sweating completely. The main reason for that was power cut for the whole day due to transformer maintenance in the locality. My body was completely drenched with sweat. I felt like drowning inside the water bucket but it was too small to fit me in. I stood below the shower for an hour and stepped out of the bathroom. A wave of steamy air attacked me and I couldn’t breathe. I stepped out to the balcony...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My girlfriend seemed shy and reserved when she came overt. She had been away on a family vacation to a farm upstate, and I had been alone more than a week. I thought she would fly into my arms and show me how much she had missed me, but she could only give me a simpering grin as she looked up at me through her eyelashes. She had made it past my family OK and we were in my room. This was usual practice, as the my family watched football most nights and...
IncestThis is the third installment in this story. To everybody that read the first two parts, sorry for the delay. I want to extend my thanks to WickedFabulous for editing and providing suggestions. I really appreciate you help! There will be more to this story, so please bear with me!!!! * After Erin left, I crashed into a semi-comatose sleep. I was in such a deep sleep, that I didn’t hear the phone ring when ‘Drea called from airport. I was still sleeping when she got home. She woke me up in...
Hot Pakistani women, Pakistani sex stories are the most popular part of this sex stories net. This Pakistani sex story is of my friend who shared her own experience with us. Names are changed as per secrecy and policy sex story is based upon true experiences and no fiction story or fake stories are included here. Let’s start the story in hot Pakistani women own word. I’m a well-educated Pakistani married woman. At 35 years of age, I’m happily married and mother of 2 kids. By profession, I’m...
Tony has a new stepmom in Layna Landry. He thinks things are going well between his dad and his new wife, but it seems that Layna has other thoughts. She comes on to Tony in increasingly strong ways, making it clear to him that his dad just isn’t quite enough man for her. Her new crush, Tony, is sure to satisfy all her needs, though. Tony tries to put up some resistance, but the combined determination and allure that Layna is throwing at him is far too much for him to say no. When Layna...
xmoviesforyouSerena is by herself doing her make up. She’s done trying not to cry her hair is done and now her make up she grabs her dress and walks out the door and drives to the church. Chase getting mad sitting there thinking. I’m never going to see her again. He thinks never mind she dose not want me it was just the drug. Looks for his notebook. Oh ya I must have left it behind. He dose not hesitate. He gets up and drives to her house. He got to her house he sits in his car going over and over what he...
It had taken a lot of bribes, just to get hold of him. And then the surgery had cost a lot more, but for the parents, it was worth it to have their Amber back again. They knew that he would not want to replace her, which was why they had implanted a little electro-shock device into him for training purposes. As well as that, a bangle that *she* could not take off contained a GPS device so they would know where their little princess was at all times. They waited for *her* to wake so...
If Valentine could have seen the trembling step and agitated countenance of Franz when he quitted the chamber of M. Noirtier, even she would have been constrained to pity him. Villefort had only just given utterance to a few incoherent sentences, and then retired to his study, where he received about two hours afterwards the following letter:-- "After all the disclosures which were made this morning, M. Noirtier de Villefort must see the utter impossibility of any alliance being formed...
Julie arrived at the hotel later than she had planned. There was a traffic accident that held things up and by the time she was able to get around it she was behind schedule. She knew she would be late she just hoped she wasn't so late she missed him!She remembered what he had said the first time about being late, although she had tried to show him she wanted to cooperate and hoped that this wouldn't cause him to do anything rash. She parked the car in the first spot she found.Fortunately, it...
ReluctanceIt was getting late and I had spent the evening fishing in Neches River. I had done OK and caught three calico bass. I knew that they would soon be locking up the bathrooms for the night so I beached my 14 foot boat on the shore and headed for the men's room to relive myself before calling it a night and heading home.As I entered the toilets, I was shocked to see three women standing there. I started to back out and say I was sorry but I took a quick look back at the doorway. Yes it said MEN. I...
A fictional extract of an erotic story of two time travellers I've written. This extract finds one character Jayne caught up in a Roman Orgy.Jayne smiled and laughed with Sabina playing around with the food and toasting as the music played the whole atmosphere was one of celebration almost abandonment. The horn blew and the square fell silent, Jayne watched as two young men stood up from the crowd and walked towards the leaders, Jayne and Sabina’s table was pulled to one side to give a little...
Checking into the hotel with Rachel was at once romantic and slutty. This was no ‘room rates by the hour’ dive. The high end stores attracted tourists with lots of cash. I could tell though that the desk clerk thought Rachel’s Marissa’s Cupboard bag was insufficient luggage. A large advance tip to the bellboy however ensured better treatment from him. In the glass elevator on the way up, I casually unbuttoned Rachel, exposing her slowly to the bellboy. He tried to avert his eyes, but the...
Running in the south during a heatwave isn't recommended. I really needed to get this run in as I'd missed 2 days already this week. Before leaving the office I checked the temp; 96 degrees and 89% humidity at 5:00 pm, not good.I ventured out to the trail wearing a sleeveless black tee my favorite running shorts and my black running sneakers. As usual there were people already riding, walking and running on the trail. The trail itself is 3.1 miles from end to end and stretches about 6 feet...
InterracialHello dosto mera naam ankit hai but sabhi mujhe ani bulate hai. Meri age 19 hai or main punjab se hu.Agar koi bhi ladhki, aunty,bhabi mujhse chudwana chahiti hai ya phir sex chat krna chahiti hai toh mujhe meri emali I’d pr mail kre.Meri I’d hai :- Chliye jyada bore na krte huye sidha desi hot sex story pr aate hai. Iss kahani ki heroin ka naam divya hai. Vaise vo thodi sanwli hai pr uska bhadan pura bhara hua hai usske boobs dekh kr toh dil krta hai k abhi isse muh me dal lu. Ye kahani 4...
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dawn. I'm in my mid-twenties and that is all I will tell you about my age. One of my goals in life is to become a nurse so that I can help people. I have an adventuress streak and I like to try new things. Last year while exploring the wilderness with a couple of guys, I met Matt. Since that time, my whole life has changed. I would like to tell you a little bit about this man. Matt is taller than me and has the bluest eyes of anyone I have...
I recently was digitising a load of old negatives and discovered one of an ex-girlfriend flashing her tit and this bought back some good memories. I was a teenager in the 1980s and therefore well before the internet. My main outlet for masturbation was porn magazines, some of which I purchased from a nearby newsagents and some I found in the local park. I met my first girlfriend, Di, when I was working overseas and we had a wonderful sex life. We went out for just about 12 months and about...
I am NOT the author.am simply sharingIt all started one hot summer day in July. My wife, Lilly and I were out with a couple of friends of ours, Amanda and Chase, to have a cook out and a few drinks. We had talked about the idea of inviting another woman into our bed for a for a couple of years - by talking about it, I mean we would talk about it while we were having sex - it always seemed to get us off fast that I could tell that Lilly really liked the idea. But I didn’t really think she would...
Will i should explain who am i first, My name is Josh im 18 years old 5″7 tall they say i have a body design only for romance in bed quite cute also, and my sister she is 18 years old 5″4 tall very cute and pretty she has skin like snow and her long hair that black as a crow she has also the most beautiful breast that i have evr seen quite round,firm and not big just right and i know all boys that would see it would be amazed cuz” its perfect. We live in Manila Philippines.. We live a normal...
Incesti think about.. The vid cam fuck on top of a concrete plant overlooking Doncaster town centre at sunrise.. straight from a nightclub.. an old man walking his dog caught us.. i had to lock up before the police got there.The fuck at Doncaster racecourse on the finishing post.. daytime.. the same day as the grand national it aintree.. cctv all over the place.the revenge fuck at Doncaster aircraft museum.. her bent over my car with me up her ass.. late at night.. the security guard spotted us.. i...
You're inside an egg in a meteor that's heading towards Earth. For the size of the meteor is very small it has managed to escape NASA's radar and hit a random place on Earth without anyone noticing. The meteor cooled down, the egg somehow hatched and you survive the hit, having your first breath outside the world far from home. It's your species' ability to grow extremely fast, within an hour you've reached the size of an adult male and within the next 15 minutes to be able to walk like...
FantasyThe second day the Katoomba crossed into the Coral Sea off Queensland from New South Wales. The difference, if any, wasn’t noticeable. Before they passed Fraser Island, Andy was told they’d be heading east of the Herald Packers, then west of Lady Elliot Island, east of Lady Musgrave, port around Sykes Reef, past Heron Reef and Masthead Island to Facing Island and the Percy Group. “We’ll be headin’ south from the latitude of Townsville, not goin’ north of 19 degrees.” “Aye, aye, sir.” Andy...
Tuesdays and Thursdays were long days for Ed. Those were the days he worked from eight to six and then went to school from seven to nine. It was usually nearly ten before he arrived home. Thursdays were always the worst. This evening had been particularly tough since he had a major test in his geology class. The test material hadn’t been difficult, but Ed strove for excellence and didn’t want to settle for less than a perfect score. Coming home, Ed drove carefully fighting to stay awake. He...
We bought he double ended dildo at Noosa and we played around with it while we were up there but Maddy didn't like it. She loved the idea of it but it's a bit too thick and she didn't like it inside her. We tried it but we were both far more interested in the feeldoes at the time, so we tried it once then forgot about it.One night when we were cuddled up under the blanket on the couch Maddy said something about us being joined together but I didn't catch exactly what she said. She got up and...