- 3 years ago
- 28
- 0
Gary was standing in the bedroom doorway, slack-jawed, speechless. For the longest time after Julie saw him, he just stood there. Greg, whose back was three-quarters to the doorway, obviously realized something was wrong and turned around.
‘Oh, shit,’ he groaned. His words shattered Julie’s paralysis. She leapt from the bed and ran sobbing into the master bathroom. She fell to the floor crying. Her mind was not responding. Her stomach was convulsing, the tears beginning to stream from her eyes. But her brain, the part of her that she always considered her most resilient feature, simply went blank.
Then she heard screaming. Gary. He was screaming at Greg. That finally jarred her enough to get her thoughts moving again. Greg was big, strong, physically fit. Gary was much smaller and weaker, yet Gary sounded like he was about to start a fight with Greg. He’d get killed, Julie knew.
That was enough to propel her back to her feet. As she turned to intervene, she saw Gary rush at Greg. She screamed for him to stop. But it was too late. Gary charged toward Greg, arms flailing. But, to Julie’s immense relief, Greg didn’t hit him. Instead, he pushed Gary aside like a kid brother. Then he picked up his clothes and walked out of the bedroom.
Gary climbed back to his feet and started after Greg. Julie quickly ran out of the bathroom and grabbed him. Gary’s eyes met hers and for a moment it was like he didn’t see her. Then he did. And that was much worse.
Anger, bewilderment and, deepest of all, hurt were all present in his eyes and on his face. Julie had never felt so small in her life. How could she have done this to him? How could she have been so selfish?
Julie suddenly realized she was naked. It shouldn’t have mattered. The man in front of her was her husband, right? But she felt a strong compulsion to cover herself. She let go of Gary and hurried back to the bathroom to retrieve her robe.
Gary watched her for a second or two, then surged out of the door after Greg. Julie turned in time to see him pass out of the door. She screamed at him to stop and, pulling her robe on as she went, she ran after him.
Julie heard the garage door going up as she chased after Gary. Greg’s car, of course, was parked in the garage! Oh God! How could she have been so stupid! Greg was parked in Gary’s spot in the garage!
Greg obviously knew how to let himself out and, presumably, that’s what he was doing. But if Gary got there before Greg could back his car out, he could close the door. Force a confrontation.
That was the last thing Julie wanted. She caught up to Gary before he reached the garage.
‘Wait!’ she pleaded, grabbing him with desperate strength. Gary tried to shake her loose and continue after Greg, but Julie clung to him, frantically trying to restrain or delay him.
‘Let fucking go!’ Gary screamed, pushing at her. But Julie didn’t let go. She couldn’t let Gary close the garage door, trap Greg. Force Greg to go through Gary to get out. Nothing good could come of that.
Gary eventually shook her off of him, but even as Julie fell to the floor, she heard Greg’s car pulling out. She breathed a momentary sigh of relief as she climbed to her feet. Then Gary returned from the garage and any relief she felt evaporated instantly.
Oh God! What could she say to him? He had just caught her in bed with another man!
Julie realized that a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine were sitting on the kitchen table. Gary had come home from his trip early. And had wanted to surprise her with flowers and wine.
Instead, they had surprised each other in the worst possible way.
Julie tugged at her robe, pulling it tightly shut, self-conscious of her nakedness. Gary’s eyes were alternately on her or on the ceiling. Or focused on some distant point. He stood in the room, careful to stay away from her. Every movement, gesture and facial expression seemed foreign to Julie. She had never seen Gary quite like this.
The moment stretched out for what seemed like hours. Julie would have simply died if it was within her to give up her spirit at that moment. It was the lowest, filthiest, most despicable she had ever felt in her life. By a long shot.
Eventually, the inevitable screaming started. The accusations, the names the vitriolic explosion that Julie completely deserved. She hung her head and cried, letting Gary’s words pummel her. Even in his anger and hurt, she noticed, his words were not as scathing as they should have been. They weren’t vicious, mean. They weren’t words that could never be taken back. Even as she had cut him so deeply, so unexpectedly, Gary was showing restraint. And that only made her feel worse.
He threw questions at her. Why did she do it? Did she love him? Julie had no answer. The idea of loving Greg was strange, foreign to her. But how could Gary know? Why did she do it? She still didn’t know that herself. It had happened, Julie had allowed it to happen. But she didn’t ‘do’ it, per se.
She fell back against the wall and slowly sank to the floor, her head falling into her hands, the tears streaming down her face. She heard Gary’s tirade and she didn’t. The words reached her ears and she understood them. But their meaning, their significance wasn’t penetrating the protective barrier her brain had thrown up.
Gary fumed. He asked why again and again. Of course he didn’t understand why. Julie didn’t and she was on the inside. And had had a lot more time to think about it.
It wasn’t real yet. Shock kept Julie from acknowledging just what a crushing blow she had dealt to both of them. Somewhere in her head was the realization that she had taken her life, her marriage and maybe even her career and crumpled them up like so much trash. But that thought wasn’t rooted in any reality yet. It was swirling, unconnected, through her head with a myriad of other thoughts and feelings.
Curled up on the floor against the wall, Julie weathered the brunt of Gary’s outrage. It wasn’t until the wave of anger passed that he said something that really, truly rattled her.
‘What am I going to do?’
It was a seemingly straightforward question. But it could be meant in many different ways and taken in many different ways, too.
What was he going to do?
A cold, clammy chill stole over her. Was he saying he was going to leave her? Was he saying that he was going to throw her out? Was he waiting to hear what she had to say in her own defense before making his decision? Or was he saying that his life as he knew it had been torn asunder and he was simply lost?
Julie opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She wasn’t even sure if she had anything to say. Sobs shook her whole body. What could she possibly say? She had never been more ashamed of herself than she was at that moment.
‘What am I going to do?’ The second time he asked, the words caused her to physically shake.
‘I… I don’t know,’ Julie replied, struggling to speak through her sobs. ‘Oh, God! I’m so sorry, Gary!’ she wailed, fresh tears bursting forth.
Gary stood there for several minutes, not saying anything. Julie was unable to look up at him. She cringed on the floor, her head down, her body shuddering as she cried.
Then, without a word, Gary turned and left. Distantly, Julie heard his keys jangling in his hand, the door to the garage open and close. Then nothing.
With Gary’s departure, the house was deathly quiet. Julie’s own sobs were silent and there was nothing else to disturb the graveyard-like hush. She hunched against the wall, knees drawn up under her chin and cried silently to herself. She had no idea how long she sat that way. It seemed like an eternity had passed, but it might have only been twenty minutes. Julie had completely lost her temporal bearings in a maelstrom of guilt and shame.
When she finally levered herself back to her feet, she realized that she was wearing only a
bathrobe, nothing else. Not that it was unusual to have no clothes on under a bathrobe, but the reason she didn’t was what made her think about it now.
Julie had felt compelled to hide her nakedness from her husband. Out of shame. Shame that he had seen her with another man.
The events slowly started to creep back into her recollection. She let herself think about it for a moment. Gary had done more than caught her in bed with another man. He had seen her getting fucked. From behind, screaming like a wanton slut no less. She forced the thought from her mind. It was too much to contemplate. What she had done… what he had seen… how could they ever recover from something like that?
Julie wandered aimlessly around the house, moving from room to room as if trying to avoid her own thoughts. She came across the wine and a bouquet Gary had brought home. Oh, dear God! How could she have been so careless? How could she have done this to a man who clearly loved her so much?
She ran to the phone and dialed his cell number. She didn’t know what she was going to say, but she somehow had to tell him how sorry she was. That Greg didn’t mean anything to her and Julie certainly didn’t mean anything to him.
The phone rang several times and then went into voice mail. Julie hung up. It wasn’t like she could leave a message. She had no idea what would have come out of her mouth if he had answered. She waited a minute, then called again. This time she knew if he answered, she would start by telling him how sorry she was. But Gary didn’t answer.
Julie put the phone down and resumed her aimless wandering, the events of the last hour slowly returning to her. She didn’t realize just how much her mind had blocked out.
He had been standing there, Julie remembered. She had seen him out of the corner of her eye, hadn’t she? In her haze of lust she had seen him, and not even known it. Then it occurred to Julie just when she had caught him out of the corner of her eye.
It was when Greg had tapped on her ass in that oh-so-familiar way. Julie had been turning around on the bed. Turning around to face Greg. Turning around to… Oh God! Was that what Gary had seen? Turning around to…
Julie couldn’t even complete the thought. It was as awful a way to have him find out as she could have ever imagined. And she just couldn’t bear to think what the sight had done to him, how badly it had hurt him.
She curled up on the living room floor, her back against the sofa. She lay there crying for another indeterminate period of time. Eventually, she got up. Gary’s question was starting to echo in her head.
What was he going to do?
Should she stay here? Would Gary come back? Would he want to talk to her? Or would he want her to get out? Could she even face him right now? Did she owe him the opportunity to confront her?
Julie called his cell phone three more times, but he didn’t answer. By the third call, she was composed enough to leave a message.
‘I’m so sorry, Gary. I’m so, so sorry.’ Then her tears welled up again, choking off her words and she hung up.
As much as Julie wanted to do what she should do, accept the responsibility and consequences of her actions head-on, she just couldn’t do it right now. She went into her bedroom, packed a bag and made a phone call.
Gary wanted to know if she loved Greg. Obviously, she didn’t. There was nothing that remotely approached love between them. Yes, Julie had been playing house with Greg when Gary was out of town, but she had always known that it was just a game. But Gary had no way to know that Julie was little more than a fuck-slut for Greg. And Gary had no way of understanding that Greg just filled a need for her by treating her like a fuck-slut.
Gary would never grasp any of that. Julie and Gary had a love life, a sex life, rooted in love and respect for each other. Would he even believe that the woman he had married had a desire—a need—to be fucked like a slut? To kneel in front of a man who didn’t love her and have him order her to suck his cock? Gary probably wouldn’t recognize Julie in that context at all, let alone accept it as an explanation for her conduct.
None of this would ever make sense to Gary, Julie felt quite certain. And she couldn’t face him again tonight. What she had done, how she had hurt him, made her feel physically sick. She couldn’t stay here and wait for him to come home, as much as her conscience told her she should, that she owed him that.
Instead, she took her car keys and her bag and fled.
An hour later, she was sitting on Ashlee’s sofa, crying and confessing, in general terms at least, that she had gotten caught cheating on Gary. It was such a strange reversal. Ashlee was the one with the rollercoaster love life and Julie was the steady pillar Ashlee could lean on.
Ashlee was tactful enough not to point that out to Julie and listened sympathetically as Julie explained what had happened. Ashlee, of course, had no idea that Julie was carrying on an affair. Julie wouldn’t have ever confided that in anyone. And Ashlee had no reason to suspect that Julie’s marriage was anything other than the wonderful, loving relationship Julie had always claimed.
Julie could see in Ashlee’s eyes, expressions and body language that she was dying to ask questions. But, fortunately for Julie, who was still too fragile and distraught, Ashlee kept them to herself. At least for now. It was after midnight when Ashlee suggested that they get some sleep.
‘Do you think you should let Gary know where you are?’ Ashlee asked as they stood up. It was a thought that had been nagging Julie since she left her house. She hadn’t left a note or anything. She had just picked up and left before he got back. She pulled out her cell phone and tried calling him again. She didn’t expect him to answer and was almost too startled to speak when he did.
‘Gary?’ Julie said at last, a slight crack in her voice. Ashlee got up and left the room quickly, giving Julie her privacy.
‘Where are you?’ The question was tersely asked.
‘Ashlee’s,’ Julie responded in a voice barely above a whisper.
‘Yeah, sure you are.’ It dawned on Julie that Gary had every right to suspect that she had gone to Greg’s place. Gary wouldn’t have known that that wasn’t an option.
And hadn’t Julie claimed to have stayed at Ashlee’s once before? So she could spend the night with Greg?
His suspicions were merited. It illustrated very clearly the level of trust Julie had violated. She had once taken Gary’s trust for granted. And now? Well, he would be perfectly justified if he never trusted her again.
Did that mean her marriage was over? The enormity of that thought threatened to overwhelm her.
‘I’m at Ashlee’s,’ Julie repeated, aware that it was probably futile to try and convince him she was being truthful. After what he had seen tonight.
‘Are you coming home?’ He didn’t ask in a way that made her feel particularly welcome. The sobs started to shake her again.
‘Oh, Gary! I’m so sorry!’ she cried, her shoulders hunching and quaking as fresh tears started pouring from her eyes. The phone slipped from her hand and fell to the floor. She reached down to get it, but between the tears clouding her vision and the sobs wracking her body, it took a few moments to pick it up. When she put it back to her ear, Gary had hung up.
She started to call him back, but the crying overtook her, paralyzed her. Even if she called him back, she couldn’t talk. She sat back on Ashlee’s sofa, unable to stop the flow of tears or the trembling and shaking of her body.
Everything was gone. She had thrown it all away.
Ashlee came back into the room and sat beside her, did what she could to comfort Julie. Eventually, Julie regained her composure and wiped her eyes dry.
‘What are you going to do?’ Ashlee asked. The same question Gary had asked himself. It almost started her crying agai
n. Then Ashlee asked, ‘Are you calling out of work tomorrow?’ The more specific question was what Julie needed. A yes or no question. Not something so open ended it could mean anything.
Was she going to work tomorrow? She had brought clothes with her. Even in her totally distracted state, Julie had the presence of mind to bring something she could wear to work.
She had to go to work. It was part of her identity, who she was. The only part that hadn’t been completely wrecked by her foolish, careless behavior. It was all she had left.
‘Uh, I think I’ll be okay to go to work,’ Julie answered.
‘Doesn’t this guy work with you?’ Ashlee’s question sent a fresh jolt through Julie.
Julie hadn’t really thought much about Greg, except in the context of being part of what she had done to hurt Gary.
What was Greg doing right now? What was he feeling? Was he at all worried or concerned about her? Should she be worried about him? To some extent she realized she was.
It wasn’t likely that she would see Greg for work related reasons any time soon. He was in town to coordinate with several companies and most of that effort was currently taking place with companies other than Julie’s.
Julie found herself thinking that she should call Greg and apologize to him too. She had, after all, been the one to bring him to her house. To put him in that situation.
It was ironic that she should feel that way, she knew. Hadn’t Greg been the one to make all the moves on her? Hadn’t he said that he preferred married women?
That made Julie wonder if Greg had ever been in a situation like this before. Probably not, she decided. If he had, he probably would have had a different opinion about preferring married women. Not to say that he hadn’t been in situations where the woman had been discovered. Just nothing as dramatic as being caught in bed by a husband.
How was Greg taking this? Was he concerned for himself? Was he worried at all about Julie?
Ashlee was still waiting for an answer, Julie realized.
‘No,’ Julie replied, shaking her head. ‘His company, we, uh… do work for them and… sometimes he’s around. But not at the moment.’
‘Well, I think you ought to take a day or two to pull things back together before you go back to work. At least try to talk to Gary first.’ But even before Ashlee finished her sentence, Julie was shaking her head.
‘No, I have to go to work. I just have to.’ Julie didn’t want to explain it. Didn’t want to say that it was the only bastion of her life left. ‘Let me try Gary one more time.’ She pulled out her cell again and Ashlee considerately left the room again.
‘What?’ Gary answered. Did he sound like he had been drinking? Julie could hardly blame him, if he had been.
‘Gary,’ her voice cracked again. She fought back the tears. ‘I’m so sorry.’ She paused, but there was no acknowledgement or reply. ‘I… I’m going to stay at Ashlee’s tonight.’ She heard him snort contemptuously. ‘Can I… can we… tomorrow, um… after work…’ She bit her lip to fight off the sobs that wanted to shake her again. ‘Can we talk?’
There was a long pause and Julie thought for certain that Gary had hung up. But eventually he answered.
It seemed like a strange question at first, but then maybe it wasn’t, Julie realized. Was there still an ‘our’ house with Gary? She couldn’t really assume there was, could she?
‘At the house?’ she suggested.
‘Fine.’ He hung up without another word. The abruptness startled Julie, left her feeling empty and cold inside. And deservedly so, she told herself. After what she had done to him, it was more than she had a right to ask that he even speak to her. Forget about being civil.
I never knew my natural Parents my adopted Parents names are on my Birth Certificate along with my adoption Certificate. I only found out when my Father a Solicitor and my Mother told me on my s*******nth Birthday what a gift along, with the news of my birth came a gold locket no inscription but it was hallmarked which the adaption society told them my natural Mother asked them to give me the locket when I was s*******n . To say the least it was shock I love my Parents and I wouldn’t do...
I am an ardent fan of Kerala Erotica. I came into this site by chance and was thrilled after going through its contents. I see to it that daily at least twice I enter the site and go through its various topics. Regarding the stories I am not sure whether how many are true but nevertheless it does certainly titillate you. After much thinking I thought of putting my story and experience in this site. By doing so I am sure I will get lot of relief since I can’t say about my experience to anyone.My...
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"Come on, it'll be fun!" My best friend Julie was throwing a Halloween party, and like every year, she wanted us to dress up in the same costume. Except that this year, she wanted to go as a sexy, girly black cat. "Julie, that's great for you, but what am I supposed to do?" "Don't worry Chris, you'll make a great girly kitty cat!" I have had a huge crush on Julie for five years, as long as we've been friends, but I've never had the courage to tell her. We're both 18 now, in our...
JULIE Julie Believed We Should All Share Our Assets. I don’t really remember exactly when I met Julie; but I do recall that I knew, almost at once, that I was dealing with a very different type of girl to the others I had known up to that date.I think that we first met when a mutual friend took me to Julie’s house. Julie was sprawled on the floor playing her guitar; she was actually quite good at this. She had long dark hair, which I remember was always spotlessly clean. She was scantily...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Julie was going to her purse to retrieve her wallet so she could pay her brothers for helping her move into the aprtment that she had rented. The two 18 year old twin brothers watched their buxom redheaded sister walk across the room as they moved one of the last boxes into the kitchen. Her Double-D tits jiggled with every step and her round, firm ass looked as if it was made for fucking. Hank and Kyle had always had a thing for their sister who was...
IncestPeople thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn’t talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
I spent the night at her house. And we had fun...watching movies with her parents, eating popcorn. We slept together in her bed and after kissing and making out for awhile, we both slipped off to sleep.The foggy edges of the dream crept into my conciuos mind, soft and wet, sliding over me. I fought to hold onto the wamr feelings inside me even as mmy body was waking up. The sun was already shining in the room, and my eyes blinked open. It still took a few moments to realize Julie was the...
People thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn't talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
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Julie’s perfectly round, luscious ass was sticking up high in the air, while her head, turned to the side, rested on the mattress. Her beautiful, curly, dirty-blonde hair covered her face slightly. Her ankles were held spread wide apart by a sturdy, metal spreader bar, while her wrists were clasped close together between them. She was completely naked, and exposed, and more turned on than she ever thought possible. I gently brushed her golden locks away from her pretty face, back behind her...
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This story is fiction. It is meant to be read by adults. Children under the age of 18, please leave. All the characters in this story are of my own imagination, and not real in any sense of the word. Any similarities to that of living people is pure coincidence. Joe and Don were sitting around the apartment they shared discussing life and it weird side when the conversation turned to women. After each had contemplated how they wanted to have the most beautiful of models, or movie stars to be...
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First TimeIf stories of heavy sex and incest turn you off then stop reading right now. Suzie Gets Even by Jenny Leeds Chapter 1 Jack glanced sidelong at Suzie as they rode the service elevator down to the street. She looked subdued. He guessed she was taking old man Bellows' death pretty hard. It surprised him--he would've thought she'd be glad. After all, the guy had been keeping her a slave, and he'd done--that other thing--to her. The elevator doors opened. She staggered...
Disclaimer: The characters here are all ficticious, as are the events. Any similarities to anyone "real" are purely coincidental.Husband dropped off at the station, kids dropped off at school, Karen lay back on her sofa and logged on. Four unread messages, three friends online - the screen advised her. Within seconds the first request to chat appeared. Martin says: I'm so glad you're here, I hope you're well. xx A smirk crept across her face, she slid her laptop a little further down her...
Straight SexChapter Two: Denice's Naughty Favors By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Denice Jenning's Week, Tuesday “Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned as Tanisha rammed her futa-dick in and out of my pussy. The African-American futa had me pinned against the hallway's wall. She was fucking her big, Black girl-cock in and out of my cunt. My naked body pressed against her clothed flesh. She'd only hiked her skirt and shoved down her panties to fuck me. I felt her round breasts through her top, her nipples...
"Get a message to Bob Zaglinder. Tell him it's time to feed the ducks. Noon today ... he'll understand," Presidential Chief of Staff Barnes called out to his secretary in her outer office. "Right away, Chief. You've got that missile defense contract group coming in at 12:15. Do I cancel, or reschedule?" "Tell them to go ... oh, never mind. Reschedule. Tell them to make it dinner, a free evening next week, on their dime. A really big dime or it isn't worth wasting my time." "You...
Simon’s story The disco was rubbish. Held in the function room of a pub hotel it was about as festive as an undertaker’s reception room. I'd been sitting there alone, quietly drinking my beer, whilst resentfully watching all my mates on the dance floor. I couldn’t believe their behaviour, taking every chance they have to get a quick feel and what’s more I couldn’t believe the women were letting them get away with it. I knew my feelings were born in jealousy. Despite my good looks and rugby...
Quickie SexWaiting. The underwear I’ve worn throughout the day in the corner of the room. That’s not allowed now. I’m covered with a sheet, my piercings making an appearance as my nipples harden at the thought of what could happen when he gets home. I roll over, brushing them against the sheet sending a wave of tingles down my spine to the hollow of my back. Time goes so slowly. I can feel a wetness between my thighs, increased by the knowledge that I’m not allowed to touch. To ease the ache that...
I was young and drove like 100 miles to the only adult book store in the biggest town in the state. It took me a couple of hours to get there and by the time I did I was so horny my cock was leaking precum. I had never really been in an adult book store that had movie booths so I kind of roamed around the bookstore until I saw other men come in and get quarters and head to the back. Once I got quarters and headed back to see what they were all doing I was amazed. I found a booth and put in some...
I come in the bedroom and you were lying in bed wearing nothing but a black shear thong with black stockings and your 7 inch black strappy heels . There was a pair of your torn stockings on the chair in the corner I picked them up and kissed you on the back waking you up . I pulled your arms behind your back and tied your wrist together with one stocking .Next I use the other one and tied your ankles together so you could not go anywhere . I started caressing your ass then I shocked you with a...
Hi readers . Aayush here . Main apko apna real experience batane aya hoon . Or kisi ki talash me jo satisfied na ho . Koi bhabi yaa aunty yaa ladki hi mil jaaye secret relation kr liye. I am from new delhi . New ashok nagar. Okay sidha story per ata hoon. Ye story abhi se 10 months pehle ki hai. Jis company Me mai job karta hoon us company me new joining hui ek ladki ki. Buhut hi hot hai wo. Us ladki k bare me batata hoon imagine kr lo. Uski height 5’3 inch thi color fair. Or figure to kya...
Here’s another true story from my past. Several years ago, I was in a situation where I would get an occasional call from a couple and I’d meet them at midnight when the wife got off from working the night shift. Ron was the husband and his wife was Jen. Apparently, Ron was not able to fulfill Jen’s needs, and I was more than willing to help them out! She had huge tits, a slim waist, and just enough shapely hips to balance out her huge tits so that she didn’t look too top heavy. One night, just...
This week we got Jordan Maxx, a surfer girl who just came from riding some sweet waves. We noticed her prominent nipples rings. You can see them under her wet shirt. We ask her to flash them. She shows us her perfect wet tits. We get her inside the bus for extra fun. We accidentally got her ass wet. She had to get completely naked. Preston Parker eats her salty pussy. He likes it so much. They begin to fuck hard. She moans so loud. After she’s done we leave her on the side of a bush,...
xmoviesforyouI dont know why my Aunty gets me into such situations. She insisted that I should take tuitions to her friend’s daughter since I had lot of spare time as my exams are over. I never expected she will come up with such requests, whereas I just wanted to relax in the top floor of the house, under a thatched shed, in my cosy cot, listening to music and watching my laptop of all the materials is offered to me from the net. But there was a steady stream of girls all wanting to study something or the...
Returning to our friends back in the hospital's Waiting Room filled me with feelings which were definitely bittersweet at best. For me it was the thrill of triumph; A great new successful experience. From Peter's part of my Spirit, I felt a depressing sadness seep into my consciousness. Now I knew for ten years he'd hoped, even willed, his sister to be alive before he'd passed on. He must have searched those seemingly endless years which now were proven to be totally in vain. Sara had...
“Do you think any of Uncle Sam’s eyes in the sky are going to notice?” I asked Hunter as we watched the special launch hanger from the control tower. From above, there was little to distinguish that hangar from any of the others. It had the same white gleaming walls with reflective silver roofing. It was the same dimensions as the others. We had even made the other hangars the same height, adding considerably to the cost, to keep the shadows identical. The differences were about to become...
At the end of his day, it was a tired Jason that made his way home. As he walked up his walk, he noticed a cute, young, petite, dark haired girl sitting on his porch. “I’ll bet you are the lovely Ms. Kelly Ann Black.” “Yes Sir. Please call me Ann. Dean Malcomb sent me here for orientation. I don’t understand why. I’ve already been through the university’s orientation class.” “That’s fine Ann, but my orientation is a bit different. You may come to enjoy it a great deal more than the one...
Our protagonists are no ordinary family. While they tend to stick together and stand up for eachother, in this family it is the men that are dominant while the women are constantly being punished. The father, John, and the mother, Kara, have been together for a long time and for them this is nothing strange. John sometimes knees Kara in the vagina when he comes home from work, he might smack her in the clit with a spoon when they are making dinner and he might pull her tits while they are...
FetishThis is a simple story and not too crazy or interesting, but it's the true story of my first time with a guy. This was back in 2001 and I was in high school. My girlfriend and I just made out all the time and I really wanted to know the feeling of someone other than myself playing with my cock. I started going into gay chat rooms. I initially just got a thrill out of chatting with other horny guys, but soon I started fantasizing about cock. I began chatting with another young guy who lived...
Meeting Lynn was quite by accident. I just happened to be online and she just happened to be reading one of my stories. After six months of the most intense fucking of our lives, I can honestly say we are made for each other.Her soft neck is right where my lips come to rest when I bend forward behind her. I love lifting up her hair and kissing the nape of her neck around under her ears and down to her collarbone. When she turns around her beautiful breasts and hard nipples are always in line...
BDSMI was sitting on the couch watching my favorite day time program when I hear a tapping on my apartment door. I looked out the peep hole. I was always suspicious of day time knocks on the door, and all I could see was top of a young female’s head.I cracked the door open and she smiled. She immediately launched into a speech that she was an engineering student at a local college and was selling magazine subscriptions to help finance her way through school. She said that for each subscription she...
HardcoreAlissya Kent returns to private.com in Private Gold, Horny Runners, armed with her big natural tits and awesome ass, and today she’s looking for some exercises to further improve that incredible body. Her lucky coach Nick Moreno has something in mind and soon Alissya’s tight leggings are broken apart to reveal that incredible booty as she gets oiled up and ready for a proper good pounding. Watch and enjoy the spectacle of Alissya in action as she shows off her skills, sucking, titty fucking,...
xmoviesforyouJanie was lost. She had been wandering up and down the little alleyways of this infernal city for hours now. She had been pawed at by scab covered beggars lying in the streets, robbed by a little street urchin of her purse, which contained her wallet, passport and Visa, AND she was hot, thirsty, and very tired. If she could just find a main street and ask someone who spoke English where the Embassy was, she’d be happy. Turning a corner, she almost walked into a man dressed in exquisite...
The Reverend Aaron Aikens really wished he could cum right now. It was obvious just from looking at him. He was hard as a rock, and the head of his cock was an angry, purplish red as he stroked up and down the shaft. But somehow, no matter how close he got, no matter how hard he pumped his fist over the sensitive flesh, he just couldn’t cum. He wasn’t the only one, either. He saw out of the corner of his eye that the other men from his Light of the Lord Television Ministries had the same...
Hello ISS readers.. I am Rihan rai and I live and delhi.. If any girl or lady wants to get fucked and want some fun then mail me at Meri kahani start hoti hai iss pe story likhne se. Maine jbb apni 3rd story likhi to uske kuch din baad mjhe ek ladki ka reply aaya. Then we started chatting. Her name was shruti. Then she asked me to share our whatsapp no. I gave her my no. Thn she texted me after 2-3 hrs. As we dont know anything about her except names. Fir hamne ek doosre ko or janna start kiya...
*This is my first story so all feedback would be appreciated* Growing up I lived in a small neighborhood where my best friend lived right across the street from me. I found myself over at her house almost every day. She had three brothers but only one that lived with her. He was about five years older than me and I had an innocent crush on him. At the age of 13 my mother got re-married and we had to move 30 minutes away to a bigger house for her new husband and his four kids. I had completely...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Fourteen: Highway US-12 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Saturday, July 9th, 2072 – Rex Glassner – Longview, WA I liked Longview, Washington. The city was built along the Columbia River right where it turned back west for the Pacific, leaving the ruins of I-5 behind. And the city of Longview liked us. They worshiped my dad. There were still statues of my dad and his wife Mary around. And a temple full of beautiful...
If you grew up with a Voyeur Papa, you probably spent your days searching all the clocks and light fixtures for hidden cameras. Then again, maybe you shared in the bounty, trading secretly filmed videos back and forth, relishing in every naked, unaware booby. Perhaps you were or still are the Voyeur Papa, lurking in the walls and shooting spycam videos of pretty girls getting dressed, taking showers, pissing or getting laid.Then again, maybe you’re just a fan of VoyeurPapa.com, a voyeur blog...
Free Porn Download SitesHi Friends. I am Isha Bhandari frm Chandigarh. I am 21 yrs old. I am B.Sc student. I am a big fan of ISS. I got many ideas to seduce my brother from this site. In my story, I will tell u that how i get my brother for every night. His name is Robbin. He is 3 yrs elder than me. He has an athletic physique. He is doing MBA. We r living in 3 room set flat. One room for our parents, one for me & one for my brother. My & my brother’s room is at ground floor & our parents room is at 1st floor....
IncestExtraction Day, or "E-Day" as the Haywood daughters had been referring to it, dawned cool but clear. By 9:00, Marianne had finished with the checklist, confirmed that all members of all the families were present and accounted for. By 9:30, everyone was hearing the momentous news: a scoop type extraction. Everyone who wanted to go was going immediately, without the usual "cattle call". The sorting out of which concubine belonged to which sponsor would be done in orbit. A quick poll...
Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 40: Homework Well, we watched the videos that we bought at the store. The famous female pornstars seemed to take on several guys a lot. That was the one thing our videos were really lacking. So far I had been the only guy involved, and Holly and Steph the only girls. So the next logical step would be bringing in more people. We collectively decided that the sex club is an ideal way to do this. It had been a few months since we had gone, so we...
March 1979 Melanie got the cast off her arm the first week in March. She had several fairly ugly scars on her forearm where the surgery had been done. Her arm was pretty weak, and she’d need quite a bit of physical therapy. She still tired easily, but otherwise seemed to be doing well. Kathy Will continued to be nice to me, but I wasn’t doing anything more than being nice back. She made it very clear what she wanted, but I wasn’t interested. I asked Jennifer about her thoughts on a date...