Arabian Nights Virtual World
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Janie was lost. She had been wandering up and down the
little alleyways of this infernal city for hours now.
She had been pawed at by scab covered beggars lying in
the streets, robbed by a little street urchin of her
purse, which contained her wallet, passport and Visa,
AND she was hot, thirsty, and very tired. If she could
just find a main street and ask someone who spoke
English where the Embassy was, she’d be happy. Turning
a corner, she almost walked into a man dressed in
exquisite colorful silks.
“I beg your pardon!” she exclaimed.
“No, let me beg yours,” the man replied in perfect
English. “You appear to be lost, my lady.”
“Oh thank god you speak my language!” Janie said,
relieved. “Yes, I’m dreadfully lost! Can you tell me
where the American Embassy is?”
“I can take you there myself,” said the man bowing.
“But first, please come into my shop and have a glass
of refreshing cold tea. You look tired and hot, and the
Embassy is a good walk from here.” He pointed to an
open doorway that seemed to lead into a small carpet
shop. Janie nodded, and followed him in.
Inside, a small fan was cooling the air, and the man
pointed to a couple plush pillows on the floor in front
of it.
“Please, have a seat. My name is Rashid. I will fetch
you the drink.”
Janie told the man her name, and thanked him. He
disappeared through a doorway in the back, and Janie
sank down into the comforting pillows and closed her
She opened them when Rashid brought her the glass of
tea. She sipped from it and told him her troubles.
Halfway through, she realized that there was something
wrong. Her voice sounded blurred, and her sight was
getting fuzzy. Rashid’s face was smiling as it swam in
and out of her view. Before she lost consciousness, she
thought to herself, “I’ve been drugged! What else can
go wrong now?”
When Janie awoke, she felt very alienated. Then she
remembered Rashid, and the tea. With a strangled cry,
she tried to sit up, only to find that her wrists and
ankles had been tied. She looked around and saw that
she was lying in a dim storeroom, on a couple sacks of
what appeared to be flour. She struggled, trying to
free herself, but to no avail. Then the door to the
room opened, and Rashid walked in. He smiled at her.
“Awake already? Good. Now, there is no point in
screaming, because you are now in a section of our city
that does not permit free foreigners. So no-one will
“Why am I here?” Janie asked in a trembling voice. “Are
you going to ask for a ransom?”
Rashid threw his head back and laughed, baring his
pearl white teeth. “No, my dear, we can get so much
more for you from the wealthy sultanates, than we could
from your family or government… White Americans are a
rare and valuable commodity here.”
Janie’s eyes widened in horror, “You’re going to SELL
me to some rich man? You Bastard!”
Rashid smiled again. “I’d watch your language if I were
you,” he said slowly. “Your new master might decide to
have your tongue removed…after all, it isn’t your
talk he will want from you.”
Janie gasped in horror but said nothing. She knew
enough of this Mid-Eastern culture to know that what
Rashid said was not an idle threat. She turned her head
away from him and fought the tears of despair. Rashid
leaned over and cut the binds on her feet.
“Come with me now. We must get you prepared.”
After her “preparation” which consisted of removing her
clothes and having her naked body oiled down by several
old women, her hands were rebound, and she was lead out
into a small courtyard with a small square stage in the
middle. The courtyard was full of Arabs, milling about,
waiting for the next bidding to start. They whistled in
appreciation as Janie was led up upon the stage. Her
hands were pulled up high above her head and fastened
to a metal bar that was built up out of the stage.
She saw the greedy looks on the faces around her and
closed her eyes, her body shaking with shame and
revulsion. Then the bidding started. Rashid egged the
crowd on, pulling at her nipples to demonstrate how
supple they were, pulling her legs apart and letting
the bidders tug at her pubic hair, and poke their dirty
fingers into her cunt.
After about a half hour of demonstration and bidding, a
final bid was reached, and Janie was untied from the
bar, and led down off the stage, and off into a small
room with her purchaser.
The man who had bought her was fat and smelled of
spice. He eagerly counted off the bills and gave them
to Rashid who pocketed the money, smiling. Then Rashid
left the room, leaving Janie with her hated owner. To
her surprise, this Arab also spoke English.
“Ah what a beauty you are! My son will be most pleased
with you.” he said, running a course hand down across
Janie’s breast. She trembled at the touch, and tried to
turn away. The Arab caught her arm and threw her up
against the wall.
“It is good you have some spirit in you” he hissed into
the girl’s face. “My son wanted a spirited girl that he
could break himself.” Then he laughed.
“Come then, we shall go to my estates.” He threw a
coarse cotton cloak over Janie’s naked body, and
directed her out to where his caravan waited. He
bundled her into one of the compartments and directed
several women to fix her up. Janie couldn’t understand
what was being said, because he talked in Arabic, but
the women immediately pulled her over and started
applying makeup to her face, and perfuming her cunt
with a powdered mixture than smelled of sandalwood.
The ride was bumpy and long, but at last the Caravan
stopped. The Arab pulled Janie out and into a large
building. She barely had the chance to glimpse upon
several exquisite and large gardens surrounding the
house, before entering it.
She was led to a large room with marble floors and
walls, but hardly any furniture. There, the Arab rang a
bell twice and waited. Soon cam the soft padding steps
and around the corner came a young handsome man with
dark brooding eyes. He looked at the naked white woman
and at his smiling father, then broke out into a grin
“Father! Is she all mine?” he asked in a perfect
English accent. He clapped his hands together in glee
and walked up to Janie to inspect her.
“What is your name?” He asked her.
“Janie” she replied defiantly.
“Oh an American! How charming…” He turned to his
father and bowed, “Thank you, father for this gracious
“Janie, you must come with me…” The young man turned
and started to walk away. Janie followed, and his
father called out, “Hessian… she was expensive, so do
not be too rough, eh?”
Janie shuddered at those words, “too rough” and
followed the boy down a long corridor and into a room.
He shut it behind her and locked it. Then he stared at
her and smiled.
“You American women feel that you are the equals of
Janie wasn’t sure if she was supposed to answer, so she
just nodded.
“In my country, you are anything the men want you to
be… a wife, a lover, a plaything, a drudge worker,
something that can be killed without a moment’s
hesitation. I suppose my talking like this angers you?”
Janie nodded again. Hessian sat on a large pile of
cushions and laughed.
“I attended school at Oxford for four years, and during
those four years, I met and talked to many American as
well as British women. They all believed that they were
the equals to men. I wanted to prove them wrong, but…
well, let’s just say that I wanted to remain in school
even more. But now I have my own American slave to do
what I wish with… I shall enjoy myself.”
Janie trembled where she stood.
“I’m having a party for my friends tonight, and I think
you shall be the guest of honor…But before that, I
shall sample you for myself.”
With that, Hessian stood up and walked over to her. He
threw off the cloak, and unbound her wrists. He ran his
hands over her breasts, and then down across her flat
stomach. Without a warning, he thrust his fist into her
stomach. Janie cried out in pain and doubled over onto
her knees. Hessian laughed, and slipped out of his
silks. He came around behind her and knelt on the
floor. Forcing her head down to the ground with one
hand, he guided his hard cock into her cunt with the
She screamed at the penetration, and struggled to get
free. Hessian just drove in deeper and harder. He
released her head and groped under her for her breast
which he squeezed hard. She lunged upwards and managed
to throw Hessian off her. Then, sobbing, she tried to
crawl away. He grabbed her by her hair and pulled her
to her feet. His cock was still rigid, glistening with
her juices.
“Little spitfire,” he gasped as he brought his hand
down hard across her face. He pushed her against the
wall and managed to get her hands secured in the
fetters that hung there. Now chained to the wall, Janie
could just kick, which she tried to do. Hessian caught
a leg, hoisted it up, and chained it to a third cuff
hanging on the wall. Now her cunt was exposed. He
stepped back to observe her.
Janie struggled but finally stopped, panting. She felt
so vulnerable with her wrists high above her head, and
her leg chained as high as it would go.
“You, bastard!” She hissed.
Hessian pulled a short riding crop from it’s place
mounted on the wall. He walked over to her and rubbed
it against her open cunt. “Does that feel nice, bitch?”
He raised it above his head, and brought it down on her
tits. The crop left a thin vibrant red line across both
breasts. Janie screamed. He hit her again, across the
stomach, then again across her cunt.
Soon her cries grew horse, but he kept beating her with
the crop, his cock very hard. Finally, when she slumped
over in a faint, he stopped and cleaned his crop of her
blood. Taking a chain collar from a drawer, he clipped
it shut around her pale neck. Then he unbound her and
carried her limp body to his bed.
Janie regained consciousness in a few minutes, and
found her self lying on her stomach across a large
pillow, her wrists tied to the bed posts, and her ass
jutting upwards. Hessian brought his hand down across
her pale ass, and she yelped.
“Now, my feisty little slave… You didn’t like it when
I tried to fuck you one way, let’s see how you like
He parted her ass cheeks, and she felt the head of his
cock come up against her anus. She moaned, knowing what
was about to follow. He shoved in hard, and the pain
was unbearable. Her body bucked and writhed under him.
He kept thrusting in and out of her tight ass until she
started to beg for him to stop. He laughed and pushed
in harder and faster, grinding into her delicate ass
until he finally came. Then he pulled out and left the
room, leaving her tied to the bed. Janie cried herself
into exhaustion, and soon fell asleep.
It was dark when she was shaken awake by a dark servant
girl. There were five of them surrounding the bed where
she lay bound. They untied her, and led her into a
bathing room where they proceeded to wash the blood and
semen from her naked body, muttering in a language
Janie could not understand, as they gently soaped her
After the bath, she was dried, powdered, and perfumed
once again. Then she was instructed to put on some silk
clothes that barely covered her chest and her crotch
and ass. A leash was attached to the chain collar
around her neck, and she was led out and down a dark
corridor to a larger room. There, lounging in a pile of
cushions, was the hated Hessian. He smiled when he saw
them enter.
“Oh good! You are ready before my guests have arrived.”
He dismissed the servant girls, then led Janie out into
the garden. It was beautiful, and so large. The fresh
delicate scents of flowers wafted to her nose on the
breeze. Most of the Garden looked like a large forest,
with a tangle of trees and bushes. There was also an
exquisitely sculpted swimming pool, shaped like a swan.
The pool was lit, casting an eerie blue light across
the rows of exotic flowers and plants surrounding it.
Everywhere, hanging from the branches of trees were
little lanterns, and lamps. Janie sighed at the beauty.
“You like our garden, eh? Well, go out and explore it.
Seek out some good hiding places while you have the
chance.” Hessian said, removing the leash from her
“Hiding places?” Janie asked, suddenly feeling a chill
move up her spine.
Hessian laughed, “Yes, we are going to play a little
game at my party tonight. We will be the hunters, and
you will be the prey. Ah, I hear the door gong
sounding. My guests are arriving. Better hurry up.”
With that, Hessian turned and walked back inside. Janie
took a deep breath and stared wild eyed around her. The
garden was no longer delightful. She was about to be
hunted like a wild animal, and she didn’t want to even
think of what they’d do to her once they caught her.
She started to run towards the thick trees.
Her bare feet hurt as she ran on branches and rocks,
but that didn’t stop her. Already she could hear the
excited voices calling to each other in the garden.
They had wasted no time in commencing their brutal
game. Janie dove into a thick bush and crouched there,
very still, her heart beat throbbing wildly. She heard
Hessian laughing, then the sound of footsteps coming
very close to her.
Suddenly a voice cried out, and she was dragged from
the bushes. Her captor was shouting for the others to
come, but she tore away from his clutches, ripping the
silks that covered her chest. He lunged at the naked
breasts, laughing, but she managed to dodge him, and
duck into the thick underbrush. Now the chase was on.
Branches clawed into her soft skin as she stumbled
through them. The men were yelling and very close
behind. Finally, as she thought her lungs would burst,
she tripped over a rock, and tumbled over, rolling on
the ground till she smashed up against the trunk of a
tree. Then they were on top of her, tearing the
remaining silks from her trembling body.
She felt hands pulling at her, touching her over her
whole body as she struggled to break free. Her hands
were pulled up above her head, and her legs were pulled
so far apart, she thought her ass would split. Someone
forced a cock down her throat so she gagged, and
another cock was thrust up her cunt.
Fingers reamed her delicate and still sore ass, and her
breasts were slapped. She tried to scream, but it
couldn’t come out. Instead she was brutally fucked in
every hole, over and over again, by so many different
people. Finally, they let go of her arms and legs, but
she was too exhausted to move.
One of them hoisted her up to her knees, grabbed her
hair and pulled her head back, so her face was exposed.
She moaned and closed her eyes, refusing to look at
their sneering faces. She felt fingers digging in her
mouth, forcing her lips apart and her jaws open. Then
she felt and tasted the stream of liquid hitting her
She gasped and spluttered, but her captor held her head
tight, and kept her mouth open, forcing her to swallow.
Someone had just pissed in her mouth. She retched, then
threw up all over the ground. The man let her go and
stood around her with the others, jeering, kicking, and
She was forced to lick her way up one man’s legs and
then lick his balls before he beat her back down on the
ground. She had to start over again, until she was
finally allowed to suck his cock. As he got more and
more excited, he grabbed her head and started to fuck
her mouth, shoving in hard and deep. When he came, it
was an explosion in the back of her throat. She
swallowed quickly so she wouldn’t vomit again.
Then it was the next man’s turn. He made her kneel on
the ground with her ass in the air. Then he mounted her
like a dog, and thrust his huge cock in her ass. She
groaned with the pain, and grunted each time he thrust.
Another made her suck his cock as she was being reamed
from behind. The rest of the men shouted and jeered,
jerking off in her face, or whipping her flesh with
Then Hessian said something to the crowd of guests, and
they produced a rope. They pulled Janie up to her feet,
tied the rope around one foot, threw it around the
branch of a tree, and hauled her up, so that she
dangled there upside-down by her foot. They tied her
other foot to another rope, and secured that to the
tree branch as well, tying it so that the two ropes
pulled her legs apart. They left her like that while
they went off to get drinks and food.
When they came back, they had a frightened servant girl
with them. She was ordered to strip, and stand in front
of Janie so her cunt was just inches away from Janie’s
mouth. Then Hessian ordered Janie to lick the girl’s
“No.” Janie replied. “You can’t make me do that, you
twisted bastard.”
Hessian just smiled. He said a few words to his
friends. Three of them grinned, came forward and
started to whip Janie’s cunt with thin sticks. They
whistled through the air as they came down on her
delicate exposed cunt. She screamed and writhed against
the tree.
“Lick her,” Hessian ordered again. The sticks came down
again, drawing blood. Janie started to lick the
trembling girl’s cunt, darting her tongue up and down
the slit, probing her soft flesh deeper and deeper into
the vagina. The servant girl shuddered with the
pleasure. The sticks came down again, making Janie
shriek into the girl’s cunt.
“Suck her clit hard.” Hessian ordered. “Make her come.”
Janie obliged, grabbing the girl’s ass and pushing her
into her face, she got her lips around the clitoris and
sucked. She flicked her tongue up and down the clitoris
until the servant girl screamed and gushed into Janie’s
face. The men cheered.
Janie was brought down from the tree and her feet were
She wondered what other horrors they had in mind for
her tonight. She didn’t have to wonder for long.
Hessian had just fitted his servant girl with a strap-
on studded cock. They made Janie lick the plastic
obscene thing while the servant girl stood there and
watched. Then Janie was made to kneel down again, with
her ass in the air. The servant girl was made to mount
her, shoving the strap-on cock into Janie’s cunt.
Hessian whipped the servant girl’s ass to make her
thrust harder and faster.
Janie screamed with the pain to her already ripped up
cunt, but still the servant girl thrust. Several cocks
bumped into Janie’s face, and she was forced to suck
them one after the other, as hot come splashed in her
face. Then, despite her pain, Janie started to feel
hot. The friction of the strap-on in her cunt was too
much, and she shrieked as she finally came, then
collapsed in a faint.
Hours later, when she woke up, she found that she had
been bathed and put to bed, her hands chained to the
bed posts. She shuddered when she thought of all she
had to endure at that party, and at the things she
would have to endure in the future as well. Would there
be no release from this life as a slave? Could she
never escape? As she drifted slowly off to sleep again,
she vowed she would get her revenge on Hessian, and
that Rashid as well… But that would be in a different
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Continued from Arabian Nights - Part I When the music stopped the smoking had begun to take effect and we went into the bedroom. Reem led the way holding my hand and directed me to the bed. She stood the girls in a line and disrobed them while caressing their bodies and telling me that they all knew the rules. Anything goes. She undid Sabah's bra and as her dark hangers fell my cock came to full attention at the site of her huge chocolate nipples. Her areola were gigantic and the nipples big...
ARABIAN ADVENTURE. Living on the outskirts of London, England, John, His wife Angela, and their twin daughters Maria, and Madeline led an idyllic, middle class, life style. John who in his late 30's, and Angela a few years younger ran a small boutique specialising in expensive lingerie. Maria and Madeline who had just turned 17 were both still at collage, and the image of their mother. At 5'9" they had a sort of Nordic look about them, their large breasts exaggerated by their skinny...
A dirty dark story of forced incarceration, sex, pain and just plain misery replete with the fear of never returning to one's homeland. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis: He was a brutal misogynist who cast an international net to 'acquire' lovely ladies for his sadistic pleasure and resale. Categories Bondage Submission Involuntary Keywords High Heels Appliances...
Arabian Nights Pt. 01 By MicheleNylons© Michele felt the huge member buried in her anus begin to pulsate; hot, creamy semen flooded her back passage. She was lying face down on the huge bed; pressed down into the satin sheets and soft mattress, her own penis trapped in her satin panties was also hard and leaking pre-seminal fluid. She lay still as Ahmed, the man lying on top of her, emptied himself into her. Ahmed preferred to fuck Michele doggy-style and finish with her prone;...
Arabian Nights Pt. 03 "Only one word of advice I can give you; don't resist them," Sarina whispers into Michele's ear. "Thank you Mistress," Michele responds. "You won't thank me when they deflower your tight little arsehole," Sarina responds. Although obviously American she uses the English word arse, rather than ass. "I can't and won't help you once we are inside. You need to know I am not your friend; I am your Mistress. In fact I'm going to rather enjoy watching them take...
Arabian Nights Part Four - The Whore By Michele Nylons Back in her cell Sarina helps Michele undress. "That suit isn't too bad; you can just brush it and hang it up. That blouse will need a soak to get the come out of it. Check out your lingerie and stockings and if they have any rips or tears just ditch them. You get an allowance for lingerie and hosiery; the boys are always tearing them because they are so rough, but anything else you clean yourself or replace it out of your...
Arabian Nights - Part V - Defiled By Michele Nylons Sadan pulls his cock from Michele's anus with an audible plop. Semen mixed with lubricant run in a rivulet from Michele's anus down her thigh and soak into her tattered stockings. Sadan wipes his cock on the remains of her ripped panties and then pushes Michele facedown on the bed. "You have performed well my pretty putta; better even than this afternoon. I'm glad I waited to fuck your infidel arse." Sadan spanks Michele's...
Arabian Nights Part VI - The Conclusion By Michele Nylons Michele sat sobbing as she told Sarina about being taken forcibly by Jamhal, the Cabal's vicious pimp. She told Sarina how Jamhal had justified his actions because Michele was no longer unsullied. "Sullied, unsullied - it means nothing to the Cabal. You are their property and it is forbidden for anyone to touch you other than the Cabal or those they have given permission to do so," Sarina explained. "Like you?" Michele...
A dirty dark story of forced incarceration, sex, pain and just plain miseryreplete with the fear of never returning to one?s homeland.This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror.Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen.Synopsis He was a brutal misogynist who cast an international net to ?acquire? lovely ladies for his sadistic pleasure and resale.Categories Bondage Submission InvoluntaryKeywords High...
ARABIAN ADVENTURE.Living on the outskirts of London, England, John, His wife Angela, and their twin daughters Maria, and Madeline led an idyllic, middle class, life style.John who in his late 30?s, and Angela a few years younger ran a small boutique specialising in expensive lingerie.Maria and Madeline who had just turned 17 were both still at collage, and the image of their mother.At 5?9? they had a sort of Nordic look about them, their large breasts exaggerated by their skinny frame?s...
Dear Reader, Tanya suggested that I copy my diary entries and send them to this site for your pleasure. I have of course changed all the names to keep my anonymity and the real location of the palace is hundreds of miles from the location I give, in fact I doubt there is anything but desert in that region. Actually it was Najibah, First Wife of Emir Sheikh Ahmed Faizal who, when she found it, encouraged me to keep my diary and allowed me to write home, first by email and later we were able...
It is 1897, Tara and her English father are holidaying in Cairo. The holiday was going quite well until her farther decides to try his luck at the local casino. He soon looses all of his money and ends up owing a small fortune to an Arab sheik. In order to pay off his debts, Tara is given as a bride to the Arab sheik by her unscrupulous farther. The sheik is very pleased with the beautiful eighteen-year-old white girl and the marriage is soon consummated. Tara is a virgin, and on the first...
InterracialI have never been a true believer... to me, it seems the rich and powerful use religion to keep the masses of people under control... there is too much hypocrisy in every religion... the true believers seem to have their own agenda regardless of their God's teachings.Take Islam, for example, homosexuality is strictly forbidden and condemned, yet I saw and heard of many same-sex relationships while working in Saudi Arabia... and after my arrest and conviction on d**g charges, I experienced...
Belle continued to supply support for Princess Karina’s throne on frequent occasions. But this back-aching duty alternated with others. She was used variously as a holder, as decor ... stretched, trussed or suspended in numerous ways ... as a support, a footstool, a fan-carrier. Once she became the centrepiece of an electric standard lamp. These duties were of the lowest kind ... and undertaken by the newest members of the royal retinue. Never once did the Princess show any signs of recognition...
Hours seemed to pass. Hours of some of the deepest wretchedness Belle had ever experienced. For the agony in her soul was far worse than the agony of the weals blazing across her flesh. The tethering ... the bit ... the straw ... the stall ... the sounds of the other Ponies ... all a nightmare. Unbelievable . . . yet having to be believed. No wonder Belle sobbed her heart out. Sobbed till she was weak with exhaustion. And those who heard her fully understood. Then, at some time, Sven returned....
FLASHBACK “You are being consigned to the Stables, Belle.” It was Madame Vesta who spoke ... and Belle shuddered at the hideous impact of the words. This was the fate most dreaded by all the slave-girls of Quireme. But it was never escaped by those who were fit and strong, tall and well-built. As Belle was. Very much so. She had an almost irrepressible urge to fling herself at Madame Vesta’s booted feet and beg and plead for escape. But, not only was she aware that it would be quite useless,...
For four more weeks, Belle continued to perform her duties ... the most menial, it not the most arduous in the whole retinue. And it would seem she performed them satisfactorily because not once was she summoned to feel Miss Reva’s whip. Indeed, apart from a few stinging slaps from Overseers, Belle was uns**thed as far as punishment was concerned. It was, by far, the longest period since she had become a slave. Throughout all this time, when not on duty, she wore the anal device which was...
FLASHBACK Waiting to be punished was the worst of all. They knew it. That’s why there were often long drawn-out hours between the pronouncement of a punishment and its administration. Hassan’s words were of the previous night were still in Belle’s ears when she awoke the following morning. “For your carelessness, slave, you are to be birched,” he had said. “It will take place tomorrow afternoon. And it will take place before the ladies and gentlemen you offended.” Offended? Could it be said she...
FLASHBACK It was the recurring nightmare of the Training Room. She and Nadine had been brought there again. She and the tall, red-headed Romanian had arrived together and were being trained together. Miss Vesta and her two bestial Mongolian assistants named Gog and Magog were there. Hating herself for doing it, Isabel (as she was still known then) sank to her knees before the leather-clad overseer. She was not accustomed to being naked then and the shame of it was like a brand. She clasped her...
FLASHBACK “So this is Belle is it? As she remained kneeling, awaiting Miss Reva’s return, Belle’s mind went back to the first time that had been said to her. Her training was over ... and she had just received her slave-name. She was, of course, unfamiliar with it The person who enquired was a fat middle-aged German by the name of Herman. He had just led her on a collar and chain into his suite ... and he accompanied his words with a hearty slap on Belle’s bare bottom. “Y-Yes ... Master,” she...
BELLE, STILL FEELING the sharp sting of the weals raised by Miss Lirium, began to assimilate the information just given to her. Of course, she was quite familiar with such pain — and worse. It was simply part of the everyday existence of a slave-girl and had to be borne. Belle accepted it, not even feeling any resentment against the tall, striking-looking woman before whom she now knelt submissively, hands clasped at the back of her head. After all, it was no more than the duty of an Overseer...
INTERMISSION„Yes, what is it, Kemal?“The Turk bowed low before the supreme power of Quireme. He had asked for an audience of Princess Karina, hoping she would grant an extension of the period of ‘Pony Service’ for his two Top Honor charges, Black Beauty and Saucy Lady. Since the Princess enjoyed driving this team, he had high hopes.However, his hopes were soon dashed.„I’m afraid not, Kemal,“ replied the Princess when he had made this request. „Those two are required back in the Harem.“Kemal...
„I shall go to the races this afternoon,“ announced Princess Karina.„Yes, Highness.“ Kemal, Head of Stables, bowed low. „Will you be racing yourself, Highness?“„I will.“„Black Beauty and Saucy Lady will be in immaculate condition, Highness.“The faintest trace of a smile flickered over the tall, dark, flashing-eyed woman. „As always,“ she murmured.„Thank you, Highness.“Kemal bowed low again and made his way from the royal chamber. He was pleased. It was always a good thing to have Princess...
INTERMISSIONKemal, Head of Stables, was making one of his regular inspections. The middle-aged, fat, balding Turk, wearing a white silk shirt and leather riding breeches, entered the Main Stable first. The first two stalls were occupied by the prize Ponies, Black Beauty and Saucy Lady. Since both had had a quiet afternoon, there had been no need to hose and rub them down and they were as cool and unmarked as when they had lefttheir stalls earlier.Black Beauty’s coal-black ‘coat’ was glistening...
INTERMISSIONColonel Perez contemplated the lush, naked bottom before him. It was nice and plump. Very soft and white. As the Colonel liked them. Even so, the bottom was not as large as he would have wished. For Colonel Perez had a penchant for the over-blown as far as women were concerned. He enjoyed them most when they were big-breasted and big-buttocked.That was the only thing he had against the Harem of Quireme, which he visited regularly when he was out of South Africa on leave. He had a...
INTERMISSIONMarjorie Marchbanks clamped her plump thighs to the cheeks of the slave-girl in between them.„That will do,“ she said. Her voice was low and lazy.The tongue which had been servicing her for a good quarter of an hour ceased its movements, yet remained in position. Marjorie Marchbanks sighed contentedly. She had been brought to two orgasms, had wanted a third, yet seemed unable to rise to it. Two plump arms stretched languorously; two hillockbreasts rose up.„I shan’t have you caned,...
Much of the planning of the new Stables at Quireme was carried out by Princess Karina herself although she naturally consulted her Head of Stables, Kemal, and his two assistants, Renata and Ingrid. This trio were already running the small stable which had already been set up - and which was now to be developed.At an early stage, in view of the increase in Pony Girls envisaged, it was decided that a new post would have to be created. That of Head of Training. He or she would be responsible for...
Meanwhile, Belle's life followed its early pattern. She was summoned up to the Palace perhaps three or four times in a week... and still always to perform the most menial duties. She either had some decorative use or something more functional like acting as an ash-tray holder or a drink and food trolley. In general she carried out these tasks to the satisfaction of the overseers and only on one occasion did she earn herself a punishment. Sheer fatigue caused her to become slightly unbalanced...
Nadine's FateFollowing their initial training, the paths of Isabel and Nadine had diverged. It will be recalled that Vesta had bought the twenty-two-year-old redhead Jewess, with such a superb physique, because she was very much a match of another girl already at Quireme. She had realised at once the two would make an ideal Pony Girl team. Vesta was even more pleased when they were put alongside each other. Their height was the same - 5-ft. 10-ins. - and their body measurements - 40 - 26 - 39...
Hassan the Overseer, the muscles of his gleaming black body rippling, pulled Belle to her feet by the hair."Big banquet tonight, my beauty," he said. "You'll be there." He grinned. "Not at table - as you once were, but to display your wares."Belle listened to the words with resigned despair. There was no more rebellion in her. She submitted as a slave should."Yes, Master," she said softly."Guests like to see tits like these," said Hassan, fondling the lush white orbs with his black hand. "And...
Despite heavy sedation and intensive healing treatment, it is not surprising that it took Isabel several days to recover from this terrible initiatory flogging. When she had adequately done so she was taken, along with Nadine, back to the I.T. Room by the two massive Mongolians who, incidentally, were known familiarly at Quireme as Gog and Magog. Both girls, unchained, stood silent, fearful, trembling... from time to time casting anguished glances at each other. Each was aware that their ordeal...
It would have been difficult to imagine a more remarkable contrast if one had seen this same woman little more than three months before. This abjectly obedient and submissive slave girl, known as Belle, had then been the spoilt and pampered, proud arrogant Lady Isabel Dysart.How this transformation was achieved we must now investigate. But first, a few vignettes to highlight her character and way of life.SCENE 1: The drawing room at Grange Manor, home of Sir Charles and Lady Isabel Dysart....
I had been traveling for weeks exploring the Egyptian Pyramids and surrounding areas I crossed thousands of miles of desert on horseback my body aching for attention. I traveled by night and camped by day the blistering sun showed me no mercy. Alone in my tent I would lie awake and dip into my fantasies for company, only there did I find what I had been searching for all of my adult life, only there was my master. He was tall and his build total perfection. His lashes were long and looked spun...
Michele remained tied to the chair, covered in semen, defiled and confused. She isn't stupid; she knows that she has been kidnapped and is being held as a sex slave and knows that there is going to be worse to come. The door opens. A voluptuous dark-skinned woman enters; her heels click-clacking on the tiles. She is tall, at least six feet, she wearing a black chiffon tight pencil skirt that emphasises her small waist and clings to her thighs, the hem rests about six inches above her...
Michele remained tied to the chair, covered in semen, defiled and confused. She isn't stupid; she knows that she has been kidnapped and is being held as a sex slave and knows that there is going to be worse to come. The door opens. A voluptuous dark-skinned woman enters; her heels click-clacking on the tiles. She is tall, at least six feet, she wearing a black chiffon tight pencil skirt that emphasises her small waist and clings to her thighs, the hem rests about six inches above her knees....
"Only one word of advice I can give you; don't resist them," Sarina whispers into Michele's ear. "Thank you Mistress," Michele responds. "You won't thank me when they deflower your tight little arsehole," Sarina responds. Although obviously American she uses the English word arse, rather than ass. "I can't and won't help you once we are inside. You need to know I am not your friend; I am your Mistress. In fact I'm going to rather enjoy watching them take you." "I have seen...
Back in her cell Sarina helps Michele undress. "That suit isn't too bad; you can just brush it and hang it up. That blouse will need a soak to get the come out of it. Check out your lingerie and stockings and if they have any rips or tears just ditch them. You get an allowance for lingerie and hosiery; the boys are always tearing them because they are so rough, but anything else you clean yourself or replace it out of your own money," Sarina explains. "My own money?" Michele is...
Sadan pulls his cock from Michele's anus with an audible plop. Semen mixed with lubricant run in a rivulet from Michele's anus down her thigh and soak into her tattered stockings. Sadan wipes his cock on the remains of her ripped panties and then pushes Michele facedown on the bed. "You have performed well my pretty putta; better even than this afternoon. I'm glad I waited to fuck your infidel arse," Sadan spanks Michele's buttocks and reaches for his robe. Michele lies there panting...
Michele sat sobbing as she told Sarina about being taken forcibly by Jamhal, the Cabal's vicious pimp. She told Sarina how Jamhal had justified his actions because Michele was no longer unsullied. "Sullied, unsullied - it means nothing to the Cabal. You are their property and it is forbidden for anyone to touch you other than the Cabal or those they have given permission to do so," Sarina explained. "Like you?" Michele eyed her mentor, smiling mischievously. "Like me," Sarina smiled...
Cairo was a city I had longed to visit... the sites... the food! I had a few days to spend there at the end of a long business trip. I found a nice hotel downtown, very centrally located, and was able to walk most everywhere. In addition to seeing all the sites the tourist guides touted, I had one more "must do" thing on my mind. I'd always had fantasies about middle eastern men.... not sure why. I think I liked the color of their skin... and that they always seemed so dominant. Regardless, I'd...
GayFrom A Society Girl From A Society Girl To A Slave Anonymous Chapter I All the inhabitants of the villageof Kronink in Scotland know the castle of Kelingtonwhich stands majestically a few miles outside of the village, and which neverfails to draw all the visiting tourists who are struck by the mysterious charmof its old-fashioned towers looming at the horizon and surrounded by the thickvegetation of an immense park. In that castle lived Lord Kelington, the heir of an oldScottish family...
How Jenna’s journey as a slave beganJenna had always been brought up as a proper girl. She was shielded by her parents in aspects of her life. Now at the age of 19 she had just gotten her first computer with internet access. She could not wait to go upstairs and use her pc with the internet. But she was stuck helping her mom with the cleaning of the house for her moms work guests that where coming over. Jenna’s mother came into the room at 6:30 and said she could do what she wanted for the rest...
Blue collar Master, white collar slave. 3by 2NN This story depicts homosexuality and very extreme S&M. If you are aminor or this offends you, go elsewhere now. PrologueI sit on the couch in my owner's house, dressed every bit theslave I am. My body from the tips of my toes to my eyelashes iscompletely and permanently hairless, smooth, soft and beautifullytanned. My upper body is clad in a thin, soft and pink rubber T-shirtand my ass is clad in a pair of outrageously short and...
Submissive slave Kara was lost. All the men she dated just seemed superficial and bland. She needed more or less, she didn’t know. Then she met Phil. He owned his own company and was into the import and export of goods from Africa and Indonesia. He was the most confidant man she had ever known but until she landed the secretary job she only knew his name and his reputation as a businessman. On their first real date they ate a lite dinner and he invited her to his place. They had had lunch in...
Not long ago it was a straight and stuffy white male. it was arrogant and self-satisfied with its white male social and economic leverage and advantages. In the rat-race of white society it suppressed its submissive white side. But from time to time it would slip into daydreams of having a Black mistress and becoming a white slave for the Black Race. it had been briefly married to a white trophy wife, but the demands of the rat-race of white society had brought that to an end. Like most...
Not long ago it was a straight and stuffy white male. it was arrogant and self-satisfied with its white male social and economic leverage and advantages. In the rat-race of white society it suppressed its submissive white side. But from time to time it would slip into daydreams of having a Black mistress and becoming a white slave for the Black had been briefly married to a white trophy wife, but the demands of the rat-race of white society had brought that to an end. Like most white...
Eunuch Slave to My Wife The Consent As my wife snapped the lock closed on the chastity cage that fitted over my limp penis, I didn’t think that that would be the last time it would be free, But now 2 years later I’m a slave to my wife and her sex partners, yes that’s all they are to her, After 30 years of marriage and a great sex life I was unfortunate to have a severe stroke, although I have made a full recovery, our sex life took a dive as I became impudent, hardly...
Olga’s note: Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight novels, wrote a short story retold from the viewpoint of a minor character, someone who walks into the scene of one of her novels and is almost immediately killed. In my stories, at least the ones so far, the first-person viewpoints of characters in my Aghara-Penthay shave all been women on special missions, or women captured to order, which means they’ve been missing out on the experience of a more regular slave – someone unlucky caught...
The SlaveAs it gets later into the night I realize my slave has had nothing to eat or drink, nor has he been allowed personal bathroom time. I excuse myself and head downstairs to allow him up to stretch and take care of things. I asked my roommates to fix him something light to eat and I grab a bottle of chilled water to take with me for him.I sit down on the side of the bed and he jumps, startled at my presence. I grab his balls firmly and ask him if he plans to give me problems if I let him...
First Slave By captv8td [email protected] 1Angela saw the slight nod from the woman. That was her cue. She stepped forward as she had a dozen other times earlier this evening. This was the last one so it would be her final chore for the evening.She stood behind the girl. They were all so young tonight; beautiful but young. The naked redheaded girl who was fastened to the short post with her wrists cuffed behind her trembled. Angela wished that she could whisper something...
Depending on the severity of the session the Mistress desires, any deadlines or measured pain can be adjusted upward or downward for Her amusement and pleasure. 1. The slave must eat his own cum. To my mind, this is a basic requirement, omitted only when Mistress is feeling merciful. Not only is it very humiliating for most men, performing such an act immediately after coming, when desire and therefore submissiveness is at its lowest level, is difficult for many. Drinking it from a cupped hand...
Evaluation of a toilet slave By: slave matt425The Evaluation BeginsDay 1?Are you ready slave?? It was Friday afternoon, a few hours before dinner time. She and i had been sitting on the couch discussing this and that, catching about life as it had been far too long since our last meeting. Though it had been only been a few weeks, it felt as if a year had passed since i had last been blessed to see Her. ?Yes Mistress K? is all I replied, trying to hide my nervousness. This would be by far...
THE MAKING OF A SLAVE By Betty Noone This is the story of Mark and Jennifer Jenkins. Married for twenty years, Mark was a retired dot-com millionaire at the age of 45. Not Donald Trump rich, but rich enough to do most things he wanted to do. There was a little over ten million dollars in investments which seemed to increase in value each year It furnished the couple with a tidy income of just under $500,000.00 per year. After taxes there was just over $7,000.00 a week, that is...
The Foot SlaveNervously my finger pressed the buzzer, within ten seconds the release mechanism clicked and opened the door, I pushed it ajar and entered a dimly lit hallway, a stair case lay in front of me, leading down to a single ominous black door, I walked down and knocked, ?You may enter? was the quick curt reply.Sheepishly I entered, and closed the door behind me.The room was spacious and painted a matt black with a cold stone floor, recess lights in the ceiling were dimmed to give a low...
Relocation By Choice Part I ?. ?Ladies & Gentlemen, in a few moments from now we would be landing at the Heathrow?.?.? I woke up to a crisp British accentuated English in my cramped economy class seat as my mind slowly recollects bits & pieces of my thoughts.? I check my seat belt and as the aircraft descend gradually I repeat a question to me which I have asked myself a thousand times now? ?Am I sure I want to do this???.? I am reaching London to serve a group of 5 men & 3 women...