Arabian Nights Virtual World
- 4 years ago
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Dear Reader,
Tanya suggested that I copy my diary entries and send them to this site for your pleasure. I have of course changed all the names to keep my anonymity and the real location of the palace is hundreds of miles from the location I give, in fact I doubt there is anything but desert in that region.
Actually it was Najibah, First Wife of Emir Sheikh Ahmed Faizal who, when she found it, encouraged me to keep my diary and allowed me to write home, first by email and later we were able to send and receive letters but to her the emails and letters were to stop our families worrying although the first ones had the opposite effect. She's a kind woman and taught us, me especially, to speak and understand Arabic and helped us through our time in captivity although when I first met her, I thought her cruel and callous but I now know, that was largely the result of our attitude towards her and her family. Now she is almost like another mother to me and I'm the daughter she never hand. She likes Tanya too but not in the same way. Perhaps it was because I responded more to her teaching the language and learning to read and write it, whereas Tanya learned enough to get by with speaking and understanding the spoken words, but didn't really get into it like I did and couldn't hold a long conversation with her or the Arab girls at the palace without resorting to English.
Princess Jamilah is the oldest and most senior of the Emir's many daughters by several different mothers and Najibah is not her mother, which probably accounts for the difference in attitude towards us. She is the cruel one. After our initial punishment and our 'debt' to them paid, First Wife Najibah and the Emir treated us kindly, whereas Princess Jamilah used us for her pleasure and pleasuring her was often painful.
Tanya Cooper and I, Rebecca 'Becky' Green, have known each other all our lives. We were born within days of one another, and indeed we were probably conceived on the same week at a seaside holiday hotel where our parents stayed nineteen years ago. Our mothers are sisters, which undoubtedly accounts for us looking very much alike although we are in fact, cousins. Both of us are about 5' 6'' and have light blonde shoulder length hair that surrounds our 'pixie' faces with our little upturned noses, but her 34'' boobs protrude slightly more than mine. Our personalities differ though, Tanya is outgoing and has a bubbly disposition and is able to talk freely with anyone, stranger or friend, whereas I'm more studious and do better with my schoolwork. I'm not shy but I tended to follow her lead until our adventure ended in disaster.
We went through school and sixth form college together and planned on going to university but that seems unlikely now. Neither of us were virgins when we left but I'd only had sex a few times and Tanya has only admitted to having a few more boys. You couldn't say either of us was promiscuous.
Our adventure, for that's what we thought of it at the time, started at the end of June. We finished our exams at the six-form college and, like a number of others from our group, Tanya and I decided to take a 'gap year' before going to university. However, we wanted to do something different to the others who were going to New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia or the U.S.A, and decided our destination would be the Arabian Peninsula and perhaps find our way round to India. At that time we knew little or nothing of the culture but decided we'd find that out as we went along. We'd have to be economic with our funds but we thought we might get casual work to help out and our parents put aside enough money to get us home in the event we ended up destitute in some foreign city. Luck was with us when we heard of a tour operator having two cancellations on a trip to Aqaba, Jordan's port at the top of the Red Sea, sandwiched between Egypt, Israel and Saudi Arabia. We got a two-for-one deal on the tour including five days in a hotel in the town, so we decided to use that as a springboard for our journey. Planning and packing was hectic because we only had two full days before the flight left but we were young and carefree and knew we could find our way around and take whatever opportunities arose. How wrong we were.
Tuesday 4th July 2006
We flew to Aqaba and, after changing planes in Amman, actually got there at the scheduled time, which seemed a good omen. Aqaba is a modern tourist town and, while they were not too strict about dress, we were told not to walk around in bikinis or flaunt our sexuality especially in front of the local women. We conformed to this except when in the hotel and at the pool in the tourist area. In the bar yesterday evening, we chatted to Ahmed, a local lad who worked evenings in the hotel and in the docks during the day, and when Tanya told him of our plans, he suggested we ask about getting a job on a coaster that took passengers and cargo and made its way around Saudi and into The Gulf, stopping at many of the ports on the way. That sounded like a good idea and this morning we went aboard the ship.
The captain directed us to the purser who spoke good English. "We have two Arab men doing the work and serving the passengers at the moment, but they will leave the ship at Jiddah and make the pilgrimage to Mecca. You can take over from them there. Your wages will be small but you will get your food and tips. In the meantime there is one small cabin free and I will charge you a nominal fare for it, if you agree to the work." We agreed even though the cabin wasn't much more than a windowless box with a double bed, a washbasin and a locker.
The ship was due to sail a little before midnight but we joined it before dinner and, not knowing the custom on an Arab ship, we dressed fairly conservatively. Our fellow passengers were two Arabs in western dress, a Dutch couple with two children (the woman wore a long skirt and a long sleeved blouse but otherwise was similarly dressed to us) and four Indian or Pakistani youths who were making the trip to Mecca. All retired early and there was no night-life and no bar on the ship. We wondered why there were so few passengers if we had the last cabin but decided to have an early night and then spent a long while discussing the adventure so far and where it is likely to lead us.
Friday 7th July 2006
Next day we found out the hard way that an Emir had booked a suite of cabins and food was served to his family group in his suite. At breakfast, we spoke with the Dutch couple and Marika, the wife, said we would probably get away with wearing shorts if they were a reasonable length, but advised us to wear a top that covered our stomachs. It seemed a shame not to be able to work on a tan in the early morning sun but we conformed at first but then seeing there were only the Dutch, the two business men more concerned with their laptops than us, and a few crew on deck, Tanya took her top off and when there was no reaction, I followed suit. Our bikini bras covered our breasts so we still showed less flesh than on a beach at home. However, when everyone was called to prayers, the purser asked us to cover ourselves, which we did but then Tanya couldn't control her giggling at the sight of all the people bowing their heads and the wailing that came from the loudspeaker system. Her giggles were infectious and I couldn't help myself and started to giggle too although I tried to control it.
The group on the deck praying, now included the Emir and his party, although we didn't know it was anyone of importance at the time. He was dressed in fairly plain white robes and the women all wore the traditional white or black burka that completely covered their body and part of their faces. At the end of prayers, the group filed past us on the way to their cabins and Tanya giggled again and whispered loudly enough for the women to hear, although she didn't expect them to understand our language, "The women must all be frumpy and suppressed to have to cover their body all the time. I wonder if they have tits enough to warrant wearing a bra?"
I knew she'd said the wrong thing when the older woman turned to us for a second and I saw the look of contempt in her eyes. "Shush Tanya, that wasn't a nice thing to say," I whispered back but she still couldn't control her giggling. We weren't laughing when fifteen minutes later four members of the crew came and dragged us below to the captain's office. We shouted and screamed at them but they ignored our cries or maybe they didn't understand what we said. The captain wasn't there but they made us stand in front of his desk like two naughty schoolgirls, which I suppose we were, and two of the men stood behind us to prevent our escape, not that on a coaster at sea, there was anywhere to escape to. Our protests and demands for an explanation were met with blank looks and silence. Presently the other two seamen returned and placed our passports and our mobile phones on the desk; they'd been in our cabin and rifled through our belongings. This brought further indignant outbursts from us but the men were implacably silent.
At the time, I knew we were in trouble but I had no idea as to how serious the trouble was. I guessed it had to do with our behaviour at prayers and thought we might be reprimanded and maybe put off the ship at the next port but my mental musing was interrupted by the arrival of the captain and the purser. "What's this all about?" demanded Tanya, "What have we done wrong? Why have we been dragged here?"
The captain thumped the table. "You girls quiet be!" he roared and then conversed with the purser in Arabic.
"Girls, you may not realise it but you are in real trouble," the purser started in a quiet way, "And the captain has asked me to explain it to you because his command of your language is not very good." He paused and then went on, "You are here firstly because you flouted your bodies in front of other passengers and the crew and we had a complaint about it. That in itself was not too serious and would only have gotten you a reminder of our dress code for women. Of much more import was the way you mocked our religious ceremony. We do not insist that non-believers take part but they must respect our ways otherwise the consequences are grave and in the not so distant past, your behaviour would have resulted a death sentence."
"Oh No! You can't do that surely? Not these days. Please, I'm sorry if we offended your ways and I promise we won't do it again," I pleaded but Tanya was more defiant and said that she only giggled a bit because she thought the sight was comical and couldn't help herself.
I saw the purser's face darken but he remained calm. "Had that been all, maybe you still might have got away with a short custodial sentence but you also insulted the first wife, the elder daughter of Emir, Sheikh Ahmed Faizal and his retinue. He is the ruler of a large area of the country around Yanbu' al Bahr, the port after the next. We have the honour to have his Excellency the Emir on board with us and he is most displeased with your behaviour and has demanded you receive a full and just punishment for the double disrespect. Again, until recently, the punishment was stoning to death in the market square and in some of the remoter areas, this form of punishment is still carried out. On a ship, the perpetrator might well be flogged until his body ran with blood and then thrown into the water as food for the sharks." I felt myself becoming feint and only one of the seaman supporting me, stopped my falling to the floor. Vaguely I heard Tanya protest and was again ordered to be silent. I do not know the truth of his statement or if he was just trying to frighten us but I suspect the former and he succeeded with the latter.
They waited until I'd recovered a little, but before the purser resumed, I asked to speak. He nodded and I apologised in as sincere manner as I could for what we had done and asked to be allowed to say how sorry we were to the Emir and his family. The purser held a lengthy conversation with the captain but we had no idea what was said until the purser went on, "Miss Green, I know your part in this was a minor one but the pair of you will be treated as one and the same. His Excellency does not wish to see or hear from you until you are punished but he graciously expressed the wish that you would not be put to death, instead he decreed that you both be publicly whipped and suggested a hundred lashes or until he decides you are sufficiently punished." Again I had to be held; the thought of even taking one lash of the whip appalled me and I knew such a whipping would scar us, physically and mentally for life.
Tanya belatedly started to plead and show some remorse but it had no effect on the outcome. The captain spoke to the purser who then relayed the message. " The punishment will be carried out in the morning a little after sunrise and until then, you will be confined in a storage compartment. When we get to Yanbu' al Bahr you will be taken before a judge to determine whether you have been punished sufficiently and he could award further strokes of the whip or a custodial sentence." We tried to plead with him but he was only the mouthpiece for the captain who in turn received instructions from the Emir. The seamen took us away and locked us in a bare room with no bed, chairs or toilet facilities and, for most of the time, the only light came from the crack under the door. We sat huddled in a corner and cried.
In the darkness, time passed very slowly but I could mark its progress by holding my wristwatch to the light coming under the door. Of course, at first I blamed Tanya for our situation but then realised that whatever happened we were in this together and she was the only friend I had at that time so, after some initial arguments and between bouts of crying, we cuddled and tried to think of ways to get out of our punishment. The only workable way we thought of, was to appeal directly to the Emir if we could actually get to talk to him. We agreed that I would be the one to ask as my appeals sounded more sincere than Tanya's. Then we had another theory, they were not actually going to whip us, and it was all a threat, but neither of us really believed that although for a time, it raised our spirits. For long periods we bemoaned our fate and the injustice of flogging two relatively innocent young girls.
At four in the afternoon and at nine in the evening, two seaman took us to the toilet and on our return, gave us a jug of water and a piece of flatbread each and the light in the cell remained on for about fifteen minutes while we ate. The night passed very slowly as we lay uncomfortably on the floor or sat propped into a corner, but morning came far too quickly. The ship's public address system roused us for the horror that was to come. The announcement was first broadcast in Arabic but we suspected it concerned us when we caught our names in the flow of words, and this was confirmed when it was repeated in English.
"Attention please. All passengers and off-duty crew are to attend the main deck in thirty minutes to witness the punishment of Tanya Cooper and Rebecca Green for the way they insulted our faith and the family of his Excellency, Emir Sheikh Ahmed Faizal. Attendance is compulsory except for the two children. Breakfast will be delayed by thirty minutes." Even with the distorted sound of the public address system, I recognised the slightly accented voice of the ship's purser. Tanya and I hugged each other tightly in the darkness and wept; we knew the time for our punishment would soon arrive. We were the reason the passengers were being summoned to the main deck.
The announcement hardly finished before we heard our door being opened and four seamen hauled us to the bathroom. "You use toilet, you use shower, you wear..." he held up two robes, "You have..." one of the seamen indicated fifteen minutes on my watch. Three left the bathroom but one stood in the doorway with his back to us, there would be no way to escape but at least he wasn't looking at us and we both needed to pee. If he understood my questions and appeals, he didn't show it.
At 7:20 the four came back into the room despite the fact we hadn't put on the robes and were naked and wet. "You put on, you come now. You no keep Excellency waiting." The one who spoke a little of our language thrust the robes at us and the men all tried to help us get our arms into the sleeves and one managed to squeeze my breast. I screamed, but, with the robe unfastened and loosely open at the front, they half carried us to the main deck.
Even though my eyes were flooding with tears, I knew immediately how we were to be whipped; the ship's two cargo derricks had been swung so their ends were about ten feet apart and about the same height from the deck. The hooks swung lazily a little above head height. My body shook with fear and I could barely move but the men soon positioned me where they wanted on a hatchway a couple of feet above the main deck, from where I could see the seemingly unreal scene unfolding in front of me. It was almost as though I was in a dream, but the wind blowing my hair and the smell of the water rushing by, told me it wasn't. Feeling like a woman on a platform waiting to he hung, I saw the chairs arranged in a semi-circle and the spectators filing in so they could sit in comfort and watch us suffer. The passengers took most of the rear chairs and I noticed the Dutch woman was crying and leaning close into her husband; the officers took the remaining seats and the rest of the crew stood or leaned on the rail and watched. For a short while I was just held facing them and then, before I had time to resist, my robe was taken off and my wrists bound to a hook. Tanya's screams and curses, told me that she was being treated in a similar way. I tried to remain calm in the hope that I could plead with the Emir but then, for a moment while the hook was being raised I wondered at their reasoning. They objected to us showing a little flesh and yet it was okay for us to be completely naked and totally exposed for a punishment. Shortly my arms were raised until I could barely stand flat-footed and a member of the crew turned me to face the audience. I blushed with shame at being so openly exhibited to the gaze of others.
Suddenly everyone stood and then knelt for the arrival of the Emir and his entourage. They sat in the front and I saw this as my only chance to appeal to him. "Excellency, please pardon us, please spare us, we didn't intend to insult you or your family and to make fun of your faith. Please Excellency, use your power to forgive us. Please, please, we are so sorry for what we did." It was a pretty pathetic speech and made no impression on him at all. He dismissed it with a flick of his hand.
I turned my attention to the older woman. "Highness," I had no idea how to address the wife of an Emir, "Cannot you find it in your heart to forgive us? Please will you not try and save us from this terrible ordeal."
To my surprise she replied in perfect English and I knew she must have understood every word that Tanya uttered the previous morning. "Rebecca, I am sorry but it is my duty to see that you are punished, and punished properly. In our country, insults are taken very seriously whether they are personal ones or ones against our beliefs. If we pardoned you, in a week or so you would laugh about the incident and make fun of us again. You will certainly not do that after this morning. Your punishment will be severe but not life threatening and I will personally see that you are cared for afterwards. I'm sorry, but you will have to endure it." Again the slight wave to show my appeal was dismissed. Tanya screamed at the top of her voice but for some reason I couldn't.
"They deserve all they are going to get and more," commented Princess Jamilah and I took an instant dislike to her.
The captain now came to the front and showed the Emir the coiled whip which he shook out. The purser translated for our benefit. "Your Excellency, Sheikh Ahmed Faizal, praise be to Allah for your goodness, we had no whip aboard this vessel but one of our crew members spent most of the night weaving and platting this from fine rope yarns. Will you approve of its use on these two infidels?"
I watched in horror as the Emir ran is hands along the three, platted tails of the whip and felt the knots at the end. He looked first at Tanya and then at me and calmly spoke, "Indeed it is a fine piece of workmanship and will last for the many lashes it will take before our pride is redeemed and their bodies wilt under its caress. May I suggest, my good captain, that the maker be allowed to use it?" He repeated the request in Arabic.
A lad about 25 years old was pushed forward and knelt before the Emir who spoke to him quickly and then to us. "I've instructed him to lay it on hard but not to cut the flesh. It would be a shame to scar your bodies for life." This did little to cheer us up. Someone turned us so that our backs were to the audience and then I heard the swish and microseconds later, felt the fire and the pain as the whip crashed into my shoulders. I couldn't hold back a deafening howl. Moments later Tanya screamed and this set the pattern for what seemed a lifetime-long ordeal. The whipper alternated between us and slowly covered our backs, bottoms and thighs with a tracery of hellish pain marks. Several times as my senses began to fade, a bucket of seawater was thrown over me, which increased my pain but kept me awake. At first I tried to move away from the lash but my movements were limited and my timing wrong and all I could do was to scream and squirm after each stroke landed. Tanya received the same treatment although after the first few lashes, my own pain was so great I couldn't worry about hers, or her screams.
As the whipping continued, my cries became hoarse groans and then, to my great relief, there came a pause and my spirits rose a little, thinking that perhaps it was all over, but no, it was only an interval for them to turn us around so they could whip our fronts. I did pass out several times when the thongs cut into my breasts and when the lash reached my sex and the last time, I failed to recover until they lowered me to the deck. I don't know whether they'd given me the full one hundred strokes or if the Emir called a halt. Vaguely I remember the robe being wrapped around me and being supported and carried to our cabin. When my senses returned more fully, pain seared through my body and, on opening my eyes, I saw a woman wearing a black burka standing by with a bottle of oil. Carefully and slowly she rubbed it on to my sore flesh. Alongside me, Tanya was getting a similar treatment. Both of us moaned pitifully with the pain. Whatever the oil was, it eased the fire but the pain was still terrible and I could hardly lie still for more than a second or two. The gentle massaging of the oil continued for some time and at intervals we were turned over so that our backs and fronts were equally treated. However, the movement of turning us, caused more pain and each time we cried out but the women spoke to us soothingly although we couldn't understand what they said, it seemed to calm my anger at the hellish punishment I'd received and my hatred for those who sentenced us to it.
Suddenly the door opened and our massaging ceased when the two women dropped to their knees and bowed their heads. Princess Jamilah entered. We were lying on our fronts at the time and after a short while she ordered us to turn over. Neither Tanya nor I could find the energy or the strength to move and the women were ordered to do it. The Princess examined Tanya first and to my horror, squeezed her right breast. Tanya screamed. "Yes you little whore, you need to suffer, that boy should have whipped you harder but maybe the judge will order a further session later." Her cruel words contrasted sharply with the care we'd received from the other women. When she turned her attention to me, I quaked in fear, but after examining me, she said, "You are just a stupid girl to allow her to lead you along paths you should not follow."
I stuttered another apology but she appeared to ignore it and left us in the care of the women. They stayed with us most of the day and helped us when we needed to go to the toilet and brought us fruit juice and food. By night time the pain was a little easier although our bodies still throbbed and every little movement sent sharp bolts of pain to our brain but we had to move frequently because we could only stand the pain of wherever part of our bodies touched the bed, for a short time.
Some time during the afternoon, First Wife Najibah paid us a visit and was much more concerned as to our well being. "I cannot take away the pain," she said, "But the ladies will do all they can to ease it. As far as I am concerned you have been punished enough and I hope the judge tomorrow will not order any more but again, that is out of my hands. I will pray for you and will do what I can to help you. I have enough knowledge of your culture to know that you will have regarded your treatment as grossly barbaric but to us, corporal punishment is a fairly normal thing and in our eyes, what you did deserved much more than the whipping you had, but I will try and influence my husband to persuade the court not to increase it further. In the end it will be the judge that decides. I'll leave you in peace now and in the capable hands of my girls."
I muttered my thanks and once more apologised for our behaviour. She looked downcast and nodded.
As you can imagine we had little sleep and in the early hours, I started writing this entry to give my mind something to do and to record what happened just in case we failed to live through the night but now several hours later, it is clear that I will survive unless further torture is inflicted on us. It must be one of the longest diary entries I have ever written.
Monday 10th July 2006
I'm writing this from my new home in the Emir's palace.
Early next morning the two women returned and helped us to shower and then put more oil on our welts. Maybe the bruising and deep welts on our bodies was emphasised by the oil but after the shower, the vivid, painful colours on Tanya's body showed very clearly and I knew mine was in a similar state. Moving was still very painful but the women made us walk around the room. They did it carefully and I knew they thought they were helping us, and probably they were but all I wanted to do was to curl up on the soft bed. Tanya and I hardly spoke but I know from the little she did say, that she blamed herself for our ordeal. To some extent I blamed her too and then myself for not having done anything to prevent it. Slowly under the ministrations of the two women my anger subsided and I began to worry about our court appearance.
We got our wish to lie down for a short while when the women left us but they returned within minutes with two black burkas. Dressed in these, they took us to the crew's dining room for breakfast. Neither of us felt like eating but I said to Tanya, "We must eat to get our strength back so we can get home if they deport us." We knew the boat had stopped and we were in port somewhere and I held a faint hope that we would be put ashore and sent home but the words of the captain kept coming back to me. "You will be taken before a Judge to see if the punishment we gave you is sufficient," and the comment the Princess uttered, "but maybe the judge will order a further session later." Later events proved my hopes of returning home soon were very wrong and we now know we won't see our families or England again for another year.
Most of the crew treated us kindly and those that could converse in English had some sympathy for our plight, although they didn't feel it was unjust, but they had no power or influence to assist us or get our release.
After a breakfast of bread and fruits our women helpers took us to the purser's office. Our hopes were raised, only to be dashed. "Tanya and Rebecca, you are no doubt wondering what will happen to you. Later this morning you will be taken to the cabins occupied by his Excellency, the Emir. You will bow down in his presence like you've seen others do and will remain with your heads bowed down until told to rise. He will talk with you and you will answer him with the utmost respect. Your future and, indeed, your lives, may depend on your attitude to him and his family. We will finish unloading in an hour and will sail to Yanbu' al Bahr and should arrive early tomorrow morning. There, I understand you will be taken before the chief judge who will view the punishment you've had and give his verdict as to any further sentencing that is needed."
"Will they whip us again?" Tanya asked the question that was on my lips.
"I cannot say. Much will depend on the Emir; the judge will certainly want to keep in his favour, and this morning's meeting with the Emir might sway his recommendation one way or the other." I got the impression the purser was on our side as he went on to tell us the protocols and give us some advice for our visit.
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Continued from Arabian Nights - Part I When the music stopped the smoking had begun to take effect and we went into the bedroom. Reem led the way holding my hand and directed me to the bed. She stood the girls in a line and disrobed them while caressing their bodies and telling me that they all knew the rules. Anything goes. She undid Sabah's bra and as her dark hangers fell my cock came to full attention at the site of her huge chocolate nipples. Her areola were gigantic and the nipples big...
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A dirty dark story of forced incarceration, sex, pain and just plain misery replete with the fear of never returning to one's homeland. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis: He was a brutal misogynist who cast an international net to 'acquire' lovely ladies for his sadistic pleasure and resale. Categories Bondage Submission Involuntary Keywords High Heels Appliances...
Arabian Nights Pt. 01 By MicheleNylons© Michele felt the huge member buried in her anus begin to pulsate; hot, creamy semen flooded her back passage. She was lying face down on the huge bed; pressed down into the satin sheets and soft mattress, her own penis trapped in her satin panties was also hard and leaking pre-seminal fluid. She lay still as Ahmed, the man lying on top of her, emptied himself into her. Ahmed preferred to fuck Michele doggy-style and finish with her prone;...
Arabian Nights Pt. 03 "Only one word of advice I can give you; don't resist them," Sarina whispers into Michele's ear. "Thank you Mistress," Michele responds. "You won't thank me when they deflower your tight little arsehole," Sarina responds. Although obviously American she uses the English word arse, rather than ass. "I can't and won't help you once we are inside. You need to know I am not your friend; I am your Mistress. In fact I'm going to rather enjoy watching them take...
Arabian Nights Part Four - The Whore By Michele Nylons Back in her cell Sarina helps Michele undress. "That suit isn't too bad; you can just brush it and hang it up. That blouse will need a soak to get the come out of it. Check out your lingerie and stockings and if they have any rips or tears just ditch them. You get an allowance for lingerie and hosiery; the boys are always tearing them because they are so rough, but anything else you clean yourself or replace it out of your...
Arabian Nights - Part V - Defiled By Michele Nylons Sadan pulls his cock from Michele's anus with an audible plop. Semen mixed with lubricant run in a rivulet from Michele's anus down her thigh and soak into her tattered stockings. Sadan wipes his cock on the remains of her ripped panties and then pushes Michele facedown on the bed. "You have performed well my pretty putta; better even than this afternoon. I'm glad I waited to fuck your infidel arse." Sadan spanks Michele's...
Arabian Nights Part VI - The Conclusion By Michele Nylons Michele sat sobbing as she told Sarina about being taken forcibly by Jamhal, the Cabal's vicious pimp. She told Sarina how Jamhal had justified his actions because Michele was no longer unsullied. "Sullied, unsullied - it means nothing to the Cabal. You are their property and it is forbidden for anyone to touch you other than the Cabal or those they have given permission to do so," Sarina explained. "Like you?" Michele...
A dirty dark story of forced incarceration, sex, pain and just plain miseryreplete with the fear of never returning to one?s homeland.This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror.Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen.Synopsis He was a brutal misogynist who cast an international net to ?acquire? lovely ladies for his sadistic pleasure and resale.Categories Bondage Submission InvoluntaryKeywords High...
ARABIAN ADVENTURE.Living on the outskirts of London, England, John, His wife Angela, and their twin daughters Maria, and Madeline led an idyllic, middle class, life style.John who in his late 30?s, and Angela a few years younger ran a small boutique specialising in expensive lingerie.Maria and Madeline who had just turned 17 were both still at collage, and the image of their mother.At 5?9? they had a sort of Nordic look about them, their large breasts exaggerated by their skinny frame?s...
Back on the road you glimpse the countryside rolling by, almost daydreaming the satnav makes you jump as it tells you to take the next off ramp, not having been to Sophie’s new home you nervously follow its directions down almost deserted roads. Slowing down to let a farm vehicle cross your path you quickly accelerate once it’s gone, suddenly the car lurches and the engine splutters cutting out altogether. You manage to roll the car to a stop. Jumping out you open the hood to see the steaming...
I put on my clothes and prepare to go to the gym. I like to go to the gym quite late when it's not as crowded. I put on a form fitting, light blue tank top and a pair of grey leggings. As I am going to leave I have a slightly kinky idea, I've always wanted to try wearing a butt plug to the gym. I've worn my plug in public before and even a few times in school but never while working out.
In an earlier story, I described how Jennifer, an online friend, challenged me to flash myself at my sixteen year-old step-nephew. At the time, Timmy was staying with us while is parents were away. My husband, Tom, and our daughters were also away so I was alone with Timmy. Somewhat to my surprise, I did as Jennifer instructed and ended up fucking Timmy. That led to three days of almost continual sexual arousal on my part. He was insatiable with an amazingly quick recovery time.It took me...
MILF________________________________________________________________________ My wife and I had hit what I would describe as a flat spot. We had been married for ten years. To liven things up we tried dressing up, yes both of us. My wife, Barbara, even dressed me in a crutchless body suit. Oral sex became just normal. Sex toys became boring. We needed a new experience to try and gain that “zing” that we once had. We took to the internet and chatted with other couples while indulging in mutual...
Yiet stands up. "Oh wow I drank too much last night..." She looks around and finds herself in an academic office with no door. There's a massive desk in front of her and a blue haired woman wearing an elaborate lace robe with a sparkling halo over her head. She has pointed ears, glowing blue eyes with slit pupils, and very large breasts. Yiet feels something stir in her and looks down with alarm. She first grasps her own enlarged breasts, then the protruding tip of her new cock, then she...
Fantasy© 2001, all rights retained. San Francisco has everything. Chinese noodles, Mexican tortillas or good old US of A hamburgers at four A.M. in the morning. Big titted girls with dicks in the evening. A hot mouth in the afternoon. That wasn't gender specific, was it. In this adventure Gavin, our sturdy pawn in the game of sex, drugs and Rock and Roll San Francisco style, finds himself at loose ends one Saturday afternoon. He has an urge for some solo sleaze so chooses to check out one of...
Katherine Jackson had been excited but extremely nervous since she received an offer to star on Dancing with the Stars. She knew it was an unbelievable opportunity and her husband was equally excited to watch her dance on television. Katie knew he was more excited knowing she would be watched by so many people and the fact that many times the contestants wore very revealing clothing. Fred would be returning from England soon after finishing his partnership with Allan and would be busy...
Berkshire, England, January 1866 Sleep did not come easily to Priscilla Marsden-Smith in that New Year's night. For the first time in years she allowed her thoughts to stray into the past, into those two years when she and Jim Tremayne had been engaged. Jim had been a shy young man, conscious of his position as second son, and he courted her with reverence. He always seemed awed by her acceptance and she vividly remembered the deep love in his eyes when she consented to the...
IF THE MEASURE of a successful Rain Festival is a pouring rain that drives everyone off the streets this year’s Festival was a total success. Saturday morning had dawned bright and sunny, but it was that kind of brittle sunshine that doesn’t last. In fact, the red sky at dawn had given its traditional warning, and the signal did not fail. By noon it was pouring and continued through the afternoon and into the evening. Sofía was buoyant for some reason. She said it was because she liked the...
Meet Na Bo-mi. She's what you could consider to be the average definition of an office worker to a tee. A young lady in her early twenties, frequent dresses up in suits and pencil skirts, does 9 to 5 daily jobs in a cubicle, the list goes on. But yet, there's an aspect to her that nobody expects: she's an exhibitionist! Of the especially lewd kind too. These are the adventures and misadventures of Bo-mi, as she either purposefully strips her clothes, or finds herself in situations where...
Welcome to Misadventures! Anything can happen; we are simply observant beings who have become malcontent with society and seek to entertain ourselves by altering the existences of mortals. First, choose the mortal you would like to play with:
FetishJanie was lost. She had been wandering up and down the little alleyways of this infernal city for hours now. She had been pawed at by scab covered beggars lying in the streets, robbed by a little street urchin of her purse, which contained her wallet, passport and Visa, AND she was hot, thirsty, and very tired. If she could just find a main street and ask someone who spoke English where the Embassy was, she’d be happy. Turning a corner, she almost walked into a man dressed in exquisite...
It is 1897, Tara and her English father are holidaying in Cairo. The holiday was going quite well until her farther decides to try his luck at the local casino. He soon looses all of his money and ends up owing a small fortune to an Arab sheik. In order to pay off his debts, Tara is given as a bride to the Arab sheik by her unscrupulous farther. The sheik is very pleased with the beautiful eighteen-year-old white girl and the marriage is soon consummated. Tara is a virgin, and on the first...
InterracialI have never been a true believer... to me, it seems the rich and powerful use religion to keep the masses of people under control... there is too much hypocrisy in every religion... the true believers seem to have their own agenda regardless of their God's teachings.Take Islam, for example, homosexuality is strictly forbidden and condemned, yet I saw and heard of many same-sex relationships while working in Saudi Arabia... and after my arrest and conviction on d**g charges, I experienced...
Belle continued to supply support for Princess Karina’s throne on frequent occasions. But this back-aching duty alternated with others. She was used variously as a holder, as decor ... stretched, trussed or suspended in numerous ways ... as a support, a footstool, a fan-carrier. Once she became the centrepiece of an electric standard lamp. These duties were of the lowest kind ... and undertaken by the newest members of the royal retinue. Never once did the Princess show any signs of recognition...
Hours seemed to pass. Hours of some of the deepest wretchedness Belle had ever experienced. For the agony in her soul was far worse than the agony of the weals blazing across her flesh. The tethering ... the bit ... the straw ... the stall ... the sounds of the other Ponies ... all a nightmare. Unbelievable . . . yet having to be believed. No wonder Belle sobbed her heart out. Sobbed till she was weak with exhaustion. And those who heard her fully understood. Then, at some time, Sven returned....
FLASHBACK “You are being consigned to the Stables, Belle.” It was Madame Vesta who spoke ... and Belle shuddered at the hideous impact of the words. This was the fate most dreaded by all the slave-girls of Quireme. But it was never escaped by those who were fit and strong, tall and well-built. As Belle was. Very much so. She had an almost irrepressible urge to fling herself at Madame Vesta’s booted feet and beg and plead for escape. But, not only was she aware that it would be quite useless,...
For four more weeks, Belle continued to perform her duties ... the most menial, it not the most arduous in the whole retinue. And it would seem she performed them satisfactorily because not once was she summoned to feel Miss Reva’s whip. Indeed, apart from a few stinging slaps from Overseers, Belle was uns**thed as far as punishment was concerned. It was, by far, the longest period since she had become a slave. Throughout all this time, when not on duty, she wore the anal device which was...
FLASHBACK Waiting to be punished was the worst of all. They knew it. That’s why there were often long drawn-out hours between the pronouncement of a punishment and its administration. Hassan’s words were of the previous night were still in Belle’s ears when she awoke the following morning. “For your carelessness, slave, you are to be birched,” he had said. “It will take place tomorrow afternoon. And it will take place before the ladies and gentlemen you offended.” Offended? Could it be said she...
FLASHBACK It was the recurring nightmare of the Training Room. She and Nadine had been brought there again. She and the tall, red-headed Romanian had arrived together and were being trained together. Miss Vesta and her two bestial Mongolian assistants named Gog and Magog were there. Hating herself for doing it, Isabel (as she was still known then) sank to her knees before the leather-clad overseer. She was not accustomed to being naked then and the shame of it was like a brand. She clasped her...
FLASHBACK “So this is Belle is it? As she remained kneeling, awaiting Miss Reva’s return, Belle’s mind went back to the first time that had been said to her. Her training was over ... and she had just received her slave-name. She was, of course, unfamiliar with it The person who enquired was a fat middle-aged German by the name of Herman. He had just led her on a collar and chain into his suite ... and he accompanied his words with a hearty slap on Belle’s bare bottom. “Y-Yes ... Master,” she...
BELLE, STILL FEELING the sharp sting of the weals raised by Miss Lirium, began to assimilate the information just given to her. Of course, she was quite familiar with such pain — and worse. It was simply part of the everyday existence of a slave-girl and had to be borne. Belle accepted it, not even feeling any resentment against the tall, striking-looking woman before whom she now knelt submissively, hands clasped at the back of her head. After all, it was no more than the duty of an Overseer...
INTERMISSION„Yes, what is it, Kemal?“The Turk bowed low before the supreme power of Quireme. He had asked for an audience of Princess Karina, hoping she would grant an extension of the period of ‘Pony Service’ for his two Top Honor charges, Black Beauty and Saucy Lady. Since the Princess enjoyed driving this team, he had high hopes.However, his hopes were soon dashed.„I’m afraid not, Kemal,“ replied the Princess when he had made this request. „Those two are required back in the Harem.“Kemal...
„I shall go to the races this afternoon,“ announced Princess Karina.„Yes, Highness.“ Kemal, Head of Stables, bowed low. „Will you be racing yourself, Highness?“„I will.“„Black Beauty and Saucy Lady will be in immaculate condition, Highness.“The faintest trace of a smile flickered over the tall, dark, flashing-eyed woman. „As always,“ she murmured.„Thank you, Highness.“Kemal bowed low again and made his way from the royal chamber. He was pleased. It was always a good thing to have Princess...
INTERMISSIONKemal, Head of Stables, was making one of his regular inspections. The middle-aged, fat, balding Turk, wearing a white silk shirt and leather riding breeches, entered the Main Stable first. The first two stalls were occupied by the prize Ponies, Black Beauty and Saucy Lady. Since both had had a quiet afternoon, there had been no need to hose and rub them down and they were as cool and unmarked as when they had lefttheir stalls earlier.Black Beauty’s coal-black ‘coat’ was glistening...
INTERMISSIONColonel Perez contemplated the lush, naked bottom before him. It was nice and plump. Very soft and white. As the Colonel liked them. Even so, the bottom was not as large as he would have wished. For Colonel Perez had a penchant for the over-blown as far as women were concerned. He enjoyed them most when they were big-breasted and big-buttocked.That was the only thing he had against the Harem of Quireme, which he visited regularly when he was out of South Africa on leave. He had a...
INTERMISSIONMarjorie Marchbanks clamped her plump thighs to the cheeks of the slave-girl in between them.„That will do,“ she said. Her voice was low and lazy.The tongue which had been servicing her for a good quarter of an hour ceased its movements, yet remained in position. Marjorie Marchbanks sighed contentedly. She had been brought to two orgasms, had wanted a third, yet seemed unable to rise to it. Two plump arms stretched languorously; two hillockbreasts rose up.„I shan’t have you caned,...
Much of the planning of the new Stables at Quireme was carried out by Princess Karina herself although she naturally consulted her Head of Stables, Kemal, and his two assistants, Renata and Ingrid. This trio were already running the small stable which had already been set up - and which was now to be developed.At an early stage, in view of the increase in Pony Girls envisaged, it was decided that a new post would have to be created. That of Head of Training. He or she would be responsible for...
Meanwhile, Belle's life followed its early pattern. She was summoned up to the Palace perhaps three or four times in a week... and still always to perform the most menial duties. She either had some decorative use or something more functional like acting as an ash-tray holder or a drink and food trolley. In general she carried out these tasks to the satisfaction of the overseers and only on one occasion did she earn herself a punishment. Sheer fatigue caused her to become slightly unbalanced...
Nadine's FateFollowing their initial training, the paths of Isabel and Nadine had diverged. It will be recalled that Vesta had bought the twenty-two-year-old redhead Jewess, with such a superb physique, because she was very much a match of another girl already at Quireme. She had realised at once the two would make an ideal Pony Girl team. Vesta was even more pleased when they were put alongside each other. Their height was the same - 5-ft. 10-ins. - and their body measurements - 40 - 26 - 39...
Hassan the Overseer, the muscles of his gleaming black body rippling, pulled Belle to her feet by the hair."Big banquet tonight, my beauty," he said. "You'll be there." He grinned. "Not at table - as you once were, but to display your wares."Belle listened to the words with resigned despair. There was no more rebellion in her. She submitted as a slave should."Yes, Master," she said softly."Guests like to see tits like these," said Hassan, fondling the lush white orbs with his black hand. "And...
Despite heavy sedation and intensive healing treatment, it is not surprising that it took Isabel several days to recover from this terrible initiatory flogging. When she had adequately done so she was taken, along with Nadine, back to the I.T. Room by the two massive Mongolians who, incidentally, were known familiarly at Quireme as Gog and Magog. Both girls, unchained, stood silent, fearful, trembling... from time to time casting anguished glances at each other. Each was aware that their ordeal...
It would have been difficult to imagine a more remarkable contrast if one had seen this same woman little more than three months before. This abjectly obedient and submissive slave girl, known as Belle, had then been the spoilt and pampered, proud arrogant Lady Isabel Dysart.How this transformation was achieved we must now investigate. But first, a few vignettes to highlight her character and way of life.SCENE 1: The drawing room at Grange Manor, home of Sir Charles and Lady Isabel Dysart....
I had been traveling for weeks exploring the Egyptian Pyramids and surrounding areas I crossed thousands of miles of desert on horseback my body aching for attention. I traveled by night and camped by day the blistering sun showed me no mercy. Alone in my tent I would lie awake and dip into my fantasies for company, only there did I find what I had been searching for all of my adult life, only there was my master. He was tall and his build total perfection. His lashes were long and looked spun...
Michele remained tied to the chair, covered in semen, defiled and confused. She isn't stupid; she knows that she has been kidnapped and is being held as a sex slave and knows that there is going to be worse to come. The door opens. A voluptuous dark-skinned woman enters; her heels click-clacking on the tiles. She is tall, at least six feet, she wearing a black chiffon tight pencil skirt that emphasises her small waist and clings to her thighs, the hem rests about six inches above her...
Michele remained tied to the chair, covered in semen, defiled and confused. She isn't stupid; she knows that she has been kidnapped and is being held as a sex slave and knows that there is going to be worse to come. The door opens. A voluptuous dark-skinned woman enters; her heels click-clacking on the tiles. She is tall, at least six feet, she wearing a black chiffon tight pencil skirt that emphasises her small waist and clings to her thighs, the hem rests about six inches above her knees....
"Only one word of advice I can give you; don't resist them," Sarina whispers into Michele's ear. "Thank you Mistress," Michele responds. "You won't thank me when they deflower your tight little arsehole," Sarina responds. Although obviously American she uses the English word arse, rather than ass. "I can't and won't help you once we are inside. You need to know I am not your friend; I am your Mistress. In fact I'm going to rather enjoy watching them take you." "I have seen...
Back in her cell Sarina helps Michele undress. "That suit isn't too bad; you can just brush it and hang it up. That blouse will need a soak to get the come out of it. Check out your lingerie and stockings and if they have any rips or tears just ditch them. You get an allowance for lingerie and hosiery; the boys are always tearing them because they are so rough, but anything else you clean yourself or replace it out of your own money," Sarina explains. "My own money?" Michele is...
Sadan pulls his cock from Michele's anus with an audible plop. Semen mixed with lubricant run in a rivulet from Michele's anus down her thigh and soak into her tattered stockings. Sadan wipes his cock on the remains of her ripped panties and then pushes Michele facedown on the bed. "You have performed well my pretty putta; better even than this afternoon. I'm glad I waited to fuck your infidel arse," Sadan spanks Michele's buttocks and reaches for his robe. Michele lies there panting...
Michele sat sobbing as she told Sarina about being taken forcibly by Jamhal, the Cabal's vicious pimp. She told Sarina how Jamhal had justified his actions because Michele was no longer unsullied. "Sullied, unsullied - it means nothing to the Cabal. You are their property and it is forbidden for anyone to touch you other than the Cabal or those they have given permission to do so," Sarina explained. "Like you?" Michele eyed her mentor, smiling mischievously. "Like me," Sarina smiled...
Cairo was a city I had longed to visit... the sites... the food! I had a few days to spend there at the end of a long business trip. I found a nice hotel downtown, very centrally located, and was able to walk most everywhere. In addition to seeing all the sites the tourist guides touted, I had one more "must do" thing on my mind. I'd always had fantasies about middle eastern men.... not sure why. I think I liked the color of their skin... and that they always seemed so dominant. Regardless, I'd...
GayJust enjoy :) "Get down on the floor and suck my clit, you're my bitch now" She said in a cool calm way. "You can't be serious?" I question her, puzzled as to why she called me to this dinner. "Oh I am, if you don't get on the floor and lick my cunt right now, I'll call your parents and tell them just what a cam whore their 18 year old daughter has become." She takes out her phone and shows me my parents number on her mobile. "Now do I press dial?" She asks with a...
Mackenzie Fairbairn, a beautiful young woman, is about to go through a series of misfortunes and mishaps she never could have seen coming. The day began innocently enough before everything began to go wrong. The question is...
Shhhk...Crash! Your naked body just went sailing through the air, passing through an automatic door before slamming against the bulkhead. Dazed and not quite sure how or why you're now laying in the middle of the corridor, you look back in the direction from which you came and see a very angry Andorian woman, Lieutenant zh'Thracia, standing in the doorway to her quarters, also completely naked. Her antennae, which you had just learned the hard way are NOT erogenous zones, point straight at you...