His Lucky Charm IIChapter 19: Misadventure free porn video

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Berkshire, England, January 1866

Sleep did not come easily to Priscilla Marsden-Smith in that New Year's night. For the first time in years she allowed her thoughts to stray into the past, into those two years when she and Jim Tremayne had been engaged. Jim had been a shy young man, conscious of his position as second son, and he courted her with reverence. He always seemed awed by her acceptance and she vividly remembered the deep love in his eyes when she consented to the engagement.

Lucius Marsden-Smith coveted her, too, but more as a thing he wanted to possess. This was why Priscilla spurned him and why she preferred Jim Tremayne. Lucius would never let up though, not being used to not getting what he wanted.

Then Priscilla's father had met that woman, a dancer from Italy, and he had become infatuated with her to the point of obsession. She was charming, she was beautiful, and she incited feelings in the widower that he had never known. He fell in love head over heels.

Aware of the competition for her favours, he bought her expensive presents. It took him three months and more than his entire fortune to find out that she gladly exchanged favours for gifts with all her suitors. His heart broken, and feeling like a fool, he was overwhelmed with the need to pay off the outrageous debt he had accumulated in the three months of his benightedness. His main creditor was his neighbour, August Marsden-Smith.

In this situation Lucius' father had made his offer to forgive the debt if Priscilla married his son. Twenty-year-old Priscilla was quite unprepared for making decisions of that magnitude. Breaking the engagement with Jim Tremayne ran against her feelings. It also ran against her concept of decency since Jim was away with his regiment to fight the war in far away Russia. Yet, refusing August Marsden-Smith's offer would mean ruin for her father. It would also mean that no dowry or inheritance for her would come forth and that, she feared, would end the engagement with Jim anyway.

Those thoughts might not have swayed her, but her father, mortally afraid of the bankruptcy, besieged her day and night to accept Lucius' courtship. After two months of constant pressure, the young girl relented, sending off the letter to Jim that he never received. She thought it her duty to inform his parents, but she was mortified by the abject anger shown by Jim's father. He called her every bad name he knew, and a few he obviously invented for the occasion, and she was in tears when she left Hamden Gardens that day.

The Tremaynes were not the only ones to express their disapproval: whatever common friends she and Jim had had, they sided with him. Then the newspapers came out with the shocking reports of the Attack of the Light Brigade. Those were gruesome depictions of the battle and of the high fatality numbers among the regiments involved, and they were a shock to everybody she knew.

Priscilla did not dare to show her face anymore in public nor did she want to. She did not sleep for days, realising that Jim might have died, might even have sought death in the terrible battle knowing that she had betrayed him. In her deep desperation, she went to see his parents to learn of his fate, but his father was beside himself in his own anxiety and did not allow her in. Then, when fatality lists were published, she learned that Jim was listed as severely wounded, but it was weeks before news emerged that he had survived his wounds.

Others had not been that fortunate. There was a memorial service for Major Reginald Pryce from Jim's regiment. Knowing his widow Siobhan Pryce as a childhood friend, Priscilla attended the service together with her new fiancé. It was a frog-march for them under the scathing comments of neighbours, relatives, and fellow officers. Somebody opined openly that Reginald Pryce had been lucky at least inasmuch as he had known the love of a worthy woman. Priscilla waited in vain for Lucius to defend her. He showed his true colours for the first time pretending not to hear the insults. For weeks thereafter, Priscilla rarely ventured outside her father's house.

In the meantime, Lucius had purchased the patent of Major Penniworth, an elderly officer in the regiment who wanted to retire. That was further fuel for malignant rumours, but Lucius and Priscilla's fathers used this to point out that Lucius had far better prospects than a mere captain who might return an invalid. All through the winter they hammered into her that she had merely decided for the better man. In the end she almost believed it.

At least, she pretended to believe it when she saw Jim Tremayne one last time. Lucius had bragged that he would certainly finish off Tremayne and make it clear once and for all who was the better man. In her dread over the mortal peril Jim faced, she had gone for a last attempt to forestall the duel, but the hostile reception made her say things that she regretted for years to come.

She awaited the following morning in absolute misery, believing that Jim Tremayne would perish and that she was to blame for it. Instead, the word spread by midday how Major Marsden-Smith had twice fled the sword of his opponent and had been saved only by spraining his ankle. Within days, Lucius was the laugh of the county while Jim Tremayne was praised as a true hero who proved his mettle even suffering from barely healed battle wounds. During the following days, Priscilla watched on with incredulity as Lucius refused to renew the duel, resting his thickly bandaged foot on a chair and complaining about the excruciating pain in his ankle. This went so far that even his own seconds ended their office in protest and reported his questionable conduct to the regimental headquarters. Lucius was the only person who was surprised when Lt.Col. Caldwell tentatively suspended his patent.

Meanwhile, Jim Tremayne had taken passage on a ship bound for Boston, and Lucius had missed the chance to clear his name against the accusation of cowardice. Strangely, Lucius showed no dismay over that. On the contrary, he seemed relieved that he did not have to face Jim Tremayne again. He could not understand why Priscilla asked for their engagement to be resolved. This was her final, pitiful attempt at rebellion. On the very next day her father was taken to debtor's prison, and August Marsden-Smith made it clear that her father would stay in prison forever if Priscilla did not marry Lucius. Facing complete destitution and being left without a friend, she gave in.

Her father was released from prison on the very morning of her wedding, and all she remembered of the ceremony was the hatred that she felt against her father, the Marsden-Smiths, and against the world as a whole. Strangely, it was that last episode that lifted the public condemnation from her. The bald-faced coercion had been noticed by the neighbours, and they finally understood Priscilla's dilemma. Even Robert Tremayne approached her after Sunday service and apologised for judging her so harshly.

This forgiveness did not extend to Lucius Marsden-Smith. With the regiment returning from the Crimea, Lucius' position became untenable. Col. Payden was livid over Major Marsden-Smith's conduct and his fellow officers stood against him as a man. Jim Tremayne had fought bravely at their side and they felt no sympathy for a man who had stayed behind to poach on their wives and fiancés. The resentment against him was so severe that Lucius Marsden-Smith saw no choice but to offer his commission for sale. Even then, there were no takers, for the officers of the 13th refused the tainted commission. In the end, Lucius had to relinquish it with a loss of over £5,000.

Using his contacts with the East India Company, August Marsden-Smith was able to procure another patent for his son in one of the native regiments in India. Thus, Major Marsden-Smith and his wife embarked on a passage to Bombay. Lucius' regiment, the 13th Rajputs, was stationed in Lucknow but it was decided that Priscilla would stay in Bombay until Lucius could set up a household. When the Sepoys revolted against the British in May 1857, Priscilla was still waiting in the relative safety of Bombay.

Lucius was already serving with his regiment, and on June 30 he was sent to reconnoiter to the north of Lucknow. It being a hot day and with insufficient supplies of clean water available, he seemed to have quenched his thirst with Brandy from his hip flask. With no enemy showing yet, he rode over to a house of ill repute that he frequented. The combination of heat and alcohol was his undoing. Not watching the path as he should, he allowed his horse to step into a rodent burrough. The charger stumbled and broke its leg. Lucius was thrown and hit a tree stump causing a spinal cord injury that left him paralysed from the hips downward. He was rushed back to Lucknow while the loyal men of his regiment fought off the attacking Sepoys.

All through the five-month siege, Lucius was confined to a stretcher with no other treatment but opium fumes, and when the siege was finally lifted, he was transported to Bombay for shipment to England. Priscilla, who had been without news from him for over nine months, was overwhelmed with the need to care for a man who had not only lost the use of his legs but also his pride and self-respect.

The passage back to England brought some improvement. Lucius went through opium withdrawal since the ship's surgeon refused him the drug. He was of clear mind and in upbeat spirits when they arrived in London. This was mostly owed to the fact that the other passengers had treated him as a wounded hero, as a man who had survived the gruesome Siege of Lucknow. In the first months back in England this treatment continued and Priscilla – herself ignorant of the truth – was even a little proud of her husband. However, in late 1858, another officer of the Lucknow garrison burst that bubble telling everybody who wanted to hear – many people indeed – that Lucius had fallen off his horse in a state of drunkenness while heading for a whorehouse.

While Priscilla had to face the fallout of that revelation in her daily life, Lucius found solace for his misfortunes in the accursed opium tincture, Laudanum. In her terrible situation the only satisfaction came to her when August Marsden-Smith apologised to her for forcing her to marry his 'unworthy offspring'. The old man never lived down the shame his son had brought down on the family, and he died of a simple cold in early 1859.

In the meantime, Priscilla's own father had recovered from his ill-fated infatuation, both mentally and financially. He was mortified over his daughter's misfortune which he rightly saw as his fault. He supported her as best he could but he, too, died in late 1859. He showed his love by leaving his estate in a trust. The trustee, Lord Lambert, would dole out the interest directly to Priscilla, thus preventing Lucius from getting his hands on the small fortune.

Soon, the monthly payments from the trust were the only money she could use for groceries and their servants' pay. Lucius controlled what income came from his father's estate and he used it for his own vices. Now, seven years after his father's death, Lucius income did not cover the costs for his habits and vices anymore and he had started to sell off his lands, further reducing the income. Two caretakers had resigned and the estate had fallen into dissolution.

Seeing Jim Tremayne at High Matchem had made Priscilla realise the depth of the misery that constituted her life. Rose Tremayne had been right, of course. Had Jim continued his career in the regiment they would never have become rich. He would have been a husband to be proud of nevertheless, and for Priscilla that would have been enough. He would have never met the red-haired beauty from the American wilderness and he would be the devoted, loving husband of Priscilla Tremayne. Priscilla knew without a doubt that she would be happy with him. She would have children from him and live the life for which she had hoped a decade ago.

She barely slept that night, and when she answered the call for breakfast from their old housekeeper, her long-suppressed, deep-sitting resentment against her husband was nearing the boiling point. Sure enough, when she joined him at the breakfast table he was already nursing on that accursed medicine bottle. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. With newly found resolution Priscilla snatched the bottle from his hands.

"That's enough! You are drinking away your estate and our livelihood. As of this morning one bottle will have to last you two days, one glass every six hours. That is what Dr. Claxton prescribed."

"Give me back my medicine, woman!" Lucius snarled.

"No! You have no pain, all you have is a craving for this poison! From now on you will get what you need and nothing more."

Lucius switched to whining. "But Pris, I need my medicine. The pain kills me!"

"That's nonsense! What pain? You claim to have no feeling in your legs. How can you have pain then?"

"You would not say that if you knew how much my open skin hurts."

"Yes, so you had better control your bladder! I know that you can do it. You wet yourself out of spite and that's what causes the sores. This will end, too! Every time you wet yourself you will forfeit the next dose of Laudanum."

When pleading did not work, Lucius reverted to cussing. "Damned woman, this is still my house! As long as you put your feet under this table and eat the food I buy..."

Priscilla interrupted him with an angry snort. "When did you last buy food with your money? I pay for the food from my inheritance, I pay the servants, and I pay for clothing. Since I pay for everything it is time that I decide, too. No more Laudanum!"

"Are you out of your mind, woman? I'll have you whipped! I'll have you thrown out of my house!"

Priscilla looked at him, surprised at her own calmness. "Just how do you propose to do that? Nobody visits you. Dr. Claxton will not come for another month. The servants will side with me because I do not wet myself every night. They will side with me because I pay them. They will side with me because they despise you and hate you. You have embarrassed me for the last time."

"Oh, it's because of that," he crowed, suddenly upbeat again. "Your old sweetheart saw you with your crippled husband. How did you like his red-haired hussy? He's forgotten you in her arms, believe me. She is far better looking than you are. Maybe I should take her away from him, too?"

Priscilla laughed for the first time on this morning. It was a laugh so full of disdain that Lucius cowered a little before her.

"How will that work out? She is married to an able-bodied, rich man. A man, I may add, who is a perfect gentleman and well-respected for his bravery. How do you think you will win her? Your father is not alive anymore to blackmail her. Do you think your crazy ramblings will endear you to any woman? Do you believe that a woman who enjoys the loving touch of her manly husband will leave him for a man who wets himself every night? You are but a shadow of the man you used to be, Lucius, but even when you were a man you could not hold a candle to James Tremayne."

He cackled madly. "That got your dander up! Hah! You're stuck with me and all the loving touches will come from my cane! You are mine and you will knuckle under."

"Oh, will I? Just you watch me, Lucius!"

With determination, Priscilla left the room and went into Lucius bedroom. She returned with the wooden crate that held his stock of Laudanum bottles. She picked up one and smashed it against the back of the fireplace.

"Stop that, you crazy bitch!" Lucius shrieked, unable to mask the panic he felt.

The next bottle crashed inside the fireplace, the contents sizzling on the glowing logs.

"Stop that! Pris, please! My pain!"

"Will you agree to my rules?"

"I can't, Pris! I need my med ... Stop! I'll do it. I accept."

Priscilla lowered the next bottle and put it back into the crate. "I shall lock this in my room. Mrs. Buller or I shall give you your doses. Remember: one slip, and the next dose is forfeit.

"Now we shall wash you and we shall cut your hair and beard. You will keep a civil tongue with the servants and thank them each time they help you. You will also eat this porridge. Do it!"

Priscilla felt utterly drained when she left the breakfast room. Their housekeeper, Mrs. Buller, intercepted her.

"Bless you, Mrs. Marsden-Smith! It was high time to put a stop to his madness, beg your pardon. You're doing the right thing, and I'll back you up all the way."

"Thank you, Mrs. Buller. I was hoping that I could count on you."

"Mr. Travis from Brompton Abbey lost both his legs at Sebastopol. Look at how he handles his life! He's serving as a councilman and on the church board, and how lovingly he treats his doting wife! They did a bad thing when they gave your husband all that accursed opium, but then again he was weak before. I cannot count the number of times when we had to carry him upstairs when he was still with the regiment."

"I shall consult Dr. Claxton today to ask about the best way to rid him of the habit."

"Throwing those accursed bottles on the dung heap sounds like a good start," Mrs. Buller stated.

Priscilla found Dr. Claxton at home. He asked her in and offered her a tea which she accepted.

"Dr. Claxton, I came about my husband. His Laudanum habit has grown into a problem that may be our ruin, to say nothing of his mental state. Do you know of a way to rid him of his craving?"

Claxton looked at her over his half-glasses. "Are you serious about this, Mrs. Marsden?"

"Dead-serious, Doctor."

"There is but one way: complete refusal of the drug. Laudanum contains opium, and it is highly addictive. Anything but a complete cessation of intake is useless. The results will be dramatic in the beginning. He will be rabid. You will have to tie him down and be careful lest he might bite you. This will take at least three to five days before he will calm down eventually. If he ever has another dose of Laudanum you will have to start over again. Can you handle that or should I have him confined to an asylum for as long as it takes to wean him off the poison?"

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Fifth Times the Charm

‘Hi, Jan.’ ‘Oh, Alex! Just a sec… Okay, so I see you’ve signed up to bring a dessert-y thing to the company picnic. How many family members will be coming, too?’ ‘None. I don’t have any family.’ Jan blinked. ‘Girlfriends are okay, too.’ ‘None of those, either.’ ‘Okayyyyy…’ Jan’s look must have implied mental gears shifting. ‘I’m not gay, either,’ Alex said with a little chuckle. ‘I didn’t think I could be that far wrong about you, but… If not that, well, it makes you not having a...

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The CharmChapter 2 Freed by Mom

As the months passed and the school year approached an end, Monica’s physical appearance changed drastically. First, the streaks of gray slowly disappeared from her hair, leaving her a thick head of lustrous auburn. Then the lines on her face gradually faded and her skin became more soft, moist and firm. Her body became toned, her gradual, round curves became sharper, wilder, and her clothes became baggy and ill fitting. All the beauty that had appeared faded came back into full bloom. By...

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ENF Exhibitionism Misadventures

Meet Na Bo-mi. She's what you could consider to be the average definition of an office worker to a tee. A young lady in her early twenties, frequent dresses up in suits and pencil skirts, does 9 to 5 daily jobs in a cubicle, the list goes on. But yet, there's an aspect to her that nobody expects: she's an exhibitionist! Of the especially lewd kind too. These are the adventures and misadventures of Bo-mi, as she either purposefully strips her clothes, or finds herself in situations where...

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Welcome to Misadventures! Anything can happen; we are simply observant beings who have become malcontent with society and seek to entertain ourselves by altering the existences of mortals. First, choose the mortal you would like to play with:

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 21 A Connection

Berkshire and London, 1866 At age eighty Lady Wilkes was still a person to behold. From the moment Rose saw her she was awed. Under white hair, a pair of blue eyes looked at Rose with honest friendliness over half-glasses that sat perched on her nose. "Ellen tells me only good things about you, Mrs. Tremayne," the old woman stated. "She also tells me that you were orphaned early?" Rose blushed a little. "Yes, I ... My mother died when I was fourteen years old and my father had died...

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 23 Pneumonia

London and Berkshire, Winter 1866/67 Colleen MacAllister was an astounding character and so was Melissa Martin. The latter was not en vogue anymore as a painter but that did not change the fact that her name was a household word. MacAllister on the other hand enjoyed a still growing popularity as writer of adventure and travel novels. She had also recently published a biography, For the Sake of Love: The Life and Times of Admiral Sir Anthony Carter, which Rose had seen heralded in the...

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Harry Potter and the Engorgement Charm

Harry was laying on the spare bed in Ron's room at the burrow and was staring up at the ceiling. It's finally over, he thought. Voldemort is finally gone, maybe now Ginny and I could be together, forever Harry began to think of her naked body, which he had actually seen during his sixth year and immediatley got a hard on. Harry tried to jerk off, but he just didn't have the feel to do it. Lately, he noticed, his boners just weren't very large. He had, unfortunatley, seen other guys...

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Third Times The Charm Part 1

Charm is absolutely perfect. Well, to me she is. Her dark hair, thick and almost Spanish, grazes her hips in soft waves. Her slim body, perky 34 C breasts and firm, round ass are all sculpted out of her spotless white skin. Blue eyes peer out from thick lashes, full brows and lips, and a smile that makes me want to do terrible things. To me she is absolutely perfect. We met by chance through my ex-boyfriend, and immediately I fell head over heels. We eventually began seeing each other behind...

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His Lucky CharmChapter 1

Going Private October 25, 1854, Crimea, Russian Empire Captain James Weston Tremayne reined in his horse and his look swept over the men of his troop. Nothing to complain about, he decided. The men were as ready to fight as he could wish. Spurring his horse, he closed to his squadron leader, Major Pryce, who was scanning the enemy lines with his brass telescope. "Heavy metal, Tremayne! That's 24-pounders, no cover and almost two miles of open field. What in hell is Lucan...

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His Lucky CharmChapter 13

Death of a Friend Winter 1863-1864, Denver Territory and Missouri The Tremaynes had a quiet Christmas in their home. They attended Christmas Service in the Assembly Hall. The thing that marred the evening for Jim was the log-winded sermon by that pompous ass John Chivington who droned on and on, and he was more than relieved when the closing prayers were spoken. On the next morning, after breakfast, they exchanged gifts. Everybody in the household was included, and for once, they all sat...

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His Lucky CharmChapter 16

Rehabilitation Spring 1865 - Denver City to New York City As the days of winter passed with increasing and alarming tempo, Rose's circle of female friends hovered around the Tremayne's house almost constantly. Time and again, Rose and Amanda made plans for future visits. Ned, too, was not averse to seeing 'something of the world' once their mining operation came to an end, and Rose made sure to give them contact addresses. In a way, Mary Tennison was even more attached to Rose whom she...

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 30 The Old Bailey

The court room at The Old Bailey was packed with spectators, but the Tremaynes found seating with Sir Archibald opposite from Mr. Barstow's group that consisted of Barstow, his secretary, and two police detectives. Also included with them was Sir Hamilton and Miss Wharton, the latter two serving as the Crown's chief witnesses. Priscilla had to stand alone in the dock. Her bruises had faded completely, and she looked every bit the virtuous young lady in her new charcoal grey dress. So much...

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His Lucky CharmChapter 8

Civilization Denver, Colorado Territory, September 1862 Denver had grown even more in the last year, they found. There were banks now, and hotels, and fine eateries. Even Jim, with his past life as an officer and gentleman, was impressed. The ride from Tarryall, with Kennedy and Tennison had been smooth. Tennison had left his trade shop with his partner, to accompany them to Denver, and he led them to the Miners' Bank first. This was where he did most of his business, and here, Jim and...

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 28 A Friend in Distress

John Barstow, prosecutor at the Central Criminal Court, alighted from the rented cab that had taken him to Newgate Prison. The case of the attempted murder of Sir Hamilton Crewes had been assigned to him just an hour ago, and the suspect, Sir Hamilton's wife, was already kept at Newgate. He wanted to interview her first to get an impression of her. The magistrate rose when he recognised the Crown attorney. "Good afternoon, Sir." "Good afternoon. I wish to speak Lady...

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His Lucky CharmChapter 14 A Wellmannered Savage

Summer 1864 - Denver A few days after the exchange with Governor Evans, Jim went home for the noon meal, coming from a board meeting at the Miners' Bank. He was watchful as he walked along the sidewalks, scanning the side alleys carefully, and keeping his right hand close to the hip all the time. Nothing untoward happened, though, much like in the past days. As soon as he entered the house, Rose came to greet him, waving as big envelope made of wax paper. "This just arrived, Jim, from...

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 29 Detective Work

At 354 Hanover Lane, they were received by the lady of the house, Mrs. Warner. The house belonged to Mr. Albert Warner, a grain trader of obvious means. Jim introduced himself and Ned. "Madam, I am Major James Tremayne, and this is Mr. Ned Thrush. We call on you to ask whether Alison O'Hare is in your employ." Mrs. Warner was alarmed. "Yes, indeed. She is a good girl." "I shall never doubt your word on that, Madam. The reason we came, is that with your permission, we'd like to...

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 26 Priorities

London, Winter 1867 to 1868 A very conflicted Priscilla returned to Heyworth House with Rose. The latter only knew that Cilla had spoken privately with Lady Wilkes, but upon her gentle probing Priscilla had not revealed anything. Thus they rode the coach in silence, and in silence they entered the house and went to their respective rooms to change. Even over the next days, Priscilla did not reveal the subject of her conversation with the old lady, and Rose gradually forgot about the matter....

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His Lucky CharmChapter 2

Baltimore Rose Independence, MO, February 1861 "In the case of the People of Jackson County, Missouri, versus the woman known as Baltimore Rose Donegal, she is found guilty by a jury of her peers of whoring and of viciously attacking an upstanding citizen, Landon Bunion of Independence, and she is hereby sentenced to seven years in the Women's Work House of the Great State of Missouri. Her possessions of jewelry, gold, and other items of value are forfeit to the county and will be sold at...

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 31 Forgiving Nature

London, September 1868 Upon reaching Heyworth House, Jim insisted that both women went to their bedrooms to rest. Rose was eight months pregnant and the day had exhausted her. Priscilla had been missing sleep for over a week, and she had stood in the dock all day. Jim promised to wake them in time while he gave instructions to his housekeeper and the staff to prepare the house for an impromptu soiree. He had some time to think as well. With Priscilla's acquittal, the Tremaynes could now...

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His Lucky CharmChapter 15

True Friends Summer 1864 - Denver City By late July, a delivery of gold dust from Tarryall brought their total yield to over two tons. With additional workers and a new mine driven into the mountain side, the turnout had almost doubled, and when Jim prepared for his second trip of the year to St. Louis, he carried Letters of Exchange to the amount of $822,000 with him, a truly incredible sum. Even so, $40,000 had been set aside for the running expenses of the mine, wages, wood for supports,...

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 24 An Unwelcome Visitor

London, Spring 1867 For weeks, Rose was confined to the house while slowly recuperating. Lady Wilkes had left strict instructions for the convalescence, and Priscilla enforced those rules without mercy. In this she found loyal support from Jim who would not allow Rose to exert herself at all. In her enforced idleness Rose busied herself with reading. Outwardly, Priscilla was living in the guest cottage, but for all practical purposes she spent the days and even some nights in the manor...

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His Lucky CharmChapter 6

Samantha Tarryall, Colorado Territory, July 1861 Rose woke up from a deep, satisfied sleep when Raven started her usual morning ruckus with pans and pots. She opened the drapes of their bed, to look out, when strong arms wrapped around her midsection and pulled her back. She looked up into Jim's eyes and smiled at him. Obviously, he took this as encouragement, and he planted a long kiss on her lips. His hands held her boobies, caressing them tenderly. When their lips parted, he kissed her...

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His Lucky CharmChapter 9

Making a Home Denver, Colorado Territory, September 1862 Two weeks later, Ned, Al Tennison, and Hiram Kennedy left Denver for Tarryall, with a train of five wagons, carrying the supplies Kennedy needed. Ned and Mandy had an emotional farewell, leaving her depressed for days. They were still lodging with Mrs. Sloan, but Jim and Rose had been viewing a few houses already. This afternoon, they were to see another one. It had been built for a wealthy investor from Boston who had come to Denver...

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His Lucky CharmChapter 10

Respectable Woman Denver, Colorado Territory, December 1862 Around Denver, work in the diggings came to an end, too. The diggers moved into town, mostly bunking in primitive huts. This presented a problem for the poorest in the city. A group of women, the widows or wives of the hapless among the diggers had used those bunk houses over the summer with their children. Now, the influx of paying lodgers displaced them from their shelters. One day in early December, Rose and Amanda had visited...

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His Lucky CharmChapter 5

The Sluice Box Tarryall, Colorado Territory, April 1861 The last leg of the journey, across Kenosha Pass, took them another eight days. This was a horse and mule trail only, forbidding for wagons which had to take the detour along Santa Fe road and a primitive road up to Ute Pass to reach South Park. The trip further solidified their closeness, and for the two couples it became clear that Raven Feather was one of them. When they made camp just past Kenosha Pass, Ned and Jim brought the...

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Breast Friends 2 Peggy and Charmaine

Please first read Breast Friends and then read the following to find out how life progressed for two of the friends...enjoy! Peggy’s life plan was to work very hard during high school and get a scholarship in a top UK university to study law. After that she would move to London , get a well paid job in a big law firm, and eventually start her own practice. Her prince charming would come along somewhere along the way. Peggy parents who were not particularly wealthy had...

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Unlucky Lucky Have a Cookie

Monday morning at the office was a minefield. One misstep, and I'd give my boss's boss Dick Tashun cause to complain because I didn't meet his boss Clyde Hunter's high expectations. After grinding through the paper trails, I was close to identifying a pattern in the mess of project status memos and scraps of poorly organized handwritten notes. They all pointed to a vendor named Omniscient Software, whoever they were. I scanned my emails for the important project-related ones. My fellow...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e6 Charmaine 45 teacher from Plymouth

Series 3, Episode 6: Charmaine We float in over a wooded area on the outskirts of a small city. Beyond the trees long curving estates, built in the 60’s to provide housing for the British middle-class. This is Plymouth, on the English South coast, and beneath us are the Parkway Woods. Our next subject is standing with her husband infront of one of the houses closest to the woods. We close in on them (drone footage). They both look happy to be on camera. Tall, slim, with sharp features and...

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Third Time Its a Charm

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely coincidental...

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Charmed Girl Power

Prelude In a downtown tenement of San Francisco, Lena, a 16 year old girl sat on her bed, head in hands with her long straight brown hair hanging down like a curtain, obscuring her face and the tears on her cheeks. The events of the past two days had turned her world upside- down. The blazing row with her parents in the mall had started it when she had flung her arms out in anger and frustration. The catastrophic results of this action had demolished a shop on one side and had taken out the...

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Mathis the Mountain Man

There he was, sitting near the rocks, whittling a piece of wood. Naked. Half the time, he was naked. I guess that was the perks of living in the woods by yourself. He was a real mountain man. A big, rugged fellow with tanned skin and dense dark hair all over, from his chest to his ass. He had a bulky body, but his arms and legs had natural muscle carved purely from physical labor from living out in the wilderness, and his thick uncut cock hung low like a third leg down between his...

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Ashish Made Me His Slut

Hi mera nam kamran he. Ye story mere aur ashish ki hai.Ashish mera padosi hai.About me me 1 gay pure bottom hoon. Mujhe gaand marana bohat pasand hai aur meri gaand bohat bari aur naram he aur mere boobs bhi kaafi bade aur naram he bilkul girls ki jesi body he meri. Mere body par baal bohat kam he. Agar aap janna chahte he ke me gay kese bana to meri pichli stories parh le. Story parh kar feedback zaroor de mera email he Coming to the story now ye 2 mahine pehle ki bat he jab me rajiv se...

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