- 2 years ago
- 32
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by Abe
Marti Sheffer, her married name, had from childhood wanted to be an actress, a movie star. She had married Rudi for two reasons. Principally, it was because he was wealthy; he could afford to bankroll a movie for her to star in. Secondly, he was three times her age, and surely he would not want much sex. Marti didn't much care for sex. Sex was for casting couches. She was a good enough actress that she could fake an orgasm, but she had never had a real one. She was a bit disappointed when Rudi turned out to be more randy than she had assumed, but ?not tonight dear? was fairly effective.
Rudi married Marti for two reasons. She was young and probably fertile. She was also beautiful, a trophy wife, arm candy. Appearance is important. Marti met the criteria set by the media and the fashion mavens, mostly women, homosexuals, and pedophiles by his reckoning. She was as tall as he was but weighed only about 50 kilograms, tall and skinny. Her arms were no thicker than Rudi's wrists, and her legs, untapered, were like stilts. Her shoulders were wider than her hips. Her face was childlike, and her dark hair, cut for a movie role, was short, like a man's. She would have looked great on the cover of Vogue. Rudi would have preferred a wife with more curves, one who would not be mistaken at a distance for a male basketball player. However, his associates appreciated her beauty and counted Rudi to be lucky, or capable, to have married her.
So, the movie was made and was about to be distributed. Rudi was hosting a party for cast and crew and industry acquaintances. Some reporters and paparazzi were allowed in, on condition that they remain inconspicuous. He had taken over a restaurant and the ballroom upstairs. Marti served her purpose. With the help of Emil, the homosexual wardrobe maestro, she looked stunning. Her dress was silky and clinging. A man would say it was pink or maybe orange; Emil called it coral. The halter top formed a neckline which plunged to her navel, carefully arranged, with two sided tape, to expose a crescent of breast on each side. There was no back. The skirt was taut and clingy, tight across her flat tummy and tight across her compact ass, with no visible panty lines. The skirt went nearly to the floor, but was slit on each side, almost to the waist, so she could walk. Coral heels and coral lipstick completed the outfit. Her dark eyes were accentuated with makeup and eyelashes which took about an hour to apply.
The meal, downstairs, was buffet style to allow guests to circulate, and there was an open bar, actually three of them, to encourage good cheer. Rudi and Marti greeted many of the guests and didn't get a lot to eat, but Rudi made sure Marti always had a drink, so she was unusually smiling and gracious. There were some toasts to the movie and all involved.
After dinner, most of the guests went upstairs to the ballroom. Marti took the elevator, as she had become unsteady on her five inch heels. Once upstairs, she lost them and relaxed into more drinking. A string trio, violin, bass, and piano, played for the guests, and those who were not drinking or talking danced. ?Marti,? said Rudi, ?I know you have been wanting to meet Frank. He would like to dance with you.? Of course she wanted to meet Frank. He was nominated for Best Director at last year's Oscars. The trio played a slow, dreamy number and Marti melted into Frank's arms, flirting as well as she could, given her alcohol level.
After two dances, Frank brought her back to Rudi. ?I've been reading a script, and I'm thinking Marti might be right for a big part,? said Frank. It was all according to plan, Rudi's plan. ?I know you used a body double for some of the scenes in your latest movie. If Rudi wouldn't mind, I'd like to see your breasts.? With out even looking for Rudi's approval, Marti reached up and undid the clasp behind her neck, then pulled the fabric away from the sticky tape over her breasts, letting it fall to her waist,. She seemed oblivious to perhaps 100 guests staring in disbelief. She had eyes only for Frank. Her breasts were hardly a handful. Emil had fitted them with adhesive pads which doubled their size and pushed the flesh inward to form those full crescents that had decorated the plunging neckline. ?If I may,? said Frank, as plucked the pads from Marti's tits. He looked and frowned. ?If I cast her in the part with those tiny tits, they will think I making kiddieporn.?
?Tits can be fixed, ? said Rudi. ?You wouldn't mind a little cosmetic surgery, would you my darling?? Marti grinned and tried to rub her titties against Frank's starched dress shirt.
Frank pushed her away and said, ?My dear Marti, let me see the rest of you.? Without hesitation but with some fumbling and help from Rudi, Marti got the skirt off and stood there naked. It was clear there were no panty lines because there were no panties. Further, Emil had insisted on a Brazilian wax job to avoid dark shadows or fuzzy bulges in that tight skirt. Frank expressed his approval and added, ?Marti, let me see how you move. Do a dance for me.? The trio began to play the Godfather theme, and Marti danced, her arms away from her body, her hips moving, almost like a hula or, for those who remember the 60's, like the twist. At a signal from Rudi, they switched to the Bacchanal from Samson and Delilah, and Marti went wild, stamping and gesturing, thrusting her pelvis, trying to imitate a mid-eastern whore. All the time, her eyes were fixed on Frank, who took it all in with enthusiasm. So did the guests, who had found their cameras and cell phones. Rudi led Marti off stage, out of sight, and most of the guests began to leave. Too many couldn't wait to get on-line.
The next morning, even before she had recovered from her hangover, Marti checked herself into the clinic run by Dr. Cardoso. She was oblivious to the fact that, overnight, her reputation had been so thoroughly trashed that only a pornographer would hire her.
She thought she was there for a boob job, prior to a starring role in Frank's next production. She was sure Rudi's millions would be well invested in advancing her career. She was wrong.
Dr. Cardoso had a blue-eyed nurse, Miss McPherson, usually addressed as Nurse. She took Marti in tow, removing her clothes, the coral dress and a bathrobe, and losing them. ?Marti, you look a fright, in no condition for surgery. Come, spend some time in our spa.? Nurse fed Marti some vegetable juice and immersed her in a hot tub. Then, wearing a bikini, Nurse washed Marti, paying particular attention to her breasts.
?Hey, I don't do lesbian,? protested Marti.
?Listen, Marti. You are here for elective surgery. If you want your breasts fixed, then let me examine and condition them first. If it bothers you that I am a woman, close your eyes. In fact, I'm going to fit you with a mask.? To Marti's surprise, after she had dried off Marti, Nurse tied Marti's hands behind her back and fitted a blindfold mask on her head. ?Now, you will do what you are told. Stand here, feet apart, and hold still until told to move.? Nurse began to very gently move her palms over Marti's nipples, trying to tease them into becoming erect. Marti decided she didn't like that, and she stepped back, though there was no way she could escape. ?I told you not to move,? said Nurse, and she emphasized her point by slashing at Marti's ass with a cane, leaving a pink double welt. After a brief spell of crying, Marti agreed to stand still. Nurse ran a finger tip along Marti's genital cleft, finding it dry. Then she resumed her massage of the breasts. She gently squeezed them, though they were not even a handful, and teased the nipples. After a while, even though Marti protested that her breasts were sore, when Nurse touched the nipples they became erect, like pink pencil erasers. Nurse repeated her quick reconnaissance between the legs and left to fetch Doctor Cardoso.
Together, they untied Marti's hands and installed her on a gynecological examination table, strapped down in the lithotomy position, knees bent and legs spread. The doctor palpated the mammaries for some time, finally saying that they were not yet ready for surgery. Then he did a pelvic examination. ?Are you satisfied with your vulva?? he asked. ?Your labia majora are rather thin, and your labia minora hang down between them. If you don't like the appearance, we could do a labiaplasty to reduce the inner lips, or we could plump up the outer lips, to give you a girlish, a virginal appearance. I'm sure your husband will pay for whatever you wish.? With a gloved finger, he pressed on the clitoris. Marti complained that it was uncomfortable. ?Well, we could resection the clitoral hood, give it more room to enjoy, if you choose.? Marti was getting anxious, and she said that she would have to talk it over with her husband. She was buying time, to find out what Frank wanted. She didn't know that Rudi had been watching the whole time.
The doctor resumed his examination, sliding his gloved fingers into Marti's vagina and feeling for a G-spot. ?She is sexually non-responsive, not at all damp. This calls for additional treatment.? He injected estrogen into each buttock, noting the tender welts that Nurse had put there. Then he added a touch of testosterone, to hype her libido. ?Nurse, I prescribe hydrotherapy, vaginal irrigation.?
Someone, Marti didn't know who, massaged her breasts while Nurse directed a stream of warm water at Marti's cunt. Sometimes the stream ran lengthwise, like a river running through a canyon, while other times the jet was aimed to penetrate and fill the vagina, and other times it was aimed at the clitoris, mainly impacting the hood. Marti put up with it but, unbelievably, did not have an orgasm. It was late afternoon before Nurse gave up and led Marti to her private room and brought a meal. When Marti didn't have much appetite, Doctor Cardoso prescribed liquid supplements, basically milkshakes. Marti spent the evening in bed, in her hospital gown, watching TV and contemplating her bruised bottom and tender breasts. The network news programs ignored her spectacle at the party, and she didn't catch the extensive comments on Entertainment Tonight.
The next morning, after breakfast, things got serious. She was moved into an operating room and sedated. When she was again aware, she discovered she was in bondage, unable to move much. Her arms were tied above her head, while her feet were secured to the floor, spread about ameter apart. She was again blindfolded, otherwise naked but for a belt around her waist. She sensed that Rudi was there. Perhaps it was his familiar odor. She was sure when he spoke to her. ?Marti, you signed yourself into this clinic so that you might become attractive to Frank. I suspect you would fuck him blind to get a part in one of his movies. Well, you won't leave here until you do become more attractive, to me. I'm not really concerned about the size of your breasts. Nature will take care of that when the hormones take effect. I am concerned that you should find your breasts a source of pleasure, when I play with them or when you breastfeed our child. Forget your trick of faking orgasms. I want my wife to have real orgasms, belly churning, cunt squirting orgasms, whenever I choose to give them to her. You are going to learn to have the real thing, almost on command, and don't try to fake it, because Dr. Cardoso will know. Actually, you have already had an orgasm, but you wouldn't know, because you were unconscious.
Marti could hardly comprehend. She had heard women boast about how their vibrator was their best friend, but she couldn't see herself reveling in the big O. Rudi was old and paunchy, not the sort of stud one reads of in novels. She had never had an orgasm, that she could remember, and she didn't see how she could learn to have one on command.
As if reading her mind, Rudi said, ?Operant conditioning.? He started to caress her breasts, and she began to complain that it hurt, when suddenly she was overwhelmed with unfamiliar sensations. Her cunt was twitching and leaking fluid. Then her body stiffened and her insides exploded in pandemonium. Her brain seemed overwhelmed with pleasure, a feeling of well being, as if she had taken a hit of cocaine, perhaps. Unable to stop it, she writhed in her bondage, shuddering inside, then going limp and hanging from her upraised arms.
Dr. Cardoso said, ?Our little experiment goes well. I placed the electrodes just right. So, stimulus, involuntary response, repeated and repeated, for days, perhaps, and she will become conditioned. Stimulus and response without needing the electrical stimulation of the spinal cord. We will be able to take the belt off, and she will be fixed for life. I suggest, since money is no object, that she be conditioned to respond to a variety of stimuli. For example, your voice command.?
Nurse commented, ?And a good spanking or caning. Old tradition in Scottish boarding schools.? Marti was overwhelmed. She just gave in and endured. Rudi continued to knead or kiss or pinch her nipples or breasts, all the while murmuring loving things in her ear, reminding her how beautiful she was becoming, how her womanhood was being fulfilled. Then the electrical stimulation of her spine would pop her into a huge orgasm. She had more than a dozen. Her inner thighs were wet with pussy juice, and the unaccustomed muscles of her vagina were fatigued. They let her rest, slackening the ropes on her arms so she could sit and drink a breakfast milkshake.
Then there was another session. This time, as she stood with her legs spread and her arms raised, Rudi would work on her clitoris, rubbing the hood, kissing it, and then, of course, the crashing orgasm would follow. It went on for hours, until Rudi was called away by a phone call. Nurse took over. Whack, with a leather paddle. It hurt but did not leave brilliant welts. The conditioning went on until Rudi returned. Then it was back to the clitoral stimulation. Another liquid meal, lots of calories, and another session, this time with a rubber dildo inserted into her vagina. Rudi, of course, couldn't last all afternoon, even with Viagra, but he simulated sex with a rubber stand-in.
At some point, after another milkshake, Marti complained that she had to go number two. (Her number ones had cascaded onto the tiled floor mixed with pussy juice) Nurse did not release her. Instead, she inserted an enema nozzle, held in place with an inflated balloon, and she slowly filled Marti's rectum, giving her a monster orgasm as the fluid flowed in. The anus and intestines contract during orgasm, and Marti cried out in pain or surprise. Nurse yanked out the nozzle, without deflating the balloon, and, as ?number two? spewed out, Marti was subjected to another orgasm.
Rudi was amused and entertained by the whole set of procedures. He didn't really want to hurt Marti, but he let Nurse administer enemas or cane Marti's tight buns, or put clamps on her nipples, all the while exhausting her with forced orgasms. When Marti was released and put to bed, she would fall asleep instantly, in spite of sore tits, bruised buttocks, and aching cunt muscles.
Marti lost track of the time. It seemed all her waking moments were spent in bondage, blindfolded, and subjected to involuntary orgasms or other torments, such as injections in her tits.
The consolation was that she actually enjoyed the orgasms, became ?addicted? to sexual stimulation, even the whippings. She didn't realize when they turned off the belt and she came anyway, just by having Rudi squeeze a tit and say ?Come now,? or when Nurse sodomized her with an enema hose. Just being blindfolded and trussed up with her arms up and her legs spread made her feel sexy, and she could hardly wait for the nipple play or the clit rubbing or the cunt stuffing before she experience that blissful paroxysm which confirmed her femininity.
The day came for her final exam. The belt was gone. Her breasts had grown, a little, and had never been operated on. She had gained a little weight, which Rudi liked. She was, he said, more squeezable. They brought her into the ?torture chamber?, as she thought of it, and Rudi told her to close her eyes, in lieu of a blindfold. Already her cunt got damp. ?Raise your arms and spread your legs. She did, eagerly anticipating an orgasm. Rudi stood close to her and easily slid his erect penis into its proper place. Marti panted with excitement, straining to keep her arms up, as he stroked her now fully toned vaginal muscles. She couldn't help vocalizing, and she uncontrollably squeezed his dick until he ejaculated inside her and she gushed her own secretions. Rudi told the doctor he was satisfied with the clinic's treatment of his wife.
They gave Marti a simple dress, no underwear, and she and Rudi had an ordinary breakfast together in the cafe' near the clinic. Afterward, Rudi whispered to her, ?Ready for another orgasm??
?Yes, please,? she replied. He took her to the restroom for the handicapped, where the stall was larger than normal. He sat on the toilet seat and put her over his lap. He pulled up her skirt and ran his hands over her still bruised buns. Then he spanked her, hard, with his open hand. She giggled. He smacked her again and again, pausing when his hand began to get sore. ?More,? she whispered, ?harder.? He surprised her by shoving his hand between her legs, slipping his hand into her sodden cunt, and pressing her G-spot. She screamed and gushed, wetting her skirt and the leg of his pants. Someone called from outside, wanting to know if everything was all right. ?Yes, ? she replied. ?I was just surprised to find I had wet myself. I'll be out as soon as I can clean up.? Rudi helped her up off his lap, but she whispered, ?How about another, lover?? He stood her up and squeezed both breasts, hard. She squealed and wet herself gain.
After a final examination by Doctor Cardoso, a very orgasmic pelvic exam and another orgasmic enema, she was signed out of the clinic. Rudi had sent for some of her clothes – she would never wear the coral number again – and they flew to Rudi's chalet on Lake Como. They enjoyed themselves immensely.
A while later, Frank paid a visit, taking the train from Paris. Marti met him, wearing a loose summer frock. ?We're almost ready to shoot,? he said. ?Did you read the script I sent??
?Yes, I liked it,? she replied.
?Ready for the part??
?No, not yet,? she replied, smoothing her dress to show off her baby bump.
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This is the fifth chapter of my story SAM. If you wish to get background information on the characters at the Shelley Resort then I suggest you read my earlier story The Webber Family Secret. There are two final chapters to this story but I will be submitting them together. Enjoy! ***** CHAPTER FIVE ADELE When Sam saw Adele approach Reception she felt a charge of excitement run to her pussy. Although she remembered Becca’s warning it was too late because the door opened and Adele in all her...
“Well, this is it, our last encounter for the week, and the last until we meet again, alas. Ursula, I trust that I’m leaving my sweet nephew, Maurice, here, in your very capable, if spectral, hands. Don’t worry, I’ll be back to check up and touch ... shall we say, base? You’ll take good care of my beloved Maurice, won’t you, Ursy?” Lilith urged the French ghost Ursula Daucourt to look out for the best interests of her favorite angel, Maurice Koenig, the one that El Belial had handpicked to...
The aliens were at it again. Schaffer was woken by the obscene sounds of their coupling on the cot adjacent to his. He blinked his itchy eyes to see a mass of writhing creatures, illuminated by the orange glow of the fire pits. They were a pile of shifting forms, their white fur and roving appendages blending into a chimera of pleasure and indecency. Trying to get them to stop would be pointless, they’d be at it for hours and would deprive him of sleep in the process. He rolled out of his...
There must be something about me that causes me to be abnormally horny all the time. I don't know what it is but just smelling or being close to any woman can give me a woody the size of Texas. I just love women!! The way they walk, with their cute little shakes, and wiggles drives me wild. Too bad the feeling isn't mutual most women are uninterested in me. Although I consider myself to be handsome and outgoing, most women find me arrogant, and pompous.Jenna is my steady girlfriend and I...
For the first time in my life, my uncle Norman was not pleased to see me. His sister, my mother, had not heard from him in a little while and was worried so I had been volunteered to drop in on him and make sure that all was well. So here I am stood on his doorstep and he is peering round the door at me, holding the door open as far as he can to make sure that I can't see in but so that he can see me. He wears an annoyed look on his face. I am disturbing him in some way. It is then that all...
My family always loved the outdoors and, when I was thirteen, we went camping for two weeks at Camp Wishon Campground in the south central California valley foothills. The second day, I was hiking along Hockett Meadows Trail looking for a good spot to practice my fly casting and maybe catch a few fish. The terrain was very rough, broken-up, with jutting rocks, huge boulders and steep sides down to the stream bed. I finally came to a place where the stream widened out into a beautiful, clear...
It was while I was married and living up in UDON half way between Udonthani and Nongkai. Well me and 3 mates booked a trip over to Loa to go to the was a new trip started by one of our Thai friends where we lived. So it was going to be a3 day 2 night trip to a Casino just out side Venten, Our wives said that we should all go and enjoy so we and help out our Thai friend with his first run so we did.So Martin the weekend came we set off at 7:30 and was at the Boarder Crossing Freedom...
(Author's note: This is actually my fourth story, but im unhappy about the other two and im considering scrapping them, or just uploading them in their unifinished states. It depends. Also, credit to The-Trash-Bin for editing and Lheriss for inspiration and being a good buddy For teh record, this story also has the same characters as in Convention Preparations. As always, im open to suggestions and ideas, just leave a comment behind). Chad Thundercook was the biggest man of...
Harry came through the hall in a rush, “I have a press room full of reporters screaming for you and answers.” Crap already. After a sigh, “I need to finish with the doctor. Then I need to review the phone video again and look at what the media is running. Then I will be there to rescue you. We may have to run the full version that my people took to get at the full truth. Set up the equipment so I can do that. Go feed them some sugar coated cow manure until then,” I said. The President...
If your intention was to escape the roar of the crowd packed into the giant stadium, the best place to be probably wasn't the changing rooms. But this was the only place Lulu knew where she could find any degree of privacy. Of course, she wasn't the only one collapsed head-down on a wooden bench, her arms draped over her knees and hands dangling loosely down. Women from events other than hers were slumped in a similar state of post-performance blues. Unsurprisingly it was those not...
Pia war neu in der Stadt. Vor wenigen Tagen hatte sie ihre Studentenbude bezogen, eine kleine 2-Zimmer-Wohnung in einem Haus der Gründerzeit am Rande der City. Noch ein paar Wochen, dann würde die Uni beginnen. Pia kannte noch niemanden in der Stadt. In einer anderen Stadt aufgewachsen, fühlte sie sich keineswegs unwohl - es würde einfach ein paar Tage dauern, bis sie neue Bekanntschaften schloß. Genügend Zeit, sich einzuleben. Pia zog sich an, um auszugehen. Sie wählte einen kurzen Rock, ein...
This is true experience which I want to share with all of you guy. I have a family of four include mother father my elder sister and me. This is happen when my 10th board exams were over and I and my sister Minu visited our nana’s place. I was evidence of sexual experience at that time I was teenager and my elder sister was 18 years old. First I describe her she is good looking fair color with height of 5.6 and curve of 32 26 34. She has firm breasts after our exams we moved to our nana’s...
IncestCute blonde Lika Star is arguing on the phone with her paranoid boyfriend when she hangs up on him and throws her phone across the room. After feeling sorry for herself, this little minx starts to text Vince, her well-hung lover, and invites him over. She gets dressed up in sexy lingerie and waits for Vince to arrive while laying on her bed. Once he joins her, this hot couple can’t keep their hands off each other and Vince licks her pussy before Lika sucks on his massive cock! She lays on...
xmoviesforyouHey guys this is Aarush 24 from Mumbai but currently in Dubai. About me I am an average looking guy but sexually attracted by an ISS reader which I am going to tell you all. Please mail me your valuable comments on my id and girls and aunties who wanted to have a secret relationship please feel free to ask me. And guys please don’t ask for the girls contact details m not gonna give you. This story is about an Indian sex stories (ISS) reader who wanted to loose her virginity with a dirty sex....
Written By: Mr. Mongo 5/6/2012 Constable Ron Jones and his patrol partner Neeja Sidhu sat in the Hidden Truncheon pub. The wooden sign on the front of the pub had a cartoon-masked robber grabbing his behind with his eyes bulging out of his head. Both officers were excited to see if their votes made a difference in the citywide election. Every constable in the pub had their ear open to hear the results of who won elections for the Greater Manchester area. Mildred Alistair had the cops vote,...
Being poor wasn’t easy, even in the ‘enlightened’ Empire. There was never enough to eat, you worked all day and shivered in a rough shack at night. Mary was a peasant, she was the child of peasants and would one day be the mother of peasants. She like most people of her station, dreamed of becoming something else. Unfortunately that was much easier said than done, as a serf she worked the land for her Lord, who allowed her to keep a small part of what she grew, but then charged her rent for her...
FantasyThe sound of soft music filled the large conference room turned banquet hall as the USS Enterprise orbited high above Ardana. It was the Starships second visit to the planet in less than a week. The previous visit had been on an errand of urgency, the need to transport the valuable ore zenite from Ardana to Marak II in order to combat a botanical plague on that world. A simple transport mission had instead turned into involvement in a small-scale civil war between the Cloud Minders of Stratos...
Maggie dried herself after the shower. She looked for her robe but had forgotten it somewhere. As she exited the bathroom she saw herself in the full length mirror. “Not bad for 55 and 2 kids,” she thought. Realizing that it was warm and no one else was home, she decided to be adventurous and forget about covering her body. Just yesterday she had read the poem “When I Am An Old Woman, I Shall Wear Purple”. Catching up on reading was her main activity for the first month after retiring from a...
"How much of this goo do we need anyway?" moaned Cowboy as he twisted himself between the barge hull and the coffer dam edges, trailing the applicator tubing over his suit's shoulder. He rotated to prevent the umbilical cord looping about the suit. "A lot" came the rumbling reply from Polack, "keep it off the sealing area – it's a devil to remove without using a vibrating chisel and that scratches the surface and that's not advised. That's me finished. How much longer for you,...
I lifted my head feeling a shattering hangover.I could not remember a single thing about the night before; but the hard headache told me it had been wild for sure.Waking up, I saw them fucking very close to me.My sweet wife’s eyes were closed and her body was moving in smooth rhythm to that huge black guy’s gentle penetration. Their lips and tongues met as Ana’s hands roamed over his body. I noticed my wife was looking aroused; but she did not seem to be moving towards her own orgasm. The bitch...
Lacy trailed behind somewhat as she and Freja walked back to the white beach house with blue shutters which was their home. She was still wearing Gabriel’s cum on her face for Freja had forbidden her to wash it off in the warm ocean water, but she really wasn’t thinking about her messy face. Instead she was deep in thought about the unexpected things Freja had done before they parted company with Gabriel. For Freja to put a man’s cock in her mouth especially when it had semen on it seemed...
"I'm not sure about this." "I am," Tami said definitely. "But..." "You promised." "But..." "It's not like you're going to hate it." "This is weird." "I think the word you used the last time we talked about it was kinky." I grinned. It was definitely kinky. "Last year, you said you enjoyed your fireworks," she said with a grin. "I did, but that was just a coincidence." She grinned bigger. "Wasn't it?" "Robbie thought you should have a good Fourth of...
It was a natural Friday and I just came back from high school, watching the hockey game with my buddy, Josh. It was funny though because he had the weirdest look on his face like something was bothering him. I asked him what was wrong and he shoved his thumb over his shoulder toward the bathroom. I looked and saw my little sister in the bathroom, in a black tank top and jean shorts. She was putting on lip gloss or something and she was bent over the counter, perfect round ass showing quite a...
Thursday, October 18, 2007 Amy James was waiting for me when I got to school. I noticed that he hadn't even bothered to dress. "I've figured out a plan," he said, "we start a club to advocate for a comprehensive sexual education curriculum, and get other schools in the state to do the same. We can stage petitions and letter writing campaigns, and when a bill gets put to the legislature, we'll organize a rally to support it." "That sounds like a great plan," I said, "what will we...
Ever since I became interested in guys, I've wanted their cock in my mouth. And I've fantasized about not just sucking a cock, but letting a guy use my mouth. A completely submissive facefuck. Since my divorce, I'd sucked three guys and I found two things: letting a guy suck me was a turn off and having a guy work my face, moving his cock back and forth in my mouth, was a major turn on.So for guy number four, I hit up a guy on a male hook-up site who was a total top who only wanted oral with no...
Karen woke me up when she got up, "Come on Bob. You have your special assignment starting today," she said and I rolled out of bed. I put on my uniform and headed out, Karen gave me a big kiss, "Last night was great honey. But my ass is a little sore." I drove to the station and sat through roll call and then got in my vehicle and drove out to Barnett's. Alfred answered the door and showed me in to the study and told me to have a seat. Mr. Barnett came in, extending his hand as he...
My cover was blown. There was nothing I could do about that. But it wasn't illegal for me to be there and it wasn't illegal for me to watch her through a periscope on public property. Even if she called the cops, they had nothing to hold me on. She'd destroyed the only crime scene she could claim I was involved with when she moved all those boxes outside. They might try to hassle me, but it wouldn't go anywhere. Even if I wasn't licensed in Ohio, I still had the right to be where I was,...
Thank God it’s Friday. Finally, you’ll come home to me. I’vebeen looking forward for this day all week. I checked the time, it’s already 6:30 in the evening. I shut down my desktop, and prepare to leave the office. Had a glance of myself in the elevator mirror, my hair is a mess! I tried to tidy up my stubborn wavy hair. It’s been six months since I had a proper hair cut. Note to self, I need visit the salon ASAP! But on the second thought you love my hair long. Caught myself smiling, I...