- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
It was dark. Even the moonlight had hid behind clouds. There was some light from burning grass and wood, but it helped only marginally. An acrid smell of dead meat and a strange sickly-sweet smell of burnt ozone weighed heavy on the night breeze. There was also the gagging smell of blood hidden somewhere within that horrid stench.
Yren noticed it only in passing. His head kept drooping of its own accord. He was struggling to keep it upright and struggling even harder to keep his eyes open. The shock of seeing this huge, strangely hued dragon literally melt into what appeared to be a young girl had not been enough to keep him upright. Curiosity was a luxury at the moment.
After managing a few steps drawing him nearer to the small girl, he’d quite literally collapsed where he’d stood. Sometime in that seemingly endless journey to the ground, he’d found the strength to sheath Hatred and Rage, but he couldn’t really recall doing it. His memory was as much a luxury as his curiosity, and he could afford neither.
As it was, only the fact he’d fallen against some wooden debris – thankfully not burning as was so much of the other wooden debris in the area - stopped him from landing face down in the dirt. In truth, he’d almost rather be laying in the dirt. He’d almost rather be laying anywhere. His whole body hurt, and he finally knew what the term bone weary truly meant. Even his hair hurt. His body was completely drained.
“Yren!” Bena yelled as she ran up to him. He couldn’t really recall from where she’d come. His memory of the past few seconds was gone, fuzzy and amorphous. He felt he should have some memory of the past few moments. Had he passed out?
“Are you okay?” Bena asked. She was kneeling beside him, her hands removing his helm. Her face swam in front of him, seemingly getting larger and then smaller – closer and then further away.
When had she knelt? Time seemed to be jerking into discrete moments for Yren. Bits and pieces of the world around him flashed before him but in discrete moments. It felt almost as if his eyes were closing and opening, but he couldn’t remember even blinking.
“Are you hurt?” Bena asked. Her voice was anxious and a bit shrill. Her face was closed and filled with concern. He could see her moving but it took him a moment to put it together. He had to look down to realize she was working on his hands, removing his gauntlets.
“Just tired,” Yren murmured. His words were an understatement. He seemed to be losing consciousness every few seconds. Or had he? Nothing truly made sense just now.
He managed to raise his head. The moon had slid from behind the clouds, but the moonlight wasn’t particularly bright. It was bright enough to see his immediate surroundings, though. Ataya was standing some few yards away, her face pale and concerned and her usually vibrant copper locks matted close to her head with dirt. She was stuck in a half-step, her right leg forward and her hands raised slightly. Her look spoke of uncertainty. She wasn’t sure if she should approach or keep her distance. Every so often, she glanced at the small form lying in front of Yren.
To her right, Mulet and Caprice huddled together, their wide eyes darting wildly around the darkness. Beyond them, he could barely make out Audette and Ilzu limping up, their forms flickering in the shadows of the still burning grass. Their arms were around each other’s shoulders, their clothing riddled with dirt and debris. They seemed unable to stand alone, leaning against each other and depending on one another so as not to fall over.
For a moment, he directed all of his attention at Bena. He looked her over carefully, looking for any sign of trauma or distress. He noticed some streaks of dirt down her face and a small scratch on her neck, just under her jaw. Her eyes were filled with worry and her face was drawn from weariness, but there were no open wounds. Beyond the angry welt at her neck, there was no blood.
He managed a sigh of relief. She was safe. Although he’d done everything he could to push it from his mind as he battled the dragons, he had been worried since he’d heard her calling to him.
He looked around for Teran but he could not see her. Strangely, he could feel her, off in the distance, moving towards him. He was somewhat startled to realize he could feel Bena as well, kneeling next to him. His mother was off to the side, just out of eyesight in the darkness, trying to comfort a family who had lost their child in the fray. Issa was distant – he could feel her but not what she was doing.
What startled him more was that what he felt wasn’t new. He had never truly thought of it before, possibly because they had always been in close proximity, but he had always known where his family was. It had been so natural, such a part of his everyday existence, he’d never thought to question it before. He realized it was even a part of why he’d been able to tamp down his concern about Bena so he could fight against the dragons.
As soon as he knew his family was truly safe, the aches and pains returned. The weariness was almost more than he could bear. He felt completely wrung out, as if every muscle in his body had been abused. His body was slowing and readying itself for rest. It was the same feeling he’d had so many weeks ago, after the Battle of Hasp. It differed only in degree. While he wanted desperately to rest – to sleep – he was able to fight it off, if only marginally, unlike what had happened back then.
Yren’s eyes dropped down. Truthfully, his entire head drooped. Keeping his head upright was so difficult and so tiring. The white-haired dragon girl was still there, still lying in the dirt. Someone had gone to the trouble of covering her from the chill of the night. He recognized Bena’s cloak and wondered when his beloved had taken the time. He racked his brain, but he couldn’t remember her covering the small girl.
Yren’s eyes turned up, locking with Bena’s. “See what you can do for her,” Yren managed to get out, his voice low and weak. He jerked his chin at the girl who had only moments before been a dragon.
Bena glanced over at the fallen, white-haired girl quickly before turning back to her betrothed. “I can’t.”
Yren could feel the slightest flame of anger. The anger wasn’t directed at Bena, but at the weakness he felt. Since he was a small child, he’d never felt weak and helpless – well, outside of the Battle of Hasp. Now, he struggled with how utterly exhausted he felt and how helpless he was to help the small girl.
He tried again. He needed Bena to understand. “You have to. She might be the only reason we’re still alive. She turned on her own kind to save us.”
“You’re not listening, beloved,” Bena replied earnestly. The word ‘beloved’ coming from her lips still managed to send a shiver through him, despite his fatigue and despite having heard the word from her countless times before. She reached up and stroked Yren’s cheek. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t. I said I can’t. Evidently, dragons are immune to holy magic.”
Yren closed his eyes a moment, allowing himself to enjoy Bena’s touch but trying desperately to push against the exhaustion. After the brief respite, he re-opened his eyes and looked at Bena. “They can’t be immune to magic. I ... I ... well, I did something to the gold one. I ... I pulled it into my swords or something.”
Bena tilted her head and her eyes lost focus for a moment. “What you did ... what you did ... well, Deia isn’t really sure what you did. She’s seen it before, long ago, but she doesn’t understand it any more now than she did back then.”
Bena paused, a look of uncertainty covering her face. “Or, perhaps more truthfully, she understands but isn’t ready to explain what you’ve done ... either to me or to you.”
The girl shook her head slightly, her white-blonde hair shimmering back and forth under the moonlight. Her face grew a bit frustrated.
“The magic embedded in your swords is...,” Bena continued her explanation. Her eyes squinted slightly and there was a pause in her words as she sought instruction from her internal visitor. “The magic you use is not ordered as holy magic. It is not touched by divinity. The dragons are only immune to divine magic such as the magic with which Deia graces me.”
“We have to do something,” Yren insisted.
Bena’s head tilted, her eyes unfocused as she listened to the internal voice. “No, we don’t.”
“Bena...” Yren started but Bena interrupted him.
“We don’t because there is nothing wrong with her except for some exhaustion,” Bena explained, repeating the internal dialogue from her divine visitor. She sat back on her heels, taking Yren’s hands in her own. Her eyes sought his out and looked into them meaningfully. “The blood you see is drying – no more is being added. Look at her face and neck. The cuts and scratches she should have aren’t there. She is whole – unhurt.”
“That’s ... that’s...,” Yren started but, given the nature of what he’d just gone through – what he’d just done – he couldn’t let the word ‘impossible’ spill from his lips.
“Impossible?” Bena asked with a soft smile. She shook her head a bit. “It is their nature. The nature of the power that allows them to shift from one form to another also heals all non-fatal wounds. It comes at a cost, however. It makes them very tired. Also, while they’re in the middle of changing, they are completely vulnerable to attack. They have no defenses – but there is no way to force them to change either.”
Yren sat back, unaware until that moment that he’d partially stood. He wasn’t sure how or when he’d changed position. He had no energy left in him, certainly not enough to actually move ... yet he had. With a groan, he settled back down, trying to find the strength to resist the darkness which kept coming for him.
“Nice little fight,” Ilzu remarked with a wincing smile as she and Audette shuffled into the small clearing. The two were limping and Ilzu’s left arm hung at an odd angle. A few of her fingers appeared to be broken as well.
“Forgive my companion, she thinks she’s funny,” Audette rejoined, her eyes rolling toward the heavens. There was blood along Audette’s face and more dripping from her right arm.
“Has anyone seen Gillen?” Ataya spoke up, her voice suffused with deep worry. She moved a bit closer to Bena and Yren. Mulet and Caprice imitated her movements, keeping their spot just behind her.
“She was over there,” Audette replied, pointing off to the left. “On the other side of that red dragon carcass, I think. She was tending to Sir Givens.”
“Is he ... is he alright?” Yren asked. His voice was just more than a whisper, weak but concerned.
“I don’t know for certain,” Audette replied. “We all took a beating.”
Bena turned from Yren. “Oh, my,” she started. “Here, let me heal you.”
“Hold that thought,” Teran snarled as she stalked into view. Yren looked at her carefully. She appeared in an utter rage but otherwise didn’t appear to be hurt. “You might have one more to heal in a moment.”
She stalked up to Yren, her left hand clutching her bow tightly. She stood over him ominously, glaring down at his pale, drawn face. Her fierce blue eyes flashed in warning. “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” Yren responded weakly, his face questioning. He looked her over just as carefully as Bena. There were scratches and her cheek had a large bruise but there was no overt wounds or bleeding. “I’m just really tired.”
“Good,” Teran snarled. “Because I’m going to kill you.”
“What did you think you were doing, going against that dragon all by yourself?” Teran asked loudly.
“I was...” Yren started.
“Obviously, you weren’t thinking,” Teran interrupted. “You never stop to think. You just run off, never thinking about how much danger you’re putting yourself in. You don’t even bother to think about how your little mindless jaunts terrify me or-or Bena. You’re just so damned happy to go out and sacrifice your life, never even wondering how Bena or I feel about it.”
Bena covered her mouth, desperate to hide its rising corners.
“Teran... “ Yren started again.
“Shut up and listen,” Teran snarled. “Fine. You want to go out and get yourself killed? Fine. Just don’t expect me to wait while you do it. I have a baby coming and I don’t want to raise it alone. If you’re so dead set on getting killed, you just let me know and I’ll find someone else to help me raise this child.”
She turned and her eyes took in Scollaw, who had come up just behind her. “You! You want to raise a baby with me?”
Ranger Scollaw’s eyes widened. He glanced at the suddenly angry face of Yren, then back to the snarling face of Teran. “I – you – he,” Scollaw stuttered. He took a deep breath, throwing his hands up. “Don’t put me in the middle of this!”
Teran’s face grew even darker. “You’re just like all the rest of them!”
Teran turned back to Yren, her face clenched tightly. “Don’t you ever ... ever ... scare me like that again. You need to learn some responsibility, if not to Bena or me, then to the child which grows within me. You can’t just run off anymore. You are going to be a father!”
She turned and tried to stalk off, running into Bremer who had come up behind her. Like Bena, Bremer had been chuckling at the two, but she wiped the smile off her face as Teran turned around. Bremer knew that retreat was the better part of valor, so quickly moved out of the angry woman’s way.
Bremer waited a few minutes, making sure Teran was out of ear shot. She turned her face to her oldest friend, her voice low enough it wouldn’t carry to the angry, crying woman. “You scared her. She thought you were dead. We all thought you were dead.”
“I thought I was dead,” he replied drily. His voice was still weak, and his eyes continued to follow his sister’s stomping form. “Just now. I swear, Teran’s scarier than every dragon we faced today.”
“You better go comfort her,” Bena said from behind her hand. She was struggling as hard as she could not to laugh.
“Really?” Yren asked incredulously.
“Yes, Yren,” Bena said, her mirth fading. She shook her head sadly. Her brother could be so insightful on some things and so lost on others. “If you think you want to be on speaking terms within the next month or so, you should definitely go after her and throw yourself on her mercy.”
Yren almost cried as he struggled to get to his feet. He swallowed his sob and dared his eyes to go beyond watering. He kept the tears from falling, but it was a near thing.
The moonlight was just bright enough to make out the ground, though not bright enough to reveal all of the little things Yren kept tripping over. He watched Teran and marveled that, despite the sobs he could hear, she moved through the camps quickly and easily, with a sure, easy step. At first, the still burning fires from the battle cast strange shadows, fooling Yren’s weary eyes. When he stumbled after leaving the battlefield behind, though, he didn’t have that excuse.
In the moonlit darkness, as Yren stumbled on, he noticed bright, scared eyes following him and Teran from within tents along their path. The eyes were filled with a tortured, petulant fear, peering out at him from the darkness. They were young and old, the older sets sometimes pulling the younger ones away from the flaps of the tents.
Yren could not keep Teran’s pace. He tried, but he had little energy left. All he wanted to do was lie down somewhere and sleep for a few months. Instead, here he was trying to catch up to Teran. It made no sense – but then, women so rarely did. He could not fathom why Teran was so upset with him.
He tried to lengthen his stride, hoping to cut into Teran’s lead, but he just couldn’t push himself any faster. He was exhausted to the point he could barely keep his feet and his breath was coming in long, dangerous gasps.
When he heard Teran scream, however, his body responded, his exhaustion falling away. His stumbling gait became surer, and he almost absently pulled Hatred and Rage from their sheath, readying them for combat. He could feel energy pump through him as he ran, his blood pounding in his veins. His face grew dark and bleak as he readied himself for yet another battle.
He caught up to Teran at their tent. She was stopped, her eyes wide, peering inside. Her hands were up, half covering her face and he noticed she trembled.
He felt relief as he could see she was unharmed and the energy within him began to ebb away. He shuddered at its loss, his body beginning the long slide back into exhaustion. Slowly, he re-sheathed his blades, his eyes trying to pick out what had Teran so frightened. He managed to reach her while his steps were still sure, but he stopped and peered inside the tent. There, laying on the ground, he found the partially burnt body of a man, wearing one of his gambeson’s.
He took a single step closer. He wanted to go to the man to see if he could help him, but Teran turned back to him and clutched at him tightly, her sobs ringing against the metal of his chestplate. All he could do was circle her with his arms, comforting her quietly. It had been left to Syl, running at the sound of Teran’s screams, to go to the man’s aid.
Syl was pale, her blue eyes uncharacteristically dull, and she wheezed even as she knelt. Her normally braided hair was loose, and it scattered in the wind, with strands flung in every direction. Her hands trembled as she touched at the man’s neck. She blew out a deep breath when she leaned back and closed her eyes. Yren knew she needn’t have checked. It was evident the man was quite dead.
Yren could see the body was a large man with a smoldering, melted hand and arm. Yren’s gambeson covered him, but it was scorched in places, particularly around the burnt arm and down the man’s side, revealing further burn marks which Syl carefully avoided. While Syl leaned forward and flipped the man over, Yren took in the rest of the tent. The open, spilled contents of his armor chest, coupled with the man’s clothes strewn on the floor and the smoldering gambeson he wore made it quite clear what the man had been doing. Yren could feel his anger rising as Syl turned over the body of Torus Oloid.
As Syl began her prayer, Gillen came running up to answer Teran’s scream. The knight’s face was pale and unusually drawn and there were large bags under her eyes and pallid shadows in her sunken cheeks. She seemed almost smaller somehow, as if something had sucked out her lifeforce, leaving behind only a shell. Still, the sword she held was at the ready and her shield was steady.
Honor Hawksley glanced at Yren and then at Teran, a question in her eyes. She peered into the tent, watching as a faint, orange glow slowly spread from Syl’s hands throughout Oloid’s corpse. Satisfied Syl was resurrecting the giant man, Gillen’s eyes turned back towards Yren.
“Did you do this?” she asked tiredly, her eyes piercing. Her drawn face grew grim, and her sword, while dipped towards the ground, was pointed directly at Yren.
“No,” Yren replied darkly. “He did this. You know what happens when someone tries to touch my armor.”
Gillen bit her lip and her eyes narrowed, gazing deep into Yren’s. “Are you claiming he tried to steal your armor?”
“I claim nothing,” Yren said darkly through gritted teeth. “Look at my chest of arms. Look at his clothes. It’s fairly obvious what occurred here.”
Gillen looked into the tent, carefully surveying its contents before turning yet again to Yren. “You didn’t do that in your haste to arm yourself?”
“It wouldn’t have been needed,” Bena said as she walked up to Yren and Teran’s side.
She turned to her brother and sister. “Audette and Ilzu are fine. They’ll need to rest tonight but I was able to heal them.”
Gillen’s eyes narrowed even further. “What do you mean, ‘it wouldn’t have been needed’?”
Bena looked a question at Yren, who’s face still reflected his anger. His eyes drifted to Gillen then back to Bena. He raised his eyebrows, pursed his lips and nodded once.
Bena turned to Gillen. “We’ve found my brother’s armor is part of him. Part of that is harming those he does not trust – such as Honor Oloid. Part of it is that it comes when he calls. He has no need to put his armor on – he just summons it and it covers him.”
“Magic!?!” Gillen exclaimed. “Magic is not allowed...”
“Yes,” Bena replied firmly but quietly, her voice dripping with exhaustion. She wasn’t truly tired, but she was tired of playing to Gillen’s sensitivity on this subject. She knew it might cost them in the end, but it was time to bring certain facts out into the open. With a sigh, she took a short step in front of her brother and sister. “Magic is against the law in Wenland. Magic is also what saved all of us from those dragons. Well, magic and a small girl who seems able to become a dragon.”
“What has me curious is why now?” Yren boomed, anger still evident in his voice. There was no sign of the young man’s fatigue.
He was angry at Torus Oloid but he also wanted to head off the argument he could see coming. Gillen followed the directions of her Queen and King – including their edicts. She might turn a blind eye if she could reasonably convince herself she didn’t know – but Bena was rubbing Gillen’s nose in his abilities. “It seems impossibly coincidental that Wenland outlaws magic and suddenly we have dragons attacking us.”
Gillen’s face showed her surprise. She began to wonder when she’d lost the lead of this questioning. “Magic was outlawed several years ago...”
“We’ve lived without dragon attacks for countless generations,” Teran interrupted, turning from her brother and wiping at her tears. “Enough that we began to believe them nothing more than old folk tales. Suddenly, Wenland outlaws magic and the dragons return? Yren and Bena are right. There’s something bigger going on here, Honor Hawksley.”
Gillen closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Yren, Teran and Bena made a formidable front – but she desperately tried to turn the questioning back to something she could control. “And Honor Oloid?”
Yren’s face turned bleak. “He was burned in our tent. His wounds appear strikingly similar to others who have touched my armor. He is dressed in my gambeson so...”
“We don’t know that he was trying to take your armor,” Gillen sighed. She was so tired, and the night didn’t look as if it was going to end anytime soon. She truly didn’t care about the magic – before the Queen’s decree many of the platoons had their own mage – but she couldn’t let it go either. She needed Yren to be more careful if he had any hope of becoming a knight. “We don’t know exactly what happened here.”
Yren’s face grew pinched, but he closed his eyes and nodded. It was useless to fight this battle. Better to save his strength. “Maybe he was desperate to help with the dragons. Desperate enough to try my armor. We won’t know until we ask him.”
“Or maybe he took a dragon’s flame attack,” Gillen suggested.
“Wearing my gambeson?” Yren asked incredulously but stopped himself from continuing. He blew out a long breath instead.
Gillen looked into the tent, where Syl was settled back, her shoulders stooped and her breath coming in gasps. Torus was still lying on the ground, but his eyes were open, and he was blinking and shaking his head. He wasn’t trying to rise, just gather himself. The man groaned as he gasped for breath.
The two knights both needed rest – Syl from the exertion of bringing Honor Oloid back from Ober’s realm and Oloid to recover from the shock of returning to life. Syl was strong, but she’d already resurrected several of the Knottline Guard a bit earlier. She needed to be careful, lest she dip into Ober’s realm one time too many and get stuck there herself.
Gillen turned back to the three siblings. “He’ll need rest before he can explain himself. We all need rest before we pursue anything. Then there’s the matter of the girl who can become a dragon...”
Her voice trailed off and she shook her head. “It’ll wait until tomorrow. I’ll take first watch. Sir Givens will take second and I’ll need you to take the third. We’ll have to depend on Dakin Oovert for fourth watch. Syl and Uud need their rest. The girl will stay in my tent for now. I want to be sure she doesn’t wander off.”
“I can take a watch, Honor,” Syl spoke up from where she still sat next to Torus Oloid. Her head remained bowed and her words were said between gasps for breath.
“You can barely stand,” Gillen disagreed. “I know how many lives you’ve restored today. You are to go to your tent and rest until tomorrow.”
“I’ve not restored many more than you,” Syl protested.
“You have your orders, Sar Troel,” Gillen said firmly. Her voice was like iron and would brook no dissent.
Syl’s head jerked up to take in the First of the Third. It had been a long time since Gillen had used her title in that tone of voice. “Yes, ma’am.”
Gillen looked at her for a long moment before turning back to Yren. “The rumor is that you can communicate with our shape-shifter?”
“Some,” Yren admitted, his brows knotting in confusion in the topic change. “They speak ... I guess you’d call it a dialect of kern. I’m not very fluent in it, but I think I can make her understand me.”
“Good,” Gillen said with a nod. “We’ll need to question her tomorrow. We need to know how the dragons are organized, how many there are and what their plans are.”
“She tried to help us,” Yren started in protest.
“AND,” Gillen talked over him. “She’ll help us more tomorrow.”
---- ∞ ----
Yren stood, watching the rising sun with bleary eyes. The vibrant yellows, reds and oranges were lost on him. His eyes felt like they were filled with sand and his rubbing at them had left them bloodshot. He stifled a yawn as he trudged forward, finishing with a shake of his head and a deep breath filled with the dichotomous scent of blooming lilacs and burning grass.
It had been a long night.
Especially after the fright of finding a dead body in their tent, it had taken Yren hours to make up with Teran. Once Gillen had left, helping both Syl and Honor Oloid away from their tent, Teran had suddenly remembered how angry she was at Yren and once again stalked away from him and into the tent. Tears once again crawled down her face as she angrily began cleaning the tent, throwing Oloid’s clothes out into the night and hanging Yren’s other spare gambeson neatly on a line in the back of their tent since it was still slightly damp from the wash. She refused to listen to him, ignoring him while he was trying to explain himself and comfort her at the same time. His words had finally just devolved into a litany of different words with a single meaning – ‘I’m sorry.’
It wasn’t enough.
She pushed him away the first few times he tried to gather her into his arms again but eventually, hours later, she finally – reluctantly – allowed him to hold her. Still, she cried and Yren had no clue how to deal with the tears. They devastated him. He never wanted to be the cause of her crying – not her, not Elva, not Issa and not Bena. She only stopped when he let his hand drift down and rub on her barely protruding stomach. Only then did she place her hand on his and hold his hand in place.
He had not truly thought about it, but as she held his hand where their child was growing inside of her, he realized the significance of touching her there. They were going to be parents. The tirade and crying jaunt were all about how she didn’t want to raise the child – their child – alone. She had a life growing within her and she wanted him to be with her as the child grew.
The thought struck him like a club. Just as everything Teran did affected the unborn child within her, so, too, did everything he did. In a very real way, there was no Yren anymore. There was no Yren without there also being Teran and their child. He could no longer only think of himself, but he had to think of everything in context of how it affected all of them, Bena included.
As Teran drifted to sleep in his arms, he thought back. He wasn’t sure that he would have done anything differently. The dragons were going to kill them all. He had to head them off.
Or were they? If he had not jumped into the fray, would the dragons have tried so hard to destroy them? If he had not fought, might there not have been so much wanton destruction?
He grew confused and began to doubt himself. Should he give up being a knight, armsman, mage and blacksmith in light of his new profession of father?
He looked down at the dozing woman in his arms and he knew his answer. He’d be more careful – but he could not be less than what he was. He would add father to his list of titles. He would consider things before leaping into the fight – but he would still fight. He would still protect those he could – especially his family. To do less would make him less.
“I’ll be more careful,” he whispered, not expecting an answer from her slumbering form.
“Don’t make promises you cannot keep,” Teran croaked back. Her voice had left her sometime in the past few hours, but her bloodshot eyes opened, and she regarded him with a small, worried smile. “I’m sorry for haranguing you. Seeing you there, thinking you were dead – it scared me as I’ve never been scared before. I felt my heart ripped from my chest when I thought you were dead, and I wasn’t sure I could go on. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go on – without you.”
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I pulled out of the parking lot at the office in the dark. It was getting dark quickly as December began to take hold. I made my way to the tavern. It was time for Happy Hour that cold Wednesday evening. My cell phone rang as I pulled into the tavern’s parking lot.I hit the speaker on the phone without looking at the number and immediately, Jennifer asked, “Where are you?”I couldn’t help but laugh out loud before responding to her. “You have the most uncanny timing. I’m pulling into the parking...
BisexualThe wifes Aunty joyce lives a two hour drive away. It was a friday afternoon and I set off to pick her up. The wife satayed at home to prepare the meal.I arrived at joyces house her bags were packed in the hallway and I Loaded them into the car. Joyce always tried her best to look nice. She was 55 and her figure was a more rounded shape. she was wearing a bright red Skirt Just above the knee.Black Tights and A White silky blouse with her ample boobs pushing through, With red High Heels to...
Here i am on another business trip for England on my first night in a new city all alone iמ a local bar drinking my bear just before i leave to the hotel.suddenly a tall lady come in and sitting next to me she looks very tough and she just caught me looking at her glowing high heels.then she was staring at me and i immediately looked away , do you like my high heels honey? she asked.i couldn't open my mouth just thinking for my self that she caught me.what happened honey do you afraid i will...
Hi guy i thought id share this story with you which is 100% true and happened few weeks. i started seeing a girl called hannah she was 15 and i was 17 just started my new jiob and had passed my test recently my girlfriend was in last year of school she was one of those popular girls that seemed to have everything looks figure etc not blowing my own trumpet but id always been lucky with girl friend had a sister lucy 20 who worked in a clothes shop in the local centre and a older sister...
"Bong!" The doorbell woke me up. It was 7AM. "Just a minute!" I called out. Over night, the dildo had slipped from my vagina and was lying on the floor. I quickly thrust it into the night stand, stumbling as I was again overtaken by the electric shocks that ran through my body whenever I moved the damn thing. "Bong!" The doorbell again. "Hold on!" I shouted, as I rushed to the closet and threw on a shirt and pair of jeans. Finally I got to the door. "Hello there!" A large, burly...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Forbidden City, The Empire of Shizhuth The soldiers before the doors to the banquet hall pushed them open before my party. I had Lasla on my arm, my...
I went to the door and opened it slightly. Our new neighbour was standing there and I opened the door more widely. "Sorry it's so late, but I just wanted to explained that I'd dealt with young Greg the other day and I hope you'll have no more trouble from him." I mumbled something to the effect that I appreciated it. And then I did something rather strange. I don't know what came over me but I stood back half a step, and this made way for him to step into our hallway. I suddenly...
Perik crouched behind a bush, shivering with mingled impatience and fear. Out in the clearing something waited, yet she had to go that way. Go that way, and soon! She whimpered, muzzle low to the ground as she peered through bluish-green foliage. A sheer cliff rose to her right, and on her other side the swamp crowded close. The clearing was her only path to her cubs, and it was blocked. Amy looked out of place in her neatly pressed lab smock. Her blond hair and clear blue eyes called for a...
If only he had gone straight to the casino on Friday night like he intended he wouldn’t have had the police knocking at his door and he would definitely be in a better frame of mind for the long drive to Stockport. He was certainly beginning to regret his act of chivalry. The Bay Horse public house in Gateshead was a place you generally called into for a quick drink on the way to somewhere else. It was a dirty, sleazy place and so were the clientele. You had to avoid taking deep breathes...
MatureHai friends, here I am Ramvijay from coimbatore to tell you about my sex journey third part.. Thank you for your feedbacks for my previous part. My first part of sex journey I said how I fell in love and experienced a foreplay with my girlfriend Neethu and on next part I explained about my experience with my cousin Abinaya and caught by my little sister.. This is my third part of my sex journey and obviously this is about my sister. After she came from school she was shocked to see us in nude...
IncestWell if you have not read the previous stories about my mature hot slut wife Debra you should as this one just sums up what a complete sexy, nympho, cock slut she loves being...... So after her last hot intense fuck session with her 37 y/o stud Steven she was ready for more more more..... He has been fucking her for the last month at least 3-4 times per week.... The guy cannot believe hot hot and fucking wild this 59 y/o slut is in the bedroom.... He is fucking a hot 43 y/o that cannot even...
One Saturday morning I got an emergency call for a patient that lost a filling. She was a long time patient who I thought was kind of cute but always thought she was a lesbian. I made arrangements to meet her at the office in an hour. As I got off the couch Judy asked where I was going. I said I was going to the office to see a patient as she broke a tooth. usually I do not got see a female patient alone after hours but since I have known her for 20 plus years and thought she was a lesbian I...
Some backround info Im 20 and my sister is 18 My dad is in the navy so he is not home that often and my mum works for an events Place so she is always at these work events late into the night my sister has brown blond hair blue eyes and avage size tits Ok lets start so i just fineshed my second year at uni and i was runing out of money so i decided to come home over the summer And live with my perants. for the first couple of days i was really bored just moped around the house watching tv and...
"Hey, Regan," Tori said as she walked out to the pool deck, "there is a guy on the phone for you." Regan was reclining on a deck chair and she looked over her sunglasses in confusion. Andy was next to her; Chris was in the water; Elizabeth was on the way back with John Manley. Paul Manley was working late to make up for being rained out the day before and Chuck was working with him of the evenings after school. That pretty much accounted for any guy who might have a reason to call...
Climbing the stairs to her apartment, Elaine was tired but in a good mood. Snippets of her conversations with Leah and Gary had kept her smiling all day. It wasn't until she'd arrived on the landing outside her front door that she was jolted by the memory of her roommate's kiss. What was that about? Elaine wasn't sure, but she thought Kendra had kissed her because of 'stress' and 'high emotion'. Then again, maybe Kendra had always been attracted to Elaine, and her teasing sarcastic manner was a...
Watching Jenna II By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. I continue to work on my grammar. There are some errors and I do care. Thank you for your comments. The plot of this story is compound yet it is tied loosely to "Watching Jenna". "Watching Jenna III & IV" are underway. Scene Six I had left our rock group with no anxiety or regrets. We could fill a bar but the noise we made wasn't enough to make a life and living...
Everyone was hard at work and I was on my way to get some done myself before the weekend started, I got to my office and after logging into my computer I went down to the kitchen to get some coffee to help me get through the rest of the day. I had a brief conversation with a co-worker and it was back to business. The screen saver was on when I got back to the office; I sat down and moved the mouse to clear the screen. After putting down my coffee I saw that I had an email from my boss...
Her husband had left for work and the kids had been hustled off to school and Cheri was just finishing the breakfast dishes when the doorbell rang. She had no idea of who could be calling this early in the morning and since she was only in her bathrobe she made a quick check to make sure that nothing was showing and then she went to answer the door. She looked through the peephole in the door and saw a large black man. The man backed up a step and rang the doorbell again. She was surprised to...
Roger woke slowly. His whole body hurt. He was lying on the steering wheel of his truck and could tell the airbag had deployed. It was deathly quiet. No, that wasn't entirely correct. He could not hear normal traffic and airport noises. He did hear wind rustling leaves and birds chirping. He heard his dogs whining and felt them licking his face trying to awaken him. Roger raised his head and groaned then wondered what the HELL had happened, what had hit him. He was immediately assaulted once...
Liv Revamped engages Giovanni Francesco with her lips, as she grinds her pussy over his cock. She takes charge here, sliding down to unzip his pants to pull out that huge cock. She drizzles his cock with her spit, lubing it up for the passionate blowjob she doles out. The curly haired brunette didn’t come to play, she’s all about the business of pleasure! Once Giovanni gets her out of that lingerie, he bends her over to savor her beautiful ass and pussy. He lets his tongue explore as she moans,...
xmoviesforyouWaxing into a New Me part 1 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story and it may not be sold. It may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. It starts with a real statement; however, it becomes the life I wish I had after the first page. Comments or ideas may be sent to: [email protected]. Jane said, "What did you do? You look more like a woman than a man." James: however, most of the time he used Jimmy, had just taken his clothes off and he could clearly see his...
My hands were hurting my thighs aching and my tender bung hole was so sore that when he gripped me tightly and exclaimed ' it comes bitch, I'm breeding your pussy now...' It felt like some one had a hose with a stream of fluid that they would turn on briefly and shut off only to turn it on again. Grind against my buttocks as the three loads of male spunk spurted from around his huge tool and congealed on my thighs. I was so glad when he pulled from my bung and as I stood up I farted and...
His name was Set Indiana Lion Bones. Yeah, he'd be the first to tell ya, with a smirk, that his parents were damn cool. The other names were just 'cause... y'know, whatever. How about some more spirit in that drink girl? It's getting pretty hot in here, he'd say in his whiskey-soaked husky voice, twinkling his devilish rum-soaked eyes. Set, Indy, Lion, call him whatever. He'd go on, talking to whatever pretty young lass was by his side, being all Mr Lothario, seducing her with his voice a...
FantasyAlthough my interaction with sister #1 was minimal, I did get brave and touch her and occasionally slip a finger on her pussy, but not brave enough to actually penetrate her (wish I had!), she would open her legs slightly and breathe deeply when I would touch her. I was too young to understand why (dumb shit I was!). I never went futher than to touch her, and eventually she stopped "sleeping" on the couch. However, my next sister (3 years older than me, and eventually ended up getting...
Peg sat in her kitchen she was thinking about the party she had been to over the weekend. Larry had called and cancelled seeing her Thursday as his work was taking him out of town. Jim her husband was being a prick about things in general, she just wasn’t happy. Her cell rang, she didn’t recognize the number but since it was local decided to answer it. “Hello”? “Hi there sexy this is Juan”. She smiled as Juan was the guy who hosted the party. “Well hi yourself what’s up”? Juan coughed then...
"Admirable." False flattery? No. Something else. Manipulation. Shannon knew she was being played with, but it was still her choice to play. Elizabeth Fisher's games made her feel not simply naked, but exposed. "Admirable? All I did was attend a barbeque." "How did you enjoy it?" With all that she had done recently, Shannon hesitated to use the word. But it was the closest to explaining her feeling. "It was obscene. Frat boys from Columbus. Sorority girls from Exeter. A bunch of...
I don't get frequent urges to rape. At least, not yet. I do have a normal side of life. I'm 19 years old and I attend a local community college. I live with my mother and a 16-year-old sister. My parents are divorced and we never see my father. I even have a regular girlfriend who's a willing sex partner. It's just I like a bit of variety. A little force is kind of exciting to me. It would take a mental health professional to explain so I won't try. I was checking out prospects when I...
This incident happened before one night of my cousin wedding her name Nida with age 22. She normally wears salwar and kameez but sometimes put on some T-shirt and Half pant. She is very beautiful girl with red cheeks and lips and browns eyes her boobs are very firm and soft with amazing figure .. She some times wears specs in that she looks like porn star if any guys sees her he will definitely wish to have that beauty in their bed I think size of he may be 34-30-34. 2 weeks before wedding of...
Incest1. Slave should always remove clothing as soon as she/he gets home unless Master/ Mistress has laid out clothing for the slave or submissive to wear. 2. Slave should fold clothes neatly or place them in the laundry whenever he/ she gets undressed. 3. The slave or submissive is to kneel in present posture whenever the Master/ Mistress is due to arrive and wait quietly. 4. Whenever the Master/ Mistress is present in a room, the slave must ask permission to enter in the following fashion:...
"They look lovely this year."My husband looked up to where I was leaning out of the bedroom window watching him tend his roses."Yes," he smiled. "I think we'll win a few prizes again this year."""They're not nearly as lovely as your ass mum," my son whispered behind me as he raised my skirt up over my hips."And they're nowhere near as lovely as these sexy little panties."I sighed with pleasure as I felt his warm breath on my thighs, his lips touched the naked flesh above my stockings, and I...
IncestALL THINGS COME……. TO HE WHO WAITS June. Ulrika stretched luxuriously as the masseuse’s strong fingers worked the weeks of tension and anxiety out of her back. On the table next to her Trudi was receiving the same care and attention from Inge, her eyes closed in bliss as the dark girl leaned into her shoulders, probing and twisting. Uli rolled her head and smiled at Inge. ‘I’m so glad Luke arranged these sessions. It was good before the exams, but now they’re over it’s just heaven. The only...
Bill slowly stood, his eyes locked with Linda's. "It might even be twelve by the time we get finished, if we take our time and do it right," he said. "I would prefer we do it right," Linda answered, her eyes still locked on his. "These are my babies and they are worth doing it right for." "Bill is the one trembling now," Linda thought. Linda looked at his crotch and could see what looked like a larger than average cock straining to get out and he was very obviously leaking precum....
Over the past year my wife has put on what I call sexy weight. She's not necessarily obese but the added stress of breast feeding and a new job has given way to some extra well defined curves.Before pregnancy she was a 34B. A few months before giving birth and now well into year one of breast feeding she's swollen to 36DD. Her ass has gotten fat too. She's almost pouring out of her old jeans. It definitely makes for a bit more fun during sex as I don't have to worry about hurting her when I...
Betty was professional, intelligent, a good manager, and all-around great at her job. Everyone at the office respected her work ethic and her ability to get things done. She was seen as a rising star in the company.But none of that stopped them from nicknaming her Betty Big Titties.An office isn't that different from a locker room. Nobody said it to her face, but it was the nickname that men gave her behind her back. It was appropriate. She was about 5'6" with long dark hair, sexy hazel...
Office SexOcala Florida 4:13 pm Marylyn I looked in fear, as the man tightened his finger on the trigger. Then I snapped out, "You kill me, and you will have every cop in the country after your ass. I'm a Federal Judge, and you have been photographed holding the weapon on me." "What you mean, photographed," the man asked as he looked around nervously. Raising my hand I pointed at the camera on the bank and then at the one on the light pole for the intersection and said, "Firstly, there is...
Robin - Tuesday morning before school I woke up thinking that I dreamed sometime during the night that I had gone to school naked yesterday. I took my morning shower and had gone downstairs to eat breakfast. When I sat down at the table I remembered that I actually went to all my classes yesterday in my birthday suit. It was not a mistake of forgetting to get dressed but The Program of course. Oh well, at the very least I have a new friend that knows how things are being a Twin. My brother...
{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex and his family have a condition that changes their gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Now that he knows the truth, Alex's simple goal is complicated by the power struggle within the first school he's ever attended.} Knight and Dey 2: Top Dog By Ron Dow75 "Wow, he actually did the death scene," Lyza said, on her side, her head in a hand. "Hmf! He looks pretty alive for somebody who...
HumorI'm Mark and I'm engaged to marry my love, Karen in a month. That doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that we are not going to make love till our wedding night. Wow! Can I go a month without sex? That would almost be a record for me. Maybe I'll just have a last fling. I promised Karen that I would be monogamous after we were married, we're not married yet. What if she finds out? Then I may lose the only woman I believe I truly ever loved. Damn! Why did I agree to this? I thought I...
I was a good guy, good in academics, good in football, and good at heart.The only thing my parents worried about was my physique. So, I joined a gym. I was a lean guy, but I was fit. I had muscles (no abs, and no chiseled body), and people liked my company irrespective to the age difference. (I still am the same, but with a beard now ???).During my 11th, I was put on the team sheet of my school’s football team as the striker.We had won many games, many tournaments and many more awards. So,...
Someone must have been following her for some time, because one morning while out shopping in Suntec, they came up behind her Someone must have been following her for some time, because one morning while out shopping in Suntec, they came up behind her and jabbed her in the small of the back with a taser. The jolt spurted through her voluntary nervous system, and she crumpled bonelessly to the floor. Her attacker pocketed the taser - disguised as a cellphone - and bent down over her: her...
Sheet, blankets, and pillows were on the floor of Kelly's bedroom. I was on the floor in Kelly's bedroom also. Technically I had a buffer between the floor and me. I was on top of a pretty 16-year girl, but it wasn't Kelly. "Oooh," Jenny moaned in response to my deep thrust. Kelly was on her back right next to Jenny. I was going back and forth between the girls. At this moment, my dick was inside Jenny. I pulled back and rammed in hard. "I'm cumming!" cried out Jenny. She arched...
[Threesome, Eighteen, Red head, Bad boys]Young Verity doesn’t trust guys following a breakup. Two opportunistic groomsmen in her deserted mother’s florist shop quickly position her agile body more creatively than any ikebana arrangement in her nubile life. Running a small business Saturday afternoon after four o’clock should be a breeze for anyone. It’s only a matter of waiting for five o’clock and packing everything up and getting ready to lock the place and leave. It was so quiet in the...
Sometimes I'll tell you when a story is true. Sometimes I'll tell you when a story is fictional. Sometimes I won't tell you either way. This one really happened. Like many wagers with penalties, the rules can get confusing when reduced to writing. To try and simplify things, this story is about a wager between two woman, on an NFL football game. It is a five part clothing wager. Each quarter of the game stands alone, with the final score being the fifth part. Each woman is only wearing...
Re-written from my original post as posh-slut Justine, Emma, Anita and I were hell bent on getting laid. Preferable by a few guys but to be honest we’d take whatever was there.We had arranged to meet at Emma’s place yesterday around five. Plenty of time to tart ourselves up for the night ahead. When Ani and I arrived Justy was already there on her second glass of vino, Emma too apparently. Emma poured Ani and I a good glass of chilled Sancerre whilst we sat around chatting before donning our...
Hi everyone, I am Raj age 21 from Pune. I am here to share one of the best experiences of my life. I was studying in a college near my home. My friends in college had girlfriends but I was not that lucky. But, one day my life was about to change. I had a friend in college whose name was Ketan. Ketan was a good friend of mine. I knew his family very well. One day, he came to me and invited me to her sister Naina’s marriage. Naina was 26 years old and was very nice to me. My friend’s sister was...
Hi everyone I am new on this site and this is my first pen downed story here. Please mail your responses @ All you girls reading this message it will give you lot of enjoyment as you read my experience. Please do mail me if you want to take the fun as they did. To begin with, my name is prince… Ya ya feminized prince. I am 21 yr old residing in Mumbai, slim and thin. After my graduation I started working. In our team of 5. Four of them were girls. To name them temporarily- sonia, seema, sana...
Lesbian"Damn." Kevin thought to himself as he stared at himself in the mirror. He had borrowed his father's fake breast bra, and was staring at the results of putting it on. It was a nice solid C cup bra, one that his father would give to his patients who had undergone breast surgery to remove tumors. It was a standard white bra, like one he would have found in his mother's drawers. It matched the pair of panties he had taken from her as well. He could clearly see the panties in the mirror too. They...
IncestHai all! I’m vasanth kumar from chennai. I’m residing near tiruvanmiyur. An it working guy. Please read the story and mail me your feedback at : Suggestions/feedback by girls/aunt are appreciated, even meetings dating too…. Coming to the story… I’m residing in an individual house, with my parents. I’m the only son to them. Next to my house is my uncle’s house who is in madurai. And the house is in our control. We leave them for rent. It was september 2016, uncle’s house was vacant. Some...
IncestNumber 12 of a series of individual stories. (email [email protected] - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) The Internet ? by: Sonia_en_femme Chapter 1 - Off to Work My wife Sally Anne and I had had many adventures with me wearing panties or fully dressed as a woman. When I dressed up the sex was out of this world and, as well as the incredible excitement I felt when wearing panties, I knew Sally Anne was turned on by her being able to enjoy her...
The frustration on her face was painfully obvious. Ratna plopped down at the lunch table and blew a heavy sigh through her lips.”What? Nothing good for lunch today?” I asked playfully.”I wish that was all it was,” replied Ratna glancing at me and turning up a half-grin. “i’ve been trying to get a plumber to come to my house and install this washing machine I bought. They want like a minimum of 200 bucks to come over and look at this thing. Most likely it’ll cost me 450, I figure. I just can’t...
My sister Ilse had planned a fun Saturday for us. We would go to a local snooker hall in the afternoon and in the evening, we had planned to see a movie in the cinema. I had invited Illiana along and my sister a friend from her class, Nathalie. Nathalie had a car, so she drove us to the snooker place and when we arrived there, we could see that the parking lot was almost full, so it was obvious that there would be many people in the place. We walked inside and noticed that all tables were in...
The year was 1406, and Trenian was in the throes of making love to the beautiful Esmerelda. Trenian never thought he, the second son of a poor farmer, would have such a beautiful, rich woman as a lover and potential wife. He had instantly been attracted to her, he loved the way her brown-gold curls cascaded down her head and the way her green eyes pierced his soul. The way her slender body looked in her extravagant dress was enough to send Trenian back to the barn to jerk off in the company of...
Hi to all ISS readers. I am Raj a mechanical engineer living in mayanur, karur, tamilnadu. This is my second story in which I am going to tell you how I got my sister (aunt’s daughter) who also my uncle’s (mother’s bro) wife. She is 43 now, I won’t reveal her name. She got married when my age was one, now am 26.Let me tell you about our relation. Am the younger one in my home, I told you more about me in my previous story so let me start this one. My uncle’s home is also where my grandma will...