RuneswardChapter 58: Inquisition free porn video

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It was dark. Even the moonlight had hid behind clouds. There was some light from burning grass and wood, but it helped only marginally. An acrid smell of dead meat and a strange sickly-sweet smell of burnt ozone weighed heavy on the night breeze. There was also the gagging smell of blood hidden somewhere within that horrid stench.

Yren noticed it only in passing. His head kept drooping of its own accord. He was struggling to keep it upright and struggling even harder to keep his eyes open. The shock of seeing this huge, strangely hued dragon literally melt into what appeared to be a young girl had not been enough to keep him upright. Curiosity was a luxury at the moment.

After managing a few steps drawing him nearer to the small girl, he’d quite literally collapsed where he’d stood. Sometime in that seemingly endless journey to the ground, he’d found the strength to sheath Hatred and Rage, but he couldn’t really recall doing it. His memory was as much a luxury as his curiosity, and he could afford neither.

As it was, only the fact he’d fallen against some wooden debris – thankfully not burning as was so much of the other wooden debris in the area - stopped him from landing face down in the dirt. In truth, he’d almost rather be laying in the dirt. He’d almost rather be laying anywhere. His whole body hurt, and he finally knew what the term bone weary truly meant. Even his hair hurt. His body was completely drained.

“Yren!” Bena yelled as she ran up to him. He couldn’t really recall from where she’d come. His memory of the past few seconds was gone, fuzzy and amorphous. He felt he should have some memory of the past few moments. Had he passed out?

“Are you okay?” Bena asked. She was kneeling beside him, her hands removing his helm. Her face swam in front of him, seemingly getting larger and then smaller – closer and then further away.

When had she knelt? Time seemed to be jerking into discrete moments for Yren. Bits and pieces of the world around him flashed before him but in discrete moments. It felt almost as if his eyes were closing and opening, but he couldn’t remember even blinking.

“Are you hurt?” Bena asked. Her voice was anxious and a bit shrill. Her face was closed and filled with concern. He could see her moving but it took him a moment to put it together. He had to look down to realize she was working on his hands, removing his gauntlets.

“Just tired,” Yren murmured. His words were an understatement. He seemed to be losing consciousness every few seconds. Or had he? Nothing truly made sense just now.

He managed to raise his head. The moon had slid from behind the clouds, but the moonlight wasn’t particularly bright. It was bright enough to see his immediate surroundings, though. Ataya was standing some few yards away, her face pale and concerned and her usually vibrant copper locks matted close to her head with dirt. She was stuck in a half-step, her right leg forward and her hands raised slightly. Her look spoke of uncertainty. She wasn’t sure if she should approach or keep her distance. Every so often, she glanced at the small form lying in front of Yren.

To her right, Mulet and Caprice huddled together, their wide eyes darting wildly around the darkness. Beyond them, he could barely make out Audette and Ilzu limping up, their forms flickering in the shadows of the still burning grass. Their arms were around each other’s shoulders, their clothing riddled with dirt and debris. They seemed unable to stand alone, leaning against each other and depending on one another so as not to fall over.

For a moment, he directed all of his attention at Bena. He looked her over carefully, looking for any sign of trauma or distress. He noticed some streaks of dirt down her face and a small scratch on her neck, just under her jaw. Her eyes were filled with worry and her face was drawn from weariness, but there were no open wounds. Beyond the angry welt at her neck, there was no blood.

He managed a sigh of relief. She was safe. Although he’d done everything he could to push it from his mind as he battled the dragons, he had been worried since he’d heard her calling to him.

He looked around for Teran but he could not see her. Strangely, he could feel her, off in the distance, moving towards him. He was somewhat startled to realize he could feel Bena as well, kneeling next to him. His mother was off to the side, just out of eyesight in the darkness, trying to comfort a family who had lost their child in the fray. Issa was distant – he could feel her but not what she was doing.

What startled him more was that what he felt wasn’t new. He had never truly thought of it before, possibly because they had always been in close proximity, but he had always known where his family was. It had been so natural, such a part of his everyday existence, he’d never thought to question it before. He realized it was even a part of why he’d been able to tamp down his concern about Bena so he could fight against the dragons.

As soon as he knew his family was truly safe, the aches and pains returned. The weariness was almost more than he could bear. He felt completely wrung out, as if every muscle in his body had been abused. His body was slowing and readying itself for rest. It was the same feeling he’d had so many weeks ago, after the Battle of Hasp. It differed only in degree. While he wanted desperately to rest – to sleep – he was able to fight it off, if only marginally, unlike what had happened back then.

Yren’s eyes dropped down. Truthfully, his entire head drooped. Keeping his head upright was so difficult and so tiring. The white-haired dragon girl was still there, still lying in the dirt. Someone had gone to the trouble of covering her from the chill of the night. He recognized Bena’s cloak and wondered when his beloved had taken the time. He racked his brain, but he couldn’t remember her covering the small girl.

Yren’s eyes turned up, locking with Bena’s. “See what you can do for her,” Yren managed to get out, his voice low and weak. He jerked his chin at the girl who had only moments before been a dragon.

Bena glanced over at the fallen, white-haired girl quickly before turning back to her betrothed. “I can’t.”

Yren could feel the slightest flame of anger. The anger wasn’t directed at Bena, but at the weakness he felt. Since he was a small child, he’d never felt weak and helpless – well, outside of the Battle of Hasp. Now, he struggled with how utterly exhausted he felt and how helpless he was to help the small girl.

He tried again. He needed Bena to understand. “You have to. She might be the only reason we’re still alive. She turned on her own kind to save us.”

“You’re not listening, beloved,” Bena replied earnestly. The word ‘beloved’ coming from her lips still managed to send a shiver through him, despite his fatigue and despite having heard the word from her countless times before. She reached up and stroked Yren’s cheek. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t. I said I can’t. Evidently, dragons are immune to holy magic.”

Yren closed his eyes a moment, allowing himself to enjoy Bena’s touch but trying desperately to push against the exhaustion. After the brief respite, he re-opened his eyes and looked at Bena. “They can’t be immune to magic. I ... I ... well, I did something to the gold one. I ... I pulled it into my swords or something.”

Bena tilted her head and her eyes lost focus for a moment. “What you did ... what you did ... well, Deia isn’t really sure what you did. She’s seen it before, long ago, but she doesn’t understand it any more now than she did back then.”

Bena paused, a look of uncertainty covering her face. “Or, perhaps more truthfully, she understands but isn’t ready to explain what you’ve done ... either to me or to you.”

The girl shook her head slightly, her white-blonde hair shimmering back and forth under the moonlight. Her face grew a bit frustrated.

“The magic embedded in your swords is...,” Bena continued her explanation. Her eyes squinted slightly and there was a pause in her words as she sought instruction from her internal visitor. “The magic you use is not ordered as holy magic. It is not touched by divinity. The dragons are only immune to divine magic such as the magic with which Deia graces me.”

“We have to do something,” Yren insisted.

Bena’s head tilted, her eyes unfocused as she listened to the internal voice. “No, we don’t.”

“Bena...” Yren started but Bena interrupted him.

“We don’t because there is nothing wrong with her except for some exhaustion,” Bena explained, repeating the internal dialogue from her divine visitor. She sat back on her heels, taking Yren’s hands in her own. Her eyes sought his out and looked into them meaningfully. “The blood you see is drying – no more is being added. Look at her face and neck. The cuts and scratches she should have aren’t there. She is whole – unhurt.”

“That’s ... that’s...,” Yren started but, given the nature of what he’d just gone through – what he’d just done – he couldn’t let the word ‘impossible’ spill from his lips.

“Impossible?” Bena asked with a soft smile. She shook her head a bit. “It is their nature. The nature of the power that allows them to shift from one form to another also heals all non-fatal wounds. It comes at a cost, however. It makes them very tired. Also, while they’re in the middle of changing, they are completely vulnerable to attack. They have no defenses – but there is no way to force them to change either.”

Yren sat back, unaware until that moment that he’d partially stood. He wasn’t sure how or when he’d changed position. He had no energy left in him, certainly not enough to actually move ... yet he had. With a groan, he settled back down, trying to find the strength to resist the darkness which kept coming for him.

“Nice little fight,” Ilzu remarked with a wincing smile as she and Audette shuffled into the small clearing. The two were limping and Ilzu’s left arm hung at an odd angle. A few of her fingers appeared to be broken as well.

“Forgive my companion, she thinks she’s funny,” Audette rejoined, her eyes rolling toward the heavens. There was blood along Audette’s face and more dripping from her right arm.

“Has anyone seen Gillen?” Ataya spoke up, her voice suffused with deep worry. She moved a bit closer to Bena and Yren. Mulet and Caprice imitated her movements, keeping their spot just behind her.

“She was over there,” Audette replied, pointing off to the left. “On the other side of that red dragon carcass, I think. She was tending to Sir Givens.”

“Is he ... is he alright?” Yren asked. His voice was just more than a whisper, weak but concerned.

“I don’t know for certain,” Audette replied. “We all took a beating.”

Bena turned from Yren. “Oh, my,” she started. “Here, let me heal you.”

“Hold that thought,” Teran snarled as she stalked into view. Yren looked at her carefully. She appeared in an utter rage but otherwise didn’t appear to be hurt. “You might have one more to heal in a moment.”

She stalked up to Yren, her left hand clutching her bow tightly. She stood over him ominously, glaring down at his pale, drawn face. Her fierce blue eyes flashed in warning. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” Yren responded weakly, his face questioning. He looked her over just as carefully as Bena. There were scratches and her cheek had a large bruise but there was no overt wounds or bleeding. “I’m just really tired.”

“Good,” Teran snarled. “Because I’m going to kill you.”

“What did you think you were doing, going against that dragon all by yourself?” Teran asked loudly.

“I was...” Yren started.

“Obviously, you weren’t thinking,” Teran interrupted. “You never stop to think. You just run off, never thinking about how much danger you’re putting yourself in. You don’t even bother to think about how your little mindless jaunts terrify me or-or Bena. You’re just so damned happy to go out and sacrifice your life, never even wondering how Bena or I feel about it.”

Bena covered her mouth, desperate to hide its rising corners.

“Teran... “ Yren started again.

“Shut up and listen,” Teran snarled. “Fine. You want to go out and get yourself killed? Fine. Just don’t expect me to wait while you do it. I have a baby coming and I don’t want to raise it alone. If you’re so dead set on getting killed, you just let me know and I’ll find someone else to help me raise this child.”

She turned and her eyes took in Scollaw, who had come up just behind her. “You! You want to raise a baby with me?”

Ranger Scollaw’s eyes widened. He glanced at the suddenly angry face of Yren, then back to the snarling face of Teran. “I – you – he,” Scollaw stuttered. He took a deep breath, throwing his hands up. “Don’t put me in the middle of this!”

Teran’s face grew even darker. “You’re just like all the rest of them!”

Teran turned back to Yren, her face clenched tightly. “Don’t you ever ... ever ... scare me like that again. You need to learn some responsibility, if not to Bena or me, then to the child which grows within me. You can’t just run off anymore. You are going to be a father!”

She turned and tried to stalk off, running into Bremer who had come up behind her. Like Bena, Bremer had been chuckling at the two, but she wiped the smile off her face as Teran turned around. Bremer knew that retreat was the better part of valor, so quickly moved out of the angry woman’s way.

Bremer waited a few minutes, making sure Teran was out of ear shot. She turned her face to her oldest friend, her voice low enough it wouldn’t carry to the angry, crying woman. “You scared her. She thought you were dead. We all thought you were dead.”

“I thought I was dead,” he replied drily. His voice was still weak, and his eyes continued to follow his sister’s stomping form. “Just now. I swear, Teran’s scarier than every dragon we faced today.”

“You better go comfort her,” Bena said from behind her hand. She was struggling as hard as she could not to laugh.

“Really?” Yren asked incredulously.

“Yes, Yren,” Bena said, her mirth fading. She shook her head sadly. Her brother could be so insightful on some things and so lost on others. “If you think you want to be on speaking terms within the next month or so, you should definitely go after her and throw yourself on her mercy.”

Yren almost cried as he struggled to get to his feet. He swallowed his sob and dared his eyes to go beyond watering. He kept the tears from falling, but it was a near thing.

The moonlight was just bright enough to make out the ground, though not bright enough to reveal all of the little things Yren kept tripping over. He watched Teran and marveled that, despite the sobs he could hear, she moved through the camps quickly and easily, with a sure, easy step. At first, the still burning fires from the battle cast strange shadows, fooling Yren’s weary eyes. When he stumbled after leaving the battlefield behind, though, he didn’t have that excuse.

In the moonlit darkness, as Yren stumbled on, he noticed bright, scared eyes following him and Teran from within tents along their path. The eyes were filled with a tortured, petulant fear, peering out at him from the darkness. They were young and old, the older sets sometimes pulling the younger ones away from the flaps of the tents.

Yren could not keep Teran’s pace. He tried, but he had little energy left. All he wanted to do was lie down somewhere and sleep for a few months. Instead, here he was trying to catch up to Teran. It made no sense – but then, women so rarely did. He could not fathom why Teran was so upset with him.

He tried to lengthen his stride, hoping to cut into Teran’s lead, but he just couldn’t push himself any faster. He was exhausted to the point he could barely keep his feet and his breath was coming in long, dangerous gasps.

When he heard Teran scream, however, his body responded, his exhaustion falling away. His stumbling gait became surer, and he almost absently pulled Hatred and Rage from their sheath, readying them for combat. He could feel energy pump through him as he ran, his blood pounding in his veins. His face grew dark and bleak as he readied himself for yet another battle.

He caught up to Teran at their tent. She was stopped, her eyes wide, peering inside. Her hands were up, half covering her face and he noticed she trembled.

He felt relief as he could see she was unharmed and the energy within him began to ebb away. He shuddered at its loss, his body beginning the long slide back into exhaustion. Slowly, he re-sheathed his blades, his eyes trying to pick out what had Teran so frightened. He managed to reach her while his steps were still sure, but he stopped and peered inside the tent. There, laying on the ground, he found the partially burnt body of a man, wearing one of his gambeson’s.

He took a single step closer. He wanted to go to the man to see if he could help him, but Teran turned back to him and clutched at him tightly, her sobs ringing against the metal of his chestplate. All he could do was circle her with his arms, comforting her quietly. It had been left to Syl, running at the sound of Teran’s screams, to go to the man’s aid.

Syl was pale, her blue eyes uncharacteristically dull, and she wheezed even as she knelt. Her normally braided hair was loose, and it scattered in the wind, with strands flung in every direction. Her hands trembled as she touched at the man’s neck. She blew out a deep breath when she leaned back and closed her eyes. Yren knew she needn’t have checked. It was evident the man was quite dead.

Yren could see the body was a large man with a smoldering, melted hand and arm. Yren’s gambeson covered him, but it was scorched in places, particularly around the burnt arm and down the man’s side, revealing further burn marks which Syl carefully avoided. While Syl leaned forward and flipped the man over, Yren took in the rest of the tent. The open, spilled contents of his armor chest, coupled with the man’s clothes strewn on the floor and the smoldering gambeson he wore made it quite clear what the man had been doing. Yren could feel his anger rising as Syl turned over the body of Torus Oloid.

As Syl began her prayer, Gillen came running up to answer Teran’s scream. The knight’s face was pale and unusually drawn and there were large bags under her eyes and pallid shadows in her sunken cheeks. She seemed almost smaller somehow, as if something had sucked out her lifeforce, leaving behind only a shell. Still, the sword she held was at the ready and her shield was steady.

Honor Hawksley glanced at Yren and then at Teran, a question in her eyes. She peered into the tent, watching as a faint, orange glow slowly spread from Syl’s hands throughout Oloid’s corpse. Satisfied Syl was resurrecting the giant man, Gillen’s eyes turned back towards Yren.

“Did you do this?” she asked tiredly, her eyes piercing. Her drawn face grew grim, and her sword, while dipped towards the ground, was pointed directly at Yren.

“No,” Yren replied darkly. “He did this. You know what happens when someone tries to touch my armor.”

Gillen bit her lip and her eyes narrowed, gazing deep into Yren’s. “Are you claiming he tried to steal your armor?”

“I claim nothing,” Yren said darkly through gritted teeth. “Look at my chest of arms. Look at his clothes. It’s fairly obvious what occurred here.”

Gillen looked into the tent, carefully surveying its contents before turning yet again to Yren. “You didn’t do that in your haste to arm yourself?”

“It wouldn’t have been needed,” Bena said as she walked up to Yren and Teran’s side.

She turned to her brother and sister. “Audette and Ilzu are fine. They’ll need to rest tonight but I was able to heal them.”

Gillen’s eyes narrowed even further. “What do you mean, ‘it wouldn’t have been needed’?”

Bena looked a question at Yren, who’s face still reflected his anger. His eyes drifted to Gillen then back to Bena. He raised his eyebrows, pursed his lips and nodded once.

Bena turned to Gillen. “We’ve found my brother’s armor is part of him. Part of that is harming those he does not trust – such as Honor Oloid. Part of it is that it comes when he calls. He has no need to put his armor on – he just summons it and it covers him.”

“Magic!?!” Gillen exclaimed. “Magic is not allowed...”

“Yes,” Bena replied firmly but quietly, her voice dripping with exhaustion. She wasn’t truly tired, but she was tired of playing to Gillen’s sensitivity on this subject. She knew it might cost them in the end, but it was time to bring certain facts out into the open. With a sigh, she took a short step in front of her brother and sister. “Magic is against the law in Wenland. Magic is also what saved all of us from those dragons. Well, magic and a small girl who seems able to become a dragon.”

“What has me curious is why now?” Yren boomed, anger still evident in his voice. There was no sign of the young man’s fatigue.

He was angry at Torus Oloid but he also wanted to head off the argument he could see coming. Gillen followed the directions of her Queen and King – including their edicts. She might turn a blind eye if she could reasonably convince herself she didn’t know – but Bena was rubbing Gillen’s nose in his abilities. “It seems impossibly coincidental that Wenland outlaws magic and suddenly we have dragons attacking us.”

Gillen’s face showed her surprise. She began to wonder when she’d lost the lead of this questioning. “Magic was outlawed several years ago...”

“We’ve lived without dragon attacks for countless generations,” Teran interrupted, turning from her brother and wiping at her tears. “Enough that we began to believe them nothing more than old folk tales. Suddenly, Wenland outlaws magic and the dragons return? Yren and Bena are right. There’s something bigger going on here, Honor Hawksley.”

Gillen closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Yren, Teran and Bena made a formidable front – but she desperately tried to turn the questioning back to something she could control. “And Honor Oloid?”

Yren’s face turned bleak. “He was burned in our tent. His wounds appear strikingly similar to others who have touched my armor. He is dressed in my gambeson so...”

“We don’t know that he was trying to take your armor,” Gillen sighed. She was so tired, and the night didn’t look as if it was going to end anytime soon. She truly didn’t care about the magic – before the Queen’s decree many of the platoons had their own mage – but she couldn’t let it go either. She needed Yren to be more careful if he had any hope of becoming a knight. “We don’t know exactly what happened here.”

Yren’s face grew pinched, but he closed his eyes and nodded. It was useless to fight this battle. Better to save his strength. “Maybe he was desperate to help with the dragons. Desperate enough to try my armor. We won’t know until we ask him.”

“Or maybe he took a dragon’s flame attack,” Gillen suggested.

“Wearing my gambeson?” Yren asked incredulously but stopped himself from continuing. He blew out a long breath instead.

Gillen looked into the tent, where Syl was settled back, her shoulders stooped and her breath coming in gasps. Torus was still lying on the ground, but his eyes were open, and he was blinking and shaking his head. He wasn’t trying to rise, just gather himself. The man groaned as he gasped for breath.

The two knights both needed rest – Syl from the exertion of bringing Honor Oloid back from Ober’s realm and Oloid to recover from the shock of returning to life. Syl was strong, but she’d already resurrected several of the Knottline Guard a bit earlier. She needed to be careful, lest she dip into Ober’s realm one time too many and get stuck there herself.

Gillen turned back to the three siblings. “He’ll need rest before he can explain himself. We all need rest before we pursue anything. Then there’s the matter of the girl who can become a dragon...”

Her voice trailed off and she shook her head. “It’ll wait until tomorrow. I’ll take first watch. Sir Givens will take second and I’ll need you to take the third. We’ll have to depend on Dakin Oovert for fourth watch. Syl and Uud need their rest. The girl will stay in my tent for now. I want to be sure she doesn’t wander off.”

“I can take a watch, Honor,” Syl spoke up from where she still sat next to Torus Oloid. Her head remained bowed and her words were said between gasps for breath.

“You can barely stand,” Gillen disagreed. “I know how many lives you’ve restored today. You are to go to your tent and rest until tomorrow.”

“I’ve not restored many more than you,” Syl protested.

“You have your orders, Sar Troel,” Gillen said firmly. Her voice was like iron and would brook no dissent.

Syl’s head jerked up to take in the First of the Third. It had been a long time since Gillen had used her title in that tone of voice. “Yes, ma’am.”

Gillen looked at her for a long moment before turning back to Yren. “The rumor is that you can communicate with our shape-shifter?”

“Some,” Yren admitted, his brows knotting in confusion in the topic change. “They speak ... I guess you’d call it a dialect of kern. I’m not very fluent in it, but I think I can make her understand me.”

“Good,” Gillen said with a nod. “We’ll need to question her tomorrow. We need to know how the dragons are organized, how many there are and what their plans are.”

“She tried to help us,” Yren started in protest.

“AND,” Gillen talked over him. “She’ll help us more tomorrow.”

---- ∞ ----

Yren stood, watching the rising sun with bleary eyes. The vibrant yellows, reds and oranges were lost on him. His eyes felt like they were filled with sand and his rubbing at them had left them bloodshot. He stifled a yawn as he trudged forward, finishing with a shake of his head and a deep breath filled with the dichotomous scent of blooming lilacs and burning grass.

It had been a long night.

Especially after the fright of finding a dead body in their tent, it had taken Yren hours to make up with Teran. Once Gillen had left, helping both Syl and Honor Oloid away from their tent, Teran had suddenly remembered how angry she was at Yren and once again stalked away from him and into the tent. Tears once again crawled down her face as she angrily began cleaning the tent, throwing Oloid’s clothes out into the night and hanging Yren’s other spare gambeson neatly on a line in the back of their tent since it was still slightly damp from the wash. She refused to listen to him, ignoring him while he was trying to explain himself and comfort her at the same time. His words had finally just devolved into a litany of different words with a single meaning – ‘I’m sorry.’

It wasn’t enough.

She pushed him away the first few times he tried to gather her into his arms again but eventually, hours later, she finally – reluctantly – allowed him to hold her. Still, she cried and Yren had no clue how to deal with the tears. They devastated him. He never wanted to be the cause of her crying – not her, not Elva, not Issa and not Bena. She only stopped when he let his hand drift down and rub on her barely protruding stomach. Only then did she place her hand on his and hold his hand in place.

He had not truly thought about it, but as she held his hand where their child was growing inside of her, he realized the significance of touching her there. They were going to be parents. The tirade and crying jaunt were all about how she didn’t want to raise the child – their child – alone. She had a life growing within her and she wanted him to be with her as the child grew.

The thought struck him like a club. Just as everything Teran did affected the unborn child within her, so, too, did everything he did. In a very real way, there was no Yren anymore. There was no Yren without there also being Teran and their child. He could no longer only think of himself, but he had to think of everything in context of how it affected all of them, Bena included.

As Teran drifted to sleep in his arms, he thought back. He wasn’t sure that he would have done anything differently. The dragons were going to kill them all. He had to head them off.

Or were they? If he had not jumped into the fray, would the dragons have tried so hard to destroy them? If he had not fought, might there not have been so much wanton destruction?

He grew confused and began to doubt himself. Should he give up being a knight, armsman, mage and blacksmith in light of his new profession of father?

He looked down at the dozing woman in his arms and he knew his answer. He’d be more careful – but he could not be less than what he was. He would add father to his list of titles. He would consider things before leaping into the fight – but he would still fight. He would still protect those he could – especially his family. To do less would make him less.

“I’ll be more careful,” he whispered, not expecting an answer from her slumbering form.

“Don’t make promises you cannot keep,” Teran croaked back. Her voice had left her sometime in the past few hours, but her bloodshot eyes opened, and she regarded him with a small, worried smile. “I’m sorry for haranguing you. Seeing you there, thinking you were dead – it scared me as I’ve never been scared before. I felt my heart ripped from my chest when I thought you were dead, and I wasn’t sure I could go on. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go on – without you.”

Same as Runesward
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2 years ago
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DanielleChapter 4

There was little or no fall that season. The weather went from summer right into winter. Danielle found two more major mistakes Molly had made that brought Rose's business more income. This times it was nearly six figures. Thanksgiving, Christmas passed and the New Year of 2003 was upon them. Fashionable as always, Danielle wore the best of clothes for winter. Her suits were now all wool lined with silk and blouses of satin. She wore leather boots to mid calf with a three inch heel. She had...

3 years ago
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Astor Heights Boys Academy Ch 05

Author’s note: This story is completely fiction and is bases on a story line supplied by a reader. I took the basic story line and embellished it. This story will contain vaginal, oral, anal, group and bi-sexual sex. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The story got a little long so I will submit it in chapters. In this chapter Chris will discover things about Brad and Paula Penny that he would have never imagined in his wildest dreams. Rick breaks the news to Andy about his mother and...

3 years ago
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Dipping My Toes in the Lesbian Pool Kelseys Story Part 2

My date with DanielleBefore I went out with Dani, I thought about this whole thing I was getting into. I felt like Goldilocks and the three babes, trying to discover which one was best. What if neither of them was a match for me? I guess dating is like that. I'd never been in the dating pool, so I shouldn't get my hopes up. What if I didn't like girls after kissing a couple? Maybe I should date boys to compare, and I was still unsure about everything.However, I was excited, nervous, anxious, or...

3 years ago
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Snow Day

Chapter One I awoke to my alarm clock, promptly at 6:30 as usual, to get ready for school. I noticed a brighter-than-average glare coming in through my window; when I looked out, I noticed that we'd had a pretty heavy snowfall. Mom knocked on my door and told me that I might as well go back to sleep, that school had been cancelled. I tossed and turned until about nine, and decided to try making a little money; we had a snow blower, and lived in a neighborhood with many elderly people who...

5 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 12 Rowing

Dexter climbed off the ‘stair stepper’ and announced, “I hate that machine.” Surprised by the vehemence in his voice, Samantha asked, “Why?” “It’s boring,” Dexter said. “It’s everything that I hate in exercise.” “Really?” Samantha asked. “Yes.” Samantha had anticipated that reaction from Dexter, although not with the kind of emotion he had exhibited. She had put him on that machine, assuming that he would prefer the next machine more. She pointed over to the stationary bike. “Try that...

4 years ago
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The Body Guard Book 3Chapter 5

It took him several months of intense therapy and personal training to be almost completely healed. He was almost as good as new. Kay was on his mind every day. She gave him the strength and energy he needed. He was ready to go see her. He wanted her. He knew she was the only one for him. He was ignorant when he left. He thought he wouldn’t be able to keep her happy. That she wouldn’t be able to trust him. He was wrong, so wrong. She would give him everything. Love him unconditionally. He...

3 years ago
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The Chronicles of Theia Part 2 Virginitys Loss

The morning after the Choosing was a swirling rush of excitement. With a golden smile, Laertes handed Theia over to the care of two handmaidens who led her to a lilac scented bath. The water was hot, something she barely thought possible. Soon, its scented steam swept the chill from her body. She felt happy and more relaxed than ever before. With a silent prayer, she promised a sacrifice in honor of the Goddess for her good fortune. Afterward, she and the other two Chosen were taken to a hall...

First Time
1 year ago
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Searching for Daddy

It was just me and my father living together, my mother had left awhile back and my brothers all lived by the college they went to. Needless to say, I was spoiled rotten, Daddy’s little girl and all that. The thing was, I wasn’t such a little girl anymore. I had grown up. I was 5 foot 6 inches tall, with long, muscular legs and a tight round ass. I was curvy, slender but with nice hips and large breasts. I was a 38D, but very perky with small light pink nipples capping my big pale breasts. I...

1 year ago
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My moms hot ass Part 1

100% fiction! Hi everyone, First i will tell you about my mom. Her name is mary. She is 38years old. She is working as a teacher in a school. Her special features on her body is her attractive ass. her size is 36-35-40. Evry one in the streets will stare at her ass when she walk on the roads. We are from south india. Now about me. I am 18 years old doing my degree in a college. my dick is 6"inches. We are living in south india. My dad is not good in sex. he works outer station visits our home...

3 years ago
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Dreams of Jeannie Ch 02

Jeannie pulled her bikini back on, nestling the back up between her freshly smacked ass cheeks. She moaned softly at the feel of the tiny suit coming up over her thighs, pressing against her pussy and sliding up the crack of her ass. Her soaked pussy saturated the crotch of the bikini Joe had removed the lining from. The suit slipped up between her swollen lips, creating a delicious camel toe. ‘No need to bother with the top, Jeannie,’ Joe said in an offhand manner. ‘I’m sure Dave would enjoy...

3 years ago
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Janani Does Some CBT And Femdom With Anjan And I 8211 Part 5

This is a continuation from my previous stories in the Anjan series (links on top) so read them first. Comments welcome at “Permission to speak on behalf of the both of us, mistress?” I inquired tremblingly. “And what does my lovely little dipshit cocklover want?” Janani retorted with exaggerated solicitousness as she squeezed my balls harder; I could barely stand on my legs now and Anjan had already started sobbing quietly from the second severe assault on his balls that day. “Mistress, we...

4 years ago
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Julie 2 Our Second Time

Julie 2 After our first time, Julie and I didn’t get a chance for a repeat performance for quite a while. Actually, I didn’t even see her for another four weeks, as she was off to cheerleading camp for the end of the summer. I saw her a little bit after she returned, but her mother was doing whatever she could to keep us apart. We did get to talk a little, but by now school had started and took up most of our time. One afternoon, a few weeks after school had started, I was sitting in the...

4 years ago
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Peggys SurpriseChapter 9

One man said, "OK, what do you want me, I mean us to do?" I said, "First off this is between you men and I. The other men must never know, and for gods sake no one must let Bud know. Oh yes, another thing, you must never try to find out who my little pussy boy is, that's what I call him. Since we all know there are 30 Americans here and the only blacks are in this room, he is white. Since we have no idea how many Eskimos work here yet it could be one of them, I won't say. I will work it...

3 years ago
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Becoming Pepper part III

It had been a few days since my trip to the laundry, and the Black Dogs had decided to give me a break to let me catch my breath. Master and I moved deeper into the prison, deeper into black country - not a white man for blocks. That's just fine by me. I kept hearing how they wanted to kill me to make an example of me, but the Black Dogs weren't going to let that happen. Like a good bitch, I'd been taking the time to actually build my master a home in our cell by keeping it swept, mopped and...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 5

The soup pot looked clean enough to hang back over the stove. Posie's snout was covered in tomato soup orange/red when I picked her up and pulled her away from it. I got a paper towel and wiped off as much of the mess as I could. She made it difficult, wriggling and trying to get to my face to lick me the whole time. John said to me, "Is Billy going to be all right in the tub by himself?" "Shoot! I didn't even think about him having his own bathroom." I put Posie down and hurried...

2 years ago
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Silver KnightsChapter 3

The twins went through the 4th Grade without any major incidents at school. Several of the kids who were taking the strengthening and the elementary martial arts classes decided that they wanted to organize a formal group, so they got together to form what they called the Silver River Knights (SRK). They never got around to having formal meetings or anything like that, but they did form a solid front whenever bullies started putting too much pressure on students in grades 1-4. Initially,...

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Tales of Innocence

{[email protected] Game = true} *please start game mode*{endif} You sure you want to do this my phone buzzed on my dresser as my friend Susan messaged me Ya im sure it's only a weekend right I replied trying to show some level of confidence. You know the kinds of things that happen there right? I know, but ive literally done nothing my entire high school life I need to do this im tired of being that girl. Ok we can go to the mall tomorrow if you want and we can pick up some things Sounds good...

4 years ago
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My Mechanic Second Encounter

Two days after my first encounter with Jim, I saw the number for the garage come up on my phone. My heart was racing and i felt a tingle between my legs as i answered it, wondering if It would be Jim and his big cock telling me he was ready to have me again. I was disappointed when it was just the desk guy telling me the car was ready and I could pick it up when i was ready. I acknowledged and hung up the phone, wondering when Jims hammer was going to sooner had i put my phone in my...

5 years ago
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Morning Impulse Part 1

It’s 7 am, and I have a terrible strain on my neck. I’ve been sleeping face up, rolling around, waking in the strangest positions. You were supposed to arrive yesterday, but I haven’t heard a single thing since our last message. I’m frustrated that you’re not here, after months, and wonder if you’ll ever be back. It’s 7 am, it’s cold, and I have a terrible strain on my neck. I sit up and notice my hard nipples through the shirt that you find sexy but I hate. I pinch them through the fabric,...

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Neighbor lady ll

I laid in bed thinking about what happened. Never in a million years would I have guessed that would happen. For a woman in her sixties she looked to be in good shape. She wasn't that tall 5'2'' maybe, reddish gray hair, a nice figure, she had a medium sized ass which didn't look to flabby. Her tits looked to be 30-32 and full. A couple of weeks went by and I nearly forgot about it. Coming home from school mom said Mrs Scott asked if you could go over and help her. Going over I tried to hide my...

2 years ago
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Laura part 11

"Hey, fellow teenager!" Suriya giggles as she answers her front door and ushers me into her home. "Your birthday was three days ago, you can't celebrate it for the whole week!" Priya laughs at her younger sister. "Just watch me!" Suriya retorts. "Everyone else is here, all the other FOUR girls..." I grin as I realise what Suriya means when she says there are four other girls besides me, her sister and herself- and when I step into her kitchen, I giggle at the sight of Ashley in the...

1 year ago
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A Friend I never knew had it in her

Hi My name is Simon, I'm tall, dark hair, blue eyes and quite good looking and i'm 15. There was this Girl i had been good friends with for about 3 years her name was Anna she was tall, blonde hair, blue eyes and bout a D cup and she was 15, she was one of those girls who wasn't into sex she hadn't even touched herself before. It was a Sunday night at about 11pm and we were messing around and I had wanted to sleep with her for ages and she knew that I did, and on that night i decided to grab...

Group Sex
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Big Bouncy Babe

Freda was fidgeting in the shabby living room as she talked with Tom about renting a room from him. She had already pleaded poverty but he couldn’t reduce his modest rent any further, he said. She changed the tone of the conversation a bit, “Do you have a girlfriend?” When he said he didn’t she asked if he liked girls. When he affirmed that, she asked, “Do you think I’m attractive?” Tom reacted to that by telling her he wasn’t looking for a girlfriend. When she inquired further he said he...

2 years ago
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With Real Sister

Hi friend, I am Amar Sharma ,age 27 from Gujarat I wanted to share with you all my own real experience which happened a month ago with my younger sister she is 21 year old studying in BA .I have done my masters from Gujarat and working with a semi government company this thing happened when I along with my sister was travelling to Indore a place in MP ,we had our booking in Shanti express for Indore ,we were actually going to Indore for her entrance test purpose , our tickets was an Rac status...

4 years ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 11 Recovery

"How are they?" Hoshi asked, when she met Malcolm on their way to the airlock. "And who's that mysterious healer?" "Well," Malcolm answered with a sigh and a shrug. "They're still in a coma, but Phlox thinks that the healer will bring them back out, quickly. Who it is? Your guess is as good as mine. The Vulcans are making a complete secret of it. Heaven knows, why. Maybe it's some of their clan business again." "Guess, we'll find out in a minute then," she replied with a sad...

2 years ago
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A Teenage Desire Rekindled 8211 Part I

Hi folks. This is schmuk, breaking my usual genre of writing stories about maids, and venturing into new territory. We all grow up through childhood and adolescence, having some kind of sexual awakening . Many of us have these feelings towards a person in our lives, usually someone elder than ourselves .But those just remain the thoughts during our masturbations, because they can never happen in real life. how many boys, grew up secretly watching girls bathing, fantasizing about maids, watching...

5 years ago
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Kinky Club Couple 2

Part 2 The phone rang and when I answered it, I recognized Sara’s voice on the other end right away. “No excuses” she said, “we won’t take no for an answer”. I agreed to meet her and Rick Saturday afternoon and promised to leave my schedule open for the rest of the weekend, as they had so avidly requested. “It’s a surprise she insisted, since my birthday was almost here and they would be out of town that week. Friday afternoon Rick called me and said they would just pick me up at my...

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 22 The European Unity

Lee rubbed her stomach. She now looked more as if she was five months pregnant and she agreed with Von that she would be lucky to make it to the twelve weeks. Sean had managed to do the deed, and Donny was pregnant. She couldn’t shift to male or any of her other forms other than faerie while pregnant. Lee hadn’t tried. She was happy to wait until she had Jackson before she experimented. Sparky and her village had been amazed when Lee transformed into a faerie for them. “Damn mum, I always...

2 years ago
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Kombat Champion Part 2

I stood in the middle of the mall, wearing the same violet costume I always wore when fighting. It was amazing I had been able to get into the mall at all with the police all over the place, but there were far too many mall entrances for them to watch them all or to keep everyone out, not that anyone would actually want to get in at the moment, other than me. "I hope Tina won't be too mad at me," I muttered, remembering the look of confusion on her face when I had ordered her to...

2 years ago
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By name alone, Jihad Fans, aka Mega OnlyFans, sounds like precisely the kind of upgrade OnlyFans enthusiasts might be looking for if the original isn’t quite filling all their needs. That begs the question, though: what is it about OnlyFans that you would change to get your jollies better? Some might ask for more fat chicks or ASMR domination, others for an easier, baked-in method of saving content without resorting to a third-party download plugin for your browser. Then again, many of you...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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TeamSkeetXToughLoveX Jade Kush The Sexorcist

The lord sure does work in strange ways. Case in point. Father Karl just got a desperate phone call from an almost hysterical stepdad. Seems his sweet little angel is actually behaving like a cunty fucking she-devil and he doesn’t know where else to turn. Her tight pussy is possessed alright, but no exorcism is going to cast out all the demons from the past that have left her unfulfilled and in this state of sexually frustrated insanity. Her only hope now is a true SeXorcism. Don’t...

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Mothers Keeper

Relations with my mother were at their worst as I neared my sixteenth birthday. We argued about everything. Mostly, she bitched about my choice of clothing. Earning my own money afforded me the opportunity to buy my own clothes. I like sexy, revealing clothes; Mom thinks a nun's habit is too revealing--at least for me. My folks are big on maintaining an image. We entertain a great deal. My two younger brothers and I are perfect children--seen and not heard. We live a strict and structured...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIIChapter 7

Wednesday, June 23, 1971 Looking back, it's difficult to describe what happened to me over the course of the next few hours. Somehow, the combination of the sword and the ring started a transformation inside of me that day. Suffice it to say that it was so significant that I barely recall anything at all about my first supersonic jet ride. It all began shortly after they buckled me into the T-38. There wasn't a lot of room in the cramped cockpit behind Colonel Rivers, so I ended up...

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Claires Sweet 16 Poo PartyPart 3 School

The next Monday morning Claire Bishop awoke and was given a yummy breakfast of poo on toast and a poo smoothie, which she then repaid by flavouring her mothers morning coffee. Her mother then dropped her off at school still smelling faintly of the weekends activities, as did her friends who were all delighted to see her and thanked her for such a great party. They all had tales of how much more dirty fun they had with their mothers the rest of the weekend, those with sisters had also got them...

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Catching up with cuz part 2

So the next day I woke up to an empty bed. Oh shit what have i done? I have gone too far and now she hates me and will never speak to me again. You know all the normal stupid stuff. Then i stopped for a moment a smelled breakfast cooking, i threw on some shorts and headed to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to see my cousin cooking wearing her tshirt she started last night in. "Hey sleepy head! Breakfast is almost ready". So either shes ignoring the whole thing OR it was no big thing to...

2 years ago
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Teste De Fudelidade

Teste de Fudelidade popped up in my DMs this morning, and I spent a few minutes running the title through Google, just trying to figure out what it means. The direct translation from Portuguese is “Futility Test”, according to the big G, but the nutsack in the logo tells me I’m losing something in translation. Whatever, though, because the general premise is made pretty fucking clear through the pictures: this is a premium Brazilian porn was registered back in 2016,...

Premium Latina Porn Sites
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Daydream Believer Consequences

Whew! What a time with this one. The characters seemed to never shut up! Based upon reader input this is final installment of the Daydream Believer line. Or is it? What do you, the readers think? Should I end it as is or go out with a bang? Yep, here is where you can comment. All constructive comments are welcome. If you need anything more feel free write me on the feedback line. Dedicated to: HDK, Patricia51, The Troubadour, and all the folks who have given me positive feedback on my meager...

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Matchmaking TrapChapter 4

Donny (or “Donna” as she was now called) found her new life a tad frustrating, to say the least. She was not permitted to cum at all until the change was complete. It was agreed by her new owners that she was going to be happier and more fulfilled as a woman than as a man, so she was being gradually feminized. No male behavior was allowed during the transition, since that would mentally reinforce the idea that she was a man instead of a woman. This included ejaculation. That was not to say...

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Dare Me Ch 03

Chapter Three Had three words ever sounded so sweet? Daren stared into her eyes for a moment, framing her face in his hands. Running his finger over her bottom lip, he could have kicked himself for asking, ‘Are you sure about this, Stephanie?’ Silently, he begged her to be sure. He didn’t think he could walk away without having her. He watched her bite her bottom lip, lick it, and pull him down to her. Daren kept his eyes open as her face came closer and closer. Then their lips met. Every...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 97

Jeff, having been awake for fifteen minutes or so and knowing he wouldn't go back to sleep, gave up and slowly began to extract himself from the pile of women. Diana was lying with a leg thrown across his leg and her upper body across his side, her head resting on his shoulder with his arm around her. Laura was on his left side in relatively the same position as Diana. The problem was Arlene, who sometime during the night had crawled on top of him and was nestled between Diana and Laura. His...

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Captured Part 1

Charlotte and Rebecca, sixteen-year-old identical English twins are captured in an Apache raid.***********Rebecca didn't know how long they'd been sitting there among the rocks. Maybe two or three hours. She shifted her weight slightly to reposition the rock that was sticking in her back. Two hours ago, it had seemed quite comfortable but was now beginning to seriously irritate her. That, together with the blistering dry heat cracking her lips and a blinding headache with a raging thirst, made...

2 years ago
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MrPOV Fiona Sprouts Pound This Pussy

Fiona Sprouts! What a piece of ass. Submissive little cutie, too. Fiona loves calling you “daddy”, and she makes her intentions very, very clear why she’s calling you daddy. Just listen to what Fiona says to kick off this fabulous fuck session! Fiona’s here to do more than just fuck, too! After a great J.O.E. / J.O.I. tease intro, Fiona uses her little mouth the best she can to suck cock. Fiona’s an ass eater, too! She loves getting her red, whore lipstick all over...

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CommencementChapter 3

Madge, you're the first person I'm telling this to, but what Dr. Teague told all four of our guys was what I had asked her to tell them. We decided fairly early on that our husbands needed a full feminine experience in order to respect us properly. All of it. They'd made fun of how we think, and dress, and talk, and behave, and also what kinds of noises we make when we're getting laid by a stiff prick. So it's only fair they should find out for themselves what kinds of noises they'd...

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Love Never ChangesChapter 28

“I’m impressed. I’ll admit, I didn’t think you’d make it this far. I can tell you’re different than the usual invaders, so I’ll not bother with the usual tricks and illusions I use to scare off the superstitious.” “Oswald, that’s because we’re not here to invade. You’re not like them, you’re not feral.” The magician ghoul stared down at me from the balcony stage in King Cola’s Castle. It’d been a pain in the butt to get this far. Feral ghouls all over the place. The sprayers that used to...

4 years ago
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Ice and Chocolate

Hey peeps, Rahul here to welcome you back to my stories. I hope you all enjoyed reading the most recent story. I invite you to read as well. Thank you so much for your love and support. I have a sincere request for everyone before I begin the story. Please stop requesting the females’ contact information or private information about them. Many messages recently have asked me to set up with available girls. Let’s begin the story without further ado. This story is about a reader and me having a...

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Orchard Flower Version AlphaChapter 6

Jill was very unhappy, initially. Her mother clamped down on her, insisting that romance came after college, instead of before it. Lynne knew that wouldn't hold up, and that once Jill got to school, where she could do what she wanted, she would most likely find a boy to be interested in. So she also got her daughter on birth control. She didn't banish me from their house. Nor did she try to impose some irrational rule about Jill not being allowed to come to my house. She just sat us all...

2 years ago
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Pool at the local bar

It was about 7pm and I was pretty tired. I'm sitting on the couch watching TV when my wife walks over. "Let go play some pool" she says. "I'm a little tired from work" i respond. "Its Friday and we won't stay to late" she says. She walks off into the bedroom. A short time later she returns in my favorite outfit (at the time at least). She had a short black leather mini skirt and a tank top that showed her cleavage very nicely. I kissed her and we headed out.The bar is about 20 minutes from the...

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Alan Ch 27

Chapter 27: London Stalling at the Top of the Dial Alan paused at the door before entering the room, so unused was he to seeing Michiko fully dressed and upright, not to mention outside of Jack’s townhouse. She’d just returned from three months in Japan, and the last time he’d seen her she was being wheeled down a jetway for her flight out. She looked amazingly fit, poised for battle. The chill given off by the conference room’s air conditioning caused the sweat on the back of his neck to...

2 years ago
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Unwanted attention Chapter 12

Introduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 12 ...

3 years ago
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Help Me Rhonda a Cheated Husband Revenge StoryChapter 5

We started making lists of what to take from the cruise line's web site. I used my practical knowledge from the prior cruise to give our list more credibility. Rhonda and I had a wonderful time on the cruise. Rhonda loved to tease. She teased me, too, but she pleased me as much, I hope, as I pleased her. She was the oldest woman wearing a thong suit and looked great wearing it. Her cocktail dresses were short and showed her great legs and were low enough cut to make it clear to the densest...

2 years ago
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Monica More Than A Cleaner Again

Jeff was getting increasingly concerned that his friend, Dave, was still in the house, as Monica was due to arrive in just a few minutes. Dave was also forty-eight-years-old.Jeff realised that it was probably his own fault as he had described how Monica always wore skimpy clothes which were usually a vest top with their midriff, and a very short very tight cotton skirt, all of which showed off her well-toned arms and legs and flat tummy. She was also well developed and the vest top tended to...


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