Beetlesmith s Ch 14
- 3 years ago
- 42
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A month after her unhappy experience at the concert, Julie had come to a decision about her future.
"I think I want to go home now, Aunt Eleanor. I can get a job at the same restaurant chain there. I've already checked it out. I'm considered qualified, experienced and a valuable employee. How's that for frumpy, dumpy and lumpy," she laughed.
Eleanor hugged her and tears came to her eyes.
"You're ready girl," she said softly. "You go and be happy!"
So here she was, home again, with a good job only blocks from her parents' home. Within weeks of her return, she was made a shift manager and worked only afternoons, four to midnight, Tuesday to Saturday. She had met some new friends at work, and at the gym where she was now a member.
One of her friends, Randeen, or Randi as she preferred, worked the afternoon shifts with her and they went to the gym together, usually just before lunch. Randi was East Indian, or Indo-Canadian to the politically correct. Julie had never had a friend from a different culture, and they spent a lot of time comparing notes about their teenage years, boys, and parents. They had nothing in common in their backgrounds but they got along famously. Julie did not tell Randi her grad party horror story.
Randi had a secret boyfriend, a young man from South Vancouver. She said they were in love, but she was very afraid her parents would find out about him. She had been promised to another man by her parents and the wedding would be in the next year. Randi was determined that she would marry for love and not to fulfill some promise she had no part in. It was an ancient tradition from their native India which applied just as rigidly here in Canada.
Julie could not understand how it could happen. She would never stand for her parents arranging her marriage. She worried for Randi when she told Julie what could happen to her if she didn't marry this chosen man. Worse, what might happen to him or her if she dared to reveal her love for another man. Murders had been known to occur when daughters refused to obey their parents. Julie shivered when she heard that.
It was about the third month after Julie's return that she met Robbie. He came into the restaurant just after nine one night and sat at the counter.
Julie walked over and asked, "Would you like a menu, sir?"
"No thanks miss. I'll have a piece of apple pie, a scoop of ice cream and a tea, please," he said pleasantly, looking at her name tag and smiling at her.
"My name's Robbie and I see your's is Julie," he continued. "I'll probably be coming in here regularly at this time."
"Oh brother," Julie thought. "Here comes the hustle."
She looked at him and sized him up. He was small, very small, maybe five foot two or three. He was Latino, she thought, neatly dressed in a clean t-shirt. She couldn't see his pants or shoes, so she concentrated on what she could see.
His hair was jet black, thick but short and trimmed very neatly. He had a thin black moustache, but was otherwise clean shaven. His shoulders and upper torso looked very muscular. He was obviously very fit. His teeth were perfect, she noticed, white and even, and his smile was genuine. Mr. Tiny Perfect she thought, amused.
"Have I seen you at the gym over on Lonsdale; maybe on the weekends?" he asked.
"Maybe," she said in a non-committal tone.
"The reason I asked is because I remember seeing your co-worker Randi there. I thought that might have been you I saw with her," he continued
"We go there together, so you could have seen me there," she agreed. She had busied herself with organizing the credit card receipts under the cash register and wasn't really looking at him.
Robbie finished his pie and drank the last of his tea. He looked at the bill, pulled out a five dollar bill.
"Keep the change, Julie. See you tomorrow." He turned and walked out the door into the night.
Julie watched him go with a smile on her face. "Now that was different," she thought. "He forgot to make a pass at me. Besides, I'm too big for him," she laughed to herself, turning back to her work.
He was as good as his word. The next night he was there at nine, this time ordering the cherry pie with ice cream and his tea. He reintroduced himself, and told her that he was going to B.C.I.T. night school to learn construction. Once more, he finished, paid with a five dollar bill and with a cheery goodbye, turned a left.
After a while, she began to anticipate his arrival. He was invariably upbeat, polite and dressed neatly. He was trim and athletic but a three quarter size man. "If he was a bit bigger," she thought, "I could go for him." She dismissed the idea and went back to work.
It was after he had been coming in for three weeks that he asked her out. He arrived at his usual nine-oh-five, the walking time from the night school to the restaurant being five minutes.
Robbie strolled in with his usual big smile. "Hi Julie. How are you today?"
"Fine, Robbie. Which flavor of the usual would you like tonight?" she asked amiably.
"You choose, Julie. I trust your judgment," he grinned.
"How does pumpkin sound?"
"Pumpkin will be great, thanks." He stopped for a minute and then, "Julie, if I asked you out on a date, would you say yes?"
"I don't know Robbie. I don't usually date ... I mean ... you're a customer. I'm not sure I'm supposed to date the customers," she stammered.
"Does that mean if I wasn't a customer, you'd say yes?" he asked seriously.
Julie was stuck for an answer. She looked at him and then down at her hands and said, "I guess so."
"Great!" he exclaimed. "I'll quit coming and you and I can go on a date, say next Saturday night?" he pleaded hopefully.
"No," she said quickly. "I mean, I work on Saturday. Sunday and Monday are my days off."
"Oh, okay." He stopped for a minute and was clearly thinking about her answer. "Let me give it some thought, Julie. I'll see what I can come with, allright?" again with the hopeful look.
"Okay, Robbie." she said uncertainly. "See you tomorrow then?" Julie was a bit flustered.
"Well, I was hoping to have that Pumpkin pie and my tea first," he teased.
Julie gasped and hustled back to the pie shelf and pulled out a fresh slice of Pumpkin, added a scoop of Vanilla ice cream, picked up a fork and napkin and hurried back to his place.
She was caught off guard by his request, and she was aware that there was something exciting about being asked out on a date again. She picked up the small porcelain tea pot and filled it with hot water. She brought the caddy with the variety of tea bags on display and placed it in front of him as she had for the past three weeks. He was already enjoying his pie and ice cream and looked up at her and smiled when she placed the tea pot and caddy in front of him.
"Anything else, Robbie?" she asked from habit.
"Uh, how about a mug," he laughed.
"Oh, jeez Robbie, I'm sorry," she said, embarrassed.
She was acting like a scatter-brain. "What was this all about?" she wondered.
"That's OK, Julie. I probably caught you by surprise. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I didn't mean to do that," he said apologetically.
"No, No, Robbie, don't apologize," she quickly protested. "Look, I'd be happy to go out with you. It's just that I'm only off on Sunday and Monday," she explained.
"Well then, it's up to me to find something for us to do together on Sunday then," he said brightly. "I'll let you know what I come up with, okay?"
"Yeah, sure, Robbie. That's fine," she said, still a bit uncertain.
"Good, Julie. I'll see you tomorrow then." He laid down the bill, saluted, turned and left.
Julie watched him go and wondered just what had happen in the last fifteen minutes. She wasn't sure, but it sounded like she had agreed to go on a date with him. How did that happen, she wondered? Randi walked up beside her and smiled.
"He's a nice guy, Julie. I don't think you have to worry about him," she offered.
"Yeah, I guess," she said, a little bewildered.
She didn't see Robbie again until Tuesday night when promptly at nine-oh-five, he bounced into the restaurant.
"Hi Julie!" said in an even more ebullient mood that usual.
Julie noticed and asked, "What's got you all wound up tonight?"
"Julie, I have scored two tickets to the Jason McBride concert on Sunday night, and I am formally asking you if you would care to accompany me."
"Wow!" Julie exclaimed. "Jason McBride is awesome! "Gee, Robbie, how can I say no? They must have cost you a fortune," she offered.
"Then you'll come with me?" he said with a huge smile.
"Yes, Robbie, I'll come with you," she smiled back at him. After all, how could she say no?
"Julie, it's at the Bowl in the Park, outdoors you know. We'll probably need warm clothes for the evening. Are you OK with that?" he asked expectantly.
"That's OK. It's more romantic that way."
She put her hand to her mouth when she realized what she had said.
"I mean ... well, I'm sure we'll enjoy it," she stammered.
When Robbie had finished his pie and tea, he paid the bill and left with the usual "see you tomorrow" parting. Julie watched him go and felt an excitement she hadn't felt in a long time. Now that she had agreed to go on the date with him, she felt good. She couldn't wait for Sunday.
Robbie had asked her for her phone number and address so that he could contact her if necessary. Otherwise, he would pick her up at seven for the eight o'clock concert. He hadn't said anything more the following days, and by Saturday she was wondering if their date was still on. Uncharacteristically, he came into the restaurant a little after eight thirty.
"Hi Robbie," Julie said surprised. "What are you doing here on Saturday night?" she asked.
"Nothin' to do, Julie," he said resignedly. "I'm countin' the hours until tomorrow night," he said seriously.
"You're really looking forward to his, aren't you? I'm flattered."
"Julie, I've been trying to work up the courage to ask you out since the first night I met you," he said wistfully.
"Robbie, that's nice. I think we'll have a great time tomorrow, don't you?"
He looked at her with his chin in his hands. "It'll be the greatest," he said simply.
They chatted about Jason McBride and outdoor concerts and many other things as Julie continued serving counter customers and taking charge of the till. She looked up at one point and noticed that it was ten thirty. They might as well have been dating tonight, she thought. In fact, he stayed until closing, offering to walk her home.
They walked side by side, slowly, so that the moment wouldn't end too quickly. He walked her to her door and held her hand briefly, reminding her he would pick her up promptly at seven tomorrow. She smiled at him and said goodnight, turned, opened her door, turned back when she was inside and smiled again, closing the door.
Robbie stood there for a moment smiling, and then walked slowly down her walkway to the sidewalk and then down the street toward his apartment. He couldn't know that Julie was watching him, and she was smiling too.
Promptly at seven on Sunday evening, Robbie arrived at Julie's door. She was ready and met him at the door with a quick "hello." It was a typical fall day in the Pacific Northwest, cool and mostly clear. The temperature would drop within a few degrees of freezing tonight and Robbie had brought a thick blanket for them along with two cushions.
He also had a small gift for Julie, a single carnation as a corsage. He pinned it on her coat in the doorway and they were off to the sea-bus dock on their way to the concert. Julie was impressed with his thoughtfulness, and felt this was going to be a much better experience than her last concert outing in Toronto.
They caught the bus to Stanley Park and arrived at the "Bowl" ten minutes before the show was to start. They were lucky to find some seating within twenty meters of the stage, and their view was from a hillock, preventing it from being obstructed, even when the crowd stood.
In typical fashion, the concert started late with a mediocre warm-up band to get the proceedings underway. The crowd didn't have much patience with the group, and let them know they were here only for Jason. Finally, after a half hour of the warm-up band, there was an intermission and then the featured performer.
Within a few seconds of his appearance on the stage, the noise was deafening. Julie had never heard such yelling and screaming, even at the ill-fated North Toronto concert. It looked and sounded like one of the old Elvis live concerts from the sixties. It was almost impossible to hear the music over the crowd noise, but no one seemed to care.
Julie had her hands over her ears and a wide-eyed look on her face as she turned to Robbie. He seemed to be taking it all in stride, although when he tried to say something to Julie, she just shook her head indicating she could hear nothing.
An hour later, it was over. Julie's ears were ringing from the constant barrage of sound. After a while, she had begun to be able to hear some of the music, but there was no continuity to the performance, and she was more fascinated by watching the interaction of the band and the crowd. Robbie smiled at her as he gathered up the cushions and blanket and they walked toward the bus stop. It was jammed with people and there would be some wait before they would be able to get on.
"Why don't we walk back, at least part-way?" Robbie suggested.
"Sure," she agreed.
"Did you have a good time?" he asked tentatively.
"Yes, thanks, Robbie. I couldn't hear much, but it was fun to see the live performance, and the crowd was a hoot," she laughed.
"Yeah, you don't go to these concerts for the music, you go for the show."
"My aunt took me to a concert in the Royal somethin' or other theatre one time," she recalled. "I thought I was at a funeral it was so quiet."
Robbie reached over and took Julie's hand as they walked along the sidewalk toward the docks. Julie looked down at their hands and up at Robbie and smiled. She felt comfortable with Robbie; he was easy to talk to, perhaps because she had known him for a while.
"Look, there's a café on the corner. Would you like a coffee or something?" Robbie asked.
"Sure!" she said easily.
They sat with Julie's coffee and Robbie's tea and shared a cinnamon bun.
"Thanks for inviting me tonight. I had a great time," she smiled.
"Me too! I got to sit next to a beautiful girl for over two hours," he grinned.
Julie blushed and took another sip of her coffee.
"You're a real gentleman, you know."
"I need to be on my best behavior if I want a chance at a second date," he said seriously.
"Well, I'd say you earned another date," she smiled. "But you don't have to do anything fancy like tonight, you know. Those tickets were really expensive."
"You're worth it," he said simply.
Julie blushed again. She was not immune to flattery, and Robbie offered it so sincerely.
"When do you finish night school?" she asked, changing the subject.
"Just before Christmas. Then I have to find someone to let me apprentice with them," he replied.
"I know who I want to work for, or at least the three or four outfits I think I could do best with. I'd rather work with a smaller company. More hands-on supervision, and I think I'd learn a lot more different things than I would with a big outfit."
"Who's your first choice?" she asked, interested.
"Blanton and Sons," he said quickly. "Tom Blanton gave some lectures at school and I think he's got the right ideas about how to run a construction business. He's a graduate of B.C.I.T. too! I've already sent him a couple of letters, and I'll call him just before December and see if I can't talk him into giving me a chance."
"Where are they from?" Julie asked.
"Right here, West Van. Almost all their work is on the North Shore. Perfect for me," he said.
"Good luck!" she smiled. "You've worked really hard to get this degree."
"Yeah. I don't want to work in the Lumber Yard any longer than I have to," he frowned. "I want to build things, and repair and renovate houses and such."
Julie looked at Robbie with a new respect and admiration. He was clear about his goals. He was willing to sacrifice his time and effort to get ahead. He had almost completed a difficult education entirely through night school, a remarkable feat on its own.
He was unlike any of the young men she had been familiar with either in Toronto or here in North Vancouver. Her first opinion of him being too small for her was washed away by the realization that it wasn't something that was important to her any more. He wasn't a victim of "short man syndrome" in any way that she could see.
He didn't wear high heeled boots or lifts, he accepted himself for who he was. On the other hand, he was fastidious in his simple dress code. His clothes were clean and where appropriate, pressed. His shoes were shined and his hands were clean, including his nails. He didn't wear any jewelry with the exception of a simple wristwatch with a metal strap.
He didn't smoke and as far as Julie could remember, she had never seen him take a drink. The word that came to her mind when describing him was "disciplined." He was fit and well muscled and yet he didn't display it. What had attracted her attention in the beginning was his politeness, and the fact that he treated her with respect. Oh yes, and one final thing, he clearly had a 'crush' on her. She wondered idly what it would be like to kiss him.
Robbie was reveling in his evening with Julie. She was a very beautiful young woman with none of the airs or juvenile ways of her contemporaries. He really didn't know much about her except that she was the woman of his dreams, and he had set his sights on capturing her. He was nervous because he couldn't yet determine quite how she felt about him. He knew it was a long shot, but she was well worth the effort.
She seemed to be responding to him, and he was encouraged that the date had gone as well as it had so far. He tried to image what it would be like to have her in his arms and kiss her passionately. She was still very young, and yet she acted older than her almost twenty years. He wanted to get her to tell him about herself, but she was very reluctant, and he was careful not to push her where she obviously didn't want to go.
He once again fell back on his old reliable dictum, be patient!
"Do you like dancing, Julie?" he asked.
"Yes, I do, but I'm not very good at it," she replied.
"I'd like to take you to a dance or maybe to a club where we could dance. Would you like that?" he asked hopefully.
Julie paused and looked at Robbie for a moment. "As long as it was with just you," she answered seriously. "I haven't been to a dance in ... years," her voice trailed off.
"Hey! Julie! I'm flattered. Now I have to worry that I'm a good enough dancer for you," he said smiling.
"You don't have anything to worry about. Besides, with just the two of us, who'll know if we aren't any good?" she laughed.
"I wish you and I didn't have to work nights. We could enroll in the dance classes at the community centre and learn to dance properly. That would be a lot of fun," he grinned.
"Well, I guess we'll just have to do the best we can," she smiled.
Robbie reached out and put his hand on hers. It was an instinctive move and Julie wasn't surprised or uncomfortable with it.
"This has been a great evening, Julie. Thanks for coming with me," he said sincerely.
"Thank you for asking me. I'm enjoying it too."
"So my next project is to find a dance we can go to on a Sunday or Monday night," he said succinctly.
"Now that's going to be a challenge. Besides, how will you get off on Monday? You have classes on Monday," she said seriously.
"I'm almost finished Julie. By Christmas, I'll be done and I'll have my certificate. Then, Mondays will be free. I'll be able to see you twice as often," he said hopefully.
They continued their friendly conversation for the next few minutes. Robbie could sense that she was completely comfortable with him and that perhaps she might be attracted to him. He would take nothing for granted. Again, he tried to imagine what it would be like to hold her in his arms as they danced, pressed closely together. He would have to find a place for them to dance. It was his next priority.
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Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereI met Karen in my divorce support group while I was dealing with my second divorce and she was trying to cope with her first. About the only thing that we had in common was that both our spouses had cheated with good friends of ours. She was a couple years older and very attractive. I remember that she always dressed so well for our group meetings....
Richard relaxed in the big old bath after the harrowing day. It brought comfort to be back in familiar surrounding and the bath brought back happy memories of bath time with his sister, and Mum, whom they had buried today, scrubbing their backs. He could hear his sister downstairs and was glad that she had also come down for the funeral, it felt such a long time since he had seen her, yet it couldn’t be more than 6 months, since their Mums cancer had first been diagnosed. As he thought about...
The Girl in My Dreams By Andy Hollis I woke, sweating up a storm. The stench of smoke and flames from my dream still lingered in my nose. With a groan, I rubbed my mouth with the back of my hand and rolled out of bed to hurry to the bathroom. The light turned on, and I squinted throughsleep-encrusted eyes to see my mother standing in my bedroom door. ?Are you okay, Will?? ?Bad dream,? I mumbled and tried to get around her. ?I?ll be right back.? I stumbled down the hall to...
The manager of the fish market called to Dave when he was collecting his check for the weeks catch. ‘Some of the workers from the processing department want to talk to you,’ he said as he wished Dave a merry Xmas. The girls were on smoko sitting along benches on the waterfront. ‘Hi I’m Rosita,’ a short slim dark skinned woman said as she thanked him for coming. ‘Can we call you Dave she asked?’ When he nodded ‘yes’ she went on. ‘There is a lot of mischievous talk about you and your camp....
AFTER 7PM THE DOUGLAS RESIDENCE The entire Douglas family, Michelle, Kesha and many of Craig's true friends were inside the basement of the house. The lights were off!! While everyone was sat cross-legged in a very large circle, within that circle were Mr and Mrs Douglas dressed in black robes, performing a voodoo ritual ceremony on a chalk-drawn pentagram on the floor, and on the frames of the pentagram's drawn circles were lighted candles. Mr Douglas was holding a voodoo book in his...
If there was one place in the world in which Dan thought a young man his age did not belong, then that place had to be the waiting room of a gynecologist. Just the thought of why the women were there was enough to cause him to turn red with embarrassment. There were little brochures describing medical problems scattered around the tables. Every time he looked at one, he was reminded once again that he didn’t belong there. He shifted around in his seat, fidgeted, and tried not to look at any...
Hello ISS lovers! Another story with the Dining Room as the backdrop. This is inconclusive and would need another 5 stories at least to make it complete. I assure to send them one by one. Enjoy! If it was difficult to smuggle the book into my house, it once looked as though it was almost impossible to read it without being caught. It was during a local train journey that a middle aged man had jokingly remarked about the book and the author, fueling my curiosity to read it. It took me more than...
IncestAhmed has been my childhood friend. Similarly my younger sister Neha and Ahmed’s twin sister Mariam were very close friends. Neha was one year younger than me but coincidentally we all were class fellows in one of the most expensive institutions of the country. Although we were like brothers and all the class fellows used to be envious of our friendship, yet Mariam and I loved each other and had developed sexual relations. We often used to bunk off the class for corner meetings and on many...
IncestThis is a made up story based on several suggestions for more panty boy stories. If you don’t like stories about men wearing women’s panties you may want to search elsewhere. In this second chapter our hero, Larry, gets to know the girls’ real well and they know all about his panty fetish.My cock had a mind of its own, once my orgasm started there was no stopping it. My thick creamy cum spurted so hard that it formed a pile of cum on the surface to my sister’s old panties. And before the second...
“Should we wait for Jimmy to start or start now?”“He is already an hour late, we can perhaps at least get some of this done,” I replied to Shcooks. Shcooks and I have been waiting for our other partner, Jimmy, for our statistical project. Actually, we presumed that maybe he wasn't coming on the account that he didn’t inform us that he was going to be late or anything. At my house, Shcooks was sitting on my bed. I was reaching over the side of the bed to grab the project’s pamphlet when I felt...
Hi everybody this is Raja writing this beautiful and lusty encounter with my neighbor Bhabhi. This is my first story and would love to get replies from all of you. So please send me your views as it helps to write more. Let me tell u about myself I am 32 and good looking guy with a massive tool. Let’s start the story I stay in Kolkata with my parents. In my neighborhood there is one Cafe Coffee Day in Lake Road Kolkata, one day I saw a beautiful female and I was stunned by her beauty. She was...
Hey, I am Ratheesh Goyal, age 18. I live in Ghaziabad, U.P. Contact me at Or find me on facebook. I have been an avid reader of ISS and have a huge drive for sex. This is my first story on ISS of one of the incidents with my girlfriend.Starting with the story. It was 14th February, you can think in a way that due to this date I got this chance. It was a long time since I met her as we were busy in preparing for our final exams. I called to ask her to meet me at the mall, but I got aroused...
Imagine my surprise when I was washing my breakfast dishes and looked over to see a little kid crawling through my doggy door. The door had been for my dog Skippy. She had died a year ago along with my mother and my father in an automobile accident. Skippy had been thirteen years old in human years at the time and she loved to ride in the car. I had been in college when it happened. Now almost a year later I still missed them all. The kid seemed to be having some trouble getting his...
Hiiiii friends rohan is back here with my 10th story, aapne meri saab stories ko bhot like kiya is liye thanks. Aapne meri mom ki last story to padi he hogi ki kaise mene ek lady ko hamari family mein joint kiya or wo story mene hee mom ko likhne ke liye boli thi, hamari family mein kisiko bhi pata nhi hai ki hamari ek bra and panty ki bhi shop hain kyuki kisiko esa na lage ki hum log kuch galat kar rhe hain, now to story. Last month january mein meri cousin sis jo jalagon mein rehti hai wo...
When I came around the machine was still hammering away in my arse. My breasts were bruised and purple from the ropes and caning. "Good, you're back. I didn't want you to miss the next bit." he laughed.My body shuddered with fear. What more could he possibly do to me.He unstrapped my wrists from the cross, lowered my legs and unstrapped them. I still couldn't move as I was stuck on the giant penis. He then pulled on the ropes tied to my breasts. I screamed like never before. He continued to...
hiya i am Kevin , i am 18 My Friend is called Kyle he is 18 My Mum Is Called Suzanne , she is 48 - she is about 5 ft 7 ,slimmish, very short blonde hair, blue eyes , very tanned , she has drooping 38 c tits.A few months back , My mum won a holiday for 3 people at work , It was a 5 star All inclusive hotel in Turkey.We Had 1 spare ticket and i asked my mum if i could bring a friend and she agreed.Before we Knew it we was in turkey by the hotel pool in the boiling sun relaxing with a nice beer ,...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: woke up early the next morning, the sun was shining brightly...
I remember this as if it were yesterday. It was a Saturday night in the fall of 1999. My husband D and I were out hitting a few of the regular bars, and before heading home we stopped at one last bar. It was a sports bar in Escondido, a few miles from where we lived in San Diego at the time. The place was about half full when we walked into the bar area around midnight. By now, after watching interracial videos and from listening to my GF Sandy tell us stories about her experiences, I was...
My name is Ashlee… And last week, it took me 2 hours to do my toes!!!Not because I’m slow or something… it’s because I had to wait till everyone else was done with them.Seriously, I was sitting in the living room at the end of the couch, checking out some colors. I had already done them in an electric blue the other day and wanted something to go with the new pink tank top I had brought. I had it lying in my lap while putting different colors on it to see how they matched up. My feet were...
This work of adult fiction is a learning exercise in descriptive creative writing. The descriptive vignettes are intended to facilitate illustration with a series of photographs or video clips. The story may be used as a grand game to be played between two lovers and not the sole basis for their relationship.Travels of an Aristocratic Odalisque chapter 1:PROLOGUE: The aristocratic woman is from a very powerful and diabolical family responsible for crimes, political intrigues and ruining...
“Carla, come in here please.” I heard my husband calling from the dining room, where I had spread out the books I needed to write my term paper on the table, next to my laptop. “Sure honey,” I called back. I finished hanging the shirt I’d just ironed, and switched the iron off at the wall. Unsuspecting, I wandered through to the dining room. “What’s up?” Dave was sitting in front of my laptop. He looked around, his face serious – not a usual look for him, he’s quite the joker. “Did you get...
Spanking“That’s ... quite a statement, mother. What do you mean by that?” “Simple, really. How large of a population do you have down here?” He looked uncomfortable. “I do trust you; I’ve let you keep your weapons and I’m meeting you unarmed myself. But I prefer not to share that information with you just at the moment, if you don’t mind.” “Not a problem. I saw three stories, with residences on each quadrant. With space for hydroponics, power, and other necessities of life, I’d make a guess that...
BEING DELT WITH By Lisa Jade It is strange how your life has suddenly become such a mess. You still don't fully know how it happened. You turn your gaze from the heavy rain outside the car and look at your beautiful wife Barbara, long black hair, and as always make-up applied to perfection. She is sitting behind the wheel and taking you to your first job in 3 weeks. "It's not my fault that you had to quit your job." You brace yourself for another tongue-lashing, after all how many...
“So, let me see if I get this straight. You’re asking me if I’ve been lying about my libido for the past year. Okay, somewhat, but it did sneak up on me a bit. One minute, I’m a normal, married guy with a regular, healthy sex drive, and then I end up ... wanting to fuck anything that moves. And for a traditional, Modern Orthodox Jewish husband, this is a real jolt to my system, you know. It’s like, how did I become this sex-obsessed, constantly masturbating, constantly horny bastard? “At the...
When we left the soapy massage parlor Lauren was unusually quiet. I would say that her face showed both an amused and bewildered combined expression. All she said to me is that she didn't want to talk about it until we got back to the hotel. So I walked with her in silence back across the street and over to the hotel.Once inside the lobby Lauren immediately went for the pool area. Once to the loungers she started stripping off her outfit, it was then I noticed she had on a strapless bikini top...
Maine socha kyun na main bhi apni dastan yanha pe sabse khulkar bata saku.meri yeh pahli kahani he .aap ye kahani padhkar muje mail se batana ke ye meri kahani kaisi lagi? Me 32 sal ka hun. 5ft 6inch height he 68 kg waight he. Meri shadi 2002 me hui thi. Sansar thik chal raha tha mere 2 child he .meri wife ki ma meri sanuji ka dehant ho gaya. Uske baad mere sasur ne 2nd marriadg ki. Sasuji ki maut meri shadi ke 2 mahine ke baad hui. Meri 1 sali 1sala tha jiski shadi nahi hui thi us waqt sala 17...
One afternoon I was disturbed in my sleep and I had to get up from my routine afternoon nap,most important to me ,the day I am home and not in my office(which by the way is a very regular feature).the phone rang loudly and as I picked up the receiver the voice from the other side screamed, “Sam this is sanjay, your bhabi (sister-in-law) is coming to Mumbai tomorrow. It was a sudden plan so I could not speak to you. R u ok with having her or should I speak to someone else. this is just a matter...
IncestAfter a while I began to feel stronger and I wished I could go to Albert's as I had been trying to do for the last few days. But I could hardly leave Kylie sexed-out on the front room floor so I pottered about the house for a bit, then, since she showed no signs of coming down after nearly an hour, I decided I might as well take the opportunity to catch up with a few jobs about the garden. "'Ello, James," said someone. "Sorry to 'ear about yer uncle." It was Betty, Kylie's mother...
The mysterious parcel had arrived. Not mysterious to me, of course. I knew well ahead of its content when I made the online purchase. But mysterious to my then-girlfriend. She knew it had arrived, she knew it was addressed towards me, and she knew I was rather lip-sealed about it. And for the time being, I intend to keep things that way. After all, the content was very much meant to be for my entertainment first. I wanted to gain some experience and then decide if I would get her involved or...
Walking to school with my nerd friends the next morning helped to ease my conscience at having neglected them. “More cross-country?” asked Dennis, indicating my kit bag. “Yes. There’s a race on Sunday. Coach Budd has already picked the team so tonight’s for venue details and tactics.” “Cool,” said Dennis. “I hope you win for once.” “Fat chance,” I replied. Everyone laughed. “How’s the Kevin Randell index of weirdness today?” asked Michael. I raised an arm above my head and waved it...
My name is Rahul and I live in Pune. It was a time of chill winter. I was studying in the 1st year of college when this incident happened to me. In December, we were going to get winter vacation for 25 days. In my college, I always had a crush on my English teacher. Her name was Sumangala. Let me describe her first. Her height was around 5’1″ and her body shape was really good. She was very attractive in the entire college. Also, she had long hair till her waist. One day on November 30th,...
I'm sure that on that Friday, Martha made sure that she was finished at work by five o'clock, in order to be home at five-thirty. After all it was Valentine's Day. She was probably cheerful as she drove home, wondering where we would go to dinner, our tradition on Valentine's Day. I'm supposed to do the whole thing — a card, flowers, and a small box (at her request) of candies; she loved the chocolate, hated the calories. Usually for Valentine's Day, we would go out to dinner...
Mary Jane and her hubby were having major financial issues after they both lost their jobs during Covid. Mary Jane's friend offered her a chance to be a weed delivery driver to make some cash. She would earn 20% of sales plus tips. All she had to do is deliver weed orders to people and try to upsell them while there. Her hubby was on board with this as they needed the cash. She met many of the "regulars" during her first 2 weeks of training and was now ready to go out on her own. The only...
The sheepish look that was on Violet’s face quickly turned into one of blinding rage. She tried to force her way inside, and looked to want to attack Lillian, until I grabbed her. She kicked and hit my arms and shoulders violently, but I was really surprised when she sank her teeth into my arm. I cried out in pain, but I did not let her out of my grasp, afraid she might hurt Lillian. “Let me go, Davik! The bitch needs to pay for taking what is mine! If you do not let me go, I will...