Dolly Part 1 free porn video

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Dolly - Part 1 She was an introverted and shy single parent and her son had come about as a result of her shyness. She had been unable to say no to her mother's friend, an older man, who had teased her since she was a small child until she had finally succumbed to his continual sexual attention. She was his special little girl for 5 years before finally falling pregnant at the age of 15. The last 16 years had been a blur which she would prefer to forget and here she was now at the age of 31, a single nervous shy girl trying to raise a son alone. There had been terrible rows at home, her mother had blamed her completely, she was a selfish woman and only tolerated her daughter. He was such a smooth talker he almost accused her of raping him, but they both knew different, it was only everyone else that didn't. Luckily he had a house that had been left to him in Wales and perhaps as a sorry to her, he had given it to her, not long after that her mother was lost in a car crash and the money that she had been left as her only child was enough to give her a small income to help her live, at least for a while. She had never wanted a child, she was never prepared for that and she had especially never wanted a boy either, neither did her mother's friend come to that, she didn't know anything about boys, all her dolls were girls, she liked to dress them up prettily and play girlish things. In fact when her son Peter was a baby she would often dress him up as a baby girl in pink dresses and frilly knickers, especially when he came to visit and took them out somewhere. She would often go to the park pushing him in the pram, where people would remark what a pretty baby girl. He nicknamed Peter dolly and the nickname stuck and to this day her pet name for him was still Dolly. When he grew older as a five year old and older still almost till his tenth birthday, mummy and Dolly would play dressing up, with him spending sometimes days dressed as a little girl, she kept his hair long and in her innocence almost treated him like her living dolly, doing up his face and lips, everyone thought he was a girl. Deep down she knew it was wrong but just couldn't help herself and Dolly in his way seemed to love his mum playing these games with him. She had made a decision helped not a little by her mother's friend, to home tutor Peter, after all she didn't want him hurt or bullied by those horrible rough kids you hear about and she had been able to do that until now. The final move to the house in Wales had happened recently, she couldn't stand the gossip any more where she lived in her mother's old house and in reality the money was running out. This should be a fresh start a new place a new beginning. The local school there was very small and she had firmly told the head mistress that Peter was painfully shy and she had made up a story about his health and how he shouldn't have to be made to do things with the other kids. Her mother's friend had given her the name of a local businessman that he knew, he had promised to write to him giving her references in the hope that he would give her a job, her first ever job. So before the money ran out completely she need to find that work to keep them and Peter finally started at the small local school. She wrote to the businessman as her mother's friend had told her to and it turned out that Mr. Arnold's business was close by her house, just a short walk along a pathway through the field to get to it. He ran a recycling company, his business had started with scrap metal as others in that industry , but he had diversified into paper, rags, clothing and any other recyclable products he felt was worthwhile. His business was prospering, yet local gossip had it that he was also involved in other unscrupulous activity beyond the law, but no one would say that out loud as he was the law in that vicinity. Mr. Arnold rang her, almost immediately on receiving her carefully written letter, he had been expecting it and yes his good friend, who owed him a favour, had written to him telling him about her. He had advised him of her present situation and this seemed like a nice present, but then he would see if she was as his friend had described. He wanted her down at his office the next day for an interview, he told her, he wanted to see if she was suitable for a job as his private secretary. She had been terrified by the thought and all that evening she had planned what to say, before carefully choose appropriate clothing to look her best for the interview, especially for such an auspicious job, her nerves making her tremble all over at the very thought of it. Mr, Arnold was a scary looking man, with a tall powerful build, she guessed that he was perhaps in his early sixties and he was very much the boss in his speech and manor. He questioned her closely sometimes with the oddest questions, often leading her answers until he was satisfied that she agreed with what he wanted. Finally he sat back visibly looking her up and down. "You'll have to dress better than that too Amanda." She sat there like a nervous little mouse, he liked that it was making him feel stronger by the minute and he could feel a stirring in his loins. "I will have to get you a uniform to wear eventually, but for now I want to see you in miniskirts, do you understand?" He was aggressively serious, she blushed bright red. "Do you understand?" he repeated. "Yyes sir," she blurted out, suddenly feeling as she did with her mother's friend 20 years before. "And another thing, I expect complete obedience at all times, you do as you are told, no questions asked, do you understand?" She nodded nervously, "Yyes sir." "Lastly and if you don't agree to this, then you can leave no questions asked we don't ever speak again." She nodded waiting. "If I find that things aren't done as I expect, or if there is any disobedience after I have told you to do something then it is my policy to punish you. In short, I will spank you for any and all misdemeanours, do you understand?" Her face was bright red now, her heart pounding, a stupid tick between her legs making her knees tremble. "Do you understand Amanda?" She nodded unable to speak. "Now do you want to come and work for me Amanda?" His voice was low almost tantalising. She tried to settle her frantic nerves her voice quiet and trembling. "Yyes ssir." "Good girl, then we will give you a trial from Monday for a month, now run along and remember I expect you to dress better for me on Monday." She stood up her legs feeling distinctly wobbly, full of mixed emotions, nervousness and excitement running through her as she left the office, across the yard ignorant of the lewd looks from the men working on some piles of scrap, through the big gates then in a dream along the path back home. Over the weekend she tried several different things on, looking in the mirror trying to imagine what he would like to see her in, it took her an age to get the correct balance between skirt length and conservative looks, and on Monday she took her time hoping he would be pleased when he saw her. It was 8.30 when she arrived, Mr. Arnold was already there and called her into his office. He looked at her and told her to turn round for him until she stood back facing him. "Hmmm, well it's better than Friday's effort I suppose, the sooner I sort out a uniform for you the better I will be pleased, I like my girl to look good Amanda, make sure its shorter tomorrow and ditch that damn matronly cardigan, wear some nice pretty thin blouses or something and make sure you have better make up on, I like to see blue round your eyes and deep red lips, make sure you do that in future." He stood up and led her out to a desk that she hadn't noticed the week before, by the window in the outer office. There was a computer on it and a telephone like a small switchboard. He spent the rest of the morning instructing her on the office systems, going through the paperwork, computer files and telephone operations whilst she made copious notes to help her remember (on his advice). It was hot in the office and by the afternoon her shirt was opened for the top 2 buttons and she did indeed wish she had worn something lighter, but she concentrated hard and did her best to learn as quickly as she could. By the end of the week she was beginning to feel more confident with the work and she was beginning to be able to do more of the work without his help. She had worn a shorter skirt and a blouse from that first day, yet he still seemed to sniff at her appearance which he would judge in his cool air conditioned office at the start of each morning. It came to Friday afternoon and she was looking forward to finishing for the weekend, when she heard him calling for her from his office. "Amanda, come into my office." She arrived with notebook and pen in hand. "You won't be needing those. Now close the door behind you." It was a phrase that she would come to hear often, a phrase that would come to instil her with a mixture of nerves, humiliation, fear and a stupid excitement in the pit of her stomach. She put the pen and notebook on the table and stood in front of his desk wondering if he was going to sack her for doing something wrong. "I told you when you started that I would punish you for your misdemeanours Amanda, didn't I?" She barely nodded blushing an uncomfortable red, a roaring noise in her ears inside her head. "Friday is pay day Amanda, it's when I give you your pay packet for the work you've done, but before that it is when I must punish you for the week's errors that you have made. Here is a list." And he turned round a page of writing that was on his desk as he stood up. It was broken down into days and each one started with poor choice of clothing, followed by what appeared to be a daily list of minor errors, didn't answer respectfully when asked a question, didn't answer the internal phone to the workshop foreman properly. He walked across to a stout chair that stood to one side of the room and sat down. "Amanda, it is only by doing this that you will learn to be a good girl here, now across my knees and quick about it." Amanda's heart rate soared, she could hardly believe her ears, she had almost forgotten about his speaking of this at the interview and anyway she hadn't realised that she had erred at all that wee3k. It was like stepping back in time for her, back to her mother's friend all those years ago and now here she was at 29 about to be spanked across this big strong man's knees, treated just like a child. "Hurry up girl," he spat. With pounding heart she went across to him, she was trembling all over, her face on fire, her breath coming in short gasps. He patted his lap. "Come along girl." Awkwardly she put her hand on his far leg and half pulled herself over him, then she felt his strong hands taking her, pulling her forward until her head almost touched the floor, her tummy on his muscular knees. Satisfied that she was balanced there, he used both hands to pull her skirt up over her bottom, she thought she would die of humiliation wriggling in massive embarrassment, she hadn't anticipated him pulling her skirt up like that exposing her panty clad bottom. He looked at her panties in disgust. "This will never do girl," he grunted resting his huge warm hand on her bottom. "When I tell you to make sure you wear the right clothing for me I include your underwear, white cotton pants are a disgrace, I don't want to ever catch you wearing them again, are you listening girl?" She managed a mumble trembling, "Yys sr." Then he began to spank her, holding her in the vicelike grip of his powerful hands, it was more of a humiliating experience than a painful one, at least at first. Yes it did sting a bit but the whole of his hand striking her panty clad bum like that, filled her with feelings, some long hidden, some she thought were forgotten. It didn't take long though for the whole thing to move her to tears as she succumbed to his total strength over her, eventually making her wriggle to try and avoid the growing stinging heat. It was then he stopped, his hand rubbing softly over her bum as she trembled with wet eyes. He eventually lifted his hand and told her to stand up. She found it so difficult to, her legs hardly able to support her trembling as they were, her bottom feeling hot and stinging and stupidly, hatefully, she knew she was wet down there, the patch in her panties betraying her inner emotions which she had been unable to keep in control. He knew too, it was obvious as she stood there in front of him, the moisture blurring her eyes, her skirt still around her hips, the darkened patch visible at her crutch, he smiled wickedly, hmm it seemed his old friend had certainly repaid him just as he had said. "Now apologise to me for your mistakes this week girl." He paused waiting for her response until she mumbled, "I I'm sorry sir." He laughed inwardly as he stood, walking over to his desk he opened a drawer and took out a brown envelope. "Here is your wage packet Amanda, think about your spanking and why you were punished, I am sure you will learn to be a good girl here for me, now have a good weekend and leave the door open as you go out." Sniffing, wiping her eyes she took the envelope and pulled her skirt back straight before leaving, somehow trying to keep a control of her emotions, hiding it from Peter, until the privacy of her bedroom that evening. When she got back, Dolly (Peter) was there, she hoped he wouldn't notice her flushed face, struggling to keep her feelings suppressed. She greeted him listening with half a year as he told her of his day in school and making suitable comments at the appropriate time to show she was in support of his nervous worries there. In the end she couldn't wait any longer, her arousal unsubsiding she excused herself and ran up to her bedroom where she hurriedly took off her skirt and panties before lying on the bed unable to stop herself from bringing her fingers between her legs and masturbating her eyes tightly closed. The television downstairs gave out the sounds of children's programmes as she gasped safe in the knowledge that Peter was drinking his glass of milk watching them. She wasn't aware of the eyes through the crack between the half closed door and the frame, enthralled at the sight of his lovely Mummy with her fingers rubbing, teasing there, seemingly loving what she was doing. She wasn't aware of the hand, his hand, rubbing himself too, copying his Mummy's movements and feeling the delicious tingling sensations inside himself as he did so. She came quickly and in the quiet of her slowing breath, when she almost heard him as he crept silently away, those odd feelings filling his mind and his body making him buzz as he never had before. Week by week went by in that first month, each one where she learnt more about the job and the twists and turns of his business and each one where she learnt to be more obedient and respectful to the yard foremen and especially to Mister Arnold. Each day she tried her very best to dress to please him, in what she thought he would see as more appropriate to him. Each day he commented critically on her choice of clothing and every Friday before she received her pay she would end up over the big man?s knees again. The spankings were not hard or painful, they stung yes, but it was the humiliation of it all more than anything, that burning humiliation of being over his knees with her skirt round her hips. Every Friday and each time, her head was becoming more and more confused by the fact that it made her aroused and wet as she never had before, making her want to rush home to her bedroom, single mindedly, to masturbate in a longer and longer explosive climax. She couldn?t explain it, it just confused her, it wasn?t as if she even liked the big man, on the contrary she disliked him. Her rush to her bedroom becoming more and more driven and so focused that she hardly closed the door in her hurry to get her clothes off. Dolly was beginning to love Fridays, he would come home from school, as he did every day at three thirty, dress in the panties and nightie he?d taken from his mummy?s drawer and wander round in them before lying on his own bed rubbing himself through them as he?d watched her doing. On Fridays however, he would keep the panties on, pulling his shorts up over them in anticipation of her return when he?d sit on the landing again, shorts open and eventually off, rubbing himself through her panties copying as he watched and learnt her actions. They were both beginning to fall under Mister Arnold?s spell though they had no idea that they were. The month seemed to go by so quickly until a particular Friday when she arrived in his office for her end of week spanking and her pay. She was already in a high state of expectation, recently this seemed to become more and more a focus of her mind as a week progressed and now her bottom was already tingling and her pussy already sensitive and wet. She stood there, her heart fluttering, trembling and ready. ?The first thing Amanda, here is a letter of permanency.? He handed it to her. ?I am glad to say you?ve come through your probation period and I am pleased to tell you that I am now taking you on permanently, your uniform has now been ordered and will be here for you on Monday.? She was surprised but she felt an elation inside, at least she must have pleased him with her work and he was happy to keep her on, thank goodness, she thought. ?Now,? he went on, ?this week?s misdemeanours.? His comments on her clothes and type of panties worn brought the usual flush of embarrassment to her cheeks, but at least when she wore the uniform he was supplying next week he wouldn?t be able to say that anymore. The spanking somehow seemed more sensual that day and when she stood up again on her usual trembling legs, her pussy throbbed insanely and unbeknown to her, he knew that it was too. She tottered out of his office with her pay packet, fighting not to slip her hand between her legs there and he smiled evilly after her. He knew it was going to be a slow journey, but he was going to enjoy every minute of it until he got exactly what he wanted. The uniform was in a big box on her desk , she saw it straight away when she arrived and began to undo the packing tape in some anticipation, but he called her from his office as she started. She went to his call, he looked scornfully at her clothes. ?Hmmm, thank goodness you?ll look more presentable in your uniform.? She blushed a pretty flush hot on her cheeks as he knew she would. ?There are enough of everything in the box for a month, that will give you time to get them cleaned regularly, there should be no excuse of them being in the wash or dirty, now off you go to the first aid room and get changed and hurry up about it I want some urgent letters typed up so they catch the morning post.? The box was quite heavy and cumbersome a real handful for her to carry to the first aid room. It was just furnished with an old leather covered examination couch and 2 chairs, she got the box onto the couch and she closed the door behind her, there wasn?t a lock. Quickly, in some nervous excitement she pulled the tape off the top and got it open. It was full of clothes all packed in plastic bags and bagged again in groups including underwear. There was a bag of bras, panties, suspender belts, stockings, blouses or tops and skirts. The blouses were coloured either white, red or black, the material sheer and thin. The skirts were red or black, the underwear red or black and the stockings black. The bras were 2 different types in each colour, either a translucent fine mesh or a quarter cup uplifting not covering. The panties matched in fine mesh material in bikini style and the smallest of thongs, looking no more than g strings. The suspender belts matched the underwear exactly with long dangling suspenders. Her eyes almost popped out of her head when she took one of the skirts out of its packet, it was a micro mini, shorter than any she had worn before. Omg she couldn?t believe he wanted her to wear these things especially here in work. His bang on the door made her jump. ?Get a move on girl, it doesn?t take all day to change, I want these letters done or they?ll miss the post, if your not out in 5 minutes then I?ll have to seriously reconsider your position.? Her hands were shaking now, her heart pounding, there was nothing for it, she?d have to wear the things if she wanted to carry on working and god knows she needed the money. She tried to choose the most conservative of the items but no matter how she tried they just made her look like a complete tart. In the end with seconds to spare, she finished fastening her skirt just as he barged in. ?Ah, so you are ready, let me see you, do a twirl girl.? Her face was on fire, but he could also see the beginings of an arousal as her unhidden nipples stiffened showing themselves noticeably through the translucent white blouse and the completely visible red mesh bra beneath it. Her black miniskirt barely covering her stocking tops, revealing them each time she moved, she had never felt so embarrassed before. He smiled trying to supress the glee he felt. ?Your shoes are in the other box by your desk, you?d better get them on and put your computer on while your at it, I?ll tidy up this mess you?ve made here, it?s not a good start of the week Amanda.? She walked carefully into the office trying to keep from showing her stocking tops but inevitably failing, she turned on the computer then opened the second box. The shoes were black or red with the lowest heel being at least 4 inches and those had straps that wrapped around her ankle fastening at the back, she put them on awkwardly then sat to start on the letters. He grinned to himself as he picked up the clothes she had so hurriedly removed to dress in her uniform, putting them in one of the discarded plastic bags he brought them with him to his office, she wouldn?t be needing them again, she was going to become the company slut now, he was sure she would be unable to resist and she would give him what he wanted, meaning what he really wanted and he had to stop himself from almost laughing out loud in his excitement. She had a fretful day, that morning she had lacked concentration, very aware of her appearance whenever any customer came in, making her permanently in a state of red faced embarrassment. Lunchtime she had been sent up the valley that was the big scrap yard to the foreman?s office at the back of the largest workshop. She had been told to collect his men?s previous week?s timesheets from him. The whistles and calls made her want to turn and run away, but she knew it would mean the loss of her job if she did. So she did as she was told in embarrassed abject humiliation, finally standing before the ugly fat foreman as he looked her up and down in a lewdly sexual way, his innuendos and suggested fun with her making her run with the timesheets all the way back to her office, run that is, as fast as her heels allowed her to. She was glad when the end of the day finally came, she felt emotionally exhausted and looked forward to changing back into her own clothes to go home. But Mister Arnold arrived at her desk with the big uniform box as five o?clock came. ?Come on girl, you won?t manage to carry this home with you so I?m giving you a lift, you don?t live far so it won?t take a minute.? She looked aghast wanting to refuse but he was already taking the box out to his car. ?I,I umm I?ve just got to change a a sec Mmister Arnold,? she mumbled after him, looking round to see if she could see the clothes she had worn to work that morning. He feigned confusion ?Change? What do you mean girl?? She tried to explain, until he finally put her out of her misery. ?Oh those old things, I?ve thrown them into the clothes recycling shed, you don?t need them anymore, now you?ve got your posh uniform, so come along I haven?t got all day.? She finally followed him, getting into the passenger seat of his car whilst trying valiantly to stop the hem of her painfully short skirt from riding up and revealing her bare thighs above her stocking tops. She knew he was looking, but he didn?t say anything, in fact he was thinking, wondering what her son, that he was secretly keen to meet, was like and also looking forward to showing the boy what his Mum looked like, how would he react to seeing her like this. He drove, arriving at her home down the lane beside the recycling yard in only a few minutes. She got out of the car carefully, trying to tug her hem down as she did so, but it was only when she turned that she saw her young son standing there in the open front door looking at her. She blushed an even deeper red when she realised he was there looking at her. ?Dolly.? She tried to make her voice light, her tone to show her delight at seeing him. ?Nice Mister Arnold, my boss, has given me a lift home, he?s helping me carry home a box with my new uniform.? She smiled hoping he wouldn?t see the embarrassment in her face. Before she knew it he was beside her kissing her. ?Mummy I was so worried about you.? He looked so serious for such a young boy. Then he looked her up and down. ?Gosh you look so pretty Mummy.? She blushed even more. It was Mister Arnold that answered as he brought the box out of the car. ?Yes she does doesn?t she......ah ummm?? He paused for the introduction. ?This is my son Peter Mister Arnold. Peter say hello to my boss Mister Arnold.? Peter smiled at the big man. ?Hello.? His voice was cute and innocent, just as he had hoped and he smiled back at the boy. ?But your Mummy didn?t call you that did she?? he said craftily already knowing the answer as the boy coloured a lovely pink blush. ?Ummm n n no sir.? His voice was soft, girlish. ?What does she call you then?? Mister Arnold was gently manipulating the boy?s answers. ?Dolly sir," he said before Amanda could intervene. ?It, it?s only a silly funny nickname.? She laughed falsely. ?Then I shall call you Dolly too, now come along Dolly help me bring this box in for Amanda.? Amanda watched nervously as they went ahead of her into the house, she only hoped the big man would go and leave them soon, she didn?t like the thought of him being in her house. ?I?ll bring it upstairs to her bedroom for her Dolly, why don?t you put the kettle on and make me a nice cup of tea eh?? Peter felt funny, the big man calling him Dolly like that, but he seemed nice and he must be his Mummy?s friend, she said he was her boss. Amanda closed the front door, wondering where they had gone until she saw Peter in the kitchen. ?Where is he?? she whispered. ?He?s bringing your box upstairs mummy and ~I?m making some tea for him.? He smiled looking for the praise from her for being good, but she looked more worried than pleased. ?You do look very pretty mummy, I love your things very much mummy.? She gave him a half smile trying to hide the embarrassment she felt. ?Thanks Dolly." Mister Arnold was quickly back for his tea. ?I~ put them on your bed Amanda, Dolly told me which was your room and it?s a very nice spacious roomy room too, you could easily get 2 double beds in there." His smile was hawkish, making her feel like she wanted to dash upstairs to see if he?d done anything to it, but she quelled her instincts and half smiled a thank you. He drank his tea slowly. ?Sit down girl.? She sat reluctantly in a kitchen chair facing him. Dolly had gone back to the lounge to watch a tv programme. ?What will you do with Peter in the holidays? He?s too young to be left here alone all day, so what do you intend to do?? She looked at him nervously, involuntarily tugging her skirt hem down over her bare thighs. ?And stop that, it?s dammed annoying.? He sounded cross. ?Now I need to know what you are going to do, you didn?t tell me about him when you went for the job and I need to know if it will affect your work when there is school holidays.? This was a lie of course, because his old friend had told him the entire story about Amanda and the child as he had put it. She looked at him feeling like a naughty child herself. ?I,I ddont know Mmister Arnold, I I thought I could arrange something somehow.? She sounded very nervous, upset, the blush different. ?Hmmm.? He gave her the impression that he was thinking. ?Can he work? I mean odd jobs, coffee, tea, washing up, cleaning round bringing papers here and there?? ?I...i think so, he is quite a good little worker.? She sensed a lifeline, sensed perhaps this might even work to their advantage, if Peter had a wage, she couldn?t afford to give him pocket money so this would be such a chance, she had suddenly forgotten about the spankings and the tarty uniform, now she was only thinking of her son being with her in work during the holidays and actually even earning some money. ?Hmm.? He seemed to be thinking, she had no idea that this was part of his plan right from the beginning, ever since he had read the letter from that fool, all about how she had been persuaded to dress the boy as a girl for the man who had given him to her. ?Ok when the school holidays start in a few weeks, bring him into work and I?ll give him a trial to see if he manages, but remember, I?m only doing this to get you out of the pickle you have made, right?? ?Yes Mister Arnold, thank you Mister Arnold,? she babbled, glad for the solution to the worry that had been in the back of her mind since she had started her job. ?Now I expect you looking nice in your new uniform when you come into work in the morning.? ?Yes Mister Arnold,? nodding. ?Oh and from now on it?s yes sir, Amanda.? She blushed but was eager to please and thank him for his help. ?Yes sir." He could see her eagerness now and decided to push the issue a little bit, here in her house in her kitchen. ?Stand up, now lift up your skirt girl, let me see what panties you eventually chose today.? She stood looking at him, shocked by his words, yet feeling that submissive burning arousal tingling inside her as she stood there. ?Come along, I haven?t all night, I have things to do, quick about it show me.? She looked at the open door nervous that Peter would come in and see, then she quickly lifted her skirt for the big man, the red mesh panties forming a translucent triangle, she dropped her skirt again just as quickly her face flushed. ?Get rid of the hair Amanda, I don?t want to see any of it tomorrow, understood?? She looked at him, the humiliating buzz growing ever more as she half nodded. Peter came into the kitchen just then. ?I was telling your Mummy how nice her new clothes were Dolly, do you like them too?? Peter smiled a shy innocent smile. ?Oh yes Mister Arnold, I told Mummy I liked them as well.? ?I?m sure you?d like to see her pretty panties too wouldn?t you Dolly?? he went on. Amanda felt like dying a noo escaped her lips, but Mister Arnold looked at her angrily and she stopped. ?Well wouldn?t you like to see her pretty panties Dolly?? He could see there was an excited eagerness in the young boys eyes. ?Ohh yes please Mister Arnold,? he half whispered as if it was a big secret. ?Ask her then, ask her Dolly, I?m sure she wants to show you.? Peter looked shyly at his Mummy. ?Will you show me your pretty panties mummy?? His voice was soft almost girlish and his eyes were bright with excitement. She looked at him, mixed feelings of unwillingness and wrong, but his bright excited innocent eyes, backed by the dominant almost angry expression of Mister Arnold forced her on and with a face burning deep red with humiliation she finally lifted her short skirt up a few inches once again. ?Higher, Dolly wants to see them properly Mummy, don?t you Dolly?? ?Yess,? Peter gasped seeing the translucent red material, it made his heart beat rush, he so wished he could touch them, feel them, wear them! His eyes almost popped out of his head. ?Do you like them Dolly?? ?Yesss.? He was nodding his face almost as red as his mummy?s, he could see them completely and her shape through them. It seemed like an age to Amanda before she dropped the hem of her skirt, it clung to her hips, still revealing the tantalising view before she managed to wriggle it back down again. ?Now will you do me a big favour Dolly?? The big man took Peter?s hand in his. ?Yess Mister Arnold.? Peter?s eyes were transfixed by the big man as he stared back into his eyes, he seemed unable to look away. ?will you tell mummy to show you her pretty panties every day before she goes to work and ring me to tell me what they look like, will you do that for me Dolly?? Peter seemed to be under the big man?s spell, the excitement he felt at seeing those panties on his mummy and how Mister Arnold had made it all happen, he felt that he?d do anything the big man told him. ?Yess Mister Arnold,? he spoke softly. Amanda gasped. ?Noo you you can't,? she began, but the look was enough to stop her. ?You want me to give Dolly a chance of a summer job?? he asked gruffly. ?I I yss.? She looked scared. ?Well then, do as you're told, if I don?t hear from Dolly and if the description doesn?t match then..........? ?Here Dolly.? He gave Peter his card. ?Now I have to go,? holding Peter?s hand still he went to the front door and opened it, turning as he stepped out. ?Mummy has a whole box of pretty sexy outfits Dolly, look through them and tell which you like best and ring me every day just after she has left for work and if you?re very good, you can come to work for me in the summer holidays, would you like that?? ?Oh yes please Mister Arnold, yes please,? Peter gushed at the big man. ?Then be good and do as I told you.? And before Peter realised the big man kissed him full on his soft pink lips. ?Bye Dolly,? he said and he was gone. Peter stood there quivering an overload of feelings buzzing through him, he felt so excited he wanted to run up to his room and rub himself the way he?d seen his mummy do through her door. She?d already gone upstairs as he went back in, he crept up to the landing as fast as he could, but the door was shut this time, he felt annoyed that she?d closed it, some silly voice in his head telling him it was naughty of her and he would tell Mister Arnold that she had. He went to his own room desperate for the tickle as he rubbed himself, wishing that he was wearing those red panties, he didn?t understand his feelings, just that he felt even more excited than before and he realised he was licking his lips where Mister Arnold had kissed him.

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Dollys Affair

Dolly's AffairDolly and I had been married for 15 years. During that time she had given birth to two k**s and put 60 pounds on her once petite 5'3" frame. At 165 pounds Dolly was certainly chunky but to me she was as beautiful and sexy as our wedding night. We were both over 40 but we both looked and acted younger. Dolly's tits were full, surprisingly firm 38dd and her thick curvy body turned me on more than the Hollywood stick figures on TV ever could. Despite the fact that I adored my wife's...

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Dolly Takes A Lover

Rob was dead! Gone after 20 years of marriage! GONE!! And the nagging empty loneliness was starting to tell on his stunning mature widow, Dolly. Rob and Dolly had been through and seen it all in their long union. A May-December marriage that started out like a torrid sexual inferno had subsided into a friendly sterile cohabitation, only to be thunderously resuscitated when Dolly had been repeatedly raped by escaped convicted rapist, Lyle Buhr. Buhr's monster cock had stretched Dolly's...

2 years ago
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Dolly Time with Sammy

Dolly Time with Sammy(Note: There is a “daughter” version titled “Dolly Time with Sasha”)Scott: Several years ago when I was just out of my teens, I fell in love with a wonderful guy. Sammy was several years younger than me and incredibly beautiful. He was petite, with longish red hair and a ton of freckles. He wore braces and his glasses did not block me from seeing his enormous blue eyes. He had tiny hands and feet and very delicate facial features. He had a tiny little penis, perfectly...

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Dolly Time with Sasha

Dolly Time with Sasha(Note: There is a “son” version titled “Dolly Time with Sammy”)Scott: Several years ago when I was just out of my teens, I fell in love with a wonderful girl. Sasha was several years younger than me and incredibly beautiful. She was petite, with long red hair and a ton of freckles. She wore braces and her glasses did not block me from seeing her enormous blue eyes. She had tiny hands and feet and very delicate facial features. She had only slight curves and hardly any...

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Dolly Part 9

Amanda and Peter walked home in silence, Peter still tingling from his unfulfilled arousal, her thong in his pocket, clutched tightly in his hand. Whilst Amanda, her brain a confused mess of humiliating embarrassment, yet with a stupidly demanding buzzing still between her legs and very aware that she was naked beneath her miniscule miniskirt. It didn't take them long to get home where they both quietly excused themselves to their particular bedrooms. Amanda couldn't help...

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Dolly Part 3

Next morning, it was midweek already and she hadn't slept that well, her mind mixed between the horror in the canteen and the opportunity for her son with his prospective job. The undies match was already a little more difficult today, she could see that she would have to do a midweek wash at this rate, but today she had to go with what was there regardless of the fact that it was more difficult to get the colours to merge with her blouse and skirt. She tried on the second black blouse...

5 years ago
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Dolly aur Didi

Soni 22 saalon ki thia aur uska chota bhai sonu us se 5 saal chota yaane 17 saalon ka tha. Soni ek bahut hi khoobsurat aur milansaar ladki thi. Woh sabse prem ka vyavhaar karti. Logon ki peeda usko ek aankh nahi bhaati thi. Uski ek kutti thi jo ab jawaan ho chuki thi aur jawaani ke naaye naaye andaaz seekh rahi thi uska naam tha dolly. Dolly ko soni ne apni aunty ke yahaan se jab woh paida hoyi thi tab laaya tha.soni dolly ko bahut pyaar karti thi aur usko apne hi saath sulaati thi. Pichle dino...

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Dolly Part Two

DollyPart TwoBy theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.Dolly had two sisters. They were as different as could be. No one that did not know them would never connect them as being family. Dorothy was rather large framed and stable, she had married a nice man and a true outdoorsman. He had leased public land that had lots of Salal Brush and harvested it selling it to...

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Dolly Part 4

WARNING this is part four of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. Thanks so much for the reviews and feedback. I again hope to have next part up within two weeks. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the...

3 years ago
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Dolly Part Six

WARNING this is part six of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the editing. I hope to have part seven up with less of a break than between parts five and six ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh...

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Dolly Part Seven

WARNING this is part seven of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the editing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms Lawrence got immense enjoyment manhandling Daniel into pink tights, an overly flouncy...

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Dolly Part One

Dolly Part Oneby theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.The year was 1965 and I was going through a divorce. My wife had become a party girl and was spending more money than I could bring into the house. That is what brought on the divorce. I could not stop her spending habits. Dolly was one of my favorites. I still think about her after 1969. We met at church...

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Dolly Part 3

WARNING this is part three of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. Thanks so much for the response it blew me away again. People seemed ok with the short instalment plan so I will go on with that. I hope to have next part up within two weeks. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the...

4 years ago
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Dolly Part Two

WARNING this is part two of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. Thanks so much for the response to part one, this is a short update I intend to release brief updates roughly weekly but if people prefer I am happy to release longer instalments but less often. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very...

3 years ago
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Dolly Part Five

The handful of society bimbos in cosmetology class had no urgent work. Cosmetology was a joke subject and mostly an unsupervised gossip session. The girls had put on enough makeup to last most women a lifetime. However, they were excited to grill their new sissy classmate and 'help' show him the ropes. "Hi cutie I didn't know much about you but some people shared with me your emotional Facebook coming out and it touched my heart. I can't imagine how hard it has been for you pretending...

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Dolly Part Three

Dolly Part Threeby theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.My wife and I decided to build a log house so we bought some acreage out in a very wooded area that had a nice pond on it. There was a hill on one side that was perfect to build on. It just needed some minor excavating and we’d have a nice view of the Olympic Mountain Range. But where the property is...

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Dolly From Another Planet

Dolly From Another Planet By Kim Babes Meet the characters: Jenny -- Almost 6 years old, blonde hair with ponytails, blue eyes, the perfect little girl. Pete Johnson - Skinny, dark hair - think of the nerdish guy from the TV show "Yes, dear". Grandma Thift - In her eighties, very feeble and in love with her granddaughter. Jenny's parents - Mid thirties, attractive, and both fit. Roberta - The computer. Thoughtful, resourceful, but has a mind of her own on what's best...

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WARNING this is part one of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. I am a complete novice author who has loved forced feminization for years, Cheryl Lynn is by far my biggest inspiration and influence but I also love Kate, Alice Trail and have borrowed ideas from them and other...

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Dolly Part Eight

WARNING this is part eight of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the editing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel regained full consciousness lying on a rubber sheeted hospital bed, the overhead...

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Dolly Steps Into The Corporate World 8211 Part 1

Hello, everyone, my name is Sneha. But you all can call me Dolly as I like it so much. I am 24 years married woman working in an MNC located in Hyderabad, India. This is my first story in online sharing platforms. So please pardon me for any mistakes. Any suggestions or remarks will be gladly welcome. Coming to the story. This happened just 3 months after I turned 19 years of age. I was a major then which meant I can marry or I can have sex. (I am talking in liaison with legality and official...

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Dolly part 3

The next morning I woke to the smell of coffee. I could hear Mummy downstairs. I got out of bed and read the instructions about using the epilator. Then I carefully used it. It was surprising that it found a few hairs that I hadn't noticed. There was a little prickling sensation as each hair was removed. Each time, it felt as if the epilator was removing a bit of my maleness. This was quite a pleasing idea, but I realised that it would be rather painful if the epilator was able to grab a...

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Dolly part 2

My heart was pounding as I walked to her front door. I rang the doorbell. The door opened. She looked at me questioningly. I handed her the pack of depilatory cream. She weighed it in her hand. She didn't need to look at the tube inside. It was obviously much lighter than when she had given it to me. A big smile lit up her face. "Come into the doll's house," she giggled. I stepped into the hallway and she closed the front door. "Let's go upstairs," she said. Once in the bedroom she...

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Dolly Part Ten

WARNING this is part ten of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. I Hope to get back into the rhythm of regular instalments, we need more forced femme authors people like Throne and Cheryl Lynn are such an inspiration. This section was not edited by my hero Cheryl...

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Dolly part 4

I set off in good time to arrive at Mummy's house at the appointed hour. Under my male clothes I was of course wearing my favourite pair of silky pink knickers, suspender-belt, stockings and my teen bra. I was carrying a bag with a nightie, some knickers, my shoes and my full cup bra. It was a little early when I arrived so I walked past. There was a ladies underwear store just along the street. My eye was caught by a display of pretty knickers. I stopped and checked my watch. A few more...

4 years ago
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Dollys kidnap

When I was 16 I lived in a house with around 10 people mostly couples including me and my girlfriend at the time. the house was pretty big it at one time was two apartments .my bedroom was the upstairs living room. I had plenty of cash so I let all of my friends stay but I was always jealous of their hot girlfriends cause mine although trustable and a good at cooking was bad in the sack and kinda plain looking but my friends were lucky. Plus me  being a good guy I never cheated. bob had dolly...

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Dolly The Ultimate Woman

Hi friends. This is raj 29 yr old from Mumbai. I am working for a reputed construction company. We sometimes have to travel a lot due to our job related work. I am sometimes here and sometime in other city. My most work is in Bangalore after Mumbai. And this hot sex experience is also coming from one woman; whose roots were in Bangalore only. Let me introduce you the actress of this sex game. Her name is Dolly. Her vital Statics are 36D 34 36. So you can understand how busty and hot she would...

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"No!" Sam shook his head. "I am NOT going to play with you! I'm just here to watch you. Now, go to your room, and do something there. I'm gonna put on a movie and watch it in the living room. Let me know when you want to eat, and I'll make something for you then." "But can you play, please, just for a little bit?" "Sorry- no..." Sam watched as his niece Amanda walked back to her room, disappearing around the corner with a dejected look on her face. Something important had come up,...

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Dolly part 5

Mummy got up from the settee and went to answer the door. Alice and I exchange worried glances. Who could this be? But despite our concerns, our cock remained rock-hard. The Viagra was doing its job. A few moments later Mummy came back into the room, carrying some pizza boxes. "The pizzas have arrived," she said. We breathed again. Our relief was short-lived. Because two girls now entered the room. They were smiling broadly at the sight of us - two dollies with tent-poles in their...

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Dolly part 8

As soon as the door had closed behind us, Helen spoke. "Right, girls. Frocks off. Show us your knickers." We dollies looked at each other a little nervously, but the two real girls started removing their dresses, so we did so too, helping each other with back zips where necessary. We laid our dresses carefully on the bed, so as not to get creases in them. I wasn't really surprised to see that we dollies all had matching knickers, each pair clearly containing the outline of a little...

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Dolly part 7

The card showed that the package was addressed to Miss Didi Willis. What could it be that needed a signature? Although I did buy clothes and some "other" items by mail order, these were bought under my own name - ie the name on my credit card. And normally, if I wasn't in they were left in the porch or sometimes with a neighbour. So on the Saturday morning I went along to the post office with my new security badge. I signed for the package - by this time I had been accustomed to signing...

5 years ago
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Dollys first Party

Dolly's first “Party.” Dolly were a reet studious sort of girl. She had her heart set on being a high class hooer but she had struggled with her Hospitality degree course at Hull University and eventually failed her finals. Which were actually first time anyone had failed. All she had to do were drop her knickers and let principal screw her but she even fucked that up. It were a reet bugger. She had to borrow nigh on hunderd quid to do course but there weren’t a council in Yorkshire what...

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Dolly Steps Into The Corporate World 8211 Part 2

Thank you, everyone, for your patience. Apologies for the long explanation. It is my first story I am sharing on . Now starts the main story. The building was deserted, there was pin-drop silence. That led me to think of how quickly everything was happening. How my mom took a tough and harsh decision for both of us. How my friends stood by me in this regard and how Sowmya got the job. All these thoughts were ravaging my mind until my turn came. When the person before me came out of the room, my...

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Dolly Part Nine

WARNING this is part nine of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the editing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr Munn, loved to show off her new patients and her ever expanding facilities and there was...

4 years ago
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Dolly part 1

It was at a family funeral that I met a cousin I hadn't seen for years. As a small child we would play together and sometimes she would dress me up as a little girl. But the family moved away and we lost contact. I hadn't really thought about those dressing-up sessions for years, although as a young teenager I had tried on some of my mother's underwear when I was alone in the house. Women's underwear felt different. The material was softer and smoother. The colours were prettier....

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Dolly part 6

Monday morning I nearly overslept. I had gone to bed with my boobies still attached, so now it was a bit of a rush to remove them before having my shower. I dried my hair, but no matter how I brushed it, the style still looked rather feminine. I used the eyebrow pencil to create what I hoped looked like realistic eyebrows. Then I realised that I didn't have any nail varnish remover. Fortunately the varnish was pink, not bright red. Hopefully no-one will notice. As I was in a hurry, I...

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Dollys Romance Continues

It had only been six days since Dolly Hamlin and Dr. Vince Ferugia had consummated their blossoming torrid relationship. To Dolly, the days had flown by in a rosy romantic haze that she had never experienced before. To Dr. Vince, the growing fullness in his balls and the soaring remembrance of his initial intimacies in experiencing the glorious body of his new paramour was a opening to a new world of sensual excitement. The two were thrown together in the regular visits to the nursing home...

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Dollys Vacation

It had been an eventful and wild year for the Hamlins. First there was Dolly's prolonged rape that had awakened long suppressed sexual feelings and then the wild and uninhibited voluntary reunion with her rapist. Dolly and her husband, Rob, had returned to their Missouri home and had settled down to a much more satisfying and sexual existence than they had ever known. But the winter had become dull and dreary to the point that it began to make the couple depressed. Dolly suggested that they...

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Dollys Python

Dolly's Python! October 2005 "Hey, it's Mrs. Tarleton! How're you doing ?" I heard my secretary,Marcia talking and giggling with my wife."How're you,'rethe cutest secretary at Cooper, Tarleton and Strowbridge, girl!" Ilooked up, and there she was, my beautiful girl, Dolly Tarleton, her long,honey blond curls bouncing. I dropped my work to watch as my lovely wife andMarcia gossiped about the foibles of their favorite hairdresser. Young Deon, the black head of the copy department...

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Dollys Bike Ride to Paradise

Rob and Dolly Hamlin were sitting in Oldham's Bar in North St. Louis having a drink with their son Scott. Oldham's was a gathering place for most of the bikers in the area. Scott had a motorcycle customizing shop right next door and the location couldn't have been better. It was like having the bar do your advertising and marketing for you, Scott said. The bar was packed this evening and the customers were the usual lot. Some business types, "wannabe bikers", Scott said. Tough looking bike...

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Dollys Bad Day

(Item: Lyle Alan Buhr, convicted sex offender escaped today from the Barton County Jail in Nevada, Missouri. Buhr, who is a white male, 26 years old, 5" 11", 190 lbs has been convicted in the 2001 rape and sodomy of a Monette couple during a home invasion. He is considered dangerous and anyone having information regarding his whereabouts is asked to contact the Barton County Sheriff.) Rob and Dolly Hamlin were relaxing after a week of work by enjoying a TV movie in the family room of there...

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Dollys first Party Yorkshire dialect

Dolly's first “Party.” Dolly were a reet studious sort of girl. She had her heart set on being a high class hooer but she had struggled with her Hospitality degree course at Hull University and eventually failed her finals. Which were actually first time anyone had failed. All she had to do were drop her knickers and let principal screw her but she even fucked that up. It were a reet bugger. She had to borrow nigh on twenty quid to do course but there weren’t a council in Yorkshire what...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

4 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

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South of Bikini 4 Departures

With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...

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