NikkiChapter 4 free porn video

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We stayed in an embrace for some more time when Nikki remembered the kitchen. She got up and disappeared into the bathroom and returned. "We made a mess of Nikki, babe! I'm going to finish dinner." She pulled on the clothes she'd strewn around the house.

I joined her, walking up behind her as she stood at the stove. I put my hands on her shoulders and kissed the back of her head. She turned, her hair bouncing, spoon in hand. She smiled. "You know, it'll be even better around here since we won't have to tiptoe around each other."


"You know," she smiled, "Makin' sure you're properly clothed around me an' me around you. Stayin' a respectable distance apart. And I don't have to make a bed on the sofa."

"No you don't," I said.

"You don't know, Dan. I wanted to get in bed with you the first night I was here. And not for sex, babe. Just to feel safe."

"Sweetie, I'm glad you didn't try. I couldn't have handled it. I was battling in my head over you."

"Why, Dan?"

"Because you're an impossibility. You're smart and cute and sweet. Well, that first day, I didn't know the 'smart' part. But you're impossibly young. I was killing myself every time I had a thought about you that strayed just a bit off the line."

"I know, Dan," she said. "I was havin' the same ones." She lifted a pot lid and stirred the contents. "Get a plate. This is ready."

We sat down at the table and ate our meal. She was glowing.

"You look so much happier, Dan," she said. "Is that from ME?"

"Yes, my love, it is."

We cleared the table in record time.

"Shower" she said, giggling. "Both of us."

I stared.

"Don't be bashful. I want that whole naked thing. You're the first guy I ever saw naked, and I wanna play, okay? So we can start in the shower." She was shedding clothes on the way up the hall, laughing, "Don't worry about the clothes on the floor. I know that lady that takes care of the place and she'll pick 'em up."

I followed like a lovesick puppy.

"Come on, Dan ... you can't take a shower with your clothes on." Her eyes twinkled. "Here! Let me help." She peeled my t-shirt over my head and then started unbuttoning my jeans. I heard the sound of my own zipper and then she tugged the waistband downward. She stood up, naked. A vision. Her face was wreathed by that walnut colored hair, a sassy little flip at her jawline. She shook her head and her bangs settled in place.

She kissed me. I kissed her back, then started to bend over to get out of my pants.

"Nuh-uh," she said. "I started it. I'll finish it." And she knelt down in front of me. Her fingers hooked into the waistband of my briefs. And pulled them downward. The elastic waist caught on my dick, pointing upward, hard. Blue eyes looked up at me. "Uh, Dan, I've never undressed a guy before." She pulled the waistband out and past my dick, dropping my briefs on top of the jeans piled around me feet. I stepped out of them.

"Don't go anywhere," she said. "I didn't get a chance to look while ago." She could look now. It was pointed at her face. Her fingers gently wrapped the shaft. "This is so neat," she said. As I stood there trying to keep my knees from buckling, her fingers explored the head, tracing the coronal ridge, touching and squeezing. A big drop of pre-cum formed on the tip. Her eyes looked at me and turned naughty. She picked up the drop on her fingertip and popped the finger in her mouth.

"Hey, that's actually pretty tasty." And then she wrapped the head of my dick in her mouth and sucked.

"Oh, gosh, Nikki," I moaned.

She pulled off it. "Did I hurt you?" she asked.

"Oh, no, babe. You surprised me."

She stood up and pulled my face down to hers. And kissed me. "Another first for Nikki, lover," she said. "Let's get that shower."

I was glad I'd designed the shower. I knew when I designed the house that days would come when I might need the room. Nikki in the shower with me was that need. And a naked, wet and lathered Nikki was a thing of joy. I washed her. I shampooed her hair. She washed me. Scrubbed my back. Finally we stepped out and I wrapped her in the biggest, fluffiest towel in my inventory. And made a mental note to get new towels.

She dried off and was drying her hair while I shaved. She giggled. "I never saw a guy shave before. You make funny faces."

I put a dab of lather on her nose.

After I finished shaving and brushed my teeth, the said, "Dan. A little of your cologne would be appropriate."

"I didn't think you noticed."

"I TOLD you that I noticed. You need to listen to me better."

"Yes, ma'am." I put cologne on. And she put dabs of perfume here and there for me to find.

We went back to the bedroom. The covers were still a mess from our earlier activity. "Grab a corner," she said, and we straightened the covers. She saw the spot where we'd leaked together earlier. And there was a slight tinge of red. "I'll wash these tomorrow, baby," she said. And she crawled into the middle of the bed and stretched out on her back.

The cat strolled into the bedroom, looked at the two of us, and strolled back out.

"Poor thing! I'm probably taking his spot."

"He'll probably be back when things quiet down."

"But they're quiet right now," she cooed.

I crawled beside her and kissed her, cupping a breast in my hand, my fingers teasing a nipple to hardness. And then I moved my face away from hers, downward, kissing my way to her nipple.

"Oh yeah, Dan! I like that!"

I tongued and sucked first one perky breast, then the other. Then I looked up into her eyes. "Nikki," I said, "different people like different things. If I ever start to do something that you don't like, you need to tell me. It's your body. You get to say what we do."

"Oh, Dan, I want to do everything."

"Everything? What do you consider everything?"

She pulled herself down to cuddle up with me. We entwined arms and legs. And she explained. "You know I WAS a virgin until a couple or three hours ago, right?"

"Right," I said. "I felt that. And saw the evidence."

"I was. And I'm not experienced. At all. I never even made out with a guy. Or kissed one. Not like we did. When I felt your tongue touch mine, that was the first time that happened."

"But you ... you started it."

"Yeah. That's the point. I know about stuff. I heard Mom and whatever guy goin' at it, an' like I said, they weren't quiet. The tongue thing, well I read about it somewhere. And that stuff about shooting an' coming, well I heard that through the wall a bunch of times. And when I did you with my mouth, I heard about that. And about her gettin' him to do that to her."


"But, baby, I never did anything. With anybody. So, like, maybe I don't know HOW to do things, but I know that things are done."


"And the same thing goes with you. If you don't want to do something with me, just tell me. I remember one of Mom's guys didn't like to, as he said, 'Eat pussy'. But most of them did." She looked into my eyes. "Do you?"

"I think that eating you would be one of the happiest events of my life, babe."

Squeal! "Good! "Cuz I want to see if that feels as good as I think it will." She kissed me. "And while ago? When I put your thing in my mouth? I REALLY liked that. I hope you do. I want to do that. Lots."

Her hand was exploring my balls. "Lay back an' let me play."

I did. She had questions about what and how hard and where, and I answered as she explored. She finally eased up into my arms again and my fingers explored the sweet, moist folds of her womanhood. Oh, right, she was fifteen. Make that her late girl-hood. We kissed and teased, lips to lips, face, neck, chest, and I kept my fingers busy in her pussy, finally succeeding in breaking her train of thought. Her pelvis was hunching insistently against my fingers as I teased an orgasm out of her. Finally she tossed her head back and said, "Dan! Lick me. There!"

And I did, reveling in the juices flowing from her, the smell of lust, the velvet feel of her folds, and the little pea-like head of her clitty. I covered her clit with my mouth, sucking it in between my lips and working it with my tongue in light, feathery flicks. And she came, pulling my face hard into her wetness. Her muscles tensed then relaxed. I gave her a few seconds, then resumed. "Dan!" Her hands went back to my head. "I don't know! It's too soon! Aughhhh! Wait! Don't stop! Please. There! HARD!" And I abandoned the light flicks and laved her clit vigorously with my tongue. "Nnnnnnngghhhhhhh! Ohgodohgodohgod!! Yesssss!" She went rigid, back arched, her pussy pressed against my face. And then fell back. "Ahhhhhhh! Please! Come up here!"

I cuddled her into my arms and kissed her face lightly. "Dan, baby," she whispered, her lips near my ear. "I used to do myself with my fingers sometimes, and I made myself come. But what you just did, wow! Just wow!"

I brushed her sleek hair away from her face and kissed her. "You make me feel good, babe! You're a doll. A fantasy. No, I take that back. My fantasies were never this good."

She pushed me onto my back and rested her chin in her hands on my chest. "Did you have fantasies about me, Dan?"

"Oh, Nikki, I tried soooo hard not to. I felt bad about thinking of you like that. I wasn't supposed to."

A smile formed on her lips and her eyes twinkled. A smile to Nikki was something that involved her whole face. "But you did anyway, huh?"

"I couldn't help it." I kissed her. "I felt bad about it."

"You don't have to feel bad about it any more. I want you to think about me like this!" She eased down my chest, playing on my nipples with her tongue. "Do guys like this too?" she asked.

"I don't know about other guys, but I love it. And it's like there's wire from my left nipple to my dick."

"Your left nipple? Is it the most sensitive? You showed me my RIGHT nipple is more sensitive." And she was holding my dick when she latched onto my left nipple, sucking it with her lips and teasing it with her tongue. She giggled. "That's so COOL! Every time my tongue moves, your thing moves. And gets harder." She smiled. "I'm gonna love learning how to please you."

"You already please me, blue-eyed girl."

"Yeah, but I want to fix you so where every time you stop to relax, you think of me."

"Too late, Nikki!"

"Too late?"

"Yeah. All day today every time I closed my eyes, I saw you."

"Before we even talked about us?"

"Yes. Before we even talked about us."

"It's us now, Dan." She left my nipple, headed further down. She regarded my dick at close range. It was rock-hard. She turned her head back toward me. "This thing is MADE for me to suck on, Dan!" Her head dipped and I felt lips close over me, sucking. She pulled off me with an audible pop. "I think I could do this better if I was between your legs, baby!"

"Okay," I said. I scooted up toward the head of the bed, arranging pillows to support my back. The fact that it gave me a clear view of the brown-haired cutie crawling between my thighs was a definite plus.

She started kissing my balls, giggling. "They're all wrinkly! It feels funny on my lips. I like it!" She kissed again. "You said not to suck too hard, huh?"


Her head bobbed down. "Mmmmmm," she purred. "Was that too hard?"

"Nope. Perfect!"

"Okay, then." She worked me over for a minute. Then she licked up the shaft of my dick. "I'm just kinda wingin' it here, babe," she said, grinning. Her pink tongue made another pass. "Oooooh, look! You made me some juice!" She dispensed with the finger this time and her pink tongue licked it off me like a lollipop. And then she sucked. Her hand was wrapped around the shaft and her lips met her fingers as her head bobbed.

"Dan," she asked, "can I bite it? Just a little? I mean, I WANT to."

"Bite, baby."

"How hard?"

"As hard as you want. I trust you." It is a truly sensual thing to see your lover smile when she's got your dick in her mouth. I felt teeth.

"Too hard?"

"Nope. You could bite a little harder. Just not on the head. Real light on the head, okay?"

And she gave me a series of sucks, licks and nibbles. Purrs and giggles accompanied her experimentation. "Am I doin' this right?"

"If you do it much longer, you're gonna see how right you are..."

Squeal! "Like, I'm gonna make you COME? With my mouth."

"Yes, you are. So you better stop or you are going to get a mouthful."

Her lips slid down over the head and her teeth fastened behind the ridge, tugging.

"Nnnnnnnghhhh!" I breathed. "Baby! I'm serious. I'm gonna come."

"I want you to."


"You're my lover, Dan, and I want this thing to come in my mouth. I mean, if Mom could do a guy she just met, I can do THE guy who I'm gonna spend my life with..." And she went back down on me. As she worked me over with lips, teeth and tongue, her free hand cradled and caressed my balls. She looked up at me, giggling. "This is FUN! I can feel it throbbing!" She returned to sucking and swirling me.

"I'm close, baby," I said, touching her pretty hair. She doubled her effort and "Nnnnnnghhhhh! Baby! Hereitcomes! Gahhhhh! Ohbaby! Nnnnnghhhh!" The first surge spurted into her mouth. I felt her tongue and cheeks as she swallowed. Then the second. And third. And the rest was just a long flow like fire.

She kept the suction as I softened, then she climbed up to rest on my chest. "Would it be gross to kiss you right now?"

"No. You kissed me with your juice all over my face. Kiss me."

She did. I could taste the vestiges of my semen in her mouth. "We taste pretty good, huh?" she giggled. We kissed more. Then she asked, "Uh ... When they say sixty-nine, that's where we do each other at the same time?"

"Yes it is. Wanna try?" And in a trice I was treated to the prettiest little pussy I'd ever seen. We attended to each other for some minutes.

"I LIKE this," she said. "But I wanna kiss you." She turned back around and we embraced. "You're hard again, Dan." And she impaled herself on me. We went one more round, and I was astonished to find out that I could do a third orgasm in just a mere few hours. Nikki was under no such limitation and came twice as my stamina met the hurdle of building my third orgasm. This time when she sat up, recognizing the wetness between us, she grinned.

"I know what to do about this mess," she announced. "If you don't think it's gross."

"What's gross?"

"You clean ME up and I'll clean YOU up. And that way, we won't make a big mess like we did earlier."

I grinned at her. "I like the way you think, darlin'!" She squealed and simultaneously attacked my dick and balls as I licked our combined juice from her pussy. She was right. We WERE delicious.

Finally we lay side by side, holding hands.

"Wow! What a day, Dan!"

"Yes it has been. I left here this morning troubled and lonely, and now I have YOU."

"Forever, Dan. I will never leave you or forsake you."

"And I will cherish you and you alone, for the rest of my life. I love you Nikki. Forever."

"I love you, Dan," she whispered. She gave me one more kiss and turned toward me, her hand holding my dick as we drifted off to sleep.

The alarm was all too soon. Nikki hit the kitchen dressed in my t-shirt (But I'd rather YOUR t-shirt than pajamas) and panties and whipped up a breakfast for us both. As we sat at the table eating, she said simply, "Dan, we're married, you know."

Same as Nikki
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Adding the holes to the meeting agenda

For years I had given up on the idea that I would ever find myself in a relationship with a man with whom I would feel comfortable enough to share my filthy sexual desires.  From experience I found most men were more than a little shocked when I shared even the tip of the iceberg with regard to these desires so finding a man who would be into my filthy fantasies was not my destiny I had decided.  My sex life was for the most part generic and often quite boring and the most exciting sex I had...

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The Wishing Stone

The Wishing Stone Part 1: The Wishing Stone Part 1:ObsessionBy Darqside I will never forget the moment the world as I knew it, ended. Of course, I had everything to do with it. It all started several years ago?I was a college student working on my capstone?my final project that would make or break me?earn or deny me of my degree. My major involves art?and so in many ways I had to come up with some great artistic design project.? The problem was, I had no subjects to work with. Well...

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My amazing sister Melissa part 1

HOW I STARTED TO CROSS DRESS AND MASTURBATE WITH MY SISTER MELISSA.At the age of 17 teen i was generally a sporty well built, and a great sex life, on this day my parents, two sisters and two brothers, where all out i was in the garage and a pair of shoes caught my eye, and for reasons unknown to me i was transfixed by them. They were a cute pair of open toed 2 ince heels, i don't have a clue why??. But i desperately wanted to try them on, quickly i slipped of my socks and put on the little...

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Masturbation and Joint Sex

In the rear garden of my bungalow was a high hedge between my garden and the house on the other side. The couple who lived in the bungalow were friends of mine. They had a swimming pool between the hedge and the bungalow and they often invited me to swim there. We all wore bathing suits and had a glass of wine before swimming.I was disappointed when they sold the place and moved away but it wasn`t long before another married couple bought the property. I helped them to settle in and told them...

Wife Lovers
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One Lucky GuyChapter 15

“If you’re sure about this, and you want me to, the first time we fuck, I would love to come inside your pussy.” “The first time we fuck - I love the way you put that. Tell me, are we just going to fuck - or - are we actually going to perform in a video where you fuck your teacher on her desk?” “I would love to fuck you with your tight skirt pulled up past your butt, on my desk over there. Would you like to dress in some of Mom’s clothes and let’s make this a really good video? We have even...

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MonstersOfCock Maya Bijou Maya Bijou house sits

Isiah is going to work so he hired a house sitter to come and take care of his house while he is away. Maya Bijou. When he left She made herself right at home. A little too at home. Maya was playing with herself on the couch fingering her tiny wet pussy and playing with her petite little tits. When Isiah who had forgotten something returned and busted her! Maya who was already wet, didn’t hesitate to turn this awkward situation into a sexy one. Maya pulled out Isiah’s monster dick and began...

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The Summer Boy Part 6

“I’m going to have to document this, you know,” Olivia said. Adam gave her a contrite nod. “Yes, I understand. Absolutement.” “It’s paperwork. I hate paperwork.” “Sorry ‘bout that, Olivia.” “Look, half the staff are apparently sick today but at least they had the decency to call in, right? It’s called responsibility. And you were actually here . You didn’t look sick racing off on your bike like that.” Adam hung his head low and shuffled his feet. It hadn’t been the greatest morning for Olivia....

Love Stories
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Clare Continued

Clare:What a wonderful day it had been and I felt completely fulfilled and I felt like a young teenager who had just had her first date. I waved to Peter as he drove off and then returned home to get down to the more mundane part of my life to prepare a meal for my hubby.Before I did I sent of an email to Peter to let him know I was going to Cornwall and would be staying a night or two and possibly be out of email contact. My husband arrived home from work and we had a meal together and he...

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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 14

Spencer wakes up alone. After looking around the safe house, the only thing he finds is a note from Jennifer explaining that she was out to meet with a contact and would return shortly. After a shower, he waits for another half hour before finally deciding to get some information himself. So he leaves his own note and heads out from the apartment. Not long after, Spencer finds an internet café a few blocks away from the safe house. Using a secure network that the TDF uses, he contacts the...

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Drunk aunty

Hi My name is Ravi 25yrs old settled in Bangalore. I was from a lower middle class family. My father was a school teacher and my mother housewife. This story had happened when I was 18yrs old. My parents were settled in a village 40km from Ernakulam. There were no good colleges near by our village. So I had to go to Ernakulam for my college. It was difficult for me to go all the way to college from my home everyday and also my parents didn’t have enough money to admit me in the hostel. So the...

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23rd Century Digital Girl Chapter 5 and 6

Nicole lay on her back with her thighs apart, and her knees pointing at the ceiling. Her bare feet were hanging limply, almost touching the bedclothes. The cast wasn’t heavy, but surely was very restrictive. With her hips completely immobilized, she was helpless as a baby. She was able to turn on her side, and even to pull herself up into a sitting position, but that was all she could do. In these moments of activity, she was so painfully clumsy that I feared she might hurt herself. I felt...

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And The Children Shall Lead

My father was devastated by the loss of mom, more so than me, perhaps. I'd hear him on many nights, tossing and turning, even crying, unable to let go. I was a prom baby (the senior prom), born on Sadie Hawkins Day (Feb.29th). Mom & dad were high school sweethearts, married only a month after graduation, probably because of me, but they counted me as a blessing. I was only three when mom developed the big 'C', and by the time it was diagnosed, it was too late. She left us just three...

2 years ago
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TMF The offer Chapter 5

I was woken by the light pouring through the window. I yawned and stretched under the comforter. It felt glorious! I could feel the beer weighting heavy on my bladder. I tossed back the covers and wandered, groggy and half asleep to the bathroom. I lifted the toilet seat, pushed down my boxers, put my hands on my hips.....and pissed all down my legs. "Goddammit!" I whispered angrily. I was suddenly wide awake and didn't want to wake Sara up.I kicked off my now soaked boxer shorts,...

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Self bondage Randomiser

Self Bondage Randomiser.First a little bit about myself.I am a heterosexual male in my mid 30's and I am an average hight of 5ft 10 and weight of around 180lb. I live with my girlfriend in our own home in a typical western town.My sex life is good but not kinky that often. I love my girlfriend dearly and while she knows of my kinky side its not often I get to tie her up or get tied up by her.  My thought and fantasies about bondage and bdsm started at an early age, at first it was a thrill of...

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Accomplice? What the fuck? Angie knew Evan dealt drugs, but she thought he was too small time to get any attention from the police. Still…she had been stupid enough to live with him, and now she was getting arrested, too, and being charged as an accessory to his drug business. Ironically, she had nothing to do with his drug business….she was a waitress at the local diner, so she couldn’t believe she was now being woken up with guns in her face because Evan was a fucking idiot drug...

2 years ago
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Longest humiliation by Cherry part 2

(continued from part 1)Even though she punished me more than ever before Cherry had something extra on her mind. She must have found a movie that she liked a lot and used it as inspiration.I stripped naked and when I climbed on the table she took several long pieces of rope and tied me to it. My hands were crossed and bound together under the table. My legs spread apart to the edge of the table and bound to it's legs. She even used a piece of rope to tie it around my neck and to the table to...

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"Cocktease," he had called her, out of earshot of her husband and his wife.  In retrospect, perhaps she had overdone it a bit from time to time. A flash of lace now and again, a breast resting snugly against his arm as she poured him another glass of wine, a little parting of the lips and quick swish of the tongue as they said goodnight following visits. Truth be told, these had been more for herself than to titillate David. That he may have been frustrated by these events had not really...

Quickie Sex
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After School Sex

It was after fifth period that I bumped into Alan, It was totally by accident and there was no ulterior motive, Alan was a senior and I was in the tenth grade. Alan looked at me all annoyed and aggravated, 'watch where you are going, dumb ass', Alan said. I looked in to his eyes and sudden there came over me a strange weird feeling. Alan's eyes were full of hate and then slowly turned into a kindness glaze. Alan spoke 'I know you, you're that k** name Davy', 'No', I answered 'I am David and...

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Sex Slave Girl On Girl Part Four

It feels like my eyes are only closed for a half a second, before I hear a knock on the door. Before I can even register what is going on, someone walks in. I had fallen asleep after my last client. He used me in every way possible for hours, leaving completely spent. I wasn't ready for another client, but I’m not about to deny this one. “Is someone catching up on their beauty rest, princess?” He asks me. “I didn't even realise I fell asleep. I’m sorry,” I whisper, trying to hide a yawn that...

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Nick Baker held all the cards in this lawsuit. In his early thirties, he was a rising star in the judicial system of the Big Apple. Across the table from him, Graham Gray sat with a worried look on his face. He was an old acquaintance and the attorney for the opposing side in the case. They had to travel to the state capitol for today's deposition, and probably would not be able to return home until Sunday morning, but everything was working out just great. The settlement in this case would...

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Unexpected Developments

Unexpected Developments by DeeDee Littlething I was in the most boring place on Earth when she walked into the door. With the top that looked painted on, the heels, and the curves everywhere she fairly screamed out when mixed in with the shoppers looking for a roll of TP or aspirin. It was pretty early in the day to be out dressed like that, not that I would complain for a single second. The day got even better when she walked over to the photo department....

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Just For Coffee

Like I said before, "I should have read more into it." About 2-3 weeks later I got a call from "Arieanna" while I was at work. She wanted to know what time I would be home so that she could go out and run some errands for her work. Well, I got home about 6:30 that night. As soon as I walked through the door, "Arieanna" was just about ready to leave. She let me know that dinner was in the oven and that she'd call me later. Nothing to me seemed out of the ordinary. If there was a sign, I had...

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Driving Mrs Tandy Chapter 2

John Stefanovitch was helping Norma with the shopping, which, for the most part consisted in carrying the bags. There were some things that were bugging him, but he wasn’t sure if he should ask. Finally, he gave in to the urge. “Norma, Mrs. Tandy has been in some kind of accident, hasn’t she?” A wide smile split Norma’s face, and her head tilted to one side. “Does she look like someone who has not been in an accident?” She remained silent for a while, then said: “It was a car crash.” “Her...

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Susans Secret She has a secret he finds ou

She has a secret, he finds out what it is.Authors Note:This story depicts sex between a wife and several men that are not her husband. If that is not your cup of tea, then why read it, move on.--- Susan's Secret ---My wife. She could be so exasperating sometimes. Not that I don't love her dearly. She just doesn't get it sometimes. I try hard to make her happy. I really do. For the first fifteen years of our marriage, she seemed happy, ecstatic even. She was my angel when we were out, my whore...

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My first blow job

I'm a mid-40s white guy in Vancouver and I am a total porn addict. I have also had lots of dirty adventures involving such things as prostitutes, porn theatres and gloryholes, flashing, nude beach sexual adventures, hosting other men for jerk-off sessions and gay sex and more.I wrote a short story about the first time I had another man make me cum by giving me a handjob in a small porn theatre back in Toronto in the 90s. This story takes place not long after that time . . . some more background...

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Training Your Cuckold Husband

Think of training in three phases:1. Basic Training - is required to make permanent the rebalancing of the sexual roles central to a hot wife/cuckold marriage2. Advanced Training - is for couples who seek a deeper expression of cuckold devotion and preparation for the third phase3. Fetish Training - is where you build on your newfound perspectives to explore a variety of previously unimagined pleasures...Why is Training Necessary?We are all conditioned to accept a limited and distorted view of...

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My cousin and boyfriend doublepenetrate me

Introduction: This story is a follow on from Morning sex. It follows a series of related stories stories, which you should read before this one. The series of stories are in the order: 1. Boyfriend forced to watch me being used. 2. My mom, boyfriend, and me. 3. Morning sex. 4. This one. Note: this is probably the longest of all the stories I wrote so far. Ensure that you stroke those cocks-, and finger those pussies slowly. Hope you read to the end and enjoy the story as much as I did writing...

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Pados Wali Aunty Ko Choda

Hi guys, meri ye peheli story hai so kuch errors ho to maaf kar dena. Mera naam sid hai aur mai 23 ka hu. Mumbai mai reheta hu. Lets start the story. Mai regular iss reader hu .But kabhi story post nhi kar paya but aaj kar raha hu. Mere pados mai ek aunty reheti hai unka naam (khairun) hai. Unka figure kya batau 36 26 38 mashallah bohat sexy hai . Mai aunty ko aksar dekha karta tha gandi nazro se aur unke naam ki muth mara karta tha. Aunty hamesha ek daam tight salwar kameez pehenti hai. Jismai...

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Mix Up 3 Being Played

The verbal struggle with John, my boss, was short but heated. It ended with my threat to saddle my horses and ride away with my clients in tow, which left him no other choice than to assign my upcoming sales pitches to other employees and counter-sign the contract. I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to take him down a notch, and he knew it. Less than a week later, I was back in the lobby and Carmen was already waiting for me, her expensive red dress showing more cleavage than was allowable and...

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Midnight There Morning Here

Midnight here, Morning there It's midnight. Teri Sampson has got nothing to do. She had been lying on her bed for three hours, eyes wide open. She had forced herself to sleep but she was not sleepy. There was nothing good on TV. Books just didn't interest her. She could have played music all night long. But this was not an option. If she picked up her guitar and play, it would awaken Mrs. Lynsdale, who lived next door. And after a brief conflict last week, when Jeremy, Teri's...

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Trusting Stephanie

I had been dating Stephanie for about 2 months when things made a drastic change I had been dating Stephanie for about 2 months when things made a drastic change.? Our relationship was going very good, but as far as making out we had not gone beyond kissing.? We went out to eat once a week and spent the other evenings together.? We would alternate who cooked, and we usually went to the park each evening for a walk.? We truly enjoyed being together. It was a Tuesday evening when...

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